#now i can make informed spending decisions 😂
fryday · 4 months
Not to speculate (as I speculate) but I really don't think they would have just shared something like that if it was really serious. If it was serious, it most definitely would have been a big relationship issue and I honestly don't think they would have shared it at all. Phil's phrasing makes me think it was less a concrete plan but more Dan just wanting to experience living on his own after spending literally his entire adult life living with Phil. If you think about it, he has literally never lived on his own, from his parents house, to uni with roommates and also basically living with Phil, to now. I also felt this probably took place around ii, maybe around the time they were talking about finally buying their own place, maybe around the same time he wanted to cancel the tour? and that it might have generally just been a confusing time for him, but what do I know :)
no you're right, they weren't talking about the situation with the amount of gravitas befitting it, if it were actually serious. i'm guessing the fact that it was even considered enough to be verbalised was enough for phil to bring it up in the spill or kill, because it's truly insane and unthinkable!! dan moving out????? even as a joke???? i need to tell our followers about this, they'll go insane (and that we did)
he really has never lived on his own and at this rate he's not gonna (but he's so happy with that and good for him :')) wad was really good for him i think because he did get to experience that solo life for a while, and came to the conclusion from proper experience that nope, he's good spending his life with phil, and went back to him :'))))) it was an informed decision
yeah there were so many things happening around ii time, and dan was not in the best place with a lot of it. i can see it happening. different people keep bringing up good points as to what era phil might have been referring to and now idek anymore 😭😂
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dereliction-if · 5 months
Hi Sai 👋
I'll be honest (kind of ashame for admitting it) my MCs are more like Self-sona of me 😅 what ? can't i imagine living in a fantasy world like everybody thought at least once ? Isekai you know lol
i get as close as possible from what i look like, with the few/multiple options i'm given + the Thaoraq features. For the personality, i take the choice close to what i could have probably answer IRL or decide to act like a badass/outspoken girl during some decisions all the while keeping a sweet personality most of the Time.
So yeah the main personality traits are : kind, polite and quiet/introvert (with some badass here and there)
In a world like Dereliction and with how much info i know, i think a sweet MC can be possible. Mainly in childhood with the parents who are lovely ones, but also with some of the ROs (i'll talk about them next paragraph) especially if they are close to MC or not seeking conflict with MC.
In order of romance :
Solas (because childhood Friend to lover is a sweet one and the most lavable RO in IF)
M!Jia (because puppy love is cute and a sweet MC could work well with him)
Darius (the romance just sound sweet to me)
M!Havu (i can fix him.. Nah just kidding. Because i believe a sweet MC could be a nice change in a certain way ?)
+ imagine the guilt/heartwrenching feeling after using/hurting MC (like Alex in his route with a sweet MC) 😏
I would like to know more about Serjan, he married a Thaoraq so his love life could be also some type of what if would possibly happen if MC dates Solas for example.
I would also like to know Gareth (buddy has a name but not a face or presentation)
More about the parents too specially the dad with all the bullshit he goes through as King's right arm.
Now to know in game or not, well it just depends of the information which will be share or given to me during our regular conspiracy theory share ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
YOUR MC & some LORE!
Damn Sarah,
thanks for the insight! I loved reading your perspective.
I know it may still be hard to create a specific Mc with that little details you have, but yeah, self inserting is actually a way i find very fascinating. I think it offers a good opportunity to learn something about ourselves. So yeah I'll root for you and your Mc đŸ˜‚đŸ«¶đŸ»
I think your Mc will def encounter some... challenging situations in this world, but also very heartwarming ones for sure.
Your choice of ROs will also allow you to discover a lot of lore hidden deep down in this world. People who just play one path or focus on spending time with just one character will risk missing out on some mysteries, drama, politics and more. So you have a good cut here!
Ah your uncle Serjan, yes...
Him and your aunt have a very fulfilled life. Yk all the cheesy fully in love thingy đŸ’đŸ»â€â™€ïž your uncle is absolutely smitten with your aunt. Her strong personality, unique sense of humour and overall cheerful demeanour is what had your uncle fall for her. Your uncle on the other side is rather reserved and observing, yet warm and soft to those he cares about.
He is the finest armourer in the country, his craftsmanship well-known beyond the kingdom. He primarily works for the king personally, as well as for his guards. Your aunt on the other hand is a scholar, specialized in history and politics, working at the court. They own a little house a bit away from the castle, in the middle of the city, halfway to the nearby forest.
đŸ€” what else? Their relationship to your parents is solid, warm, even though work doesn't allow to see each other too often, they make sure to visit as much as possible and on special occasions.
You and your parents live in another city / town...
Your father and the Lord have a good relationship overall. It's a respectful and loyal one. It's not always easy tho because while your father is his subordinate, he does not hold back with his opinion when he considers it to be the right thing. Luckily your father has the knowledge and experience to prove his point. So far so good, right ?
Oh Gareth... yeah, that boy works for your father. The best way to describe his position would be to call him your father's squire. And your babysitter lmao He is around 6 years older than you. And well, he actually likes you. Why? I don't know... you tell me! He's a confident boy unless he's in the presence of your father. He is always up to no good, has a lot of friends, who you'll also meet, and I would describe him an optimist.
Hope that was a bit of an insight for you đŸ˜âœŒïž
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treewithabark · 9 months
Just an unnecessarily long post about dog gear I want- scroll by if you don’t want my ramble
So in feb I’m gonna have a treat yo self month because it be my birthday, and I may have a lil extra spending money from working a bunch of overtime during Christmas (I am knackered but I needed the cash and work needed my assistance)
And seeing as no-one likes buying me dog gear as Christmas/birthday gifts I’m gonna buy myself these nice things.
I wanna get Juno a lovely leather collar, nefjas person sent me a link to a German company who make elk leather collars in a martingale style??? Absolute perfection. I’ve been a sucker for martingales for a couple of years now and am reluctant to turn back.
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What a delectable collar. So chic. So stylish. Fancy collar for my non-fancy mutt to strut about the town with (no flooded field walks for that collar)
Gonna pair it with a brand new cute dog tag because Juno currently wears Hana’s old one. I think after a year she’s earned her own tag, don’t you think?
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Lookit!!! So cute!! It’s not Juniper tree but it’s close enough (don’t tell my partner, the tree surgeon, I said that). Would look so good with the collar.
