#now i love q!pac even more
borkb · 8 months
forgo to mention i finished watchign the hapy pil arc oly fuck it was so good fuckkkk
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
I've been thinking about this all day, and I don't think it's fair for people to say that nobody understands q!Cellbit's hatred and distaste for Cucurucho. Because people do! A lot of people do.
Like take:
q!Pac, who was kidnapped and held captive and tortured and experimented on for over a week and who is still so scared of Cucurucho and the Federation that he hasn't been sleeping
q!Mike, whose hatred of the Federation led to him becoming a full-on anarchist set on taking down the Federation and exploding everything in a very dramatic fashion
q!Felps, who is kinda just Felps tbh but when he's in full rp mode he is legit freaked out by Cucurucho's very appearance. Like if you go back and watch the first election debate, he legit hid behind Cellbit when Cucurucho first appeared, and he still isn't too happy when people tell him that Cucurucho is kinda just a silly guy and not to worry about it
q!Max. Enough said there.
Richarlyson. He hates Cucurucho, but he never really says his feelings because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be too upset about anything. Last night alone he set up a huge ad campaign in Cellbit's castle trying to get him to quit the Feds, like???
But then you have some others who are... interesting. Like q!Quackity, who is more or less traumatized by that fucking bear to the point of numbness. And q!Willy, who hasn't even met Cucurucho and still put it down as a "Bad Person" on his list of people to blow up
And then you have q!Roier, whose relationship with Cucurucho is very interesting. Because, on the surface, he's chill with it. But, as you have to do with everything regarding q!Roier's character, you gotta read between the lines:
Roier doesn't like Cucurucho. He likes Osito Bimbo, and that's a pretty big distinction to make!
See, after Bobby's death and the huge rigged expedition to "save" him, Roier told Cucurucho to its face that he hated it. He would take it to court and he would win and he would beat it. That never ended up happening, but what did end up happening was Roier's new best friend and love interest q!Cellbit being kidnapped.
When Cucurucho showed up at Bobby Fields to start stringing q!Jaiden along, Roier followed them the entire time because he fucking hated Cucurucho and he did not trust it alone with his best friend. At one point that evening, he started smacking it and demanding where it took Cellbit. To this day, he's still worried about it taking Cellbit away from him; the other night when Cellbit got called to look into the "Memory" egg and Cucurucho told him to come alone, Roier was really fucking close to physically attacking the fucker. Yesterday, he told Willy that Cucurucho is "...bad, but sometimes it can do good things, too."
But that's Cucurucho. Osito Bimbo is an entirely different person, and Roier is one of the few people to actually know this, and he and Jaiden are the only ones still left on the server to actually fully be able to tell the difference between the two. Osito Bimbo was one of Roier's best friends on the island before its abrupt disappearance. It was nice to him in that it played favorites and left him cool things and fucking flowers. And even now that it's back, it actually hangs out a little. The other day, Osito showed up and wanted to listen to music with him and left only when he asked if it was Osito Bimbo. Last night, Osito showed up and actually engaged in a rap battle with him because, let's face it, that bear is fucking whipped.
That's the 'Cucurucho' that Roier is friendly with, Osito Bimbo. He treats it well because it's always treated him well. As far as he knows, Osito never kidnapped anybody- the kidnappings started long after Cucurucho's appearance, all the way in April/May when the Brazilians arrived. Osito Bimbo was gone by then, sent back to Federation HQ for reprogramming because it was quite literally too nice. This is the bear that gave q!Slime and q!Mariana the chance to get their daughter back; Cucurucho effectively immediately denied Roier the chance to go to court to get his Bobby back.
It's easy to think that Roier is chill with Cucurucho, especially with him dressing up as a white bear as his fursona. But then you have to realize what he called himself: Osito Bimboier. Not Cucuruchoier. The two bears are entirely separate entities to him, and he treats them as such.
So, really, it isn't at all fair to say that Cellbit is completely alone in his hatred. It's true that almost nobody takes him seriously when he talks about how evil Cucurucho is, but there are people who do. The Brazilians, Maximus, Roier... and now there's q!Mouse, who immediately realized the gravity of the situation and became the first person outside of Cellbit's most trusted circle of friends to show sympathy towards him.
I get that everyone loves angst, but you've also gotta realize that. Not everything is angst. There is love, and it is beautiful.
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kadextra · 1 year
sooo many qsmp scenes from today rolling around in my head
The screams. the raw, agonizing, sobbing screams of q!Forever in the cage, begging for it to stop please stop. they still haunt me in a way I can’t put into words. how everyone present to create this trap were people who really didn’t want to do this, but had no other choice because they love him so much. him finally taking the antidote and fainting, everyone sitting beside as comfort. because it’s all about the love, and q!Forever is loved and now he is safe. (the entire scene really gave me goosebumps and brought me to tears)
The heroic actions of q!Pac, even under the influence of the risus pills. he stuck by his mission to develop the reality dose antidote despite everything. imagining him shaking, bleeding, hurt and in mental distress all alone as he works in the dark chume labs is so painful, but he did it in order to save his family- and Succeeded. q!Pac is not weak, he is a hero and I hope he knows that without his brave actions the island would literally be doomed.
