#now all we need is to add Cuphead and Mugman to this to complete the trilogy
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fallen-mario-bros-au · 10 months ago
Aight just a warning I'm pretty new to Tumblr and I'm DEFINITELY new to making AUs so I'm pretty nervous to post anything here but I figured I'd just rip the band-aid off.
Anyways I love Mario and I love Undertale and I NEEDED TO COMBINE THEM LEGALLY so I decided to make an au about it! Dunno if I'm actually going to do anything serious with this, I mostly just want to imagine cute shenanigans with my favorite characters and whatnot, but who knows? Maybe I'll actually try to give this a proper plot
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So here's the basic info:
- Mario and Luigi, in the midst of trying to chase down Bowser, who has just kidnapped the princess again, somehow wind up far away from the Mushroom Kingdom and on Mt. Ebott. Where, of course, they fall into the underground.
- All the monsters are pretty much their canon counterparts (at least, my best interpretation of them 💀)
- Mario ends up discovering he has the power to reset/load/save/etc, but Luigi does not. This is because Mario has the most determination to get out of here and save the princess
- Toriel isn't quite as overprotective of them as she would be if they were a literal child like Frisk, but she is still very motherly towards them because it's just kinda who she is. She would probably be concerned about them potentially attacking the monsters so she might make them promise not to hurt anyone. I still don't think she would want them to leave because Asgore would take their souls
- Honestly mostly this is just an excuse for the Mario Bros and the Skelebros to hang out XD
- the thing that is really interesting is that Mario and Luigi are not 1, but 2 humans, which means only one of their souls would be needed to break the barrier. This ends up becoming a real issue but I could see it being resolved in a few ways.
1. one of the bros self sacrifices so the underground goes free (much to the dismay of the other, and also my heart would break haha)
2. They decide to just stay in the underground instead of going home (but they would be pretty sad about it because oh no their kingdom is still in danger
3. ??? IDK tbh
- Since Mario can load saves, he's just constantly in this angsty cycle of trying to keep his bro from getting killed off ;;
- Not sure if Mario could keep the resets secret for long since Flowey would taunt them about it, but he definitely would be pretty closed off about it, especially to Luigi. He does NOT want Luigi to know about the horrible things he's seen
-ofc cut to Luigi being confused as heck as to why Mario seems to already know what's going to happen.
- they have cute sweaters because I said so
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- not sure how omega fight would work, but either way Mario would have to fight to save both of them (probably all by himself :c)
- I want them to eventually do true pacifist but IDK how it would work so I'm not gonna think about it too hard rn
- Mario and Undyne having a friendly rivalry about who's the most heroic
- sans trying to convince them they could just stay in the underground and they're like "no we have to save the tiny mushroom people" and he's like "ur just like my bro fr"
- monster speculation about the purpose of mustaches
- It would be kinda funny if they had the firebrand and thunderhand since... Like... Humans aren't supposed to be able to do magic
- "are you sure you're humans? You're so small"
- *confused Italian noises*
Also here's some assorted doodles (I know the quality sucks 😭)
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mramazingva · 6 years ago
Mr. Amazing VA’s Voice Acting Ko-fi Commission [Closed]
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thank you to @universecipher for the ko-fi art^^
Hey all you amazing folks out there, its me again! Mr Amazing VA! With a important announcement.
I'm taking voice acting commissions!!
Thats right i have finally opened up commissions and you can commission me on ko-fi!
My commission info is also on my kofi page but i'll say my commission info in this post as well^^
My price is for each coffee you buy me, i will record up to 20 words in a voice that i can do of Your Choice! And an extra coffee gets you another 20 words! And so on! ((Ex. 5 coffees = 100 words = $15)).
Now for my Rules and Guidelines.
1. Please send your Commission script to my business email (([email protected])) then buy me Coffee, ill reply to your email as soon as i can.
2. I must be paid before i send you the finished commission.
3. I will not do nsfw, audio can be slightly suggestive but will need to be discussed.
4. Please be patient with your commission, i don't have a set date on when it will be completed but i do have a youtube channel that i post every other day on so i am pretty busy at times.
