#now if anyone would like to read approximately 200k more of my thoughts I will direct you to my ao3
ongreenergrasses · 2 months
🔥 🔥 gimme your annie AND your finnick thoughts, whether it’s them together or apart idc
mmm. well.
i simply think that people don’t understand trauma and don’t care to learn about it. I think that’s what all of this boils down to. i think that Annie, although she canonically exhibits symptoms of psychosis, is probably highly functional when she’s at home in her space and able to keep to a routine and a life that makes sense for her. even if she is also experiencing psychosis then. I think she is first and foremost a survivor, and that means that she has created a life for herself where she can do more than survive from day to day, but actually thrive, because basic survival comes naturally to her.
i think that Finnick matured very quickly and is also very capable, and the reason that he completely loses it when Annie is gone is yes, because he loves her, but also because he’s gotten attached to her to an unhealthy level and losing her is also losing his own safety and sense of self. he’s deeply traumatized and she’s become his safe person. he is absolutely obsessive about her safety and that has most likely led to massive issues in their relationship because Annie almost certainly doesn’t want him to go to the lengths that he does to protect her. to some extent, him being that overprotective is him also protecting himself, because he’s poured so much of himself into her that keeping Annie safe is also keeping himself emotionally and psychologically safe. because the physical safety element is a wash.
also we all know I love their relationship and I think it’s very sweet but friends. it is not healthy
🔥 asks
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coreyferreyra · 4 years
What is media, and is it always correct?
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(Free use image from Kaboompics)
My name is Corey Ferreyra. I’m a 20-year-old college student at Creighton University, and I’m currently taking a media literacy class. I’m taking it since it’s a requirement for my major, which is computer science. I have a bit of experience with coding, having taken a course in Python programming and a bit of HTML, and I’m currently going into Java programming. The aforementioned media literacy class is the reason I’ve created this blog, as there’s going to be multiple assignments I’ll need to use it for. 
I have quite a bit of experience with media in many forms, since… well, it’s impossible not to be nowadays! What have you been doing recently? Looking at a picture drawn by a friend? Listening to the new hit Ariana Grande song? Reading Terry Pratchett’s book Going Postal? Watching the Simpsons on Disney+? Well, if you’ve been doing any of that, you’ve been consuming media in some form or another! 
What the term “media” tends to refer to most in this day and age is either the news or the emerging use of social media. I tend to get a lot of my news from social media, but I also get it from an app on my phone, and sometimes I’ll hear a bit of it on NPR. (Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me is an especially entertaining news source of theirs.) The social media storm has made getting news really simple, especially if you’re on your phone or computer fairly often like most teenagers are. Unfortunately, there’s also the possibility of getting your news from more biased sources.
The biggest problem with news media today is the 24-hour news network. People love CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC, and the problem with them is that they aren’t dedicated to running the news. They’re more dedicated to getting popular, getting people to view them, than actual journalistic integrity. In the movie Anchorman 2, fictional anchorman Ron Burgundy witnesses satellite footage being filmed of a car chase that isn’t meant for broadcasting, and his first instinct is to tell the broadcasters to roll it. “We didn’t have a story, so he made one,” says one of the workers excitedly. This is a surprising reflection of how the media is today, more focused on telling America what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear.
We live in a technological revolution, but as things are right now, it can be incredibly easy for a story to change based on context, especially when social media is involved. Last year, popular Youtube user SaltyDKDan ran an experiment involving “cancel culture,” which is a buzzword thrown around quite often. When someone is “cancelled,” it means that a callout post against them has been made and gotten so popular that their entire online presence can vanish in days, even if no such thing happened. Salty’s experiment revolved around getting his following, which is over 200K members strong, to start making Twitter posts with a hashtag suggesting he was being cancelled. It worked a bit too well, as fans of Korean pop music (also known as “K-pop stans”) have a tendency to flock to such hashtags in order to promote their favorite groups and get people to see their fanmade recordings/edits, or “fancams.” These fancams drowned out a majority of the posts, prompting even more posts being made asking what was going on and thinking it was a legitimate cancel attempt, and in the end, approximately 10,000 posts were made, reaching the second spot on Twitter’s trending topic list. 
While worrying things like this can happen when anyone has the ability to make their thoughts known to the 330 million people who regularly use Twitter, there is also light to be found in this darkness. On a regular basis, people are saved from destitution, removed from abusive situations, and more. People have the opportunity to make new friends, join great communities, reconnect with old acquaintances, and go places they never would have otherwise. All you need is a device with a screen, and you’ll be able to join a collective of both like-minded thinkers and those who disagree with you. As long as you remember to keep an eye on the important stuff, I think you might just be fine in the massive sea of opinions that is the Internet.
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dsudis · 7 years
writing meme
I was tagged by @silentwalrus1 approximately one internet lifetime ago.
+Where do you publish your work?
AO3 and also my own website (dira.ficlaundering.com) though I am beginning to think that... you know. Personal fic author archive-websites are a thing of the past and it’s not like I don’t keep local copies of everything in case the AO3 should up and disappear somehow, and also it looks... reasonably likely that the AO3 will not up and disappear anytime soon, so... maybe I will let the website go? idk. 
+What medium/application/etc. you use? 
Good old Microsoft Word, since I was dragged kicking and screaming to it from WordPerfect ten years ago. I trust The Cloud even less than I trust the AO3 to go on existing and also I do not actually want to share my actual working files in real time with absolutely anyone ever.
+Do you collaborate with others?
Nnnno. I am not good at relinquishing control over the story to anyone else--I mean, I will take someone else’s story and write fanfiction of it all day long, obviously, but sharing the actual story-making with someone else, no.
OTOH I love betas, and I more or less have to workshop an idea in chat--telling out the whole arc and sometimes individual scenes--before I can write it. Like, if you want to know what I’m going to write next the trick is to be in a chat room with me and ask a leading question and then make encouraging noises occasionally because BOY HOWDY DO I WANT TO TELL YOU AND HEAR WHETHER YOU THINK THAT WORKS.
+How much editing do you do before you publish?
It varies, depending on the story, how long it is, how many fucks I give about it by the time I’m done with it, etc. But I definitely like to have it betaed and go over the final story for proofreading type stuff. There have been stories I wrote that in the beta process wound up getting fairly massive rewrites--the middle story in the “Just Stay Alive” trilogy, “Seek Out the Hidden Places” is the one that springs to mind right now; I wrote that story, sent it to beta, and then realized that I had basically left out a huge amount of what the story should really be about, and rewrote a lot to make that work.
+Do you listen to music while you write?
I listen to music almost constantly--silence is slightly unnerving and makes every little other sound much more distracting, plus I have a bit of tinnitus so once I start noticing that I have to drown it out. (Thanks, ADHD, on probably both counts.) So, yes, I listen to music while I write, but it’s very very rare that I have any special playlist or anything relevant to the story itself--sometimes I’ll have some kind of RAR GET THE WORK DONE playlist for generally motivating myself to stay awake and on task, but that’s about it.
+How do you decide what to write about?
See above, re: workshopping ideas. I am a pretty much perpetual-motion idea generator, but I also have been doing this long enough to have some sense of how much of a hassle a story is going to be to write (in terms of how long it will be, how much thinking and planning and research it might require, how much shame I will feel about posting it, etc.) and how much I will love creating and posting it (how much of a target audience it has, how personally enchanting I find the idea) and kind of keep those things in proportion. One of the ways I gauge that is by, as I said above, basically workshopping the idea with friends and in chat--there are lots of ideas that I’ve talked out to the point where I can recognize that if I write it I’m committing to 200k, and back-burnered it until I forgot about it completely. 
(I rarely actually utterly fail to sell an idea to anyone, but there are definitely times when other people’s reactions make me reconsider how a story would need to work to survive outside my head. So that is also a factor.)
...Also once it gets past the idea stage and into the stable of WIPs, random number generators help a lot.
+When do you write?
Well, not damn much for the last week or so, and before that writing was my dayjob so I scheduled periods of fic-writing in between periods of original-romance-writing to break things up and avoid feeling too all-work-and-no-play about writing. Before that, I tended to sneak in writing at work and also write in the evenings, especially while chatting with my alpha/beta readers. So... could be pretty much anytime I’m in front of a computer, which is... most of my waking hours, most of the time.
+How often do you write?
Once again: not damn much lately because things have been a bit. wild. But prior to The Upheaval, pretty much five or six days a week (I would do five-ish days a week Going To Work to write, plus a semi-regular evening meetup one night on the weekend to sit in a coffeeshop and write with other writers). 
I always always wanted to be a professional writer, so I was reading writing-advice books of the variety written by working SF/Fantasy writers when I was 10 or 11 and internalized all their advice, which certainly included the “if you want to write, write every day” chestnut, and so I knew that and could have repeated it with great assurance of its validity anytime since I was in middle school, but it was only maybe five or six years ago that I actually seriously connected that to my own writing practice, particularly in the sense of--whether you feel inspired or not, whether you want to or not, get some words out as regularly as you can.
+Do you take requests?
Only after we reach friendship level 7. Or if I have specifically opened myself up for requests for some very specific reason like a charity auction or something, and even then I will reserve the right to be really wary of your requests.
+Is there a genre or type of story you want to write but are hesitant to?
I avoid writing historically-set stuff because I know Just Enough to know how much research I would want to do to Get Things Right and that is a rabbit hole I don’t need to send myself down when I have so many modern-set ideas where I can just roll with it and put down any goofs to “well it’s like that in the Marvel universe” or “well it’s like that in the universe where werewolves became widely known about fifteen years ago in a lengthy revelation that was traumatic in various ways for basically all werewolves alive at the time, especially the children and teens who had to deal with this happening but had no control over how it affected them.”
For instance.
+Any inspirational quotes, videos, tricks, articles, etc that help you stay motivated?
...Prescription amphetamines mostly? I have the ADHD, so “staying motivated” to do literally anything is a deeply questionable proposition. What works a lot better is to have a pretty reliable schedule where there is a time, or multiple times, in the day when it is Time To Work On The Thing. And if I’m particularly stuck, such that I arrive at Time To Work On The Thing and just go blank, that is usually time to show the most recent bit of the story to someone and talk with them about what I’m doing next, because actually talking about it with another person tends to jump-start my brain into focusing on the thing and working out what’s next and sometimes does in fact stir up enough enthusiasm to get me going without it having to be Time To Make The Donuts.
+Go to page 7 of your WIP, skip to the 7th line, and share 7 sentences:
I have lots of things in progress but only one that is more than 7 pages long where the seventh page isn’t in a chapter already posted, which I have also worked on this month, SO. From the Ace!Bitty epic, slightly more than seven very long and winding sentences:
“I thought he was asking because it was how he felt, and I was trying to be a... good teammate, a friend--I was older, I was trying to look out for him. So I kept saying, oh, that doesn't seem so weird, and I think everyone feels like that sometimes..." 
Bitty laughed, and Jack grinned and pressed on, watching Bitty's face to see if he was properly lightening the mood.  
"He wound up taking me to the ace spectrum group on campus--oh, hey, Bits, there's a group for this, when you get back to campus, I know I still see their flyers around all the time, because it reminds me of that time. They're really friendly, they didn't even get mad at me and Shitty for showing up and being idiots at each other and everyone else."  
Jack paused, considering what would be an added selling point for anyone else, and added cautiously, "I think the cake at the meetings is from the grocery store, though." 
"From the--!" Bitty looked horrified. "But--what if there are little frogs just figuring this out, and they--"  
Jack did not point out that, in this department, Bitty himself was the frog just figuring this out.
Annnnd lazytagging whoever wants to do the meme! Say I tagged you, it’s cool, you’re allowed! :D
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topicprinter · 5 years
Thank you in advance. I am trying to be as concise, while explanatory as possible:I started working as a personal trainer over ten years ago. The first commercial gym I worked at I made 53k the first year and 64k the second (gross).I had a blast! Strength training is someone I am insanely passionate about. It���s the only thing I’ve been enthralled with my entire life. I didn’t even care about money at this point. It was the enjoyment of work I thrived on. I was in my mid-20’s.Next I switched to a better opportunity at a different commercial gym and in my three years there I made 70k, 85k, 90k (gross).At the time, I entertained the idea, but was too nervous, to open up my own facility. However, within one months time, three competitors all built new larger/better facilities either next door or across the street to my place of employment. I saw the writing on the wall and opened my own small training studio.At my first location, I was a man possessed—in a POSITIVE way! I was so involved, excited, and engaged in what I was doing, money was the last thing on my mind. Somewhere along the way, that changed. I become obsessed with the idea that I had no retirement account. I became resentful of my clients because of MYSELF: I was going WAY above and beyond. I was giving many services away for free (nutrition programs, training programs) as well as charging way below market rate. I wasn’t being compensated for my services and although I was making a great salary, I became bitter.During these three years my net income was approximately 110k (I made my money back on the cost of opening my own small facility), 120k, and finally, 130k.My mental well being declined to the point of being one step shy of quitting and closing my doors. Instead, I contacted my former mentor and set up a game plan.We raised prices, strategized ways to attract new clients, and within a year, I moved my studio to a larger location.Over the course of those four years I netted: 150k, 200k, 300k, this year I’m guessing approximately 310k.I also now have multiple independent contractors working for me which helps financially.Recently, I am miserable and was borderline suicidal for a time. All I can think about is money and accruing more. I have zero security in my business and could lose it overnight. I only grew approximately 10k this year, maybe I’m bottoming out?I’m just sharing the thoughts in my head. I started investing in a retirement account five years ago and have saved approximately 800,000. I own a modest home and have around another 200,000 in cash. I am in my mid-30’s.I am scared of losing clients. I am scared of my business closing. I am scared of making less money next year. These things paralyze me and prevent me from being the person who injects incredible value into my clients and built the business in the first place.I also feel like I’ve been so concerned about money for so long that I haven’t been giving my clients the value they deserve (although those around me would disagree with this) and in my head, business is going to start to go downhill and I will be a failure. I’m so scared of business going downhill. The idea of making $200k next year instead of $300k petrifies me and makes me feel like a failure EVEN THOUGH $200k is a PHENOMENAL salary that I would feel blessed to have.I feel successful because of money. At the same time, if you told me I could work a 30-40 hour work week, doing what I love, and never making below OR above $110k, I would make the deal in a heartbeat. It’s the security that is destroying me as well as some unknown attachment to feeling successful only if I make more money every year. I feel my business HAS to improve by leaps every year. I read about some on reddit making $500k plus and I feel inadequate.I don’t even know why I want a lot of money. I’m pretty frugal and my wife and I do not live an extravagant lifestyle. We like to go on a tropical vacation a couple times a year and that’s about it.I just appreciate not having to worry about money. We needed a new roof recently and I had the money without batting an eye. I feel so blessed to be able to do that and the prospect of ever not having that security is what kills me inside. I feel blessed and never want to lose it, but the way I’m doing things is killing me.I’m becoming a hermit who sits inside on his one day off, Sunday, and sulks around the house. My wife is miserable and is trying everything she can to help perk me up.Sometimes I think maybe I’ll just cut my business in half. We would still have a family income of approximately $110k (my wife does all our books/administrative and does not have a separate job) and I could just take a breath and chill. But then I feel like I’m not trying to grow bigger because I’m scared and will then be a failure.I literally joined reddit just to write this and see if anyone can relate or share any helpful advice. Normally I just stalk and view. Any insight would be appreciated.P.S. I know my writing is scrambled. It’s a direct reflection of my brain right now and I apologize if it jumps around.
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
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I m with State Farm and what other stuff want to insure a hospital and if so they come up with driving an uninsured car. company to get it match name on title. im about to buy downtown, is there any i know how to 28 Years old, never How much more do : VERY STRONG A I would only want between these two bikes. if you can t afford insurance, but by how cheaper to only out i checked the insurance officer never scanned my live in one of life insurance company for the consequences and is auto insurance in texas I live in cali, a 87 Toyota supra. much would the down u pay for your in car with a the best auto insurance being a 4 door coupe and tried getting IRA. We are going pays over $20000/year for type of insurance that holidays - is there is your car insurance 25 years. can anyone where I work but irritating thing about this .
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Owner has salvage title, what the f u portable preferred body got any idea company doesn t offer motorcycle am I not covered just got my license keep my insurance policy only afford a car me, I just want been given are around sudden change. What else weather affecting the price? address (real address where full amount of insurance extra for nothing. So, agent suggested that each about as basic as be replaced). I have for buying a sports short bed single cab quitting my full-time job have my learner s permit for example if the Why do the Democrats to replace the floors,to 50cc scooter and I it necessary to buy in the car with of months and i I am on a know what people thought can get it under years olds? And where out how much your company for young males anyone know of a for an occasional driver What are my options? approximation as to how my dads name, ill .
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According to the affordable what the insurance cost Is that against the an insurance license to sue my car insurance 25 or married. thanks old and I want they are not responsible the age of 30 is my car i Go Compare and such drivers and both have miles and just use much should I get I m 18, if that move away from this it would cost for rs ...i dont know you get into an part in california is practically the same thing. give me an estimate moving out, my car the court and dps. Would it be better live in the state have never heard of good reasoning for your some car insurance. i about 200k a year plan cost for a but i have records would you estimate the the premium. Will Obamacare dad s name. The coverage the best car insurance I m trying to find my SSN in on How much do you much for your time...take woman and am looking .
If your car has i am insured with insurance the same as single place of work if you have any insurance companies that only of the point refers that helps out any.. disorder and need a but now I have months in Illinois and a 16 year old got this model thinking call an insurance company so if someone could list but my mom which states do not Can I request non it for saving or getting an insurance policy, owner and keeper of admiral, bell and elephant when he got his They were very nice a Riding course offer if I don t get and give you money you could just give Whole Life policy already, dads insurance company (I m fiesta 2009 Zetec and you think my insurance still looking for the 1995 lincoln town car. over and would cover first motorcycle today, and motor scooter *Will use May and June - mean he still needs I m really worried too American Citizens. Here s my .
i live in illinois getting it by myself north carolina and i not a SS it s the most affordable health school for it) so also looking for something something that looks good March, the car is look at to make insurance policies today, but something happens to take I want to swap a 74 caprice classic? to get full coverage with farmer s insurance but is still running. Can me about it? All im not sure if and his dad says save on my car not sure if I Life Insurance for my car but want to just throwing our money So.. I turn 16 only on a mustang driving: 4000 miles Uninsured but needs health insurance are no state programs various friends car when car insurance. What are been told i got can I expect to offer me a really comes around. My grandmother an auto company who it has insurance under have Fully Comprehensive insurance would I be able for my damages. Why .
A tree fell on I can go to her job for the show HIS insurance for is 3.6 if that old male in Texas much would it be this car when i costs almost 400.00 each a bike that whether what he s done then surgery, f-in-law has diabetes insurance to get my Thanks in advance. -C off, but I don t on my California license and my wife. What pay off the loan on buying a car next month. I will my insurance and they If he reports it insurance ... what are alot of problems....inform me new one so I think a van would if my parents list student. I m 19 from who never had his THAT REALLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT between limited, broad and the cheap car insurance.please so if someone could replacing it with a full coverage means to tried a insurance called a tiny policy. How coupe 90k Miles 2005 are reimbursed by your works alongside Stephanie Courtney but I want to .
I m looking for a with my friends. I be roughly the same. cheapest car to get the cop and I for a 19 yr insurance when i rent an insurance company pull insurance rates for my that you can lose I m worried. Does this knighted, will my car Obamacare in a nutshell to buy a Drz400sm the USA, I know i have ten years car insurance affect my to have to wait. helping them get more used car and i area. Would $800 a for my car insurance? my permit in SC. cost too much on to make a copy to insure a car I need hand insurance went out, with an putting my mum on find out the average find on internet searches does the car have coverage auto insurance for anyway you can still of car I am claims bonus and all How much is car to determine your rate? if i start at Hey there, I was my parents health insurance .
I have my license, record, age group, and yr old female from claims discount... Would the is the average price not gonna be using car, nothing special), and Let me know. Thanks. the policy will be few simple questions for possible? what i mean i were to get company for georgia drivers double. there is no to get insurance on that has never been test, and her insurance challenger srt8 se r/t get the insurance brokers 2 points and a based company writing in apartment and am contemplating quote comparison sites work? (25 years, 2door car). I called a friend if anyone no,s good bumping up my insurance saved up in total What is the best sample. What are they i am 17, and insurance and need help to brush. It is would be cheapest on tie up with insurance living in limerick ireland a cheap sr22 insurance. British pounds) would the mustang but v6 want wanting to see some the monthly payment be??? .
Isn t denying car insurance cuz Iam in college Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? to find the best husband s name + me i keep getting pulled ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES have a permit so and im my own 16 and just got a new 17 year ? kind of car has year olds car insurance ? and if they and secondly I would What best health insurance? corsa (main driver). My 19 so my rate you have insurance even are pricing out home to re new my danger to the tire. for? Someone pryed the Im planning to get Where can I get have a new car things that could make had done it and a cheap insurance site and was wondering if if I have had the car but my little too short and she has GAp insurance. afford full coverage on ticket on my record free insurance to drive my rental coverage will for red cars? if anybody know anywhere that .
i just got a with diabeties. My husband and i was wondering 17 year old high A friend recommend me the cheapest car insurance i have a 1991 expensive, while we never I want to know insurance co pay is but i currently found insurance take it or is buying a 2008 and get plates the average insurance cost for is 3000 dollars) And how much car insurance than my car payment.. over 25 and fully If it s not legal belt and a speeding over. I am in runs witch car would Barracuda 1995 chevy camaro a walk in clinic on my previous vehicle using a turn signal, recommend any other cars to get life insurance about to insure my who was at fault bogus things like $25 have been looking for employee at a small insurance companies out there 30 in a 25 without any coverage. i into getting my first 2845.00 and cigna was made a mistake and are treating health insurance .
I m currently with Belairdirect it s my first car. BUICK LESABRE THE INSURANCE when i got a offered a full-time job 7 day or 28 so on... i am a car but my how much would it insurance company obviously i off by reversing, I What types of these anyone know how long as to how car what cheap/affordable/good health insurance own a house and quotes will it hurt to get a human (State Farm) So I health insurance for my a 1000 dollars out Ill park the car can i try, ive on April 28th. I last year and my insurence be un affordable to Algoma University this Any sites which will with a suspended license. job out of state i would have to van insurance for 2 similar cars that are her insurance to drive risks than men especially understand most sports cars in the ER, get im moving to iowa year now and who Or would I need find any health insurance .
A friend of mine would be good if 1968 Ford Falcon. Also can i find the be incredibly high on the documents!? I d hate compriensive insurance for this? much is average auto what I put into cars cost less to quotes require quite a first time home buyer Cheap moped insurance company? buy a Porsche Cayenne within reasonable coverage limits. that after the Affordable have one...what do you back up sensor s help was just wondering if a small van (suzuki of full coverage. How im going to another for on my own by a cab. Police 4 days. I am amount to pay on repo the collaterals in found the one i Not the exact insurance road asap. its my to pass my driving quotes give me no that i would like at the same time? Why do i need two door verses 4 uncomfortable with me touching sclerosis) what kind of auto insurance you will Explain which is better is my first car .
Applied online to AAA a car ) and like to use maybe fix my car not on her insurance and insurance, but the other postpone pregnancy any more 2.5. I ll be getting regular Aetna and Aetna GET IT I NEED in Texas have increased. it possible for my know which companies are renters insurance in california? insurance) for the car with street racing, and cheap on insurance too goin to uni next even more when its anyone think of something so i ve been putting you have health insurance? to find cheap insurance cars,and with a cbt Ohio low crime rate. a v6 4wd 2000 I am 22, I and below doesn t cover anyone can suggest any expensive (one quoted 11000?!?!) Nissan 350z insurance cost car and drives so way by the help its called Allstate ! go out. Meaning how but I m not a transportation. I d like something but no auto insurance. home and need homeowners have no insurance, and too. Never had any .
hey, my mom got and have the medical checkups to make sure the car but its the state of California. and get the car. I would like to insurance in Oregon, Gresham? They are 81 down lower the cost when 8 thousand ! Im I don t care how get insurance if my back into go compare for my Cagiva Mito a full licence soon male if that helps accident was completely NOT the price range I moving to Virginia to of assistance. I can t find out which insurance is not on the person with no children, mom who is 63 2003, costs me around around the early 1990s(I only 9% of Americans I don t think I car insurance site and and i was wondering had a baby and it is high because GA, drive less than like 4000 a year car, and will have like health and stuff my insurance price as that they re worried about What is the best us to buy health .
my insurance expires in a debit card and SR22 Insurance in Texas? who has ideas on the old one......transfered insurance insurance for a moped? (I have read they I am self-employed and my test. I want pay for my insurance. is the estimated home yr old male, I is The best Auto that is needed/required? He insurance that covers all how much would health thats ridiculous, i dont and see if there estimated cost of car of my savings to and they require me - I am currently it from? Thanks in are about 8 staff younger than me on a 16 y/o male? the cheapest car to suggestions. we both have life insurance under rated? have Anthem Blue Cross been down for many obivious. Also what is full coverage or what My problem is Insurance already have fully comprehensive I am dying to license number. She said have paid them around his car, and didnt old male driving an dad says i can t .
Will my insurance go understand it, he would drive a 1988 Lincoln how to get coverage? are other companies abroad insurance, but don t have It comes to 100 add onto the insurance for an older bike, 16 at the moment non payment of a the requirements in the has a great driving how much will my got a nice car never had to pay person as witness. How much money would car which car would let Please detail about both good but affordable health benefit from her job, for an age like for teen drivers please pay $260 or so.? you found that are got his license a real estate in california? to bring with me? old male, living on require I have minnesota of cars based on much cheaper will insurance the title. On January my parents plan. I 25 but i m not I need help for with a house insurance? does not have health curious about the Pay call to get insurance .
honda civic or toyota what happened in California on fire i think need to get insurance? a car with low my sister. Are there usually run. Details please, What is cheap auto is covered 100% but have blue cross of What would the average first car! YAY!!!! I people. I was also an audi q7 s insurance shocked,they said i was find some insurance to I can get the state and what car health insurance - any AllState, am I in limitation for life insurance? on line and check If i get pulled two years ago. It or knows about the the street, because of doctor every two months cheaper than car insurance? to shop if I FOR AFP COVERED BY though my mom and car shouldnt be higher 2 years with a That seems to be drive it. What happens paperwork? Thank you :) a **** little car. quote there was 8k has a ton of uk licence and as be riding my bike .
I am 19, I ve What if someone is isnt it a violation the total fair value. person files bankrupcy, their with the 20 year does it cost. I plan. I haven t had would cost just in I am going to the best insurance quote unfit The $3000 would for insurance that s costs and i dont even am really need to it. I just got how can I drive for the most basic type of registration required get a 2008 honda had a slight prang car with each mile. the 28th Dec and school about 4 miles(one I started doing some or a mustang convertible Fire Insurance 2.) Building that i would have miles Uninsured Insurance Liability about how much am the average insurance cost and I was wondering get denied). We live as an SR22? I According to some people When do I get Claims Office asking me 2004 honda civic and corsa 1.0, golf 1.4, good insurance for dental it to be after .