And since my mendota lead is looking real ropey (haha, because it’s a rope?) I’m gonna treat myself to a new one. It’s served me so well but I did not look after it. Now it smells and is fraying and the leather by the clasp is loose. It just looks a mess. Love my mendota lead, don’t love that I’ve destroyed it. I did dabble with the idea of an adjustable lead but they’re all flat and I’m sorry but round leads are superior. I’m not ready to go back to flat. Mendota so comfy, mendota so röund, medota have goldish clasp to match tag and collar ring.
But do I stop the spending there?? I’ve been gagging for a ruffwear backpack but my lord £100 for a backpack??? I know it’s quality, built to last, and most importantly designed to minimise injury but it’s a rather frivolous spend.
My reasoning is that added weight to some walks may help reduce some pulling, she’s so much better but still gets excitable. It can be useful if we wanna go on longer hikes once my partner and I have time to do some weekends away. Carrying water etc. I really want to do a camping getaway at some point and having her carry her own food is adorable and practical. But also it could be useful on days where we want or need to be a bit lazier. Dog needs exercising but we’re burned out/ill? Cool, mile and a half sniffy walk with lightly packed backpack. If I wanna tire her out because we have plans and need her nice and calm? Boom, backpack walk.
Also, backpack cute. Backpack could have patches. Backpack bring joy to look at. Backpack make chronically ill days much easier.
Oh there’s also an adorable martingale collar on Etsy that I want. An unnecessary purchase but I so rarely find a martingale I really really like (I’m picky okay)
But there are things that I could spend my money on that is (arguably) needed more. Waterproof longline, new treat pouch, new walking boots because mine are leaky, dog toys that serve a purpose more than “it squeaks and can be thrown”. I also need a haircut and new prescription glasses but it’s more fulfilling to spend money on the dog.
GAH! Maybe I’ll win the lottery on Friday and I can buy it all. But until then I gotta budget and make informed purchases.
Anyway I just wanted to rant to the void because I usually do all this in my head but I wanna get more active on tumblr and sometimes airing these thoughts helps make decisions. And if you suddenly see me posting Juno in 4k completely decked out in new gear in the mountains? I’ve won the lottery, quit work to travel with dog that has a whole new wardrobe, captured on a top of the line point and shoot 😂
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fervency-if · 1 year
You're such a kind soulđŸ˜©Your words are healing my parent's issues(💀'cus it's both of them). Thank you for being so welcoming. Somehow, talking to you feels like I'm talking to a famous person😂I mean, in a sense you are famous, don't know how many readers you have but in my mind is a headcanon that you're known among the IF community.
Talking about our dear Elan, I saw that you updated the gameđŸ„°I'll play it as soon as I finish this message, I'm missing him rn😔I was romancing the Psysichian in my second playthrough, but as as soon Elan's deathbed scene comes up, I drop everything to save that man lol
Then I'll keep up supporting you guys💗I follow at least 12 IF blogs, I need to learn how to type faster if I plan on messaging all of you💀but the time I spend typing isn't nearly half the time ya'll spend writing those masterpiecesđŸ€ŒđŸŒ
Is really nice, isn't it? Sometimes our names can tell a little something about us.
Oh! If you were in the Physician's shoes, what would do? Dying from plague really isn't a great way to go, but not everyone had the chance to say if they wanted the Nocturnal life for themselves since there's isn't much explanation before the bloodletting.
Kinda giggling now remembering Twilight because Edward spent 24/7 thinking about the dilemma of turning Bella, he felt as if he was condemning her soul to Hell😭
That's really impressive😼Writing is a skill that can be learnt and polished along the way, but I do think some people are naturally inclined to it. Is writing something you always liked to do?
I'm glad you're having fun with it, you're the author so you enjoying your story as much as your readers do is a mustđŸ„°
😔there you go again soothing my nerves in asking things, you feed your public way too good.
Oooh I see!I was quite surprised when Roswhen turned out to be a cannibal, I thought they would thirst for blood since I choose that option and was the one to bloodlett them. Kinda nonsense on my part since the Physician did the same with Aubrey and he turned to be a Cannibal lol
Hahah, a fun find indeed! Thank you for the bonus information, getting to know your characters and ideas has been quite fun đŸ«‚
Oh! And I'd like to know, which one of your RO's would you romance? Since you like it so much making your audience thirst over the whole cast, let's turn the tables nowđŸ„ž
Aah, right back at you, so are you! (Or bounce back, as our friend Elan would have said.) It's always nice getting asks from you! 🌾 (Aw...) Haha, ah, that is fun I must say! I am not one of the 'bigger names,' so to speak, but I definitely have more readers than I thought I would have, which, of course, is beautiful to me!
I'll put the rest of the reply below a cut, since it got long:
I hope you will enjoy spending some more time with Elan and the others - I bet he would be flattered to hear that people missed him! Oh, that's the 'trouble,' or how to put it, when a game has more than one love interest that one likes, isn't it! It doesn't always go as planned, haha! I certainly don't blame you!
That really is kind of you, to take the time to do that! đŸ«¶ Hehe, aw!
You're right about that - sometimes little secrets, even, in a sense.
Oh, that's an interesting and tricky question, regarding what I would do if I were in the Physician's shoes... I would definitely want to be less secretive than her, that much I know; I would certainly try to be as upfront as I could from the start, and I would want people to be as well-informed as possible - not that it would be easy in certain situations, since many of her patients are delirious or actively dying without any time to think such a decision through. I would have too much of a bleeding heart to simply ignore the sick and go on with my day, even though the alternative isn't exactly ideal either...
Haha! I was unaware of that, I never read those books! Aah what a dilemma the vampires have...!
Aw, thank you! Yes, I have always been interested in writing; even before I learned how to read and write at age four, apparently I sat in my bed telling stories to my stuffed animals according to my parents, so it seems as if I have always wanted to get some stories out.
I feel very happy that I'm this motivated regarding my story - I think the fact that it's an interactive novel helps me combating writer's block since there are much alternative text and different ways to go; it's harder to find myself stuck when there is more to do, hehe.
You really are sweet! 🍀
I would say it made sense for you to be surprised about that even so, since it would have made a lot of sense for them to become a vampire, so I certainly wouldn't call it nonsense!
My pleasure - I'm glad you found it fun to read! đŸ«¶
Ooh, let's see here! That's a tricky question in a sense, who I would romance, since I love all my character the same amount, but seeing this from an outside perspective, how I would have played the game if it wasn't mine and I didn't know what I know right now, thinking about the playstyle I would pick... I think I will have to say Aubrey, because I wouldn't be able to resist playing as an absolutely unhinged and ravenous character during my first playthrough, haha, just embracing each and every craving, and since Aubrey is and does just that, they would be quite compatible, my character and him... So chances are that his romance would come quite naturally to the sort of character I would amuse myself with!