5. Please be clear on what you would like me to say in what voice when you commission me ((Ex. for 1 Coffee Commission “((your email)) Underfell Sans. Hey there ((insert name)) i think your pretty cool, we should get some food some time, it will be my treat))”.
6. Must be clear if you want your commission to be private or public on my social media or if you don't mind either choice.
7. If you wanna use your commission for things such as animations etc, all i ask is that you properly credit me and show\tell\ask me that your using your commission for those types of reasons.
8. I can raise my prices in the future so please don't complain if i do chose to raise my prices in the future.
9. the max amount of words you can commission me for is 500-600 words (( = 30 Coffees = $80)).
10. finished commissions must be sent to your email, so please send your email in your kofi message.
11. i prefer if you commission me send your kofi commission to me as a private message so others can’t see on my page what your commissioning.
Example of what a commission should look like. ((just add your email before Character))
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thanks @racerfanx for your commission^^
Now onto the Voices i can do for you!^^
Undertale: Sans, Papyrus, M!Frisk, M!Chara, Mettaton, Napstablook, Asgore, Asriel, Grillby.
Underswap: Sans, Papyrus.
Underfell: Sans. ((cant do Papyrus cause it hurts my throat to much to do it ;w;))
Mostly any Sans AU.
Deltarune: Ralsei, Kris, Lancer, Jevil ((without voice effect only)), Rouxls Kaard, Seam.
Bendy and the Ink Machine: Bendy, Boris.
Detroit Become Human: Connor.
Cuphead: Cuphead, Mugman, King Dice, Elder Keitel.
Sally Face: Sally Face, Larry.
MoominValley: Moonie, Snufkin.
Sense this will be my first time taking commissions i will be opening 6 commission slots for now, as soon as they are all filled i will be closing my commissions.
1: Taken
2: Taken
Now with that out of the way here is the link to my coffee page!^^: https://ko-fi.com/mramazingva
Anyways thank you all for having a read of this, and have a nice day!^^
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allhailmuggod · 5 years ago
We can fix it
Mugman was sitting in front of the mirror, not really looking at his reflection. He was too busy placing all the shards beside the glue on the table. Though, to be honest, he was just stalling for time. Because he was afraid.
For the past few days that he had been broken, a lot of things were scaring him. Sharp objects, cracks in floor, creaking doors... and his reflection. All of these things were making him jump, making him squeak in surprise. But his reflection was making him tremble. It was making him tear up. Each time, he would stop for a moment. For a minute. To fight the urge to fall to his knees and cry his heart out.
However, to stop this living nightmare he had to fix his face, and to fix his face he had to look. Mug learnt it the hard way. Trying to piece himself together by blindly touching and hoping for the better didn't really work out.
A sigh left the mug. All the shards he had found were on the table, now was the time put himself back together. But as soon as he picked up one piece and the bottle of glue, it was evident that his hands were shaking. It was mighty hard to carefully add the glue to the shard. This only added frustration and shame to the mix of feelings.
Then a crash. Mugman yelped, jumping and letting all the things fall out his hands. But interestingly enough, the crash, or whatever it was, came from the second floor. It almost sounded like something happened in Mug's room. It made him tremble more for some reason.
But just as he turned to the stairs, Cuphead came falling down them. The sound of that made Mugman wince. However, the fallen cup himself locked much better than his brother. Nothing was broken. Not a drop was lost.
The second Cup's eyes met Mug's eye, silence took over the room. As Cuphead would slowly get up, his expression was geting more and more worried and caring. That at the same time was making Mugman turn away, his face twisting with guilt and self-disgust.
„Cu-“ Mugman was cut short by an unexpected for him hug, „Cup?“ He was so lost, he didn't even try to get away.
„I'm sorry, I came so late,“ Cup answered, leaning away but leaving his hands on Mug's shoulders, „But now that I'm here, we're gonna fix ya.“
„Cup, I- wait a second,“ Mugman quickly changed his tone to a suspicious one, „You aren't surprised to see me like this? You know what happened?“
„Mmm? Uh, yeah, I-“
„Somebody told you? Somebody got to you? Somebody knew where to find you?“ Mug threw Cup's hands off himself and aggressively put the forefinger on Cup's chest. „Somebody managed to get a response from you?! While I couldn't?!“
„Well, yeah, you see-“ Cuphead defensively raised his hands as Mugman kept on leaning closer and closer to his face.
