#now I'll i have to do is drag and drop its crazy
sucknizzo · 3 months
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//down by the sea is where you drown your scars//
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ckret2 · 6 months
Chapter 46 of human Bill Cipher frantically wishing he was still locked in the Mystery Shack and not getting his wish:
The Eclipse: Part 4
Gravity has fully disappeared from Gravity Falls and Bill finally learns why the Axolotl traveled all the way to Earth to see him. And meanwhile, Ford's in mortal peril.
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[SUPER IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: if you're reading this, it means that I've edited chapters 6&7 to make them compatible with The Book Of Bill but I have not edited this chapter yet.
Before TBOB came out, in chapter 7 I wrote that the Ax's deal with Bill was "I'll give you a different form (a human body) in a different time (dropping you a thousand years in the future) so you don't have to see your old enemies" and then Bill stole a time tape to come right back to the 21st century. I've now edited ch 6&7 to make the Ax's deal with Bill "I'll drop you off in Theraprism" and then Bill escaped via reincarnation.
However, this chapter refers to the OLD version of ch 7. That's because there are not physically enough hours in my life for me to do all the editing I want to do as fast as I want to do it.
Things Bill & the Axolotl say in this chapter contradict TBOB and contradict what the new ch 6&7 say. The conversation they're having DOES NOT accurately reflect the fic's current plot. Don't freak out. I'll fix it when I can. - (note added Sept 7, 2024; will be removed when it's no longer necessary.)]
There were only two ways to remove a pair of magic friendship bracelets. Either both wearers had to consent to removing the bracelets; or one of the parties had to die. The bracelets weren't active if they were only being worn by one person, and a corpse wasn't a person.
The moment Dipper's soul left his body, the thread connecting the bracelets turned visible again.
Bill immediately yanked off his bracelet. He considered just letting it go, reconsidered considering that Dipper's ghost would probably tattle to Mabel, and carefully, slowly reeled the thread in. Without the magic active, it was just normal embroidery floss. The Axolotl's gravitational pull didn't make Dipper's body heavy enough to break the line, but if Bill jerked it just a little too hard, it would snap.
Bill heaved a sigh when the body was close enough he could grasp its wrist. He grabbed Dipper's head and snarled in his dead face, "This is why I told you to get in the cave." He wrapped the bracelet around and around the tree trunk and Dipper's forearm, muttering to himself, "But does anybody listen to the all-knowing immortal dream demon who's seventy times older than their entire universe? No! No, what could it possibly know! Surely we'll get better ideas from the brain-damaged hick who married a raccoon—"
An immense voice said, "Hello."
Bill froze. He slowly turned away from the beast above Gravity Falls.
The voice said serenely, "Look at me, you 8-karat coward."
He slowly turned toward the beast above Gravity Falls. He swallowed hard, steeled himself, and dragged his gaze up until he met the Axolotl's eye and he was gently tugged into the time and space between time and space. "Oh, heyyy," he squeaked. He forced a pained smile. "Didn't see you there! Haha, hi! Wow! Imagine running into you in this dimension on this planet, crazy."
"Yes, crazy," the Axolotl agreed.
"This isn't a regular part of your commute! I guess you've got some time off," Bill said. "Work must be going well!"
"Pretty well. I scheduled an extended lunch break," the Axolotl said amiably. "How's being human going?"
Bill shot the Axolotl a dirty look.
The Axolotl continued to give him a perpetual smile. "Happy New Year, by the way."
"I'll kill you."
"No you won't."
"Okay look, let's just cut to the chase," Bill said. "Go on. Tell me my punishment."
"For! Coming back here instead of staying when you dumped me in 3012. I skipped time while on parole. That's obviously why you're here." He looked down, shielding his face with a hand and squeezing his eyes shut. "So stop wasting my time and tell me how much trouble I'm in. I'm a busy guy, I don't wanna drag this out."
"Well," the Axolotl said, "it appears to me that you're locked in your enemies' home, you can't use doors, and you need to be handcuffed to a child to go outside. Is that enough 'trouble' for you?"
Bill opened one eye. "Wait, so." He looked up skeptically. "You're saying I won't get re-executed for breaking the rules. Or—or get stuck in a worse body."
"No," the Axolotl said. "You'll answer to no jailer's voice; what you do now is your own choice. I moved you by a thousand years to free you from your killers' fears. If you decide then to return, it's your own second chance you burn."
"Ohhh. See, I assumed this entire situation was a... prison... thing. Considering the..." He gestured vaguely at his body. "The flesh prison." 
"It's a body. Not a prison. You aren't being imprisoned."
"'Not a prison' my base, if it's not a prison then why can't—" He caught himself before he asked a question, and took a deep breath. "So, there are no rules against coming right back to where I left off."
"Though I think your plan is clunky—not my circus, not my monkey."
"Oh. Okay, great." Bill planted his hands on his hips, straightening up properly for the first time since the Axolotl's arrival. "Huh. How 'bout that. Spent the last two days worrying for nothing!"
"You? Worried?"
"Of course not, I wasn't worried for a second," Bill said. "So if you're not here to punish me—that doesn't explain why you are here."
"Are you asking?"
"You know I'm not."
The Axolotl stared at Bill, patiently awaiting a question. Bill stared at the Axolotl, patiently not asking one.
The Axolotl caved first. "I wanted to make sure you hadn't burned down the dimension yet."
Bill pointed sharply at the Axolotl. "Hey! Hey!"
The Axolotl gave him a look like a toothless gumball learning how to smile.
"Not funny! Seriously, now!"
"I came because you called."
"Wh— When did—?" Bill cut himself off. He thought back to the day he'd spent locked in the bathroom. He recalled the desperate plea for salvation he'd painted on the ceiling. He buried his face in his hand. "That... that was a joke. False alarm."
"I gathered," the Axolotl said.
Bill peeked between his fingers. "But, I did call for rescue. Therefore. You're here to rescue me."
"Why n—! You said I'm not supposed to be in a prison! You've seen what these humans have done to me!"
"You aren't a prisoner," the Axolotl said. "You're a kidnapping victim. That's outside my jurisdiction."
Infuriating—but it told Bill something important: in the Axolotl's eyes, Bill's captivity wasn't just. And Bill didn't consider the Axolotl any kind of god—he didn't consider anyone any kind of god—but the Ax had a lot of pull in the multiverse when it came to defining the universal concept of justice. That was promising. 
