#now that I think about it I really am just seeing this movie for gaga bye
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chimerafflesia · 5 months ago
joker folie a deux out soon. will be mentally preparing for the "I want a relationship like harley and the joker" crowd to reemerge
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full-clown-car · 5 months ago
Okay, here’s my hot take that’s gonna get me canceled. Joker 2 was good. Really good. The only reason people didn’t like it is that the first movie garnered a fan base comprised largely of incels who see themselves in Arthur Fleck, and wanted to live out their revenge fantasy through his portrayal, and the movie didn’t go in that direction, and now they’re big mad.
I mean, it’s dark. And depressing. But it’s real. It incorporates a comic book storyline and manages to make it really real. The shit that happens in it is depressingly real.
I will probably expand on that more in future but for now I just want to say that, given that fanbase, I think it was really responsible of the director to show it that way rather than playing to the fantasy, even if it was an unpopular decision.
Don’t get me wrong, the movie contains some disturbing shit. But it’s all the more disturbing because it’s real. And that’s what I think is responsible about it: the specific disturbing shit they chose to portray, and what they were saying about the system each time they chose to portray it.
(Also the movie contains a Joker-Harley sex scene, and although I’m sure the fans wanted it to be sexy and are salty that it wasn’t, I am glad that it wasn’t. And it really really wasn’t, at least in my opinion. It was disturbing. And I think it was a responsible choice for the filmmakers to portray their relationship in this way, as opposed to the “mad love” situation people so often fall for. It’s like when people write love letters to serial killers in jail, you know? It’s not so cute and fun in real life. Anyway the sex scene was realistically disturbing and Gaga and Phoenix absolutely nailed the vibe of that scene. As I knew they would.)
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romanarose · 11 months ago
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Banner by @winniethewife
Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024
Hello friends!
Let's try this again and I'll try to be more clear to not invoke discourse. That being said, it is *my* event and if you'd like to run one a certain way, go nuts. However, this is how I'm doing it.
I had a lot of fun doing Dead Dove December and the Triple Frontier Anniversary Event so I decided I wanted to do an event for pride this year! I know it seems far away right now, especially given how many of us in north America are still cold af, but I wanna give everyone time!
Each week of pride will have a theme to write or draw for (you don't have to do all of them! Think of it like kinktober.) at the end, I will put out a masterlist (or multiple depending how many)so we can all share each other's work.
Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal are both allies to LGBT people, Pedro having played multiple queer rolls and having likened his sexuality to that of Prince Oberyn. Despite none of the characters being canon queer, Triple Frontier specifically lends itself to queer stories. Recently, theres been a rise in stories of Oscar characters in relationships or Pedro characters in relationships which I love.
What I'd really like to do is encourage people to think past x fem!reader or canon presentation of characters. I want to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual relationships, trans readers, trans interpretations of characters etc. More content guidelines will be in the what section.
Primarily tumblr.com, our very own shithole hellsight. However, especially given tumblr's censorship vs. twitter, I am encouraging posting on twitter or wherever you'd like. If you post something elsewhere, send me a link or send me a post you made about it on tumblr and I'll promote the link.
Additionally if you only write on ao3, I'd love for you to participate too! Once again, just send the link!
in order to do the week by week themes and hold all of June, there will be 6 weeks from May 26th-July 6th
Each week will have themes. I won't be policing the weeks and these so if you do the 1st week on july 3rd, that's fine. The themes are keeping in mind both artists and writers. I only got one artist for DDD, a great piece and I've love to see more! Ideas are just for spit balling, do your own take!
May 26th-June 1st: Coming out. Ideas: Coming out to family, lover, friend. Finding gender affirming clothes/hair, first pride
June 2nd-8th: Transitioning Ideas: Surgary, surgery scars, starting T or E, binding (safely!!!)
June 9th-15th: Sex/kissing First time together, first time with certain biology or the same sex, sweet kisses, smut showing scars,
June 16th-22nd: Food, fashion, fun
All things queer culture and culture of different religions, racial or country backgrounds, queer fashion, gender affirming clothes, Keshet (קשת), listening to Lady Gaga or Bruce Springsteen, watching a queer movie
June 23rd-29th: Struggles Rejection, reconciling faith and identity, missing family that rejected one, comfort, candlelight vigil, day of remembrance.
June 30th- July 6th:Strength Asserting ones or a partner/friend/family's pronouns, standing up against hate, being loudly and proudly yourself, pride events
Writers and artists in any form are welcome. I also want to encourage working with each other, writers and artists together!
For characters: Any Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal character has to at least be in the relationship. Other characters in universes can be done, such as FishBen.
Reader can be anyone, just properly tag! If you want to come out to Marc Spector as bisexual, do it!!! If you want Joel to take care of you after top surgery, do it!
However! Please do your research if writing or drawing an identity not yours. There are trans, nonbinary, gay, lebian etc bloggers all over tumblr who write about their experience, please divert to first person testimonies rather than assumptions.
A few rules
MUST contain more than male character x fem!reader. Male character x fem!reader x male character does not count unless the two male characters are romantically or sexually involved or one or the reader is trans. Any Q's, dm me!
This is not a dark event. I'm not going to be policing the content matter but I really want to primarily focus on the pride. However, as a bisexual, gender non-conforming person I know a lot of pain can still be involved. What we are not doing is suicide, death, self-harm, or non consensual activity. If you have questions or would like to make a case for something, just dm me!
This is not inherently NSFW, but there is absolutely NSFW allowed. Always tag everything properly.
The usual no's like bestiality, incest, underage nsfw etc
As far as minor characters, SFW MINOR CHARACTERS IS ALLOWED. You can write or draw lgbt themes because being LGBT is not inherently sexual. For example, teenage Santi coming out as trans to Frankie or your own version of Ellie and Joel's talk about Ellie and Dina kiss. That being said, I'd prefer to reserve this to teens. Again, any questions or ideas that don' quite fit into parameters, just ask!
As always, I am allowed to use my discretion. If I do not want to include something, I won't. However, I know that there are rifts in the fandom. I won't be excluding you out of personal bias. As long as I don't have you blocked and you haven't plagerized or done something really bad to people, you'll be included. I'm not letting petty beefs get in the way. Harmful actions will, however. I need to protect my peace and keep
NO REAL PERSON FANFICTION. Do not write about Oscar Isaac or Pedro pascal being gay or trans and do not make any assumptions about their sexuality or gender identity. Oscar is happily married to a woman and Pedro has expressed his sexuality is like that of Oberyn Martell but has not elaborated much further, nor should he have to. Just leave ‘em be. You can speculate elsewhere but that’s not what this event is for.
Simply tag me, @romanarose and use the #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 please please please use BOTH so it's easier for me to find!!!
When the event is over, much like DDD I will compiled them into a masterlist and posted. This is a chance for every blog, big and small, to get a moment in the sun and to share each others works! Remember, reblogging, comments, and interacting is what makes this a community! I want to create an environment that is welcoming and we all help each other.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or clarification!
However, if you go issues with me writing men kissing, chracters being trans, queer readers etc, I'm not really open to debate.
~A nonbinary bisexual <3
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teaspoonnebula · 1 year ago
Hullo, I am so sorry if this ask is a weird one but. You are in the fandom for a long time, and I need to know, is it me or is the ACD SH fandom *not* insane?? Everywhere else where I've been, I see people turning on each other, fighting over characters and the morality of liking them and not liking them, telling people to go kill themselves and here. I have been in this corner of Tumblr for a few months now, and everybody seems normal? Am I just not deep enough yet to sew the drama, or is this really just a place where people hang out to enjoy something together??? Are we just too old of a fandom to do this?
(feel free not to answer if this is too weird or anything)
Sorry my reply got really long. I've broken it up with memes in the hope that it makes it more readable.
I've been in the fandom for a few years now, and I don't have much to compare against because I've generally avoided fandom spaces because they seem pretty intense (and I've not had a piece of media grab me quite like this before) but yeah it seems pretty chill?
I think there are lots of possible reasons why.
It might be that the fandom skews a little older, with lots of people who have enough life experience to know how to de-escalate tension when they encounter it, and when to walk away from the keyboard.