„So, you kept someone updated about yer location but not me?!“
„A-about that-“
„Why did you even bother to-“
„Listen!“ Cuphead finally cried in reply, holding hands over Mugs' mouth, „I get it. You are mad. But you ain't in the position to be mad right now! You've got half a face missin', yer eyes is missin'! So hold yer barking and bite me later. Right now, we are fixing you. Got that?“
Mugman listened. Not willingly at first but with each passing second he would calm down. Bit by bit he regained his composure and rational thinking. He pushed Cups' hand from his mouth and sighed in defeat.
Cuphead smiled in relief. Then he noticed what was behind his brother.
„Is that... glue down there?“ He asked in disbelief, „Were you tryin' to glue yerself back together? Didn't ya visit hospital the other day? Did the docs seriously said that the glue was the best option?“
„They didn't say 'best'...“ Mugman hissed in reply, looking down at his feet and hugging himself with one arm, „They said 'only'... It is my only option for now.“
„What?! No way, surely they knew it wouldn't completely fix you!“
„They said it, too. But what I need is lost to the time,“ Mug sighed and went to sit in front of the mirror, „I looked for it in Elder Kettle's books, went to the library. I couldn't find anythin'. I thought of goin' to Rugged Ridge but... I ain't in the best shape, to say the least.“
Here was this silence again. Mugs couldn't really find a way out for himself but Cups looked as if something in his head was working its best to remember things.
„Oh!“ Cuphead's straw changed into an exclamation mark as his eyes shined with new idea. „I remember now!“
„Remember what?“
„I brought some stuff with me! It's old and rusty and I can't really read it but I just know it is what we're lookin' for!“ The red wearing cup pulled out some ancient looking papers and chipped plates with something written on them.
„C-Cuphead! Where did you get these from?!“ Mugman jumped from his seat.
„You know me, I wouldn't be Cuphead if I didn't bring a treasure or two from my adventures,“ the cup chuckled to himself but coughed awkwardly in the end, noticing Mug's stern look, „A-anyway, do you think you can try to translate this stuff?“
„I... I believe I can. It might take some time but some words actually look familiar and...“
There he went, focusing on the letters and symbols. Cuphead could not be more happy to see his brother so invested. Even if the red hero had little to no idea what he was saying. He sat on the floor next to Mug, hopeful smile on his lips.
„Hey, Cup,“ Mugman suddenly called out, not looking up from his new hope.
„I am still mad but... thank you... Cups...“ Mug mumbled, fighting his pride and his urge to cry.
„You're welcome, Mugs.“
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starry-eyed-blimp · 6 years ago
Threaten the Zeppelin
It was rare for Hilda to find herself so tired that she took a nap completely of her own volition. The zeppelin laid comfortably on her back with her hands as pillows on a low hanging cloud, sleeping peacefully, but not quietly.
“Hey, Hilda!” A familiar voice called. “Hmm?” Hilda yawned and popped one eye open. She moved her legs around on the cloud and shifted from lying on her back to lying on her front, looking down at Cuphead and Mugman. “Whatchya need, Cuphead?” “Can you come down here fer a second?” Cuphead asked as he used his index finger to motion for her to come closer. “Huh? Uhh, sure,” Hilda nodded. She swung her legs over the side of the cloud before pushing off and letting gravity carry her down. Of course, she took a deep breath to slow her fall so that she wouldn’t crash into the ground, but she never quite fully inflated herself. Hilda didn’t understand why they wanted to talk so close to each other like this, the distance had never bothered either of them before. Perhaps they wanted to talk about something a little more personal, and didn’t want to yell?
