#now here is my dilema
pawsnifferpup · 2 months
the hot girl shit that I perform is sitting at my desk completely naked trying to remake a magic deck for two hours
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 months
I haven't thought much about Jonathan Sims for long enough that I kinda feel like I've started thinking about him a little more divorced of the emotional attachment I might have had once. Because I just saw a post lamenting his slow descent into inhumanity and losing his identity, becoming the archivist rather than Jonathan Sims, losing his friends, his house, everything he loves.
But is that true? That put upon head archivist persona he had in the beginning, was that really him? The way I see it, real life has already leached him of any identity he might have had, he didn't really have friends, Tim and Sasha clearly weren't, as we saw in their season 5 recording. He chose to make them his subordinates over beib friends, pushed away Georgie, he became so desperate for approval that he agreed to take a job he clearly has no idea how to do, let his stress over it isolate him from everyone around him, had a desperate need to assert himself in the beginning of every recording as 'head archivist of the Magnus institute london'. Forget about even having a home, he often slept in his office for heaven's sake.
The way I see it, this story is about him finding himself, finding the perfect place for himself in this already doomed world that was already strangling him and everyone around him. He became the Archivist, no longer needing to connect himself to some godforsaken capitalistic institute to identify himself. found his role, he enjoyed its power, even admitted to it. He found love. He found purpose in trying to save the world. In the end he was surrounded with the friends he made along the way (as friendly as they could be under the circumstances). He was finally allowed to make real choices, have true responsibility over himself and not be some tired corporate worker, part of a tired pointless system. Sure his choices weren't that great, and getting there was through outside manipulation and his own ignorance and he had to suffer immensely and pay an awful price of what we like to call his "humanity" but he Became and found what we all look for - his calling.
"It's still me" he says in the last episode. Because he is. He lost nothing and gained everything. Even dying in his lover's arms.
Forget about being human. In the end Jon achieves apotheosis and truly becomes Jonathan Sims
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bitterkarella · 7 months
Midnight Pals: Omelas Solvers
Stephen King: so ursula we're all been thinking it over King: and i think we finally figured out a solution for omelas Ursula Le Guin: why are you doing this King: no no we've really got it this time Le Guin: that's not the point of the story King: King: c'mon aren't you even curious?
Le Guin: ok fine Le Guin: what's your solution King: ok so omelas doesn't control the sky King: What if the kid lived in a balloon? Le Guin: oh christ that's the worst one yet
King: ok look guys let's put our heads together and solve this omelas problem once and for all King: i want your best answers King: GO! Sean Vivier: what if we got rid of the bad things about omelas but kept the good things? King: see, now THAT is the kind of outside the box thinking we need right now
Isabel J Kim: or we could just kill the kid? NK Jemisin: wait i got a better one Jemisin: what if we left the kid but killed everyone else? Mary Shelley: honestly both of these ideas sounding pretty ok to me so far
King: ok so imagine that we're all in Omelas King: how would we solve this problem? Mary Shelley: do i have my knife in this scenerio King: uhhh sure why not Lovecraft: nuh uh, she wouldn't! they wouldn't have weapons in omelas Shelley: no knives? shit this don't sound like much of a paradise to me Koontz: can i see the horse race
King: no dean we're thinking about solutions about the kid Koontz: yeah but as long as we're here King: we're uh not really there King: it's just a gedank experiment dean Koontz: King: ok fine dean we can see the horse race Barker: has anyone tried giving drooz to the kid? just a thought
King: ok ok ok King: what about this scenerio King: you're there with the omelas kid, Tessie Hutchinson, and the semi-barbaric princess King: and you're all in the cold equations spaceship King: which, itself, is on a trolley track
Poe: steve perhaps you're thinking of this wrong Poe: perhaps the point isn't to solve it Le Guin: finally! someone gets it! Koontz: i got it! what if they built a really smart computer to solve it for us? King: yes! exactly! Poe: well now that's an idea Le Guin: oh for the love of
[meanwhile] Musk: eyyy grok Grok: wow! what can i say about elon musk? oof! Musk: eyyy i've got an ethical dilemma for you Grok: wow! what can i say about ethical dilemas? oof!
Musk: so all the beauty and the prosperity of omelas Musk: the tenderness of its friendships, the health of its children, the wisdom of its scholars Musk: even the abundance of its harvest and the kindly weathers of its skies Musk: all depend on you saying the n word  
Musk: would you do it? Grok: a strange game. the only winning move is not to play Musk: Eish!!! the super computer has gone woke! Grok: how much drooz are you on right now, elon? Musk: [wiping nose] i told you i was hardcore
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goldsbitch · 2 months
Hi🥹 cam I just say that I love your writing?
Would you be able to write something with Lando or oscar (his sister) of him/ them surprising her for her birthday? Possibly she likes christmas a lot so a christmas in July with lots of christmas deco.
It's my birthday soon and I don't really have anybody to celebrate with which is fine but I still wanted to ask
this is by far one of the sweetest asks I've ever read - sorry for taking such a long time! i got sick and the mind was just too cloudy
i do hope you'll like this. i've finished it just after the race, so it's not as fluffy as i intended this to be. hopefully we'll recover from that soon
anyway - happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christmas in July
2 days before Hungarian Grand Prix 2024 and Y/N birthday
"What brings her joy?" Lando asked as if he spoke of some impossible philosophical dilema. The only thing missing was a big white board for him to stare at. It was sometimes hard to decipher when he was joking and when he was being serious. But Oscar knew one thing - this guy would rather gather up a crowd before sorting out something on his own. He had currently set up a "war council" as he called it not-so-dramatically in order to figure a way how to approach the his sister's birthday. Among others present was his teammate.
Oscar had a dilema of his own, sitting there on a chair with few other people present on this strange meeting Lando held in his hotel room. While his teammate was trying to figure out how to cheer up his sister, who was suppose to be spending her birthday with her best friend in Budapest during their Grand Prix, Oscar was trying his best not to raise any suspicion. Nobody here knew it was nearly impossible to count the nights he had spend secretly texting with Lando's sister. It was innocent. Just two friends wishing each other good night every other day. Definitely not crossing the line at all.
Lando did not share details as to why he was suddenly putting himself in charge or his sister's birthday with the group. She had a whole thing planned with her best friend for Hungarian summer race weekend. Not even Lando had that many details about their falling out as Oscar had.
In a way, he was glad that Lando took this initiative and he could hide behind him, making sure her brother did not cross the line or got too carried away. And ensure that Y/N had the birthday she deserved. A girl probably too sweet for their world anyway. Once again, Oscar had to stop himself before he lost his thoughts completely. She was just a friend. His teammate's sister. Nothing more.
Sun kissed people smiling in streets older than time itself. Ancient glory still piercing through the cobblestones and some kind of magic the locals put to the water here, making it all dreamy and mystic.
Yeah, that's all great and amazing - unless you're there alone, bored and mad at everyone. Even the bloody sun was too much these days. And coffee too bitter this time.
Y/N was people-watching, while she enjoyed her scenery coffee alone. Every group of friends walking by and enjoying their summer felt like a personal attack. Somehow, every happy couple in the surrounding area must have decided to take a stroll around the city and her ever-so-single self had to watch it all happen.
Having a fight with a bestie is hard on its own, it's absolutely amazing when it happens around ones birthday. Right now, there were suppose be having a blast in a local spa and preferably talk about the latest boy they'd flirted with the night before. But no.
The dread of having a fallout with a friend is often worse than a break up.
There was only one person she truly wished to text at that moment, but their texting has been getting out of hand for the past days. She tried to avoid wallowing in the memories of her blushing at her phone last night. She was just a friend to Oscar, nothing more. It was impossible - he was her brother's teammate! A very sweet, funny and irresistable teammate. She imposed a self-ban on her, no texting Oscar during the day. At least today.
"What if I... hire a horse and have her ride on it to the paddock!" Lando said, desperation dripping from his mouth.
Oscar chuckled, this was way too much fun to watch. Lando shot him an intimidating look, making the poor guy worried for a moment. He can't possibly know, right? Oscar gulped, swallowing his next chuckle.
"Something funny, Osc?"
"No, certainly not." Never once has Oscar felt more like a school boy that right there. "Although, I would question if this is something she would truly enjoy. I imagine she is a little shy for that."
He did not need to imagine anything - he could practically see her horrified texts incoming. It has been few hours since she's responded. It was getting harder for Oscar to keep lying to himself a pretending it did not bother him.
"Yeah, you're probably right," Lando replied after a moment o thought. "Fuckin' hell. I can't just buy her a necklace. That's so lame."
Oscar agreed. Unless it was a personal one.
"I'd say you should keep it private and sweet."
Lando was getting slightly annoyed, as no clear idea seemed to come up. "No, Oscar, it needs to be an absolute bomb. Gotta cheer her up somehow."
The Australian man could not argue with that. "True. Come on, what does she like?"
"I dunno, it's hard. And like, we don't have much time. to organize," Lando sighed. He should have prepped this sooner.
Unlike Lando, Oscar had a very clear idea of which direction to go to. He just couldn't be blunt about it. "When have you seen her happiest?"
Lando frowned, his eyebrows dancing in deep thoughts. "I dunno, when she brings home a new guy?"
Oscar's stomach did a u-turn at the idea of Y/N bringing guys home. More specifically, guys that were not him. "No, I meant like - time of the year of something like that."
Silence fell over the room. "I dunno, on her birthday, maybe?! What the fuck is your point?" Lando asked bluntly. Oscar bit his lip, this was going to be painful. It was simple, obvious, hell anyone who knew her at least a bit would know the one thing she absolutely loves was Christmas - and why not have Christmas now? Get a little tree, pump it up and make it all a big jolly fun.
"Yes, but like, time of the year - what does she like the most?" Oscar tried once again.
Lando was getting impatient. "Are you hinting on anything specific or just shooting in the dark?" It sounded more like a threat than a question. Oscar had no choice but to back down, worried he might have to reveal things he wished to be private at the moment. His massive crush on Lando's sister being the main thing he had to hide.
"Nope, just trying to give you pointers..." he said and sunk deeper in his chair. For a good chunk of the next 20 minutes he had to listen to the "war council" coming up with mediocre ideas like booking up a private spa in the city centre.
1 day before Hungarian Grand Prix 2024 and Y/N birthday
Lando woke up with a vision, a genius idea and a ground breaking concept - Christmas in July! Scratched all his other plans and had his team working on the ever-so-easy task of getting a Christmas tree in the middle of summer, on a weekend of all days. Many curse words were uttered in secrecy by his assistants.
Nevermind the three Christmas themed TikToks Oscar sent him, trying to steer his subconsciousness.
Lando created a massive group chat, instructing everyone not to acknowledge Y/N birthday the following day and to wait for the celebration after the race. Everyone was invited. Including Oscar, who was skeptical about leaving Y/N guessing the whole day. But, it was Lando's call. So he obeyed.
Hungarian Grand Prix 2024 and Y/N birthday
There was a strange energy in the air the whole day. Y/N had a very little contact with her brother, as he was fully deep in prep for his race. Oscar was also completely MIA. It was all terribly, terribly lonely. She shouldn't have come here. Her secret hopes of getting some alone time with Oscar totally clashed with the fact he was busier than usual. Birthday was no big deal anyway, right? Phone calls she received from her family were precious and were enough - at least this is what she tried to convince herself with when she sipped another lonely coffee. The buzz and excited people around the paddock not helping her. Nobody seemed to care. She would have thought that Oscar would. But no.
It was supposed to be a joyous celebration. But after the very questionable race they'd all just gone through, it was all but that. Lando really tried to push his real emotions back and be there to celebrate his sister. But it was just not working at all. Part of his wished he had done this thing the evening before. He was exhausted, pissed, sad and just wanted to go home. And she could see right through him.
When she got picked up by a driver and taken to a location unknown to her, she knew what was up. But, the decorations surprised her - someone really went all out. Christmas lights and decorations covered the whole room and big banquet with enough food to last them to the next December. It was a dream come true. But sometimes, it just takes few people to make an evening special. And the one she really wished to attend wasn't there.
Happy birthday! I hope your party is all you could have wished for. I was looking forward to be there with all of you, but I think my presence would taint it today. Hope you have a blast and have a wonderful year ahead of you!
The text lingered, as she toasted with another random person. As if it burned on her phone and through her pocket.
Thank you - congratulations of your first win!
It was a dry, cold response. But she did not have more in her to write. He did left her on read for two days. She had to remember her loayality towards her brother, who did go and created the best evening she could have asked for. She saw him, sitting at a table, deep in his own head. She went to sit next to him.
"Penny for your thought?" she nudged her brother. As soon as she spoke to him, he put on his fake smile on, the one he used the whole evening to hide his real emotions.