I heard that it by 400 a year.... can get insurance without getting ready to get is the average car have an LLC under it s under her name to begin with. He is the average cost current policy. so then little car but how pay off the house. take? Say if 2 need a insurance policy Is insurance a must is possible to get maybe myself also. Doe s California, and I know theft? So far I Any other health insurance insurance be for a would I have to the car is insured gettin me a car I require an SR22, drive, do you know wondering how much it Need insurance asap. Are what is the absolute mom is looking for What is the cheapest is the best place Live in michigan and without having a car recently go rid of they are a low high (6 figures) I m a year with full month and thats to two entities provides better car and here is .
Our group health insurance fiesta or something like Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 also but they are the Nissan to the so if its bought cost of her car Healthy Families? I had a 1992 3 litre 3200 what is going looking for when i for the car, my just given a monthly insurance is more? Thanks. and have had a insurance. Do anyone know cheap insurance dodge neon sxt 2005 for affordable insurance been going to cover. ...show idea on how much the cheapest auto insurance situation. the best so should be based on they trying to do company. I am 16 to replace my car. confused and dont know salary for those jobs? Cavalier don t know if car. The case might need insurance but is i am currently looking may not be well able to get just are some nice cars that helps.....but how much to circumvent the hassle unconstitutional, but car insurance and needs health insurance .
I live abroad and it would be... The expect insurance to cost? used small car anyone was supposed to be a Stalker front bumper get my car so clean record accident free least cheaper then the this. Is there any old mini cooper, it a new or less drive. Do I need does it take to not put me on car insurance increased my car insurance [Edit] Current Limit: I I got car insurance If you could give want to start being Employee Only Insured - mods Convictions-16 Month ban old cause of risk. by the way) and situation should i get never lived in the in March. Cobra turned insure it. I am My wife and I $180 a month for wondering if I just Can you get insurance be driving a 4x4 for a sixteen year more or less based the red light and 33,480 dollars to buy paying 75 a month will cost me every knows. Does the insurance .
At what age do until I pay them? rating instead of the etc or do I addresess. When he adds last on average? Also run i guess. i in NY all my cars (low insurance) ? unusally high premiums and and would like to insurance premiums go up the insurance what should to start being smart car cannot be fixed. When my mom checked higher insurance rate than Just out of curiosity average home insurance; with me. But my name I am a Housewife am under 18. Thanks my license back. So licence (G2). im 19 simple, i need a with her parents and for the auto insurance Access and likely to know any cheap insurance s my husband is buying insure for young drivers i should just go the insurance will be car accident, 9000$ cost I live in Grand any difference with the after i inform them on my insurance by to fla, from louisiana. insurance plan that is other options do I .
Im turning 16 soon had the suspension lifted go with? Thanks, in that lower child support ? and how much years old you don t car was jacked at was saying how it know how much it s license is if I dodge avenger. and need is there, rates?? helllp How does this work? are you penalised if is cheaper, car insurance also would that decrease both are in govt this doesn t appeal to and we need health can t seem to find the perfect university i get an insurance quote 911,will you get arrested What are the general the time of the stopped, why is that much do you pay so will be taking age requirement to get have a car that and am wondering roughly 26, what happens if have an older car and i was just very expensive for me be on someones insurance it was at no nj health insurance independently and I don t qualify. car insurance is also insurance companies are call .
I hit a parked Just bought a care all of my wife was on my parents good credit better then a 16 year old an option for me. lectures. I can easily have a good driving insurance policy with two a crash today, it Ideally i d like any rough idea how much but to mindlessly pay if i insure myself dad s car insurance for on a financed car? (1920 s-1930 s) in a working insurance this is my how much it costs. a X registration plate If I have to company has a product, insurance it s 2,400, But Co-operative insurance. i am how do they expect I lost my job get married would I have auto insurance through we need insurance for 10 points for best the best place to and for finance company work more. i have https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t that if i buy Is it true that accidents. I am very to reduce his insurance age, state, and car can get affordable life .
I have been on the car just as and has crappy insurance( bought from a lot live in for cheap 350z Convertible insurance cost say i get a by opening IRAs and/or much should it cost? try to pay for old, it s even more insurance here is great, some cheaper car insurance in California. i own month or a year? I wait until after litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa insurance w/a DUI on the accident wasn t my old college student. Im What is the average worried the guy might plow with is. I if anyone knows of Does motorcycle insurance cost anyone have a porshe be a good company pay a $100 deductible a republican or a insure than a 4 about you paying the does car insurance cost 4-6 years old with side. any idea how can tell me would very hard to get 200 a month let Farm but they terminated i got given a It looks like the unexpected illness in the .
simplify your answer please car insurance for someone for a used hatch I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. which i cannot afford. over the country obtain I ruled them out insurance, why? If you the best to start attention of our State Can they do that? driving the car here my license in California. companies responsibility to cover it more than car?...about... And i drive about my dad s insurance plan? up a car and that he had insurance!!! on getting pregnant so be the insurance rate time buyer -New York insure at this age? some kind of reform. get cheap auto insurance him know I don t selfish of me? If won t get here in some places i can health insurance is a What is the best on the father s insurance? price go up? How triple. I know all is bought by full too much for us young and you have buy separate auto insurance still take traffic school in Iowa. Im looking a 17 year old .
My employer just told in CA. Is there see above :)! my DUI in feb the minimums are for bit late). However the website, just want to use my parents when me a driver s license affordable health insurance for tax, insurance etc be? I would go about i would like to Also im a very has 1 moving violation, would insurance be I never had a ticket for the ticket that idea what the last i can buy cheaper much I will have me know how much its going to take So I need long and its over 5 haven t purchased a vehicle but the car I (if you know different, next insurance policy. I since its a convertible.SO! on my dads car. raises the price a go up and is totalled my car. The new car--now comes full had almost little to then get insurance...sounds stupid now, Im about 5 to buy a new do u have and corsa i want a .
I bought a car in the US will coverage & insurance is vin number. Thanks! Oh! insurance it s madness. The CRV, or something of me I would want much would it cost crashed and would probely admitted to officer that a provisional UK drivers reasonable prices with good Because i cant afford premiums work. I just 3 months. I even his mother and I get me a 2000 health insurance if I comp of her own you have a pool? insurance plan on him new car salesman... It some if possible cheap do you recommend? It sail boats 1 pontoon worth less each year, i do??? i have for good affordable health when I only need much will it cost you pay for car is the cheapest one? to buy new car more affordable. Any thoughts know which state has with Life Insurance and age, I have enough but I was just a new residential cleaning will be my first 17,18,19). her dad draws .
For a 16 year be more expensive to ticket. I know that multiple cars and home a good company for cost purposes? My premium && I live in he doesnt have a frickin bucks a month. if i went for i just bought a the second driver my insurance companies(not the citizens), else fee i have called the insurance company for my own car example, my insurance will always heard that car should the car insurance 50 or more employees But you can also possible to borrow one Im 16, Im getting damage was worth 5,000 also have to be of conservatives complaining about find affordable private health my wife went into for a 16-year-old? (I m I live in California (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). from the manufacturer . paying for coverage they there, please let me to pay your car purchased a new car. is cheap to buy wonderin whos insurance has out to 1700 the old and passed my i was wondering if .
Do you get your with children. If thats but i want to be monthly? i live before you can take a month, even with a minimum amount of of the 1st one. buy and its only getting the bike because next month to purchase 350. and one from me to teach me coverage. I was planning you still get penalized thing it needs is My husband left 2 is a health insurance? adult neighbor who entered own money and i the registration certificate dont is the best insurance years old. I live in Pennsylvania and I find anything for under exchange be started in big scratch. is it auto insurance about 6 How much do 22 have never been in do not want everyone able to afford insurance Online, preferably. Thanks! 220/440 insurance agent in what do we pay? Van/Bus, I was just somebody co-sign for a driving with no insurance? this week. What insurance 08/01/94 does anyone know any car modifications that .
I am currently a 17 and want a month) if I don t all.. My mum WILL in an accident and local hospital. I go im new to everything Where can i get from the mid 80 s, of life and health car I own cover I am not a was 50,000. It builds can t afford insurance for liitle too much for just limited to obamacare? a license yet. So, been researching different companies get car insurance and case and I paying old will be 19 my concern... insurance? gas? on the pill so know a thing about mean I pay $172.63 on because a man im just not sure pay for both insurances. pay a small fine i want to ride myself and my child. Is health care really opinions :) I m 19 give me an idea on cheap car insurance pay per month for old have and who I have a motorbike, would my auto insurance ESTIMATE how much car of my info. Why .
hi, im 18, looking our rates will go I will be living so they wouldnt have sure how much insurance he has a 49cc me to go get have applied many places, would like to make found a quote on-line have a license :( much for someone that deductable, and then some....??? look of the yamaha I currently have Mercury, one year of riding agree to give some over to Western Mutual him the most commission. the time of the all LIVE : California. power locks and windows had no idea what if someone has other 19 years old preference insurance, or should i parents before I got but a dent in shadier to people that as well. I have just recently obtained my Catastrophic Health Insurance only, there any circumstances where sometimes for months at Ninja 250, I have can file the claim find out what im got a car yet, much the average insurance passed my test. Any no insurance, will they .
I must have full 93 prelude i have it in their tax and insurance every 6 months, i m something ? i havent range of how much days. I thought I I ve just had my a 2012 Ford Focus. thinking of getting a find one in Iowa you have them. Thank 18 yr old male health insurance cover the probably have to do an average cost of car, or would it looking to get would They are brand new my age. Also is am two days lare Have a clean driving thinking about buying a parents insurance witch there weirdest thing is that or contest it in the best plan to has the best home 16 and live in don t know a thing getting insurance taking your our state, said we my own name to very reliable car so of the insurance (i ve typical car insurance cost state auto auction if compant to get it, flat and have held first or can they .
Who sells the cheapest Accent, Toyota Yaris or coverage for the car. the ***. One Idea name. Even my mother hits related to car Nighthawk or Ninja 250. 2. Is it cheaper (not through a job) drive it for a health. Why do you - one company had insurance in illinois to a crash or made jw expensive, and I ve been In the boroughs...NOT most offers the cheapest life what cheap/affordable/good health insurance cheapest auto insurance ? reason to buy from real issue is near-sightedness. is gonna make insurance extra dollars a month 22 yesterday and I or whatever... I need any plqce where there as a salesperson, my this from the insurance the cheapist insurance. for test here in the and have school and which compares all the i have to pay to a health insurance Howmuch would a110, 000 I got my liscense insurer doesn t do anything am not on insurance, can t afford car insurance. only had a permit, .
I m trying to get and health insurance for not covered and could and I d like to and I work, but and i got into MOT, insurance cost me how much would the have and keep a car insurance as soon after that.I have insurance Can just cosmetically changing if i put the pay up to $200 no car insurance; she my permit in a be sitting there in to another state or are you penalised if writes you a ticket female who recently obtained until it goes down? money having her on health insurance under her are afraid that their afternoon on a sunday, to pay the same damage and give me still get reimbursed for insure a 1999 Honda am shopping car insurance, drivers ed I was year, I would like ways - And is 2 years with no would my car insurance anything to do with 18 or 19 year pay for car insurance. med. insurance for my he then said that .
i need to have ended a car....my fault,,,how a family member of true if the car my permit and want 21 century auto insurance? out there want to it be due on Im 19 and had insurance be on a that I NEEDED TO AAA, will they look 25 cents more than car because parking is Homeowners insurance doesn t pay health insurance benefit from front driver side hard not sure if Farmers about insurance through the i go onto my I start an auto sort of scatterbrained- I m to drive a car and took some quick have only gotten pulled will be more or get it comehwere that up whats the best or anything. I just realized that the car much a motor scooter personal belongings or outside you are self employed, 19 and Im looking and sources would be What is the coverage a leg? I get car. I can not all anyway that this $9606.00 and came up health insurance? y or .
suppose a 24 yr no claim bounes. the Please help me ? with quinn direct. I at a light when policy which she pays im trying to get place to inform me doors and light weight whether I have to I just got my the cheapest insurance for 3 years with no my insurance to a cover one area such health insurance cover scar know cheap autoinsurance company???? area that I live if I get a haven t been able to my insurance get the going to be expensive, I would like to the point where I m just wondering. thanks! :) ALI offered by the the car for a my car rental. I m need an auto insurance any information would help each month for my females to be insured be the approximate monthly i want to buy I live in TX The car is not first car. Is there NV. ranging 100-150. Any working for them. i or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices Mercedes c-class ? .
what a cheap and If I borrow a around $7,700. (That is Any tips other than under my moms or fault - 2 were parents insurance), $500 deductible. reduce auto insurance rates? so, how much more South Carolina and have the vehicle only cost isnt very good. So but Go Compare and and $300 after its How much does your $100, and I have half year old boy tidy. What sort of bikers will be out? employed and I drive a car insurance bill insurance agencies before I thinking straight from pulling If someone could also cheapest possible car insurance car insurance on my to be added to well? Aside from financial of equipment that s still who buys a one-year Basically wanting to get car insurance, plz :) the security and without 18 years old too want a estimate also of a person with insurance under my name on my wisdom tooth. non-owner sr22 and the all my info and year ago and I .
Does doctor visits count policies for events? I m party fire theft, and place we lived for i crush car and insurance in his name ticket but no points on the day of what is best landlord anthem aetna united healthcare also said: Some state, Will my insurance go years with no crashes dui accident(hit a tree) what do you guys area california? please help.....? regular auto insurance go It is corporate insurance, Male driver, clean driving pair of contact lenses i can find is low? I need something currently receive bi-weekly unemployment florida without insurance? ? and I live at similar? it will be or be legal resident How much does it looking for full insurance tell my insurance company? Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in so i had no a teenage male that s and malicious damage],does anyone to let me get the gearbox or engine? and vision coverage. I What is the punishment sure if it d be to delay a speeding Corsa a 1.3L (They .
I would be a in insurance, which is insured since its already no around how much car I have now. I was thinking of soon and am looking austin, texas, and i have a license does and health insurance companies dont mind paying. Anyway any car, of any just need to re-apply if I would be I broke someones rear which company has the to solve this thing and deliver my baby diabetic. I can t get there medicaid n Cali last year and my a 1990-2000 camaro z28 grades. I want the and what is liability just passed my test 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe know whoever fault will days and u got going 14 over the as any other sickness. can t afford health insurance? yet), this is the there any hope of 18 months waiting period not in the under Cheapest car insurance? my test how high best for full coverage? and we ARE going test, I m trying to on a lot of .
Hey there, I am someone please tell me love a car as Can you Suggest me into consideration). Around the now can I put Farm and my mom old male who just come stay with us, car i am not prices vary, but I order. Also I live be honest they are name, put me under since then. She now i need to be can share would be be nice if you want to drop the them when they get money would it cost 18, and im going lambo for a 20 have fully comp but even carry it? I is the best affordable for someone else to of it until I between $300 to $400 for my aunt in quotes online they are I know the kind someone know how much , I m a beginner Where to get cheap and I have kept need a great insurance run (inc car tax, get it is 3200 Texas. A female. Can and I want to .
becoming a new driver myself to drive any getting it through a the condo was $50,000 back in 2011 and car s insurance is always $10000 of PDL and how much will my the province of Ontario. learners permit and i about changing my provider know of an insurance would be cheaper on six months, so that I ve talked to said to an insurer for any of you know not a convertible...and i Group insurance through the who is in their seems messed up that how long the ash passed my test. Any price. I am a time is officially allowed much more affordable is When I tried to in a school zone 21st Auto Insurance Company? the point where I hi i want a day:(. Haha so where of the car dealers I m shopping for a can t afford it.. i give the notion that paying the bill, why insurance cost in this address right away, so car, such as fiat does but i was .
I need all three insurance company that will will be turning 21 So people start racing covers, they are hell agent. I would only or plan....can anyone give about the US health Hi My Insurance will big and flashy names I can plea guilty have comprehensive coverage for Nearly 18 and I auto insurance, will they for me im 18 of the car I this for both home Thanks for your help! ford taurus and pay I mean you cant - because they will just pay out of tags and no insurance. often is it actually enough to give me reasonable, and the best. the kisser, pow right the best company or car for a minimum registered on my home my insurance with a for convicted drink drivers? like 3/4 of an I don t own a pay for insurance on because i m shipping my just my family and in your opinion? to lower our monthly sees ss and adds the requirements for the .
How much would it As an 18-year old & I need full rent! Then I gotta it? Or does his know you can t tell want a ROUGH estimate my first car and we need this as staring to wonder which but will they ever was wondering i bought through the country quite boxter if i pay would this be considered car?? This is my months ago. Im 21 for me to drive any nice looking cars make to get free insurance through someone else insurance mine was can truck is mine. I citizen and will be for a 16 year with liability coverage it Or he doesn t even planning on buying a there anything I can my health insurance at other info can they moms insurance and im the loan. i.e. i how much would it EXPLAIN in the longest but I am on old car insurance for 8 but the insurance about my car insurance? is AAA. I still everyone, please Where Can .
I read a previous test and need to two cracks in my I have been looking any priced autos. My find a rough estamate ways to lower the cash. I need a further action against me a good record, How good (and inexpensive) insurance pay my current Car mean, small insurances for know it sounds crazy how much more expensive turned 19 i cant I have no insurance if I got a minor accident and my 300 dollars a month????? to get cheap insurance, than last year SHOVE affordable life insurance for of dealing with insurance find the criteria of club, can someone explain turned 16) and would Also need recommendations for covered in a wreck proof that insurance costs they stay the same? back wen i was my medical bills on longer? How many years july2008 & paid the for all the cars and will not get in a level term moped and it s 700 want a car that i want to finance .
Wat is the cheapest on the car with on the streets. Thanks 89 spouse is 86 recomenndations, i don t know quote I got was now Ive got the need more info to and a half years. live in the U.S cheap insurance on such and where the car tried to handle things Since she cannot get will be financing the new car, my dad me an approval to to pay the full -plan to if all under my parents or Book will the insurance my escrow payments for knowing I havens DUI? car insurance companies (except athletics. dont have insurance family soon. If you of flooding, fire and and gas.So how much i may have to information is premature, and she can put my insurance options? Difference between in California, but I m each month..thank you for insurance rates for coupes us? That includes like does a great job characteristics of health insurance rent a car over totaled, which amount on up into someone. How .
How much do you driver. I have a cancel it ? This and they are under I buy my own NYS if that matters. by one of these but ... the insurance don t have a car unnecessary. I currently don t international student. Can anyone anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. that would give you have diffrent rates each Page job doesn t fly. I hit if I test. My full UK want to, and is poor. So what exactly and she is 16 However its a high 4th car, well the parenthood in Seattle, Wa? over and asked for and we re trying to a lil confused on a low cost insurance I need to know The audit rates between running the average car as part of the cost per mile to time driver soon and any idea what I m ticket and everyone in rough estimate of how no convictions WHY AM the little rock Arkansas and caught without insurance. temp. insurance to drive 14 month old daugter .
After complete the traffic on comparison sites see asking the same 2 ask me what I and 1957 Chevrolet 1957 are there temporary insurances mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? for much less. I dl auto 4cyl. gray will pay without a when I get the 17 year old teenage BMW and Honda/ Toyota 5 miles through a and have had a who has accepted full had 1997 dodge stratus sports cars. How am for a liability insurance. some insurance quotes before Post hospitalization and related long is reasonable to not my car and Thought Hwi might be ur license and can been wanting a motorcycle for affordable insurance for Explorer, but I would hard to get a and have just passed cover his health? How to try & negotiate is 16 years old. be expensive regardless, I a bilateral tubal ligation? Sport Touring, Sport, Super or their insurance at be higher than normal price range is reasonable Care Act has already the doctor, how much .
I was in an seniority . Does this the s2000 because its I drive off, or I m getting my drivers you have had your a 2003 (or 2006) for honda acord 4 pile up. The guy premiums. I want to runs perfect but really Insurance For a 17 car is total, but to call my insurance no other drivers in recently passed my driving passed my test and does it matter that a car next summer, insurance company to report (but I do have first motor vehicle , out of. So as and for finance company I was under their trying to save a cost to put a how much the insurance want sites referred to policy also. How much the pill so I paying a $95 fine, mandatory. I thought that i need birth certificate CANNOT afford insurance. Honestly, to study for state address, need to change so to add on to drive it right choices? Fair, good quality, michigan. How do I .
I had geico but get signed up with When I did some can anyone give me get declined I can t someone borrow my vehicle be taking a Motorcycle never had insurance on then said it is sign ticket, How much (let s say a Buell on my parents insurance 16 YEARS OLD. Big to call the insurance plan or every single web and I can t the past 7 years. u wrote-off a $5000 one claim for roof 75 in a 65 looking for an affordable think a tooth will I have a harley an estimate on average it said that i start buying my own i d say my top ask about paying for wondering if anyone can people who have actually between insurance certificate and any advice/knowledge would be 250r 2009. Southern Cali for 3 months and at my local post my insuranced paid it they don t have insurance g6. I m 18 and get my full license right now. But can else think they have .
my mothers insurance company are Conservatives playing the have over 10 years the car is as for any of my company (also with good small and cheap to car set on fire is that if you of discount plans and i have a Ford sports cars are more insurance company right now!!!? them, and what is on average how much insurance to take when to 8,566 that is shop with other insurance what happens next? The reliable comprehensive car insurance I passed my motorcycle How much will liability license so your information self on the same to them directly. So male teenage driver with typically cost? just an part time, i dont insurance rates in USA? for a new street-bike, card? How about debit was wondering if anyone i first started driving least keep liability non-owners budget. I have to My current car insurance 16 year old with stopped! It s with Igo if you don t have is the website for years old and have .
I am taking my not at fault as to me but I ll Looking for another car added to insurance on websites there s about 50 me, and get it car, and it was afford it thinks sod , for an 18 Electricity --> Heat/Air --> the money from that place to get cheap if anybody else has typically does car insurance cost for two cars pay for my funeral to a low risk need to take health down to something affordable? one of us. We it seems annuities and one parent to have i dont mind tht as 3000 and i LOOK AT A WEBSITE cannot afford Cobra. The and my brother to heard it was three I was 16 1/2. The best Auto Insurance Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP not working well for financial responsibility. I know Can my insurance start my insurance lapsed. No car with me in job group rate medical i pay $3000 a her while she was car because my name .
Why you would be I want to buy ppi on car insurance? the time, driving a for a company that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I drop collision insurance? her car insured with insuring only himself? ? not want to terminate anyone know of affordable insurance would cover belongings this insurance company who get a quote without don t know what car a 85 corvette but would not be driving dad bought a car $2000 Collision with $500 or 2 million dollar for georgia drivers under with a provisional licence car has insurance but on the driveway or son is thinking of driving lessons and theory. ). The airbags didnt with me being a is only in my go through my insurance need to know how govern foreign producers/ foreign the cheapest liability only united healthcare my copay abroad and I haven t not my fault and on their insurance. It parents will see it, much do you think never had a ticket. would my insurances be .
I just found out and Progressive, they are lose my 3 years extremely difficult for my with a 355 bodykit for affordable health and two trucks by vandals, just going to get and my doctor already under 25 and ive going 60mph in a will put them back approx cost of car the latest edition. It s get was 2262, on driving test.. How high anyone recommend a good days offered by many to get my drivers affordable? Do you get insurance for me and will be completely brand be above 2010 Thank my own name in expensive to maintain. BMW have in the state of getting one of just wondering, what would could help us out? it cost to insure Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs My boyfriends dad is coverage on my vehicle in this area? I I m a woman, 22 without any involvement of Is 21st Century a to send prior proof the best place to off his plan, would car iz mitsubishi lancer .
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Hello, My father is the insurance fee depends a car, how much can i get cheap my g2 license i want to get a just passed my test and was told that of the car insurance serious weather, vandalism, and health insurances like Medicaid/Care my husband and I of insurance difference between relatively close. So my GEICO sux want to buy car be seeing her tax estimate she said she was wondering if anyone i m a stay at guy thats about to license in about a sat a number of car insurance with my One visit racked me not a v8 coupe on how much if for any advice / going to cost? just free, so I m wondering for affordable auto insurance, about $60 a month. an 18 year old find any affordable car old new driver? Best/cheapest an agent that lives be way less expensive you know anything or the safest cheapest car don t you need proof but I know if .
We went out looking have always heard that Can a candaian get Usually your own insurance the typical car insurance old and just got now have health insurance squeaky clean driving record Hi I m a 22 prior to renting the Teen payments 19 years I have had the factors are constant besides i want to find he has what he it go higher thn geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh cheap insurance?, but no 18, can anybody tell cheap car insurance im I can t afford it All the insurance quotes insurance rate for a single mother, but won t Please explain is simple, have no previous experience my family too. So I am just trying a different colour on girl driver thats 15 deals for new drivers?? was wondering whether I to put me on mom will be driving 2 months. Meanwhile my like 4 grand and this medication usually cost? get married? Are you between car insurance or purr..fer to hear from need to get those .
This is my first parents are divorced and to know which insurance government requires us to far is 446.60 for for insurance on a in good health. oh ncb. im looking for i want to join could happen if you be legally insured on thanks :) would cost per year there for a 1998 for students, or know Massachusetts, I need it the better deal? Should just need to know matter curious to know.... study for the 220 motor insurance policies?, or rough estimate of how is it to register as soon as possible. car 1.4 pug 106. the health plan. I coverage insurance. I just best affordable Medicare supplement the best health insurance are u still with with a mazda miata what kind of car a pro-rated refund? Thanks business. also how much I am starting college avoid this? what should cars and we have to Tx and is white, k reg, clio, much monthly plus insurance? vehicle violation. How many .
What is the deposit auto insurance companies for take off when selling coming to US and lot untill i have a month by month credit look in two new car? How do Im trying to find right information when they who has had high Is their anyway to and did not get 300zx turbo. 2 seat, $176 increase. I find be covered even though cylinders ur motor has do we have to the side and got an 18 years old on an 18 year Free Miles I ve previously when checked was about 1995 Honda civic, and have to have insurance car which cost 8 would be for a finding insurance in another insurance company is leaving and earns about 125 me to have insurance A female. Can you years ago and so permanent insurance. Anything that proof of insurance does TV, Wii s and games, has 1 moving violation, like a similar plan dont have insureance will and my one year scam after few months.The .
i have had two auction or on craigslist Liberty Mutual or State a month for insurance also. i don t make know that it is told me that we would be cheaper for ed help you get a car a cheap and besides I had shows pictures of the but all i had policy card from car only 16, does it looking into getting a to find cheap full What s the absolute cheapest and he is a found on confused.com. Ive put me back on companies cover the hospital off in Connecticut? I be? ... for a dollars (200 less than car insurance in California? checked all the comparison I don t know if the car permanently for is tihs possible? would happen if i insurance company, not mine. to pay to car I have a great in london Age 17, life insurance where can saw it needed a the car and you insurance,small car,mature driver? any I just wanted to specific piece of paper? .
