#now i can pass on the curse of taking this meme song seriously to all of you :^D
loremaster · 10 months
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(fubuki only knows the superior version)
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WIP Wednesday! (insert meme: it's been 84 years...)
Hello! I think I've neglected these beautiful WIP tag games as of late, so I took the chance, after being tagged by the lovelies @bostoniangirl21 and @miraakulous-cloud-district (thank you both so much!🧡), to share a bit of CH20 of The Priest and the Dragoness (I'm seriously thinking of changing the title of my fic, so if someone wants to give me their opinion about this Cursed Thought™, I'll gladly take it!). Also, the beloved @miraakulous-cloud-district had the idea of making this WIP combo with a picrew of ocs! I'm so excited to share! 😍
Tonight, in that dream, she does not see the precious faces of her dear mother and father she always recognized even if she never knew them or touched them or kissed them in the waking world, nor does she hear the rough but heartwarming voice of her wise old wolf, Kodlak Whitemane.  She does not dream of Vilkas and Farkas’ affectionate fraternal teasing, the tender motherly sternness of Aela, nor does she blend her youthful voice with Whiterun’s liveliness during the New Life Festival, in its songs, dances, feasts, in Magnus’ slow return to Nirn. She sees neither the darkness, the shackles, the rot of Northwatch Keep, nor even senses Caranthir’s breath chilling the back of her neck.  Sometimes, Jia dreams of herself as a dragon. She falls to her weak, human knees, weeps and screams without voice, only to feel her spine crack lengthwise and then split in half like the shell of an egg, as the acrid stench of seething, ripped-out flesh engulfs her like a firestorm, dominates her from head to toe. And then, she sees her two blood-leaking wings spreading through her shadow, and she takes flight, and she brings debris and death.  But tonight, in that dream, she is not a fire-breathing, blood-raining wyrm. In that dream, she is a bird, a swallow, and behind her soft, feathery wings, she knows a delicate shaft of the warmest, most pristine sunlight dovetails with her close behind, creating technicolor colorings upon her lustrous plumage; and from beneath her small-boned body, she sows springs and summers, meadows and groves, all with a single wingstroke.  In that dream, she flies towards a colossal tree. Though suddenly her flight grows swift, erratic, hopeless, so much as one would wonder how a swallow’s flickering little heart can withstand this kind of fear and despair. For this tree that she hunts with time’s passing, is not for nesting and is barren of verdure or fruit in spite of the spring-bearer’s sight; this is an unearthly shade of dark, black wood, of twisting, writhing branches as if they are coming to life, haunted, rotten to the roots and even beyond those, like—  Like a hanged man’s tree. “Sleep,” Miraak tells her, when she startles awake, in a whisper drawn out of the loveliest lullaby, as though he is, too, tethered between reality and a dream, his caressing fingers blindly running up and down her back. “It was just a dream.” They are never just dreams, the words her brain pushes to speak aloud, but her eyes close again, and she’s plunging into a vision that she may not remember come morning.
Now for the lovely picrew!
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OH but of course I would make not only Jia but her Miraak too, what do you mean... 😇
I'm tagging some people with the hope I'm not bothering them, so absolutely no pressure for this! Still, it'd be wonderful to see your creations, whichever they are! 🥰 @blossom-adventures, @sothas, @prettytamagnii, @illumiera, @kiir-do-faal-rahhe, @thequeenofthewinter, @ruskycreations
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hillnerd · 3 years
For the headcanon ask game - Romione + rain?
For the headcanon ask meme <-feel free to send a couple and a prompt- i'll either write a short blurb of headcanon or write a drabble my headcanon is that Hermione loves rainy days and Ron doesn't- she wins him over to them eventually:
Hermione had always loved the rain. None of the other children in her class did. They'd moan and wail when they had to stay inside during playtime. As they all mourned the loss of their beloved tag, Hermione would squirm in delight.
While everyone else would suffer through checkers and building blocks, adventures and deserted islands waterfalled into the room with every drop of rain. Why deal with getting actual dirt under your nails, when you can imagine walking on beaches. Why deal with lines for the swingset and being elbowed off the climbing frame she could barely manage to stay on for more than a few seconds, when there were chapters of friends to spend her hour with.
Rainy days were absolutely, without a doubt, miserable! That's what they were. On a sunny day Ron’s brothers would let him come along and maybe even hang out a bit. He might just be target practice for an apple, but at least he was on a broom, and at least he was having something akin to a nice time with them.
Instead he was locked in, roped into chores, and no one would play him chess anymore. He'd just finished helping his mum mucking out some of the junk from under the sink when he felt his leg get crushed and he let out a string of curses.
“Get your legs out the way!” Fred hissed, giving him a light kick for good measure.
Utterly miserable.
Hermione wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck as a gust of rain-loaded wind made her umbrella quite pointless. The Quidditch Pitch was so misty she had no idea how the players were able to avoid colliding.
“Damn this weather is shit!”
A warm cloak was draped around her shoulder and she hurriedly leaned into Ron’s side.
“You shouldn’t curse.” She did her best to school her smile into a formidable frown of disapproval.
Ron laughed and shook his head. Droplets from his hair flicked onto the last dry bit of her face.
“Y’know, we’ve been friends for two years. You should probably get over my cursing. I’m not going to stop.”
“It’s impolite!”
“Worse things to be than impolite, aren’t there? I could be an arse like Malfoy.”
“And that’s the scale you’re grading yourself on? ‘Not as bad as Malfoy?’”
“Don’t be jealous of my lofty goals,” he said, putting his nose high in the air before squinting. “I hope Harry catches the Snitch soon. My bum’s going dead from the cold. Know anything that could warm it up?”
Hermione tucked her head behind her hair as heat radiated through her.
“There’s a hot-air-charm.”
“Oh yeah! Blow some hot air on me!”
“I don’t know it yet… I’ve only seen it.”
“And warming charms aren’t until fourth year.”
“Bit shit, that. It’s getting colder by the second out here. We should all know a good warming charm. Plus we live in a castle in Scotland! It’s bloody cold!”
“Ron!” she said, giving him a small elbow in the side.
“Sorry! I’ll try not to curse so much, I swea—”
“No! What’s that over there?”
A swathe of darkness rushed the field, undulating like a dark ink spill across the Quidditch field.
“Oh no…” Ron moaned. “Dementors!”
He gave another string of curses as they rushed towards the field.
Despite the cold, misery and terror encroaching, a bit of warmth kept the Dementors from fully affecting her as they had on the Hogwarts Express. It was Ron’s large hand holding hers all the way to the field.
She loved rainy days.
The wet squelch of his shoes echoing off stone hallways was the only sound left in the castle. Ron was alone, which was all for the better. He’d always loved Quidditch, but now it felt like a scimitar ready to come down and end him. At this point he’d welcome a good beheading— at least then he wouldn’t feel so bleeding miserable.
His sodden robes left tiny droplets, and he’d wrung out one giant puddle, in the halls. If Filch caught him, he’d probably give him a good dressing down, but Ron didn’t care. He deserved one.
How could Quidditch abilities have passed him by so thoroughly? He thought he’d been a good Keeper at home. He always got stuck in the position, but over time he grew to like it quite a lot. Not anymore.
His robes thwarted against the portrait whole as he drug himself through to an empty Common Room. Not wanting to face his dormmates he went for a seat by the fire, but found Hermione. She sat in one of the larger plush chairs, her little legs curled up under her in a way that would make his long limbs go numb in under a minute. All around her were parchment and books. She was working on a Charms assignment he knew was not due for another three weeks. She looked up from the work and gave a warm smile. Despite himself, he smiled back.
“It’s miserable enough with all the rain. Why compound it with Charms?” he asked.
“I wanted to wait for you. I don’t like the idea of you practicing in a storm like this. Especially by yourself! It’s not worth it.”
“Well I can’t quit,” he said, feeling mulish again and collapsing into the opposite chair with a great heave.
“I wasn’t suggesting you quit. Just maybe wait for nights where there isn’t a maelstrom?”
“Ah, but then there’d be loads of other people wanting to practice, and then they’d all see how I suck eggs.”
“I’ve seen you fly and you don’t ‘suck eggs,’” she said, finishing her sentence with a flourish of her quill.
“There’s a whole song about it.”
“That song…” she growled, casting a charm on her paper to dry the ink.. “Malfoy’s the one who sucks eggs! He’s a little monster and I’m a bit in shock the professors have done absolutely nothing to stop him.”
“Why would they?” he said with a shrug.
“Because it’s a monstrous display of bullying? Because it’s targeting a student and making the whole school absolutely toxic? It’s wrong? It’s harmful? Take your pick!”
Ron straightened in his seat as she pointed her wand at him. Suddenly he was hit with the most satisfying warming charm, followed by a water wicking spell.
“You’re good at Keeping! I’ve seen you do it every summer up against the twins, Ginny, and even Charlie. But you’re no good to anyone if you get struck by lightning, fall from your broom, or catch pneumonia from being out in this weather! And what are you smiling at?” she asked, brows furrowed enough to make that cute little line appear between them.
“You should take what I’m saying seriously!”
“Fine, I won’t fly in this weather alone.”
“Well who will accompany you?”
He hesitated a moment then replied, “You, if you’ll come.”
“I can. As long as I’m ahead on my revising.”
“Then you can always come, as you’re always ahead,” he said putting his feet up on her arm rest.
“I also meant it about the Keeping. I think you’re good.”
“Yeah, well… Quidditch isn’t your strong suit.” She shoved his feet off the chair and he gave a chuckle. “But, I’ll try to keep that in mind.”
Despite wanting to be so ahead in her studies, Ron noticed how she ignored her parchment the rest of the evening for him. For a rainy evening, it was quite nice.
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shoichee · 4 years
hi ! <3 I Absolutely luv your scenarios!:) Can I request for the pregnant s/o scenario with Midorima & Murasakibara ? :o Thank you :D
HELLO <333 wahhh tysm for reading, and i hope you’re still around lurking here to see this, my anon <33 also, i did write these in headcanon formats but please PLEASE let me know if you wanted scenarios and i’ll whip up scenarios :>
Pregnant S/O with Midorima, Murasakibara
Note: I am also writing this hc under the premise that the S/O has been dating with them for quite some time and is practically settled with them
Part 1 here
Midorima Shintarou
How He Found Out
i would believe for him to always, always use protection whenever he ends up having sex with you, and make sure you’re on birth control to prevent such an occurence
for a pregnancy to even happen, these conditions need to happen: 1.) he needs to be 100% sure that the two of you will be together for a very, VERY long time enough to not freak out about contraceptives or at least toy with the idea of not use any in the back of his mind and 2.) you somehow riled him up so much that he let it slide once/twice and go condom-free (whether you were on birth control or not that’s up to you, but he’d assume you were)
well, it turns out that during one of those rare moments of unprotected sex, you got pregnant, and now here you are with a positive stick in your hand squinting at it and scratching your head that you were either incredibly lucky or unlucky to get pregnant out of those few times you two went raw
how were you gonna tell him? well, he was a traditional man, so you simply set up a small, cute surprise for him when he gets back home
y’know, balloons in the living room and a little wrapped gift on the cleared table… it would send the message across… you think
hours passed and you were on the sofa twiddling your thumbs like a preschooler on timeout LOL and you didn’t want to go anywhere in case Midorima comes home early
your instincts were right because an hour later, he comes home utterly exhausted, immediately thinking about being roundabout in asking to snuggle with you
but then he freezes when his shoe stepped and POPPED one of the balloons you scattered around prior, and it scared him SHITLESS
he almost dropped his lucky claypot. almost.
“(y/n), what is going on?!”
he thinks it’s one of your antics and pranks as usual, and he immediately sighs exasperatedly at the thought of cleaning the mess up
“Seriously, I can never leave you alone in this house, nanodayo…” and as he shuffles through the floor, trying to avoid the rest of the clutter you caused, he notices you sitting primly on the couch (and giving him a poorly-concealed smile)
“Shintaro! I didn’t know you’d come home so soon~”
“Well, everyone was being annoying as usual, and most of the work has been done for today. I might as well come home to spend the rest of the day with you… obviously.”
you were so obvious, your eyes flitting back to the gift on the table and back to him, and Midorima doesn’t know whether to roll his eyes or laugh
“I’m assuming this is all for me,” he sighed, trying to hide his smile. “I don’t recall any special occasion for today, though.”
oh, your face just grew the biggest shit-eating grin at his words
“Is that so?~” you feigned with a sing-song voice
at your insistence on him opening the present right now, he swiftly pulls the ribbon apart and opens the box to see your positive test
MIDORIMA.EXE has stopped working
“W-W-W-What is that?!”
“A pregnancy test.”
“... Mine?”
“Wait, how?! With who??”
“Uh…” You stared at him incredulously. “You?”
MIDORIMA.EXE is failing to reboot
you were pointing at yourself and Midorima to further try to get the POINT ACROSS to this poor man who’s trying to process this OFBEJDIWHRIE
but you stopped your hand motions when you see the purest smile slowly growing on Midorima’s normally stoic face
YOU.EXE has stopped working
he brings you into a tight embrace and for a while you two hug in silence, enjoying each other’s company
“So uh, I’m pregnant,” you said, your words slightly muffled by his shirt
“Yes, I am quite well aware now,” he replied dryly, but his eyes are quite affectionate
“I hope you realize that this is a huge responsibility, (y/n).”
“Hey! I know that it’s a big deal! Come on, who do you take me for?”
“... Right.”
During Pregnancy
the first thing he does was take you to the doctor’s just to find out when you were going to deliver
“What? Why?” you asked him
“I must know our child’s horoscope sign as soon as possible,” he said seriously. “We have to make sure they’re born with no misfortunes attached to them.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
okay, but he’d also ask the doctor diligently on what you should be doing and what he should be doing to ensure a successful delivery
Midorima is deadass budget-version doctor at home
it’s that one meme where you go:
“Hey mom can we have a doctor?”
Mom: “We already have a doctor at home.”
Doctor at home: Midorima Shintarou
JOKES aside, he really is knowledgeable on this entire ordeal, which is a blessing and a curse
you could always come to him to rely on him when you’re unsure of something or for him to deal with your moodiness
but at the same time, you can’t get away with snacking on abhorrent things because he’d SNATCH them off your hands and scold you for being irresponsible LOLOL
you could NEVER sneak off unhealthy food because he’s ALWAYS somehow there to catch you or he eventually finds out later and still give you an earful
you still try to do it again anyways
then there’s that side of Midorima where he’d stuff the entire house with bundles of lucky items because he insists on buying two lucky items for you and the kid every day during your pregnancy… all so you can “maximize” your chances of having a successful delivery
you’re sobBING, it’s so CUTE BUT SO DUMB
did I mention that he’s already started on building the nursery and decorating it in ALL sorts of lucky charms and adorable plushies under the guise of “being safe and making the room lucky”
he rarely lets you step out of the house, but if you have to, he’ll always make the time for you so he can accompany you and just glower at anyone who looks at you the wrong way
surprisingly, he’s a lot more lenient on the PDA during your pregnancy: LOTS of hand-holding, chaste kisses on your head/forehead and maybe cheeks, and he does often hug you from the side to protect you
if you bring it up to him though, he’ll deny it to the VERY end and insists that he only does it so you don’t get moody and snap at random strangers passing by, and then it’ll be a hassle to deal with them
yeah right, Midorima
Murasakibara Atsushi
How He Found Out
when you first found out, you decided to hide it from him until you can figure out how to go about your pregnancy
1.) he didn’t seem like the type who can handle kids, let alone even like them
2.) you’re worried about how he’d react considering that he has a “devil-may-care” attitude and has quite a languid view on most things, even to this day
you underestimated Murasakibara though because when you first initially excused yourself to the restroom the first few times, he assumed that you were having too many sweets and barred you from consuming them until you got better
but you didn’t… in fact, you looked even sicker as the days progressed
that was when Murasakibara got suspicious and started paying attention to you and your behavior
when he gets serious, he’s incredibly sharp and intuitive
even still, he doesn’t know if he should confront you or wait until you tell him, because you’ve always been the “big pants” in the relationship, for lack of better terms
so he waits and observes, but he still acts just as normally as any other day, and you, on the other hand, thought you were able to successfully hide this from him
still, when you keep up this sneaky behavior around him, he slowly doubts himself about if he did anything wrong, if he forgot anything important, or if you’re doubting this relationship ???
but he’s not going to admit it to you, so he’s going to casually call Himuro and voice his concerns in such a roundabout way
Himuro immediately understands what he’s trying to ask and simply tells him to talk it out with you
ofc, Murasakibara just huffs and complains about it being so troublesome, but Himuro, smiles, knowing him better that he was going to do it despite his verbal complaints
when asking you if he did anything “wrong” and such, you immediately shake your head and deny it all to ease his worries, and you tell him that it wasn’t anything like what he imagined
at your words, Murasakibara was relieved but at the same time, if these weren’t the problems, why were you acting so strange?
like when you kept oversleeping, kept rushing to the bathroom early mornings, or when you even turned down his offer of going to the grocery store, bakery, and the confectionery store together multiple times simply because you said that you didn’t have the energy
he finally confronted after a few weeks of dodging on your end, draping his entire body over you from behind and placing his chin on top of your head
“Chibi-chin…” he mumbled. “You’ve been acting really weird for the past few weeks. Talk to me.”
you only sighed as you turn around and embrace Murasakibara, and then separated from him to put distance between the two of you as you make eye contact with him
you resigned yourself to tell him the truth because he was going to find it sooner or later, considering that you’ve developed a small bump… so far, you’ve passed off your stomach size as a “food baby” and “gaining weight, I guess,” but you knew you couldn’t use that excuse forever
but before you can utter out a single word, dizziness hits you like a truck, making you completely lose balance before you legit fainted on the spot
poor Murasakibara expresses one of his rare moments of absolute distress as he lunged forward to catch you before you fell to the floor
he’s dialing Himuro because he has no idea what to do and he’s absolutely PANICKING and thinking of the worst-case scenarios of what happened to you
Murasakibara was READY TO CALL THE AMBULANCE AND EVERYTHING but Himuro managed to calm him down enough to reason that it’s better to bring you by car
after all, Himuro had an inkling of an idea of what happened to you, but like a little shit, he’s not gonna tell Murasakibara because seeing him so openly expressive like that was a guilty pleasure for him
he’s constantly holding you in the car like his life is on the line, and Himuro is just driving and looking straight ahead mentally cackling and wondering how he’s gonna escape his wrath if Murasakibara ever finds out that he knew but didn’t tell him
imagine a distraught giant busting through the doors carrying an unconscious you with a model-like guy trailing behind and pushing the giant to the side to try to coherently talk to the disoriented receptionists
what a life
the doctor merely just says that you fainted and it wasn’t serious, and Murasakibara doesn’t believe them ONE BIT
but he notices Himuro walking over to the doctor’s ear and whispering something, before they had an “ah-ha!” moment, and then right on cue, they had you moved to a different room for testing
poor giant is so agitated, constantly shaking his leg on the floor while he’s sitting in the waiting room, jeez HIMURO PLEASE GIVE HIM A BREAK
“Congratulations! She’s pregnant!”
“Aren’t you her special someone?”
“Indeed, Atsushi is!” Himuro answers for him with a wink
Murasakibara needs to p r o c e s s this
after a while, you groggily stroll out the room like nothing happened, but still you had a frown on your face because you didn’t want Murasakibara to find out about your pregnancy this way
the car ride home was so AWKWARDLY SILENT
you try to coax him with kisses, hugs, and tickles, but he’s not budging one bit
even snacks didn’t move him… even though he did eye them for a bit before he turned away
“Atsushiiii,” you whined. “Talk to meeee, I’m sorry.” and there you go pouting and trying to squish his cheeks to get him to give up
he looks at you with an uncharacteristically serious look when he asks, “Why didn’t you tell me, Chibi-chin?”
and here you are, reluctantly explaining your reasons, and Murasakibara is just frowning because he’s thinking about how he needs to get his shit together so you don’t ever think that you can’t rely on him again
lots of wholesome cuddling to make it all up to him
“So… Chibi-chin.”
“I’m… gonna be a dad?”
and he gives you the brightest smile he’s had since the game against the Jabberwocks, except it was much more intimate and sweeter
During Pregnancy
does Murasakibara have any idea on how to deal with pregnancy? no, but to be fair, most people aren’t prepared anyways
he keeps forgetting that he can’t just give you sweets and snacks willy-nilly anymore because that’d be horrible for the you and the child
but he’s always giving them to you out of habit LOL, but of course, usually you turn his snacks down and remind him that you can’t eat them anymore
except when you have ungodly cravings and just accept his offerings without a complaint
and then Murasakibara feels like something feels off before he realizes you’re tearing off the packaging and ready to shove the entire biscuit into your mouth—
from that point on, he’s a lot more diligent in keeping the processed foods away from you
whenever Himuro stops by to help you out, Murasakibara REFUSES to forget what he did before and he glares daggers at him with every chance he gets, and both you and Himuro ignore him and are having your own conversations about the child AND MURASAKIBARA JUST SULKS IN THE CORNER ALL ANGRY—
he’s so petty and he’s so pouty, and honestly he is the one that becomes clingy during your pregnancy
whenever you shop for baby essentials to prepare, he’s always tailing after you like a lost puppy and trying to learn and understand the baby basics(????), while also doubling as your bodyguard
I mean, who would want to mess with you while there’s a purple titan RIGHT there?
still, you get a huge kick when you see people’s shocked expressions at seeing this gigantic man in the baby sections/aisles following around
you noticed, especially during your later trimesters, that he’s even gentler in how he handles and touches you, and it’s super cute that he’s so conscious about his size and strength around you
your heart is LITERALLY melting
you don’t think he even realizes that himself
but still, Murasakibara has to literally grit his teeth to stop himself from glaring/snapping back at you when your mood swings get really bad
how much do you want to bet that Murasakibara makes you buy extra baby food just to try it?
he’d probably even make you taste test it with him
he says it’s so the baby can eat the best brands out there and doesn’t have to eat the shitty food, but you think that he’s just eating it for fun and you tell him not to spoil the baby so early like that
he leaves the decorations and actual planning up to you though, even though he’ll be right behind you as you do it… he just finds it tiring and too complex sometimes
if you send him on grocery errands and things like that, he’d actually get up and do it without a complaint
if it was all for you and his child’s sake, he’ll do anything… after all, it’s the least he can do to be a dependable father
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Music Meme
I was tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ , thank you! :D I shall tag (no pressure as always, only if you want to!): @mercurypilgrim​ , @mimabeann, @rainofaugustsith​ , @thelastenvoyyy​ , @a-master-procrastinator and anyone else who wants to do this one, yes, I promise I mean you!
Yaaay another music meme, I LOVE these, as any of my long-term followers/mutuals probably know :P Oh no, Raven what have you done! 🤣🤣
        List one or more songs that relate to the following
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*drags Rai and her three consecutive playlists full of songs in here and plops her down proudly* Now I’m not joking when I say combined her three playlists would run for ~10 hrs if I played them all back-to-back. Sooooo for that reason I will be trying to restrict myself to 3-4 songs per “question”, except for the last one which is annotated with an explanation there, ANYWAYS!
reminds you of them most:
Down To The Bottom - Dorothy :: This is a very new one to her playlist (discovered a few days ago), but it still vibes so well with Saarai’s attitude to love, and her need to have some sort of emotional closeness to other people, to love and be loved, or else she just doesn’t function quite right
Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats :: This was one of Rai’s first EVER theme songs that made it onto her list as I gave the Ahaszaai the backstory that led to them becoming main characters, so it feels only right that I include it here. To me it perfectly sums up her character progression, from a frightened young woman with a lot of skeletons in her closet and no willingness to be a commander of anything or confidence that she could, to a strong and dedicated leader willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people she works with, and make sure that the person who once took it from her family will suffer the righteous justice he deserves for his actions. Oddly enough, Saarai never goes back to take over the Sith Empire as D’leah planned (in Subterfugeverse anyways), they do eventually “come home” and build something of their own with the other members of the Alliance <3 
Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along :: This song is very important too. It makes me feel a lot of things and as I developed more of Saarai’s backstory and began tying everything together, it became an essential part of her backstory. This is 100% a “Saarai Song” in my brain (and I’ve had the script for that meme planned out for over a year, I’ll get to it soon :3), summing up the chaos and her own feelings on what happened with Tsâhis (and her mother and sister’s reactions to finding out about what happened, and Ty, the baby which resulted from that clusterfuck of a relationship)
Someone New - Hozier :: Kinda supplements “Down To The Bottom”, Saarai was a character who puzzled me sexuality-wise for a long time, she has a lot to unpack and a lot of nuances in her attractions, and for a long time (because it is the default for modern media) I tried to shove her in the monogamy box, except...that doesn’t work for Saarai LMAO. I remembered this song existed one day (I think it came up on Youtube shuffle or something) and it was the lightbulb that went on in my head that finally clicked and told me she was actually polyam as well (though ironically I forgot to actually put it in her playlist until @darth-bagel reminded me it existed again a few months ago LOL).
reminds another character of them:
All The Pretty Girls - KALEO :: (Sash - Zephyrverse AU) This one had a few options too, but I think this is the best song that Sash would associate with Saarai. Their relationship was slow burn, although there was near-immediate attraction there, Sash struggled with self-doubt and her own insecurities for a long time, firmly believing that Saarai would get bored of waiting for her to be “ready” to take things further and explore other options (she didn’t. They’ve been married something like 20+, nearing 30 years now, you’re stuck with her sweetie <3)
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy :: (Lana - Subterfugeverse) “I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as I do.”  Lana wasn’t looking for Saarai when she found her, but Lana wouldn’t have it any other way. Though Lana is a big pillar of support for Saarai, and Saarai in turn is the social “glue” that holds the Alliance together, what many people don’t realise is that the feeling is mutual and Lana relies upon her just as much. Saarai’s dependable, and trustworthy, even if sometimes she makes Lana want to roll her eyes into the ceiling because of her antics, she wouldn’t want to change her for anything, it’s that part of Saarai that she secretly loves the most because it reminds Lana that it’s okay to unwind and have fun or be silly every once in a while, especially with the people you love.
Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON :: (Koth - Subterfugeverse) Koth’s relationship with Saarai took a lot longer to develop into something openly romantic because Saarai had a lot of stuff to work through before she could accept her own feelings for him, but the cantina party at the end of KOTFE was the moment that Koth realised she was comfortable with him, because it’s the first time she really opened up to him, the first time she asked him to do anything together, and the first time she didn’t flinch or jump away from him when he touched her.
reminds you of a relationship of theirs, doesn’t have to be romantic, can be paternal, friendly etc.: I’m taking that as an invitiation to do a song for each of the main ones of any kind and that means this one has like six songs because...Saarai has a lot of influencial relationships in her character arc, I’m sorry (but not really) :’)
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons :: Saarai & D’leah (Familial, It’s Complicated). This one is probably gonna be the “controversial” song of this post but you know what I’m gonna do it anyway. Saarai and D’leah have a very complicated relationship, because on the one hand Saarai does love her mother very much in spite of the horrible things she said and did, and on the other...the last thing that she wants is to turn out like her. And sometimes, sometimes you gotta call your mom out on her toxic shit. Hey Brother - Aviici :: Saarai & Ni’kasi (Familial Love). “What if I lose it all? Oh sister, I will help you out. Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you...there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.” The “brother” part does not apply to the twins, gender-wise, but the essence of this song is undoubtedly Saarai & Ni’kasi’s relationship. When Saarai thought she had no-one else, Ni’kasi was there to pick up the pieces and get her back onto her feet. They’re ride or die till the very end, wherever Saarai leads, she knows Ni’kasi will follow her.
Son of A Gun - Lord Huron :: Saarai & Tsâhis (Romantic ”Love”, though I’mma be very clear here that he was a manipulative abusive asshole, but Saarai loved him so...quotation marks. Y’get it yeah? Good.) “Well she fell in love with that son of a gun, but he was not the man that she took him for.”  This line in particular sums it up. Saarai was young, naive and a perfect target for someone like Tsâhis to take advantage of because she didn’t know any better and believed him when he said he “loved her”, only for him to pull the rug out from under her feet later on. (he got his tho, don’t worry 😈)
Youth - Glass Animals :: Saarai & Tyûk (Maternal Love). This is the closest I can find to a song that sums up their relationship, I have a lot of thoughts about it but there are very few songs (that I’ve found) that touch upon the essence of Saarai & Ty’s relationship. D’leah chose to blame Ty for his father’s actions, Saarai chose the opposite. She chose to love him in spite of what his father had done to her, and to make sure he grew up feeling safe, loved, and learnt to be better than that.
Curses - The Crane Wives :: Saarai/Sash (Romantic Love) Both Saarai and Sash have had difficult pasts, with a lot of emotional trauma, and they both had hurdles they had to overcome in order for their relationship to truly work and stay healthy. But with each others’ support, they’ve managed it and are all the closer for it. If you asked either of them where “home” was, they’d say the other’s name.
Sorry I Stole Your Girlfriend - Stereo Skyline :: Saarai/Lana/Koth (Romantic Love). Okay, I really really wanted to pick a more serious song from their playlist for them, BUT....this song is the song that started this ship in my brain so here we are. LMAO  Originally, this popped into my brain as an idea of  Saarai’s response to Koth’s attempt at getting between them in that scene of KOTFE on the Gravestone. Koth and Saarai’s moral compasses are very similar and I wanted them to sit down and have a proper, healthy discussion about their feelings instead of becoming enemies and sort of agreeing not to hold a grudge against each other, though I didn’t expect for that piece to get away from me and for Saarai to end up developing feelings for Koth too, I can’t say I’m unhappy with it. I love them and I will fight anyone who tells me I can’t make them an OT3, I can, I will, and I have. >:) (Healthy Polyam Good, Love Triangles Are Fucking Stupid (tm). No I am not taking criticism on this lmao) Though Saarai & Koth’s relationship isn’t sexual in any way, they love each other just as much as they love Lana, just express it differently. So even though the snideness of this song doesn’t really apply to them, I kept it in their playlist and it also became their ship name because it was too good to pass up, though “Stole” is in inverted commas as it’s definitely more of an inside joke between the three of them than actually seriously accusing them of stealing each others’ girlfriend. 🤣 (as always, Saarai & Koth thinks it’s hilarious, Lana rolls her eyes at the stupid pun but also secretly thinks it’s funny as hell)
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nokomiss · 4 years
thank you for being a friend
for @jes-cher, who requested Steph+another member of the batfam doing a group costume?
“It’s a Halloween party, though, so we can just wear our uniforms and blend in.”
Steph stared. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No?” Tim said.
“You think that we can just all waltz in there in our stupid-expensive uniforms and people will just assume we got them at Party City? Have you seen a Party City costume?”
Jason snorted. “She’s got a point, Replacement.”
“I think that you’re overly complicating it,” Tim said.
Steph stared again, then turned to Jason. “You heard that, right? Tim just told me that I was overly complicating things?”
Tim sighed. “Jason, you don’t understand where this is leading.”
“Where do you think this is leading?” Steph asked, narrowing her eyes. Jason leaned back and watched the two of them, looking entirely too amused.
“You know that you love stupid group costumes,” Tim said.
“Uh, I’m pretty sure we all love stupid group costumes, we go out every night in them,” Steph said. She would not be shamed. She was among her own people here.
“I do not go out in a group costume with you losers every night,” Jason said.
“Do you or do you not have a giant bat-symbol on your shirt?” Steph crossed her arms over her chest.
Jason remained silent up until Tim snorted, at which point he jabbed a finger in Tim’s direction and said, “Not a word out of you until you’ve had a single original outfit ever.”
“Pants,” Tim sing-songed, unfazed by Jason’s threats. “I revolutionized Robin and you know it.”
“My point is, I refuse to go in the actual shitty version of my outfit, or the sexy version, so we absolutely need undercover costumes to wear,” Steph said loudly. “Besides, we all three know that my Robin uniform was the most revolutionary, not one of you fools added hair accessories. Do you have any idea how many weapons and lockpicks you can hide in a headband?”
She settled comfortably into her chair, pulling out her phone to find costume options, secure in the knowledge that she’d won the argument. 
The case was a relatively simple one -- there was word about a mysterious shipment coming through Gotham, a contact claiming the major players were going to be at a Halloween bash, and Batgirl, Red Robin, and Red Hood had all noticed the case, no one had wanted to give it up, and thus the team up had occurred.
“We’re not actually going undercover,” Jason tried to argue, but Steph just shushed him. 
“We’re doing this. Ooh! Group costume! So we can find each other!” Steph said, scrolling through different ideas. “What should we do? Rocky Horror? That meme of the lady yelling at the cat? Ghostbusters? Heathers?” 
“We are not going as the Heathers,” Tim said, rolling his eyes. “Wait, would we get croquet mallets? I can cause a lot of chaos with a croquet mallet.” Jason grinned at them.
“We’re aiming to blend in, not draw attention to ourselves,” Tim said.
Steph had to agree. “True. We get you two out there in miniskirts, and we’re gonna draw all sorts of attention.”
“Hell yeah,” Jason said, patting his own thigh proudly.
“I’ll order something low key,” Tim said.  
Steph and Jason looked at each other in dismay. “Low key?”
“You can’t go low key at a Gotham Halloween party,” Jason said seriously. “That’ll stand out even more than our shapely legs.”
“Honestly, Tim.” Steph shook her head.
Tim looked briefly heavenward, then said, “Okay, do you want to be in charge of costumes?”
“Yes,” Steph and Jason said simultaneously. They eyed each other. 
“Teamwork is a thing,” Steph said, doubtful, but she was far more doubtful in Jason’s ability to choose a group costume up to her standards.
Jason seemed to be having similar thoughts.
Tim looked between them, realized the chaos that was about to ensue, and said tactfully, “I’m going to go out, check on these sources, make sure the info’s good,” as though they hadn’t all already independently checked the sources.  
“Weak,” Jason crowed at him as he left.
That left Steph and Jason alone with all the costume ideas the internet had to offer.  It was more of a challenge that Steph would have thought. 
“You know those costumes where someone has to be the horse’s ass? I vote we pick that. Dibs on Tim being the ass.”  Jason propped his feet up on the table and looked smug, as though his idea was brilliant.
“Great,” Steph said. “Super easy to split up and find our mark dressed like that.”
“Oh yeah, the mark,” Jason said. “Well. There are plenty of options.”
They spent several minutes attempting to come up with one, but to no avail.  
Steph froze on one option, struck with the brilliance of it. “What do you think it would take to get Bruce and Damian to patrol as the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda?”
“Surely between the two of us we have enough blackmail and guilt tripping to make it happen,” Jason said, “especially since it would spawn so much more blackmail material.”
“A totally sound investment.” Steph offered up a high five, which Jason met enthusiastically.
Steph kept scrolling, hoping for a group costume inspiration that didn’t involve t-shirts and tutus, but ideas were far more elusive than she would have thought.
“You know, I’m really rethinking our stance on the Heathers outfits,” Jason said, just as Steph hit paydirt.
“I have a better idea,” Steph said, holding her phone out gleefully. 
Jason grinned.
“I’m sorry, Tim, you didn’t want to get recognized, right?”
Tim scowled, which made Steph frown at him and say, “You need to get into character.”
“I don’t know why you’re making me Rose,” he grumbled, adjusting his wig. 
“Because Jason is twelve feet tall, he has to be Dorothy,” Steph explained. “And you blush if you even hear a double entendre, there’s no way you could pull off Blanche.”
“I do not blush,” Tim protested.
Steph opened her mouth, and he immediately clapped his hand over it. “Stop, I regret saying that, whatever horrible thing you were just planning on announcing, just… don’t.”
“See? You, sir, are no Blanche.”
Jason laughed, adjusting the way his own dress fit over his shoulders. They had to forgo masks, but the dresses were loose enough to hide most of their costumes underneath for a quick change.  
The party was already in swing when they arrived, even though it was barely dark. The costumes were perfect-- amid all the bright spandex, colorful wigs, and knockoff superhero costumes, their grey wigs and floral old lady dresses were easy to spot. 
The mark showed up after just thirty minutes of dancing and mingling, watching and listening carefully. Steph danced up to Jason, who was nursing a drink with a comical amount of fruit skewered in it and scanning the crowd. “Got eyes on him,” she said. 
Jason tossed back the drink and set it down. Steph snagged the skewer of fruit, eating it as they danced their way back through the crowd towards the mark. Steph tapped Tim on the shoulder as they passed him, and together they followed the guy away from the dance floor and down a long dark hall. 
The guy noticed them as he was about to unlock a door, turning and saying, “Private hallway. Party’s back that way.”
“You sure?” Jason leaned heavily against the door and Steph stepped behind the mark, pressing the now-empty skewer into his back between his shoulder blades. 
“Open the door,” Tim said from the other side.
“Please tell me the goddamn Golden Girls aren’t trying to shake me down,” the guy said, clunking his head against the door. 
Steph glanced between Jason and Tim, then shrugged. “Yep. That’s what’s happening. Open the door or it happens here in the hallway, where anyone could wander by and put it on youtube.”
The guy stared at the door, presumably weighing his options, before deciding that defeat came before humiliation and opened the door.
One glance around showed that was a mistake; Steph could see multiple crates still marked with the code they’d all noticed associated with the shipments they were chasing after. Tim slid over to the desk, and stared down at the papers scattered there. Steph could tell from his flabbergasted expression that all the evidence they needed was just lying there in the open.
She pulled a taser out of her pocket and hit the guy with a jolt, sending him falling to the floor unconscious. 
“This was almost too easy, right?” Jason glanced at them.
“Shhh, don’t say that, you’ll curse us,” Steph said. “We’re going to accept that for once things are going smooth.”
Tim took photos of the evidence while Jason and Steph took samples of everything, which lined up with their assumptions about what was going on. It was easily the easiest take-down she’d had in months. Maybe there was something to be said for teamwork.
““Sophia!” Tim said suddenly, staring down at the unconscious drug runner. “I could have been  Sophia!”
“Do you really see yourself as a Sophia?” Jason said, doubt obvious in his tone.
“Do you really see me as a Rose?” Tim shot back.
Steph snickered, finding untold joy in how very seriously Tim was taking his role. “I guess we should go,” she said. They’d accomplished all the vigilantism they’d come here for. 
A pause. 
“Maybe,” Jason said, glancing back in the direction of the party, “we should stick around. Make sure nothing else nefarious is happening. The dude could have had contacts here, it was his party.”
“You just want some of those cupcakes,” Tim accused. 
“Jason has a point,” Steph said, zip-tying the mark and stepping back, admiring her handiwork. “We could call this in anonymously, and go back to the party. No one saw who took him down.”
“Plus, we all heard B mention he had a stakeout he needed someone to cover,” Jason said. “Gotta keep busy.”
Tim weighed his options, then said, “Well. I mean. You can’t just have two Golden Girls, no one would get the costumes.”
“Exactly,” Steph said, beaming. “Can’t waste a good costume.”
(Steph already had a plan for the next costume party stakeout, which given Gotham’s flair for the dramatic, would absolutely happen again -- Team Batgirl showing up as the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus, Babs leading the way with her red hair piled up in a riot of curls on top of her head, Cass bedecked in her gown her hair tucked up into a pointy hat, and Steph laughing with her blonde hair flowing free. The Golden Girls had been fun, but a missed opportunity was a missed opportunity, and Steph was going to rectify that as soon as she could.)
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alrighty, review time!
Do you think Donald wrote the song? He did write a song when he was younger and the lyrics fit him best
I love that Donald is the sane man of the Caballeros
Why did you choose the bathroom? That’s really weird and kind of perverted
I love the picture of a rubber ducky in a top hat on the wall
Just how big is that bathtub? Four grown men were able to fit in it at the same time
Never mess with a man who has a demon-ghost butler
“That’s the FOURTH rich guy’s bathroom we’ve been kicked out of.” I...I would like to know about the other three. And again, WHY THE BATHROOM?!
“We just need someone to listen to us!” Donald giving us the theme/moral of the episode
Was Louie just waiting out there?
Louie looks like a drug dealer. He also looks a bit like the reboot version of himself from that poster in Quack Pack
“And you’re willing to do whatever I say, at any cost whatsoever?” “Well, not any...” “QUIET, DONALD!” Guys, you should listen to Donald, he knows Louie better than you
Poor Donald, the only sane man here
I love the stickers on Louie’s laptop. I wonder if he actually knows how to hack
I love the stupid “it” trends. Hats-Hats and Invisible Piercings, what will they think of next
Of course Dewey would keep up with an IT list. He actually cares about his image/how his peers view him
The lead singer of the Feather Weights looks like a punk girl version of Drake. I’m gonna go with them being related somehow. Or they used to date. Or they go to the same hair stylist. THEY ARE TIED TOGETHER SOMEHOW
Yo-yo tricks were more of a 2000s thing, Dewey (seriously though, does anyone else remember when yo-yos were SUPER POPULAR for some reason?)
Panchito is so ridiculously EXTRA and I LOVE HIM
“These are my people.” Oh sweet Dewford, they wish they were on your level
“Internet fame-the most important fame of all” Well it’s the most achievable
And then Dewey just rolls off screen
“If only someone had a super-elaborate scheme to get in...KA-BOOM!” Dewey’s not the only showman in the family
This show LOVES some big boards
Why/when did Louie plan all of this? I mean he did want the Caballeros to make him their manager so he could get a cut, but why?
Already you can see that Louie’s pride is gonna get in the way
Again, Donald is being the responsible one
I love their signatures. Panchito’s is like a 12 year old girl’s, José’s is curvy, and Donald’s is the least showy. And I love that Panchito thought “Don” was enough lol. He is close to Launchpad levels of ditziness
The pictures Louie uses on his board are GREAT! I love fridge-raiding Panchito
Agent Dewey-License to Chill. Dewey, that was two episodes ago
“I have a very special job for you.” “Oh-ho ho-ho, special.”
Luis P Canard. Is that a false identity Louie already had or did he make it up for the party? Or is there an actual Luis P Canard?
Huey looks SO CUTE! Though he should have known something was up when Louie asked him to forge a signature. Do you think Huey has forged other documents with or without knowing it?
Louie looks good with that black “lipstick”
“Welcome to the scheme.” “What scheme?” “Nothing.” “TELL NO ONE.”
Gyro Gearloose-Kid inventor. Does that mean he was a child prodigy or that he LITERALLY invents kids? Or both? The possible clone’s tube had K.I.D. on it. I bet this will be explored more, probably next episode
I love how they all stare at the earpieces when Gyro says the DEFINITELY won’t explode 
I love that the lion statues have sunglasses and there’s a statue of a ballerina hippo from Fantasia
How do ducks whistle if they don’t have lips?
Daisy-smiles, Donald-I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
I love Daisy’s fake laugh
With both of them in tuxes you can really see that Dewey and Louie have different body types. Louie has broader shoulders.
“I’M GONNA DANCE DOWN THE RED CARPET.” No Dewey, that’s for the after party
It’s the PEP guy! I feel like he’s gonna become a villain with how much he’s been embarrassed (and he already LOOKS like a cheesy superhero show villain)
Dewey has made a LOT of enemies
“New plan-Dewey is NOT going to the party!” DAMN, THAT’S COLD
“This is the Dewey-est party in town!”
“Oh, WHY was I cursed to be so FLASHY and UNFORGETTABLE?!” I love my dramatic son
Why did the Caballeros have to switch hats?
Ok, real talk? That party looks boring as fuck 
I like that there’s sweat when Dewey pulls off his helmet. It’s the little details
“Everyone listens to my plan.” Dewey looks PISSED
“The plan to wow Glamour with our haunting melodies.” Panchito is Drake/DW if he was a Latin Lover. THEY NEED TO MEET. IT WOULD BE HAMMY AND GLORIOUS
“You mean our SICK dance beats!”
Donald is like “girls, girls, you’re BOTH pretty”
But seriously, they need to decide what direction they want to go with their sound
Donald is ALWAYS the voice of reason (except in The Town Where Everyone Was Nice, he got a bit caught up in that lie)
“I will charm my way on stage with my golden voice.” #youtried
That smirk José gives him, beautiful
“Easy, grownups.” YOU JUST GOT DISSED BY A 10 YEAR OLD!
“So I’ll dazzly Daisy with my hip, cool yo-yo tricks.” I would have liked to see how that played out
Does Louie have some kind of dirt on Jane? Why does she keep helping him out? Why does she call him “Mr. Duck?”
Glamour is a BITCH. And it seems like Daisy might share the same luck as Donald and Della
Donald was posing all cool
Why send Donald in to do the most important part of the plan? At least have someone with him. Louie should have gone with him so Donald could distract Daisy and Louie could use his pickpocket skills to get the pass. Louie did not account for the variables
“Ooooh PHOOEY.” I love that all of the Duck family say Donald’s catchphrase
I love Louie’s other distraction ideas-explosion, food poisoning, SET FREE A WILD MONGOOSE, ghosts, ANOTHER explosion 
I’m pretty sure Donald got a boner when he saw Daisy DESTROY that vase (I also found it hot). He was scaroused
OUCH. That HAD to have hurt/broken SOMETHING
How did Louie get that picture of Webby? Hell, how was that pic taken in the first place?
“WHEEEEEEE” Webby knows what’s up
“MY FAULT! It’s...your bag.” Oh Donald
“My band is sorta...crashing the party.” DONALD YOU ARE TOO CUTE
The yo-yo just rolls away
Louie, you hurt Dewey’s feelings! Also, your plans are pretty ridiculous too, including the one you are currently trying to pull off. There had to be a better idea than a harpy
“I don’t want to be at Funzo’s forever.” “Why not?” Oh Webby, so innocent to the horrors of minimum wage jobs. Also it’s nice to see Webby being able to have an ordinary conversation with someone
It’s equal parts cute and sad how long Dewey takes to count
Manny is 0 for 2 when it comes to being the muscle (I’m counting him vs Mega-Beaks as well)
“That was odd.” You have no idea
Donald sees Daisy as the GODDESS she is. GET YOU A MAN LIKE DONALD
I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WANTED TO BE A FASHION DESIGNER! It was like the only guess I got right so let me have this
“Nobody listens to me either.” Awww
“They don’t understand me.” AWWW
“Well that’s weird, I understand you perfectly.” MY HEART!!!
I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH! And when it changes into how Daisy hears him...chef’s kisses. It reminded me of Remember Me from Coco and I Love You Too Much from Book of Life
Real talk-the song really got me. I feel a lot like Donald. A lot of times it feels like no one is listening or understands me because my thought process is a bit different. Or they can understand but they don’t care, like how Daisy feels. When Donald sings for her, I teared up because I want to be comfortable enough with someone to let down my guard like that. Music is a big part of who I am so I would love if someone sang for me even if they don’t have the “perfect” voice. I want someone to feel comfortable enough with me to let down their guard and be real
Daisy is a woman of ACTION
Do you think she’s been stuck in that elevator before?
“My kids!” “Wait, you have kids?” Whenever Donald calls them his kids I gain 5 years to my lifespan. I can’t wait for Daisy to officially meet the kids
“Oh no, not again!” Starting to rethink your life-choices aren’t ya?
I love Mark. He’s so stupid and out of touch with the real world
“Oh Gravesy! Long time, no crime.” GRAVEBEAK LIVES ON!
I love Mark’s hoverboard crashing and catching fire in the background. And then it chases Slash
Haha, Mark’s name is Markus. What a dewb
I was rooting for rich lesbian aunt, but mom works too
Graves is SO DONE with these people
Dewey is all of us
Poor Louie. His self confidence is the most fragile of the kids
THEY’RE HOLDING HANDS! And Mark seemed into it ;)
“I want to look away but I can’t” CALLING IT NOW, THIS LINE’S GONNA BE A MEME
I want Dewey’s yo-yo skills to be a reoccurring thing
That’s one of the things he has in common with his uncle-being a performer even if they aren’t the best at it
Louie’s face as he sneaks away is great
“The failure of it is ridiculous...and BEAUTIFUL!” Gonna use that to describe myself from now on
Daisy, maybe you should let the man get rid of them
I like the “totally not Pirates of the Caribbean” music that accompanies José when he’s fighting
“Nice singing.” “Nice moves.” NOW KISS
“Oo, nice dagger.” Webby, not the time for that
There is NO WAY that the scene with Gabby and Webby isn’t foreshadowing SOMETHING
“I gotta get out of Duckburg.” Jane starts a GoFundMe page to get out of Duckburg when she gets home
It was then Donald realized that he had met his future wife
It was then Daisy realized she had met her future husband
“LOVE YOUR BLOG” Who knew Manny kept on on the latest trends
Glamour probably realized those fuckers were crazy so she should back off
Manny is one suave motherfucker
Glamour playing with the yo-yo while Mark acts like a spoiled brat
“Our brotherhood is the greatest scheme of all!” SO FUCKING WHOLESOME! MORE LOUIE AND DEWEY PLOTS
“HEY, YOU’RE MESSING WITH MY MOJO!” Don’t be a hater, Manny!
“I could listen to it all night.” DAAAAAWWWWWWW
GAAAAAAHHHHH THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD! I love that there was a common theme of feeling like you aren’t being heard. Daisy felt like she was too unimportant to be listened to, Louie doesn’t listen to Dewey because he feels like Dewey isn’t serious enough, and NO ONE listens to Donald because his voice is hard to understand. In the end they all get heard, with Donald and Daisy getting the bonus of finding someone who understands them. The two of them really are relationship goals. I cannot WAIT for more wholesome Donisy content. This one bumped Quack Pack down from my favorite so far.
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softyoongiionly · 6 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Five
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: College Au, Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, some moderate angst (later), smut (later later), slow-ish? burn
Word Count: 5.7k
A/N: AHHHHH the overwhelming tension! I hope you guys like this one😊
Warnings for this Chapter: mentions of fear, anxiety, swearing (obviously), suggestive language, gut wrenching tension, slight angst.
Warnings for the Fic: mentions characters confronting their fears, characters in uncomfortable situations, emotional moments between characters, mentions of bad parenting, explicit language throughout the fic, moderate angst, and very explicit smut later in the story.
Chapter 5: Ferris Wheels and Friendship?
The next morning you woke up to an incessant buzzing that seemed to come from underneath your pillow. Squinting away the morning sun and cursing yourself for not shutting the window before you fell asleep; you take a look at your phone and, see that Jimin is calling you.
“Morning.” You croak, pulling your fuzzy throw blanket up over your figure.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty,” Jimin’s fairy voice twinkles through the speaker, a giggle on the tail end of his words “Did I wake you up?”
“Always.” There’s a bite to your tone but, Jimin’s knows better than to take it seriously. “What’s up?”
“It’s Friday.” He sing-songs and your eyes shoot open in alarm.
“Oh shit, Jimin! I’m sorry!” You flip the covers around, disturbing a sleeping Marzipan in the process, your feet meandering about on the floor as you try and look for some clean clothes. You and Jimin had a Friday tradition that involved crepes and the best iced coffee in the entire world. It was definitely something worth waking up for.
“Jagi, you’re good!” He calls through the phone, since you had to put him on speaker. “I’m at your door though, let me iiiin.” He whines and you rush to the door, not bothering to hang up his call. Swinging the door open, you are met with a giggling Jimin casually leaning against the doorframe. He looks amazing as usual, his pink hair effortlessly swept back, his rose colored cheeks dewy: his outfit is simple but jaw-dropping as usual. Tight grey skinny jeans, a pink oversized sweater, several gold earrings, and black leather boots adorn Jimin’s figure as he holds his arms out for you. Jimin always puts a smile on your face and, he is one of the few people you can confidently say that you never get tired of. You wrap your arms around him, pressing your cheek to his chest, a smile warming your features.
“I’m sorry I slept in.” You mumble against his sweater, and he lets out another giggle.
“It’s fine Y/N, I knew you’d never miss a date with me so, I showed up anyway.” His honeyed voice assures you as you pull away. It’s then that both you and Jimin realize that you don’t have pants on. “Yah! What are you doing answering the door in your panties, someone can walk by and see you!”
You giggle in response to his change in demeanor, pulling him inside as you shut the door.