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It might be that there's a century-old understanding that we're all playing a silly tongue-in-cheek game with characters from magazine stories that were never supposed to be analysed this way. Remember the term "canon" as used in fandom circles was invented by Sherlock Holmes fans (specifically my boy Ronald Knox) as a joke, a deliberate cute misapplication of a term used for discussing the Bible to something frivolous. Not taking yourself too seriously is very baked into Sherlockian culture.
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I sometimes get glimpses from other fandoms of this puritanical attitude that to like or not like a character or a piece of work is somehow a moral act, and I find that... bewildering. A bit scary. To be a fan of Sherlock Holmes is inherently to love something dearly which also contains things which should be hated: racism, sexism, imperialism. I think that fans tend to be people well used to approaching literature with the level of nuance required to process that dichotomy. To acknowledge it rather than hide from it.
It might also be because it's public domain. A big blockbuster movie or pastiche by a celebrated writer is precisely as legitimate as every fanfic on Ao3. Or the CGI movie where they're gnomes. Or a slightly wonky point and click game someone is obsessively making in their spare time (...coughcougheveryonewishlist 'The Beekeepers' Picnic' onsteam) Sherlock Holmes belongs to everyone equally regardless of how much money and power they have, which is why I love it.
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Like, I love him as a character, I love the Victoriana, I love the mysteries, but the #1 reason I've gone gaga over Sherlock Holmes these past few years is the joy of loving a thing which isn't controlled by a corporation and which does not exist to make money (anymore).
I'm not saying there's zero drama because I think when you get a bunch of people passionate about something there will always be a little drama. I'll see things like the jostling of people who are very protective of asexual readings of Holmes and people who are very protective of gay readings of Holmes, things like that. Feelings can run high when personal identity is involved. But I've never seen anything got too vicious.
Errrr yeah idk if you wanted an essay as a response but you got one!
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brandogenius · 1 year ago
Mmmmm what about, headcannons on your interpretations on the different ways that the boys would ask you out/ you would ask the boys out?
Other thoughts:
I think that regardless of what she did, julien would say “ Can I be your girlfriend?” ( Idk why it gets me all melted and shit, probably cuz we’re used to “ will you be my girlfriend”)
Imagining Pheobe who’s the friend that would spam your comment section after you post something ( barking like a dog frfr)
And one time she replied to another commenter who went “one chance🙏🏽��� and she replied “she’s mine, can you fight?” or something and y’all were in the same room. You looked up from your phone and went “ I’m yours huh?”
Pheobe: ” yep”
You: “Okay then”
Then you replied to her comment “ hers❤️ I would still recommend you know how to fight though.”
LUCY I imagine she sat you down at her house. Maybe she’d set up a backyard movie. Reasoning being to play an unreleased song. You didn’t know why she was so nervous, she pulled out her laptop and a projector started playing a video with the song in the back onto the wall from the projector. At first it seemed like a song about yalls friendship.
As the montage went on with the pictures and videos, and the song got more personal, you realized that, this was a confession?
Then at the end of the song, there was a voice snippet of lucy talking, saying how she was grateful that she met you and how she’s so glad you’re in her life. Then she mentioned the first time she starting feeling differently towards you compared to anyone else, and how nervous you made her. Then at the end she pops the big question.
HC - the boys & reader - asking you out
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phoebe would be the type of person just like you said ^^ you’d post cute photos of yourself and phoebe would be your number one hype dude in the comments “BEAUTIFUL” like that lady gaga meme “AMAZING TALENTED BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS”
the two of you would go off to this nice little beach and take some photos but you see phoebes story just as she posts something and it’s a photo of the beach but you’re in the background and she has a heart on it. “that’s cute” you showing phoebe her story, liking it. “nah. you’re cuter” this has you lifting your head, phoebe grinning at you. “am i now? say, it is kinda late huh? what about we get some dinner? me and you” you kinda were hoping she’d understand where you’re coming from.
“yeah? like a date?” she’s smirking and you nod your head, not being able to get a word out before she’s grabbing your hand and dragging you to the nearest restaurant”
lucy is the type to be like play flirting with you ALL THE TIME same like phoebe but mostly irl if it makes sense? two of you could be cuddling together bickering like an old married couple. phoebe gagging in the corner like “get a fucking room” the two of you just cuddled on the couch, hands twirling some strands in your hair. lucy taking fake offensive to phoebes comment like “damn. you really are being homophobic right now - you hearing this shit?” and she looks at you and you’re nodding your head like “i can’t believe this shit”
she’s like “i can’t believe you’re being mean to me and my girlfriend” and it has everyone raising an eyebrow like 🤨🤨🤨 and she’s like “i mean - uh “ and turning to you and you’re there like “take me out to dinner first sweetheart then we’ll go further” and she’s like “say no more. tomorrow 6pm”
jb would be waiting for the perfect moment. to she’s been preparing ALL WEEK. getting hype from the boys “you can do it! you can do it!!” i like to imagine you work in a flower shop🤭🤭 so she walks in one day looking at the flowers trying to hype herself up to talk to you. not even realising you’re watching her with that small smile on your face.
“you looking for anything in particular?” this kinda startles her so she grabs the first bouquet she finds and hands them to you like “yup yup wanna buy these” and you’re laughing to yourself like “these are the display flowers. are you sure you were looking for these?” and she’s cringing at herself like shit fuck shit- “would you like to grab a coffee with me? maybe now- or later after your shift if you’re free- because if not that’s totally fine” but you’re stood there like :o and juliens there like inner monologue is spongebob screaming in that office as it goes up in flames.
“i’d love to” you say “i actually finish now so it’s perfect timing”
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
This Week in BL - lots, just LOTS
I thought I would be pretty lean reporting for Oct 2023 but then (for reasons relayed here) the weeklies got saved by a drunk avenging hacker in a hotel room.
Oct 2023 Wk 1
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Except I still can't watch IFYLITA, because I use my other computer for it.
Gotta say though, watching tese mostly all in one day (for travel reasons) is beyond even my BL superpowers. I did my best tho.
Ongoing Series - Thai
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 8 of 12 - Sailom, sweetie, Kang is never sleeping alone again. It wasn't really translated, but Kang's way of speaking in that opening stinger was VERY cutsie. Also the gay sheets have made another appearance. I do have to say that "rich kid problems" is not my favorite story arc, but I still think this is a great Thai BL.
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 6 of 8 - I love that they are finally talking to each other but Yi’s whole personality is shifting. Honestly, this pair is great at kissing and casual touches, but the friendships are the best thing about this franchise. Also Mr Chenne remains my fav character. But where did Diao's baby superhero team come from? And why? This show is very confusing... It’s also not very good.
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My Universe (Sun iQIYI) You Are My Soulmate ep 7 - This was the one of the series I was looking forward to the most, because silly, pretty, and v BL. It is, in fact all those things and nothing more. So I'm enjoying it, of course.
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Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - I like it, but it feels like it's gonna be so sad. I'm having Promise and Dew the movie flashbacks. Plus 12 eps seems too long for this narrative thread. I am worried.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 6 of 10 eps - This show is so slow it's hardly worth the bandwidth, but we attained "baby is a floppy drunk" and thus a finger bite frustration scene, which was nice.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 9 of 10 (not a BL but I'm watching it anyway) - Ray is so mean to Sand. The not-a-thing with Sand & Nick was cute. I’ve had several experiences like that. All my queer friendship groups tend to be incestuous, but sometimes they're just too much of a sibling and trying to sleep with them is the most unsexy thing in the universe. To be fair, I’ve also been in Ton’s position (this ep). Jojo sure makes queer shizz. But also, Ton must have a magic rod with everyone wanting a repeat. (I'm so glad they put Neo in this role, no one else at GMMTV could play him as complex or sympathetic.)
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 5 of 10 - now officially known by me as "I'm too sunshine for this seme" where our boss is being hella obvious but our cinnamon roll is just too ooey-gooey to notice. Al.though, baby boy, he takes you home, sleeps on top of you, feeds you cookies (IN HIS BED) and keeps you in his space? Surely even this sunshine is catching a few rays of truth?
