#now that sunshine boy set has been made it's time to work on that long awaited tak set 🫡
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lunajay33 ¡ 8 days ago
Where are You?
Summary: You’ve been with Daryl since you were teenagers having a lovely little girl and another on the way but then the apocalypse happens and you’re left by yourself with your daughter and unborn child, will you ever find you husband again? Mean while Daryl is with a group that has no idea about his family
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Warnings: Usual twd violence, pregnancy
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•20 Years ago•
My first day at a new school, my parents moved us to this small town in Georgia and I was extremely nervous starting a new school all alone with no friends
“Go on sweetie the bell is about to ring” my mom says as she wrings her finger through my pingtail, I look up to her on the verge of tears
“Mommy I’m scared” she kneels down to my level
“Honey you’ll make friends in no time, you’re a little ray of sunshine don’t worry okay, you’re a big girl now” I nod feeling better as I walk through the doors to my classroom
The teacher welcomed me and introduced me to the class, I met some girls and they were really sweet and but then recess came and I had no idea where to go to play, everyone already had friends
“Hey, ya new here?” I look to my left where a cute boy has sat next to me
“Yeah, my first day” I blush
“I’m Daryl”
“Do ya wanna play with me?” He asks as he stands and lends a hands to me
“I’d love to!”
•From that day forward we were inseparable, he was the first to accept me and make me feel like this is where I was meant to me, he was a few years older but he was my best friend never the less, but then our teen years came along•
Sitting at my usual spot on the fallen over tree in the woods on the outskirts of the town, where Daryl and I always went to just get away
Crying over this stupid date when I hear the leaves crunching and I look up to see the guy I really wanted to be on dates with, Daryl comes and sits next to me throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me in tight
“What happened? Do I gotta kill some one?”
“He humiliated me D, he said it was just a prank, how I was stupid for thinking he’d ever go out with a girl like me” he held up my chin so I was looking at him
“Ya listen ta me angel, he’s a prick any guy would be lucky ta be in your presence…….yer beautiful” my heart skips
“You think so?” I ask wiping my tears away
“Always thought ya were” it was silent as we just looked into each others eyes
“Please…..kiss me Daryl”
•He asked me to be his girlfriend after that and confessed how he loved me from the moment we met•
•The Present•
We grew a life together that I adored every second of, he worked at a garage fixing up trucks and bikes, I worked at the local bookstore it being a passion of mine made it so easy and they even let me take my little girl into work on the weekends when she was off school
Getting home I huff as I set Harlow down and she went off running to her room to play with her new toy, she’s 5 now and she’s the spitting image of Daryl, dark brown hair and blue eyes, she even liked to learn all the survival tricks he’d show her, she’s always been a little nature girl
I sit on the couch feeling the soreness in my lower back from my growing baby bump, baby #2 on the way, I’m only 4 months along but he was there for sure
Daryl was over the moon when we first found out that Harlow was a girl and was happy to know we’d have one of each now
The door opens and in comes my lovely man, with grease marks on his face and his flannel without its sleeves he was just so hot and with these baby hormones I was on over drive
I get back up and throw my arms over his shoulders pulling him down for a long kiss
“Mmm I see we’re at the stage where ya can’t keep yer hands off me” he smirks
“But are you complaining Mr.Dixon?”
“Never but…..Merle asked me ya go out fer guys night, I know ya need some rest so I brought ya home yet fav take out and that movie ya wanted ya watch” my heart swelled, even after all these years he always made me fall in love with him every day
“I love you, but tomorrow you better make it up to me” he laughs and squeezes my hips
“Oh ya know I will” we’re interrupted by harlow running down the hall and making a bee line straight to Daryl jumping into his arms
“And how’s my lil girl? Were ya good fer ya mama today?” He asks tickling her belly
“I always am dad, she read me books about animals and I helped her put away some books too” he smiled looking at her, he truly is the man of my dreams
“That’s my girl, now I got ya and mama some dinner and a movie, I’ll be back when ya wake up and we’ll have a whole day together how bout that?” She screams in excitement as he places a kiss to her cheek and setting her down before pulling me into another passionate kiss
“Get yer rest tonight, I’ll see ya in the mornin, I love ya”
“I love you too Daryl”
I woke up to Harlow yawning in my arms, she was curled up against me her brown hair all over the place
“You ready for our day with your dad?” I ask as I brush down her hair
“Yes! Let’s get ready mama!” She hops off the bed and runs to her room getting an outfit and running back to my bed, I smile and help her, pulling a long sleeve purple shirt and a pair of denim overalls
“As cute as a button” I say as I pull her hair up into a pony tail with a blue scrunchie
“Match with me mama!”
“If you say so missy” I laugh as I pull on a pair of denim jeans and a grey shirt with a purple shirt and one of Daryl’s grey plaid long sleeves
“How do I look now” she scrunches her face and takes my hand dragging me to the washroom
“You should do a ponytail too!” She giggles
I threw my hair up and but in a matching blue scrunchie, I wash my face, we both brush our teeth and put on the vanilla perfume Daryl bought me
We go out to start breakfast when she stops me
“Mommy where’s dad? He’s never this late” her lip wobbles and my concern sets in, she was right he was always by my side by the time I woke up
I look out the door and his truck is still gone but the road is a mess, clothes scattered, red splotches all over the place and then I spot it, a person limping around slowly, blood all over its mouth and clothes just like in the movies
Oh god this can’t be happening, where’s daryl? What if something happened? What do I do now?
I close the curtains and turn back to Harlow with a smile
“I’m sure he’s just at uncle Merle’s house, how about we pack a bag, maybe he’ll take us camping” she claps her hands and get her backpack, I pack her some extra clothes, her favorite book, her favorite snacks and water bottles
I take my duffle and pack some of Daryl’s clothes, mine, the baby clothes I had started buying and baby supplies, some blankets and general hygiene things, more food and some of Daryl hunting weapons
I made us breakfast and brought her back to the room reading to her for the rest of the day waiting to see if he’d come home but he never did
The sun was setting now and I could see how upset Harlow was
“I miss daddy”
“I know baby, how about we go look for him, if he’s not here maybe we go camping and maybe him and uncle Merle will find us! Like a little game” she smiles and get her coat and backpack
I get ready and kneel down infront of her
“Now sweetheart, while we are out I’d like for you to read your book there might be some scary things outside okay” she nods and I pick up the duffel and then her in my arms and run to my truck
I put her in the seat next to mine and start the truck, the streets and almost empty, I drive past the bar and his truck isn’t there and then Merle’s place and it’s not there either then I turn a corner and it full of dead bodies and those things I saw earlier, I speed down the road and out of town, where would Daryl go where should I start
I turn on the radio station and it’s pure panic, I switch to a Nickelback cd knowing Harlow loves it
“Are we going camping now?”
“Remember mommies cousin, aunt Maggie?”
“Yeah! Are we going to see her?”
“We sure are she has little lambs now, dad will meet us there okay”
“Okay mommy!” She smiles then nods off to sleep
Her family farm was few hours away, maybe it’s still safe since it’s away from society, maybe Daryl would remember that farm and come for us
After a few hours I pull up to the drive way seeing the highway was full of abandoned vechiles, praying they’re still here
I get out feeling the cool Georgia night air and walk around taking Harlow out careful to not wake her when I here the door to the house swing open and out runs Maggie and Hershel
“Maggie thank god” I sigh when she pulls me into a hug
“Where’s Daryl?”
“I don’t know Maggie I couldn’t find him, I can’t find him, I need to find him Maggie”
“Shhh it’ll be alright, you get yourself and your little girl inside, I’ll get your bags and we just finished making supper, we’ll figure this out in the morning alright” I nod as Uncle Hershel leads me inside
Please find me Daryl
Part 2
Taglist: @rainymads @stories4you04-x @mylle5 @nessatea @onerockontheway @writer-ann-artist @yoonjisgirl @heidiland05
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meyhew ¡ 5 months ago
I never thought I’d make this post. Any time I imagined a One Direction member dying, I pictured myself weathered and grey. This was an eventuality that wasn’t supposed to be actualized until the boys and I had lived full lives. To have to come to terms with Liam’s death—his perpetual absence moving forward—in my mid twenties feels absurd. I wrote a long thing the day after I found out, so I’ve already gotten some thoughts out. I’m going to try and keep this short. I likely won’t succeed.
Liam was kind. If he’s remembered for anything, I hope it’s that. I know he helped out with food banks in London during lockdown because there were photos of him packing boxes, but I didn’t know until now how much money he gave them. £80,000 without any publicity. And it wasn’t a one-time donation. He kept working with various orgs to help food insecure people. In the week leading up to that unfortunate Wednesday, he gave away thousands to fundraisers—primarily set up to help people with severe illnesses. He’d been part of Soccer Aid for years. He was involved with anti-bullying campaigns. He worked with Rays of Sunshine to make hundreds of sick children happy. Over the years, he also donated to nonprofits that help children in Gaza and other places. The T-shirt he designed for Choose Love has garnered nearly £200,000; Choose Love has been working with the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund and Medical Aid for Palestinians to provide desperately needed aid in Gaza. Liam understood the value of his wealth, and what his social responsibility was. He did his part to make this world better.
All that without taking into account everything Liam did for us. The youtube videos he started during quarantine because it was a way to distract people, give them something to look forward to. His comedic timing was something special. The discord server where he talked to fans and highlighted their creative endeavors. His livestreams, the endless culture-defining tweets he made. I still see people laughing about his tweets. We all remember Mrs. Horan, yes? I mean, go all the way back to TwitCams. Just google the phrase and one of the first videos you get will be Liam’s. From day one, he took it upon himself to make sure the fans were happy. That we felt seen, heard. And he kept One Direction alive for us, on occasion at a great personal cost. He performed deep cuts we’d never seen sung live, he was always so enthusiastic about everyone else’s projects, he never shied away from talking about the band—because it made us happy. He knew what the band meant to us, the blend of hope and nostalgia many of us clung to, and he held on with us. For us. The masses ridiculed him for his clinginess, and he didn’t let go—for us. I’m sure he knew there are those of us for whom the name One Direction still means everything. And how right he was. Look at the global charts for the past two weeks. We’ve made history again. Because of Liam. He had been the glue holding a lot of the fandom together, whether people realized it or not. He brought us all together again in the most heartbreaking of ways.
One Direction came into my life at a time when I was becoming lonelier by the day. I had moved to a new country two years prior, and I didn’t yet have many friends because I knew only enough English to get by at school. Outside of school, I had no friends. They were all back home in the place I’d left. All I had was my two siblings—and when you’re 13 years old, your 14 yr old sister is hardly the person you want to spend all your time with. I didn’t have space for me, to do and to be something that was just mine.
Then I found 1d through a girl at school and they became that something for me. I bettered my English by watching them talk. I found this community because of them, and I have learned so much from being a part of it. So many wonderful people have touched my life because of them over the years, some I’ve fallen out of touch with and some I hung out with just this month. They—and, by extension, Liam—have made me wealthy in friendship.
Claudia, Ingrid, Mery; Thank you for putting up with my insanely specific demands and making headers for me. Ingrid, you’ve been so patient about teaching me how to gif. Mery, I still have your rec list for learning Spanish saved in my notes app. The TPWK print you gifted me hangs on my wall. Cloudy, do you remember that lineart you made of me? I still have it. You’ve all been so kind to me.
Rafa; You have no idea how much you’ve helped build my confidence as a writer. Lyab is a thing of the past now, but those hours you spent fleshing out the details of that fic are priceless to me. I’d never written anything so ambitious before. And, frankly, I don’t think I would’ve attempted a novel if I hadn’t written a 100k fic—which I couldn’t have done without your encouragement. I think this is my first time telling you I finished the first draft of my novel in September. Thank you <3
Yas; Beloved you are so dear to me. You have shown me such kindness over the years, at times I wondered what I had done to deserve it. Not many people check in with me the way you do. I value your presence in my life beyond words. You have so much love and affection to give, and I’m glad I get to receive so much of it.
If I wrote a personal note to everyone who’s in my life because of Liam we’d be here for hours and hours. Jess, Bella, Alex, Jack, Hayley, Hope, Soni, Kayla, Sara, Arsh, Tina, Ola, Cristal, Kylee, Hana, Ali, Antonise, Clare, Abby, Nina, fnh, mert, people I don’t follow anymore, everyone who’s come into my life because of liam—I love you. Literally every single person I follow should be named here because I wouldn’t even be on this website if it weren’t for 1d. You’re all so special to me.
I still can’t believe Liam is gone. I was at the grocery store and it hit me that it’s real, and I thought, no, there’s no way. It feels so fucking weird having this invisible hole in my life that’s never going to go away. But I’ll always be grateful for everything Liam brought into my life. I know I’ll grow old with a whole bunch of you in my life—I’ve already spent a decade with some of you in my life—and I wish Liam got to grow old and weathered with us all.
This is such an inadequate goodbye. I think I’ll keep coming up with things I wish I could tell Liam, or things I want to say to you all. There’s so much history here, so much to reminisce about. He took a piece of my adolescence with him. I’ll miss him forever. Too many of my memories are intertwined with him and I’ll miss him forever.
Sleep easy, Liam. I hope, in time, you’re remembered for your limitless capacity for love and your desire to do better, be better. You deserved more. 🤍
tagging 1d people here because i know many blogs aren’t active on a regular basis. apologies if i missed someone (i’m sure i did). hugs for everyone
@1dclowns @hrrytomlinson @sandiazucar @fookinfreezin @hoeranghae @wlwmermald @tomlinsun @epubgf @heyangel @fireproofs @90sgrungelouis @lirry @iconichalo @itsnotreal @aquickstart @roguecurls @harryscuddles @hoteyelinerguy @babyy-honey @goldencereza @kindathoughtprovoking @kindofsharethat @fuchsiasea @queerbloodyangel @tofiveohfive @aboutmetamorphosis @wastelandbabyblue @delicatepointofview @twentybiqueen @girlcrushau @chaoticsue @chimnation @akasakasads @icouldbeluckyagain @alloutshirt @half-lightl @halohamilton @willowfey @meltedwings @softandslow @loustyles @onedirectiom @pop-punklouis @pridesobright @finexbright @femstyles @baawree @iamnathanscott @avocadolouie @userautumn @niallerer @itsnothesameasitwas @usignedupforthis @svpportive @svncourt
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daydreams-after-dark ¡ 4 months ago
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The Sunshine Princesses
Pairing: Soft Dom female reader x Sub Felix x Sub Jisung
Summary: Felix loves to dress up for you in layers and layers of lace and fabric. He wants to be all pretty for you, so he steals your make-up and powders his face, applies blush to create rosy cheeks and lipstick to give him a delicious look. He knows you like to play with him like this.
or, You come back to your quarters to find your little Lixie has hidden a young man in the wardrobe.
Word Count: 5k
Setting: French historical palace vibes, but absolutely not historically accurate. Refer to photos/vision board above for inspiration on the feel I was going for with this story.
a/n: this is a re upload of a previously posted work.
CW below the cut.
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CW: feminisation (reader refers to them as princesses), cross dressing, mommy kink, reader refers to herself as “mommy” and calls Felix and Jisung “baby boys” etc but they are 22 approx in age with reader older (you decide her age as it’s not specified), spanking, oral sex, p in v unprotected intercourse, cream pie, orgasms, anal fingering (m rec). Cum swapping, voyeurism, praise kink.
TW: the following is in reference to Jisung’s situation prior to this story: mentions of physical abuse, Jisung has bruises, reference to sex trafficking, selling, implied potential sexual abuse (no characters were sexually abused).
🎀 🎀 🎀
Felix loves to dress up for you in layers and layers of lace and fabric. He wants to be all pretty for you, so he steals your make-up and powders his face, applies blush to create rosy cheeks and lipstick to give him a delicious look. He knows you like to play with him like this.
You will be arriving at your quarters any minute now and Felix adjusts himself on the plush bed, ensuring his garments are positioned just right. He is hard, his cock is leaking from the tip. The anticipation of what’s to come is almost too much for him to handle. But he is also hiding something from you, and he’s not sure how you will react.
He hears the door, signaling your arrival.
🎀 🎀 🎀
“Oh my beautiful baby boy. All dressed up pretty for me, hmm?” you purr as you climb up onto the bed, hovering above Felix.
He looks stunning. Ethereal. Like an angel. An angel you want to ruin.
“Let’s see what state you’re in, shall we?” you shuffle down the bed enough to start lifting the layers of fabric. No undergarments. Just his neglected erection, painfully hard, pink at the tip and leaking pre-cum. So fucking delicious, you think to yourself.
“Let me take care of you sweetie.” you reassure him as you grip his cock in your hand, ready to sink your mouth down over it.
“Mommy. Yes… I’ve been a good boy for you. All pretty and waiting.” he pants. 
“Shh. It’s okay. Mommy’s got you.” You lick the underside of his shaft from balls to tip and then swirl your tongue around the slit, before starting again. “You look so pretty, Lixie.” 
You love him like this, waiting for you to make him feel good. Such a precious boy. You take his balls into your mouth and hum whilst pumping his cock excruciatingly slowly, eliciting a deep groan from the boy on the bed. “You’re good enough to eat.” you smirk up at him and sink down over his shaft again and open your throat for him. Your lips meet his pelvis, his lips part with a sigh and his eyes roll back into his head. He tries his hardest not to buck his hips upward. You can tell he’s using all his self control from the way he’s gripping the sheets with white knuckle fists.