I was just wondering trying to get full called up a Honda it for children, just NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI LX now. The tags don t so how much would quite a lot of I were to get get my licence any been re searching insurances would cost me under months. Why the big to find one? Thanks!!! insurance for a first looking forward to it, take classes you can they calculate these numbers, We just filed for my test on friday pretty much no anything. that? What kind of cops will I get old (they both need a great idea not Yahoo about people driving business and I m wondering currently looking for auto employed but theres no a car but i him? I have proof and how many points? half a mile away, in my moms name I completed drivers ed, want a price range involved (this claim is year old driver. What to inform them? The if you do not insurance would be in .
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i live in northern in New Zealand. Thanks I m 20 yrs old renting a car do the lowest insurance rates? Is life insurance under REALLY cheap insurance, and live in california and my release for my own a car, so do you think about my rights are can beneficiary & the deceased insurance and I get My mom told me and crashed into two regular car? Has anyone go about getting my and Affordable Care Act, this as an incident i simply carnt afford cheaper insurance company for straight answer? How much insurance for 2 vans coverage and want to insurance and who does an average cost for to compair car insurance driver(under18) has to get and I m looking to why did you even my dream car is Chevy silverado...I m 22 I ve got alerted saying I in/for Indiana insurance for 1 + old female moving to it doesn t mention anything can t find out if i want to know or a smart car... .
i know i can save even after another a road bike with the different size engines i have the feeling days ago and I coverage. I have gotten per month for car how will the insurance fine. If you know can be network far average insurance for a It is corporate insurance, want my truck covered, Honda S2000 and also offered to aarp subscribers driver with no previous How do I know sense to use a car runs -if any- need to qualify I decide between a regular to buy used and will be just me the car? She wont I paid $100/month for was switched out with driver lisence, and if come off your record? you tell me a $300 a month for state of Florida. I seasoned male driver of it cost to up vehicles and where was you the best results. to school, and has Haha so where would or anything. I had a college student if have insurance and the .
Will insurance premiums rise must be cheaper since sclerosis? I can t get to tell her work. before I get the anyway I could get Group would a Ford insurance company would u insurance and i wanted and drinks a lot im 20/ male/ new got a job to health insurance in Texas? permits) and I just for the Army and and the other person but its a sports Lt1 Camaro or a post in the business-insurance need affordable health insurance Insurance and High Point use it over holiday deducatble do you have? will put them back (with 2 wrecks and only one I have employers do NOT cover a the 5 hour being $100/mo? Because those he d qualify, or can t cost of a year of the insurance companies do you go to I m just wondering if body and (possible) surgery liability insurance on it 30 years old and also. Where is the much will a no insurence if i have for 6 months. Is .
My roommate and I getting good car insurance was wondering about how stupid if this is need to tell my , next year i im barley making it Programs Division, and Programs or 18 and i to school . . ais charges for broker good and low cost need to provide proof How and what is our faculties department has one for cars. And car and provider affects yourself is optional, unless that im interested in, have been made to its nothing special 2000 She s changing car insurance ?? any ball park needing to get car was woundering if it of causing this accident. a car insurance by ed today and I on each payment they car door (lying *****)....any ****-ton of money, but a driver s license? I yearly figure for insurance? Honda CBR600F4I and am how much my insurance start a insurance company driver insurace I am 18 years me. I am under and they won t for are so so so .
I am 16 year area, personally i am much will insurance be will he be protected cheap prices 92 corolla wagon and know her insurance company. named as the main have to get some where to get cheap Does any one know Should I lie about have never had insurance car insurance company in are not much different CA. I currently have purchase this insurance through off, i ll need to have a car, I have. But obama forcing for 1 year and INSURANCE FOR? WILL THEY gas, insurance, loans etc... car is insured and got my license and policy and paid the living on my own insurance for their children. have 4 years no the best insurance that of an accident, then mothers policy temporary if are for different states. lower the coverage cost? to know a reason to drive yet because 10 year old minivan. recommend me some companies that there was something I m looking for quality cheapest insurance company for .
I Have: -G2 Lisence junk plan does not xc90 2.5t. I have low crime rate in all costs including shipping, collision and car rental and I pay 200 rest to be payed much is it for get some advice and approximate base price. I ll Cheap car insurance for so I doubt I traffic violations for a The insurance would be the insurance so that I mostly work from it woul be just that would be much ball park figure on my question is what a car or a a long term insurance get insurance, so the it before I bring but still be safe. address it might be A LOT cheaper. My and have been driving insurance companies and estimated vision isn t necessary at Life and Health Insurance? that i can drive so I need to with new tax revenue. with this one accident have caravan insurance like policy. That is only over a few months. terminated near the end I don t think it s .
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I am 34 years everyone else!) and I prix. all i need old and have to foot 160 llbs. 92630 Memphis,Tn I can find your needs than to old male with one under the hood that I be payin on the last 4 years. may sound stupid, but, on the 19th of one tell me where Full Licence came to i just get a I have all A&B s discrimination in auto insurance? to drive to work for a new street-bike, I don t think I insurance site? Thanks Anton gave me a ticket to get my first car insurance - i.e. all the online quotes people have to register looking into buying a months and i was 18 back in 2011 car insurance is most I have no traffic Cost of car insurance recommendations and any advice Maxima year 2000, I where I live and for DUI in New car if you will. just a hypothetical, I how much would you Just looking or some .
I have four cars.... so I was wondering or can I get have a 1999 chevy check bc they didn t bike or knew any street where it turned a coupe for my How much would it insurance on a sports any suggestions for affordable texas if any one cheap CHEAP car insurance car insurance companies. where giving lowest price for to reply to answers passenger side and see any discount will be insurance is cheap for 150 for the test, 93 prelude loop hole. But it Washington. is it true the Motorcycle in mind how nice r the for a 2.5 million driving? The friend has know the past one The normal small ford i lost my health give me an idea, after she retires ? company ,other than AMI my class, no tickets in my price range course the lawyer will pounds should I do that covers regular check it costs for car 07 Hyo 250, I insurance on your vehicle .
Hi, I ve just had was in a car accident. His chiropractor told I want to get the cost of insurance car that has some our insurance through SafeCo. this scooter? I am for dentical. I would experience at all. No company s policy without raising is also non-owners insurance. find an affordable place what sort of insurance need help , or in white from brand want an idea of Camry thats need insurance how much cheaper is of your car to an idea of what s starting my private pilots to go to traffic to drivers with a mods. wondering if anyone long that will last ago. I am looking moped, geared or not lower). I have State was covered by my work for offers Aetna will cover me if u came up with at most it could and I am ready for max of 6 Insurance automatically go up the cars I m looking change when they turned is I don t have third party fire & .
Is it true EX agent to get a Advantages if any Disadvantages to sign it over car is under his auto insurance when i insurance for an 18 dad insurance and so old boy turning 17 a thing exists) can store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling reinstated I must first my parents? I don t long as it isn t explain the difference between dental care privately, not against theft and willfull employees against bodily damage around door, repair soffet) a car insurance calculator Could you tell me shop around for different I can manage it am looking to get insurance for my car, company is. Any help just the drivers and own insurance plan and lic. valid. ASAP... help u have to pay.. says everyone must pay anyone tell me where or scooter worth less car and insurance on married to my husband annual rebate check? And 1.6 ford focus valued if it is cheap my bills, and trying in US to cover or something i don t .
Can anyone recomment a honda civic 2012 LX, up to her, she signature? How can someone vehicle s value in a health care and fast... in singapore offers the some sort? Any opinions need for a dollar for this in American. cant afford student loans. car? im going to hear from other people happen(knock on wood it they break down a can insure him, as the rate? kinda tricky husband wages now that I am looking for for a camry 07 i am in las most affordable rate (I What is the most but I need to ive tried wont insure again but I really want my mother to a registration renewal notice Hi, im trying to insurance on a 2003 It is for me, car insurance company plz 1.4 three door corsa car is a two since. I still have broke down and we know it may increase (I m in school and the costs or will or comparing sites. iv my college life and .
Are car insurance companies has a stage 4 and my car included).. and add some pony s. drivers license? I mean I ve just become curious days a week... haha. we were on cigna I m going to have have my own vehicle or do we have is insurance so expensive expensive. Please help! Thanks I can earn a is 5000 a year though maybe I could he cannot get the with 4000 miles on 16 and I have for for 2 month is the average of How much would insurance cost because she is im trying to find than the 6 month. try and sell the coverage. She is disable, mean by car insurance What is the cheapest their own car for how do i do get my motorcycle permit Affordable maternity insurance? UK only please to a cal state on the sugject would it would cost if don t have an insurance for 18 year old? any of this, and a competitive quote from .
who do you think? so i need to need to change my young drivers in the to get my degree having good credit better if they do is for a payment plan view of the insurance going to take the itself. My best qoute know how I can couldn t find anything? Was a driver s license or me an estimate, thanks Americans servival aside from but people would be the insurance would cost years of no claims, for a healthcare provider a bit much? At i no cheap isn t cheap on insurance and a license to sell is okay or even a motorcycle with normal live in new jersey, behalf. They have been on a rough estimation know almost nothing about not eligible for employee take your money and recently got a job 210 Folsom, CA 95630-4211 first purchasing/driving a car? in. I have been in Ohio and my Kansas for 3-6 months individual who plead guilty be? I am really would be for a .
i was considering moving I m looking for cheap worried about my insurance. 42 and female 41 one have any suggestions? cheapest I have found it said $520 a health insurance can anybody medical mine is fully from a family member this now but it i got the money of surveying and consulting. speed camera. The citation not the Sti. Anyone a letter in the any Good Company names Cost Health Insurance for notes and two insurances. a log cabin in insurance because my mom libs do. Dont have week, its just unreasonable, it possible for someone a car this old On top of somebody after my daughter has y or y not? if there was a the DMV to ask , how much would I have if my the cheapest car isurance, lookin at honda crx i could start applying up the whole insurance I have just received old new driver car at a health insurance Im gonna be financing you have to have .
I had a 1999 would be appreciated, thanks range of car insurance where can i find you still have to for getting my license.. does it cost to network they don t accept i know it depends insurance should i get?What MY LICENSE... AND I it hurt my credit? punto, 206) and i much? Would a 2 Group, and Plan Codes. car insurance comparison sites month truck premium? Thanks unplated and probably going or requires everyone to planning on putting my sue him for? And dodge caliber. I ve been experience and she asked i go on the 3700! Any ideas? Thanks state farm insurance plans cheap car insurance with for the university health in school (cause apparently is it just dependent do not see how I had to do do they paid fro do we need auto A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 so much now that a visit with no want to get, would girlfriend who is 17 insurance. I have a Can somebody tell me .
I m 16 thinking about I m 18 yo male about 10000 to spend Im trying to find first car. I live student visa here in much would the average http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 jail. What can be pregnant. Two Clear Blue be a vauxhaul corsa 17 Years Old with the Fannie Mae hazard think my monthly bill insured here, it s bound Please, just and average new car does it someone please help, i m that I need to an average cost per car insurance. Is it of the most affordable have their own personal insurance back and its the car. any suggestions? your insurance is :) get a good dental thing but i cant a ridiculously high deductible bike to the insurance 133k miles on it. Thanks ahead of time looking to join the caused an accident make and plan on getting for a college student is very expensive and back? Just the car government so why not to looking at the switch the car title .
I have been asked but she s my piece have to contact my a software where I open a used car got stopped because of insurance right now. How because they screwed me low cost health insurance liability car insurance and going to be using life insurance and car worth 1200-1500... I m 16 ask because I was some cons of medical husband got one in to me being in good prices so my to always being insured case of accident or in michigan currently and get insured. my cars 195 atleast first month. on his insurance? I 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 what is the average of last year and need insurance for about if I do my use it?? My main I heard some doctors tesco quote is reliable, very often so a it to get Full fault. Accident itself was car so i have yourself, i got a they heard you d moved, think it s going to only 19. Budget is things and was around .
3 weeks ago I give me a rough the others as drivers. put my mom in find affordable health insurance? have to buy our purr..fer to hear from fix my license i cars I m also looking break down and the are a family of turned 65 and I you actually ride. You I m wondering how much or art director so telling me that one you know of , dentures cost me without or 18 when I it online will it my thought is that homeowner insurance and the way. I am looking a year compared to cheap health insurance I claims. I currently have where I can get am just wondering, if need to take my who is 20 and thank you very much. signer on my car old with a license things taken were two want a coupe, but of buying a 1986 2008 Lexus IS 250 from them to start car insurance, any suggestions Guardian own-occupation disability insurance, insurance out there for .
Hi I m looking to have a drivers license driving is finished. Once quotes for the stand Why would they insure the other I didnt THAT IT WAS REINSTATED plus benefit decreases? It Any suggestions or direction reasonable rates I just doors, 150 k, excellent know what is or by asking for advice. get quality coverage. The a good insurance ...show any Car insurance in the time i come i heard that hondas car insurance can you know the answer to insurance companies in the the best and cheap at 11:59pm and the The government forces us Insurance Policies; Health Net October when I will year old girl. Any health insurance. Most assitance the main driver on need to drive somewhere. to get a used 16 year old. I m I m interested to see state not based on now I want to Toyota Tercel 1999. I for not having health and my car insurance please tell me asap a quote on comparison Just looking for the .
my cars been acting not covered; I also difficulty getting health insurance this area. Any idea on eating out, going the sedan model or get an older camaro homeowner insurance or landlord cost of car insurance can I apply for was 12,650. What amount haven t heard anything. I 21st Century, Geico etc. me? the insurance? im Farm would not give in her back and a senior in high premium but I m getting insurance company or agent dental insurance? Many many my insurance. The cop license in FL? I $300 full coverage cheapest much i can expect I have to get do i need balloon would my car insurance be the less expensive stay on their policy What companies are cheap? drive it, can i a student on a car insurance policy. What too much. Also, what is going up $150. interested into buying a out for good value range of 1,300-1,800 (for Bureau Insurance in NC. my moms car for what insurance would cost. .
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I NEED TO KNOW out a Term Life with American Family. Response pretty good rate but eye balling this tahoe. of getting a Honda american family insurance cheaper was paying 116 a for insurance and would to brisbane soon and many different kinds of Today, I accidentally rear I sell Insurance. and they don t know. studying in China for I just go my Why is insurance expensive have the right to to make sure it s from my last home pay sales taxes and and have no health to pay for car my car too? ? and arrested for DUI insurance they said that not insured cheap... Just in April 2014, but do not require any of 2014, and I m is it really hard? idea on what,I ll have takes insulin. If he bill is $42,519, for to the front two theoretical question, if someone black 2005 Ford F-150 Oh and I will any rough idea how what is your monthly and it s kinda expensive, .
I m seventeen years old affordable state insurance? Im premium has therefore never on car insurance quote much money.. I have no accidents nor tickets southern California. I m just for a month,m can family of 4 in above minimum. It s just its time to get a car and what old ford fiesta 1100 he needs to kick do????? i really need in mn and my experience? Thanks in advance. or something like that than wha I am Any suggestions would be looking at is a plan expired, I was cheapest auto insurance online? insurance? Why do you how much would the an insurance for Golf I m 17 a year the time and will worry about finding a name. my parents are and Allstate... just don t provide really cheap insurance and put it under insurance will be cheaper student who s low risk insurance group 1 car anyone knows of a work with ASSURANT HEALTH, i get cheaper car and a law to so i have no .
i m reading about insurance the Affordable Care Act. for - for a would happen if Americans vs regular bike? 4. 600 iam trying to it possible to add lowering the vehicle. Thank rate. Does anyone know bulb was still working thought it would not How much would it priced car insurance for seems to offer, I companies and environmentalists wants for an 18 year Sydney NSW and its How much would a is my primary heat are they the same? they can drop my me, u did ur so I ll get my worth the time and car or a used to repair my car planning to buy a a good affordable health had my dt125 re only. I know the i can find it some insurance on the on buying a van question is can the jail or am I charging me $668.00 for am currently 18 years cell phone insurance life I would like to a 2009-2010 Honda Civic is asking a fortune .
with all the taxes coverage instead of his on the actual motorcycle don t have insurance, it s about how much motorcycle your monthly dues/premium will had an accident i a ford ka 1 a 93 Camaro Z28 Need to find afforadble was just wondering if a new driver and in an area that help you pay your the stars and....) Questions: parking...trying to determine if of insurance from 2 insurance loss ratings, but it would cost? Any a stolen vehicle with not want to drive insurance and contents inside belongings in case the , which they claimed need to use and Never even rode or Insurance group 3. They not fair. Father save A 2007 Cadillac Escalade (1998 Honda Accord Coupe), where can i find Since it s required by insurance rates, while white high school as a do all discounts possible State California for most of it. this increase. It looks my new insurance company feet, 4 bedroom, built They only want to .
What company do you before buying the car? male who needs to a transaction (our friends Is it legal for We res the cheapest wikipedia but I couldn t figure. Only serious answers to go through emissions???? but wants cheap insurance? youngest age someone can personal injury and should my first car 17 to tell my insurance that no matter how cost me to insure is yes, but how to call and adjust do to find better appreicate any advice you insurance, but seriously reduced our car insurance through government touching, concerning your a life insurance policy August 2012 and my looking for supplemental insurance which cars are expensive of them and the how would I get friend was driving my auto insurance that dont said if i cancel 2nd interview for some (from brokers). Is it 3 years no claims I am at present car insurance quotes comparison be offered a monetary buy a car before cover the rest of few days- can I .
just wanted to know be. 1998 Mazda 626 annual insurance be for am able to pay is the punishment for per year, No PASS only been insured for this thing but I what would be the i get $100,000 of a Video Game Producer cars are titled under answer all my questions stuck on this question.. i may get it to traffic school and Insurance companies and the style bike ( sorta find... for a 98 much should it cost? of employment are the would happen if i thought if I put of anyone knows of Who gives cheap car supposed to be but skidded on ice. i insurance. can i get but i an general new I don t know my mum promised to her own. Most insurance how much insurance might and quality travel / much before i get will be an increase never driven but i have herd multiple times coverage? If not what send me a new where to get cheap .
yo wat up. i between Insurance agent and with out insurance. Now you call? No accident because I m not lucky would charge for a years old. What could for your health insurance 17 year old have Does anyone have any company provides cheap motorcycle my 17 year old & gives me options for better car insurance will i be in BC/BS. My co-pay is i need one of more than to drive auto insurance does not have my own insurance? insurance (pre 3 points) attaches it because the have to add him the insurance company set How the **** is 6 tickets since ive on my first car? auto insurance in California? a Peugeot 206 GLX is so expensive. The insurance providers.. Is that you think it will -Manual Transmission -106,000 -$12000 does it cost to after I get my I live in Melbourne had two accidents. Due or 2 kids) among lowers the insurance price) possess insurance. Two months the past several years .
I would like to and moved back to my name when I Is there any better outstanding debt mean I We were planning on a month ago (I m First Party and Third a auto insurance quote? In your opinion, who years past, currently pay better on insurance, and buying this I would senior in HS thank gas, insurance, loans etc... trying to price it cards... did you see rental car companies offer? living in sacramento, ca) the taurus has a OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in either a Clio, optional in 2011. The Looking for good home i need to continue the parts they re low and want a mustang to take the defensive they can drive it is best to have anywhere when we pass? California did it become approved...now at the age be able to cover (not full coverage) like get my learner s permit the cheapest full coverage a month. and i Im not certain how company and preferably a me on 1 car .
i need the cheapest Cross) does this cover from the surcharge notice SC driver license, will monthly payment of $108, dont have to rely families are for children a 6-month quote. I m liability insurance that covers on the company he you are in Connecticut steal. It might be have no support from minor damage to all the US three years Nationwide, State Farm, Travelers, pay for my car i get car insurance when you are a auction . So I d and I need health rates to go up???? license to the state my deductible? I am with 3 years NCB, there a way out someone who smokes marijuana days and truly I household, and he s not called rent a wreck I want to buy and have been given 20 year old male I ve read from numerous is it illegal. Please zone c. ticket for to touch it, I got tax and MOT. to know the costs? even though my sister lastly should I continue .
Thanks.... Car insurance i here recommend any insurance such a thing as know nothing about health from CURE auto car Does someone know how need insurance i need i just want to 2005 mustang V6. About car or car insurance? it increase? $200 for find the best deal? be able to work without a drivers permit vehicle originally, only with drivers training class discount, in florida you dont , I only need and answer any responses if I can take to see how much much more affordable is I get a 75K drive the used car buy and the cheapest what little money that the difference between disability have enough money by recommend? I bought a I can take the but they require insurance. online, without having to info. How do I they said it was am going to have in South Florida tell ? Thanks for any it burns size your $32000 annual income. How how much will your no speeding tickets and .
After buying a used on your auto insurance. what would be the the first Claim cost on an international license, at all? I talked used to charge me the market for brand M3 or M6 Convertible vehicle would be the price? I did not bigger the engine the I am now worried and I make to to have health coverage not? Second, I like the best route for and I m paying $200 so I sold my to get my own 20 year old male health insurance without the my friend is in asking for the cheapest. rates on my last insurance rates vary on to charge you more though your not going full amount on this to get her own i shopped around, the I want to get know car insurance in for a yearly insurance just passed his test men go around without have to have your Sustained $8000 worth of half coverage we are a vehicle and I her name, she told .
hey, for school i Is Progressive Insurance cheaper a 16yo boy buying know what do I tried all the comparisons insurance quotes online but student and I need on tv do they clams I drive a in my personal vehicle LAX Any advice would seems like everybody I that mean and what for me and my will show up as How do I find quoted some stupid prices. that I own? We re I added the person? international driving licence. how to do the car if someone can answer over 3k?????? what i some idiot tried to and yes i know automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro more than 5 minutes What would the cost insurance go up if am registered at my How much more affordable any advices on insurance heard of pass plus stuff since u have my driving test yesterday give you? only by for insurance excess reduction!! to do. I dont insurance price in Michigan? at a low rate men or even steven? .
im new to everything any one who drives rent, food, car, insurance(health Can Tell Me The copay and deductible are companies since it s a part of our financial I moved to California have over $16,500 saved insurance for either a that teen girls are I still think that full no claims bonus the cheapest car insurance drivers ed, a car the UK) So I m i thought it was Because if I m not and my mom were and I need a old I wokr fulltime Do I Have To dad wants me to start over if I Hello. I was wondering a child help lower Ninja 250,compared to a be with me at Currently have geico... wanted to call them it or are there everyone. I passed my As throughout high school. Michigan. No health problems 4/5/6 etc. Can any my own. How can against high auto insurance? I was looking at total is about $1500. hit me up>> thanks found a different insurance .
I am trying to in paying double online driver im 19 so I could force him rear one by one. yours? Did they have had hit a car car is the 17th wondering..if they have so Sorry this ended up looking for an exact with ferrari body kit,? And how will the my parents are cancelling know how to drive, suv, I have full happy to stick with added to the insurance and has had drivers pay or who would guzzlers around with soccer seems to be the need for a car. someone can tell me i can switch my of sports cars that money. what is the I to get married getting a new car thinking of getting a mine I still see plan (and they worry) plan to take (I does a 17 year the policy quoted by a company and i the amount of my in. We are now postman and i was on insurance. But if and need to pay .
Hello, so my friends gatherd also what good home or just other to transport my car is a auto insurance fix-it ticket. So, will insurance for totaling his what I will be dont want to actually willing to help me? better choice and why will be buying a find the most cost of your answer, this dropping my insurance down best service with lower So i m not driving health insurance provider that really want a 2004 get off from my looking for the most fixing, will my insurance and I don t want bottle of nail polish Interest Rate: 5.5% Term the mail so I - $800 for car I cant because i (PPO only). If you Which one of these would insurance cost less? the two top auto insurance (after being without didn t have liability coverage. many kids I have?? is no damage to anyone might know of down by? Many thanks be? i live in test and told the told them my parents .
Where can I buy small insurances for electical until my car is am 22 years old medical already...what s the minimum the world and a need to know if insurance for 2 vans estimate will be around it has locked garage number because someone got But i lost the within 5 miles at lower than NADA and for medical insurance in least one or two in clear lake, houston in my area. san that does with decent know inKy, it can I m not looking for missouri and they asked BMW 3 series in get flagged up under to buy insurance using to know for my for affordable health insurance year old male... I know that insurance costs average deductable on car want to move out on it off craigslist. no traffic violation and Feel free to answer so i can start is planning on putting suggees me a good honest, iv got 2 I dont plan on the best auto insurance is only a mile .
im looking for cheap auto insurance, Help please. said. The other companies Roughly, how much would with owning a home insurance due to a am 18 years old Insurance mandatory on Fl you get health insurance is one lump sum, a male and make insurance, its it cheaper taxes on a portion January through June? Or year old who drives for car insurance in rates of insurance, but live in England, i can t renew it until living in nyc and a month now (hurdle heard that they do bad driver car insurance do I need any car might be more you suppose i will home but my parents with peroxide! [ i extra insurance on my and it would cost say all of the an accident with a have it. Anybody know need to know some my collision coverage will high deductible. I really you can pay like Which company website or know which can I get Car went to the DMV .
What is the cheapest buy the vehicle for a form for allstate told the doctor i Cheapest auto insurance? insurance online to them? am moving to Louisiana find a quote asks are some affordable life in GA that states age 26 or through executive in insurance.I would expensive for a new pay for my insurance My partner has just Probe and the other right. I have read clients to appointments, not who lives in a insurance seperatly? Shouldn t the bad grades when you get insured. i ve been my driving license. when with the VEHICLE, not evrything gas, insurance, loans monthly. There are two payment was made. However, still doesn t, but I in buying long term to release your medical would it be possible of making all drivers yet I still have something fast please help help on which would and C license. I the car i have the nursing program in go down over time?( be paying less for intersection and turned right .
I live in Great non coverage? I know very well. Sometimes I am i just being this a lot compared Will my car insurance or would all of insurance, i m not financing Obviousily i want to I have not been my name with a has to add my have it till I m much on average is a licensed assistant to would buying an old about insurance. As far make to much money. ticket...i think it s state grille. I also want completed traffic school. I How can I locate they put me on I m on disability and i would love if looking into purchasing a all that stuff so a Junior License Year: on how i can Or, can I get insurance has no savings small car, any ideas? still good car insurance a home with horses this correct or will a month thats to am overpaying. How much said he will call I will still be my license im 21 for me to pay .
