#now time to lyle >:>
caruliaa · 1 year
okay waitt i’m really sorry i havent replied to ur asks from tn:((!! its just somehow rlly later and i wanna go to sleep early enough to vc and to properly change my theme to lyle lyle..!!!!!!! but before i do go to sleep i want to say that well you are such such an incredible friend ad person flappy like you are sososoo good and kind and understanding and thoughtful and supportive and lovely of a friend and make my wholeeee world better and brighter and warmer and more full of care my beloved💕💕🫶🏻 and im really so grateful to know you both bcuz of that and bcuz you just are a really lovely person like you reall are soooo amazing and good and amazingly good and;;;; i really love you sooooo much i hope u know that i do and that im here for u andd!!! ilysmmmmmm (hugs you tight if u wld like that! 💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕💕)
dw love i understand that sm ofc !! and yea ii. alsoo wanted to wake up early for the april fools lyle ifcation of my blog until i woke up before my alarm so decided to get a little more rest and woke up at 1pm 😳😳😳 soo thats funnn FJFJFJDJ its fine im j telling myself if i slept that much i needed the rest (although i should also not go to bed at like 4am DJDJDJDJ) anyway omg i went on a bit of a rant huh FJFJDJ and ough omg ur so so sweet love ;; i hope you know im really so so glad that i can be a good friend to you and be thoughtful and supportive and and understanding and make ur life better and warmer abd stuff love i rly am ;; becuase you really do deserve it so so much love and just becuase i really do just wanted to !!! becuase you really are just soso wonderful and amazing and dear to me and i hope you know that you really are the same to me and are just soso thoughtful and understanding and caring and good to me and must make me feel so so loved and cared for and safe and warm with you love and just bring so so much joy and light and warmth and love into my life dearest just knowing you and being your friend and spending time with you love and i hope you know that i really am soso grateful and lucky to know you dearest because you really are just so so wonderful and just !! you really just mean the world to me and i hope you know i really do just love you so so very much dearest !!! :'> *hugs you back rly close if thts okay* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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thetinyadventurer · 3 months
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The exact expression on my face when I woke up at 6 a.m. with very little sleep. Well, at least I’m not the only one -looks sympathetically at Rourke-.
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new--tomorrows · 22 days
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Looking over Lower Marie Lake towards Yosemite National Park from the Ansel Adams Wilderness. Inyo National Forest, California. 6 September 2023.
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lucksea · 1 month
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its working....... its working.................
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cxpperhead · 11 months
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Copperhead doesn't hate many people but Lyle Bolton? Yeah, he hates the man's guts, especially when during his malicious campaign against the in-mates of Arkham decided to stick Copperhead next to Mr. Freeze's cell with no heating allowed. Had Copperhead not possessed the ability to go into a state of mini-hibernation, being stuck next to Victor's cell might have been lethal for him.
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runemyth0 · 2 months
Staring at the ceiling because I tried to do too many creative projects at once again.
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anyone want to read the flash I wrote for my in-class assignment that’s a loose riff on the final scene of Feeding Habits :)
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lyssitalennon · 9 months
it's vivo time again
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noyzinerd · 1 month
Sterek Rival Lawyers AU
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It's A (Court) Date
Imagine, high-class, Ivy League, hot-shot, attorney Derek comes back from New York to the family firm to take over as partners with his sister after his parents decide to step down. He may not be on the level of his mother yet, but he's cut his teeth against Wall Street wolves and ruthless white-collar sharks. Derek's more than proved himself, so he just can't fathom these small criminal court cases his family is making him take "before he's truly ready" to be a part of the family business.
Enter in his first case. Right out the gate, the state assigned defense is, not only late to court, but also arrives in a flurry of limbs and papers, tripping all over himself, and profusely apologizing to the room as a whole. "Sorry! Sorry! Car trouble!"
The guy is out of breath, tie crooked and hair a mess. It makes Derek wrinkle his nose at the unprofessionalism and the blatant disrespect to everyone's valuable time.
The presiding judge, the Honorable Ms. Lydia Martin, only sighs a heavy sigh, as if this sight is nothing new, and says "Mr. Stilinski, I suggest you don't let it happen again."
Derek is honestly getting annoyed by how easy this is going to be. He could've been doing literally anything else right about now rather than being here going against a common rent-a-lawyer with some Podunk community-college degree. The opening statement for the defense is laughably inept. Full of nervous stuttering, backtracking, running tangents, and babbling. He's still apologizing, trying to assure the jury that he's just having an off-day today.
It's embarrassing to watch.
Nonetheless, Derek goes through the motions, practiced and poised. Examines all the evidence, presenting times and dates, prior arrest records, the works.
During this time, Mr. Stilinski is frantically (and VERY LOUDLY) flitting through a cartoonishly large stack of papers and whispering to his client. Derek has to fight to grit his teeth through his presentation.
Finally, it's time for Mr. Stilinski to cross-examine Derek's client and, unbeknownst to him, the beginning of Derek's long, long spiral of madness for the rest of his career.
"Judge Martin, I would like to move to have this case thrown out."
"Oh?" asks Judge Martin. For some reason, there's an amused smirk, almost fond, tugging at her lips "On what grounds?"
A giddy, almost manic, grin takes over the defense attorney's face just then. "On the grounds that the prosecution's client is full of bullshit."
The judge rolls her eyes and an exasperated "Stiles," slips from her lips, seemingly against her will. (Derek's not really surprised by the familiarity between the two of them. With how often state-assigned lawyers are called to the courtroom on small cases, it wouldn't be too big of a leap to suggest they might be chummy.)
"Respectfully, of course." Mr. Stilinski--er Stiles?--winks back at her.
"Objection. Your honor, this is ridiculous."
"Overruled. Make your point, Stilinski."
"Mr. Davis says he saw my client at 12:30 P.M., on August 4th, attempting to take his back-right hubcap outside his apartment. Mr. Davis' apartment complex at that time, on that particular day, would have cast a huge shadow over the back lot as evidenced by the gaudy sundial-art-installation outside the courthouse. Meanwhile, my client's picture, when taken in for questioning, has a sunburn on the entire right side of his face. This would corroborate Mr. Lyle's story of walking home alone, down the upper, unshaded side of Elmore Street, during one of the hottest days of the year, for an hour straight. Also, the fact that Mr. Davis has no realistic idea how long it would actually take a person to steal a hubcap should be evidence enough."
"Uh-huh. And this wouldn't happen to be something you've ever had any expertise in, would it, counsel?"
"I plead the 5th."
And just like that, Derek's case is thrown out so quick, he's still reeling about it all the way home.
For the next two years, this becomes Derek's life. This man, this Stiles Stilinski, keeps showing up like a whirlwind and absolutely puts him in his paces.
