#now that's what I call putting women back in tolkien lmao
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years ago
The existence of 'Iluvatar' (father of all) implies the existence of 'Iluvamil' (mother of all) but the full name is 'Eru Iluvatar' (Eru meaning 'the one' or 'alone') how can one be a 'father' with an implied partner 'mother' and yet also alone? If the VOID is your partner!!! The devouring emptiness as mother of all!! Alu Iluvamil!! Who does that remind you of?? Ungoliant of course!! Eru and Ungoliant are the father and mother of Arda and they got a divorce after he spurned and discarded her WHERE is the scholarship!!!!!
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piratefishmama · 1 year ago
I wanna hear about your unhinged villain OC's.
i'll go first--
When i was a bit younger, i created a webcomic that played with the idea of fictional worlds being real. I know, we've all done it here and there. I didn't have the arty skills to keep it going very far, but like, it played with the idea of those worlds being just out of reach of our dimension, but with the right push, say, from a pissy god tryina get back at its twin, could tumble through into the real, where the creators lived.
And one of these 'fictional' creations, was a character called Mallory.
Each 'fictional' creation i made for this comic, had their own backstories, including the type of person who originally CREATED their world, like... Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, someone created them, and it couldn't be me lmao so i had to make the people up too!
Mallory's world was made by someone with some serious small minded misogyny issues. I imagined that it'd have been some few hundred copies published horror novel that didn't get much traction.
Her kind were often culled at birth depending on biological sex, and their behaviours were determined by what biological sex they were.
If they were born men? Champions, powerful beings of light, Guardians. They gained their power from the SUN, from all sources of light but the sun gave them the most power, and they were good, pure souls in every way, good without any drive for evil. Probably wouldn't even get a parking ticket, would probably stand in a doorway holding doors open to let people go through first for hours, would put their coat on a wet floor to stop someone from getting their shoes wet.
They're good.
Only sleeping with one of these men could create another of their divided kind. They werent freaks of nature that could pop out at random, they were a separate race of humanoids that could breed with humans.
The women, were either killed at birth for a very valid reason, or snuck out by their human mothers.
Without fail, the second that child got her first period, she would be enveloped by darkness. Without any sign of turning before it, completely unpredictable.
Women were powerful, far more so than the men but their solitary nature and limited numbers guaranteed that eventually they would be overwhelmed. They gained power from the darkness, shadows, their forms constantly shifting like smoke. Rarely would they appear the same way twice.
They were always more powerful, because the darkness is just the absense of light, even during the day, there are shadows, there is darkness. There is always something stuck in the dark.
Their first kills would always be the mothers that snuck them away, always the mothers who hid them thinking their child would be different. Thinking their child could be saved if they simply raised her differently, gave her a chance.
These creatures have no redeeming qualities, they kill because it's fun, they enjoy it, they have no reason, no motivation, no painful backstory to explain their behaviour, they dont eat their kills, it's not a sustenance thing, they don't even care that their kind are culled at birth, it's irrelevant to them once matured.
They survived, why should they care about the girls who didn't?
She was never supposed to leave her dimension. That pissy god? made a very terrible mistake, and allowed her to slip through into the real, the original world filled with creators.
and they cant get her back home unless she goes willingly, because neither the god, or it's twin, have any power over the dark.
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cannibaldatingsite · 4 years ago
thank you @hanniba1​ and @fairytalegay​ for tagging me!!!!!!!!!!!
rules: tag people you wanna get to know better! this is like SO long so im putting it under a read more thing
your name and then what you would have named yourself: my name is sara but i also use bille which means beetle in danish i just Dont wanna b called billy in english lmao
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): leo
when did you join tumblr and why?: uhhhh i joined wayy back in like 2011 i really dont remember why specifically but this account i made like ?2 ?months ago?? cus of the hannibal reunion stream and i wanted to like join the community again🥺🥺🥺
top 5 fandoms: in my experience every fandom is awful if ure in it long enough
top 5 favourite films: omg idk but 5 movies i really LIKE are mother (2009), monos (2017), oldboy (2003), zappa (1983), ginger snaps (2000)
go to song when you wanna Feel something: george michael - you have been loved
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: im not faithful but the religion i feel closest to is probably norse paganism?
a song that makes you feel seen: caramelldansen
if you could have any career: i think it would be very fun to be a full-time taxidermist but i would only wanna do animals that had died of natural causes or like car accidents and whatevr
do you have a type?: uhhhhh women
what does your heart/soul yearn for: feeling useful?