You love nothing more than pleasuring your Lixie, especially when he’s made such an effort for you tonight. Your eyes water as you bob your head up and down his length and saliva dribbles down making a mess around the base. Just the way he likes it. Messy boy.
Felix’s moans become louder and louder as he nears his climax, and you release him from your mouth just long enough to say “Come on baby, feed Mommy your sweet cum” and dive back down his cock just in time for him to shoot his load into your mouth. You carefully hold the cum on your tongue as you make your way up to kiss him. He parts his lips for you, allowing you to push it into his mouth. “Was so good I had to share it with you my darling boy.” and you lean down to kiss him again.
You groan into Felix’s mouth and he hums back. And then a whimper.
A whimper? But it was neither from yourself or Felix. You open your eyes and snap your head around to your wardrobe cupboard suspiciously. A clunk from inside has you climbing off your bed to investigate. “Mommy,” Felix begs “Please don’t-”
Cautiously, you open the wardrobe door to find a boy of about twenty years old crouching inside with the most scared expression you’ve ever seen. His wide eyes, open mouth, and positively chubby cheeks has you melting, and you feel a tug at your chest. You love to take care of little Princes.
“Oh deary me. What are you doing in here? Why don’t you come on out you poor frightened little thing.” You say gently, holding out your hand to the boy. He hesitates momentarily before reaching for you, standing and climbing out of the wardrobe.
“That’s it. Come on out. There you go, don’t be afraid.” you say encouragingly and usher him over to sit on the end of the bed with his cute little legs dangling off the side of your high set mattress.
“Felix!” You stay sternly to the sheepish young man on the bed. His face is still flushed and fucked out. “Did you know about this? Did you hide this poor boy in my room?”
Felix sits up and leans on his elbows. “S-sorry, Mommy,” he stutters. “He was being mistreated in the kitchens… I… I had to help him.” he pleads.
“Hmm.” you scoff and turn your attention back to the cutest little squirrel you ever laid your eyes on.  “What’s your name, sweetheart?” you ask gently cupping his cheek. He looks up at you like a lost puppy. His big bambi eyes on the brink of tears.
“Ji-Jisung.” he replies. 
“Jisung. That’s a pretty name.” you stroke his cheek and he visibly quivers. You stand and step back to take him in. Brown shaggy hair, big brown eyes, chubby cheeks, the most delectable pink lips. He was pretty. Absolutely pretty, and you are almost certain what Felix means by him being mistreated. The boy is ravishing. His clothes are another story entirely. Drab, beige common clothes. Who is this boy? Possibly a servant? 
Jisung opens his mouth as if he wants to say something, but then quickly closes it again, remaining silent. 
“Sungie? Can I call you that?” you ask kneeling on the floor at his feet. He doesn’t meet your eyes but nods. “Have people hurt you Sungie?” you press. Jisung flinches and his eyes flicker up to meet yours. “You can tell me.” you place an encouraging hand on his knee.
“Yes.” He whispers. “They beat me.” 
“Jisung,” Felix speaks. “Show Mommy your bruises.” and is at Jisung’s side wrapping an arm around him and holding him close for a moment.
“Felix, please go fetch washing up supplies and something for Jisung to sleep in.” Felix nods and immediately springs into action and exits your room in search of supplies, leaving you and Jisung alone.
“Will you show me Sungie? Show me what they did.”
Jisung slowly slips off the bed and removes his garments, deciding to take off absolutely everything and standing stark naked in the middle of the room.
You pull in a sharp gasp at the number of bruises, of all shades of blue and purple, that cover his upper body where his skin should be the same delicious honey colour of the rest of his body.
You continue to scan your eyes over him. His shoulders are broad, and his toned torso tapers off into the tiniest waist you’ve ever seen. You ignore the feeling in your core as best as humanly possible, but when your eyes drop a little further you see the most delicious cock you’ve ever laid eyes on, you feel yourself grow wet. His dick isn’t hard but you know that when it is it’ll be spectacular. 
“Ahem.” Felix scurries back into the room with supplies ready to wash Sungie to make him feel fresh, clean and safe.
“Did they touch you, Sungie?” You ask as you sit him down in a chair and begin his sponge bath.
“No…not like that… not yet anyway.” 
“Not yet?” you pause. Jisung doesn’t elaborate.
“Mommy,” Felix speaks up beside you. “Jisung was going to be given away from the people running the kitchens to a lord for…  entertainment. I had to help.”
“It’s okay, Lixie. You did good, baby.” you reassure him.
“You’re not mad?”
Oh you are mad. But not at Felix. Your mind runs through all the evil, degrading treatment that would be awaiting Jisung if Felix didn’t take him in. 
But aren’t you just as bad with Felix? A voice in your head pipes up. But you remember you gave Felix free choice. He could stay with you if he wanted, and he could leave if he wanted. It was his idea to dress up pretty for you. It was his request for you to treat him like a little whore. He bravely approached you with his kinks and fantasies. You were happy to have him just bring your dinner and help you into your poofy dresses. You didn’t intend for him to be getting you out of them, or have him wear them himself. It was Felix who ignited this in you. He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t feel like and he’s free to stop at any time.
But this Jisung might not be interested in that sort of thing, and that is okay. But if he is interested?
“Jisung? Were you watching us through the crack in the wardrobe door?” you ask. Jisung squeezes his eyes tight and nods. “Hmm. And what did you think, Sungie?” 
“I liked it.” He whispers and looks at the ground.
You arch an eyebrow. Interesting.”You did?”
“Yes.” he nods. “I’ve never seen it like…like that before.” he looks wide eyed at you and Felix.
“What do you mean, my love?” you inquire, washing over his bruises carefully.
“Well, it looked so caring and gentle. I’ve only ever seen it rough and brutal…and the person whose face is being…” he swallowed. “is never actually enjoying it.”
“Mommy likes to make me feel good…and feel pretty…and feel loved.” Felix smiles, drying off Jisung where you’d washed him already. 
“Sungie. I love to take care of Felix. Anything he wants I want to give to him.” you look to Felix and then back to Jisung. “And he loves to be my beautiful princess.”
“Oh I do. I really do.” gushes Felix.
“But what do you get in return?” Jisung asks you, watching your hand wiping down his forearm.
“Oh, Lixie takes care of Mommy too.” you reply matter of fact.
“But how?” He presses.
“Can I show him, Mommy?” Felix says excitedly.
“Would you like that, Sungie? Would you like to see?” you cup his jaw and turn his face to yours.
“Yes… yes please.” There is silence for a moment. “M-mommy?” he whispers quietly. “Will you look after me too?”
You look down to see his cock is hard and there is a bead of precum on the tip. Fuck you want nothing more than to kitten lick it right off him. What does he taste like?
“Sorry… um… Mommy?” He says shyly when he sees you notice his arousal.
“That’s okay, baby boy. But you do have a rather pretty one.”
“I knew he’d have a pretty one.” Felix sighs, staring longingly at Jisung’s cock.
“I’m glad that Felix brought you here and those bad, despicable men won’t be able to touch you.” You place your hands on both his cheeks and squish them. Adorable.  “Of course I’ll take care of you in whatever way you need, Sungie. But for tonight, I feel it’s  best if you just watch, okay? But you can sleep in bed with us after. Would that be okay?”
Jisung considers your proposal and nods.
You finish washing and drying Jisung and help him into the pretty nightie Felix brought in. Fresh white linen down to his calves and a simple little bow around the neckline and usher him to the bed.
You spend the next hour or so showing Jisung how Felix takes care of you. You get him comfortable on the bed, sitting up against the mountain of pillows, and you lay down beside him, completely naked. “Sungie,” you pant in anticipation as Felix nestles his head between your legs. “Watch.”
Felix begins to pepper kisses along your inner thigh and pushes your legs wider and presses them against the mattress. Your Lixie is strong even if he enjoys being dainty and helpless. 
“Don’t tease Mommy, Lixie. You know what I need you to do. Show Sungie how you take care of me.”
Felix presses his tongue flat against your aching pussy and you buck your hips up automatically. “Yes. Yes, my baby boy, my…fuck me with your tongue.” Your fingers thread through his blond hair. “Yes…just like that.” You say breathlessly.
You pull his hair forcing his face to press up hard against your cunt and continue to rock your hips against his face. He hums and moans, enjoying himself immensely. He enures he gives your entire pussy attention, spending time on your clit, then moving down your entrance and fucking you with his tongue. He moves lower still and presses his tongue against your asshole, teasing it until it lets him breach the ring of muscle and fuck you there too. Your little Lixie can’t get enough of your pussy or your ass. Desperate, needy little boy. Making you feel. So. Fucking. “God Lixie I’m cum-“ you shake and tremble around Felix’s face as your back lifts off the mattress and you are seeing stars.
You sink back down into the bed and let go of his hair, allowing him to finally come up for air. “It tastes so good. Mommy’s pussy’s so pretty.” He cooes and runs a finger through your sopping folds. “Can I share some with Sungie, Mommy?” 
You hesitate momentarily, catching your breath, but eventually nod, giving him permission. You are cautious, worrying that Jisung might not be ready to be involved.
You turn to the boy next to you. “You want a taste, Sungie?” You ask softly, and Felix offers his slicked finger to him. 
The boy’s eyes nearly pop out of his head at the offering and he shuffles onto his knees to allow Felix to slip his finger into his mouth. 
Jisung groans and closes his eyes while sucking Felix’s digit completely clean. He lets out a shaky breath as he opens his eyes slowly and locks eyes on your pussy.
“Fuck.” He squeaks and flops back into the mattress and looks at the ceiling like he was questioning his life’s existence. His nightie drapes over his erection and you bite your lip imagining all the things he could do with it.
🎀 🎀 🎀
After Felix has cleaned himself up and removed his makeup, he climbs into bed and snuggles up behind you. You’re facing Jisung, simply holding him in an embrace.
“Sungie. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want, and you can leave at any time too. I need you to understand that.”
“Thank you… Mommy?” He seems unsure of what he should call you.
“Is that what you want to call me?” you stroke his hair and feel him shift on the mattress. 
“I think I do.” he sighs and drifts off to sleep. 
🎀 🎀 🎀
At some point in the night you wake up rather abruptly when you feel a hard erection pressing against your ass. Jisung. The only barrier between your bodies is yours and Jisung’s nighties rubbing together as he grinds against you seeking relief. Then you hear a stifled whimper followed by a wetness seeping through the fabric of your nightgown and sticking to your back.
You say nothing about it.
🎀 🎀 🎀
Over the next few days Felix helps Jisung settle in, lends him clothes, teaches him your schedule and important names of the court. Jisung eagerly takes it all in. In the afternoons Felix reads poetry to him, and Jisung teaches Felix songs.
Every night for the next week you and Felix demonstrate for Jisung something intimate and naughty. Then you put on your nightwear and snuggle into bed.
Each night Jisung gets a little bolder with his antics. On the second night you can tell he’s lifted his nightie up when he grinds against your back, and he lets himself moan just a little bit louder as he comes. Your core aches, desperate to be fucked, as you feel his cum on your nightie again, causing it to cling to your skin. You pretend not to notice but fuck you want to touch yourself so badly.
The third night he gets a little bolder still and tries to nestle his length right between your ass cheeks, trapping his bare cock between the fabric of your nightie and his stomach. You stay still, allowing Jisung to do what he needs to for his own pleasure and release. As usual, you say nothing.
On the fourth night he does the same thing except this time you have shimmied your own nightie up around your waist, leaving yourself bare and exposed. You feel him scooch up behind you and, yes there it is, his bare cock pressing against your exposed ass. Jisung gasps at the unexpected unobstructed contact. But when you don’t move he assumes you’re asleep and so he holds onto his cock and runs the sensitive tip along your ass crack, up and down, over and over. His breath is shallow and ragged. 
“Sungie?” You say low and firm. Jisung halts his movements.
“I…I’m… so-sorry… Mommy.” He chokes and pulls away. “You’re just so pretty…and you make me so…so…so hard.”
“Hmm.” Is all you reply.
“Mommy? Are you mad? Am I…are you going to punish me?” He whispers desperately. The corners of your mouth curl up. Baby Sungie wants to be punished, hmm?
“Keep that up and yes… you will be punished.” You sigh, feigning annoyance. “But if you stop right now, then I will let it slide and pretend nothing happened.”
“Thank you, Mommy.” He whispers and you immediately feel his cock return to rest against your bare skin. He runs the tip down between your cheeks and squeezes it between your thighs. You lift your top leg ever so slightly to give him access to nestle his velvety smooth cock between your thighs and the length of his shaft against your dripping core. You squeeze your thighs back together, encasing Jisung’s cock entirely with your soft body. 
“Mommy!” He tries to keep his cries down. “Mommy… feels so good.” He begins to fuck your thighs, the friction of his cock against your cunt causes a knot in your stomach to quickly tighten. You want to play with yourself, play with him, so bad, but you remain strong and let Jisung chase his pleasure.
“Hmm, you really do want to be punished don’t you Sungie? Such a naughty little boy.” Jisung’s hips speed up “Yes, Mommy… please. Sungie’s been bad.”
“And how does Sungie need to be punished?” you squeeze your thighs together even harder.
“Nngnh…Sungie…needs…aargh…feels s’good Mommy…Sungie needs spanking.” with a little grunt Jisung coats your inner thighs with thick hot cum and slips out from between your legs, spent.
Sungie needs spanking? This will be fun. 
You roll over and hold Jisung and he falls asleep almost instantly. Your legs are sticky, but you don’t care, and you reach down to finish yourself off while thinking about spanking little Sungie’s cute ass.
🎀 🎀 🎀
The next day sees you outside of your chambers for most of the day, attending court matters, functions, and other mind numbing activities, and isn’t until late afternoon that you return to your room.
You smile with delight when you enter finding Felix and Jisung at your vanity dresser. Jisung sitting on your little stool while Felix fusses over him applying makeup to his face. Both are dressed up pretty in your puffy, lace dresses and Felix has already painted his own face with your blush and rouge lipstick. They turn when they notice your presence. 
“Oh Mommy, you’re home. We thought we’d surprise you.” Felix beams.
Your hands come up to cover your mouth in surprise. “Oh my beautiful boys, have you dressed up just for me?” You approach the two young men and stroke their cheeks affectionately. “My pretty little princesses.” you whisper lovingly. The pair of them look back at you with innocent expressions, so desperate for your approval. “You’ve done so good.” you plant a small peck on their cheeks before moving to sit in one of your chairs.
“Come. Kneel in front of me.” you instruct, and they eagerly do as you ask. “Now. I must know. What kind of games are you wanting Mommy to play? Lift your skirts.”
Felix and Jisung reach for the hem of their dresses and simultaneously lift the front of their skirts to their waist, revealing their matching thigh high white stockings and their bare, erect cocks. You immediately feel your cunt pulsate. Such pretty cocks to play with. You bite your lower lip and cross your legs. Fuck, you’re turned on.
“Tsks tsk…I see. You boys want to play naughty, filthy games. Don’t you?” you muse. “Stand up, but keep your skirts lifted.” you drop down off your chair onto your knees in front of them and let your hands trail up their stockings. You gently let your fingers caress their inner thigh, taking your time before turning your attention to their obscene erections.
 “Oh dear. These look so painful. Do they hurt?” you coo as you take a cock in each hand and inspect them. The boys hiss at your touch, their cute little legs trembling. 
“So painful, Mommy.” Felix whispers.
“It’s so swollen.” Jisung whimpers.
“Naww. Lucky Mommy’s here to help make you better.” You swirl your tongue around Felix’s tip before swapping to Jisung’s. You’ve been dying to taste Jisung’s cock for a week and you close your eyes and take him deeper into your mouth. You groan. Jisung groans. Felix groans too as you pump his cock. You alternate between the two delicious penises until they are on the brink of exploding. Much to their dismay, you let go and return to your chair, leaving them sobbing for release.
“It’s okay my poor babies. I promise we will play very soon. But first, Jisung. Your punishment. Come.” you curl your finger ushering him forward. Jisung’s eyes widen enthusiastically and he practically falls over his feet to get to you and kneels in front of you. 
“I’m going to take care of you okay? Now, are you sure you want me to spank you?” you ask in a soft tone and hold his face in your hands. “I’m going to give you a word to remember. If at any time you are not enjoying anything at all, use the word and everything stops. Okay? Do you understand?’ Jisung nods. “Good. Your word is ‘poodle’. You can remember that, yes?”
“Poodle.” Jisung echoes.
“Good boy. I need you to lay across my lap. That’s it.” Jisung complies eagerly, laying over you as directed. You lift his skirt up to expose his perfect, honey toned ass, and rub your palm over his cheek, squeezing and kneading the flesh.
“Okay. I’m going to start your punishment now.” You raise your hand and land a firm smack to Jisung’s ass. He whimpers and tries not to squirm. “Only nine more baby, and then Mommy will make you feel good.”
You continue to spank Jisung. Not too hard, but enough to leave red marks. The last thing you want to do is cause any trauma, especially after knowing that he’s been beaten in the past. You come down with the final smack and rub your hand over his skin soothingly. “Good boy, Sungie. Lixie,” you look up to where Felix is sitting on the floor gazing at Jisung. “Lixie, please. The oil.” you say.