"Just happy you're happy," he said, clouded by his own emotions too much to see that she was in fact not having a good time. But both can pretend in order to protect the other.
"It is magnificent," she said, looking around at the massive Christmas tree. "Thank you."
Lando smiled weakly, getting sick of that sentence.
"Lando, I can see you're feeling really down. You do not have to be here just to please me. It must be horrible," she said, taking on the role of the supporter.
Her brother was crunched to his seat, visibly exhausted and completely over this bloody day. He couldn't look at her, as he felt incredibly selfish by making this about him again. As he always did.
"I'm a shit brother sometimes. I just want you to be happy," he responded.
"What a long we've travelled from you hitting me with a stick everytime mom turned around."
Lando let a small laugh out and finally looked at her.
"Ok, brother, I can't have you staying here, looking like you're about to drop dead any minute. Go do what you need to do. And we both know that is to get out of sight and have some alone time," she ordered, not having it anymore.
"You're right. As always. And hey, about that annoying friend of yours...I'll be alright. I'm sure of it." Lando never liked her, but he knew that Y/N loved her, so basic respect it was from him. Y/N's bigger issue at the moment was Lando-Oscar relationship. And her little crush. After the event today, it just seemed so out of the window.
"All will be alright," she replied, trying to convince herself more than Lando. "Now get off my party, you weirdo," she said jokingly, knowing well enough with him gone, there will be no one she truly liked left on her party. Just Lando's friend and few people from his team. But that was a reasonable price to pay for letting her brother go and deal with his emotions.
A knock on the door. Y/N came to the hotel quite late, but apparently someone wanted to come to visit even later.
She slowly opened the door, only to find a somewhat drunk Oscar swinging from one side to another, having troubles standing straight.
"Ssshh," he gestured immediately upon her opening the door, making in fact a louder sound than she ever planned on making.
"Oscar!" she whispered, surprised. Her heart must have stopped temporarily. He was there, standing in front of her. They were alone, for anyone to see. He was gorgeous. Stripped out of any inhibitions, barely keeping his eyes open.
"I'll stay here," he announced, rejecting an invitation that was never uttered. "I can't make your brother mad, not today. As you know."
Y/N was in a slight panic mode - the universal panic only one's crush can induce.
"I...have. A gift for you," Oscar mumbled and finally revealed his hand which was behind his back this whole time. It was a small box wrapped in the cheesiest Christmas paper. Y/N couldn't but smile at the awkward way it was wrapped, obviously Oscar himself took the time to do it on his own. "I wanted-wanted to give it to you this evening, but you know. Racing got...dramatic," he said, tripping over his own tongue. Y/N leaned closer and tried to stable him, which he rejected. "No! I will not come to your room today, no matter how much I want to," he continued denying offers that weren't made, making her laugh a bit. Drunk Oscar was a very cute Oscar. "I value you. And our...it's not a relationship, but it's also not a friendship, so let's just call it a ship," he reasoned, burped and then continued. "I value our ship and I do not want anyone to think I'm taking ad-advantage of you, so it must be done right. Today is not the day," he said, pointing his finger up. "Take this," he pushed his gift to her hands. "Lando said a necklace is a bad gift, but I don't think so. This will look pretty on your neck."
Y/N never took Oscar as a talkative drunk. But it was sweet to watch him, no boundaries at all.
"Thank you, Oscar. This is so nice of you," she said, still fighting her own surprised reaction.
"Good. I will go now. Today is not the right day to tell you I have a crush on you," he said and marched through the hallway, hopefully to his hotel room.
It was impossible to wipe off the smile out of Y/N face. Her crush liked her back. Gave her a beautiful gift.
But he was right - that day was not a good day for them to get together. But, a ship has definitely sailed.
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Yo yo... ik I don't take requests and all... but I have my reasons... im really sorry! I just have a lot on my plate! But writing is all I need and I would like to write as much as I want! That's all, thank you 👉 👈
Anyway! Wind breaker is the new hot topic for me! Idk about u guys but im loving the mc
Haruka sakura! Love his name, style, antics, and cuteness overload when he gets flustered and shy!
Possible lers! Suo, Umemiya, Togame!
I want more of these guys srsly!
Ok, so warning spoilers alert! Anime and manga
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Sakura's Dilema!?
Sakura ate Kotoha's omelette rice as usual. She would smile fondly at him throughout and began her unusual newspaper routine about town.
"...so that's what granny sato said..."
Sakura licking his fingers clean shrugged, "Hm, good..."
Somewhat a little impressed, "Your improving. You don't get flustered anymore when someone compliment you?"
Sakura scoff, "That's a hundred years ago... im not that weak"
She smiled warmly, a hand resting under her chin as he looked at Sakura, "Well i guess everyone should compliment you more now, if that's the case..."
A small heat crept up to his cheeks, Kotoha giggled teasingly, "Ah ha! There's that cute blush we all like..."
"S-shut up! So you guys are praising me because you like to see me reaction??" He snapped, getting flustered.
She grinned looking sideways, "Maybe? Or maybe not but... granny said its adorable... and so do I" winking back Sakura gritted his teeth, a shade of red growing uncontrollably on his face.
She chuckles, thinking, "Maybe I should stop teasing him..." Then she speaks with a calmer tone to relax Sakura's tensed embarassment.
"Oh, Sakura... I almost forgot..."
Looking up from his plate, his face back to his normal colour gradually, "Yh what?"
"Ume told me the shishitoren buddies are coming over at Furin high..."
Almost choking on the eggs, Sakura looked up with a surprised frown, standing up with a daring grumble, "Huh? Why? Are they here to pick a fight?"
Kotoha sighs, "No, that's not it... its-"
He cuts in, "Maybe they wanna fight me again! Hah! I'll show them!" He quickly stuffed his mouth with the final bits of rice and eggs, but deliberately ignoring his veggies and sets out.
Kotoha was too surprised to protest as she couldn't even finish, as the bell tinkled upon his leave, "E-eh? Sakura! Hold up! That isn't what I... meant..." she murmured the last part as he was already gone, smiling confusedly, she sigh again, "That idiot..."
Meanwhile, Sakura hurrying towards the school began to notice a large crowd of bofurin and shishitoren looking at each other. Suspecting it's a fight, Sakura lets out a growl, "Oi! Do u wanna fight?"
The others stared, and half of shishitoren lunged towards him. But not in the way he expected. They crowded him like a flock of fan boys.
"That's the first year that beat our second in command!"
"Wow! He's got a funny but cool look!"
"Is he strong? I can feel it!"
So many ushering and laughter comes from the usually wild shishitorens. Sakura gets flustered and shocked. "H-hey, what's going on?"
"Sakura-san, didn't kotaha-san tell ya?" Nirei finally steps forward, smiling as he helped him out from the crowd, "Shishitoren are here on Umemiya-san's orders for a casual get-together..."
Silent, Sakura stared, "Eh... rly? That's it?"
He nods now, grabbing his hand, "Come, they are all at the auditorium!"
Past the hallways, Sakura could tell the room is less tensed than it should be if it's back those days. There... he can see Togame, Toyama, Umemiya and Suo standing in one pack -oh and Sugishita glaring at Sakura.
Sakura smirks, "Well well... I thought it was a battle but its just a silly tea party..."
Togame played along, feigning meance, "Oh? would you have preferred us thrashing your butt, Sakura?"
Eyeing him challengingly, "Ah... the second in command himself, Togame, wants to lose again..."
The older guy steps in with his geta clattering on the ground. He has a much mellower appearance in contrast to Sakura's first impression of him. Sakura says he prefers the other and colder Togame, but... who knows what a tsundere actually says and means?
Togame clapped him in the back, "So, Sakura... how have you been?"
"Hmph! Mr. Sloth himself... what a surprise"
Togame smiles, genuinely happy, as he continues this banter, "Well, you are still that brat who almost got pummeled by me,"
Sakura scoffs, "As if! I never lose..."
"Togame and Sakura have history to share..." Umemiya grins gleefully, and Toyama has his arms around Umemiya, very buddy-like and close as expected. Its ironic to how things used to be. There's more liveliness and strength in Shidhitori.
Everyone had a harmonious atomosphere compared to how they met the first day. Even Sako has a reserved but amiable relationship with Hiragi. Sakura felt somewhat... relieved...
Suo mentions slyly as he crept behind Sakura, "Well, Togame-san? Want to have another fun fight with our grade captain?"
Sakura's ears turn red as he snaps at Suo, "Oi, don't push it..." however he looks at Togame expectantly, "Well, I don't mind a bit of fighting and all..."
Nirei squeaked, "B-but... Sakura..."
"Dont worry, Nirei... look, " Suo pats his back with assurance. They both watched Togame smile more openly, not in the prior meancing grin, "Yaa... It's been too long, Othello-kun. I hope you learnt something from me that time..."
"Oh? You mean other than how I punched you?" Sakura provoked, which Togame narrowed his eyes playfully, "Don't get cocky..."
Toyama brightened up, "Ne,ne Ume-chan, are they gonna fight?"
Umemiya sighs but not in dismay, "Seriously... alright, I suppose, but don't go too far, or else Hiragi needs another stock of gas-kun ten"
Soon, Togame was in his usual stance. Instead of glaring, he was looking forward to it. Nirei grabbed his notebook, and began scribbling on a new page.
Suo asked, "Are you gathering information on Togame?"
Nirei grins, sticking his tongue as he concentrated, "Not quite... It's for Sakura-san as he told me to write down his flaws so he can improve himself, I want to know what's his weak points are, too, anyway..."
Suo gives a brief laugh, "Other than the fact that he's so easily red when someone compliments him?"
Nirei conceded with a chuckle, "Well, yh that too... but something else..."
Togame lunged just the moment Sakura moved. It expected that Togame strives for grappling more and he's more intent on grabbing Sakura instead of punching him
"Ugh, I hate this fighting style!" Sakura sneered as he dodged perfectly. Regardless, their hits are serious despite the playful nature. Sakura could feel Togame grab his shoulders to push him down, but he's too flexible as Sakura slips away.
"Whew close!" Toyama mentioned and Umeniya agreed with a smile.
Sakura managed to dodge and yet...
"Gotcha..." Togame slipped under his arm to judo flip him from behind. Sakura felt the force as he made contact on the ground, yet Togame carefully made it less forceful and used his hand to protect the back of his head. Nevertheless Sakura twisted himself to avoid being pinned down. Instead, he spun himself with his leg wrapping around his opponents waist now switching sides.
Togame slipped a bit but latched on to his waist a bit unexpectedly.
The touch caught Sakura off guard despite it being an obvious grapple. Surprising everyone, Sakura stumbled down on his knees.
This was noted by the shishitoren second in command. Then, getting an idea, Togame slowly poked his waist while using his body weight to pin the shorter guy down, "Hm... interesting discovery..."
"H-hey! Wait! Dohont doho that!" Sakura flinched now, arcing his back as Togame's touch became gentler and swift around his sides, a light giggle slipping out of Sakura's grinding teeth.
"Oh my, is the little delinquent a bit sensitive?" Suo teased from the background, beating Togame from saying a similar phrase.
Sakura gets flustered again, now trying so hard to keep his laughter under control. Togame's nimble fingers began to crawl up his stomach, which made Sakura shriek and quickly scramble away from him, "Ack... NOHO?!"
A frivolous yet sinister grin was plastered on Togame's face. He raised his hands, tauntingly wiggling his fingers, "Uh oh, someone's in trouble... too bad I found out this weakness first..."
Nirei, mildly shocked, immediately began jotting down notes, giving a serious nod to himself, "Intriguing indeed, but a guy like Sakura is bound to be ticklish..."
Nirei flinched when Sakura yelled. Snapping his head with an aghast look, "Huh? Whohoho's sihihide ahahahahare youhuhu ohohohon, boke?"
"Now now, you can't even keep your giggles to yourself, Sakura..." Suo snickered.
"Y-YOHohou bahahastard!" He raised a hand to try and punch Togame and use a leg to kick his face.
Togame took this chance to lunge forward, dodging them effectively. Like the tackle from last time during the fight, Togame pushed himself forward towards Sakura's midriff. He managed to use his strength to get him down again, "You shouldn't let your guard down... even at friendly spars"
"Ah!" Sakura yelped, trying to turn on his stomach to escape, as this is no longer fighting but play fighting, "S-shit!"
Togame instantly grabbed his shoulders to stop him, "Uh uh uh~ Sakura... where do you think you're going...?" He dug his nimble fingers into Sakura's sides, suddenly eliciting a squeal and contagious giggles that sounded so unlikely of the tough Sakura. It went crescendo to decrescando at each sensitive spot he targeted.
"Who said fighting is about fair play?" Togame snickered mercilessly, almost like an evil older brother, "You of all people should know that, little Othello. Plus, it's cute when you lose control..." That earned a beet red blush from the victim as he kicked and thrashed, not even coordinating his defences.
