#now my allergies are kicking my ass because it was all in the woods
tcypionate · 7 days
went to my first pride event / drag show and it was nice. but not a single person except me wore a mask and like 4 separate people kept being like "oh its ok, you dont have to wear a mask here. i havent seen anyone thats sick" -_-
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New World CH. Twenty Two
Title: Falling to Pieces 
Words: 2546
Warnings: Talk of death/dying, canon-typical violence, character death (major and minor)
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New World Masterlist
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
The Walking Dead Masterlist
The sickness started subtly. At first it was just a scratchy throat and a stuffy nose, normal symptoms of your allergies. Then the cough and fever came. Sam found you suffering in your cell and immediately freaked out.
 “[Y/n]!” He cried, rushing forward.
 “S-Sammy,” you croaked. “Stay a-away.”
 Sam didn’t listen to you, picking you up gently. You could barely move your body and were secretly thankful that he was holding you.
 “You have to get to A-Block. You’ll be able to get help there.”
 Carefully, Sam walked down the stairs, you curled into his chest. That’s when Dean and Daryl saw the two of you. He started to run towards you, but Rick stopped him.
 “You have to stay away,” Rick said. “Sam and Dr. S. will be able to help her.”
 Dean struggled against Rick’s hold and you could see Daryl standing rigid. You picked your head up to wearily look at them.
 “I’ll be fine, guys. You just make sure Adeline and Lottie are okay,” you said softly. A string of coughs wracked your body and Sam held you tighter.
 “I’ll take her to A-Block. Dr. S. wanted me to help out anyways so Hershel doesn’t have to expose himself.”
 “Take care of her, Sammy,” Dean said.
 “I will.”
 “See ya later, Dean. I love you, Daryl. Tell the kids I love them too,” you said before tucking your head back into Sam’s shoulder.
 “See you, sweetheart.” Dean watched worriedly as Sam carried you towards A-Block and when you were out of sight, he turned to Rick. Daryl was still standing rigid before he walked away.
 “Have you figured out who killed Karen and David yet?” Dean asked Rick after they watched Daryl.
 “No,” Rick said with a shake of his head.
 “I know Sam’s in there with her, but you need to keep an eye on everyone. Just in case whoever killed them tries again. I want them nowhere near [y/n].”
 “I will. Are you going on the run?”
 “I am.”
 “Keep an eye on Daryl. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”
 “I will.”
 Everything hurt. Your head was pounding, body trembling, throat sore. You couldn’t move your body without immense effort so trying to help Dr. S and your brother was out of the question. All you could do was huddle underneath a blanket and try to keep warm. You were floating in and out of consciousness, not sure what was real and what was fiction.
 Sam had come in and told you that both Glenn and Sasha were sick too. He was carrying a cup of steaming liquid and made you drink it. It was bitter and gross, but you knew better than to argue.
 “Ada. Is Ada okay? What about Lottie?” You asked after clearing your throat.
 “They’re fine. Dean came by before they left on the run. Told me to tell you that he’ll be back before you knew it and that you’re going to be okay,” Sam said.
 “Good.” You started coughing, angling your body away from Sam. When you were done, you looked up at your little brother.
 “I need you to promise me something,” you said.
 “[Y/n], no.” Sam shook his head. You coughed again. “We’re not going there. You’re going to be fine.”
 “Sammy, this isn’t up for debate. If-If I die, don’t you dare let me turn,” you said.
 Sam looked at you with wide eyes and you leaned back into your pillows.
 “I mean it, Sammy. I don’t want to become one of those-those things.” Another coughing fit hit you and when you pulled back from your pillow, you saw blood.
 Sam stared at the blood and you flipped the pillow over before falling back into it with a groan.
 “And give me a hunter’s funeral. Do it in the woods far away from the prison and make it big. A-Attract walkers and let me kill some even when I’m gone. And make sure the kids stay safe. Tell them that I love them so much and that they’re gonna grow up and kick this worlds ass.”
 Sam let a small laugh escape before it turned into a sob.
 “You’re not gonna die. Not on my watch.” Sam leaned over you and kissed your forehead before walking out of your cell. Eyes slipping closed, you were asleep in seconds.
 Walking into the room with all the meds, Dean quickly made his way over to the cabinets. He threw them open and looked at Bob.
 “Which ones do we take?” He asked.
 “Anything ending with cillin or cin. C-I-N. Grab those.”
 Dean didn’t need any more information and started rifling through the meds. Once he cleared out his zone, he turned to Michonne. She gave him a reassuring look.
 “She’ll be fine, Dean. They all will,” Michonne said.
 “I hope you’re right.”
 When Daryl and Tyreese came back from getting the stuff on their list, the five of them started to make their way back outside. Running into some walkers with the same trails of blood on their face made things difficult and they had to jump out of a window to escape them. That’s when they found out Bob just had a bottle of booze in his bag.
 “You ain’t got no meds? Just this?” Daryl held up the bottle and Bob started breathing hard. “You should’a kept walkin’ that day.”
 “We’re out here, getting medicine for sick people and the only thing you can think of is yourself?” Dean said, seething. He took a few steps toward Bob and poked him in the chest with his finger. “My sister could be dead because of you. You better hope that she isn’t or you’re gonna be the one paying the price.”
 Michonne pulled him back gently and Dean let her, clenching and unclenching his fists to help him with his anger. Daryl went to throw the bottle and when Bob put his hand on his gun, Daryl stalked closer until their foreheads were touching. He pulled Bob’s gun out of the holster and grabbed the front of his vest when Tyreese tried to interject.
 “Just let it go, Daryl,” Ty said.
 “I didn’t want to hurt nobody,” Bob said, voice shaky.
 “Take one sip. When we get these meds inta our people, I will beat your ass inta the ground,” Daryl growled, shoving the bottle into Bob’s chest. “If [y/n] dies because of ya then you’re gonna wish you’d never found this group.”
 He walked away and picked up his crossbow. Bob looked at them walking away and when he met Dean’s eyes, he quickly looked away, not able to handle the death glare he was getting.
 The ride back to the prison was silent. Dean and Daryl were still pissed about what Bob did and if either of them opened their mouths, a fight would start. So everyone stayed silent.
 When the prison fences came into view, it was dark. Carl opened up the gates and when Michonne pulled up, Dean didn’t even wait for the van to stop moving before jumping out and running towards A-Block, Tyreese right behind him. When he got there, you were lying on your bed, fast asleep.
 “Dean, what are you doing here?” Sam said. He had turned around to go help some of the others when he saw Dean standing there.
 “How’s she doing?” Dean asked, ignoring Sam.
 “Better. You get the meds?”
 “We did. They should be bringing them in here now.” Dean looked at Sam and frowned. “What the hell happened to you? You got blood all over you.”
 “Some people died and managed to get out of their cells after they turned,” Sam said.
 After Sam had that talk with you, he walked over to Hershel where he was holding an I.V. for an unconscious Sasha.
 “She’s coughing up blood,” Sam whispered.
 “Are any of the other symptoms worsening?” Hershel asked.
 “I don’t think so.”
 “Alright. I’ll get an I.V. set up for her. Caleb made a few.” Hershel looked around. “I don’t think he’s got much time left.”
 “I can get it,” Sam said.
 “No, I got it. You stay here and hold this up. Sasha’s just dehydrated and should wake up in a minute.”
 “Alright.” Sam took the bag from Hershel and sat down on the bed.
 Hershel walked over to you and quickly set up an I.V. in your arm before hanging it up. He checked your pulse and gave you a quick look over before walking out of your cell, closing the door behind him.
 “Hershel!” Lizzie yelled. His head snapped up to where Lizzie was standing and then was distracted by a walker coming at him. It tackled him to the ground, Hershel barely keeping its snapping jaws away from him.
 A man came out of a cell, gun in hand. He was trying to aim and while he was concentrating, a walker came up behind him, making him misfire the gun and shoot a woman in the stomach. That got Sam’s attention and he rushed out of Sasha’s cell, his own weapons out.
 “What the hell?” Sam said, skidding to a stop. Quickly, he stabbed the two walkers and the man who had been bitten and died. Then his head turned to where he saw Lizzie pinned to the ground, a walker on top of her.
 The two men came running to where she was and Hershel threw the walker over the rail.
 “Are you okay?” Hershel asked her.
 “I called him nice. He didn’t hurt Glenn so I thought that maybe he listens,” she whimpered.
 “Where is Glenn?”
 “His cell.”
 Sam ran over to Glenn while Hershel took Lizzie over to a cell. Looking at the little boy already in there, he closed the door.
 “You two stay put. Do not come out,” he said. Hershel ran over to Glenn as fast as he could and saw Sam checking his pulse.
 “Hang in there, Glenn,” Sam said. He looked at Hershel. “He seems stable for now but I don’t know for how much longer.”
 “We need the guns.”
 Hershel stood up and ran over to Dr. S’s cell to grab the guns, only to find that he had died. After he stabbed Dr. S. in the head and grabbed the guns, Hershel went to shoot the remaining walkers. He couldn’t bring himself to do it while the kids were watching so he lured them away before shooting them. After that was done, Hershel came back to where Sam and Glenn where.
 Glenn was wheezing and Sam had him on his side. Blood was coming out of Glenn’s mouth and Hershel thumped his back, trying to help him get all the fluid out.
 “We need the respirator,” Hershel said.
 “Where is it?”
 “On Henry.” The two men exchanged a look and Sam got up.
 “You stay here with Glenn and I’ll got get the respirator.” Sam gave no room for Hershel to argue and Sam was running to where Hershel threw him over the railing.
 Taking a breath, Sam jumped the railing and began wrestling with the walker, trying to get the respirator off of its face. A gunshot sounded bellow him, but Sam paid no mind. All of his attention was on the walker.
 “Sam!” Maggie yelled. She raised her gun and was about to shoot when Hershel called out.
 “No! You could shoot the bag and we need it for Glenn!” Hershel said.
 Maggie ignored him and shot anyways, hitting the walker straight in the head. Sam sat up and ripped the respirator off of Henry’s face and threw it to Hershel. Hershel took it to Glenn and Maggie was quick to go up the stairs. She almost stopped to ask Sam how you were doing, but Sam pushed her to her husband, following close behind.
 “Sam, we got this, you check on everyone else,” Hershel said. Sam nodded and quickly made his way to check on everyone, making you his last stop. He let out a sob of relief when he saw that you were okay and still alive.
 Dean and Sam
 “So [y/n]’s okay and so are Glenn and Sasha,” Dean said to Sam.
 “Yeah. They’re all pretty bad, but it looks like they’ll all be okay. Glenn seemed to have been hit the worst,” Sam said, brushing some of your hair away from your face. “Now that they’ve all gotten medicine, they should be good to go in a couple days.”
 “Dean, [y/n] thought she was gonna die,” Sam said after a moment. “Told me what she wanted me to do when it happened and everything. I told her that she wasn’t going to die. But she came close, I know she did.”
 “She’s a tough son of a bitch, Sammy. She ain’t dying. Not like this.”
 The next day came around and you felt immensely better. Not enough to go immediately go back to what you were doing, but enough to walk around a bit. Both of your brothers had left a few minutes ago, you having been fed up with their constant hovering. But of course, nothing was going right.
 You had just gotten back to your cell when a boom shook the building. Walking as fast as you could, you got outside just in time to see the Governor cut into Hershel’s neck with Michonne’s sword. Stumbling backwards, you fell against the wall behind you in shock. The gunfire started soon after and you started walking forward.
 “Dean, Sammy!” You called. “Daryl!”
 “[Y/n]!” Your brothers came running up to you and you collapsed in Sam’s arms. Dean was holding Charlotte.
 “H-Hershel,” you said. Tears were in your eyes and you sniffed as Sam held you tighter.
 “I know, sweetheart,” Dean said. “But we have to get out of here.”
 “Alright. Where’s Adeline?”
 “She’s with Daryl. I’m gonna get Baby started up and we’ll follow the bus as planned,” Dean said. “Can you hold Lottie while I do that?”
 You nodded and took your daughter from Dean.
 “I’ll get the stuff from the shed. Meet you back here in five.” Sam kissed your head and ran off.
 “I’m gonna get my pack from my cell. I’ll be right back,” you said, giving Dean no time to argue.
 “[Y/n]!” He called after you. Cursing, he ran to the Impala and found it riddled with bullet holes. When he tried to start it, the engine didn’t make a sound.
 “Fuck!” He yelled. Opening the trunk, Dean grabbed what he could, stuffing it in a duffle before grabbing his gun and shooting at the people who attacked his home.
 “Dean!” Sam yelled, running up with a bag of his own.
 “Car’s been shot! Can’t drive it.” The two of them ducked down when the tank fired again and Sam looked at Dean.
 “Where’s [y/n]?” Sam asked.
 “She went to get her bag.”
 “What the hell Dean! She can barely walk right now!”
 “You think I don’t know that? I wouldn’t have been able to stop her and you know it! Now let’s grab her and get the hell out of here!” They got up and started running towards C-Block when the doorway exploded.
@sesetiger @jazzy1118
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havocinthebluebox · 3 years
weird asks that say a lot HEHEHE : 9, 15, 21, 31 (parce que j'aime bien te lire décrire tes tenues), 49 and 96 titeplait ^^
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Did someone say weird asks ?!
9. favorite smell in the summer?
My good sense of smell is all fucked in summer due to seasonal allergies but : iodine when I am on the coast, or the smell of rain on the soil and in the woods ! Also, barbecue because je suis une bonne vivante XD.
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15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
If I must pick one : Macbeth, read during preparatory classes. 
21. obsession from childhood?
Just one ? Myths, legends and tales probably. But I had (still have) a lot of obsessions, from dinosaurs to history, planes and spaceships, and obviously : reading ! 
Also, natural phenomenons : the sea and oceans and aurora borealis. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I am not sure to understand the “taking names” thing but you don’t need a specific outfit when you naturally kick asses 😎. Just kidding !
All black because that’s how I like it (or a dress from Armstreet - or this one because I don’t have a lot of “dream dresses” but these are just too beautiful ! That’s what I’ll wear everyday when I’ll be a witch-publisher whose third husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances, living somewhere far form civilization). 
Or just one of my ordinary outfits : a cute dress, a surplus jacket or shirt or a cute dress / my leather jacket or a cute dress / my battle jacket etc...
my thigh-high laced boots or more likely combat boots/rangers-like boots because that’s what I wear everyday.
I’d put a bandana in my hair (a tiara maybe ? I’ve been considering buying one or two !) or braid my braids (if that makes any sense ? XD), buckle my belt with the Medusa. Also, I feel like a sheath with a sword would improve any of said outfits. 
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
Main one would be << Contre vents et marées. >>, “Against all tides”.
96. desktop background?
Right now it’s an illustration by Olivier Ledroit featuring Claudia Demona and reminding me of a place where I like to eat and drink with friends :
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I am a weirdo, I love weird asks ! Thank you Tasha ! 
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too-much-sunshine · 3 years
Fangs for the Hospitality
Chapter 6
Summary: After Roman leaves his family reunion mad at Remus, his car breaks down. The huge snow storm forces him into the forest hes always been told to stay away from. Who will he meet? And why are they being so nice? Most importantly, why are his teeth so sharp?
A/N: I’m so very sorry this chapter took so long to come out...and its so short. Uni has picked up and I’m so very far behind. I’ll try and get better at updates and making them longer lol. Anyway enjoy!
Relationship: Familial DAM, Eventual Roceit, Eventual Intrulogical
Warnings (per chapter): Roman has social anxiety, he is awkward, food and eating, vague talk of Romans family, let me know if anything else!
Catch up!:  Master list, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Word Count: 1822
Read on AO3!
Roman stumbled after the man who walked down the halfway. For someone who was quite short, he had quick strides. Roman caught up to him and thought about how to do this like a normal person. He didn't think it would be appropriate to walk next to Janus, since it was his house. And he certainly couldn't walk in front of him, he doesn't know where to go. And he also thought that would be dumb. So Roman just walked a few feet behind him, trying to keep in step with him so he wouldn't accidentally kick his heel.
Roman wondered if he should be making conversation. Like, should he compliment the house? It really did look nice now that Roman thought about it. Looking around the halls everything felt old, yet well taken care of. There were old pictures on the wall of children and Janus and people he had never seen. There were some accent tables with yellow, non-wilted flowers. Everything felt nice and clean.
The walls were made of dark wood slats. The dark color would make the place feel small if not for the yellow accents and white flowers with green vines painted on certain slats. Stunned, Roman tried to get a better look at painted flowers. They looked old and hand painted. The lights on the ceiling hung down a bit were a dim yellow which matched the age of the house. It was probably the original electrical of the house Roman thought.
Roman was so lost in thought about how beautifully comfy the house seemed, that he didn't realize they had made it to the kitchen until he ran face first into Janus’ back. He stumbled back and almost fell flat on his ass. Be looked up to Janus and raised his hands in a placating gesture. 
“Oh my gods I’m so sorry! I was just looking around and was lost in thought! I’m so sorry your house is so pretty I just...I mean...I-” Roman was starting to get tongue-tied. His breathing was starting to pick up too, face reddening.
“Honey it's okay take a breath. I’m not mad. Thank you for the compliment! I’ve had this house for quite a long time and I try hard to keep it clean. Thorough that can be hard with these two running around.” Janus said relatively nonchalantly. He was pointing to the two little boys in the corner of the kitchen together, both watching intently as Patton tried very carefully to pour juice into a plastic cup for Virgil.