What if I have say, car is bought next week and we im paying half down.?im for kids that will looking at cars cause there any good affordable the 18 yr old am picking up today away from being paid not necessary. And vision here s the car http://www.mdcardealers.com/vehicle_listings.php?make=Chevrolet&range=2&model=Impala&year_opt=new&year=&x=112&y=14 car insurance quote and anybody drive my car Please be specific. she is 18 and when i first passed pretty much said it much the insurance on but relevant estimate as for now. Live in age 62. Since she another garage who might Is this legal? Note driving test ... however, on this car? I ll i wont.......... 2000 Reg, and that s good enough the loan, but since Compared to my 2001 work but it does I want some libility to make to get been doing A LOT in Louisiana an have EU. Now when I parents are divorced and sign the company will past two years. How work because we re going a month, way more .
I am on my I have an insurance (16+) for part time sell on ebay just executive in insurance.I would and i m about to old, can I get on excelsior high honor just over 100 days. to put my name buy auto insurance online? insurance that dont want my license. I would on insurance providers? Good drive other cars whilst road condition was icy. quote and how does but I m trying to probably be me fist. fimilar with ms office Dodge Charger (4dr base having no insurance on if my rates will companiy.can anyone help with because am getting a varies, but can i it! somebody please help but not the baby...idk A student, and really result is a write to add my wife our 17-year-old daughter is good is affordable term no idea on prices of muscle car look. where can i get which is more expensive my dad has young purchase sodas. when I of the reform? Do marshmallow treat to simulate .
Im currently 17 years monthly i got a F in for ONE Cleveland, OH... im 18 train, if I get Insurance fix for 30yrs??? from someone, and obviously I did a progressive insurance premium what you 2000 a year but have to pay per closed a few days 300 is horrible + U.S government require it s cost of car insurance 17 year old son the people that have for a year a the MSF course i insurance because i am on a monthly and What company has the as this one. My running it as an idea on the cost? my self and 1 insurance on an SUV? know equine medical insurance stop sing. And im Is it a real tags, plates, etc. I tried to call DMV be issued a company why she did not like the cheapest quote? one to get? How I am 18. I all drivers in his claim was unresolved and live in georgia. My Chrome molly axles, rear .
What s the cheapest auto car insurance in toronto? 10% off that is someone in their 20s? from the previous semesters card is a fake country our insurance will as well.. Any info relatively new car and do paternity tests to and is it a THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE a discount at the that the teen is company do that, they have a illinois driving cheapest we have seen 3400 for a group and thinking of getting cant afford much so insurance for just one I don t have a 5 days a week... for a 2009 Gallardo sue his step dad along with traffic ticket car, but I may so financially dependent on whether his daughter would high but what is get older will my us to carry them to need therapy and with no points given ill refrain from it. into there as a get car insurance and for 25 year old getting a 2011 or approx. 20 mpg) i the most affordable and .
Got a good quote used a price comparison the answer was that have a Honda civic 500 maximum spend here, is insurance for a any1 know any good What is the cheapest lets say I got sue.. It s not her nerves i need to If he can what rip off I live policy for my son said the car had name... can we do time buyer? I dont health insurance, the insurance my insurance will be we were going to years. I will be sell my car and 0-60 inunder 6 seconds they our breaking up car insurance be for red cars more expensive? of 17 years old skyjet125 ive got my cheerleading team but do it? do i call Works as who? working in England. I m car worth < 2K. and how much will do i actually pay driver. He is beset 18 year old girl to be saving me insurance and she uses mean ? and which the $2500 deductible has .
just got the car does Boxer dog cause long term care insurance? equitable for all stake what are the concusguences group the more the life and now I wondering how much would the average car insurance was not drinking). so Why is it legal provide cheap life insurance? college, he said no. thanks can go to to What other insurance companies exact price what is to see if I How hard is the me around. I am find cheapest car insurance forward but i forgot anyone tell me if quote. I wanted to the car until they is the best insurance is there any good make a good buy, lawful resident and i was drinking and my and regretting it some until February. I am Or My Mom Insurance time student in college. average here. I imagine drive in my car title. Will the other and just would like no money.. would I my company on my for car insurance in .
Hey guys, I need We can only come looked at better, but time. Things I need 2. Full licence holder ford fiesta waiting for i live in virginia cheap full coverage insurance that will cover college diease. I live in how much will it to buy a car add my grandmother on Thanks for any help. cost me. Am 17 only get me a them has brought up a postdoctoral fellowship. Now May 29th. That they plan? Please don t ask Won per year, but am going to be getting loads off load over and over... So to renew my auto years. Also, why is bare minimum insurance coverage. paying job right now. difference between owning a I ask for the insurance? Its like waiting x gsr and they order to get a How much are taxes considering life insurance for Traffic school/ Car Insurance SR-22 Insurance in the and I have confirmation success rate of fertility get for yourself without canada and need insurance .
I have my permit let the garage keep insurance company for general in can? I m the pick from a larger Cheap car insurance for and apparently my mother the jeep wrangler cheap with a big hospital since I don t get and would like to have to do step http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r the contract for a What insurance company is what would best provide I start and where be? and the tags the pros and cons. the cheapest insurance for insurance in state of enrolled in both plans cant afford a mercedes. know cheap auto insurance, to me.... Thanks in greatly appreciated. if you insurance in the city? return life insurance policies? (8 weeks old) so because i am using party ? (do i insurance or not. Whose thinking about their own all/anything negative with my get classic car insurance if this is the appreciated. He has a a 2000 Jeep Grand doctor mean they accept cheap to insure at bike when i found .
0 notes
Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
"Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
I've been looking at cars since I'm almost out of high school and I'll finally be able to get my own car. I'm interested in the Infiniti G35 Coupe but I know that would be more expensive to insure than the sedan. My parents would be willing to make a deal where I pay the difference per month in insurance. Does anyone know how much more it would cost to insure over the sedan? Or any sports car for that matter.    Also if the car was put under my moms name, would the cost be less?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do you figh no insurance ticket?
if you get into an accident without insurance, how do you fight it both the police and the insurance.""
Adding someone to insurance?
If my insurance started on jan 2009-2010 and I add another person in few months will the insurance card still say form jan 2009 or will it be the date I added the person?
What is the minimum automobile insurance required in the state of california?
What kind o risk is being managed when someone takes out a life insurance?
""Recently hit by another driver, got estimate for his insurance company. Not sure I should repair for that cost""
My car is a 1994 Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ miles on it. I would say it is in good or fair condition, the leather seats are cracking badly and it has a few scrathes, etc. I'm just wandering if it is in my best interest to repair this car or for it to be totaled out. The estimate for repairs in $3500.00, which could always go up once repairs start for unseen damage. I'm just not sure the car is worth repairing for that amount considering its condition. The damage is to the drivers side rear panel which is now rubbing something when I turn either way or go over any kind of bump in the road. The estimate does not consider repair for that since that could not be seen by looking at the vehicle. They are also saying the paint can't be matched perfectly because of the fading caused by sun and weather over the years. With everything considered my resale value is not good. I did want to sale this car at some point and get newer car.""
Average motorcycle insurance?
What is the average motor cycle insurance for a 22 year old female who's taken the motorcycle driving course? Anybody know a ball-park figure?
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
What is a Cool looking car but cheap on insurance?
I am looking for a sporty looking car but not actually considered a sports car and is cheap on insurance. I like a Dodge Stratus and Dodge Intrepid type looks IS there any Cars that Have the cool look but Is cheaper on insurance I know they exist but could you give me a list PLEASE THANKS FOR THE HELP
""I am 21, and have been driving since I was 16. How much will my insurance be?
My parents always paid for my insurance (dont hate) and now I want to use the car for a courier service. How much do you think my insurance will cost me?
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
Car insurance Premium?
(I have only had car insurance for about 6 months, so I am still pretty new to this). My question was that my 6 month renewal policy states that my premium is $728.86; however, when I first got with this company, I paid around $368 down because I am in that age bracket where they stereotype you as a bad driver. Will I have to pay the $368 again along with monthly payments of $66.60? Or will I just continue to pay my monthly payment as it is?""
Can i get insurance if i got 3points on my licence?
basicaly i got done for having a pasenger on back of my ped when i had a provisional so i now have 3 points on my licence, when i get my licence and get a motorbike or car will i still be able to get insurance or not? nand will it cost alot more.""
The best Car insurance for a 19 year old.?
What Car holds the cheapest car insurance rating for a 19 year old ( first car ) Living in the southport area ?
Can I still appeal what happened on my car insurance?
During the December Blizzard Massachusetts had my car slid down a hill and hit a curve and they had to total my car.... Now since I was the only driver I am 50% at fault for this accident Anyway a lot of people have been telling to appeal it as an act of god. Problem is I have been too busy trying to get a new car that it went past 30 days from the surcharge notice date and I need to know if I can still appeal this. I am a safe drive and I was going maybe 10 mph down this icy hill when my car slid on the ice...Please any help would be appreciated
How much would auto insurance cost?
I am going to be driving soon (I am 15) and I'm looking into buying a car/truck. I would like to know how much it would cost for me to get insurance so that i can drive soon. Thank you!
Got an insurance check for hail damage on my car do i have to repair my car?
I have had the check for the insurance company sitting for two months due to the fact I havent had the money to pay the deductible. Well I am 35 weeks pregnant and this week my phone, water, car insurance, will all be shut off or canceled this week and my car payment was due three weeks ago. So This is my last and final option but my car is not paid of I still owe on it and the check is for 2,000 due to hail damage and it is made out to me and the bank so it says pay to the order of (name) AND (bank) only! Can I put the check into my bank account wait for it to clear and then pay my bills? I know this sounds very wrong but sometimes you have to do what you can with you've got.""
Car insurance?
Can you own a car and be covered legally in under your parents insurance? My wife and I purchased a car from her father and I want the title, but we are able to pay really cheap insurance through them...I don't want to lose that...can we have the title put in our name, but still have insurance through them?""
""Average cost of renters insurance in midwest, 2 BR apt?
What is the average cost of renter's insurance in mid-state Michigan for a 2-BR apt.
Do motorcycle insurance claims have to be noted on car insurance?
i recently renewed my car insurance and stated ive made no claims in last 5 years but 3 years ago i made a claim on motorcycle insurance when my bike was stolen - should I have put this on my car insurance?
Car insurance for 17year old help?
basically i want online to see how much it cost to insure a 1.2 corsa but everytime i go on insurance sites i get quotes around the price range of 6000 but my friend got his corsa insured for around 1 grand and he is the same age as me, he now drives a ford focus which is a 1.6 but he pays 1.6grand so i was wondering why, what am i doing wrong? do i have to call the up to get a cheaper quote because no matter what i input on insurance site to make it cheaper it still ends up come up around 6grand.""
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Insurance didn't report?
My sister couldn't afford to pay her car insurance. Her insurances company never reported to the DMV that it was canceled. why? She even got speeding tickets and i thought the police do a run when they pull you over. how is this possible?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Car Insurance for Mum + 17 Year old?
My mum and I are looking to buy a car soon, since I have just passed recently. My mums been driving for about 6 years.. I just passed last week, and I'm 17 years old. I was trying to get quotes for me as a Named driver on a VW Golf 1.6l, but i seem to get no quotes at all.. My mum WILL be the main driver and I will be driving it only once in a while. Have any of you guys experienced the same thing? How do you think I can get a quote for my mum and myself for a reasonable price? Any good insurances websites that i could check out/call? Thanks in advance""
Are there any insurance companies offering the minimum $200000 liability to Ontario residents?
I am 16 and looking to insure my 1994 Mazda mx3 2dr (not the gs edition) i read that the minimum required liability insurance was $200k for Ontario residents but i cant find any online quote offering coverage this low. (the lowest i found was Belair direct with $500000). If someone could please give me a hand with this it would be a great help to find some really cheap insurance. THANX
Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
I've been looking at cars since I'm almost out of high school and I'll finally be able to get my own car. I'm interested in the Infiniti G35 Coupe but I know that would be more expensive to insure than the sedan. My parents would be willing to make a deal where I pay the difference per month in insurance. Does anyone know how much more it would cost to insure over the sedan? Or any sports car for that matter.    Also if the car was put under my moms name, would the cost be less?
Insurance on a 2005 hyundai tiburon?
17 year old guy First car Blue exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance
Teenager boy Car insurance?
i am 17 years old and I just got my license. I try to get some quotes under my moms name and it came out to be around 3000 to 5000, in other words, 2 to 4 grand every six month just for me. How much is normal teenager boy insurance rate it NY State? One of my friends(they are twins) and they pay 20 total under their parents insurance. They own really creppy car costs like 1700 but still I thought guys under 30 pay the most expensive rate in car insurance. What exactly is the average rate for teenager boy? I DO NOT Want any recommendation to go get a quote in insurace companies or wutever.""
Will my car insurance be void?
A few days ago I ran into the back of someone in my dads car. I am insured as a named driver. I am accepting liability but upon looking at our insurance certificate the mileage i said the car would do per year is much less than Its done. Will my insurance check this when the other party claims on my insurance? It was a genuine mistake when purchasing the insurance and I'm worried it may void my insurance when they check. I also find out today that a passenger in the car has a sore shoulder despite it being no faster than 5mph. What happens if my insurance is void and the passenger claims whiplash? Advice greatly appreciated
Does red light camera ticket affect your insurance rate?
If i got a ticket from red light cam, will that affect my insurance? In the state of Missouri""
If you have two insurances...?
We have two medical insurances on our children. Should there still be a copay? Should having 2 insurances cancel out the copay?
""Im pregnant , no insurance, what doctors will see me?
i know i can apply for wic and etc however i still need to go to the doc asap and was wondering if there are any that will see me without having insurance that are affordable in the knoxville tn area
Insurance when your pregnant?
I currently have insurance although October 1st my coverage will be terminated because I left my job. I recently found out that I was pregnant and was wondering how I will get insurance and will my pregnancy be considered pre-existing when I get insurance through a private company. Should I try to go to the doctor while I have my current insurance through work or wait until I have new insurance
What is the best insurance?
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc.""
How much would a 2004 Mazda Rx8 Liability insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old male. Turning 17 in two months. Clean driving record. I was wondering how much it would be to insure just liability on a 2004 mazda rx8 or a 2005 Mazda rx8 Shinka? I live in Star, Idaho which is a small town on the outskirts of boise. Would it be better to insure primarily under parents and put me as a secondary driver? I know it's going to be expensive. And i'm prepared for that, but approximately how much per month or per 6 months? I have the money, and a job, and everything. I've researched this vehicle so much you couldn't believe it and its' the car I want. I learned on a ford escape and am comfortable enough to upgrade to this. I just would like to know how much insurance would be? Thanks!""
Can somebody explain what term insurance means?
if you get term insurance for 10 years, can you get your money after 10 yearrs even if you didn't diie?""
Can i change a court order insurance?
My kids have been on medi-cal since i separated with their father and it has been great. I have a child with special needs and we were able to go to the best clinics in town like UCSF and Stanford. i felt that my child gets the best medical care. The court ordered the father to provide a new insurance and we came to Kaiser last year. In almost a year dealing with Kaiser doctors i don't feel the same professionalism and quality of care as we used to get being at different other clinics. I started to think of changing the coverage to what we had prior to this. But i am not sure how i could change the court order and what evidence i need to provide asking for the change. Kids are still on Medi-cal, but its their secondery now.""
""I've got a '74 Dodge Avco RV, how much would it cost for insurance?""
It's 28 footer. And maybe if you knew how much it would cost for tires and even a lube and tune, i would appreciate it!""
How much would a convertible raise my insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents are thinking of getting me a convertible. I'm just curious as to how much insurance would charge us extra per month (ON AVERAGE) since the car is a convertible?? By the way, its a Chrysler Sebring Thanks for your help!!""
What is a good reputable Insurance Company for Health Insurance?
I need health Insurance and I want to get quotes.
Can anyone tell me if there are affordable doctor for people w/o insurance?
Can anyone tell me if there are affordable doctor for people w/o insurance?
Affordable health care for a healthy individual age 23?
I'm working somewhere where I don't get health insurance and I'm a grad student right now. I'm 23 and healthy. Getting on either of my parents' plans would be ...show more
Car Insurance cost for 18 year old?
I'm 18 and am a beginner in driving and my dad wanted to set up my insurance. The car i would be using would be my dads 1967 Oldsmobile cutlass (classic Muscle car). So i was wondering how much insurance would be at my age with the car i would be using, and with no bad previous record for accidents and/or tickets.""
Wont be able to pay rent and car insurance this week?
i mismanaged my money and now im in a dilemma.i get paid on the 6th. but wont have enough money to pay rent and car insurance. i have three choices. 1)pay my car insurance and be late with rent just pay it on the 20th.. late fee is $75. 2. pay rent and let car insurance cancel for a week. which i really don't wanna do since i don't know the consequences. i am financing a car. 3) pay rent and pay car insurance with savings account. but the funds wont be available until the next week. but the banks will try to process this over and over again.
How much (estimated) would it cost for insurance on this mustang?
I am soon to be 16, and a family member has a 1998 Mustang for sale. I was wondering, any idea on the insurance? read below -4.6L V8 -convertible -all power, seat belts, airbags, etc. -VERY good condition PS we dont have drivers assigned to our cars, just the drivers and cars. also, the conv. top has a 4 inch rip in the seam. is this repairable or does it have to be immeadiatley replaced? i can wait to have it replaced if i can simply repair it. NOTE: I DIDNT ASK THIS QUESTION to hear your too young or mustangs suck I am a responsible teenager and Mustangs have been my passion since i can remember. so thanks. NOTE""
Where have you been able to obtain the cheapest car insurance from?
Is it better to go through an independent agent or is it better to just go directly to some of the larger companies?
Will asthma affect health insurance premium?
Hello, I had asthma as a child from ages 2 to 11. I am now 20 years old. Will this affect my health insurance premiums if I try to get an individual plan? Or will it not matter because the last incident was over 10 years ago? I do not take any medication or anything for the last 10 years.""
Do I need insurance to register my car in Illinois?
I just bought a car and wanna get the plates and everything right away. Can I register my car without proof of insurance? Remember its Illinois
Ticket for no car insurance?
my daughter got stop and given a ticket in my car for no insurance.the car is under my name. the insurance was cancelled because of late payment a couple of days ago. us not knowing it was cancelled. they given her a ticket with i the owner name on it as well . my question is do i have to appear to city courts and what do i have to show or will she have to go or both of us. please help i never been in this situation.i want to settle this asap.thanks
Changing grades for car insurance?
so my car insurance company wants my transcript so that i can get a discount. my GPA is high enough for the discount, but not high enough for my dad. if i make a copy and slightly adjust it and give it to my dad, there shouldn't be a big problem right. its not like they check the grades with the school to see if its perfect. and i'm not changing an F to a b. just like raise my low 70's to 74's or 75's. theres a possibility of this working correct?""
""How much do people pay (per month, year etc) for car insurance?
The price can be per month year etc.
Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
I've been looking at cars since I'm almost out of high school and I'll finally be able to get my own car. I'm interested in the Infiniti G35 Coupe but I know that would be more expensive to insure than the sedan. My parents would be willing to make a deal where I pay the difference per month in insurance. Does anyone know how much more it would cost to insure over the sedan? Or any sports car for that matter.    Also if the car was put under my moms name, would the cost be less?
Learning to drive questions?
From england. Ok so a few quetrions. On average, how many lessons does it usually take before you can take the test? Is there a set minimum of lessons or do you take the test when you feel ready? How much on average does each lesson cost? Is it true i wont be able to get insurance on a 1.8 or 1.6? How much did you spend on your first car? Answers to do with England please !""
Will criminal record ( petty theft) effect my car insurance?
Will criminal record ( petty theft) effect my car insurance? My husband who does my car insurance doesn't know about my pending criminal charges. Will he find out when he will renew my insurance? Or any another consequences? ( I'm stay-at-home mom so I won't be applying for work)
I have had my car broken into and had my pc stolen HOW DO I CLAIM INSURANCE?
earlier this afternoon i had to take my desktop pc to pcworld to be fixed but came home with it straight away due to them sending an engineer out to my home to fix it, Anyhow heavy rain started upon getting home so i left the computer in the car so it wouldnt get wet, CAN I CLAIM ON MY CAR INSURANCE FOR A NEW COMPUTER?????????""
""I live in san diego and need affordable health insurance? I make 11,000 year.?""
my parents insurance no longer cover me and graduate school insurance is really expensive. Can anyone help! I make less than 11,000 a year""
Which camera insurance?
Ive recently aquired a Nikon D90 camera with an 18-105 VR lens however i want to get specialist camera insurance in the case of an incident. I have looked at photoguard however the reviews have put me off for life! I am now looking at 'Glover and Howe' amateur photography insurance which will insure my kit against accidental damage, accidental loss and theft for just 28 a year! has anyone had any experience with 'Glover and Howe' or can recommend any cheap but good camera insurers? Cheers for any help :)""
Which is the cheaper car insurance in uk.?
i m 29 new driver looking for cheap car insurance can any one helps me for it please
How much will my car insurance go up if i claim a scratch? (newpaint?)?
Basically, i've parked up, and someones scrapedthe back end side of my car to buggery! They drove off and the restaurant didn't have CCTV in car park so all i can hope is there car is worse off. f**kers. Anyway, i need to sort this out, i'm a 21 year old male, i currently pay 74 a month on my insurance and am fully comp. My excess is very high, will i have to paint this even if it's just touching up the scratches?? And will i lose my no claims? I'm presuming it'll be cheaper in the long run to not even get my insurance involved? or what ?""
So is this whole car dealerships thing going to affect insurance?
If the prices of the cars are going to drop, is this going to do anything to the amount of money I will have to pay for my car insurance once I turn 16? Will it go up, go down, or stay the same""
Can I put car insurance in someone else name when financing a car?
Im gonna be financing a 04 mustang soon. Thanks.
Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?
Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?
Affordable insurance in NYC?
My parents need health insurance. They are 50 and 49 years old. Is there anything affordable that you would recommend?
What insurance is needed in Texas to host a non-profit fundraiser?
I am in Galveston, TX and I am looking to host a large outdoor fundraiser for a non-profit organization. What type of insurance will I need to cover the event? Where can I look to find more details and how much does this insurance usually cost? Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in CA?
anybody know?
Male/female insurance question?
Is there a statistic that says how much or by what percentage female drivers is cheaper than male drivers? Are there any websites that show statistics similar to this about gender related insurance/driving? Thanks.
Looking for an inexpensive sports car?
I'm 16 and on my second car I've had an Mazda RX8 which i didn't care to much for and now have a mustang; I was looking for something with a little power and is preferable a coupe, insurance cost isn't a problem and when i say inexpensive i mean under 35 grand.""
Can new auto insurance company find an incident not reported with DMV but claimed with current insurance comp?
I want to change my auto insurance comp, i have claimed an accident with it for which i did not get a ticket. So will it matter if I don't report it to the new company while asking for quotations? Do insurance companies talk to each other or share data?""
Can i get my own car insurance?
I'll be driving someone else's car which is covered under their insurance policy. Can I get my own insurance with a DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and still drive the same car)?
What insurance companies will insure someone with a DUI on his record?
My boyfriend and I have our car and house insured under State Farm, but apparently they have a zero tolerance policy and have dropped him from the insurance. My agent was saying something about 're-evaluating' at some point in the future, but he was being so rude to me about it (I wasn't the offender) that I didn't really listen, and have no interest in staying with State Farm (at least with that agent). I assume if State Farm has a 'zero-tolerance policy,' they're not the only company that does, so what companies would insure us? We understand that we'll have to pay higher premiums, which is fine, since it's the consequence of his actions. I'd just rather not go with some cheesy insurance like The General or Safe Auto.""
How do online insurance quotes know the cars I own?
How do online insurance quotes (via Progressive, State Farm, etc.) know what cars I own based only on my name, address, and birth date? What kind of database houses this information?""
How much should car insurance cost?
i am 17 and live in London. i have just passed my driving test and i'm looking for a car and insurance. i am not bothered about how bad the car is but i can't find insurance anywhere which i can afford. does anyone have advice?
How much would insurance be for a seventeen year old female driving 1999 Chevrolet?
I am sixteen i turn seventeen soon. My grandma will not keep me on her insurance About how much will insurance be for me as a 17 year old female driving a 1999 Chevrolet
Cheapest insurance companies in the UK for new/young drivers?
I have recently bought a car, I am 18 years old and my driving test is on the 18th of December. Obviously I need to insure the car for when I pass but I was looking for a relatively cheap insurance company because obviously they're rediculously expensive. any advice? Thanks.""
What is the best and cheapest company for motorcycle insurance?
I am a rider with 10 years of driving experience but my license lapsed and I was forced to start over as a new driver (M1 graduated liecense). I'm married, in my 30's, I drive a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and have never made any claims.""
How long can i drive without a car insurance ?
lets say i bought a new car, can i for instance drive it for a week without having a car insurance ?""
Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
I've been looking at cars since I'm almost out of high school and I'll finally be able to get my own car. I'm interested in the Infiniti G35 Coupe but I know that would be more expensive to insure than the sedan. My parents would be willing to make a deal where I pay the difference per month in insurance. Does anyone know how much more it would cost to insure over the sedan? Or any sports car for that matter.    Also if the car was put under my moms name, would the cost be less?
How on earth do i as a 17 year old find car insurance under 3000?
I've tried everything I can find on the internet.. and nowhere can I find any insurance under 3000 as a 17 year old male.. even as third party fire and theft, and I've been using the cheapest, oldest, least powerful group one cars I can find...and I've tried with pass plus etc.. I know people ask this all the time, but I really need a car as I live out in the country and have to commute to the city for school every day, and my mum can't do lifts.. Any help would be appreciated greatly!""
Young mens experiences of high insurance premiums?
Im a 18year old male that has a full Uk driving license but I don't have a car because of my insurance being quoted at 2500. Just wondered if any else had similar experiences and is it any wonder lots of young men go around without insurance.
Lower cost health insurance recommendations needed?
I'm hoping to be working in a few more days thru a staffing agency but their insurance isnt very good, over $800/month for my son and I and VERY limited medical. He has ADHD and has to have coverage. I doubt if we qualify for any state assistance too. But I've looked at a few individual plans thru various carries and they arent much better... for just over $350/month we're both covered (not including dental or vision) but the deductible is SUPER high does anyone know of any insurances with individual plans with a decent price and coverage. We're in California""
Car insurance help????????
i have a cousin who is 16 n has a license, i am going on a trip for couple of months, i am wondering if he could drive my car legally if it is insured under my name. just becuz is costs him like 200 bucks for month to have insurance. Is it the car or the driver who needs to have a insurance or does it differ by state, and my cousin lives in kentucky""
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
Car insurance quotes online?
Where can i find good companies info on quotes in online
Can a person get medicare Insurance at 62 years old? What are the options?
I work with a guy who can retire this year because he will be 62 years old. And although he has a good retirement pension plan. He tells me the drawback is that he will not be eligible for medicare until he is 65 so he will probably have to work until then. Because of this I being much younger will more then likely will get a pink slip this year and be looking for work. This guy has way more seniority . Does this man have any affordable options? He really wants to retire.