"But I do have a keen interest in your case. I wanted to check in on your progress."
Bill gave the Axolotl a questioning look. "'Progress.'"
The Axolotl said nothing. Bill waited. The Axolotl simply continued to smile. "You haven't asked a question yet. Usually you can't wait to get rid of me."
"Under the circumstances," he gestured again at his body, "I didn't think I could afford to waste it."
"I see. However, I do have a meeting I need to get to."
What was the most important thing he could ask. What did he need to know the most. "So... if I learn my lesson or complete my sentence or—whatever I'm supposed to do... will you turn me back into a triangle?"
"I can't and won't do anything else. I've completed my obligation to you," the Axolotl said. "Whatever happens to you from now on is up to you."
That could mean anything from "you're stuck as a human forever and will die in less than a century" to "there's a secret spell on you and when you meet its conditions you'll automatically turn back into a triangle" to "you're already a triangle, you just need to believe in yourself." All Bill knew was that he wasn't getting any help from the Ax.
"It's been a pleasure as always," the Axolotl said. The world slowly began to move again as he gently returned Bill to the dimension he'd come from.
"Wait!" Bill called. He needed to know—was he still a triangle, somewhere on the inside, buried beneath all this flesh and bone? Or had the Axolotl's transformation rotted him to his core—was he now nothing but a human through and through? If he wasn't being punished, why had his suffocating soul been smothered under a blanket of meat? If he wasn't being punished, why had his own corpse stared him in the eye as if it didn't recognize him? "Just one more question before you go!"
"If you have the time. Up to you."
If he had the time? Bill's eyes darted around. Why wouldn't he have the time, what was he missing—?
His gaze locked on Ford. Floating twenty, thirty feet out from the cliff's edge. Oh.
Bill let the Axolotl's gravity drag him to the edge of the cliff before digging a hand into the ground, holding himself in place. Bill was safe; Dipper's body was safe, and his soul could float home once the Axolotl was gone. But when the Axolotl was gone, gravity would immediately come back—0 to 100, just like that—and Ford was dead.
And the Axolotl was already turning away. The millions of axolotls in the water below followed, moving through and out of the lake as though the lakebed didn't exist, migrating in the Axolotl's wake.
Ford was unsuccessfully trying to swim through the air back to land. Several useless feet of cable from his infinity belt floating around him from trying to fling it at the cliff. The best he could do was stretch an arm toward land.
He met Bill's eyes. The only other time Bill had seen Ford this terrified was when he'd threatened to torture the kids.
Bill looked at Ford, looked at the Axolotl—nearly too far to shout to—and looked down. By now, the future death he'd witnessed earlier was so close that Bill could see more than the blood to be left on the rocks. He could see the body—gray hair, tan overcoat, broken. It was just a few moments away.
Stanford Pines was about to die. Bill Cipher was innocent. Dipper was his witness; Dipper, honest goody hero type, could verify that Bill not only repeatedly told them both to stay away from the thing in the sky, but also warned them to anchor themselves right before totality. Everyone at the shack knew he'd protested, knew he'd warned them, knew he'd begged to stay home. There was no possible way Bill could get blamed for this.
And once Ford was dead, none of the idiots in this town would ever find a way to destroy Bill.
Up to you.
Bill didn't stop to think.
He kicked off the edge of the cliff.
He could see, hovering in the air like a golden arc amidst a dozen blurry failures, the path he needed to jump to reach Ford. The Axolotl's tail was already soaring over the town, his sky blue fins rippling like vast, slow sails. If Bill reached Ford before the Axolotl's influence was completely gone, he could fly them over the lake and they might both survive. 
They collided. Bill had to fling an arm over Ford's shoulder before he managed to get a grip on his lapel; Ford seized Bill's hoodie in both hands. Ford demanded, "What are you—?" He fell silent as their trajectory took a sudden sharp turn from south to east.
"The lake!"
Ford nodded. Why could come if they both survived. He could already feel weight grabbing onto his limbs. He spared a split-second glance down, but with half the lake floating in the air he couldn't tell if they'd cleared its banks yet. "Have you ever learned to swim?"
"You have to learn?!"
Ford prayed, if Bill drowned, that he was a mortal, and that he wasn't the kind of drowner who dragged other people down with him. "Cross your ankles as tightly as you can, cross your arms over your chest, land feet first in the water—better to break your legs than your neck—do not tilt your head, eyes on the horizon—" And that was as much emergency survival advice as he could give before gravity returned in full force.
This wasn't the first time Ford had plummeted into a deep liquid from an irresponsible height over the past thirty years. The hit was softer than he expected—the turbulent lake hadn't settled back down into its normal water pressure—but he also sank far deeper than he expected. Streams of bubbles raced past his vision; maybe it was just the power of suggestion, but he could have sworn they looked like transparent axolotls.
As soon as he had his wits about him, he threw off his coat, tugged off his boots, and kicked his way toward the surface.
Bill didn't.
This actually wasn't so bad, he thought, with a calmness that definitely came from being such a rational level-headed fellow and not from being in shock. Sure, all the air had been forced out of his lungs and his body was screaming in airless panic, but he wasn't his body, was he? This felt just like floating. He would miss floating again.
What was he supposed to do now.
He'd seen humans swim. He tried kicking his legs. He felt stupid. But, he decided—again, with a calmness that definitely was not from shock—that looking kinda stupid was probably preferable to drowning. Although he was curious what drowning felt like. Had he ever drowned a puppet before? He couldn't remember. Didn't seem bad so far.
He surfaced.
Ford was already on shore, on hands and knees, desperately coughing out water, his lungs burning. He collapsed in the sand. It took a couple minutes for him to reach the point where he was breathing more than he was coughing, and another minute of heavy breathing before he had the energy to look at the lake again. Bill was floating on his back about fifty feet away, very still.
Ford croaked, "Bill," coughed again, and tried a little louder. "Bill?"
Without otherwise moving, Bill raised one arm and gave him a thumbs-up.
Ford dug into what energy reserves he still had, shuffled back into the water, and swam over to Bill. "Are you all right?"
Bill gave him a dazed look, opened his mouth, and exhaled a cup of water. Then he started coughing. 
Ford grimaced. "Let's... get to shore." He took Bill's arm to tug him toward dry land.
Bill flailed upright and shoved him off. "Don't—" Hack. "M'fine. I l—" Cough. "I like floating." He lay on his back, shut his eyes, and said shakily, "Don't touch me."