The song coming from the cemetery in the dead of night, but there is no sunshine, only crashing thunder and the cold rain pouring on monochrome q!Bad, collapsed by the eggs’ gravestones more hopeless and alone than ever before. him returning to an empty home for another day… but this time just completely losing it. the music fitting q!Bad’s scary erratic shaking as he ran through the halls- quickly to be replaced with calculated, eerie calm when he reached the basement to greet his… guest. i’m scared for what he will do.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 9 months
Okay, I'm obsessed with the lore.... So here's some of me theories/stuff I've noticed. It's gonna be rambling in it's worst, cuz I'm way too excited.
Firstly, let's welcome Madagio! I don't know what's up with him, but here's some info we know:
- he's from some island who is connected to Quesadilla through some system.
- he can travel through servers.
- cats are his eyes and ears.
So with this out of the way, here's some of my thoughts.
- Body language -
Honestly, it's not something important, but I really love how cc! Fit uses body language to convey his character. q! Fit doesn't sprint much, cuz he knows one misjudged step, one unnoticed trap and he's dead. He looks around, afraid of every lighting, every strange noise. He looks at cats cuz how are they even here, if not every person can survive here?
Madagio himself very reserved. He doesn't move much, showing us a difference between him and Fit.
- Roses -
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Boy oh boy, do I have something to say. Despite obvious connections to Pac, recently there was another moment with exactly this kind of roses. At Philza's stream on 29th of December, at one point Ramon came to Titan and started to give away these rose bushes to some eggs and Phil. It might be a stretch, but it was very strange. Ramon explained that he gave away the roses, cuz he saw one in Chayanne's arm. But with this added context, I think Ramon's admin kinda hinted at this rule. Like the rose bush is a symbol of connection and love/trust. Fit loves and trusts Pac, Ramon, Chay and Lullah, and Phil too. I might be insane, but I adore this kind of symbolism. The roses show us who he has connections to. And now we understand what's at stake for Fit.
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It's not only Ramon, who's in danger. Phil, his kids and Pac (probs Tubbo and Sunny too, but they didn't get roses) are also in the middle of crossfire. Madagio knew that it's in human nature for us to connect and getting attached to others even if told otherwise. Contractor knew that Fit won't be able to cheat or escape the deal, cuz he knew the veteran will have a lot at stake. He made this contract unavoidable. I love it sm.
- Music -
Since my post about Fit and his tragedy, I believe that a lot of decisions made about videos/lore streams are intentional. Like, back in a day, when we saw first dream, we heard "Étranger au Paradise" ("Stranger in Paradise "). And this song like fits Fit (pun not intended) like a friggin glove. Cuz even still, Fit feels like a stranger, undeserving this the heaven that is Quesadilla island. For example literally today he said smt along the lines of "What did I do to deserve a son like him[Ramon]?". He loves people around him, yet he can't show it, when everyone does it quite easily. I think Stranger in Paradise can be seen also in light of relationships. Like Fit considers Pac better, he loves him, but doesn't deserve his love. Agh
So why am I saying this? Well, you see. Cc! Fit uses a few songs to use before cinematic. And today he used "We'll meet again". And there's no connection, right? But what if it's a hint to contractor? Fit'll have to meet Madagio. Veteran has no idea when or where. But he knows they'll meet again some sunny day. Like, mb it's a stretch, but I really enjoy finding this connections. To this point cc! Fit was very intentional, so mb I have something here.
- Mon Dieu éternel, je te prie -
(sorry for probably butchering it, but anyway)
Well, now I have the most unimpressive and obvious theory, that leads to more interesting one.
During this stream it wasn't confirmed that contractor is a god, but there are a lot of hints. His name being an anagram to "I am a God" (Thank you, Tumblr user, who noticed it), he can't be hury, but is able to travel through the servers, and his first words to Fit are literally a rephrased "be not afraid", that is usually connected to angels.
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Also his unusual connection to cats, that are his "extensions" Doesn't seem humain at all. Yet it isn't confirmed so idk.
Now, Black Concrete is closely tied to Cucurevil and can have bad effect on a person. The only people, who interacted with it and weren't affected at all, were Fit and Philza. Why? What if it's because they're protected by Gods? Like, fitza have a lot parallels in their lore, and mb it also hints at devine nature of Madagio? Rose protects Phil and his close ones out of kindness (I guess) and sends birds to cheer up her protège or show her support. Madagio literally does the same thing. But he sends cats not to show support, but to remind that he is always there, he sees and hears everything. Does it prove my theory? No, I guess. But it gives smt to think about.
- End -
At the end we see Fit waking up (smt that we've never seen before) and sees a cat. They look each other in the eyes and veteran convulsively shakes his head, refusing to something implied. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I didn't really understand what he refused to? Was he saying he didn't need contractor's help? Idk. And this whole montage of moon, cat, and Madagio is very interesting, but I can't put my finger on it.
After browsing for a literal second, I have some ideas. Moon typically represents the rhythm of time, as it symbolizes the cycle. So maybe Contractor reminds Fit how little time he has. Like, time's running out. Cats, though, have a lot of different meanings, but I guess the most important to this case are freedom and mystery. Madagio is free and mysterious, so ig it fits.
- And just my thoughts ig -
God, i loved it so much. Fit's lore is subtle yet very important and interesting. It shows a character and builds on it so much, while explaining the world itself. Guuugh I love it so much.
And here's just some screens that shows how much Fit has grown.
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He is no longer doing everything for himself only. Now he cares for others, breaking a simple rule made by contractor.