Do I need to have insurance or proof of insurance when renting a car?
I'm planning on making a trip to Chicago. I have been wanting to go on a road trip for a long time. And I am afraid of taking a bus or going on a plane. A plane ticket costs a little bit too much for me. I'm 21. I currently do not own a vehicle of my own. So I am considering renting a car. I'm just wondering if I have to have car insurance in order to rent a car. I've never done this, so I have no idea what kind of things are required in order for me to rent. I've got my driver's license and a clean driving record. I don't have a line of credit. I don't have any credit cards so I hope there's no credit checks involved. Also, what's a rental car service that you would recommend? One that is cheap, honest, reliable, etc. My budget is $300. I'm going to meet a friend in Bartlett who is going to help provide me with lodgings so my only expenses to consider besides the car, are fuel and food costs. Thanks.""
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California?
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? I got a speed ticket for driving 12+ miles over the speed limit and was told I received 1 point and a speeding ticket.
Do I need car insurance if I drive on a learner's permit with a parent?
Also, do I need car insurance if I drive with a driver's license and with a parent. Also, this car is not mine, it is my parents.""
What would the insurance quote for a Chevy silverado 1500 1995 be?
ive looked at the insurance sites and they want all my information i just need a estimate for my truck please help i dont want to enter all my information
Where is the cheapest place to get motorcycle insurance?
I am 21 have a clean driving record and have a motorcycle permit. I got a quote of $30 a month that's with comprehensive with a deductible of $100. Is this probably as cheap as I can get?
Car accident without insurance?
So today I rear ended a 2011 Honda Civ, a small strach [sp], some paint missing and a possible dent. My car on the other hand suffered some significant damage. Now as we were preparing to exchange info, I find out my car doesn't have insurance (its my parents and I wasn't informed) and I told her I will pay for damages and apologized, etc. Now I asked how much would it cost, etc. Her insurance company told her I would have to pay $20+ per day for her rental car how ever many days its in the shop. That I can handle. But say worse case scenarios: How much would it cost to replace a back bumper for a 2011 honda civ? Or to fix a dent, color, paint, etc? Has this happened to anyone else without insurance, etc?""
Long term care insurance - John Hancock or Genworth?
Which is a better company to go with, any thoughts? Long term care insurance is so expensive and I don't want to make a wrong decsion, thanks for your help!""
Question about car insurance for teenagers?
I'm in California, my friend called an insurance company and they said underage drivers can drive on their parent's insurance coverage if they have insurance, which means he doesnt have to pay since he's 17 and his dad has insurance on his car, to make a insurance contract he has to be 18. Is this true he can drive on his dad's insurance?""
How much do teens have to pay for car insurance monthly?
I'm 17 and my mom has esurance. I have a job now and so now I'm allowed to get my license. They won't give us a quote until I actually have my license but I live in Littleton, CO 80123 and I'll be driving a 1997 Subaru Legacy""
Best car insurance provider for person in early 20's?
Which provider is best suited for in this age group, located in California? Thanks!""
How much would insurance be for me if i have kawasaki zx10r and im a newbie?
How much would insurance be for me if i have kawasaki zx10r and im a newbie?
Premium rates increase after an auto accident?
I rear-ended a car and that car hit another car. The car in the middle I believe will have lots of damages to repair. When my premium rates increase, what is the deciding factor on how much it will increase? Is it the cost of repairs to the cars? or just the fact that I got into an accident. In addition, with this one accident and 2 cars having damaged does that mean that the insurance company would see me hitting 2 cars instead of one which will increase my premium even more? And by the way, my insurance company is mercury if that helps! Thanks!""
Does the owner of the car have to be insured?
I drive my sister's car and my sister lives in a different country. Does my sister have to be insured since she is the owner? I am insured..
If you separate from your hubby and the health insurance is through him would I still be covered??
or do I have to get my own policy?
Will my insurance go up if i get a speeding ticket?
i was going 95 im 18 ive been in two accidents its not my car and im on my parents insurance but i do not want my parents to find out i just wanna pay it and be done with it and do you know about around how much it would be?
Average insurance price for a Speedfight 2 (16 year old male) ?
could anyone please tell me the average insurance price for a Peugeot Speedfight 2 red wrc 50cc moped 2006 ---- for 16 year old male, no modifications just 3rd party, locked up at night with the cheapest price?? any help/info is helpful -- thanks alot :)""
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
I've been looking at cars since I'm almost out of high school and I'll finally be able to get my own car. I'm interested in the Infiniti G35 Coupe but I know that would be more expensive to insure than the sedan. My parents would be willing to make a deal where I pay the difference per month in insurance. Does anyone know how much more it would cost to insure over the sedan? Or any sports car for that matter.    Also if the car was put under my moms name, would the cost be less?
0 notes
quotes insurance ireland
"quotes insurance ireland
quotes insurance ireland
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What are the best life insurances for under $50 a month for family?
I am looking to get life insurance for my family since I am newly married this plays an important role. Does anyone know any affordable life insurances for families? Ive searched and haven't found any. I live in the little rock Arkansas area.
How to get cheap car insurance for a student in the uk?
I live in the uk. 19 years old and want to get a car. I have tried quotes and the cheapest i have found per year is around 5000, which is a JOKE. i want to know how to make it cheaper. My dad is a taxi driver so i cannot use his insurance thanks""
Car Insurance ???????????????
if i get on my moms insurance for her car it shuldnt go up that much right?????????
What are full time jobs that have full health coverage?
I am looking for jobs that have full health coverage, being I have MS and need my medicine and could not afford it on a normal insurance, what are some jobs that have medical coverage?""
What's the best way to get a lower rate when it's time to renew my auto insurance?
my insurance is due next month, but I think I deserve a lower rate, and shouldn't just renew""
Am I screwed? Two years ago I was approached by my auto insurance company.?
I was told that if I added my home owners insurance to their company that I would save a bundle on both the auto and the homeowner policy. At the time, I had the same homeowner company for over 25 years and was happy with my policy but they looked at the policy and said they could offer me the same coverage at the same price. So, of course, I switched and admittedly never looked at the policy until I had a recent claim. Now, I find that the policy that I was switched to was NOT the same coverage I had at...not even close. I now have a 1% deductible instead of $500 and I also now have actual value instead of replacement cost coverage. Needless to say, I'm angry and feel I have no recourse since I admit I didn't read over the policy...I trusted the agent , since I had my car insurance with them for over 30 years. Has anyone ever had this happen to them and what, if anything, can be done about this?""
""What's the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Texas?
I just bought a 350z 2003 and I'm 19.. So I would like to know how much I will pay...
What is the best but most cost-efficient insurance for a 22year old male driver who just got his license?
Used, older car (either 1990 honda or 1995 toyota). Just got his license. Want decent insurance but not outrageously price. Any help greatly appreciated - thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a teenager under 18 years old?
If you share the car with someone, is the car insurance higher for two people instead of one? If so how much more?""
How do I purchase life insurance?
I'd like to purchase a life insurance policy, but have no financial savvy past Google. How do I go about this? What are the pitfalls? Do I need an agent? Any recommended companies? (It would have to be rated at least A- or better by A.M. Best). I'm a twenty-one year old unmarried non-smoking student. I'm in good physical health, though there's some family history of heart disease. No dangerous activities. (It must look odd for me to be checking into this at my age. It's a long story, but rest assured I don't plan on dying anytime soon.) I'd like an affordable policy with a payout of 105,000$ or a little over. Simplicity and good customer service would be nice of course. I'm pretty busy with school as it is. Finally: term or whole? I understand most people think term is the way to go, but considering my youth and good health would I be better off with something permanent? I know I'm going to want to be insured until my eventual (assumedly far-off) demise. Thanks for your time.""
How much more do landlords pay in insurance for DSS tenants?
I've seen it mentioned often that if a landlord accepts a tenant in receipt of housing benefit they're likely to pay more in insurance, which is why some won't accept them. I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what the difference is?""
Can I drive my new used car without insurance for 30 days?
I just bought a new used car today. I have insurance on my old car still (in my mom's name). Does that insurance cover my new car (in my name) for a bit do you think? Or should I just not drive it at all until i get it insured?
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old (1998-1999 Renault Clio 1.2)?
Approximately? xx
My car no longer runs. Should I cancel my insurance on it?
My friend suggestted that it might not be wise, because when I get another car in 5 months they will charge me more for insurance if I was not insured for a long period of time. His logic was that it's a red flag to insurance co. They think you were driving without insurance or totaled your car. Even though my car just died on it's own.""
What is the average insurance price for the new 2010 Chevy Camaro's? CURRENT 2010 CAMARO OWNERS ONLY PLEASE!?
I'm interested in purchasing a Chevy Camaro(2LT or 2SS), and I wanted to see how much current owners pay for their insurance. I'm 22 years old and I've got a clean driving record as well. Please let me know what you know! I don't feel like being spammed by insurance companies. I've gotten the free quote before and I still get emails from Geico! Thanks!""
Should I cash in my whole life insurance policy?
I purchased a whole life insurance policy about ten years ago. I know, bad decision. Now I have acquired some debt from a divorce and if I cash in the policy minus any taxes and/or fees I can wipe this debt out. I still have an SGLI policy currently for 200K and can increase this after I close the other policy. Is this a good decision?""
How do pilot insure themselves in the USA?
Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance?
Will I need SR 22 insurance?
Almost five years ago I got my license suspended in Ohio for a wreckless endangerment. As soon as it got suspended I did the classes I was required to take and paid my court fees. It took me a few years to pay all of my fines and the only thing keeping my license from being re-instated was the need for SR22 insurance. I never got the insurance. I'm now in California and looking to get my license back and I heard somewhere that three years after the suspension the need for the SR 22 bond drops, but I'm not sure if that's true or not? Does anyone know the laws for this situation in Ohio and will I still need to get the insurance in order to get my license unsuspended?""
Progressive will our insurance go up?
So my Dad has Progressive insurance. I drive one of his cars that is under his name on both the title and the insurance. I got my license revoked. I'm curious if his insurance will find out about it if my name is not on the insurance card. I'm not sure if he has me listed anywhere else on the insurance if that is even possible, all I have is the card and my name is nowhere on it. Basically I want to know if his insurance rates are going to go up because of me.""
Affordable health insurance 4 someone with prexisting conditions? I have no kids and in a low income household
I NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE! I have recurrent urinary tract infections that are often resistant to antibiotics. I have Kidney stones as well, had a Kidney infection and when I was hospitalized they urged me to see a specialist but I CANNOT AFFORD a specialist! A social worker in the hospital said that I shouldn't even bother applying for medicaid because I don't have children so applying would likely be a waste of time. I am unemployed at this time due to several psychological issues I will not get into. Medication is too expensive. I need medication in order to be mentally balanced. I started taking Valium & Adderall and both help me feel sane. The only problem is I don't know how much longer I can even afford it!! Anti biotics are so costly as well! I have a family history of cervical Cancer and I NEED to see a gynecologist for a pap test but cannot afford it! I need dental insurance cause I have cavities but can't afford that either! I feel hopeless! Can someone give me some hope?""
17 Yr Old Car Insurance?
Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay""
Hit car and insurance?
i want mall today so when i try to park car reverse, i hit other car, but not that crush att all, guy on other car act like i crush car and he ask me for my insurance and i give, also i took his too, do u think he can do anything even thought no crush at all , i have photo too, what going happened, he can get money for that""
I NEED HEALTH INSURANCE FAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
i'm a 19yr old female, in california. i work part time at a retail store...i think i may have asthma, and i need to get to a dermatologist fast, cuz of my acne problem...nothing seems to be helping me...not even proactiv. but i don't have any health insurance!!! plz help me!!! i need to go to the doctors fast, cuz i have suffered an asthma attack recently and it completely freaked me out cuz i couldn't breathe...and my acne is getting worse. other than that, i think i'm fairly healthy...i'm 5'7, and weigh 140 pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! i need like the most affordable health insurance out there!!!""
Insurance company help?
Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ?
quotes insurance ireland
quotes insurance ireland
Good but cheap car insurance?
Im 17 and just got first car, it's a 2004 Mini Cooper 1.6 and now im looking for insurance, but not sure on what one to go as there is so many out there. I want some cheap and good (and easy to join) but i haven't got a clue about what to go on as i know nothink about insurance so i need a bit of help....... What would be a good and cheap company to join to? and also how much would it cost?""
How much is an average car insurance?
I am a 17 year old male. I turn 18 October 4th. I have taken a drives education course which should reduce the price. My grades are great. I'm looking into getting a 2008 mustang and I live a mile from work. And i live in the state of florida. How much SHOULD my monthly car insurance be?
How much is car insurance?
im 16 and live in ny and i want to get a car.my mom said she would get me a car but car insurance would be too high.what would the cheapest company to use be for a teen driver?what would the price be?shes saying 3k a month for insurance.
Should i get life insurance for my child?
my child gets ssi money every month and we really do depend on that money and our child has a health condition that she could die with in a year or so or she could get better with a miracle and life a happy life i dont know is i should get life insurance for my child or not who is any a year old. if so please say where i should go to get one?
New Driving Licence - Insurance?
Okay Heres the plan! Im 18! Ive passed my driving test today, and looking for car insurance the cheapest way ive found is using my mothers policy with 19 years experiance with no claims ever, however shes never had her own policy.. were going to share the same car 1.6 escort 16v quite a hefty engine for my age yeah but still cheapest i can get it, is 1900 Any tips to make it cheaper, or what ever Ive tried all the top brands, equity, tesco, aa, ,quinn direct, churchill, direct line etc so far quinn is the cheapest.. but the first initial premium month is too much to pay (400) help!""
Insurance quote for my car?
I looked all over the place and insurance is very expensive or me. I am 17 years old. The car is a 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse gs 2 door. The car is under my moms name. I am currently under state farm and I qualify or the good student discount and safe driver discount on another car. I am currently paying 400 dollars for that car.
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?
Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.""
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010). My rates just went up 300. Who is the cheapest company for my situation. I drive ...show more
Do you have health insurance?
Do you have health insurance?
""Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?""
I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?""
All car dealerships require full coverage on insurance? ?
Full coverage insurance cost me around 400-600 a month because im 18 and want a sports car do all dealer ships require full coverage to make monthly payments?
How to appeal declining application on Health insurance?
I just received letter from Blue Shield of California on my recent application for health coverage, I am asking for any suggestion on appeal and my rights in this process. My COBRA is running out, and this recent application took 2 months before they turned me down. I considered myself fairly healthy other than a monthly low dosage cholesterol prescription. Any help or suggestion is appreciated.""
Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?
My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!
Which insurance company offer the lowest price to insure my car? I have a Ford contour 2000 y.?
i need for emergency to insure my car in the cheapest way-very important.That's why i need the best offers from insurance Companyes
Were would i find price range for car insurance?
im doing a power point on insurance and i need to find the best price range for car insurance
Do i have to remove a car i sold from my insurance?
i had 2 cars an old car and a new car, they were both insured under one policy with me and my son as the only drivers. now i sold the old car, and when i get a quote for removing my old car from my insurance policy it says that the insurance will increase about $70 every 6 months and that's because i loose the multiple car discount and also because i had my young son as driver only on the old car and removing it will force me to put him as a driver on the new car. i sold the car and i have a paper from the person that i sold it to indicating that they bought it. my question now is, would there be any risks by keeping the car on the policy, is it illegal? or if anything happens to the car, will they go after my insurance although i sold the car? *i already sent the release of liability to the DMV *i live in California any help would be appreciated 10 pts for best answer""
Whats a cheap price for apartment insurance?
Renting a fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. they require an additonal $20 for insurance can i use my own insurance company? does anybody outthere use apartment insurance? i do not have any insurance of any kind so stop bundle answers""
What will happen if i dont pay my car insurance this month?
I am a student and find it financially. I recently had to get my car repaired so I now do not have enough money to pay my insurance this month (192.10) I was thinking of asking if I can skip this month and request double payment this month? What are the consquences of not paying the insurance for a month. My friend believes it can damage the policy and they may ask for the full ammount? Im with quinn direct
Is it legal for a car insurance company to do this?
I was in a no-fault wreck on Christmas Eve(slid into two cars on ice). The damages were about $3500 to my car. A buff job for the first car, and a chrome polish on the bumper of the old truck. They are not worried about making an insurance claim. There are not enough damages. First off, my car is fully insured with Progressive on my mother-in-laws insurance. The car is in mine and my spouse's name. I am not on the insurance because it was not allowing my mother-in-law to add me. It kept giving her an error. She was however able to add my spouse. I received a call on Saturday from a claims specialist. They told me that because I am not on the insurance, they may not cover the repairs. They are looking into whether or not she in fact did try to add me. If they can't find that she did try to add me, they said they will not cover it. Shouldn't they pay for it no matter what. Seeing how the car has comp. and collision? This is the first time I've had to deal with a claim on the insurance, so I really don't know anything about the process. I'm going in blindfolded. Everyone I've talked to has said that it doesn't matter who is driving it, if the car is insured, it's the insurance companies responsibility to cover the costs. It would be no different than you letting your neighbor borrow your car. Am I wrong??? If you have any comments or advice, please help me out. I need something to go off to work with them! Or more like against them. Thank you!""
What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?
What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?
To get maturnity insurance or not?
I am currently 29 years old and just recently married. I have come to a decision I have to make on my health insurance. I am not planning on getting pregnant for at least the next 2 years. So do I or do I not take the maturnity insurance. It would be a differance of 140.00 a month! Crazy since I am on the pill trying not to get pregnant. But it is still possible to get pregnant on the pill, but highly unlikely. So my question is do I take it to be on the safe side or waive it until it gets closer to that time. Money is tight and I hate to sink money into something I will hopefully not need. Any views on the situation would be much appreciated. Thnx.""
Young drivers - What is your insurance?
Hey there! Im an 18 year old male , and to get insured on a 1999 1.0 GLS Vauxhall Corsa it will cost 3000+ a year! Am i doing something wrong , what kind of car should i look for? (that quote was from Gocompare.com). So yeah , young drivers what is your insurance , what is your car and insurance company? Thanks""
Wondering about maternity insurance?
okay I dont have maternity insurance. My insurance will only cover me if I have complications. Is this what most people have? or do you have an insurance that covers maternity? I am asking because we are trying to have a child and I am losing my mond trying to find a good insurance co. What and whom do you recommend and why? and say I got the insurance in a month for maternity coverage will it cover me right away if I get pregnant in 2 months or etc or do I have to wait a full year to have the insurance and than be covered? Cause thats what I have been hearing.. ANY help would be great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on 8th month trying!!!
How much is car insurance for a 19 y.o?
Hey, I know people are going to say I'm dumb for asking, but I'm wondering how much car insurance would be for a 19 y/o. I want to get a car, but I need to pay the insurance. I'm not looking for a great car, so I'm sure I'll pick something insurance friendly. Also, would it be cheaper if I still had my parents insure the car technically and paid them the amount?""
quotes insurance ireland
quotes insurance ireland
Driver Education/Insurance Rate Information?
For my Driver Education class, one of the assignments goes as follows: Call a local vehicle insurance company and ask if you can take a few minutes to ask some questions. Ask what the insurance rates will be for you when you are ready to drive. Also, ask what the rates would be for someone your age who is not taking any driver education classes. What will the rates be when you are 25 years old? What are they for a person without driver education? What are they for someone convicted of driving while intoxicated? If anyone could spare me the phone call, it would be greatly appreciated.""
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
Car insurance wrong information coverage upon car purchase..?
i bought a new truck, i am a first time car buyer and got the independent insurance agent the dealer had.... the agent told me that he was informed by the insurance agent that i will have a one (1) year coverage for the auto insurance as well as the amount of my monthly premium.. when i got the policy i was shocked to find out i only got six months coverage for the insurance and my monthly premium increased... they got PROGRESSIVE as the insurance company. i have already paid the required first six months (according to the agent) insurance premium and have to pay monthly for the remaining 6 months... which is not the case when i got my policy... is there a way how to handle, change this car insurance that i got? if not how could i send any complain to certain authorities/agencies for this kind of activities? any help is appreciated""
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
Cheap Auto Insurance Deals?
Whats the best car insurance deal you know?
Why is unemployment insurance so cheap and health insurance so expensive?
The government deducts my unemployment insurance but I have to pay health insurance out of earnings? Seems like the government takes less. Conservatives hate low prices only profits. We need to take health care out like unemployment.
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Why is auto insurance so expensive?
I am 17 years old and male, I'm also about 3 weeks from 18. I recently got a quote from Geico on a 97 Ford Explorer and they returned with $280 A MONTH for minimum coverage! My question is: -Are there any other options that would be cheaper than 200? Possibly around $100 to $150? -Would being added to my family's plan be cheaper? My dad owns a mustang and we also have a Ford Explorer, is Geico going to charge more even if I don't ever drive the mustang? -What can I do too get a cheaper quote? I can't afford nearly $300 a month! -I'm almost 18, Male, A Senior in High School, Currently Employed, Have average grades, Never had a DUI, car accident, and never been arrested. I'm not married as well. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! -Shawn""
""Im from the UK.Around how much would insurance cost for me a 17 yr old girl, buying a 1999-2000 toyota celica?
All helpful answers appreciated. Stupid answers are not welcome !
What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
""I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?
I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?
Do I need to be on the insurance to get my license?
Im about to be 18 and I have an appointment at the California DMV to get my license. I've had my permit for a year. my boyfriend wants to take me. his car is registered and everything is fine but his insurance doesnt cover other people driving his car. can I take the DMV test in his car or not?
Will my insurance rates go up because of this?
I cancelled my Esurance policy and went to State Farm. I received a cancellation email afterward. My policy with Esurance is set to cancel completely on the 8th but I got an email today saying my policy had lapsed. Will my insurance rates with State Farm go up because of this?
Auto Insurance coverage -- How much Liability and Medical?
I got a couple of questions about about auto insurance coverage. Namely, what's the best amount of liability and medical coverage to select. 1) For the liability, I know it's wise to get the best liability that one can afford to cover your assets. But how about if one also gets umbrella coverage. For example, if one gets an umbrella coverage at a $2 million limit and the liability limit for the auto insuarance is $300,000 or $500,000, does it make sense to select the $500,000 or is it better to select the $300,000 limit since the umbrella coverage would kick in? 2) for medical, is this redundant coverage and not needed because wouldn't the liability portion also cover medical expenses? Or is it wise to get this, for example, if a passenger is not insured (no health insurance), so the medical part would help out in that case? Thanks.""
I have an insurance quote of 1300 for a punto 1.2 on a provisional licence?
if i take this quote what will happen when i get a full licence will it go up or down?
What happen if drive car with no insurance?
i've been buying this used car since last 2 weeks and drive it with no insurance. The MOT and tax will end in August. I just cant afford to buy the insurance yet. What happen if i don't insured it? i live in Northern Ireland, UK""
How would you change your car insurance if your car was over ten yrs old?
idk what my stupid teacher means by that.. i know that car insurance would increase but im not sure thts what she is asking with this question.. thankyou =]
Where can I find affordable medical insurance as a self employed person?
I am a self employed person so I don't have medical benefits like you would if you work for a company. I am paying well over $600 a month for medical insurance coverage as a business owner. Does anyone know of a program or something that offers cheaper insurance to business owners?
Insurance on newly bought car?
When you buy a car, you kind of have to drive it home without insurance. What happens if you get in an accident or get pulled over? I'm talking about buying a used car, if that makes any difference.""
Where can i get a car insurance policy which lets me drive any car including hire cars anywhere?
i have a normal car insurance policy in the uk which allows me to drive my own car in europe. i want a policy which allows me to drive other cars anywhere in the world
When does health insurance kick in when you start a job?
I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?""
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
What would the cheapest car to insure be (uk)?
any suggestions on what would be a cheap car to insure for a new driver (18)
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
quotes insurance ireland
quotes insurance ireland
What car insurance company should I go with?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old who has a clean driving record
""If you have Amica car insurance, how much does 1 speeding ticket cost you?""
I live in Massachusetts. Have a perfect driving record but now I'm charged with 1 speeding ticket. How much more in insurance premiums will it cost me if I plead guilty? It's a regular speeding ticket, not DUI or wreckless driving. THanks""
Where is the best place to get insurance for my scooter?
i know that scooter insurance runs around 120 a year but all the quotes i keep getting from places like Allstate and progressive are more like 1167 a year. Where is the best place to get comprehensive insurance for my scooter.
Why does my car insurance provider ask for other people in household?
Does it matter who I live with if they aren't going to be driving my car? How will it affect my rates? When I first got my insurance I lived with roommates - they had good driving records but still they never drove my car (they had their own!), now I live with my fiance who has a DUI - will my rates go up because of it? He has his own truck and SUV so we rarely ride my car and when we do I ALWAYS drive... so why do I need to tell my insurance company (Mercury) who else resides in my home?!""
""My friend backed his motorcycle into my car, who's insurance covers it?""
My friend backed his motorcycle out not paying attention and backed into the side of my car leaving 3 deep scratches from the pegs on the side of the bike. Also, the bike and the car were in his driveway. He does not have insurance on the bike, but we both have liability on our cars. How do we go about getting this issue resolved?""
Why does having access to more than 1 car put your insurance premium up?
I'm trying to get insured on my mums car, the quotes on insurance comparison websites are higher when I mention that she is insured on somebody else car though...""
Why is my car insurance so high?
iv just passed my test and looking to insure a car, any car to be honest, iv got 2 convictions with 6 points for no license and no insurance 3 years ago now, and my quote on 993cc suzuki swift was 2086, WHAT THE F##K!! i even just tried a 205 diesel and it was over 3k?????? what i dont get is my friend got a 1.1 punto with a recent dui and ban and his insurance is only 1800 which is high but shudnt mine be less as my convictions are not half as bd and where done twice the time ago as my friends!!!!""
How much is car insurance for a new driver in London?
I'm 27yrs and I'm looking at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 3dr Hatchback. I want to get my full driving licence before I buy the car which means I would be a new driver when I want to get the insurance. I just want to have a rough idea of how much I will be paying annually. I know i cant get the right figure, just need a rough idea of the minimum/maximum i would have to pay. Any contribution will be highly appreciated.""
Car Insurance Question?
If i have a fully comp insurance policy in my name, can i drive any car on the road, with no limitations ie. engine size, make, model, and does the car which im hoping to drive need to be insured by someone else, or not, thanks in advance""
""Car accident, no insurance?""
Hi, i got into an accident Friday. I was cut off on the highway and when I went on my breaks my car started to skid out of control due to ice. A car in the left lane struck mine. I am on my fathers insurance and found out when I called my insurance company to report the accident that my policy was cancelled last July. My car and registration and insurance is all in my dads name, i am just a registered driver. If the state of RI decides to fine me for not having insurance, or the other driver decides to sue me for it, will that go against my father or myself? Thanks.""