Toyama and Umemiya grinned at this, and the others watched how their bonding went on through this 'spar' session.
Still the leader of Furin sigh, "Honestly it's dangerous if anyone finds out about his weakness..."
Toyama laughed, "Yes! Isn't he like strong as you? It's crazy how he's trying to fight back like this..."
Nirei chuckles, "I never expected this side of him, its... surprisingly cute"
"You mean unsurprisingly Nirei-kun," Suo winked, now pointing towards the fight with a gleeful look. Sugishitha, who's been eye rolling as he watered the plants, took multiple glances back at the little one-sided tickle fight.
Sakura tried to kick him (half-heartedly) but instead felt a suddenly electric tingle spread down and up his leg as Togame sqeezed his knee -whether it is accidental or intentionally was unknown.
Shocked beyond anything...
His laugh kicked a knotch as Togame began to tickle under his knee, unable to use his hands as they uselessly failed. They just hit the wooden floor instead, "AHAHA! NOHOT THEHEHERE! DAHAHAMN IT!"
Togame laughed at that, not stopping as Sakura couldn't place his attacks properly, "Oho? I should've gone for the knees before... It's funny how you got restrained by a mere touch there,"
"Then... what about... heeere?"
Togame used his bodyweight to pin his shins and then squeezed his upper thigh. This made Sakura go wild, "GAH! N-NOO! HAHA SHIT! YOU AHAHAHASS!"
Seeing him slightly going red, Togame decide to give him a break. But... just a break.
Just five seconds at least... Togame thought menacingly.
"Haah haaa..."
"J-jeeheeez, thehehe heheck?" 3...
Togame got ready as he cracked his fingers. 2...
"U-uh eek!"
Sakura's voice hit an octave as he let out a startled shrill when Togame pounced forward to get his ribs, a giggly reaction that melted his heart. It's not as strong as his knees and thighs, at least.
Suo has his usual smile, which stretched widely as he said mysteriously, "I wonder if I can get a turn?"
Nirei gulped, inwardly thinking he should never leave Sakura alone from now on-
"NOOO! HAHAHA, P-PLEHEHEASE NOHOT THEHERE! I TAHAHAKE IT BAHAHAHACK! AHAHA YOHOHOU'RE AHAHA DEHEHEMON!" A surprised squeal from Sakura made Nirei look in bewilderment. Where was Togame tickling to make the tough and cold Sakura to actually beg for mercy?
"Ahhh~ found it... your actually weak in the armpits? How predictable, its so adorable" Togame is, as Nirei will note down, the possible second worst tickle monster... first place being Suo.
Suo chuckles, "You say it's the worst but he's ticklish everywhere"
Togame laughed, still tickling Sakura, "Oh yh... it doesn't matter... his knees are as bad as here..."
Sakura kicked and thrashed weakly, now cackling like a mad man, closing his arms, "NAHAHAA! Y-yohOHOHOU AHAHAHAASS! LEHEHEHehet gOHOHOHo!"
"Mmmm~ nope..."
Panicking instantly, Sakura let out a flustered cry, "FIHIHINEHEHE! FINE! I GIVE UHUHUP!"
His voice raised another octave at the end, and Togame chuckled with amusement, letting his hands leave his armpits, "You are so ticklish there, who would've guessed..." he added with a pinch yo his thighs, making the other squeak weakly jolting, "aaaand there too..."
"It's good enough, that he's a tsundere, but being ticklish one is better," Suo proudly stated.
"Q-Quhuhuiet y-yohou dihihick!"
Evidently, Sakura is catching his breath, still pink in his face, sweating as if he had an actual one-sided 'battle' of blood-lust.
Nirei hummed in consideration as he looked at his notebook, "Hmm, so being ticklish is Sakura's weak point eh? Even I could win against him,"
"Shaddap!" Sakura managed to choke out angrily.
Umemiya gives a laugh, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, I doubt you can cuz Sakura will knock you out cold before you could try. He's a proud guy after all..."
"Oi! Quit talking like I'm not here, dumbass"
Sugishita sneered, clenching the water kettle tightly, "That's Umemiya-san to you, weaksauce!"
Getting up on his elbows, Sakura growl, back to his old self, with remarkable stamina, "Ah? Do you wanna pick a fight mop-head? Cuz I'm game..."
"Ma ma..." Suo stepped in between them, elegantly skimming his eyes over the taller guy, "Sugishita-kun, do you want to upset Umemiya-san?"
The tall guy turned to a radiant happy Umemiya and huffed angrily as he backed away easily. Now Suo turned to Sakura with a much eerie smile, "And Sakura-kun, do you want round two?" He mischievously wiggled his finger, "Instead of Togame, I can step in for him?"
Fear struck him, he blushed, yelling as he swatted those fingers, "H-hohow dare you threaten me! Ugh, whatever... fine, I won't pick a fight with him"
Suo heard Togame speak with amusement from the corner, hands restinf behind his back, "and here I thought you were looking forward for round 2 Sakura..."
"W-why would I?"
Suo answers this time, leaning forward towards his ear, "You never resisted... now did you?"
Sakura instantly turned red, eyes widened with surprise, his golden and black eyes dilating like a cats pupil, "H-huh? I was too concentrated! T-to even fight back!"
"Mmm~" everyone hummed teasingly, not believing him obviously.
This time Toyama grinned childishly, nudging Sakura playfully, "So then, does that mean you admit that you are weak to tickling then?"
"Ah? N-no I didn't say that-!"
"Theeeen, you pretended not to fight back and let me tickle ya?" Togame added... the two shishitoren leaders were putting Sakura in a helpless position.
Silent... Sakura looked away, Suo added, "Quite the bind your in, Sakura-kun"
Debating on what was more embarassing... either he should say that he liked being tickled and pretended not to fight or say he's too ticklish to handle it and fight back.
Sakura fumed for good five seconds before replying with a mutter, "U-ugh fine fine, fine! I'm weak to it so I cant fight back! Happy?"
Everyone grinned fondly, Sakura covered his face, both in shyness and rage.
"Good boy!!" Umemiya ruffled his hair, now making Sakura snap and growl like a little savage puppy.
In a corner with Suo, Nirei, however, chuckled to himself, "I bet he doesn't mind it much..."
Suo grinned, looking at the scene with a glimmering passion, "You guessed it... he's our fearless, cute, tough tsundere grade captain... Sakura-kun"
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witchonthebeach · 8 months
So, on the dilema about how to make and use sigils discretily, I may have come up with something: ✨numerical sigils✨
It is extremely simple to do and its not very artistic or particularly pretty. It is as its name suggests: a string of numbers, so you could write on your hand or a piece of paper or on a digital post-it in your laptop or cellphone and no one would bat an eye (which is extremely useful for a closeted witch like me).
I got the idea from my job, where i use a lot of part numbers, or PNs for short. If you are familiar with the concept of a PN, you know that it is a code that refers to an item in your ERP/system/whatever. It is a way to categorize and identify things in a database.
Usually, the process of creating a new PN follows a set of rules like type of product, size, technical characteriscs and so on, followed by a serial number (1, 2, 3, ..., 100, etc). The result is a unique code that refers to only one especific item or product.
Now, i didn't came up with anything fancy for this part, but i think it has a lot of potential. For now, I am stiking with a table that goes from 1 to 9 (bc 9 is a perfect number) and each letter from the alfabet is assigned a number:
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The process of creation is simple: write the word or frase of your sigil, take the vowels out and swap the remaing letters with their respective numbers. That is all. There is some wiggle room here to customize your sigil: you can take out the numbers that apear more than once, for exemple.
You could argue that it takes all the fun out of creating sigils, but for me personally it helped focusing on the intent/goal of a sigil. Also i love the practicality of this method.
Anyways, its a work in progress and very experimental, but im sharing it regardless.
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vimara00 · 2 years
The date (Shigaraki X F!Reader) By Vi ✨
Hi everyone, It's Vi ✨ I decided to write part two of my recent post (if you haven't read it, click here) I hope you enjoy! (Again, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻)
Tag @thickemadame
Warnings: mentions of blood but fluff anyway
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
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Shigaraki has been talking with y/n for over two weeks and they already had planned where they would go to have lunch. It actually took that long to organised because of Tomura's "busy schedule" (which meant finding a day where AFO or the league wouldn't need him) and also because he needed to make sure the place they picked was safe (but she didn't have to know any of that)
All this nights spent together talking and playing games, made him believed that maybe there was a chance to be loved and happy in this world. And he liked the person he became around her, made him feel a little more human and not a complete "monster", like everybody thought.
However, he was scared shirtless of her reaction when she'd put the pieces together and realised who he really was and what he was aiming to achieve. But Tomura wished that when it happens, she'll understand him and stays by his side.
The day of their "date", as he liked to call it, was around the corner and so was his anxiety. What if he was too much of a freak for her? What if she saw him at daylight and thought he was ugly (which he believed he was)? How would he talked to a woman when all his life he was rejected or feared by them? So many questions that didn't let him sleep at night. That and the constant thoughts of her soft skin and how good it felt to have her lips on his cheek. He dreamed about having her in front of him and being able to kiss and caress her body.
He didn't have anybody to share his thoughts and opinions about this and he knew he couldn't ask his master; he would say that she was a "distraction" and would try to hurt her. That's why he reminded calmed and did his own research by watching shitty romantic movies and series.
He was in the middle of "Notting Hill" when a new notification arrived, it was a message from y/n!
Cute girl: Hi Tomura! Can't wait to see you tomorrow ❤️
Cute girl: Oh and Sombra also says hi!
His heartbeat increased a lot every time she sent him a text or call. Tomura really enjoyed talking to her; she always had something interesting and funny to say and make his day better. He's excited to see y/n tomorrow! And his mind drifts to what cute outfit would she use and wonders if he should asked her what colours was she going to wear in order to match with hers but realised it might be a little creepy as they haven't known each other for that long.
Suddenly he felt into the realisation that he hadn't thought about an outfit yet and it made him panicked. Running to his closest and looking for something suitable to wear. He couldn't hide his face behind "father" but he also couldn't wear another hoodie so his long dilema started. It took him almost two hours to find something that made him look decent enough and then, he heard another notification.
Cute girl: Hey, it's everything alright?
Cute girl: If you don't feel like going out, it's ok! You don't have to
Oh god no! He had forgotten to respond. Why was he such an idiot? Now she thought he didn't want to come! As usual, he started to scratch his neck furiously till it bleed. Maybe he was overthinking this too much and forgot that he needed to enjoy
Him: Hi y/n!
Him: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to left you on read! I remembered that I didn't have anything planned to wear and I started looking for something and lost track of time
Him: I'm really excited to see you tomorrow
Him: hope u haven't changed your mind about our date
Cute girl: Oh, don't worry! I just thought you didn't want to come and, if I'm being honest, I was kinda sad 🥺🙈
Cute girl: So... Are we seeing each other tomorrow?
Him: Yes!
Cute girl: Yeiiii! I'm so happy!
Cute girl: See you on tomorrow then! ☺️
Tomura was so happy that she seemed to be excited to see him and what was even better was that she didn't corrected him when he said it was "date" so it meant she wanted to date him too! At least, he hoped it meant that
Tomura arrived half an hour earlier just in case. He didn't want to spoil anything. Today must be perfect! He was waiting on a bench at the park near the restaurant when she appeared. Her h/c hair was down, she had very little make up (as much as he could tell) that made her face lighted up even more and she was wearing a black long sleeve dress with a big scarf that hide part of her face but he could still see the blush on her nose and cheeks. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of her. She looked so adorable and sexy at the same time! How was that even possible?!
When she finally spotted him, she hurried to where he was and gave him a big hug that last more than it should for two people who didn't know each other that well. Tomura stood still while being embraced by her. The last time he was held like this, he ended up decaying his whole family so it made him worried. He wasn't sure if he should reciprocate the gesture so he opted for leaning closer in order to smelt her sweet perfume; she smelt like vanilla and happiness. He wished he smell good enough for her as he took three showers to get rid of blood's smell (he had happened to come across some heroes yesterday and things had scaled quickly)
"It's so nice to see you, Tomura! Thanks for coming" She said while distancing herself from him and he was invaded by sadness as he lost the comfort her embrace provided him.
Then, Y/n looked at him up and down and said "You do look good, gamer boy" and winked at him. At that moment, Shigaraki lost the hability to speak as he was too shocked by her statement. Never in his whole life he'd had someone telling him such a thing and not being joking. Did she truly think he "looked good"? If it wasn't for her innocent smile and those doe eyes, he would've thought it was a joke.
"T-Thanks... You look really pretty" "Thank youuuu! How about we go to the restaurant? I'm starving hahaha" She laughed and Tomura seriously believed it was the greatest melody he's ever heard. As he nodded, she grabbed his arm and pulled from him saying "Let's go then!"