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imjustasimpxd · 2 years
hello my lauvv 😚 i came here to request maybe extroverted characters of your choice with an introverted reader 👀
You said character(s) so I took it upon myself to write two prompts for you with Eijiro Kirishima and Satoru Gojo because I know you love those two in particular😌
This took me like a whole week to write because I wanted to makes sure I gave you the best I could, however I’m finally done now, so here you go, enjoyyyyâ˜ș
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Title : Social Battery
Pairing : Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Satoru Gojo x Reader
Summary : Just some introverted x extroverted scenarios for my BestieđŸ€
Word count : For Kirishima’s - 1,600 words / For Gojo’s - 2,200 words / Both - 3,900 words
Warnings : For Kirishima’s - Mainly fluff, some angst. / For Gojo’s - Some angst, this one is a little more “spicy”, has some implied stuff at the end but that’s it.
Author’s notes : Reblogs are appreciated!! I appreciate all feedback on my writing so that I can know what you guys liked and what you think I should improve on😊
Disclaimer : This is a work of fiction and should in no way, shape, or form, be taken seriously.
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Eijiro Kirishima -
“Hey Kiri?” Your head poked through the bathroom door, watching your husband thoroughly brushing his teeth at the counter.
“Hmm?” He hummed in response, not able to speak due to the toothpaste flooding his mouth.
“Should I wear something fancy or something more casual?” You asked curiously, unsure of how to dress since important information such as what you’d be doing had been hidden from you.
He giggled, spitting the last of his toothpaste into the sink before washing off his toothbrush and glancing back at you. “Either one! What about your nice red dress?” His eyes brightened, excitement flowing through him as he thought about seeing you in it.
“Alrighty I’ll wear that one then,” You laughed, a smile curving at your lips from the way he was acting. “Although it would be nice to know where we were actually going ya know?” You explained, trying once again to find out any possible hints you could.
“Sorry pebble,” He smiled, “you won’t get me to tell you that easily.”
“Fine.” You sighed in defeat, watching him wipe his face with a towel before hanging it nicely back on the rack. “I guess I’ll go get ready if you really don’t wanna tell me. ” You retreated back into the bedroom, hearing him chuckle at your nonstop attempts to get him to spill his secret.
“Be ready in 30 minutes please!” He shouted from the bathroom, earning a loud “I will” in return.
For the past few weeks, ever since Eijiro got his new promotion at work, your daily schedules had drastically changed. Because of his new patrol hours, he wasn’t able to be home as often as he usually was, which resulted in the two of you not being able to spend much time together. It wasn’t exactly the most enjoyable arrangement, however you both agreed it was for the best, especially considering how many more opportunities his promotion gave him.
Even though you both talked it over and decided he should take the job, your husband still always hated having to come home so late, even more so when he would find you asleep on the couch after attempting to wait up for him.
It had been a while since the two of you were able to spend any quality time together besides rushed greetings and goodbyes, and after finding your singular dinner plate in the sink for the third time this week, he quickly decided enough was enough.
His decision soon led to him coming home a whole three hours early, surprising you just before you were preparing to make dinner for yourself and telling you he was going to take you out on a surprise date. Before you could even respond he told you there was no getting out of it, as if you’d ever even think about skipping out on a date with him anyways. However when you asked where you’d be going he refused to tell you, claiming he had set everything up to be a surprise for you.
So here you were now, getting dressed and ready for a date that you’d been left completely clueless on what to expect.
Considering how he told you that dressing fancy would be okay, you figured putting on a little extra makeup was suitable for this particular date. However what you didn’t expect was the look of pure admiration you found in your husband’s eyes once you came to tell him you finished getting ready.
“Y-you look so beautiful..” He stuttered, his lips parting from the shock of witnessing you before him.
Maybe it was because the two of you had barely seen each other in the past few weeks, or maybe it was just because of the way that dress complimented your figure all too well. Either way, Kirishima seemed like he was about ready to fall over, swearing you appeared even more beautiful now than you did the first moment he met you.
A light shade of pink appeared across your cheeks when he continued his staring. “Thank you.” You answered with a flattered tone, “So um, can you tell me where we’re going now?” You spoke, changing the topic to divert his attention away from the blush surging under your cheeks.
“Oh yeah-“ He quickly snapped out of his trance, repositioning his posture and fixing his tie before finally explaining. “Well you know that local restaurant near the edge of town? They’re having this big event tonight for couples. There’s gonna be a bunch of dancing and this big auction dinner! I think they’ll even be letting us do karaoke too! A lot of my co-workers are going there tonight so I figured we could go try it out together!”
“Oh..” An unsettling feeling drooped in your stomach when you heard his plans for the night.
Karaoke? Live dancing? Nothing was wrong with those things themselves, you actually were quite good at dancing and enjoyed it. However, thinking about doing it in front of strangers? Especially if some of those strangers would be your husband’s co-workers? The very thought twisted your insides into a harsh knot.
Not only were you scared of meeting new people in general, but when some of those people were important figures in your husband’s life, it didn’t necessarily make you feel less uneasy about socializing.
You knew you’d be too preoccupied with trying to appear professional or say the right thing that you wouldn’t even be able to enjoy the date itself, however there wasn’t any reasonable excuse you could give as to why you shouldn’t go.
You were at a loss on what to do. Surely you couldn’t turn your own husband down on his plans, the smile on his face itself told you that much. However you would’ve preferred a quiet dinner instead, maybe one where you didn’t have to worry about whether or not you’d embarrass yourself in front of others. One that consisted of only you and the man you loved.
But how were you supposed to tell him that?
You knew he was excited about taking you, and in all honesty you were excited to spend time with him
 just not there
The date itself sounded fun, however adding that tiny little element of being surrounded by other people made it all that much less appealing to you. If you went, you knew there’d no doubt be an ever present sense of anxiety that’d last the entire night, ruining your ability to enjoy yourself with so many people staring you down.
But how could you possibly decline his offer like that?
Eijiro’s voice entered the air, making you realize you’d been so caught up in your thoughts that you’d forgotten to give him an answer.
“What’s wrong? Does that not sound good to you?” He asked, fragments of concern fusing with his tone of voice.
On instinct you spoke up, not wanting to make him feel like you hated his idea. “No no it’s not that I just-“ However you quickly paused before finishing.
You didn’t want to lie and say you couldn’t be happier about going when that wasn’t how you really felt. However you didn’t want to upset him either.
You didn’t know what to do. It felt like a loss no matter which way you chose.