Both adults took to watching the children. Janus, to make sure he didn't actually spill it, and Roman because the quiet concentration of the two boys was a good time to take a few calming deep breaths. He should really try and get those reactions under control. He understood it was probably weird and he should be able to control his reactions to things.
Finally after the boys had poured a successful cup of juice, Janus walked over to them quietly praising Patton. Roman continued to think less than helpful thoughts as he looked round the kitchen and dining room. It matched the rest of the house as well, if not more updated. There was a fridge, dishwasher and microwave as well. Each was a dark color matching the color of the cabinets and tiled wall.
The dining room was attached to the kitchen making the space quite long. In the center, next to a large window, was the circular table. It had four chairs around it with a circular doily in the center. Over the dark wood table there was a small gilded chandelier.
“Take a seat Roman. Same with you boys. Breakfast will just be a moment. Do you have any allergies Roman?” Janus said, taking a pan out of a bottom cabinet.
“No. Nothing to worry about! Anything is great by me!” Roman said nervously, taking the seat in front of the window. 
Patton took the seat closest to Roman, then Virgil next to him. Roman folded his hands into his lap and looked down at the table. Maybe if he memorized the grooves in the table, he would be able to make it through the next few interactions with people. Yes, there's only one adult and two children who he could take to but those are still people and those are hard to talk too.
Roman was specifically worried about this whole situation. He didn't much want to go home, cause then he would have to deal with his brother. That was a conversion he wasn't really willing to have at the moment. He felt like he still needed time to really princess his whole feelings on that.
But on the other hand, it wasn't like he could just...Impose on this stranger. He already greeted him with this stranger's kind hospitality, he couldn't nor should, ask for anything more. But...maybe this Janus would like a friend? No no no that probably wouldn't work out. They didn't know each other and it would be weird if Roman stayed. Mayb-
“You are very quiet for a prince..” A voice from his left startled him. “In every book I've read the prince likes to tell stories and talk a lot. You're different huh?” 
Roman came back into reality because of the voice. Time must have passed because the air smelled fantastic. Roman was silent as he processed the question. Patton placed his elbows on the table and laid his head on his hand. He looked at Roman waiting for a response.
“Well of course I’m a different kind of prince.” Roman agreed, side eyeing Janus as the stove. “I forgot to tell you about how my magic was taken away for a while! It makes me sad sometimes and so I always think about how to get it back!” Roman solemnly smiled at Patton. A small shift next to Patton caught his eye. 
Roman looked over and saw little Virgil look up from his booster chair to Roman. He had big eyes while looking at Roman, but he didn't speak. But Patton didn't leave the room in silence for too long.
“That's so sad!! That's why you didn't show me any of your magic in the room right? Cause you don't have it! I didn't know someone could take away magic. Did you know that dad?” Patton turned around in his chair to watch his dad while he finished up cooking.
“Of course I knew that sweetheart. But its very looked down upon in the magic community. You should never take somebody's magic away unless they are a very, very dangerous person.” Janus turned, first looking pointedly at Roman, then looking at Patton.
Patton looked back to Roman with round, sad eyes.
“Were you very, very bad?” He asked.
“No! But remember the evil women that tried to take my princeship away? Well she did give me the choice of what I would be able to keep. My princehood or my magic. And while I loved my magic, I loved my people more! I chose for him to take my magic away as long as my people were sad and I could continue to rule and help them. So she took my magic.” Roman pause for dramatic effect, letting out a long sigh. “She lied to me though. While my kingdom is still out there, she teleported me here. I don't where they are, or where I am for that fact. With the last of my magic I remember casting a protection spell on my people. I’m not sure if it worked though. All I know now is that she's the new ruler of my kingdom.” He finished.
Janus placed a plate of food in front of each of their seats, but nobody was really paying much attention. Patton looked up to Roman looking like he was about to cry. Even Virgil seemed to not like the finishing of the tale. Thinking quickly Roman added to his story.
“I know for a fact though not all hope is lost! I had a friend in the castle. She was my best friend and familiar. She is so kind and powerful too!  Her name is..” Roman tried to think quick of names he knew. Without much of a second thought he blurted, “Glinda! She's an amazing...owl! And I know that she will find me and we will fight for my kingdom back! And we will win!!!” Roman said, shining brightly. This ending seemed to please the children a lot more. Janus seemed to be trying to hold in his laughter.
“Her name is Glinda? Like the Good Witch?” Janus smirked.
Romans whole face started turning bright red. He stuttered a bit of false starts before finally speaking up. 
“Yep! That's the name she told me when we first met when I was young.” He said, nervously looking between the kids and Janus. Luckily Patton didn't seem to catch Roman embarrassment and Janus’ smug look.
“I didn't know someone could cast spells like that dad! And I didn't know about familiars either! Why don't I have a familiar? Do vampires have familiars too?” Patton asked excitedly, finally picking up the fork in front of him to eat while listening. Janus, who happened to be sipping from a glass, choked slightly. 
“W-well honey usually witches don't meet their familiars until they are around 10. And you being 8 would be too early. Maybe one of these days we can go on a walk through the woods and see if anything hangs around you.” Smiling nervously he placed his glass on the table.
Roman thought it was weird to see Janus actually stumble on his words. So far this man was so put together that Roman was sure that he picked his words very carefully each time he spoke. ‘How odd…’ Roman thought, looking away from him.
Looking down, Roman finally noticed that he too should be eating what was placed in front of him. He picked up his fork as Patton was still excitedly babbling while eating. Something about being excited about getting a pet, as Janus was explaining that a familiar wasn't technically a pet.
Roman took a nervous breath as he scooped up some of the, what looked to be, eggs off his plate. He wasn't typically a fan of eating around people. It was just another opportunity to be criticized, but he only just realized how hungry he actually was. He released the fork to his mouth and took a bite.
Immediately Roman looked around the table to see if anyone was looking at him. The food was delicious, but he wasn't really surprised anymore. Of course this man was basically perfect. He got his whole life together here and Roman has basically nothing. 
Nobody was actively looking at Roman so he continued on with his meal not chiming in unless directly talked too.
Next Chapter!
@primaveradoodles @bluerosesbleedred
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madame-brioche · 4 years
Part 1: Meet the Counselors 🦋
Winters — The Nutritional Counselor:
-teaches math during the off-season
-affectionately calls his campers "little chicken nuggets"
-gets up at 5 in the morning for a quiet hike
-makes sure you take your required medication and vitamins and use your inhaler, whatever you need
-goes around to let everyone know it's time for light's out
-will comfort campers with ice cream if they're feeling homesick
-secretly planning a fun last day of camp prank with Counselor Nixon
-lots of pastels in his uniform
-rescues injured birds and squirrels, and nurses them back to health
-knows every camper's name, hobbies, favorite color, allergies
-pinkie promises on everything
-makes the best ice tea and coffee in the cafeteria
-“I love all of you equally”
Nixon — The Chaotic Functional Counselor
-used to pull legendary pranks before becoming a head counselor but now just does mostly paperwork
-tells nightmare-fuel scary stories and then abruptly says "well goodnight" afterwards & leaves
-carries a secret flask and gets wasted at the campfire
-hungover af at breakfast the next morning
-pets every dog he comes across, and even lets his campers sneak one into the bunks to keep
-wears baggy shorts, a baseball cap backwards and rocks sunglasses indoors
-gets hyped for taco Tuesday's in the cafeteria
-hosts wine Wednesday's in the counselors' lounge
-takes spiders outside rather than killing them
-oddly competitive during icebreaker games
-talks shit about other counselors to his campers
-“can I get a double shot americano with bourbon?”
Lipton — The Mom Counselor
-ray of fucking sunshine
-keeps in touch with his campers after they leave
-has been working there for an insanely long time
-arts and crafts leader, orchestrating friendship bracelet making
-gets along with all the other counselors, never has beef with anyone
-gives the best advice, even if you don't want to hear it
-the best bear hugs omfg just makes you feel so safe and protected
-smells like campfire and s'mores
-literally made out of happiness and gummy worms
-surprises everyone with a pajama pizza party
-makes sure you're staying hydrated and getting enough sleep, applying sunscreen/bug spray, and having a good time
-come to him with any injuries, aches, or pains
-“What do you mean you’re not having fun?”
Speirs — The Varsity Wilderness Survival Counselor
-how did this guy get to be a counselor?
-hides contraband in a shallow hole by the obstacle course
-breaks all the rules but upholds them for his campers
-will come in and scare the living shit out of you if you don't listen to Counselor Winters' lights out warning
-only one who hits Counselor Sobel with a water balloon
-gets up at 4am to lift and run around the campgrounds
-only wears tank tops, even in the cold
-will test his campers by leaving them in the woods at night and expect them to find their way back
-maybe sheds one tear on the last day, maybe
-really high stakes trust exercises
-will suck the venom out of a snake bite to save your life
-moves through the forest without making a sound
-“I will throw you to the mountain lions”
Welsh — The Hip Counselor
-plays Wonderwall on his acoustic guitar during campfire performances
-hasn't showered in a week and it's noticeable
-grows a goatee and runs around barefoot
-is banned from helping out in the kitchen
-will set up your tent for you in exchange for drugs
-reigning tie-dye shirt making champ
-recycling king™️
-makes sure there's vegetarian options in the cafeteria
-smells like mother nature's armpit
-wears a bandana around his head
-can be found avoiding duties and playing ultimate frisbee with his campers
-“tbh, I’ve had five existential crises since we’ve been here!”
Compton — The Cool Friend Counselor
-wears a different flannel everyday
-calls you out for your bullshit during cabin meetings
-gives the best pep talks before games of capture the flag
-somehow manages to read 4+ books over the course of camp
-knows how to sew/patch up clothes
-leads most of the cheers and rallying songs
-hangs out with campers instead of other counselors in his free time
-always down for darts, archery, swimming, sailing, kayaking, you name it
-overshares personal life details during campfire sharing time
-will totally help you TP Counselor Sobel’s cabin
-once ate a bee on a dare
-“guys, I’m not mad but who put weed killer in my shampoo?”
Martin — The Don’t F With Me Counselor
-resting bitch face during camp cheers
-aggressively salutes the flag during morning assembly
-inexplicably good at memorizing everyone’s name on the first day
-openly drinks gin and tonic in the cafeteria
-the reason a few campers wanted to go home
-somehow ends up being one of your favorite counselors by the last day
-is not subtle about playing favorites
-cooks most of the food for the camp and will be insulted if you don’t eat what’s on your plate
-can do that loud whistle with his fingers to get everyone’s attention
-low key freaks out if one of his campers is missing and will not rest until they’re found
-mood can go from 0 to 100 over the pettiest things
-“Yeah I’m gonna need you to kindly pipe the fuck down with the crazy glue for the rest of craft time”
Randleman — The Boy Scout Counselor
-wears a lot of camo at all times
-scary good at poker
-smokes on the premises even though it’s forbidden
-talks fast and direct, commands your attention
-makes a mean s’more and prefers the marshmallow to be burnt
-will let his campers get away with the most shenanigans so long as it’s not hurting anyone
-actually cries the last day of camp
-kickball and flag football champion
-has wrestled a grizzly bear and won
-collects pocket knives and random critters
-bff’s with Counselor Martin and sometimes takes charge of Martin’s campers and vice versa
-has never gotten bit by a mosquito
-snores loudly and will sleep through anything
-has been granted camp counselor tenure because he’s been there so dang long
-“y’all wanna go sink a canoe?”
Peacock — The Cute But Clueless Counselor
-wears a lot of band t-shirts merch
-has song lyrics tattooed on various body parts
-rocks an intentional mullet
-constantly getting lost when leading hikes but great at improvising
-has a tan even if the sun hasn’t been out
-blood smells like cologne
-instructs canoeing and determines whether you pass the swim test or not
-has a way with animals and manages the small camp petting zoo
-got six stitches last year from doing a flip off the dock
-gets scared from the scary stories Counselor Nixon tells
-“la la la la if I can’t hear the ghosts they can’t hurt me”
Dike — The Absentee Counselor
-says “oof” after any minor inconvenience
-oversleeps and misses morning assembly
-a camper may die on his watch, you never know
-gives sub par motivational speeches
-tries to comfort homesick campers but ends up crying himself
-has a fear of swimming without water wings
-might get mauled by a bear later
-given up on learning his campers’ names
-calls other counselors for help
-has one facial expression at all times
-spits when he talks
-constantly stressed during outdoor camping
-passive aggressiveness af during cabin meetings
-sleeps with a night light
-“wait am I responsible for all of you?”
Sobel — The Narc Counselor
-literally no one likes him
-mission is to make sure everyone follows his rules
-carries around a bullhorn and a backup whistle
-failed the swim test
-says “fight me” but would get his ass kicked
-misspells everything
-will give you latrine duty if you leave your bunk bed unmade or the dishes aren’t in alphabetical order
-doesn’t participate in campfire games or sing alongs
-got left behind on a trail for 9 hours once
-confiscates any and all contraband camp items including non regulated shoes
-likes noodles with ketchup
-perpetual disappointed glare
-has a cold like once a week
-only allows one s’more per camper
-“and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee, now put this can of peaches back where it belongs!”
Stay tuned for Part 2: The Campers
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Survey #276
“all the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, outrun my gun.”
