#now i've got more mosbank to look forward to
pharawee · 2 years
season 2!!!!!!!
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hvtmessxpress · 2 months
Overall ep9 thoughts:
This episode frustrated me real bad bc I thought we were going somewhere but I guess we weren't. We spent all this time on things that could have been smaller parts of the drama. With all this filler, this could have been a shorter drama
What about the problems with the company? The naga stuff?
Pim/prim didn't need to be a thing in this show. Their relationship isn't well written and as is, they don't really mesh. The time could have been better spent fleshing out the actual plot
Sam and yoh were resolved way too quickly, and it irks me so bad bc we had TIME. like spend less time with lin's family or on pim/prim and we could have had a fully fleshed out conversation with sam and yoh where they resolve their issues instead of yoh just caving. but that sounds too much like right and the writers are incapable of that. Truly don't understand how the same writers worked on ifylita and are coming out with this nonsense
A lot of things don't make sense. Like sun ignoring the company to gallevant around with an intern????
The writing is so so so bad. I feel like I don't even need to list the ways beyond the above bc it's very clear
The wardrobe continues to grieve me. From sun's ill-fitting suits and dress shirts (the've *got* to get him a bigger arm on these shirts), to lin's white on off-white oufits, to sam's horrible ponytail and poorly fitting business attire, to pim's wedge sneakers. They were doing so well, and it's just fallen off real bad.
The editing is awful, with the hard cuts and random sequencing
The directing is also bad, bc idk how they managed to make mosbank look awkward with each other. I've seen the bts of some of the scenes and they have more chemistry than what's coming across in the actual drama. Comparing ep5 sun and lin to ep8 and 9 sun and lin is crazy bc idk what happened.
the ep10 preview looked like it had some plot, so i'm cautiously optimistic, but if we're being real, if I didn't actively like the leads, I would have definitely dropped this show by now
it sucks to have looked forward to a show and have it be so...not good. but here we are.
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