#now I'm exhausted 😪
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shikariix · 4 months ago
One for all please gimme
I knew you would do this to me AND YET
Emily okay on your own by mxmtoon (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen)
Ohhhh I love this song so much. The vibe is so tasty. This song suits the way Emily has dealt with the majority of her relationships - she's been the one to break up, saying she needs time to herself; that she's not the right person for the other; just generally she's always the one to break it off because she doesn't believe in the relationship anymore. She's not proud of it per se - if anything, she craves a loving relationship. It's just that the ones she's had made her feel like she couldn't breathe. (Of course all of this changes with Beca 😌)
Rahat Burn The House Down by AJR
why DID I add this to his playlist Rahat has a lot of trouble with his identity and once he's clean all of that will come catch up with him at the speed of light. I like how many questions are asked in these lyrics. He's always been the guy to do whatever his friends ask him to, and considering the kinds of friends these were, he's done plenty of stuff that a law abiding citizen would not. I like that this song presents the you-person as a liar because I do imagine these friends have lied to him plenty, and as he's finding his own identitiy, he becomes more aware of what he thinks of that, if that makes sense.
Anna Tears by The Tragic Thrills
I like the vulnerability in this song. Anna is someone who lives by her feelings and she's got a LOT of 'em. It's important for her to remember (and she'd remind others of this constantly!) that it's a good thing to feel so much. We DO have hearts that bleed and maybe we ARE better off having tears so we can weep. I don't have much else to say about it I'm afraid fhjfgf It's a pretty straightforward analysis.
Sara Ghost by Halsey
Okay well part of this is that Sara likes bad girls FDHJGFHJ leather jackets & teasing,,, There's just something about a rulebreaker that draws her in even though she herself follows any rule ever given to her. I think I put this song in here more for the vibes and maybe the feeling that she's lost connection with herself? I might be bullshitting this rn but when I think of her asking 'where did you go' I think more about her inner child as she had to act like a grownup at a very young age because of her upbringing and her mother's disability. Her child self definitely left nothing more than a ghost behind and I think she mourns that more than she would care to admit. But this is probably not the best song to use for this dfhgfjh
Katy Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson
DFJHF I know this is like a post-breakup song but for Katy (who is just 16yo) I picked this one because of its unabashed confidence!! Teens do be feeling like nothing can get them down sometimes. She also does have a tendency to think she doesn't need anyone else, partially because finding out she was adopted (single dad) was not the best experience for her. So she says screw it!! I'm cool enough anyway on my own. ✌️
Gabriella The Killing Kind by Marianas Trench
Oh I am SO PLEASED Marianas Trench made it in here hehe. This song gives me super vivid visuals of Gabriella breaking out of the shack she was being held captive in. For context, she's a mutant (like a lot of my OCs FHDJF but it's not always as relevant) and was taken hostage by a group of people who want to eradicate them and she got tortured for information for decades. Gabriella's power is airokinesis, and when a tornado hits the shack, it gives her an incredible powersurge. She uses the wind to break free and take down her captors. And yes, that does include some killing :)
Tiffany #SELFIE by The Chainsmokers
OMG THIS HAS ME BARKING WITH LAUGHTER FDHJFG. Tiff LOVES gossip and selfies, she's chronically online in the bad way hfdgjhg I just can't even find the words to describe how much this song vibes with her 😭 The bitchiness and drama of it all I'm YELLING this was the best one to end on
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number1mingyustan · 7 months ago
Still Yours
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idol!mingyu x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, cursing, grinding, lots of sexual tension, explicit smut, protected sex (missionary), fingering (f.), low-key rough sex, scratching, teasing, they're so cute and domestic ugh, teensy bit (a lot) of angst cuz i can't live without it, if you realllyy read into it it’s a lil toxic but they’re so cute 😪
Summary: When you’re with him, the time around you ceases to exist. You’ve got your own little bubble that’s immune to reality where he’s just yours.
Word Count: 5.1k
(a/n: i usually don't read/write content where they idols because I'm simply not a fan. but i read a jk fic like this recently and it was a masterpiece. to say the least i was inspired so shout out to that author and i hope you enjoy)
The cool outside air fills your lungs as you step onto the sidewalk. It’s not cold, just fresh and cool enough to rejuvenate you from the hot sweaty air from inside of the club.
It’s a lot emptier out here, it helps to clear your mind. There’s only two or three other people out here, having a smoke in silence or waiting impatiently for an uber.
Your mind is still just a little bit muggy from the alcohol coursing through your veins, but being outside has instantly given you clarity.
You just couldn’t be in there any longer. The guy at the bar just could not take a hint. He was cute too, the type of guy you would typically be interested in. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t interested in him at first.
But then halfway through your conversation and his hand touched your lower back, the guilt settled in. It suddenly felt so wrong. The guy in the club’s hand didn’t feel the same as when he does it.
Almost instantly, it registered in your mind. This stranger didn't compare. He had nothing on the guy who really has your heart.
The famous idol who doesn't hesitate to answer your phone calls or cook for you when you're hungry.
This guy was a nobody.
One phone call and you’d have so much better.
The stranger clearly didn’t pick up on your shift in energy, probably too drunk to notice how you started to pull away. You were suddenly uninterested in anything he had to say and it was exhausting to have to fake laugh and smile as you tried to make excuses as to why you weren’t going home with him tonight.
But he was persistent and suddenly felt too touchy. He probably wasn't touching you as much as you thought, but you were suddenly so aware of him that it felt wrong with him being so close. His very presence alone was irritating. You finally caught the attention of one of your friends and gave her the ‘SOS’ look. She drunkenly stumbled over to you and pulled away from the conversation somewhat smoothly.
You thanked her before letting her know you were stepping out to get some fresh air.
But now it's a little after one in the morning and your thoughts are clouded with him. Your mind begins to wander to the moments you've shared over the past few years. The pet names, the sleepovers with homemade face masks, the phone calls from his hotel rooms.
Now you're texting him.
You: you awake?
Mingyu sits at home on the couch, beer in hand as the TV flashes in front of him. He's watching a movie he's got no real interest in, but he can't sleep. He's been home for a little more than a day and he's still got major jetlag ruining his sleep schedule.
No matter how hectic his life has been, he always dreads the jetlag.
The buzz of his phone captures his attention and he can't avoid the smile that pulls on his lips when he sees your name flash on the screen.
Mingyu: nah, sleeping
You giggle at your phone, smiling at the device just as he is. Your hands move a little slower to text back as the cool air outside changes your body temperature. You shiver, blowing on your hands as they grow cold.
You: call me
The message flashes delivered briefly before your screen changes entirely. You're surprised to see an incoming FaceTime and not a regular call.
You hold the phone up to your face, fixing your hair before you hit answer.
He lays on the couch in the living room, the darkness surrounding him heavily contrasts the colorful beams of light that flash behind you. The loud music thumps in the background.
"Hi." He smiles.
"Hi," You grin.
You feel giddy inside. Partially because you were drinking a bit and mostly because you're talking to him again. It's been quite some time since you've seen each other.
"Where are you?" He asks first.
You take a moment to respond as you walk toward the curb. You fix your dress and sit on the curb of the sidewalk, holding the phone up to your face.
"At the club," You reply.
"Ah, fun night I presume?" He asks.
You shake your head. "Not really."
"Sorry to hear that Shorty," He says.
Your heart skips a beat at the nickname. Your heart always leaps when he calls you that.
"Yeah, not really my thing anyway," You frown.
"I remember, surprised you're even there this late," He comments.
You smile. He remembers.
"Took some convincing from my friends. It wasn't so bad when we were drinking earlier, but then it started to hit and I wasn't feeling it anymore," You say, chipping away at the white nail polish on your fingers.
"They didn't abandon you, did they?" He asks, voice laced with concern.
"Who? My friends? No, they were looking out for me but I just wasn't feeling it anymore so I told them I was stepping outside for a minute," You continue to chip away at the polish mindlessly.
"I don't like you being alone like that, especially if you've been drinking," He frowns.
"I'm okay, I promise..." You assure him. "I wanna see you though."
A boyish smile forms on his face. "Yeah?"
You nod. "You home?"
"Yeah, come over," He offers. "I'll get you something to eat and you can spend the night."
Your ears perk up from his words. Your heart jumps out of your chest in anticipation.
"Okay, I'll order a–"
"–Text me what club you're at," he interrupts. "I'll get you an Uber here."
You call another one of your friends while you wait. You’re surprised she picks up on the second ring. “HELLO?” she shouts into the phone.
“Hey love,” You say.
“Y/N WHERE DID YOU GO?? The hot guy you were talking to is still here, I thought you went home with him.”
The loud music thumps in the background, but you can surprisingly hear her clearly.
You shake your head. “I’m heading home, I’ll see you guys later.”
Of course, the terms of your NDA don’t allow you to tell them where you’re really going. You make up an excuse about not feeling well and she pouts.
“Aw but we were– Hana NO!” She interrupts herself and the line goes silent for a few moments.
You hear shifting and wait to hear her voice again.
“Sorry, we’re in the bathroom and Hana started throwing up. She’s fine now. You feel better though, and text one of us when you get home. Stay safe babes.”