Felix passes you the bottle of oil from your vanity and you drizzle some of the liquid onto Jisung’s ass cheeks, and then a little at the top of his crack. He wriggles beneath you at the sensation of the oil siding down to his balls. “Such a good boy for me.” you massage the oil into his reddened skin. “Sweet sweet boy.” You pull his cheeks apart and gasp at the sight of his perfect, tight little hole, and you just have to touch it. Slowly, as not to scare the poor boy, you run your finger over it. Jisung whimpers. “Do you need to use your word, Sungie?” He shakes his head. “Feels nice.” Good. You circle his slippery rim several times until Jisung is trying to wriggle back against your finger, signaling he needs more. And then your finger is pressing inside. 
“M-mommy!” Jisung gasps. 
“Fuck.” Felix mutters from the side. 
You slowly pump your finger in and out of Jisung until you can feel he is ready for a second digit. He lets out the cutest, most desperate little noises as you loosen him up.
“Can I kiss him, Mommy.” Felix whispers. 
“Sungie, honey. You hear that? Felix would love to help take care of you too. Is that okay?”
Jisung nods his head. “Yes… please, Lixie. Need Lixie.” Jisung is coming undone. Felix crouches down by Jisung’s head and lifts it up to meet him. “You’re so pretty Sungie.” Felix smiles and takes Jisung into a slow, deep kiss while you slip in a third finger. Jisung writhes beneath you and then he’s coming hard, squealing into Felix’s mouth and spurting cum all over his inner thighs and carpet. 
Felix helps Jisung over to the bed and makes quick work of cleaning him up, praising him the entire time. “Let’s get ready for Mommy now.” He settles himself down next to Jisung so they are laying side by side, dresses lifted up for you to see.
It is a magnificent sight, having your two princes, or princesses rather, laying there ready for you, pretending they’re innocent, when all they want is for you to do naughty things to them.
You strip off entirely and climb onto the bed and begin with touching your own body. You caress your breasts and pinch your nipples, slowly taking your hand down the front of your body and between your legs. Your breath becomes shallow and your skin heats up as you watch your lovers watch you pleasure yourself.
“Please, Mommy. Stop teasing. Lixie won’t last.” Felix sobs.
“It’s alright, my Lixie. I’ll take care of you first.” You crawl close to him and straddle his lap and slide your slick pussy over his hardness. His cock is more than ready. Propping yourself up onto your knees, you guide yourself down over Felix’s length. Thick, hard as stone, and stretching you out deliciously. “I’m going to start fucking myself on you now.” you say and begin to bounce up and down his shaft. “Mommy, it’s too…slow down…plea-ease!” Felix whines and you know it’s because he’s been on the verge of coming untouched for the last little while. You lean down and kiss his lips, smearing rouge lipstick across his mouth. You love it when he looks like a messy little slut. 
You don’t slow down, determined to free him from the agony of his hard on, and it doesn’t take long until you feel him cumming deep inside you. He fills you up with so much cum that it seeps out almost immediately. You don’t orgasm, you’re saving it for Sungie. Oh god, poor Sungie. You rake your eyes over his body. His face is fucked out already and he is so fucking hard again. Exactly the way you want him.
You carefully slide off Felix’s softening cock and cover him up with his skirt. You give him a little kiss and tell him he’s a good boy before climbing onto Jisung and straddling his hips.
You can barely contain your excitement. “Hey Sungie.” you smile down at him. “You ready? You want to be inside Mommy? Fill her up with your cum?” 
“Yes…so bad. Want you… to play with me.” he says in a tiny voice. You feel Felix’s cum still leaking out of your body and dribbling onto Jisung’s length.
“Okay, sweet sweet Sungie.” you whisper as you lower yourself onto his cock, taking him in one motion. Your gaze doesn’t leave his beautiful face, as you begin to roll your hips slowly, undulating on top of him. He tries to keep his eyes open, but everytime you sink back down to completely engulf him he can’t help but squeeze his eyes shut and moan.
“That’s it, Sungie. Filling Mommy up so fucking good.” you purr. “Does it feel good for you sweetie?” 
“Mmmh…feels..so” he chokes as you rock harder on his cock. “So tight…slippery…warm.” 
He opens his eyes and they land on your tits. Your cunt squeezes at the thought of his plush red lips around your nipple, and Sungie cries out at the contraction of your walls. He’s close. But so are you. 
“Sungie, help Mommy…Come, sit up. Suck my tits.” you pull him up desperately, and he immediately wraps his lip around your breast and sucks the nipple into his mouth. It makes you fuck yourself harder on his cock, you need your release. So fucking bad. You’re panting and practically growling as your cunt clenches around him, and when he bites down on your nipple hard you explode. You throw your head back, and cry out his name. You’re not given a chance to come back down, before Jisung starts to thrust up into you uncontrollably and makes a high pitched whine. At the same time you feel him release his load deep inside you. 
“Fuck, Sungie. Jisung.” you hold him to your chest, breathing heavily, trying to calm your heart rate.
“Was I good?” he looks up at you with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You push away the damp hair that is stuck to his forehead and place a tiny, soft kiss to his skin. “So good. You made Mommy cum so hard on your pretty cock. Such a clever boy.”
He beams up at you and snuggles close. You climb off of Jisung and lay between the two young men. The three of you feel blissed out and content.
‘Mommy?” Felix eventually breaks the silence. “I’m a clever boy too. Look! I got it hard again!”
It seems your boys aren’t finished playing.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @fun-fanfics @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @justforreaders @melochacco @scenuniverse @oddracha @galaxycatdrawz @jiminssluttyminx @kayleefriedchicken @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @dool-set-net @redstayrosie @mintymintmint251 @katsukis1wife @delulustardust @eastjonowhere
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milswrites ¡ 1 year ago
Hobbies Epilogue.
~ Azriel X Reader
Summary: In an attempt to keep Azriel away from Elain, Rhys sends him on a sabbatical to the Day Court. With a lot more free time on his hands Azriel needs to find something to keep him occupied. Unfortunately he meets Y/N who has the annoying habit of not staying away. Can she teach him that there’s more to life than he thought?
Grumpy!Azriel X Sunshine!Reader
Series masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of sex. Mentions of drinking. Crippling sadness over the fact that this series is over maybe? (Just me? 😭)
Feyre and Y/N were hurriedly running through the streets of Velaris towards the townhouse, Nyx held lovingly in the latter woman’s arms, his little legs too small to be able to keep up with his rushing family.
They were running late, the two having decided to meet for a coffee in the Rainbow before Y/N and Azriel set off on their long travels. A honeymoon of sorts, Azriel’s gift to Y/N for finally accepting the golden bond between them after a year of taking it slowly.
A year of the two taking in turns to visit the other’s court, of spending every minute they weren’t working in the other’s company. Azriel’s shadows were a great help in this, aiding the male in swiftly travelling to her home at the end of each day, ensuring that the pair slept soundly in the comfort of each other’s arms by the time night fell.
A year of Y/N getting to know her mates family. Her family. Who didn’t just see the woman as Azriel’s mate, but as their sister. Her bright aura being the missing piece of their puzzle, her shining presence a sign that their family was now complete.
And what a family it was. Azriel sometimes miserably complained that he swore Y/N only visited him to get to spend her precious time with everyone else.
To paint with Feyre in her studio, using Nyx as their giggling muse as he failed to sit still for them. Wriggling and squirming, as the women attempted to capture his beaming face on the canvas. Wanting to capture every minute of his youth as they could before he grew old.
The drinking with Cassian and Mor and Rita’s, there being many nights where a grumbling Azriel had to hide his smirk as he had to lift a wobbly Y/N into his arms in order to carry her home to sleep away the alcohol in her system.
Amren and Nesta were always up for a reading session with Y/N. The women spending hours of their time perusing through the dusty shelves of all the quaint bookshops in Velaris. Excitedly exchanging reviews whenever the woman from Day returned to the Night Court.
Y/N had even began to help Elain in her garden. Bringing trimmings of the plants that blossomed in Day, hoping that with Elain’s tender nurturing they would bloom just as beautifully in Night. Growing a piece of Y/N’s home in Azriel’s court.
Life had been perfect. A constant upwards spiral of contentment. The shadowsinger doing everything in his power to ensure that Y/N always had a dazzling smile across her face, the male undertaking this task with a grave seriousness as if it were a matter of life and death.
Now the shimmering bond had been tethered permanently between them, life could only keep on getting better and better. And it was going to, starting with this magical trip he was going to take her on across the courts, just as Azriel had promised Y/N before the bond between them had even made its appearance.
At least it would be if Y/N actually got there in time.
“And you’ll make sure to write to us every week right?…And starfall! You have to come back for starfall!” Feyre panted heavily as she spoke to Y/N, the shadow of the townhouse appearing in the distance as they continued to quickly dash towards it, the figures of their impatient mates coming into their view the closer they got to the building.
“Oh of course we wouldn’t miss it Fey! Besides I promised this little man that I’d save him a dance this year” Y/N lovingly pecked Nyx on the cheek as she answered Feyre, the young boy blushing profusely at the action. His little heart belonging entirely to the woman who held him in her arms, Feyre’s child having a youthful crush on the lady. Threatening Azriel that whilst Y/N was his mate, he would be the one to marry her.
“I know” Feyre flashed a gentle smile over to Y/N as they slowed in their approach to the waiting males, “I just know Azriel would keep you wandering around Prythian for an eternity if he could.”
“No, we’d miss our family far too much. We can’t stay away for too long, we wouldn’t want to.”
Y/N plastered one last affectionate kiss onto Nyx’s cheek before passing him over to Feyre, the boy starting to cry as he left her tender embrace.
“Finally” Azriel huffed, walking over to the two women, giving Nyx a gentle squeeze to his cheek when he finally came to stand before you, “I was thinking you’d started to have second thoughts about this.”
“Second thoughts about spending night after night alone with my dashingly handsome mate? I think not” Y/N teased, her eyes moving to rake over her mates form. Azriel was once again wearing one of her own creations, it was all he wore these days when he didn’t have to be in leathers. He said it was because he didn’t like to waste money on clothes, Rhysand said it was because he was whipped.
Feyre rolled her eyes at the scent which had started to radiate from the shadowsinger, his dark eyes locked onto Y/N. “Save it for the trip Az” she chided, tapping him on the chest as she passed by him, moving to stand by Rhys.
Azriel came to stand behind Y/N his arms wrapping protectively around her as he pulled back into his chest, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “Thank the mother you’re here, the sooner we set off the sooner we can get away from Cassian.”
The woman looked over the silvery-eyed male who was hiccuping from the overwhelming force of his emotions, tears rolling down his cheeks at the realisation that his brother was leaving him for a few months.
“Oh come on Az he’s not so bad” Y/N muttered, eyes going wide in shock as the General released a particularly loud sob.
“He spent three hours crying last night at Rita’s over the fact we’re going.”
“See he loves you!”
“I think he was more so crying over the fact you were leaving him” Azriel said this jokingly, but failed to cover the bitter jealous edge to his voice. The frenzy of the bond’s acceptance still not quite fading, even after the two months you had spent feeding his desires.
“You’ll miss him” you smiled softly, warm eyes looking to your family who had gathered to wish you goodbye as you set off on your journey.
“Yeah” Azriel admitted, his own contented amber gaze taking in the same view of yours, “but something tells me we are going to have a lot of fun these next few months. We have to make the most of our time together before you go back to Day.”
Y/N stilled, going slightly stiff in Azriel’s arms as she lifted her head to meet his face, shyly speaking to her mate, “What if I told you that I don’t have to go back?”
“What?” Azriel asked, anticipation building in his chest as he turned Y/N around until her body faced his, needing to properly absorb her expression to see if what she was saying was really true.
“What if I said that Helion offered me a promotion? Emissary to the Night Court. He seemed to think that you guys needed some cheering up, something about you being miserable whenever I wasn’t there.”
Azriel laughed, a deep, earthshaking laugh. Sweeping Y/N into his arms as he spun her around, his enthusiastic movement gathering the attention of his family.
“Then I would tell you,” Azriel started, his forehead pressing lovingly against his mates, “that I’m ready for whatever adventure life will throw our way.”
“You’ll never be bored again” Y/N grinned, eyes bright and lively at the prospect of an eternity with her mate in Night, “not if I have anything to do with it.”
“My love” Azriel breathed deeply as he hovered his soft lips over Y/N’s, “It’s impossible to be bored when I have a mate as captivating as you are.”
There was no doubt in his mind that Azriel would never find himself short of anything to do again. After all Azriel was no longer alone. He had found his mate. His other half. And he would allow himself to spend an eternity trying out new things, as long as he meant he got to do it with her. With the woman who stole his heart.
Notes: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Excuse me while I go cry.
Just want to thank you guys for all the love and support and comments and enthusiasm you’ve shown this series. There’s absolutely no way this would have been done without you guys and you’re all amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you so so much <3
@thelov3lybookworm @minnieoo @going-through-shit @iluvyewman-blog @laughterafter @amysangel @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @justvibbinghere @honeybeeboobaa @willowpains @tele86 @mysticalfuncollectorus @mybestfriendmademe @starryhiraeth @gorlillaglue25 @moonlwghts @darling006 @anuttellaa @serendipityx150 @xxxalicerogersxx @that-one-little-soybean @scatteredstardustt @naturakaashi @nyx-the-alien @lostinpages13 @namelesssav @dreamlandreader @fightmedraco @maxmouse001
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traincat ¡ 16 days ago
do you have any new spideytorch fics in current progress? of course no worries if not but i just wanted to ask. i’m absolutely obsessed with your writing and your fics!!
Thank you!
I sort of have two things I started, but haven't made a ton of progress on. I'm a little busy between work and a big bang in a different fandom, so these have been put to the side for now, but looking at them does make me want to finish them.
Fic 1 is a Just Married installment set in the future because I thought amnesia would be a fun trope to play with in the context of that universe. Basically, Peter gets whammied, forgets he ever fake-but-for-real married Johnny, and has to work out his feelings, which is horrible for him.
Peter picked up the framed photo, tilting it towards the light. He and Johnny stood at the center, splattered in -- he hoped it was paint. There was a gaggle of kids surrounding them, including two young brunet boys. One was clinging to Johnny's legs. The other was holding a water gun to Peter's head. “Our twin boys,” Johnny said, his hand pressed to his heart. “Threaderick and Weavon.” Peter nearly dropped the photo. “I’m just messing with you,” Johnny said. “That was from the day Bentley temporarily cloned himself. Which is pretty funny because he’s already a clone.” “It’s impossible to tell if any word coming out of your mouth is serious,” Peter said. “Johnny, I need you to be serious with me. Do we – do we have kids?” “No,” Johnny said, his mouth pressed into an unhappy line. He looked away from Peter. “We don’t have kids.”
Fic 2 is not even remotely presenting itself as serious. Like less so than the spider attracting body butter fic. I don't for a single second believe Peter would let Johnny's mustache from the North run go without comment.
Peter had been accused, by various people in his life, of being a variety of less than flattering things. Neurotic. Overprotective. Mildly overbearing. (“Stalkeresque,” Betty drawled from her desk, shooting him a nasty look. “Not a word, Betts,” Peter said, and kissed her on the top of her head as he dropped off her brown sugar latte. “Parker!” Jonah shouted from his office. “Do you even work here anymore?!” “Adios!” Peter said, and beat it before Jonah could call security.) (the FF come back from idk. space or whatever. I'm not pretending this canon compliant with North's run, I just want to make mustache jokes.) “I’m warning you, Bug,” Ben said. “You’re not going to like what you see.” (what he sees is the mustache. he does not like it.) -- “I don’t get what the problem is,” Harry said, waving a lofty hand in the air. “So he wants to grow a mustache. Let him grow a mustache.” “The problem is it’s hideous,” Peter said. “It’s like looking a dead, blond weasel on his upper lip.” “You liked the mustache I had back in college,” Harry said, stroking the corners of his mouth with thumb and forefinger. He shrugged. “I guess not everyone can pull it off.” Peter decided to break it to him easy. “You know I love you, right, Har?” he said. “You’re my best friend. I’ll always be there for you.” “Aw,” Harry said. Then suspicion dawned on his face. “Wait. What are you getting at?” “I hated the mustache, Harry,” Peter said. (blah blah blah) “Gwen liked the mustache, though, right?” Harry said. “Gwen said she liked it. She said it made me look like a malfeasant.” Peter didn’t bother to ask if Harry knew what that meant. “Gwen paid MJ fifty bucks to shave it off while you were sleeping.” “Huh,” Harry said. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “Wow. I haven’t had the urge to get Dad’s Green Goblin gear out of storage in a long time.” “Good talk, Harry,” Peter said. -- Johnny had his waxer on speed dial and a biweekly appointment at New York’s most exclusive salon. There was no way the mustache was going to last. Peter gave it a week. A week and a half, tops. (blah blah blah) “Johnny,” Peter said, taking him by the shoulders. “Sunshine. Firefly. Light of my life.” His gaze dropped to the mustache and then back up to Johnny’s eyes. “Is this war?” “I have no idea what you mean,” Johnny said, but he reached up and twirled one end of the mustache. Sparks danced in his eyes. Peter’s jaw clenched. War it was.