P. S.
I feel like this picture rn
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istarlighti · 4 months
QSMP Ending + Headcanons
So although they teased a possible reboot or season 2 of some sorts of QSMP, I assume that not every player is returning for it. Which is fine! The fact they came and enjoyed for even a little bit is wonderful. I think a reboot can give the chance of new players joining without the worry of overcrowding or feeling overwhelmed.
But it did get me a little sad about some their characters so I have a few headcanons for the endings of qsmp characters. And I encourage other fans to share their headcanons of their favorite cubitos because it's fun and helps immortalize the qsmp.
Q!Mariana with his Aztec Godly powers approached a disheveled Q!Slimecicle and gave him a choice to go up to heaven with him so they can be with juanaflippa. No more mistakes, no more misclicks, no more corruption. Q!Slime grabs his hands and gladly accepts the offer and they fly up to the sky to meet an angelic juanaflippa. And they all backflipped together in heaven forever <3 (might draw something inspired by this, im running on crumbs)
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Q!Etoiles after practicing for a while has successfully learned how to manipulate his glitchy powers and uses it to glitch out of Quesadilla Island (or the world) to search for new bigger bosses to fight. Starting his quest to becoming the best pvp player he can be! (might draw q!etoiles art because i just love the design potentials)
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Q!Fit and Q!Pac take the days slowly. Really learning about each other and never taking time for granted. Letting their relationship develop as naturally it can be. Oh and they both take care of a zombified Q!Mike who wants to eat their brains but tries not to. May or may not accidentally start a zombie apocolpyse but no matter. They've survived worse, they can survive anything as long as they have each other. (might draw zombified Q!Mike because I just think it would be fun lol)
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And that's all I have for now! Feel free to add any of your personal headcanons and remember to enjoy the memories that were made. Disfruta la isla :)
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dez-wade · 1 year
GODDDD OKAY Tubbo and Bagi are honestly like, the perfect people for Forever to become closer with BECAUSE they are very blunt and upfront. It's something I appreciate about Phil's friendship with Forever too like they're take no bullshit and will directly talk to him if there's an issue.
It's especially helpful since I feel like Forever struggles a lot when people are sarcastic with him in English or "obviously" not being truthful or not being direct since it isn't HIS language. Bagi speaks Portuguese too, and Tubbo also struggles with sarcasm and is usually quite straight forward which is something I feel like Forever needs since he's quite earnest and open with the people he loves.
He does just deserve so much more, and he DOES have so many good friendships that both him and his fans don't realize where the other person actually cares for HIM and HIS safety and happiness nd not his title as president. (Etoiles, Philza, Cellbit, Pac, Roier, maybe Tina, the other Brazilians, etc)
I knowww his character is just like that, far too forgiving and willing to accept the way others treat him but I need him to be friends with someone who won't take his shit but also won't let certain people walk all over him and call his one sided trust and loyalty "friendship". Just...I want him to be close with people who care for him and for him to realize just how many people he has who trust him and that being ganged up on and accused of horrible things because you dared disagree with ur "close friend" isnt Normal Friend Things
Sorry I think Forever finally realizing it's a duo, NOT a trio made me finally snap after months of watching him fight while feeling completely alone since he thought he only had those two who treated him with mistrust and actively tried to turn everyone against him and richas who was uninterested in having a relationship with him before being literally kidnapped
Ramblings about q!Forever and his friendships.
You made a really good point about Forever needing to have friendships that are more blunt and upfront. BBH likes to lie and gaslight for fun, Baghera does that too sometimes and Forever usually takes it as face value. Which is why he snapped on Bad and started talking Portuguese when he went all mockingly "it's sarcasm" when Forever didn't understand. They also do a lot of mind games that Forever wasn't even aware of.
People got mad that Forever never believes when BBH says something but that's because HE ALWAYS LIES. I think what happened now made sure that Forever will never believe BBH again, even if he tells the truth (that he only tells after telling 10 lies before) because it finally clicked to him that BBH will lie about everything because he can, even if there's absolutely no need to. He actually trusted BBH every time he said he didn't do something that he actually did (like the pranks on his base).
Having him get closer to people who are more earnestly like him, don't do mind games and are clear about what they're feeling is something that he definitely needs. It also explains why he has such a warped sense of what his friendship with Baghera and Bad actually were.
I REALLY wish he learned about what happened with his gun. What would have been just something small before, with the current situation, it would really enlighten him that is something that is always happening. For big, and small things.
I stop deluding myself that he'd cut ties with them for good, I just really need at least that he stops treating them priority and value his friendship with other people more. No matter who it is at this point, as long as it's someone who just earnestly likes and trusts him.
I always had people saying I want Forever to have a "yes-man" because I complained about BBH and Baghera never agreeing with anything that Forever decides to do. But they never supported him in any of his decisions. Like, I think the only thing they didn't complain about was N.I.N.H.O. and hell I think if Forever tried to come up with that idea today they would twist into the worst case scenario. And even then, after he was completing NINHO, I remember Etoiles tried to come up with an idea of having a council with the strongest members on the island so they could mediate between conflicts that could affect everyone like the Regret arc. Forever liked the idea and tried to tell Bad, who immediately twisted into the worst case scenario that they would be bullies that arrest people. So it's something that always happened, you know? Even before the election arc. They never trust him to make big decisions. It's something that made me appreciate insaneduo so much back in the election arc, because it was such a relief to see him speak with someone who valued his ideas, added to it, or just argued normally why it wasn't good.