Gaga's *unintelligible gay murmuring* is my favorite caption EVER.
Also the name of my new ASMR YT channel.
Bon Appetit (Korea Weds iQIYI) 3-4 of 8 - ah gay panic, also what is Korea's obsession with 7 year separations? Is it only true love if you wait 7 years? Dohoon is SUCH a flirt, it's kinda great! Also, since it's Korea, we got us a bit of a love triangle with 2 hyung romances, so I (of course) am torn. Either way Dohoon is going down. I do love how much time we are spending with the food in this drama, finally one that lives up to its name. On an entirely different note, Korean camping is the most bizare thing to me. It's SO damn civilized. There will be NO DIRT. They pack blow torches. And full dinner sets. Every time I see it in a drama, I'm amused.
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - OMG these 2 are so in love with each other, and so ridiculous about it. They're tiny idiots but I love them.
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 5 - from MBS a live action adaptation of Kubota Maru’s manga ‘君となら恋をしてみても. Amane has stopped loving people due to trauma until he meets Ryuji. At first Amane just wants to play with Ryuji but… feelings.
I like the odd Japanese mature-childishness in this one. Plus a broken sunshine who is out in a kind of aggresive way and an instinctive caring seme. What's not to love? Well, it's Japan I'm sure it will surprise me one way or another.
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 3 of ? - the cray cray step brother quazi incest is a bit much for me. Why does VBL just suddenly get so unhinged like this?
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 9 of 13(?) - resumes next week
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It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch 8-12 and do a series review when I get back in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - I will complete and drop a review in Nov.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - 4th installment in this series (1st series, 1 special, 1 movie prior) about a lawyer who lives with his boyfriend, a hairdresser, and cooks for him. I find thie series more fun to binge, som I'm waiting until it completes its run.
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
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In case you missed it?
Crazy Handsome Rich (Sun Gaga) Apparently ended its run I DNFed this at ep 3. So no review from me.
My Beautiful Man: Eternal AKA Utsukushii Kare Eternal (Japan movie Viki & Gaga) - Play it again Sam, only I'm kinda tired of this song. I was v dramatic tho. And it's always nice to be reminded JBL can kiss when it puts its mind to it. 8/10
Next Week Looks Like This
Upcoming October BL
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10/31 SHADOW (Thai VIU ????) - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all, but if it must be done in BL let Japan do it). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
10/? Bump Up Project AKA Bump Up Business (Korea ????) - BL staring OnlyOneOf that released(??) as a movie in July but is now being recut and reissued as a series. Stars NineMill and from Idol Romance bulled as a love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency (based on a webtoon). OnlyOneOf have been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV work in this post. Idol Romance will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You) but I don't think we will get any in this. After that OmegaX Shoulder bullshizz buisness I am very wary of this show.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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I've seen this Chinese drama like... no wait... okay it's like EVERY Chinese drama ever.
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(both Mr Cinderella 2)
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I only got to watch this scene and the bath, but bot were pretty darn good! I Feel You Linger in the Air
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There's only one bed but they slept together on the floor anyway. One of BL's oddest tropes.
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I do love a finger bite. (both Venus in the Sky)
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Good advice
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(Naughty Babe)
(Last week) 
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cherrysweets-world · 22 days ago
oh. my. god. girlie!!!
So imagine this - I’m minding my own business and suddenly my friend gets me spiraling about the emperors in Gladiator 2.
On a day to day basis we study latin and ancient greek and we have as of recently worked with the emperors - and while I was spiraling, I got curious and searched up fan-faction as I found it a bit humorous how people today simp for such historical figures. (Ignoring the fact that I was starting to do the same thing)
And girl, your fan-fiction was not a let down. Honestly I was reserved at first, thinking: well they are firstly mad and secondly roman emperors - which in my book is the same thing but somehow still worse. They are in my opinion some of the most interesting historical figures because, despite their unhinged behavior, they managed to keep power in an empire which was known to break easily. They as people had to be so politically aware in ways no human can manage without being overwhelmed. And I think you’ve captured JUST that. And you’ve done it perfectly.
MEANWHILE you also gave them actual distinct personalities - not only based on the movie but also with a personal touch that you just… you make it work so well with your well put-together descriptions of the characters perception of the surroundings. It’s honestly a skill that I personally think best-selling authors often are missing today.
You are nailing every aspect of writing with your fan-fiction: writing in it self, character building, world building, and understanding of the historical context just well enough to make it work 100%.
And you’ve honestly captured Geta and Caracalla better than the movie did (as fictional characters).
Also, it totally helped listening to “Disease” by Lady Gaga while reading. It really captured the mood with Caracalla especially. I was kicking my feet and giggling for some reason. (I find myself having no self respect reading it)
Thank you so much for making my sunday night enjoyable. I am SO looking forward to the next chapter - please do tag me.
I’m excited to see what you will do with Macrinus!
This is the hugest compliment holy shit? Ive mentioned this a couple times now but this is the first thing I’ve written in 4 years, I literally posted it on here with 0 followers and since then there has been the most amazing support🥹
Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know your thoughts! This is top 5 asks I’ve received for sure.
That has also become one of my favourite songs lmao - I’ve added you to the taglist ♥️
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jilly-willy325 · 5 months ago
I am SICK and TIRED of the Joker Folie à deux hate. It was marketed as a musical even when it was js rumored to be in production. Lady Gaga is not an actor and yet she did Harley so well. It was NOT a sequel to the first one more like the continuation of the story (ik that’s confusing I’m sorry idk how to explain it). It takes place 2 whole years after the first one. It perfectly shows Arthur’s reality and how he sees the world and how Lee uses that reality to dig him deeper to fulfill her sick criminal fantasy. And it gives a perfect example of Arthur coming to his own, realizing his actions, and paying for them. Yes the twist was a bit predictable but only if you paid close attention to the cinematography which I think is an excellent way of foreshadowing because you only really get it if you are fully invested. It perfectly exemplifies Arthur’s madness and false diagnosis of DID (the line “there is no joker” near the end showing this) and the mirror of the ending of Joker with the young inmate basically imitating Arthur by killing someone who he looked up to but was hurt by due to his words on national television. He is the first victim of the “real” Joker and his own final victim. All of Jokers supporters (including the inmate who ends up being his demise) show that they never cared abt Arthur but truthfully just cared abt The Joker being an outlet for their blood thirst and radical beliefs and I fully believe that this movie and its predecessor are commentaries on our society and political system. Arthur got exactly what he wanted in the end, he got fame, he personified his anger, and took out his resentment on the person who seemingly betrayed him. But he also had to die, because these actions weren’t justified. Joker in this movie is not meant to be sympathized with or defended. It is simply a look into the twisted reality of one of the most famous supervillains of our time. The change of Harley to a patient rather than a psychiatrist is also an excellent thematic choice. It flips the power dynamic in their relationship completely. In the original story Harley feels almost indebted to Joker feeling as if he “created” her (yes ik this is then combated especially in newer depictions but just for the sake of this argument let’s ignore that). Now that she’s just Lee, a fellow inmate, he sees her as an equal, giving her that much more power over him. She lies about her past and how she got to Arkham to make him believe that she really was just like him when in reality she’s just some sick rich kid who wants to be a criminal and be associated with the definition of evil (Arthur). Harley never loved Arthur, she was in love with the persona of Joker, So in the end she abandons him because she wants a kindred spirit, a fellow psycho (which while I do think Arthur is at least a sociopath, he’s not what she wants). Sorry for that rant but that movie touched my soul bro 😭
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years ago
Amazing, Showstopping, Glamorous Blue Lock Headcanons That Are Definitely True Ego Told Me So #1
Inspired by a friend and I yelling about Blue Lock lately. Some of these are yours, friend. Thank you for contributing to my madness :D
Don't now if I'm gonna make a part 2 but eh? We'll see where my next fever dream takes me.
Isagi un-ironically Naruto-ran throughout middle school. He thought it made him look cool and increased his speed. One day he was full blown running across the soccer field and took a heavy nose dive- breaking it. He stopped doing it after that.