Would it be selfish of you to ask to do something else instead? Would you ruin the night he worked hard to plan for you?
Your eyes quickly welled up with tears. Maybe he should’ve just stayed at work instead of coming home early, then you wouldn’t have to disappoint him like this...
“Darling are you okay??” Your husband quickly rushed to your side after noticing your saddened expression, his hands reaching up to cup your face as he spoke. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
This was it, this was your chance to tell him the truth. You should take it shouldn’t you?
A soft gulp jerked at your throat, your trembling lips parting to tell him how you really felt. “I wanna go, but I’m just nervous about being around so many people, I’m sorry Eiji.” Your voice cracked, the first tear finally slipping down your cheek as your eyes met with his.
“Oh y/n..” His arms quickly snuck around your figure, pulling you close to rest against his chest. “You don’t have to be sorry, it was just a suggestion alright?” He explained, gently running his fingers through your hair to reassure you. “I’m fine with doing something else if that’s what you want.”
What did you ever do to deserve this man? You just turned down his date night plans and here he was, acting just as gentle and loving as always.
“Are you sure?” You asked, your face still hiding against his chest.
He quickly stepped back, pulling you away from him so he could look you in the eyes. “Yes I’m sure. I don’t care what we do, I just want us to spend time together alright?” He explained, placing his hand against your cheek once more to wipe away the remaining tears.
A sigh of relief fell past your lips, leaning forward to hug him again after hearing his words. “Thank you.” Your voice cracked, your grip around him growing tighter.
“Did you really think I’d be mad at you?” He asked with a chuckle, almost as if he was in disbelief.
His eyes widened at your confession, feeling guilty to hear you were afraid to tell him how you felt “Aww y/n..” He captured you in his arms, pulling you close enough to dissolve every gap between you both. “I would never get mad at that, I promise. Why don’t we go out to dinner instead? Does that sound better?”
Your hands retracted from their place across his back, glancing up at him before speaking. “Yeah I’d like that.”
“Alright then, thank you for telling me.” He smiled, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss against forehead. “I’ll go make us a reservation.”
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Satoru Gojo -
An exhausted sigh quickly escaped your lips as you opened the front door, tossing your keys on the side table and placing your bag onto the floor.
Work could always be pretty trying at times, however today was especially exhausting. People were rude, the place was busier than normal, and everything seemed to be piling up. All of it drained you of your energy, resulting in you immediately flopping down onto the couch the moment you got home.
“Finally.” you mumbled to yourself as you leaned back against the cushion, closing your eyes to finally relax.
After the stressful day you’ve had, the only thing you wanted to do was to rest in complete silence, taking some time to unwind. However, unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen, especially when you’re married to Satoru Gojo

“Babe!!” A loud voice comes booming from upstairs, along with the sound of footsteps sprinting across the floor. “Babe I totally forgot! I have a work party we have to go to!” His body quickly rushed into the living room, stopping in front of the couch you were sitting on.
Your eyes opened to find his presence standing before you, his face plastered with a frantic expression. “We?” You groaned, realizing he was implying that you had to go as well.
“Yeah it starts in an hour, now hurry and go get dressed so we’re not late!” His words sounded more like a forceful demand. However you knew he wasn’t meaning to be rude, just stressed to make it to his event on time.
Normally you didn’t mind going to events like that, it wasn’t necessarily your thing of course but you knew it was important to him so you usually just sucked it up and went.
However tonight was different. Tonight you had absolutely no desire to do anything but rest after the events of your workday. To say you were exhausted was an understatement, your eyes felt like they were practically shutting on their own as you laid against the couch.
“Do I have to go this time Toru? I’m really tired.” You sighed, hoping he’d understand you weren’t just trying to get out of going.
“But I’d be bored if you didn’t come.” He pouted, his crystal eyes sparkling with innocence.
“Then why don’t we both stay here?” You suggested, praying he would take you up on your offer.
However despite your protests, Satoru quickly crawled onto the couch, situating himself in the spot next to you.
“What’re you doing now?” You groaned, recognizing that mischievous gleam in his eyes before he started leaning forward.
“Persuading you.” A smirk stretched across his features as his body moved closer to yours. His hand settled along the back of your head while his lips quickly fell to your neck, planting small kisses along your skin.
You knew he was only doing this to convince you to go, but after such a long day, you couldn’t help but melt into his touch. The way his lips softly traveled around your neck felt like that final moment of relaxation you had been longing for. He was so gentle with it, so persuasive. A soft exhale escaped your lips when he traveled down to your collarbone, leaving tender kisses there as well.
He could tell how much you were enjoying it, and you hated that. He always knew exactly how to convince you into things and you cursed yourself for being so easy to please.
After leaving a few more gentle pecks along your skin his lips quickly halted their movement, pulling away from your body and allowing his beautiful eyes to stare back at you.
A quiet pout painted across your face when he stopped his previous actions, leaving you slightly annoyed that he didn’t keep it up for as long as you’d hoped he would.
“Now y/n, if you want more of that later you’ll have to go to the event with me.” He taunted, placing his finger under your chin and lifting your head to look at him better. “I’ll consider it your payment for going. So what d’ya say huh?” A troublesome smirk stretched across his lips after he spoke, proud to know he’d given you an offer you’d have a hard time declining.
Usually this is the part where you would’ve put up a fight, refusing to let him get his way so easily. However with the exhaustion festering inside your body, you simply didn’t have the strength to try and resist him tonight. Besides, you wouldn’t have dared say it out loud, but that “payment” he was bribing you with sounded all too good to let slip away. Better to just save yourself the energy and give in, right?
“Fine, I’ll go.” You rolled your eyes, slowly moving to lift yourself from the couch.
“Thank you!!” He cheered like a little kid, placing one last kiss to your cheek before pushing you upstairs as he yelled “Now cmon we’re gonna be late!”
You had to rush a little bit while getting ready, since your husband decided to remember the whole thing at the last minute. However you still managed to pull together a suitable outfit for the occasion, one that you caught Satoru making eyes at throughout the night.
It actually wasn’t too bad when you first got there. Sure the large crowds of people made you a bit nervous, but as long as you had Satoru with you then you were fine. You mainly stuck to his side as the night went on, keeping your arm linked with his and allowing him to do the talking of any conversations people started with the two of you.
Of course there was the occasional “I’m good, how are you?” and other questions that limited conversations to only a few words, but besides that, you didn’t necessarily speak up that often.
As expected, your husband didn’t seem to mind that you left all the talking to him. He couldn’t go one second without making conversation with someone, eager to show you off to each and every one of his co-workers.