Stiles, as he insists Derek call him, is a powerhouse. Relentless and unstoppable. That mouth can filibuster for literal hours (which, for those unfamiliar, is when someone legally cannot be forced to give up their time on the floor as long as they can keep talking), that brain quick as a whip, with a hunger for research, a mastery of the English language svelte enough to trip up even the most well-rehearsed lie, and an attention to detail like nothing Derek has ever witnessed before. It's like he knows every law inside and out. Lives it. Breathes it. It's like he had been raised on the law his whole life. Not only that, it's like Stiles enjoys it. Every case is a new game to get excited about.
All of it makes Derek's blood boil.
However, it's not always about losing to Stiles all the time, because, honestly, that might be less humiliating.
In truth, when faced against Stiles, Derek's bound to win about 60% of the time. Out of that 60%, only 5% of those wins actually feel earned. As for the other 55%?
He knows Stiles is letting him win.
Derek can't prove it, but he knows the asshole is holding back on purpose nearly half the time. Knowing that Stiles could have beaten him if he wanted to, but didn't, is somehow more frustrating than just losing.
He hates Stiles.
He hates that the guy is so chipper and playful all the damn time. He hates that Stiles could probably work at any firm he wanted, could make enough money to get a decent car that doesn't shit out all the time, could buy a proper-fitting suit, but instead CHOOSES to stay here "watching out for the little guy", as he so put it.
He hates that facing Stiles in court is the most challenged, the most motivated he's ever felt in his entire life. He hates that Stiles brings out in him the spark of passion and drive Derek had long thought had died. He hates that Stiles always tries to banter with him during recess or whenever they have to exchange evidence.
He hates finding out that Stiles only loses cases on purpose when his endless amounts of research points to the defendant actually being guilty of horrendous crimes, because Stiles is a good fucking person.
He hates Stiles' constant teasing and he hates that Stiles is somehow able to bring Derek down to his childish level to tease back. He hates how much he looks forward to court-dates with Stiles now. He hates being invited out by Stiles over and over to grab a bite together after a long day, as if Stiles hasn't been wiping the floor with him on this case for the last month. He hates it even more that he always accepts and that now they have their own designated booth at the diner across the street. Derek's so unbelievably frustrated, it makes him want to bite Stiles at the neck just to hear that smartass mouth squeal.
"Hey, I ever tell you I was thinking of quitting before you arrived?" Stiles asks one night as they're walking to their cars.
Derek's head immediately snaps to him at that. "What?"
Stiles smiles distantly at the thought. "Oh, yeah. Things had started feeling like being trapped in a cubicle, y'know? There wasn't any challenge in it anymore."
"What made you stay?"
"Well...you did. You were the first, serious competition I'd faced in a while. It wasn't a matter of winning just to win, anymore. Going against you always reminded me of the reason why it was important for me to win. It gave me stakes, because now there was an actual chance I could lose and an innocent person could go to jail. You, I don't know, kinda reignited my passion for fighting the good fight, I guess."
Derek can feel his heart thumping hard in his chest. He wants to say 'You did the same for me!' He wants to tell Stiles that he didn't think his life could ever be this fun or happy or messy or chaotic or exhilarating or challenging or fulfilling before coming to Beacon Hills.
But just as Derek goes to open his mouth to sing Stiles' praises, he instead finds himself roughly shoving him up against the Camaro and biting hungrily at that mouth and tongue that's been the bane of his existence. There's a surprised little squeak that Derek quickly swallows up, but it isn't long before they're both tearing at each others' clothes and fucking each other dirty in the backseat of Derek's car.
What's crazy is, after they get together, nothing in their careers really changes. The only difference is now they get to fuck each others' brains out after an intense battle in court (and the sound Stiles makes when Derek bites him is exactly what he always imagined it would sound like). They still face against each other on opposite sides in court. They still give it everything they got, no conceding even if they are dating now. Not to mention, Derek wouldn't dream of tempting Stiles over to his firm. Not when he knows Stiles is at his best staying where he's at.
The day Derek's family finally decides it's time for him to take over the firm with Laura is the best day of his and Stiles' lives.
Not only does Derek tell them he's declining, he hires Stiles as his attorney to negotiate terms against his entire family of well-seasoned lawyers.
The entire month-long negotiation results in Derek, not saying a single word, but absolutely beaming as he watches his boyfriend run circles around his mother, his father, his uncle, and both of his sisters on contracts. It's so unbelievably hot, they're banging on whatever flat surface they can get their hands on every time they leave the boardroom. There's even one very memorable blowjob in the empty hall outside the boardroom when Stiles somehow manages to get Peter to agree to a (most likely illegal) clause dictating the firm will pay Stiles a finder's fee for any pro-bono case Stiles takes on outside of Beacon Hills that strikes his fancy.
And, no one says it, but they all know Derek definitely, 100%, dragged his own firm through this negotiation just to show off how incredible Stiles is to his family and preen about it.
Fast-forward, Derek is going to be in the audience for the first time for one of Stiles' cases.
While waiting in the hall, Derek sees a familiar face from his New York days. The prosecution has hired the eighth best lawyer money can get, Jackson Whittemore. He's sporting a Rolex, sunglasses indoors, and the face of someone who thinks he's above literally every other person in town.
Well, at least until he sees Derek.
For some reason, Jackson seems to think Derek is all the way out in the middle of nowhere to 'watch a master at work' (which...well...is technically true...).
As Derek goes to sit in the audience, Jackson tells him in passing, "This'll be over so fast, probably won't even get a chance to learn the other guy's name."
Derek chuckles and says back, "Ooh, buddy, you have no idea."
Before Jackson can think more on that, a whirlwind of limbs and papers suddenly hurls through the doors.
Derek sits back, gets comfy, and waits eagerly for the show to begin.
My first moodboard. Hope you enjoy. AU based on a discussion with @casually-eat-my-soul (I suggest checking out their version). This was kind of like a divergence from that (the brain juices just started flowing).
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kiwriteswords · 13 days
Hi!! Can I request “Getting undressed in front of each other” for the drabble prompts with shy reader? 💞
Hi!! Thanks so much for requesting a short drabble! I hope you enjoy this little snippet; I took it in a different direction than what I typically would have done, which would usually just be smut, but I figured a little angst wouldn't hurt!
Drabble Prompts | Other Writing | Ao3
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Shy!Fem!Reader!
Word Count: 1.1k
Rating: Mature for potential intimate themes and violence
TW: Canon typical themes, canon typical violence, angst, undressing, intimacy
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The room was suffocating, dimly lit, and oppressive, with the air thick between you and Hotch. You had been caught—captured by Lyle Kendrick, the sadistic unsub who had lured the team into a trap. Now, the two of you stood side by side, vulnerable and at the mercy of his twisted game.
Kendrick’s voice crackled over the speaker, dripping with amusement. “On the table, you’ll find something special to wear. Change into them—now.”
