#now we can set up transitional stuff to set up for the final chapter woo!
aparticularbandit · 2 years
america, many chapters ago: wendy is my home and i don’t want to stay anywhere without her.
america, now: maybe we neverland is where we make it, and it’s here with us.
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reysjedi · 4 years
My thoughts but mostly my feelings.
This is the 3rd time posting these. Idk how but they keep getting deleted. 3rd times the charm?
Okay so I am going to start with the non ship stuff first because once that begins I will become slightly incoherent lol
• I love Barclay. He is so freaking funny. His friendship with Robin is everything. “You need to learn to read the room, mate.” I think he will be coming for Ilsa’s number one spot on the “Cormoran & Robin Shipper” list soon. 
• Speaking of Ilsa “It’s Robin’s birthday, you total dickhead.” I love it so much. Hoping for a miracle baby for her and Nick next book.
• I enjoyed the case. The characters seemed so developed and realistic. I really didn’t see the murderer coming. I also loved how it brought up why we trust certain people without a second thought. 
• I had very few disappointments in this book (besides not having a kiss which I wasn’t truly expecting) but my 2 were 1. That Strike didn’t go to his Dad’s party. Idk I really wanted that for his character even if he ever does reconcile with him it won’t be at a public event, I just really wanted to him to go and of course bring Robin. 2. That Robin wasn’t at Joan’s funeral. The flowers were lovely though. 
• Speaking of Joan <3 <3 <3 “I wish I had met your Robin.” I cried. I think it was really important for Strike to know Joan was proud of him and that he can think of that and her when he looks at the ocean. 
• Delving in to Strike’s psyche more was amazing. Learning more about his childhood. His mixed emotions about Leda. Yes. Yes. Yes. 
• I also loved Robin’s journey in this book. I’m also about to turn 29 and in a transition point in my life and how people kept saying “she was traveling in a different direction than the rest of us” really resonated with me. 
• I’m super excited about Michelle joining the agency. Robin needs another female coworker. Speaking of, I love what Pat brings to the team, especially her dynamic with Strike.
• I CHEERED when Strike manipulated Creed like that will be awesome on screen.
OKAY NOW TO THE SHIP STUFF * cracks knuckles *
• I don’t think I have every loved a literary couple this much. The way JK manages to grow and develop their relationship each book sighhh 
• THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I shouted “COMMUNICATE YOU IDIOTS” WHILE READING THIS BOOK lol but they do and when they do sighhhhh okay sorry can’t skip to the end
• I find it really funny that in a group chat on here I said I wanted holiday fluff L O L
• I was so upset for Robin on her 29th. I can’t believe he forgot but BOYYYY DID HE MAKE UP FOR IT
• Okay so let’s start the holiday fuck ups: Christmas
What a classic man. Waiting the last minute to buy presents and agonizing over it. Then he’s going to buy her perfume which just so happens is exactly what she wanted on her birthday (and yes he gets a major hint from Ilsa but still). 
AND THEN HE PANICS because picking perfume for someone is pretty intimate and he was basically delirious because of fever AND HE GETS HER CHOCOLATES sighhhh I felt so bad for how stupid he was unknowingly being. 
Her gift for him is so thoughtful and the only thing that cheers up his miserable Christmas <3
• Next, bloody Valentine’s Day: What a disaster. Robin finally lets out her frustrations on him and I think he was genuinely shocked. She had NEVER said anything like that to him. Strike has said several times how he appreciates “Robin being the only woman in his life who wasn’t trying to change him.” He thought she had no complaints because she kept quiet. It wounds him.
“And don’t buy me any more fucking flowers!” I was so worried he would take this as wanting no romantic gestures but he didn’t <3 and they even joke about it later <3
Then he thinks women never want him to apologize first (really Cormoran???) and isn’t going to call first BUT HE DOES he calls and it’s kind of a lame apology but HE CALLS FIRST. 
• The banter the entire book was amazing because GUYS THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS.
• TIME FOR CHAPTER 58: “Romantic Whiskey in the Dark” aka THE BEST CHAPTER TILL 73 The intimacy, honesty, and vulnerability of this scene * clutches chest *
“I’d like to go to the Ritz please”… lol little did we know
He finally tells her about his Dad and half siblings pestering him. He even tells her about his childhood (y’all I couldn’t believe it). Picturing young Cormoran with too short pants, anxious to meet his Dad, and then the crushing realization that he didn’t want to see him. Then him calling Strike an accident in front of him. My heart broke.  
Robin FINALLY asks him about Charlotte and he tells her about her overdose and how much anxiety that was giving him.