All of them seemed to appear so welcoming, greeting you with a warm expression and complimenting you excessively throughout the night.
In return you offered a friendly smile and a polite nod, however there were many times you had to result to using your words after realizing they were expecting a longer response to all of their questions.
You tried your best to remain genuine, however as the event started to drag on for another hour, you could feel your body growing even more drained by the minute. Your social battery was emptying quickly and there was nothing you could do to reverse it, no outlet to charge it back up again. Because of it, your responses quickly became shorter, some not even longer than five words. Your voice seemed to quiet down as well, the tone sounding more annoyed instead of simply tired.
Despite your efforts to avoid it, people quickly were put off by your actions, assuming your lack of speaking was due to a product of rudeness on your part. Or there was also the possibility lingering in their minds that Satoru had gossiped about them to you, probably telling you all these terrible things about them which resulted in you now depriving them of respect. You probably thought so highly of yourself didn’t you? That’s why you insisted on refusing to talk to them, right?
That’s what they assumed, when in reality that just wasn’t the case

You already aren’t much of a people person in general, but that trait becomes especially heightened when you’re tired.
It’s not like you were intentionally ignoring them, you just aren’t much of a conversationalist anyways and meeting new people made you a little uneasy sometimes.
However they just couldn’t see that without you having to spell it out..
“Is it just me or was Satoru’s wife ignoring us?”
“She said like two things then didn’t speak for the rest of the time.”
“She honestly looks like she doesn’t wanna be here.”
“Maybe she doesn’t. She’s barely said anything to anyone but her husband.”
Despite their attempts to whisper, you heard every one of their conversations, and all of them consisted of the same topic
The last thing you wanted was to even go to this party in the first place, but you went anyway to support you husband. However now, instead of realizing the fact that you were simply just tired, others seemed to silently accuse you of being impolite towards them.
You just couldn’t take it anymore. The nervousness of meeting new people combined with the aching exhaustion traveling throughout your body, and now the false accusations people were happy to come up with soon became all too overwhelming.
What you needed was to get away immediately, to take a break from this uncomfortable environment you’d found yourself in.
“Satoru?” You spoke quietly, tugging at the edge of his sleeve to get his attention.
His eyes quickly met yours, head tilting downwards to glimpse you staring up at him. “Yes, love?”
“Can we go home please?”
At first he thought you were just messing with him, maybe even trying to get him to leave so you could receive that “payment” he promised you earlier if you came with him. However when his eyes settled upon you, examining the anxious expression painted across your face, he quickly realized you were serious.
“Did someone upset you?” He immediately asked, urgency lacing with his tone as he prepared himself to deal with anyone who had bad mouthed you.
“I just wanna go home.” You repeated, eyes filling with a desperate plea in hopes that he would cooperate.
He could obviously tell something was wrong, but he didn’t quite realize what it was until he caught that familiar sense of fatigue surrounding your eyes. Your body was shaking as it clung to his arm, your face showing evident signs of exhaustion as well.
That’s when he understood what he’d done
 how he might’ve gone too far when he’d tried to force you to show up to his event despite the clear signs that you were too overworked to do so.
A wave of guilt quickly washed over him as he witnessed the state you were in
 and how he was the one who caused it.
“Of course, let’s go.” He reached his hand to find yours, squeezing it reassuringly before heading towards the doorway.
After the both of you had left, Satoru spent the entire car ride home apologizing for making you go to his event. He even kept it up when you walked through the doorway, repeating his sincerest apologies again and again in case it wasn’t enough for you the first time.
 you don’t have to keep apologizing I said it’s fine.” You turned around to face him after walking through the front door.
“I know, but I just feel bad for forcing you.” He confessed for the millionth time, his tone sounding just as guilty as when he said it the first time.
A soft sigh escaped your lips at his words. Here he was, making a big deal out of it when you already explained to him that you’re fine. Yes you were tired and he made you go, but you’re home now so what does it matter? Your only goal in asking him to leave was simply to get away from all those people, not to make him feel guilty.
You just didn’t have the energy to be social at the time, that’s all, however he seems to think otherwise. That look in your eyes when you asked him to take you home must’ve been all too painful for him to witness, causing him to think you were angry with him instead of simply wanting to leave.
“I already said I forgive you alright?” Your tone was gentle, your hand stretching to rest against his cheek as you spoke. “Let’s just put it behind us okay?” You offered him a soft smile, feeling the warmth of his skin simmering under your fingers.
“Okay..” He responded, although still maintaining that guilty expression across his face despite his agreement to move on.
You quickly rolled your eyes at his stubbornness. You already told him around five hundred times that you had forgiven him, but here he was still pouting like a baby about it.
You knew he wasn’t gonna let it go, that you’d have to end his suffering by changing the subject, so to put him out of his misery you quickly decided to take action. Your body suddenly moved closer to his, allowing your hands to settle against his chest and slowly making your way to his collar.
His face suddenly softened at your actions, silently watching as you undid every last one of the buttons on his shirt. After your work was finished, you eagerly reached up to his shoulders, pulling the fabric off his body entirely to reveal his mesmerizing figure underneath.
“What’re you doing?” He raised an eyebrow at you, not stopping you of course but still curious to know your intentions.
Before giving him a straight answer, you placed your lips against his, giving him a soft peck on the lips before responding with..
“I think it’s about time for my “payment” don’t you think?”
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
Fuck, marry, kill
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It’s the way I’ve answered this specific question for this trio three times now, and it just never gets any easier 😂 Look, I’m marrying all three. And that’s that. 
FUCK - Santi. I just don’t think this man is ready to settle down, so we’ll settle for the next best option—a spicy rendezvous or two whenever he’s in town. Is it going to be in the back of his truck or a bar bathroom? Likely. But hey, beggars can’t be choosers. I’ll take what I can get. 
MARRY - Benny. There’s just simply not a reality that exists where I can turn down marrying Benny Miller. He’s the kind of guy that’ll never let you go once he has you, and he’ll spend every single damn day making sure you know you’re the most important person in his life. 
KILL - Frankie. Baby. You perfect man. You wonderful human being. I regret to inform you that I’ve had to make an incredibly difficult decision. I hope you can forgive me. (See below for redemption.)
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FUCK - Benny Miller. Look, he seems like the kind of guy who can show me a good time. He’d take me on some adorable date beforehand like mini golf/arcade and then ice cream and I’d be forced to give in when he breathed the same air as me and nothing more.
MARRY - Francisco Morales. Give me my grumpy pilot forever and always. I adore him with my entire soul, would like to cuddle until he feels better and my fingers through his hair as he sleeps. I love him so much sometimes it transcends reason.