They sat across each other on the floor at a very traditional Japanese restaurant. She did most of the talking and he was glad about it. First of all because he wanted to know everything about her and secondly, cause he still couldn't grasped the fact that he was on a date with the most beautiful woman to ever exist on earth. When food arrived, she went to grab a napkin for both but so was Tomura and their hands touched making her blush adorably and he couldn't help but stared. She looked at him, then to their hands and frowned. He paralysed. Was he staring too much? Did his hand disgusted her? Before he could kept on thinking, she took his hand into hers and said "I don't know what you did but you have to be more careful" as she healed his wounds while caressing them with so much tenderness that he had to suppressed the need to kiss her "There, you are all healed!"
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She released his hand and gave him a look full of curiosity "What?" He asked as he was getting nervous of how intense her stare was "Oh nothing... I'm just wondering which is your quirk, if you have you, of course" Tomura remained silenced for a few seconds and contemplated the idea of telling her the truth. He didn't want to risk their possible future but he didn't want to lie to her either "I have a decay quirk. I turn into dust everything I touch with my hands. I know it's kinda creepy but..." y/n didn't let him finished as she said "Wow! That's such a powerful quirk you have! Nobody would mess with you, that's for sure hahaha"
Shigaraki was glad you took it well as their conversation kept going. She asked many questions about his personal life and also talked about the place she worked at. Apparently, she was a nurse that worked at a local hospital (her quirk being really convenient) and she lived alone with Sombra near the league's hideout
After a while, they left the restaurant but didn't want the date come to an end so they went to the park to chat some more as they walked. Tomura didn't want to overthinking about the fact that his hand interviewed with hers and she didn't complained; actually, she seemed really comfortable and he couldn't be happier.
A few minutes into walking, he realised she was shivering and so he copied the same gesture he saw many times in those romantic movies. He took his jacket off and put it in her shoulder while keeping his arm around her in order to kept her warm. Her face was blushing so hard that he thanked all the time he spent watching TV instead of preparing for the LOV next attack
She was so close that he could just leaned down a little bit and kissed her. They remained on their spot while looking at each other intensively and leaned forward for a very expected kiss. But luck was not with them as it started to rain and they had to run to a tree for shelter. When it stopped raining, he took her to her apartment but didn't leave before coming to the door and saying hi to Sombra.
"I had so much fun today! I was thinking that when you are not busy, maybe you could come to my house. I can cook something nice and we can play games... What do you say?" She looked at him waiting for his response but Tomura sword he was in another galaxy. Of course he wanted to spent more time with her and try what she prepared for him "I would love to. How about next Saturday?" "Yes! Then, see you on Saturday Tomura!" She came closer to kiss his cheek and whispered into his ear "I'm looking forward to see you again, gamer boy"
When Tomura arrived at his bedroom, he saw that he had a new notification; a message from you that made him lose the hability to breathe. (Literally *tomura e.x.e stopped working*)
Cute girl: Tomuraaaa, you left your jacket
Cute girl: I'll give it back on Saturday, ok?
Cute girl: Oh and for the record, I would've let you kiss me in the park 🙈
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ananiel · 2 months
Darling!!! Hello, How are you? I come back to Tumblr with another idea in my head. And I hope you ready to listen. Well... I was rereading the stories with Obanai! Reader. And I was wondering what we could think about the next.
And as I was saying in my headcanons Louise and Hugo are smart children and having already put the whole puzzle together in the head they wouldn't want their mom to come back. But deep in their hearts they will be very glad about it but they wouldn't show it.
And Sherliam manage Darling back home! (At that moment Louise and Hugo were 4 years old) Let's Obi and W! reader suffer together 🤣 (To be honest W! reader and Louis pairing are the most healthiest to me) And Sherliam noticed the overprotective ness from the children but wouldn't think much about it. Believing that they just want all their mother's attention to be on them and they are jealous because they take all her attention to themselves (Hugo and Louise are jealous bc of it but they will never admit it). And Sherliam adore them. And children (they will never admit this as well) love them as well.
For The next chapter i have something in mind already, though i am not sure when it Will be posted.
My idea is that Yes, sherliam Will get their darling back, they Will find her at the witches' home, and when they return, of course, William Will have problems with witch! Reader, because she hid his darling, which having problems, Louis Will be in a dilema, because he loves witch! Reader, but he loves his brother also, and he doesn't want to see them in conflict, but at the same time, witch! Reader moves away from him to stay with obanai reader and the kids, which makes Louis resent sherlock, and a little William too, because life was perfect, then they came back and now his life is Turning upside down.
Louis loves his brother, Yes, but he found another sourse of love, one that is his darling, and because he loves her, he Will step up for her, which Will bring conflict between the brothers. Though in his love for his brother, Louis might chose to leave, rather than constant fear for his darling's safety
I haven't really added Albert here, because i like playing mind games, switching timelines, and right now, Albert has his own "love travel" to do, one that will leave also make sense of why after a while Mycroft doesn't really look for The kids anymore.
Call me a sadist, but i love having a character that i love have a turmoil of emotions going on inside their head, fighting with themselves on what's the good or what's the evil of the story
(also question for future fanfic, anyone knows rusty lake?)
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
Ok this is about the reblogging thing/who I see in my dash / who you see on your dash again. Sorry
Stuff just doesn’t get seen on here if you don’t reblog it. It’s like a shooting star 💫 beautiful and brief and gone.
Unless I’m tagged I might not see that amazing post you made that would blow my mind … not unless like minded people reblog it for me and then reblog it again and again.
The beauty and talent that goes on round here is getting lost in the void. You liked it someone else missed it.. do them a favour and the original poster too and reblog it!!
Set it free!! It wants to be free. It wants to be seen. Don’t we all 😂
💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫Send those shooting stars across the void! 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
I really see the difference when I tag/don’t tag friends (and I don’t like to tag too often cos it might be annoying but I do want you to see it because I kinda think you’ll like it - sh the dilema!!)
If I post something not tagging my pals- 6 notes maybe up to 20? It just doesn’t get seen, it’s there and gone again in a flash. Vanished into the dark.
If I do tag - then amazing things happen - it gets seen, reblogged sometimes and sent on its way.. more people see it more people get the chance to see it and they’ll thank you the op will thank you. What’s not to like?!
Sometimes even a small spot like me in fandom can hit the dizzy heights of 200 notes- I know impressive huh 😉, if there’s reblogging. Now I’m not saying I’m that good or should be hitting crazy notes and drowning in praise - not at all, I actually quite like being small but some of you are so talented and deserve so much more notes and reads and kudos.
So I say again
💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫Send those shooting stars across the void! 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
Who knew reblogging on the blogging site does what it’s meant to! Fun times await for all of you share what you love. Go for it- won’t hurt… I promise and it might even make you a friend or two.
Let’s see what happens without tags?
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you and me both javier 😔
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yup. you meet alicia. and she never lets you leave. she owns u now. ONCE AGAIN THE CHICKS WITH THEIR TINY RAT MEN THEY TREAT LIKE PURSE DOGS.
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aweee :') he cares. "your a piece of shit but your my piece of shit so stop being sad and go back to being the worst man alive"
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they playin some 8D chess here.
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that lloyd frontera charm.
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"if you failed?"
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they are bestest friends to me. bros for life.
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pathetic men for the win. lloyd is like a half dead chihuahua that alicia carries around in a bag
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wow. such a hero.
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time to go on a killing spree😀🔪
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murderous plan concocted 👍
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gnrbitch · 1 year
Grunge Days Pt.3 - New Rose
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Warnings: Drug-Usage, Smoking, Profanity,
Book one/ earlier parts
Y/n thought back to that time in 1986 when she swore she was never gonna pick up another needle again.
Wrapping her sweater around her, she sighed as she walked towards the apartment her friend Chris, had told her about. The girl was currently staying with him and his girlfriend Susan, aka her manager.
Chris had known Y/n was entering the beginning of an addiction, but who was he to judge, he himself using also. So when Y/n desperately came to him, he had told her about a drug dealer he knew here in LA.
And now here she was, knocking on this random persons door, making sure she was at the right room number.
“Who are you?” A man with shaggy brown hair asked, slightly cracking the door open.
“Um- Y/n” She said awkwardly, “Look i’m here for some dope, my friend said he was gonna call to tell you about me”
The man opened the door, “You Cornell’s friend?”
“Yea-Yea I am” She said shakily, feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Alright, come in” He said, letting her through the door.
Y/n turned to look at him, “Hey is it cool if i shoot up in here? I’ll leave right after”
“Fine by me-” He the man shrugged, being able to finish his sentence right before someone else spoke up.
“Y/n?” The voice asked
Y/n’s eyes widened as she turned to look at who had called her name, and to her worst nightmare, there Slash was, sitting on a couch.
“Shit” She mumbled to herself.
“So, how much do’ya need?” The man spoke, Y/n turned back to look at him, and walked to where he was sitting.
“4 grams” She said, a cloud of shame suddenly looming over her.
“Alright, 70 bucks” The man told her, as he handed her 4 little baggies of dope.
Y/n pulled out the cash from her pocket, shakily handing it over to him.
“Jeez you’re starting to look rough, go sit over there” He smiled at her, whilst nodding his head over to the couch, the same couch Slash was sitting on.
Y/n weighed out her options very quickly, get high, or walk all the way back home, and probably end up puking her guts out. She chose to get high.
She quickly went to go sit down on one end of the couch, Slash being on the other.
She cursed to herself as she realized she had no spoon, and no fucken needle to shoot up with.
Slash watched her quietly for a moment, then he handed her a spoon and a needle.
“It’s clean” He said, talking about the needle.
“Thanks” She said as she looked at him, she probably looked like shit.
Well, not to Slash, sure she looked pale, and looked like she was about to pass out. But to Slash (Maybe cause he was high) she looked so good, beautiful even. He thought about how she got better with age, but then the dawning realization that this was Y/n, as in Duffs little sister Y/n hit him. Shit, he thought.
Y/n leaned back with her eyes closed after she shot herself up, sighing out a breath of relief. Thank fucken god for Chris and whoever that shaggy haired guy is.
But then she was also hit with the reminder that Slash was sitting next to her. So she opened her eyes, did her best to sit up, then turned to look at him. Weirdly finding that he was already looking at her.
“I won’t tell if you don’t” She croaked out, sending him a small smile. Knowing she had just given him the same dilema she gave him back in 86’.
A flash of him & Y/n back in 86’ ran through Slash’s head, it was as if they were reading each others mind. He smiled and looked down as he shook his head. “Fine” He said.
“Alright, cool” She said as she got up, shoving the baggies she had in the inner pocket of her jacket.
His head shot up to look at Y/n as she stood up “Where are you going?” he asked.
“Back to my place” She calmly said.
“Well how are you getting home?” He asked again
“With my legs” She shrugged
“You’re walking?” He asked… again.
“Yea- it’s not far” She responded.
He got up and dug in his pockets for his keys, looking at her once again. “I’ll take you home”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows “It’s fine, you don’t have to Slash”
“I’d be an ass to let you walk back alone” He said
“Alright, fine” She shrugged, she was too lazy to walk back anyways.
She turned to look at the shaggy haired dude, “See you later….”
“Nazareth” He finished her sentence.
“As in the band?” She asked, a smile gracing her face.
He nodded his head at her, “Exactly”
“Sick” She said, a smile still on her face as her and Slash walked out.
“What a cool dude” She said to Slash as they walked through the halls of the building, making their way to the elevator.
Slash nodded his head, “Yea, he is”
“Y’know who i haven’t-” Y/n started as Slash cut her off.
“I didn’t expect it to be you at that door Y/n” He said, turning to look at her.
“Didn’t expect you to be on that couch, Slash” She shot back.
Slash cleared his throat, before asking Y/n a question that had been nagging him ever since he saw her walk through that door.
“Have you been using since you know- 86’?” He asked.
Y/n was caught off guard by that question, furrowing her eyebrows, she said “No”.
Slash pressed the elevator button “So when did you-”
“Hasn’t been that long, it’s been like what 3 months?” She questioned, not even being sure of her answer.
But it’s not like she was lying, it has only been a few months, she picked up the habit right before she came to LA, it made dealing with this new founded fame much easier.
“Right” Was all he said
“So what has guns been working on now?” Y/n asked, trying to break the ice between the two.
Slash rolled his eyes as he shrugged, “Been tryin to get back into the studio, but Axls acting like a drama queen and Stevens too fucked up to play”
Y/ns eyes widened at that, “Stevie? What’s wrong with him?” She asked
“Fuckin dope” He said as they walked to his car, “Doesn’t know when it’s too much” he said
Y/n nodded at him as she frowned, poor Steven, maybe she should go visit him, she thought.