“Calm down, I’m sure everyone on this floor has seen my underwear at some point.” You confess, still giggling lightly as you hand Jimin a water bottle and, his eyes narrow in your direction. Listen, sometimes I don’t feel like putting on pants just to run to the mailbox and back, I’ve actually gotten pretty good at making it back before anyone sees me.”
“I don’t want to hear about my best friend running around with her ass out, unless I’m there, also running around with my ass out. Someone could literally put you in their pocket.” Jimin admonishes with a pointed look, drinking from his water bottle but, his eyes reflect a bit of the normal playfulness that they always have.
“Look who’s talking.” You play back before running for your life and into your room. Jimin boils over as he picks up a pillow from your couch and throws it in your direction, the pillow nearly missing your head.
“Don’t be fucking rude!” He calls, attempting to sound angry but his giggle escapes his lips anyway.
“So that’s it? He just got up and left?” Jimin asks around a bite of strawberry crepe, his eyes wide after listening to you recount your night with Yoongi.
You nod, your lips pursed as you wipe your hands on the cloth napkin that lay over your lap.
“Yeah,” You replied casually, taking a sip of your iced coffee. “I don’t know, maybe I misread the situation. I get why he left I guess but, I was a little confused by him leaning away from me. I’m probably reading too much into it, I mean he was there for our project. He wasn’t there cause he wanted to hang out with me.”
“I mean, that’s true but, from what you are telling me, he doesn’t sound put off by you, he sounds like he might have been nervous. I mean odds are, you probably had your chest right in his face while you were fixing his hair.” Jimin smirks lightly, his eyes twinkling with suggestion.
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you toss your napkin his way and, forever the dancer, he dodges it swiftly, giggling.
“Shut up.” Your laugh eventually leaves your chest to bubble through your lips as Jimin holds his hands up.
“You’re hot; I’m just speaking the truth.” He defends a sweet smile on his lips.
“You flatter me kind sir” You conclude, patting his hand as you both giggle once again.
A few moments of comfortable silence passes before Jimin’s eyes light up in remembrance.
“Wait! Did you see Kookie’s tweet?”
Your eyes widen back at him as you brace your hands against the table, leaning forward slightly.
“Oh my god yes, what was that about? Do you think he’s seeing someone?”
Jungkook had posted a particularly out of character tweet this morning. The exact tweet read, “You’re the cause of my euphoria.” Jungkook was definitely a romantic little softy at heart but, it wasn’t like him to post cryptic things on social media: mainly because most of his posts were usually meme/sports related.
“Should we ask him about it? I’m sure he knows we saw it.” Jimin’s voice is hushed despite the fact that the man in question was 300 miles away.
You purse your lips in thought before shaking your head.
“No, I don’t think so; I think we should wait until he comes to us. Knowing him, he will probably downplay it anyway.” You conclude, smiling fondly at the thought of the secretly shy little bean that was your best friend.
“Ugh but, I want to know who my Kookie is seeing.” Jimin whines, slumping back into the chair, causing you to giggle.
“Trust me, so do I but, I think he’ll tell us when he’s ready. Besides, he might not even be seeing anyone yet; you know how he gets around pretty girls.” You try and reason with the man before you, who seems to be getting more and more flustered by the second.
“But I want to know now.” Jimin’s accent decorates his whine perfectly and, you curse him for being so adorable. “We’ve been best friends forever, he always tells me everything. I bet Taehyung knows.” He concludes bitterly and, you nudge his leg with your foot.
“If he did, he probably pried it out of him.” You assure him, fighting the laugh that’s brewing over Jimin’s tantrum.
“Fine, I won’t say anything.” Jimin surrenders, his features etched in a prominent frown. “I’ll just stalk his twitter.”
“You already stalk his twitter.” You point out, giggling, savoring the last sip of your iced coffee, the waiter coming over to collect the check.
“Well, I miss him!” He defends, his puffy lips pouted in frustration.
       The two of you leave the café and, Jimin heads off to his showcase rehearsal while you catch the subway back home. As your nearing your stop, your phone buzzes in your hand. Glancing down, you see it’s from Yoongi and, you unlock your phone to open it. Your heart stalls in your chest for a moment as you look at the picture before you. It’s Yoongi but, with bright blonde hair. He’s parted it off to the side, exposing part of his forehead and, although the color wasn’t a shimmering platinum, it was definitely blonde. He has a little bit of a smile on his lips and, he looked like he hadn’t been up for too long. The picture was sent with a text that read: Yoongi: I guess you should change majors?
Fuck. He looked really good. You tell yourself to chill and, instead of responding right away, you wait until your back at your apartment.
You: I’ll let my student advisor know on Monday lol. Do you like it?
A few seconds pass before he replies.
Yoongi: It’s different but, I don’t mind it, I’m just happy I still have all of my hair.
You: Trust me, so am I.
Yoongi: Do you like it?
Your brows furrow at the new message you receive, your fingers stalling on the keyboard. Why would he care if you liked it?
You:  I think it looks great, black to blonde is usually a rough way to go so, I’m happy it worked out.
Yoongi: Me too. Thanks again.
You: No worries.
A sigh leaves your lips as you lean back against your couch. You thumb presses into the power button on your phone, as you place it on the arm of the couch. Man, Tuesday could not come quick enough.
“Ok so, the next one is easy, you put roller coasters and, I put heights, we can definitely combine those two.” You begin; you’re desk to desk with Yoongi, in the middle of your Tuesday lecture, trying to figure out the next part of the project. Yoongi had been late to class that day but, boy was he worth the wait; blonde messy hair, camouflage hoodie, black torn jeans and, of course his many silver earrings.
His chewing his lip as he nods in your direction, a slightly drawn out breath leaving his nose as he looks at his paper.
“Yeah, that makes sense. We should probably go to an amusement park or something.” Yoongi suggests, his lips hovering over the straw to his Americano. He looked immaculate as always but, you couldn’t miss the puffiness under his eyes that alluded to a night of very little sleep.
“Do you actually want to go on one of the rides?”
Yoongi shakes his head immediately, his dark eyes lighting up slightly in alarm.
“No, I’m good. We can just walk around or something.” He replies, his hand coming up to scratch behind his neck.
“Is it the height for you too? Or the movement?” You inquire, curiously, your eyes meeting his.
“It’s all of it. I don’t like being jerked around…well, not jerked around…like moved around, I guess. I don’t like it.” He fumbles out the last part of his sentence and, you have to stifle the giggle that wants to pass your lips. You nod, putting your pen to your paper, writing down the plans so, that you can turn it in to Professor James.
“No, I get it; you don’t like being jerked around. I’ll keep that in mind.” You reply casually and you feel an eraser being thrown your way.
“Shut up. Don’t be gross.” Yoongi admonishes but, his cheeks are pink and the amused smile on his lips has already presented itself.
“I’m just trying to get to know my partner.” You defend, the flirtation in your voice subtle but, clearly suggestive. Your eyes meet Yoongi’s for a moment and, you can sense that he’s in some kind of discomfort. He shifts in his seat, his hand at the back of his neck once more before, he takes another sip of his coffee.
“I’m busy for most of this week but, I can probably do Thursday night again, I think the park closes at 10 so, we should have plenty of time to get what we need.” He changes the subject, his gaze growing slightly stern as he glances around the room. Yikes.
“Thursday works for me. I have review session from 2-4 for my final but, I’ll be free after that.” Your returns to its normal cadence and, you couldn’t help but feel a little bummed out by Yoongi going all business on you again. You figured it was time to stop hoping that he would see you as something other than his partner for an inconvenient project.
“Alright, cool, I can meet you there; I’ll try and leave a little bit earlier to avoid the traffic.” He notes, nodding.
“Ok, we should get there around the same time then.” You reply, your eyes not really meeting his gaze any longer, your notebook suddenly becoming very interesting.
“What final is it?” Yoongi asks suddenly, his voice slightly softer than before.
“Hm?” Your eyes flit up to his and you find him staring back at you curiously.
“Your final, that you’re reviewing for?” He clarifies, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Oh, yeah, it’s my International Relations final, it’s one of my final grad requirements so, I need to ace it.” You explain, Yoongi nodding along, his eyes holding a bit of interest for once.
“What do you plan to do with your degree?”
“I want to work as an international advocate of some sorts. I’m interested in improving international relationships and foreign affairs, stuff like that. I’d really like to work in human rights as well but, that’s something I’ll probably have to work up to.” You reply, passion lighting up your voice as you speak about your passions. Yoongi’s face lights up slightly, a small but, genuine smile gracing his features as he nods along.
“That’s cool; the world definitely needs the help.”
“Yeah, I think so too. What about you?” You inquire, your body leaning forward slightly. Yoongi’s expression lights up further as nods to his laptop.
“Well, if I actually get my final composition project done, I plan on staying in the city to work as a producer. I have a friend who owns a small studio in the west province who said I have a job when I graduate.” He explains, his tone one of pride and certainty.
You smile, your eyes lighting up intrigued.
“That’s really cool; it’s nice that you have something lined up already. Do you make your own stuff or are you just looking to make beats for other people?” At this question, Yoongi shifts his posture again, growing smaller in his seat.
“Uh I make my own stuff sometimes but, I usually just sell beats to aspiring SoundCloud rappers.” He smirks slightly as you giggle, stretching your limbs before nodding to your phone.
“Are they any good?”
“No, they’re trash.” He scoffs his eyes playful as his long fingers fiddle with the end of his paper. “But, I have rent so; I do what I have to do.”
“I get you. Do you sing or?” You’re attempting to milk as much of the conversation as possible, as this is probably the most genuine verbal encounter you’ve had with Yoongi. Yoongi cringes at your inquiry, his face wrinkled in distaste as he shakes his head.
“No.” He chuckles as he leans back in his chair, the soft column of his throat visible as continues. “I rap…sometimes, just for fun though.”
You smile playfully, tilting your head, as Professor James calls for your planning papers. “Let me know when your mixtape drops.”
At this, Yoongi rolls his eyes but, you can’t miss the blush that once again graces his cheeks.
“Not going to happen.” He bites back, as he slips his laptop into his bag.
The two of you drop your papers on Professor James’s desk before, weaving through the crowd of people towards the exit. Usually Yoongi leaves you behind to head back into the main part of the campus but, this time he lingers beside you, his thumbs tucking into the straps of his backpack.
“I’ll see you Thursday?” He asks, his voice soft, his doll-lips pouted as he tilts his head towards the direction he plans to walk.
“I’ll be there.” You smile in assurance as you begin to part ways. Your back is almost completely turned before you hear Yoongi’s voice again.
“Bring a jacket, it’s supposed to be cold.” He calls; hands pulling the sleeves of his hoodie back down over his wrists. You nod, biting back a smile at his request.
“I will, thanks.” You call back before turning back and going your separate ways.
“Y/N likes Yoongi, Y/N likes Yoongi!” An annoying course of voices echoes through your screen as you roll your eyes, flipping off your webcam.
“I don’t like Yoongi; I just think he’s cute!” You insist, through the choir from hell that’s currently berating you.
It’s Wednesday night and you’re in the middle of a skype session with Jimin, Taehyung and, Jungkook. Jimin and his big mouth had slowly started to bring up the idea that one of you was seeing someone. Jungkook had started to look visibly uncomfortable so, you decided to shift the focus onto you. You had mentioned Yoongi and, his new hair and, how literally everything he does was endearing and, this obviously opened you up to a barrage of teasing from your friends.
“You never talk about boys this way Y/N, you definitely have a thing for him.” Taehyung points out, his smirk prominent as the other two boys finally settle down.
“Seriously, she mentions him all the time; it’s starting to make me jealous.” Jimin pouts, causing Taehyung to chuckle. Jungkook, who would normally be memeing the hell out of you right now, decides to quiet down, not wanting to risk his own love life being questioned.
“You guys, even if I had a thing for Yoongi, it wouldn’t matter. He’s made it obvious that he isn’t feeling it, trust me.” You explain, playing with the ends of your hair, whilst Taehyung and Jimin roll their eyes.
“You don’t know that, have you tried flirting a little?” Taehyung asks, his expression doubtful as he deadpans the camera.
“Yeah, actually I have but, I think it makes him uncomfortable and, I don’t really want to do that.” You’re trying to keep your tone casual, not really wanting to reveal your disappointment to your friends. Yoongi wasn’t interested in you, that much was obvious but, so far, he seemed like a nice guy so, you really didn’t want to make things awkward for him.
“I don’t know Y/N, you don’t exactly have a good track record when it comes to knowing if guys like you or not.  There were at least half a dozen guys in high school that  had a thing for you and, you had no idea.” Jimin points out, shrugging as he throws back some of the pink wine in his glass. Taehyung nods in agreement, pointing towards you.
“Jiminie’s right, maybe you just make him nervous. You have that effect on men.” Taehyung smirks as he leans back in his seat. You roll your eyes and shake your head, your hand reaching over to pat Marzipan who has plopped down next to you.
“I think you should keep going the way you are. Hyung is right, he might just be nervous but, if you don’t know for sure, maybe it’s best to just keep going with the flow.” Jungkook finally pipes up, his demeanor much calmer than normal and, you really have to stifle your desire to ask him why he isn’t being the walking meme that he normally is.
“Thanks Kookie. I think you’re right.” You smile sweetly in his direction as he nods almost shyly in return. Taehyung and Jimin roll their eyes causing both you and Jungkook to laugh.
“I think you should say something to him. Take charge, let him know how you feel.” Taehyung encourages as Jimin nods along to his sentiment. “ He might surprise you.”
“He’s my partner guys, if he’s not into me, it’s going to make the whole thing a lot harder to get through. Look, I promise to say something if he gives me good reason to but, right now, I’m going to take Jungkook’s advice and, go with the flow.” You state and Jungkook smile’s proudly in return before, sticking his tongue out at the screen.
“Ha! I win, suckers.” He announces to the other boys, causing you to laugh at his antics. “Best advice goes to me, Jeon Jungkook, the love expert.”
Ah, there he is.
Thursday finally arrives and, you’re rifling through your closet, desperately trying to find your favorite hoodie. Its black and 4-5 sizes too big, which basically means it hangs below your knees. The inside is lined with thick fleece that is easily the softest material you have ever felt and, you could have sworn you hung it up the last time you did laundry. Your face lights up in victory as you spot a mass of black fabric hanging off of one of your shelves before, slipping it on over your bra and leggings. You opt for some comfortable shoes since, odds are,  you‘re going to be walking around the park for a while. Marzipan scurries into the kitchen as she hears you pouring food into her bowl, her chubby body almost sliding across the floor as she reaches her destination. You giggle fondly at her, patting her head before, grabbing your things and heading out the door.
The subway ride was longer than you’re used to but, eventually you’re dropped off near the main entrance of the amusement park. When you finally feel the frigid outside air, you thank your lucky stars that Yoongi had reminded you to bring a jacket. You honestly don’t know what you would have done if you had opted to wear anything else. Moving through the crowd of people, you eventually move off to the side to pull your phone out.
You: Hey, I’m here. Have you made it yet?
Yoongi’s reply takes a few minutes before a new message lights up your screen.
Yoongi: I just parked. Meet me at the ticket booth.
You: I bought our tickets already, do you want to just meet at the main entrance?
The chat bubble moves around for a long time and based on his short reply, you assume he was unsure of how to respond.
Yoongi: You didn’t have to do that.
You: You promised me I could get the next round so, I did just that.
Yoongi: I meant the next round of food…
You: Don’t worry about it.
A few moments pass before you spot Yoongi walking towards your direction. He’s wearing the same outfit he wore during your AM lecture: black Nike sweats with a dark gray utility jacket. He’s also sporting a disapproving expression, his hands tucked into his pockets as he approaches you. You push off of the wall you were leaning against, strolling over to meet him half way.
“I wish you wouldn’t have wasted your money on me.” He announces as the two of your paths finally meet. “I could have paid.”
“You’re welcome Yoongi.” You reply simply, nudging him towards the main entrance. He side eyes you, his posture stiff but, he allows you to push him towards your destination.
“Thank you.” His voice is soft and you almost miss the small smile that appears and then vanishes on his mouth.
The two of you approach the gate and, you reach out to hand your tickets to the clerk who is sporting a brilliant smile.
“Enjoy!” She chirps and both you and Yoongi thank her before you head inside.
The park is buzzing with activity, twinkling lights adorning nearly every structure, the air is scented with tantalizing flavors that resemble cinnamon and freshly baked bread, children are eagerly tugging their parents towards various shops and rides and, there’s probably around a half a dozen giant roller coasters that stand proudly towards the back of the park. You can’t help but smile at the scene before you and, this doesn’t go unnoticed by the man standing beside you.
“What?” His brows are raised, as he glances between you and whatever he assumes you’re smiling at.
“Nothing.” You reply, your smile fading slightly before jerking your head towards the back of the park. “I’m guessing we should head that way?”
Yoongi takes a deep breath, nodding in response as the two of you start to make your way to the metal fortresses that await you.
You observe the coasters from a distance and, you feel yourself getting slightly nervous at the thought of riding the tallest one that protrudes in the middle of the group, the top of it looking as if its about to touch the sky. Roller coasters themselves didn’t really bother you but, the idea of being up so high without any control over when you are able to get down, really freaked you out. Yoongi stayed silent for the most part as you meandered your way through the eager patrons. You felt some level of disappointment as the tricky part of your brain reminded you that you wished you were here with Yoongi for different reasons.
“Which one scares you the most?” You ask him after the two of you finally reach the cluster of coasters.
Yoongi’s eyes shift around for a moment, his lips pursed in thought before he nods toward a black coaster that looks it spins and flips about a thousand times.
“That one, I can’t understand why anyone would find that fun.” He replies, wrinkling his nose in distaste. You laugh lightly before you nod towards the giant colorful Ferris Wheel dominating the right side of the back lot.
“What about that one?” You inquire softly, your eyes lighting up with an idea. Yoongi ponders your question for a moment before shrugging.
“That one isn’t too bad, I’m not a huge fan of the height but, it’s probably the only one I would consider riding.”
“I’m going to ride it.” You say suddenly, nudging his shoulder with your own. Yoongi’s brow furrows as he looks over at you and then back at the ride.
“Wait why? I thought we were just walking around.” He reminds you but, you already start making your way towards the Ferris Wheel, your heart starting to pound in your chest as you do. Yoongi struggles to keep up with you as he looks at you with concern.
You shrug as you take your place in line, “You actually dyed your hair and it turned out alright, I think I should confront a fear or two directly too. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to though.”
Yoongi looks at you for a moment, still alarmed as his eyes regard the behemoth wheel before the both of you. He shakes his head, his gaze once again disapproving as he sighs out through his nose.
“I’ll watch your stuff, I guess, just…” He pauses, his eyes scanning over your frame as you hand him your purse. “Be…safe…”
You giggle lightly at his demeanor, pushing down the anxiety and disappointment that’s brewing in your chest.
“I’ll be strapped in Yoongi, don’t worry.” You assure him, before, making your way to the entrance of the ride. What were you doing???? Were you crazy??? There was literally no reason to confront this fear directly but, honestly, why not? It was a Ferris Wheel. Yes, it was unnerving but, what’s the worst that can happen?
Right before you approach the front of the line, you hear a soft murmur, that sounded like your name, making its way through the group of people before you notice Yoongi shuffling over to you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask with a tilt to your head. Yoongi lets out a frustrated sigh, his face turned up in discomfort as you both approach the ride operator.
“You shouldn’t ride it alone.” Yoongi mumbles, regarding you with his cat eyes.
“Yoongi, I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.” You assure him, your eyes soft with concern.
“Well I don’t even want to be here but, I can’t afford to fail this class so, let’s just get this over with, I guess.” For the first time, you sense actual irritation in Yoongi’s voice and the tone makes your face fall.
You nod robotically as the woman ushers the two of you into a massive structure that looks like a carriage. As the two of you step inside, you pull your seatbelt over your lap, keeping your attention on the material. Yoongi has his eyes on you and, you can feel it but, you have no intention at meeting his gaze. As the ride rumbles to life, you grip your seatbelt a little tighter in an attempt to calm your nerves while Yoongi scans over you warily. The two of you don’t speak for some time, your eyes trained on the window of the carriage as it slowly starts moving.
“Are you ok?” Yoongi’s soft voice finally breaks the thick layer of silence between the two of you, his cat eyes regarding you.
“Yeah. I’m good, you?” You jerk your head in his direction, your voice smaller than you want it to be. Yoongi isn’t convinced but, he answers your question anyway.
“Yeah, I’m ok.”
Silence fills the carriage again as you shift slightly on the cushioned seat. The view from the window is revealing more and more of the twinkling city lights and, you once again feel a twinge of sadness that you aren’t here with someone you wants to be there with you. Jimin would love this ride, you note, wishing he was here to make you laugh.
“I’m sorry that you’re here with me instead of some pretty girl or something, you got to admit though, this view is amazing.” You attempt to lighten the mood, smiling slightly as you look out the window. Yoongi’s brow furrows in confusion but, you miss this as you’ve purposefully chosen to avoid his gaze.
“What do you mean?” He mumbles, his voice smaller than normal. You look over at him to see him fiddling with the end of his hoodie, as he stares back at you.
“I just mean that this is actually kind of cool and, I’m sure you’d rather be here with your girlfriend or something.” You explain, keeping your tone as casual as possible.
“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He retorts, his eyes regarding you, a ghost of a smirk playing on his mouth. “and you are…pretty.” Yoongi seems to force the last part of his sentence out and, you can’t help but giggle in response.
“It’s ok Yoongi; you don’t have to say that. I know you aren’t into me like that.” You smile reassuringly, waving him off almost, trying to move the subject along.
“No, actually, you don’t know that.” He mutters, confusion and faint irritation flashing across his face.
“Well, maybe, I’m wrong for assuming but_”
“You are.” Yoongi cuts you off, his voice calm and annoyingly monotone but, his gaze holds something you can’t quite identify. “Why would you think I wasn’t attracted to you?”
“Your body language, the way you constantly avoid eye contact with me, just stuff like that. It’s no big deal Yoongi; I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, it’s just something I’ve noticed.”
“You’re wrong.” His cheeks are pink and you feel an unsettling flutter in your stomach as you lock eyes with him.
“Fine, I’m wrong. I’m sorry for assuming.” You concede, smirking lightly as you regard his flustered frame. “Would you kiss me? Hypothetically?”
You don’t know what’s come over you, you’re not normally so brazen but you really wanted to know what went on in that pretty blonde head of his.
“Yeah…”He swallows around a dry throat, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck, his eyes avoiding yours for the first time during this conversation. “I would…hypothetically.”
Your smirk is unwavering as your teeth nibble on the inside of your lip.
“Where?” The inquiry passes your lips as your voice drops to a low murmur, the flirtation that you’ve suppressed creeping back into your tone.
“Where?” Yoongi repeats, his shaky voice confused momentarily as you watch his gaze flicker between your chest to your throat and, then finally settling on your lips. “I…I don’t know…your lips…maybe…other places too…”
The fluttering in your chest doesn’t seize and, you really try to reason with yourself but, you can’t help but want him. Before you can reply, another confession tumbles passed his lips.
“I’d kiss you everywhere…if you’d let me.”
The ride jolts momentarily ripping you and Yoongi out of your moment, you look around, concerned that something was wrong before a voice crackles through the speakers.
“Attention Ladies and Gentleman, the ride is experiencing some minor technical difficulties and, will resume shortly, please continue to keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the ride at all times, we will have everything moving in no time.”
The two of you settle down and catch each other’s gaze once again; Yoongi’s cheeks still pink, his hand resuming its favorite spot behind his neck. He chuckles lightly and, you can’t help but follow suit, his eyes twinkling in amusement.
“You….uh” Yoongi begins his sentence but, he seems to lose his words for moment as he stares at you. He takes a breath, his head turning to the side slightly before continuing. “We can’t.”
Your brow furrows as you cock your head, your eyes holding his.
“We can’t what?”
“We can’t do anything.” He explains further, his voice decorated with hesitation, his deep chocolate eyes unsure. You fall silent for a moment, your eyes softer than they were before as you hold his gaze.
“Can I ask why?”
Yoongi’s lips are drawn up into a half smile and you think for a moment you detect a hint of fondness in his eyes before he answers.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” He admits, your face falls for a moment as you look out the window. You nod as you chew on the inside of your lip before Yoongi pipes up again. “It’s not because I don’t want to. I just think it’s a bad idea… right now.”
You nod your head again, smiling warmly, aiming to conceal your disappointment.
“I get it, don’t worry, thanks for the ego boost. For the record though,” Your smile turns into a smirk, your eyes playful. “I’d kiss you too. Everywhere.”  The tone of your voice is dramatic and overly seductive causing Yoongi to roll his eyes and flip you off, despite your comment clearly flustering him. A giggle erupts over your lips as the ride resumes motion towards the ground.
Maybe Jungkook wasn’t a “love expert” after all.
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7-wonders · 6 years
Chord Progressions
Summary: In the post-apocalyptic world, you find music to be the only thing that makes living in an underground bunker with a bunch of spoiled rich people tolerable. The time finally comes for your interview with the mysterious Cooperative member, Langdon. Will you find your way to salvation? Or will there be more questions than answers?
Word count: 1,723
Author’s note: I’m still very new at posting AHS pieces, so feedback is always appreciated! Let me know if you’d like to see more of this type of writing!
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Eighteen months had passed since bombs had been dropped and the world descended into a nuclear winter. Although you’re grateful that some combination of your genetics were deemed worthy enough to secure you a spot to survive the blast, after eighteen months, you wouldn’t mind taking a nice walk outside and being devoured by cannibals.
When the other survivors of Outpost 3 have their mandatory cocktail hour in the library to complain about the current conditions and spread petty gossip, you partake in your favorite activity. Although you’re physically in the outpost, your mind is in far-off worlds, dreaming up wild scenarios and storylines. You know that dissociating as often as you do probably isn’t healthy, but it’s one of the only things you’ve found to manage to stay alive.
During this time, you find yourself thinking about the things you miss. There’s the big ones, of course: Your family, friends, being able to go outside and see the sun. But there’s also the little things. You miss watching the seasons change, memes on social media that would have you laughing for hours, and actual food. You long for the days where you would be able to go and get ice cream on a whim because you felt like it. Sometimes, you can almost remember what is was like to go hiking and feel the wind through the trees. Ice skating, finding new music, reading a really good book for the first time. The list goes on and on.