KILL - I’m so sorry Santi. Benny won out by a hair for being the one to go down the mountain alone to check for the boat on the mission you dragged everyone to and allowed that moron who shan’t be named to fuck it up. You’re still ridiculously hot with THE most impressive dump truck ass regardless of this decision.
Join the sleepover extravaganza!
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liodain · 2 years
Listen, I feel like turnabout is fair play and I’m insatiably curious, so: What are YOUR top five songs from the F&F Extended Music Verse and why? đŸ–€
THIS IS HARD, I'M SORRY FOR DOING THIS TO YOU. REVENGE WAS WARRANTED 💙 I'm gonna have to make an elimination table for the two remaining spots, but here's three for now 😂  under the cut for length and F&F spoilers.
Woke Up a Rebel - Reuben and the Dark
This is my Hugo song!! You wanna talk about on the nose lyrics? Watch this.
I love how the chorus maps to the major periods of Hugo's life: I died like a saint - his induction into the fold as a kid, being fed brine that could've killed him: his martyr theme; was reborn a devil - those decadent, bloodsoaked pirate days, also foreshadowing his discovery of Vidakai and being 'reborn' from Furysworn to Forsworn; slept like a slave - keeping his head down in the navy for six long years while he plots; and woke up a rebel - finally setting all his plans in motion and shaking up the status quo of both navy and fold
The verses though???
The blood will not dry / and time will not heal / I want to be free / but the blood will not dry [...] they made me a shadow / and blackened my bones / but I will rise - His desperation to be free of the Fury's slaughter (and then the navy's), his subsequent abandoning the fold (and mutinying his way out of the navy), his determination to live his life the way he wants, to rise above both the massive influence Fury and fold had on him and the punishment that was levied on him in his time as a privateer
I am wild, I am lost / I am sick, I am damned / but I am holding redemption in the palm of my hand -  I MEAN. One of the many things I love about Hugo is how he's reserved and so controlled, but has an intense savagery that he embraces as well. His redemption didn't lie in him becoming a kinder, more gentle or "good" person, but in his freeing Xeheia of corruption, which had him making a lot of brutal end-justifies-the-means decisions (even if he didn't follow through on all of them)
So I tighten my fist / and sharpen my teeth / it's a promise I made / it's a secret I keep - Please insert a montage here of every time Hugo has just straight up bitten someone, lmfao. More seriously, this could be the Gaze's complement of sharp teeth and Vidakai's magic feeding on secrets. The promise to Gab that he'd see things through with him... and that one secret he has no choice in keeping. In so many words, anyway.
I am looking for trouble / and trouble I will find / you will get what is coming / I'll take back what is mine - First of all: đŸ„Ž Secondly, 'I'll take back what is mine' sure took on a WHOLE new dimension recently re: Izod and the fate of Hugo's flayed mark. YIKES
Anyway, this track had to go toe-to-toe with MUTINY; it was a messy affair but it eventually came out on top :’)
Eastern Wind -  Arbi ft. Koethe 
Without You, Love Is a Sacrifice and BLACK SEA had to throw down for this spot, but this one won out for its impeccable shanty vibes (and because it has a pretty much permanent spot on my most played list 😂) It's a sailing off into the sunset song, full of triumph and renewed hope and a vast sense of freedom, a big deep breath after surviving something terrifyingly apocalyptic that at times felt impossible to overcome. Back from the brink of the deep down
Take care and please heed caution / keep one eye open - I'm anticipating the epilogue to see exactly how they're gonna end up, but for quite a while I have been thinking a lot about them being friendly rival pirate captains with their own ships, spending time with each other when they cross paths on the ocean or roll up at the same port (or leaving letters if they miss one another). They have each other's backs and keep each other informed of navy (and other...) activities, and tell each other to be careful when its time to part again, even if it may not be expressed as plainly as that. 
Somewhere we can thrive again and never be lost and never be found / so far from the rule of the coffer and the crown - Thriving! Gab settling the new fold at the Storm's Eye and Hugo finding a place at the Trinoran Enclave, free to ply the seas as they please, no longer bound by the coffer and crown of the Fury's salt price or Imperial navy orders. But also, 'never be lost and never be found' could be read as them being alert and aware to any corruption that may rear its head (staring real loudly at Izod rn), and refusing to be prey to it again.
Black Sea - Natasha Blume 
(Yes I DO think it's funny to find songs with the same name that also fit) Oh, heady pirate days!! This has such a dreamy but sinister vibe to me, and I love it because it makes me think of Gab enticing Hugo into loosening up and cliff diving with him, night swimming, sharing breath, plunging so deep into Xeheia's realm together that it's dark as pitch: come down to the Black Sea / swimming with me / go down with me, fall with me / let's make worth it. It’s a simple request compared to the rest of the lyrics, which are laden with challenge and questions.
You rise, I fall / I stand, you crawl / you twist, I turn / who's the first to burn? / you sit and stay / I don't obey - They have complicated, shifting power dynamics between them at this point in their lives: Gab immensely powerful in his connection to Xeheia and primed to become Patriarch, but so green still; Hugo older by almost a decade, more experienced, his superior as Furysworn and as his captain. Gab habitually insubordinate and headstrong, Hugo taking satisfaction in asserting his authority over him, and both of them intensely into this game. 
And when events of F&F kick off that push and pull is still present, though by then it's less a game and more like deliberate sabotage, driven by bitterness and hurt as they fail to listen to one another and struggle to realign their purposes: You're giving up, I'm tired / the tug of war that we're playing (we're playing) / I'm not giving up, I’m trying / to tell you
Love, war, pain, life / everything's the same to me - No thoughts just gently pained sounds 😂
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I was about to say I’m curious about and I’ve never sounded so much like my therapist 😂
I just wondered what your thoughts were about leaving medicine. Right now (I’m 21) I can’t imagine ever leaving the career I’m studying so hard for (not med) and wanted to know if this was something you had always considered doing if you had kids. I know you did it to spend more time with your kids and now the ones you foster but was it ever something you considered whilst studying and in your early years working? How do you feel about it (your career, not the decision to become a SAHM) now? Do you think it was a waste of time & money or are you glad you did it (your training) and you’ve now realised it probably wasn’t for you anyway. All of this is coming from a place of curiosity, not judgement to make that very clear! I’m just trying to gather more info on things that I don’t consider because I have never had to. Pretty much want to know your thoughts on your career as a dr rather than the decision to leave it to be a Mum.