You swallowed hard, your eyes flicking to the table in the corner, where two absurd outfits lay waiting. The sight of them made your stomach churn—a frilly, pastel dress for you and a stiff military-style uniform for Hotch. You could feel Kendrick watching, waiting for the inevitable discomfort that was about to unfold.
Your heart pounded as you stood there, frozen, unsure how to even begin. The thought of undressing in front of Hotch—of him seeing you in such a vulnerable state—was overwhelming. You had always been shy, always careful to keep your distance, even though you’d harbored feelings for him for so long. The unspoken tension had been there, simmering between you for months, but this wasn’t how you imagined it would go. Not like this. Never like this.
Beside you, Hotch’s body was rigid, his jaw clenched as he took in the situation. His dark eyes flicked to the camera in the corner, calculating, but there was a tightness to his expression that betrayed his own discomfort. You knew him well enough to see it—the same tension you felt, mirrored in his eyes.
“Y/N,” his voice broke through your spiraling thoughts, low and gentle. “We have to do this. Just… focus on me.”
You nodded, though your hands were trembling. The thought of him watching you, of seeing you undress, sent a flush of heat to your face. This wasn’t the way you wanted him to see you like this for the first time. In your quiet moments of stolen glances and lingering touches, you’d imagined what it might be like if things ever crossed that line between you. But now? This was too much.
You forced yourself to move, your hands reaching for the hem of your shirt, but your eyes stayed locked on the floor, unable to look at him. You didn’t want to see the expression on his face, didn’t want to see the discomfort or tension in his eyes. Yet, there was something inside you that felt drawn to him, something that made your heart race in a way that terrified you.
Hotch didn’t move at first, standing still as he watched you hesitate. His gaze was heavy, and you could feel it, even without looking. Slowly, he began to undress as well, pulling off his shirt with deliberate care, his movements measured and controlled.
You couldn’t help it. Despite your shyness, despite the circumstances, your eyes flickered up—just for a second. The sight of Hotch, his strong chest and broad shoulders illuminated by the dim light, sent a shiver through you. He was so composed, so in control, yet there was a vulnerability to him now that you had never seen before. The way his muscles tensed as he pulled on the stiff military jacket made your breath hitch, and you quickly looked away, your face burning.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. You had imagined something softer, something intimate. A moment where the two of you would finally give in to the feelings you’d both been dancing around for so long. But now, you were being forced into a situation where every unspoken emotion was laid bare for Kendrick to see, to exploit.
You slipped out of your clothes with shaking hands, feeling exposed in more ways than one. The frilly dress felt like a mockery, clinging to you in all the wrong places, but worse than that was the knowledge that Hotch had watched you. Had seen you undress. A part of you wanted to hide, to shield yourself from his gaze, but it was impossible.
Hotch’s voice was soft when he spoke again. “Look at me.”
You hesitated, the embarrassment and tension almost too much to bear. But when you finally lifted your eyes to his, the world around you seemed to fade for a moment. His gaze was intense, filled with something deeper than just concern. He was trying to stay composed, trying to protect you in any way he could, but you could see it—the same tension, the same unspoken feelings that you had buried inside yourself.
“This isn’t how I wanted this to happen,” Hotch said quietly, his voice barely audible over the thudding of your heart.
Your breath caught in your throat. He was thinking it too. He hadn’t wanted this moment, this exposure, to happen like this either.
You opened your mouth to respond, but Kendrick’s voice slithered through the speaker, mocking. “Oh, this is good. You’re both so predictable.”
You flinched, feeling the weight of Kendrick’s words. He had been watching you, analyzing every glance, every moment between you and Hotch. And now he was using it, twisting it.
“I knew there was something there,” Kendrick continued, his voice smug. “You can’t hide it, no matter how hard you try. The way you watch each other—Agent Hotchner, the way you stand just a little too close to her, like you’re always trying to protect her. And Agent Y/L/N, don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you blush whenever he speaks to you.”
Your face burned, your chest tightening with a mixture of shame and frustration. He was right. Kendrick had seen everything—the feelings you thought you’d kept hidden, now laid bare for him to toy with.
Hotch’s jaw tightened, but his gaze remained locked on you, filled with quiet resolve. “Don’t listen to him,” he said, his voice low and firm. “He doesn’t know us. He doesn’t know what we’ve been through.”
But Kendrick wasn’t done. “You two are just… fascinating. So composed, so professional. And yet here you are, stripping down for each other, all those feelings laid bare. I wonder—what else are you hiding?”
Your heart was pounding, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Hotch. He stepped closer, his hand brushing yours in the briefest, most delicate touch—a touch meant to anchor you, to remind you that, no matter what, you weren’t alone.
“We’re getting out of this,” Hotch whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination. “Together.”
You nodded, drawing strength from him. Kendrick could push, could exploit every emotion you had tried to hide, but it didn’t matter. You had Hotch by your side, and somehow, even in this moment of forced vulnerability, that was enough.
Hope you enjoyed! xx
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wheneclipsefalls · 7 months
Little Gift- Introduction
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Pairing: Soft Dark Neteyam x Human Fem Reader
Beautiful Neteyam pic by @cinetrix2
Sumarry: The RDA are forced to negotiate with a certain Olo'eyktan. Luckily, there is only one thing he wants.
Warnings: dark, dubcon/noncon, suggestive, kidnapping, aged up Neteyam, dom/sub dynamics, bondage, humiliation, dark Neteyam, swearing, power imbalance, etc. (not exhaustive) MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: I had this idea in the middle of the night two days ago. This will be the introduction of the mini series. It is dark content so read at your own risk.
tiyawn: love
mawey: be calm
oeyӓ: my (possessive)
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The rope is coarse against your wrist and ankles, tied tight enough to leave squirming out of the question. However, it's the thick fabric gag that has you grinding your teeth together in discomfort. They leave you no opportunity to ask questions. No way to understand your fate before it unfolds. 
Colonel Quaritch had been even more cold and distant as you were prepared for the mysterious treck. You had been in the middle of packing your stuff, preparing to return home with the rest of the RDA when you had been dragged away and dressed against your will. 
Now kneeling here in the middle of Pandora’s forest wearing little more than sparkly scraps, you have never felt more exposed. The intricately beaded top does little to nothing to cover your hardening nipples and it’s easy to catch some of the Colonel’s brats sneaking a glance occasionally. 
“Colonel,” Lyle calls to your left. “For a final touch.” He holds a large pink ribbon in one hand, eyes snapping over to your small form with a smirk. 
“Be quick.” Quaritch grumbles but he doesn’t hide the amusement painted across his face. 
You attempt to scoot away when Lyle approaches you but he wrangles you back into place one handed. Another recom keeps you still with hands on your shoulders and before you know it Lyle is using the ribbon to tie a big bow directly over your breasts.
You muster every hateful thought into your heated glare, not that it does much to kill his mood. 