You’re knocked out of your reverie by Gallant nudging your shoulder. Of all the people trapped with you, Gallant’s the one who you connect with most. He reminds you of an older brother, in a sense. The other two inhabitants who are closest to your age are too infatuated with each other to hang out with you, and you can only have conversations with your favorite Grays when you’re sure that Venable and Mead aren’t lurking around.
“I’m sorry, what?” You ask, flushing as everyone looks at you.
“A few of us were just wondering if you’d like to play some songs for us on the piano?” Dinah, a kind woman whose face you’d seen on the TV at every doctor’s office for a year prior to the blasts, smiles at you. You nod, standing and making your way to the piano. On nights where everybody’s getting along, you’re often asked to play everyone’s favorite songs from the old world. You’re not the best pianist by any means, but you know enough about chords that you can usually find the tune of almost any song requested.
“What are we thinking tonight?” The room erupts then, everyone throwing out their requests. You love these moments, where the group of survivors can come together and reminisce. Lots of times they’ll sing and dance around you, and it almost feels like you’re not in an underground bunker.
“Oh my God, can you do Imagine Dragons?” 
“The Beatles?” You point at Timothy, calling out his suggestion of The Beatles. Groans fill the room, but you know they’re just joking. You run your fingers along the keys, trying out a few different songs before deciding on one you like. The beginning chords of ‘Something’ fill the air, and you smile as the group visibly relaxes, swaying along to the music.
You cycle through a few more requests, watching as people start getting up to dance. You finally give in to Coco’s whines about hearing ‘Hey There, Delilah’ when the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts the quiet chatter. Your hands inadvertently slam against the keys when you see Langdon standing at the front of the room.
Langdon, who holds everybody’s lives in the palm of his hands, confuses you. He claims to be seriously considering who to accompany him to the Sanctuary, but to you he seems as if he’s playing a game of cat and mouse with all of the survivors. At this point, you’ve started to think that there might not even be a Sanctuary.
“Having fun now, are we?” He addresses the room in his smooth tenor, and you can’t help the shiver that takes over you. “Miss (Y/L/N), I believe it is time for your interview.” You can’t see it, but you’re sure that your face goes white.
“Oh, um, okay.” You stutter, mentally cursing yourself. Langdon looks at you expectantly, watching you with predatory eyes as you stand and move towards him. He turns on a heel and leads the way, his impeccably groomed hair swishing behind him. You glance behind you one last time, feeling comfort in Gallant’s thumbs up before the doors swing closed.
You follow Langdon in silence, not sure if there’s anything you can even say to the most intimidating man you’ve met in a long time. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about being the first to speak.
“So you play the piano?” He asks, his voice cutting through the silence of the many winding halls around you.
“Not very well, but yes, sir.” He glances back at you, a smirk on his face.
“Nonsense, all of your fellow survivors seem to enjoy it very much. Ms. Venable tells me that you give lessons as well?”
“Yes, sir.” You nod. “There’s not much else to do here, and it’s always nice to get to have some variety of music.” You reach the doors to what can only be assumed as his office. With a simple wave of his hands, the doors slide open, causing you to wonder if there is some electricity in this place.
“Have a seat, please.” He gestures to two seats in front of a large fireplace. You slowly sit, keeping your eyes on the fire the whole time. “Are the flames more interesting than our conversation, (Y/N)?” Langdon questions, sitting down in front of you with a glass of what looks to be bourbon. You’re mildly jealous at seeing the alcohol in his hand before shaking your head.
“No, sir, I was just thinking.” His ever-present smirk widens as he leans back.
“Please, call me Michael.”
“Michael.” You repeat, watching his eyes twinkle at hearing his name. “Do the other inhabitants get to call you that?” He raises an eyebrow, daring you to find an answer to your own question. “Or do you just want free piano lessons?” He laughs then, and you’re pretty sure that if angels were real, their laughs would sound just like Michael’s.
“Let’s get started with your interview.” His eyes go steely in a split second, and you find your breath hitching. “If you lie to me, I will know. If you hedge, I will not hesitate to end this interview and leave you here to die. Do you understand?” You nod, eyes wide. “I need you to answer me out loud, (Y/N).”
“Yes, Michael.” You breathe out. He hums, satisfied, before picking up a file.
“You’re one of the few here with superior genetics. Do you know how we got your information?”
“My friends and I had decided to do one of those 23andme genetic tests, where you can find out where your ancestors came from? I’m guessing that your organization somehow had access to that information.” Even though you know you’re telling the truth, you’re still nervous that he’ll think you’re lying. It reminds you of the past, when you would be driving and you’d suddenly get nervous when you saw a cop, even though you weren’t doing anything wrong.
“Why are you scared of me?”
“I’m not!” You argue. He glares at you, sitting up.
“I told you not to lie to me, (Y/N). You don’t want to find out what happens if you try that little stunt again, do you?” You jump and shake your head slowly, and he doesn’t bother to correct you. “Good. Let’s try that again. Why are you scared of me?”
“You intimidate me.” You answer quietly. He’s obviously intrigued, which scares you more than his rage did.
“Why is that?” You pick at your nails, trying to formulate a proper answer.
“You seem very...powerful, but not in a good way.” He quirks an eyebrow, but leaves it at that.
“Very well then. Tell me, who do you believe deserves a chance at salvation? Who, out of all your fellow survivors, should accompany me to Sanctuary?”
“I think everyone has qualities that would make them very useful at your Sanctuary. Gallant’s got a heart of gold, and he’s a very good hairdresser. Evie’s lived a life most only dream of, and Timothy and Emily are so young. They deserve it.” He looks confused at this, which in turn confuses you.
“There’s nobody that you don’t want to make it? Not even those like Coco, who bought their way in here and continue to rub wealth in your face?” You smile slightly.
“Coco’s the type of headstrong that could put the pieces of the world back together.”
“And what about you? What makes you a good candidate for the Sanctuary?” You shrug at this question.
“Honestly?” Michael gestures for you to continue. “I’ve resigned myself to dying here. What use does a new world have for me? I’m just a people-pleaser who knows enough about music to make it through the day without pissing people off.” Your eyes are drawn back to the fire, where you attempt to find shapes in the dancing flames. You used to play this game as a child at your family cabin, all of the cousins laid together in the main room, finding figures and pointing them out until they were all lulled to sleep.
A cool hand grips your chin, and you find your face inches away from Michael.
“There are such great plans for you, dear heart. Plans you could not ever imagine.” You’re wildly confused at this, but Michael’s pulling you up with him before you have the chance to question him. “I believe that’s enough for now, (Y/N). We’ll finish tonight, perhaps in the library? You can play me some of your favorite pieces while we talk.” You smile.
“Tonight, then.” Michael nods, confirming what you just said.
“Until tonight.” He lets you pass through the open doors before sliding them shut, leaving you standing in the hallway wondering what the hell just happened.
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Various Characters x [Name]
I just thought of this and I'm fucking crying
[Name] frowned as he let out a sigh. A disappointed look casted to each one of hus co-workers who were grinning at him. "Seriously guys? Was this necessary?" The [Hair color] haired male had asked as the brunet rolled his eyes and pushed the microphone onto his hand. "Stop being a pussy and fucking sing already!" Gavin urged as [Name] let out another tired sighed.
"Go on [Name]!" Allen encouraged as he sent the distressed [Hair color] haired male smile, raising his glass as he drank the alcohol content inside it. Currently, the officers lf the Detroit Police Department found time to themsleves and decided to go to the bar to spend time and drink some of their stress and worries away. And now, [Name] who came to get some drink too was now being forced by his colleagues to sing. "But why me though?" [Name] whined as Gavin rolled his grey eyes and smack the guy in the back, hard.
"What the fuck was that for Reed?" The [Hair color] haired male had asked as Gavin just glared at him. "Just fucking sing the song [Name]!" The brunet had said as the others watched the two argue a bit more until the [Hair color] haired male finally surrendered. "Fine!" He exasperatedly said. Some of his co-workers cheered as he finally said yes until he gave them a grin. "But some of you will sing this song with me! I'll pass the mic and whoever has it on their face have ti sing the line." [Name] finished. Allen merely shrugged as he drank from his glass again. 'This'll be interesting.' The male had thought as he watched the [Hair color] haired picked a song and typed the corresponding numbers for it.
After a few minutes, the soft jazz beat echoed inside the bar as [Name] tapped his shoe. Snapping his fingers to the beat as he grinned when few of his colleagues recognised the song he had picked. "L is for the way you look at me," [Name] began as he continued. "O is for the only one I see," every of his colleagues kept quiet, was actually quite surprised of his voice. "V is for very, very extraordinary," he sang as he looked at Connor and winked. The only could only tilt his head in confusion but was rather flattered. Hey, [Name] sang he was extraordinary, that's something you dont get everyday. Not to mention the [Hair color] haired looked charming when he winked.
"E is even more than anyone that you can adore," the [Hair color] haired sang as he came nearer to his friends table. "Love is all that I can give to you, Love is more than just a game for two," he sang as he continued on, winking at Hank this time who laughed at him. This man was enjoying this too much. [Name] singing a very old jazz song and the irony, he was single as a fucking pringle. "Two in love can make it, Take my heart and please don't break it," the [Hair color] haired gestured to Gavin as he had dramatically grabbed his chest, where his heart is. Making the brunet flip him off with a grin on his lips.
"Love was made for me and you," he sang and had offered his hand to a very confused brunet android who took his hand. Connil let out a surprised gasp when he was pulled up and had [Name] put a hand on his waist while his other hand that he was holding the microphone was trapped between his and the android's hand. Connil looked really confused as [Name] stopped singing since it was the instrumental part of the song. A grin on his lips as he sent the android a wink. "Wouldn't mind dancing a bit?" He asked as Connil nodded his head. A soft smile slowly formed on the brunet android's lips as he answered [Name], "Of course, detective."
And with that, the two dance a bit with their colleagues either rolling their eyes or laughing. Give [Name] the points for creativity on dancing to the beat with a confused and flustered android though. As the quick instrumental passed, [Name] twirled the android back to his seat as he continued the song. The android was smiling bashfully as his look-alike, Connor, and their little brother, Conan, look at him with a small glint of emotion he can't quite out into words.
"You looked ridiculous dancing," came the blunt statement of his younger model who Connor immediately shivered a bit and laughed. Patting Connil's back as Conan rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to him, he's just jealous detective [Last name] picked you," Connor stated as the other android nodded, still confused and flustered. As the three brothers had some quiet banter, [Name] already started singing again.
"L is for the way you look at me," he sang as he then grinned and had pointed the microphone at Allen. The male sent him a smirk as he continued the song. "O is for the only one I see," Allen sang as the [Hair color] haired pointed next to Gavin who was in the middle of drinking. "Fuck! V is very, very extraordinary," Gavin had managed to sing as [Name] and the others on the table laughed at the brunet. Gavin cursed the [Hair color] haired male as he wiped his lips from the alcohol he almost spit out. "Fucking [Last name]," Gavin cursed as he glared at the said male who only stuck his tongue out and switched to Hank, pointing the microphone to him.
"Egg," the older man had bluntly stated which cause [Name] to laugh. "God damn it Hank!" The [Hair color] haired musedly said as the said male just shrugged. Hank didn't want to sing, and it was stupid of him if he had missed this opportunity to say that. With that, [Name] couldn't finished the song. He was too busy laughing. Give Hank props for bringing back a very old meme in real form, not just a text post.
As [Name] was laughing his ass off while the music continues on, the others could only watch either in disbelief, disappointment or amusement. Why, why did they fell for this dumbass again? "Oi, [Name] stoo cackling you asshole!" The brunet male had said as he smack the said male in the back again who was trying to breath from the lack of oxygen. He was laughing to hard and Gavin was annoyed. "This us your fault Anderson!" Hank just raised a glass then drank his alcohol, grinning to show he was proud of what he had caused. Allen shakes his head, he was really liking the song [Name] was singing. Damn.
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epiphenomenal · 6 years
Top 5 songs from 2018
fortunately for all of us, this should be the last chinese-involving post in this series...
鹿先森乐队 - 春风十里
this is cheating because i first heard this song in late dec2017, but it's been a big part of my 2018 soundtrack and uh karaoke repertoire. i can't translate this in a way that captures the economy of the lyrics, but here's the first verse:
我在二环路的里边 想着你 你在远方的山上 春风十里 今天的风吹向你 下了雨 我说所有的酒 都不如你
i'm within the second ring road*, thinking of you you're on a distant mountain; ten miles of spring breezes today's wind blows towards you; the rain falls i say all of the wine can't compare to you
& the chorus:
把所有的春天 都揉进了一个清晨 把所有停不下的言语变成秘密 关上了门 莫名的情愫啊 请问 谁来将它带走呢 只好把岁月化成歌留在山河
crush all the spring days into one early morning turn all the words that can’t be stopped into secrets, shut the door these inexplicable sentiments -- tell me, who'll take them away? just have to turn the years into a song, leave it in the mountains**
i guess it has also become one of my favourite songs in any language. so.
*beijing has several concentric ring roads, the second ring road is the most central
**山河 is "mountains and rivers" but look at how much clunkier that is, urgh
putting the rest under a cut because this post... became really long...
傻子與白痴 - 你媽沒告訴你的事 
a song i did hear for the first time this year, by the same band i linked in an earlier meme. i really appreciate their brand of weary-but-not-edgy alienation?? also the instrumentation and guitars. this is an example of one of my favourite types of songs: those which appear to be about romantic love but actually aren't
現在 我們等著誰的認可 誰先認了先哉了先實際了 在悲哀的互相取笑著 想咒罵誰呢
請為我撐著 也為我先承認
right now whose approval are we waiting for? who first recognises it, first gives up, first gets realistic amid this sorrowful mutual mocking who is it we want to curse?
please, for my sake, hold on and for my sake, be the first to admit it
白宇&朱一龙 - 时间飞行
inset song from Guardian, sung by the two leads. enough said. bonus: the adorable official MV, as linked above. seriously, watch it, it’s adorable and i love them ;_; official ship MVs are one of my favourite things. also look at how embarrassingly, earnestly shippy the lyrics are, srsly:
翻涌眼底的光影和熟悉的声音 沉默在黑暗中伫立替你呼吸 曾经并肩交换过勇气在撼动我内心 不需要理由就那样笃定
bai yu (as zhao yunlan): light and shadow surging in your eyes, and a familiar voice zhu yi long (as shen wei): standing silent in the dark, breathing for you bai yu: once we stood shoulder-to-shoulder, exchanged courage; it’s shaking my heart no need for reasons -- i'm just that certain
追光者 (cover version)
can you tell that my 2018 was spent in chinese-language fandom, lol. i first heard the song because my favourite celeb posted a casual cover on this... amateur karaoke app. it’s now also a karaoke staple of mine. original version here (it’s from a movie i haven’t watched and don’t plan to).
如果说 你是海上的烟火 我是浪花的泡沫 某一刻 你的光照亮了我
if we say you’re fireworks over the ocean then i’m the froth on the waves in a certain moment your light illuminated me
Typhoon - Rorschach
i managed to scrounge up a non-mandarin song!! so this band whose music i’d enjoyed before, Typhoon, had a new album out in january. and um i'm just going to quote my FB again:
you have to kind of admire (??) a narrative concept album that has an apparent sample from a federico fellini film, a reference to the trial of socrates, and namedropping of occam's razor within the first three tracks. track titles include 'empiricist', 'algernon', 'bergeron', 'ariadne', and basically it's good that i love typhoon's powerful instrumentation because i'm not sure how bearable the pretension would be otherwise
but yeah. that crashing instrumentation, man. someday i'd like to catch them live in concert ;_;
The film in your brain—it edits to remember, keeps the figure in the frame It's a sacrificial violence, all those passed over in silence then cast out with the blame And I'm trying to stay sane—meanwhile the river of forgetfulness, it starts spilling the banks
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deepdickdaniel · 7 years
Kim Jaehwan | Host Club
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prompt: you’re having a bad day when you suddenly see an advertisement for your school’s host club.
note 1: this is a full host club series for all 11 W1 members - daniel’s part can be found here! and minhyun’s is here! the first four bullets will be the same for each member’s scenario just to remind you all of the host club’s mission.
note 2: for whoever doesn’t know what a host club is, it’s a place where people pay to be entertained by male hosts! a customer usually pays to talk to a specific host of his or her choosing and talks/flirts/jokes around with him for however much time is paid for! the host club i’m writing about is mostly based on ouran high school host club.
your school’s host club was a new addition to the…extracurricular activities that one could partake in
you heard that there were eleven different hosts that you could choose from
each host was specifically recruited by the mastermind that came up with the idea for the club
and each host had a specific charity that he would donate his proceeds to at the end of every semester
one day, you were just feeling really down - there were a few reasons, like friend troubles and stress from school
you were just about to head home to mope some more when you passed by a bulletin board with a flier that looked a lot different from the rest
it said “want to help out a charity AND be entertained??? stop by our host club and let us serve you!” with a collage of a whole bunch of flowery boys looking like memes
the one who stuck out to you was trying to be serious, but you could tell he wanted to laugh as he held his guitar like a sword L O L
the flier made you laugh, so you decided to just give it a try to see if it could actually make you feel better
when you arrived, you were blown away by how bougie the place actually looked, the hosts looking so refined, kind, and ready to serve
“hello there! what kind of host are you looking for today?” you recognized yoon jisung smiling brightly at you
“uhhh, i just really want to laugh, so someone funny i guess?” man, were you new to this whole choosing a host thing
but jisung just kept smiling despite your awkwardness, “ah okay, so i can recommend two hosts for you! would you want a smooth, more natural kind of funny guy? or do you want a loud, goofy guy...who also plays the guitar?”
“who are my two options? how do they look like?” you wanted to see if the guitar man would be the same one from the flier
jisung paused and thought to himself for a second before asking you to give him a moment to fetch the guys
after a minute, you came face to face with two men - one looked traditionally charming, the type to sweep you off your feet, while the other looked really sweet, but nervous and— 
omg he was the guitar guy
you just had a good feeling about him and pointed at him before the other one could even introduce himself
“what? really? me? i haven’t even sung yet...!” your choice of host pointed to himself incredulously
“you sing too?!”
“yeah, let me show you!!!” he grabbed your hand, pulling you to his assigned loveseat
as the two of you made your way there, he introduced himself as jaehwan, leaving ong and jisung shook at the front of the host club
you found yourself unusually more cheerful as you conversed with jaehwan, his laugh alone making you guffaw hysterically
he was just so genuine with everything he said
you didn’t even know how he could pull off such a smooth-talking job when he looked like he didn’t have a deceitful bone in his body that could act like he liked customers even when he didn’t
you told him that he made you feel so much better and that you’d come to be his guest again the next day they were open
he grinned at you so happily that you knew you would keep your promise no matter what
the next time you saw him, he had his guitar already ready at his table
and after a few songs, you got emotional because of his voice and started getting into your feelings
somehow, you ended up venting about your problems, which surprised you because jaehwan was so goofy, yet so easy to talk to
you told him about your snake friends and how they all ganged up on you, leaving you basically without a friend group
jaehwan didn’t pity you and you appreciated that - instead, he gave you real advice on how to get over them and just be true to yourself
“you know, sometimes i get embarrassed of who i am...” he found himself saying before he could even filter his words
“wait, why?”
jaehwan mentally cursed himself - he was supposed to make you laugh, not get so serious!!! “no, nevermind, it’s okay—”
“i want to know”
he couldn’t not tell you after that
“honestly, i don’t even know how i’m a host here? i’m not the most handsome guy out there, i mean, i can sing and play the guitar, which is charming to some guests, but...” 
“you think you’re not handsome? what?”
“...jisung was afraid to hurt my feelings to hurt my feelings the first day you came here, since a few guests have been kinda rude about my face, which is why he hesitated to show you your options...”
“i didn’t even notice ong” you blurted out, then tried to fix your words when jaehwan stared at you in shock, “i mean!!! he’s cool and all but i just recognized you from the flier—”
jaehwan’s crazy laughter burst out from his mouth as he grabbed his stomach while breathing for air
“the flier! i can’t believe that was your first impression of me”
“yeah, you were really attractive and looked really funny because i could tell you were trying really hard not to laugh...”
jaehwan stopped paying attention to your babbling the second you called him attractive - if you had looked at his face in that moment, you would have seen him bright red
he already had a crush on you the second you picked him to be your host, but it had strengthened throughout your time together
now this???
you would make his heart burst one day without even realizing it
from then on out, he tried to make you laugh even more, throwing in some flirtation every now and then, too
...you just ended up laughing at him trying to flirt...
the way he’d laugh around you would be so loud that minhyun moved him to a separate room whenever you would arrive at the host club, so the two of you could have your time alone without “disturbing the other guests”
“he’s just cranky because his favorite guest didn’t come today...” jaehwan had whispered to you as minhyun ushered the two of you to a back room. you elbowed jaehwan, seeing minhyun’s glare, and the former promptly shut up
time passed by and jaehwan basically became your best friend, filling the empty space that your ex-friends left in your heart 
he built up your self-esteem and told you that you were wonderful even without anyone telling you so, and you told him the same, and that his talent would be recognized soon enough
“oh that reminds me, my charity is for an organization that helps kids who come from abusive homes learn how to read, write, and play music as an escape from their bad pasts”
“weren’t you supposed to tell me this the first time we met?”
“jaehwan...it’s been two months”
your wonderful host also introduced you to some other new people, specifically daniel, minhyun, sungwoon, and jisung’s “favorite guests” go hyung line
they ended up becoming a group of really great, genuine friends to you
one time at lunch when you were with your new friends, they started to interrogate you
“has jaehwan asked you out yet?”
choking on your tea, you asked, “what?”
“he’s been in love with you since day one, have you seriously not noticed?”
“wait what do i do, i like him too!!!”
before they gave you advice, you were interrupted, “hey guys, sorry we’re late! i had to give some advice to the new exchange student that i gave a tour to at the beginning of the semester because someone” jisung’s favorite guest glared at sungwoon’s, “thought i spoke taiwanese”
"please. you didn’t even give him the tour, you made someone else do it. anyway, what’s the tea?”
“we’re about to get a couple together once and for all”
you don’t know how it happened, but a few days after that, you were dragged to the auditorium by your friends and the doors were locked, preventing you from leaving
“wait guys! what’s happening?!”
suddenly, a single spotlight shone on the stage, revealing jaehwan on a stool with his guitar
his song was soulful with a bit of a happy beat, and you recognized the lyrics as some of the pick up lines he tried to use on you but failed
when the song was over, you stood up and applauded, whooping loudly to hide your nervousness
“hmm?” you asked, teasing him as he pulled you up onto the stage
“is that a yes or a no?”
“jaehwan, that was a song, not a question”
he pouted and started giving you a fake tantrum, “but i worked so hard on it to convey my feelings!!!”
you started laughing at his silliness and pulled him close to you for a kiss,
you had one last date/meeting at the host club before jaehwan turned in his button down shirt, giving ong the reason that he wouldn’t be able to serenade anyone except you from now on
“hey,” you heard minhyun call for you before you left, “good luck with him...seriously, good luck, like, you might not understand what you’re getting yourself into so take this as a warn—” 
“hey!!!” your boyfriend whined before pulling you out of the door, “no ruining my image yet! we just started dating!”
laughing, you allowed yourself to be pulled out of the host club for the last time as a customer
and as you smiled at your crazy, goofy boyfriend who was laughing to himself in front of you, you knew that you had gotten a lot more from that flier than you would have ever expected
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 20:  The Day The Tutor Visited BigHit
Co-written with @tragicshadows
Recommended Song: Baby by Astro
|All Chapters|
It was happening. You were going to see where the magic happens! And Jungkook continues to be a distracting little shit.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  17496
Length: 20/?
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For the second day in a row, you woke up to warmth. Warmth and... humming. You didn't recognise the tune but you certainly recognised the voice. It was Jungkook, humming as he ran his fingers through your hair with you tucked into his side. You couldn't help nuzzling your face into him as you tried to fight your way through grogginess. The humming stopped and his hand stilled.
"Good morning, Kitten."
You made a noise of acknowledgement and his small chuckle reverberated through his chest that your cheek was pressed against.
"Sleep well?"
You nodded then pulled back to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
"Good, you have a long day ahead."
You made grabby hands across him towards the desk and he passed you your glasses. Once on you looked up at him and noticed he looked like he had been awake for some time already.
"How long have you been up for?"
"A little while."
You pouted, "Why didn't you wake me?"
His hand found its way back into your hair, threading through it slowly.
"You looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself to disturb you."
That was so sweet... but what had he been doing while you were asleep and what had he been humming?
"What were you humming, BunBun?"
You felt him shrug beneath you.
"Just something I've been working on."
This piqued your interest and you lifted your eyes to his.
"For the new album?"
A look of contemplation settled on his features, biting his lip as he appeared to think about his answer.
"No. You know how Namjoon-hyung sometimes releases songs on Youtube? I'm going to try that."
You smiled up at him, "The tune sounds good."
"Thank you, Kitten, but I still need to figure out a strum pattern for it..."
A tiny gasp slipped through your lips.
"You're playing guitar?!"
"Learning. I'm learning guitar." An arm left your hip to scratch his cheek. "I want to be able to play it properly so Jin hyung has been giving me some tips."
You sat up and faced him, bouncing slightly in your upright position, "I'm learning guitar too!"
He leant forward slightly with a chuckle.
"Really? Why?"
"Because I wanted too... and because a guy I thought was cute was helping me to learn... but it turned out he was a douche! He stood me up 3 times!"
His brow furrowed and the hand that had been in your hair squeezed your hip.
"That's not very nice."
"I know! Hence why he's a douche." You sighed and flopped back onto the pillows. "It doesn't matter now anyway."
He joined you on the pillows and turned to face you, "Why?"
"I have no interest in him anymore."
He nodded then booped your nose with a finger.
Your lips lifted in a small smile which he reciprocated. The two of you lie like that for a minute until your gaze drifted to the door that had remained closed ever since waking up.
"It's quiet."