I think the reason he's so forgiving is that he's trying to be his better self, since he wasn't a good person in the past, so he thinks he should be the bigger person and let people walk over him. I don't think he found a balance of what a good person that helps the people actually is. There's also the fact that at the end of the day, he's at a point where he truly doesn't care about anyone or anything besides Richarlyson and making sure that he leaves the island. That's why he can't even hate Cucurucho (despite obviously not liking him) even with the fact that he pretty much tortured him, because Richarlyson wasn't affected so he thinks it's not important.
I really, really wanted that Forever had someone at his side that didn't make him feel Richarlyson was everything he has. That if, God forbid, Richarlyson died one day he'd at least think he still has someone for him besides just dying together with his son.
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mangofanarts · 5 months
hehe do Scott Smajor and also q!Tubbo :))))))) for the shipping thing
and also can you pls send me links to both tier lists?:)
Yes!! Absolutely!! I sent it :D!!
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I really like pacbo actually - the way that Pac acts with Tubbo just feels like he has a constant crush on him and he's so nervous/excited about it, his constant trust in Tubbo, trying to not doubt Tubbo and just them in general <3 they're so cute and on top of the world actually Technically, Fit should also be in the Pac section because Fit has constantly been around Tubbo too and the things that these two say to each other, are just not platonic, but!! I like Pacbo more so it has it's own section in comparison to Fitbo Cucurucho and Tubbo's hatred for each other in the beginning - great stuff and I wish there was more of it again, I really enjoyed their dynamic like that! Also Fobo is them becoming husbands and moving in together! And hating on Badboyhalo as their bonding time! Good for them!! Slime and Tubbo are co-parents but their dynamic in of itself is just great and hilarious and I enjoy them as either platonic or romantic, now Willy is technically lower then the other ships but I put him in the same section because I do like him with Tubbo - more so out of an appeal to the idea. I used to be indifferent to Tubhalo but like.........the things Tubbo has said about Bad? Has made me grow to it a little bit, not fully, but a little bit <3 Okay, so, Smajor is actually my regular pov for traffic life because he was the first pov I saw of the series so I just kept up with him
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Martyn was there for him all the way of limited life until the end of it and even then, Scott was proud of him!! He was happy for his mean gill winning!! I can't do this!! I really like how their jokes bounce off each other, how Martyn came to Scott apologizing after trying to explode him and the others at the second episode, Scott letting Martyn be the one to kill him while they were underwater, they stay winning <3 !! Scott and Cleo have such a close friendship with each other, she mentioned he was her favorite person and I found that so sweet and then them deciding to be each other's platonic soulmates is even nicer!! I really appreciate them, they care and get each other like no one else does and they have such a shared belief in how they view loyalty and taking that loyalty to their hearts - I love it sm, they're best friends !! Impulse and Scott during Secret life, yeah, that did it for me, also I just enjoy Skizz's interactions with Scott - they're usually so nice and sweet Also, I like the idea of Scott and Jimmy being messy exes, Jimmy asking when is the mean gills gonna be broken up, Scott asking for an ily and not getting it
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somebluemelodies · 1 year
really really really long ramble ahead about q!Foolish's federation situation bc i have thoughts. you've been warned :'D
(below the cut!)
i cannot get over how much shit could hit the fan with this whole q!Foolish situation. literally so many relationships could hinge on how things play out
firstly, we have no idea how q!Pac and q!Mike are going to react to q!Foolish when they see him next (likely tomorrow, as per what cc!Pac said at the end of the Tazercraft stream). they might get mad and take revenge, maybe try and use him to find and rescue Walter Bob... etc, etc. q!Foolish wants them to be released (little does he know...) and he hopes to still be friends with them even tho they may not want the same, but he really has no true idea what he's gotten himself into...
i don't think their relationship will ever be the same regardless of what info comes out, but that's essentially just the tip of the iceberg
what i'm most curious about personally is q!Cellbit (and q!Forever) finding out about how he lied about Richas's life being on the line. because i already know that ain't gonna end well. both q!Cellbit and q!Forever are fiercely protective of Richas. q!Cellbit absolutely despises liars and he already threatened q!Foolish while interrogating him
q!Cellbit places a lot of trust in q!Foolish. we saw that in how they bonded when q!Foolish was constructing the castle, and how q!Cellbit wanted to have him build something else for him just so they could spend time together. and it was really solidified in q!Cellbit telling q!Forever today how he has a hard time believing q!Foolish would lie and use Richas’s name to do so. he doesn’t find q!Foolish “capable” of betraying them somehow
q!Cellbit finding out the truth could seriously fuck with him and their relationship. so could him finding out about q!Foolish's actual federation job, but more on that later
q!Cellbit himself killing q!Foolish has potential problems of its own, namely with q!Roier and their relationship. i mean, that's his dad. but at least for me, it's hard to really gauge how q!Roier will react, especially now that him and q!Cellbit are married. i think its circumstantial, but i'm not too too worried about spiderbit
q!Foolish dying also has the potential for some major problems with q!Vegetta if/when he comes back. and i fear for Richas's life if q!Vegetta were to find out, but i digress, let's not go there-
i think a lot of people won't see q!Foolish the same way, at least for a while, if they find out he lied, but i think the bigger problem now lies in his job with the federation
if that gets out, that could burn a lot of bridges. i'll say when actually, because as much as i love q!Foolish, i don't think he can keep this a secret forever. i don't think q!Jaiden will say anything, but who knows, honestly?