It’s obvious that you are the one left out of the joke everyone seems to revel in. Several times you wonder if all of this is some sick prank. Dressing you up only to drag you into the middle of the woods and leave you for dead. Perhaps even kill you themselves. 
However, thirty minutes of kneeling in the mud with a small army on high alert around you proves plans to be otherwise. There is something ominous about that pink bow tied around you, something even more suspicious about the traditional Na’vi clothing that has somehow been made to fit you perfectly. 
“That bastard sure likes to take his sweet time.” Mansk huffs. 
“What more did you expect from one of Sully’s filthy half breeds?” Quaritch sneers, readjusting the heavy artillery into his shoulder. 
“Makes a lot of demands too. Swear if we didn’t need these resources-” Lyle starts but is cut off.
“And yet we do. So shut your trap and pay attention.” The Colonel snips at him. It’s almost comical to see how fast Lyle straightens and goes back to scanning the terrain for movement. 
Always the Colonel’s bitch. 
You wish this ridiculous gag wouldn’t stop you from finally speaking your opinion freely. If you are about to meet your demise, the least they could let you do is get some long awaited satisfaction. 
Tension bleeds into the atmosphere. The former marines snap to attention and guns are locked into place, the formation fanning them out to combat any potential threats. 
It takes several dreadful seconds for you to see them but finally a pair of golden eyes just barely shines through the thick forest. They are in the trees, crouched to the ground, in bushes, some even swooping overhead on banshees. 
You marvel at their ability to hide in the nooks and crannies of the forest. However, even now you recognize that they are choosing to be seen. They have decided to make their presence known. 
Your heart thunders.
Tied and kneeling between the two juxtaposing crowds feels like being offered up as a human sacrifice. 
Do the Na’vi believe in live sacrifice?
Perhaps they too put up dead to their deity as a sign of loyalty. 
And you are pampered and primed for the taking. 
“Signed, sealed and delivered as promised.” The Colonel grunts, boot clad toe nudging your vulnerable form. 
Dread slinks through your veins.
What have you done to deserve this?
The Na’vi that steps out into the open is one that you can recognize instantly. Even a human of low status among the RDA knows what Jake Sully’s eldest son, and now Omatikaya Olo’eyktan, looks like. His face has become a focused target that the RDA have been working to exterminate for months. Now, it feels all for naught as they have been brought to their knees and forced to leave Pandora with little resources. The same reason you prepare yourself to say goodbye to this mysterious planet for good.
However, that was the idea before you were prepared like a trussed up main course for the taking. 
You struggle fruitlessly in the binds once more and Neteyam’s eyes center on you. Peering up at him hurts your neck as you are once again reminded of how tall and muscular the Na’vi are. His shoulders give the illusion of spanning out even further with the traditional feathered mantle he wears. 
His head slants to the side before he is prowling closer. You attempt to jerk away from his large hand coming to your face but that only ends in you falling back on your rear. His lips turn down as he inspects your tied wrists. There is nothing you can do as he holds both of them easily with one hand. 
“I was told she would not be harmed.” He speaks lowly, voice thick with a Na’vi accent. 
“She put up quite a fight. Even getting her to hold still during the shot was a pain in the ass.” Quaritch replies.
You remember all too well the fear that had overcome you when they brought out that long needle. The developed serum was a success naturally but it still racks your anxiety higher to fully breathe Pandoran air without your mask. Even more so, you feel strangely more exposed in front of this Na’vi legend without the glass to separate you from him. 
“I don’t appreciate excuses.” His golden eyes flicker towards your face and a small smile appears. “But I am pleased to see it fits.” Long fingers trace the lines of your necklace top before toying with the ends of the pink boy. 
You stiffen beneath his touch, eyeing the sheathed dagger across his chest. 
Do sacrificial ceremonies require specific clothing? 
Maybe dressing a sacrifice up in pretty ornaments and clothing proves to their deity its value. 
Either way, you hope it’s fast. The Na’vi are trained killers, but at least they should know how to end a life swiftly. 
“I would be pleased to see the resources you promised.” The Colonel bites back.
Neteyam sighs and purses her lips as if the small army around them is simply an annoyance instead of a threat. 
“Trades are not historically present between the Omatikaya and your people. I am not opposed to taking instead. Remember that.” 
You can hear the shifting guns behind you. The Colonel’s anger boils through the air and you are surprised to find no smart response coming from him. Neteyam leisurely tugs the ends of the bow, perfecting its shape and you are mortified to feel your nipples tighten beneath them. He nods his head and a few armed Na’vi step forward and hesitantly hand over a few tubes of minerals.
You recognize it as unobtanium, most likely the small amount left to mine from the last Home Tree. Your eyes widen. All of that for you? 
It wouldn’t be enough to make the RDA’s trip a success but it would surely cut down the financial loss significantly. But why give it over? Just to kill you? Had their deity sent out a bounty on your head and if so, what had you done to piss Her off so immensely?
“As promised.” Neteyam rises back to full height, hands settling on his hips. “I trust you understand what is to come to those who do not honor this agreement.” 
“Consider her a…peace offering. A special gift from the RDA.” You can hear the smirk in Quaritch’s tone, even the chuckle that Loyd fights to hold back. Your teeth dig into the fabric gag, praying more than ever that now would be the one time you would be able to rip him a new one. 
Your own special gift before you leave this life. 
“I tire of your presence, demon.” 
Quaritch scoffs but you can already hear the shuffling of retreating boots as they slowly but surely exit the scene. The only home you have ever known and now it is nothing more than a memory. You’re left to the demise of the Na’vi like a shiny object to be collected. 
And with the way Neteyam smiles and studies your form intently, you can’t have found a better analogy. Kneeling once more, large hands cup your cheeks, fingers encasing the whole side of your head. 
“Oeyӓ tiyawn, you are shaking.” He tuts, features softening at breakneck speed. Eyebrows furrowing, you watch closely as he carefully parts the hair from your face. “So nice to meet you, properly that is.” He chuckles, as if telling a joke only he knows the context to. 
Unease tightens your muscles and you’re sure that if your heart rate picks up anymore the organ will simply give out before they even have a chance to kill you. 
He sends a look to the side and instantly the rest of the Na’vi party retreat back into the forest. Your forehead creases. What is a sacrifice without an audience? 
Neteyam’s fingers comb through your hair.
Unless the Olo’eyktan has decided to have his fun with you before you are offered up. 
Tears spill from your eyes and you can’t stop yourself from trying to beg through the gag.
“Oh tiyawn,” His thumbs wipe away your tears. “You do not need to cry anymore. Not now that you are mine.” 
A hiccup catches in your throat, wide eyes looking up at him. 
“My sweet pet.” He husks, lips curved into a prideful smile. 
Your heart drops to your stomach.
How does he even know what that word means? The Na’vi do not keep pets. Perhaps he misspoke. 