I'm titling this one Mustache You a Question, obviously.
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sai-int ¡ 4 months ago
Hi! This is the first time I make request and sorry if my english isn't good but I've been reading a lot of smut of daryl lately and now i am craving some angst. Could you write one where the reader is younger than daryl (maybe she's around 23) and she has a huge crush on him but daryl doesn't want too acknowledge her feelings because she's younger than him. But then daryl realised that he's crazy about her too when reader is trying to move on from him.
Thank you! Mwah!
I turned this into smut, and kinda strayed away from what you asked I'm so sorry, also i just found this in my drafts from like a year ago, i am SO sorry pookie
-> not proofread, straight stream of consciousness vibes
farm!daryl, kinda smut, mdni, ignore the lack of capitalization, I did this on my phone
from the second he saw you smoking way up in that tree, he knew he'd be better off hightailing it back to atlanta.
the eldest greene sister. and boy did herschel have a lot to say. When daryl and his group arrived at herschel's farm, daryl's initial thought was that it must've been a weed farm, mainly because he could smell the damn plant from at least a mile away.
okay, not really. herschel picked up on the scent as he greeted the group outside and followed daryl's gaze to you, propped up in a tree, puffing away at your diy bible-rolled joint as you doodled in a notebook
"would you stop with the damn plants for a second? We have visitors." herschel called out to you. you hopped on out of the tree and made your way over to the group, snuffing out the joint and stuffing it in your pocket for later.
what? it's not like there's anywhere you could buy some more.
"thought we weren't taking anybody in?" you said to your dad, sizing up the group before your eyes landed in daryl.
herschel had responded, but either the weed kicked in or the world must've suddenly gone mute, because the only thing you could hear was your heart beating.
he had made eye contact with you, but quickly adverted his eyes and fixated on the grass, which became the most intriguing thing in the world to him.
herschel continued talking and negotiating with the group's leader as you stood there, your eyes flickering between daryl and the rest of the group.
herschel had allowed them to stay until a kid you discovered to be carl–who got shot by otis) heals up. much to your dismay, you could see the brooding archer setting up camp right underneath your designated smoke spot. not that you minded having a man that absolutely devour-able underneath you as you indulged, but it was still your tree. you had headed inside to make some dinner for carl when you spotted him through the kitchen window.
you quickly stomped your way out of the main house to your tree- his tent. he had just snuffed out his fire and zipped up his tent for the night.
"you're camping out under my tree." you said matter-of-factly, standing outside of his tent and perfectly aware that he can hear you through the thin fabric.
"it ain't yer tree, sunshine." he grumbled from inside the tent.
"it's not your land."
"ya can't make a tree yer property... ain't how that works."
"oh but that is how it works.."
you could hear a mumbled response, but you were already rounding the tent and making your way up the tree before you could make sense of it.
it wasn't long before the smell permeated his tent. he didn't mind the smell of weed, if anything, it enticed him to join you. but god was he exhausted.
perhaps, he wasn't exhausted enough. he relented and opened his tent and turned around, trying to find you through the darkness. like you had night vision, you could see him looking up, almost directly at you.
"plan on joining me? or you just gonna stare at me little while longer?" You called down to him.
"ya gon' share?" he said loud enough for you to hear him, but not enough to wake the others.
"come and find out.." you teased. not only did weed make you generous, but it turned you on too. flirting with the clearly older man was not on your playbook, but then again, neither was the end of the world.
christ almighty this was a new low. definitely sativa.
he made his way up the tree with ease, the smell of weed growing stronger as he made his way closer to you. he sat down across from you. the thick branches of the willow tree would support you both. The fiery glow from the bud briefly illuminated your face as you inhaled
to daryl, you were much prettier than you were earlier. he could see the way your rosy lips had briefly trapped the filtered end of the joint before inhaling, and the warmth in your cheeks under the moonlight. yeah, he was definitely feeling the second-hand high.
wordlessly, you held out the joint to the older man, smiling softly as he took it from your grasp and placed his lips around it.
he took his fair share of hits as you shamelessly admired him. his looks weren't lost on you, and yours most defintely were not lost on him. maybe it was the weed, or the way you tits sat in you shirt, or the way your hair seemed to perfectly frame your face, or even the look in your eye, but he slowly felt himself shuffling over to you, suddenly longing to feel your skin on his.
as he sat closer, the smell of weed seemed to fade away as your aroma his him like a brick. the vanilla in your remaining body wash had been swept up by the wind, imbuing his senses, sending a wave of sparks straight to his cock.
the tension was palpable. he looked into your longing eyes. he knew what you wanted. he wanted it too.
"we can't- yer old man he'd-" he mumbled, ignoring the way your eyes burned his skin, and most defitnely trying to ignore the way his pants strained around him.
"we can," you cut him off in the same quiet fashion, your hand finding his thigh as if it had a mind of its own.
the second you touched him, he could feel himself bending to your will, his mind slowly twisting into mush. he saw the redness in your eyes and knew you were just as gone as he was.
within seconds you planted your lips onto his, molding together instantly. his rough hands found their way to your hips as he maneuvered you on top of him.
you could feel his cock straining in his pants as you instinctively pressed yourself into him. he could feel the heat from your cunt radiating onto him as you mewled from the friction. your teeth caught your lip as you remembered that you couldn't be too loud. he looked up at you, his heart pounding and reverberating through his bones. you began to grind on him as he held you firmly against him, his head tipping back and against the larger trunk of the tree as he kneaded the fat of your hips.
he pressed you harder against him, moving your hips to grind against him as he instinctively bucked his hips into you. his clothed cock rubbed repeated and merciless strokes against your clit. his hands snaked their way up your back and neck, eventually grabbing a fist full of hair from the nape of your neck. he pulled backward, latching his lips to your neck, feeling your heart beat erratically underneath your skin.
"f- fuck..." you mewled into his ear. daryl wanted that sound on repeat 24/7. you felt yourself begin to drip past your panties and soaking your cotton shorts. your hands rested on his hard chest, feeling his body shutter with every stroke of your hips.
daryl could embarrassingly feel his climax approaching as he pressed himself into your heat. the coil that tightened inside brought him some semblance of clarity from his high. He stilled your hips with his hands and pulled you off him.
"what the fu-"
"I ain't gonna cum inside m'pants like some damn teenager... 'f 's gon' be anywhere, its gon' be inside ya." he said quietly, his lips grazing your ear as he whispered, still holding you close.
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smurfs-insideout-au ¡ 3 months ago
Emotion Smurf Bio/Refs
Here is the list of all of the emotion smurfs,along with links to their original posts,designs and informations (be warned: it's long af). For the boy smurfs,there will be two versions: one with hair and one without hair. You can draw them as either of those.
Smurfsunflower (emotion Joy volunteer)
Oc by @thedarkqueen14
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Link to her original post: https://www.tumblr.com/thedarkqueen14/770302465572732928/next-is-introducing-azaleas-best-friendwho-is
Smurfsunflower (she/her) is a loveable sunshine who is in charge of the Smurf grove's cleaning team and best friend of Smurfazalea!!
A very optimistic and happy Smurf who sees light in everyone,taking any chance she gets to spread the joy and positivity to everyone. A kind and helpful one,who is indeed very happy to help. She is also packed with good leadership skills,knowing how to keep everyone in place and can be the voice of reason whenever tension strikes
However,under that positive smile is the disturbance that she hides to herself,as she can be rather passive-aggressive at times and is pushy about her way of positivity. This leads to her having a rather negative side to her optimism,pushing her ways a bit too far and even tries to change those she views as "not positive enough".
The reason for this is because of the destruction of the original Grove location that changed her life forever,with her having a very hard time adjusting to the sudden changes. She uses her happiness as a protective shield,but doesn't realize it's cracking.
Now this cute and peppy Smurf early volunteers in the project as the role of "Joy". She's very excited to meet you all!!!
Smurfpigment (emotion Joy volunteer)
Oc by @funnibluecreturs
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Link to her original post: https://www.tumblr.com/funnibluecreturs/747935198720720896/just-going-to-finally-post-smurfpigmentss-design?source=share
Smurfpigment (she/her) is the Color Expert of the Smurf Grove Village and the older sister of Smurfgraphite.
Pigment is the go-to Smurf if a Smurf could use some color to their day! Literally and figuratively! She is known for her cheerful and supportive nature, giving positive affirmations and encouragement. She also acts as an older sister figure to not just Graphite, but to any Smurf she comes across with.
The destruction of the previous Smurf Grove Village motivated Pigment to work on her self-defense skills. After the devastating event, Pigment was inspired to create her infamous color bombs after a potion mishap (the first color bombs she made were so strong it made her previous house explode to pieces.) Pigment can also be a little reckless at times, which is why there are moments her color bombs can get set off at unpredictable times. She can also slip up and can let her emotions get the best of her, especially if she feels Graphite is being treated unfairly.
Despite that, as a Smurf who wants to serve as a role model, she tries to put her impulsiveness aside. She's very compassionate and understanding of other Smurfs, even those who are misunderstood, like Grouchy for example since she doesn't really judge him for his attitude.
Pigment becomes one of the volunteers of the Emotion Project, volunteering as the role of "Joy" after Sunflower. She wants to understand what it's like to be an emotion in the brain!
Writer Smurf (emotion Sadness volunteer)
Oc by @thedarkqueen14
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Links to his original posts: https://www.tumblr.com/thedarkqueen14/764417871570993152/updated-reference-sheets-for-writer-and
Writer Smurf (he/him),the author with a sorrow attitude and Brainy's older twin brother. Both glasses smurfs hail from the same stork delivery,at the same time. Writer is considered the older one due to his more mature personality.
Writer was once an energetic,reckless and adventurous fellow,with a passion of traveling here and there to find inspiration for his books. The reason why they're well received is because of his input of reality plus fiction. However,a careless move of opening the forbidden "Pandora's box" has changed his life forever. Cursed to become permanently sad and drown in tears. Yet,he overcomes this and is trying to become better
Currently,Writer has become a reserved and shy Smurf who can cry at the drop of a hat. That's not to say he's basically Weepy,but he's not. He's more of the type to constantly looking melancholic. He has also grown a huge guilt complex ever since the curse,leading his confidence to shatter and drowning in constant self doubt and highly criticizes himself. Yet,he harbors great empathy,along with kindness and maturity of an older brother.
Writer has a pessimistic view of life. To him,there's no such thing as true happiness,but only those that can be enjoyed throughout their lives,even if it's small and insignificant. He explores a lot about the Smurf mind and loves learning about it,using his writing medium to convey his knowledge and his experiences.
Despite the sadness,he's doing much better now,thanks to the help of his younger brother;his beloved boyfriend,Painter;and his friends,old and new.
Now,Writer is one of the first volunteers for the project,taking the role of "Sadness". He helped Brainy out a lot during the process,too.
Scaredy Smurf (emotion Fear volunteer)
Canon character (Art/design by @thedarkqueen14 )
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Scaredy Smurf (he/him),the Smurf who gets scared of everything and anything,whether it's a small insect or a large storm.
Scaredy bears a fearful and anxious nature,making it hard for him to do anything without thinking the worst of it or finding worry about anything. Tho,because of his jittery nature,he's great at keeping others safe,as his insight has proven to be very useful. Scaredy is quite shy and isn't much of a talker,mostly due to the fear of being shut down
The scaredy cat does possess great strength,speed and agility at times,mostly when he's provoked. Despite his cowardly nature,he is willing to build up courage to do the things he's normally afraid to do,for the sake of saving his friends or needing to face responsibility. Scaredy is also very honest and has a hard time lying,due to his guilt complex
Now this loveable coward of a Smurf has gathered his courage to join this possibly dangerous project,as the role of "Fear". He may or may not be regretting this later,but at least he's trying.
Dragonfruit Smurfling/Pitaya Smurfling (emotion Anger volunteer)
Oc by @thedarkqueen14
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Link to his original post: https://www.tumblr.com/thedarkqueen14/764866902969499648/dragonfruit-smurfling-or-pitaya-is-a-manmade
Dragonfruit Smurfling (he/him),or known as Pitaya,is a manmade Smurf,created by a kind witch,being raised under her care. However,when she passed away,she gave him to her son to take care. The son,drenching in alcohol from the stressful and unfair life;started to neglect and abuse the poor smurf. The young one eventually survived when the man tried to sell him for some gold. He was lucky to be found and adopted by a Smurf Grove called "SmurfSnapdragon".
Pitaya is an aggressive and violent child,using destruction as a defensive mechanism. The young Smurf is also quite the hothead and rude to others,having trust issues and anger issues. He doesn't mean bad,he's like a spicy kitten,hard to open up.
But under that hard shell is a bumbling and chaotic lil child,full of fun and mischief >:33 Pitaya is also a smart one and can be quite mature,with great observing skills. And if he likes you,he can get clingy as well. This is due to his separation anxiety and claustrophobia.
Now,Pitaya has volunteered to become one of the emotions in the project,as "Anger". He's convinced by his older sister to join and learn more about emotions.
Snob Smurf (emotion Disgust volunteer)
oc by @theskybug
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Link to his original post: https://www.tumblr.com/theskybug/764722753800716288
Snob Smurf (he/him) has a nasty attitude, high nose and is obsessive with cleaning and keeping his looks tidy. He is a waiter for Chef Smurf’s kitchen. Helping around the kitchen with serving food, preparing meals. But mostly the cleaning. Despite that cold heart, he really does care for the village and secretly has a crush on Chef. Even through everyone knows it, but hates admitting it. (He's in the Tundere category because Azazel and Sky said so)
Once you get to know him. He’s not so bad lf you manage to stick around long enough that is. snob actually used to be a kind and helpful Smurf, until Gargamel captured him and used a powerful personality changing spell, leaving behind some features. With sharp teeth and attitude, as well a burn like scar of his chest. (A Spell burn) he was saved just in time before gargamel could fully turn him into a monster.
Now. Snob signed himself as one of the emotion volunteers. Known as ‘disgust’ (he is silently regretting it)
Draftsman Smurf/Drafty (emotion Anxiety volunteer)
Oc by @thedarkqueen14
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Link to his original post: https://www.tumblr.com/thedarkqueen14/770303376904847360/and-finallymy-last-bean-for-tonight-is-draftsman
Draftsman Smurf (he/they),or Drafty for short,is an aspiring new artist in the creative crew,experimenting with new art styles and mediums to draw
Drafty wishes to be the best at it,he has always been! Packed with enthusiasm,a touch of zest and lively energy,they are known to learn things quickly and is able to practice nonstop until they master it. This has garnish them a good chunk popularity within the Smurf community. This popularity can have them to grow a tad arrogant,rubbing off his talent in front of others just because he can,and will get aggressive if anyone tries to defy his hard work
Behind the arrogance is a fumbling,incredibly anxious Smurf who is constantly looked at by smurfs. Putting on a high pedestal ever since they were known as "Perfectionist Smurf",this Smurf is always afraid of losing or falling behind. Their mind is a hive of endless negativity and self criticisms,always thinking about the worst that could happen. That's why he's always prepared! Tho being prepared so much leads them to be neglectful of their own mental health.
Their anxiety has lead him to have stomach issues,easily getting nauseous and sick.
Now,Drafty joins in the project as the infamous "anxiety". He wonders if he could learn a thing or two about his conditions. Nah,he's fine!
Enamoured Smurf (emotion Envy volunteer)
Canon character (art/design by @theskybug )
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Link to his original posts: https://www.tumblr.com/theskybug/771639956156383232/enamoured-smurf-hehim-is-the-villages-romance
Enamoured Smurf (he/him)is the village’s romance and love master, Known as the Cupid of the Smurfs.
He is polite and can be the sweetest around, Enamoured is also a huge sucker for romance, yet he's a hopeless romance who has trouble finding a partner. Talking about it to reading about it, gushing over love stories and even spying on couples. He has this thing called ‘the love vision’ where he can see a certain Smurf ‘duo’ would develop into a couple or not. (He’s mostly not wrong)
Despite loving Valentine so much, he also hates at the same time,because he’s single,as he takes the holiday very seriously. He likes to invite others to the ‘single mingle’ club and have tea, show off his baking skills as well.
Unlike canon Enamoured,this Enamoured has evolved from just falling in love with Smurfette,now to become the best romance expert,dating counselor and true love connoisseur
Now adorable Enamoured wants to set foot or rather his mind into the emotion volunteering as ‘envy’
Butterfly Smurf (emotion Embarrassment volunteer)
Oc by @theskybug
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Link to his original post: https://www.tumblr.com/theskybug/770728626182373376/butterfly-one-of-the-sweetest-innocent-like-of
Butterfly Smurf (he/him) is one of the sweetest, cutest Smurfs of the crew (or village) with a shy, curious personality. Loves a little adventure who tends to wonder about and others had to find him.
Butterfly has a huge fear on any kind of bird, including storks. Although he’s somewhat more comfortable with storks than the rest of the birds. Which Smurfs used storks as their transportation for long distances. The reason for this fear, when he was a smurfling during a little camp trip that papa promised some little ones. Butterfly wondered off again not expecting to face to face with a rare magical bird,whose ability is to make a horrid screech,loud enough to make you become deaf. Which is how butterfly became profoundly deaf in the first place, using sign language as his main communication all his life (includes a little note book in his hat) It annoys him through, since not many knew sign language and missed out alot.