“Okay, I will.”
Before you can hang up, she’s calling out to the other girls. “GUYS, Y/N IS GOING HOME.”
More shuffling suddenly fills your ears and female voice.
“Nooooo, don’t leave,” Hana drunkenly slurs.
You laugh. “I’ll go out with you guys again next weekend.”
After a little bit more drunken banter, you finally hang up and wait on the curb until your ride gets here.
Considering he's the one who ordered the Uber, you know he'll know exactly when you get there. So, you spend the entirety of the ride in the backseat fixing up your appearance.
You play with your hair, refresh your lip gloss, and adjust your appearance for the better.
When you arrive at the familiar home, your heart rate picks up and you open the door with shaky hands. You stand outside the car, purse in hand as you shut the door.
Just as you close the car door, his front door opens almost on cue. His full stature comes to your sight and your excitement bubbles over.
He leans against the door frame, grinning at you. He looks cozy, wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, a white wifebeater, and his glasses. Your knees nearly give out at the sight of him in his glasses. He looks so good. His muscular body is visible in the tee and you have to stop yourself from pouncing him.
His hair is definitely shorter than the last time you saw him. And it's been well, months since you've seen him. Two? Maybe even three? But that doesn't matter, what matters is that you're here with him now.
You try not to express how excited you are, but you just can't wipe the smile off your face. You walk toward him and he invites you in with open arms.
His strong arms wrap around your frame. You're so happy you could cry. Your arms wrap around him, squeezing his frame. You inhale, breathing in his scent. He smells like home. His touch is so comforting, this moment feels unreal. You hold him and appreciate him for everything he is.
He pulls away, looking down at you with a grin. He presses a kiss to your forehead. "Hi, Shorty."
You grin up at him, bringing your hands to his hair. You run your fingers through it. "You cut it."
He nods. "Couple days ago yeah, you don't like it?"
"I always like it," You tell him truthfully. "But it was a little sexier when it was long."
He pulls you all the way inside, closing the door and locking it. "I'll tell management to let me grow it back out just for you."
"Doubt they'll see me as reason enough for that," You say.
"They'll just have to deal with it," He runs a hand through his hair. "I'll never let scissors touch my hair again if you say so."
Oh my gosh. You hate him.
You hate how he makes your heart skip a beat and he somehow always knows all the right things to say to you.
You giggle. "I wouldn't ask you to do that, Gyu."
"You'd still like me if I was bald?" He asks.
"Yeah Gyu, I would." You admit.
"Oh wow" He has a boyish grin on his face. "You like-like me."
"Yeah well, you like-like me too," You remind him.
"Damn right I do, Shorty," He pulls you in by your waist. "Don't know why you're so far away."
You squeal when your body moves against his. "I'm still wearing my shoes! I need to take them off."
"Relax Shorty," He lifts you up effortlessly, placing you on the kitchen counter.
He drops down, undoing your heels and placing them on the mat next to his front door. He stands back up to his full stature, face mere inches above yours.
He leans in. "I missed you."
You look up at him with soft eyes. There's so much yearning behind your pupils, that it makes you wonder if he can see through to it.
"I missed you too," You admit.
You find yourself back hin his arms. His big hands circle your waist, pressing your chests together. But now, his lips are on yours.
The kiss is soft, just delicate enough to express how much he missed you. Your small hand cups his cheek as your lips move against one another. His touches are gentle, but they spark so many things inside you, igniting you from the inside out.
But your moment is cut short when your growling stomach interrupts.
You pull away just a little bit, brushing your nose against his, giggling to yourself. He lets out a genuine laugh, holding your hand in his. "I did promise you food, didn't I?"
You nod. "I believe you did."
He helps you off the counter and back onto your feet. He walks over to the pantry.
"Sorry to get your hopes up," He admits sheepishly. "I just got back so... there's not much."
"Oh that's okay, it can't be–"
You open the fridge, finding virtually nothing. Some milk, A couple water bottles, half a carton of eggs, a few bottles of liquor, and a can of half-eaten kimchi.
You wedge your way in front of him, looking into the pantry and it's somehow worse. There's only stuff that needs to actually be cooked, and there's not much of it.
You fall dramatically into his chest and he laughs. "I told you there wasn't much."
His hand touches your lower back as you sink your face into his chest. This time, it feels right.
"Why did you even offer me food if you didn't have any?!" You exclaim.
He holds your head in his hands, cupping both of your cheeks. "I don't know, I guess I forgot Shorty. You do that to me."
While his words are making your stomach turn, the hunger rumbling is a lot louder. "Is the milk in the fridge even good?"
"Yeah, I just bought it today." He says casually.
"You went out and bought milk... and nothing else? Knowing you had no food?" You question.
"I needed it to go with my cereal," He shrugs. "But that's not important. Look, there's some rice in here."
He grabs the uncooked rice out of the pantry. "I can make you some fried rice with egg and kimchi. I've got soy sauce somewhere around here."
"No I think I'll just take some cereal," You walk out of his grasp, making your way toward the fridge.
He pouts. "I can cook for you though."
"I'll take you up on that offer another time," You tap his cheek with your palm lightly. "I'm very hungry. And you've got no vegetable to go with, not even a green onion. I'm getting some cereal."
You open the fridge, grabbing the milk while he gets the bowls and spoons. You try to grab the cereal box from above the fridge, but you can't quite reach it. Mingyu comes up behind you, grabbing it with ease and a shit-eating grin on his face.
You frown, but you're too hungry to make any comments. The two of you sit at the table, each pouring yourselves a bowl of cereal. "You said you just got back?" You ask.
He nods. "Like two days ago, I think. My sense of time is a little messed up, jetlag."
You nod in acknowledgment. He continues to tell you about the past few months since he's seen you. You play friends catching up as he answers all your questions about his life as of recent. The shows, the photoshoots, all the traveling, filming, and preparations for the upcoming months as well.
He asks you about work too, although your updates are not nearly as interesting as his though. But he doesn't ask out of courtesy, he genuinely cares. He likes hearing about your life, likes just listening to you speak even if you're not the one doing Calvin Klein photoshoots.
The time flies, and before you know it, it's 3 in the morning. You always find yourself invested in him when you're together, like the world around you ceases to exist. You get caught up, failing to realize that time is indeed still passing, and a lot of it.
He pulls you in by your hips, pressing your back onto his chest.He pulls the bowls and utensils out of your hands swiftly and turns you around.
"Nope, don't worry about that," he drops them into the sink. "You just go hop in the shower, I'll give you one of my t-shirts."
"Are you saying I stink?" You accuse him playfully.
"Never, Shorty." He kisses your cheek. "As much as I love this little dress on you, it's getting late and you should be in something comfy. Now go." He playfully taps your butt, sending you to the bathroom.
You look back at him, feigning offense as he grins.
When you step out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, there's a t-shirt laid out for you with a pair of boxers. You get dressed before walking down to the living room.
Mingyu lays there, scrolling through his phone. When he hears you enter, his attention shifts to you immediately and he gives you a warm smile.
He sits up all the way and pulls you onto his lap so you're straddling him. "Thank you, for letting me using the shower and for the food."
He holds you close to him. "Of course Shorty
"Where are your clothes?" He asks.
"Folded on the dresser in your room, why?" You ask.
He pulls you off his lap and stands to his feet. "Wanna wash them so you can have them tomorrow. Are they washer and dryer safe?"
"Yeah, but you don't have to worry about it." You assure him.
"Don't worry about it, I have clothes I need to was anyway. I'll just through yours in with them," he says.
He disappears up into his room and when he emerges, he's holding a basket of clothes and your dress on top. He walks down and walks over to you on the couch.
"That's all you had? Just the dress and the panties? No bra?" He asks.
You grin. "Nope."
He inhales sharply, but pushes his thoughts aside. "Come with."
You follow behind him downstairs. He leads you to the laundry room in the basement.
You sit on the dryer as he loads the washing machine. There's a comfortable silence in the atmosphere. Everything about this is so comforting... so domestic. It's exactly what you needed.
"Hand me that?" he says, pointing to the detergent behind you. "Please?"
You grab the detergent, handing it to him. "Thank you, Shorty."
After he's done with it, he hands it back to you and adjusts the settings before starting up the machine.
"Ready for bed?" He asks.
You nod, reaching your arms out to him. He turns around, lifting you off the machine and piggybacking you all the way up to his bedroom. He drops your body on his plush mattress and strips down to just his boxers. He places his glasses on his dresser gently. Immediately after, he climbs under the covers. You join him, making yourself comfortable in his bed.
He pulls your body against his, yearning to have you close to him. He looks at you with a softness in his eyes. His hand runs along your thigh gently and innocently.
But right now, close doesn't feel close enough. You've missed him so much, you want to feel consumed by him. You need him inside of you.
You press your forehead against his, look at him with soft, sultry eyes. His hands start to wander, moving from your thighs to your butt.
Almost simultaneously, you pick up on one another's energy. The sexual tension grows and pretty soon his lips are on yours again. You moan softly against his lips.