Raichi's playlist is entirely made up of early 2000's/2010's pop hits. I'm talking Britney Spears, Destiny's Child, Ariana Grande, and his queen herself- Lady Gaga. Knows all the songs and dances and performs them at 2 am in the Blue Lock cafeteria when he thinks no one's up. Has been walked in on multiple times.
Chigiri has a very specific set of bookish characters that if their name is even referenced he will throw hands. You wanna see this soft spoken shy princess swear up a storm? Drop a name. "Hey Chigiri, who's Gale Hawthorne-" "Don't you ever speak that bastard's name in my presence again."
Kunigami loves All Might from My Hero Academia. He's not at the collector level Deku is in the show but he'll quote the Number 1 Hero ("Former-" "We don't talk about the other guy, Isagi. There's only All Might"). Only Isagi knows what he's saying; everyone else has heard "Plus Ultra" but doesn't really get it.
Bachira is a fantastic artist. He gets it from his momma and it shows! He likes to draw the monster a lot, but he has drawn everyone in the room at least once. Whenever he draws his friends, they'll have little decorations associated with them. (Kuni's got a cape, Chigiri's got a tiny crown, Isagi has his own monster.)
Nagi can do the worm. He does mainly when he's already on the floor and is too lazy to stand, so he just kinda wiggles over to wherever he needs to go. No one knows where he learned it but it's absolutely hilarious to watch.
Sae speaks fluid Spanish from his time in Spain. This comes very apparent after Shidou pissed him off so badly he chewed him out in it. The mentioned man finds it really sexy, even if Sae's calling him a "Colossal hemorrhoid I have the displeasure of having stuck up my ass."
Despite his love for Horror games/movies, Rin is beyond easy to jump scare. His argument is that in those settings he's prepared to get spooked. Bachira can be as silent as the wind when he wants to be, so accidental (and a lot of times intentional) spooks are common between them. ".......Hi Rin!" "FU-!"
Chigiri is a great singer but horrifically shy about it. He sings in the shower when he's sure no one is around. Most of the tunes he sings are ones his sister introduced him to- things like "Uptown Girl" and "Tiny Dancer"; but he knows a handful of newer ones. One time Bachira walked in on him. The dribbler told everyone he knew about it but Chigiri flat out refuses to sing in front of anyone so it's more a rumor.
Reo on the flip side is a horrible singer and refuses to believe anything otherwise. In his head, he is a god of vocals. In reality, he sounds like Toad from Super Mario getting tased in the balls. Nagi has learned the art of tuning him out, so he's no help in disproving Reo's false beliefs.
Gagamaru has been the resident bug catcher since the Blue Lock Spider Incident of 2018. He's the only one brave enough to gather them up in his hands and put them outside.
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paula-in-dreamland · 4 days ago
Get to know your mutuals!
Thank you for tagging me @bilbotargaryen and @ladyaldhelm :)))))
What's the origin of your blog title? Just felt like it summed up what this blog is as a multifandom blog? Aka my escape/dreamworld/delulu fantasy realm ?? I changed it to this sometime in High School about 10 years ago (I think lol; I just know it has been A LONG TIME), and it just...stuck. Haven't changed it since. And now, I can't remember ANY of my old/OG blog titles.
OTP(s) + Shipname: Sigtryggr x Stiorra (Imma make a poll to decide on an official name soon), Rosalie and Emmett (Rosemmett), Anakin x Padme (Anidala) are arguably the ones I hold in the highest regard. But I also am a ship whore so I have like forty bagillion that you'll see pop up.
Favorite colour: Mostly just pink - especially like bubblegum or pale pink. However, I also like light pastels/"baby" colors in general.
Favorite game: Any game that I can DESTROY my older brother in during 2player mode. But I also am a huge fan of like social simulation games [Sims, Animal Crossing] and like the business simulation games [ie ZooTycoon]. Idk if I have a favorite.
Song stuck in your head: Sports Car - Tate McCrae (we can uh-uh in it specifically) // Abracadabra - Lady Gaga (the chorus lmao)
Weirdest habit/trait? Hyperfixating on characters to an obsessive level ?? But I'm also trying to ~unlearn~ the idea of fangirling being cringe/weird and instead trying to embrace it (and really try to to unlearn anything being weird/strange because it is really all about perspective; your weird is another person's normal)
Hobbies: Writing, Cooking, Fangirling. I'd love to get back into dancing/performing, vidding, and photography/cinematography.
If you work, what's your profession? Not currently working.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically? I am hoping to publish some original fiction. Just gotta find time outside of my fanfic writing to do it LOL.
Something you're good at: Caregiving (for children specifically)
Something you're bad at: Socializing (lol SAMESIES; I prefer my internet friends, husband, and child)
Something you love: my child and husband and dog; my tumblr mutuals
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Probably child development?
Something you hate: nutella
Something you collect: Stuffed animals. Fictional characters. Books [Yeah I'm qualifying books]
Something you forget: Words. Grammar. Social practices. To tell people things.
What's your love language? I think it was gift giving and maybe quality time?
Favorite movie/show: Current favorite is probably TLK for show..... A Cinderella Story is my go-to for movie.
Favorite food: There are so many??? But perhaps my family's meatball recipe.
Favorite animal: Dog, penguins, bears....If it's cute I like it.
What were you like as a child? Dramatic, bubbly, sweet, curious.
Favourite subject at school? Biology, math, dance. At one point, Latin/Spanish.
Least favourite subject: Tie of History and English...More so English.
What's your best character trait? My empathy.
What's your worst character trait? My judgement / competitive nature
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? Finances and house.
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? Carrie Fisher. Jason David Frank. Aaron Carter. Heath Ledger. Brittany Murphy.
No pressure tags:
@azriona @holy3cake @whitedarkmoonflower @chman90 + anyone else I'm forgetting
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rainbowdaisy13 · 22 days ago
Hey, just wanted to give you the heads up on something in the name of accuracy. Its about the tiktok you have pinned right now. I watched it full and it's a cascading investigation where you find A and then A leads you to B leads you to C etc. And if along the way one of the premises is not right or inaccurate it can dismantle the whole theory. All the digging this guy did is impressive but there's a part of the video where he says he gets farm states adds every single time he watches a Taylor music video when "Youtube adds are supposed to be random". That's how he reaches the conclusion that there's a connection between that company and Taylor. But not only is that widely inaccurate, I even invite your followers to check for themselves.
Youtube adds are not random, they are targeted. They use the information on your cookies and your google searches to get you on a set demographic category and within that category there might be a level of randomness. They do the same to sort out what type of videos might interest you. This is part of what is called your deduced identity. What google knows about you by the things you clic on and search. Google ven tracks your attention, if you skip a video or a part of it. Every creator has acces to those metrisc for their own video. This guy had been investigating that company. Google registered that constant search about this company as him having an interest in them. So youtube decided to pull those adds for him. I do not get those adds, certainly. I'm not from the US though so I might be outside the category that the company set as target for their adds, but I want to invite others to check by themselves. But I know I am right and youtube adds are not random, because a few years ago there was a very insidious campaign of right-wing bigoted companies and businesses coordinating to have their adds shown in the middle of the content of LGBTQ+ creators to troll them. There's also very good reasons that adds are not random, as it would be frowned upon to put let's say condom adds in the middle of a video targeted at kids.
I'm fine with theories and I obviously think that taylor and the nfl have a contract going on and that this contract benefited not just her, but also his friend ryan, who had her parade with drinks from companies he owns and promote a movie he was about to release with Hugh Jackman. It was comically obvious. The rest is very murky in my opinion and the logical leap this person did seems faulty to me.
As to weather how long this PR relationship was planned, who else is benefitting and what were Taylor’s motives all we can do is speculate in lack of hard evidence. I was disgusted with this whole thing since the beginning and like everyone else have been wrestling with the meaning and implications of Robin and how it clashes with her public persona. I see no end in sight to anything cause I really think she's gonna double down on it and might go full lavender marriage. I think people understood the I'm gonna get you back song completely wrong. "Say you got somebody, I'll say, "I got someone too"" (karilie has a husband, Taylor is about to get one) Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leaving here with you (I will be handcuffed to someone else but you and I will be together in private)
I'm now detaching myself from her music and everything around her cult of personality because I'm not interested in anyone who is as coward as her while at the same time so powerful. I do understand she doesn’t owe anyone a coming out but its one thing to be closeted and keep to yourself and other to be the toy girl of the alt-right and knowingly stablish relationships with literal facisists.I think my money is better spent on people like Gaga or Roan who are not afraid to speak up even when they aren't half as powerful as her.