unlike q!Cellbit's infiltration to rescue q!Felps and learn more about the federation, and q!Fit using his janitorial job to try and find the player data he wants, q!Foolish is doing this for himself and the federation. unlike both of them, and a majority of the Ordo Theoritas he's technically apart of, he's not anti-federation, he's not anti-Cucurucho, and at that, he's really not neutral, either
i find q!Foolish to be such an interesting character. he knows what he wants a majority of the time and he's willing to do pretty much anything to get what he wants. in this situation, he's aware of his actions having consequences but he does it anyway because it's what he believes benefits himself the most, regardless of what others may say or do. and that's such an interesting character trait, but it can be such a detrimental one, too
did q!Foolish get manipulated tho? to an extent, yes. Cucurucho called him "unique," and i refuse to believe that was out of genuine belief. he's never expressed major interest in q!Foolish until recently. i also don't think Mr. Mustard is alive anymore, quite frankly, if what was said about them eating said capybara is anything to go by. but q!Foolish is so desperate to become Cucurucho's friend and also save Mr. Mustard. he said it himself: he's willing to do just about anything. that leaves the door wide open, doesn't it? Cucurucho is playing a game, and q!Foolish is playing right into it
and if q!Foolish doesn't ultimately go on a traitor arc and he does in fact get used, it kinda sucks for him, really, bc we saw what happened to q!Felps thinking Cucurucho was nice and his friend, and q!Jaiden is probably getting used in a similar way, rather for the fact she's willing to do anything for the eggs
if q!Foolish does get used, and the others catch on to that (mainly q!Cellbit), i think that could be the saving grace for q!Foolish and his relationship with the other members of the island. because it wasn't all his fault, and i think people could see it through
but if not? that's a lot of irreparable damage, be it intentional or not. i'd love to see where that coud lead
that's really it tho. sorry for the word vomit :') if you made it this far, congrats!! what're your own thoughts about this situation? i'd love to see some other people's perspectives :D
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ceranovis · 7 months
Some musings to do with this celltw pic
As a fandom I feel like we could be doing So Much More with Other Side Elements being canon + all the connected Ordem worldbuilding it introduces by association.
Canonically, Cellbit chose to align himself with the knowledge element. So I hopped on over to the ordem wiki page for Knowledge to look for things to put in the paperwork on the table. Then I realized there's a memory alteration ritual (accidentally pulled the wrong ritual circle image for the art though oTL ...let's just pretend Cellbit identified the right one at some point).
The [Change Memory Ritual] can erase all or only some specific memories of the victim. In both cases, if the victim comes into contact with people, places and certain objects that were part of this past erased, it will begin to gradually recall some elements and have quick flashes of some moments, being able to recover its memory completely after a while.
Now listen. If there's one thing I think of as core to q!Cellbit's character, it's that as far as he's concerned the ends always justifies the means. This includes doing things he knows people he loves will hate him for because he thinks it will be better for them in the long run.
In the regret arc letters, he told Tazercraft he loved them, that Cell was dead & he didn't want them to think he was reverting to that type of monster. While there were a few moments where he brought up clearly unresolved feelings of anger and betrayal/abandonment regarding how things went with Fuga, I do think at that point he cared for the Favela crew as a found-family, and was making decisions he felt were in their best interest (usually without consulting them, or like...running those ideas by anyone else ever...)
If he discovered a way to erase specific memories, I could fully see him using that to 'make things better' for Pac. I doubt he'd try to erase all the Fuga memories (especially as he'd have to also erase Mike and Felps) but I also don't think he'd feel like he had to go that far anyways.
Earlier on in the Quesadilla timeline, Pac seemed to think of Cell as basically dormant and was relatively comfortable with having a fairly close and positive relationship with Cellbit. He only grew paranoid about Cell re-emerging when he saw signs of Cellbit snapping, and he first responded by actively trying to keep Cellbit in a headspace that wouldn't lead to that. There have been multiple instances of Pac extending a bit of grace, an unspoken offer not to forgive or forget but to move forward. He wants Cellbit to be a good man, not a monster.
So I think Cellbit would use the ritual to smooth over events that put a strain on their current relationship. Things that made Pac scared he was turning back into Cell. And he'd probably justify it as 'helping' Pac, but there's also a selfish element there too, of him desperately trying to keep hold of this new start and family he probably doesn't deserve but somehow got anyways.
It's small things at first-- just wiping away little instances that put Pac on edge around him. Pac is prone to glossing over Cellbit's red flags anyways, so even if other people remember what Pac doesn't, it wouldn't set off immediate alarm bells. Nobody would catch on to the manipulation.
Pac himself would write off most of the weird, vague flashes he gets sometimes. It feels sort of like deja vu but with an extra helping of uneasy dread. He's not very self-confident when it comes to his brain; he's just being unreasonably paranoid because of his memories of Cell-- those half-memories are so foggy because his brain is panicking and conflating the past with the present, right? More importantly, wants to trust Cellbit.
Now, there's a clip of Pac (which I can't find now but it lives in my head rent free) where he implies that, if Cellbit and Roier hadnt been introduced, he and Cellbit would have been together.
There are a few points in the canon timeline where guapoduo could have been derailed. Cellbit may never have even gotten to that point with Roier if he and Pac were already a little bit closer. If he was fucking with Pac's memories in a way that made Pac less cautious of him, I think it's entirely possible their relationship would have had a chance to develop in place of guapoduo's.