He brings his hand to your cheek, cupping it softly as your lips move against his in perfect harmony. He takes everything you give and vice versa,perfectly in sync.
Pretty soon, you're itching to get undressed even though his clothes are extremely comfortable. You're eager for more of him, pulling away from the kiss.
"Gyu," You breathe out.
"I know baby, fuck–I know," He pulls you onto his lap so you're straddling him once again.
He lifts your hips enough to pull his boxers off of your body. The t-shirt you're narrowing is next to go, leaving you completely naked on his lap.
"Fuck," He whispers. "You're so pretty, Shorty. Need you so bad."
You lean over, leaving a trail of kisses on his neck. You know better than to leave marks, but you grind down against him slowly. He lets out a shaky breath, holding your hips as you move against him. "Mm-fuck."
His cock grows stiff beneath you, poking against your bare core. You grind down harder, feeling the veins of his cock against your clit through his boxers. "Feels good, Gyu.." You moan.
You chase the friction selfishly. You know you could cum like this, and with how good it feels, you're not entirely against it. But his hand comes in between the two of you, pressing against your pussy to feel how wet you are.
"Fuck, Shorty you're soaking..." he groans.
You can only nod in agreement as the pads of his fingers graze your clit. You're dripping on his fingers, so much so that he could easily slip–
"–You want my fingers?"
Fuck, he knows you so well.
You nod eagerly. He pinches your clit, making you yelp.
"Use your words baby."
You mewl. "Yes, fuck yes, please."
He lifts your body, flipping you over so you're underneath him. He holds himself up with his arm, hovering over you as he slips two fingers into you with ease.
Even though it's just his fingers, he can feel how tight you are. Your cunt stretches around his digits as he pumps them into you. You moan out, feeling the way the pleasure builds in your lower region.
His fingers are so skilled and he knows your body well. He knows that when he curls his finger, you're gonna squeeze your legs together and cry out.
Which is exactly what you do when he curls his fingers inside of you. He pries your legs back open, picking up the pace of his fingers as you moan out loud. "Ah fuck–nngh."
His cock twitches in anticipation as he pleasures you. He's not focused on it right now, but your pleasure is his pleasure.
"Shit–I'm gonna cum," You warn him, gripping his bicep.
He grins, teasing you with his words. "Already, Shorty?"
You breathe out, pushing your hips against his hands. "Fuck– 's been a while.
His digits press against the sweet spot deep inside of you and you arch your back up off the bed and cry out. "You don't touch yourself when I'm not here, Shorty?"
"Not enough–ah!" You moan. "Can't cum."
You know you'd never admit this if you weren't drinking earlier or on the brink of an orgasm. But your words affect him more than he lets it show.
He's ruined you.
That means you haven't slept with anyone since he last saw you. And to top it off, you can't get yourself off without his help. A sense of pride fills his chest and only encourages him to go faster, pushing you over the edge.
Although, the same can't be said for him. The pride in his chest is pinched by a small twinging of guilt.
It's not something you really talk about with each other. You know it happens, but you choose not to acknowledge it. As much as it feels like it when you're together, you're not together. It's been nearly three years since your relationship, if you can even call it that, came to fruition.
But with him constantly busy and on the move, you've spent a small fraction of those three years in each other's presence. When he's not with you, he's performing and traveling the world. He catches the attention of plenty of other pretty girls who are more than willing to sign an NDA to spend the night with him.
He's just a man after all. And a famous one who constantly travels at that. He's got needs of his own and the means to fulfill them.
He's someone you trust. You know he'd never catch something and risk bringing it to you. He's too careful, has too much at stake with his career.
But those thoughts only cloud his mind, and for a brief moment at that. With you underneath him, writhing and gasping for air as you cum on his fingers, his attention is fully on you.
He pins your body on on the bed, adding more pressure as you grip his bicep. You nails dig into his skin, sure to leave marks. He doesn't mind though, not when you cry out his name and screw your eyes shut in pleasure.
Your hips move on their own, grinding against his fingers as you ride out your orgasm. "Shit, Shorty... that's it, yeah."
It takes a moment for you to come down. When you do, you blink your eyes open, loosening your grip on his bicep. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, warm breath fanning against your neck. His fingers slip out of you slowly and you whine as the loss of touch.
His hard length presses against your thigh, making it very known how badly he needs you. You think about pushing him down on the bed and sucking him dry, but you'd much rather have him inside of you.
You press a hand on his chest gently, pointer finger lightly dragging on his skin. "Mmm, that was so good, Gyu."
"Yeah?" He lifts his head up.
You bite your lip seductively and nod softly. "Yeah... want you to fuck me now, though."
He licks his lips slowly. "Want it, or need it?"
"Need it, need it so fucking bad, Gyu" You pull at the material of his boxers. You're so needy. He can hear it in your voice and it's clear in your actions. He wants to give you everything and more.
He presses his hips down against you and you help him to pull of his boxers. You wrap your hand around his cock and start pumping him slowly. He lets out a breath of relief.
His cock is hard and heavy in your hand. It's pulsing and aching to be touched. He inhales sharply when you circle your thumb around the tip, smearing his precum around.
You love it when he's sensitive like this, so reactive. It reminds you that you have just as much of an effect on him as he does on you. You continue to pump him, and he reaches into the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a gold package.
You snatch the condom out of his hand. "I wanna do it."
He grins. "Okay, Shorty."
You tear open the packaging with your teeth.
"You know, you shouldn't do that," He warns you. "Could accidentally puncture a hole in it. Wouldn't want another pregnancy scare would we?"
You toss the gold wrapper onto the nightstand. "First of all, you use your teeth every time we do this. Second of all, you used your teeth to open the condom the time we had to scare." You remind him.
He smirks. "I learn from my mistakes, baby."
You ignore him, rolling the condom onto his length and laying on your back. He hovers over you again, stroking his cock a few times before lining himself up with your entrance.
When he enters you, the stretch is immaculate. You both breathe out, moaning as he bottoms out inside of you. He sinks further into you, deep into your warmth and you stretch to accommodate him perfectly.
"Fuck... Gyu," You moan out, wrapping your arms around his muscular back.
"Shorty... fuck me–" He groans. You breathe out, wrapping your legs around his waist, pushing your hips up into him. You move in perfect sync as his hips drive into yours. His neck nearly goes limp as his head dips down. "Yeah, Shorty–just like that–uh. Fuck, you're so hot, baby."
"Mingyu–" You moan out. "I missed you so much... so fucking much."
His hips snap back, his cock thrusting deep into you. "Missed you too, missed everything about you."
His thrusts slow down, but they don't stop. He taps the side of your thigh, silently telling you to unwrap your legs around around him. You oblige, and he lifts your legs up.
He drives his cock deeper into you, bringing your legs over his shoulders. You gasp out at the sudden stretch and wave of pleasure that hits you.
The pure force of his thrusts, how good he feels as the pain turns into pleasure into pleasure, the noises he makes – it's overwhelming in the best way possible. It's so much, but it's so good, you don’t want him to ever stop. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan as your breath catches in your throat. You eyes fall shut as your face scrunches in pleasure before the sensation courses through through you and you can hardly take it. Your hands grip the sheets tightly.
"Fuck... pussy's so good," He groans. " 'S all mine."
"Hah-fuck," You cry out.
"Tell me it's mine, baby," He demands. "C'mon Shorty."
Your eyes fall shut and your breathe in through your nose as his cock pushes deeper into you. Your voice is broken and soft. "It's all yours–"
He thrusts into you particularly hard. "Say it again–louder."
"Fuck! It's all yours."
It's a lie, somewhat. Everything between you two is complicated, yet simple. But in moments like these, you don't focus on the small details or realities.
"That's what I fucking thought," He groans.
You whimper, pussy fluttering around him. A telltale sign that you're close to the edge. His pace doesn't falter, and he continues to fuck you as your orgasm courses through your body.
Your body spasms beneath him, writhing to escape the overwhelming pleasure. He doesn't let you though, pinning your body down as he continues to drive his cock deep inside of you.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck–uh!" You cry out. Tears are brimming the corners of your eyes.
Your pussy tightens around him, convulsing as you cum for the second time tonight. He watches as your face twists and contorts with pleasure, a sight that remains forever etched in his memory.
You're still coming down while he's fucking you, grunting and groaning with each thrust of his hips. There's sweat dripping down his body, causing his skin to glisten in the moonlight.
Your mind is hazy, still struggling to process all the pleasure you're body is enduring. You're growing overstimulated, but you can tell he's getting close.
His hips lose their rhythm, thrusts growing erratic and uncoordinated as your pussy milks him. He lets out a long groan, cursing out your name as he spills his load into the rubber.
His chest rises and falls rapidly as he sits up. He presses a kiss to your ankle before pulling out of you and allowing your feet to touch the bed.
His body is spent, and the soft look in your eyes relaxes him. It makes him feel blissful and at ease, it makes the sleepiness creep its way into his body.
You wrap your arms around his neck softly pulling his face toward yours. "All good?"
"Fuckin perfect," he sighs with a smile.