"Everyone left not long before you woke up."
You bolted upright and looked down at him wide eyed.
"They left already?! Then we're running late!"
He slowly sat up, arms wrapping around your waist and head coming to rest on your shoulder.
"It's okay, they thought it would be best if you arrived in the afternoon after warm ups and stuff."
"I rarely get to sleep in like this." The feel of his warm breath against the shell of your ear sent a tingle down your spine. He chuckled, "Five more minutes. Please~?"
You cocked a brow, "But you were already awake before I woke up."
He nuzzled your shoulder and you felt your heart rate increase and your palms start to sweat.
"It's nice to be able to relax like this. Please, Noona~?"
You gave in just like you always did. He might as well have you wrapped around his little finger at this rate. It barely registered that he had pressed a kiss to your cheek until you felt a warmth creep up your neck and stain your skin.
"Thank you, Kitten."
You became a spluttering mess. Way to hide your feelings. Great job. Pat on the back for sure. While you were distracted with your thoughts Jungkook used his grip on your waist to pull you down onto the bed with him. One hand stayed wrapped around your waist as the other traced up your back to gently cup your head, tucking it under his chin. He began humming again.
Your mind began to drift from thought to thought about how you didn't think you'd ever be able to accept this as your reality. But it was.
Yet, once again, something felt odd. As much as you loved being in his arms and hearing him call you Kitten, it didn't feel enough. The longing you felt at home behind a screen was bad enough making this a thousand times worse. You were falling. Hard. You gulped. That week may have been the last time you got to enjoy being held by him like this. Between then and the next possible time was a space of MONTHS, that was enough time for some pretty idol girl to get his attention. Chubs had to be insane to think you had a shot. But... he was unusually... affectionate.
The hand holding, the occasional forehead and cheek kiss, climbing into bed with you, the nicknames, not correcting people when being mistaken as a couple... The list of things that confused you kept growing and growing, and you weren't sure how much more you could take.
Hiding your feelings had been both to save your embarrassment and his because no way would he ever reciprocate them. Or would he? Was it the answer to his jealousy?
Another forehead kiss. What was with him? Why all the kisses? You blinked a few times to try and clear your head, becoming aware your face was being pressed against his bare chest and your hands rested low on his abdomen.
"M-m-maybe we should have breakfast."
As if on cue you felt a rumble beneath the palm of your hand.
"Good idea. I'll make us something."
You untangled your legs from his, not realising you'd done so in the first place, and finally got up.
An ache set into your arm and you turned to remind Jungkook you needed painkillers when you were met with the blessed view of him bending over in nothing but boxer briefs. You tried to tear your eyes away, but his behind looked so firm and his thighs so thick. You were pretty sure you had stopped breathing at the sight.
"K-k-k..."You cleared your throat, "Kookie... your clothes..."
He pulled on a pair of sweats and turned to you, "Hope you don't mind if I wear these until we have to get ready to go. I want to stay comfy but don't want to get food on my onesie from you."
He was being sweet yet you wanted to curse him for not warning you or asking you to leave the room. Didn't he know how you adored his thighs?!
"Uh, t-that's fine."
Just to torture you a little more, he opted for a vest rather than a t-shirt revealing his biceps in all their glory. But it was better than having him walk around shirtless. You felt like you might have died if that had happened.
You followed him into the kitchen and sat at the table as Jungkook went around grabbing the ingredients he would need. You throat went dry when you saw how his arm muscles flexed as he reached into cupboards. Shit, you needed to get your thirst under control.
"BunBun, could you get me some water please?"
He filled a glass with a jug from the fridge which you couldn't have been happier about. After resolving your thirst you pressed the cool glass to your cheek, sighing at the relief it brought you.
Jungkook cast you a look over his shoulder, concern set in the furrow of his brow.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Just a bit warm. Nothing to worry about."
You found your attempt at reassuring him seemed to have the opposite effect since he abandoned prepping his work area to bend in front of you and place the back of his hand against your forehead.
He frowned, "You do seem warm... Jin-hyung once told me painkillers can help reduce temperatures and fevers." He gave you a small smile.
"You better get cooking so I can eat before taking them."
He resumed what he was doing while you unzipped your onesie to the centre of your chest for ventilation. How did he manage to make chopping vegetables look so attractive?
"What's on the menu?" You asked when he cracked one of three eggs into a bowl.
"Gyeran Mari, or rolled omelette in English. Lots of protein and healthy veggies. Is that okay?"
"Wanbyeok (Perfect)"
He used a small whisk on the eggs then went about chopping up the few remaining vegetables like scallions, Asian chive, radish and others he thought should go in there. Was it normal to like how a guy handled a knife when cooking? Seriously.
While a pan was preheating on the stove, Jungkook set out two plates and gave you the cutlery.
As the eggs began to cook, you didn't know what was more mouth watering; the smell of breakfast, or the sight of Jungkook wiping a bead of sweat from his temple with the hem of his shirt. Why was the Lord testing you like this? Did Jungkook forget how insanely good looking he is?
You watched as he used a spatula to roll the omelette then poured in some more egg mixture. He kept doing that until the mixture was gone and the omelette roll was a decent thickness. Turning off the heat, he used a knife to cut the roll in half before transferring it to the plates and cutting it into slices. He placed your plate in front of you with a smile and took a seat opposite.
It looked delicious, and your stomach rumbled at the sight so you took a bite only to curse when it burnt your tongue. Jungkook chuckled and pulled your plate closer to him and began to cut the pieces in half so they would cool down quicker. He speared some and held it to your lips.
"Are you seriously going to feed me again?"
He just raised a brow and waved the omelette piece again. You sighed, blowing on it before leaning forward and took it into your mouth, trying not to think about his bed hair.
You nodded and gave him a double thumbs up, momentarily forgetting about your arm. You winced and Jungkook offered you another mouthful.
"The quicker you eat the quicker you can have your painkillers."
You nodded again and had the offered bite.
"Why do you keep moving your arm?"
You swallowed, "I keep forgetting it's broken."
He paused in raising the next bite, staring at you with his famous 'shook' expression.
"How do you forget you have a broken elbow?"
"When I don't use it, it doesn't hurt. And my body seems to be starting to adjust to the pain. But I still have another 4-5 weeks of healing to go."
He screwed his face up while chewing his own omelette.
"Will you be okay flying home?"
"I managed to get here okay. And I always ask for an extra pillow to support it."
He nodded and the both of you went back to eating. Bringing up your flight home had made your stomach drop a little. You only had three full days left until you left him. Time was going too quick.
He held the next bite up to you, "Go 'aaah' Kitten."
You couldn't help the excitement that coursed through you as Jungkook pulled into the BigHit car park. It was happening! You were going to see the inside of the company! How many fans would sell an organ just to have the opportunity to be in your shoes?
He pulled into a space and helped you out of the car. There was no need for disguises so you were a little nervous when he took your hand and led you into an elevator that would take you into the building. You were practically bouncing on your feet when the doors opened into what seemed like a huge reception area.
"The members are in one of the practice rooms but it's mandatory you have a visitors pass in case you manage to get lost."
Still hand in hand, he led you over to the desk where a well-kept lady sat typing away. When you reached the desk Jungkook cleared his throat to get her attention.
"Ah, Jungkook-ssi, eotteohke dowa deulilkkabnida? (Ah, Jungkook-ssi, how can I help you?)"
He gave her a charming smile, "Sonnim-eul deungloghago sip-eoyo. Geunyeoui ireum-eun L/N Y/N-eoyo. (I'd like to register a guest. Her name is L/N Y/N.)"
Her gaze drifted to yours and she nodded with a kind smile.
"Nega ondago deul-eoss-eo. Mannaseo bangawobnida, L/N-yang. (I was told you were coming. Nice to meet you, Miss L/N.)"
You assumed Namjoon had informed them of a visitor and returned the sentiment. She asked for a quick signature then slid a lanyard over the counter. You thanked her while Jungkook hooked it over your neck.
You pouted, "I could've done it myself."
"I know," he bopped you on the nose, "now let's go find the others, Kitten."
Then he set off with you in tow. What ever happened to good old respectful 'Noona'?
You found them in a dance studio on one of the lower floors. As Jungkook pushed the door open, the first thing you saw was Yoongi sprawled across the middle of the floor, legs on top of Hoseok who sat sipping from a water bottle. The latter caught your eye and waved.
"Geudeul-eun yeogi iss-eoyo! (They're here!)"
"Deudi-eo! (Finally!)"
"Annyeonghaseyo Oppa."
They all looked at each other and there was a beat of silence before Jimin spoke up.
"Uriga jung eoneu jjog-i geunyeoneun yeonseolhago issna? (Which one of us is she speaking to?)"
Jin groaned, "Geunyeoneun maknae-ui beoleus-eul gochigo issda. (She's picked up the maknae's habit.)"
"Mueos hanssang. (What a pair.)"
There was a chorus of chuckles. You firmly believed their next title track could just be them laughing and their album would still sell out and win countless music shows.
You followed Jungkook and took a seat against a mirror beside Namjoon who was watching something on his phone.
"Urineun jigeum yeogie issdaneun geudeul-i geos-eul ije sijaghal su iss-eulkka? (Can we start now they're here?)" Taehyung said from the floor beside Jimin.
Namjoon put his phone away and got to his feet.
"Jungkook, gaseo ttatteushage hae jwo. Jin-hyung, eum-ag-eul bunlyuhae bwayo. (Jungkook, warm up. Jin hyung, sort the music.)"
Jin waited for everyone to get into place before pressing play and rushing to his own spot. As soon as you heard the beginning notes of the song, your stomach dropped. You knew this song. And you knew it for its choreo. 'I Like It Pt2: In That Place'.
Jungkook turned around, hand pointed at you as the words 'pretty girl' fell from his lips. Your heart was hammering against your ribs already and it was barely twenty seconds in.
He flashed you a smile as he counted down then faced the wall, Yoongi coming forward to rap. You were fine for most of Yoongi's verse... until it got to the point where all the members turned around and did a body roll of sorts.
Then his verse ended and the pre-chorus came in with Jungkook taking centre, a smug smirk on his features. Jin's part came next and you felt your cheeks heat as Jungkook pointed at you before sliding his hand down his chest while doing slower body rolls.
You braced knowing what was coming and pulled your legs up to your chest just in case you needed something to bury your face in to hide the blush that was threatening to show.
His hand went to his crotch, the other pointing at you while his hips moved in that sinful way. Did he really have to put his hand there while pointing at you?! It wasn't normal to do suggestive shit while singling out your friend!
He bit his lip when both his hands came to rest on his belt and god damn he was pinning you down with his famous intense gaze. It was like a car crash, you wanted to look away but you couldn't. The sequence was repeated and not once did your gaze waver. The other members could have been wearing clown suits and you wouldn't have noticed.
He sent you a final wink before turning around, giving you the perfect view of his broad shoulders through his white t-shirt. And not to forget the Jungbooty. His jeans were...snug and you forced yourself to look away and give some attention to Namjoon who was using Jimin's hand as a phone. The little interaction was cute as Jimin shyly smiled at Namjoon, apparently, he would never be used to being a phone. Then came the staggered step sequence that was arguably your favourite part of the choreo. However, Jungkook could have found a better place to rest his hand. You weren't some pervert, you didn't want to look at his... downstairs but HAND PLACEMENT!
You quickly fixed your gaze on his face, not wanting him to notice you staring directly at his lower half but it was too late.  His head dropped to the floor and you watched a smirk slip on his lips as he met your eye.
You were tempted to grab Hoseok's water bottle and dump its contents all over you but that wouldn't stop him from licking his lips and narrowing his eyes, sending shivers down your spine.
The pre-chorus came back and Jungkook was in the back row this time. You tried so hard to concentrate on Tae and Jin, but the stupid maknae kept stealing your attention with little effort on his half. It felt like your heart stopped when the chorus came. Jungkook covered his eyes, biting his lip smirking at the same time, his hand sliding down from his belt as his hips moved. Jesus Christ, you needed holy water. Stat.
Never had you ever been more grateful for Hoseok than when he took centre, not even when he reassured you after injuring Jungkook's finger. He made you giggle by waving and pulling a silly face as he stepped forward.
But then that was over and Jungkook spun to a stop in front of you. He was so close that your eyes could only focus on him. On how smoothly he executed the moves required. How the material of his clothing constricted around him, showing the contours of his body, with each action. You were only snapped out of your daze when Jungkook crouched down directly in front of you and booped your nose with a grin, the final notes of the song fading.
The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and Jungkook fell back onto his butt, arms supported behind him.
"Yah! Niga majimag bubun-eul mangchyeossjanh-a! (Yah! You ruined the end!)" Jimin shouted as he made his way over to you. He slapped the back of Jungkook's head before flopping down beside him.
"Naega eotteohke gyeolmal-eul mangchyeossjieoyo? (How did I ruin the end?)" He looked at Jimin, cocking a brow in curiosity. You were amazed at the fact he wasn't as out of breath as the others. But then you remembered watching a video somewhere where the members said Jungkook had the most stamina.
"Neoneun pojeuleul chwihaji anh-ass-eo. (You didn't pose.)" Jin said and flicked the maknae's ear as he passed.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his attention to you.
"What did you think, Noona?"
"How dare you attack me like that you little shit!"...was what you wanted to say. However, instead, you managed to stutter out a "g-great!" and made grabby hands for the water bottle Taehyung handed him. Your thirst was real.
He opened the bottle and took a swig first before passing it to you. Bottle in hand, you were at a loss. Should you wipe the lid to remove the residue from his lips or would that be considered rude?... Fuck it. He'd caused your hot flush so he could deal with it. You'd drank from the same place on your mug on your first trip to the cafe, this shouldn't be any different. You took a sip then handed it back. Unfazed, he drank from it again then capped the bottle and set it aside.
Jimin shuffled closer and nudged Jungkook, "Neoui neuj-jam-eul jada eottaess-eo? (How was your lay in?)"
In that moment you witnessed the duality of a man as Jungkook who, minutes before, had been doing some rather suggestive and sinful dancing started to blush and stutter while trying to respond to his hyung.
"J-j-joh-ass-eoyo.(I-it was n-nice.)"
"Geunyang ‘jalhae'rago? (Just ‘nice’?)" Yoongi cocked a brow earning himself a foot to the shoulder which sent him to the floor. "Yah! Nal geod-eochaji ma! (Yah! Don't kick me!)"
You sniggered and caught Jungkook's eye as he sent you a wink.
"Ije Y/Nilang gaeinjeog-in yudaegam-eul ssah-eul su iss-eulkka? (Can we have individual bonding time with Y/N now?)" Taehyung said, laying his head on your shoulder. You noticed Jungkook's eye twitch before he took a deep breath through his nose.
Reluctantly he gave a slight nod then stood, "I'm going to the bathroom, I won't be long."
You watched him disappear out the studio doors then turned to Taehyung who was engrossed in a game on his phone.
"Neoneun museun bidio geim-eul hago iss-eoyo, Tae-oppa? (What video game are you playing Tae-oppa?)"
He shrugged, head still leaning on your shoulder, "Naneun geugeos-i mworago bullineunji ij-eo beoryeossda. (I forgot what it's called.)"
You narrowed your eyes at the screen where a neon yellow bike flipped off a glowing ramp and shattered into pieces as it collided with a wall.
"Hyung~! Neomu eoryeowoyo! (Hyung~! It's too difficult!)"
Jin suddenly plopped down the other side of you and Taehyung passed him the device.
"Bogo baewo. (Watch and learn.)"
Taehyung quickly crawled around you to watch Jin play. With him no longer by your side, Hoseok butt shuffled over to you.
"Y/N, chumchul su iss-eo? (Y/N, can you dance?)"
"Kkog geuleohjin anh-ayo. (Not really.)" You grimaced and Hoseok chuckled.
"Neoneun teullim-eobs-i hal su iss-eo. (I bet you can.)" He got to his feet and called out to Namjoon to put some music on.
The leader obliged while Hoseok held out his hand and gave you an encouraging smile. You took it and he gave you a pull to help you up. Listening carefully you recognised the song to be Bang Bang Bang by BIGBANG. As if hearing the call of G-Dragon, Jungkook came racing back into the room.
"Ttag je sigan-e! (Just in time!)" Hoseok shouted to Jungkook while clapping in time to the song. "Y/N-ga ulil wihae chum-eul chul geoya. (Y/N's going to dance for us.)"
Jungkook came to a stop a few feet away, arms folded. "Are you now?"
"I told them I couldn't dance. The most I can do is wiggle my butt."
He and Namjoon laughed while the others looked on in confusion.
"Nawa. Chum. Urineun neoreul wihae chum-eul chueossda. (Come on. Dance. We danced for you.)" Yoongi was sprawled across the floor facing you.
Heat invaded your cheeks, "Jeoneun cheongjung-eul gajneun de igsughaji anh-ayo. (I'm not used to having an audience.)"
The verse cut in and Hoseok began shifting his weight from foot to foot, in tune to the choreography. His movements were sharp, shoulders locking and popping. You took a step back in an attempt to retreat unnoticed but a pair of hands were suddenly on your waist.
"It's easy Kitten, just lose yourself to the beat."
Jungkook's breath tickled your ear. He used his grip on your hips to spin you around to face him. A smirk was on his features.
"Like this," he immediately started bouncing while pumping a fist in the air.
You slowly raised your good arm and copied his movements. It felt ridiculous, especially with half the members watching, but you ignored the anxiety bubbling away in your tummy and focused on trying to enjoy yourself.
There was a whoop from the sidelines and you saw Taehyung and Jimin get to their feet out of the corner of your eye. Jimin was popping like Hoseok was doing, obviously, the dancer in him would not let him look ridiculous. Taehyung did not have those reservations. He went full meme in a matter of moments.
You spotted Jin doing his iconic traffic light dance next to Namjoon who was... cruncking? Yes, that's what Hoseok had called it. Though he looked to be in pain.
The chorus kicked in and you raised a finger gun at Jungkook, pretending to shoot him. He dramatically pretended that you were actually shooting at him. He acted as if he had been shot in both shoulders and with the final 'bang' he fell to the floor with a spin.
"Noona, how could you?!" He cried, clutching his chest with a pout.
"Da kkomjjak mara, da kkomjjak ma! (Nobody move, nobody move!)" You sang, swinging around and aiming at Yoongi who was watching you all from the floor chuckling to himself. You pretended to shoot him on the next three 'bang's but he managed to dodge every bullet with a smirk.
"How come Yoongi-oppa could dodge my bullets but you couldn't?" You asked the fallen maknae.
His pout turned into a frown before raising his legs into the air and swinging them back down, using the momentum to stand upright again.
"Hyung has been alive longer."
You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off, "Noona said she'd dance. So far you fist bumped the air then shot two people."
He resumed his bouncing and grinned at you. "We don't judge. Come on."
You felt anxiety bubble up once more and tried to push it down. But just as you tried to hide it you were made to face the other members who were dancing. One of Jungkook's arms wrapped around your waist while the other took hold of your good arm, waving it about. Was this how your younger siblings felt when you controlled their arms? Taehyung doubled over in laughter when he saw you and you could feel the rumble of Jungkook's chuckle reverberate through his chest.
You tilted your head back against his shoulder to whisper-shout over the music, "You're enjoying this far too much."
"Noona makes a good little puppet. I wouldn't be doing this if you would just dance."
You could practically feel his grin.
"This isn't the kind of music I dance to."
He stilled, your arm in mid flail, "So what do you dance to?"
"Do you have any KARD?"
He quickly ran over to the speaker where Namjoon's phone was connected and changed the song. There was a chorus of whines, but they soon turned to cheers when KARD's ‘Hola Hola' came on.
Jungkook approached you with a mischievous grin.
"No excuses now, Noona."
Of course, the change in song didn't help as everyone stopped to stare. But the beat had your hips naturally swaying side to side. Curse your love of Shakira when you were a child. You found yourself beckoning Jungkook over.
He shuffled closer, telling the members to resume their dancing on his way, and stopped to watch you with an impressed smile. You grabbed his hand, instantly putting you more at ease, and sang along to Somin's verse. His hands came to rest of your hips, swaying with you, smiling. When BM's verse came all the other members started dancing once more.
You felt the subtle tighten of his grip and his head lowered to your ear, "Neowa maeilmada kkaegopa nan. Neoye hyanggi baen du pallo gama. (I wanna wake up with you every day. Wrap around you with my arms that smell like you.)"
But then you were being pulled away by a grip on your good arm. You turned to find Jimin pulling you to dance, using your arm to spin and lead you, yet not placing his free hand on you.
"Kookieneun oneul uriwa hamkke dangsin-eul nanugoja hal yejeong-ida. (Kookie is meant to share you today.)"
He lifted his arm for you to twirl beneath. The two of you burst into giggles when your fingers got caught as you spun.
"Nan jal mos haeyo. (I'm not very good.)"
He shook his head, "Na yeogsi geuleohji anhda. Hobi-hyungwa Kookiedo naboda nasda. (Me neither. Hobi-hyung and Kookie are better than me too.)"
"Hobi-oppaneun jeonghwaghan daenseoida. Kookieneun ganglyeoghan daenseoida. hajiman yeoleobun-eun heuleumgwa jayeonseuleoun uaham-eul gajigo iss-eoyo. (Hobi-oppa is a precise dancer. Kookie is a powerful dancer. But you have flow and a natural grace.)" You gave him a small but genuine smile.
His blush was unmasked by his make-up free face and you wished Chubs was here for she was a sucker for mochi Chim.
"Gomawo, Y/N. (Thank you, Y/N.)"
"Chumchul su iss-eumyeon johgess-eoyo. (I wish I could dance.)"
"Neoneun chum-eul chul su iss-eo. (You can dance.)"
"Nae pal-eul heundeuneun geosgwa nae eongdeong-ileul heundeuneun geos-eun chum-i anida. (Waving my arms and shaking my butt isn't dancing.)"
His head tipped back as he laughed, and then he was turning around.
"Y/Neun chum-eul baeugo sip-eo haeyo! (Hobi-hyung! Y/N wants to learn to dance!)"
Hoseok immediately ran over to stop the music, the members groaning again.
"Y/N-dongsaengeun baeugil wonhae? (Y/N-dongsaeng wants to learn?!)" Then he fiddled with Namjoon's phone until ‘Fire’ started blaring from the speakers, "Igeos-eun geunyeoga anmuleul baeul su issneun wanbyeoghan gog-ida. (This is the perfect song for her to learn choreo to.)"
You pointed to your arm, "Kkaejin. (Broken.)"
"Han pallo hanbeon deusyeo bosigess-eo? (Can you try with one arm?)" He demonstrated the key point of the dance, keeping one hand tucked to his chest. Hoseok somehow managed to make the dance look good with just one arm.
And so he went through it with you step by step as the other members watched on. With the guidance and slow pace that he was teaching you, it seemed easy. But that changed when he felt you were ready to dance to the song at full speed.
You didn't even get halfway through when you tripped over your own feet. Jungkook was over and catching you before you could brace for impact.
"Shit! Are you okay?!"
You did a quick damage assessment. Your arm didn't hurt, apart from the dull ache you always had, and your feet didn't seem to be in any pain. "Yeah, I think so."
The members didn't share his concern, finding your blunder to be comical.
"Nuga deo nappeunga gung-geumhaeyo, Najoon-hyung, Jin-hyung, Y/Niyo. (I wonder who's worse, Namjoon-hyung, Jin-hyung or Y/N.)" Taehyung laughed.
Yoongi perked up, "Nuga naegileul kkeoligess? (Who's willing to place bets?)"
"Na! (Me!)" Taehyung raised his arm followed by Jimin and Hoseok. You felt a hand disappear from your waist and saw it rise beside you.
"You're going to bet on this?"
"To win, to win." Jungkook reassured you. "Just don't fall."
"I have a broken arm and they've been doing this choreo for over a year! This isn't fair at all!"
He cocked an eyebrow, "Who's whining like a child now?"
You huffed and the room echoed with laughter.
"Urin neol pyeonhage hae jul geoya! (We'll go easy on you!)" Jin shouted and Namjoon gave you a thumbs up.
"Fine. But if I win I want a prize."
"And what would that be?" Namjoon asked.
You put your hand on your hip since you were unable to cross your arms.
"I want to spend time with each member. Alone... well... with Jungkook there in case of communication issues."
They all nodded, "Deal."
Jungkook took a seat against the mirrored wall and you took your position between Namjoon and Jin.
"Junbidwaessna? (You ready?)"
Hoseok counted you in and pressed play. You tried your hardest and it paid off. You won. Jungkook happily counted his winnings.
"I knew you could do it, Kitten."
You had collapsed onto your back by his feet and noticed his phone by his leg. It was open on the camera app and you immediately sat up.
"Did you film it?!"
Jungkook looked up in alarm. "No..."
He quickly snatched his phone off the ground.
"No, I'm not!"
"Prove it!"
His eyebrows furrowed together, "How about we get on with your prize? Who do you want to spend time with first?"
"Yoongi-oppa. He hasn't done much today."
The rapper scowled at you from his reclined position. "Swigo iss-eo. (I'm resting.)" But he got to his feet nonetheless. "Je seutyudioreul bogo sip-euse? (Do you want to see my studio?)"
"Naega hal su iss-eulkkayo? (Can I?)"
He nodded and you scrambled to your feet causing him to roll his eyes.
"Maknae, come."
"Maknae, come." Jungkook mimicked, scrunching up his nose as he followed you and Yoongi out of the dance studio.
A short walk away you stopped outside of a door with 'SUGA' printed on the frosted glass. Yoongi deftly input a code and pushed the door open.
"This where magic happens."
You walked into the studio and straight away noticed the two giant screens. One had Netflix up. He really watched Netflix in there? Your eyes dropped to the mess that was his desk. Papers littered the surface, an open notebook sat atop them with scribbles across the spread.
There was a tsk from behind you, "Noonaga dochaghagi jeon-e cheongsohal su eobs-eossnayo? (You couldn't clean up for Noona?)"
Yoongi took a seat in his desk chair but made no move to tidy up.
"Nan mwos jom haneun jung-iya. (I'm in the middle of something.)" He grumbled then turned to you, "Geu-ui bang-eun deoleowossda. Geuneun neoleul wihae cheongsohaessda. (His room was dirty. He cleaned for you.)"