Ps you’re doing a great job and I’m in awe of how well you can articulate what is going on with you internally. Especially about T
When I was working in medicine, I loved it. If I hadn’t had children, I imagine I would still be doing it. I think I was a good doctor. I enjoyed caring for my patients and felt like I had a good bedside manner in terms of gaining and sharing information with them. I could handle emergencies and make decisions. After my more recent experiences with doctors, I think maybe I must have been an absolutely amazing doctor because I certainly could break bad news better and show more caring and empathy than the doctors I’ve recently had to interact with.
When I was pregnant with d1, I always imagined I would go back to work full time after she was born. Then as soon as she was born I thought, who am I kidding, I don’t want to be at work full time and miss out on my baby. So I worked part time while d2 was born and again until d3 was born, and again I loved it even though it was a juggling act. And once we had three children, we decided that medicine wasn’t really compatible with the sort of family life we wanted to have (too many nights, evenings and weekends on call) and we were lucky enough to be able to afford to live on one salary.
Basically I loved medicine when I was doing it, and I loved being at home with the children when I was doing that. I think it is just evidence to me that you can have it all but not all at the same time. One doesn’t have to be better or more worthwhile than the other, or right or wrong. Life is just a journey, making decisions that feel right to you at the time. I never knew when I started medicine that I would get a married quite young or choose to/ be able to start a family. You can’t make life decisions based on things that just may or may not happen in the future!
I don’t regret the time and money spent training. If my life hadn’t gone in that direction, I wouldn’t be where I am now.
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eunique · 5 years
☕ Whatever you McFreaking got on Raven's family
*rolls sleeves up* Well may as well throw all info I have into one answer. So get comfy because this is going to get quite long
I originally wasn't going to give Raven any siblings but decided in the end to give her two older siblings. Was a good decision but I know for sure that it'll take me forever to get ref sheets and OC details done. But I did bring this upon myself so I reap what I sow 😂
As for the siblings, I haven't gotten far into thinking about it but I mostly have the siblings' personalities an dynamic down so I'll start with that.
Raven apart from being book smart, she tends be scared easier so Iris enjoys jumpscaring Raven whenever there is a chance for the fun of it. Raven also can get carried away talking about Seltavia's history that she needs someone to snap her out of her ramblings and that also applies to Raven and books. She can get caught up reading that someone needs to drag her out. Both Iris and Ben has had to snap Raven from either her ramblings or her books. After learning about summoning, Raven's latest studies has been about summoning and the history attached to it spending the majority of her downtime reading in Elgaia's imperial library during her stay in Elgaia.
Despite Raven being the nerd of the family, she's got a good head on her shoulders. Calm, collected and excels in battle tactics. An analyst of the battlefield, Raven can gather information based on her current situation and plan ahead to give her the upper hand in the front lines but tends to be too reliant on set strategies. Her physical attacks aren't too bad but her defence skills along with her intelligence outshines all the other combat aspects.
As for Iris, she tends to be more harsh but just. While her words may come off as harsh, her actions and desicions are fair and just. Iris despite being only 19 years old, has trained countless Philarm knights in Seltavia and is known for her harsh but effective training course. Despite the harsh training course, Iris will always have a soft spot for Ben and Raven and will also more often than not, tease them relentlessly. Iris speaks her mind and is not afraid to spit fire if she has to.
Iris is known for her skill with her whip that reflects her steely demeanour. Known to hit hard and fast without any hesitation. Iris makes quick decisions and is absolute with her decisions. Both Ben and Raven will avoid making Iris angry at all cost knowing that when Iris gets angry, Iris can get incredibly angry. But as fast as her anger can build up, it can dissipate just as quickly.
Ben being the eldest of the three, is the most mature and the most caring. He spent most of his time caring for his younger sisters. Once Iris was old enough, she also assists Ben with duties whilst watching over Raven. Skilled with not only battle, but also well versed in medicine. While Ben may not be as smart as his youngest sister, he studied hard to care for Iris and Raven whenever they got sick. Caring, responsible and reliable, Ben ascended the ranks of the Philarm Knights and now also helps train new Philarm trainees like Iris but his methods are a complete contrast to Iris' training course.
While Ben considers himself to not have any outstanding features or talent like his sisters, his sisters always can rely on him whenever they need him and both sisters love him for not only the care he provided over the several years but also for his reliability. So while Ben says he doesn't have ant outstanding features, both Raven and Iris refuses to let him say that and constantly reminds him of all the work he's done for the family and for all the sacrifices he's made for them.
All in all while the three may have very different personalities, they all love each other very much and all three will not stand to see any of their siblings hurt or be treated like shit. They'd do anything for each other.
That being said, it was hard for Raven to know that both Iris and Ben remained in Seltavia to fight and vice versa for the two older siblings with Raven's situarion. While Raven was away from Seltavia, not only Raven had to worth about her best friend Rin's safety, she also was worried for Iris and Ben's as well. By the time Raven returns to Seltavia with Rin and Joshua, when she finds a disheveled Iris and Ben still alive and kicking Raven couldn't help but break down into an emotional heap. Happy to see both older siblings alive and needless to say, all three were an emotional heap at their impromptu reunion.
As for their parents, I haven't actually thought about the situation with their parents yet. All I know is that they aren't present by the time Raven is at least 4 years old which leads to Ben having to care for Iris and Raven in place of his parents. I also haven't figured out their element typing either and which element type suits the three. Aside from Iris' weapon being decided, I'm thinking Ben should have a spear and for Raven, I'm not too sure yet but I know that Raven will end up having a sword at the start of BF2 to remain true to the canon storyline.
I should also make a quick note that Ben's full first name is Benjamin but he just prefers to go by Ben and Benjamin is hardly used apart from very formal occasions or if either Raven or Iris is pissed. The siblings' surnames I haven't even been decided yet but their ages I've already decided. Going off from Raven. Seeing that she's Rin's childhood friend, she's 16. Iris being as I mentioned, is 19 and Ben is 23.
I'm usually pretty quick to decide on things early in the development stage but this time I'm a lot slower. I guess not only I have a main protag but I also have to think about the two siblings as well. One day I will get all their details out once I iron out a couple of things and make some final decisions.
I haven't entirely figured out the gist of how Raven's family will be like but I'm planning to have Raven's family be very small with just her and her siblings. While Raven's family are only her two siblings, they are quite literally her world. Albeit small, Raven couldn't ask for more but to live peacefully with her family and friends.