Hilda gracefully landed on her feet, just a short ways away from the brothers. “What’s on yer mind?” Mugman smirked at her question. “Well, it’s just…How do we put this?” Without warning, Mugman snapped his fingers and a bright blue bullet shot out of his finger and straight at Hilda. Hilda merely gasped, she was visibly taken by surprise, so much so that the single shot hit her. “Hey!! What the hell?!” She took a hostile step forward, ready to start chewing them out and pushing them for answers. Hilda pointed her finger aggressively at the brothers. “You’d bett–aaaugh!!” Suddenly, a familiar, large, brutish imp wrapped its two massive hands around Hilda’s frame, entrapping her body in the hellspawn’s grip, save for the arm she was pointing with. “Oh darn. One of her arms is free.” Cuphead seemed to taunt. “Don’t worry about it, there ain’t much she can do anyway.” “C-Cuphead! Mugman! Wh-what’s going on?! Wh-what’s gotten into you?!” 
Mugman scoffed as he crossed his arms with a smirk. “I’ll tell ya what’s goin’ on, ya broad. Yer payin’ th’ debt.” “Debt?!” That didn’t make sense! Cuphead and Mugman were the ones who saved her, and all of Inkwell from their debt. So why were they suddenly acting like this and working with the Devil’s imps?! The only logical conclusion was that these two were also just merely imps dressed up as Cuphead and Mugman, designed to lower their guard. And it worked. Hilda suddenly began to pound against the brute imp’s fist as hard as she could. “I’m free, the real Cuphead and Mugman burned my contract over a year and a half ago!!” “And you got your sight back, didn’t ya?” 'Cuphead’ pressed. Hilda felt the jarring sensation of a nerve being struck at the comment, but she didn’t stop her movements. “You stole from th’ Devil, and he don’ take too kindly ta that.” The imp holding her captive suddenly increased his grip around her, causing her to lose a bit more air as she groaned in pain. Hilda didn’t want to admit it, but this cup clone had a point. Yet, she was only a child, she had no clue what she was getting into at the time, she was tricked, not exactly something she’d call a fair trade. “Do you honestly think that such a deal could be bound by a few simple words on a page?” ‘Mugman’ cackled lowly. “Sorry, blimp, but the Devil plays for keeps.”
Despite the lack of air, Hilda continued to fruitlessly pound against the fists holding her. “What…do you e-expect me to give?! Th-there’s no Soul Contract to–” “Oh, you ain’t givin’ anythin’. We’re takin’ you back to Hell.” ‘Cuphead’ smirked. “N-no! N-not if I-I have anything to say abou–ggghk!!” Another squeeze to add to the already crushing grip, Hilda was completely unable to breathe anymore. Luckily she could go quite a long time without the oxygen, but the more she spoke, the more air she’d lose. “Thing about that is..ya don’t.” The smirk on Indi’s face only grew wider. Hilda growled in the form of a breathless wheeze. Without the airflow, she couldn’t inflate, she couldn’t transform, she couldn’t even access most of her magic, especially without both hands.
She had to escape though. Not just for her own sake, no. It was much more than that. There were others at risk here, others that would certainly fall for this trick. If she was taken now, she’d never be able to warn them. She had to do something, she had to escape!
“Let’s get goin’, Vio. You! Forward march!” ‘Mugman’ commanded as he pointed for the Die House. Hilda slumped over for a moment, feeling that it’d be better to conserve her energy until she could come up with a plan. She scanned her surroundings as they moved, looking for something, anything that would maybe spark an idea. She glanced up and the clear sky above them, and suddenly the inspiration struck, and none too soon. She had one trick she could use.
Hilda raised her free hand up high in the air, the glow from the bracelet around her wrist soon shone brighter, forcing the two imps to turn their heads away at its illumination. The glow soon took a vertical shape from the palm of her hand and quickly formed the celestial arrow of Sagittarius. The second the celestial light took its physical form, Hilda immediately swung her hand down onto the imp’s knuckle, stabbing him with the arrow.
The brutish imp suddenly screamed in pain and released Hilda from its clutches, dropping her to the ground. “Dammit!!” ‘Cuphead’ snarled. Hilda wasted no time. She took in a deep breath and inflated. “Don’t let her escape!!” ‘Mugman’ demanded, but Hilda was already flying away. In the corner of her eye, she noticed the imp swung its hands out for her, but she was already flying as fast as she could, and in just a few seconds, she was already out of its reach.