He's too close and too tempting not to kiss. So you do, softly pressing your lips against one another. The feeling in your heart is overwhelming. You don't know that he feels it too, two hearts moving rapidly yet somehow in perfect sync.
It's moments like these where there's a conundrum of things weighing heavily on your mind that you want to express or say out loud, but you don't. You know better than that, and so does he.
So a kiss will have to do. To speak the words that will remain unspoken and seal it closed. A silent way to express the thoughts that run through your brains and the emotions that are pouring out of your hearts.
So you kiss him, because that's all you can do for now. While he's still here, while he's still yours.
After you two clean up, you climb back into the bed. You face each other, laying on your sides.
His eyes are closed, but he's not fully encaptured by his slumber. He's halfway there though, pouting in his state of rest with a soft expression. He looks so peaceful, so cute. Such a contrast to the man who had your legs thrown over his shoulders only minutes prior.
You press your hand onto his hair, pushing it back ever so lightly as you admire his features. You see the smile tugging at his lips. "Go to sleep, Shorty."
His eyes don't open as he speaks to you.
"Sorry," You say sheepishly. I was just admiring."
"Cute, you can admire in the morning though. Go to sleep, baby."
You nod, although he can't see you, and exhale softly. You adjust the comforter and his eyes blink open slowly.
"I'll make you breakfast in the morning," he offers, pressing a kiss onto your forehead.
You hum, smiling to yourself. "lemme guess, cereal?"
A breathy laugh escapes his lips. "Alright, I'll take you out for breakfast, or we can order in if you can't walk."
You punch his shoulder playfully before burying your face against his chest. You fall asleep in his arms peacefully.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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httpknjoon · 2 months ago
satellite | jjk
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plot | Your friend, Jungkook, offers to help you while you review for your human anatomy exam.
w.c | 3K
genre | fluff, slight angst, fwb (but nothing 18+ happened)
pairing | jungkook x medstudent!reader
note | written from my own swamp of academic-related activities
main masterlist | playlist
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u up?
i'm studying
exams tomorrow
can i come over
yes but don't be a distraction
u know i can't help it 😪
i'm busy stop texting me
will be there in five
door's open no need to knock
see u 😉
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Maybe you should have just pursued a course in creative writing... Or maybe culinary arts. Maybe something connected with baking. You love baking, right?
Maybe if you picked a college program based on your hobbies, you have better sleep. Maybe you are happier. At 11:51 PM, maybe you are already sleeping soundly on your bed, next to your emotional support stuffed toy, with your favorite weighted blanket on your exhausted being.
But you didn't. You can't.
So here you are, sitting in a swamp of written notes, books, and colorful post-its (that you haven't found any helpful use yet), having a crisis over your career choices.
"You want this, YN." you remind yourself, shaking your head.
Your digital clock on your study desk just ticked the time to 11:52 PM. It has been almost three hours since you began your planned all-nighter for tomorrow's exam.
"I want to cry." you sighed, your forehead softly hitting your desk. "But I don't have the time for that."
Groaning, you opened one of the textbooks you borrowed from the library. You tried to process every word you came across. But considering that you went straight from your eight-hour shift from your part-time job, you only managed to comprehend half of the sentences you read.
"I wish I was born as a nepo-baby."
Another random thought rolled off your tongue instead of understanding where the hell the spine of the scapula is. Admittedly, you find it hard to locate the muscles in the human body when you only have a 2D version of it. But you don't have those 3D models that can help you to learn and remember better, so you will settle for pointing your index fingers at flat images on the book pages.
"Trapezius... Acromion... Deltoid..."
Reciting the muscles in the familiar tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", you began pointing to certain areas of your body. It was one of the studying techniques you have been using since you were younger. So far, it's helping. You keep doing it for the other parts.
But the longer you sang, the words slowly rambled in your tongue and your eyelids got heavier. You were so close to drifting away until you heard the familiar click of your door. Your head snapped up instantly. You hear his voice greeting your roommate who's probably watching her favorite show in the living room.
"Pizza and ice cream. Want some?" you heard him offer.
He brought food?! Of course, he did. He's Jungkook. For the first time since you sat in front of your study desk, a smile formed on your lips. Shaking your head, you just read your notes again. It didn't take long for your bedroom door to open. The scent of a freshly baked pizza filled every corner of your room. And there, you see him coming in with a smile on his pierced lips.
"Oh, hello, gorgeous."
Jungkook was surprised to see you already looking at him when he entered your room. Usually, he would find your nose dipped between your textbooks when he visits during your study sessions.
You rolled your eyes at the nickname, "I know, I looked like a mess right now. Just give me my prized pizza and ice cream please."
He laughed, not because he agreed with you, but because you are always quick to turn down his micro-flirting. He sometimes thinks that it keeps him grounded.
"And you got the coffee ones! This is why you're my favorite hookup buddy." you quipped before kissing his cheek, elated by the ice cream he got you.
"I'm honored. Thank you." he replied, before getting a slice of pizza.
Both of you know that you don't have any other hookup buddy. You're not that adventurous. It's just something you joke about.
"How's the studying going?" he asked before sitting on your bed.
"Shit." you shake your head, tired. "But this ice cream makes me feel a little better."
Jungkook smiled at that. He listened as you went on telling him about something that happened in your shift earlier today. But he ended up studying you. Because contrary to what you said earlier, you are too pretty, he finds it distracting. You were tired, it's written on your face. But the way your eyes light up as you share your story makes your face glow. With your desk lamp being the only light in your room, it perfectly highlights the small smile on your lips after you take another spoonful of the cold dessert.
"Why did you come here anyway?"
Your sudden question snaps Jungkook out of his daze. He cleared his throat.
"I-I'm bored and you're up."
He was not bored. In fact, he missed a party he was invited to tonight because it has been four days since he last saw you. He was busy with his training and practice, while you were working two jobs and studying. You two were just texting each other these days and with how rare you reply during the daytime, he knew that tonight is probably the best time to see you.
You sigh, "I told you, I'm studying for tomorrow. I can't do anything with you right now."
"And I didn't say we have to do anything. I'm just happy to be here. I'm like little Bear right there." he replied, pointing to your stuffed toy who was sitting next to him.
"Okay, I'll go back to studying. Is that okay?" you asked, putting on the lid of your half-finished ice cream.
He winked, "Of course."
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Jungkook is that person you probably know for too long. Like, someone you should have met only once or twice or occasionally. Not like this, in which you see each other almost every day.
When Liz, your roommate, introduced you two to each other during some Halloween party, in which you came as Dorothy from The Wizards of Oz and he was Peter Pan, you did not expect to start any kind of connection with him. You remembered thinking to yourself how exhausting it was to have him around with how he seemed so full of energy, not knowing then that he also enjoyed the same little things you did. You two became real friends after bumping into one another in a record store an hour away from your uni.
Because you feel that you two always stood on opposite ends of any scale. You were a reserved working student with introverted tendencies while on the opposite, Jungkook is a known varsity star, who's rumored to be a CEO's son (He is. He admitted it to you), on campus with a charm that works for everyone.  Just like how great he is at playing basketball, he is equally good at socializing and making new connections. That charm definitely worked for you a year ago because one thing led to another and now, he is in your bed, casually scrolling on his phone.
"Why do you have a camera with you?" you broke the silence after reading for god knows how long. Yet, you are unsure if you picked up anything from it.
He looked up, reaching for the camera bag he brought with him earlier, "It's a new one, my dad brought it to me as a gift."
"For what? Your birthday was like three months ago," you asked even though you already had an answer in your head.
"I helped him with some documents," he replied, knowing that you would say something after.
"Spoiled." you teased him.
"Haters gonna hate," he responded with a sassy roll of his eyes, you laughed. "Anyway, I'm kinda testing it out. So, if you don't mind..."
He placed the camera in front of him, aligning its viewfinder to his left eye. You put the back of your hand under your chin with a tight smile on your lips, posing. Click. A shutter sound and a bright flash followed. You see Jungkook look down at his camera to check the outcome. A small smile forms on his lips.
"You have too many pictures of me," you told him.
Every single time you two are together, he takes a picture of you. You don't really mind even though some shots are candid. Some of the pictures of you he took are the only ones you have on your Instagram. He's good at it, but sometimes, you worry you will get used to being his muse.
"I'm thinking of making an exhibition out of it." he said.
Sensing his sarcasm, you ride on with it, "Yeah, you can title it with something like, The Life Of An Overworked Twenty-Something Student. I looked exhausted in all those photos. An ugly, dry potato."
"I think you look pretty in all of them."
And it didn't help that he complimented you a lot after taking pictures of you. It just scares you that you feel a light feeling in your stomach when you see him smile after taking a shot of you or when he calls you gorgeous or pretty.
But instead of letting the giddy feeling show, you just smiled, "Of course you do, you're sleeping with me. You will always find me attractive."
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It was almost an hour later when Jungkook paused the video he was watching on his phone to once again try his camera. A camera nerd, he was watching a clip about his new camera's settings. Of course, he was in his earphones so that he wouldn't get to distract you.
After modifying some parts of the settings, Jungkook placed his camera in front of his right eye, ready to capture another picture of you. But before he could click the button, he noticed your shoulders shaking.