Favorite dried fruit? Dried fruit is fucking disgusting. Would you rather wear a dress or a suit on your wedding day? A dress. If you chose dress, will it be long or short? I prefer longer wedding dresses. If you chose suit, will you wear a bow or a tie? Hypothetically I’d wear a tie, probably. Have you ever wanted to be a police officer? No. Do you have a nut allergy? No. Do you accessories with chains? Put chains on fucking EVERYTHING and it is an improvement. How often do you cook dinner? If you’re excluding the microwave, like… never. What have you given up on recently? Nothing important; the only thing I can think of applies to a game. I was after the way-too-fucking-expensive dinosaur mount that is very soon going away in World of Warcraft, but the stress it was causing me wasn’t worth it. The time investment and how it was only a “maybe” of getting it in time Favorite condiment for fries? Ketchup. Ever had bangs? I did as a little kid. Do you know any Italian people? Well yeah, people of Italian descent are common in the U.S. I don’t know like, someone straight from Italy though. Have you ever dated someone LGBTQ+? Yeah, a demisexual. What color would you like your future bathroom to be? Uh… I don’t really care. It would depend on the house. Do you add sugar to plain cornflakes? No. Are skeletons cool? Skellyboiz are dope. Favorite Selena Gomez song? I don’t know any. Do you like coffee flavored cake? I don’t like coffee, so guess. Is that even a thing, though? Do you still watch your favorite kid shows/cartoons? I don’t watch TV. I would though, sure. Do you like going on walks? What's your favorite thing about them? How far do you normally walk? Ugh this question is gonna be embarrassing considering I went through muscle atrophy in my legs from being so sedentary. When we move (HOPEFULLY the start of October, a wrench was kinda thrown in our plans), I intend to absolutely start walking in small intervals now that we’ll be in a nice little neighborhood with a sidewalk. And a PokeStop nearby to bait me lmfao. Plus the weather will be cooler, so I intend to make a lot of progress. BUT ANYWAY I like just listening to either music or the sounds of what’s going on around me. Last time you had a hot drink? That’s a good question. Idk. Have you ever lived in a city? Was it crowded? Never like… a “real” city. Just small towns or in the middle of nowhere. Would you prefer to live in a big city or the woods? THE WOODS!!!!!!1 THE WOODS!!!!!1!!!!1111!! GIMME THAT SHIT!!!!!!11!11!!!! Have you ever climbed a mountain? No. Do you hear owls or crickets at night where you live? LOADS of crickets and toads during the summer. Ever run away from home? When I was a stupid pre-teen. I was mad at my mom and she wasn’t home, so I took Teddy and left. I had my phone though and Mom – when she got home – threatened to call the cops, so yeah, I came back. Are you scared to ride public transport alone? Why? No. Is marriage on your mind? No time soon. Did you own a dollhouse when you were younger? I didn’t, per se, but my younger sister did, and we would play together. Does the room you're in have a tiled floor? No, it’s carpet. How many pairs of earrings do you own? Not that many, not too few. Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend? I’ve never thought *looking* was a good idea, so no. I think bonds of any kind need to come naturally to avoid lack of genuineness, force, or rush. I don’t think me having an s/o is a smart idea right now anyway. Do you prefer a call or a text? Don’t call me unless you’re dying or something. Do your parents drink coffee every morning? Mom almost always does. I don’t live with Dad, so idk. Have you ever donated blood? Yes. One song that's meaningful to you? UM a LOT. Most meaningful, probably “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. I physically can’t listen to it. Like I refuse to. Are you addicted to anything? Technology, big oof energy. What were you last listening to in the car? Something on my iPod, idk. When was the last time you sang out loud? I don’t recall. I rarely sing. What did you have for breakfast? A microwaveable sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. Mom is currently out of state with her mother because she’s literally on her deathbed, so she STOCKED ME THE FUCK UP on groceries. The freezer is literally jam-packed, so I’m focusing on eating food from there. Did you have a nap today? Yes. I almost never, ever make it through the day without one, especially now with having nightmares every fucking time I sleep. Are you named after anyone? No. Well, not my first name, anyway. “Marie” is a middle name theme in my family, though. What kind of music do you like? Metal, rock, alternative, indie… stuff like that. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up? Ugh, I miss a LOT of my old hobbies. I’ve lost interest in so much. I wish I drew way more than I do, which is almost never. What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? The first job I ever wanted was a paleontologist. I was obsessed with dinosaurs. Still love ‘em. What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now? It’d be great if I could finish designing Ashley’s cancer tattoo, but again, yeah, drawing motivation. ;_; If you weren’t in your current job, what would you want to be doing? I’m unemployed. Is the last person you kissed older than you? No. Are you happy right now? No. Haven’t been “happy” for a while now. Who makes you happiest right now? Probably my cat tbh lol. Especially being home alone for so long, he’s keeping me company. In school did/do people put a label on you? If so, what is/was it? I was considered one of the “emo” kids. Do you laugh every day? lol wow no. What is the last thing you laughed at? This Spongebob meme I saw on Facebook got me fuckin good. Have you cried today? If so, why? Nah. When was the last time someone saw you naked? Been a long time; even when I’m going in or coming out of the shower I do all I can for Mom to not see me because I hate my body a fucking lot. What is the greatest loss you've endured? My first boyfriend. When was the last time you did something you were embarrassed by? WOW I do this like every fuckin day, fam. What was the last thing you lied about? I’m not sure. What type of a drunk are you? Never gotten to the point of drunk, but I was more talkative the closest I got. What is your philosophy on life/how do you generally choose to live or conduct yourself? What a big question. I personally think you should do all you can to make a positive impact on the world – make it better than when you entered. Don’t contribute to the bad, treat people how you want to be treated… all that jazz. When was the last time you were up all night and why? I can’t remember quite why, but I remember doing that with WoW some time ago. Idr what I was doing that had my attention that long, though. That’s rare now. What is the worst thing you've done to yourself? What is the worst thing someone else has done to you? Part one: hand over all of my worth to someone else. Part two: show me exactly why I shouldn’t have in a very unhealthy way. What is the most personal thing you're willing to reveal? I dunno??? Can ya give me a topic?? Is there a situation or person you haven't been able to get over/forgive/what have you? I honestly doubt I’ll ever be entirely over Jason. Who was the last person to yell at you? Did you yell back? Probably Mom, and idr. Doubt it. Just probably raised my voice. Where did your last injury come from? My cat, rip. What is the worst thing you have said to another person? Something along the lines of “thanks for sending me to the ER (or mental hospital?) again.” Fucking disgusting. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Without fail, always. Please wear your seatbelt. Are you scared of flying? Not really. What do you sleep in? Men’s pj pants and tank tops. Who was the last person you kissed? Sara. What are you listening to? I am fucking HOOKED on 3TEETH's cover of "Pumped Up Kicks." Do you prefer soupy noodles or noodles without the broth? Without. Have you ever missed someone but felt like they had other friends and didn't miss you as much as you did? This. Is the story of my motherfuckin life. I feel this all the time to a very deep level. Who, out of all your friends, do you hang with the most and could never get tired of him/her? Sara. Do you like the taste of white chocolate or does it taste kind of fake? Nooot a white chocolate fan. Too sweet. How would you react if you just found out your mom had an abortion before? I would be VERY surprised just given who she is and her adoration for children. Are your pets spayed/neutered? Yes. Hottest guy you know and actually talk to? I don’t regularly talk to any guy I consider “hot,” but the closest to that would be my friend Leon, whom I’ve always seen as very attractive. It is fucking UNCANNY, his resemblance to Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil series. Like he’s dressed as him before and it is astonishing. Name sharing is a coincidence, too. What time of day do you like to shower? I don’t have a favored time anymore. I just do it when I feel like it at some point during the day, but pretty much never night anymore. I do think starting the morning with one though is great, though. When you go out to eat, what sides do your order with your food? Fries are almost guaranteed, but of course it depends on the type of food, too. What do you spend more money than necessary on? I don’t and never have had a stable source of income to answer this, really. What video game or computer game are you best at? Uhhh I’d probably be rusty with the Shadow of the Colossus controls by now, I’ve don’t have the maps or every puzzles memorized from the Silent Hill games, so I guess my answer’s World of Warcraft if I’m on my hunter. Not to flex but I’m a bomb-ass beast mastery hunter. Been my main in the game since I started in MoP. What do you keep your keys on? They’re in my purse on a keychain. Is your favorite color different than your favorite color to wear? Oh yeah. Do you buy books or get them from the library? Buy them. What section of the food pyramid do you neglect the most? Veggies for sure. What do you use your stovetop for most? Well, I don’t ever. Can you focus on studying if there's music on? No, I need silence. In what types of situations do you demand absolute silence? Well, see the above answer, for one. Also going to sleep. Well, maybe not, as I have a fan as kinda like white noise, but I can sleep without it. Did you do well at fitness testing in grade school? I didn’t score bad, but I wasn’t exceptional either. Do you own more shoes or less shoes than the average person? Less, I’m sure. Do you still have anything from when you were a baby? Yeah, up in the attic. I think my mom has some stuff that’s super important to her in a case somewhere. Do you use hairspray much? I never do. Are art museums interesting or boring to you? I enjoy them. What subject in school do you feel is the least necessary? Well, this is a difficult question to answer when you consider I think depending on your career focus as well as personal values and interests, this answer changes from person to person. Like for me, I could say I don’t give a shit about complex math, but advanced math courses would be valued by certain people down specific paths. But anyway, I’ll bite and say least necessary for *the most* people, in my opinion anyway. Gym. It’s very discriminatory towards people with more limited physical capabilities (and I don’t just mean literally disabled), and it’s also just very uncomfortable and/or embarrassing to some people. Like I’d fuckin cry if in my current state, I was forced to “run” a mile, because I physically couldn’t come even close. A person, a younger one especially, should never be subjected to humiliation at the hands of a class schools deem “necessary” when it absolutely is not. Okay I’m in a talkative mood and this is turning into an essay so I’mma move along now. When you were a kid, what games did you always play on the playground? I think for as long as I had recess, my go-to was ALWAYS the swings. I fucking loved swingsets. I loved playing 4 Square or whatever it was called. And then of course there was me digging tunnels in the sandboxes because I wanted to feel like a meerkat lmfao. Do you enjoy power outages or do you get annoyed? For some reason, I still have this childlike excitement *early* into a power outage. Especially when it’s dark and we have to get out the candles, and I might play my old GameBoy or Nintendo DS, or I’ll probably just chill talking with Mom. However, that phase is pretty short nowadays, being a snake mama. My mind very quickly goes back to “Venus needs her lamp,” so as time passes, I get more anxious than annoyed. Basically, I’d rather not have one. Do you know how to use an ATM? … no lmao How about write a check? No. Are you pretty politically correct? To a degree I consider reasonable. Personally I find political correctness as having gone too far by now, but it’s certainly appropriate in some instances. What is one fashion trend you'll never understand? I… don’t really care to think much on this. Wear what makes you feel confident in yourself. There are things I think don’t look good, but they may look great to you, and it’s on your body, so guess whose opinion matters. What do you wear when you exercise? Oh yeesh. Just sweatpants and a tank top, normally. What is usually the last thing you do before you go to bed? I turn the brightness on my phone waaay down. I’m always going to wake up throughout the night and check the time, but I don’t want to be blinded.
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
’m sorry about this one, I love my boys I just want them to be okay 🥺 ~~~ Duncan couldn’t bring himself to make the call, Nate was clear as day, he doesn’t want to talk to either of them. Maybe it was better to tell her the truth, even if it would be hard to hear.
“So? Is he coming?”
 Y/N asked out as she pulled out plates for their meal.  Duncan walked in and planted a kiss on the top of her head. 
“He..he said he doesn’t want to talk to us anymore”
 he saw a her face fall at the news.
 “Hey, it’s okay, you’ve got me. We’ve got each other..”  
When Duncan reached home that night he decided to move Nate’s box from his car to the back of his closet. He decided he was better off taping it shut than going through the contents and stressing himself out.    — It wasn’t easy for Y/N to hear that Nate  wouldn’t talk to either of them, but Dunc was right, she had him. Having him over was something she hadn’t even realized how much she’d missed.  Their plan to “take things slow” went out the window in just a few nights. It had been nearly a year since the last time they’d been 
so when things didn’t, uh, 
come together
 like before
she held no ill will.  
“Was that okay? How are you feeling?” 
Duncan asked from beside her. His nerves were starting to creep in, thoughts of what Nate had told him were bubbling up. Self doubt began overtaking his thoughts. What if he wasn’t as good as Nate? What if things were worse than they remembered? What if she hated it so much she broke up with him?  Y/N could feel Duncan beginning to tense up. She grabbed his face to kiss him, 
“I missed you, Dunc. How about a round two, if you’re ready?”
 She said peppering his face until he was smiling as hard as her. While Duncan was out for his run the next morning, Y/N was just trying to find the clothes she’d left with him the year before. He’d said they were in a box somewhere, but when she found the one in his closet. Yes, it had her things in it, but it had Nate’s too. Why did Duncan have a box with all of their pictures-? He must have tried to talk to Nate after their fight.. Nate said he didn’t want to talk anymore, but this seemed like he didn’t want to even think about her. Why didn’t he have the guts to just say this to her face? After all of their time together you would think she at least deserved that. 
  Nate spend most of his time trying to block out and forget those last few months. Hookups were difficult, everything reminded him of 
 he had to change things. No more old friends, it’s not like it was hard for him to find someone who wouldn’t have any expectations for him afterwards. He buzzed his hair off, why did they always try to push it back? Nate spent his nights alone for the most part, no matter how late someone was over, they weren’t sleeping there. Not anymore.  Every day was harder than the last. Every day he saw Y/N and Duncan grow closer. She hadn’t tried to call him again, Shepherd had probably given her the box, told her what happened. Nate knew he could have called her, checked in for old times sake.. But she said their time together didn’t mean anything, so why should he give her any more of it. If Y/N was anything, she was persistent, it took nearly a month for her to stop calling and texting Duncan, and a few weeks after that to stop trying to talk to him in class. If she wanted to talk to him, she would have tried already, she wouldn’t have given up on him so easily.  –  Nate knew he’d been neglecting himself, forgetting to take his meds, slogging through the days
He just wanted it to stop, everything to stop, but it wouldn’t. It couldn’t.  Rather than do something reckless, he dropped Maximus off at Y/N’s. Tied him to the porch with a bag of food, everything she’d need to take care of him, and a note. Even if she was still upset about what he’d told Duncan, he knew she’d take good care of his boy.  Nate voluntarily admitted himself to the inpatient psych ward. ‘
It’s just for a couple of weeks, maximum,’ 
he told himself. Just long enough to get his head back on straight, let his meds kick in again, sort himself out..
ma’am you made me cry :( 
i meant to have this out earlier this weekend but allergies have been kicking my ass so i’ve been sleeping sm vsjkvhsge yeehaw
As Y/N pulled into her driveway, she caught sight of Maximus on her porch. Confusion and worry immediately set in. She hurried out of the car and ran towards the dog. 
I’m sorry. For everything. Please take care of Maxie. Spending a few weeks to get better at St. Anthony’s Hospital.  
Y/N reread the note tied to Maxie over and over. She felt so guilty. Why didn’t Nate reach out to her is he was struggling? 
Why didn’t you check on him? The voice in her head shamed her. 
“Oh, Maxie.” she knelt down and hugged his dog tightly. Maxie whined and let her cry it out. 
After what felt like a long time, she brought him and his thing in. She had to see him. Had to know if Nate was okay. He wouldn’t do this unless things had gotten pretty bad. 
Maximus followed her around the house as she tried to make sense of everything. 
Duncan arrived, carrying in food he’d picked up for them. Y/N sat at the table, head in her hands as she looked down at Nates note again. Maxie began to bark as soon as Duncan opened the door. 
“What’s going on?” worry flashed Duncan’s mind seeing Maximus there. Was Nate there too? Had he been over to apologize to Y/N?
She called Maxie over and looked up at Duncan, tears in her eyes. 
“Baby,” Duncan rushed over, “What’s wrong?” he knelt on the ground and took her hands in his. 
“It’s Nate,” her voice trembled. Duncan looked down at Nate’s dog and back up at Y/N, still not understand. Was he .. was Nate okay?
Y/N couldn’t continue to explain without her voice giving out so she handed the note for Duncan to read. 
“It’s my fault.” she wiped at her tired eyes with the back of her sleeves. Duncan could tell she’d been crying for a while by how red and irritated her eyes were. 
“C’mere,” Duncan stood and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. 
Duncan didn’t know what to say. What could he say? He knew Y/N was beating herself up for this and he knew it wasn’t her fault. Part of him wanted to blame Nate for making her feel bad - but he knew that wasn’t right. 
“He’s getting help because he thinks he needs it, Y/N. It’s not your fault.” he looked into her eyes, taking his thumb to wipe her tears. 
“I know you still care about him. And you know he still trusts you.” Duncan looked down at Maxie at their feet. “Sit down, babe.” he kissed her head again and helped her sit. 
“I should have known he wasn’t okay.” she looked down at the table idly tracing patterns into the wood. 
Duncan wasn’t sure how to feel. Even now Nate was still holding the cards in their relationship. 
“He didn’t wanna talk to us, babe.” Duncan sighed. “Look, why don’t we have dinner and try to relax a little and tomorrow morning we can see what we can find out.” he glanced at his watch, “Besides, it’s late now and you won’t get any answers tonight.”
That night, Y/N asked Duncan to stay at her place. Far too sad to be alone. He held her close that night with Maxie resting on her other side. She dozed off to sleep, softly petting his fur.
Nate looked out the narrow window of his temporary room. He instinctively tried to run his hands through his hair, but when he was met with his buzzed head, he let out a deep sigh. 
He just wanted to feel like himself again. 
He got ready for bed, taking his medication, brushing his teeth, changing into a pair of fresh sweats. He laid in his too small bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
He’d put everyone’s feelings before his own for so long; he need help focusing on himself. 
Nate’s mind started to wander when that started? Was it when he resigned any potential he could have with Y/N by making Duncan tell her how he felt? Was it before that when he settled to be Y/N’s friend when he wanted more? 
Maybe neither of that - maybe it was a slow progression that led to it. Thinking about it now didn’t help. He tossed and turned most of the night.
He missed his bed. Missed Maxie.
He felt his stomach drop realizing it was only the first night. 
Nate closed his eyes and tried to think of happy memories, but all the ones that came to mind involved Y/N. 
He wanted to be able to be happy on his own. 
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shealynn88 · 4 years
Happy Saturday! Here, have a two-parter ~ Your DB Secret Scribe
~Blood Riptide~
(Part 1)
“Sonuvabitch! Benny’s gone way too far this time!”
Dean, his asshole neighbor, and their petty games had escalated into the realm of the extreme.
“What now?” Sam whined, rubbing his face exhaustedly while poring over study guides.
“I’ve got ‘Just Divorced’ along with 'Single and Ready to Mingle’ on Baby’s trunk in fucking house paint!”
Sam stared at him blankly. “And?”
“And he taped rainbow dick shaped balloons by the rear license plate so I wouldn’t notice when getting in.”
While laughing, Sam pointed out, “Well, you buried the wash table in his backyard with four truck beds of smoked hickory chunks last week.”
“Chips. They’re called wood chips. And it was the only way to neutralize that reeking Striped Bog Bass he dragged up from his skiff. Besides..fish go with chips anyways. Did him a favor,” he shrugged, pointedly dismissing his wrong doing.
“You don’t mess with someone’s livelihood Dean!” Sam tried explaining.
“And ya don’t mess with a man’s wheels! I told him that after he clipped your fucking Mopar abomination in the driveway almost a year ago. How many times have I said to pull farther in and not leave your ass end out, huh? Dean scolded.
"My Charger’s not an abomination! He had a legitimate excuse. Besides, he told me right away and paid for the repairs.”
“Excuse my ass. Who blames vehicular carnage on an iron deficiency?! Huh?”
“If anemia gets bad enough…”
“Don’t gimme that crap. Walgreens carries supplements. Planned on football this weekend, but now I gotta work on Baby, Hope I can fix her without removing any original coating!” Dean stomped off to the garage ready to explode.
Sam just shook his head and called Bones for a treat.
The following night Dean made another Home Depot run after spending all day on Baby. She still wasn’t finished, and damn if it didn’t boil his blood. When pulling in the driveway, a distressing scene greeted him. Sam had been on an evening run and was in tears, covered in blood, hunched over bones. Benny too, was on his knees examining the dog.
Dean pushed his infernal ire aside for his brother and Bones. “What happened? Is he okay?”
Benny continued assessing while Sam explained, “We were running in Royer Park when a gator grabbed him. I ran him back here as fast as I could but Dean, he’s not gonna make it.”
“If I could save him, but it’d mean he’d be..different, would you let me?”
“Different, how?” Sam asked in emotional anguish.
Benny appeared to dither over sharing something heavy.
“What do you mean different?”
The guy reluctantly answered. “At night he’ll be with me.”
Sam was still confused, and Dean’s anger was beginning to simmer. “Drop the cryptic bullshit and answer the damn question.”
He watched Benny sigh, but was so done with theatrics. Bones took one deep breath and then a stilted one after.
“Time’s wasting, Sam, yes or no?” Benny quickly offered, as if KNOWING the beloved mastiff was on the brink of death.
“Yes,” came Sam’s confident decision.
Dean next watched something impossible. Fangs protruded from Benny’s mouth, and he sank his teeth into the dog’s carotid artery.