"Sonnim-i osil ttae bang cheongsoleul haneun geos-i ilbanjeog-in yeuiga aningayo? (Isn't it common courtesy to clean up your room if you're expecting a guest?)"
He shrugged but you noticed Jungkook was scratching the back of his neck, ears turning pink.
"Eojjaesdeun, (Anyway,)" Yoongi reached over the papers to wiggle the mouse, the other screen coming alive. "Igeos-i uliga gongsigjeog-eulo giloghagi jeon-e manh-eun teulaeg gaideuleul giloghaneun gos. (This is where we record a lot of the track guides before we officially record.)"
You nodded along and watched him load up a file on the computer in an editing software.
"Yeoleobun-eun 'Bomnal'laneun geochin mal-eul deudgo sip-eusinga? (Do you want to listen to a rough version of ‘Spring Day’?)" Yoongi asked.
"Uh… Ne, mullon-ijyo. (Uh… Yeah sure.)"
He hit space bar and music started to play. About thirty seconds in, you broke out into a huge yawn. Not used to dancing like you had been, you felt drained of all energy even if you had slept in.
Yoongi paused the track and spun around to face you.
"Neoneun pigonhae? (Are you tired?)"
You nodded while yawning again, then elbowed Jungkook when he muttered 'cute'.
"Narang gat-i naj-jam jallae? (Do you want to maybe take a nap with me?)"
Both you and Jungkook looked surprised at his offer. He wanted to nap with you? He pointed to a black leather sofa that was situated against a wall.
"Urin geogiseo naj-jam-eul jal su iss-eo. Koseu bandaepyeon-euro. (We could nap on there. Opposite sides of course.)" He sent a look to Jungkook before giving you a glimpse of a gummy smile.
"Hwagsilhaeyo? (Are you sure?)"
He nodded and headed to a tall cabinet, pulling out two blankets and gave you one.
"Pyeonhi swise. Eum-ag-eul teur-eo noh-eurge. (Get comfortable. I'll put some music on.)"
You took a seat on the sofa and Jungkook draped the blanket over you then proceeded to tuck you in like a burrito.
"Why are you tucking me in? I'm not a baby."
He went over and grabbed Yoongi's desk chair, rolling it over so it was by your head before taking a seat.
"Try telling me that when you're not curled up in a cute little ball."
You pouted, "I'm doing it to leave room for Yoongi-oppa."
Yoongi had already curled up on the other side of the sofa.
"Dagchyeo, Kookie. Hyung-gwa noonareul dugo jage hara. (Shut up Kookie. Let the hyung and noona sleep.)"
Jungkook sighed and you peered up at him, making sure to whisper when you spoke.
"Aren't you leaving?"
"In a minute. Close your eyes."
The feather light touch of his knuckles ghosting across your cheek caused them to shut of their own accord. You felt his fingers starting running through your hair again, making you relax with a content sigh. He started humming again but this time you recognised the song. It was Lost Stars, a song he once covered. He was humming it in a lower octave than the original but it made the tune more soothing. It didn't take long before you succumbed to sleep.
A nudge to your calf woke you. There was a mutter of 'Sorry' and you rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you sat up. Yoongi was stretching and must've accidentally disturbed you with a kick.
"Jigeum myeoch siyeyo? (What time is it?)"
"Lunch time!"
You flinched at the bright voice and squinted in the direction of the desk. Shit. Where were your glasses? You knew you fell asleep with them on.
A hand gently grabbed your chin and turned you to face a blur of a person, but then your glasses were being slid on and Jungkook was giving you his bunny grin.
"I took them off after you fell asleep. Couldn't have them marking such a pretty face now, could we?"
You opted to look over at the desk instead of replying to him. There by the desk was Jin, smiling at you.
"Jeomsim sigan-irago haessnayo? (Did you say lunch time?)"
"Geugeos-eun yaggan geojismal-ieossda. Neoreul jubang-eulo delyeogago sip-eo. (That was a bit of a lie. I want to take you to the kitchen.)"
You shrugged the blanket off and got to your feet.
"Jeoreul eumsig-e delyeoda juseyo.(Please take me to the food.)"
Jin didn't hesitate in heading to the door, but just before you followed him out you turned to Yoongi.
"Neowahamkke naj-jam-eul jage hae jusyeoseo gamsahaeyo, Oppa. (Thank you for letting me take a nap with you, Oppa.)"
He gave you a sleepy smile, "Najung-e bwa. (I'll see you later.)"
Jungkook trailed behind you, catching up to hold your hand.
"Urineun wae bueok-e gayo? (Why are we going to the kitchen?)"
"Geuraeseo neoneun jeomsim-eulo mueos-eul wonhaneunji seontaeghal su issda. (So you can choose what you want for lunch.)"
You came to stop at a set of elevators, Jungkook and Jin greeted the staff that got out before you could enter. There were a few curious glances thrown your way but they were quickly replaced with smiles and a hello.
"Moduga neomu chaghaeyo. (Everyone is so nice.)" You said once it was just three of you in the elevator.
"Mullon geudeul-ida. Geudeul-eun BigHit-ui jig-won-igo neoneun geu geonmul-ui sonnim-ida. (Of course they are. They're BigHit staff and you're a guest to the building.)" Jin said matter-of-factly with a smile.
"And you're my guest and friend," Jungkook added, squeezing your hand.
You got out on the ground floor and followed the signs to the cafeteria. Jin guided you past the main double doors and through one a little further down the corridor marked 'Staff only'.
He strolled in as if he owned the place, and announced his arrival with a clap.
"Wa! Mwonga mas-issneun naemsaega nayo! (Wow! Something smells delicious!)"
Some of the chefs stopped what they were doing to cheerfully greet Jin which was then extended to you and Jungkook when they noticed you two were accompanying the eldest member. Some eagerly beckoned him over to take some of their creations. Jin joined them while Jungkook pulled you around the other side of the counter to a different chef who was stirring something in a large pot atop a stove.
You asked what he was cooking.
"Miyeokguk (Seaweed soup.)"
"Nae Noonaga mas-i jom iss-eodo gwaenchanh-eulkkayo? Jin-hyung-eun jeomsim-eulo mueos-eul wonhaneunjileul bolyeogo geunyeoleul deligo wassda. (Do you mind if my Noona has a taste? Jin brought her here to see what she wants for lunch.)"
The chef shook their head no and stepped to the side, giving Jungkook a spoon. He dipped the spoon into the soup and offered some to you, his hand going under the spoon to stop any from spilling onto the floor. You let him feed you, a pleased sigh slipping from your lips at the wonderful taste.
"It's yummy!"
Jungkook's eyes lit up after having his own taste.
"Our chefs are very talented."
The chef gave Jungkook's shoulder a squeeze and said something to him too low for you to hear over Jin and the other's chatter.
"What did he say?"
"He wants to know if we'd like to go sit at a table for them to bring the food to us."
You looked to Jin for approval and he said he wanted you to try some more dishes first.
The chef nodded in understanding and went back to work.
You joined Jin's side, peering around him to see what he was frying; the chef who had been cooking was busy cooking vegetables the other side of him. Jin instantly pushed you back slightly, warning you of spitting oil.
"Eotteon yolileul mandeulgo iss-eoyo? (What are you cooking?)"
"Tangsuyuk. (Sweet and sour pork.)"
You scrunched up your nose never having been a fan of sweet and sour dishes or pork.  As is sensing your mild disgust, Jungkook approached you with another spoon.
"Gamja jorim (Soy sauce braised potatoes.)"
You eagerly accepted the spoon and gave him a thumbs up.
"That's good. Very good."
He chuckled around his own mouthful, "Everything here is good. They treat us well."
"They really do."
You felt someone tap you on the shoulder, it was Jin who told you about one of chefs cooking potato pancakes.
"Man-yag niga geugeos-eul joh-ahandamyeon, neoui jeomsim sigsaleul wihan banchan-i doel geos-ida. (If you like it that'll be the side dishes for your lunch sorted.)
You nodded and headed in the direction he pointed. The chef there must have heard him because they offered you one. It was delicious. You gave the chef a thumbs up.
At the next station, a chef was rolling meat and rice in lettuce. You grimaced but then Jungkook was sidestepping you and asking the chef if a vegetarian option was possible. He kindly obliged, making you one sans meat.
"You didn't have to do that."
He kissed your forehead, "I know but I wanted to."
Your face felt like it was on fire. Did he really just do that in the middle of a busy kitchen? In front of Jin?! You mumbled a thank you and accepted the ssambap from the chef, turning away to take a bite and shield your red cheeks from view.
Once you'd finished the wrap, Jungkook went about telling a chef what you both would like for lunch; meanwhile, you chatted with Jin.
"Geuneun neoreul jal dolbwa junda. (He looks after you well.)"
"Eung. Naneun geuga geuga gajin modeun chingudeul-eul dolbwa jul geolago jangdamhan-ayo. (Yeah. I bet he takes care of every friend he has over.)"
Jin looked to Jungkook then back to you, "Geuneun gyeolko jinjeong-eulo chingudeul-eul gisugsalo delyeooji anhneunda. (He never really brings friends to the dorm.)” He explained how it's hard to spend a day together with idol friends because of their hectic schedules. Hence why Jungkook tends to go out and meet them.
Your face fell, "Seulpeuneyo. (That's sad.)"
Jin shrugged, "Seulpeujiman sasil-iya urin aidol-ijanh-a ulineun maesa-e josimhaeya handa. (Sad, but true. We're idols. We have to be careful about everything.)"
Your eyes scanned his face, noting the slump of his shoulders and firm set of his mouth.
"Naneun daehag sijeol-e bangmunhalyeogo nolyeoghal geoya… Man-yag Jungkook-i geuttaekkajineun gwangyega eobsdamyeon. (I'll try to visit during my uni holidays then... if Jungkook isn't in a relationship by then.)" He gave you a puzzled look, not understanding why Jungkook being in a relationship would stop you from visiting. "Amado geuga yeoja chinguleul sagwindamyeon naleul jigjeob mannago sipji anh-ass-eul tende. (Because he probably wouldn't want to see me in person as much if he gets a girlfriend.)"
Realisation dawned on his features.
"Geuttaen geogjeonghal ge amugeosdo eobs-eo. (You have nothing to worry about then.)"
You were about to ask what he meant when Jungkook shouted your name, waving you over.
"Oppa, uliwa jeomsim sigsahasineun geongayo? (Oppa, are you eating lunch with us?)"
Jin raised the chopsticks he was using to move the meat about the pan and pointed to the doors.
"Naega neohante eumsig-eul gajyeoda jwo. Kookiewa hamkke sigtag-eul chaj-a. (I'll bring your food out to you. Go find a table with Kookie.)"
Doing as he said, you headed over to Jungkook who took you by the hand again and led you to the cafeteria area. He must have spotted the others because he dragged you to a table and all the members, bar Jin, were sat there already.
"How often does Jin help out in the kitchen? It seems like the chefs in there know him well."
"Quite often. A few of the assistant chefs are his age and he sometimes goes out for drinks with them."
"It's nice he has people to go out with." You said with a small smile thinking about what Jin had said about Jungkook not having many friends that weren't idols. Namjoon had said something similar on your first night at the restaurant, about how he's happy Jungkook has someone to spend money on.
After a few minutes of general chatter, it was decided that after lunch you would watch Jimin and Hoseok practice their dance moves, followed by hanging out with Taehyung and finally visiting Namjoon in his studio before Jungkook took you on a tour of the building. Jin came out of the kitchen with two trays. One was yours and by the way, he sat down, the other was his.
You looked down at your meal: a bowl of seaweed soup with sides of those delicious braised potatoes, pancakes, and vegetable wraps. It was far too much for you to stomach at lunch, but you were willing to give it your best shot.
There was a whine from beside you as you sipped your soup.
"Nae geos-eun eodie iss-eoyo? (Where's mine?)"
Jin gave Jungkook a pointed look, " Nuguhante tudeoldaeneun geoya?! Naneun nega bulpyeonghal su issdolog yuknyeon dong-an neoleul gyeoglyeohaji anh-ass-eo! Aish! Gaseo jasin-ui eumsig-eul eod-eusibsio! (Who are you whining to?! I didn't raise you for the past six years so you could moan! Aish! Go get your own food!)"
He pouted and got up and headed over to what appeared to be a serving station. He was soon heading back with a tray full of food and two glasses of orange juice. He sat down next to you and passed you the extra orange juice and a bowl of rice.
"It's not a proper meal without rice."
"Thank you, Kookie."
There was a titter from the other end of the table and you lifted your gaze to Taehyung who was giggling into his hand.
"'BunBun'ege museun il-i il-eonassneunga? (What happened to 'BunBun'?)"
You rolled your eyes and Jungkook launched a pea at him.
"Nongdamhaneun geolamyeon Noona-reul jib-e delyeoda julge. (Any teasing and I'll take Noona home.)"
Another titter but from Jimin, "'Kitten'iraneun tteus aninga? (Don't you mean 'Kitten'?)"
Jungkook threw some rice at him.
"Geunyeoreul geureon ireum-euro bureuji maseyo! Geunyeoege jeonhwahaneun geos-eun nae ireum-ida. (Don't call her that! That's my name for her.)"
The members shared a look.
Hoseok was the one to step in, "Ije dwaess-eo. Deo isang-ui ireum-eun eobs-eo. Deo isang eumsig-eul deonjil pil-yoga eobsda. (That's enough. No more names. No more throwing food.)"
The idle chatter started back up as soon as it stopped, but Jungkook was especially quiet, pushing rice around his bowl without sparing you so much as a glance. You stabbed an untouched potato pancake and placed it on his empty plate.
"It's good. You should try it."
He looked up at you with his bunny grin which soon became mischievous.
"Feed it to me."
In the background, Namjoon choked on his drink and started coughing. You ignored him in favour of staring at Jungkook in shock.
"You want me to feed you?"
He tore the pancake into bite-size chunks, "Yep," he then pushed his plate towards you.
You hesitated then speared a piece on your fork and raised it to his mouth.
"With your hands."
You shot him an incredulous look and pushed the pancake against his lips more forcefully so they would part. Reluctantly he ate the piece and you smirked. Eating with your hands was bad manners, especially since you were in public and a guest. He hummed in approval at the taste making you giggle.
Taehyung whistled while Yoongi muttered, "Get a room."
You wondered how much English he actually knew. Jungkook cast you a sorry look but you smiled and offered him another piece of pancake.
The teasing didn't bother you. Especially when you knew they were just doing it to wind him up since he was the youngest. It didn't mean anything.
"You sound cute whenever you make those little noises."
His lips twitched as if he was holding back a smile, "I know. I've seen the comments on my vlive broadcasts."
You laughed and fed him another bite. He made an exaggerated humming sound, eyes crinkled in amusement.
"Hm," you booped his nose. "Adorable."
His nose scrunched and you couldn't help but 'aw'. Once you finished feeding him, Jungkook picked up your trays and took them to a dirty tray rack. The members then went up one by one. You all took a steady walk back to the studio so Hoseok and Jimin could let their food go down before they showed you any moves.
After a short break, they went about warming up.
You were sat against the mirrors slumped against Jungkook's shoulder when an idea came to mind. You got out your phone and pressed record as music started playing and Jimin took centre on the floor. You recognised the sound of Bruno Mars' voice but didn't know the song.
The smiling mochi who had been quietly stretching was nowhere in sight as he skipped forward to the beat, high-fiving Hoseok on his way.
Even the human embodiment of literal sunshine had swapped his grin for a smirk.
Was being able to switch from cute to sexy in a matter of seconds a requirement when becoming an idol? Were they taught it as trainees? Maybe that was why their fans were so protective of them.
You felt Jungkook shifting beside you before his arms went around your waist and under your legs. With a yelp, you were lifted off the ground and deposited between his spread legs, your back against his chest and both arms now around your waist as his chin rested on your shoulder.
All the commotion was bound to have made the video shaky.
"Kookie! I'm filming!" You angrily whispered.
"Why are you filming?"
You hoped the music was loud enough to mask your talking.
"I'm going to send it to Chubs as payback for what she said about you calling me Kitten."
You phone shook as his laughter jolted your filming arm. "My Noona is evil."
"I know. So tell Jimin to dance sexier. I want her to have a heart attack."
"Yah! Jimin-ssi! Segsihan bangbeob-euro chum-eul chuseyo! (Dance in a sexier way!)"
You giggled but stopped when the elder of the two listened, his movements becoming more sensual. You tried to remember what Jungkook had shouted.
"Oppa! Deo segsihan bangbeob-euro chum-eul chuseyo! (Please dance sexier!)"
Jimin's head rolled in your direction and you noticed his pink cheeks. Bless him, you thought; he was embarrassed.
The members were casting you glances as you and Jungkook cheered him on with more suggestions. Eventually, he fell to the floor in a pile of laughter and giggles, returning to being adorable mochi. You stopped recording and laughed along with the members. Though you were cut off when something lightly grazed the junction between your neck and shoulder. You had to stop yourself from doing a turtle impression. Maybe... maybe it was just Jungkook's nose as he nuzzled into you. Yeah. That had to be it.
"You're so ticklish." Jungkook murmured. You flinched when something poked your hip.
"No, no, no!" You tried to shuffle away but his grip was too strong. "Please don't! Not here!"
He immediately stopped and you breathed a sigh of relief. Thank fuck.
"Y/N," you shifted your attention to Hoseok. "Wae uril chwal-yeonghasyeoss-eo? (Why were you filming us?)"
You briefly told him about Chubs, how she was a Jimin stan and that you met her at the BTS concert in your country.
"Geunyeoneun simjieo fansignhaengsa-edo chamseoghaessda. (She even went to the fansign event.)"
Jimin scooted over to you and took hold of your arm, "Neoneun geunyeoleul bonael su eobs-eo! (You can't send her that!)"
"Wae an doenayo? (Why not?)"
You thought his excuse would have been something to do with legalities and being shared online, but Jimin pouted.
"Jeoneun byeollo jalhaji moshaess-eo. (I didn't do very well.)"
Protests filled the room, reassuring him he did just fine. Hoseok wrapped his arms around the dancer and ruffled his hair, "Chubs-ui ban-eung-eul hanbeon bolkkayo? (Let's see Chubs' reaction, shall we?)"
"Jungkook, what's the wifi password. I can't send the video over text."
He took your phone from you and quickly typed in the password then gave it back. You opened KaKaoTalk and grinned evilly as you sent the video. You checked your dual clock and laughed when you saw it was still the early morning back at home. If you were lucky, she could be up making it one of the first things she saw.
Jin was in the thick of telling a story when your phone buzzed. You tapped Jungkook's knee to get his attention and opened the message. As expected it was in all caps- all caps and enough exclamation marks to shame a tween.
You typed back a simple 'Mwahaha!'
The response was immediate.
'Brand new video.'
Your grin grew and Jimin came over to see what you were smiling at. Jungkook read out the messages, translating for him.
His eyes went as wide as saucers and you fell back against Jungkook in a fit of giggles when she proceeded to list how she was going to make your life a living hell when you arrived back home.
Your phone was snatched out your hand and Jungkook navigated to the camera app.
"Hyung, Chubshante malhago sip-eun ge issnayo? (Hyung, anything you want to say to Chubs?)"
Jimin hesitated at first but then finally began to speak. The fact he was put on the spot must have made him nervous because he rushed through his message, only pausing to think about what he wanted to say next. And he appeared to have slipped back into satoori making it harder for you to understand him since you were used to ‘Standard Korean’ or Seoul satoori. Jimin was finished with a wave before covering his face and crumbling to the floor. Luckily Jungkook translated for you by typing out the English version of the message.
‘He said and I quote: Hi there Chubs. I heard you're a fan of mine and a friend of Y/N. I'm sorry about the video, I told them not to send it. That it wasn't good enough. Maybe you should visit with Y/N one day and watch us live. Thank you for supporting us! Fighting!’
You sent the video message along with a translation and got a reply in minutes.
You cackled evilly and accepted Jungkook's high five.
Jimin asked if she’d seen it, peering up over your knee.
"Geunyeoneun michin deus-i hwaga na iss-eoyo. Neoneun amado geunyeoleul jug-yeoss-euljido mollayo. (She's freaking out. You may have killed her.)"
Your phone dinged again this time with a picture. She'd taken a selfie against her bedroom wall which was covered in posters and photocards, the majority of the latter being Jimin.
"O! Geunyeoya! Naneun geunyeoreul ar-a! Geunyeoga fansign haengsa-eseo nae eolgul-eul seukwisi gass-eo! (Oh! It's her! I know her! She squished my cheeks at the fansign!)"
"Geunyeodo mal an haess-eoyo? Naneun geunyeoga yeonseubhaneun geos-eul boass-eoyo. (Didn't she say something too? I saw her practising.)"
He bit his lip, "Uh, geunyeoga naege museun mal-eul haessneunji malhae juji anh-assni? (She didn't tell you what she said?)"
You shook your head no.
"Waeyo? Changpihaessnayo? (Why? was it embarrassing?)" Jungkook teased.
You watched as his blush spread down to his neck, "Geunyeoneun naega gajang gwiyeoun mochirago malhaessda. (She said I was the cutest mochi...)" You awed but he cut you off, "Geurigo geunyeoga nareul jab-ameog-eul sudo issdaneun geol… (And that she could eat me up...)"
You awed again while the members burst out into another fit of laughter and Jimin covered his face.
"Noonareul mannass-eul ttae geunyeoneun na-ege yeppeun nungwa ibsul-eul gajyeossdago malhaessda. (When I met Noona she told me I had pretty eyes and lips.)"
There was an 'aw' from Jin while the rest laughed harder.
You twisted to face a grinning Jungkook. "Stop~ You're giving them more to tease me about!"
His smile grew impossibly wider, "You don't want them to know how handsome you think I am?"
"I think all of you are handsome in your own way."
He pouted, "But I'm your bias. Obviously, you think I'm handsome in a way you find more appealing."
You were about to respond when Hoseok interrupted.
"Yah yah, naega chumchul chalyeya. (Yah yah, it's my turn to dance.)"
He got into position and pressed a button on a remote. Boy Meets Evil started playing. You relaxed back against Jungkook. Butterflies danced around in your tummy for what felt like the hundredth time that day when you felt something brush against the crown of your head. Another kiss? Was this really happening?
You couldn't help your curiosity and ended up whispering to him, "Why do you keep kissing my face and head?"
He squeezed around your waist, "I... I... just feel like it. I thought you would be okay with it since you kissed me on the cheek." He paused for a second then added, "I can stop it if you want."
You placed a hand over his, "I like it. It's sweet."
As much as the action confused you and made you feel things you probably shouldn't, the last thing you wanted was for him to stop. Even if he was just being friendly.
"I'm glad you like it, Kitten. I like being able to be like this with someone."
Someone. Not just you. Just someone. His actions weren't specific to you. You were lucky he couldn't see your face for it had fallen. Taking your hand off his you swiped his water bottle and took a long sip while keeping your eyes trained on Hoseok for the rest of the song.
He finished without a fault, and you made sure to whoop and cheer since you couldn't clap for him.
"Jeongmal insang gipgun-yo, Oppa. (That's very impressive, Oppa.)"
"Gomawoyo, Y/N. Amado neoui pal-i deo naa jil ttae eoneu nal boda deo manh-eun anmuleul galeuchyeo jul su iss-eul geos gat-ayo. (Thank you, Y/N. Maybe I could teach you some more choreo one day when your arm is better.)"
Your stomach dropped. More dancing. Oh god. You told him you weren’t suited to dancing like he was, making him laugh.
"Man-yag niga Kookie-ui chinguramyeon eonjenganeun chum-eul chul geoye. (If you're Kookie's friend you're going to have to dance some day.)"
"Eonjenga meon husnal-e, huimangkeondae. (Someday far in the future, I hope.)"
Taehyung's head suddenly appeared around Jin's shoulder.
"Jiruhaeyo. Jega Y/Nege jogeum da manh-eun BigHit-eul bo-yeo jul su isseulkkayo? (I'm bored. Can I show Y/N around some more?)"
Namjoon lifted his head and said something to him before turning to you, "Taehyung has a fitting in the wardrobe department so you could go with him and see hair and makeup if you want."
You used Jungkook's shoulder to pull yourself up with him rising up swiftly behind you to help your balance. His fingers entwined with yours as he led you over to Taehyung, telling him to get up since it was his turn to finally spend time with you.
Taehyung sprang to his feet and took the lead out of the room. If the floor was gravel he would have been kicking up dust as he sped around a corner only to backtrack when you weren't right behind him. He reminded you of a puppy.
A short walk later and Taehyung was pushing open a door to what looked like the biggest closest you'd ever seen. Clothes were hung against one wall, shoes and accessories on shelves opposite.
You really couldn't believe how many outfits there were- more than in your older sister's! And it was all designer... Oh god... the legendary leather trousers... so many pairs.
It seemed to be organised by date: the oldest items, stretching back to No More Dream era, on the highest rack whereas Jungkook's black and red bomber jacket worn for Not Today was closest to you.
"It's like a museum in here." You murmured.
A female voice drew your attention to the far end of the room where Taehyung stood with a middle aged woman, a tape measure draped around her neck. She spotted you, smiled, then beckoned some other girls into the room and pointed to you. The girls smiled at you too before some headed off in one direction and others approached you with their own tape measures.
"Oh no..." Jungkook muttered.
Your brows furrowed in confusion and he gave your hand a squeeze and apologised although you weren't sure what for.
"Jungkookiega oneul chingureul deligo ondago uri deul-eoss-eoyo, (We heard Jungkookie was bringing a friend today,)" One of the girls said, tucking her hair behind her ear, "hajiman urineun nega urireul bangmunhalji mollass-eo. Deudieo neoreul mannani johgun-yo. (but we didn't know you'd be visiting us. It's nice to finally meet you.)"
You said it was nice to meet them too before turning to Jungkook, "What did you mean 'oh no'?"
He scratched the back of his neck, stepping out of the way of more approaching female staff members.
"BigHit has no female trainees... you're the first girl to walk in here in a very long time..."
A second girl took hold of your arm and pulled you forward with a bright smile.