His right eyebrow raised as he slowly put down his camera.
He heard you hiccup before humming, "Hmm?"
"YN, can you look at me?" he asked since you kept your back turned to him.
"Not now, I'm busy." you sobbed, failing to hide from Jungkook.
He frowned, getting up from your bed, "YN, baby..."
"No, I said-"
Before you could continue denying, Jungkook already pulled the swivel chair you were sitting on closer to him. You covered your face with your palms since you hated crying in front of anyone. Jungkook tries to remove it softly but you shake your head.
"Please, let me see your face. It's okay," he whispered while his thumbs drew circles at the back of your hands. Finally, you listened and let him hold down your hands.
"Shh..." he hushed you, wiping the tears on your cheeks. "What's going on? Are you okay? Is there any way that I can help you?"
"I-I cannot remember anything and I'm just so tired." you broke down, feeling the exhaustion from both studying and working finally creeping up in your body.
"Then, take a break. Let's nap." he offered, knowing how much you need it.
You cried even more, "I can't nap. My exams are tomorrow and I can't understand anything I've been reading so far."
He clicked his tongue in disagreement, "I'll wake you up in thirty minutes. How about that?"
While his offer seemed ideal for you, the pressure for what is coming tomorrow is heavily sitting on your shoulders. But you're really tired.
"Just nap?" you asked, making sure that it won't lead to anything else.
"Yeah— Okay, maybe cuddle." he shrugged.
"Okay." I kinda need that.
"Okay. C'mere, my snotty baby." He cooed.
You glared at him before slapping his chest. He laughed, catching your hand and pulling you to him on your bed. You fell on top instead of your mattress, feeling his toned body under you. His chin rests on the top of your head as he draws circles on your lower back.
"Let's do anything you want after your exams," he mumbled.
You exhaled, "Why celebrate? I am not even sure if I can pass it."
"You will. You're the smartest person I know."
This isn't the first time Jungkook saw you broke down over academic reasons. He knew how much you value your studies as someone who has always been an achiever since you began studying. It didn't help that your mom expects quite a lot from you, based on what you told him.
You looked up to meet his eyes, "Thank you."
He simply kissed your forehead, "Of course, babe."
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You did find yourself feeling much better after your 30-minute rest. But, you also found something else when you woke five minutes ago next to Jungkook. It's something that can probably help you study.
"Take off your shirt," you whispered as you rested your head on his arm.
"Why?" he asked, suspicious.
"I think you can help me study," you said, sitting up on the bed.
Jungkook sat next to you, "I thought we were just cuddling."
"Jungkook." you called him. "Please, just do it."
"Okay, I will. You know I can't say no when you beg, babe." he teased.
You watched him reach for the back of his shirt and remove it over his head. With how cold your room is, Jungkook immediately crossed his arms over his chest, making his muscles bulge before you. You were quiet, squinting your eyes on his arms.
Feeling a little conscious and confused, Jungkook spoke, "It's a little chilly here. What now?"
"Wait, let me get my sticky notes."
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"You know, I should be paid for this," Jungkook spoke, covered in neon-colored sticky notes from his neck to his back and arms. "I am like your model."
"You are my 3d model." you laughed while tracing his body with your finger to look where you could stick your next label. "I'm too broke to buy one so just be my friend and let me put some sticky notes on you."
"I'll just buy you one." he offered and he's serious. If it's something that can help you, he'll buy it for you.
"You sound like the spoiled kid you are." you joked.
"I like it when you keep me humble and grounded," he reacted sarcastically. Out of a hundred people he knows on the campus, you are the only one who always reminds him of his privileges. He found it annoying at first but now, he just finds it funny.
"I know, it shows especially when you get all submissive sometimes." you joked again, scrunching your nose at him.
"Why won't you just let me spend money on you?" he asked, recalling the other scenarios he tried buying or doing something for you. But you were quick to decline him, especially if it's connected with money.
You stopped and stared at him, "For the tenth time, Jeon, I will not be your sugar baby."
"Or you can just be my... baby," he whispered, but since you are the only awake people in this house at this time of the day, you still heard that.
Your eyebrows scrunched, looking at him. Visibly cringing at what he said, you pushed his face with a laugh. You hear him chuckle lowly.
"If you want someone to be your baby, you should be asking girls out, not signing up for a friends-with-benefits-type of relationship with me," you mumbled while writing a certain body part on your notepad.
It is part of your agreement that this thing you two have will end once one of you starts dating again. But the idea of him asking girls out after literally sleeping on your bed for the last twelve months still made your heart sink a little. You cannot imagine how your future will be without him, you still haven't thought that far.
"I know..." he whispered. But you're not up for any commitment. He wanted to say that. Instead, he replied, "But you give the best blowjob ever. How can I look for someone else?"
You laughed again. God, he loves making you laugh. It's like a melody playing in his head.
"Yeah, I know. It will be hard to find someone better than me. I'm the best."
Yes, you are. He agreed, almost saying it if you haven't spoke to soon.
"Now, please, can you stop moving? My notes are falling everywhere."
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"Hi, I'm Mabel."
It's been days since that night. Now, a blonde, blue-eyed girl offered her hand to Jungkook while he prepared to leave the campus with his car after his basketball training. Jungkook, being polite, introduced himself even though he was not really interested. He continued making sure he got all his stuff in his backpack as the girl continued saying that they had two classes together. When he was done checking, she spoke,
"I think you're really cute and was wondering if we could go out sometime? Maybe we can grab some coffee together?"
Jungkook scratched the back of his head, feeling bad for what he was about to say to this seeming freshman before him. A tight smile forms on his lips. This isn't the first confession he got in his lifetime, but rejecting someone is always hard.
"Wow... uhm... I'm sure you're a really wonderful person, Mabel. But I'm not really interested in dating anyone right now. I'm sorry."
The familiar flustered face instantly showed up on Mabel's face, "Oh, okay. Uhm, thank you for your time. Nice to meet you though."
Jungkook was not even able to reply before she ran away. It didn't took him too long to dwell on that interaction when he got a message from you.
YN 🩺
Jungkook smiled after reading that, feeling your relief and excitement. He typed in a reply before hopping in his car.
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note | scheduled as my first post for 2025 :) thank you so much for reading!
ps. will probably delete this later on
taglist rules
@dunixxd @cixrosie @jksjx @embrace-themagic @buttvi @starbtslove @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @kenqki @imajinthis @stopeatread @seolaquotes @greyrain23 @chimchimmarie @petalsofink @jayhope88 @moonchild1 @laylasbunbunny @nikkiordonez12 @misshale21 @marblemoonstones
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warriormale · 6 months ago
More Messages from Gaza
If you are able, please help these desperate families from Gaza
aiamaher asked:
Hello this is me Aya.. ‏🇵🇸
having everything and suddenly you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams,
memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
ahmedomar3 asked:
Hello my friend 🙏🍉 I am Ahmed. I used to live with my family, my father, my elderly mother, and they suffer from chronic diseases. My mother had open-heart surgery on October 7, the first day of the war. I used to work fishing on a large boat. Everything was destroyed, and now I am injured from the bombing, my house is destroyed, and my children and I have nothing left. Children suffer from diseases due to lack of hygiene and unhealthy food. Please donate and support my campaign and help me and my family escape from the war of extermination. Have mercy on us, please 🙏😭
Donate of you can
Reblog my pin post 😓
You can save our life 💔 https://gofund.me/315b0b3c
ameenafamily asked:
Hello dear,❤️‍🩹👋
I hope you are well and in good health💙.
I am Amina from Gaza🇵🇸, a mother of three children.Nase💚Adam💚and Braa💜 I come to you with a heart exhausted by war and injustice, with the heart of a mother who is in pain for the condition of her children🥺. They live in extremely poor conditions because of the war. No food, no medicine. We live in a tent under the scorching sun.🤒😪 Have mercy on our condition and donate even something simple for my children.🙏 The simplest thing makes us happy, or help me publish through the pinned post on my account💬. I hope you will not let me down, because I can no longer bear it. You are my last hope. Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped me🫂. Amina Yasser❤️‍🩹
osama-family asked:
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
Hi, I hope you're doing well. ❤️ I'm writing to you with full of hope to help me and my family. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. 😢 Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
isra-elazaiza asked:
Hello, my name is Israa, and I am from Gaza.
I am reaching out to you today to ask for your support in reaching my campaign goal. Every single share and donation makes a difference in helping my family stay safe.
I am trying to evacuate my family from Gaza, where people are dying of starvation and disease. Gaza is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that is only getting worse.
I have been unable to find any page that can support me, so I am sharing my campaign here in the hopes that you will be able to help.
My campaign is progressing slowly, and I have not yet achieved my goal.
I would be grateful for any support, no matter how small.
A small donation could make a big difference for my family.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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chaenniz · 2 years ago
hello! i recently saw the nwjs kiss reaction thing (ans it was so good huhuhu), is it okay to request the same for lsrfm? thank you!