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: excitable, opinionated, observant, flamboyant, pragmatic
favourite subjects in school: i mean obvsly arts but i also like chemistry now that im literally having it for the first time at age 20
where does your soul feel most at home: surrounded by quiet and nature and rain
top 5 fictional characters: MY HEAD IS EMPTYYY IDONT KNOW UHHH SPOCK? from star trek? VARRIC FROM DRAGON AGE!!!! hoban washburne from firefly...........hannibal.....ME
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: season 2 finale of buffy, ending of star trek II twok, uhhhhhh idk i dont ugly cry a lot i guess ive cried to mizumono at some point?
the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the earth
favourite kind of weather: i LOOOOVE a good thunderstorm i love rain i love misty weather i HATE like really warm sunny weather it makes me feel ill i think my preferred weather for being outside in would be like kinda cold but ure not shivering in a t-shirt and then like light rain? i really like rain
top 3 characters you kin with: data from star trek, bones from bones, uhh jimmy price from hannibalDFKSYUYFKY
favourite medium of art: to do? digital art
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert??? i guess??
a favourite literary quote: idk man im not like a quotes type person at all
some of your favourite books: best served cold by joe abercrombie, a bright red scream by marilee strong, and like idk i really like the hobbit by tolkien lol
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: hmm maybe sme place with more nature cus i live in the city but still denmark
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: take away the fact that im a lesbian ive always thought id make a really good monk like just spend my time transcribing books and making funky margins and keeping a strict routine
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: boring answer is drums but i think itd b real funky to master like the harp or smtg
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: bro i have no idea i feel way more connected to fucked up little monsters and trolls than i do gods and goddesses
and lastly, favourite recent selfie in your camera roll: i like dont take a lot of selfies this is the best recent one i got where im not like mid-breakdown 😭😭😭😭😭IDONT KNOW WHY ITS SO CLOSE I HAD LIKE 3 AND THEY WERE ALL THAT CLOSE
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if u wanna do this just say i tagged u 😭👊
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flying-elliska · 5 years ago
lotrblogging pt 2 - Return of the King extended edition
- I just love this movie so much, it’s just a collection of big narrative payoffs and it’s so satisfying ! 
- I honestly hate Denethor more than Sauron ; he’s just such a compelling antagonist, that despicable figure of authority that lets his biases completely corrupt everything, seeing only what he wants to see, and a good example of the dangers of unfettered pessimism that passes off cowardice as ‘realism.’ And of course what would a story be without at least one terrible father figure, I mean. Also the noble but pointless sacrifice of Faramir/Pippin singing/the triviality of Denethor’s terrible table manners still gives me so much chills. i can’t help but think of Tolkien going through wwi, one of the most egregious examples of brave young men being sacrificed to the pride of older officials, safe behind the battle lines, for completely trivial reasons. Ugh. 
- i think what is so amazing about this movie is that most of the heroes go through a moment of being completely hopeless : Pippin and Gandalf in an assieged Minas Tirith, the Rohhirim charging a much bigger army, Frodo and Sam having to go through Mordor and talk about not coming back, the last battle at the Black Gate they know they can’t win but is meant as a diversion, etc. And from their limited perspective, it really is. But they decide to fight regardless ; and then they realize they’re not as alone as they thought ; because everyone decided to fight. It’s like the opposite of the Prisonner’s Dilemma, and it’s like the Good Ending for so many of the problems facing the world and it’s such a satisfying narrative and ugh - i’m emo
- i already talked about this re : masculinity and shit but i just love how emotionally open everyone is in this movie ! it’s just so fucking delightful ! i think this is part of why i loved the movies so much as a neuroatypical kid who had trouble regulating/expressing emotion. It’s also very straightforward, with little irony or second degree or whatever. very relaxing. I mean, take Aragorn, in the books he is honestly kind of boring, he’s so aloof and serious and remote, but in the movies he just cares so much ! i mean that look of utter devastation on his face when he gets out of the caves and thinks he hasn’t been able to convince the ghost army ! beautiful !!! it could be cheesy or trite but they just play it so earnestly and fully, it’s just !!!!! yeah !!!!