"Neoneun uriwa hamkke hal sigan-i iss-eoyo? Urineun yeogie manh-eun namseongdeul-ege dulleossayeo iss-eoyo. Urineun uriui mogsorie sinmul-i nayo. (Do you have some time to spare with us? We're surrounded by so many men here we get sick of our own voices.)"
"Nan...eum...Tae-oppagarang gat-i sigan-eul bonaeryeogo wass-eo… (I... uh... I came here to spend time with Tae-oppa...)"
The girls that disappeared earlier came back with stacks of clothes. If they had no female trainees then where did all of those come from?
The youngest of the girls, possibly around your own age, raised an eyebrow and said something about the members spoiling you since you were the second youngest. Your cheeks warmed when you thought about how they’d gone shopping for things that would make your visit more comfortable before you arrived. Were you spoiled?
Another girl pulled you out of your thoughts, “Namja syeocheu ib-eoss-eoyo? (Are you wearing a men's shirt?)"
Jungkook explained how you had been wearing his clothes because of your broken elbow.
The girls nodded in understanding and one turned to the racks behind her, rattling off something about Jungkook and...donating?
Noticing your confusion, Jungkook explained how they were letting you help yourself to shirts he had outgrown, “They’ve been too busy to donate them. Take your pick, Noona.”
You stared in wide-eyed shock as they pulled shirt after shirt off the rack and piled them on top of Jungkook’s arms. They could sell for so much. Did they not know how much fans would be willing to pay for the priceless memories?!
Jungkook measured one up against your back while one of the stylists did the same to your front.
"Man-yag geudeul-i bissago yeojeonhi sangtaega yanghohadamyeon urineun geugeosdeul-eul onlain aulles-e panmaehan-ayo. Hajiman ileon, (If they're expensive and still in good condition then we sell them to online outlets. But ones like this,)" She pulled out a plain light blue shirt- the cotton dull compared to others, "uri geosdeul-eun jaseon danchee gibuhaeyo. (We donate to charity.)"
You noticed some girls must have collected makeup too because one approached you with a lip brush and some lip tint.
"Jungkook... think of a way to get me out of this..."
He politely collected the shirts from the women and bowed, thanking them for their generosity followed by an excuse that you were on a tight schedule.
They sighed but didn't push any further.
After giving Jungkook a bag for the clothes, you said goodbye to them and left Taehyung to his fitting.
"That was close."
"Makeup isn't your thing?"
You screwed your nose up, "How could you tell?"
He retook your hand, "You called me Jungkook instead of BunBun, Kookie or little shit."
You looked at him puzzled, "Do I refer to you by your name that rarely?"
He nodded and led you down various corridors until you were outside a door with the sign 'Mon Studio'. He knocked on the door.
"Yah! Hyung! It's your turn to spend time with Noona!" He shouted then turned to you, "Since he's fluent in English, I'll leave you with him for a little while."
He raised his hand, and you thought he was going to ruffle your hair until he pinched your cheek.
"Catch you later, Kitten."
He gave you a parting grin and you turned just as Namjoon pulled open the door.
"Hi, Oppa!"
He peered around you into the empty corridor. "Where's Jungkook?"
"He left me. Is that okay?"
He smiled wide enough to reveal his dimples, "Of course, come on in."
He held the door open so you could step through then pulled out a seat for you.
"Have you enjoyed your time in Korea and the dorm so far?"
You gladly sat down and smiled, "I've loved every second. Thank you again for letting me stay."
He nodded, waving a hand through the air dismissively, "No problem. Although if I knew I'd be dragging Jungkook out of bed with you every morning I might not have agreed so quickly."
"You've only had to do it twice. But yeah, I wasn't expecting that either."
He nodded, "I'm sorry for his behaviour. The kid has a bit of a learning curve when it comes to the opposite sex, such as what is appropriate."
Had he noticed Jungkook's little kisses? Did he consider them inappropriate? You felt like asking him, yet at the same time, you didn't want to.
Jungkook, the guy you had rapidly developing feelings for, was willingly showing you affection and being open with it despite the members telling you that he wasn't overly keen on skinship and the like. That had to count for something, right? You wanted to be selfish for at least a little while longer until you had to go back home. Who knew if you would ever receive that kind of affection from him again. You had to admit that with each kiss he placed the more you felt the urge to just grab him and kiss him yourself... Maybe kissing him on the cheek would help to alleviate that want...
"Would you like to listen to my original draft of Young Forever?"
He clicked about on the computer for a minute until sound started to drift through the speakers. You cocked your head, not recognising the beat or the words Namjoon was singing.
He noticed your confusion and lowered the volume, "It's completely different, right?"
"How did you get from that to what Young Forever became?"
"A lot of drafting and redrafting. Bang PD-nim wanted it to have a lighter feel to it."
You nodded in understanding, as someone who considered themselves to be creative you knew how over time things don't turn out as originally intended.
"I think it's a brilliant song. My friend, Chubs from earlier, says it makes her cry."
Namjoon chuckled lightly, "I cried writing it. It hit home harder than I expected. And knowing it has the power to make others feel the same makes me proud."
"You should be," you said honestly, "You work at your craft and it shows in the quality of your content. And us ARMY are proud of you all too."
He smiled and ruffled your hair, "I almost regret not sticking around in the tutoring sessions. I feel like we could've become good friends if I hadn't left. But Kookie needed that extra push to learn."
You returned his smile.
"All because we didn't have the opportunity to become friends sooner doesn't mean we can't be good friends now."
He nodded, "Maybe we can go to lunch together next time you visit us. That's if Jungkook lets us."
Your smile widened, "That sounds nice. He'll learn to share me eventually."
"I think he's already learning. He left you alone with me didn't he?"
Good point. You were glad Jungkook was already trying to correct his behaviour.
You decided to flip the topic onto him; asking him how the new album was coming along. He couldn't go into great detail for obvious confidentiality reasons, but he let you in on a few concept ideas and inspiration for Bangtan's new sound.
The two of you had been talking for almost an hour when there was a knock at the door. Namjoon called for them to come in and Jungkook poked his head in.
"I've come to take Noona on the last leg of the tour."
Namjoon nodded and both of you got out of your seats. He ruffled your hair again and said he would see you later.
Just as you stepped out the door to join Jungkook, your phone vibrated. It was a Tumblr notification. Chubs had tagged you in something. You opened it and saw it was a selca by Jungkook.
You heard his footsteps halt when he noticed you weren't following him. "Noona?"
"What's this?" You showed him your phone and his hand instantly went to scratch the back of his neck.
"A picture...of you."
"I'm sleeping! You posted a picture of me sleeping on Tumblr for everyone to see!"
"You were so cute... I couldn't help myself."
You glared at him, "I'm not cute! What if I was drooling?!"
"It would explain why my chest felt wet. Don't worry Noona, I won't blame you for drooling over me."
A mutter of 'little shit' slipped past your lips as you took a final look at the picture.
"It's embarrassing."
"It's cute. You look peaceful." There was a poke to your side making you yelp. "Did you dream of me?"
You had but you wouldn't admit to it, not wanting to inflate his ego. But you felt your cheeks heat up.
"As if. Why would I dream of a muscle pig like you?"
He took your hand with a smirk, "You seem to like my muscles when you're sleeping. I think the thing that made me wake up today was you stroking my abs."
Your eyes went wide, "Really?"
He nodded. Oh god. You just kept embarrassing yourself.
"It tickled."
"How can I be sure you're telling the truth?"
He stopped walking which made you stop, let go of your hand and grabbed the hem of his shirt.
"You scratched me at one point, wanna see the proof?"
Just as his t-shirt reached his navel, a squeak slipped from your lips and you yanked his shirt back down into place.
"It's o-okay. I believe you."
He fought against you with a mischievous grin, "Don't you want to see how you hurt me? I might scar, Noona!"
"My nails aren't that long!"
He laughed, taking your hand from his t-shirt and led you through the building. You made a quick stop at 'Hope World' so you could see Hoseok's studio. After that, he showed you the areas of the building you hadn't seen yet. Walking into a recording booth felt surreal. You couldn't help but admire all the equipment that had been used to produce song after song that topped charts and won awards. Jungkook was good to answer any questions you had, even letting you experiment a little.
You were admiring the framed albums hung on the wall when Jungkook's phone rang. He looked at the callerID before answering.
"Annyeonhaseyo Bang PD-nim."
He nodded as you heard the muffled sound of the CEO's voice. The conversation was brief and one-sided with Jungkook saying a quick goodbye.
"Noona, this tour is taking an unexpected turn."
It took a second for your brain to click into gear, the realisation making your face fall and your palms sweat.
"Does he...?" Jungkook nodded, "He wants to meet me?"
Another nod then he broke out into a grin.
"Don't worry Noona, Bang PD-nim may seem grizzly bearish but he's actually a teddy bear." He held out his hand and gestured to the door, "Come on, he really wants to meet you."
You subtly wiped your hand on the back of your pants before taking his and exiting the studio.
"Why does he want to meet me?"
"He heard you were in the building. He wants to meet the lovely Noona who taught me English without wanting anything in return."
You got to talk to Jungkook every week, what more could you have wanted? He tugged on your hand prompting you to follow him through a series of corridors and into an elevator. The highest floor of the building was all offices separated into departments. Jungkook popped his head through a few doors and shouted greetings to staff as you trailed along behind him.
He finally stopped outside a set of double doors and placed a hand on your cheek, running his thumb across your cheek.
"You'll be fine, okay? He's fluent in English himself so no need to worry about translating."
He faced the doors and raised a fist to knock on them. The sound seemed to echo through the area, making your stomach fall in dread. Though a swift kiss to the temple help to ease the tension that had settled in your bones. There was a muffled shout and Jungkook pushed the doors open, standing aside for you to enter.
The office was sleek and modern like the rest of the building, yet there was just the right amount of clutter on the desk and bookshelves to appear lived-in. Bang PD-nim clearly spent a lot of time at the office.
The man looked up from his computer, mouth quirking into a smile as his eyes fell on you.
"You must be Jungkook's Y/N-songsaengnim. Nice to meet you finally, I'm Bang Shihyuk."
You tilted your head to the side in confusion, "Finally?"
He gestured for you to take a seat and you did so, Jungkook taking one next to you.
"Our resident Golden Maknae here talks about you a lot."
The said Golden Maknae's cheeks turned pink which in turn made a heat creep up your own neck. Did he really speak to his superiors about you that often?
"Thank you for letting me visit, it's a real honour."
He chuckles, "I had too. All the staff wanted to meet you too. Sadly the trainees weren't available, they wanted to meet their hyung's noona."
You fidgeted in your seat and from the corner of your eye you saw the pinkness in Jungkook's cheeks spread to his ears.
The PD looked between the two of you and chuckled to himself, "Maybe next time you visit us."
You nodded, not having the heart to tell him that you couldn't afford to visit anytime soon.
"Next time she's here, I'll make sure she meets everyone PD-nim."
Your attention snapped to Jungkook who spoke up for the first time since entering the room. He gave you a warm smile and reached over the gap between your chairs to squeeze your forearm briefly.
The PD-nim cleared his throat and Jungkook snatched his arm back.
"Anyway, now you're here, Y/N, I wanted to thank you."
"T-thank me?"
"You've successfully taught Jungkook English. And since your first trip to Korea, the other members have shown an interest in further studying the language past a basic school level."
You didn't know that... "Really?"
The man nodded, "Namjoon has taken back up studying to expand his vocabulary. And Jimin and Taehyung have both signed up for online courses."
You could practically see a light bulb appear above Jungkook's head. But all he did was smile.
A wave of pride washed over you causing you to break out in a smile, "I don't think I can take credit for their interest."
Bang PD-Nim waved a hand through the air, "They said it themselves, they're jealous of Jungkookie."
"He's able to talk to more fans now that he is bilingual."
That made sense.
"So thank you." He added with a nod.
You ducked your head, stealing a look at Jungkook to find him giving you his signature bunny grin.
Bang PD-nim looked at his watch and sighed, "I'm going to have to end this little chat here. It was lovely meeting you Y/N."
He held out his hand for you to shake.
"The feeling is mutual, PD-nim."
Jungkook took the man's hand before leading you out of the room.
Once the doors were fully shut you let out a deep breath, "That wasn't so bad."
"See, I told you he was a teddy bear."
"Yeah, I guess... So what should we do now?"
Jungkook thought for a moment then smirked.
"I have an idea. But we need to go home to do it."
God have mercy on your soul because what came to mind did not belong there. "O-okay." Fuck. You needed help.
"I'll text the boys and tell them we're heading back so not to wait up for us."
He whipped out his phone and sent the message to their group chat, the response an immediate 'okay'.
As Jungkook drove back to the dorm, you noticed him smiling to himself while humming a little tune.
"You seem happy, BunBun."
He glanced at you briefly, "I am happy. Everyone liked you."
"Is it really important that they all like me?"
"Of course it is Noona."
You arrived at the dorm somewhere between late afternoon and early evening. Jungkook unlocked the door and held it open for you.
Ideas of what Jungkook might have planned for you niggled away at your thoughts in the back of your mind. You shuffled behind him into his bedroom.
He pointed to the bed, "Sit down and I'll be right back."
You watched him walk out of the bedroom, mind reeling with questions. What was he doing? And why were you suddenly nervous?
He returned a few minutes later, two bottles of water in one hand, a large toilet bag in the other.
"What exactly do you have planned Kookie?"
He went over to his shelf and grabbed a box from there. He then cleared and organised his desk to create space for his box and toilet bag.
"The noonas today made me realise I've never seen my Noona in makeup... I wanna know what you look like with some on." He grabbed the back of the desk chair, spinning it around to face you. "Is that okay?"
Makeup wasn't your idea of fun. The thought of slapping...stuff...on your face wasn't remotely appealing. It seemed time-consuming, not to mention expensive. But it didn't mean you weren't willing to have some fun. It had been a while since you had any makeup on and couldn't help but wonder how you'd look.
"Sure. Make me look pretty."
You got off his bed and sat in the chair. He turned it so you were facing his shelves.
"Noona is always pretty."
He opened the box to reveal a camera, one of many within the box by the looks of it, and set it up on the shelf, facing you.
"What's with the camera?"
"I'm documenting a historic moment."
"Are you putting this on Tumblr too?"
He hummed distractedly, unzipped the bag and began taking out products. Holy shit...he had a lot.
"Is all this yours?"
"Kind of. The makeup Noonas give us lots of samples which we throw in here to share." He took out a large set of brushes and sponges. "Jimin hyung bought a few things when we first debuted like eyeliner and eyeshadow too."
You stared at the rapidly building pile of cosmetics and equipment in anxious awe. You had no clue as to what over half of the items laid out were for.
"Some of it is my own too. I like makeup."
Once the bag was close to empty he repositioned the camera and pressed record.
"You like putting all this on?"
He shrugged and brushed some of your hair away from your face, pinning it back with a clip.
"It covers the ugliness."
"What ugly? I've woken up to your face two days in a row and I have seen no ugly. It's a rather nice face to wake up to."
He paused in... whatever he was doing, you couldn't really see because he had his back to you after clipping your hair back. He turned to face you once again.
"Not bad, ay? I'll take what I can get... For now."
He had his palms up although you couldn't see anything on his hands.
"It's primer so it's clear. I washed my hands before hand, do you mind if I...."
You gave him the go ahead and he gently swiped his fingertips across your cheeks, chin and forehead,  then began rubbing the so-called primer in using light circular motions. Oddly, it felt nice; a little like he was giving you a face massage.
"So, what's this for?"
"To make your foundation go on smoother and last longer."
"Do you even have foundation that matches my skin tone?"
"Probably in the samples."
He cleaned his hands with a makeup wipe then began holding up the sample bottles of foundation up to your jaw. Once settling on a shade, he dotted some about your face then dabbed it in with a bright pink sponge.
Not knowing where else to look, you kept your eyes trained on his face and quickly became fascinated with those little gestures to signal he was concentrating. The way his eyebrows furrowed, his bottom lip captured between his teeth, it was an attractive sight. But a part of your brain asked a vital question. Was he going to put foundation over your lips like you had seen some girls do? Because you had a habit of biting your lips... a lot...
The tip of the sponge brushed your lower lip but he made no move to blend it over them. You breathed a mental sigh of relief.
Another minute later and he finally stood straight, narrowing his eyes as he scanned your features.
"How well do you normally sleep at home, Noona?"
That was an odd question.
"Not great," you admitted, "I've had some of my best night's sleep here. Why?"
He made a noise of disapproval while unscrewing the lid of concealer.
"You have dark circles. Noona needs to go to bed earlier."
You hesitated before answering, "It's difficult to get more than 4 hours sleep most days. I have insomnia. I'm actually surprised I've been able to fall asleep here."
He looked confused.
"In... som... nia?"
"Bulmyeonjeung (Sleeplessness)."
He dabbed the applicator beneath your eyes with a frown, "But you sleep fine here?"
"I think sharing a bed helps." You were grateful when he asked you to look up when he began blending as it meant you didn't have to make eye contact while you confessed to liking it when he stroked your hair, a habit he'd picked up.
"Most people sleep better when there's company from what I've heard. I have to admit, having Noona here has made me sleep better. I'm normally up late gaming."
"Seems like we're good for each other." You mumbled more to yourself than him, but from the quirk of his lips, you guessed he heard.
He placed the concealer and sponge aside in favour of a large fluffy brush and a compact. He explained the purpose of setting your makeup with powder. At first, you hated the idea of another layer of stuff on your face, but you couldn't deny how your features began to relax with every swipe of the brush.
You caught his hand when he stopped, "Keep going."
"But I'm done."
You gave him your best puppy dog eyes and pout and successfully earned another minute of gentle swipes across your skin. You couldn't help but sneeze when he used the brush to tickle your nose. He awed.
"Noona is so cute."
"... That's it, I'm going to expose you on Tumblr."
He stepped back with wide eyes, "Expose me?"
You dropped your voice, aware of the camera barely a meter away, "You don't want everyone knowing about your Marvel underwear collection do you?"
You cocked a brow and watched him gulp while side-eyeing the camera. "Call me cute again and everyone will know. Okay?"
"Yes, Noona."
He turned to the desk and began rummaging through the small mountain of makeup. He faced you with a small pallet and made quick work of filling in your brows 'to give your face shape'... whatever that meant.
And then he finally moved onto eye shadow, selecting a larger pallete and a smaller brush.
"I've been told darker colours suit me best."
"I'll be the judge of that, Kitten."
You shut your eyes upon his instruction, keeping them like that until he told you to look at him.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes darting from side to side as he judged his work. Fuck...your mind began to wander down a dangerous path. No. This was not appropriate.
Your eyes fluttered open, "Huh?"
He giggled, "You screwed your face up. I'll mess up if you don't relax."
Right...relax. That was becoming easier said than done. You took a deep breath, held it for four seconds before exhaling through your mouth for another four. It was a technique you were taught to help you handle anxiety attacks and emotional breakdowns. You figured it should help you relax in the situation you were in.
"Should I even attempt eyeliner?"
"I can barely do my own without becoming twitchy."
He looked torn. You never knew doing someone's makeup could make him so serious.
"If I use pencil I can blend it out. The Noonas say that's what makes eyes look sexy."
SEXY?! Was Jeon Jungkook actually trying to kill you?!
He picked up the pencil and delicately cupped the back of your neck.
"Stay still for me, Noona."
Stay still? How the fuck were you supposed to do that when he had a leg between yours, allowing him to step closer as the task required a steady hand.
"I-I-I d-d-didn't know s-s-sexy was the look you were going for." You stuttered out causing him to frown at you.
"I said stay still Noona."
You immediately froze at the sudden authority.
His fingers flexed against your neck as he angled your head so he'd have better access to your other eye. He was so close you could feel his breath ghost across your cheek and it took a lot of mental cursing to keep yourself still.
The presence briefly disappeared only to return after you heard the clinking of makeup brushes. You assumed he'd began the blending meaning any minute now you'd have to open your eyes so he could check.
"Okay, Noona open them."
You did as he told you, your eyes fluttering open. Your breath caught in your throat at his intense stare, his pupils dilated. Your gaze dropped to his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Maybe it was the light or your lack of glasses, but you could have sworn you saw him blush.
He finally looked away, giving you the chance to compose yourself. What was that? Did you just have...a moment?
When he turned back, he was holding a weird clamp looking thing.
"An eyelash curler," he explained, "You need to stay very very still for me now."
He called it an eyelash curler, you called it a torture device. He wanted to put that thing near your eyes?
Noticing you pulling back he chuckled, "It doesn't hurt. Promise."
You didn't quite believe him but he wasn't giving you an option to back out.
"Rip my eyelashes out and I'll follow through on my earlier threat."
He warned you to sit still again and you closed your eyes.
It was an odd feeling, but thank god it was painless and quick.
"I'm almost done, Noona. Just mascara, blush and lipstick to go."
You swore you almost had war flashbacks to when your older sister tried to put mascara on you.  You had to admit you weren't used to the feel of your eyelashes being covered in the thick substance since you rarely wore the stuff, even when you did decide to put on some makeup. Your mother had always told you, you didn't need the it because you had naturally beautiful eyelashes.
Jungkook's mind seemed to be following down a similar path. He told you how he'd never noticed their length before because of your glasses, but they were apparently long and pretty like Taehyung's.
He swapped the mascara for a blush compact and lightly dabbed the puff applicator over the apples of your cheeks, then set it aside. Thank God you were almost finished.
He seemed to deliberate over lipstick colour. Why did he have lipstick? You thought that the Make-Up Unnies only used lip stains, lip gloss or tinted lip balm. But then again, lipstick wasn't an exclusively female thing. Maybe one of the members brought some for themselves.
"Ah," he said, uncapping a dark tube, "Let's try this."
You caught a glimpse of the berry coloured lipstick which seemed untouched.
"Who's is this?"
"A company sent them to us. We don't really wear lipstick but I thought why not see how it looks on you." So you were his experiment. "Open your mouth slightly, Noona."
You opened. You sometimes wore lipstick but couldn't really be bothered with it. Which is why you only had one tube of lipstick.
He lightly took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and instead of swiping the product across your lips, he chose to dab it like he would with a lip tint.
Your eyes once again drifted across his own features, noting the slight flush to his cheeks and how he repetitively wet his own plush lips with his tongue as he concentrated. But then he was pulling away with a pleased grin.
"Ah! My masterpiece is finished."
He grabbed his phone, snapping a picture of you, before handing you a handheld mirror so you could see his handy work. You looked...different. Not a bad different, you just weren't used to it.
"Do you like it?" He asked and unclipped your hair. You brushed it back into place and took another look.
It was undeniable that he did a good job. Everything was well blended and you had to admit, the eyeliner did make your eyes look sexier, more mysterious.
"I... wow..." You had to stop yourself from reaching and touching your face, afraid that you would ruin what he had done.
"I'll take that as a yes," He was smirking, "It was fun doing yours... maybe you'd like to try putting some on me."
Your eyes blew wide.
"I only know how to do eye makeup!"
He chuckled, "I'm not expecting you to be as capable and experienced as the Makeup Noonas."
You looked at the spread of makeup on the desk.
"You'll have to help me."
He nodded and you swapped positions so he was sat in the desk chair.
"Primer first, then foundation."
You frowned at him, "But the foundation that's normally used on you is too pale. I like your natural tan skin better."
His cheeks tinted pink.
"Y-y-you can s-s-skip the primer and foundation if you want."
You nodded and reached for the eyeshadow. But you found a problem. To get close enough to his face you would have to... climb onto his lap.
You sucked in a deep breath and squared up to him before quickly lowering yourself onto his lap. His hands instantly went to your hips, holding you in place.
"W-what a-are you-u d-doing?!"
"Getting closer so I can see. I don't have my glasses on." You explained, "Now close your eyes."
"I-I can get your glasses-"
"And ruin all your time and effort? I can suffer for a little while."
He stared at you for a moment, as if processing and contemplating what you had said before sighing and closing his eyes.
You tried to remember what little you knew about doing eye makeup. Was is metallics, green and blue that looked good for dark eye? With no other answer coming to mind you picked up a pallet of dark metallic colours.
You scanned the array of makeup brushes and picked up a small fluffy one. It would do.
Dipping it into the eyeshadow you remembered a saying you'd always tell yourself when either baking or cooking: you can always add but you can't take away. You guessed the same applied to makeup.
You went with blue in the end and brushed a light dusting of it over his lids. It wasn't a bright blue but a deep ocean blue that contrasted nicely with his skin tone.
Now for eyeliner. Which you were dreading because you were going near his eye with something pointy.
"Okay BunBun, open your eyes."
His eyes fluttered open and you were awe struck with how the blue brought out the colour of his eyes.
"What?" He asked when you didn't say or do anything.
You mentally shook yourself out of it, "Blue looks beautiful on you."
His eyes widened slightly, "T-thank y-you."
You reached over the desk to find the eyeliner pencil, Jungkook's hands shifting to your lower back so you wouldn't fall.
You faced him with a grimace, "I'm sorry in advance if I poke your eye out."
"I trust you, Noona."
You took a moment to try and relax. If you stayed nervous your hand would shake and there would be a casualty. You brought the pencil to his eye and got to work, amazed with the fact he wasn't flinching or twitching. He must be used to it from being an idol.
You pulled back to see if the two were even. A small yelp left your painted lips when his thighs suddenly parted beneath you, making you clutch onto his shoulder in fear of falling on your butt.
"Don't scare me like that!"
He opened his eyes, a crease forming between them.
"Sorry, I had to stretch." He glanced away and cleared his throat, "Is the eyeliner done?"
"Yeah...are you okay? I can stand if I'm making your legs go dead."
"No I'm fine," his hands slid down to the backs of your thighs to adjust you, "Time for the last part since you're going for a minimalist approach. Lips."
You felt your heart rate pick up at that. You looked over the selection and picked out a rose tinted lip balm. After cleaning your hands you opened the container and got some on the pad of your finger.
"Noona... w-w-what-" he cut himself off.
You ran your middle finger over his plush bottom lip, spreading the colour. He pursed his lips a little, making it easier to apply to his top lip.