“Dude, what the f-”
Dean’s words fell silent on his lips when realizing Benny’s large hand was holding him back. The guy turned to him with blood dripping from his lips. In his other hand, he held a blade and sliced his palm. Then, working with inhuman speed, he opened Bones’ chest and reached inside. Dean watched in nauseous horror as Benny squeezed his heart, mimicking a dog’s healthy sinus rhythm.
After a few minutes of stunned silence, Bones’ eyes grew wide with shock and Benny immediately pulled his hand from his chest, fisted more blood from his palm, and closed the gaping wound. He massaged the large area, and Dean saw the hole healing. Benny stood, wiping his hand on the pea coat he wore when fishing.
“He’s coming around. Tonight and tomorrow, he’ll stay with you. At sundown, he’ll spend his nights with me,” Benny placed his clean hand on Sam’s shoulder and calmly explained, “You’ll see, surely not much at all will change.”
He folded the knife back into his pocket and without another word, went back inside his house.
Bones perked his head up and stared in the direction of Benny’s house. He stood as if nothing had ever happened, and licked Sam’s hand. Neither found the words to speak on what had occurred, but after both Bones and the driveway were rinsed, they went inside and robotically prepared for bed.
The next morning Bones woke them up for breakfast as usual. Dean and Sam still couldn’t bring themselves to talk about it. They went about their day silently thankful Bones was right as rain. By sunset, Dean had almost convinced himself the whole fucked up incident had been a dream.
When the fireflies emerged for their nightly glowball dance, Bones perked up, raising from his spot on the family room floor. Dean and Sam were shootin’ the shit about the Cowboys dream duo Prescott and Elliott on the patio overlooking the canal behind their property line, when Bones eerily walked past them as if summoned by an unnatural force.
Dean noticed how fast the sun, which normally perched on the horizon like some needy, eye catching supermodel desperate for validation, yeeted outta Dodge. Padding onto the soft grass, Bones shifted in an odd manner for a dog of his breed. His movements were too swift, smooth, and straight. Facing Benny’s house, he let loose a chilling howl that if Dean had to describe, sounded more like a demonic harmonica than a canine growl.
Sam looked at Dean with terror, as if he too had been hoping the previous night’s disaster was a figment of food he’d eaten too close to bedtime. They saw Benny mosey onto his patio, patting his side for Bones to approach. When generously petting him, the moon cast its beams like a strange baptism upon the dog’s coat. Dean then saw the dog change.
His fur coat was no longer black, it wasn’t fur at all, but tendrils of fine burgundy osseous tissue. Bones heard Sam gasp, and turned to peer back at them. In his eyes were burning coals of hell fire, and the lovable head tilt he’d gifted Sam in life, rotated too far. His fangs were too long, and the width of his mandible spread in an impossibly wide grin, demonstrated in the most terrifying way that Bones had truly become a servant of darkness. And yet, he bounded back to Sam in a playfully sinister way, nuzzling against his hand.
Dean sat in silent horror as Benny went down to his boat, then headed for his garage to retrieve something of import. In a lightning fast decision, he tore down the modest hill to the twenty eight foot Lafitte skiff, with Sam whisper-shouting to get the hell back on the patio. No dice, Sammy. He simply HAD to find out what this guy was up to, but realized he had no weapon aside from a fileting knife he’d swiped from a shelf on the skiff.
Concealing himself under a tarp, he heard Benny boarding along with Bones and kept as quiet as he could, even maintaining impossible control of his respirations. Ten minutes south of Benny’s house, common sense kicked in that his rash decision was taking him out into some desolate backwoods bayou territory and if Benny or Bones felt like a human snack, they could easily feast and foist his drained carcass over the edge, never to be found.
When the skiff finally slowed, he heard the high pitched squeak of the captain’s chair rotating.
“Speak your mind, Dean.”
Throwing off the useless tarp, Dean wobbled as he stood beside the stern’s edge, then fell back on his ass in embarrassment and stayed put.
“Fine,” he sniffed. Benny wanted a piece? He was gonna get it. But when it came to forming coherent word strings all that tumbled out was, “What the ever lovin’ fuck?”
“Are you referring to last night’s..enlightening fuck? Or all the ones going back to when I stopped talkin’ to ya?”
Dean shrugged. “Sure. Yeah…But first, I wanna know why.”
A look of surprise galloped across Benny’s face, now a more deathly pale in moonlight. “Vampire, appreciate you askin’. It’s also the reason why.”
“So this happened after you moved in next door?”
Benny looked down, with a curious look loaded with shame. “Before. You didn’t do anything wrong, Dean. Surely you wonder, but..it’s on me.”
Despite his genuinely gracious decline,
Benny seemed to have greatly appreciated Dean and Sam’s welcoming hospitality when they’d showed up on his doorstep, offering burgers and brew. He’d claimed a wide range of severe food allergies, but still broke the proverbial bread with them, sipping on some medicinal protein shake. It made perfect sense to Dean now, when looking back.
“Seemed to have a lot in common with me and Sam. The couple of times you took me fishing..I kinda thought…” he let his thoughts trail off.
“You weren’t wrong. It wasn’t y-”
“Oh here we go..wasn’t you, it was me, right?”
“Because I’m the one who messed up!”
“How? We never argued, you never said or did anything! One day, you just stopped talking to us!” Me, Benny. It hurt that you stopped talking to me. “That was an asshole move and you know it!”
The seconds ticked by. Benny’s fists were tightly balled, indicating his struggle with something. His eyes were ablaze in turmoil.
“Go fuck yourself.”
The guy had no idea how difficult it was for Dean to open up, to ask why he’d been rejected. And it made Dean So. Damn. Angry. Monster, demon, vampire, friggin’ vampirate, he no longer cared which monster he pissed off. He shoved Benny into the portside wall of his skiff.
“Fuck me yourself, you coward,” Dean growled in his face..and then kissed him, like a challenge.
He didn’t know why he did it. Well, lack of impulse control. Obviously. But when Benny, who could rip him in half faster than the Juggernaut tearing Deadpool’s upper body from his lower, kissed him back, it caught him off guard. Benny’s strong hands gripped his ass, pulling Dean flush with his solid form.
This vampire was the riptide in Dean’s otherwise normal, predictable life. The hurricane that’d taken his feelings by storm. His power was raw and all encompassing, Dean could no more tear himself from it than the moon could break the eternal gravitation towards its orbit around Earth.
Benny’s lips left bruises on his skin, trailing down his neck accompanied by his hot, heaving breath. Suddenly he tensed, let go of Dean, and stood frozen against the wall. When Dean saw the excruciating pain on his face he braced for an incoming predator from any direction, because what could possibly set a vampire back on their heels so badly?
Then it clicked. Benny. Vampire. Struggling over a mess up. The threat was a nearby predator. The threat was Benny himself.
To be continued….
OOOHHHH, this is so fantastic and INTRIGUING!  I love Bones becoming a Hellhound, that is AWESOME.  I love me some hellish pups!  I can’t wait to see where it goes!!!!  Thank you so much, what a gift you’ve been this week.  :D  There’s so much here I love - Sam and Dean living together in their loving, grumpy way, Sam being the voice of reason, the prank war (!!!), and Bones.  Bones is absolutely my favorite.  And Dean.  What a lovable dumbass.  lol.  I look so forward to part II!
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spectraspecs-writes · 4 years
Kashyyyk - Chapter 71
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 70. Chapter 72.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
I knock on Jolee’s door, and he invites us back in. “Have you done my task, I wonder?” he asks. Rhetorically.
“Katarns just chased them off,” I say.
“You spared them?” he says, “Interesting.”
“Yeah, I hate the corporation, not the people,” I shrug, “No sense in killing people who are just trying to pay their bills.”
“Isn’t there?” he asks, again rhetorically, “I suppose not, but the environment would say otherwise, if it could talk. No matter.”
“You mentioned eliminating barriers? Could we get to it?”
“Not tonight,” he says, “It’s late, and I’m an old man who needs his beauty rest.”
“Okay, then, maybe you could tell me how to do it?” I offer, “I can come back for you.”
“Impatient lass, aren't you?” he says, “You really want to wander around an unfamiliar forest at night?”
“The old man has a point,” Canderous says, “The Star Map will still be there in the morning.”
“Relax, Rena,” he interrupts, “I’ve got more of those allergy stims, you’ll be fine.”
I’m still a bit reluctant, but I guess I’m outnumbered. “Okay,” I say, “We’ll stay the night.”
“Come on, gorgeous, don’t tell me you can’t make this climb!” Carth goads.
“I’ve made rougher climbs than you, nerf-herder!” I tease back, “You could help me - grab the rope!”
He grabs the rope attached to the climbing piton. “Only because you’re the only one who knows where we’re going.” He pulls me up and over the side of the rock.
“And don’t you forget it,” I say.
I don’t recognize the planet off-hand, even with the view from the top of the rock. It’s a plains world, and trees dot the landscape. I can hear the rush of a waterfall not very far. But that could describe any number of planets, including Dantooine. Before Jedi training, I’d never been to Dantooine. So I take a look behind me, from where we came. A sandy beach, some seabirds. A doused fire on the beach below. It’s early in the morning. I can still see a moon in the sky. The planet still doesn’t ring a bell. But Carth says I know where I’m going, and I’ve got my lightsaber to back me up if I’m very wrong, so I trust my instincts and head away from the rising sun.
Gizka hop around the plains. They aren’t afraid of us. No natural predators, then. But they aren’t like the ones on the Hawk, either, they aren’t asking for pets or pestering me for food. I’m just another part of their habitat. Eventually the sand ends and beneath my feet is nothing but grass. I miss grass. Feeling it beneath my toes, weaving between them. I take a moment and sit down on a rock. “You can’t be tired already,” Carth says.
“Nah, thought you might be,” I say with a smirk, and I pull off my boots. “I’ve missed the grass under my feet.”
He smiles at me. “I haven’t done that since I was a kid,” he says.
“Live a little!” I encourage him, “Take your shoes off, I won’t judge.”
“Isn’t it cold?”
“A little,” I admit, “but a good kind of cold.” He still looks a little hesitant. “You know you want to,” I say in a sing-song voice.
He gives in. “If I get cuts on my feet, it’s on you,” he says teasingly.
“I’ll just Force-heal them, no big deal.”
He slides off one boot and the smell about knocks me over. “Good God!” I say with a little laugh, “How do your feet smell that bad already?”
“Oh, because yours smell like flowers,” he says sarcastically.
“They smell better than that!”
He smiles and shoves the shoe in my face. I laugh and back up, but I fall right off the rock. He laughs loudly, and so do I. “Oh yeah?” And I Force-push him off the rock. He laughs even harder. He rolls around and stands up.
“You want to play dirty, is that it?” he says teasingly. He runs over to me and pulls me up. “Come on, fight me!” He pulls off his jacket and puts his hands up, ready to wrestle.
“If you really want to get your ass kicked!” I pull off the outer part of my robes and stand to face him.
“Bring it on, gorgeous!” We sort of dance around the plain for a little bit, having more fun than anything else, and then he lunges for me, and I Force-jump away. Carth falls face first into the grass. “No fair using the Force!” he complains.
“I thought we were playing dirty!”
“I didn’t mean actual dirt!” he laughs.
“Oh, well, if you’re afraid of a little mud, then --” He lunges at me again, pinning me to the ground, and I yelp in surprise. “Unhand me, you fool!” I say in a mock-grandiose voice, “I will never surrender!”
“Oh, yeah?” he says, and he starts tickling me.
“Ahh!” I scream between laughs, “That’s-that’s not funny! Stop it!”
I shove him off me and get up to run. “You can’t get away that easy!” he says, and he runs after me.
I feel like a kid - I haven’t had this much fun in ages. I jump on rocks with agile leaps, and Carth just runs around them. Eventually he gets tired and leans over, hands on his knees, panting. “Okay, gorgeous,” he pants, “You win.”
We catch our breath, drink some water, put our boots back on before we start walking again. “The others are waiting for us,” he says.
More cliffs rise up around us as we go. I see sand again, we must be near another shore. Are we on an island? Must be. The terrain slopes slowly downward, and we come to a small clearing surrounded by cliffs. There’s wreckage of an escape pod, smashed into a tree. Gizkas have made a home in it, nesting in palm fronds. But there aren’t any there now.
I feel…
“Rena, look out!” Carth shouts.He runs close and grabs me, pulling me to the ground, finally resting over me before I have any idea what’s going on.
What I’d felt was incoming wreckage from a ship. And if Carth hadn’t leapt me out of the way, I’d be dead. I can’t see anything - what the hell’s going on? All this smoke! “Carth!” I call out, “Carth!”
I hear him cough. “I’m here!” he calls back, “The impact must have knocked me away.” he stumbles through the smoke closer to me. Takes a quick look -- “It landed on your legs, can you move?”
I try to pull myself out - I cry out in pain. “No good,” I say, “I’m stuck - they might be broken.”
He looks around again. “Okay,” he says, thinking quickly, “I’m going to try to lift the fragment.” He positions himself, ready to lift. “When I count to three, you try to roll out. Ready?”
“Okay.” He readies himself, cracks his neck. “One… two… three!” He lifts and I manage to roll out, and he drops it. “Gods, that was heavy!”
I drag myself by my arms over to the base of one of the cliffs. “You okay?” I ask him.
“I’m fine,” he says, “It’s you I’m worried about.” He pulls off his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. Then he starts looking through his pack. “I can’t find any medpacs!”
“I think they were in my pack,” I say, “Which is under the wreckage.”
“It’s okay,” i say, “I can use the Force, just… “ I separate my legs and concentrate on them. “… just give me a second… “ I focus as hard as I can. A glow surrounds my legs, soft and warm. I take a deep breath. And then the glow stops. “Okay,” I say, breathing heavily, “I fixed the bones but there’s still some damage. But I’ve exhausted my Force, we’re going to have to stay here.” Something else - I can’t open my right eye. “Ow, what the…?”
“You’ve got a nasty cut on your forehead,” he says, “I need something to tie it up.” He looks around for a bandage or a scrap of fabric.
“Here.” I tear the sleeves off my robe. “Is that enough?”
“Should be.” He starts to work, tying the sleeves together and wrapping it around my head. I laugh a little grimly. “What?”
“Not so beautiful now, am I?” I say wryly. 
He chuckles back. “Nah,” he says, “You’re still beautiful.” He tightly secures the makeshift bandage around my head. “Okay,” he says, “I’m going to try to make you comfortable.”
“No, Carth, I’ll be okay,” I tell him, “Go find the others. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m staying right here.”
“I’ll be fine, go,” I urge again, “Come back for me, I’ll be okay.”
“Rena, I’m not leaving you alone,” he says firmly, “You can’t change my mind.”
I sigh at him, but honestly, I’m glad he’s staying. I pull my lightsaber off my belt. “Here,” I say, “use that to cut the wreckage, maybe we can get my pack out.”
“I don’t want to risk cutting your pack.”
“Then be careful. Trust me, it’s not as hard to use as the Jedi would like you to think.” He takes the lightsaber and starts to cut pieces off the wreckage fragment. Goddamn, he’s sexy with a lightsaber. Thank God he uses blasters mainly instead of swords, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him.
The timeline of a dream -- daylight doesn’t last very long. Carth sets up a fire and when the Force comes back I establish some shelter for the night, jamming a chunk of the fragment into the cliff face. As the moon rises, Carth comes and sits next to me under the shelter. Makes sure I’m comfortable, keeping pressure off my legs. “Hey,” he says softly at one point, “you look tense, you okay?”
“Besides breaking my legs?” I say with an ironic smile. I sigh. “Yeah, I’m tense.”
“Let me help with that.” He pulls his jacket off my shoulders and starts to massage them. His hands press firmly into my muscles, but it still feels gentle. He knows what he’s doing, and he does it masterfully. This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. 
“That’s perfect,” I say, leaning back into him. His hands move from my shoulders and back closer to my neck, pressing his fingers into every sore spot, every tight muscle. Then his hands slow, and finally they stop, and he wraps his arms around me. Staring into the fire. Hearing the wood and palm fronds crackle. Watching sparks and cinders fly off and evaporate into nothing. He rests his head on my shoulder. Kisses my neck. I lean back further into him. My lips turn to his. And he smiles at me. Kisses me deeply. And it feels like the whole world falls away…
Oh my God I’m in love with Carth.
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Love in the woods
This one is slightly Nsfw. Oldie but goodie.
Princess, as she was called so lovingly by the members of her team, walked into the room which held all four teams and all sixty members. She thought to herself,"This should be wonderful news." Can't get any better then the orders that the whole group would be relocated to another base, across the country. She walled over to her normal area and waited as she noticed some of the men from green team were fooling around and the others. Green team was made up of ten guys all specialist in different fields, much like her own team of blue. She was the lone female on that side of the color spectrum where as yellow and red have quiet a few more.
The four joint commanders went to the front of the room and the main commander began,"New regulations have started for special teams. Do not start groaning. The military wants all of it's special teams to go through trust exercises. For two weeks we will do these and follow the new rules but we will do it our style. We rented out the lake for two weeks. During the day we will use the courses they have and have mess in the main building, after that the lake is yours to use."
Everyone groaned even though they were told not too. The commander went on, "Yellow and Red will be on one side of the lake Green and Blue on the other. The teams that work together will have to do the game together."
She thought to her self,"freaking wonderful."
"When?", one of the red team asked.
"Everyone drive up there tonight. We will be there with a list of bunks and bunkmates."
"Well we know Johnson will have her own cabin.", bear stated. As the largest member of the blue team he was often paired up with Princess.