- honestly throwback to my teen self having a crush on a different character everytime i rewatched the movies there are a lot of beautiful people in there
- i find it very unrealistic that there is not one culture in there that has warrior women. and very bland. especially the Rohirrim who are kind of Viking-like, and have a word for ‘shieldmaiden’ apparently but there’s only one around ? and what about the elves who are all supposedly badass and indestructible ? i’m sure any elf maiden could like, seriously fuck up a human dude, also having thousands of years to train. gender roles being so unquestionably replicated in fantasy settings where they don’t necessarily makes sense is so annoyinnnng. that said, Eowyn’s ‘i am no man’ moment of ultimate badassery is just....still so incredible. But I’m glad they didn’t include the moment where Eomer is all ‘war is the province of men’ in the cinematic version because that makes him look like a serious dick tbh and he already doesn’t have a lot of personality so...
- i know it’s based on ancient myth where these archetypes are frequent but like, the worldbuilding is really full of like...um...uncomfortable tropes, like the evil races concept is one thing, but then the movie topped it up with some really problematic design choices, like making some of the men aligned with Sauron look distinctively middle-eastern which, yikes. As a product of its time there’s a lot worse, but i like to think if they remade it today they would be more aware of this, as I am watching these movies as an adult. And also, glad that fantasy is moving away from these tropes today, at least in books. 
- man i love Legolas. he just seems high half of the time, spouting off epic poetry in the middle of a creepy cave full of skulls that’s only tangentially related to whatever is happening. he stops a minute to be a snarky badass, then he goes back to thinking about poetic stacks of mist and golden leaves or whatever. legend. absolute goals. also that drink-off with gimly where he wins and is like ‘oh my fingers are tingling’ with a delicate finger motion. so stupid. amazing. 
- monarchy is bad etc but i love narratives about kingship/leadership as acts of service, and stuff about the king being linked to the land and if he fucks up then everything goes bad, he can’t just do whatever, as a proto-pattern of accountability of power, and mankind having to be a good steward. and Aragorn as a healer. 
- i skipped the bits with the giant spider. when there’s a giant spider in a movie i always make a point of honor to skip it. because that’s just unnecessary. 
-  Sam and Frodo’s relationship is so beautiful, ugh. And honestly it kills me everytime, how there’s these big epic battles but they’re put in parallel with the small acts of compassion and kindness of these two, and with Gollum as well. How these small, personal struggles matter just as much. And of course, the ending, with Frodo failing and Gollum stealing the ring from him and then falling into the pit of Mount Doom...That moment puzzled me for a long time. It highlights the importance of Frodo’s compassion, but it’s also very disturbing, because it shows how much is left to chance in the end, like the fate of the world wasn’t determined by a grand gesture or someone making the right choice. This probably haunted Frodo for the rest of his days. Maybe it shows the importance of putting yourself on the right path ; but also in the end, so much of history really comes down to chance and unrelated stuff. 
- overal it just holds up so well. the visual effects are still mostly incredible and there is such craftsmanship in there, i can’t believe those movies are almost 20 yrs old. i remember my parents allowing me to skip school to go see Return of the King with them, felt like one of the best days of my life lmao. i think part of what makes them so great - compared to stuff like GoT, which had also amazing craftsmanship, but the story really doesn’t make me want to rewatch at all - is that there is this sense of wonder about it. (and they’re not trying to avoid being seen as fantasy, lol.) It’s not shy about the whole ‘and here’s a totally different world, isn’t that awesome !’ thing. And the character arcs are just incredible. It’s far from being flawless, it’s very pompous at times, it’s a zero in terms of diversity, and I can see that more clearly now. But I like that it’s aware of its own myth-like aspects ; stuff that I used to find lame, like Gandalf calling the moth or the eagles, bother me a lot less, because the point is not Realism!!!. It’s the metaphor of small gestures and signs of hope in times of tyranny and mass violence. And that holds on its own. 
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