You'd lost count by now of how often your train of thought had diverted into dangerous territory. It would be so easy just to close the gap and... His grip on your thighs tightened. Your gaze travelled from his lips to his eyes, his irises had become a thin ring around his pupils, your hand moved from being positioned over his mouth to cupping his jaw. The only sound in the room was the sound of both of your breathing getting steadily deeper. You looked at his lips again, they seemed closer than before.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, threatening to close. Neither of you moved a muscle for what felt like an eternity until a loud buzzing filled the silence followed by a sigh.
And just like that, it felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water all over you.
Jungkook removed a hand from your leg to grab his vibrating phone, and you took the chance to scoot off his lap and busy yourself by putting all the makeup back in the toilet bag. Jungkook muttered almost angrily to himself as he unlocked his phone.
"It's a text from Jin-hyung. They'll be back at the dorm soon."
You turned back to him with your own phone in hand, "Can I take a picture?"
"Sure Kitten."
You snapped a picture and showed it to him.
"Ah, I'm so handsome."
He went over to the camera and stopped the recording, immediately taking it over to his laptop and inserting the memory card.
It was after dinner, and you'd gone back into Jungkook's bedroom to find your phone. You found it on his desk beside the toilet bag and nearly had a heart attack when you saw the hundreds of Tumblr notifications on your lockscreen.
Navigating to the app, a gasp left your lips when you saw all the messages and asks in your inbox. What the fuck?
A new notification popped up, and you immediately clicked on it when you recognised it as Chubs.
Her reply was instant: 'TWO WORDS. SEXUAL. TENSION.'
You took a seat on the edge of the bed, a frown taking over your features.
'Why can't I go in the tag??'
Thank God she was a quick typer.
'Just...don't...okay? I've just messaged Jungkook warning him but he hasn't replied. Can you tell him the same?'
You had to admit you were curious but instead, you went into the living room where Jungkook was sat on the sofa wearing a look of surprise as he stared down at his phone.
His head snapped up, "Noona!" His voice cracked, "D-Don't go in t-t-the t-t-tag!"
You took a seat next to him, "What's going on?! Chubs just told me the same thing."
He locked his phone, placing it on the arm of the sofa.
You unlocked your phone only for it to be snatched out of your grip, "Jungkook!"
You crossed your arms and pouted until you remembered that his laptop didn't have a password. A sigh escaped your lips as you pretended to give up.
"Fine. You win."
You got off the sofa and 'sulked' back to his room where you promptly opened the laptop and went to the tag on Tumblr.
You wanted to rub your eyes to make sure you were seeing things correctly, but you caught yourself, remembering you had a full face of makeup on.
The first post was a piece of fan art of presumably you and Jungkook...kissing. Beneath the digital art was a screenshot, from the video you posted, of you on his lap.
The next piece was a gif. The maker had cropped the video so that it cut off at Jungkook's hands on your hips. And with the way you shifted it looked like- Oh God. There was a caption that read 'You know she was enjoying those thighs'.
If Jungkook saw that...no wonder he looked so alarmed.
You bit your lip as you scrolled further past more gifs and drawings of a similar nature. Someone had even gone to the lengths of analysing your body language and speech, coming to the conclusion that you and Jungkook were 'totally fucking'.
You even came across some more... graphic... fanart. Jesus Christ these people were making porn of you! So that's why Chubs told you not to go into the tag. Another post almost made you laugh. It was a simple text post in all caps saying 'HOW DID HE NOT GET A BONER FROM THAT?!' But you didn't because the post next to it had a screenshot of when he was holding the back of your neck. 'I KNEW HE WAS A DOM!'
There was a fluttering in your tummy you hastily pushed aside. Thinking about Jungkook like that made you no better than the people turning an innocent video into something not.
You didn't know what to do. Chubs had mentioned something about 'cleaning the tag'. Did that mean she was getting rid of all the NSFW posts and didn't want you to go in it until she had wiped it clean? But how would she even do that?
Just as you were about to type in Chubs' URL, Jungkook entered the room. He immediately saw you were on his laptop and what site you were on. He rushed over to you with a dramatic shout of 'No!', a hand coming to cover your eyes while the other shut the lid of the laptop.
"Naughty Noona. I was trying to keep your eyes innocent."
You pried his fingers off your face and pouted, "Innocent? I'm older than you!"
"Age means nothing." He grumbled, stepping back until the backs of his knees hit the bed. He fell onto the mattress with a sigh, both hands covering his face.
He said something but you couldn't hear him so you went over and sat beside him, peeling his hands off his face which was scarlet.
"I can't believe you saw what they did."
"I can't believe they did that either... but then again I should've expected such behaviour from them." You grimaced as you remembered seeing the inappropriate tweets Bangtan received every time they tweeted something.
"I bet you won't be able to look at me in the same way again!" He seemed genuinely upset about the thought.
"BunBun," you said carefully, "Look at me."
He whined, rolling onto his stomach with his head turned away from you. He could deny it all he wanted, but he was a big baby at times.
"Jungkook, I don't see you any differently because of this. It's no different from the type of stuff I used to see before you met me."
He turned his head to face you, cheek against his folded hands. His face was a mixture of lingering sadness and confusion. With a sigh you led down beside him, "You've said before that you've read my old tags on Tumblr."
"About my thick thighs and washboard abs." There was the trace of a smirk on his lips that told you the sadness was lifting.
"Yeah...people on Tumblr talk sexually about idols a lot. They write smutty fiction and draw NSFW fanart and make inappropriate audio files. Whatever it is, I've seen it."
"You've seen it all?"
"Most. I don't go anywhere near the shipping material. Now if you don't mind, I feel tainted and in need of a shower."
With that, you kissed him on the cheek, leaving a dark lipstick stain, and got off the bed. Then you hurriedly grabbed the Pikachu onesie and undies, and headed towards the bathroom which you knew would have towels in.
A/N: SORRY WE MISSED A WEEK AND THAT THE CHAPTER IS NEARLY AN HOUR LATER THAN SCHEDULED BUT WE’VE BEEN REALLY BUSY! Also this chapter had 132 bits of Korean to translate (We had to cut some out otherwise it would’ve been later). Before people come after me for it I AM AWARE OF THE BAD GRAMMAR AND THE MISTAKES BUT I AM A BEGINNER AND DON’T KNOW HOW TO CORRECT IT YET!
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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kierarutherford · 7 years
10 Questions Ask Meme
Rules:Answer 10 questions and then come up with another 10 questions for the people you tag!
Was tagged by @princessvicky01​ so let’s keep this rolling
Favorite small town? Real or fictional. - I live in a small town, and have lived in many but none have ever been a favorite. SO I suppose I would love to check out the small town of Honnleath (pre-darkaspawn)
Video game or DLC you’re most looking forward to right now? (sans DA4) - I have yet to purchase it and it haunts my dreams. I am aiming to get my hands on the Witcher DLCs. 
Favorite fictional world? (i.e.: Middle Earth, Thedas, etc.) Why? - to be fair I have two. One would have to be Thedas as I it holds my OCs and a special Commander. The second would have to be Witcher’s world (don’t remember what the whole place is called. TOO many city/towns to name.) Great, indepth lore and creatures.
Where/what was the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had? If you don’t drink coffee, what’s the best meal you’ve ever head? - Best cup, uh... I have never had a “best” cup of coffee anywhere out but the morning back home after my daughter was born. The first sip of freshly brewed coffee brought to me, while holding my little girl. That may be the best sip ever.
Where/when do you do your best daydreaming?   When I lay in bed. I daydream myself to sleep. Putting myself in the shoes of my OCs and trying to figure out how they would react. There is a tiny piece of me in each of them. 
Favorite TV show right now? I don’t really watch a lot of tv. Right now I’m addicted to Live PD (probably only in countries with A&E)
Is your canon Inquisitor reluctant about their power, or do they embrace it full-force, or something in-between? Kiera takes the reigns as she was a First to her clan and much was always expected of her. It is simply a tool to aid those in need. Diana- she hated it. Her personal “night light” she called it many times. Trying to deflect the horror and personal irritation. Hyacinth - she was unsure of it but as long as she can heal and help, she makes due.
What’s the best purchase you’ve ever made? I shop on bargains all the time. So I really can’t pin point that one awesome score. I would say my proudest was netting a $45 sweater for my daughter (in-store) for $4.99. I do love hunting through clearance racks.
Favorite or go-to clothing brand/designer/store? I am not loyal to any brand per say. I sale hunt. I prefer to hunt at Old Navy currently but the winds may change.
Are there any popular TV or video game character arcs that really bother you? How would you change them, if you could? - The one that stuck with me over the years was the ending arc of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. There was SOO much room to do something there and they did a hack ending (in my opinion.) Played it multiple times and it always stuck with me. (Also my first -he should have totally gotten the girl- grumble fest) 
@fereldenpeach questions
If you could trade places with a fictional character for a day, who would you pick and why? - Diana Trevelyan. She’s tough, quick witted and scandalous. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to do whatever she has to to get it. Her relationship with Cullen is deep and runs on lewd at times. I envy her free spirit and openness.
What’s your favorite vacation memory? - Too many. We always made a trek to visit my grandparents as a child and those moments (while colourful) always stuck with me. 
What’s your go-to alcoholic beverage? Don’t drink? What’s your favorite smoothie or milkshake? If I drink (I do enjoy a good drink- perhaps too often) I like coolers or my mix. Ginger ale, grapefruit juice and Canada Club whiskey. Extra ice. I’m an ice chewer
When did you have your first kiss? I was fourteen, he was my first boyfriend and it just happened. I do remember it being a wondrous moment. All teeth, tongues and lips. He was more experienced than I, and it was grand. 
Who was your first fictional crush and why? lol so totally nerdy! I was in love with Link from Legend of Zelda and Carth Onasi from Knights of the Old Republic. I wrote a HUGE fanfic (printed in a book in my closet today). It has never seen the light of day lol 
What’s your favorite Dragon Age mod that you use? Don’t use mods? What’s your favorite outfit from the game’s options? - I have to admit I love the Spoils of the Qunari, wrap thing. lol I made my own in several colours down in the Undercroft.
What (or who) was the gateway to joining the DA fandom on Tumblr? I don’t really know? I was creeping around the internet, dying for more Cullen things when I stumbled upon @khirsahle​ amazing fic and I believe there was a mention somewhere of a tumblr. So I boldly decided I wanted to write, and get on this tumblr and find my like minded Cullenites and bask in the delicious man. 
Name three things you absolutely can’t live without and tell us why. ah hard one. I am a travel light person. 1 - my phone, it is my day planner, alarm, watch, contacts to my parents, camera, etc. 2- Comfy runners. I have terribly sensitive feet and wear shoes all the time. Without them I’d have horridly sore feet. 3 -caffeine. I drink anywhere from half a pot of coffee to a full pot of tea a day. My tea pot is a 12 cup size lol. I’m a mom of 3. I NEED caffeine.  
When did you first start playing Dragon Age? Which game did you start with and have you played all of them?  I have been here since the beginning in Dragon Age addictive hell. I played the first, it’s dlc, then Awakening, then 2, it’s DLC and now Inquisition and it’s DLC. I actually had to create room on my xbox to play Origins because I had over 38 saved characters. Wiped them all out and repeated that 3 more times. lol Of those play throughs I only romanced Zevran once. All others were Alistair.
What’s a project you’re really proud of? Where Flowers Dare to Bloom. It has hurt me and healed me in so many places. It has been a personal healing tool and the next couple chapters are currently cleansing my soul.
Here are @princessvicky01​ 10 :
1) What was your first pet? If you’ve never had one is their one you would like? My first pet. He was a terrier/poodle/rescue thing. Benji. Loved him till he passed of old age when I was 9. Amazingly well tempered and awesome dog.
2) If you could only replay one game forever, what game would it be? lol that is my life. I literally play games to their disk death. If I was cursed to a single game. I’m picking Dragon Age Inquisition. To forever romance and marry Cullen, please. 
3) What was/is your favourite subject at school?Why? History. I loved it. Especially ancient history. Eqyptian history, medieval history. All of it. Myths and legends. I adored it all.  
4) Do you prefer to be too hot or too cold? I can’t handle heat, so I’d have to say I’d rather be too cold. 
5) Do you have any hobbies? If not is there any you want to try? This is kinda a hobby I suppose. I am a terrible starter to things that I never finish. It is a horrid habit that I do way too often. I crotchet, I knit, I sing (lol fairly well too), I used to play in photoshop, games, play baseball.. I’m everywhere and no where.
6) Whats your favourite restaurant/eat out food - Italian, Chinese, Mexican ect I love Italian. Pasta. I am addicted to pasta. Fetticine Alfredo, spaghetti and marinara sauce. Yes please.
7) Mages or Templars? Why? Mages. To be sent away from family at such young ages, forced into a stone prison. It’s heart breaking. All because they are different. Never nullified the Circle in any play throughs. I can’t kill children just because they can hold fire in their palms. Teach them, let them live and let them help!  
8) Favourite film/movie genre? I’m not a film person really. I do watch the occasional movie but again I’m all over the place. Favourite of all time; Robin Hood- Men in Tights. A Mel Brooke’s picture. 
9)  Whats your spirit animal/daemon aka the one that represents your personality? A bear. Quite literally lol. Loyal to family, extremely protective and I’ll rip your arms off and feed you to my kids if you mess with them. 
10)  Cullen Rutherford shows up at your house. What do you say/do? Seriously... depending on the situation, I have no idea. I mean, I think we all know what we dream about but reality wise... I honestly don’t know. 
After a mile of questions. Here are mine now lol:
1- Drink lyrium become a Templar or grip a staff and become a Mage. Once you pick you cannot go back. Choice and why?
2- If you could meet anyone of your followers/readers/people you follow, who and why?
3- Dream Cullen date, go!
4- Do you believe readers should comment on your writings? Or are likes/kudos enough?
5- If you had an hour to sit with your favourite character creator from any game, how would you use that time?
6- If you could cosplay one character, who and why?
7- When you sit to write, what is your must haves to work? Coffee/tea, a song, tv in background, what’s your must have thing?
8-Do you follow any of the prominent writters out there? Steven King? R.R Martin? J.K. Rowling? If so, who and why? If not, who would you love to sit and chat with?
9- What time do you feel is the best for your writing? How long do you write for?
10- If you could make one wish come true, but for only one full day, what would you wish for?
Tagging @daisytje @angyvalentine @dorianofminrathous @omnipotentoverlord @queenmelisende @ma-sulevin
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woodworkingpastor · 5 years
Into all the world... Matthew 28:16-20 Second Sunday of Easter April 28, 2019
Prayer of Invocation
We give you all thanks and praise, O God,
for you meet us in our doubts and fill us with life and peace.
You are the one who was and is and is to come—the beginning and the end—who breathed life into the earth and its creatures.
Our ancestors put their trust in you and celebrated your mighty acts of salvation.
You sent your child, Jesus, as a faithful witness to your goodness and love.
He was killed by the powerful, but you raised him, as the firstborn from the dead.
Appearing behind the locked doors of our fear he breathed Holy Spirit into us and commissioned us to carry his words of peace and mercy to the world.
Seated at your right hand as Leader and Savior, he frees us from sin and makes us a kingdom of priests to serve you forever.
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We live in a day where culture can quickly be influenced by new concepts, behaviors, or phrases. Most of us remember how quickly phrases from the TV show Seinfeld worked their way from the show into common speech.  Phrases like “yada yada yada,” “no soup for you,” and “not that there’s anything wrong with that” are still heard in common conversation, all courtesy of Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer.  
With social media, memes became even more common, as catchy phrases can now be attached to a photo and transmitted quickly.  Some of my favorites memes are those who show the results of an embarrassing mistake with the phrase, “You had one job.”
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I hope you noticed the header above our order of worship this morning.  It’s the Second Sunday of Easter.  That’s an important designation to keep in mind, because the church has historically recognized holidays differently than our culture recognizes them.  Our Hallmark culture puts all the emphasis on the days leading up to the holiday—so we get Christmas songs at Thanksgiving and chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps just past Valentine’s Day.  But the church recognizes holidays after the actual day.  Following that logic, the Great Commission is an Easter text; the resurrection of Jesus reminding us the church has one job:  make disciples.
Making disciples was not so easily accomplished for the disciples and those who would follow them in those first years after the resurrection.  The significant problem those Christians faced was that no one knew anything about what they were talking about.  The Jesus movement portrayed in the book of Acts typically began with outreach in the Jewish community—where there was common spiritual ground—but quickly spread to non-Jewish persons, reaching all the way to Rome within a generation and a half of the resurrection.  
The question these Christians wrestled with was “how do we make disciples?” Starting from scratch, the church had to work out things like how do we baptize? What is the proper way to celebrate the Lord’s Supper?  How do we teach others to follow Jesus—to do the things that Jesus did?
It didn’t take long for those believers to write down an instruction manual in Christian discipleship.  It’s called the Didache, meaning “The Teaching.”  In it, the writers cover basic Christian ethics before moving on to give instructions on how to baptize (running water is preferred but pouring is acceptable if you don’t have access to a river); how to serve communion; how to pray; and how to fast.  What I find absolutely fascinating is how it begins.  Of all the points of Christian doctrine the authors might have chosen to emphasize by placing first in the text, they chose these words:
Two ways there are, one of life and one of death, and there is a great difference between the two ways.  Now the way of life is this: first, love the God who made you; secondly, your neighbor as yourself: do not do to another what you do not wish to be done to yourself.
The writers then continue in a way that might lead us to believe that the first Christians were Church of the Brethren:
The lesson of these words is as follows: bless those that curse you, and pray for your enemies; besides, fast for those that persecute you. For what thanks do you deserve when you love those who love you…when anyone gives you a blow on the right cheek, turn to him the other as well, and be perfect…
They then move on to things to avoid: murder, violence, improper sexual relations, stealing, honest speech.  Pretty much everything we might think to include on such a list.
It’s a fascinating read, for it solidly establishes that those who are Jesus’ disciples—that’s all of us—simply make different value judgments on who and what is valuable, and what things Christians can and cannot do because we have surrendered our lives to Jesus.  Even though the document is well over 1800 years old, it has a contemporary feel because these Christian leaders were instructing their new members and their entire congregations on:
telling the truth
not seeking revenge when wronged
keeping sex within the boundaries of marriage
not being envious, not coveting what our neighbors have
seeking the best for those who make our lives difficult.
It describes these Christian qualities in the midst of a culture where doing things differently than these was normal and acceptable.  It’s not just that these behaviors honor God and reflect our transformation; it’s that living this way was different. Being a disciple of Jesus was fundamentally different from the world around them.  
This is something we need to realize today, because signs that our culture is rapidly moving away from anything that resembles Christianity are all around us. We recognize this, but we want to make sure we recognize the correct signs.
David Brooks wrote a very helpful opinion piece in a column entitled Five Lies our Culture Tells, published by the New York Times on April 15.  He begins by observing the amount of despair that is all around us:  college mental health facilities are swamped; suicide rates are spiking; opioid addiction is rampant; our political leaders tell lies daily and we shrug it off.  His thesis is that our current distress is based on lies we tell ourselves about how to be happy: Lies like:
Career success is fulfilling. Work hard in school, get into a good college, make good grades, and find the career of your dreams.  
I can make myself happy. Just win one more game; lose those 15 pounds; or be more faithful at church. Happiness is something to be gained with one more achievement or acquisition.  
Life is an individual journey. Whoever dies with the most interesting experiences wins.
You have to find your own truth. Choose what values and traditions work for you and go with them.  As long as no one is getting hurt, it’s ok.
Rich and successful people are worth more than poorer and less successful people. This one might just be a variation of the first one.  The more you have, the happier you’ll be.
It would be easy to look at the despair around us and throw our hands up in frustration at the prospects of impacting the culture for Christ and the church. We might be sorely tempted to retreat into the safe walls of our congregation and focus on our own lives.  Or we could remember something significant: today is the second Sunday of Easter; Jesus is raised from the dead and has commissioned us exactly for times like these. The fact that it might be more difficult to get people to take an honest look at Christianity these days does not excuse us from the fact that “we have one job: to make disciples.”
It might look like Matthew 28:19-20 is actually giving us four things to do: go, make disciples, baptize, and teach. It’s a bit clearer in the Greek: the primary verb in this sentence is make disciples.  The other verbs, go, baptize, and teach all describe how we make disciples.  And what is remarkable to me in the New Testament is how often disciples are made in living rooms. Not in church sanctuaries or even in Sunday School rooms—although the Spirit moves in those places, too.  The disciple-making energy of New Testament churches was directed toward people gathered in homes, the exact places where people have traditionally formed deep relationships with one another, where traditions and rituals are passed down through the generations, and where people’s value is based on the fact that they are members of a valuable community, each one contributing to the strength of the entire group.
In other words, the church became the place where cultural lies like those David Brooks describes of our day were shown to be false through the manner of our living.  It could do this because of one theological lie of our day of individualism. In the New Testament church, people are not called to become individual believers but are to be enlisted as disciples within the Christian community, whose reception of the Christian message in faith must be actualized in their lives.
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The church has one job: make disciples. Taking this job seriously makes us realize that a faithful church is more focused on transformed lives, not Sunday morning attendance. So how do we get there?  One way might be to figure out how to free people up to have more dinners with our neighbors.  Spending more time at home gathered around the dining room table with our families and our friends, not having so many church activities and meetings that we’re always rushing back here after work for another meeting.  We are surrounded by people who might not be interested in coming to church, but might be curious about someone who has found that joy is found in things like
long-standing deep friendships;
friends who love us enough to tell us when we’re acting like jerks—and whom we love enough to believe them when they say it;
satisfaction found in things other than our career, or our car, or our latest purchase or vacation;
I’ve met a lot of people who aren’t all that interested in church.  But I’ve hardly met anyone who wouldn’t let me pray for them when things were going badly in their lives. That says something.  
What can we do to meet more people like this? Brothers and sisters, we have one job!
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Hello you~ :). I hope you are having a nice day. I wanted to request a headcanon with a mexican, I just think the latinamerican part of the fandom needs a little bit more of love. Thank you in advance. :D.
hey there, hun~ I’m always up for giving some love to my latinx fam and I hope I didn’t fuck up too much, anon! if I did please inform me so I can fix it right away. Have a nice day as well! (btw since you didn’t specify, I included the usual babes).
- Admin Cat Mom.
almost passes out when he sees you greeting other guys with a kiss on the cheek.
what the heck mc he feels Betrayed.
doesn’t know a lot about mexico aside from the food.
so ofc first thing he asks is for you to make him some tacos.
but like the real thing please.
tries to look up recipes online to cook you a proper mexican meal.
it doesn’t work out well bUT it’s the gesture that counts, right? RIGHT?
it’s super easy to trick him into cursing in spanish lmao and it’s the cutest thing, he swears he’s saying the cheesiest stuff to you.
can’t keep his eyes off of you.
you swear you’ve caught him drooling more than once.
the kind of guy to call you exotic and shiz.
brags about you to literally everyone??? except men because they’re all wolves.
seriously this man needs to calm down a bit.
gets all hot and bothered every time you say the slightest thing in spanish, like enough to make him leave the room, otherwise he’s afraid he’ll unleash the beast.
unless you want him to.
if this bothers you he promises to tone himself down.
also apologizes because all he knows about latin america relates to beautiful women and passion and love and whatnot.
does an effort to actually learn about mexico and is fascinated.
is pretty chill about it.
your mornings consist of you making breakfast together and dancing around the kitchen to some cumbias or latin pop songs, among other tunes you both enjoy.
there’s no dancing before the coffee though.
you tend to repeat this routine before dinner, and during weekends, and basically whenever you’re bored.
once she got so into a song she sang a line in spanish but it was so bad that her face went entirely red.
she wanted the earth to swallow her up.
loves mexican sweets and pastries!! 
flan is her favorite.
has you asking your relatives to send you snacks, and also ingredients so you can bake some recipes you’ve mentioned in the past.
knows a little bit of spanish and tries to exercise his skills with you.
he’s bad but he compensates it with confidence.
watches mexican novelas with elizabeth the 3rd behind your back to try and learn more about you and your culture.
…has no idea what’s going on, even elizabeth looks perplexed.
decides it’s better to simply ask you about what he wants to know.
starts projects and deals with latin american companies.
that being said, he takes you with him during business trips.
asks you what he can do to make you feel more at home.
culture shock is a thing, he’s aware of it, and he wouldn’t want you to feel sad or homesick while staying at south korea.
heard something about a group in facebook for latinos in korea and suggests you to join and share your experiences.
this boy knows no chill whatsoever.
never misses an opportunity to troll you.
exchanging memes is basically your thing, that’s how you bond now, apparently.
[ignores you in spanish]
[cries in korean]
pretends to be scared of you when you get angry.
well it looks like someone’s getting his ass whooped.
probs knows spanish so you can kind of communicate and sing songs with you.
disney movies in spanish? siGN HIM TF UP.
“let’s start with Aladdin, MC, so we can recreate Un Mundo Ideal together.”
all jokes aside, he embraces this side of you, it’s a part of who you are and you’re precious to him so??
has never been to mexico but knows his fair share of information.
cannot!! believe!! you come from such a beautiful place!!
fantastic excuse to go on a trip and take millions of pictures together.
soft boi is fascinated by your culture and you.
spanish is hard but he tries.
and he giggles and stammers and gets all blushed, it’s adorable.
the kind of guy to shamelessly dance with you in the middle of the street.
it doesn’t matter if you have two left feet, he sucks as well and honestly, who cares? you’re there to have fun.
is eager to meet your family.
enjoys every meal, every drink and every snack you make him try.
will probably miss the food when he’s back home.
promises to show you the entirety of south korea next time.
not really a big deal for him.
it doesn’t matter where you come from you’re still annoyingly cute.
lowkey curious about your culture though.
since he’s a sickly bean, you have to take care of him often.
and the first time you rub vicks vaporub on his chest he gets quite overwhelmed to say the least.
“what wait that feels weird ew get away from me.”
“…no wait now it feels nice.”
not a fan of spicy food because it makes him sick but he has a few bites just for you.
one day he shows up wearing a sombrero and a poncho, he looks so pissed and he’s blushing… is he trying to impress you? maybe.
“saeyoung made me wear this.”
“no, honey…… what did we talk about… taking advice from your brother?”
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