"Don't be so sure. The number is even, bear.", she stated. "Between blue and green. Ten of us ten of them."
"So?",Sanchez asked.
"Ten cabins on each side.", she replied. "We are going to be paired up and probably with one of them."
"They cool guys.", Bettison replied.
She turned and walked out of the room to her office three floors above. The commander walked in ,"So this puts us in the middle of a quandary. What to do with you."
"What do you mean what to do with me?", she asked as she looked up.
"We could move on of the red team guys up and have you work with them for the two weeks.",he stated.
"Why?", she asked.
"Well Princess you know you may not be up to the physical part of the courses, not like the rest of the team.", he callously said,"Plus wouldn't you prefer to be with other females."
"Not really, not those females. What the hell do you mean I can't deal with the physical challenges?"
"You are the smallest and female. Do you really think you can keep up with them?", he asked.
"Now you just want me to kick everyone's ass don't you?", she asked without looking up at the pompous ass blocking her door way.
"Honestly I would like to see you try.", he said as he turned around and walked out.
"Oh commander asshole there won't be any trying involved.", she said to herself. She finished up her work for the day and started to head to her house to pack for two weeks of fun. As she was leaving green and the rest of blue were in the parking lot meeting up and driving together.
"Princess don't forget you bathing suit!", Ortiz said.
"Why?", she asked.
"Lake duh!", he responded. She gave two thumbs up and wondered to herself if she even had a bathing suit. She got in her car and drove home to throw clothes into the ruck sack she used and three it in her car. She then went to go take a quick shower it was probably going to be the last one she enjoyed for awhile.
The drive out to the lake was about an hour long through a few mountains and even more forests. When she arrived she saw the main building and parked. She got out of the car and walked up and saw most of the green team and half of hers. They seemed to be looking over a sheet for pairings. When she walked up,"Not by yourself, Princess.", Bear stated.
"Okay.", she replied and waited for him to tell her who she was paired up with. After looking at him for what seemed to be five minutes,"Well?"
"Well what?", Bear asked
"Who am I pared up with?", she asked.
"Oh, Akechi.", Bear replied.
"Akechi. Good. At least he is somewhat amusing.", she said under her breath.
"I do try.", Akechi said right in back of her.
"Damnit.", she said. "Didn't someone ever tell you not to sneak up on people?"
"You have.", he stated," You fail to realized though that is how I learn so much of my information."
"Well don't do it to me.", she said.
"Oh this will be a fun little trip.", he stated as he waited standing in her way.
"Which cabin is ours?", she asked.
"The furthest from here and the closest to the lake.", he stated.
"You have the keys?", she asked.
"Key. Yes i do. Ready to go so soon.", he asked.
"I will wait at the cabin for you. Then.", she said as she got i to her car and took off toward the cabin.
As she drove she wondered why fate had placed her with him. The one man she had been somewhat attracted too in her whole seven years with the team. He unnerved her to the point of frustration and the one who could make her feel things she tried to suppress hard. Now she had to share a cabin with him for two weeks. She was trying to put him out of her mind as he pulled up behind her as she was trying to see the road. The trees made is darker in this part before they opened up by the lake. When they got to the cabin he grabbed his bag out of the cab of his truck and she opened the hatch to her SUV and pulled hers out, just as she was about to swing it up he grabbed it and placed it on his other shoulder.
""Akechi I can carry my own pack.", she said surprised.
"I figured as much, Johnson.",he stated as he continued to walk on. He opened the screen door and waited for her to walk through.
"Such a gentleman.",she said as she chuckled.
"I do, have moments.", he replied. As he unlocked the door and walked in. He seemed to disappear into the rooms and came back chuckling, "I would like to know, Johnson who you pissed off?"
"Excuse me?", she asked.
"First you get stuck with the likes of me, in this far away cabin. Then this.", he said still chuckling. "There is only one bed, no couch or even a recliner chair."
"Oh.", she stated." Your commander I would assume."
"And why ever would he do this to you?", Akechi asked.
"He wanted to switch me to red team for this, he thought I would prefer the easiness of that.", she replied. "He probably thinks I will go running and beg to switch."
"Will you?", Akechi asked.
"If he thinks I will he is sadly mistaken. I've done eight months in a tent with eight guys the size of this room. A one bedroom cabin is heaven compared to that, I don't know why he would you as a punishment though. You are different but hardly evil.",she said.
"Shows how much you know." ,he said with a chuckle. "Ready to hike back to the mess?"
"I'm good.",she stated.
"You're not eating?", he asked.
"No. Like I said Im good.",she replied. "Go ahead."
He walked out and began his hike to the mess hall and she went to sot on the porch. She didn't want to see anyone or hear the jokes about her rooming with Akechi. She liked him though sometimes he was unlikable. She understood him and his job better then most. Though sometimes he was a bit to serious she didn't mind. She laid her head back on the chair and just looked over the water and relaxed. He came back an hour later with food for her.
"You do need to eat.", he said as he handed her the plate and walked inside. She thought to herself, "This punishment might be good after all." With a smile she ate some of everything he had brought back for her.
"Don't like spicy?", he asked as he saw what she had left on the plate.
"Peppers. I'm allergic to them.", she stated.
"I didn't know.", he replied.
"Not many people do.", she said laughing. "I only know because my mother made our favorite dishes for our birthdays, one of my brothers dish was stuffed peppers. I would go hungry that night. I came to the realization that being hungry was a hundred times better then being itchy."
"So it's a mild reaction?", he asked.
"Depends on the pepper. Sweet peppers make me itch like crazy. Mild ones the hives are worse, really spicy one like habinos or ghost peppers i have a real reaction that i need an epipen and benedryl. One of the jackasses on my team spiked my food once not believing the allergy was real."
"That was not smart.", he stated. "Which one?"
"I'm not really sure, but if i have to guess it was Ortiz or Sanchez.", she said.
"Well my dear what do you wish to do?", he asked.
"Hmm?", she hummed her question.
"It is now time to get ready to go to sleep.", he said. They both stared at each other then the bedroom.
"We are both adults Akechi, I think we can sleep in the same bed for a few nights.", she said swallowing any ideas her brain might get.
"Call me Mitsuhide then if we should sleep together, princess.", he said she didn't quite catch the hiccup in his voice nor did she look up at him.
"Kit.", she said.
"Kit what?", he asked perplexed.
"My name.", she said.
"Your name is Kit?", he asked.
"See why everyone calls me Princess?", she said laughing pulling out a pair of sleep pants and a tee shirt.
"I don't see the correlation between the two.", he stated as she called out from the bathroom.
"There isn't one. I got the nickname princess in Africa. It stuck unfortunately it was a step up from kitkat which i heard my entire life.", she said as she walked out. ,"At least the bed is a queen. Not a double."
"Small mercies.", he said as he switched places with her. When he came out he was in a pair of shorts. Her mouth went dry as she hopped in the bed and closed her eyes. It was going to be a long night.
The next day the first set of courses were run and everyone was beat by the end. In the hall she sat down and she over heard the conversation that the females of red and yellow were having about everything including her. As the comments got cattier she got up and dumped her food and left the building bumping into Nobunaga and Masamune, literally, on the way out. She walked to the cabin in the dark and changed quickly from her work clothes and headed down to the lake. She found a fallen tree that jutted into the lake. She thought that would be perfect. She walked along the trunk of the tree and then she sat down. She wanted the solitude and then she decided to try her agility. She was doing flips and landing them when he spotted her.
He had watched her leave the Hall and saw she was hiding being upset about something. When Nobunaga and Masamune had asked him what her deal was he had no clue, she had been fine during the courses and even came in the top three times. When he left the hall after trying to excuse himself it was full dark. He got to the cabin and didn't find her there. Her clothes were but she was not. Panic slightly set in as he walked around the cabin and he could not see her still. The night before had been torture for him sleeping next to her, the tiny female who captured his attention the first time he saw her. He had lived in his personal hell for two years watching her daily but never wanting to taint her pureness. How could he touch someone like her? He had asked himself that every day for the past years.
A flash caught his eye and so he went towards it. It was her stretching on a fallen tree. He could breathe a little easier just seeing her. He was slightly amazed by her skill.
He was still over heated from the day and decided that a swim wouldn't be that bad right now. He walked around to the side she wasn't facing and stripped down to his boxers. He entered the water quickly and quickly. He came up to the tree and said, "Kit you should come kn the water."
"What the?", she said as she over balanced and tipped in to the water. She came to the surface spitting water out. "Mitsuhide!"
"I didn't expect an entrance like that though he said chuckling. "I'm glad,however that you can swim."
"I can swim yes. Do I like to swim no.", she said as he moved closer.
"Then my apologies, my dear.", he said still chuckling, "I couldn't resist myself."
"It's fine Mitsuhide, it just fits the day.", she said.
"Oh really?", he asked. As he finished she yelped at jumped up right into his arms and against him. He raised his eyebrow as his hands went under her legs which had wrapped themselves around him.
"Something swam passed my leg. It nipped me.", she said.
"The fish must think your a delectable treat.", he said as his voice lowered slightly.
"You can get go now.", she said.
"Why ever would I do that?", he asked. "The fish shouldn't be the only one to taste you.", he said softly.
"What?", she asked. His mouth was on her neck as he ran his tongue of her pulse point. "Mitsuhide.", she croaked embarrassingly.
"Yes, the fish were right.", he said. "Delectable is correct, like sweet candy." He continued at her neck and she found herself pushing her chest against him. He groaned and she moaned as his fingers dug deeper lowering her slightly from her perch against him. She felt his arousal as he tried to lift her again but it was to late, she knew. "We should go back to the cabin.", he whispered.
"Yes. We should.", she answered back softly not trusting her voice. They went out where he got in and he looked down at her body silhouetted through her wet clothes and he was hoping she didn't look at his, she always effected him this way. He could have lived forever without her knowing or doing what he had just done. He knew he was done for as her eyes widened slightly and then softly smiled.
He rushed her into the cabin and looked at her as they stepped over the threshold of the door. He stood still trying to read her. She looked up into his eyes.
"You should get out of those clothes.", he said.
"You too.", she replied. She watched him swallow a few times and then swallow hard. He went to clear his throat as he was going to suggest a warm shower she saw look in his eye turn from wanting to control again. She turned from him with a look of pain in her eyes when she took his lack of words as lack of desire. She walked into the bathroom and stripped her clothes off and turned the water on for the shower. He heard her make a sound like a sob. His reservation shattered like a glass pane as he heard that, the water had changed and he could tell she had got in. He stood there for one more second and then went in himself. When he dropped his pants and boxers he stepped in the back end of the shower to he found her facing the other way leaning on the wall silent sobs racking her. He touched her back and she turned around and stepped in to his arms. He was almost taken back by the contact of her soft skin against him but his arms came around her.
"Sweetheart what is wrong?", he asked.
"I thought even you didn't like me.", she sobbed.
"No sweetheart.", he said.
" What?", she asked.
"Sweetheart I like you. I want you so bad this happens every time I see you.", he said taking her hand and moving it to his hardened cock. "Every time."
"Every time?", she whispered.
"Every god damn time.", he said as he moved to her neck. He picked her up and held her there. His fingers gripping tightly around her thighs. He knew he wasn't a gentle man nor was he small.
"You want this?", Akechi asked.
"Yes.", she whispered.
"Thank god.", he whispered and he brought her out to the bed. He touched her soft, silky body everywhere. She moaned at his touch, he held back his groan. She was now panting as his finger entered her, clutching at the bed he watched as just his finger threw her over the edge. As her body relaxed he crawled over and kissed her. It was a kiss unlike another other for either of them. She whispered," Fuck me Mitsuhide."
"Oh no my sweet. I will not Fuck you.", he said. "I will make love to you."
She wrapped her legs around his waist. As he slid in. He groaned at the feeling of her stretching around him as he entered her body. Inch by inch he filled her as she moaned and arched inviting him in deeper. He moved slowly never taking his mouth off hers. He began rocking back and going in and out. He set the pace and she met him at every thrust. He felt her build up and so close to the edge. She went over the cliff and he followed filling her with his heat. He collapsed and then rolled off her. Bring her close to him as he held her close.
"You're mine now, Princess.", he whispered.
"Good.", she whispered as she fell asleep.
When the pair woke up at daybreak in each other's arms.
"We have time, my love.", he whispered against her lips.
"Again?", she asked.
"Again.", he whispered.
The pair finally made it to the hall to eat, both eating a full plateful and garnered looks from everyone in the hall. As they walked to the courses they were met with being partners again on the ropes. They found partnership in both a personal level and professional they could blow the rest of the teams away.
As everyone finished and made plans to go swimming. She and he went back to the cabin and met everyone at the beach. The other females from red team were already there flirting with everyone in the water. As Mitsuhide got in and was waiting for her as she took her over clothes off and one of the women swam over and tried to wrap herself around him. Princess looked up and saw as she ripped her shirt off and she hopped in the water and swam towards him.
"I'm sorry thats mine.",she said softly as she moved closer. The woman looked up.
"What I don't see a ring saying that.", she replied. "Don't you have some slides or viruses to look at?"
"Yes of course i do. We are in the middle of the freaking woods. Let me whip out a microscope.", Princess said.
"It is the only thing you're good at hun.", the other woman said snidely.
"At least I'm good at something hun.", princess replied. During this Mitsuhide had moved around the other woman and placed himself right behind princess. His hands on her shoulders and moving down as the rest of the people began to arrive. "Go try with some other guy, hun. This one is mine."
"If i want him he will be mine. If you think you can have that, you're funny.", the woman stated.
"Really?", Princess asked. "You do realize he is a person right? Not an object."
"Do you even know how to please a man, princess?", she asked.
"That one I can confirm.", Akechi stated with a sick grin. "As for the rest, I assure you being a bitch is a real good way never to get what you want. As for me, I have all I want right here."
"Akechi I wanna go back to the cabin.", princess stated flatly.
"So go.", the other woman replied.
"Let's go.", Mitsuhide said. "That's why you were upset last night."
"Yeah.", she replied as she grabbed her clothes.
"Let's get you out of that wet bikini. I'd prefer you only wear that on our private swims.", he whispered in her ear.
"Show me.", she said.
"I plan to, all night", he said picking her up swinging her in his arms.
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nascentflash · 5 years
never-ending survey: j’lihmu
RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs! 
tagged by:@violet-warder​ (thank you so much!)
tagging: honestly? anyone that wants to do it! (i don’t know who actually got tagged already) you are more than welcomed to tag me :>
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FULL  NAME :  J’lihmu Rhatni
NICKNAME : Crimson, Li
AGE :  25
BIRTHDAY :   19th Sun of the Third Astral Moon (5/19)
ETHNIC  GROUP : Miqo’te (Seeker of the Sun)/ Elezen (Wildwood)
LANGUAGE / S : Common, a hit of Hingan/Doman (broken)
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  Taken (Single in some AUs)
HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Abalathia’s Spine/Sky Frost
CURRENT  HOME :  The Lavender Beds — a small home she bought herself.
PROFESSION : Hunter, mercenary, the good ol’ Warrior of Light resume being handed out.
HAIR : Naturally red with orange highlights.
EYES : A bright green.
FACE : Resting bitch face syndrome, always /annoyed, slightly round.
LIPS :Full, tinted with the same color as her eye paint.
COMPLEXION : Slightly tanned.
SCARS : Littered across her body, reminder of the victories — or losses — she always came out alive.
TATTOOS :  Tattoos litter her form, it is part of her tribe back home. Her arms are covered, legs, and back.
HEIGHT :  5′2″.
WEIGHT : 143lbs.
BUILD : Athletic.
FEATURES :  Large, somewhat almond shaped eyes, small, slightly refined nose, both ears pierced and longer than the normal miqo’te.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  When long — messy, unkempt until told otherwise. A large braid would encompass a portion of her hair, and the other wild and free. Sometimes in a large, messy bun when she’s working, or doing anything out of battle. Short — has now a tendency to keep it up to date with oils and minerals, making sure her hair is looking better than before. She would not have it in a braid, with the exception of one on her side or most of her hair swept away from her face.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Thick painted eye-makeup, whether blue (for her tribe) or red (for herself), lips tinted red. Besides that, she has no other make up on her whatsoever. It is rare to see her without her tribal paint unless she’s at home, relaxing.
USUAL  CLOTHING :   Leather, furs/coats, jewelry made from bones of bears long dead from her home. However, she adapts and changes depending where she is. Example; in Kugane, she is seen wearing more of their traditional outfits in some instances, but will always opt for the good ol’ tank top and shorts if she can get away with it. Yes, even under the kimono.
FEAR / S : Failure (more so towards her WoL than anything else), falling to her Inner Beast, death— in a sense.
ASPIRATION / S :  To achieve greatness and be worthy of remembrance outside the confines of her tribe. To eventually help lead a line of new, young warriors from her tribe.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Confident, resourceful, passionate, outspoken.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Short-tempered, impatient, competitive, ruthless.
ZODIAC : Azeyma (?T-Taurus?)
TEMPERAMENT :  Choleric.
SOUL  TYPE / S :   Warrior.
ANIMALS :  Bear.
VICE HABIT / S :   Isolation, punching the wall a couple of times until her knuckles bleed in anger, running head on in battle and not tending to her wounds.
FAITH : Questionable, leaning on no beliefs.
GHOSTS ? : Yes.
AFTERLIFE ? : Believer.
REINCARNATION ? :  Believer.