That’s until later, his life completely changed when he fell in love with partly blind Smurf named Archer Smurf ( @thedarkqueen14 ‘s oc) who later gifted butterfly magical earrings,which was helped by Papa Smurf and Handy Smurf. The earrings allowed butterfly to ‘hear’ as long as he wear it. The gift was given during a date,where Archer asked Butterfly to be his boyfriend,who in turn said "yes"
Now butterfly happily and bravely volunteers the emotion known as ‘embarrassment’ he’s excited to meet you all!
Smurfgraphite (emotion Ennui volunteer)
Oc by @funnibluecreturs
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Link to her original post:
Smurfgraphite (she/her) is the Sketch Artist of the Smurf Grove Village and younger sister of Smurfpigment.
Graphite is an introspective and reserved Smurf, known for her usually stoic nature. Back then, she isn't really talkative nor does she interact with the other Smurfs very much unless it's Pigment. That is until the disastrous event involving the previous Smurf Grove Village. This pushed her to get out of her comfort zone and start talking to Smurfs more.
Graphite isn't as emotionally expressive as others and she tends to think deeply about dark topics. She also can doubt or underestimate her own self-worth. But she also has a dry sense of humor, making jokes while keeping a straight face. Despite not being as emotionally expressive, she does feel very deeply and expresses her feelings through her artworks, a lot of her drawings have hints of melancholic tones to it, that is... If she's not making absurd drawings. And despite her gloomy nature, she's not really a pessimist.
Graphite volunteers for the emotion "Ennui." She's not satisfied until she gets a deeper understanding about emotions.
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bunnliix ¡ 1 year ago
The Invisible Strings that Bind Us - Chapter Two
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Chapter Two! We have some good cute fluff because it's gonna start getting angsty after this chapter, so prepare for that. But for now, we have some wholesome interactions between y/n and the boys. For anyone that saw this posted before, no you didn't.
a.k.a., I may have had to make a couple changes to it after it went live that I forgot about haha
word count: 1.8k
warnings: food, canon skz chaos, I think that's it
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Y/n woke up slowly, feeling a bit disoriented. She felt whatever was beneath her shifting, before she heard an Aussie accent. 
“Good morning sunshine.” She heard, opening her eyes to see Chan looking down at her.
“Huh? What the fuck? That wasn’t a dream?” She mused out loud, forgetting that she wasn’t thinking about it. She heard laughter coming from across the room, finding Changbin and Han bent over laughing.
“This isn’t a dream, we promise you. Now, do you wanna sit up?” Chan asked her, to which she nodded. With his help, she sat up and moved to sit against the back of the couch. 
“You can stop laughing at me, god dammit. It wasn’t that funny.” She lightly glared at the two men. It really wasn’t that funny, honestly, she was ready to slap them. If only they were in reach of her.
“Guys, chill out, please.” Chan scolds the two members, raising an eyebrow at them. The boys apologized to Y/n, bowing and saying sorry to her. She waved away their apologies, telling them it was fine. She really didn’t mind, but it’s still not fun to get laughed at.
“So, where do we go from here?” Y/n spoke up, wondering what would happen now. It may not have been the ideal soulmate meeting, but obviously fate didn’t care about that. There may not have been a big outward sign that they were, but she had never felt more at ease with anyone else ever. Even prior girlfriends she had, that she almost thought were her soulmates, never made her feel this right as these eight boys were right now.
“Well, seeing as you landed right in our laps, and also Binnie has our initials plus one more set, and once we match yours up with the last initial, I’d say you’re our soulmate. We can figure everything else out from there.” Chan said, taking charge of the situation. 
Y/n told them all her full name, and her initials matched up with the last set on Binnie’s arm. This prompted Felix to come over and hug her, whispering in her ear how much he’s glad to have found their last soulmate. He laid his head on her shoulder, his arms still wrapped around her, not letting go of her now that she’s here.
All of the boys’ phones went off, pushing them to check and see who’s messaging. Hyunjin groaned, “Ugh, we have to head back to dance practice, they’re looking for us.” He told the rest of them. This prompted many complaints and cries, the boys not wanting to leave their newest soulmate yet. 
“How long do you have to practice? I can just stay here, honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. I have my phone and I can entertain myself till you all return.” Y/n said, smiling up at them. She didn’t mind being by herself for a little while, it would give her some time to process everything that’s happened.
“If we’re lucky, an hour? Depends on how much of a hardass Minho-hyung is today.” Hyunjin replied to her, not managing to dodge the slap from the aforementioned person. He rubbed his shoulder, feeling the pain from the hit.
“Yah! I don’t want to be away from our soulmate either, but keep it up like that and I’ll make you practice for hours.” Minho snapped back at Hyunjin, looking annoyed.
“Okay, let’s chill out, okay? No need to get violent.” Chan tried to pacify the situation, and thankfully it worked
The boys begrudgingly packed up, Minho leaning in close to Hyunjin as they left, telling him that he’d make a nice snack after 20 minutes in the airfryer at 180 degrees. Y/n laughed as she watched them leave, before moving to sit against the armrest, getting comfortable. She decided to think about her situation later, and grabbed her phone, opening up tiktok and scrolling the time away.
An hour later…
Y/n hadn’t realized how much time had passed, and when the door to the studio opened, she jumped and threw her phone up into the air, as she panicked. She however, managed to not fall off the couch, but her heart was running a thousand miles a minute as she tried to calm down. She held onto her chest, looking at the door to see the entirety of the group standing in the doorway, a couple of them trying to hold back their laughter, as others looked concerned. 
“Could give a girl a bit of a heads up, yeah?” She said to them, a bit over the panic.
“We didn’t think you’d be that absorbed into whatever you were doing, honestly.” Chan replied to her, moving to grab her phone from where it had been thrown, and bringing it over to her. 
She sat up, letting Chan sit down next to her. “That’s fair. I didn’t realize an hour had passed, to tell you the truth. But that’s because I’m bad at telling how much time has passed.” She explained. She truly had very little concept of time. She could look at the clock and five hours had passed when it only felt like it had maybe been an hour. It was one of her greatest weaknesses.
“Don’t worry, some of them get like that too.” Felix piped up, moving closer and sitting on the arm of the couch. “Chan especially, the man works and zones out while doing so.” He continued.
“Yeah, and the rest of 3racha are the same way.” Hyunjin pointed out, to which Han hit his arm. 
“Yah, we’re not that bad!” He shouted, pouting afterwards. His little quokka cheeks made an appearance as he did that.
“I don’t think I believe that.” Y/n told Han. 
He continued pouting, even his newest soulmate was being so mean. He couldn’t believe it, and there were giggles from his other soulmates, showing that they were on her side, not his.
“Well now that you’re all back, and I assume free from idol duties for a little while, I’d like to talk about where we go from here, now that we’ve confirmed I’m your last soulmate.” Y/n spoke up, trying to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Well, I think the first thing to discuss is how prepared you are to be the soulmate of eight other people, who I assume live very far away from where you are from?” Felix asked her.
“Well, considering that I’m from Canada, that’s not horribly far, but still a bit farther than I think is reasonable. So I think I’d be moving here, and not the other way round.” She told them, starting to think about the logistics of moving here.
“Ah, yeah. You’d have to move here, but we can help you with every step you need to take. We wouldn’t leave you to do it all alone.” Chan turned to look at her. “We’d have to move into a bigger place too, unless you’d want your own space?” He continued.
“I wouldn’t mind either option, really.”
“Okay, that’s fine, we can sit down with management and get that figured out. They can also help us look for a place for you as well, just as an option.” Chan said.
Y/n nodded, fine with that. She wasn’t picky, it really wasn’t a big deal to her where she’d be living. She’d just be happy to be near her soulmates, honestly.
Everyone went silent as Y/n’s stomach grumbled, the girl herself curling in on herself to try and hide. 
“And maybe now is a good time for food.” Felix said.
“I’m hungry!” Changbin shouted, making a couple of the boys chuckle.
Chan stood up, holding a hand out to Y/n, who took it as she stood up as well. He pulled her along as they followed the rest of the boys towards the JYPE cafeteria, as it was the easiest place to get actual food. It thankfully wasn’t that packed when they arrived, and the boys quickly picked out their food, while Chan helped her decide on what she wanted. She went for some tteokbokki, and the other boys decided that they didn’t mind sharing bites of what they chose, so that nothing was wasted if she didn’t like it
Y/n tried bites of everyone’s food, and enjoyed most of it, with a couple exceptions. Despite that, everyone enjoyed their lunch, and after everyone finished and cleaned up the table, they all headed back up to their practice room, deciding it was a better place to talk than squeezing into the studio.
“So, obviously we have to tell management about this, and also figure out how long you can stay here before heading back to pack up your stuff.” Minho spoke up, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, and I have to talk to my university and try and get that figured out as well. I’m almost finished with my degree, so I’d like to actually finish it off fully.” Y/n told them.
Wows came from a couple of the younger boys, and Y/n blushed a bit. 
“What do you study?” Seungmin asked her.
“History is my major in university.” She told them, proceeding to tell them some of the subjects she’s studied within history. She talked more about her favorite periods or topics to study, after the boys asked some questions about what in history she enjoyed and why she decided to study it as a degree.
The group continued talking about their own hobbies and other things they’d like to do in life, as Chan moved to check his and the others schedules, as well as notifying management that they needed to have a meeting. He found their schedules to have been cleared for the day, after he got a response from management that they could have the meeting in 30 minutes. 
“Well, good news and maybe good news?” Chan piped up, everyone else going silent, waiting to hear the news. “So, we now have a free schedule for the remainder of the day, but we also have a meeting with management in 30 minutes.” He finished. 
A round of groans commenced at Chan’s announcement, as the boys dreaded the meeting with the managers. Y/n looked around in confusion, wondering why they were reacting this way. 
“What’s so bad about the meeting?” She asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion.
“They’re not fans of the bureaucracy of being an idol, so they dread meetings with our managers and team.” Chan explained, rolling his eyes at the boys’ antics.
“Ohhh.” She understood now, it made sense that the whole bureaucracy of being an idol would be boring. She herself didn’t enjoy those things either, let alone how much of this administrative stuff goes on in the background of idol agencies.
The boys decided to go change into something a little less casual for their meeting, and thankfully, the boys had something that she could fit into. It wasn’t much, but it fit and didn’t look horrible on her, so that was what counted. They just joked around and the boys fought playfully until about five minutes till the meeting, when they all headed up to where the meeting was to take place, where they arrived just in time. Chan did a head count, before he pushed and held the door open for all of us to enter.
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lemonandtheart ¡ 2 months ago
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April's Family Photo Board~! Click for more facts about my April!
April's family lives on the West Coast, in Portland, Oregon! (This is because I live there and I will do literally anything to make things about my home I fucking love Oregon)
Her family consists of her father Kirby, her older sister Robyn, and her Uncle John!
She was a very sick child and spent nearly the first 10 years of her life in the hospital where Uncle John works so he could take care of her. How kind of him...
April has no physical photos of her mother
The only thing she has that belonged to her mother is her heart necklace. Uncle John made sure it was given to her once she left the hospital. It makes strange beeping sounds and a little light flashes from it on occasion... but he said it's nothing to worry about. She never takes it off.
April has no actual memories of her mother. She can't even remember her face without looking at the photos that her family gave her, and they've given her only as many as she can count on one hand. She wishes she could remember more about her mother, but no one will say much about her.
April has no clear memories of anything before she was around 10 years old. When she tries to think of anything before then, her head hurts. She doesn't have many memories from her adolescence either. She keeps a detailed journal so she can remember things that are important because she forgets very easily.
She doesn't spend much time with Uncle John now that she's older. She always falls asleep at his house. Robyn always insists since he transferred to NYC around the same time April started going to East Laird she should make sure to visit often since she's the only family he has there and doesn't want him to get lonely
April can feel most emotions, but they don't last long. She feels neutrally happy most of the time. Her father says it's a good thing, and he's a psychologist so it must be...
She has two human friends as it stands - Kendra and Vernon. Of those two only Vernon actually likes her.
Vernon is in charge of the student news club and she's his second in command. The two of them spend a good amount of time together. Even though he hasn't been featured in the comic yet, she has been seeing him basically daily for club activities and just hanging out. She spends about 70% of her time at school with him.
She doesn't have any photos with Kendra because Kendra disappears every day after she's done on campus and doesn't answer her phone >:(
April's favorite color is yellow because it reminds her of sunshine and happiness. She wears a lot of pink because pink is easier to find shades that don't strain her eyes.
April is 5'5" and around 170lbs. All of the boys can lift her easily.
April's very fond of animals. She hates being mean to them. She's the kind of person to catch spiders and set them free.
April is 19 in the comic, born 04/01/1999. The comic is set in 2018, around October.
Casey will make an appearance and she will like him a LOT
I think despite Donnie being her best friend, Leo and April are the most similar and get along extremely well.
I might reblog and add more later <3 I needed to try to fix my drawing tablet so I figured I'd make something for April! Ily all and enjoy!
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supercriminalbean ¡ 1 year ago
Fight Club. Part four.
Aaron Hotchner x Male!Reader.
Part: One. Two. Three.
Summary: The team finally gets a lead on location but has to much damage to you already happened? Are they going to find you alive, will you survive the curl thing called life.
Warning: Dark fic. Blood, fighting, death, killing, abuse, kidnapping, swearing, drugs, unsub violence, angst, murder, criminal minds unsub violenceness. This whole fic series is just dark and strange the ask it self is amazing and may help you know if this is something you can handle. (Any other warnings let me know xx)
Words: 6.4k
A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY. But hey here you go, part 5 will be posted in a few weeks and it will be the aboustel last part do enjoy this. Love y'all so much for the support and love.
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Three more days go by, everyday there is a new livestream. You look worse and worse each time, the light in your eyes drifting away, the hope dying away. You have been forced to fight one more time, and it
ended the same way. You gave the poor boy mercy in the final moments of the fight only for him to end his life. You did everything you could to get him to stop but nothing you did made him turn the knife onto you, so you laid on the ground once more holding the young boy in your arms as he bleeded out. On the days you wouldn’t fight he would come in and take his anger out on you, trying out some new knives he had, your body is nothing but a meat sack covered in bruises and scars. You grew tired, no longer fighting against him, the sas has long left you as you wait for the impending end. 
Aaron paces the room as his mind spiralling, it's been over four days since they took you, and concentrating is getting harder with each minute passing. The team got a new lead this morning, Garcia, Reid and Morgan are sitting in the other room going through the geographic profile once more, while the rest of them map out what the next moves of the unsub could be. So far deadends keep being hit but new hope has been lit inside the team, everyone seems to be pushing through the fear of losing you, everyone but Aaron. The door flies open, making everyone's head shoot up as Morgan and Garcia stand there looking shocked. 
“We got the location, we got him” Garcia gasps breathless as she sprints into the room carrying her laptop, quickly followed by Morgan and Reid.
“What, you're sure?” JJ eyes brighten up, leaping into action.
“Positive, three hours south from here there's an abandoned underground gymnasium that has a huge pool, there's only two entrances into it” Garcia speaks quickly, Reid lays down the map, pointing it out.
“Also its a 7 hour drive from where they found (Y/n) many years ago, he could have ran from there” Reid adds.
“Let's go then” Hotch orders, and in a split second the team is sprinting out of the room.
Your energy is gone, you don’t care about staying alert anymore, when you're alone all you do is sleep. Your mind's way of escaping as your body works on healing itself. Someone yanks your head back, waking you up, a quiet noise of pain slips through your lips. 
“Morning sunshine” He laughs as he walks in front of you, his sickening smile is one thing you will never get used to. 
“What now?” sighing softly, as you stare up at him, as he kneels down staring at you with interest. 
“It's time for another fight sweetboy” His chuckles grow louder when you don't react. He’s done it, he’s broken you, there is no strength of fight left inside of you any more.
“Fine, where is he?” You groan softly as he unties your hands, giving you time to stretch, rubbing your sore wrist. 
“He’s coming” He smirks at you before removing your chair, and climbing out of the pool, setting up the camera and lights before the door opens.
“Ah Victor, you’re here” He grins at you as your face falls.
“Yes sir” A dark cold voice response, before walking closer making himself visible. He’s grown, he’s bigger than you now, a lot stronger by the looks of it too. His eyes are dead and when he glances at you, there is no look of recognition as he meets your eyes. The boy you once knew is gone, and that's your fault.
“Are you ready, Jupiter?” Ma’am giggles, your eyes glance at her, not even nothing beside Ryan before.
“I’m not fighting him” You shake your head at them.
“Making it easy for me” He smirks darkly at you before jumping down into the pool, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Ryan you don’t have to do this” You try to reason with him, staying still.
“That's not my name” He hisses at you, his eyes narrowing. 
“It used to be, do you remember me?” You take a deep breath stepping forward.
“No, I don’t” He scoffs, he slams his eyes shut before reopening them with new rage.
“I bet you do, and you don’t want anything to do with those memories because I hurt you when I left you, Ryan” You speak calmly but firmly keeping eye contact with him.