Hilda continued flying away until she finally reached her house of clouds. She didn’t bother checking to see if those imps in disguise followed or not. She burst through the door and locked it behind her, even though it was highly unlikely that anyone would find her. Hilda rushed over to the phone and began dialing a number. She didn’t know if her cousin was a debtor or not, but he still worked at the carnival, and he could spread the word to any of the debtors there. She remembered his genie friend saying something about that large bird being a debtor as well, so maybe he could fly over and warn the others.  “Come on, pick up, pick up, answer!!” She wanted to spread the word as fast as possible. She hoped that someone from one of the other isles would come to warn the other residents in Isle One. With those two on the loose, she wasn’t safe down there.
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shuicheese · 7 years ago
Okay so- It’s going to be a new year real soon. And I haven’t done anything for my pals during Christmas and I really, really wanted to do something to show how thankful I am towards my friends. So here’s a small ‘follow-forever’ thingie! ^^
I will put them under read more since it’s a long list hehe. This isn’t in any order, btw, I appreciate all of you and if I somehow, somehow, forgot to add you then- Im so sorry! ;;;
@diligencekit - We’ve been pals for a reaallly long time now, and I really enjoy your company, bro! I consider you a really close friend of mine and a broski. ^^ You’re possibly my first close pal on the net, and I’m glad that we’re still buddies! Your art has always been a huge inspo to me and it’s probably the main reason to why I got a drawing tablet. qwq; 
@valskya - Another close net pal/broski! I’m happy that we’re close friends and we started talking again! You and Jen always seem to make me really happy, your art has also been an inspo to me and I’m always happy to see your art! You also got me into Juuni Taisen which honestly made me really happy, we had lots of fun watching the episodes and such! You’re also another really close friend of mine, and a broski as well! I’m just really happy we started to talk to each other again~
@zingospinning - I completely adore you. I really don’t know where to start with this- Okay, so when I first saw you in school, I instantly wanted to befriend you. But I was so god damn nervous because I wanted to impress you and such,  but then we became friends in an after-school club and that was both the best thing and the most nervous thing because I still really wanted to impress you. Looking back at it, I sort of find it amusing. I think when I befriended you, I started to become slightly more social with others and had a bit more friends? I only had one friend and if I haven’t met you, then holy shit where would I be now? You’re funny, a huge sweetheart to me, and I enjoy your company so much! I wish I can see you every day in school again but ey, I do hope you’re doing well and I love you! You also introduced me to many things, such as BNHA, Teen Titans, etc etc. Thank you so much for the great stuff in life, Zingo! <33
@hasikon - Where do I begin. Okay, fIRST OF ALL! Thank you for making sure I was doing well this month, and thank you for everything too. You have wonderful OC’s and a wonderful humor, and whenever we have a Skype call, it honestly makes me laugh and it’s so chill. Playing games with you is so fun, even though I may have ‘ruin’ the experience for ya. xp Btw we need to play TableTop Simulator sometime again hoho. 
@nikolas-is-gay - BROTHER!! Nikolas is my sweet n satanic baby brother!! I love him so much and I’m so glad we started talking! Has a great humor, I adore his OC’s, and his creativity! We hurt each other on a daily basis by talking about angst about our OC’s and we love it. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without him, he’s there to cheer me up whenever I’m feeling down and the things he says always seem to make me laugh and/or smile. It’s nice to have him around tbh~
@maginpui - Oh gosh- My sweet and adorable P.Wife! She’s so adorable and I honestly love, looove her humor! She never fails to make me laugh and I also really appreciate her kindness! I’m so sorry that I never really got the chance to properly talk to you in school though,,, But I do hope the gifts I got you are fine! And I love you so much, I hope you’re well, P.Wife! I also returned all of the gifts you gave me- I love them all so so much and I am extremely sentimental of em! Especially the Pusheen gifts!
@dettouo - East or West, Dett is the best! I really need to start talking to you again! You’re such a sweetheart and you’re adorable! I really enjoy talking to you and you seem really fun to talk to! I do hope you’re well too~ Honestly just talking to her makes me feel really happy.
@turtleofrage & @killualluka99  - AH YES, THE BUNDLE I GOT WHEN BEFRIENDING ZINGAY! Also a great birthday gift, considering I met them on my 16th birthday? These are my adopted children, I love them both so much! Seeing them whenever I visit Zingo makes me happy! I love their humor and I also enjoy their memes and company~
@dylanhack - Another old pal of mine, and an older brother! We haven’t been talking a lot lately but I really want to change that. You’re really fun to talk to and I was looking back at my old posts yesterday, and I honestly really miss you heh,, I do hope we can talk again! Because you’re a really fun buddy and I enjoy your company!