But when one large hand circles around the back of your neck and you remember one thing: this man was raised by both Na’vi and Sky People. 
Frantically shaking your head in protest you try to get out words that will convince him to release you. It’s a strained effort with the cloth gag and his giant hand grasping your neck. 
“Mawey, little gift, before you hurt yourself.” He lingers over the cloth gag and for a moment you have hope that he will remove it, instead Neteyam gives you a sympathetic smile. “My poor tiyawn, I would love to remove it but I think we will need to go over some ground rules first. I’ll need you to listen without distraction for that part.” 
Your thoughts tangle into a million knots as vast ideas of what these rules may entail generate frantically. 
It would be easier to believe that a Na’vi has no purpose for a Sky Person as a pet but it’s impossible to miss the lust swimming in his golden orbs. Nor the wandering hands that now come to squeeze your plush hips. 
“You’re even more breathtaking up close.” He grins. When had he seen you from a distance? “Especially in proper clothing.” 
You can barely see through the cloud of tears over your eyes so you miss when Neteyam unsheathes his knife. That is, until you feel the cold material against your ankles. Terror grips your heart but to your surprise the Olo’eyktan cuts the rope around your feet. 
Foolishly you take advantage of this slight freedom only to be snatched around the waist and pulled onto his lap. Neteyam chuckles as if your escape attempt is the cutest thing he has ever seen. Your hips ache slightly at the stretch it takes to straddle one of his muscular thighs. 
“Misbehaving already, hm?” He raises a hairless eyebrow at you, one hand slink down to settle over your rear. Luckily he seems more amused than angry. After all, you have to admit that there was no real chance of you outrunning him in the first place. And now that those muscular arms are locked around you, there is no hope of beating his strength. 
Humiliation runs deep when you feel the first trickle of arousal stain your tiny loincloth. Neteyam’s thigh flexes and your pussy greedily takes the friction as an invitation. His nostrils flare, no doubt taking in your changing scent. 
He doesn’t further your embarrassment, however. At least not yet. 
“My father told me about these.” He muses, fingers playing with the bow once more. “It’s said to represent gifts. I always thought they were silly but now…” Heat runs straight to your core when his thumb dances over one escaped nipple. “I quite like the look of it on you, little gift.” 
A whimper escapes your lips without permission, snagging his attention. 
“Needy little pet, aren’t you?” A dark laugh rumbles his chest as his thumb casually slips underneath to bow to torment one nipple. “Do not worry, oeyӓ tiyawn. I’ll have you seeing stars before the night is through.” 
Everything in your mind says no but Neteyam’s skin is warm and his hands are skilled as one teases your nipples while the other explores your backside. Your body preens into the touch, desperate for some semblance of comfort to hold onto. And in the dangerous atmosphere of Pandoran nights, your instincts tell you that this man is what separates you from death. 
However, you are still held as prey under his gaze. 
“But first I think it is time to get you home.” He leans forwards until your noses are touching. 
“You will be more comfortable in my bed, pet.” 
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And so it begins! As always, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts! <3
unofficial taglist: @pandoraslxna @tallulah477 (thought you might like it, baby) @itchaboi-itchyboy @zafrinaxyz @lilghostiequinni @criticallybella
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the official taglist for future parts
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nqify · 2 years
AHHH I’m so happy I found ur quaritch account! I’ve been dying in lack of quaritch fics so tysm for ur service. I was fed. Also headcannon for quaritch w a shy/ naturally submissive reader? I feel like he be surprised to someone NOT being a brat against him. If u wanna, ty and have a great day?
GIRL U ARE ONTO SMTH AND I LOVE IT!! shy!sub s/o headcanons. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairings. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warnings. daddy kink. lil spit play. lots of dirty talk.
note. idk if this is good or not anon!!! so if you want me to change anything feel free to ask
this guys deals with so many brats on the daily!! his coworkers, his boss, the mf Lyle. He just hates having to put people in line all the time this guys deals with so many brats on the daily!! his coworkers, his boss, the mf Lyle. He just hates having to put people in line all the time
so when he meets you, it’s like a breathe of fresh air. Your naturally submissive, listening to everything he tells you to do, “hey, y/n, could you grab that for me?” And without complaining or whining you nod your head, “yes, sir.” This dude is pussy whipped already
even without all the devils tango, just doing what he says gets him going. He’s so used to ppl not following his orders, when u come along and start submitting to him, this GUY WILL NOW PREY ON U FR
when y’all start dating, he starts to notice how easily you get shy, especially with his words, “hey pretty, how are you?” your cheeks are burning up. This dude will find smth to make you flustered. he’ll give u little neck and forehead kisses to just to see how red you get from his touch. it’s fr driving him mad.
let’s just say your sitting on his lap in public, your horny asf and this guy will not give u attention. You begin to slowly grind your ass on him, he takes notice. As much as he would love take you right then and there, he wanted to test out if you’d rlly listen to him in a situation like this.
Miles pulls you by your waist, your back now hitting his chest. you could feel his hot breathe against your ear, he nibs at it a little before going in and saying, “uh, uh baby, behave”
And your ass listens. You don’t move or fight him in that matter. This guy is shocked. His ears perk up at ur submissiveness. He most def wanna fuck u more now. He’d try to keep his cool and move to ur ear again, “such a good girl for me, guess who’s going to get a reward when they get home” YOU ARE BITCH!!..
girls!! now we getting juicy!! just imagine miles pounding into you, his cock reaching every spot, making you an absolute mess!! This fucker wanna test out the waters again!! “open ur mouth for me, ma” and ofc, as a good girl U DID!! why is this guy so stunned. This most definitely triggers smth in him, you thought he was going hard before?? yeah girl no. He’s now drilling your shit, he’s reaching in deep. Not surprised if he touching your cervix now
he brings his pointer and middle finger to your bottom lip and slightly drags your mouth open a little. and then, BOOM he spits in your mouth. and ofc, you swallow it. THE FACT that he didn’t have to tell you to do that, his dick is twitching and aching for u girl.
since u submit to him so easily, this guy WILL praise you, and I mean it. You’d be taking his dick in your mouth and this fucker will not stop being so vocal towards you, “f-fuck, good girl, such a good girl” or when it’d be your first times together and ur taking his big dick he’d just praise tf outta you, “look at you mama, making daddy so proud and letting him stretch you out, s-shit” creaming as we speak!!!.
bc ur ass is so shy, he will try anything and I mean anything to get you all flustered in the bed room!! this means with his words, his touch, his movements! ANYTHING .
he’ll have u spread out on the bed, hair all messy and ur lips all puffy and pink. Your hands would be covering your face, hiding your embarrassment as you laid there, fully naked. And ofc, miles would be towering over you, this guy is 9’5 for god sake!! Even though he’s seen you naked so many times, He’d still find it so so cute how flustered you are.