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thatboomerkid · 11 months ago
Happy Hunting, Mister the Frog! (part one)
[interior: the New York Continental, mid-day; it is full of badass assassins in fancy suits all quietly going about their business]
[the camera pans the lobby to show that the crowd is also inexplicably interspersed with various Muppets: Rolf is playing piano, Scooter is a bellhop, Link Hogthrob is talking on a cellphone while surrounded by beautiful female bodyguards, and Sam Eagle is reading a newspaper with the headline “PROFITS?!?”, all while Uncle Deadly & Sweetums chat casually with a group of heavily-tattooed men]
[the crowd is ALSO full of random celebs not otherwise featured in the John Wick movies: Zendaya, Mark Ruffalo, Weird Al, Jenna Ortega, Snoop Dogg, Jack Black, Margot Robbie, Randall Park, Paul Rudd, Nicholas Cage, Lucy Liu, Christopher Walken, Tommy Chong, and Lady Gaga, among others]
[meanwhile, we see Dr. Bunsen Honeydew exchanging a massive dufflebag full of comically-oversized guns for a small black briefcase (which Beaker then immediately drops several times, allowing the chickens stuffed inside to escape) while the Electric Mayhem arm-wrestle John Cena; we can see Statler & Waldorf heckling a group of angry Yakuza from their theater box in the background ]
Bell: (chimes as the door opens)
Kermit: (trudges in, visibly annoyed and wearing a black suit & tie; he has a large, cartoonish white X-shaped bandage on the left side of his forehead)
Fozzie: (wanders in behind him, loudly eating popcorn out of a little red-&-white-striped box; he is openly ogling both the scenery and the patrons)
Fozzie: Oh wow! Kermit, look! This place is great! They have EVERYTHING! Did you see the luggage carts!? (pause) Ooh, are these people all really … you-know-whats?
Kermit: Everyone has a vocation, Fozzie. These are all just regular people, just like anybody else.
Fozzie: Wow! And I guess your old college roommate John Wick told you about this place, huh? Hey, did anyone ever tell you that the two of you look totally identical? Especially with your new haircut!
Kermit: Uh, Fozzie, can you keep it down? I think people here can be a little … touchy.
Fozzie: (fondling a confused Idris Elba’s tie while looking over his shoulder to read his cellphone) Sure thing, Kermit!
Kermit: (audible sigh)
Everyone: (begins whispering as Kermit trudges across the lobby; he arrives at the empty front desk and rings the bell)
Kermit: Fozzie, will you stop that?
Fozzie: (snapping pictures of an annoyed Rihanna on his disposable camera) Sorry, Kermit! (snaps another picture)
Kermit: (grumbles, rings the bell several more times) Hello?
Gonzo & Rizzo: (pop up from behind the desk in perfect unison) Checking in, Mister the Frog?
Kermit: (even more visibly annoyed) Guys, what are you doing here?
Rizzo: We work here now!
Gonzo: Yeah! The High Table said we’re their new most-dependable employees!
Winston: (leaning out of his office) I said most disposable.
Rizzo: That’s right! And no funny-business on Continental grounds, buddy! Or I get to spray you with the fire extinguisher! The boss said so!
Winston: (leaning out of his office again) I most certainly did not.
Statler: What’s that? No funny-business!?
Waldorf: Well, that certainly won’t be difficult!
Statler & Waldorf: OHOHOHOHO!
Kermit: Look, guys, I just need a room. My house got blown up. Again.
Fozzie: Yeah, guys! Also? Kermit here is gonna avenge my death!
Kermit: Fozzie, stop telling everyone that I’m going to avenge your death. I think you really scared that poor Uber driver.
Rizzo: Right! ‘Cuz everyone knows he’s gonna avenge Piggy’s death first!
Kermit: What? Who? No, no I am not.
Gonzo: (putting on 3D glasses) Ooh, a flashback!
[flashback begins]
Miss Piggy: (dramatically flinging herself onto a bed) Oh, Kermie! I’m dying!
Kermit: Uh … well, no. I mean, I’m sure lots of people get banned for life from Shoes 4 Less, honey. It’s probably … fine?
Miss Piggy: (wailing, kicking) NO! SHOES! NOOO!
Kermit: If it bothers you so much, maybe … uh, just try not punching all the security guards in the face so much next time?
Miss Piggy: No! NO! My life is OVER! I’m buying you the cheapest dog they have and then I’m DYING!
Kermit: uhh
Miss Piggy: (wailing)
Kermit: (slowly backing out the door) … Okay well I’m gonna go fold some socks and I’ll leave you to it.
Miss Piggy: (suddenly sitting up) And you better not kiss any other beautiful women after I’m dead, frog.
Miss Piggy: (dramatically slams herself back on the bed; wailing resumes)
[flashback ends]
Fozzie: And I’m the dog!
Rizzo: Cool!
Kermit: No you are not.
Gonzo: Ooh, that was a great flashback! Can we see the part where you learned karate and high-speed stunt-driving?
Kermit: No! And I’m not avenging anyone’s death!
Rizzo: Ohhh, right, right, right! Sure, sure, I gotcha! You’re “not” avenging “anyone’s” “death”! Of course, why didn’t you say so!? I got just the guy!
Gonzo: (pulls out a megaphone) Attention, all Continental guests! Attention, all scary Continental guests! Sommelier to the front desk, please! Sommelier to the front desk! The world’s most dangerous frog is now purchasing several very large guns!
Kermit: (visible anger)
Swedish Chef: (crashes though a door behind the front desk, stirring a giant pot full of bullets that fly everywhere) Hurdy yurdy, Meester dee Frog! Needin’ der guns fer de pewty-pew, shooty-boom-boom?
Rizzo: He wants to know who the target is.
Gonzo: Tell him it’s me! I wanna see what he would recommend!
Swedish Chef: (begins rummaging under the desk; pulls out a bazooka, a katana, a spike-covered accordion, and a big black cartoon bomb — already lit — with the word ‘BOöMBb’ written on it in giant white letters) Hokey-hinkey Mistier dee Froög! Skirben der moo frinkie shootie all der baddies, ya?
Rizzo: He says it comes with a bayonet and three laser-sights, but it’ll cost you extra.
Fozzie: (playing with nunchucks) Oh wow, Kermit! You could probably “not avenge” the whole city with all this stuff!
Gonzo: (brandishing flamethrower) Or the entire nation of Portugal! Twice!
Kermit: (exasperated groan) Look, I’m not “not avenging” anyone! And especially not the nation of Portugal!
Gonzo: Not even once?
Kermit: NO.
Rizzo: (tossing several ninja stars over his shoulder) Pfft. Not with that attitude, you’re not!
Kermit: Now are you gonna rent me a hotel room, or is that the one thing this place doesn’t have?
Daniel Craig: (standing behind Kermit) Ah, I beg your pardon? I am ALSO checking in? I was told that there were several, ah … dozen murders in need of investigation?
Kenneth Branagh: Ah! Oui, and I was told zee same thing?
Benedict Cumberbatch & Robert Downey Jr: (simultaneously) As was I. (scowl at one another)
Scooter: (arriving from nowhere) If you’ll follow me, gentleman? I’m afraid you’re in our “committing” section; the “solving” section is right over here.
(crowd of detectives departs)
Fozzie: (takes several photos of them)
Keanu Reeves: (walks up wearing a cheap fake mustache and glasses) Um, excuse me? I would ALSO like to check in; my name is, uh … Chlon. Uh … Chlon Ww… Glick. Chlon Glick. I’ve never been here before.
Rizzo: You again? Get out of here, buddy! This place is only for real cool guys with tattoos and tragic pathos! Go be a nobody loser some place else!
Keanu: (leaves)
Rizzo: Jeez, what is with that guy?