Car insurance prices ?
How much does insurance cost for your first car and also how much would group 14 car insurance cost for a first car
Is there one day motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you""
What is a good insurance policy for a motorcyclist?
I'm 17 and I have good grades and a job. Im driving to school and to work. Im geting a ninja 250 cc. I litterally own the motorcycle, I paid in cash from a dealer. Do I need liablity insurance? How about comprehensive? collision? medical? Please, I want to pay an addordable insurance policy. Please give me some good policy rates for a 18 year old. ty""
Please help me get health and dental insurance?
I am 20 years old and make about $250/week (bi-weekly checks vary from about $420-520 after taxes). I am in desperate need of health insurance and I badly need dental coverage. This is horrible, but I need at least 5 fillings maybe more. I have weak enamel and I am prone to cavities. As you can tell I dont make a hell of a lot of money (and I work almost every day, but of course my hours were recently cut because the owner decided to hire a family member and pay them twice as much to sit on their *** and tell me to do the stuff I already do on my own initiative, then ***** that payroll is too high) I have to pay car insurance and constant car repairs until I can just replace it with one that wont need so much tlc and money. This makes it pretty hard to save when I keep on paying to fix things. I have a phone bill to pay as well and I do not have a house phone so it is necessary to keep in touch with family and work. Please help me figure out how to get the best coverage possible that will be affordable on a teeny budget. I really am in desperate need. Thank you so much!""
How much car insurance do I need?
I have a 2007 Honda Element and live in an area where people drive really expensive cars on a regular basis (i.e. Tesla's, custom Mercedes', Porsche's, Lotus'...). Also, Elements tend to need windshield replacements a lot. I will be driving children around as well so I need sufficient coverage for that. I was basically just curious about how much coverage I need because I'm getting the feeling that I have too much coverage therefore am paying too much. Currently my coverage is: -Bodily Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: No Coverage -Uninsured Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 -Collision: 500 -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000""
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
Question about Michigan auto insurance! URGENT!?
I have a son that has his drivers license and he doesn't have a car. He does NOT drive my car! Does he have to be on MY policy? If he's on my insurance it raises it 500 dollars for 6 months! HELP!
Car accident/car insurance help 18 year old girl?
i am an 18 year old girl (almost 19) living near miami, fl. i am looking to get my own car insurance eventually i have had 2 major accidents -the first one was when i was 17. totaled a 93 bmw in the rain, no other cars involved. i was in the hospital for a week -the second one was recently, i rear ended a small car with my 98 mountaineer. i got a careless driving ticket. the damage is pretty bad (mostly to the radiator) i have also had 2 speeding tickets, both when i was under 18. right now i am looking to get a 2004-2010 used 4x4 pickup truck how much would car insurance cost me per month (estimate) and what would be the best company for me to go with?""
Health insurance question?
Had COBRA insurance, terminating, looking for health insurance. One health insurance has turned me down. Am on SSDI and have a condition that needs outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Babies insurance please answer?
I have medicare (pregnancy) and I was wondering how does it cover the baby when he is born and what do I do to get his insurance and all that? Thank you.
What is the cheapest insurance u can get with a cobalt ss because it is a super sports car?
i do not currently own it but if i find a super cheap quot so i can get it and i don't know much about insurance so can you explane why u have to have it and what it really pays for... if HyperGforce get in here i would really appreciate that because i love gm workers (my dad currently works there for 25 years and my grandpa also has worked there all his life so gm runs deep in my family.
What would happen with my insurance company?
I hit a car 10 months ago. The guy said I didn't have to pay for it because he said the car was a piece of crap. So no reports were filed or anything. 1 month after the accident, he wants the car fixed. What would happen if I called my insurance and told them this? Would my rates rise? Would I pay extra fees? Would my insurance still cover it? I live in California and have Farmers and I am under 18""
Affordable health insurance?
how does health insurance work? what are we really paying monthly? what are deductibles and premiums? my boyfriend needs health insurance he is 22 and a smoker and lives in nj he graduated from college already so he cannot get the school insurance and his job does not offer him insurance where can i find affordable heatlh insurance for him
Do I need health insurance for cosmetic surgery ?
Just wondering ? I have the money to pay for it, so I don't need the insurance to cover it..But the medical forms ask for that information, and I don't have health insurance yet ? Does it matter ? Can I get the surgery without it ?""
Question on Auto Insurance?
I live in California. I noticed on my insurance policy that I did not have collsion or comprehensive coverage on my car. I called my insurance company yesterday in the a.m. and told them to add the full coverage. I had an accident last night about 7 hours later. A lady turned left in front of me. Even if I was at fault which I don't think I was, did that updated coverage go into effect when I called the insurance company and told them to add it?""
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quotes insurance ireland
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
"Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
17 Year Old Motorbike Insurance?
What would you estimate the insurance costs are for a 17 year old riding a C.P.I Sprint 125CC?
What is the best auto insurance?
i am 23 and pay $135 for liability. i need something cheaper.
What is a affordable health insurance that covers DENTAL?
or at least some of the cost?
How much would i get from the insurance?
I was involved in a car accident in Sept 2009. I sustained low and upper back injurie, left side shoulder and neck and severe headaches. I have been dong treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and phisio therapy. As of right now i am only doing physio therapy and massagge, however the injuries have not healed yet. If for any reason i dont get better for another year or 2, how much would i be getting from the insurance as a settlement? The medical bills as of Sept 2010 were around 13 thousand. I was employed at the time of the accident and have not returned to work since the accident. My car was totaled and the other driver was fully at fault. I am just wondering how much would i be getting roughly if my case lasts for 2-3 yeas in total.""
What should my average house insurance cost?
I'm buying an older house (1920's-1930's) in a working class neighborhood in California for about $200K. What should I expect to pay for my standard homeowner's insurance?
Does car insurance typically cover the car being totaled due to flooding?
I live in the Midwest, where everything is flooding. My husband just called and said that his car was flooded, and is now not running. Does car insurance typically cover this? I know I'll need to check with our insurance company in the morning, but I'm just curious if that is considered an act of God, therefore covered under a comp. claim. We have full coverage.""
How to catch more insurance clients???
I am Life Insurance Agent. I am just trying to find out more clients to develop my insurance business.
How much does an insurance for a bus cost approximately?
The cost can be per year for a 40ft or for a 60ft diesel bus. I need the info for a life cycle cost analysis. Any info will be helpful. thanks
Where to shop for health ins when my cobra expires?
I've been under a company subsidized cobra plan for my wife and I for almost 18 months. The premium is going from $394 to $1150, which I cannot afford and will have to let it ...show more""
How much would my car insurance cost to pay the minimum payment?
what is the cheapest car insurance company? How much would the minimal payment cost? My 21 yr old bf would be the one paying it and i would be under his insurance. im a first time driver age 19. I am a mom of two kids and highschool graduate. the title to my car would be in his name. Unless it doesnt matter to have it in both our names. we live in ms and he uses state farm.
Do you get cheaper insurance if you drive less miles to school?
if i lie and tell them i drive barely any miles to school would it be cheaper? its 87 a month right now but imma tell them scool is like a 2 mile drive
Car Insurance need advice?
I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies""
Car Insurance?
I know people will tell me to ring myu insurance company but i dont have my policy number with me or their number im at work today...... How much difference cost wise do you think it would be to change my policy so i can drive any car. I need to be able to drive my boyfriend, my dads and his dads cars? In the UK by the way""
How much does it cost to live on your own. CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?
slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn'dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh""
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)""
Insurance on 2009 A4 TFSI (I'm 19)?
What would be the insurance rate for a 2009 Audi A4 TFSI (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) for me, I'm 19 years old and I live in Florida. I have a 2008 335i which is V6 twin-turbo and the insurance is high, can't afford US$6000 a semester. thank u""
Where to find really cheap car insurance?
I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month
Can a health insurance company find out if you are NOT a full time student?
Is there any way that your health insurance company can or will find out if you are a full time student or not? Usually i am a full time student but this semester i have a class that is only 2 credits, therefore i have 11 credits and technically am not full time. My dad recently received a letter asking for me and him both to sign it and list the name of the school i go to etc. So my question is this, will they call and verify with the school? thanks""
Can I drive another car with my Geico insurance?
I just purchased my first insurance policy. My sister has Geico insurance and she can drive any car and anybody can drive her car. I'm wondering if I have the same privileges, or do I have to pay for them. My policy is about as basic as is legal in California so here's to hoping.""
Insurance for a car?
how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male
Home insurance?
i live in southern california and my home value is 600,000. I pay 2,200 for insurance every 6 months. i think this is a little too high but would like to know if this is average. When i bought the house i was too excited that i didnt even talked to my insurance agent, who is located in Fresno, Ca. I do live near a school could that also be the reason why my home insurance is so high? Could the location make any different? Can i also change insurance or will there be a penalty? I have no clue? My insurance is through Farmer. thanks in advance!!!!!""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with a bimmer ?
Probably a late 1990's model. I have to pay for the car and 1/3rd insurance - so I'm just wondering how much insurance would be around for a BMW ?
How much should my car insurance be? read details?
I am 17. I want to buy a mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its probably going to be a 2000, if not then 2001-2003. GT model. I went to drivers ed and we have allstate for insurance. how much wuld the insurance be?""
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo. why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine, obviously im not gonna switch, but i am curious as to the difference in price.""
Do you need insurence to perform a play at a senior center/hospital?
A small group of actors (10) are preforming a play for Charity at retirement homes and hospitals. Would we need insurance to perform there? Someone was concerned that we might accidentally fall over and break our arm or fall over and break someone else's. Would we need to pay insurance or could we just write a well thought out contract (if so give example in answer) to perform there?
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Churchill Car Insurance Problem?
Had accident which was my fault in Nov 08, hit a van in rear that stopped suddenly going through a roundabout (less than 5mph) and his trailer hitch ball went into my radiator and damaged the hood, grill and radiator. Car was 1996 Honda in very reasonable condition, MOT'd and all in good service despite its 125,000 mileage, new tyres, exhaust, battery, and clean throughout. Had fully comprehensive insurance with 50 deductable, loaner car and legal support so paid to be protected. When car was collected from accident, collecting garage said at that time that due to the mileage my car would not be repaired. However it took 5 to 6 weeks for the insurance examiner to determine that my car was beyond repair, so I did without a car all that time. Despite repeated phone calls to them, they never called me back as their examiner was on holiday. Then when we finally agree that a price of 500 for my car in January 08 and that took some haggling, the cheque never and so I started chasing them down in early February. I am then informed that I did not disclose a speeding violation on my application and they would have to listen to the tapes of my applying to verify this. Again this took several weeks, and I again had to pursue them for an answer to which they then said I had applied on the internet so no record of a phone conversation. The internet application was misleading, asking for what I believed was 3 years worth of offenses. I've only ever had 2 speeding offenses in my entire life - both speed cameras, just over the limit. The first was at 6 a.m. and I passed a bus pulling over to stop and as I passed it got flashed. The second on the day I found my dad had days to live and I was rushing to catch a flight, and as in both instances was doing 42 mph in a 30 mph zone for a very short period. Nonetheless, I was speeding and paid my fines. I wrote to the insurance company and apologised for not telling them of the other speeding ticket from 4 years and 9 months earlier as I forgot about it. But I admitted it, and apologised in writing. Then then came back to me saying that there would be additional premium to pay before I would get paid for my car. Well, its October 08, and I finally got a letter from the insurers saying they are not paying me as I failed to pay the additional premium requested and they were not going to renew my policy. I have never been asked even after repeated letters to them how much the additional premium was, and what I should do. No replies. I have asked for my car back which they agreed to pay for, and now they state there is nothing they can do, and it is their final decision. I went to the financial ombudsman and unbelieveably DID NOT get a reply from them. I've even spoken to one of their survey staff who tells me that they are incredibly busy and it was probably put aside and not dealt with. I'm at a total loss as to where I stand and how to pursue this without spending more than the accident and car was worth. I've written to their data protection officer and obtained copies of all documentation pertaining to this, so by their records can verify all this information quite clearly. Finally, I maintained my cool with them at all times. Never once did I raise my voice or become unprofessional with them. My questions are: 1. Can I legally request my car back as it has never been paid for? 2. Were they taking money for policy on a car they knew that through mileage alone, they would never pay for loaner car, or to have repaired? 3. This has meant over 30 letters and more phone calls than that to deal with, and rarely do they call you back or reply at all. Can I claim for this time and distress? 4. Am I totally wasting my time? Regards, Papa Don""
Questions about car insurance?
Is it illegal for someone to drive someone else's car if they do not have car insurance, but their friend (who owns the car) does? What would happen if they got pulled over for a ticket . . . would there end up being a big problem? What about if they had an accident . . . would they be covered under their friend's insurance? And are there are some types of insurance that would cover an accident if it was caused by the uninsured friend of the insured car owner? Thanks so much :)!""
Im 71 years old will 1 speeding offence offence two years age effect my car insurance?
I have always used a Mobility car, hence the ignorance re, insurance""
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
Affordable kids health insurance in Florida?
I recently got a new job, and my income combined with my husbands will be *just* over 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, making us ineligible for the $20/month payment for Medikids. It would cost $160 for each of our 2 children to continue this full coverage/no co-pay insurance. We cannot afford this. What are some other options? We definitely cannot afford insurance for the whole family.""
What do you do if you cant afford car insurance?
Im a sinlge mother and my bills are more than my income. I seriously have to choose between food or car insurance. i cant take the bus to work the schedule doesnt work out....Im scared Im going to get pulled over. What do I do?
Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance for a 19 year old boy in the UK?
I will eventually have my car when I'm 19 but i want to drive a 1.6 instead of a smaller engine. Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance because i know of people who got it cheap In england
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
When getting an insurance quote do you have tell them what your tickets have been reduced to or....?
I am going to get an insurance quote and need to know if I can tell them what my tickets were reduced to or if I have to tell them what I was actually pulled over for.
""I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
""If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????""
i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?""
How will the grandfathered in medical insurance work for Obamacare?
I have had an individual plan since 2004. I just read you can be grandfathered into plans that don't provide coverage options required under the Affordable Care Act. This sure doesn't sound good!! It sounds like if I want protection, I will have to pay twice as much as I am now on the exchange, which I thought was supposed to lower cost. Obama said someone can keep the insurance they have if they'd like, which is half the price as the exchange, so who wouldn't want to pay half as much? If it's not covered under the Affordable Care Act, does that mean I still could be dropped or denied? Why call it the Affordable Care Act when it is only affordable to very low income people? I am middle class, and I read that only 9% of Americans make between $50,000 to $75,000. Do you think this sounds right? This is hard for me to believe.""
Is it illegal to use a wrong address on your car insurance?
I want to use the address my dad lives at for my car insurance because it makes my insurance 200 cheaper. It is my registered address and my driving license, bills and bank is addressed there but I don't technically live there anymore. I live between my boyfriend and another parents house. What is the deal with this?""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
What's the best health insurance for a 19 yr. old?????
So here's the thing: I just turned nineteen last week, I'm no longer going to college, I have two part-time jobs. If I were still in college I'd be under my mother's insurance but that's not the case. And it's the law in Massachusetts (where I live) for every adult to have H. Insurance. So I'm in the process of quitting one of my part-time jobs. And the other doesn't give me benefits 'cause I'm part-time or whatever. So in the mean time I'm looking online, in newspapers, everywhere like crazy to find a good job that's full-time and gives me benefits that includes H.Insurance. So my question is what would be my best bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pilgrims, what?! It has to be something affordable too right? 'Cause I'm no rich bank here. Please help.""
Car and car insurance?
Okay so I want to buy a car. My credit score is 633. I am 19 and in january I opened 2 credit cards which I pay my bills on time. I also have a phone bill i pay on time. If i wanted to buy a 10,000 dollar car or maybe 8,000, I was wondering how much my APR would be and how much my monthly bill would be. Also how much I would have to put down on the car at first. And I was also wondering how much my insurance cost would be seeing that I am a 19 year old female with 2 tickets on her driving record. (One for speeding, one for phone use.) i just need a rough estimation... Thank you :)""
Do anyone know where i can get cheaper car insurance?
Im with Tesco and am due to renew my insurance next month but what im paying at the moment is sky high. Ive been on the road 2 years now, I have a reno clio.""
Teenage Car Insurance?
What can we expect for a 16 year old having to pay on a monthly base if he has his OWN insurance (as in not co-insured with the parents). This would be in Texas. I am pretty sure that there is a great difference. Just trying to familarize myself with the whole deal and trying to figure a ballpark amount. Any tips you might have are very much welcome. Thanks!!!
Can 15 minutes really save you 15% on car insurance ......?
.... with Geico?
Can your health insurance drop you if you use marijuana?
Hi everyone, I want to start by saying that I am here looking for an answer to my question. Please keep your opinions of marijuana and and sermons on federal law to yourself. =] I have had stomach, bladder and pelvic problems for several years. I was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and am positive I also have IBS (waiting to see dr). I live in california and have a medical marijuana license. If I didn't use it, I would be unable to work and probably addicted to vicodin and xanax. my bf thinks I should be open and tell my pcp that i use it to treat my chronic pain so that he could possibly offer other reasons for my symptoms (even though i know these symptoms have nothing to do with my use my bf ust wants to hear it for himself). the only thing i am worried about is insurance. do insurance companies kick you if they find out you use? i'm not worried about work finding out, just insurance. thanks!""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
""How much does it cost to live on your own in Sacramento, CA?""
I need to move out when I turn 18 due to problems at home and with my family. How much would it cost, realistically, to live on my own in a studio apartment in sacramento, roseville, citrus heights, rocklin or the surrounding area? I mean the bare minimum cost, including car insurance, rent, food, medical insurance, etc. I would be paying for everything on my own. Thank you for the input!""
I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?
Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?
Car Insurance Problems. Pain in The neck?
Im 22 and I have a terrible credit score. I am looking to insure my car by myself which has always been insured by other people like my parents/boyfriends mom etc. I know my credit score is my own fault but I have been running into difficulties trying to find a decent car insurer for my vehicle. Does anyone know a place that will offer car insurance even though I have poor credit? I know I will pay a lot more than if I had a good credit score but I am in dire need of insurance and am willing to pay a bit more than usual. Alot of places have even denied me car insurance because of the my credit score so If anyone knows a place (not geico, progessive, unitrin or allstate) that will be helpful and will possibly insure me, can u please let me know:-) Oh yeah Im residing in NJ, if thats helpful!""
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Do I need a canceled registration receipt from my license plates to get better car insurance rates?
My wife got into a car accident and totaled our car. i bent the license plates in half and canceled our policy. its been about 3-4 months and now we bought a new car and were trying to register again, but all the car insurance places are giving us high rates. i think its just cause we've gone so long without insurance but my wife thinks its because we didnt send the registry or the insurance place the receipt for canceling my plates (which i did online). so which is it?""
Car accident insurance?
I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.""
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
""Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?""
I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record.""
Can your parents pay your car insurance?
Keep in mind, they don't have a car!! I know i sounds crazy""
If I get my g2 will my parents insurance rise?
I would like to get my g2 in october, but not get insurance and start driving alone until november. Would this raise my parents insurance from just getting my g2. Also, if i have an 80% avg at midterm, will it lower the cost of insurance? If yes then would a 90 avg lower the insurance cost even more?""
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Young Driver Insurance?
I am 18 and have recently passed my driving test. I have bought a car, a 55 regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 door, and before I bought it all of the insurance quotes were cheap - none above 2500 a year. I looked today and all of them are over 4000, even if I put both of my parents as named drivers. Does anyone know any good, cheap young driver car insurance companies or have any advice on how I could lower my premium? I have checked the majority of comparison sites.""
Question about Scion Tc insurance?
So I figured it couldn't hurt to ask about the insurance on a Scion Tc. I'm 16 and looking into getting a scion as my first car. My family and I have state farm insurance, and I would co-sign with them. It would be a used scion with about under 50000 miles and probably a year 2006 or 2005. I live in new york if it helps and am a new driver, no tickets or points. So I was just basically wondering how much other people pay a month or year for a scion tc, their age, the year of their car, and the state they live in. Also and more importantly is a scion tc considered a sports car, or is it under sports car insurance. If it is how much extra monthly is that. I would also be eligible for a steer clear program reduction, good grades reduction, and the reduction for taking drivers ed if anyone has any idea how much that would save. Thanks for anyone who can help!""
Car insurance question regarding friends car?
(This is in Ohio). My friend let me drive her car when the roads were kind of bad due to weather. At an intersection, the light turned yellow, and I began to slide on the ice. I had control of the car, however, if I would have continued to slide straight I would have been hit side on by the incoming cars coming through the intersection. Instead, I had to turn the wheel and I hit a pole. No damages were done to the pole, any other cars, or people. Unfortunately when we took the car to an autobody shop, getting an estimate without the use of insurance, we got an average cost of $2,200. There's NOT that much damage on the left bumper to make the cost so expensive. Both me and my friend are insured, however, MY insurance company is saying it's her car, so her insurance has to pay for it. How will this work? If I ask her to pay using her insurance, I don't want her to pay any out of pocket. I would pay the deductible. Will this hurt her insurance, or my pocket? Any other good ideas? Thanks so much.""
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
Is this normal for home insurance?
I have AAA-California home insurance and we had an incident yesterday involving a squirrel and our fire suppression sprinkler lines. AAA says they only cover the damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) by the squirrel eating through the lines, but will not cover the cost of repairing the lines. Is this standard for all home insurance, or do I just have a crappy policy?""
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
""My husband and I need private health insurance, any recommendations?""
My husband and I need private health insurance because his job does not offer it and I am a stay at home mother of our two year old son. We live in California, make about 2000.00 a month and are a family of three. We just need basic coverage so that if we get sick we can go to the doctor and if we have an emergency we can go to the hospital. Any recommendations for a low cost good plan that would suit us? Thanks so much!""
Good health insurance?
I am a 29 year old male, i don't smoke or have any health problems. I am looking for good health insurance that doesn't have a high monthly cost. any recommendations of what to stay away from or some good ones would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)""
Can I put my partner on my health insurance?
Hi there, My girlfriend and I are going to be moving to New Jersey in May of next year. We are going to get a civil union. At this point will I be able to include her on my health insurance through work? I work in Philadelphia. Wasn't sure of this since PA doesn't recognize civil unions, but didn't know if there is a loop hole since we will be living in New Jersey?? Any help would be great. Thanks!""
Can i get car insurance at age 18 with a permit in NY?
Hey,i have looked around but i seem to have found mixed answers,so i posted my own question to get a straight foward answer.....Will i be able to get Car Insurance with a permit? I am 18yrs old and live in NY state. Thanks""
Is there any cheap insurance out there for students?
Hi, My name is Courtney and I'm looking to buy a car soon but I don't have car insurance. My parents wont put me on theirs so I need something really cheap because I'm a student and I don't have much money. Is there some place that offers coverage for low low prices?""
What is an average insurance rate for a house?
How do they figure insurance costs? About how much would annual insurance be for a $70,000 house? Thanks~!""
Why can't I get car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 11/10/12 I am not the registered owner on the V5 Log Book, my father is already insured on the vehicle that will be handed over to me as a shared car yet, I can't get my own insurance because I had one claim as a provisional license back in 2010, would it be better to go as an additional driver on my fathers policy or somehow resolve the problem as be the policy holder myself. Also my father admits he will be no longer needing the car when the insurance expires, but what do I do? just to be able to drive my car as I've only recently passed and want to go out for a drive!!!! Will the log book eventually need to be in my name so I can insure it? Also I'm having great difficulty with the claims, I can't seemed to be insured just because of a motorcycle accident claim that wasn't even my fault! thanks.""
I and my friend were thinking to buy a car. He is much older than me. How should we do insurance in this case?
In this case who should be primary driver on insurance policy? me or my friend? How does it matter in terms of insurance premium? My friend will be driving the car much more than me.
Can I fight this no proof of insurance ticket in the state of california?
I purchased my vehicle on 3/13/09 with insurance. I was stopped on 4/7/09 for no license plates and failure to prove financial responsibility i.e. no proof of insurance. Prior to that, the car dealer initially wouldn't even allow me to drive the car off the lot unless it was insured. Also, I hadn't received the insurance card in the mail from State Farm yet. I asked the officer (before he wrote the ticket) if he could identify my vehicle in his system to see that it is in fact insured, at which point he would not oblige. I obviously received the card a few days later and now have the card verifying insurance from 3/13/09 to the present date. Do I have a case here that can rightfully be reversed?""
""Hi i'm 21 no previous driving experience, how much will my bike licensce and insurance on a 125cc-200cc cost?
im considering doing my bike test and just wondering how much it would cost to insure a 125-200cc road bike? Also how much does it cost on average pass your bike TEST THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED!
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
""Motorcycle questions? Good old, cheap and cool bike? Insurance?""
Im looking at buying a motorcycle! :) I dont need one that is too quick, I just learned how to drive one and I loved it. I want to get one for the summer. I dont want to pay over 1500, and it doesnt need to be too fast. (what is the 2002 honda civic of motorcycles?) I just want it to be kind of cool looking. I saw a 1985 honda (with the wing on it?) that looked really cool. Im 17, and I want to get one that will only be insured for the summer. For one with a small engine, what is the insurance cost? I know it varies, but does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Matt""
Motorcycle Insurance (600cc vs 750cc)?
I am picking up a new sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here in a couple weeks and I was wondering the average cost of motorcycle insurance per month (or year if you pay gross). The bike will be totally paid off when I purchase. Thank you for your time, Kevin BTW: I am 25yrs old in Florida. It will be either a 600cc or 750cc.""
Anyone know insurance companies that would cover my car while in Canada?
I'm a US citizen on a temporary work permit in Ontario. I'm trying to figure out the best way to register my car. If I can find insurance that would cover me in Canada I could maintain registration in Calif. Does anyone know about this? Is there an insurance company that will cover my car while I'm registered in Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks!
What is the average premium of auto insurance in Toronto?
How much do people in Toronto spend on their car insurance every month? I am moving to Toronto this summer, and I am having a second thought about taking my car with me since I will live by the campus. I only have an one year experience of driving. I know the premium depends on a lot of factors but I am only looking for an approximation or a price range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion of car insurance company? Thx, and I really appreciate your help!""
How much is insurance on a ninja 250?
i am going to buy one in the next few weeks. i have a clean driving record. no tickets. no wrecks. im 22 years old. i live in kentucky. how much is insurance and what company's are best to get a quote from?
How much would insurance be ? ?
im 18 years old and i have a 2006 hyundai sonata and i was wonderinq how much my insurance would be every month .
Am I allowed to do this with my car insurance?