I feel like typing Strike’s entire inner monologue starting with “How could he say, look, I’ve tried not to fancy you since you first took off your coat in this office…” but just do yourself a favor and read Chapter 58 again (I’ll be reading it & 73 at least 5 times each today lol).
Then he brings up Ilsa trying to set them up. * flails *
They talk about Matthew and Sarah because they are sharing. And guys, sharing is truly caringggg.
Then they have the conversation about wanting to have kids. (I have a few idk meta? thoughts about all the foreshadowing in this book about them having a kid together).
I absolutely love how Robin calls him out on his “self-indulgence.” I’m not saying Strike will ever change his mind about kids but I loved that she challenged his reasoning. They are so perfect together I swear.
Then he calls her his best friend. And Robin dies. And I DIED. It was so perfect and genuine. Her response was so cute because she was so taken aback. 
Then they both start thinking about the bed that is MEARLY UPSTAIRS AND I THINK I PASSED OUT FOR A BIT.
• I loved how they had an honest conversation about Strike’s protectiveness of her while on the job. 
• Strike chastising himself for considering/wanting to buy her a stuffed donkey <3
• “Ya but you’re exceptional.” He so casually makes Robin’s heart soar. It is perfect. 
Back to Strike appreciating Robin “never wanting to change him” but then she tells him she hates when he’s late (andddd he’s on time NO DARE I SAY EARLY for their meetings for the rest of the book). She often feels underappreciated and wishes he would just make more of an effort. AND BOYYYY DOES HE EVER.
HE CHANGES GUYS… TO MAKE HER HAPPY “People can change. Or so a psychiatrist in Broadmoor told me.”
She thought he forgot again * cries *
He arranges for her to wake up to his donkey balloon and signs it “(Not flowers) Love Strike x” GUYSSSSS
Robin’s little tarot card read (WE NEED TO META THE CRAP OUT OF THIS) T
hen they meet up and HE LETS HER PICK OUT HER PEFUME (what she has been searching for the entire book, the perfume that suits her new life and he buys it for her in the best possible way THE SYMBOLISM COROMORAN IS ONE WITH THE PERFUME THE PERFUME IS ONE WITH HIM * flails *) and HE ADMITS HE FUCKED UP GETTING IT FOR HER ON CHRISTMAS
SHE ASKS HIM TO HELP HER CHOOSE BEWTEEN THE LAST TWO AND HE CHOOSES THE ONE THAT REMINDS HIM OF SEX. I mean I never thought the description of “musky skin and bruised flowers” could be so sexy. 
“Strike, said Robin, This is thoughtful.” Oh you mean just like you asked him to be? This is him trying. HE’S WOOING YOU ROBIN. 
I am seriously so happy with how far they have come together and super excited about their future <3
If anybody read all of that message me so we can discuss (flail) together.
When do we get to read book 6??????
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seasaltmemories · 8 years
Demons Chapter 10
Rating: T
Summary: Untangling herself from this mess, is not as easy as it looks.  Petra can’t stop the paranoia that haunts her every move
It hadn't been intentional on Petra's part. Technically she was still employed to them, but there was no use prolonging this transition. When she came out of Greek and saw Captain waiting for her in his usual spot, she ran in the opposite direction.
Where she had planned to go, Petra couldn't name. She just wanted to not have to agonize over this demon stuff for one day, but it seemed that was a luxury even she couldn't afford now. She could feel Captain's presence follow her around every corner. Ugh, it made her want to scream. Realizing there was nothing left she could do, Petra darted into an alleyway and waited for him to teleport in from of her.
"Is this following thing something new, or have you just been secretly clingy this entire time?" She crossed her arms in front of her, trying to mask the utter insecurity she felt.
"Is it a crime to worry about you?" He ran a hand through his hair, refusing to look at her.
"I thought my partner wasn't a creep."
"I thought my partner wasn't an idiot."
Something inside Petra snapped at that. How dare he act like any of this decision had to do with him? How dare he support her one day only to come around the next and pout like a freaking child? It was unbelievable.
"Get your head out of your fucking ass," She closed the distance between them, drawing herself up to her full height. "This is my life. If I don't want to put myself in danger, then let me make that choice."
"This isn't about that, Girly," He growled silver eyes glowing dangerously.
"Then what is it about?" Petra drew nearer to his face. "Have you come to kill me? Commander said no one backs out of a deal with a demon after all." Her body tensed up in preparation for a fight or something else entirely. If he started something, she knew she would not have the self-control to stop it.
However instead of responding to her taunting, his expressive shifted into something much softer, almost remorseful.
"I know the other humans have treated you like shit. You act like it was nothing, but you don't deserve to be thought the monster when we're right here. You deserve better than that." Captain wrapped his arms around her frame and rested his head on her shoulder. "You deserve the world, not that."