LE SSERAFIM X READER ;; how they’d react if you were a great kisser
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A/N i'm craving a half cheese half pork corndog 😪 genre ;; fluff
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sakura miyawaki
sakura knew that pursuing her dreams of becoming an idol would be extremely tough. the toughest part though? losing contact with you.
throughout her years with hkt48 and akb48 sakura was able to keep in frequent contact with you, her childhood best friend.
however, things took a turn when she had debuted in iz*one, as the group slowly started skyrocket in fame.
sadly, this meant that sakura’s schedule was getting more and more packed with each passing moment. no matter how hard she tried to keep in touch with you, the feeling of exhaustion would win after 18 hours of promotions and shooting.
when iz*one disbanded, you were the first to call her, asking her how she was. from there, things had started to pick up again, you even encouraged her to try out for hybe’s latest girl group, now le sserafim.
a couple months after the hugely successful debut of le sserafim, they announced they would be holding a fansign in seoul.
so there you were, nervously waiting in line as the next person was called up for the fansign. you were disguised, wearing a dark outfit with a black mask and black hat. you wanted to surprise to sakura, having flown from japan and learning some korean.
eventually, it was your turn and you nervously walked up to the first person. eunchae, you knew her as the maknae of the group, she was a little shy at first, but was comfortable to be around.
next was yunjin, the american of the group. you were able to converse to her about your experiences in america, finding that you both got along pretty well.
third was chaewon, le sserafim’s leader. having overheard your conversation with yunjin, she follows up by asking if you’ve been anywhere else. that’s how the topic of languages and travelling was brought up between the two of you. similarly to yunjin, you both got along pretty well.
penultimately was kazuha, 1/2 of the j-line in le sserafim. you surprised her by greeting her in japanese, to which she replied happily to as well in japanese. you both talked about the differences here in korea than in japan, once again getting along with the le sserafim member.
finally, you had reached sakura. you took your seat in front of her, greeting her stiffly. sakura was a little thrown off, but greeted back nonetheless. before saying anything else, you remove your hat and mask.
since you kept your hat and mask on for the other members, they were curious as to what you looked like. they couldn’t help but sneak a peek towards you, and god, you were stunning.
you had grown more mature since the last time sakura’s seen you. after almost a decade, you had gotten taller, almost reaching 5’10. your cheeks not as puffed up and chubby as they were when you were still kids. your entire body definition was definitely more prominent and leaner now too.
sakura was the most surprised though, “y/n? is that really you?” she asks, a bit shocked.
“in the flesh.” you respond, grinning.
you and sakura enjoy your time catching up with each other, sadly the 5 minute timer interrupting your lovely conversation.
before you stand up to leave however, sakura asks for you to head to the back area and wait, already receiving the go ahead from staff and management after pleading for a little while.
you go towards where sakura told you to wait. almost an hour later, you were enveloped in a bone crushing hug.
“you should’ve told me you were coming!” sakura exclaims.
you shrug, “an element of surprise never hurt anybody.”
the other members ask how you two know each other. you and sakura explaining everything to them. after getting acquainted with the other members some more, sakura does something you never expect.
she cups your cheeks with her two hands and kisses you. although surprised, you respond back. the two of your lips moving in perfect synchrony, and her lips even better than you imagined.
you pull away first, feeling a little out of breath, as did sakura.
wow, was all the two of you could think after that spontaneous kiss.
kim chaewon
chaewon has never thought of herself as a great cook, but it’s the thought that counts right?
you had just come home from the dance studio, telling the girls that you’d be staying to practice more so you’d be home a bit later than them.
as you unlocked the door into your shared dorm with chaewon and eunchae, you set down your bag and lazily took off your shoes, tired from the extra practice.
you lock the door behind you before picking up your bag and walking through the hallway. at some point during your walk however, your nose picks up on the very faint scent of something burnt.
worriedly, you hurried into the kitchen, only to find chaewon trying to cook what seemed like kimchi-jeon.
you wrap your arms from behind her, causing chaewon to startle a little. she soon embraces your touch after, realizing it was only you.
“what happened?” you chuckle.
“…i don’t know” she answers truthfully, a faint blush evident on the tips of her ears from embarrassment.
“i’m assuming eunchae’s asleep?” you ask, your eyes forming into a crescent shape.
chaewon turns off the burner and sets the pan onto a different grate before finally facing you. “yes, she wanted to stay up though and greet you”
your eyes flickered back and forth from your girlfriend, and to the burnt kimchi-jeon on the stove. “i’m sorry i-“ before chaewon could finish her sentence you cut her off with a kiss.
the kiss wasn’t like your heavy make-out kisses that usually led one thing to another, this kiss was slow and filled with love.
chaewon lets out a small gasp, touching her lips as the two of you separated. “don’t be sorry jagi, i love that you did this for me” you grinned.
chaewon answers back with a smile that reaches her eyes, “let’s order takeout?”
you both laughed at the situation as you kissed chaewon once again.
huh yunjin
despite being one of her school’s “it girls” yunjin has never actually kissed someone, a little help never hurt anybody right?
yunjin screamed into your pillowcase before shooting back up towards you, “am i doomed, y/n?”
you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh towards your best friends over-exaggeration. “yunjin, don’t worry about it, not having your first kiss yet is pretty common these days.”
your best friend rolled her eyes at you, “you don’t get it y/n! what if i finally get the chance to kiss someone and i completely suck at it!”
“i’m sure you won’t” you reply, “anybody would be blessed to have been kissed by you…” you mutter the last part.
“what was that?” yunjin asks, not properly hearing you the first time.
“its nothing, don’t worry” you respond quietly.
yunjin raises a brow at you before furrowing them once again. after a few minutes in silence, she finally raises her voice to ask a question.
“y/n, can you help me practice?” yunjin asks.
“help practice with what?” you ask, a bit confused.
“kissing, duh” yunjin answers, as if it was the easiest question in the world.
your brain crashed, yunjin wanted you to help her practice kissing?
“w-wouldn’t i be taking your first kiss?” you respond, still a little surprised.
“i’m okay with that” she grins widely.
your brain crashes for the second time before quickly rebooting itself when you notice yunjin patiently waiting for your answer.
“…alright, come here” you motioned for her to come closer.
yunjin shuffled across your bed, now directly in front of you without much space between you two left.
“just follow my lead, okay?” you told yunjin, to which she nods.
you lift yunjin’s chin as you press your lips onto hers. you attempt to deepen the kiss, which she allows. the two of your lips moved in synchrony.
you broke off the kiss after you felt yunjin start to run out of breath. butterflies swarmed you stomach, and unknowingly to you, yunjins as well.
“how was that?” you ask, a little unsure.
“let’s try that again.” yunjin answers, a little too quickly.
kazuha loved ballet with all her heart, but ballet could never compare to you.
having started ballet at 3 years old and continuing on until the present, it was no surprise that the university personally hand-picked kazuha to represent their school in a nation-wide ballet competition.
anyone with a pair of eyes, and at least one braincell can tell that kazuha is incomparable and in a league of her own when it came to her favourite activity.
kazuha was grateful for this opportunity of course, being carefully chosen out of the many people who could have competed brought her a sense of pride, even if she wasn’t entirely vocal about it.
although it’s no surprise that tough times were to be expected. kazuha laid flat against the dance room’s wall, chugging down a water bottle.
kazuha’s chest rose up and down unsteadily. lungs absolutely worked out from her over-the-top, but still awe-striking performance.
you took a seat beside kazuha, “you’re amazing, zuha”
kazuha shifted her gaze from the mirror to you, who came from her blindspot.
“y/n? i thought you went home already?” kazuha asks.
“i’ve barely seen you today” you pouted, “besides, what kind of girlfriend would i be if i didn’t support you every step of the way” a smile gracing both parties.
“you’re such a sap” kazuha starts grinning as well
“my words are only meant for you to hear, kang juha” you beam teasingly.
you leaned in for a kiss to which kazuha reciprocates immediately.
kazuha's lips were oh so soft and felt like they were made to kiss you and you only. the tingling sparks of electricity that stemmed all the way back from you and kazuha’s first kiss never left, if anything, probably heightened.
kazuha pulls away first, “the full government name? really?” she grins.
“i've gotta enjoy it while it lasts,” you return her smile. kazuha looks utterly confused however, tilting her head to signify that.
“because either you’ll be taking my last name or i’ll be taking yours pretty damn soon”
hong eunchae
hiding things from her four protective unnies was a harder task than eunchae thought.
being born just a couple days before eunchae meant that you were treated and coddled by the other members the same as her.
to le sserafim, you and eunchae were their two babies, and that meant restrictions on a lot of things.
one of which, and most prominently, was the no dating rule. let alone even a tiny crush.
but of course, rules were made to be broken. that’s how you found yourself in eunchae’s room instead of your own after a particularly draining day of schedules.
“baby, come closer, i wanna cuddle” you ask, currently underneath a thick blanket with eunchae on her double sized bed.
eunchae happily obliges, patting her shoulder so that you can rest your head on it. underneath the blanket, her fingers intertwining with yours.
you listen to eunchae talk about her day, despite having spent it together, it was always entertaining to see things from her point of view.
during nights like these, the two of you would talk about anything and everything that came into your mind, a big reason as to why eunchae fell for you so hard.