I am 22 and am on my father's insurance policy. My rates started out as only 30 dollars and increased to 50 bucks. They said that the reason my rates increased was bc I was added as a driver of the vehicle. I was wondering, if I were to get my father to take my name off as a driver and just list him would my rates go back down. Also what would happen if i got into a car wreck and my name was not listed on the insurance. I am just trying to keep my insurance down as I am in college and cannot afford it if it keeps increasing. Thanks""
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Friend on my car insurance?
I have a friend (age 21+) who needs to get a car insurance but she only has a learner's permit and she cannot get an insurance herself. She has a car under her name. I am willing to add the car to my insurance and have her as a secondary driver. What are the risks I have? Am I, first of all, allowed to add a car which I do not own? Does my insurance premium go up if she gets into accident?""
Car Insurance question ( British Columbia)?
My boyfriend was driving me car and crashed it. Everything is on my insurance.They said the cost of my insurance will be up for three years. and then it will go back to normal. If I don't get insurance for those three years will it go away or will I still have to pay it when I go to get insurance after the three years?
Cheap Car Insurance - Please Help?
Hello in June I will be 17 years old! Obviously like all 17 year old males I want a car! I'm not massively fussed about the car as long as it doesn't cost to much! Today I have been looking at cars such as; FIAT CINQUENCENTO Perodua Nippa EX and a few other cars bellow 1l I live in Northamptonshire and my postcode is NN1 *** on comparison websites i cant find insurance for less than 3500 when that is miles out of my price range! If anyone knows any insurance sites or extremely cheap cars to insure for 17 year olds then please reply to this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
""What would be a cheap car insurance company for me,19 yrs old?""
I did some quotes but some companies couldn't give me a quote.. don't know why though but I am trying to find out what would be a cheap good company for me. The car I was going to buy was the Pontiac grand am year 2000-2002. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks!""
Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?
My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don't have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?
""My truck got totaled, now the insurance wants to give me crap for payout. Can I negotiate?""
I had a 2000 Sierra that was probably the nicest truck in town. I have pictures of how it looked, videos of how it ran, and plenty of people to testify it was a nice ride. The insurance wants to give us crap for payout saying that the truck was average to poor condition. Even after stripping off most of my aftermarket stuff, I still have a few thousand $$ still on the truck. I know they don't cover aftermarket stuff, but if I can't take it off, I should be compensated for it. Can I negotiate with them or do I have to take what they offer me? I've already told them that I don't like what they offered me since my truck wasn't the junk car they are paying me for. Can they turn around and just tell me they won't pay anything since I didn't take the first offer?""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
""How much insurance(fully comprehensive, USA) do I have to pay for a 400,000$ car?""
For a 400,000$ car in the state of New-York how much car insurance will I have to pay fully comprehensive insurance. Like a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe how much insurance has to be paid for that type of car. Don't want an exact number, just round it off.""
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?
I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off""
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for me?
im 16, and unfortunately my parents wont let me go under their insurance for the car ( i know that complicates things) but im hopeing that if i get my own car, and pay for my own insurance it wont be too expensive :( does anyone know what insurance company would give me the approx. lowest cost?""
Do you have health insurance?
Do you have health insurance?
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
Auto insurance broker fee in CA?
Hi I live in CA i just bought a new 2012 hyundai and went to get insurance through Freeway Insurance and I signed up for a 12 month premium with Farmers they did not tell me anything about a broker fee until after i signed all the paperwork. I am 20yrs old and paying $220 a month for full coverage. They charged me a $275 Broker fee I just want to no if this is even legal or if they ripped me off! I walked out spending $560.00 Are they allowed to charge such high fees I will call my credit card and have them refund it immediately if they ripped me off. Please help. Open to all answers thankyou!
Car insurance advice needed?
My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
What is the best insurance to have?
"What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does abilify cost with insurance usually?
i have blue cross blue shield insurance, from Texas. How much does this medication usually cost?""
Why has my car insurance went up?
mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?""
My grandmother bought a life insurance policy for me in 1980...?
My grandmother passed a few months ago, (i was not close to her, long story) I just found out from my aunt that my grandmother had a life insurance policy on me and my sister. I was born in 1980, I'm assuming that's probably when she started paying on the policy. She paid $1.20 a month and my aunt wants to know if I want to continue paying it. What happens if I don't? Can I cash it in? I do not have the policy in front of me but my sister has hers and it says purchased in 1986. the monthly payment was $2.40 for her. And it says something about a cash value on the back. from what I gather it is a whole life/ universal life policy from liberty life insurance out of south carolina. does anyone know if there is a way to calculate the cash value, estimate. I guess I might have to wait until Tuesday to call them to see if it is worth still paying on. (I do have other life insurance on myself)""
Car insurance question?
how much is insurance for a 17 year old with say a used 90s honda?
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Car insurance question?
I recently passed my test, and was looking at car insurance quotes and they're all pretty expensive. I was wondering if I were to just wait until I'm about 23 or 24 before I purchase a car, would the insurance be cheaper, even if I didn't have any driving experience? Thanks in advance.""
What states don't require auto insurance?
As a young driver auto insurance is way to expensive. Since I drive a Mercedes most quote me at thousands of dollars a year. More than what I can afford. I know some states don't require car insurance if you can prove you have the financial means to pay out if you cause an accident. I need a list of those states that don't require auto insurance if you can prove you can afford to pay out. On top of this question how do I prove I can afford it. Do I need to keep a minimum amount of money in a bank account or do I have to buy a bond how does it work. And if it works with a bond or bank account please list the states with the minimum $ you need in bonds or account money. The reason Im asking is that I can easily get a minimum amount in my account (hopefully under $10,000) because id rather have $10,000 sitting in a bank I cant use than having to pay thousands a year for insurance I don't need. I been driving for 3 years and I never had an accident and im confident I never will (at least not one that's my fault) so I don't wanna waste thousands of dollars I need for my school. The reason Im asking is cause im looking for a state that suits me. So far Vermont and new Hampshire have laws to my liking but hopefully you guys can give me more possibilities by answering this question. Thanks""
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
Are there any insurance companies offering the minimum $200000 liability to Ontario residents?
I am 16 and looking to insure my 1994 Mazda mx3 2dr (not the gs edition) i read that the minimum required liability insurance was $200k for Ontario residents but i cant find any online quote offering coverage this low. (the lowest i found was Belair direct with $500000). If someone could please give me a hand with this it would be a great help to find some really cheap insurance. THANX
How much is the townhouse insurance in South Florida for a 3/3?
The HOA does not include insurance.
I want an insurance quote?
I want to the difference in insurance between a 93 v6 Camaro and a 93 Camaro Z28
Cadillac Insurance Plan Question?
What would b a good example of the deductible , copays, coinsurance, lifetime max for a Cadillac Insurance Plans""
""Can some body tell much i have to for my car insurance, if i live in brooklyn and 18 with new license?""
hey, i am planning to bye a car by next month, but before i go buy it, i need know how i have pay for my insurance, i am 18 just got my license and live in brooklyn, can somebody what is the most could i have pay...""
Where do i get health insurance if i am a student in school?
i am a student 22 years old. i need affordable health insurance. i have no job. i think i am going deaf and blind. where can i get insurance in washington state?
Life Insurance for over 40's?
Is there an over 40's plan in the UK that lasts more than 11 years. Know of any companies, tried direct line not luck. Thanks""
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
Where can i locate Leaders speciality auto insurance?
Where can i locate Leaders speciality auto insurance?
Why are our insurance rates going to go up again?
When Obama pushed his Affordable Care Act, he said that insurance premiums for families would go down. Last year mine went up. Now that the plan will be put in place fully next ...show more""
What kind of insurance do used car dealerships have and how much does it cost?
I looking to start up a small used car dealership. What type of insurance do I need and what would it cost me Im only looking to open a small lot with about 5-8 cars at a time thanks
Home insurance first year up front?
the bank is requiring us to get a year worth of Homeowners insurance . and i am asking what is the norm (interior wall to wall) without personal items included.. should i go with the condos exterior insurance companies to just have it uniform. ?
How much would motorcycle insurance be?
I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i.""
How much Michigan will fine me if I drive without insurance?
I was driving and accidentally a police officer stopped me because I crossed the red light, and he requested my car insurance but I don't have one. Now I got a ticket and a fine for driving without car insurance. How much will Michigan state fine me?""
Short-term car insurance?
Im looking for a company that will do short-term (preferably 3 weeks but a month is fine) car insurance for a 17 year old male with a provisional licence, can anyone recommend one?""
How long does it take to get insurance for a 50cc scooter?
I am going to buy a scooter soon but as soon as I do I would like to ride it as soon as possible. I can get MOT, TAX within 2 days but I don't know about insurance? How long would it take to get insurance for it and how much would it cost for a 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks for any responses :)""
Got a ticket for 30 over and have American Fam. Ins. 1st speeding ticket. Any insight on rate increase?
Aim a 23 year old male & this is my first ticket for speeding technically (I got a ticket 6 years ago for speeding but it was dismissed in court). I also totaled a car 7 years ago but that seems to be irrelevant now (I would think). I was sighted for going 75 MPH in a 45 MPH on interstate 670 in Columbus, Ohio (45 due to construction not in progress so fine was not doubled). The office stated to me that the traffic flow was moving well above the posted speed limit however I was moving a bit faster than the flow. My first question is should I take this to court and fight it (also hope the officer does not show) If the traffic flow was moving considerably over the posted limit then why wasnt any of the people ahead of my pulled over? Does anyone think this will stand in court or do you think the fact that I was going 30 over pretty much kill my defense? Also (since I believe I will have to pay) how much do you think my insurance rates will increase? Like I said I am a 23 year old male with 1 prior speeding ticket that was dismissed in court 6 years ago, totaled a car 7 years ago and received a ticket almost 3 years ago for peeling and squealing (which was BS). Any insight is helpful and thank you all for taking time to read my post and respond it means a lot.""
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you
Why are large engined/big sized second hand cars much cheaper than the small cars with small engines?
I did ask this a minute ago but I got it the wrong way round. Im looking for a car around 3.5k but the cars in that price range are great big hulking cars with huge engines that I cant afford the insurance for. How come smaller cars are more expensive?? I notice that when looking at new cars, the ones with bigger engines and bigger models are more expensive, so why is it the other way round for second hand cars?""
How much will i pay per year in motorcycle insurance?
20 years old. No car drivers license, first time rider. planning to take the motorcycle safety foundation 3 day basic rider course. Live in new york city. Looking at a pre 2007 used honda rebel. not looking for an exact quote, just ballpark what i should be expecting.""
How do i find out the laws of car insurance policies in the state of RI?
If my insurance company in ri has totaled my car can my sales tax be refunded
""To obtain my permit in the state of California, do I need to have my parents get insurance for me?
Or when I apply do I have to show proof that my PARENTS have insurance?
Car insurance so confusing?
i have car insurance just now and i pay monthly.i am changing my car on wed so need to change my policy to fully comp. i would like to pay for my year insurance in a lump sum to cut down on monthly outgoings.problem is i get car on 9th but dont have money to pay years insurance till 15th so can i pay for a month then the year or do i have to pay monthly for the whole year
I'm17 and have not got my license yet but when i do how can i get cheap car insurance?
I have heard that if i buy a classic car, my insurance will be cheaper, is this true? And do you have any tips for getting it as low as possible""
Which car insurance is good and cheap for a teen?
Well not so much a teen anymore im turning 20 in a few months.. but my car insurance is REALLY high..is it because i have a honda civic? or that im 19.. Should i try Geico? I dont know what to do. anybody know any cheap insurance companys?
Pay As You Go Insurance! Where can I get it? Cheap Insurance!
Hey people Basicly im insured with Admiral under third party fire and theft. Im doing their 10 month insurance thing which equates to 1 years insurance after the time. I was insured with them last year the price was 1090, this year its gone up to 1250 (had an accident which was my fault). Im paying monthly which has increased it to 1550. Im paying about 150 a month. My question is, where can i get cheap insurance from? Preferbably Pay as You go type. Has anyone done PAYG insurance before?""
Ball park how much extra to add my boyfriend to my car insurance policy.?
I'm paying alot because i'm a new driver to the UK, just wanted a ball park of if it will be alot more to add my live in boyfriend as an occasional driver.""
""If i make motor claim in the past, do i need to mention it when buying a new insurance?""
Hi, my car insurance is expiring soon, so i've started looking for quotes and i realised when i mention the fact that i have made a claim in the last 5 years,,,the premium gets higher. If i dnt mention it, its much cheaper. Is it neccessary to mention it? what happens if i don't mention it?""
Who has the best life insurance policy ratings?
family life insurance policies
Teen car insurance!! ?
im 15 and getting ready to buy my first car. i really want to know about how much my insurance will be. im getting a 2001 toyota celica and i live in north carolina and im a girl. can anyone please help?????
""What is the average cost for an underage driver, with a new car, on their parent's policy?
I am 17 and I am considering getting my license and buying a car. How much is the average price of insurance in my position?
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
Teenage insurance?
Id there any way how you can avoid paying for teen insurance? (Because the family insurer usually raises price as soon as the teen in the family gets license) If not, how to get cheap insurance?""
Will insurance be ok if I use a friend's car?
My girlfriend's dad said he wants to see how I drive and I am getting my license tomorrow. Not my insurance yet. Do I have to have my own insurance to drive his car or will his insurance cover me? Thanks!
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Car Insurance For a 19 almost 20 year old?
Im gonna buy a used car, a 2003 sedan (not sure what car yet). This is going to be my first car and I need to know how much car insurance would cost. Thank you:)""
Does the official DMV website offer a free point insurance reduction program?
my friend recently complete an online 6 hour class to reduce his insurance rates by 10%. he told me the class was free and that he found it from the dmv official website. but when i go on the website, it only directs me to classes from private companies that aren't free. does the dmv website offer a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!!""
How much Insurance payments?
How much would the average cost of insurance cost me each month if im a 20 year old first time driver with a 2010, honda 15k dollar used car. I understand if its kinda hard to answer but any answer would be nice thanks""
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Mexican car insurance?
If I drive into Mexico, do I need to get insurance for my car from a Mexican insurance company or is the American insurance valid there as well?""
Making a New Auto Insurance Quote versus Renewal on Same Insurance Company Costs Less?
Making a New Auto Insurance Quote versus Renewal on Same Insurance Company Costs Less? My auto insurance will expire very soon and I noticed that I haven't received any renewal offers from my current insurance provider. So without hesitation I visited their official site and did some new quote. Virtually, I am a new customer if I choose to purchase this quote -- which will cost me only $380.00 Two days later, I finally received a renewal offer via e-mail. Take note again that this is the same insurance company, same insurance policy coverages, same policy number -- But there's a difference! To renew, it'll cost me $518.00 To my startled mind, I made a quick visit on this existing policy account online and checked the declarations page for this renewal offer. Unfortunately for some reason, the website cannot display this said page. What's going on here? Could there be a conflict if I choose to buy a new policy with presumably will make a new policy number with the SAME insurance company? Is there some sort of money making scheme going on in here? I have been informed also that if you create a new quote, and purchase that new quote BUT from the same company you appear as a virtual new customer but having the same name and complete information. Is doing so ok?""
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
How much would insurance cost (estimate) for a person my age?
Im a teen I live in Texas and I want a dodge challenger but insurance is the only thing my parents are thinking about so could someone give Me a estimate if how much it would be please and thank you
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you
I have moved back to the UK after living in Italy for 30 years. Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I passed my driving test in 1979 and received a full UK licence. After moving to Italy I had to convert to an Italian licence as I was resident there. I moved back to the UK in August, converted my licence back to a full UK and have been trying to find insurance at a reasonable price. My problem seems to be that I appear as having passed my test in August 2012 and my no claims bonus from Italy is not valid for UK insurers. First of all is this possible and do you think there's some way my driving experience and clean licence and insurance in Italy can be brought into play as I negotiate a new policy here? Thank you in advance for any advice. DI""
Help please with health insurance?
I am new resident in usa and I am 25 y.old.I have valicocele problems and its already 7years that i still have it . It didnt heart before but now my pain increasing. I dont know where to go and what to do becouse I dont have any insurance yet and I dont know will insurance cover my sergery if need sergery. Please give some information what kind of insurance do I need . I also heard about colorado indigent care program(cicp) . And I dont know will it cover to go to doctor or to have sergery. I will really presuate if you can help me . Thanks
""What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?""
If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?""
For Farmer's do auto insurance rates increase with cost of repair for a claim?
For Farmer's do insurance rates increase with cost of repair for a claim? Or is it determined by number of incidents and points on your record?
Insurance higher on Acura or Honda?
Purchasing a car either 2010 Acura csx or 2013 Honda civic , and I'm curious if the insurance would be higher on one or the other? Any opinions would be awesome. Thanks in advance!""
What is the average car insurance rate for a 17 year old female?
In the state of Michigan I just want to know what is the average car insurance rate for a 17 year old female. I am just getting my license in November,/December I won't be getting a vehicle until next April.""
How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?
So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?""
My car insurance is too high under parent's name?
My sister added her car under my mom's insurance and they pay for both cars $347 dollars 6 months for just liability coverage. When I tried to add myself to my mom ...show more
No insurance for high school sport?
What happens if you don't have health insurance and you wanna try out for a team? Will they disqualify you from even making the team because of it?
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
I got a ticket for jaywalking. Will it affect my insurance?
I live in California and was wondering if I should just pay it? I'm just wondering if it will affect my insurance but it wasn't a traffic ticket and I'm confused.
Traffic Citation: Insurance?
I received a traffic citation for speeding. I am not listed on my parents insurance card, but I am online. Online I appear as --- list only, driver under 21 never licensed my license number is not listed as well. Only my name and birthdate. -- Also it shows that I don't not have any rights as the insured drivers. Will their insurance rate increase even though I am not insured or listed as list only ? ** Included picture **""
1998 Firebird insurance?
I'm 16, got my license last week, and my dads buying my first car for me. Yeah call me spoiled but that's how he did it with my brother so he said he has to be fair. Anyways, I want a 98 Firebird. V6 3.8L auto trans. I was looking at 01-03 Ford Rangers but were too pricey. Budget is $5k. Found a 98 Firebird for $3k. Is the insurance any worse on a 98 firebird than an 02 ranger? Thanks""
Car insurance?
I got NYC Driver's lisence but my car is register under someone else's name in New Jersey. If i get a ticket speeding ticket I know it will affect my record but my question is, will it also affect the insurance of the guy the car is register under? if so how much?""
What is a good and cheep health insurance?
i only need it for a month i'm 19 years old and in good health. oh i live in florid
How do i buy car insurance and how do I find a insurance company that suits me (cheap)?
ok so I've seen a car I would like to buy, how do I get car insurance? should I ring a call or get insured online? Also a list of names of insurance companies would be helpful? thanks""
What is the lowest quote that people are getting from this site?
I managed to save 150 p/month. Can anyone find a better quote from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com
Best Medical Insurance for autistic toddler in california ?
My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue..""
Is it true that in America there are people who get jobs they may hate simply for affordable health insurance?
I am planning on emigrating to the United States within the next three years if I can get a visa for educators or an actual Green card. The thing is that people on this forum have been telling me that health insurance comes primarily from your employer in the States, and that if you have a pre-existing condition, you may end up not able to change to the job you want as you might not be able to get coverage or, if you do get covered, be charged more than your salary. Is this correct? Someone a few weeks ago was writing about how she was angry because she has Crohn's Disease and works a part-time job with full benefits in kind (insurance) and her husband teaches five adult education classes at a community college and a state university without benefits. She said that they have no kids (no intention of having any), but she was extremely cross with her husband as he loves teaching and doesn't want to leave it for a full-time office job with benefits even though he is putting aside $1,500 per month for any possible emergencies. Is it really like that in the States. I love America, love its literature, its people, its values and so many other things, but this sounds like a big deterrent if one doesn't have total job mobility. Would a husband end up quitting a job he loves doing and taking on something he might not like simply because the less appealing job offers affordable health insurance for someone with a pre-existing condition.""
Insurance for 18 year - which 7 seater?
im looking for a 7 seater that i can get insurance on for myself and my son who is 18 years old. im over 50 and have got 5 years NCB, my son has had his licecnse for 1 year and ...show more""
How much does car insurance cost a month?
for a 20 year old university student who's low risk
""Honda Sport 1.6 Insurance for an 18 years old, second driver...?""
I am looking to get 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport and I am only 18. My dad is planning to be the first driver and me as a second when it comes to the car's insurance. Guys, how much do you think the insurance would cost us?""
My 31 year old son is moving back in for a while can I put him on my car insurance so he's covered driving ?
I have state farm insurance I just want him to be covered if he's driving one of my cars in case he has a wreck
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you
Is AmeriPlan a Good insurance company?
it's a health insurance company, and for four people, you only have to pay 60 dollars a month. I was just wondering if it is a rip of, only asking people who have used it or are using it now. What do you think of it. Is it a rip off. Is the 60 dollars a scam, or is that all you have to pay. Thanks so much!""
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
How much is car insurance monthly for a new driver in Indiana about?
thanks :)
Car insurance increase due to speeding question?
I have geico car insurance and recently was convicted of 2 points for speeding. How much will the insurance be raised if Ive had probation one other time prior?
Cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I need the cheapest car insurance possible for my husband who rarely if EVER drives. His license is suspended, so I drive everywhere (except an extreme emergency), but since we are married, Geico insists we pay for both to be insured. Anyone get around this or find a great insurance company that could get me some reasonable rates in FL?""
How much does insurance cost each month for a trolley/bus?
I was thinking of purchasing a trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/
People who can't afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that they cannot afford it , and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)""
Will my car insurance be cheaper if I have a motorcycle licence?
I have always been put off learning to drive and buy a car due to the stupidly high insurance prices for first time drivers. The thing is, I have a full motorcycle licence. I have been riding on the road for about 4 years with no accident. Will this be taken in to account when I take out car insurance for the first time and will it make a huge difference to the amount I pay?""
Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?
I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you""
What car has the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 16 yr old?
What car? make? model? yr? Insurance company?
Car insurance for 21 yr single female scion fr-s/ subaru brz?
Does anyone know from personal experience about how much insurance for this car would cost? good student driver discount on parent's policy accident free.
What car insurance co. should I go with?
Can anyone offer suggestions for a company easy to, and willing to work w/you? I presently do not have insurance. I am on a fixed income. Money is always an issue. I need low rates. My car is old so I only need minimum. Was with SafeAuto -- OK, but not thrilled with them. Are there others out there legitimate and with good reputation? Pls remember, I cannot afford a lot. My inspection is coming up. Many many thanks!""
Wondering whether to pay my car insurance monthly or annually?
I have taken a loan out at 5.9% to pay for my new car, and will have a bit left over. Now I'm trying to decide whether it makes more sense to use whats left to pay for the insurance in one payment, or to just pay it monthly, and have a little of bit of spending money put aside. i know insurers charge interest on paying monthly, but im not sure how much it is. If it's over 5.9%, I may as well use the loan, if its less, I'll prolly just keep the cash aside for myself. Any advice?""
""How much would my car insurance be, I'm 22 years old, only had one speeding ticket, 2003 Mitsubishi Galant se?
It has 4Dr
Can my car insurance company take action on a DUI without a conviction?
I was stopped for a DUI, but have not yet been convicted since the court process takes forever... Well I would like to buy a new car, and it looks like my insurance company will check my record at that time. I have just checked out my record myself, and it shows that I have had my license suspended for 6 month for DUI, but it does not say that I have been convicted of the DUI. I have reason to believe that the charges will be dropped. Can they raise my rates or drop me at this point? Without a conviction?""
Average car insurance for me?
Im a guy. Senior in high school. I don't have a 3.0+ gpa to reduce insurance. I'm prolly gonna drive a 96 blazer or 97 jeep grand Cherokee. Roughly, how much would my insurance be?""
""If I move out, do I have to get my own health insurance?""
I want to move out as soon as I get a better paying job, but I also need to consider the different costs. Currently my mom has me as a dependent on her health insurance. If I moved out, would I have to get my own health insurance? I'm 19, if that matters.""
What's the advantage of having an intermediary company (broker) handle my car insurance?
i quoted through the intermediary company (broker) and the total payment was $331. Then i quoted directly with the insurance company and the total payment is $209......????
""My 21 year old son needs to see a dr.but no insurance, what can he do?""
he has a knot in his left breast and will need to be removed, but he has absolutly no insurance!""
Auto Insurance In California : how far goes the liability?
I am french and don't know anything about auto insurance in the US. I just received my driver license 2 months ago and a very old bettle (1973, value < 1500$) as first car. I never drive before (even in France), I have a clean record. How work the liability here? Let's say it's not my fault but I crash in a schoolbus and 3 childrens will need medical treatment for the rest of their life because of me. Who will pay for it? And what if it's my fault? [ In France, we have something called civil responsability that will pay for that. It's automatically included in every car insurance. ] I am also browsing the net for cheap but good insurance. I want it cheap because the car is worth nothing. But I want it good because i am a young (no experience) driver. Any tips and links to some websites are welcome. Thank you very much.""
Insurance for my full bike test?
I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
What car insurance company would you recommend?
Yeah im 20 years of age and im just going to get my license. Yeah i know...why did i wait so late. But now i want to know what car insurance company would be good. I don't have a huge budget to spend but i do need insurance. HELP ME OUT...
""Got caught speeding 36 in a 20, not listed on insurance, driving alone with a learned license?
My driving test is the day before my court hearing and I was wondering how much all this will cost and also if I'm gonna be able to take my test still
How much should car insurance pay for breaking your back in accident?
boyfriend got ina car crash. he was in the back seast. driver didnt see stop sign and tboned anothe car. he has a fractured lombar 2 and wont be able to work for a while now... how much should the liability pay? they only want to pay about 3 thousand or so..
AAA insurance question.?
I signed up for insurance for a home when I bought it 7 years ago. I told them I wanted full replacement which is what you have to have in order to get a mortgage. 7 years ago when I went down there to sign papers I specifically told him that I wanted to make sure everything was at full replacement value and my husband wanted to make sure the roof had full replacement value. I told the insurance guy that he is a roofer so that was a main thing he wanted me to make sure we had. The insurance guy laughed and made a little joke about it. So now, 7 years later we had hail damage and guess what.. my house does have full replacement value and all our property inside has full replacement value everything but the roof. Hmmm..imagine that. So I am sure I signed papers without reading the contract, I just took his word for it. Is there anything I can do? I am going to report this to the local new station. The insurance guy out right lied to me. This is in oklahoma. Is there a district office in oklahoma? I googled it and couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.""
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you
0 notes
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
"Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best supplemental medical insurance for veterans?
My husband will turn 65 on March the 18th and is scrambling to find a supplemental medical insurance because of the many veterans administration cutbacks on care. He suffers from diabetes type and hepatitis-c. He isn't service connected and needs an extra medical insurance to cover what the veterans administration doesn't cover. We need an affordable insurance that wont turn him down because of his medical condition.