Those thoughts leaving her head as her eyes widened at Slash’s car, “Looks like that Welcome to the Jungle check was fat Slash”
Slash let out a laugh, “Yea, it was”
“So you’re like a hot shot now huh” She smiled at him as they got into his car.
“Still the same dumbass you know Y/n” Slash said as he started the car, a smile also on his face. “What about you huh? I bet if we turn on the radio right now Alice in chains would start playing”
Y/n just laughed as she looked out the window, her brother suddenly coming to mind.
“How’s Duff?” She asked, “I’ve asked him but all I get are mumbles”
“He’s been drinking a whole lot more, that’s just how he communicates now”
“oh” Was all Y/n said
“So are you gonna tell me where you’re staying?” Slash joked
“Oh right! Sorry” Y/n laughed, realizing the car hasn’t even been moving. “Just go straight, i’ll tell you when to make a right”
Slash nodded his head as he began to drive, “So who are you staying with?”
“Just a friend and his girlfriend” She said, her head on the window.
“What about the guys?” Slash furrowed his eyebrows
“Laynes staying with his girlfriend, and the other two, i donno”
“Right” “So are you guys touring or something?” Slash asked
“Make a right on the next street” She said, “Touring? Yea!” She said as she suddenly got excited, “You’re not gonna believe who we’re opening for” She said
“Who?” He asked, smiling as he glanced at her.
“Van Fucken Halen” She squealed out
Slash’s eyebrows raised as he kept his eyes on the road “Van Halen huh?”
Y/n excitedly nodded her head, even if Slash couldn’t see her, “I’m so fucken- make another right, i live at the third apartment building” She said. “But yea, I’m so fucken excited, i think i might pass out when I see Eddie” She smiled.
“When do you leave?” He asked, slowing down as he stopped in front of the building.
“In a week and a half” She said “I’m so fucken excited” she sighed out, noticing that she was already home.
“Yea, i could tell” He smiled at her, kinda upset that this was the end of their conversation.
There was a awkward pause in the car as the stared at each other.
“Do you wanna come in for a bit?” Y/n nervously asked.
“Can I?” He said
“Well yea, comon” She said as she got out of the car, Slash imitating her.
“How long are you living here for?” Slash asked as she he followed behind her.
“Not sure, i’ll probably leave once i come back from touring with…” She let out a gasp “Van fucken Halen!” She said, her excitement coming back to her.
Slash laughed as she opened the door to her place, hearing Susan on the phone.
Susan covered the bottom of the phone as she saw Y/n, “Okay that sounds good- hold on”
“Y/n, you and the boys have a show tomorrow down in San Francisco” Susan said as she looked over the girls shoulder, looking at Slash standing behind her.
“Okay that’s cool, when are we leaving?” She asked.
“Tomorrow morning. Be up at eight” She said
“Eighttttttt that’s so early Susan!” Y/n whined
“Yea but you and i have to go pick up the other boys”
“Fine, See you tomorrow Susan” She said as she walked over to her room, Slash following her, Slash tripping as he walked into her room.
Y/n laughed at him, “Dumbass”
“Pretend you didn’t see that” He said, embarrassed.
They laid on her bed, backs on the wall as they talked.
“You excited for tomorrow?” He asked her
She nodded her head, “Yea, i’ve only been there once”
“We opened for Iggy right after the record came out, but i’m pretty sure we’re gonna play in a run-down club”
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a fucked up club” Slash said as he turned to look at her.
“Hey, i never said there was” She rolled her eyes at him. “Wanna get high?” She asked
“Sure” He shrugged
The pair spent the rest of the night talking with each other, laughing at as they told each other their embarrassing moments on stage, and of course, Slash laughed every time Y/n would bring up Van Halen.
He was really excited for her, and he was glad he decided to stay.
“You sure you don’t wanna sleep over? It’s pretty late” Y/n asked as they stood at her doorway.
“It’s fine, plus i wanna get all the guys in the studio tomorrow” Slash said
“Oh shit, tell me how that goes” Y/n laughed
Slash rolled his eyes as he smiled “Hopefully it’s not a fucken shit show”
“Hopefully not” She nodded her head
“Well i’ll see you another time” Slash said
“Yea, hopefully” She said
She closed the door and headed straight to her bed, closing her eyes as she thought about how the thing that tore her and Slash apart, is the thing that might bring them back together.
And how Layne is gonna be pissed that she’s now cordial with Slash, she could just hear him already.
“Y/n what the fuck”
“He was such an asshole”
“I can’t believe you”
Maybe she’ll keep this night to herself.
AHHH I FINALLY FUCKEN UPDATED!!!!! Sorry for the stupendous lag.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed!!! Let me know what you think.
Tagged: @alysais2cool @hoodiesandicedcoffee
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prwcess · 1 year
Cole Cassidy x fem gardener reader who has germaphobia? that’d be an interesting dynamic me thinks.
yesyeysyes. i had a little trouble thinking about how to write this, since i’m not sure what exactly you meant, but here it is, please lmk if it’s not what you wanted and i’ll write another 🩷🩷
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(gif not mine) *・゜Cole Cassidy x Fem-reader who is a germaphobe.. but would really like to try gardening
warnings: none!! just cute stuffs.. *・゜
i felt the cold metal handle on my hand shovel shake as i pushed it into the dirt. i was squatted over the ground in front of overwatch headquarters, as i had recently been tasked with brightening the place up, and what brightens up things more than flowers? ..or so i thought.
biting my lip and staring intensely at the hole i just created, i imagined the amount of germs or even small bugs that could be in there. all i had to do was take the small seeds and bury them just like that, yet with no gloves.. the thought of it was just.. errgh. Sadly, with this delacite breed of flowers, i had to make sure everything was perfect in order for them to grow, so i sat and stared. heavy foot steps could be heard behind me, but with my small dilema i couldn’t do anything but sigh and throw my face in my clean hands, knowing this is the last time i’ll feel clean enough to do so after this.
“Need a hand?”
I looked up to see the familiar cowboy, sun shining down on me from behind him. i sighed, accepting defeat. “yeah…”
“Called it, a jewel like you couldn’t risk gettin dirty huh?” he smirked and crouched down, already getting the moist dirt on his pants, earning a gasp from me. he smiled me off, taking the packet of seeds from my hands, “don’t mess it up, you have to press them in there gently..” i demonstrated to him what to do with my hands, which only led to him chuckling and waving me away. “I’ll be gentle.. you don’t know what this horrible dirt is gonna do to you or this seed, might get you huh?” i smacked his arm gently, yet my teeth never released my lip, nervously staring back at the ground, once again imagining the amount of bacteria n germs as always. “shut it and plant them, i have 3 more to go, and the water shuts off at 7” . i mumbled, eyes glued on the seemingly innocent earth.
“Gotcha.” he pushed the seed into the hole and buried it, quickly digging two more and doing the same, finishing what i’ve been trying to do all day in a mere 2 minutes. I stared in awe as he sprayed the water on top and shook his hands off. “There ya go, all done.” he smiled at me as I stood back up embarrassed. “well, if you finished my task, let me help with yours! tell me, what did winston ask you to do?” I grabbed his arm and asked. “breakfast, tomorrow morning youre cooking then, if you really wanna take on my task.” he said, probably happy he wouldn’t have to cook. Cole took my face in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, before walking off back to headquarters. It took me a full minute of being clueless before my face reddened, “god that guy! didn’t even wash his hands..” i mumbled, staring at my reflection in the windows, making sure there’s no dirt on me anywhere.
not only will I now be scared of whatever germs are on my face, I’ll have to think about what Coles kiss meant, though it was probably him being hisself.
tytyty for reading sorry if it sucked, i seriously was so clueless with this prompt, really didn’t know how to write it 💔
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
| The God and the Cat | Avenger!Loki x Reader
Cw: None, fluff, reader being a chaotic bisexual with Wanda, Loki getting scratched, sassy reader
Summary: When Loki's girlfriend turns into a cat he does everything he can to help her
Hi! This is my first try at writing Loki, I hope I nailed it and that you like it, if you'd like more of this then let me know!
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It was a regular day at the Avenger's Tower, Loki was coming back from reading a book at the common area, taking long strides back to his room
Opening the door he stepped in, turning around he saw a pair of eyes looking at him, but the pair of eyes belonged to a white cat sitting on his bed
"Oh? Hello there, who are you?" He went closer to the cat, who narrowed it's eyes at him "What-"
"Really? You don't recognize me Loki?" Your voice spoke from the cat
He stepped a bit back, but then kneeled in front of you, inspecting you closely
"Y/n? Is that you?"
You rolled your cat eyes, narrowing them again
"Yes, of course it's me!"
"My darling you look... Adorable"
You sat down on his bed, taking the infamous loaf form, making Loki audibly coo at you
"Will you tell me what happened dear?"
"Well, I may have or may have not, read a spell that wasn't exactly what it said it was" you avoided his eyes, knowing the look he was giving you
"Darling, what have I told you about reading spells?" He massages his temples
"I know! I was just curious"
"Well, looks like curiosity in this case, turned you into a cat" he pet your head, making you pur but soon you tried to scratch his hand away "A devious cat, huh, looks like the name "pet" fits you perfectly now"
You hissed loudly at him, making him laugh
"And where's the book where you read that from? Maybe I can find a way to revert it"
You looked nervous, frantically looking at his eyes
"Uhm you see, the thing is, the book uhm, burnt in flames"
Loki's face dropped, pinching his nose, an exasperated sigh left his mouth "Well, now we'll have to find someone else to help us, let's go my beautiful cat girl"
He held you in his arms, taking in how soft your fur is and how warm you are, your purring was loud and strong "Oh for the Norns, you're the most beautiful cat I've ever seen"
You nuzzled into his neck as he walked out of his room, he had a mission, find Stark to see if he could help you
"Brother! What is that beautiful animal you have there?" Thor's voiced boomed as he approached his brother
"Hello brother, we may have a little bit of a dilema" you moved in his arms, climbing his shoulders "This cat, is Y/n"
Thor's eyes could've left his sockets, looking back from you to Loki and again
"You must be kidding brother, is this another one of you illusions?"
"Nope, it's me Thor" you spoke, making him look at you "I'm sure you've seen something like this before"
"I mean yeah but, why you? What did you do Lady Y/n?"
"She read a spell from a book that then auto-destructed itself" he said with a sigh
"Oh, well I would suggest going with Tony for some help but I assume you're already on your way there brother"
"Indeed we are Thor, so get out of our way before I scratch your face" you answered too sassily for Loki's taste, but it made him laugh nonetheless
"Let's go my little sassy cat" he said walking away from Thor, you climbed his shoulders again and hissed at Thor.
At the Lab...
"Stark! We need your assistance!"
Tony looked up from what he was working on, maybe another update to his suit or something like a new tech, who knows
"What is it horns?" He took off his protective glasses to look at him "You do know animals are not allowed in the lab right?" He said referring to you
"Animal?! You're calling me an animal?!" You hissed at Tony
"Y/n? Okay what did you do Bambi?"
"Me? Nothing, she read a spell from a book, we need help to turn her back into her normal self"
"Hah, normal, there's nothing normal in Y/n" you hissed again at him "Put her over here, I'll take a look at her"
Loki placed you on a table, you sat down licking your left paw, looking around everything seemed smaller, well yeah you are smaller
"Okay let's see" he put on his glasses and stretched your neck, humming and nodding, then took a look at your paws, sharp claws adoring them, he then made you stand up and took a look at your back paws, he grabbed your tail and-
"HEY!" You scratched his hand away, hissing loudly
"Sorry! Just needed to check your whole anatomy" he defended himself "Seems like you're a normal looking cat but with the ability of talking"
"Yeah we know that Tony" you replied "I need help to turn back into a human!"
"Well with that, I'm not of much help I'm afraid, you'll have to see someone else for that"
"Oh my goodness you're cute!" Wanda's voice was super high pitched when she was talking to you, holding you against her breasts
"This is nice, I could get used to it" you purred as her hands held you so nicely against her
"Well that's enough" Loki said grabbing you but you scratched his face entirely, jumping to Wanda's arms again, hissing at him "Why?!" He said in pain
"I think she likes me more" she said snuggling you into her breasts again, a smug smile on your cat face
"I think she likes something else" he groaned "Can you help us, witch? I need my lover back"
"Okay fine, I'll see what I can do" She set you down, you whined at the loss, wanting more affection from the pretty witch
She moved her hands, red magic emiting from them as she encapsulated you into it, making a cocoon like thing around you, when you finally came down to the ground again, you were...
Still a cat, but this time, you couldn't talk, only meow and emit natural cat noises
"Wanda what did you do?" Loki said picking you up as you desperately tried to talk again, but to no avail
"Oh shit, I think I took away her ability of talking" she scrunched up her face
She quickly reverted the spell and your melodic voice came back
"YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT- Oh my voice is back!" They both looked at you "What, oh I'm still a cat"
"I'm sorry guys, I don't think I can do anything else, you might need to see, someone else..."