He would grab both your hands and pin them above your head,“no need to be so shy baby, lemme see all of you” his tail is wagging like a dog at this point. He secretly likes how u get so shy, the fact that he gets to ruin it MAKES HIM BOOMBOOM baby making time.
bc this guy is a certified dirty talker, he will and I REPEAT!!!, he will say shit to make you embarrassed.
Y’all are literally in public and this fucker becomes behind you, grinds his bugle into your back and says, “can’t wait to fuck this pretty pussy when we get home” u froze. or when he’s annoying you a lil and you just can’t help whining out, “miles, ur so annoying” he be grinning. “that’s not what u said last night baby” get ready for him to mock tf outta you, “weren’t you all like, ah, ah, pls daddy, feels so good!!??” “want more!! ah! so big fuck” ur so fucking embarrassed now omg.
one last thing, eye contact. this fucker loves it - rlly gets the gears going. So when he’s eating your pretty pussy and looks up at you with half-lidded eyes, U GO CRAZY. you try to not look back at him, constantly dragging your gaze to smth else. But oh no, he will not take that
he pulls away from your pussy and grabs your chin, “look at me baby, cmon I know you love it - don’t you like it when daddy fucks you with his tongue?? you don’t want me to make u cum, huh?” your 100% looking at him now. like girl.
requests are still open!! don’t be shy, gimme ur fantasies rn!!!!
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artdolliewishes · 1 month
Neytiri’s Fatal Flaw and Her Future Arc.
I was watching the deleted/original cut of the scene with Neytiri holding Spider hostage which — first off, incredible scene by the way like holy shit — but it made me think about how perfectly it served for Neytiri’s character.
Someone might’ve already talked about this already, but what I don’t think a lot of people realize is that this scene serves as the payoff for earlier Neytiri-related scenes as well as a starting point for her arc going forward.
If you haven’t watched the scene, here, it’s a far more impactful version of an already hard hitting scene and I’m going to treat it as what “really” happened in the story for the sake of analysis.
The first moment I’m focusing on is this one where Neytiri goes to pick up her bow after killing a few RDA grunts, only to find that the bow is now broken and unusable.
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There’s a running theme in these two movies that I’ve seen people point out and that’s how Neytiri keeps losing things that are precious to her, whether they be people, places, or objects.
In the first movie, she loses a lot including but not limited to the Hometree, the Tree of Voices, her older sister, Tsu’tey, her Ikran, and her father. When her father dies, he grants her the Ceremonial Bow and that’s what she ends up using to fight in all subsequent battles.
In the second movie, she thankfully doesn’t lose as much, but she’s still forced to leave her home and her first born son is killed in the heat of battle, rough times all around.
You’ll note that I didn’t include losing her precious bow on the list of things she lost and that’s because she didn’t lose the bow, she broke it.
All the other losses I’ve described are caused by the RDA, but this one isn’t. Instead of her bow being broken by another grunt in the heat of the battle, she’s the one who breaks it by swinging it haphazardly at her enemies.
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I may not know all that much about archery or making weapons, but I’m almost certain that bows aren’t designed to be used like that, which is why her bow broke the way that it did.
And it cannot be understated how important this bow must be to Neytiri. I mentioned before that it was given to her by her late father, making it an important connection to her family already, but it’s also made from the wood of Hometree. So not only is it a connection to her family, it’s a connection to her people and the home that was stolen from them.
All that and she still broke it, not because she didn’t cherish the bow, but because she just couldn’t control her anger enough to handle it properly.
And that’s what I feel Neytiri’s fatal flaw is, as well as what her arc will be primarily focusing on in the upcoming movies — Neytiri’s anger and hatred leads to blind rage, and she becomes liable to hurt those she cares about.
For the record, I am not making the claim that Neytiri’s flaw is that she gets angry. Being outraged by death and destruction, hating those who bring about injustice, these aren’t flaws and aren’t things she should be vilified for. What is a flaw is how she uses her anger, or rather how it uses her.
Jake spells it out pretty cleanly in a scene that happened a while ago. When Tonowari told Jake and Neytiri about the destruction the RDA was causing to the nearby villages, they immediately connect it back to Quaritch. Neytiri describes how they have to finish off Quaritch — “we have to hunt this demon, trap him, kill him” — and this is what Jake says in response to that idea:
“We gotta be smart…”
He’s not dismissing the idea of doing something, he’s just cautioning her on how they go about doing it. That’s the crux of Neytiri’s most prevalent flaw, it isn’t her becoming angered at the injustice she and her people face, it’s her not being smart about how she acts on it.
The last two moments I’d like to draw attention to are the one where one of Quartich’s lackey calls Neytiri a “wild animal” and the one where she actually acts like one.
For the record, Lyle and Quaritch are in the wrong for likening Neytiri to an animal and dehumanizing her in the process, especially when the reason they insulted her was because she was acting violent in the video where she was protecting her husband. However, it’s undeniable that during the fight on the Sea Dragon, Neytiri is the most violent and rage filled we’ve ever seen her.
It’s particularly noticeable right before she realizes she broke her bow, which is definitely not a coincidence I’ll tell you that much.
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She screams in the guys face and stabs him over and over and over again, after which she gets up and starts growling, searching for anything else that moves. It’s not a stretch to say that, in this moment, she’s acting almost like a bloodthirsty animal hungry for vengeance, not too dissimilar from the wild animal the recoms painted her as.
And all of this, her accidentally breaking her father’s bow, being asked to be smart about it all, acting like a wild animal, it all comes to a head in the moment where she uses Spider’s life as leverage to save Kiri’s. It starts off good when she makes Quaritch let Kiri go, but when Kiri is freed from Quaritch’s grasp and she can turn her attention to the man himself…
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…she puts the blade back against Spider’s neck and utters those infamous lines:
“A son for a son.”
I’ve seen a lot of people comment on how “powerful” of a scene this is, and while I agree that it’s a powerful storytelling moment and extremely important to Neytiri’s character, I think a lot of people miss the fact that this isn’t an admirable moment of a mother’s rage, but a scary and dark moment where Neytiri is about to fall to Quaritch’s lows.
Because if Neytiri had actually gone through with this decision, then she would’ve done the same thing to her family that she did with her bow — destroy it. What’s important to note about Neytiri’s hatred towards Spider is that; while it’s understandable considering all the trauma she went through at the hands of his father and the RDA, she’s the only one in her family that feels this way towards him.
For one thing, Spider is both Lo’ak and Kiri’s best friend and they know how much Spider hates being Quaritch’s son, there’s no way that they’d just accept Neytiri after she killed their best friend. We don’t get much development on Spider’s relationship with Tuk or Neteyam, but we see Spider protect Tuk, tease Neteyam, and cry during Neteyam’s death, so they must be friends on some level.