Gonzo: I like him! He taught me a cool pen trick! Watch! (jams pens in his “ears”)
Scooter: Ahem! Your room is ready, Mister the Frog. You’re in our “tortured path of self-destructive revenge” suite!
Gonzo: (now with like thirty pens jammed into his face) Ooh, that’s the best one!
Scooter: No, you’re thinking of the “self-destructive path of torturous revenge” suite. This one’s a dump.
Fozzie: Does it have a minibar?
Scooter: It does … not. And it’s next to two different ice machines. (checks clipboard) Make that three.
Fozzie: That’s okay. Is the bed comfy?
Scooter: Not particularly. And you’re definitely going to get attacked in the middle of the night by this guy. (gestures at Crazy Harry)
Crazy Harry: (waves axe around with low, ominous chuckle)
Fozzie: Ooooh, fancy! (snaps a picture)
Kermit: Look, do you have any rooms that aren’t weird horrible death-traps?
Scooter: Uh … probably not, but I guess I can check? You’re welcome to hang out in the lobby while you wait.
Fozzie: (picking up a bar menu) Kermit? Can we order some onion rings?
Rizzo: Yep! And there’s a running gun-battle every hour, on the hour!
Gonzo: (strapping on a helmet, picking up a chicken) Be sure to stay for the evening show; it’s completely different than the afternoon matinee! No spoilers, but I’ll probably die!
Kermit: (grumbles, walks to the bar)
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melt-into-the-night · 10 months ago
My thoughts on this season of SYTYCD (pull up a chair it’s a long one)
You know…I was intrigued by this format change for SYTYCD. The show has been through several format changes over the years, not to mention endless changes in judges, changes in stages, changes in choreographers and all of that combined made me tune in less and less. To be honest I always thought the original stage was the best because there was so much to utilize, the stairs, the balconies, the shape of the stage being round making for great cinematic shots so when the next stage came that’s really when I started losing interest and I’ve never managed to watch a full season after that. Always tried though.
Full disclosure, I am from Canada, and for a minute we also had So You Think You Can Dance Canada, with an exact replica of the original stage, and I thought the shows first season blew the American version out of the water cause Canadian television wasn’t as censored as the U.S so the choreography was allowed to be a lot more bold and whenever the American judges came over their reactions were priceless, so we got really spoiled 😅 (shout out Nico who won season one from my hometown Montreal). Unfortunately funding for Canadian television has always been literal ass so it unfortunately ended far too early as a result.
Back to my point though, when I seen the trailer for this season I was like “hmm okay the premise isn’t bad, it’s cool they’ll be doing these different challenges to prepare them for real world situations” and I’ve tuned in every week.
Obviously I miss the original format, I missed the couples, the crowds, and I hate that it’s not live, hate that it’s strictly the judges pick instead of Americas. But honestly if they had slapped a different name on the show, I’d be on board cause as a dance show, it’s a pretty cool premise. It’s like a crash course in what new aspiring dancers will experience in the real world, and also a competition sprinkled with some reality television aspects that has them living in a house together and we’re getting windows into relationships being formed and families reuniting. It’s kinda like if MTV’s DanceLife and SYTYCD were combined.
Here’s my problem though.. up until now I’ve kinda been operating under the assumption that these are all dancers relatively new to the game who have yet to experience the things these challenges are showing them. Least it’s certainly been framed that way. And I think it’s actually true for the majority because most of them are so young and talking about how they’ve never done anything like this before. And I’ve not followed any of their social media but tonight I creeped some of them and I see…Madison literally just did the Chromatica Ball Tour with Lady Gaga??!?…she was a back up dancer for Mariah Carey like a decade ago?!
And unless I missed it, I don’t think she’s brought up any of this on the show itself cause I’d like to think I would remember something as big as dancing for Lady Gaga on a stadium tour around the world… I’ve been rooting for Madison from the jump because she has that rock star vibe and the confidence that none of the other dancers has, she dances through injuries like a boss and now I’m sitting here feeling some type of way like “damn…this ain’t even a fair fight though”
This woman has a resume the rest of the top ten would kill for. She’s danced in movies, on tour, and does videos with Brian Friedman on social media regularly…
I just think if they’re gonna continue this format, they need to even out the playing field, and aim for dancers who are new to the game and hungry to get exactly where Madison already has been for ten years, girl was dancing for Mariah Carey when she was a teenager and danced on a world tour that’s like…days away from being shown on HBO with Lady Gaga who let’s be real, is arguably one of the best mentors you can have on being fearless in your craft.
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narcopharmacist · 1 year ago
As fillers for my days when I don't read the current fic I'm still into right now entitled Between Dreams & Temptations by tasogareban (because I have been busy with studying and school shit that I think of reading fanfic a distraction, + my anxiety won't let me read because reading fanfics is a ME time), I watched video essays about Reylo, and about the last episode of thr sequel I have yet to watch (because I have not finished the aforementioned fanfic, and this fic is set after between TFA and TLJ so I don't want to cloud my mind with TROS, knowing how it ends already).
The first Reylo video essay I watched was entitled Reylo Theory Explained to the Haters | Why Rey and Kylo Ren Together Makes Sense by The Den of Nerds. It was an OK take, and he said he took his content inspiration from a 3 part series by Vincent Vendetta, so I went ahead and watched those as well. I liked Vincent Vendetta's videos more, and these videos were released after the first movie, episode 8, The Force Awakens. When I read the comments I think people were just speculating / predicting about Reylo happening in the next movie. It was a really good watch. I can't believe Star Wars official posters/merch hinted so much Reylo 😭
Reylo Explained Part 1 - Vincent Vendetta
Reylo Explained Part 2
Reylo Explained Part 3
Last night, I watched what I thought was a video talking about Reylo in TROS, but she talked about TROS in general.
Video title: Oh no! The Rise of Skywalker was real bad :( by Jenny Nicholson
This was hilarious 😂 And I recently just contemplated about whether watching TROS would be even worth my time. The way she talked about it the story felt like it's going to be just a wild goose chase (with the map and Palpatine). It sounds like the movie's premise is really bad.
The comments on the video are so funny tho!
Who are you?
I'm Rey.
Rey who?
Reydio GAGA
I already know what happens to Reylo, well, most especially Ben, so I feel like if I watch TROS I'll just have to take it with a grain of fucking salt, and just watch it for the Reylo bond scenes and the kiss.
I've already bookmarked fix-it fics post-TROS for Reylo 😭😭🥴
Currently I'm watching Reylo: A Complicated History by Joe Brennan. This was released in 2021, so quite fresh from the last movie of the sequel.
I am also going crazy about Adam Driver edits on Tiktok like I cannot stop thinking about Ben Solo like 😮‍💨
This was the edit that started it all for me. Hearing Kali Uchis reminded me of the song she had with Tyler the Creator, and now that song is something I dedicate to Reylo 😭
Song: See You Again by Tyler the Creator
Kali's part:
Can I get a kiss?
And can you make it last forever?
I said I'm 'bout to go to war (Uh-huh)
And I don't know if I'ma see you again
Can I get a kiss? (Can I?)
And can you make it last forever? (Can you?)
I said I'm 'bout to go to war (I'm 'bout to)
And I don't know if I'ma see you again
Tumblr media
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squeakyfir · 2 years ago
I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday)
The joys of modern inventions and miracles are often taken for granted. Your hungry or thirsty? Get something from the fridge or make it. You need to go somewhere? Drive or call an uber. Your hurt? Go to the doctor.
Your bored? Watch a movie, play video games, watch videos on the internet, talk to people without ever leaving your house.
Some much time is in our hands... but back in the 19th century... you wouldn't last very long.
Diseases are rampant, gun violence is higher, no modern technology, barely any good medicine, almost all of your favorite food doesn't exist and most of the people are rude as hell. But... That doesn't mean all of them were so bad. Love was not something most people in this time really cared about. At least, in the town of Tombstone, Arizona.
After falling asleep with a nice looking stone you bought at a small stand at the carnival, your whole world becomes the opposite. Six people from the past discover you unconscious and alone in the blistering heat and offer help but it was their help that let you meet the most amazing man you've ever met.