Cellbit didn't start erasing memories with the intention of getting Pac to fall for him though. He wanted the olive branch Pac extended. He wanted Pac to not be terrified of him. But it never occured to him that Pac might be capable of falling in love with the man who ate his goddamn leg. So it completely blindsides him when Pac does, in fact, very deliberately step over the line between platonic and romantic in their relationship.
It feels a lot more morally dubious to be manipulating Pac's memories once that happens. But he's in too deep. He knows Pac would hate him if he found out the truth. But isn't it better this way anyways? Pac, somehow, impossibly, wants to love him-- it's not like he's forcing Pac feel anything about him, right? He knows how terrible betrayal feels-- and he doesn't have to make Pac feel that way, doesn't have to hurt him like that! All he has to do is omit the truth. It's not even a lie, really.
He wants Pac to be happy, wants to preserve the warmth Pac looks at him with now, and if holding his tongue is what assures that... well he can swallow down the guilt gnawing at him and bear that mental burden for both of them. Theres so much in their history for him to feel guilty about anyways, what's one more thing?
Unfortunately for Cellbit, he's never used the ritual on people prior to this, and the books he got it from were light on details as to how it works. He has no idea that the locks on Pac's memories start to slowly erode as soon as he encounters a trigger. And since all of the erased memories are of Cellbit, their time together is just speeding up that process.
Eventually, Pac regains a memory he can't just brush off. And he has to come to terms with the fact that something is very, very wrong between them even if he doesn't understand exactly what's happening to him. He'd figure it out eventually, go through Cellbit's notes in secret and piece things together. When he does he's horrified and angry and heartbroken. But he's torn too because it's not like he can just forget the relationship they've built either, even if he now knows the foundation is half rotted.
He still loves Cellbit, despite every fucked up thing Cellbit has ever done to him.
The question is really whether Pac loves himself enough to pull the plug on this unhealthy dynamic.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Ooooo okay so wuote from foolosh pov when he was on mute so ppl couldnt eavesdrop on him, still in character though (slightly paraphrased and cut out other rambles in the middle part)
"In any case, sounds like Fun (reffering to this arc/working for the feds) […] Thats another thing though (that he was worried about with going this route), My idea of fun might not be everybody's… like i havent gottent to talk with pac and mike yet, sending them to prison felt like a win win for everybody, but maybe Not the case.."
I just find that So interesting like he really Is the embodiment of true neutral As Well As 1000s of years old immortal trying to have some fun in his skewed perception, and i just find that so interesting in a meta way too, kindof reminds me of how etho ethoslab kills bat on a whim and does other stuff just cause he sees the game as that, A Game, obviously foolish isnt the Same way but all the diff playstyles of the server both in a mechanics and story way are So interesting to me (sorry about the ramble lol i just love q!foolish sm)
Bc hes doing it out of fun. For him its fun playing this game with everyone, it's fun to play with life like this bc he doesn't get why would it be so bad. And it honestly makes it even more terrifying!!! And interesting!!
Bc as Foolish will talk to the two later, it will be either a shock for him or he'll brush it off as "not that bad". Either way, the tc boys feel betrayed, there's no explaining that can cover the pain of losing Walter Bob like this (bc, like it or not, it was caused by Foolish's actions) or using Richas as an excuse when it was a lie. Foolish is now locked in this path, and at some point he will truly see how he fucked up with everything. Might be now, might be later. Mayhaps even never
Who knows? It's what makes it compelling to watch
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6flyingosprey6 · 8 months
Where I see where the q!spreen and q!fit alpha/alpha narrative comes from. I can't help but think of q!fit as being the embodiment of what it means to survive as an omega in 2b2t. Always vigilant, ready and more than capable to, at the very least, fend off any alpha he has encountered up until now and more that anything repressed. To be chosen for a mission which finaly lets him escape this hellscape, only for him to be put through his worst nightmare on arrival. Being forced to have(take care of) a child with the only alpha he could never hope to win against, q!spreen. A situation we know created some resentment and lack of closure for him. To then slowly fall in love with assumed omega Pac (he has no scent so people tend to assume he is an omega in a "platonic" pair with q!mike), only to be met with the surprise of q!pac's scent as an alpha slowly coming back after months of being separated from q!mike. To then, currently getting confortable enough to deal with everything he had to suppress about himself up until very recently. And by that I mean, maybe a little bit too confortable even. Like, during the couple days leading the the prison event, the discussion around what he is capable of taking up his ass got way more of a spotlight than I thought it ever would. So yeah, with how interesting omega q!fit would be for his backstory, his current character arc and the people around him, alpha q!fit is just the inferior option right now. Sorry it's so long but someone needed to say something
Oh my god I see it
Being an omega in 2B2T must have SUCKED. I cannot imagine the trauma that would come with that.
And then to be forced into a relationship with Spreen and having to look after Ramon, its everything that he doesn't want. Must have been terrifying.
But also the potential for character development here! Finally feeling secure enough to engage in a relationship with Pac, becoming a good father to Ramon, just being more comfortable with his second gender overall
love love love
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floral-moon-light · 11 months
QSMP Philza update, go watch the Wednesday the 25th and Friday 27th updates if you don't want to be spoiled.
Nothing really major happened Wensday, philza went exploring for a bit after getting on to see if there was more black concrete, which there was.
He then spawns in his Minime who he later names Little Twat (not a joke).