Ford treaded water for a moment, considering that. Bill looked like he'd got the hang of floating enough that he wasn't an immediate drown risk, so Ford said, "I'll... be on land."
Ford swam to shore and sat cross-legged in the wet sand to wait, staring down at his hands. The Handwitch's ring was a bright indigo blue again, no traces of darkness within the cabochon, as though the lake water had washed it clean.
Should he go do something useful? There weren't many places Bill could go, except to shore; it wasn't like he was at risk of escaping. But then if Bill did make it to land while Ford was distracted, he had a chance to make a run for it without the bracelet—
Ford stood up. "Bill! Where's Dipper?!"
Bill raised one arm and pointed up.
Ford looked at Gravity Peak. A small speck high above, Dipper was looking down over the cliff's edge. Ford waved to him. Dipper waved back. Well. That was inconvenient. Maybe Ford could restrain Bill with the infinity belt's cable in the meantime. (He reeled the cable in while he was thinking about it. He was fortunate it hadn't tangled on anything while he was underwater.)
"We have to rendezvous with Dipper. Get over here."
"Just leave me."
"Not an option."
Bill let out a pitiable whine, but, after a moment, managed to figure out a way to slowly paddle-kick his way toward land.
When his heels hit sand, he rolled over, crawled onto land, and lay down. "Gravity," he groaned. "I hate gravity."
"I'm not too fond of it myself right now." Ford's limbs felt like lead. Some combination of spending a day and a half in steadily reduced gravity, the exhaustion following a near death experience, and waterlogged clothes. "Where are the enchanted bracelets?"
Bill lifted one hand from the elbow and pointed toward the cliff again.
That'd be just Ford's luck. All the same, he said, "Really?" Bill would hide them if they were on him.
"Yes, really. Whaddaya want, a strip search?" He gestured vaguely toward his body without lifting his head. "Go ahead. 'M not moving to help." His arm flopped back down.
Ford decided that was a bluff he did not want to call. "Fine. We'll put them back on when we rendezvous with Dipper." If Bill tried to escape, Ford wasn't sure he was in any condition to chase; but then Bill didn't seem to be in any condition to run, either.
"Surprised you wanna wear matching bracelets with me. If I'd known, I woulda made you a friendship bracelet." Under his breath, Bill muttered at the sand, "But m'sure it'd've been a waste of thread."
Ford decided it was more prudent to hold his tongue. "Can you walk?"
"If I have to." For as difficult as Bill made getting to his feet look, one would think he was being subjected to the gravity of Jupiter. Ford offered his hand; Bill smacked it aside.
"Well. My raft is still in the cave behind Trembley Falls, so we'll have to borrow a boat." Ford pointed toward Tate & Backle's Bait & Tackle at the far end of the lake. "Think you can make it that far?"
Bill—barefoot, soggy, and slumped like he had the whole weight of the world on his shoulders—gave Ford the most pathetic look he'd ever seen Bill wear. Ford empathized completely. But Bill only sighed and said, "Let's get going."
Tate lowered his magazine to give Ford a critical look. "Dr. Pines," he said. "You get caught out on the lake when the gravity came back?"
"Something like that."
He shook his head. "Shoulda listened to the news."
"The news?"
"Dad's been making public warnings since yesterday. 'Stay anchored and keep your head down.' Reckon you must've missed it."
"We've... been camping." He'd have to ask Fiddleford about that later. "Listen—do you have a boat we could borrow? It's an emergency. We were separated from Dipper and we have to get across the lake."
Tate raised his hat just enough to give Ford a look that told him exactly what he thought of his merit as a guardian—Ford figured he deserved that—but then stood with a sigh. "All right, I'll see what we've got."
He paused, then gestured behind Ford with his chin. "Who's the lady?"
Ford turned. The shop's door was propped open and Bill was leaning in the doorway, arms crossed tight, staring blankly out across the lake. "Er—Goldie. She's... staying in the shack a few weeks."
"Hm." Tate raised his voice. "Ma'am?"
Bill didn't budge.
"Ma'am—Miss Goldie?"
That time he turned to give Tate a faraway look. "Me?"
"Yes, uh—you're soaked to the bone. Would you like to borrow some dry clothes?"
"Oh." Bill considered the question for a little longer than necessary. "If you want."
Ford explained, "She inhaled a lot of water."
Tate nodded. "Think we've got some out-of-season stock in the back, there might be something big enough for..." He caught himself before insinuating something about a lady's weight, and mumbled, "Well, it'll do." He headed to a door behind the counter, paused, looked Ford over, and reluctantly said, "I s'pose you can get something too."
Tate had a motorboat in good working order, so he let them borrow it, with a stern request to have it back by the end of the day. And so they set out—Ford in waders that went up to his chest, a bandana he really hoped was keeping his embarrassing neck tattoo hidden, and a t-shirt that said "The worst day of fishing is better than the best day of court-ordered anger management classes"; and Bill in a makeshift skirt Tate had apologetically improvised out of a beach towel, a sweater depicting a pine tree constructed out of fish that said "MERRY FISHMAS", and a pair of novelty slippers shaped like rainbow trout.
"I'm never giving these shoes back," Bill informed Ford as they crossed the lake. "I don't care whether we buy them or steal them. They're hilarious." It was the nearest thing to personality Bill had demonstrated since landing in the lake.
Ford supposed he was in no position to tell Bill he couldn't keep them, considering that Bill had... well.
Ford should say something about that. He didn't know what. He didn't know where to start. (Bill's question came back to him: if Ford didn't believe anything Bill said, why did he keep trying to pry information out of him?)
(Because, he realized—beneath thirty years of every nerve in his body screaming "DON'T TRUST HIM"—part of him was still hoping Bill would say something he could believe.)
Ford cleared his throat. "It's... impressive that you didn't panic while you were underwater," he said awkwardly. "That must have taken remarkable self control."
"Oh. Eh." Bill spread his hands vaguely. "I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening. I was thinking about other stuff."
Ford blinked. "While you were drowning?"
"It wasn't a very severe drowning."
Ford huffed.
This was probably a conversation he should have later—Bill's brain only appeared to be half on—but, if they had it later, Ford wasn't sure he'd get anything but yet another polished lie. 
And so he steeled his nerves and asked, "Why did you save me."
Bill didn't answer. He stared silently at his rainbow trout slippers.