ALIENS ? :  ????
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : The only time she gave a shit is when things started going down in Ishgard, just to be spiteful to Ul’Dah later honestly. Would care for her tribes political shenanigans, but thats about it.
EDUCATION  LEVEL :  Home-schooled in a sense. Her father and the elders of the village taught her all she knows to a point.
FATHER : Close.
MOTHERS :  Estranged, trying her best tm.
SIBLINGS : ...Complicated (Half-siblings are a handful)
EXTENDED  FAMILY : Many, but she does not know her mother’s side, only her father’s.
NAME MEANING / S : Her name has no meaning, but, if you asked her father—J’zahlu would say it reminded him of the sun.
BOOK :  Intricate pages describing worlds she will never know.
DEITY : Azeyma.
HOLIDAY :  Starlight Celebration.
MONTH : October.
SEASON :  Autumn.
PLACE : Mountaintops with caves, deep within, a system of caves that lead you to the deepest part of home.
WEATHER : Sunny and cloudy days.
SOUND / S: The sound of metal clashing unto one another, the sound of rain hitting the earth.
SCENT / S :  Damp caverns, burnt fur, perfumes.
TASTE / S :  Sweets, orange, blood.
FEEL / S : Fur, cold floor, rough skin, broken wood.
ANIMAL / S :  Bears, hunting hawks, paissa — who is now her son, don’t @ me 
NUMBER : 18.
COLORS : Vermilion, black, gold, aquamarine, orange.
TALENTS : Existing, hunting, beating people at bars, talking shit about powerful people because she knows she can’t be killed, headbutting is her specialty.
BAD  AT :  Loss, dancing, drinking — she will fall asleep or drunk fight, who knows.
TURN  ONS : Men — large hands, broad build, scars, messy hair, independent. Women — someone who can kick ass, makes her laugh, independent.
TURN  OFFS : Attention-seekers, arrogance, stupidity, carelessness — basically what she does what else is new.
HOBBIES :Hunting, people watching, trying to be a good blacksmith, mining — it’s therapeutic.
TROPES : Green-Eyed Redhead, Fiery Redhead, An Axe to Grind [idk a lot im baby]
QUOTES : “If one more noble attempts to be snotty with me, he’s about to get his ass ripped open by my axe.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
—The Lost Crucible, it would be filmed like a documentary, so to speak, switching from third POV [narrator] to first POV [dumb catgirl] that would be finding out about her tribe, and the trial young warriors go through. 
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
— Songs that remind you of a time when you’re one in nature; drums that give you that itch to move and dance to the beat, to appease the old and new gods, whatever you believe in. It would be of her home — where the village barely touches the heavens itself.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
— I did it in a way to sort of make a new oc from an old oc, so to speak. The OG version, as you could call it, is vastly different and I kept making lots of jokes with her when I name changed and eventually she just started to slowly build up.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
— It’s a mixture of self insert, so finding a way to incorporate stuff into my own character is what sort of ... made her my lovable daughter. She’s not all self-insert, her attitude, her anger, her sorrow, her accomplishments and failures and imagines on how she would deal with X and Y is just absolutely fascinating for me and having a fierce miqo’te hailing from the snowy mountain tops of Abalathia’s Spine who’s tiny with a big axe is my aesthetic okay.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
— Her desire to keep things quiet until the last second—mostly when it’s about her. Anything related to her life, her health, her problems, she’d rather deal with them alone. Even if there’s been major character improvement, there are some things she does not feel comfortable sharing, or letting people in. Her desire for more power so she can finally be at peace.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
— We are both stubborn bitches. However, she deals with things far better than I ever could, as I am baby. Similar in arrogance, and in anger — to a point.
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
— She’d fucking kick my ass. I think she would appreciate me, and not be as bully as with others — not because I am her mun, but more so as I think we’d clash a lot but get along quite well, too.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
— I, unfortunately haven’t had a lot of interactions with Li trying to be nice, or fight somebody but— people like her, who are broken yet continue on. Who carry a mantle too big to carry and they do it anyways. Fighters that only know how to fight, when she eventually wants peace, but that will never leave her soul. People so nice that it makes her want to protect them; to view the world the way they see it. Warriors, even if they are not from the same village, are all brethren to one another and the desire to meet and see how they live out their lives — just a handful of stuff in my head I’d like to see.
That and a bar fight, she really is the one who would start a bar fight drunk or angry okay. Also nobles. She sort of hates them cause of her mom but then eventually doesn’t and it’s awkward asf.
Q9 :  What gives  you inspiration  to write  your muse ?        
—Vikings, Game of Thrones aesthetics of the Dothraki tribe, anything tribal honestly. The existential dread that is Nier: Automata, some Fire Emblem aesthetics, a lot of stuff honestly.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
— I STARTED YESTERDAY. I finished late today cause my last two braincells hate everything
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monstersandmaw · 6 years
Male orc (Damien) x reader (sfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Here's my orc boy Damien, who's a chocolatier (!) with a gender-neutral, bi reader. I really hope you like this one! You folks seemed really excited about this concept, so I hope you like it! If you missed my post about the tiefling in this story, make sure you check out a drawing I did of him here! I hope to give Alexios a male reader in the future. 
The reader has just broken up with their girlfriend, who wasn't really able to deal with the fact that they're into both guys and girls, but other than that, no warnings. (Very very light nsfw (kiss) at one point)
Everything hurt. Your throat was raw, your eyes pink and puffy, your cheeks blotchy. You had been crying for what felt like hours in a quiet corner of the park – what had been your bench, where you’d shared your first kiss with her, and where you’d met every day for lunch. To say that you hadn’t seen it coming would have been an understatement. The words she’d used struck you more deeply than you’d care to admit, even to yourself. Nothing felt real, and everything hurt.
Eventually you managed to scrape together the scraps of your pride and courage, and you pushed yourself upright, dusting your palms off reflexively on the front of your jeans. You’d always been quick to laugh and quick to cry, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and you’d been no slower to fall in love this time. But apparently two years of dating no longer meant anything to her, and she was heading back to your apartment to start clearing her stuff out.
No way you wanted to go back there just yet. You trusted her just enough not to be vindictive and take anything that wasn’t hers, so you just wandered round town aimlessly with your hands in your pockets until you saw a sign swinging in the bleak autumn wind, and decided on a complete whim, to go inside.
You actually passed the shop every day on your way to and from the bus station, but you’d never really taken much note of it. Now, however, you saw the welcoming, softly-gilded front window and hand-carved sign, and decided you’d like nothing more than to duck into the beautiful chocolaterie out of the cold and perhaps even buy yourself some fancy-ass chocolates. Wasn’t that what you were supposed to do after you had your heart broken after all?
Tastefully decorated in dark teal wood panelling, with temperature controlled glass cases and brass edgings, the interior was gorgeous. The décor trod the line between ‘ostentatious’ and ‘antique’ without ever tipping over into ‘pretentious’. Baskets of sugared almonds and marzipan fruits rested on the top of the glass cases, and pre-boxed packages were arranged in delicate pyramids. There was even a werewolf-friendly chocolate stand, laden with delicious, theobromine-free goodies.
At the back of the shop, a massive marble counter stretched the width of the room, and behind it, the owner and his assistant were engrossed in their work.
On the right, opposite the display cases on your left, was a fin-de-siècle style bar which had been tastefully divided into three levels to accommodate patrons of most sizes. Tall, gilt-frame mirrors lined the wall behind it, and bar stools befitting a range of customers dotted the length of it. There was a space for everyone, from the enormous, snow-white minotaur who sat reading a book at one end, leaning on his elbow and occasionally chatting with the owner, to the tiny goblin who sat at the other, lower end of the bar near the door, debating something heatedly with his human companion, who sat with her wheelchair tucked neatly to one side. Their intense discussion filled the room at that end, but every now and again they broke off, laughing, and sipped frothy mugs of chocolate.
You paused just a moment, a deep, sharp yearning twisting your gut as you watched the goblin reach his hand out delicately towards the woman he was with and let her take a bite of the chocolate from his slender, sharp-clawed fingers. His slate-grey skin looked like condensed shadow and his coal-black eyes glittered, his mouth full of sharp teeth smiling sweetly as she giggled and took it from him, leaning her elbows on the low bar-top.
Already, you had no one to do things like that with, to be silly with, to share food and conversation with, and all because you liked boys as well as girls, and she hadn’t been able to deal with that. The memory of the last time you’d been able to do that with her lanced through your chest suddenly and you turned away, fighting unexpected tears. She’d truly broken your heart and you weren’t sure you’d ever trust anyone again.
“Stop it,” you hissed to yourself, turning your blurry gaze to the rows of immaculately-laid out chocolates and truffles in the glass cases, all labelled in elegant cursive handwriting, with allergy warnings in little symbols. It was a beautiful, beautiful shop and the urge to scoff everything like a baby troll at a birthday party was suddenly almost overwhelming.
By the time you made it to the end of the counter, you could plainly see that the owner was as beautiful, enticing, and delicious as the things he made.
The orc stood at nearly seven feet tall, with a white apron stretched across his impressive chest and embroidered with the symbol of the shop in appropriately cocoa-brown stitching. He had his long hair pulled back off his forehead in a braid which then fell into a long, black ponytail down his back. Thick, tortoiseshell-framed glasses were slipping down the bridge of his nose, and he shunted them back up with a knuckle, barely pausing as he went to lift a huge bowl out of a bain-marie, first testing the temperature with a thermometer. Satisfied, he turned the temperature down a little, and then heaved the big bowl aloft as though it weighed nothing at all.
You watched, entranced, as he poured glistening, liquid chocolate over the bare marble counter, his assistant standing back with a smile as his boss set to work. Using a broad, flat, palette knife, the orc swirled it through the chocolate with the confidence of someone who had been doing that for many years, before scraping it with another tool into the centre, beginning all over again, cooling the chocolate gradually, evenly.
His assistant, a tiefling with unusual, cloudy-grey skin and stunning, marbled black and white horns cast his gaze up at you for a moment. He wore his blue-black hair half-tied back in a bun, though some had slipped out of the knot and was beginning to hang into his astonishing, silver-blue eyes. He smiled shyly, long canines flashing, before turning back to watch the enormous orc at his work. You couldn’t fail to miss that his slim, lean body was peppered with beautiful, geometric tattoos, including one right over his throat and Adam’s apple and then down his chest beneath the collar of his shirt. It was only as you gazed at the gorgeous designs that you realised with a little jolt of surprise that his left arm was missing from just above the elbow joint, the shirt sleeve tied in a knot.
Your attention was drawn immediately back to the orc, however, who checked the viscosity of the chocolate with an ostentatious scoop, somehow spilling nothing. He then repeated his routine: drawing it into the centre, spreading it out, drawing it in again and spreading it out All the while his thick arms – beautifully bared up to the short sleeves of his t-shirt to show incredibly toned and sculpted muscles – worked seamlessly without hitch or stutter, as fluid as the chocolate he was tempering.
Once he was happy with it, he returned the chocolate from the counter back into the bowl it had come from with a few economical scrapes, mixing it in with the remainder. His gorgeous arms worked it with ease, muscles flexing and rippling, until he was again satisfied with the consistency. With a final check of the temperature, he set it back in the bain-marie and waved at his assistant, who smiled, nodded, and took over.
Wiping his hands off on his already chocolate-smudged apron, he looked up and saw you watching him with obvious wonder in your still-slightly-pink eyes. He laughed then, a sound so kind and rich, warm and rough, that you forgot how to breathe for a few seconds.
“Looking for anything in particular?” he smiled, using a knuckle again to push his glasses back up his nose.
Kicking your brain back into action, you snorted. “Uhh, is it socially acceptable to say I’m looking for a pick-me-up for myself?”
He laughed, the corners of his warm, brown eyes crinkling. “Absolutely it is! That’s one of the reasons I started this place. Now, would you like to choose something, or perhaps you’d like me to surprise you?”
You licked your lips and then sank your teeth into your lower lip, thinking. His eyes were fixed on you, which was somewhat nerve-inducing but also rather exciting. Fuck it, you thought, and sighed. “Surprise me,” you said coyly.
“Alright,” he said, a twinkle in his eyes, which you now saw were actually dark on the outer rim of the iris and a warm caramel colour on the inside. “Any allergies or extreme dislikes?”
You shook your head. “Honestly, anything will do right now.”
A flash of concern flickered across his handsome face, and your stomach lurched wildly as his eyes lit up again, this time with empathy. Standing there, you felt small and fragile, and the desire to be swept up into those massive arms – ridiculous as it was – almost overwhelmed you.
“Sit tight,” he said gently, “And I’ll bring something out to you.”
He waved at the bar against the wall behind you with a massive hand, and as you turned to follow the gesture, the white-haired minotaur grinned at you. Even his horns were pale as cream, with just the very tips fading to a blue-grey. He had ice blue eyes, and a warm smile waiting for you as you took your seat.
“You’ve not been here before, I take it,” he said conversationally as you wiggled inelegantly onto a slightly-too-tall bar stool so you could chat with him rather than sit on your own in the middle of the bar, which was lower. His white tail dangled down behind his seat, swinging casually from side to side, and he had propped his hooves on the low rung of his bar stool, and somehow, despite being easily a full two feet taller than you, and colossally wide at the shoulders, he was far more elegant than you could ever hope to manage.
You snorted a laugh. “Is it that obvious?”
He blew out a friendly laugh through his nose, the smooth, silver ring glittering for a moment, and a white-tufted ear twitched. “People always get that look in their eyes when they first see Damien work.”
“Can you blame them?” you replied, adjusting your weight on the bar stool. “It’s amazing watching him work.”
“Oh yeah. See those awards up there?” The minotaur pointed at a series of framed certificates on the wall above the tiled lower section where the other two were working away in perfect harmony, safely out of the way of any splashes or mess.
You nodded, intrigued. There were lots of gold stars and seals visible even at that distance.
“Our Damien only trained with the best chocolatier in all Paris he did…” the minotaur laughed, “A succubus by the name of Elurien. She taught him all he knows… And rumour has it, not just in the kitchen, if you know what I’m –”
“Nik!” the orc growled over the marble countertop. “Come on now…” He raised a beautifully sculpted, dark eyebrow at the minotaur, who only laughed.
A deep flush coloured your cheeks as Damien raised his finger in mock threat at his friend, and you turned your gaze elsewhere. He was really very good-looking. You’d never been with an orc before, but you’d always found them very attractive.
To distract yourself from his looks, you found yourself focusing instead on his assistant, unable to keep looking at the big orc without feeling self-conscious. You watched, fascinated, as the lean tiefling worked with great concentration and focus. He was making what looked like decorative bird cages in chocolate. With stunning precision he laid out the filigree design in semi-liquid chocolate, piping it onto a sheet of acetate, and then, using his cool fingers, and no doubt a little tiefling magic, deftly rolling it up until he had created a perfect cylinder of lace-like chocolate. Having only his right arm to do it didn’t seem to hinder him in the slightest, tucking the piping bag under his chin when he needed to squeeze a little more further down the bag.
Damien obviously saw you watching the tiefling work, your eyes focused on the tip of the piping bag as he traced out filigree swirls for the bird cages. “Alexios is my development chef,” he grinned, slapping the tiefling on the back which inevitably made him mess up the very beginning of the next design.
He looked up and raised a dark eyebrow before casting a look over his shoulder at you.
“You’re both very talented,” you said rather lamely.
“I’m just his assistant,” Alexios said in a warm, dry voice.
“Rubbish,” Damien scoffed, grinning. “You came up with my latest best sellers!” he said, and he beckoned you excitedly over to a refrigerated display cabinet.
There was something indescribably endearing about seeing someone so big being quite so childishly excited. Unable and unwilling to refuse, you slid off the bar stool – on which you’d only just got comfortable – and followed him round on the customer side of the counter. Hanging off a display tree were a myriad of the little bird cages, some in white chocolate, some in dark, some marbled, with a tiny, coloured fondant bird inside, sitting on a trapeze.
“They are stunning,” you said.
“Aren’t they!” Damien boomed, leaning back, hands on his hips.
Alexios’ cheeks flushed a darker grey. “Says the guy who won an award for making an entire doll’s house out of chocolate…”
“What?” you asked, and it was the orc’s turn to look bashful.
“That was a one-off,” he mumbled, turning away and getting back to whatever he’d been doing for you.
Alexios caught your eye over the counter top. “He made it for his little sister’s sixteenth,” he said. “It had chocolate furniture and marzipan food and everything. He ended up winning an award for it.”
You couldn’t keep the grin off your face as you saw the huge orc trying to make himself smaller, shoulders hunching as he kept his back turned to you. You took the opportunity to admire the way his long ponytail fell down the length of his spine, sleek and thick and shiny.
“Well, like I said, you’re clearly both very talented,” you said.
You returned to your seat, and Alexios to his work, and in no time, Damien was coming over to you with a little hand-made ceramic mug full of steaming chocolate. “Try that,” he said, “And if that doesn’t make you feel better, I’ll close up shop right now, and spend the rest of the day trying out different things with you.”
Something about the way he said it nearly made you burst into tears again, and as you raised your head to look at him, he blushed, but he didn’t break eye contact, only smiling encouragingly.  
Nik returned to reading his book, and you let Damien set the mug down on the bar for you. He then went back behind the counter and fetched a tiny saucer in matching glazed blue and grey earthenware, and gently set that down beside your mug. As he leaned across, he almost touched you, and you could smell the cocoa lingering on his olive green skin.