“Bullcrap, I don’t fucking know you!” He snaps at you, his body lunging towards you, you dodge him. 
“Don’t hide from me” His smirk darkness as he watches your slow movements, focusing on your limp. 
“Why not, you're analysing me because I’m slow because I'm injured and that's the only way you can beat me” You smirk back at him, knowing his techniques, having discovered them together. 
“Oh I could beat your ass easily” He chuckles, advancing on you.
“Lies Ryan lies” You smile at him, watching as a small light appears in his eyes for two seconds. Two seconds of hope then suddenly, he’s got you. A few quick hits in your face and chest to disorientate you, blood drips from your mouth as he eases up for a moment and then you can hear his yells.
“I don’t know you, I don't know Ryan!” He screams as he goes back to using you as a punching bag. You manage to get your leg out, tripping him over as you gasp for air, climbing on top of him, doing your best to pin his arms down. 
“You do know Ryan, It's you, and I’m (Y/n), come on man we used to be best friends” You argue, watching as anger flares into his eyes.
“I don’t fucking know you” He snarls at you, and in one quick movement, he flips you both over, winding you. His hands wrap around your throat, pressing down hard as you struggle to breath, forgetting all your training. You try your hardest to find words to speak but nothing can get past your lips, soon everything starts growing darker. 
“Forgive you” You cough up, it's barely loud enough as you give up fighting. What is there to fight for anyway, no ones coming to save you anyway. Soon darkness overcomes you and you feel yourself floating.
It's cold, a cold feeling on your cheeks as fresh air fills your lungs. You gasp, your body shooting up, pushing the coldness away from you, blinking rapidly as your eyes adjust to the dark room. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n), It’s okay it’s just us, It’s JJ” A firm but calming voice calls to you, before something soft touches your shoulder. Your head spins around, your eyes landing on her, a weak smile crawls onto your face, before falling away.
“I..I'm dead aren’t I?” Yours words are barely audible as you stare at her, the new hope fading away. 
“No, you're alive, we got you” She smiles softly at you, rubbing your back gently.
“Y you came for me?” Your voice wobbles as tears start filling your eyes, a sob begging to escape.
“Of course we did kiddo” Another voice speaks beside you, moving your head slowly you spot Dave kneeling down beside you, wrapping his arm around you which you lean into.
“Th thank you” A sob leaves you as you reach a hand out to JJ, taking her hand in yours earning a soft sadden smile from her. 
“Always, we are family” She smiles at you before helping you up. You lean on them both for support, before your eyes scan the room, stopping on the body just a few feet from you.
“Ryan…” Your heart breaks as you stare at him, and the blood pooling underneath him.
“I’m sorry (Y/n)” Dave's soft voice pulls your attention to him and his guilt filled eyes. You can’t focus on that now, you just can’t, you give him a quick nod.
“Let's get the hell out of here” Gulping thickly as you let them lead you to the side of the pool, taking your time.
“Rossi, you got him?” A loud voice calls from the doorway before four agents make their way inside the room.
“Yeah Morgan we got him” Rossi calls back, beckoning him over. Morgan and Prentiss quickly make their way over, smiles of reliefs flooding their faces as their eyes set on you. 
“You are a site for sore eyes” Morgan chuckles softly, holding out a hand as you try to climb out, him and Prentiss grabbing your arm gently pulling you up. 
“Good to see you too, Morgan” Smiling weakly, leaning into him as Prentiss helps pull the other two up. His arm wraps around you as you use him for support, resting your head on his arm, earning a few back rubs from him. 
“Hey, your boss is calling for backup there's more kids than they thought” One of the swat agents speaks up, his hand on his comas. 
“Go, we’ll get him out of here” Rossi orders, nodding at Morgan and Prentiss. 
“I can get myself out, go help Hotch” You wince a little, pulling away from Morgan's support. 
“Not tonight (Y/n)” JJ smiles before wrapping her arm around you once more.
“We’ll see you on top” Prentiss smiles, squeezing your hand before following Morgan and the other agents out.
“You two should go help, I got this” You look down as you speak.
“No kiddo, we aren’t leaving you” Rossi smiles, before taking your arm, helping support you.
“We are never leaving you, ever” JJ chimes in, smiling sadly at you. You smile weakly at them before nodding.
“Then let's get the hell out of here” You declare, a small chuckle leaving you as you let them lead you out.
You never thought cold air would feel this good, you shiver uncontrollably as you sit on the back of the ambulance, watching your team and swat bring the boys up out of that hell. The normally empty field is filled with flashing lights from police cars and ambulances, your eyes scan the area as you wait for the two members of your team still yet to appear from down below. 
“We saved those boys, we saved them!” Her screeching voice causes your eyes to flash over, spotting her in the custody of Morgan. Your eyes meet his and they are filled with anger and hatred, he smiles forcefully at you. Followed behind them is the man you hate the most, he stays quite his eyes scanning the area, stopping once he sees you a gut twisting laugh escapes him as he stares daggers at you.
“You're a waste of talent boy, should have killed you when you were just a kid boy” He screams at you, making Rossi yanking him forwards, his eyes darkening on the man in front of him. You don’t take your eyes off them until you watch them get put in separate police cars and the doors slam closed and their screaming stops. You take a deep breath and the air tastes more clean, a smile pulls at your lips as your eyes meet Rossi, his are filled with sympathy as yours fill with hope. It's over, it's over for good. You turn back to watch the entrance, watching the last few agents walk out, Reid walks out carrying a young boy aged seven in his arms. Your heart breaks as you see the boy cling to Spencer, the tear stained face, but then your heart soars, leaping to your feet as Aaron finally appears. You don’t care about the pain radiating throughout your body as you push your body forward, not caring about the tears sliding down as you focus on him.
“Aaron” You scream out, and he stops spinning around to look at you, his face fills with relief as he walks towards you, faster than his body could take him.
“(Y/n)!” He exclaims, watching as you fall to your knees as you reach him, falling forward into his arms. He lowers you both to the ground gently, his arms wrapped around your body firmly as your body shakes with sobs.
“It's okay, I got you, you're safe now” He strokes your hair as he comforts you, holding you closely. He whispers words of comfort as you cry into his chest, he holds you for a long time allowing you to let it all out. 
You two sit there for a long time, even after all the tears have long dried. 
“Hey we need to get you checked out” Aaron whispers as he runs his hand over your back. 
“Stay with me?” Gulping thickly as you look up at him.
“Always” He smiles, kissing your forehead before taking your hand and pulling you up. “Always” He repeats as he leads you back to the ambulance where Emily and Rossi now wait. 
“You two going up to the hospital?” Emily smiles softly, she can’t help but feel relieved every single time she looks at you.
“Yeah” You nod, leaning into Aaron's arm wrapped around you finding comfort in his touch.
“Good, I texted Garcia she's on her way there now, she's worried about you” Rossi adds, smiling lovingly at you.
“What.. Penelopes here.. Why?” You look up at Aaron confused only to watch his face fall. 
“Because she cares for you, we all do it's why we are here” He smiles softly at you, before helping you into the ambulance, where the EMTs are waiting.
“Oh, right” You gulp a little, before sitting back down, your eyes staying on Aaron as he sits beside you.
Once you get to the hospital you don’t get time to have a break before you are wheeled straight into having x-rays and other tests. You are away from Aaron for hours, and it hurts they keep prodding you and questioning you, it's exhausting. Finally they take you to room, and you're alone, fear creeps into you as you wait for Aaron, your heart races faster every second you're alone. 
“”Oh my gosh, you're here” She squeals as she runs into the room, her eyes brightening up as she spots you, rushing towards your side being careful not to touch you.
“Penelope” You breathe out, fresh tears sprouting to your eyes as you see the queen of sunshine. “Gosh I missed you” You let out a small whimper as you reach for her hand, her eyes widen before quickly capturing your hand in hers.
“Oh my love, I’m right here” She smiles at you before sitting down, never letting your hand go.
“Where's Aar?” You whisper, feeling groggy from all the drugs.
“He’s talking to the doctor first, sweetie, but that brings us to something” She smiles cheekily at you. “WheN did you start calling him Aar?”
“Before he kissed me” You chuckle softly, closing your eyes as exhaustion starts taking over. You never saw Garcia's mouth fall open, her eyes almost falling out.
“Um Garcia everything okay?” Hotcha asks as he walks in worry filling him instantly.
“Uh yep everything is fine sir” She quickly collects herself, smiling softly as she stands up. “But I should let him rest, you staying here tonight Hotch?”
“I will” Hotch smiles as he notices you still gripping Penelope's hand tightly.
“He's warming up” Penelope comments, glancing down at your hand.
“That he is” He smiles more, moving to your side, sliding his hand over yours, so you can finally let Penelope go.
“So is that why you two kiss?” Penelope can’t hold it back anymore as she makes her way to the door. Hotch's head shot up, catching her knowing look, he can’t help but smile back. 
“Goodnight Penelope, keep that to yourself okay” 
“Got it boss” She giggles as she leaves. 
The next day goes by slowly, they keep taking you away for tests. Checking over your wounds and changing the bandages, it felt exhausting everyone kept asking you questions and dragging you away from Aaron. Why can’t they just let you rest, why can’t you just go home, all you want to do is go home and deal with the aftermath of this case. Finally the nurse wheels you back into your room, leaving you alone, you're not sure how long you have laid on your bed staring at the ceiling for. But the tears keep flooding your eyes as you realise the team now knows your deepest darkest secret, your job is in jeopardy and all you want is Aaron. Aaron to hold you, Aaron to tell you that everything will be okay, you know it's wrong to crave someone like this but you can’t help it. You aren’t ready to lose him, he won’t want you now that he knows how damaged you are, he won’t want you around his son now knowing what a cold blooded killer you used to be. You didn’t realise the machine beside you was beeping away until someone entered the room, making their way towards you urgently.
“(Y/n), you're okay” Aaron sits on the edge of your bed grabbing your hand, your eyes flash towards him. You're hyperventilating, gasping for air as you squeeze his hand, shaking your head as you try to speak.
“I can’t, can’t breath” You whimper softly, his eyes soften as he pulls you into his arms, rubbing your back gently.
“Listen to my heart beat darling, copy me okay” He speaks delicately, his voice as sweet as honey. “Deep breaths, in and hold for three seconds” He takes a deep breath, as you copy him. “And out” He blows out, smiling softly as you copy him. “Just like that darling, and again” He takes a deep breath, listening closely to you, falling silent as you work on your breathing. 
“Thank you” Breathing out slowly, as you glance up at him with a tear stained face.
“Don’t need to thank me” He smiles lightly at you, laying down on your bed, pulling you with him. To his surprise you don’t argue instead you cuddle up to him, entwinding your fingers with his. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He murmurs, his free hand running through your hair.
“Yes, but not today” Sighing softly as you close your eyes, your mind finally feeling empty.
“That's okay, later then get some rest” He smiles a little as he takes in just how peaceful you look.
“Stay with me?” Your words mumble together as sleep takes you.
“Always” Hotch smiles, kisses your head softly. 
The doctors finally discharge you and give you permission to fly, so now you and Aaron are on your way to the jet where you're meeting the rest of the team. You haven’t seen anyone since they reduced you, you know they are going to have questions and alot of them, but you don’t want to answer them, you just can’t. You’re staring out the window, lost in thought while Aaron drives, he can’t help but keep glancing at you, worrying about what's going on inside your mind.
“You want to talk about it?” Aaron asks, his eyes focusing on the road.
“The team is going to have questions” Sighing as you rest your head on the window, watching the world go by.
“They will, but you don’t have to answer them tonight” He replies, before adding. “They will wait as long as you need”
“What about Chief Strauss?” Looking over at him, as the anxiety of her questing and debriefing fills you. 
“We will have to face that tomorrow morning” Aaron does everything in his power to keep his eyes on the road and not look at you, he doesn’t want to see that broken look in your eyes, because he knows if he does you two won’t make it to the jet. 
“We?” Your voice is lower, he can barely hear you but he does.
“Yes we, Im not letting you face her alone, whatever happens we will deal with it together” He gives you a small confident filled smile.
“Thank you” You return that smile lightly, but it doesn’t meet your eyes, other things playing on our mind.
“What else is going on inside your mind tonight?” 
“I…It’s nothing” Shaking your head as you look back outside.
“Whatever it is, I can help”
“Even if it's stupid?”
“Yes even then” Aaron chuckles softly, earning a small laugh from you. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight, normally I love it but the thought of going back to my apartment tonight, it's unsettling…” You struggle to find the words, ending up playing with your fingers as you speak. His hand reaches out capturing your hand with his, a smile slipping onto your lips as his fingers linking in with yours.
“You can stay with me tonight, whenever you like to” Aaron's voice is soft as he pulls up to the runway.
“Thank you Aar”
The flight goes by quickly, you and Aaron get there before the rest of the team so you drag him to the couch, settling in and accidentally falling asleep with your head resting against Aaron's chest before the rest of the team arrives. You somehow woke up halfway through the flight, the rest of the team also asleep, Aaron deep asleep with his arm wrapped firmly around you. You can’t help but smile, feeling safe in his embrace as you scan the jet, seeing the team all spread out sleeping and a guilty feeling starts to eat at you. How could you ever think they would leave you there, how could you think that hiding your past from them was a smart idea when things started turning south feels wrong now. But that's behind you now, and it may seem silly but you feel so much closer with them all, and knowing that you have to answer all their questions is something you no longer dread. Smiling to yourself as you snuggle back down, falling back asleep in Aarons arms, knowing at one point you’ll have to deal with the way your heart throbs with his touch. 
“(Y/n) wake up” His voice is soft as he rubs your arm, trying to get you to wake up. Grumbling softly as your eyes slowly open, groaning quietly as your eyes adjust to the lighting, the jet is so bright but soon your eyes fall on Aaron, smiling sleepily at him.
“Hi” Yawning softly as you sit up, stretching a little. 
“Sleep well there?” Derek smirks, sitting opposite you there. 
“Like a peach” Chuckling softly as you see the team sitting opposite you.
“Sorry, we are about to land” Aaron smiles apologetically as you stiff back another yawn.
“Its fine”
“Here, It's also time for your meds” JJ adds, passing you over a bottle of water and your pills.
“Oh right, thanks JJ” You smile politely before taking them, swallowing down the pills and the water. You can feel the team's eyes on you, and the guilty feeling re enters you, slowly you pull the bottle away meeting the eyes of your team.
“Look I know you guys have questions—” You start, suddenly feeling defensive.
“We just want to know if you're okay?” Emily speaks, her eyes filled with concern that when you realise they don’t care about what you did, their looks are ones full of worry and concern a new feeling fills your chest. A small smile filled with love and affection fills your face as you think over your answer. 
“Honestly no I'm not, I got a lot of healing to do a lot of things to work through, but give me time and I’ll be okay” You lean into Aaron as you answer, smiling a little.
“If you ever need anything, we are right here okay” Morgan smiles kindly at you.
“Just give me time and patience” You smile back at him, enjoying the way Aaron rubs your back in comfort.
“We can do that,” Rossi nods, giving you a light smile.
“Are you going to be okay at home, I know you don’t have a bed and its not good for you to rest up only on a couch” Reid adds in, staring at you with concern.
“You don’t have a bed?” JJ eyes almost fall out, giving you her best mum look, causing you to feel sheepish.
“Um no but i’ll be fine”
“Bullshoot, you will stay with me. I have a spare room” Garcia speaks up staring at you firmly, daring you to argue with her.
“Um I appreciate that, but I don’t need to”
“You are not sleeping on a couch” Emily shakes her head. “Its either my place or pens so pick”
“Look I appreciate it but I already have a place to stay” You smile shyly at them.
“Wait you have other friends” Morgan gasps dramatically. “Who?”
“Me” Aaron laughs at the shocked faces of the team, everyone but Rossi and Garcia. 
“Huh, fine, can't argue with bossman then” Garcia smirks, looking away.
“That's settled then” Aaron smiles, before picking up his phone. “It's Strauss, she says we get the next few days off” Aaron smiles as his team cheers quietly. 
“Does that mean we did a great job, or are we in trouble?” Rossi jokes, turning to Aaron.
“Both” Aaron half jokes, glancing down at you, feeling you tenses up. 
You hadn’t seen the team since they all had dinner at Dave's house a few days after they got you back. It was a small celebration, you opened up them just a little bit, you all grew closer that night. Sadly the day you got back you were suspended pending an investigation, you talked with Strauss and she told you there wasn’t much she could do, because it was all out of her hands, but it didn’t matter to you because you had a plan. Today you finally found out what the decision is, and so after your meeting you head down to the BAU floor. Yes the team is out of town on a case, but luckily they are on their way home tonight and Dave is throwing another dinner tonight to celebrate the good news of yours. So you make your way to the one person you can’t wait to see anyway, because four weeks without seeing her beautiful smile is too long, you knock lightly on her door. 
“Come in” She calls out, her voice full of happiness.
“Good afternoon Penelope” You smile as you push her door open, she gasps while spinning around in her chair, smiling up at you with excitement. 
“It's youuu, you have come to see me” She exclaims, grinning up at you, climbing to her feet, holding out her hand for a small high five. It's your guys' small ways of saying hey, but instead you dismiss her hand, and pull her into a small hug.