“are you sure you’re not tired?” you question.
eunchae shakes her head no, her gaze catching onto yours.
“that’s weird, you’ve been running through my mind all day though” your lips tug into a familiar gummy smile.
eunchae blushed at your pick-up line and you hum in response, enjoying her response to it. “maybe i should kiss you to make you shut up” eunchae suggests out loud, as if thinking to herself. her eyes forming crescent shapes.
a teasing smile plastered onto your face again, you start sputtering out some of the most random things. a thought dump, if you will.
eunchae takes it upon herself to press her lips against yours. the kiss was innocent and sweet, accompanied with the perfect rhythm between the two of you.
you both pull apart contentedly, foreheads resting against each other.
“well that was effective” she jokes.
you glanced over to her digital clock, ‘1:04 AM’, it read. knowing that the two of you had a schedule at 6 AM when you both woke up, you ushered for the two of you to fall asleep. just one problem, you both had forgotten to set an alarm.
that’s how the le sserafim unnies found the two of you cuddling underneath your thick blankets 15 minutes before you were all set to leave.
after waking the two of you up, and getting dressed hurriedly. the unnies wouln’t stop teasing the two of you the entire car ride to the set.
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i feel like the sakura one was super long, i’m sorry 😭😭
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ateez-himari · 4 months ago
Hi bb!!!!! How are you doing? I hope you're not overly exhausted from work and uni, you deserve to rest💓💓🙏
As usual I had some questionssss and I desperately needed to send you them 🤭
1.has mimi ever produced for any of the bts members, and has she ever collabed with them? Cause I've recently been obsessing over heart on the window-jin ft.Wendy🌸🌸 and I was wondering if she's ever collabed with him or the others
2.have fans ever shipped mimi with another member before her and mingi went public, cause ik for sure it would be san😪
3.can hima produce/write a song in a short time? Cause I remember one time it was revealed that yoongi wrote tomorrow in the hospital in like less than 50 minutes😌
4.according to kprofiles, what rank is hima in, in terms of being the bias of atiny
5.is there a person that hima opened up to, or revealed a secret to and later on regreted doing so?
6.take this cause you've been driving me crazy, and It might help with the Coachella drabble🫣🫣
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love you bb mwah🤭💓💓
Hi sweet!! I've been very tired lately but I just had my last lecture, which means that now I only have to focus on studying for exams so overall I'm okay! 🩷 Unfortunately they have me working longer hours now because of the holidays but hey it just means more money for ATEEZ photocards 😉 I'm resting whenever I can (mainly when I update this blog) so I'm alright!
• Hima produced 'Golden' for Jungkook, 'Layover' for Taehyung, 'Set me Free Pt. 2 & Face Off - Face' for Jimin, 'Lonely, Wildflower & Still Life - Indigo' for/with RM, 'Hope On The Street Vol. 1' with J-Hope, 'Another level - Happy' for Jin and released the single 'Pray' with Agust D
She collaborated with J-Hope and Jungkook on 'i wonder...', Taehyung on 'Rainy Days' and Jimin on 'Alone' (though the remaining members plan on having at least one song with her). Side Info; Her name isn't in the album credits aside from the title tracks by her own choice so these songs didn't transfer to her KOMCA account
• She's actually had quite a few popular ships during her career; Jungkook, Taehyung (yeah...idk they just had to breathe next to each other), Mingyu (although they were on to something 🤭), Wonwoo (they were seen around together a lot), Hyunjin and San (people are surprisingly still questioning it)
• This creative girl most definitely can, these are the 3 she's written the fastest (that includes producing the demo); Slow Dancing (V) - 1:13H, Silver Light (ATEEZ) - 55Mins, Heaven (Taemin) - 51Mins
• She used to be dead last for a few years but now that she's become more confident with her on-stage and off-stage self, she's moved up to 6th!
• When KQ transferred her to Jongho's high school she made quite a few non-trainee friends and got comfortable enough to show her scars (even in summer she would hide them with a sweater), but surely enough exaggerated rumors started circulating rather quickly. Nowadays she has very few non-idol friends (she was a lonely child so she already didn't have many friends and non really transferred over to adult life)
• Oh...I see...so Mr. Song Mingi thinks we're sane...BECAUSE I'M NOT (also his newest Instagram post...STOOOOP, CUT IT OUT, ENOUGH)
I always love receiving your questions idhwnfkrf, love you Mina!!! MWAHH 😘🩷
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studentbyday · 5 months ago
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{ 31.10.24 } · { 50 days of routine } · { day 2 }
omg i had the wrong date in the last one, it was the 30th, not the 29th! 🤦🏻‍♀️ it's fixed now... happy halloween to those who celebrate! 🎃🦇
woke up at 6:35 so i could finish my microbio assignment in time ☕ (first win: not feeling so awfully sleepy and all-around terrible upon waking up)
finished the microbio assignment 30 mins before the deadline 💪🏻 (god i hope that sort of cramming never happens again, like, yes do the best under the circumstances and i believe i did, but try to put yourself [read: myself] in better circumstances too if you can, yeah?? [i'm talking to myself])
walk (30 mins) and watch: a video my sister sent me, a video that was recommended in my feed but i didn't actually like that much bc it didn't give me much hope so i'm not gonna share it, a whimsical video 🍃
catching up on immunology from last week 🏃🏻‍♀️
got today's discussion post for global health outta the way 🏃🏻‍♀️
almost done this week's global health module
on another note, it feels like it's been a while since i've ~entered a flow state~ with my work... but i had that today and yesterday as i was searching for articles, reading said articles, and writing what i had learned from them for my assignments. that's probably another contributor to why i feel better now than earlier this week (asides from surprisingly better sleep today than yesterday and actually having finished some important stuff). but boy, am i (still) exhausted and in need of a looooonnngg night's sleep... 😪😴
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destinyc1020 · 11 months ago
Unfortunately tom is the most famous person in his generation and on Twitter people known he brings attention so that’s why they be using his name for hit tweets and let’s talk about how many actors has a flops on their catalog but o my Tom gets shitted and it’s a valid topic but it’s not the end of the world if his projects it rated bad like he’s only 27 years old his time will come tom Stan’s needs to be patient and wait even with The Romeo and Juliet adaptation I feel many of his fans are not happy like why ? It’s a great opportunity for him
Re: Your last sentence
See, this is the thing....
I feel like a lot of Tom stans (or so-called "fans") aren't happy regardless of what he does. 🙄
Nobody gives him grace it seems.... 😪
Fans complained about Tom doing TCR before it even started filming because the topic of the series was going to deal with DID. 😒 I recall the hate I got in my inbox, with some fans even calling for other fans to BOYCOTT the series before the project even started filming. 🙄
Fans started hating on "Cherry" just because the reviews weren't what they wanted it to be. Now, they think the film was "poorly written" and "awful", even though that wasn't the original sentiment when the film first came out. 😒
Now, fans have started to put down "Uncharted" and are saying that it's just a "fluff" role based on a huge IP so that's the only reason why it succeeded. Some even claim that they are tired of seeing Tom doing action roles.... as if there's smthg wrong with doing action films?? 🥴 Hello? Tom Cruise? Harrison Ford? Matt Damon? PLENTY of great actors have done various action films in their career and have done just fine.
Look... I'm part of various fandoms of several other actors out here, and I just don't see their fans hating on every little thing they do like Tom's so-called "fans" do. We hear a new filming announcement about another actor, and we're just HAPPY to hear another project that he is doing! 😃 We don't over-think it.
Idk why when it comes to Tom, fans get so antsy, angsty, and angry about every single little thing that pertains to his career. I'm like, take a chill pill....
Sometimes, some fans (notice I said some) can be a bit exhausting... 😩
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traumadumpling · 4 months ago
It literally takes one splinter to send me from a state of overstimulation into a state of pure disproportionate anger/rage.