“Cognac truffle,” he said. “You look like maybe you could use it…”
Swallowing thickly, you smiled and thanked him.
“I’ll leave you in peace,” he said, “But don’t thank me til you’ve tried it, ok?”
You smiled weakly and he placed his hand quietly on your shoulder for just a moment. It was enough to set you off. Your lip wobbled, and then silent tears spilled down your cheeks. You turned away, embarrassed.
“Hey now,” he murmured. “Hey, hey, I’m sorry…”
“It’s not you,” you sobbed, desperately trying to stop. “I literally just split up with…”  you gulped, the words choking your throat.
“Oh that’s rough,” he said. “I’m so sorry. Look, that’s on the house, ok? Take all the time you need.” You weren’t sure but it seemed like when he spoke that his ears went back like a sad puppy’s. “When you’re done, do you wanna come back and help me with some stuff?” Yes, his ears definitely perked up a little at his question, as though in hope.
“I… I’m not… I’m not sure I’d be any good…” you sniffled.
He smiled, the silver cuffs around his beautiful thick tusks gleaming in the soft light of the shop. “Nonsense,” he smiled. “I think you’d be beautiful at it. Finish that first though, and then decide. Up to you.”
He left you with another gentle touch on your back. His huge hand left a warm imprint that seemed to sear through your woollen jumper to your skin, leaving a lasting impression.
You sipped the hot chocolate and honestly it was the best thing you’d ever tasted. A warming hint of cinnamon with the deep sweetness of vanilla beans and cocoa made you moan out load and you forgot everything, even her, for as long as it took you to finish it.
As you set the mug down for the last time, you saw him looking up at you from the other side of the counter. “Any good?” he asked, but it was clear he already knew the answer.
“Ex girlfriend who?” you said, smiling.
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” he grinned.
At his side, Alexios muttered something which you could have sworn sounded like ‘maybe not quite what you wanted to hear, boss…’ but before you had the chance to tell him that the cognac truffle had had more kick than a frisky centaur, the orc’s mobile rang, and he stepped into the back room to answer it.
The doors had large glass circles in, and you watched curiously as he clearly began to argue with the person on the other end. At one point he ripped his glasses off his face and pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing little circles there, alleviating tension that was building up rapidly in his handsome features.
Alexios caught you staring as you returned the mug to the counter, and he sighed, taking it from you and putting it carefully in the big butler sink behind him. He turned back to you and said, “He’s got his own relationship issues going on…”
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Look, let me pay for this, please,” and you glanced up at the chalk board on the wall. Not quite seeing anything that matched what you’d had, you drew out a note and laid it on the counter. “I insist.”
The tiefling looked at you for a moment, and then sighed, picking up the money and putting it in the til. “Alright,” he said, “But on one condition.”
“What’s that?”
He paused, looking shy but determined. “That you come back here again.”
“Oh,” you chuckled, “No doubt about that.”
He flashed you a grin.
“Say goodbye and thank you to Damien, for me, will you?”
He nodded. “Take care now.”
“I will,” you said, trying to be brave.
Honestly, being at home in the now-empty apartment was awful. Everything reminded you of her, and you spent the entire evening browsing estate agents’ websites for apartments you knew you couldn’t really afford on your own. The rent was paid for this month, but next month you weren’t sure you’d be able to make it.
Despite promising Alexios that you’d go back to the shop, you didn’t return for another week. After the shock of what had happened truly hit you, you had barely felt like leaving the apartment outside of work, let alone going outside and being sociable. But eventually, on your way back from work one rainy afternoon, you stepped into the shop on a whim.
Damien saw you immediately and grinned as you pushed the door open.
“Hey!” he called the moment the little brass bell announced your presence.
“Hey,” you returned shyly.
“Good to see you again,” he said, dusting his hands off on his apron. “You come to help me this time, or to enjoy the peace and quiet of an empty shop?” he asked, looking around the deserted room.
You shrugged shyly.
“Fancy helping me dip these?” he said, eyeing a batch of fresh truffles to one side as he obviously spotted your discomfort. “Alexios is off with his new boyfriend today and I could really use a hand…”
“Isn’t that, like, against some kind of health and safety laws or something?” you asked playfully, shrugging out of your damp coat and dumping your work bag under the furthest end of the bar.
He hitched a lopsided smirk. “Not if you wear these gorgeously sexy gloves,” he said, waggling his fingers in a pair of his own latex gloves, “And agree to be my intern for the day.”
“Your intern?” you laughed.
His smile was infectious.
“Fine, fine,” you said. “I’ll do it. Though I should warn you, I’m not very artistic…”
“I don’t need you to make sculptures,” he said. “I just need you to dip these in that white chocolate for me. You think you can do that without eating half of them?”
“Half?” you smiled. “How about a quarter?”
“Done,” he chuckled easily, holding up the hinged counter-top for you to pass through. “Grab Alexios’ apron from over there,” he said, pointing at the dark green apron that hung on a peg in the doorway to the back room.
As you slipped it over your head, you felt him standing close behind you and he took the strings at the back and murmured, “Here, let me,” his quiet, gentle hands tying a bow before you could object. Your heart began to hammer at the proximity of the big orc, but he was kind and sweet, and the gesture was oddly intimate in the confined space behind the counter.
“Thanks,” you smiled, turning slowly. “So, show me what I’m doing?”
The rest of the afternoon passed in the blink of an eye, and it was well after closing time before you finally drew back from your work and cracked the tension out of your neck.
“You did great!” Damien smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners again. “Would… Would you like me to walk you home?” he asked, eyeing the deepening sky outside.
You turned, picking up your bag and jumped slightly as he appeared right behind you again, silent despite his big stature, and picked your coat up to help you into it. “Thanks,” you whispered. “Sure.”
He locked up the shop, nipping  back inside briefly when he said he’d forgotten something, and once he was done, you headed down the nearly-deserted street together, your collar turned up against the worsening weather.
“I should have grabbed an umbrella for you,” he muttered as you slid your hands into your pockets.
“It’s fine,” you said. “I don’t mind the rain that much.” After another few paces you said, “Can I ask how you got into all this?” you said, gesturing vaguely behind you. “The chocolaterie, I mean…”
He laughed, a natural, beautiful, booming, rich laugh that made your own lips quirk at the corners. “Not the first job you’d think of for an orc, is it?”
You shook your head bashfully.
“My mum and I used to bake all the time when I was a kid. When my mum died, my dad and I raised my lil sis, and I ended up doing all the little things that she used to do for Melody, and it turns out I was pretty good at it…”
“That’s really sweet,” you said, feeling something aching in your chest.
He shrugged. “I enjoy it, and it means I get to meet nice people like you, so…”
“Even when we have mini meltdowns in your shop?”
He chuckled. “How are you doing, by the way?”
“Oh, you know,” you said, gesturing vaguely.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I do.”
“Yeah,” he said heavily. “My girlfriend and I split up a few days ago.”
“Shit,” you murmured.
Damien shrugged his massive shoulders. “It was a long time coming, you know?”
“No,” you said honestly. “When I got dumped I didn’t see it coming at all.”
“Ah, shit,” he said. “I’m sorry. I always put my big foot in it… Look, I’m not going to pretend I know what happened or anything, but…” he pushed his rain-spattered glasses up his nose one more time before apparently deciding to take them off altogether and tucking them into his breast pocket. His big brown eyes peered down at you from his great height as he went on. “I think she made a big mistake, ditching you… Her loss, you know?”
“I wish I could see it like that,” you said.
He paused, and then said, “Let’s go somewhere and grab a drink and something to eat…?”
You paused, the rain sheeting down in a dreary mizzle around you as you stared at the toes of your boots for a moment.
“No pressure if you don’t want to,” he began, but you cut him off with a shake of your head.
“I’d like that,” you said. “Thanks…”
He grinned, his beautiful, thick tusks gleaming. “C’mon, I know the perfect place.”
He ended up taking you to this olde-worlde pub down by the river, and it was absolutely perfect. You shared a bowl of chips and drank a rather silly amount of craft beer, and chatted about everything from culinary school to family, and by the end of it, you’d both almost forgotten your heartache.
Damien was big and muscular and sweet and funny, clever, kind and he had a wonderful laugh. You could have sat there for the rest of forever, listening to him and trying not to stare in wonder at the vast expanse of his chest and shoulders as he gesticulated with gentle hands and laughed a rumbling, warm laugh that made your insides ache.
More than a little tipsy, you made your way back home afterwards with him by your side, his hands clasped politely behind his back.
“Well, this is me,” you said as you reached your modest apartment block. “Thank you for tonight, and for letting me help out in the shop earlier too. I had fun.”
“My pleasure,” he said. He sighed suddenly and then started to worry his top lip with his tusk.
He huffed a nervous laugh. “I… um… I guess I want to kiss you,” he said, shuffling anxiously, “But I don’t want you to think it’s just a rebound thing… And, I don’t know if you’re even interested in guys, or orcs so… you know…”
Your heart erupted into a million spasming, fluttering butterflies, and you beamed up at him. “You can, you know,” you said. “I’d… I’d like it if you did.”
And then his big palms were pressing gently around your jaw, his thumbs stroking your cheekbones, and he lowered his head down to you. His kiss was gentle, almost chaste, and it was surprisingly easy to avoid his big tusks, simply because he was so much bigger than you.
It was the kind of kiss you never wanted to end. It was the kind of kiss you’d not had in over a year, or possibly even ever. It was the kind of kiss that told you that you were beautiful, and loved, and valued, and brave, and kind, and everything you wanted to be, all in a breathless, brief moment.
Stunned, you almost swayed as he pulled back. He ran his fingers through your hair just above your ears, and smiled down at you, brown eyes glassy and bright. “Can I see you again?” he asked in a hoarse, deep rasp.
You nodded mutely, then swallowed. “I’d like that,” you said.
“Perfect,” he smiled. “You should get inside out of this rain. I’ll call you, I promise.”
“You need my number first,” you giggled, fishing your phone out. “What’s yours?”
He laughed. “Right,” he said, and dictated his number to you before taking yours down.
He turned to go in a bit of an awkward rush, leaving you standing on the step into your apartment building, but you grabbed his massive wrist in your fingers before he did. His skin was warm despite the rain and his lack of a jacket. He had only his t-shirt on, and it stuck blessedly to every beautiful contour of his sculpted chest and arms. “Thank you,” you murmured, fighting off tears. “I needed this.”
“Me too,” he said with a smile. “I’ll see you soon.”
Before he left this time, he leaned down and put his hand behind your head, bringing his lips to the side of your head and leaving the softest, gentlest kiss on your temple before he went. His other hand went to your hip, near your jacket pocket but he didn’t hold you there.
“Take care,” he said, and then he was walking away through the rain.
You watched him go, dizzy with emotion, and finally let yourself into your apartment building. As you fished for your keys, however, your fingers brushed against something in your pocket that you didn’t recognise.
Once inside your apartment, you drew out the mystery object from your pocket and discovered it was a small box of truffles from his shop. He must have grabbed it on a whim when he darted back into his shop, and slipped it into your pocket before leaving that night. On the gift label which hung from an elegantly-knotted gold ribbon, read the words ‘Forgive me for saying this, but these are not half so sweet as you. D.”
Giggling, you tried one, and moaned aloud at how good it was.
Already you couldn’t wait for your next meeting with Damien, and not just because of the sweet chocolates.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice Society of America #1 (1992)
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Hourman looks like he's trying to remember how long they've been battling this thing.
If your super power is that you take a pill that lets you have super powers for one hour, don't call yourself Hourman. Why would you tell every villain you're battling that if they just prolong the fight for a little over sixty minutes, they'll kick your ass? My theory is that Hourman's pills actually work for two hours and by purporting that his powers only last an hour, he eventually takes them by surprise when they find he didn't lose his powers. Also, by making them think he'll be powerless at the end of an hour, any stalling tactics they choose to use just gives more time for JSA backup to arrive. Maybe Hourman is smarter than I thought! I remember picking up this comic book because something in me wanted to like and appreciate the Justice Society. I believe I eventually killed that part of me with hallucinogenic mushrooms and alcohol. I also think I gave it a try because of the cartoony cover art and the logo that screams, "This is a cartoon!" It totally fooled me even though, at twenty, I should have realized comic books and cartoons were quite different mediums.
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We interrupt this comic book review to say good morning to Gravy. Note the Lobo statue and the H.P. Lovecraft horror corner angle of my office.
The issue begins by reminding the readers that the Justice Society is composed of old geezers. But they don't look super old even though they fought Nazis because they were trapped in a bottle fighting Ragnarok or something. That's how I remember it and I won't be convinced of anything different. Erasing incorrect memories and replacing them with facts is probably like using an old VHS tape to constantly tape over old shows. Pretty soon the quality of the tape is fucked and you can't tell what the hell you're watching. And I don't want my brain to become an old VHS tape full of static and flip-flopping images! I'd rather it be full of crystal clear misinformation!
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Popcorn for the kid and a large cup of bull semen for gramps!
These two nobodies have come to Gotham Stadium to see an exhibition put on by the Justice Society. They're all there: the ones with wings, the one with the bedpan on his head, the squat one that definitely gets paid to shit in people's mouths, the blind one, the one with a wood allergy, the one with the pill addiction, the gassy one, the possessed one, the furry, and Starman. You can tell they're an older generation group because only one of them is female and she's just a redundant copy of Hawkman. Clark and Lois are in attendance to sort of explain why the Justice Society aren't super old farts.
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I guess I'll learn the details when I get around to reading Armageddon 2001 and its spin-offs. That was the crossover where Captain Atom becomes tyrant of the world in a dystopian future. Oh, sorry. It was actually Hawk and not Captain Atom because all the readers immediately guessed it was Captain Atom and the editors were all, "We need to surprise the audience! Make it a character nobody would have guessed or even cared about at all!"
Lois starts getting romantic and maudlin thinking about how she and Clark may get to spend as many years together as the Justice Society and she turns to him and says half of something romantic before she's interrupted by Clark saying, "Hey, there's the mayor!" What a scoop! Although why the fuck is Clark getting so excited about the mayor of Gotham? The mayor calls the Justice Society "America's greatest heroes" and Clark's boner doesn't subside because he's such a humble Kansas farm boy. Can't we agree that just because somebody was first doesn't mean we have to hold them up as being the best? I mean, George Washington was the first president of the United States but nobody considers him the greatest president. That was obviously Jimmy Carter. That wasn't a joke. Jimmy Carter was our greatest president. Change my mind. No wait. Don't change my mind. There's nothing I hate more than debating over the Internet. Just go have an ice cream cone and calm the fuck down. The mayor introduces all of the Justice Society for the young kids reading who are just thinking, "Who the fuck are these jerks?" The giant monster that crawls up from underground conveniently waits to attack until the entire team is introduced. Good thing or else I'd keep thinking, "Why is Jimmy Olsen on the Justice Society?" Now I know that's Johnny Thunder! Those of you paying close attention already know I knew that was Johnny Thunder when I referred to him as "the possessed one."
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Don't you mean "What in Earth?", Hawkwoman?
Ha ha! I'm like the one asshole you time travel with who always responds to the person saying "Where are we?" with "Don't you mean 'When are we?'" Always such a good line that's been said five million times so it always seems weird when some script writer thinks it's okay to use it yet again. Fuck I hope nobody says it in the new Bill and Ted movie. Justin (the young man with the grandfather guzzling bull semen) gets so excited he leaps head first out of the upper deck. Hawkwoman saves him because the guys are too busy not being compassionate enough. Although did he want to be saved? I don't know. I might take the dive if I had to hang out with a guy who drinks large cups of bull semen. Medium or small, I could handle. I might even indulge in a small. But fucking large? And overflowing! So gross.
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Oh the nights I've had that began with me thinking, "If I can only get a wirepoon through that Moby Dick!"
Superman swoops in to beat up the monster and steal all of the attention for himself. I guess he did bristle at the notion that the Justice Society were America's greatest heroes. He could have at least waited a few minutes to see if they could stop the monster without all dying of heart attacks. I suppose as soon as Sandman crumpled to his knees while clasping his chest and screaming, "I'm comin'!", Superman felt forced to intervene.
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The pill popper is just saying what we're all thinking.
Superman mentions that this is the Justice Society's retirement party. That makes sense. I shouldn't have assumed that they were returning to reality to constantly battle the Ultra-Humanite. They just want their pension checks and some hard candies. Sandman is down and Johnny Thunder believes he's had another stroke.
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Luckily Wildcat got to Sandman before the mouth shitter.
Later, Alan and Jay* go to a diner to indulge in some exposition (*Alan is Green Lantern and Jay is The Flash -- Nerd Editor Big Nerd Grunion!). They returned to Earth rejuvenated but now some of that is wearing off. I guess maybe in Armageddon Inferno, they returned much younger and now for this series, the writer wanted to get them back up to kind of old. But not super old like all of their wives and husbands! Not that any of them have husbands because they're all straight males (I think! This is before Alan became New 52 gay). They discuss how back in their day, they only had to fight "jewel thieves and bank robbers" while the new heroes now battle "mass murderers" too. Did they forget about all the Nazis they fought?! Maybe they just remember them as simple art thieves?
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Oh, okay. They remember Hitler and the Nazis. It's just a seeming smallish footnote in their story, I guess.
While having coffee, Jay and Alan get their super hero news alerts just like they always have: a television playing in the background with the sound way up. Apparently some "anti-nuke loonies" have laid siege to a nuclear reactor. And they're not as peaceful as you'd expect people who are anti-nuclear power would be; they're armed and, um, loony?