"Hold on," he said. "I don't know, just—give me a minute to make something up."
It was the first time in a month and a half—the first time in years—that Ford was absolutely certain Bill had just told him the truth.
And not just about his intentions to lie to Ford—but about not knowing why he'd saved him.
It meant there was no secret master plan, no manipulative ulterior motives, no cunning illusions. It meant Bill had endangered himself just to save Ford.
There was a universe where Ford then said, "I didn't think you meant it all those times you said you wanted to be my friend again," and where Bill lied—both to Ford and to himself—"I didn't think I meant it either." It wasn't this universe, because neither one of them wanted those words out in the world. Yet they still hovered around them, unspoken.
It didn't make Ford trust Bill. It didn't make Ford like Bill. Bill was still everything he'd ever been—liar, conman, tyrant, torturer—and Ford still hated him for all of it.
But. It meant that for the first time in a month in a half, a muscle between Ford's shoulder blades that had been knotted tight with fear could finally loosen and relax.
Ford was safe.
(I first had the idea for this chapter nearly a year ago and I've been dying waiting to post it. I hope you enjoyed, and I can't wait to hear what y'all think! And to those of you in the path of totality, happy solar eclipse this Monday! I totally planned it this way. I did not.)
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 6 months
WAIT I LOVE THAT PUSHUP FIC. can you do one with Gaz and the reader daring him to say their name in between push-ups, and Gaz catches on, but does it anyways.
10 / 1,186 words / takes place immediately after doing push-ups with Gaz
You watch Gaz from the corner of your eye, listening to him say your name in that low voice with each rep, grunting with concentration. Music to your ears. 
His toned arms are tense with each push-up he executes. Gaz doesn’t work out to be buff or get attention. It’s all about function and utility on the battlefield for him, which means he’s not one for showing off. But you appreciate it, and you can tell he notices it by the smirk curving his lips.
He knows what you're doing. He knows exactly why you made that little request of him.
"You want me to keep going?" he asks. 
"I have no problem with that.”
"Can't imagine you would."
"Hey. Less talking; more counting reps."
"Did I say I was in the market for a personal trainer?"
"I think you did, in fact," you tell him facetiously. You're still sprawled over his back, admiring how your weight barely seems to affect him each time he lowers and then pushes himself back up. "Lucky you have me here to keep you on track."
"Yeah, lucky me." He grunts a laugh and does another pushup. "Because that's my problem. Staying on track."
"I hear a lot of chatter and not enough saying my name between reps, mm?"
"Think I'd better stop doing that. You like it too much."
"And you said you wanted a challenge. Do you cut corners in the field, too? Does Captain Price know?"
He lowers himself again and holds at the bottom for a moment to increase the tension and stress on his muscles. "You're asking for it, you know that?"
You smirk, shifting yourself a little to fit more snugly against the curve of his back. "Are you threatening me, Gaz?"
"You wish." He chuckles, hardly sounding as winded as he should. "You'd be lucky for me to pay you that much attention."
He's not wrong. But still, the nerve.
Luckily, you notice you haven't heard him counting aloud, either. "What rep are you on now?"
He pauses at the bottom of his rep, then lifts up again, not quite as fast as before. "Sixty-three."
"Liar. You lost count, didn't you?"
"Of course not. You think you're really that distracting?"
You grin. "You said it, not me."
He pauses his rep at its apex this time. You glance at him, sensing the gears turning in his head. For a second, you wonder if you should be proud of yourself--if you've struck him speechless with your blistering wit.
Then he bends his elbow and drops one shoulder almost to the floor, dumping you unceremoniously off his back. You land ungracefully on your stomach with a gasp.
There's a strange look in his eye. Thirst for vengeance. You scramble to right yourself, but it's too late. Gaz drags you off the ground like it's nothing and pulls your back to his chest. He wraps his much thicker arm around your bicep and leans back, forcing your arm over your head in what you vaguely recognize as a submission hold.
You huff, trying to squirm free. His other arm comes around across your midsection to keep you in place. The fact that you're pinned in his lap doesn't escape you.
"Now who’s the distracted one?" His voice is right at your ear. "You want to tell me again how many reps I did?"
"Fifty-five. I counted."
His grip tightens. He leans back just a little more, causing your back to arch. "Try again."
You grab his arm with your free hand and try to dislodge it. Its no good. His arms are like steel. He doesn't budge an inch. 
"Told you you were asking for it." His breath is warm on the shell of your ear. "Count again. Or I'll turn this half nelson into a full nelson."
Your cheeks warm. "Perv."
"You started it. Or don't you want me to say your name again?"
"I have a perfectly innocent explanation for that."
"Let's hear it, then. Go on."
"Um." You squirm a little more in his hold. His breath in your ear is making you feel crazy. "It's actually... because..."
"Because?" He's smiling now, his arm tightening against your skin. You can feel every thick muscle in his biceps and forearms. "Because what?"
You struggle to keep some kind of half-baked explanation centered in your mind. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you can't think about his chest pressing flush to your back. Or his thighs squishing your ass. Or his arm around your midsection, so close to your breasts you swear he'd brush the underside if he so much as flexed.
"Because what?" He asks again, and his voice is so husky it makes you forget all your rational thoughts. "Tell me."
"... Sixty-three," you mutter.
He laughs, the rumble of it shaking his chest against your back. "So which one of us lost count, boss?"
"I did."
"Yeah, you did." He shifts, easing the pressure on your arm. He doesn't release it completely, though. "If you wanted to hear my voice so bad, there are better ways to ask, yeah?" His other hand begins to wander down your side. Your skin burns under your workout tank. "But if you want to be a cheeky little brat about it..."
Before you can react, he bites down on your ear. Not cute and flirty, but hard enough that it hurts. Especially when you squawk and try to pull away.
"Ow!" You shove your elbow into his solar plexus.
He lets go of your arm, gasping and wheezing with laughter as he leans back. You're both surprised at how much force you packed into that elbow jab.
He smiles, though. His heart is racing from adrenaline, and when he looks at you, all pouty and out of breath, he realizes it's a good thing he's not still holding you or he might really do something stupid. He likes how quick you are, how feisty.
"That's mean," you snap.
"And calling me a pervert wasn't?"
"No! And even if it was, your thing was worse."
"Oh, yeah?" His usual soft grin turns roguish. "You wanna get even? Bite me back?"