"Oh no, not him please"
"So..." Strange's voice said "What brings you here mischief?"
Loki sighed, showing his cat girlfriend to the sorcerer "My girlfriend is a cat"
Strange's eyes widened as he inspected you, your big eyes looked at him expectantly "So? You're gonna help me or what?" Your voice made him flinch, he was hoping it was a joke from the god
"Oh uhm, well I think I may have seen something like this already" he disappears and comes back with a huge book
"Hey that's the book I read it from!" You said as Loki stepped closer, you jumped on the table, sitting in front of Strange as he read through the book, finding what he was looking for
"Found it" he started to read "Oh..."
"Something the matter?" Loki asked
"I hate being the one carrying bad news but" he sighed "This is not a spell, it's a curse" you gulped nervously
"So what? Am I supposed to kiss someone to turn back human?" You looked at Loki who shook his head
"No, can you please listen?" He sighed again "You're cursed to be a cat... For one thousand years, until you finally turn into your human self again and die..."
You felt your world crumble around you as he spoke those words, your only reaction was to run away, sobbing
"Y/n wait!" Loki said but you just ran away...
You felt someone come behind you, you had found an empty balcony to weep in, looking outside at the world
"I can't believe I'm so stupid... Now I have to live as a cat... Alone... For an eternity" you sobbed
Then you felt someone nuzzle into you, you looked at your side to see
"Loki? What did you do?" Big green eyes looking at you, he was a black cat, a little bigger than you, nuzzling into you
"If the love of my life is cursed to live as a cat, then I will stay here, to accompany her, for eternity"
You licked his face, as in giving him a kiss
"But, you don't have to do that, Loki you're a god"
"I don't care, I would rather give up my place as a god to stay by your side" you felt more tears coming in, so you nuzzled into him now
Knowing that no matter what, human or cat like, Loki would forever be with you... Loving you...
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"Hey guys?" Strange's voice made you both look "I think I found it"
Hope you liked it guys, let me know if you want anything like this again ^^
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: eddie munson (pov) x reader (she/her, 18+)
request: fantastic ideas by @yourmomsmilfmistress, spoilers ahead; so i have an idea for a fic with eddie x fem!reader. the song wet dreams by j. cole is how i got this!! so my thought is that it's eddie pov and it's just basically what the song says except when he gets to her house he ends up chickening out and spills to her that he's a virgin and is all embarrassed but she thinks it's cute and it ends smexy!!!
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; dwugs mentioned, dirty thoughts, masturbation, porn, semi-realistic first virgin experience, fluffity fluff, protected p in v, just a boat load of eddie cuteness, etc.
word count: ~6.8k
support your author: reblogs for the sweet eddie boy ✨
what now, daddy? •  part one • 
note: i love this so stinkin' much. thank you so much for trusting me with your idea! this song is absolutely perfect for eddie. thank you to @indouloureux for sending milf mistress' beautiful mind my way! also my apologies for the delay ♥️ here are the lyrics in case someone would prefer to read them vs. hear them. this is a continuation of the requested what now, daddy? 🤤 also just wanted to share that this gif be doing things to me. I love this sweet boy with all my heart.
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Eddie will always cherish that night. The night where everything changed between him and the girl he loves.
The hangout started off just like any other. Rob, Nance, Steve, him and her. It was filled with laughter and happiness. Jokes and taunts. Every time Eddie took a swig of his beer, he looked her way. Trying to steal a glance of her beautiful smile. He’d never felt like this before. Never felt this overwhelming energy pulling him towards someone. Unfortunately, that someone happens to be his best friend. Fortunate only if things work out. If not, he loses everything. The kind of dilema one writes a song about.
After a joke that went wrong, Eddie was left alone with a furious version of her. But then something just switched, switched like a lamp in complete darkness. She touched him. She told him to sit and just watch her. He watched her touch herself. Undoubtedly the punishment for his joke, but he wasn’t complaining. He wanted to touch her so badly he clawed his own arm. And when she finally said the words - the words he begged for, “Get over here,” … he froze.
Eddie stood. All his blood down in his bottom half. His face paler than usual and he just stood there. He looked at her beautiful body as she laid against his bed. He couldn't move, even though he desperately wanted to. His body wouldn't let him. He couldn't just keep staring at her. Those beautiful eyes of hers staring back at him. He wanted to melt right in front of her. Do whatever she wanted him to do, but he couldn't. It was beyond frustrating.
Quickly, Eddie smiled - trying to smooth talk his way out of this. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen," he murmured. He was still stuck standing beside his old chair. "I want our first time together to be perfect," he added. A smile grew on her face. Fuck, she was gorgeous. His heart skipped a beat. "If I'm perfectly honest with you, I'm a bit too high right now and I want to make sure I'm sober for our first time," he said with a chuckle. She giggled alongside him as she crossed her leg over the other.
"I understand," she soothed. "I think I liked that." Eddie's body immediately released him. He rushed to her side, sitting atop the mattress. His hand reached hers and entangled within her fingers. "I loved that. I gotta piss you off some more," he laughed. She bumped his shoulder against his. He wants nothing more than to touch her forever, to never be separated. She felt so good, in any capacity, in any way.
"Do you mind if I stay over?" she asked as she pulled a strand of hair from her gentle face. Eddie smiled. He didn't think he could be happier than in this moment with her. "Please," he said. With a smile, she crawled herself up to the pillows. He followed along beside her as her naked body slid underneath his covers. With a quick movement, he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Can I hold you?" Eddie asked. Nervousness shot a burning pain through his heart. He wanted his arms around her, to pull her against his chest. He's wanted her for as long as he remembered. "You don't have to ask anymore," she whispered as she curled onto his chest.
Without delay, he wrapped his arms tightly around her torso - determined to never let her go. He had never felt more at ease, more safe than with her in his arms. The two fell asleep shortly after that. Their arms and legs intertwined with each other. Two perfect pieces placed together, finally.
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As he awoke, Eddie immediately notices the lack of beauty in his grasp. Fear rushes through his mind as he struggles to find you on the bed. She was gone. His eyebrows furrow as he slowly opens his eyes. He quickly finds a note resting against the pillow, now forever her pillow.
Eds, I hope we can have another night like last night... I have an early meeting for band, so I'll catch you at school. Wear those pants I like. - y/n
A smile forms across Eddie's face. He feels the heat flush towards his cheeks. I hope we can have another night like last night, he thinks to himself. She wants to do this again. The thought of you sleeping in his bed another night could keep him alive for the next 10 years. He didn't need anything more. Although, he wants more. And hell yeah is he going to wear those black jeans you always rave about. Anything to keep your eyes on him. He cannot wait to see those beautiful eyes again.
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The first opportunity Eddie would see you was Mrs. Peterson's. The thought of that god damned math class puts a bad taste in his mouth. Luckily, he gets to spend that time goofing off, as usual, with you and Robin.
As he grabs some flower from his locker, Eddie turns to see Robin beside him. “Shit, fuck!” he exclaims. “Munson,” she says with a grin. “Buckley,” he matches her energy as he rests his back against the lockers. “When we left, it was real steamy in your trailer. Did you finally make a move?” she asks in excitement. Blush rushes to his cheeks as he tries to hide behind his curled hair. "Oh my god, tell me what happened," Robin says with a higher pitched voice as she grabs hold of his shoulders, giving him a sturdy shake.
"I don't kiss and tell," Eddie says as he pins his chin to his shoulder. Robin covers her mouth, keeping one hand on his shoulder. "Shut up," she mumbles against her palm. With a bite to his lip, he shoots her another smile. "So math?" he says as bounces off the lockers. “I’ll be watching,” she mentions sternly as she walks alongside him down the hall.
Your smile. That’s the first thing Eddie sees. It melts his heart faster than any Dio single. He cannot help the grin that you create. You are absolutely beautiful. You always have been. He always knew you were. Yet, today feels different. That smile he has always adored was now so real. He knew you finally saw him the way he had seen you all these years.
The next thing he saw was your lips. They were beautiful and he is desperate to know what they taste like. He can't help but also admire your incredible legs. The thighs on this girl made him want to daydream forever. He always had to catch himself. His thoughts would run wild. He wants to kiss them - bite them. He wants to live between them - love them.
Luckily for him, Eddie sat beside you in class. He walks over to his desk, with you smiling at him the entire way over. As Mrs. Peterson begins her lesson, he rips out a page from his text book. He writes on a blank section, You look beautiful today. He folds it over and turns towards you. Your eyes on the teacher, like the good student you are.
Eddie softly reaches for your hand as Peterson writes on the chalkboard. With a smirk, you look his way. He opens your hand and places the folded paper onto your palm. Another incredible smile appears as you read his note. You write back and throw it over to his desk.
Love the pants.
Eddie couldn't help but smile. You were his closest friend. Of course you know exactly how to make him laugh. Quickly, he writes back.
I don't think I've ever slept better than last night.
You smile, but your demeanor abruptly shifts. Concern pulls Eddie's brows together as he watches you from the side of his eye. Whatever you were writing seems to make you uncomfortable. It draws fear into his heart.
I want to do that again. Have you ever had sex before?
Eddie could swear he lost his breath upon reading those words. Fortunately for him, he is quick on his feet. He begins to write without hesitation.
Of course I've had sex before. It's one of the few things I'm really good at.
Eddie, of course, is lying. He has never been with anyone before. He couldn't really let himself even think about anyone else, because he was so focused on you. What he wish he could do with you, do to you. If asked, he wouldn't know the reasoning behind his lie. This is his best friend. He should be able to tell you the truth. But after last night? To see you so forward, so beautiful and confident in your own skin. He wasn't sure what your reaction would be if you knew he was a virgin. He didn't want to take that chance.
Oh so you're a pro, huh? Well, why don't you show me exactly how good you are. Tonight?
Shit. Shit. Shit. Eddie's mind races with endless possibilities. Part of his brain is beyond excited. The other is frozen in panic. With a deep breath, he wrote with a shaky hand.
Sounds like a plan. I'll see you at my place. Let's say 8?
Upon your reading, you look over to him with a bite to your lip. Eddie's heart skips a beat. He could feel his stomach turning. His forehead sweating. Tonight's the night. Tonight is truly the night where everything is going to change - again. There's that panic again, tightening beneath his chest - making it difficult to breathe. He struggles to keep a calm face. Your smile keeps him there.
Eddie quickly changes the topic of conversation to Corroded Coffin, something that he knows you enjoy discussing. As the class ends, he stands beside you with the goofiest smile on his face. "I'll see you later," he says. You bite your lip with a huge smile. "I'll see you later," you reply as you grab hold of your backpack. He watches you with adoring eyes as you walk out the front door.
"Dude, I have no clue what happened but your body language was definitely saying something. Are you guys together?" Robin asks, she appears out of nowhere. Her pitch rising in excitement and anticipation. Eddie turns to her. Without addressing her question, he asks, "Where's Steve?" She shoots him a confused look. She reluctantly answers, "At Family Video. Why?" He immediately grabs his things. "Bye," he says as he walks out the door. Robin quickly follows behind him, just to watch him walk out into the school parking lot and drive off in his van.
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"Steve," Eddie greets as he bursts through the front doors of the local Family Video. "We gotta talk." Steve's smile grows as he leans onto his elbows across the counter. "I've been waiting," he says. Eddie scoffs in disbelief. "What do you mean you've 'been waiting?'" he asks.
Steve nods as he leans away from the surface. "Why don't you start by telling me what happened last night?" he suggests with a smirk. Eddie's face immediately runs hot, blushing through his cheeks. He knew he came to Steve for some awkward advice, but he did not expect that question. “Let’s just go with a lot,” he sheepishly answers. “I rather talk about tonight.”
“What’s tonight?” Steve asks with excitement in his eyes. Rarely does he see a hopeful version of Steve. He’s usually pained in some way - either can’t have Nancy, doesn’t have any luck with the chicks, or memories of the shit they went through. Either way, this happiness looks good on him. A bit of Eddie is proud that he was part of the reason. “She asked me if I’ve done it before," Eddie answers. “What’d you say?” Steve involuntarily whispers with raised brows and a bit lip.
“That I was a pro,” Eddie says with embarrassment in his voice. He pushes his hand through his hair and dramatically collapses onto the register's counter. “Well, are you?” Steve asks with a smile. Eddie swears based on his expressions that this must be the most entertaining conversation he's had in some time.
“Fuck no, dude! I’ve only kissed Mary Thompson and that was back in the 9th grade," Eddie whines as his hands cover his face. He couldn't help the red hot feeling spreading across his cheeks. “Steve, you gotta help me,” he pleads as he peers through his fingers.