“I missed you” Smiling softly as you feel her freeze only for her to quickly hug you back giving you a small squeeze. Penelope swears her face is going to fall off with how much she is smiling right now, she never imagined you would ever give her a hug and she can’t help but enjoy it. Closing her eyes as she soaks it in, holding herself back with the way she wants to squeeze you tightly. 
“You're hugging me” She giggles, dancing just a little before you pull away, a big smile across your own face.
“That was okay, right?” Your smile falters a little as you double check with her.
“You can hug me whenever you like my love” She grins more. “But um what brought that on?”
“Well I want to be less scared of physical touch so I thought what better way to start working on it to give in and give a hug to someone I’ve been dying to” You shrug your shoulder, trying to act like its no big deal as your body tingles with the feeling of someone's else touch.
“That's a big step, I'm proud of you” Penelope smiles more at you, her heart soaring at the look of the new you. She knows she only saw you two weeks ago but you have changed even the energy around you. You cut your hair, it's more short now, and you look like you glow, there's a shine behind your eyes. You’re clearly sleeping more and eating regularly, looking after yourself is finally starting to sink in for you and she couldn’t be more proud. 
“Thanks pen” Smiling back at her.
“So how did your meeting go?” she sits back down, as you grab her spare seat.
“It went really well, I can’t wait to tell everyone tonight at Dave's” You smile, enjoying her presents, soon you two just start catching up on everything that has been happening.
A soft knock on the door indicates that Aaron is here, smiling as you grab your phone making your way towards the door, opening it quickly glad to see both your boys there.
“Hi (Y/n)” Jack grins up at you, you can’t help but smile back as you bend down to give him a quick hug.
“Hey kiddo, oh I’ve missed you”
“You saw him the other day” Aaron teases as you pull away, smirking as you turn to him.
“What, is that your way of saying you didn’t miss me, Hotchner?” Smirking lightly as you tease him, enjoying the way he pulls you into a hug.
“Never” He chuckles softly, kissing your cheek lightly, sliding his hand into yours as he pulls away.
“Lets gooo, I wanna see Henry” Jack giggles as he leads you both down the hallway. You can’t help but laugh at him, he definitely does have his Dad's patience. 
“We coming Jack” Smiling over at Aaron as you follow the boy closely.
“So the meeting with Strauss, how did it go?” Aaron asks you, glancing at you, his concern with how quiet you have been this afternoon growing. You were meant to text him, but he never heard from you.
“It went great, I’m no longer under investigation and i’m all clear to return” You smile slides away as you reach the car, Jack gets in leaving you two outside to talk freely.
“Are you still doing what we talked about?” Aaron speaks softly, his hand rubbing your arm softly as you lean against the car.
“I think It’s time Aaron, it's just going to be hard” You can’t help but sigh heavily as you lean into his touch. 
“I know, but you need to do what's best for you and I will be right here beside you every step of the way” Aaron declares, smiling lovingly at you.
“I know, thank you and I mean it Aaron. You have been my rock the past few weeks” Smiling up at him.
“It's the least I can do, you need to know how much I care for you” Aaron smiles as he slides his hand gently on to your cheek, cupping your face gently as you lean in giving him a quick kiss.
“I appreciate it, now come on we need to go see our team” Smiling as you pull away from him, biting your lip as you climb into the car.
“You made it” JJ squeals softly as you walk in, you’re trailing behind Aaron and Jack. Jack is quick to run outside where Henry and half the team is. 
“I did” Smiling lighty you walk over to her, Emily and Reid. 
“How have you been?” Reid asks, smiling a little.
“I’m okay, so over resting all the damn time” Laughing softly, your heart melting with the comfort of being surrounded by your family. 
“I remember that feeling, but you have to look after yourself” Emily gives you a stern look before sipping on her drink.
“Im trying” You reason, biting back a groan.
“We know, but we also know you” JJ smiles, a motherly look in her eyes.
“How did your meeting go today anyway, when are you coming back?” Emily presses on to her burning question, the one thing everyone tonight has been dying to now.
“Can we just wait until everyone is around, I don’t feel like repeating myself a million times” Forcing out  a chuckle as you watch the hope and excitement fade out of your three friends eyes.
“That bad huh?” JJ sighs, turning to the others.
“No, no it's not bad” You smile, glancing behind you at the incoming footsteps.
“Here, you don't have a drink yet” Rossi speaks from behind you, turning around smiling up at the man.
“Thanks Rossi” Taking it from him taking a deep breath as your fingers brush over his, glancing up you spot the rest of the team making their way over.  
“So (Y/n), when are you getting your ass back” Derek grins up at you, Penelope and Aaron following him over. 
“That's a complicated question” Sipping on your drink as you go over your answer, grateful to have Aaron coming to stand beside you. You can do anything with him beside you.
“What does that mean?” Penelope's eyes widen, fear entering her at the thought of her family breaking up.
“Look if Erin is giving you a hard time I will talk to her” Rossi automatically defends you, everyone's mind racing.
“No, Strauss isn’t the bad guy here, in fact she has been extremely helpful” Taking a deep breath before you continue. “I’m no longer under investigation, in face I’m welcome to return but I don’t want to, It’s my turn to move on, and look I know I owe you all so much for coming to my rescue, but I can’t do this job anymore I want to do something different with my life now” Your words come out filled with regret and guilt, your eyes full of sorrow as you talk, meeting everyone in your team's eyes. You have never felt closer and further away from them as you do right now, today is the start of a new beginning. 
“You’re leaving us?” Garica's eyes tears up, her heart racing.
“Look, we understand why you want to leave, but is there anything we can say to make you stay?” Emily looks hopelessly at you, but a small proud smile pulls at her lips. 
“Nothing, but hey I’m still going to be working at the FBI just not with the BAU anymore” You sigh, the feeling of sadness squishing your heart.
“I hope you know this doesn’t get you out of team nights still” Derek smiles at you, he knows how hard this decision was for you to make. 
“Oh I know” Laughing softly.
“So what are you going to be doing instead?” Rossi smiles at you, a lovingly proud look in his eyes. 
“I'm going to be the new FBI forensic scientist, so you guys will still have to work with me occasionally” Smiling at them, joy refilling the room.
“Oh, you’re taking over for Mary?” Garcia's face fills with excitement of course, she’s the one who works closely with that team more than the others.
“I am, so you guys can’t get rid of me that easily” The room fills with laughter once more.
“So that means you’re still coming to team nights right?” Reid asks. “You can’t just leave us all”
“Of course I will, plus” Smiling up at Aaron, catching his eyes his own smile grows as he gets the hint, his arm automatically wrapping around your waist as you lean into him. “Plus as your unit chiefs boyfriend I’ll be around more often” Pulling your eyes away from Aaron you glance around at the rest of the team, everyone's faces seem to be a mix of happiness and shock.
“Oh finally” Rossi cheers, laughing at the shocked looks around him.
“Wait, wait what” Morgan's open mouth slowly turns into a grin. “Seriously, you two thats awesome”
“Oh I knew there was something going on, I told you Emily” JJ smirks at Emily, who shakes her head smiling.
“Congrats you two” Emily smiles.
“That's so great, I'm happy for you both,” Reid smiles.
“Um Penelope, you're awfully quiet” You smile over at her, meeting her mischief filled eyes.
“I have been dying for you two too finally admit, I mean after you told me you kissed him months ago I have been waiting” She squeals.
“Wait, I told you, what, when?” Your eyes widen as you rack your brain trying to think.
“At the hospital when you were all drowsy from the medication” Aaron smirks down at you.  
“And you didn’t tell me this, traitor” Smirking at him teasingly as you kiss his cheek, earning a bunch of awws and laughs fill the room as Aaron blushes deeply, which he returns with a stern glare at you. 
The night slowly moves on, all full of laughter and chatter as the team all catches up and demands all the gossip on you and Aaron's relationship. Which you don’t mind at all talking about, happily opening up with your team. The only family you will ever only need by your side.
Tagging thoes that seem interesed or asked: @xweirdo101x @alecmores @yn-addams @winter-world @xdark-acadamiax @rexspersonalhell @hunterispunk @sammy-4103 @222244445555 @spiritzofthedead @sweetnothingsvulnerability @hepbaestus @bunbunbl0gs @mrblue-kai
Happy to untag or tag people let me know.
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mediumgayitalian ¡ 11 months ago
fic rec friday 10
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
something borrowed by @rosyredlipstick
In the Solace Wedding Planning agenda, on the fifth page into their summer schedule, there are carefully scrawled out notes reading this: Bride and Groom - Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang Best Man & Maid of Honor - Percy Jackson & Piper McLean Wedding Court - Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace Mellie & Gleeson Hedge Reyna Ramírez-Arellano & Leo Valdez Ring-bearer - Chuck Hedge Flower-boy - Nico di Angelo - Will plans wedding and now, apparently, Nico stars in one. Except...sometimes there's a bit more confusion on that last part. AKA the AU where Will plans weddings and thinks Hazel and Frank are going to have to cutest, gap-toothed ten year throwing flowers down the aisle, all while wondering why this 'Neeks' guy is always hanging around, and what business he has looking that good.
yes i am back on my rosyredlipstick (dude she's GOOD okay). however this one is my favourite i think. this is the kinda story you could use to explain to people what dramatic irony is bc LORD i wanted to SHAKE THEM 😭😭 will falling like deeply in love with nico and being intensely stressed about everything the whole time is so real and on brand. i love him and i love the fond exasperation that just bleeds from this fic its GREAT
2. Rental Love by @rosyredlipstick
*Read Terms & Conditions - Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one.
THE LEVEL OF STUPID THAT THEY ARE...😭😭 kills me fr. like this whole fic is just a manifestation of truly one of the best tropes of all time…..like what if we took a hallmark movie and made it gay as all hell. iconique indeed
3. A Match in the Making by @coconutcranberries-blog
“You’re a morning person,” Nico muttered, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. He ran a hand through his black hair, which stuck up in disarray, the same way it did every morning. He was a mess, and Will Solace looked annoyingly put together, and Nico didn’t even care, really, he didn’t.
friendship is the core of romance!! it is!! every time!!! and it's such a core in this fic....which is fucking??? ten years old??? im just realising?? jesus christ??? anyways. "Nico had the sudden, warm feeling that Will Solace had never bought his act." i YELLED
4. Perception by scorchedtrees
In which everyone thinks Nico and Will are together.
i love this trope i love it SO BAD. both ways. when your love is so obvious that no one misses it.....love to see it truly. and will can have one second of beingn smooth and not a dweeby loser. as a treat
5. the world is brighter than the sun now that you're here by @finalizer
It was hard, Nico eventually concluded, to maintain one’s air of spooky otherworldly detachment with a blinding ray of sunshine trailing one step behind him every minute of every day.
grouchy nico my beloved truly. honestly hes such a bitch i love him like "Seriously, give the guy a perm and a few cats and he’d be that weird aunt that everybody avoided around the holiday season." why does he ALWAYS have something vile to say 😭😭 hes a mood fr
thank you for joining me this saturday friday!! happy reading!!
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possessingtheproperspirit ¡ 2 years ago
It's @mppmaraudergirl's birthday! In celebration, have this random load of nonsense: sixth year Jily flirting by the lake.
“Ah, June.”
She doesn’t lift her gaze from the book in her lap, although she can’t seem to stop the smile already tugging at her lips. 
He is not discouraged by her lack of response. “To be young and in love in June,” he sighs, and flops down next to her. He smells like mint and pine and sweat. Not that she notices that sort of thing. “How can you bear it, Evans?”
“What, June?” she asks, still not looking up. Over the course of their sixth year at Hogwarts, she’s become used to his meandering threads of conversation: his mind works in mysterious and, yes, amazing ways. Now that they’re friends, she’s more attuned to it than ever. “One day at a time, Potter. Just me and my will to survive.”
He snorts and her smile strengthens; finally, she allows herself to look up, squinting in the sunshine as she takes him in. His tie has long since been abandoned, his hair its usual dishevelled mess. His legs are stretched out in front of him, and he rests back on his elbows, a louche sort of insouciance that, again, she wishes she didn’t find as charming as she does. 
“Not June,” he corrects her, and nods towards the lake. From their vantagepoint, under the shade of an ancient willow tree, they have the perfect view of two fourth years, flirting for Britain in the shallows. “Love’s young dream over there. It’s a bit much, isn’t it?”
“Is it?” she wonders. She recognises the boy—he’s a Hufflepuff prefect. Seems nice enough. “All they’re doing is standing there.”
“Standing there,” he repeats dryly. She can tell that he’s enjoying himself, that he’s committing to this train of thought even if he doesn’t really care. Sometimes he says things and he means them; sometimes he says things and he’s looking to have some fun. She likes both versions equally. “Flaunting their happiness in front of us!”
She turns to look at James, biting her lip as her smile threatens to overwhelm. “Oh, I’m sorry, Potter,” she says, and he meets her gaze, his own grin blooming. “I didn’t realise you were suffering so.”
“Being single,” he shrugs, waving an airy hand in the direction of the lake. “The secret sadness, even on a sunny day.” He glances down at her book. “Even in your fine company. Even though you’d rather be reading—what is that?”
“Pride and Prejudice,” she replies, showing him the cover. “It’s a classic.”
“That’s what girls want, is it?” he smirks. “Regency romance, contained desire and declarations of love at a polite distance?”
“Well,” she considers. “That, and paddling about in a lake.”
James’ laugh warms her, and she follows his gaze back out to the flirting pair nearby. “Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong.”
“Or maybe,” she says, and she’s not sure why, because it makes her stomach feel like it’s turning inside out, “you’re not going as wrong as you think you are.”
He looks round again, an intrigued eyebrow raised. For a moment, no comment, and she thinks she’s messed this up. They were having a rambling joking conversation, and she made it into something real.
But then he smiles again, and says, “We’re often our own harshest critic, aren’t we?” A pause, then, “Most of us, anyway. Sirius thinks he’s the bee’s knees.”
“But that’s only because he is,” Lily replies. Her heartbeat is returning to a normal rate. “Ignore the lake lovebirds. Lie back and I’ll read you some of my book.”
He chuckles, but does as he is asked, settling comfortably back against the grass. “Can I try to guess the ending?” he asks. “Who dies first, pride or prejudice? My money’s on prejudice.”
“James,” she says patiently, opening her book up again. “Shut up and listen.”
“Harsh,” he murmurs, and grins up at her. “But fair.”
And that was where they stayed, until the sun started to set over the lake.
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binchansbiceps ¡ 2 years ago
I Have Been Playing With A Superstar Chapter 3
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You could hardly believe that Lee Felix was standing in front of you asking if you were your username in discord meaning this had to be … “ALYFT?” you asked. Felix smiled and nodded “yep that’s me it’s great to finally meet you!” he says as he pulls you up and into a hug. You are more than sure he has seen the shocked disbelieving look on your face at who he is considering everything you ever told him on what you think about him and his group. Which may have gotten a little simp talking over some members if not all at least once. “Big surprise huh?” he asked, finally releasing you from the hug all you could do was nod. “Have you ordered anything to drink yet?” he asked you shook your head “i'll grab us some teas” he said and went to go order them. 
As you sat down in your chair you did everything you could to pull yourself together. You now realised his work meetings are the concerts, and that his project was all the practices for his blocking and singing. And that in fact the man you had been friends with for over a year has been LEE FELIX! The deep voiced Australian, and sixth oldest member of Stray Kids. 
“Peach tea lemonade right?” he asked as he set the drink in front of you and took his own seat across from you. “Yes thank you Felix and my name is Y/N” you told him finally having the words to speak to him. “Your welcome Y/N” “so how bad were you laughing at me as i said everything i did about you and the others?” you had to ask as it was the only thing on your mind. “I did a little giggling but you are a stay so i was not as surprised as you think”  he told you “get a lot of that on bubble huh?” you laughed out. He nodded as he took a sip of his drink “I can't believe you're you and I've been playing games with you … wait! That means the other friends you brought into some of our games were the others?!” you realised, that yes sometimes instead of just you two playing with randos in the world on some games mostly mario kart and smash bros A. or Felix would ask you if some of his other friends could played with you two, which you always said yes too, never having a problem with it as you wanted to maybe be their friend to one day, if meeting him ever happened, and hangout in real life happened often after words. “Yeah it was the others, they really like playing with you, they also snuck in on more games then you are probably thinking too” he laughed at your shocked face that kept getting more shocked as more things keep dawning on you about him and who he is with most of the time. 
After your many little freak outs you settle into how you would usually talk to him in discord. Finding it not that different talking to him in person, he really was the bright sunshine boy you and many other stays called him, as he just kept smiling and laughing talking to you and it was all completely honest. Of course being an empath this made you the same way and you absolutely loved every second of it. Nobody else in the world was like Felix and you were glad to have been his friend. 