"Then you still owe me." He stands up, stretching until his tired arm muscles pop. "So I'd better see you here tomorrow, same time. What do you say?"
You stand slowly, watching him grab his gym bag. "What if I say no?"
"I'd say you're shirking your duties as my trainer. And my counterweight. Besides, you wouldn't skip a chance to have me say your name again." He pulls the straps up over his shoulders and winks at you. "Right, boss?"
You open your mouth and close it right back up again.
Gaz has just enough self-control not to bite his lip at that rather cute expression. "Good."
He walks away, leaving you red-faced and speechless behind him.
He's right. You'll definitely be back tomorrow.
part 1 / [part 2] / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
more Gaz / masterlist tag
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swarvey · 4 months
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
Harvey remembers when he thought you were the love of his life; you don't seem to recall a time like that at all. After inheriting your grandfather's farm, you finally get to move back to Stardew Valley. Little do you know a certain doctor has patiently been waiting for your return.
a/n: the start of a harvey fic i posted on ao3, thought i would share!
ch. 1 | ch. 2
paper rings masterlist
chapter one: i bet you think about me -> “the love that you’re lookin’ for is the love that you had.”
Harvey hummed lightly to himself as he walked through Pierre's store, carefully eyeing the ingredients of each snack he put in his basket. Although he hated to admit it, he was finally beginning to feel his age; the walks that used to be so simple to him were starting to drag, and he found he needed a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night to wake up energized. He sighed lightly, longing for his college days when he easily walked across campus and would sometimes stay up all night studying for a final.
Still, as more and more time went on, his health was his top priority. His eyes lit up as he saw his favorite granola bars were back in stock.
"Harvey! I haven't seen you in a minute." Harvey turned to greet Caroline with a small smile. "You must be busy. With spring coming along, I'm sure all the kids will be heading over to your clinic with runny noses." She wasn't wrong. Whenever the weather got a bit warmer after the winter, Harvey was always greeted by the town's kids and teens, all reluctantly sent by their parents for a check-up. Most of the time, he simply sent them home with allergy medication.
"Of course, my favorite time of the year," he joked, shaking his head. "How have you been, Caroline? Have those vitamins I recommended you been doing you well?" He picked up a box of cereal from the shelf, pushing his glasses up and examining its label.
She shook her head in disbelief. "I couldn't believe it — I never knew those things could affect me so much! I've been feeling much more awake and energized thanks to you."
Harvey let out a slightly embarrassed laugh. "Ah, well, it's what I'm here for, isn't it?" He traded the cereal he had in hand with another one on the shelf, in awe at the amount of sugar in all of them. "You hear about anything new going on? I'm afraid I haven't been to the saloon in over a week now, so I haven't been very filled in."
Caroline pursed her lips as she thought. "Nothing too crazy going on in the Valley," she said after a moment. "Pierre's been preparing for the spring, Abigail's been practicing a ton with Sam and Seb, just the usual." Harvey nodded, humming in triumph as he finally found a box of cereal to his liking.
"Oh, and remember that girl who used to come by all the time? I heard her grandfather passed away, poor thing. He was a great man." What?  Harvey froze, smile dropping. "Now that I think about it, weren't the two of you good friends? She's taking over his farm this spring, you know."
The box landed between the two as he remained silent, his face beginning to burn. 
"Harvey? Everything alright?"
"Sh-she is?" Harvey stuttered. When he realized how concerned Caroline looked, he cleared his throat, hastily grabbing the cereal off the floor and throwing it into his basket. "That's wonderful! I mean, not wonderful about her grandfather, but—" He shook his head. "I actually have something to tend to at the clinic, so I'll go check out now!" 
Pierre gave his wife a quizzical look as Harvey rushedly handed his items to him, ears turning a shade of bright red. Caroline shrugged, clueless as to what she had said to make the doctor so flustered. The two watched half-amused as he left the store with a quick "thank you," keeping his gaze on the floor. 
"He's always been a bit shy," Caroline reasoned. Pierre nodded, the couple returning to their tasks.
How? How was this happening? Harvey's thoughts raced as he made his way into his apartment, practically slamming the door shut as he sunk to the floor. Memories came rushing back to him as your name rang through his head, realizing it had been too long since the two of you had spoken. No wonder he didn't hear about your decision beforehand. Guilt began to eat at him as he thought of everything he had missed in your life, taking off his glasses to rub his face in stress. Would you even want to speak with him anymore?
Finally, after nearly half an hour of contemplation, Harvey scrambled up the courage to pick up his phone and give you a call. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as the dial tone rang, half of him hoping you wouldn't pick up. At least then he could avoid the situation a little longer, right?
"Hello? Harvey?"
"Hello? Are you there?" you repeated, raising a brow. "Harvey, did you butt dial me?"
"No, no! I'm here," your friend replied, a slight panic in his voice. "Uh, well . . . how have you been?"
You let out a huff of laughter. "Some things never change, do they, Harvs?" His old nickname slipped off your tongue with ease. You remember when you were kids together, running around playing tag — back then, you would chase him and call him Harvsy. "You're still just as charming as ever," you tease.
There's a beat of silence before he replies with an awkward laugh. "You know me better than anyone." He pauses. "So, I heard you're moving to Stardew Valley?"
"Ah, right, I am! Sorry, I never got the chance to tell you," you sighed. "It's been a while since we last talked, huh?" 
"I suppose it has," he agreed, and you note the twinge of sadness in his tone. 
It's not like you wanted to stop talking to him, not at all, but with all the complications going on in your life, it was hard to keep in touch with your old friend. You always saw Harvey as a kid whenever you visited your grandfather's farm, as his grandparents also lived there. The two of you grew even closer throughout your pre-teen and teen years, always sharing music and studying together. You even saw him from time to time during college — although he went to a bigger, more prestigious medical university, you were both in Zuzu City and got food with each other from time to time. After you graduated and ended up working at Joja Cola HQ, though, you began to see Harvey less and less. Both of you tried to call regularly, you really did, but when your life began to look too black and white, you gave up on nearly all your social connections, focusing entirely on your work and making it through each day. It didn't help that he was busy running his clinic, too. 
Things didn't get much better when your grandfather died. He passed away towards the end of your college years, leaving you an envelope you promised not to open until you felt, "crushed by the burden of modern life." You had actually spoken to Harvey over the phone about your grandpa's words, though both of you were equally confused at what he meant.
That is, until working for Joja became too unbearable.