And finally Jake. Admittedly, Jake is pretty lukewarm towards Spider throughout the entire movie, but I’d argue that’s him keeping a respectful distance because of him wanting to side with his wife and not any malice Jake genuinely holds towards Spider himself. We even see him checking over Spider at the end of the movie like he does with Lo’ak and Neteyam.
As much as Jake unconditionally loves Neytiri, I cannot see a world where he’s able to look at her the same way if she killed an innocent child.
And I do mean innocent, because at this point in time Spider’s only “crimes” are being human(not his choice) and being Quaritch’s son(also not his choice). Even if Neytiri’s feelings towards him are understandable and valid, her actions at this point are not justifiable and Jake knows it.
That’s not even mentioning how she hisses at Kiri during this scene, she’s not acting with her family’s best interest in mind, she’s acting on pure rage.
If she had gone through with it and killed Spider, Kiri and Lo’ak would hate her, Tuk wouldn’t be able to look at her the same way again, and Jake probably would’ve left her. She truly did come a hair’s width away from destroying something precious to her once again.
Now let’s talk about Spider for a minute because he’s crucial to all of this, as Neytiri’s hatred for humans extends to her hatred of him.
We already know that, to the Na’vi, “I see you” is considered a respectful greeting, but it’s also a show of great understanding between two people; it’s why Jake’s two pivotal emotional moments at the end of the movies are him telling a loved one “I see you,” it’s because he’s come to understand them as a person beyond what he initially thought.
In contrast, Neytiri does not see Spider, her eyes are shut. Instead of seeing Spider as a person, all she sees is just another human who ought to be with his own kind, a demon. And this is honestly fine, Neytiri isn’t Spider’s mother or caretaker so she’s not obligated to try and understand him as anything deeper than her enemies child and her own children’s best friend.
However, because Neytiri refuses to see Spider as anything other than another human, she lets this hatred for him and his heritage fester until she feels comfortable to threaten his life and see him as a means to an end. And that, no matter how much one may argue it’s understandable from her perspective, leads to dire consequences.
Namely, Spider’s choice to save Quaritch.
Now, before anyone yells at me let me clarify — I am not saying that Neytiri is responsible for Spider’s choice, nor is she responsible for any harm Quaritch will cause in the upcoming movies. However, it’s undeniable that her actions influenced Spider’s decision, whether directly or indirectly.
When Neytiri threatened Spider’s life, Quaritch initially plays off the fact that he’s technically not his son, citing that they aren’t even the same species. But when Neytiri pushes even further, he breaks and shows that he does actually care about Spider, willing to let go of his hostage in order to protect him.
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This is big for Spider as his only major desire is to have a family, specifically a parental figure who genuinely cared about him as he is. I’d even go as far as to say that this moment probably proved to Spider that Quaritch cares about him as more than just a mean’s to an end. He’d already helped Quaritch bond with an Ikran and find the Sully family(against his will), he had nothing else to offer but Quaritch still wanted him alive.
This, along with the months they spent together, are what pushed Spider to make his decision at the end of the movie, a decision he was explicitly conflicted about.
And this came about from Neytiri’s decision. I know a lot of people would argue that Neytiri had to do this because it was the only way to save her daughter, and I’ll agree that there weren’t many options for her. But this wasn’t a tactical move she was making, she wasn’t bluffing or putting on a show to force Quaritch’s hand, she was explicitly going to kill Spider just to make Quaritch hurt in the same way she was hurting.
Also, if we want to nitpick we could also say that the months Quaritch and Spider spent together also came about as a result of her actions. When they’re running away from the Recoms, Spider is the only one who falls to the ground and Neytiri doesn’t even think to try and go get him.
“B-But there’s no way Neytiri would’ve been able to save him and get away! She has her own children to worry about!” I hear you typing in the notes of this post, and to that I say you’ve got a point.
However, the fact that Neytiri doesn’t even consider going down to rescue him, doesn’t look over the branch and hesitate before making the difficult decision to prioritize Kiri and feel bad about it later shows that her reasoning is solidly NOT rooted in him being one of her kids or not.
She doesn’t even try, and because of that Quaritch and Spider end up forming the basis for a solid bond.
TLDR; Neytiri’s fatal flaw is that she allows her anger and hatred to cloud her better judgment and control her, leading to a destructive attitude that can ultimately hurt the people she loves and make things worse for her.
Now, what does this have to do with her arc going forward?
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At this point, I’m pretty sure everyone has heard at least a little bit about the next movie, Avatar Fire and Ash. I’ve seen people theorizing that the fire tribe will be joining forces with the RDA, that they don’t believe in Eywa, and that Neytiri will have to infiltrate the tribe in order to rescue her children.
I’m not certain whether any of this is true, but what I am certain of is that — if these concept arts hold water by the time the movie is released — then the fire tribe we’ll be encountering in the third movie is going to be an extremely violent community, likely one that puts emphasis on anger and hatred.
And if the rumors are true and Neytiri really is going to be infiltrating them, then Neytiri’s flaws might be able to inform what narrative role the Ash People and Varaang in particular will have in the third movie.
I’ve already explained how in depth how her flaw is how she allows her anger to take control of her and close her vision; she’s volatile like lava and burns hot like fire, becoming liable to burn everything and everyone around her.
From that perspective, she seems more suited to be a fire Na’vi rather than a forest or reef one, no? The choice to take us to a volcanic, fire steeped region isn’t just James Cameron checking off the boxes like “oh we did forest and water, fire next!” its him taking us to a we might find uncomfortably befitting of our worst traits.
And that’s basically what I think Neytiri will have to face upon encountering the Ash People — they are the embodiment of all her flaws put on display.
Varaang specifically may work as her narrative foil, a literal funhouse version of her at her worst(from my perspective the concept art of Varaang actually looks a lot like Neytiri, so that’s interesting).
I also think it’s important to note that Neytiri is absolutely going to find out that Spider saved Quaritch in the third movie, or at least it’s incredibly likely if the Ash People really will be working with Quaritch. That means that her hatred for him and her need for revenge will come back into play, this isn’t over.
But this time things will be different, because in between Neytiri learning of Spider’s betrayal she will also get especially close to the Ash People and find that she is uncomfortably similar to them at her worst. Before she does something she might regret, Neytiri will be forced to ask herself some important questions:
Is revenge really worth it? Is this the kind of person she wants to be? If Jake wasn’t there that night, would she have the blood of a child on her hands? Will she hurt other people she loves because of her anger?
These questions are ones she likely never wanted to ask herself, but they’re necessary because she’s starting right in the face of people who didn’t.
Hopefully, she finds that the answer is no.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Feeling The Heat
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Them with a breeding kink
Your screams of pleasure and crys of is ecstasy would've woken up the everyone but he was smart to smart.
He cornered you while you were making food for you and him, he watched you like a predator looking at his pray.