John Henry "Doc" Holliday.
Chapter 5
Previous ~ Next
"Look out ladies" you yelled as you slammed the door open and entered the cottage, arms outstretched like royalty and being dumb on purpose. "I have returned"! The women laughed and the Earp brothers were right behind you. "Don't do that" Wyatt said like he was scolding a child, "You could break the door".
"I was careful" you said dismissively and then turned your attention to the wives. "Guess what girls! I got a date with a hot and sexy man! WOOP WOOP"!
"A date" Mattie asked.
"You know. When a guy asks you out and you both spend time with each other. You know". They understood and got excited "You did" Allie asked excitedly. "With who"?
"Doc Holliday"!
The woman were speechless in shock and confusion. "What's wrong"?
"Isn't he still with Kate" Louisa asked Morgan.
"Doesn't sound like it" Morgan said, "They were pretty stuck on each other".
"Who's Kate? His girlfriend or something"?
"If you mean lover, then yes" Morgan said.
"Oh". You said feeling suddenly upset and sat down on the couch besides Allie. Wyatt could see that this really did upset you suddenly and decided to share his input. "Believe me when I say this, (Y/n)", you looked over at Wyatt. "I've known him for a very long time. And I can promise you that he keeps his word".
"I hope so".
"But this is still wonderful" Allie said, "We need to get you a dress and-"
"I already told you guys that I hate dresses and I already told him that I won't wear a dress and he was ok with it. So HA"!
"Oh, come on, (y/n)" Louisa begged, "Will you at least let us do your hair"?
"So you can make me look like a discount Lady Gaga"?
"What" Morgan asked surprised and trying not to laugh.
"Nevermind. It's just another thing from the future". You turned your attention back to the woman. "I still don't think it's a good idea".
"Oh, come on, (y/n)" Louisa begged, "Your hair is so beautiful, you have to do something to it at least".
"Really" you asked carelessly. "Watch this". With their attention on you, you flipped your hair around stylishly and looked back at them to say, "That's style right there". Morgan tried not to laugh.
"Oh please, (Y/n)" Allie begged and stood up, "Let us do your hair. If you won't wear a dress then let us do your hair at least".
"That won't matter" you said, "It wouldn't look right with what I'm wearing and I would look even stupider than I already am".
"You don't look stupid, but please let us do your hair" Allie asked.
"I'm sorry but no" you said genuinely. Allie and Louisa sighed sadly and knew that they couldn't convince you. "Very well, but you'll have to make it up to us at some point" Allie said.
"Alright. You have a deal. But for now, I got to kill time. So I'm gonna play some games on my phone". You went and sat down next to the girls and the Earp brothers walked over to see the small device in action once again. The small device was illuminated with bright colors and they couldn't follow along with what your doing.
They couldn't watch for long since the ladies had to figure out what to wear and you pulled out your solar panel charger to charge your phone for awhile until night finally came and Doc came to the cottage to walk with you all. It was a bit cold outside and you didn't mind since you do enjoy cold weather. You walked alongside the Earps and their wives and Doc offered his coat to you to keep you warm and you accepted even though you didn't need it. As you all walked in, there were a lot of cowboys taking up the benches on the ground level but the Earps told you that they were going up to the birdcage balconies to have better views.
As you all sat down, Morgan and Virgil and their wives had their own booth and you with Doc and Wyatt with his wife had your own booth, you admired the whole theater. It was so nostalgic and enjoyable to look at. "I've never been to a live performance before".
"I'm assuming it's different in the future" Wyatt said.
"You have no idea. I can show some of them to you guys later".
"Here darlin'" Doc said as he took his coat off your shoulders and gently guided you to the seat closest to the balcony. "Sit here".
"Oh why thank you" you said sweetly. Doc slipped his coat back on and gave you a brief smile and sat down beside you. "Wyatt" a voice said from beside Doc. "I'd like you to meet Mayor Klump and his wife". It was Fred White. Wyatt stood up and shook the mayors hand. "Mr. Earp. Your reputation precedes you". They retracted their hands. "I was wondering if you might be--"
"Not a prayer. Nice meetin' you" Wyatt said dismissively and sitting back down. The Mayor and his wife looked at each other awkwardly before turning to leave to go back to their seats and with Fred White leaving as well. The sounds of a drum were heard which signified that the theater was about to start. The curtain was pulled up to reveal a man with three wooden pins and dressed nicely. He bowed and you all then hear one of the cowboys say, "Professor Gillman? Oh, I seen him in Bisbee. He catches stuff".
"Hey professor" one of the cowboys stood up his gun drawn and aimed at Gilman. "Catch this". He fired at him and shoot one of the pins and said pin exploded. Gilman was shocked and ran off stage exclaiming they were shooting at him which made the cowboys laugh. Another man walked out onto the stage wearing a black robe and two men helped set the stage. All it was was placing a 5 ft. fake marble pillar and the other man replaced the sign on the stand saying what the next act is. "Prettiest man I ever saw" one of the cowboys said laughing.
The man on stage whipped his robe off dramatically and revealed him in a white unbuttoned shirt and red tights but also with red and black stripped flows and black boots. The cowboys cheered for how he looked and the man spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen, the st. Crispin's day speech from Henry V. To set the scene-"
A cowboy shot at the pillar and it startled you that you quickly grabbed Docs arm for safety and you quickly realized what you did and let go. Doc smiled and said, "Nothin' like a beautiful woman to hold me for comfort".
"I'm sorry" you said quietly and while the man on stage was saying his speech. "No reason to be" Doc said and then gently squeezed your hand, "I'm right here if you need protection". You smiled back at him and went back to watching the show. "... Gentle his condition. Gentlemen in England now abed shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap, whilst any speaks who fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day"!
The cowboys were first to applaud the performance and even started firing some of their guns into the ceiling and the rest of you applauded as well. As the man walked off stage and someone took the pillar off stage, another man went on the stage to change the sign for the next performance that read, "Faust or the devils bargain". The sound of the violin was heard and music to set the scene was played and it sound interesting. Another curtain was pulled up to reveal an old man at a desk and another man wearing what looked to be old victorian mens clothing but he also wore a devils mask.
"Now what in the hell is this" one of the cowboys asked confused.
"Th- that's Faust. H- he's gonna make a deal with the devil" someone replied.
Doc leaned in close to you and asked, "Is your soul for sale dear"?
"Nope" you said plainly but then looked at him to say, "My soul is claimed". Doc looked at bit confused and asked as the play was going, "By who"?
"Oh, I dunno" you said teasingly but then said, "Maybe you". Doc smiled and scooted closer to you. The play continued and it wasn't making any sense to you so you just watched it with a blank stare. "Know what I'd do" a cowboy said and it got your attention. "I'd take the deal, then crawfish and drill that old devil in the ass".
All the cowboys started laughing and so did you but you tried to hide it. Both Wyatt and Doc looked down at the cowboys in disapproval at how they were acting but when Doc heard you laugh, he couldn't help the smirk that appeared on that handsome face of his. The play continued until the music stopped and the act ended and everyone started applauding. "Very instructive" Doc said.
The actors came out and bowed to thank them but the devil actor wasn't on stage. "But who is the devil" Wyatt asked. More music was heard and the devil came out quickly to remove his mask to reveal that it was actually a woman. The same woman that you all saw wearing the grey dress with the orange umbrella from earlier in the day. She looked right up at Wyatt, who had the look of shock, and smiled right up at him in a flirty fashion. "I'll be damned" Wyatt said.
"You may indeed, if you get lucky" Doc said to Wyatt. As the performers walked off staged, everyone got up to leave. "Oh" you said getting the people around you their attention. "It's over already"?
"Yes ma'am" Wyatt said as he stood up and helped Maddie stand up and Doc doing the same thing to you like a true southern gentleman. As you all exited the theater, you all met outside with Morgan and Virgil with their wives. All the cowboys had headed to the saloons for drinks and since the streets were pretty quiet, Morgan asked, "What'd you think, (Y/n)? Was it better than what your used to"?