Only then did you open the letter, more miserable than you had been in your life. Despite it all, your grandfather had left you the greatest gift he could have in order to reignite your spirit: his farm.
"Well," you started, snapping out of your short daze, "I'll be in town in three days, so why don't we catch up then?"
More silence.
Was he always this quiet? Or have you two just grown apart?
"Harvey," you sang, "you still there?"
"Yes!" he exclaimed. "Yes, of course, just give me a call when you're on your way, I can, uh, help you move in. If you need help, that is!" You laughed lightly; he was still the same dork you knew in the past.
"I would love some help, if you can spare the time," you said, smiling. "I'll see you soon, then?"
"Yes, I'll see you soon." You hung up, a smile lingering on your face. 
I wonder if he has a girlfriend, you wondered. He had never been the most outgoing, but surely he had to have met someone. You shrugged to yourself, continuing to pack some of your belongings into boxes.
Suddenly, going back to the Valley had become all the more exciting.
Harvey sank into his chair at the saloon, hand covering half his face as he began to question his life choices.
"Oh, come now, my friend," Elliott chided, taking a swig of his drink. "Where is your courage, your hope? You should be ecstatic that your love is returning to the town!" 
Shane grunted. "Yeah, right," he grumbled. "Odds are, she's already moved on."
Elliott frowned at him, but ignored him nonetheless. "Tell us what is on your mind, Harvey."
Harvey sighed. He had asked to sit between the two at the bar in hopes of gaining some clarity, but all he seemed to have achieved was embarrassment. While Elliott was overly enthusiastic about his "long lost love's return," Shane couldn't care less about the subject, bluntly stating his pessimistic thoughts. He felt as if there was an angel and a devil, literally, on either of his shoulders — Elliott was to his left, while Shane was to his right. 
"Shane may be right," Harvey admitted, rubbing his forehead and closing his eyes. "What's the point of thinking about all this if she's already taken?" With that thought, he finished the remainder of his drink, trying to ignore the stinging in his chest.
The two men beside him were the only ones who knew about his feelings for you. Harvey confided in them from time to time, as they were closest to his age and they had known each other for quite some time. Although their personalities often clashed and seemed impossibly different, it was nice to talk to them. At least he and Elliott enjoyed it, anyway — Shane never outwardly showed his appreciation for them, except for the occasional half-smile at their jokes that they missed the majority of the time.
Elliott shook his head. "You mustn't give up before the battle has even begun," he stated, leaning closer to look Harvey in the eyes. "How long has it been since you first felt this way toward her?"
". . . Ah, you see," Harvey began quietly, his blush adding to the warmth of the alcohol he had drunk, "I've actually liked her for quite some time."
His friend hummed. "Since college, then?"
"A bit longer . . ."
"Oh, high school sweethearts? How romantic!" Shane rolled his eyes.
The doctor cleared his throat. "Actually, since we were about, let's see . . . ten? A little younger?"
Shane choked on his drink as Elliott's mouth fell open. 
"Fucking hell," Shane swore, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "That's like, what, two decades?"
Harvey wished he could cover his face with a blanket and disappear. "It started off as a crush, of course, we were kids," he feebly defended. "Then it just never really faded." He jumped when he felt Elliott strongly grab his shoulder, a new fire lighting his eyes. 
"This, my friend, is fate," he claimed confidently. "I am sure now that you two were meant to be."
"Elliott, please—"
"Not another word!" He rose from his seat, dropping coins on the table and giving Gus a thumbs up. "Gus, I'd like to pay these gentlemen's tabs tonight." The bartender grinned, returning the gesture. "Now, Harvey, I advise you go home and rest for your lover's arrival—"
"Not so loud!" Harvey begged, frantically checking if anyone had heard.
"—as you must look your utmost best for her," Elliott finished. 
Shane groaned. "Listen, thanks for paying for the drinks, pal, but I think we're done here. You're killin' him." With a quick nod to Harvey and a scowl at Elliott, Shane shrugged his jacket on and made his way out.
"I expect to hear all about your reunion, Dr. Harvey," Elliott said, putting on his own coat and placing a hand on his shoulder once again. "Best of luck! Let fate guide you." A few people glanced over at his theatrics, and Harvey truly questioned why he had chosen to confide in him in the first place.
As his friend left, Gus wandered over to him, brow raised. "What was that all about?" he asked.
Harvey shook his head. "It's a long story," he sighed, pushing his glass toward the bartender. He ignored the fact that he had gotten five refills above his usual limit; this was a dire situation.
Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was your smile. 
Miss me, Harvs?
He sighed.
"Another glass, please."
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babyshoesnerdshit · 1 year
night shift
CW cursing, child neglect, sexual harassment, misgendering, drunk person (although not very well written lol), general violence, slight infantilization
idk i wanted to try my hand at writing some shitty platonic yandere batfam x transmasc reader (its self indulgence bby)
Hunger pained (y/n)'s stomach. Stupid cheapskate convenience store didn't give employee discounts though so he had to wait until he got home to eat anything, if there was even anything to eat that wasn't spoiled. (y/n) would have just stolen something to eat from the store (he didn't give a shit about their profit) but the security camera mocking him in the corner kept him from it. And with his phone almost dead (y/n) had nothing to do but stair at the wall and listen to the shitty radio station the store played.
(y/n) hated the night shift, it almost guarantied he would have to deal with more crackheads and drunks than his coworkers. Regardless of his feelings about the night shift it paid the most (even though that was still barely minimum wage), and he really needed the money. Even though (y/n) still lived with his mother (and technically father but he was hardy ever around), his parents had stopped taking care of him a long time ago. So (y/n) was the one to take care of himself. Sometimes he had to take care of his mother too, reminding her to eat or sleep. The bells on the door jangled, shaking (y/n) from his train of thought. Ah yes, the other type of Gotham crazies. Vigilantes.
"Hey kid."
"I'm not a kid." for some reason the batclan had decided that the 5th avenue convenience store was the best place for mid-patrol snacks.
"Ah yes, the old and wise 18 year old. My bad." Red Hood had a thick layer of sarcasm in his mechanical voice. (y/n) couldn't see his face from behind his helmet but was entirely sure he had the stupidest smirk underneath. (y/n) simply rolled his eyes (fighting back a smile) as hood moved about the store grabbing a random assortment of food and drinks. As hood was filling his arms the bell sounded again, this time it was a middle-aged man. (y/n) could smell the alcohol on him from the register. The man looked around, stopping as he saw (y/n).