Every cell in her body was frozen in utter shock. She didn't know what she'd do if she could return his affection in anyway. The logical side of herself told her to stop this right now, there was no need staying attached to someone you were leaving soon. The emotional side of herself though told her to finally pull the handsome devil in for a kiss and never let go of him.
Thankfully she didn't have to make a choice. Captain drew back willingly, trying to recover his usual steely expression. Noticeably though, his left hand moved to cup her right cheek. It was a less overwhelming gesture, but it still managed to make her head spin.
"I just don't what you to make a mistake you'll regret," He let out a slow breath, as if it was his first in a long time. "But regardless of what you choose, I got a message for you from us all. Don't trust anyone or anything related to the Holy Legion, if you hear that name, run and get to a crowded place with humans as soon as possible."
"The Holy Legion, what do you mean?"
"It's a long story, but I swear I'll explain later, right now just survive." He stroked her scar, and then in a blink of an eye he was gone.
There was only one thought running through Petra's mind.
Shit, I am so fucked.
When Captain made his jump back to the mansion, he found Commander and Four-Eyes, still packing up. You think by now the three of them would have figured out how to be able to box away things in a timely matter, but it seemed like they were determined to take their sweet time.
"How aren't ya'll used to this yet?" He took a package out of Four-Eyes' arms so that they could walk faster. "It's only been a century or so since we've had to last handle this mess."
"You have no right to complain since you got out of chores to woo Pet." They flicked his forehead before sticking out their tongue. "Speaking of which, why'd you spend so much energy teleporting, you better not be planning on making this jump alone." They sent a bit of healing relief that helped loosen his muscles. It was a kind gesture Captain hadn't been expecting at all. He decided then it couldn't hurt to be a bit nice in return, despite the sore subject.
"If you think I'm wooing her, then you're the one with your head in your ass," To be fair, he had initially thought of something much worse. "After deciding that the demon tamer life wasn't for her, do you really think she'd want to be associating with us?"
"She did get the warning concerning the Holy Legion, right?" Commander glanced back at the two of them, something akin to concern painting his features.
"Yeah, once we get moved though, I'm hightailing back to keep her with us for a while. I doubt a demon tamer could stand against them for long."
"Just concentrate on getting us to safety," Commander grunted as he set down a crate in the courtyard. "I think that should be everything. The rest I can materialize once we move."
"Are you sure you guys are ready?" Four-Eyes grabbed their hands once they had circled their items. "We still have a bit before they break in, right?" They raised an eyebrow at Commander, but all he could return was his polite, strained smile as usual.
"Unfortunately no. I'm going to drop the barrier on the count of three, can you handle that Captain?" His pale blue eyes held so much trust, Captain wasn't sure he would have been able to let him down if he had wanted to.
"I'll get us there. You can count on me."
"Alright, let's begin then. 1-"
The three of them tried to ignore the growing pressure from each others grip.
Both Commander and Four-Eyes closed their eyes, but Captain forced his to stay open.
For an agonizing half second, they were falling through space as they swarmed around them. It was like a tidal wave of white, a million eyes seemed to bear into them with weapons bared and ready to strike.
Before any of the Holy Legion could react, he teleported them away to the new pocket dimension Commander had set for them.
Petra tried not to let whatever the hell had happened between her and Captain affect things. She went through her daily life as normal as she could. If she maybe stared at a shadow for a bit too long though, that was hardly anyone else' business was it?
It was difficult not to succumb to paranoia, especially when she had no idea what she was looking out for. Still it at least seemed like a good idea to do as Captain said and stay around other people. Demons rarely got too aggressive if they knew the effect of their actions could be seen. So she checked out books she wouldn't read from the library. She walked around the park, never straying far from clumps of people. When the sun started to set and she realized she might finally need to return to her dorm, she made sure to get on the most crowded subway car she could find.
Once she settled down, her body seemed to unwind from the day's stress. For a moment she simply breathed and let everything flow out of her.
It was that one moment, a demon no bigger than a fly buzzed past her and landed on her shoulder. Maybe if she had been more alert she would have noticed it and swatted it away, but by now demons were barely a nuisance when on the job. Even hindsight could not have saved her.
By the time she felt it bite her, Petra's tongue had swollen so large she could barely speak. She tried to call for help, but it came out as a yawn of all things as her eyelids began to droop.
Oh god I'm gonna die
This wasn't like being drugged, but forced to sleep by and invisible force. Petra struggled to lift her limbs, but it was then with a frightening speed everything became black.
A.N. We're reaching the final chapter(s) very soon, depends on how things fit from my outline, but the conclusion is just around the corner!
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