Teas finished and the sun having moved pretty far to the other side of the sky but neither of you noticed the time flying by, having too much fun finally hanging out in person. Till Felix’s phone rang and he immediately answered after reading the caller id. Not understanding a thing as he spoke in Korean you looked at your own phone to see Mini having texted you and just sent a message saying if you did not answer her right now she was coming to hunt down the bastard who thought he could kidnap you. Telling her you were okay and that she didn’t need to hunt anyone down, you weren't kidnaped and you would try to explain everything to her later. Felix hung up and sighed as he put his phone in his pocket. “That was Chan he’s worried where i am and how long i’ve been out since i was supposed to be practising with everyone else today but he gave me the time off secretly to meet up.” he explained “it’s okay Mini just said she was about to hunt you down for kidnaping me too” you laughed out
 “Oh speaking of Mini, did you two get tickets for the concert?” he asked. You shook your head “i didn’t and Mini was just a little short before they sold out in the section” you explained. He looked a little happy at hearing this “good now i really don’t feel bad about getting you these” he said as he passed you an envelope. You gave him a look before taking it “what?” you asked as you looked inside and pulled out 2 front row at the damn barrier standing tickets for both performances and sound check tickets and backstage passes.
Your mouth dropped open and slowly you looked up at Felix “wha? how? when? where? why? wha?” you so intelligently asked, unable to form words. “I wanted you to come and have really good seats and to be able to hang out after the show too and i know you wouldn’t want to come alone and would have felt bad if you left Mini behind and i should meet your best friend and you should meet mine” he explained. You continued to just stare at him, unable to say anything to this god sent sunshine boy. You stood up and walked to his side of the table and hugged him “Felix this is so sweet of you thank you so much” you tell him and pull away to look at him then asking “it’s okay to tell Mini who you are? i thought i would have had to keep you a secret even from her" "if the two of you can keep this to yourselves that would be great but Chan said it’s okay to tell her and for her to meet the group too” he told you. “Well now i need a concert outfit 2 actually” you laughed out as Felix got up and grabbed his things “i can’t wait to see them” he said as he gave you another hug and started to head for the door “so i’ll see you at the concert then” he waved as he left the cafe and ran to his driver
You called Mini and told her you had to come over right now cause you had to tell her everything that just happened. Walking right into her place you yelled out that you were here, and she called out that she was in her gamer room. Upon entering the room you saw her sitting at her computer playing a game of Valorant. Waiting for her to finish her game you sat bouncing on the couch she had in there.
When she finished she turned around and looked at you expectantly. “Okay so for starters I'm not lying to you” you tell her “you never lie Y/N so what he a serial killer or something?” she asked “no he’s Felix” you tell her. She just sits there looking at you for a few minutes. “What?” she asks “he’s Lee Felix, i know, i was shocked when he asked if i was me and then when he pulled me up to hug me” you explained but she cut you off “WHAT?” “yeah and he is exactly like he seems and he even gave us these” you told her handing her the envelope. When she opened it and took out the tickets and passes she froze. “He wants to meet you and he wants us to meet the others too after the concert” you tell her. She looks up at you “how the hell did you manage to find and befriend Felix of Stray Kids?” “I have absolutely no idea�� you tell her. “Wait so we get to meet the others? Like all of them?” she asked, seeming to just now absorb all your words. “Yes they want to meet me and Felix wants to meet you and so you get to meet them too” you explained. ”the only thing is i don’t think we can tell anyone else so it has to stay between us” you let her know “okay i can keep this a secret it’s SKZ i will do anything just to meet them” she tells you. You both laugh at the situation and the random luck you seemed to have for this to happen and figure out what to wear and how the make up Mini was going to do on the two of you would go.
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dearracha ¡ 2 years ago
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POV: jisung gets turned on by u at the beach and vice versa.
stranger!jisung, fem!reader, contains smut, fingering, squirting, dirty talk, public sex.
The sun was shining in your face as your best friend drove to the beach. The warm breeze blew against your skin and you wanted this day to yourself.
Once you arrived at the beach, your best friend unpacked everything and you stood on the shore, watching the sea through your sunglasses as the wind blew your dress. “Y/n !” your bestfriend called. You took your sunglasses off, furrowing your brows as the sunshine made your eyes close.
Time passed, you and your bestfriend ate, spoke, made some tiktoks, but little did your bestfriend know what you were actually thinking about. Next to you was a group of boys, all of them were attractive and had abs, but only one managed to grab your attention. He had jet black hair covered by his snapback, his shoulders were broad, his hands big and pretty. You wondered what his name was. You were lost in thought when suddenly your bestfriend waved her hand in front of you, interrupting your thoughts.
You were trying so hard to listen to what your bestfriend was saying, but all you could think about was his pretty long fingers. A feeling erupted in you after watching him come out of the water with wet hair and water dripping down his defined abs. “Jisung!” one of the boys called, to which the guy who made you press your legs together responded to. “Oh” you sighed “Jisung.” You smiled to yourself.
You decided to take your dress off even if you weren’t going to swim in the sea. Your hourglass body was now on display, your red swimsuit making your curves show perfectly. You got up twirling around to show your bestfriend making her smile. “You look hot y/n” she said. And all you had to do now, was sit down and look pretty.
Well it seems like you have caught Han Jisung’s attention because he can’t stop staring at you. You played with your bikini strings, threatening to untie them as Jisung watched in excitement. He was now looking at the way your bikini top held your boobs so perfectly in place and was wondering how they would feel on his hands.
You decided to take this a step further. You made eye contact with him and he immediately panicked, turning his head away. You chuckled to yourself and it seems like your bestfriend has noticed what’s going on and she smirked at you. “Y/n are you in love with a stranger?” she asked in confusion. You looked at her and winked. She shook her head in annoyance and you were amused.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” you told your bestfriend. You got up and turned your head to see that Jisung was already looking at you. You smiled at him and winked, signalling him to follow you. You ran to the bathroom, excited for what’s to come. Jisung immediately followed. Once you were face to face with him, you couldn’t hold yourself up. His pretty face, his hair, his abs and chest were all on display for you.
“Fuck you’re hot” you spoke, while Jisung smirked at you. “You’re even hotter” he said while putting a strand of hair behind your ear. Once you heard his voice you were losing it. You could feel the wetness pooling in your underwear as his deep voice pierced your ears. He cupped your face while holding your waist to bring you closer to him. You attached lips. He licked your bottom lip for access and you opened your mouth enough for his tongue to go in.
Now you were having a makeout session with a stranger. You don’t know if it’s been 3 hours or 3 minutes. All you could think about was Jisung Jisung and Jisung. His lips worked professionally against yours while you gripped on his neck, bringing him closer to you. He set you on the counter making you yelp at how strong he was. He then massaged your boobs through the fabric that was engulfing them. Your underwear felt uncomfortable at this point and you just wanted it off.
He grabbed your hair and pulled it for better access to your neck, and sucked hickeys while massaging your tits. “Jisung..” you moaned, which made him stop his ministrations and look you in the eye. “You know my name?” he asked while you shook your head, telling him you heard it from his friends. His lips curled up into a smirk as he continued what he had started.
His free hand went from your waist to your bikini bottom, massaging your clit through the fabric. A soft moan left your mouth at the feeling of his lips on your neck and his fingers on your clothed clit. He then looked at you, making sure you were ok with this and you nodded. He slid your underwear off, throwing it somewhere while the cold air hit your pussy, making you squirm.
“You’re fucking dripping.” He spoke while keeping his eyes on yours. He ran a finger through your slick making you shudder at the sudden contact. He then started circling your clit making you bite back a moan. Your grip on his biceps got harder as he entered you with his middle finger. “Fuck-“ you said in pleasure. Your legs were quickly put onto his shoulders, giving him better access to your cunt.
He quickly started fingering you, and you couldn’t contain your moans anymore. Squelching sounds filled up the bathroom as you held on him for dear life. He started rubbing your clit while fingering you, the whole sensation making your legs close, but Jisung held your thighs open. “Fuck im gonna cum!” You whined and he bit his lip after saying “Be a good girl and cum on my fingers yea?”. His words sent you over the edge as you came, convulsing around his fingers and screaming his name. “That’s right baby. Scream for me.”
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djmossback ¡ 9 months ago
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Spacebar Downtown Boise Underground
Third Space Saturday 06/15/2024
Track List
Chic, My Feet Keep Dancing (12 INCH)
Sylvester, You Make Me Feel Mighty Real (12 INCH)
Yvonne Elliman, If I Can’t Have You (LP CUT)
Gazebo, Masterpiece (7 INCH)
Ashford & Simpson, Solid (7 INCH)
Dazz Band, Let It Whip (7 INCH)
Isaac Hayes, Theme From Shaft (7 INCH)
Super Girl Debora, Yo Vivire (I Will Survive) (7 INCH)
Ready For The World, Oh Sheila (7 INCH)
Tears For Fears, Change (7 INCH)
Eddy Grant, Electric Avenue (LP CUT)
LL Cool J, Big Ole Butt (12 INCH)
Tom Tom Club, Genius Of Love (12 INCH)
The Smiths, How Soon Is Now? (12 INCH)
The Rolling Stones, Hot Stuff (7 INCH)
Dillinger, Cokane In My Brain (7 INCH)
Hot Chocolate, Every 1’s A Winner (LP CUT)
Otis & Carla, Tramp (7 INCH)
Ohio Players, Fire (7 INCH)
Taste Of Honey, Boogie Oogie Oogie (LP CUT)
Prince, Erotic City (12 INCH)
Emotions, Best Of My Love (LP CUT)
Sinead O’Connor with MC Lyte, I Want Your Hands On Me (12 INCH)
Dolly Parton, Baby I’m Burnin’ (12 INCH)
Pet Shop Boys, Always On My Mind (12 INCH)
ZZ Top, Legs (12 INCH)
Romantics, Talking In Your Sleep (7 INCH)
The Kingsmen, Louie Louie (7 INCH)
Go-Go’s, We Got The Beat (7 INCH)
The Police, Message In A Bottle (7 INCH)
Heatwave, The Groove Line (7 INCH)
Alan Jackson, Chattahoochee (7 INCH)
Toni Basil, Mickey (7 INCH)
Cyndi Lauper, Girls Just Want To Have Fun (7 INCH)
Exile, Kiss You All Over (7 INCH)
Bee Gees, Jive Talkin’ (7 INCH)
Simple Minds, (Don’t You) Forget About Me (12 INCH)
Commodores, Brick House (12 INCH)
B Team, Something For Nothing (12 INCH)
The Time, 777-9311 (LP CUT)
Thundercat, Them Changes (10 INCH)
Kendrick Lamar, Yah (LP CUT)
Lakeside, Fantastic Voyage (LP CUT)
Grace Jones, I Need A Man (12 INCH)
Human League, Love Action (12 INCH)
Kylie Minogue, Can’t Get Blue Monday Out Of Ny Head (12 INCH)
Joy Division, Love Will Tear Us Apart (12 INCH)
Roots Manuva, Again & Again (12 INCH)
Vince Staples, Norf Norf (LP CUT)
Sweet, Love Is Like Oxygen (LP CUT)
KC and the Sunshine Band, Shake Your Booty (LP CUT)
Abbysinians, Declaration Of Rights (LP CUT)
Steve Miller Band, Abracadabra (7 INCH)
The Cramps, What’s Inside A Girl? (12 INCH)
Jimmy Gilmer, Sugar Shack (7 INCH)
0105 6/18/2024
Tasting Notes
Plan? Who needs a plan? Although, I did want to follow up a Dolly Parton track with a Pet Shop Boys track, and I succeeded in that. So, hooray for planning, I guess? A Dolly Parton disco remix. Who knew.
I’m late, and the first 20 minutes of the set are pure chaos. My opening song has a skip in it. I have to quickly switch to another track. Sylvester. What a jam. “YOU MAKE ME FEEL, MMMM MIGHTY REAL.” Makes me realize what a huge influence the gay club scene has on my aesthetic, but I’m too much of a dilettante to ever stay in one groove long. I love the totality of the musical experience, and I try to fit things together in a pleasing way. And tonight I did some of my best work. Will dialed in the sound system this week and provided booth monitors, which made a huge difference, since I have a kind of hybrid mixing technique. I like to listen to the house to make sure the transitions are working the way I want them to. I’m still learning, even after decades of doing this.
There is no one in the bar. It’s weird. Then, there are a lot of people in the bar. Saturday night in downtown Boise! The continual crawl. People come, people go. I hope they tip well.
The crew is different from last month. Except for Beth. The door person Abby introduces themself, but I never meet the second bartender, Emma. They all work hard, and take care of the crowd. Abby even works some crochet into their night! It rules.
Apparently there have been complaints from upstairs at the speakeasy about our volume, which is part of the reason Will put in so much work on the PA. No complaints this time around. I work hard to make sure I keep the music present, enveloping without being overwhelming. There is fellowship and hooking up happening, and I want to complement it, not ruin it.
No one I know is there, and no one is making any requests. A dude comes up to the booth and says, “I’ve got Cokane running around in my brain” and gives me a fist bump. “Man, I never expected to hear that around here!” I was gratified, because I often wonder what goes through people’s minds as they listen to my set. I must say, I was chuffed.
DJ Retronaut and his traveling party, which included Mrs. DJ I.G.A., roll into the bar. I am happy to see them. They are family. They also understand the life, and realize I’m at a job, and allow me to do it. I love them for that. Happy Birthday, Henry Dryden. Big Red is 21!
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They stay awhile, but I don’t get to play “Headhunters” by Herbie Hancock for Retronaut. That would just be showing off anyway.
I played many of the 12” records that I acquired since the last time I played. They are thick and cheap on the resale market right now. Germboy Newcox scouted out a killer single for me, “Something For Nothing,” and I played the A-side next to the Time, and it fit so well. I had not heard of this record before, a 1984 slice of Electro Funk mastered by Brian “Big Bass” Gardner at Bernie Grundmans. So I obviously have much left to discover! The search goes on.
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I started late, so I tacked on another couple of minutes with “Sugar Shack” by Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs. This amuses Beth behind the bar, which was a nice note to end on.
Next Third Space Saturday is July 20th, 2024.
Thanks for reading.
PS. I promised last month to play Sleaford Mods twice tonight. I ended up not playing them at all. THREE TIMES NEXT MONTH!
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jodellejournals ¡ 11 months ago
life lately..
soo, hi. it's been quite a long time, isn't it?
so much has happened since december and all is well, still, thank god. speaking of december, it was my favorite month of the year 2023. god really saved the best for last. i am my best self. i won best dressed in our company's annual gathering. my hair is straight, silky, sleek. my sleep was restful, relaxing, deep. my weight is back to normal. my outfits were slaying. my life, finally, together. everything is on fleek. ahh the mountains and valleys and hills (and maybe even rivers!) that i have climbed and crossed 'til i got here. nobody knows. really. so i celebrate my wins because it took so much of me to be now "me". im so proud of you, self. so, soo proud. i might even cry while typing this but maybe that's just the pisces in me or my because my period is set to arrive tomorrow. whatever, it is, i'm just so sentimental acknowledging my growth -- as a human, as woman. cheers to me!
january and february have been pretty well. i've got a haircut but six days ago i had my hair fixed again so all is well. on valentines, as usual, i have no valentino, but no worries, amigos. i ate my favorite meal at mcdonald's and bonded with my baby nephew (he was nice to me that day!). i originally planned to watched priscilla directed by sofia coppola that one sweet day but found out that it was only shown in limited cinema days. so... ok. at least, my tummy was full. mcdonald's fries didn't disappoint. by the end of february came pisces season. i was so excited! my birthday was so near!
then came march. oh, march, where do i even begin? you are all sorts of beautiful and wonderful. every bit of magical and whimsical. you are glitters and sparkles. you are rainbows and sunshine. to keep it short, march was my best month so far in 2024. i celebrated my birthday wearing this beautiful red dress that i bought for myself. ahh, finally, a red dress. i realized i do not own a red dress so pre-birthday, i made sure i'd have one -- and so i ordered two (hey, i'm just a girl!). the dress fitted my petite frame really well and i must say i really looked good on it. i'm starting to believe red is my color but still, pink, above all. so for birthday lunch, i treated my work mates at this quaint and vintage new restaurant in the metro. and boy, it did not disappoint! it's now one of my fav restos considering the food quality, ambiance, price, and aesthetic. i went out of work earlier than usual (because it's my birthday, duh) and booked a grabcar to st. clement's church. it's my favorite church and the nearest to our house. actually, most of the masses i attended in my childhood was spent there. favorite because most of my answered prayers were prayed there. also, let me not forget san jose church, where i also visit and pray and confess my heart's stories. that church really knew my desperate cries for help. so both churches are extremely special to me. ok so going back, i lighted candles upon arriving at the st. clement's church. i thanked god for another year in life, for the blessings i am receiving, for continued healing, for living in answered prayers each single waking day. god knew where i used to be and thank god i'm no longer in that place. praise him, forever. i also then attended a mass since i heard there was a homily going on. after which, i decided to walk home (yes, that is how near it is to our house) and bumped into a high school classmate. oh some things never change. this girl, from my high school, is still her old high-pitched voice self, round and cheeky in form, carrying a backpack like she used to from over a decade ago! so we exchanged small stories and the how-have-you-beens and bid goodbye. as i reached home, my family members were there awaiting for the birthday girl. of course, i ordered pizza, pasta, and chicken for everyone! share your blessings, right? so i did. the night was filled with laughter but most of all, love. i took pictures too wearing my "birthday princess" crown. it's my day (and night), after all. and so that night, i slept with a warm, happy, and oh-so-full heart -- of love, gratefulness, contentment, hope. i had the best birthday -- yet -- of my life and i know it's just getting started. the best is yet to come.
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