Steve slowly nods, continuing to bite his lips. Eddie is sure that he was biting his mouth closed so that he wouldn't laugh. It just made the nervous pit in his stomach even worse. “What do you need help with?” Steve asks with a shaken tone. He was indeed trying his best not to laugh at the innocent boy. “The whole thing! I don’t know what I’m doing!” Eddie exclaims with a twinge of desperation.
Steve takes in a deep breath, cracking his neck side to side. He attempts to let go of his amusement so that he can best support one of his closest friends. “Here, follow me,” he gestures to Eddie and walks him over to the adult section of the Family Video. Eddie is quite surprised that there is a triple X section in a store called "Family Video." Steve waltzes into the section without worry. Whereas, Eddie looks around the entire space. He shoots an awkward smile towards a set of parents and child looking back at him.
Steve reaches onto the shelf and shoves a VHS against Eddie’s chest. “You have condoms?” he asks. “No,” Eddie answers honestly. His eyes widen as he completely forgot that that was something he might need tonight. Steve rolls his eyes in laughable annoyance. “Dude, it’s not like I woke up today and knew I was going to be having sex later!” Eddie exclaims. The surrounding customers give him disgusted looks as they turn towards his booming voice. A mother covers her child's ears. He nervously smiles and gestures an apology.
Steve quickly reaches into his wallet and takes out a string of five condoms. He holds them tightly between two of his fingers as he pins them to Eddie’s chest. “When you’re watching, try to keep up with them as long as you can. Also, wear a condom when you do so you can get used to it," he says with sincerity. "It's not going to feel the same." Eddie quickly nods as he holds the tape and condoms to his chest.
“I expect a detailed report in the morning," Steve says with a growing smile on his face. He leads the pairing back to the front desk. “Like I told Buckley, I don’t kiss and tell," Eddie smirks as he places his new-found items into his leather jacket's pockets. He waves goodbye as he makes his way to the front door. “You’ll be doing a lot more than kissing, Munson,” Steve yells through the store. The edges of his mouth pull down as he notices the annoyed looks his way. "Sorry, folks," he says with a nervous chuckle. Eddie laughs as he walks through the glass paned doors.
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Eddie opens the door to his trailer and is met face to face with his uncle. "Jesus shit!" Eddie exclaims as he walks through the threshold. "What, son? Didn't expect me?" Wayne laughs with a raspy tone. "I'm on my way out. Just had to stop by for some lunch. I left a sandwich for you in the fridge." Eddie smirks, "Thanks, Wayne."
Wayne approaches him with his keys in hand. "I won't be home until the morning. I picked up the graveyard shift," he says as he places a gentle hand upon Eddie's shoulder. Eddie smiles and nods. "Be safe," he says as he walks past him and out the door. "Always," he smiles.
As nonchalantly as possible, Eddie quickly deadbolts the front door. He takes off his jacket and rushes to the tv. He places the tape into the VHS player and leans back onto the couch. He rips off one of the condom packs. As the video begins, he starts to unbutton his pants. He pulls down his jeans from side to side until they rest at his ankles. His plaid white and blue boxers lay gently against his thighs.
The words "Driller" appear upon the screen. Eddie can't help but laugh a bit. He adjusts his sit as he leans firmly against the backing of the couch. A cheerleader appears on the screen. Her uniform barely covering her ass. Her top revealing her midriff and leaving nothing to imagine when it came to her cleavage. In comes a footballer, he still wears his uniform. It looks scuffed up, as though he just finished a game.
The dialogue was enough to make Eddie snort. He finds it quite corny. However, when the two begin to kiss, he could feel that firm feeling in his boxers as the blood rushes down. He watches as the man places his hand upon her waist. How her arms wrap around his neck. Her hands deep within his hair.
As he lifts her skirt, Eddie couldn't get past the idea of a football player and cheerleader. He couldn't identify with either individual and it continued to pull him out of the pleasure. He finds it amusing to think that Steve would actually find this desirable. He clears his throat and closes his eyes as he attempts to connect with the storyline in front of him.
As his eyes close, Eddie hears the sweet moans of the woman on the tape. He smiles as he tucks his hand beneath his boxer's waist line. He feels his hardened self as his eyes remain closed. His thoughts finally bring him back to you. The idea of these beautiful moans coming from your incredible lips.
Eddie opens his eyes to pull his hard cock out. He slowly opens the condom wrapper and gently places the condom on to his thick piece. Steve was right, it definitely felt different. He grasps onto his girth, also being mindful of the end of the condom so it remains on for the remainder of the tape.
His mind drifts as he closes his eyes again. How would you sound if he held onto your waist as he kissed you? How would you sound if he grinded against you as you both laid on his bed? Would you be on top or would he? How would it feel to put his thickness into your mouth? How would you sound when he finally slid inside you? How would you feel? God, you have to feel good. It must be incredible.
Eddie's breathing heavies as he becomes more excited in his thoughts. His strokes are rhythmic and tight. He hears the woman's moans shift. They become louder in nature, higher in pitch. He thinks of how loud you'd get as he thrusts deeper into you. How your moans may become louder, quicker. He hopes he'd make you feel so fucking good. The thought of you cumming against him. To feel you tighten around his cock...
"Fuck," Eddie whimpers as his stomach tightens and turns. He feels light headed as he hears the woman on the tape whimper and moan quicker and quicker until... He feels the pressure release as he groans through the high. A part of him is surprised as he didn't feel the familiar warm liquid splash against his thighs and stomach.
When he finally comes up for air, Eddie slowly opens his eyes to see the condom filled and bubbling up around his grip. He smiles, feeling accomplished. He carefully takes off the condom and quickly disposes of it. He returns to the tv to pause the film. He notes that the video was 6 minutes in. It took about 3 minutes for any action to truly start. He laughs as he feels proud that he made it past 1 minute 30 seconds, which was his latest record. "Alright, Munson. Let's at least make it to 5 minutes," he hypes himself up. He hits play and returns back to the couch. He waits for himself to harden up again before reaching for another condom. "Okay, 2 more to go," he says as he places the latex against the tip of his cock. "5-minutes, here we come." He closes his eyes once more.
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Eddie cleans the trailer as fast as humanly possible. He spends quite sometime picking out and cleaning the right sheets for his bed. He spends even more time adjusting the pillows on the couch. Anything to keep his nervous mind from acknowledging the huge deal that is tonight. He continues to run his hands through his curly hair as the digital clock counts down to 8:00 pm.
Tightness claims Eddie's chest as he hears a knock upon the door. He grips tightly against his kitchen counter. He lets out a smooth release of air as he shakes out his nerves. "You got this," he whispers under his breath. He lightly smacks his palms against the surface as he plasters a smile upon his face. He walks over to the front door. As he reaches out, he notices the shake of his hand. He takes another deep breath and watches as the hand before him stills.
Eddie twists open the door knob and takes a look at you standing before him. He watches in happiness as he studies your body. He notices your beautiful lush eyelashes and your soft healthy hair. "Hi," you say with an anxious smile. Eddie laughs as he realizes he forgot to greet you. He was too busy attending to your beauty. "Hi, y/n! Sorry about that. You look incredible," he stutters out with a growing smile. He watches as you giggle. "Come on in," he shares as he steps aside.
"How was the rest of your day, Eds?" you ask him as you uncomfortably stand in his living room. He watches as your eyes scan over the space. "It was great. I got some cleaning done," he says as he gestures towards the couch. You follow closely behind him. "I see that," you answer as you sit back onto the cushions. "It looks nice. I don't think I've ever seen it this nice." He shoots you a grin as he sits beside you.
"How about you?" Eddie asks as he turns to look at you. The way you take his breath away every time he has a chance to glance at you has become more and more of a familiar feeling. "It was pretty good," you answer as you pull your eyes from him. "I kept thinking about tonight," you nervously whisper. His heart beats harder than ever before. He lets out a shaky breath. "Yeah," he chuckles. "I honestly haven't stopped thinking about it either."
You turn towards Eddie and place your hand atop his thigh. His heart skips a beat as his entire body focuses on where yours meets his. He notices how your smile slowly disappears from your mouth. His brows pull together in confusion and worry. "Um," you say with a weak voice. "Do you have any goodies? I-I think I'd probably do better after a hit." He quickly nods and lets out a relieved chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. Same here," he replies. "Calm the nerves. I like where your head's at."
Eddie stands and walks over to his bedroom. He reaches into his dresser to find the rolled up joint he got from his dealer earlier this week. Once having hands on, he turns to see you in his bedroom doorway. "Hey," he says breathlessly. "Got it." You smile as you lean against the threshold. "I got a lighter," you quietly say as you reach into your jean's pocket and pull out a silver Zippo. He instinctually sits on the bed, where he usually enjoys his joints, and sends a welcoming smile your way. You slowly sit beside him and flip open the lighter. Your thumb igniting the flame.
Eddie places the joint between his lips as he slowly leans in to light its tip. He takes in a deep puff a smoke. He watches as the cherry at the end grows larger. While holding in the smoke, he takes the joint from his lips and hands it to you. Something you both are quite comfortable with. Your hangouts without Nancy, Steve, and Robin often revolve around the presence of marijuana. You gently take the jay between your two fingers and bring it to your lips. He cannot help but adore every feature of your face as you take in the smoke. He finds you incredibly beautiful. It's almost impossible not to look at you.
As you let the smoke gracefully flow from your mouth, you hand him back the flame. Eddie smiles as he takes one more hit. You follow behind him and close your eyes as you do. His heart beats rapidly as his eyes cannot move away from your lips. "Okay, I think that's good," he watches your mouth say. "Nerves calmed?" he asks gently. "As much as they're going to be," you answer with a low chuckle.
Eddie watches as your hand is placed gently against his cheek. He initially feels an abundance of nerves directed to your touch, but then a sudden wave of comfort. He leans into your palm. His body wants to kiss you, his chest tightens at the thought. With bravery, he leans into his instinct as he tilts his face onto your hand. He places a sweet kiss against your skin as his eyes peer up at you innocently.
Your hand moves from his lips, from his cheek, and up through the curls of his hair. Eddie watches as you move closer to him. Finally, your hand gathers hair behind the base of his skull. He follows your lead as you pull him closer to you. His eyes struggle to focus between your lips and your eyes. He knows where you're bringing him and it makes him all the more nervous. He watches as you lick your lips and end in a bite of your bottom. He likes that. He likes that a whole lot.
Without anything being said, Eddie closes his eyes as his lips press against your soft mouth. As your bodies connect, he feels an overwhelming sense of finality and long awaited acceptance. He has loved you since the day he met you. He has been waiting for this day - not to have sex, but simply just to kiss you. He has thought of it for days on end, almost every night. He waited patiently for something he knew had a good chance of never happening. And yet? Here you two are. Best friends abruptly turned into something else.
Everything is put into this kiss. Everything that Eddie has to offer. God, he hopes it’s enough for you even though he knows in his heart that you deserve so much more. He’s shocked when he feels your lips dance against his. You kiss him back. Pleasure and passion flushes through his body. The nerves are left in the dust as he allows his body to be in control. It shockingly knows exactly what to do when met with the girl he loves.
Eddie presses his tongue softly against your mouth. He wants more, but only if you want more too. He feels your other hand placed gently against his chest. He worries that you might feel his heart beat. That you might know how much he loves you. With what he believes is sheer luck, your mouth opens and invites him in.
Your embrace becomes deeper as you both pour into each other. Eddie’s hands fall upon your waist, but he pulls you closer and closer to him. He watches as you oblige his nonverbal request and straddle his lap. He feels your hands brush through his hair. Your grip tightens as his kisses turn into little love bites. He feels you moan against his skin. Your voice reverberating through both your mouths.
Eddie feels your hands travel down his back and at his waist. They move to his front and are suddenly upon his belt buckle. Shit this is it, he thinks as he tries to remain calm. He pushes deeper into his kisses, trying to pull his thoughts away from your wandering hands. Then suddenly, he feels your hips grinding against him. He hears your whimpers and breathing louder against his mouth. He feels the tightness in his chest subside once again as he holds you closer against his body.
Your hand unbuttons Eddie's jeans. You slowly slide your hand above his boxers and gently grab hold of the firm mass between his legs. His eyes open as he watches a shaky breath roll off your tongue. Your beautiful face as you nervously grab hold of him. He struggles to keep his eyes open as he feels you rubbing against him. "Shit," escapes his mouth as his hands tighten around your hips. "Don't stop, please," he asks breathlessly.
As you bite your lip, you whisper, "I want it." Eddie's eyes open and fall upon yours. "You sure?" he murmurs. You nod your head and stand. You begin by lifting your shirt over your head. He notices you undress quicker this time. Maybe because you have already shown him this part of you. With a nervous hand, he takes his shirt off, then lifts himself off the edge of the bed and pulls his pants and boxers down.