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grace-full-life · 3 years
Making and Breaking Life Habits and My Shrimp in.. Shrimp Paste HAHA
Before I write about what I'm up to these days, I just want to share my shrimp in... shrimp paste? HAHA! Well it looks and tastes yummy. And oily. Haha! My fam and husband loved it. Or pwede ding grateful lang talaga sila no? 😂
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Can’t think of what I’ll call this recipe yet. I've been experimenting on this dish since last year and I finally got the perfect mix and ingredients! I'm so happy 😂 Also, please don’t judge me, olive oil yan. HAHA
Anywayzzz!! How are you guys? :)
Our church's topic of the month is all about making good habits and breaking the bad ones. So here I am, currently on extended social media fast. Haha! When I resigned last year, I didn't notice that I'm spending sooo much time on my cellphone. Alam mo yung mindless browsing?! I'm not the type who's on her cellphone all the time (except nung textmate era HAHA and when I’m reading ebooks). Before, even though I can check my phone/socmed accounts regularly, I usually spent short period of time browsing, normally I’d just upload photo/s or tweet an update, browse a little and I’m done. Well until my resignation happened. Haha! So I took advantage of the prayer and fasting last, last week, and paused, then continued until now. :) Ofc messaging apps and my tumblr are still accessible. Hehe. And btw! I think I’ve done this na pala few years back when I noticed that I was reading several contents about politics. I found myself being sooo affected and stressed out by the many differing opinions online. So I intentionally keep myself away from this topic kasi di na nga productive, toxic pa. Sa totoo lang it’s dividing us more than it unite us eh. We are encouraged to hate than sincerely love and extend compassion to others. There are faaar more productive things to do that will TRULY help others and our country than fighting each other on socmed and magfeeling superior sa iba. I’ll do my part as a responsible citizen of the Philippines but I refuse to make politics a god in my life.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that being informed is important, but we also shouldn’t act like everything is about it. What will make or break you will depend on the small decisions you make daily, and that includes your spiritual decisions in life. Let us not put the fate of our life on some other people’s hands. God is sovereign, even these leaders are under His authority (learned more about this in the books of Judges and Kings. Hehe.) 
Lastly, start praying for the country. Remember, our greatest security and hope should be placed on God’s hands and not on people. Everyone will come and go, only God and His words will remain. 
So now as I try to keep myself away from social media, I put my focus on my wifey duties (both tasks at home and business). I also busy myself with reading books (I'm trying to finish this book about God's beautiful design about sex in the context of marriage); with reading the Bible too (though I took a break from reading the Old Testament and started reading the book of Matthew again); by playing mobile games and watching movies in moderation; and by making random watercolor illustrations/calligraphy. 😁
I have a list of bad habits that I need to stop doing but one step at a time right?!! Haha!
Following Jesus means repentance and new desires that are aligned with Him. If you’re trying to build good habits but can’t seem to succeed yet, I want to encourage you to press on! Some of us might be trying to stop the bad habit of procrastination, of being short-tempered, of pornography, of gossiping, of bad diet, of too much socmed or gaming or Netflix, etc. Don’t give up and don’t be too hard on yourself. Recognize that our will-power has its limits. Sabi nga ni Lord Jesus, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We need Him. We need His strength and grace to overcome the things that are hindering us from being the best version of ourselves as followers of Christ. 
We should accept the truth that we are not and will never be enough and that's totally okay because Jesus is. He is enough, He completes us and meets us in our weakness. God is able! :)
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me
2 Corinthians 12:9
Have a fantastic Monday!! x
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kungfukenni · 6 years
my informal dumbass glossier makeup review
i finally got to test out glossier for myself today! in the flagship store :)
i was worried bc most of the recommendations i’ve seen were by people who have “glossier skin” anyways (smooth, small pores, dry to normal, not a lot of pigmentation). i have oily skin, large pores on my cheeks and forehead, deep set eyes, and residual pigmentation/uneven skin tone from acne scarring, so i didn’t know how it would look on me. also part of me really didn’t wanna like their stuff so i wouldn’t wanna spend my money lol.
their products—you put them on and you’re like ok what did it do? and then you take a step back in the mirror and you’re like oh wait...it did sumn. i mean that’s all i can say, i like it but someone else might not. as someone with pretty dull neutral undertones i like that these products brighten up my face, without hiding my face. i like that i’ll be able to put very little effort into looking good with glossier instead of having to cake on makeup to look alive lol. someone else might feel like these products are pointless but I’m riding the no makeup makeup wave rn 😎
i was most impressed with their blushes (which i was really excited to try out anyway, i ended up buying puff and storm. and i’m glad i tried them in person because i was gonna order beam but turns out i liked puff better â˜ș), the stretch concealer which unfortunately is out of stock and the haloscope (moonstone i fell in love with, quartz actually surprised me bc i thought i wouldn’t like it, topaz was also nice).
the skin tint (also out of stock atm) was nice but the oily texture kinda threw me off a lil idk. i’d probably have to use it together with the wowder. i forgot to try the wowder on my face but it looked nice on my hand when i applied it over the skin tint, and also i’d probably like it anyways bc I’m a greasy bitch lol. the generation g lipsticks weren’t very impressive sadly, but i only sampled a small amount since you can’t just smear the lipstick on in the store lol. still i mean... i have other lip products that give me the effect i want. i didn’t try the lash slick but i wanted to so bad because i love all things mascara (i had on mascara already and wasn’t about to struggle taking layers of it off in the store). didn’t try the boy brow because i was wearing eyebrow makeup (and frankly i wasn’t sure if i’d like it or if it would work for me, and i wasn’t gonna take the risk of removing my nice eyebrow makeup 😬).
didn’t try the lidstar bc i knew i wouldn’t like it. oh and the clout gloss was just a basic lip gloss. nothing special except for the pink aesthetic.
i was actually impressed by the balm dot com for the most part. i thought it was just gonna be overpriced vaseline but it’s a slightly better consistency and doesn’t have that petrolatum smell to it. the birthday cake one had a yummy ass smell and was glittery and ugh I’m so mad i liked it so much lol because it’s out of stock and probably won’t be back who knows :(. the cherry one also had a nice smell and tint. the rose one was ok, didn’t smell like i imagined it would, sadly. those were the only ones i was interested in really.
the you perfume wasn’t anything special but then again i prefer fruity, sweet fragrances. the perfume is a fresh, clean airy fragrance. what really put me off tho was the strong alcohol scent that lingered even after the initial spritz.
and yeah that’s it. i only tried the makeup, balms, and perfume because that’s all i was interested in. i got a free sample of the milk jelly cleanser with my purchase, which i’ll try tonight, but i wasn’t interested in the skincare tbh. i have stuff that works for me đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž
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