Then he spends an hour and a half with Fit and Tubbo talking to the new Cururucho AI at spawn, occasionally getting flirted at, told stuff that could not be true and such, and trying to exploit the AI.
They then went to lucky duck before returning to spawn because Tubbo needed to get his minime Kitkat back after it randomly disappeared. So a random fed. worker came, had Tubbo dance then Phil got board and decided to work on leveling his minime, leading him to dig down under spawn to tr and find iron I believe leading him to drop down into a massive wold edit hole. Cucurucho then joins Phil stares at the strange area before giving Phil a quest to build an aquarium.
Phil then went off to gather materials and mobs for the aquarium, was joined by Fit for a while before Fit leaves, after which Phil spends a few minutes exploring before returning to spawn near the nino to "build the aquarium," if you count an outdoor aquarium with 5 tanks and no other infrastructure. However it counted so Cucurucho have Phil his requested building block rainbow glass or at least the components for it. Phil then went to gather sand for the glass, spent time looking at glitched terain for an hour or so. After which he headed home, hat a none cannon chat with BadBoyHalo and Royer about whether the Brazil or Vagus trips were better, before Phil went off to do a few cores before getting off for the day at the nest.
Friday had some lore happen, but it was nothing major or egg related. If anything it related back to the bird cage with the "wise crow" comment.
To give a better flow of events, Phil woke up, decided to work on upgrading his now 2 mini me's, affectionately called Little Twat, and Little Shit (normally, I would censor a curse, but the name is the curse word so...). With Little Shot asking for a weird mushroom (twice.). After doing some of the Minime quests he went home, had an existential crisis due to the black concrete at his face spreading, then went inside to check the message chest, finding nothing. Then while doing further checks he found strange vines on the inside walls of Tallulah's seed garden, which he followed to the back wall to find a picture of a skull with vines on it and a book asking if Phil remembers his time before the server and promising help.
Side note, I personally want to say that that is Kristen, the goddess of death, trying to communicate with him. It seems to out of place to be the federation, and with how different Phil's ticket is from the rest it has to point to outside interference. And one of Kristen's main ways of talking with Phil previously when lore related back to his wife revolved around crows. So her leaving a critic crow book? Seems plausible.
Plus, sleep is often described as the line between life and death.
Phill took some pictures then called Fit to come see, with Pac joining along, only for when Phil brought them to the area of the message to find it gone like it was never there and all his proof gone. This sent Phil into a minor panic that he tried to brush off, even though booth Fit and Pac believed Phil had seen something.
To get his mind off that, Phil joined Pac and Fit's dungeon crawl, during which he lost his shield, before the group separated after completing the odd triple dungeon with Phil exploring a bit to find materially to replace his shield, followed by minime item collection, a brief dungeon raid, raiding egg backpacks to get the means to get a minime item (a type of mushroom), before he goes hole, does a brief check of stops the eggs loved, ended up back at the dream spot, before going home and getting off.
Also, on the 29th, two messages's appeared on the QSMP Twitter involving the 4th, one involves the train station, one seems to involve Cheyanne.
No clue what it means, other then something happening November 4th.
Good night all.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
I wonder if he Federation is starting to get a little sick of being taken advantage of in a way. Nobody takes it seriously anymore, especially after the elections when its representative lost his lives and lost the election when everything was being rigged for him to win. The islanders see it as a threat, but it's kinda just... there. It hasn't done anything to mess with them recently.
The only ones really openly fighting against it are q!Cellbit, q!Quackity, q!Max, and now q!Mike. Everyone else does it in secret, but not because they're scared of the consequences necessarily; they just think it's smarter to keep their cards to their chest. q!Jaiden is even friends with Cucurucho, and q!Fooligetta + Leonarda are really chill with the Federation because the Federation is chill with them.
But look at that list of people fighting. Cellbit has been tortured and kidnapped and brainwashed and manipulated and even two days ago he was held at gunpoint by Cucurucho itself. Max has been kidnapped, tortured with a chainsaw, put into a coma, etc, etc. Pac got kidnapped and traumatized and now he's out here as an example of what will happen to you if you break the rules. Quackity was drowned for months and now he's amnesiac and scared and very, very alone. Walter Bob is probably dead, and he was a Federation employee!
Other islanders have consistently laughed when Cellbit would run around desperately talking about how evil the Federation is. He's seen as kind of Not-All-There because he's driving himself into the ground trying to take them down and he's failing because even he knows how Big the Federation is and how hard it'll be to destroy it.
I think that the Federation is Done with not being taken seriously. It's starting to crack down on people, and, while it seems to value happiness more than anything else, the Federation loves fear.
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kissnpunch · 11 months
what if...
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purgatory is so karmatic, every path has something we can't expect.
i imagine —i do that a lot and i'm expecting to jinx it— if green team lost, what would happen? quackity studios told us they would die but maybe as a team.
i'm focusing on q!cellbit here because green team are his family, q!roier his beloved husband, q!forever his best friend and q!bagi his twin sister (at the end, he cares about her but is so bully as a love trait), even q!etoiles as someone he fully respects. being the brain of red team he knows they need to choose by strategy and not with feelings, i think they would feel betrayed someway. for blue team, either way they get more smart people for strategies and win against red team.
now, if they die? if they just dissapear and they doesn't know their destiny? at the end, green team has the partners of almost everybody there, the most important people for someone.
q!cellbit would lose everything in a second for a competition they need to survive, his mind would be a whole mess, he won with his team here but lost his family of the island.