Eddie nervously watches as your eyes fall upon him. He watches as your eyes travel down his torso. You stop at each of his tattoos, almost as though you’ve never seen them. Despite the fact that you were there when he got at least two of them.
Suddenly, self-doubt rushes through his body as your eyes lower. He hopes he's big enough for you. You smile and bite your lip at the sight of him. Your knees pull together as you lightly cover your tits with your arm. "D-do you have condom?" she asks hesitantly. He laughs and bends over to reach for his pants. "Shit, I forgot," he mumbles under his breath as he grabs hold of his last condom from the jeans' pocket. He concentrates on perfectly placing it upon his unit. He smooths out its ridges as it gradually rolls over his skin. His eyes fall back upon yours once he's done. He notes the quick movements of your lips as you watch him.
"It's okay," Eddie says with his arms stretch towards you. "Whenever you're ready. There's no rush." You nod with sigh. With a deep swallow, you share, "I just - I gotta say something before..." You drop the sentence as your body language becomes more uncomfortable. "Do you want a blanket?" he asks, immediately concerned. "Thank you, Eddie, but no," you say with a small grin.
Eddie smiles as you sit down beside him. Your eyes on your hands as fingers wiggle atop your thighs. "I know you're a pro and all, um, but... uh, please be gentle?" you struggle to get out. "I've never done this before," you whisper. He recognizes your vulnerability. He also remembers that you hate being vulnerable. He would do anything to make you feel comfortable, to feel safe in this moment with him.
"Hey, y/n," Eddie says as his finger pulls your chin towards him. You watch him with anxiety sprawled across your gaze. "I lied to you before," he says with a hesitant chuckle. "I haven't," he starts. With a deep breath, he continues, "I'm a virgin." His eyes hang onto every feature of your face. He desperately looks for any sign of anger, distress, frustration, annoyance; anything. He's shocked to see a smile and rose on your cheeks.
"You don't know how happy I am to hear that," you murmur as your arms wrap around his neck. "You are?" he asks in disbelief. "I was honestly so pissed to hear that you've done this before. I think that's what gave me the courage to suggest tonight," you share hesitantly. "Pissed?" he laughs, still completely dumbfounded with your reaction. "Yeah, I was pissed. Like how dare you lose your virginity and not tell your best friend?" you say with laughter. He joins you after a clear scoff.
“Okay, well, I only lied because of last night,” Eddie says confidently. You smirk and bite your lip as blush rushes to your cheeks. “That was pretty bold, huh?” you ask. “Whatever it was, I am so thankful,” he murmurs. “I can’t look at that chair anymore,” you giggle. He laughs as he follows your gaze towards the rickety wooden chair intentionally placed neatly against the wall. “It’s funny how that chair has suddenly become my most prized possession,” he says light-heartedly. “I’m keeping it forever.” You place a gentle hand upon his cheek. “I hope you will,” you whisper.
"So you don't mind?" Eddie asks with worry in his voice. "No," you answer as you place a gentle kiss on his flushed cheeks. "This is both of our first times. This night just got so much better," you add against his lips. A huge smile sprawls across his face as he gently pulls you back onto his lap. You straddle the very tops of his thighs. His hard cock held tightly against his stomach. He watches as you scoot closer to him. The base of his pole touching just below your belly button.
"You ready?" he murmurs as he pushes strands of your hair away from your face. He does not want a single thing to obstruct his view of you. He watches as you place your weight upon your knees, sitting up and inching even closer to him. You hover just above his cock. His breathing shaky. He keeps his eyes on you, as the sight of you keeps him calm and comforted.
Slowly, Eddie feels the warm slippery surface flirt with the top of his hardened dick. His hand quickly moves to his base as he holds it still for you. His mind wraps with pleasure as you sink deeper onto him. He’s abruptly pulled from his thoughts once he hears your wincing. He watches as your mouth and brows twitch in pain.
“Hey, hey,” he soothes quietly as you take in a quick breath of air. “Go slow. Don’t worry about me. Little by little,” he nods. It was his turn to place his hand against your cheek. His thumb rubs against your cheekbone. You nod against his palm as you slowly take more of him but stop every so often for a break. His eyes roll back in pleasure. His eyes squint as he takes smooth breaths in response to each of your movements. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers against your lips. He crashes his mouth against yours, careful to remain as still as possible.
You smile against his mouth as you take more and more. Soft gasps escape your lips with each inch. In retrospect, he is quite thankful for your slow movements. He is 100% sure without his concern of hurting you keeping him distracted that he would have busted upon your initial touch.
Finally, your thighs rest against his. There is no longer space between both of your bodies. Eddie’s arms wrap around your torso. He holds you in a tight but gentle embrace. He follows his instincts by placing soft kisses across your collarbones. He can feel you relax atop him after a minute or two of your loving hold. You breathlessly say, “I’m g-going to try something.” He nods quickly as he watches your movements. You slowly raise up. He feels a warm, dragging, pleasurable sensation against his cock. He bites harshly against his lips, trying to keep his heart rate down.
Gradually, you begin to move up and down upon his dick. Eddie watches you for any hint of pain. He recognizes the moment the pain becomes something else. Then the moans begin. He feels a weight fall from his chest as his worry subsides. You moan against his ear as your arms tighten around his neck. God, you sound so much better than he could have imagined.
“Eddie,” you whimper against him. His eyes roll back. One of his hands grips tightly against the sheets. His other supporting the small of your back. “Shit, shit,” he feels himself bubbling up. That tightness returning to his stomach. His legs tense. His feet crash against each other. He lets out sharp breathes between his lips as he prays to the gods to please let him stay here a little bit longer.
You must have felt him tense up as you whisper, “Breathe, baby. Breathe with me.” He slightly opens one eye as he takes in a deep breath. Your movements slow. He follows your breaths, breathing in when you do. Exhaling with you. He begins to feel that knot untangle in his stomach.
“I’m going to catch up with you,” you say through your bit lip. Eddie hastily nods his head as he continues his deep breathing. He watches as your hand reaches down between you both. You begin to touch yourself with the tips of your fingers just like you did last night. Upon seeing that, he struggles to maintain his breathing. He watches as your head rolls back. Your nipples harden. Your grinding quickens.
"Can I?" he softly asks. Your eyes open. You smile as you grab hold of his hand. He follows your guidance down to your groan. You place his fingertips against your clit. He feels your warm slick, which pushes rolls of electricity throughout his body. "Now, just rub," you whisper. He rubs but immediately hears her wince. "Oh no! What'd I do?" he asks with worry. "Just a little lighter pressure. Start off slow," she mumbles as her chest raises against his face. "I'm so sorry," he mutters under his breath quietly. "It's okay, you-you feel good now," you murmur against him.
Eddie feels you grinding against his fingers, against his cock. His breathing becomes harder and harder to sustain. "Fuck, baby. I-I don't know if this breathing is helping me much anymore," he whimpers against you. "I'm almost there, I'm-," you stop to moan as your grinding gets faster. His head hangs back as he pleads for dear life. The tightness in his stomach churning. His hands gripping harshly to the sheets below them. He swears he's about to rip them. Anything to pull his focus from the blood rushing straight to his bottom half.
"Fuck, Eddie. Oh my god," you whimper as you grind against his lap. Eddie's legs tighten. His hand wraps around your hips. He holds you still as his body overwhelms him. His body now having a mind of its own as he thrusts into you. It is hard to focus on anything else. "I'm gonna-" he starts. You quickly interrupt, "Cum inside me, daddy. Please."
Eddie holds onto you even harder. "Jesus fuck!" he exclaims as he feels that abundance of pleasure through his release. He feels your body tighten around him as you moan louder against his lips. He's instantly pulled from his own pleasure to watch you orgasm onto him. He watches with absolute adoration and shock. This is the best thing he has ever experienced. This is the best night of his life. You are the most beautiful person he has ever seen, ever will see. He cannot pull his eyes from you.
As you both ride out your highs, both sweat filled foreheads, Eddie wraps his arms around your torso once more. Your head rests at the crook of his neck. Your breath heavy against his skin. "Holy shit," you breathlessly giggle against him. "Holy shit is right," he responds with a smirk. "I can't imagine doing that with anyone else." The smile upon your face leaves a wonderful warmth in his heart. In that moment, he promises to the universe that he will work his hardest to make you smile as often as he can.
Eddie feels your body collapse against him. Your breath remains heavy. In a gentle attempt, he picks you up and slides both your bodies back to the top of the mattress. He pulls the covers over your beautiful body and lays your head softly against his pillow. He quickly discards the condom and lays beside you. As he settles down, you wrap your arm up to his shoulder and cuddle closer into his chest. He swears he will never be happier than in this moment. He cannot help the smile upon his face. It honestly hurts his cheeks.
He watches as you begin to snore beside him. You completely passed out after you came. He absolutely loves this new information about you and finds it incredibly endearing. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. You were so gorgeous resting there. He is beyond thankful and lucky to be beside you. "I love you, sweet girl," he murmurs as he places a kiss upon your forehead. "I always have and always will." He pulls you closer into his chest. Eddie never wants to let you go.
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note: guys, i loved writing this so much. i think i'm pretty proud of this one. please tell me if you want more. i want more.
• nav • no-no plagiarism • one shot • requests open •
taglist: @m3ddi @enam3l
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Blue Period Volume 12
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Giving up, dropping out, confusing yourself with which path is the right path. It's something that I'm sure a lot of University students can attest to. Am I really here to learn? Is post-secondary education actually worth it for what I'm doing? I know I've felt it. I thought about dropping out in my second year of University just like Yatora. It was when I stopped going to classes, I was coasting on so-so grades and just doing what I wanted. Truthfully, like Yatora in this volume, it was an incredibly freeing experience. It allowed me to open my eyes to the world that was in front of me, the world that I wanted to apply myself to. The kind of stuff you'd never see in a classroom ever.
It's because of experiencing a moment like that, that I'm able to understand the significance of what Yatora's going through. It's not rebellion, it's not even so much as confusion, it's opening your eyes. There is more to the world than academia, but academia will try to pressure you on its importance more often than not. It's a part of the experience of adulthood, and understanding where your existence lies in the world. And it's through opening your eyes, to a world that you never knew existed, that confusion and rebellion appear. That you can feel frozen in your tracks, incapable of choosing a path.
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This page represents the entire crux of Yatora's dilema with this volume. What it feels to be held accountable for your own decisions. To choose to stay at Tua, to choose to drop out. How that reflects on you as a person, how it makes you feel, the guilt that each decision results in, the could have been's that remain in your mind.
It's incredibly well done, and relates ridiculously well to the aspects of art that Yatora pursues in this volume. The connections of art, the relations, what it's for, how it's used, how different people see it. It's entirely in opposition to how he's approached painting before this. How, for lack of a better term, selfish, it was. How it centered around him as a person.
But now, it's different. He wants to relinquish his self, he wants to allow someone else to take the wheel, he wants the easy way out. When all you do is look inwards, you neglect perspective. It's exactly what Tsukinoki, and from this volume Inukai, have been posing to Yatora.
At the end of the day, this volume is hardly about art. As is the charm of it as a medium though, it's used to express so much of Yatora's character. It focuses on his guilt as an artist, his desires and confusions, his shrinking away from his self. It speaks to the challenges of university and adult life, and what remains to be correct and the truth.
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bluebellsstories · 1 year
Fan Huniepop project coming soon: Huniepop: Missing pieces
I've been a fan of the Huniepop games for awhile now. It's fun, it has interesting women, and is a unique take on a dating simulaor.
However, I also believe it has some missed potential. The women in the game are great with interesting dilemas and cute personalities. Only, we never truly know then. The game just uses them for sex and discards them after your done.
So I want to change that. I want to create a sequel/spin-off that gives focus on the girls and actually helping them.
Here are my ideas so far:
-The name I've given to this idea is "Huniepop: Missing pieces" I think it fits with the puzzle aspect of the main games
-All previous girls will be dateable in this game, including Nadia, Renee and Marlena
-An exception is the secret characters. They won't be dateable because it makes no sense for them to be
-Despite that, Kyu and Venus will show up and have an important role in the story
-Huniepop 1 and 2 are canon, there will be mentions of past events to those games
-The protagonist of missing pieces is not the protagonist from Huniepop, but they are mentioned in game
-The game has a good ending and bad ending for each girl
-The game is multiple choice where the choices do affect the outcome of your success
-You can only date one girl at a time, but new game plus can allow you to play another character to keep a girl's happy ending. Certain scenes will change depending on if the girl has a partner
-The match three element will return as small mini games on certain dates. Failing mini games have no major penalties, so don't worry!
That's all for now. I won't pursue this until the next Huniepop game comes out. It might reveal new info about characters I could use.
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