"Welll helllooo~" the man had started leaning on the counter of the register. "Yoou're a fine slut, i could show you a reeall goOod time~" He smelled even worse up close. (y/n) sent a panicked glance over to Red Hood who had dropped his things and was now walking aggressively towards the man. "Wha you ignorin me BITCH!" the man lifted his arm to strike. (y/n) flinched, lifting his arms to cover his face.
"Leave. Him. Alone." Hood's voice was dark and low. His grip on the man's arm was painful if the man's face was any indicator.
"H-hey Mr. Red Hood. me and the lil' lady were just havin a niice talk." The man had lost any confidences and aggression he once had in fount of the crime lord. "She wuz jus bein a bitch, you understaannd right?" he sniveled. A sickening crunch was heard from the mans arm where Red Hood's grip tightened. The man started convulsing with pain and screaming. (y/n) felt sick.
"I'm going to deal with this trash. I'll be right back." Hood dragged the man out of the store, bells jingling behind him. It was moments like this where (y/n) remembered just how dangerous Red Hood actually was. Living in Gotham, (y/n) had gotten unfortunately used to getting catcalled and harassed, but he could never stop the shaking of his hands and the sinking feeling in his stomach that came with it.
Moments later the bells sounded again, (y/n) couldn't help but jump slightly. It was Red Hood.
"Sorry about that kid." hood picked up the food he had dropped earlier and set it on the counter.
"Ah, it's ok." (y/n) hated how small he sounded. Taking a breath he started to scan the things hood had picked out and tried to steady himself. "It's Gotham, shit like that happens all the time."
"That doesn't make it ok." Hood sounded softer than before. (y/n) felt anger crawl up his throat, the bats always treated him like a kid. Even Robin! And he was, like, 12!
"That'll be $29.47, you want a bag?" (y/n) tried not to show his anger. As upset as he might have been, Hood did just save him from an icky situation.
"Nah." Hood picked up half of what he bought with one arm as he flipped a 50 onto the counter. "Keep the change." He started to leave.
"Hood, you're forgetting half your shit." He had left a large banana nut muffin, a pack of gummy sharks, a chocolate milk, and a packet of pizza flavored combos.
"They're for you kid, you look starving." He was out the door before (y/n) could protest.
(y/n) sighed with a light smile, well at least he wouldn't be hungry for the rest of his shift.
Jason was fucking livid. This god damn BASTARD! Who the fuck did he think he was, harassing his little brother. Raising his FILTHY had at him. Jason was seething.
"RR" Jason turned his comm on.
"Jonathan Davis, 54, 237 Maple Street, apartment 122, married to Eliza Davis, daughter is Maria Davis, place of work 57 West End Road." Tim already knew, he was watching it from the security camera back at the cave.
"I only spared him so that you could make his life something worse than death." Jason staired down at the beaten and bruised body of the man.
"Don't worry. It will be." Tim's voice was cold and calculated. No doubt already planning all the ways this man would watch his life fall apart.
Jason leaned down to the barely conscious man, "If you DARE go fucking near him again, I'll leave your head for your wife and daughter to find in your fridge." the man simply looked at him with fear. Jason grabs him by the scalp, "Do you understand?" his tone was dark, made even more intimidating by the mechanical modulator.
"Y-yes! I understand! I understand!" the man cried.
"Good." Jason shoved his head back into the filthy ground of the alleyway. 'right where trash belongs' Jason thought to himself.
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pretty-toru · 1 year
Hi! If you're taking requests rn, can I req for a gojo x fem or gn reader scenario where she does the break up prank on him but he surprisingly actually falls for it and the reader then makes up for it (sfw please)
break up prank┆gojo satoru
୧ genre: slight angst to comfort
୧ wc: 1.2k
୧ synopsis: you break up with gojo because he eats too much.
a/n: i don't support these kinds of relationship pranks :( but i tried making this lighthearted as possible so no hearts were broken in the making.
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Satoru's enjoying his lunch across from you during break 一 if you can even call it that considering it's a bunch of sweets and snacks in their wrappers sprawled over the table. While he's filling you in on his morning accompanied by his first year students, cheek overstuffed with strawberry whipped cream sando, you sigh when he finishes his sentence.
"Gojo, we need to talk."
There’s a bitter taste on his tongue now, and Satoru looks at you with his brows furrowed when you call him by his family name which sounds foreign to him. You don't normally address him that way unless he seriously messed up, but everything was perfect and you both were getting along great so he's clueless. Maybe if he pretends by looking around for this Gojo to answer you back and nothing comes up the day can continue its usual pace. "Yeah, so, anyway as Megumi was getting hit on–"
You huff when your words fall on deaf ears, and you are a little more stern and a little louder this time. Your arms crossing over your chest because you don't appreciate being ignored. "Gojo, I just said we need to talk."
He wears a sullen pout but keeps his lighthearted tone. "Angel you're killing me here, you know that's not my name. You always call me Baby or Honey or Toru~" He mimics your cute voice and you bite the inside of your cheek from smiling affectionately, and because you don’t sound even close to anything like that. 
"Yeah, well not for long. We have to break up."
What? His face immediately drops and he seizes his antics. He can't believe you could say that so easily, and he doesn't even know if he heard you right. You are his entire world and he thought he was yours too. Just the other day you were telling him how happy he makes you and how lucky you were to have him, so what the hell happened? Where did he go wrong? He completely trusted that you'd never give up on him and you both were even planning for the future, so it's incredibly baffling to him when you say the most unexpected thing.
Break up...
Break up?
What do you mean by that?
"No chance, that's not happening. What makes you say that, hm?" Satoru has a way of bouncing back that tells you even though he feels hurt and betrayed, he won’t succumb to the voice in his head reminding him he doesn’t deserve you. Because he knows he does, and you deserve him too. "This sounds like crazy talk, that's what it is. I can't believe you would even suggest something like this. Am I even allowed to know the reason?"
You straighten yourself in your seat, and gesture over to the purchased goods to your right. "Well, for one thing–! You eat so many sweets!" When your words reach him, he caught onto your practical joke and relief washes over him. He can't take you seriously anymore especially when you make frowning look so adorable as the castella roll cake, his beloved kikufuku, and an entire souffle cheesecake gets chastised under your gaze. "I've never seen anyone eat their body weight in sweets, and I'm afraid the next morning I'll find my boyfriend has turned into liquified sugar or limbs made of mochi!"