"It was... Different" you said with Doc holding your arm so properly and like a gentleman. "You still gotta tell me how things are from where you come from".
"I will. I promise".
Morgan smiled and looked up. "Would you look at all those stars? I mean, you look up and you think "God made all of that, he still remembered to make a little speck like me". You all started to walk forward into the street. "Kinda flattering, really. Wyatt, do you believe in God"? Wyatt just shrugged, he wasn't sure how to respond. "No, come on, really. Do ya"?
"Yeah. Maybe" Wyatt said. "Hell, I don't know".
"Well, what d'you think happens when you die" Morgan asked Wyatt.
"Somethin'. Nothin'. Hell, I don't know".
"Well I read this book, a book on spiritualism".
"Oh God. Here he goes again" Virgil said tiredly and sarcastically which made you chuckle.
"Said that a lot of people when they die, they see this light. Like in a tunnel".
"They say it's the light leadin' you to heaven".
"Really" Wyatt asked in an interested tone, "What about hell? They got a sign there, or what"?
"I know what it is" you said getting their attention. "If you see a light, you go to heaven. If you see me, you go to hell". They all broke out in laughter and Allie reached over to gently smack your arm. "Hey, (Y/n), goddamnit. I'm serious" Morgan said regaining his breath. That joke really made him laugh hard. "You have such a dark sense of humor" Doc said. He also laughed at the joke.
"Well, what can I say? I'm crazy and fun to be around"! They all agreed and Doc smiled in agreement. He really was enjoying your company. "Comin' to the Oriental, Virg" Wyatt asked.
"Not tonight" Allie said. "Tonight, me and my old man are gonna have some fun". Morgan and his wife bid their goodnights to each other. "Come on, get movin', old man".
"Maiden name was Sullivan" Virgil said and then Allie smacked him with her scarf and after another kiss, Louisa walked off to catch up with Allie and Virgil. "You two better go with them" Wyatt said to you and Mattie.
"Nonsense" Doc said to Wyatt. "Stay with me darlin'. I want to learn more from you".
"Ok" you said sweetly.
"Please stay with me" Mattie pleaded to Wyatt.
"Well, honey, I-I gotta get to work". Mattie look defeated and just said, "All right".
"Well, wait a minute. I guess I don't have to go right now. I could stay awhile".
"No, no. I don't wanna keep you" Mattie said and then reached for something. "No, really" Wyatt said encouragingly, "I can stay awhile". Mattie pulled out a small dark glass bottle and took a drink. "That the bottle Lou gave you" Wyatt asked.
"Yes, it is" Mattie said getting a bit defensive.
"Maybe you should see a doctor" Wyatt suggested.
Mattie scoffed and said, "Wyatt, it's just headaches".
"You know the best thing for headaches is sleep, right" you said. You would've said pain relievers but you had remind yourself where you were currently at. Mattie just brushed you off but Wyatt backed you up. "See" Wyatt then got a bit quiet, "You should listen to her. She knows more than we do. You should rest".
"She doesn't get it. She's not from here, she wouldn't understand".
"I can learn" you said genuinely. Mattie once again ignored you. "I know what I'm doing, (y/n). I don't need to see a doctor"!
"All right, honey. Ok" Wyatt said trying to calm her down.
"Just go" Mattie sighed. "Everything's fine, Wyatt. Work well".
"All right" Wyatt said and then leaned in to kiss her cheek which didn't look like it satisfied her. "Good night". As Mattie walked away, Wyatt said, "You look beautiful tonight". Mattie looked back and scoffed, "Thank you" and just continued walking away. You and Morgan said goodnight to her but she only acknowledged Morgan and not you and that upset you. Why was she being mean? "Hey" Morgan said getting your attention and also seeing that Matties attitude kinda upset you. "Don't worry 'bout it. Come on, let's go have some drinks. You are old enough, right"?
"Shut up, Morgan" you said playfully which made them happy to see you smiling again. There was something about your smile and personality that really made them feel happier to be around you. Doc especially. "You two go on ahead to the Faro table" Wyatt said to you and Morgan. "I gotta talk to Doc for a moment".
"Alrighty" Morgan said and then looked at you, "Let's go".
"COME ON"! You both raced inside like children and both Doc and Wyatt were still outside. "Wyatt"?
"Doc? I really have to ask". Wyatt was nervous to ask this question and knew he couldn't ask this question with you around. "What happened to Kate"? Doc sighed and took a drink from a flask he had in his coat. "I sent her away" he said plainly.
"Oh, I suppose it had something to do with the fact that she saw me more as a meal ticket than her lover". Wyatt could understand this and only nodded. "But with her" Doc said mentioning you, "I can tell that she cares more".
"You two just met today" Wyatt interjected.
"I know, and so did me and Kate when we first met. I thought we were meant to be but I then saw through that false image pretty quickly". Doc took another drink from his flask. "I had nobody else and I just dealt with it. But now, it's different. She's different".
"Well" Wyatt said chuckling, "She is from the future".
"It's not that, Wyatt. I don't know what it is" Doc said having a million theories running through his head. "I don't know".
"Well, maybe you'll find out soon. Cause for now, she's stuck with us. You'll have time to think that through" Wyatt said walking alongside Doc to go inside. Everyone from the theater was inside and they saw Morgan setting up the Faro table and you standing beside him. As they made it over, Doc was still trying to think about what it was about you that really made him feel like you were the one for him after meeting him for the first time today.
He wasn't sure but he knew he needed a drink and to be beside you.
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absolutebl · 2 years ago
First of all I want to appreciate your blog and for putting all the effort in explaining different bls. I have found so many good shows through your blog 💗
Can I request a list of adult bls with meaningful themes? Not too pg rated like kinnporche but towards a softer side like old fashion cupcake. I am an adult myself and can't seem to relate much to high school dramas. So I would love to watch more mature bl series if you have any recs. Thank you!!
adult bls with meaningful themes & soft
Hi & thank you!
Here is an older post, but that means it might have some you've not seen before.
Your "adult" criteria is interesting because BL is called "Boy's Love" for a reason. Even if the characters are adults they often don't act that way, or are going though things we associated with high school and college (like first love). Still...
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My top 15 that fit your criteria are:
example: Old Fashion Cupcake
A Tale of Thousand Stars (Thai YT)
My Ride (Thai iQIYI & YT)
Our Dining Table (Japan Gaga)
The New Employee (Korea Viki)
Unintentional Love Story (Korea iQIYI)
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Viki)
Wish You: Your Melody in My Heart (Korea Viki & Netflix)
Restart After Come Back Home (Japan Gaga? grey?)
DNA Says Love You (Taiwan Gaga) - first half requires patience but it's worth it
Like In The Movies (Pinoy YouTube)
You Make Me Dance (Korea Viki)
Just Friends? (Korea Gaga)
All the Liquors (Korea Viki)
Ocean Likes Me (Korea Viki)
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Viki)
BL sides: Love is Science?
Yes but x-rated and/or not so soft: Bed Friend, Moonlight Chicken, Long Time No See
shorts: Some More
I think there are a few under-appreciated gems in here that really might resonate with you. My Ride is re-airing on YouTube right now and Like in the Movies (Pinoy) is also available there. Both are a little gritty and thoughtfully slow, but ultimately worth your time if you have patience for something longer than Japan churns out. If you want to go shorter, stick with the Japanese and Korean ones.
Most of these explore themes of loneliness, acceptance, and found family - as, indeed, do most queer romances.
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I loved it but I'm not sure about the "meaningful themes" bit but they grown ups with grown up issues...
Our Dating Sim
To My Star
See You After Quarantine?
Be Loved In House: I Do
Cherry Magic
Love Tractor
HIStory 3: Trapped
Manner of Death
What Zabb Man!
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding
Behind Cut
Candy Color Paradox
Choco Milk Shake
Happy Ending Romance
Mr Cinderella
Oh! Boarding House
Plus and Minus
Roommates of Poongduck 304
The Tasty Florida
Tinted With You
Vice Versa
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Despite it being Uni I still think you might like it:
The Eighth Sense
Life: Love on the Line (follows characters throughout their lives, this is Japan and seriously atmospheric so, of course, it's meaningful)
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