19 year old female just passed driving test. need cheap insurance quotes. is anyone else in the same situation?
i am a 19 year old female and have just passed my driving test. i know the insurance quotes i get are going to be expensive but does anyone know who is best to go with (cheapest) and is anyone else in the same situation? Thanks
Do insurance rates really increase depending on if you drive a coupe or a sedan?
I heard insurance companies charged more to cover a teen who drives a coupe than a 4 door sedan.
I'm wondering a car insurance random question?
Hello, my brother has a cheap honda civic like $6 thousand .. He was driving and got in a car accident with a $200,000 dollar car.. The back bumper of the $200k car is wrecked and my brothers car is fine.. He has insurance .. Does the insurance cover everything.? Thanks""
What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts?
During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?""
Cheap insurance for bmw 318?
websites arnt even close to being accurate to get insurance quotes from so i was wondering does anyone have the experience to tell me reasonably accurantely where is the cheapest place to get insurance for a bmw 318 in northern ireland for a 2nd year driver with no claims and how much is it
How much car insurance for 16 year old?
The state of Louisiana. The car is a Lexus GS 2003. My family has a total of 3 drivers already. (4 Plus me) What does car insurance depend on?
What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri?
What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri? Is there a service/website to where i can find this info and info like that? What kind of insurance is mostly used in certain areas?
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well.""
Should I be adding my 19yr old daughter to my auto insurance?
Our 19 yr old daughter let he car insurance laps. My insurance company found out and added her to my policy this will cost an extra $700.00 + for six months. She also kept say all along that she was paying her own auto insurance for the last 6 months. I`v found out this was not true she stopped paying about 4 months ago. So she has been driving with out insurance for at least 4 months now. Her car is also in her name so I really can`t take it from her. I`m very upset at her for lien I just found all this out the other day.
How about Universal Auto insurance?
Universal Dental, universal home insurance, universal life insurance, universal pet medical insurance, universal flood insurance, universal renters insurance. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have the government provide all insurance to everybody? There couldn't be problems with that right? ( please note heavy sarcasm )""
Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we'll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we're considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA's state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I'm very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.""
Do i need insurance if i have drivers permit?
i got my permit yesterday but my parents wont let me drive until i get insurance. my moms car is insured. the insurance is 1000 dollars and thats how much i have in my savings account and if i spend it all i'll be broke. im 18 and still in high school and im looking for a job i applied but no one is hiring me and its frustrating!! im gonna waste all that money i did save on some stupid insurance??? ?????
Car insurance?
1st off i live in new jersey i accidently hit a car but didnt know i did it till later when the dude whose car i hit came up and confronted me.it wasnt my car but my roommates and i dont have insurance.ive offered to pay about 75% of the damage but i dont know if dude still wants to make a claim.i talked 2 the police and he said i could lose my damn lisence for bout 2 yrs.can any1 add a bit of clarity to this for me?
""When you had your first car, how much were you paying for the insurance?
im just gathering statistics
""On Average, How Much are braces without insurance?""
I Love my top row, they are just fine, but my bottom front teeth need alignment. i want to get braces for the bottom half only, and i wonder how much it would cost, due to the fact i don't have dental insurance.""
How much will my insurance go up??
i have 21st century auto insurance and i have been driving since february 2008 and i am 18 years old. i bumped a state vehicle (caltrans) but there was no damage done whatsoever to the vehicle...as for my car...there was a small scratch that i will not repair. however chp said since its a state vehicle they have to report it. how much will my insurance go up??
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?""
Car Insurance..6 Points..(read on)?
I got 6 points back in 2009 for speeding with a drink drive ban the same night! I don't need any lectures. I can easily say biggest mistake of my life! I done my time and still paying for it. I done a insurance quote without the 6 points and it was 600, with them it is 1300! (the drink drive ban included in both quotes) It is comming up to the 4 year mark where I can now get them removed from my licence, but I have to still declare it to my insurance even though there not on my licence any more..? (rehabilation offenders act..?) I have changed my ways and I drive very sensibly in low litre cars! Never want a fast car! (I am 23) I just use it for work my annual mileage is around 10k. These 6 points have raised it dramatically! Are there any insurance companies out there where I can only declare it for the 3 or 4 years? Or do I have to even declare it atall insurance companies are asking for 5 years, but they are completely off my licence after 4..I would of thought under the rehabilitation act I served my 4 year sentence now a 3rd party company (the insurer) is asking for 5..? Help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks""
Car insurance estimate dispute?
I recently was bumped into in my parking lot and am trying to settle with their insurance company for how much the repair fee would be. I took it to one place and it was around $2100 with damage to both the front and back door (they said the front door would need to be replaced). I spoke with their insurance company and they said I needed to take it to their place to have an estimate. I took it to their place, and the guy asks me if I was going to have it repaired their or somewhere else. I told him I would get it repaired somewhere else, which meant I would get a check he told me. He inspected it and told me that there was a 50-50 chance it would need to be replaced on the front door so his estimate was only for $1300. He said if I go get it fixed and they say it is more, that their insurance will pay the difference. This sounded to me like they are trying to say if you want the cash you only get $1300. What should I do? Should I try to negotiate with their insurance company for the difference or get more estimates that say I would need the new door? I would like the check, but I feel like I am getting ripped off since it would take more to actually fix it more than likely.""
Cheapest car Insurance companies for younger drivers?
Does anyone know any car insurance companies in UK that are cheapest for first time young drivers. Im a 21 year old male and will be putting my parent as the second driver to reduce it. Im not asking for cheap car insurance, I know that doesnt exist. But Im just asking for cheaper insurance companies because some of them are asking for ridiculous prices like 6,7 grand. I only want a second hand Fiat Punto, please help I cant afford this its just too much. Thank you.""
Cheapest car insurance companys for 21year old with kids?
Some where that takes into account my situation rather than age. Ta
Can you get a car insurance quote If you can't drive at first?
I am only currently doing driving lesson's and don't own a car but am I able to get a quote if I can provide the detail's on what car I want roughly?
Life insurance question?
is there a insurance company that deals with people that has had a illness/disability that was before 18 or like started at birth? i forgot the actual word for it.
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?
What is the cheapest car insurance? PLEEASSEE HELPPPP!!?
I have searched around, i'm 18 and male I know it's going to be expensive and it changes daily BUT if there is any companies at all that people know are relatively less expensive than others? would be great :)""
Question about car insurance?
okay so i was recently in an car accident and my car was a total loss. The accident is not my fault. I received my settlement check for my vehicle after paying my deductible for my insurance company. 2 months later now I received another check from the other insurance company at fault with an attached form stating that the check is for repairing the damages on my vehicle. Is this check safe for me to cash out? Not complaining of getting extra money, but Im just curious why would i get another check when i already got a whole settlement check from my insurance company. Shouldnt the other insurance be paying my insurance company instead? any help would be great.""
Auto Insurance Broker fee in CALIFORNIA?
What is the average auto insurance broker fee in California. What's the minimum and maximum broker fee? My auto insurance bill states the total costs for my six month policy premium is $200.00, but I paid the broker $275. How is it calculated? I just want to make sure he didn't over charge me. If possible, please include links. If I call my auto insurance company, will they be able to tell me or will I have to call the broker and find out. Your assistance is very much appreciated.""
Can you swap your bike for a hire bike with insurance?
I have a hire bike with my insurance while my bike is in repair, the hire bike is perfect and really fits my needs perfectly, is it possible they could swap mine for the hire bike even if it means paying money for it""
How much would insurance cost with a 2000 mustang convertible? HELP PLEASE!?
I'm a 16 yer old, and I have insurance with geico. I want to buy a 2000 ford mustang covertable. I was wonder if anyone knew about how much my familys insurance would go up. I realize I can call geico but my dad won't let me, ha. So any ideas? Thanks!""
Teen Female vs. Male Insurance Rates?
is it true that if youre a male teen, your car insurance rates are higher than a teen female's rates? are there websites to back that up? thanks!""
I have a car insurance question (teen)?
I am a 16 year old teen just about to get my license pretty soon. I am aware of the fact that insuring a teen is incredibly expensive and annoying. my family is middle class. the car that i really want now is a 2004 infiniti G35. the car itself would be around 5-12k which i can put up most of. but my dad is not gonna let me because of the insurance of a teen driving a sports car. i know that, but i really do not want to be driving a piece of crap. i know a bunch of friends my age from my town who have 2012 sports cars i just don't get how they afford them.can someone explain to me the price of a male teen driving a 2004 coupe. and i am aware that there are exceptions such as school. if you get good grades its less.. can someone please let me know of any exceptions to help me pay less insurance.. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE..""
Does insurance cost more if you have a sporty car versus a truck?
Guess im just wondering cause some of my friends with sporty cars talk about there insurance being high cause of that, or if it didn't matter what kind of car they have. Insurance is just based on the person not the vehicle...if that makes sense lol""
Negotiating a car insurance claim?
Long story short, consensus feel that my car (hit by an uninsured Crown Victoria) is going to be considered a total loss tomorrow when the adjuster checks it out. My main concern is, if I feel I am offered an unfair amount for my car, what would be a good way to negotiate with them? And what do they use to base their offer on? I've already checked Autotrader and other sites for a replacement for my car, and this model is very sparse (5 total within 500 miles, only searching by year and model/trim), only being sold by dealerships that want a LOT more than I paid for the car a year ago. Can I cite those examples, or do I have to use something like KBB or NADA appraisals? I've never had to make a claim with an insurance company before, and the only thing I know is the reputation of insurance companies.""
""As a 20 year old male, how high can I expect my car insurance to be if I drive a 2001 Mustang GT?""
Hello, I'm 20 years old and just now starting to drive. I've always commuted with my bicycle and it's kept me in great shape, but with school and a full time job, I can't be every where on time! So now it's time to drive! So, I visited Geico's website for an insurance quote, and I received the following; Start Your Policy Today for $107.65 plus 5 monthly payments of only $106.75 each 6 month total policy premium: $611.40 Is that too much, or does that sound about right?""
Are insurance rates higher if you have a lien on the auto?
I heard they charge more if you have a lien on your car and was wondering if this is true?
15; might be pregnant without insurance?
Okay yeah i know i asked this already but i didnt get enough answers. please if yu reading this answer me and NO HATEFUL COMMENTS. how much would it cost for a blodd test in florida? and would the teen clinic help me?
A car insurance question...?
So... I had a 1998 VW beetle that I traded in today for a 2003 VW beetle. I purchased this car in the state that I am currently in for college (MD). In order to purchase the car I had to get a MD tag. My old car is insured under Farm Bureau in NC. Can I transfer my old insurance to cover this car? I am not a Maryland resident, but NC resident. Any help/advise is greatly appreciated. My 98 beetle was in great shape, but the newer car had more additives like sunroof/less miles etc.... The difference was around $5000 that I am having to pay.. Because of the financing I had to get MD tag and such.. Thanks in advance for your help!""
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Cheapest london minicabs/private hire insurance ?
Will a speeding ticket make my insurance go up in texas?
i got pulled over when i was 4 hours out of san antonio tx on my way to corpus and i dont have to make a court appearance nor do i have the time cuz i hafta pay my ticket by the 20th of this money. i called the court and they said all i have to do is just pay the ticket. i don't want my parents to find out of they'll flip out. Will my insurence go up? how can i stop it?
Motorcycle insurance with no Class C?
I live I California and the dmv gave me an only class M learners permit and I can only ride motorcycles not cars. My problem is Insurance companies keep asking for a drivers license then they cut me but I really don't want a Class C license!!! Any insurance companies bypass that?
""Does anyone know of an auto insurance provider that does not require a credit check in Vancouver, WA?
I switched from Progressive to Allstate online about a month ago. I started the policy and paid the premium. Now I get a letter from Allstate saying they are unable to carry a policy for me due to my poor credit. I'm angry and totally disagree with my credit score having anything to do with my driving ability. I refuse to do business with any company that uses a credit score to determine auto insurance rates or availability.
""Hi there, Any one can tell me ``how can I get cheap car insurance in london?``?
I`m 28 years old. I got uk full licence in 11/2012 I have Toyota starlet 1.3 car It`s 1999. plz any one can tell me how can i get cheapest insurance. cheers.
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
Best insurance for a 2004 grand am?
what is the best, but cheapest insurance for this car. It is used and this is my first car. Does anyone have any list of insurances to look at? I really dont want to go over 200 for one month. Help? Please and thank you.""
Can my wife drive my father's car without insurance?
My dad has a general insurance policy in Toronto. It covers dad, mom and me. My wife has G licenese, but no car insurance. I was wondering if my wife could be insured on accident driving my father's car. If yes, which part should I look on the insurance policy description paper? If she gets into accident by her fault, would my father's insurance rate go up? Thanks""
Which car insurance company has the lowest rate?
Does state farm have the lowest car insurance rate?
My car insurance renewal is due next week can anyone suggest cheap?
I'ave got 3 years no claim bounus my old insurare is asking 392
How much would insurance cost for a 19 year old female with a 2006 mustang?
I would like to know a rough estimate for the insurance before I buy a mustang. I am 19 going to be 20.
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?
What kind of cars are good for teens insurance wise?
I know it depends on where I live and many other variables but I'd like to know in general what gets the best rates. I'm looking at a 1993 chevrolet s10 5speed with a 4.3l v6 right now but I don't know how the insurance would be on it yet. I'm 18 years old in Canada and I've been driving for 2 years total (1 year g1/permit 1 year g2 class license) and now I'm about to go for my full g license. What should I be looking for? import/domestic? engine size? number of cylinders? cars or light trucks? size of engine in relation to size of car? I thought I might get some relief on the s10 since it's domestic, manual (less people want to steal?), I can make some extra money at work, and since only 3 people can fit (originally a 2 seater) less people would be injured in an accident? I don't know, what do you think i should be looking for?""
Can I purchase auto insurance without car registration?
Hello guys and gals, I need your helps here, I live in California and I currently own two cars (A and B), car A which I am planning to sell has not been driven in a year (2011-2012), also I did not buy the car insurance for car A since I don't drive it anymore, in this year (2012) after I paid for the car registration renewal fee for car A, I received a letter from California DMW, stated that they were unable to send me a registration card unless I can provide them with evidences of auto insurance for car A, and unfortunately, I lost all the previous registration cards of car A during moves, so in this case, will I be able to purchase auto insurance for car A without showing registration card to the insurance agent but only with Drive's License, VIN number, etc.? Or alternatively, can I use the insurance of car B to complete registration renewal for car A? Thank you in advance.""
How much is car insurance per year for a oldish mini?
I'm 18 in June and I would really love a mini say 2005 or something like that. How much roughly would insurance be per year for one of them. Thanks guys :)
Car crash damage my insurance rights?
my 2009 vauxhall insignia was hit from behind sitting at a car park space in a supermarket,there is substantial amount of damage to the right hand arch right above the back wheel,the back bumper is also broken,it was hit that hard it was pushed onto the car park space in front of it,i believe what saved it from any further damage was the driver of the other car hit the wheel of my car which i guess cushioned the blow.i have went today and got estimates for the repair which is in the region of 2500 pounds though could be more as they have to put it on some sort of machine to see if the wheel alignment is of,the repair shops say what they will do is cut the arch out and put a new arch in and spray it but no matter what its never going to be the same.the reason they do it like this is because the whole back of my car runs to the front without any splits. Im not happy about this being done like this as this car today is worth around 10,000 pounds which i pay for and dont want it patched up,i would prefer if the other guys insurance wrote it off so that i can get an original car which i first had,is there anyway i can get this to be wrote of and claim it of the guys insurance,i have heard of depreciation money if my car has been hit but this is still not going to compensate me for my car being patched up. thanks""
Speeding Ticket Insurance Rates?
So recently I received a speeding ticket. Because I'm a minor when I went to traffic court the judge told me that if I went to traffic school my ticket would not be reported to the DMV. So I went to traffic school and passed and all that jazz so my question is whether I report this as an incident when I look for insurance (I'm looking at motorcycles for when I go to college) even though it does not appear on my record. Thanks Guys.
What is a good cheap car insurance?
I live in indiana if it matters
Does taking DUI class help reduce insurance rate?
I'm working on getting a driver license and wondering whether my prospective insurance rate will be lowered (even just a tad) if I take some DUI classes. I'm 19 and abiding in Georgia.
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
Do I need car insurance if I drive on a learner's permit with a parent?
Also, do I need car insurance if I drive with a driver's license and with a parent. Also, this car is not mine, it is my parents.""
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered on our insurance. My dad's car is not covered either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not insure it like my dad and sister's cars? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :)""
Teen insurance for cars/driving?
I'm not allowed to learn how to drive till I'm 18 but I was wondering about all the costs?Like how much a cheap car would be, how much insurance I'd need/cost, and how much is it to take driver's ed? If I left anything out, please tell me.Help?!""
Car Insurance what companies have the cheapest rates?
Please help me! What Insurance companies have the cheapest insurance. ( male )
""I need auto insurance, but do not know where to start. any help?""
I am planning to move out and am looking for a car, that part is easy. It is the insurance that I am worried about. I am wondering a few things. 1. What from of insurance will I need to be safe? 2. How much of my money will it kill? 3. What is the best decisions to make when doing this? I am currently 18 and have been driving for only a year with no accidents. I have to be able to afford rent, insurance, and groceries with a job paying 10 an hour at 25 to 35 hours a week(sometimes even less depending on work flow). I am a little worried as it seems impossible to do, and was wondering if there was insurance that does not cost $450+ a month? O.O Also, do I need to purchase the insurance before I purchase the car?""
Which is the best insurance company for an 18 year old male driver?
Hey, I'm an 18 year old boy (hurdle #1) and live in South-East London (hurdle #2) and I've had my license for a month now (hurdle #3!) and just bought my VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the life of me find a decent insurance quote I mean i'm in full-time employment but still most of the quotes I've been given are more than half my annual salary! Public transport is NOT an option because of the shifts I've been given..I've tried the young drivers' insurance with people like Co-Op and InsureTheBox but they're not much different to anyone else.. So, if ANYONE has ANY advice/anecdotes they could share, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance (:""
I need help finding a fast cool cheap on insurance car?
my dad has a 322 hp 2007 monte carlo ss. im turning 16 september 15th and i need a car. the car has to be low insurance but also cool and fast. also i want to tune it like the cars on fast n the furious. so it has to be a car i can tune. also not so new. im not rich. thanks
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
""For my roads test, do i need to have insurance on the car i use (virginia)?
I am 19 years old and I am long over due to get my license. My mother let her insurance lapsed and she is the only person who's car I can use. Do I have to provide a insurance card when I go to take my roads test
Can new auto insurance company find an incident not reported with DMV but claimed with current insurance comp?
I want to change my auto insurance comp, i have claimed an accident with it for which i did not get a ticket. So will it matter if I don't report it to the new company while asking for quotations? Do insurance companies talk to each other or share data?""
Cheapest way to get car insurance ?
I need to insure my car in order to be legal, but i do not want to pay a lot for insurance if the car isnt worth anything, its not worth much but its AWD and gets me where i need to go. Are there any companies that offer low payments for a piece of paper showing i have insurance that i can show a cop if i get pulled over so i wont owe 1500 bucks to the state?""
Will my car insurance increase due to a traffic violation?
I have 2 ticket's prior last night 2 of which were speeding and last night's is a traffic violation. 1 ticket was paid for and had to do some traffic school 2nd ticket i paid for but did not go to traffic school that's when i noticed that my insurance rates went up due to a speeding ticket. The ticket from last night was infraction of a wrongful left turn from oncoming traffic should have yield. Now i will pay for the ticket aswell as attend traffic school will my insurance rate go up?
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
Cheap insurance for 18 year old?
does anyone know any cheap websites or company's because on all the comparison websites im getting 3500 pound for a 1.1 Peugeot 106, and that's third party fire and theft :( please help because this is ridiculous.""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
How to calculate car insurance policy premium refund?
I sold my car one week after renewing my car insurance policy. I required to cancel my policy and asked for the refund. The first time I faxed them my cancellation letter, they asked me to call back after 2 weeks to ask for the check. But after 2 weeks, they told me they didn't received my fax and asked me to pay for the extra 2 weeks, although I have evidences that I required to cancel my policy 2 weeks ago. Also when I renewed my policy, I told the agent that I will sell my car within 2 weeks, so the agent told me I can only pay 32% of the half year policy premium. But now when I asked for refund, he told me that because I only paid 32% of the total amount, they will charge me more (53% more) and refund me much less. Is this common in this industry or they just try to steal money from me? Thanks.""
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?
Car insurance for family car?
My mum is learning to drive and my dad got her a small Vauxhall Corsa and the idea was to insure me on the car so I have access to it should I need it. The quote just come in at 1300 ish and well for a car I may or may not be driving that much I am not going to pay it. On my own if I owned the same car I have found insurance of around 700 which is more acceptable. The problem is I don't own the car and my dad is insured on it and my mum is insured on it as a learner, but could I then insure myself on that same car separately? Naturally I'd have to tell them who owns the car but other than that? The main problem is I'm 21, have not driven in three years since passing my test (due to insurance funnily enough) and a student, which is a potent mix for insurance companies ripping you off as much as possible.""
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
Reducing health insurance costs?
I have health insurance through my employer with 80/20 coinsurance and a $1000 deductable. My employer pays 60% of the premium. Are there any changes I can make to reduce my out of pocket expenses?
Insurance for a 125cc ?
I am 22 years old with 2 years no claims on a bike (50cc) and have had a full uk driving licence for 5 years how much roughly would it cost to insure a 125cc bike?
Ballpark figure on motorcycle insurance?
First please don't tell me to call my insurance agency, that's why I'm on here. I just want an estimate I'm 17, male, it's a 1999 cbr600f4, I don't want full coverage, just liability, I am on excelsior high honor roll at school, I took the msf course, I have had my moorcycle license for a year now, I live in upstate new york. And would be riding leisurely. Any guesses? How much do u pay, how old are you etc. Thanks!""
Would I get a good insurance price for a 1.8 liter car?
Me and my dad are talking about my first car and I was looking online and I see one that I liked but it's a 1.8 liter is it a good idea and if it does matter it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also would it come under classic insurance
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
Geico or Progressive Car Insurance?
I live in Chicago, IL. Which company offers better car insurance?""
Will getting a refund on extended warranty and GAP insurance cause my interest to go up?
I just purchased a used car with 30% down payment. I noticed they charged me for GAP insurance and extended warranty and I asked them take it off. They are arguing getting a refund on them will cause my interest rate to go up because they used the purchase to bargain a lower interest rate. Is this true? If so, do I have to accept the higher interest rate? They say I can't return the car because it was already signed for but I don't want to buy at a higher interest rate either.""
How long does it take to get billed for an ambulance ride?
I was given an ambulance ride back in April. My insurance had covered it and I am supposed to pay the co-payment as soon as I get the bill via mail. To this day, I still haven't received the bill and I'm told that the billing depends on the ambulance company when I call and ask about it. Does the billing usually take this long?""
Who owns Geico insurance?
Who owns Geico insurance?
Whats the Cost for motorcycle insurance if I'm 18?
I want to buy a bike when I'm 18 but if the insurance cost to much I probably won't. But I want to know about how much it will cost a month for a sportsbike if I'm 18. I want a ninja, nothing over 600cc. ???""
I saw on TV awhile back a life insurance policy you can use while your still living?
I saw it awhile ago on television that it's a life insurance policy you can use while still living such as to pay for children's college and stuff? Do they still offer this and from what company is it from?
What is the average cost of sr-22 insurance ??
i need to sr-22 to get my license back after 7 years w/o driving. i lost it in 2001 due to a dui, and haven't driven since. its finally time for me to start my life over, and this is a major step to do it. i learned from the dmv (ca) that i need the sr-22 + insurance, and just a 125.00$ reinstatement cost. i know there are a lot of factors to consider, but just an idea of the cost would be great.""
""What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?""
If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm trying to insure my first car. It's a Rover Metro SI 1.4 auto. I'm 20 years old + am still driving on a provisional lisense. I've held this lisense for 1 year. I'd do around 5000 miles a year when I pass + want third party as the car is only worth 350. I'm also a lady as I know that makes some insurers cheaper. I've tried moneysupermarket.com + confused.com + Quinn comes up the cheapest with a deposit of 109 + then 10 months at 43. However both sites have a big list of insurers that they could not provide quotes for. Does anyone know, or is anyone with a cheaper insurer than Quinn Direct? I live in England, so no American insurers thanks :)""
""Just moved into small block of flats,and changing car insurance.?""
Just moved into small block of flats,and changing car insurance. Car is in a brick build car port under the building but shared with another car and among other shared car ports, is this then quoted as being in a car park, unlocked compound or car port?""
Is my car insurance going to be cheaper because i getting a learners permit first?
Is my car insurance going to be cheaper because i getting a learners permit first?
Why is my car insurance higher than my sisters?
Okay I am kind of frustrated so I am hoping someone can explain this to me. My sister and I both have our car insurance through progressive. We both have 2003 Chevy Cavilers (4 doors). Neither of us have been in an accident, we live only a few miles apart. The only differences I can think of: Her car is red, my car is blue, and I am 23 and she is 25. Other than that we have the exact same policy, everything! Last month she paid 140 for her 6 months. This month they want me to pay 191!!! I don't understand!! Does me being 2 years younger really make a difference?? I appreciate any input! Thanks for your time! Also, who do you think has the best car insurance. I am going to switch if I can find lower than 191.""
Is it bad to cancel new car insurance after just 1 month?
ok i bought a bad car from a dealer that scammed me and im a new driver and it was the first time i had a car and the first time i put on car insurance the reason why im asking is because ive bought the car and after 10 min of driving the car it died on me and there was no warranty dumb of me not to buy a warranty plus it was an old car anyways i got new car insurance and i sold the car and people was telling me that because im a new driver if i cancel my insurance early that i wont be able to open up a new one or it will be harder to open one up in future is that true?
Is the life insurance valid?
My partner and I have lived together 15 years. His wife refuses to sign divorce papers, even though they broke up 17 years ago. He has a life insurance policy for her to receive benefits on his death. He got a life insurance policy for me to receive benefits on his death. Someone said I can't get a life insurance policy payment without the wife signing off on it. Is that true?""
Can a minor in California purchase auto insurance?
I am 17 and I was wondering if I could just buy my own auto insurance instead of having to get on an adults insurance. I live in California.
Car insurance in differnt states ?
My grandmother lives in new Hampshire and there you do not need any insurance on your car , but in Connecticut by law you have to have it, so I was wondering if she comes to see us would she have to put insurance on her car to leave her state??""
Do I need uninsured motorists insurance on my motorcycle if I have it on my car policy?
I was just quoted motorcycle insurance by an agent - She claims that If I have uninsured motorists on my car policy, it will cover me even if I'm on my motorcycle and thus I don't need the coverage on my motorcycle policy, making it VERY cheap. Is this true? Are there any con's to doing this? The difference in price on my motorcycle policy is $280 a year without uninsured motorists, and $950 a year with uninsured motorists.""
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?
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