Like I'm already exhausted and then I step on a splinter that goes halfway into my foot and makes me bleed and it almost made me fall because that was my weight bearing foot and Jesus chRIST THAT HURT SO BAD. Low-key think I gave myself whiplash from trying not to fall because my entire upper back/neck are stiffening now 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Me before splinter: 😪🥹🫶 🧠🤏
Me after splinter: 💥🤬🔥🖕💣🔪🔫
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the-words-we-sung · 1 year ago
Gosh what a week... I've been back at uni after Winter Break for a full week of exams, it was exhausting >< But at least I'm done now \o/ And of course that's when we got the season 3 stills 😑 But at least I saw them and they were a nice distraction in the middle of studying 😁 Though I did miss out on screaming and jumping up and down with everyone here 😪 But here I am again! Ready to get back into my Wilmon feelings 💜
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westernstarofthenorth · 9 months ago
If you follow me because of Bruce only- i post very little about him right now, because I can't see him next Tuesday here in Denmark. I had tickets, for me and my friend, but because of ongoing menopause that just refuse to stop, i can't go- started last winter and thought it would be over within a year, like my mother when she went through hers, but it don't, seems like i'm among those where it lasts two years or more. I'm constantly tired, can't sleep or have marathons of weird scary Dreams, burning of fever and heat flushes, or shaking of cold, feels like ice in my limbs, periods that's totally unpredictable too, pains in all limbs from time to time, it's all as terrible as it sounds. Plus, my pollen allergies are much worse this summer, it is for many because the season for grass pollen started much earlier than normal, the amount of pollen is much higher than usual. There's absolutely no way i can be outside on a huge grass field where the concert takes place, as it is now, medication only takes the top of it, and I have absolutely no energy or stamina to stand up for hours, i'm totally drained and exhausted. Had to sell the tickets and are beyond sad about it. Last year i couldn't go either because I then had none to accompany me, and now all this health mess... !! I'm in absolutely no mood for posting anything Bruce-related for the time being, or it's just very rare. I have never seen him live, and was so happy when I thought it would finally happen. Can't describe how heartbroken i am right now. In just a week he will be in my country again, performing the 3rd show here within a year, and I will have to miss it this time too... !! 😪😪😪😪 Life is CRUEL. Now i just hope he will come back here next year- there's 4 postponed shows waiting here in Europe scheduled for next summer, and I cross my fingers for that Denmark will be included again, it just HAS to be ! I doubt he will go here just to perform a few concerts, guess it will be a full European tour again ??? Waiting for information later this year, guess it will come when the tour is done in November ? And I will see my doctor about my menopause-hell if it dosen't stop by itself this winter, because it's really a hell going through. But right now- no or very little Bruce-postings here... 😔😪
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pastafossa · 2 years ago
You have my sympathies, Pasta 🥺 I’m chronically ill/disabled, too, and the first time I got Covid (thankfully AFTER my first vax dose) I was sick as fuuuck for three weeks 🙃🙃
Here’s a virtual hug to help you get through
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Thank you friend! 😭 It's def a shitty club to have a membership in. I've only had covid once before, in feb 2020. There's absolutely an improvement now that I'm vaxxed and was put on paxlovid within 24 hours of symptoms (first time around I had a few moments I literally blacked out because my breathing just wasn't working), so I'm grateful for that 100%, but like you, I'm still just sick as hell thanks to other health issues piling on, exhaustion squared. Fuck chronic illness. 😪
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phantom-of-the-memes · 2 years ago
Just want to let you know how much I resonate with your post about the hypocrisy around wearing masks. I'm lucky in that what makes me high-risk didn't used to affect me much day-to-day, but ever since February 2020 I've been wearing KN-95s in every indoor space, public and private, that I enter. Add to that the airlock system my household uses (guests need to take a rapid-test if they want to come in without a mask), and the carelessness society now encourages really cuts deep. The disillusionment set in probably a year ago as far as faith in my community - there was a pretty big push for reopening schools in late 2020 and early 2021, resulting in a rushed back-to-school program that made cases in our community ratchet up. For all those warm, grateful parents championing teachers and schools, self-interest instantly took priority when it looked like sacrifices would have to be made. Watching my peers go back to their normal last year felt like the final straw. I don't want to assume your level of caution, but at this point, taking any kind of precautions creates this insurmountable alienation. The grudges I hold now aren't going to dissipate if/when I lessen my safety procedures, and neither is the feeling of loss. Guess all I can do is remind myself that this hypocrisy has been here all along - being face-to-face with it was just a matter of time. Sorry for the length of this; your thoughts really struck a nerve. And thanks for vocalizing what so many have to deal with. Wishing you the best.
Thanks, I’m glad!
No problems at all, I love hearing other disabled people’s thoughts on the pandemic bs. It’s just so exhausting 😪
Wishing you luck with it all too x
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oiblackestsheep · 10 months ago
God, I saw this in the morning and it's been such a long day, but I've been thinking about it all day because it was such a nice thing to see, thank you so much!! In the spirit of keeping this going, I figured I'd add a bit, too. I think all of you guys are great and I love all of your insights, original posts and reblogs regarding mbti, too. Please keep it all up, because it gives me more to mbti stuff to obsess over lmao.
@istj-mbti, @actuallyistj, @infj-arli, @magicgail, @yourlocalinfj
and honestly there are SO many more that I probably just can't think of right now because I'm exhausted tonight, so if I missed you, definitely don't take it the wrong way. I still see really great mbti content here and it's SO cool because I was worried that mbti would basically just be dead when I started posting here agin, but I was thankfully proven wrong because of all of you guys!
Edit: the mentions aren't working for the last three, why 😭😭😭
@curlyirl @typing-mbti @mbti-notes
Edit 2: Literally can't explain why the rest of the mentions have to be down here but in the name of making sure everyone sees their appreciation, I will sacrifice the organized aesthetic of this post because (if in case you missed it) I'm so tired 😴😫😪
its so scary to put yourself out there but a SINGLE message saying "hi i loved what you made it touched me in some way" makes it all worth it 10000%
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erishifts · 2 months ago
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Last night I did perfectly The Phase, for the first time in a really loooong loooong time. But it didn't work 😪😪😪 It's okkay, at least I did it correctly, that means that tonight I can do it again perfectly and is going to work 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 Also I'm shifting to a less complicated place because I'm mentally exhausted in this reality and I think choosing those high risk realities to shift is blocking me. Cuz I can't deal with more trauma now. So...I'm just shifting to go camping with my s/o 💜
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1d1195 · 5 months ago
Bestie, I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been ridiculously busy. This whole “part-time” job I got at the new lab is NOT part time. My supervisor it just means she has to give me at least part time hours. So I drive 45 minutes to work 10.5 hours, 45 minutes back to my town, then even further to my old lab and work there. By the time I get back to town from my new lab, I’ve already been awake for 12-12.5 hours, so I don’t work too long at my other lab on those days, which means I have to get those hours on other days. I haven’t had a day off in a month😭 oh and school lol
Then my flu shot fucked me up, so I felt like shit at work, then the whole Liam thing… that hit me so hard. I knew the day would come eventually when one of the boys d*ed, but I never thought it would be this soon and affect me this much. And a few weeks ago my autoimmune disease started flaring since I had to stop my medication when I lost insurance, which is making my hair fall out and my skin basically fall off, and of course just make me feel like shit in general. So love that for me 😂 I’m so exhausted in every way and I’m losing my damn mind and crying so much every day and sorry to dump all that😔
Heavy on the road rage!!! I’m so bad idk how people don’t lose their shit as much as I do😭 We get the slow ass drivers and people who chill in the passing lane when they’re not passing anyone. Or when people can’t pick what speed they want to go??? Like how do you expect us to not get mad when you’re literally just a horrible driver in general😂 I live in southern Oregon, and so many people from California move to this valley specifically for some reason, and a few years ago, people from Montana and Washington started moving here too, and now Idaho. Like guys, we are literally surrounded by wildfires every summer. Employers are required to hand out masks because the smoke gets so thick, and you can only see maybe half a mile away on a GOOD day! Gtf away none of us want you here😂 I went to another state for work like 6-7 years ago for a few months in the summer, and when people found out I’m from Oregon, they’d go “didn’t you guys have a really bad wildfire awhile ago?” ??? You mean right now? Last year? Literally any fire every year I’ve been alive? And for decades before that? I know they’re talking about the biscuit fire, but no joke, EVERY year, we have at least one fire that passes 100,000 acres. Sitting around and saying “Oh the fire jumped the freeway already” like it’s nothing because it’s so normal for us😂 It’s our little way of knowing summer has officially started. The amount of people I know personally that have to evacuate each summer is ridiculous. When we say we have bad fires *every* summer, we’re not exaggerating 💀 and then the transplants complain about sooooo much like stfu because you chose this😂 go back please
Also, my insurance is supposed to start November 1st! I’ll see my psychiatrist on the 14th.
Anyways, that was probably far too much, but I hope you’re doing well and your classes are going well too! On the academic rivals story when you said there wouldn’t be too much math involved, I was like 😪 lol but I have to finish it because I didn’t realize how close is was to needing to leave my house when I started it😂 and I hope your students are being good!
OMG that's so overwhelming I'm sorry! Please don't apologize. You gotta take care of you. That's literally insane hours you got there, I hope you take a day off :(
I thought we were going to be much older as well :( I'm sorry it hit you so hard. Between the flu shot and the medicine missing and all the side effects. I'm sorry! Don't feel bad dumping it on me. I'm glad you have a place to vent and I think I would be in far worse shape than you and the fact you're still standing is admirable. I sincerely hope you can take time for yourself soon.
THAT'S CRAZY about the wildfires. I didn't know that! I don't expect you to remember or read everything I post, but I've mentioned before I don't watch the news because I find it mentally horrible (but also i apologize if I've already told you this specifically) but I always remember seeing the stories about the wildfires. That's so fascinating. I'd be so scared and you're so casual about it. Idk if we have anything out here like that. Someone I met from California said the thunderstorms we get are kinda wild. But they're nothing special in my opinion (other than being fun to watch from the window).
Well happy almost insurance day! 🎉🎉 I'm glad you'll be able to get things back on track 💕💕
My students are lowkey driving me crazy. I'm blaming the end of the term and Halloween. Hopefully they'll settle a bit soon. I hope you like the end of it even though there's not a lot of math 🥰😂
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