blue team, from their part, is a sad ending too; q!tina losing q!bagi, q!pac losing q!fit, q!bbh losing q!forever, adding they're the reason why they would die, blood on their hands canonically.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Hey tumblr user Icarus, I saw you talk a bunch about Mianite so now I am enabling you into a qsmp Mianite au sorry not sorry
What do you think everyone’s deity affiliations would be, I’ll list a few I think might fit:
Phil, Cellbit, maybe Roier??? - Ianite
Mike, maybe Vegetta?? - Dianite
Foolish - tends towards Dianite but switches affiliations like changing clothes
Étoiles - S1 Mianite? The Feds are definitely very S2 Mianite coded but there’s a few islanders who are probably Mianitees but practice / lean more towards S1 Mianite’s principals
s1 mianite: quackity, arin, forever, etoiles
s1 dianite: willy, mike, vegetta, badboyhalo, foolish*
s1 ianite: roier, pac, bagi
s2 mianite: the federation, el q
s2 dianite: fit, baghera, pierre
s2 ianite: jaiden, phil, cellbit, tubbo
*as you said, foolish changes affiliations as he pleases. it’s more accurate to say he’s unaffiliated but he asks dianite for favors for stupid bullshit so often that he’s an honorary follower atp
for the islanders i didn’t include it’s largely bc i don’t know enough about them with the EXCEPTION of antoine bc that bitch is just a wizard 2 me.
in depth ramblings for some of them under the cut bc i’m So So mentally ill about mianite related assignments. i may assign the eggs their own gods later so don’t worry i haven’t forgotten about those little guys
in my heart of hearts i know logically qtubbo should be under like, s2 dianite at the least. but i’m my heart of hearts i also cannot bring myself to make him anything other than an ianitee. it feels Wrong.
i think creating parallels between the different gods is fun, hence why normal q and el q are both different types of mianitees and jaiden+roier+cellbit are different types of ianitees
jaiden is like. the perfect ianitee. she’s already purple coded sure but you take into her being charlie’s lawyer AND how she tries to stand up for the census bureau and make people see its side. punches wall. she is so so balance to me she just wants them all to be on even ground
i gave pac ianite bc he has the same mentality as jordan in which he doesn’t see any value in himself without the other half of his duo with him LMAO
phil gets s2 ianite bc of all his attempts to get the eggs back by attacking the federation gives the same vibes as jordan attacking the taint to get ianite back. who cares about the consequences they want their loved ones and will do Anything to get them back, no matter who gets hurt
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artblock hitted me harder than i thought, this (↓) took me nearly 3 months to do lmao anyways
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idk wanted to visualise some hc's i have for some qsmp characters i guess (this is definitely not all i have in brain tho) (also, random code monster in a corner because i didn't have enough place for what i wanted and just decided to draw it separately later)
• I really wanted to keep him as human at first, but well, i love giving non-human traits to my faves and cat really fits him guys I'm sorry my first thought about him when i started watching him is that qCell is a pathetic wet cat it was predestined really. Anyways, i noticed not many artists (the ones who catboy-ifying him. maybe its just a me problem tho) give him whiskers, so i gave him whiskers👍
• Gray hairs were a random detail i decided to add, but then i gave it some thought and honestly, his life was (still tbh) stressful - so i guess it works👍
• Made half of his hair (not even stopping at just head hair) white just because im extra sometimes. Like, i could stop at just one streak, but why would i do that?
• Got some of his shit together after being taken away by Feds and stopped looking like he is about to pass out from everything really. God bles love truly changes people👍 It doesn't change the horrific eye bags tho, they are never going away, saying as a person with eyes bags, those bad boys are the part of me at this point, so are they for him
• Burn marks are mostly on body, they haven't touched face all that much.
• Okay, like i said, she's human-duckling shapeshifter - what that means, is that she can basically take any form ranging from just a normal human to just a normal duckling. Will point out - not a duck. Duckling.
• q!Baghs usually takes the form that is closer to human, but still has some duckling traits - because they are kinda looking cool and also like that water doesn't bother her nearly as much ig. 70% of her body is actually covered with down feathers - fluffye👍
• Now that i think, wouldn't she kinda easily float in the water? At least a bit? Because of all duckling feathers? Sick.
• Cucumber👍 Quite literally tho, he doesn't even have blood. Literally edible. Can regrow cut off limbs by sitting in a water for a bit. All that stuff.
• Idk who first thought of kintsugi scars for him, but this person is a genius.
• LEAFY HAIR! The flowers and tendrils are also parts of a hair and they glow! I love when glow!
• Idk, i love the idea of scarf going woosh, so i gave q!Et it👍 The yellow parts if it also glow.
• Star-freckles! Because why won't a cucumber man have star-freckles! Their glow mostly seen in the dark and they also blink.
• q!Mike is a creeper hybrid with like 45% of creeper in him. The green parts are really patchy all over the body, and also fluffy. He doesn't explode often (nearly never, not enough creeper in him ig).
• q!Pac is a creature indeed👍 He is something alien-esque - fishlike, that's kinda all i can say. More importantly, he glows and can regulate that glow.
• They weren't always like that tho. They were humans for the most of their life, but something happened (I haven't thought of something yet) and now they are like that👍
• Deffo soulmates in a "they are literally bonded by an actual soul" way.
Q!Fit: (i dont have much for him and i watch him a lot lmao. I think with him i just follow canon ahah)
• One of the very few of actual just humans on the server
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