You drove him to this you drove him into this lust driven state his pants bearly containing his hard cock and now your hips were bruised from his tight hold.
Your body was limp on the ground only jolting from his ruthless thrusts, he'll bore his teeth and any sound that isn't from you.
His cum oozing out around his cock and he'll mock you for not keeping it in and he'll remind you each time you cum that he owns you.
Jake, Tsu'tey, Miles, Lyle, Neteyam, Aonung, Lo'ak, Anakin, Obi wan, Din, Rex
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sseastar · 1 year
info. sunghoon x reader. fluff. childhood bffs to lovers.  warnings. playful physical touch. not proofread. listen to. tokyo by lyle kam
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teasing each other. 
i’ve never gotten the childhood friends to lovers energy from park sunghoon but i woke up this morning thinking about how he’d be the friend to always tease you or scold you or whine about something you did but then immediately comfort you to make sure he didn’t cross the line because he doesn’t want to hurt you (exhibit a: his dynamic with sunoo) and now i want to cry. he’d be the type of person to chase you around with a huge smile on his face, just so he can grab you from behind and pick you up so your legs and feet flail out in front of you while you’re screaming at him to put him down but everything just merges into a bunch of sweet laughs. one time, you were baking a cake together for jake’s birthday and you start chasing him with a spatula of icing, but he suddenly turns on you with the entire bowl. sunghoon never fails to giggle (giggle) whenever he thinks about the way your eyes widened in horror before you turned to run away from him. same deal as before - he managed to catch you and pretend to smear a bunch of icing on your face before swiping just a little (there was still the cake left to do) on your cheek. he can only laugh his sweet laugh as he sees you pout before letting you swipe some icing on his cheek as revenge. i just - please. one chance. 
holding things for each other. 
it’s not rare for you and sunghoon to find each other’s things in your possession. as the two of you hang out, it’s easy for one of you to forget things in each other’s room or backpack or car. if he’s not wearing his jacket, you’ll be the one holding or wearing it, and if you don’t have a free hand, he’ll be the one to hold your water bottle. you know how people always seem to lose hair ties or chapstick? it’s because sunghoon always picks them up for you when you forget them, and all you have to do is ask him for chapstick and he’ll give it to you. it’s come to the point that the two of you just ask each other for your own respective items because if you don’t have it, you know the other does. it’s not rare for someone to ask if they can borrow some of your hand sanitizer or hand cream and you’ll say it’s with sunghoon. if you happen to forget your tablet or laptop at his place, it’s already charged 100% when you come pick it up. 
going skating together. 
okay, am i over the fact that sunghoon used to skate? not at all. the idea that you’ve been sunghoon’s biggest fan since he started skating is so so sweet to me. you always went to as many tournaments you could to support him alongside his sister at the edge of the rink, and he always seemed to do better when you were there watching. he would let you hold the plushies he received after his performances (you once refused to give him back a penguin plushie because you said it remind you of him and he gave it to you instantly after you said it was a mini version of himself - it still sits front and center against your pillows on your bed). as thank you’s for always supporting him, he would of course go to any event that you had to support you as well, but would also offer to take you skating every week (if possible). his guard is always up to make sure you aren’t getting hurt and holds you by your arms (like he did for jay and niki) to make sure you don’t fall. his heart beats a little faster when he sees you smiling wide when you get a trick he taught you how to do, and he wonders if it’s because he needs to take a break. initially, when you were first learning how to skate, he would pretend to let go just to make you panic a little, and his eyes would crinkle as he laughed at your wobbling state before immediately returning back to you and letting you hold him. he ended up not wanting to let go as he taught you to the point that you had to beg him to let go so you could skate on your own. 
subtle skinship. 
i feel like a lot of other people can agree with me on this but sunghoon isn’t the clingiest member. sure, he has his moments but i feel like it’ll be very subtle. there’s a clip from the behind the scenes of enhypen and hi where the boys are playing pictionary and sitting cross-legged on the floor. mans literally had his knee on top of sunoo’s for no reason. he has so much space next to him but sunghoon has to rest his knee on sunoo’s thigh just to be in physical contact. he would be the same when it comes to you, somehow always making sure his body is touching yours in some way. a lot of times it’s like that, where you and sunghoon are sitting next to each other and even though there’s so much space, he’ll slightly shift his thigh or shoulder towards your own as if saying “i’m here. just let me know if you need anything.” it’s second nature to the both of you now that neither of you flinch if you suddenly realize your foot is resting on top of his when sitting next to each other or his pinky is just resting on top of your own. 
remembering the smallest things about each other. 
sunghoon, although he refuses to admit it, made an effort to remember all the small things about you. early on in your friendship, he realized how much you remembered his favorite snacks or his favorite character from the show you used to watch - even if he had only mentioned it once to you in passing. so, as he grew to care more and more for you, he made it a point to learn and remember the smallest things about you just so he could help make your life a little easier, or just to cheer you up. at some point, it become second nature for the two of you to just know little details about each other - like how you always seemed to run into the stair railing in front of your apartment, so sunghoon made it a point to either cover it or move you to the side away from it whenever you brought him to your place. or how you remembered how much he loved one of the body washes you had stocked and he borrowed, so you keep a stash of it for whenever he stays over. there’s so many of these little things that has your hearts melting for each other that you don’t know how you could’ve ever gotten throughout your friendship without falling for the other. 
making dumb excuses for each other. 
whenever the two of you find yourselves in trouble or needing an excuse for something, you and sunghoon always make the dumbest excuses. most of the time, it’s the two of you making them in order to spend time together, like when you had joined him, jake, jay, and heeseung at an amusement park. the five of you were fighting over who would be sitting alone every ride you lined up for, and you and sunghoon found yourselves defending each other so that you wouldn’t have to sit apart. “sunghoon said he’s allergic to jay’s cologne and has to sit next to me so he can hold my hand cause he’s scared,” was what you said, and sunghoon, though defeated, had to agree. “what yn said.” the three other boys couldn’t do anything but roll their eyes and continue to fight over who sat alone. you were only laughing at you and sunghoon’s antics when you felt a hand intertwine with yours. you only stiffened, turning to meet the eyes of your best friend. “might as well, right?” sunghoon said with a little smirk. “right,” was all you could let out. 
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⌕. author’s note ; been so long since i was planning to post this but never got the chance to get to it! i’ve been trying to finish in our own but i’m very stuck on the hockey aspect of it so if y’all know anything about hockey, please let me know 😭 hope you enjoy, and pls remember to give feedback! it’s really what helps me to keep going with writing as i’ve been losing motivation recently, and feedback is something that always helps me to pick back up!
⌕. taglist ; @soobin-chois @koishua @enhacolor @chrysbibi @acaiasahi
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runemyth0 · 1 year
Sometimes you gotta write a fic, not to chase after glory or fame or anything, but rather to get the idea out of your head and onto your screen. No matter what it takes.
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