@philosopher-rachel-wolf - I’ve known Rachel since...I guess 2013? But we’ve properly started talking in early 2014 and ever since then, I wanted to improve myself because inspired me so much! You’re probably the main and only reason to why I write better now, and still roleplay in the RP community. Well I mean- I try to roleplay but writers' block,,,heh h-- But I’m not kidding when I say your writing has influenced me. I’m so happy that we became friends and I’m even more happier that we still are! You always have that jolly personality that really makes me smile ^^ And your art! Where do I begin- you always seem to be improving it , and I’m always so happy to see your improvement. It’s seriously makes me smile too- I love it! Keep up the wonderful work, Rachel! <33
@chibinel - Listen-- We got ‘banned’ in a Cuphead server for confessing out love for Beppi the clown, we have a role called “EXTRA BANNED” because of it. I’m proud of myself- Okay but jokes aside, I love Gaster! I love their art so much, it’s so adorable and it’s just- it’s really good! They’re nice to talk to and I’m glad we got along well! ^^
@valf-xx - Listen- Valf is a huge sweetheart when I first met her. I really love her Dangan Ronpa imagines blog ( @komaedas-trash cHECK IT OUT BLEASE-- ) and I love talking to her! I like screeching about Eraserhead with her and I also love her art~ She’s just- She makes me feel so calm, I really appreciate that !
@puddingskitty - Fun and adorable buddy! I enjoy seeing her art and seeing her on my dashboard in general. I love her Toy Bonnie’s design, and whenever I see a rabbit, I can’t help but get reminded of her~ Honestly I enjoy her company even though I was quiet for sometime- And you’re probably the first person who drew my OC, Zerum, as a small gift and I still really appreciate it! Thank you! 
@kamukuraprojects - Another buddy I consider a brother!! Listen- his cosplaying is so?? It’s so beautiful?? I love it so so much! You’re a gorgeous boy and I simply adore your generosity, I do hope things are gonna be better for you since I heard you’re having a bit of a hard time I think? But I hope you’ll have a great and wonderful new year and hope that next year will be better for you! ^^
@imperial-dork - My spirit animal. Literally my spirit animal- his humor is honestly my favourite and I look up to this man even though a certain goat told me not to. Either way, I think Magnus is a cool dood, and I enjoy hearing about the wacky things he’s done~
@fluzeh - I love Lazy’s art so so soooooooo much! I want to draw just like her one day! She’s so sweet and I love to mess around with her~ I also enjoy watching stuff with her- we watched the MLP movie on rabbit and honestly it was a nice experience~ I love it! I hope we can do more things like that! She’s also the person who designed my main fursona, honestly I just- I adore my sona so much because it’s from you, and I will forever treasure it!Thank you so so much again for the design! <33
Okay I’m one tired idiot atm but I just want to say that for those I haven’t wrote a small description thingie for, please try not to get upset! I’m sorry in advance that I couldn’t say something for you, but I hope you all are alright with this!!
Here are some people that I enjoy talking to/admire and/or people I would love to talk to/get to know better!
@ciel-beehive, @pikabrightheart, @plantsarehardcore, @frizzbutt, @his-pall-mugman, @rottenmilkyarts, @tvvy, @darkshadowsnake, @garnetarmstrong,  @flareon, @raphadelialovesyou, @cheinsaw, @official-akamatsu, @crowstainedred, @ryoumahoshi, @ellsworld, @korekiyo--shinguuji, @btal, @infinitypixel, @askmoonburst, @ask-evil-rainbow-dash, @zyrdrake, @radhalla, @rubberhoseartist, @wolfex126, @miss-bribri, @ladykailolu, @rosealinathefox, @rexieh, @johntheslothblog, and @spacescarf
That being said, I hope all of you had a great year, and if it wasn’t a great year, then I hope next year will be better for all of you! 
I love you all, thank you so much for everything, and have a happy new year!! <33
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