Well Hello There!
Welcome to My Blog!
My Name is Hope.
I am a counselor & photographer!
I am a strong supporter of classy woman everywhere!
Thank You for Helping to Contribute to Our Upcoming Generations!
Let’s Not Ruin Them w/ All the Basic Shit, Whoring, Slutty Is Sexy, Or Dumb is Cute Nonsense!
Slutty is NOT Sexy... It’s Slutty.
Basic Shit is Basic.
Whoring Makes You a Whore.
And Dumb is NOT Cute... It’s Dumb..!
All of These Facts are 100% True and What All Woman Should Strive for, OPPOSITE-WISE.
Be You. Be Humble. Self-Respect Gets You Respect. Semi-Nude is Semi-Gross, So Dress Classy NOT Trashy. Be Proud of What You Out There!
&& Remember... Confidence & Self-Respect is Sexy!
Don’t Forget To Remain Humble As Well! :)
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missbambili · 4 years
I want to make something clear - Anyone who tries offering me money for whatever gets an immediate block in the future. You trying to buy me just disgusts me, sorry.
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auckie · 2 years
LPC’s ability to calmly and casually threaten people in a way that either makes them amicably, condescendingly laugh in a good nature, or more likely, fly off the fucking handle into spitting curses and death threats, because he said ‘hi I’m benny liquid and I live catty corner to you’ or like ‘I ain’t fixing to go nowhore. I got two fists…for two lips’ is just so admirable and something I can only dream of inspiring in people through my most ardent efforts. It’s amazing and never fails to awe me no matter how often I listen to his stuff. It’s lighting in a bottle.
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