#now i need to eat my cold dinner and shower before actually finally LEGITIMATELY decompressing and getting some much deserved sleep
xerospaced · 11 months
I literally just got up and marked down the poetry comp deadline on one of my whiteboards, as well as a personal deadline for my soft launch of WLMM (so I needa get working of reformatting that website ASAP).
I also made a note of target points for social media engagement and promo for the official launch as well as discount offers I'll be rolling out through January (onboarding and retention my guys - who wouldn't want a three month discount for mental wellness consulting with a free introductory session waaaaahhhhh. And tbh my fees are gonna be low af anyway so with the discount it's like... your def getting more bang for your buck yo. But I digress)
I also made a note on my other whiteboard of an upcoming medical appointment (which I almost panicked and thought I'd missed coz I remember it's this month but WHEN). Fortunately I still have time but I did pick up on a vital piece of info I hadn't noticed before so that's dope (seriously, how is an opthalmology appt being done over the phone ITS FOR MY EYES PEOPLE I been waiting years).
I know it's just listing things in coloured markers on whiteboards but (esp with adhd) visual prompts are key and mayne...
If y'all could see the energy I approached that task with. No hesitation. Genuine enthusiasm. And actually FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A DAMN LONG TIME believing ima do these things!! That it's not hurt a hope but like... yeah. Ima do that. That's me. I literally have got this in the bag.
Finally, I do know I want two magpies for my logo icon [alternate to the standard long form text name of my business] to go along with it also. And I have some kind of idea as to the positioning of the birds I want. Have not yet decided on the style. Or amount of colour. Or who tfuck is gonna do it coz my graphic designer friend is not able 😫
I have decided to omit the icon for now and stick to the text. Its clean. It's simple. It's a good launch. And it gives me time to play with iconography and really get something I like rather than settling on some rush job.
It def takes an element of pressure off.
Hennywaaaayyyy. I'm sure it's clear as day that my brain is ON.
I cannot describe the fricken HIGH of having a brain that refuses to activate when you need and will it to only to have it come on all lights flashing absolutely raring to go when it finally receives the right stimuli/trigger
I knew I would get here but its so relieving to fucken FEEL it coz I know but like... did I?? Ykno
If you stayed with me through this, you're a trooper 😉
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