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Oh, I guess they are loonies! They're just not anti-nuke like Alan assumed. He is old so everybody fucking up the status quo is probably just another Goddamned hippie to him.
Who is that guy and who are the mutant wild life and why have they been imprisoned? It would have been easier to understand if they actually were armed hippies protesting against nuclear war by exploding a power plant. Oh, duh. That's Cain, leader of The New Order! How could I forget Cain and the New Order after only 28 years! The other members of New Order are Scud, Ammo, Corona, and...Pooch? They're not too experienced or maybe Alan and Jay are super experienced because Alan and Jay beat them like a schoolyard bully beats the new kid's younger sister while making the new kid watch. That was my last simile from my stash of bulk similes I had Pickle Boy write me a few months ago. I guess it was good enough. But now I'm going to need more! Green Lantern and The Flash decide they're not ready to retire after playing hero. But they don't decide it with dignity and gravitas. The Flash just says, "Retirement?" And Green Lantern embarrassingly responds, "Not!" Ah ha ha! Oh, 1993, how I miss you! I mean I don't but I'm not going to say the word that implies I didn't really mean that which makes the entire statement super funny because I'm referencing a film based on a short sketch that was totally hilarious. Justice Society of America #1 Rating: C. It's probable that this series was green-lit simply because DC management were nostalgic for the Justice Society. I'm sure the pitch was simply, "Picture this: the Justice Society of America! But older! But not too much older! Just the right amount of older!" And everybody was all, "Okay. Sure. Whatever. We're busy planning the death of Superman over here. Just do what you want." I guess that was good enough. I mean, I bought it and I was not very discriminating at all! You picked up a lot of comic books you didn't really care about when they were only a buck twenty-five per issue.
0 notes
Kick Ass iRobot Robotic Vacuum Company in Kaki Bukit
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Once the Thing  Of dream in sci-fi movies helpers across the house are now a reality. Despite their popular appeal, there are several people still asking:"Why do I want a robot vacuum cleaner?" Before we look at why you may require a vacuum cleaner, let us take a look at why you need a vacuum cleaner at all. The significance of standard cleaning. The flooring in your house collect bacteria, carpets and all types of dirt more so than hard floors. Insert pets and children into the mix, and the task of keeping your carpets and floors clean become even more important. At The period of writing is currently working hard cleaning the dirt while I will concentrate at my job. Helper isn't an object of fantasy!
If we look at Rugs, there is no limit to the dirt is trampled to the fibers.  This deteriorates the carpets and creates the ideal environment for bacteria and allergens to thrive. They also wind up smelling poor and supply a ground for all sorts of pests in your home. It's recommended that you vacuum your floors. This is the minimum requirement for a healthier home environment. This may be true for non traffic houses where folks aren't home for most of the day and also don't have busy families with pets. You really should vacuum when you have children and pets at the home.
With contemporary life Being a busy affair many of us can get the opportunity to vacuum the house daily? Let need to do this when there are so many better and more important things to do. It's little wonder why vacuum cleaner are taking the world by storm.
This is the Future, and we've got robots doing it all: Cars that push, drones that browse the robot and skies vacuums which find their way. A robot vacuum cleaner saves you the hassle of nagging your kids to do their chores or scheduling a maid service and keeps things clean.
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Because robotic Vacuum cleaners have become so popular a lot has been done to improve these machines. Competition to remain on top of the robot vacuum cleaner market is tough and producers such as iRobot, Neato and industry leaders, spend a fortune enhancing their merchandise. There are a number of compelling reasons robotic vacuum cleaner are increasing in popularity. Some of the design features make them better than conventional upright and canister vacuum cleaner.
One of the best Qualities of a robotic cleaner has to be its low profile design. Contemporary robot vacuum cleaners endure only a few inches in the floor. This means they are able to get under low furniture like no other vacuum cleaner may. We could move sofas and heavy furniture twice or once annually to wash underneath them. This leaves a whole lot of nasty and dirt stuff amassing under them. So every day, A robot vacuum cleaner can get under most furniture and can do.
For many people, A vacuum cleaner is a real godsend. For people who are frail to use a vacuum or disabled cleaner robot vacuum cleaners are an obvious improvement for their lives. Busy moms simply don't have the time and robotic vacuum cleaner go a very long way.
The Cost of High-end robot vacuum cleaners may leave many feeling that it might not be worth paying for these machines. Top of line robotic vacuum cleaners are outside of your price range. There are many moderately priced robot vacuum cleaners that don't necessarily have all the features of the versions that are expensive. There are a few cheap robotic vacuum cleaner that are a waste of money and there are. It's a good idea to do some research before you go out and spend your hard-earned cash, if you have never owned a robot vacuum cleaner before. Online reviews can be a huge help in this regard.
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There are some  Variables you will need to appear at when deciding how much you are ready to pay for a vacuum cleaner.
There are myriad Robot vacuums available at an assortment of costs which can aid you. Whether you have got wood or carpeting, or even a corral of pets, there is a robot vacuum to suit your requirements. These machines also include plenty of features -- some of which make them nearly as effective at cleaning as a standard, upright vacuumcleaner. And if coming home to a pristine abode is the main concern, you may decide on a robot vacuum cleaner . If you are concerned about dust or allergies, you could even find versions with HEPA filters.
The Majority of the Robot vacuum cleaner that are Cheaper are able to wash one room at a time, if they stray too far in their docking station they can not negotiate doors and will get misplaced. Multiple chambers can be handled by Best end robot vacuum cleaners and will wash an whole amount of your home without any input from you. No one has come up with a vacuum cleaner which could negotiate stairs. So they're limited to just 1 level of the house.
A robot vacuum  Doesn't replace an upright vacuum along with a profound housecleaning, but it does help pick things up like food crumbs, cat litter, hair of all types, dust bunnies and each other dense particle we leave on the floors when we are living in a house. Because the last thing that you need to worry about when you are on deadline is the floor is covered in sprinkles they're suited to office spaces, also. Many robot vacuums could be scheduled to run as frequently as once each day or a couple times a week, and some are available with companion programs.
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For all those that Hasn't invest on a robotic vacuum yet, there may be a dilemma whether to  Buy one or not. It was the exact same for me. I desperately would Rather save time for things I could do. Sweeping or vacuuming the  Floor every day? No, thank you, I don't have energy and time .  Get a maid to do the job? No, considering the exorbitant cost, insecurity and Hassle involved in hiring a foreign domestic maid, no, Gracias. I probably had Made one of the best investment since today, I live a life together with my 4 Year-old loyal iRobot Roomba, working diligently for me every day.
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guildofstars · 7 years
1-100 (technically 102) >:D
1. Name: Abigail
2. Age: 20
3. City that you live in: Cookeville, TN
4. What do most people not know about you?: I am incredibly bad at maths
5. What do most people know you for? Height
6. Hobbies: art, video games, movies
7. What are your passions? refer to #6, and add helping people 
8. What do you search for in a significant other? Height mostly lol #thetallgirlstruggle
7. What are you most proud of? I don’t have anything I’m super proud of
8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love? ...2 months ago?
9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it? dead bugs
10. List 10 things off of your bucket list.  go to Germany, Japan, South Korea, get married, adopt kids.
11. What was the last thing you learned? How to use the scanner at work
12. How many relationships have you been in? I was in a relationship for a week when I was 15(?), but I don’t count it.
13. Turn ons, haven’t really discovered any
14. Turn offs, don’t know how to answer this lol, just rudeness?? Don’t be a dick.
15. Favorite food, cattapi 
16. Favorite drink , SWEET TEA AND COFFEE
17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? cookies
18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? realist
19. Do you sleep during class? I was homeschooled 
20. What is the most expensive thing you own? my computer
21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? my sock
22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone? uhhmmmmm???? at least.... like... 20 times in an hour? 
23. Text or call? text
24. Opinion on long distance? Not for me, but if you can make it work then excellent 
25. What is your definition of success? To be happy with where you are with a big family and a nice house i guess
26. Favorite song? it’s currently $ave Dat Money by Lil Dickey
27. Favorite artist? Lil Dickey
28. Celebrity crush/crushes? Chris Hemsworth
29. When was the last time you read for fun? A month or so ago
30. Favorite flower? Gardenia/Babys breath
31. What is the best gift you could receive right now? a $100,000,000 check that I don’t have to pay taxes on
32. Any guilty pleasures? I like pastel colored plushies 
33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself? My weight mostly, and my slightly uneven face
34. What do you search for in a friend? similar interests
35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month? 67 times because my mom calls me constantly
36. Where did you last go other than your room/home? Florida, best 4 & 1/2 days ever
37. Why do bad things happen to good people? because bad things don’t give two shits about what kind of person you are
38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye? being stabbed in the eye wtf kind of question is this?
39. How many green shirts do you own? 3?
40. Do you like anime? yes but don’t watch all that often anymore
41. What do you invest the most time in? scrolling through this hell site
42. What was the name of the last book you read? Mrs. Pergerines home for peculiar children.
43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone? how much time you spend with them
44. Where are you most productive? work
45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends. movies, going to the beach, and getting dinner
46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone. refer to #6
47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist? no, there’s too much greed and evil in this world for that to ever happen. 
48. Do you have any allergies? I’m allergic to Poison Ivy, like hella.
49. When was the last time you cussed at someone? a few days ago but it was playful
50. What was the last promise you made? that I would pull the bacon out of the freezer
51. What was your last dream about? I don’t remember much other than whenever I would pull out a contact my eyelid would go behind my eyeball
52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be? mom, dad, best friend 1 & 2 and give the 5th ticket to someone on the street
53. How many countries have you visited? 0
54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.) dance but I can’t do it lol
56. When was the last time somebody complimented you? yesterday
56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself? my height and my long af hair like c’mon
57. Do you consider yourself mature? sometimes
58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr? I don’t want to answer that
59. What is your favorite quote? “hope is the only thing stronger than fear”
60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be? 1: don’t be a dick to people, 2: don’t be a dick to people, 3: eat ice cream for breakfast
61. What is your greatest accomplishment? I got a job
62. Do you believe in the death penalty? N/A
63. What are your goals for life? Get my AA, then figure it out from there
64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now? IDK probably not asking for directions WHERE TF ARE YOU???
65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world. Germany
66. What were you like in 2013? cringe
67. Do you have a job? yea
68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend. nah
69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be? #60
70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before? 12?
71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website? Youtube
72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars? lick a pinecone, going down.
73. Does money equal happiness? ye
74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime? 51?
75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime? 10
76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told? N/A
77. When was the last time you looked at the news? yesterday at work
78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say? #60
79. What is your favorite animal? uhhhh......
80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it? a million for every year and we have a deal
81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at? #60
82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? my sleep schedule is all over the place you have no idea
83. Does age necessarily equal maturity? hell fucking no
84. What is your favorite clothing store? Old Navy
85. In the winter- beanies or gloves? beans
87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it? yea
88. What do you fear the most? ceramic dolls
89. How many digits of pi can you recite? 3.145
90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be? 2007 so I can kick my little ass into paying attention in school
91. Describe yourself in one word. tall
92. Describe your last victory. I got the tags into the machine faster than my coworker
93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen? A woman left the bathroom stall door open while she was using the toilet in sams
94. What is something you will never forget? #93
95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail? vivid detail because hot damn is my memory shit lmao
96. Have you ever broken a bone before? nope *knocks on wood*
97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody? hate
98. Coffee or tea? coffee
99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way? don’t give two shits
100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today? 4
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iamvalenstein · 7 years
DCP Roommate Survey Fall 2017
I put this in the facebook group, but I figured I would also post it here too. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! I’d love to get to know some of you.
NAME: Valerie
AGE: 20 (I'll be 21 by the time the program starts).
CURRENT LOCATION: Baltimore, Maryland
FROM: Baltimore, Maryland
SCHOOL: Towson University
MAJOR: Theatre Major- Acting Track
SIBLINGS? I have one older brother. He loves Disney too!
FLYING OR DRIVING: I'm not sure yet.
ROLE: Quick Service Food and Beverage
WHICH HOUSING COMPLEX DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN?: I'd prefer to live in either Chatham or Patterson, bu I'd be okay in any of them. I would also prefer to only share a room with one other girl, however I would be willing to share a room with two, as long as I don't get the top bunk. I'm a little terrified of falling off!
ALUMNI? Nope! 
 DO YOU PARTY? HOW OFTEN?  It depends on what you mean by party. I can't say I'm necessarily game for clubbing or apartment parties with an insane amount of people. BUT, I am totally down for Pizza Parties and Board games!
DRINK? Currently, No. However, given that I'll be in Disney and I'll be 21 by the time I'm there, I'll probably have a drink on  a few occasions
COOK? I know a few dishes, but I'm really more of a baker.Are you a night person or morning person? Definitely a night person.
WHAT DOES YOUR BEDROOM CURRENTLY LOOK LIKE? I’m definitely not a neat freak and I’m not gonna lie, I can sometimes get pretty messy. I like my organized chaos, but I never let it get too bad. And given the apartment inspections, I'll be under more pressure to keep clean then I am now. As for decor, I like bright colors and my nerdy Disney and Broadway posters.
DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN YOU'RE HOT OR COLD? Cold, but not too cold. I like wearing blankets. I also like a having a fan on. The sound helps me sleep.
WOULD YOU RATHER GO OUT OR STAY IN? I like having time alone, but I also know that this is a rare opportunity, and I want to experience all of it. 
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO ON YOUR DAYS OFF? I spend time with friends, watch Netflix, and I'm currently learning how to sew. 
DO YOU WORK OUT A LOT? It really depends on the kind of work out. It's not my favorite thing in the world, but I don't hate it either. I probably should work out more then I do, and I'll probably set some goals for myself while I'm in Disney.
 THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: easy-going, funny(At least I'd like to think so), NERD
ONE GOOD QUALITY: I'm a great listener. If there's anything you need talk about, or you just want to vent, I'm a great person to go to. There's absolutely no judgement here.
ONE BAD QUALITY: I can get anxious it certain situation, but it's something I'm working on and I'm getting better.
OUTGOING OR QUIET: I'm quiet at first, but pretty outgoing once you really get to know me.
DO YOU LIKE HANGING OUT WITH PEOPLE OR KEEPING TO YOURSELF? I like a little bit of both, but when it really comes down to it I think I prefer hanging out with other people.
WHAT WOULD YOU WANT IN A ROOMMATE? Someone that I can talk to and share experiences with. Someone who likes to Nerd Out! Someone who doesn't smoke and someone who is responsible.
BIGGEST PET PEEVES? I don't have any that I can think of right now.
MESSY OR ORGANIZED? As I said before, I like my organized chaos.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING? Sharing is caring! But, ultimately it depends on what we're sharing. That's certainly something we can discuss.
DO YOU LIKE HAVING PEOPLE OVER A LOT? As, I said before, I like my alone time, but I also enjoy being with my friends and chilling at home. I wouldn't want them over every night, but I love meeting new people and I'm totally open to discussing the terms for having guests over.
FAVORITE THING TO DO: I'm an acting major, so being on stage is my favorite thing to do. But if I can't do that, I like watching Netflix and spending time with friends. I also like doing both those things at the same time! I also really enjoy listening to podcasts. I've even dabbled a little bit in recording some of my own.
FAVORITE MUSIC: Be prepared to listen to all the showtunes.
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: So many!!!! Supernatural, Bates Motel, Jane the Virgin, How to get Away with Murder, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Nikita, Boy Meets World, Gilmore Girls, Sherlock, Stranger Things 
FAVORITE MOVIES: Even More!!! Kingsman, Superbad, Kick-Ass, Princess Bride, Wizard of Oz, White Christmas, Scream, Hairspray, Mirrormask, Clueless, The Cabin in the Woods, The Harry Potter series, Goonies, The Sandlot, Sound of Music, Hidden Figures, etc. I'll get to Disney in the next session.
FAVORITE VIDEO GAMES: Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect, Mario Kart, The Walking Dead Game
FAVORITE PODCASTS: I added this category because I'm seriously obsessed with the Gilmore Guys right now.
FAVORITE FOOD: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Volcano Cake
FAVORITE CANDY: Twix, Dark Chocolate 
FAVORITE COLOR: Purple and Teal 
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Genie, Mulan, Lilo, Stitch, Ursula, Joy, Sadness, Jack Kelley, 
FAVORITE MOVIE: This answer changes a lot, but after seeing the staged recording of Newsies: The Broadway Hit Musical three(soon to be 4) times has really reinvigorated my love for the original film. I love it and the Broadway show soooooooooooo much, it's hard to even describe. If we're only talking animated movies, the three that currently hold the biggest place in my heart are Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, and Beauty and the Beast
FAVORITE DISNEY CHANNEL SHOW: So Weird, it's a show not a lot of people remember, but the first two seasons are pretty fantastic. I also loved Suite Life, and I hold a dear place in my heart for the recently cancelled Girl Meets World, mostly because I'm a HUGE Boy Meets World Fan.
FAVORITE DISNEY CHANNEL MOVIE: The Halloweentown Trilogy (Fourth movie, what fourth movie?)
FAVORITE PARK: Epcot, but Magic Kingdom is a close second.
FAVORITE RIDE: Carousel of Progress, Dinosaur, Test Track, Ellen's Energy Adventure, Journey of the Little Mermaid, It's a Small World, Star Tours  
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