Satoru bursts out into laughter from your ridiculous explanation of wanting to end things, the tension in the room dissipates and the heaviness in his heart follows making him feel infinitely lighter. He doesn't argue or deny his sweet tooth, just slowly nods and drags your seat that’s a short distance away towards him. His strawberry sando is forgotten and you are compliant when he gently pulls you onto his lap, wrapping his strong arms around you and pressing a kiss to the pulse point of your neck. You giggle because it tickles, and your arms loop around his nape with your fingers twirling the ends of his hair. 
"Fine, it's true. I've become a sugar fiend. But is that really something to break up over, sweetheart?" He’s slowly returning back to being playful again, but the way he’s holding you a little closer and tighter means he hasn’t fully recovered from the prank. 
"I mean, it's getting out of control. When we go out for ice cream, you won't share yours and keep taking bites out of mine. Huge ones that leave teeth marks too!" You’re teasing him now and all he can do is chuckle. This is the worst prank anyone has pulled on him, and he should be upset with the person that played it… But he just can’t be upset with you, he could never be upset at you. Just because you did something like that doesn’t mean he still doesn't love you.
"I share everything else with you, and I think I'm more than generous when it comes to spoiling my sweet girl~" Satoru leans in once more to plant quick trailing kisses on your neckline down to your collarbone for all the times he’s stolen a taste from you. When he pulls away slightly, his parted lips were already waiting for yours when you meet him for a tender exchange. Softly melding together with a taste of your tongue and your "I love you" is more than just words to him. It’s a feeling he knows is truly and genuinely still there despite you almost breaking his heart.  
"I hope you know I was just joking, right?" Your noses are touching and you speak in the most gentle tone. He was so sure it was some mischievous stunt, but hearing you confirm it gave him some comfort and ease of mind. "We aren’t breaking up just so we’re clear. I’m sorry for putting you through that, but it was nice knowing you’d want to keep me around. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"
"Heh, you really messed with my feelings just now, you know that?" Satoru looks faintly distressed, but there’s a simper on his face when he glances down and smooth out the wrinkles on your skirt. "I really thought you didn’t want to be with me anymore. How about if you promise to never do it again… I’ll let you get away with it."
"I promise I won’t do it again." He watches as your hand cover his and you signal him to link your pinkies together. Even if there’s no need for timeless rituals anymore you both still like to engage in small gestures with the utmost seriousness to stay true to your word.
Satoru can’t help but release a breathy laugh. He looks at the sweet connection between your little fingers that brings a certain warmth to his heart like sunlight settling on his skin after a windy surge. His smile broadens as he looks back up at you. "Promise you won’t break my heart by ever leaving me?"
You hum contently and smooch his cheek as you recite the promise back to him. "I promise I won’t break your poor heart. Wouldn't even dream of it."
"I'm glad you are not going anywhere. Then I promise you the same thing~" He intertwines your hands together and brings it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. "I love you so much. Don't forget that Angel."
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lee-doesnt-knoww · 7 months
𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 - 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧
ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ - fem!reader, smut, kissing, thigh riding, nickname (angel), spit kink (?), jealousy
ᵃ/ⁿ - first ff ever so it might not be awesome, english is not my first language so if you see any mistakes, please tell me babes
Taehyun was the captain of the famous basket team at your school, but you and him both have hated each other since forever. Your parents have been friends ever since you were born and even before. You both argue over every single thing that happens, fighting for nothing and bikering 24/7. One day, his mom asks you to drop him his lunch at practice as she got called back into work for an emergency, as nice as you were, you couldn't say no to a woman who was basically your second mother.
As you came into the gymnasium, you saw him with some of his friends, some girls cheering and admiring their every move from the bleachers. He saw you coming in with a bag in hand, he walked over to you with an angry expression on his face, some girls spying him "What are you doing here?" "Your mom asked me to drop that to you" As you give him the bag, he searches inside and grabs a towel, also noticing his lunch and a drink. "Why did she need you? Couldn't she come herself?"
He asks with a hint of annoyance both from having to thank you and from the girls who are whispering loudly, not far. You roll your eyes as they talk about me being his possible girlfriend while giggling and whining about how jealous they would be if it were true. You sigh as you answer him, ignoring the fangirls. "I'll see you later, mom said you're coming for dinner"
You wave at him as you walk towards one of his teammates, greeting him with a smile and a small hug as you chat happily. As Taehyun sees this, his jaw drops slightly, only adding more to his confusion, he hears the girls talking between them, giggling not so silently.
"Wait isn't she his girlfriend??" "Maybe that's the one who's her boyfriend!"
He gets jealous at the view of you near him, not knowing why it bothers him so much to know you close with his friend. Seeing you laugh as you waved at him while walking to the gymnasium's exit, he calls you out while catching up with you. "Hey, wait!"
You turn around, letting out a small gasp as you collide with his chest making you take a step back as you tumble. He grabs you by the waist to stabilise you, his arm wraping around you. He asks with an angry and demanding tone. "How do you know him? Is he..?"
He shakes his head as he stops himself from ending his phrase, letting go of your waist as the girls observes them. You look up at him, head tilted and face full of confusion as you neat your shirt, wrinkled from his arm. As you hear the fangirls once again, you let out a groan and grab his hand, dragging him out of the gymnasium to a nearby foutain, the place only full of trees. Nobody to hear you talking.
"What was that about?" You cross you arms as you look at him with a frown, leaning on your hip. He stares at you, a mix of jealousy and annoyance on his face. "How do you know him?"
"Is that all you're angry about?? He's my classmate who helped me with the math I was struggling with!"
He looks even more pissed as he takes in your answer, he's about to say something but he's distracted by the sight of your lips, you bit them while you were dragging him away, making them more puffy and pink now. He was spacing out, only focusing on your lips as he grabbed your chin, making you look up as he examined your lips, his thumb playing with your bottom lip. You put your hands on his chest, trying to push him away. "T-Taehyun what are you doing..." Blushing as his hand goes to the back of your head, the other reaching for your cheek. He stares at you, loving the feeling of having you blushing for him, he gets lost in your eyes as he gets closer, his forehead resting against yours. "You make me crazy...I hope you know that, angel"
As you whispered his name, his lips close the distance and kiss yours. One of his hand playing with your hair as the other rubs over your chin, making you let out a small sigh as you kiss him back. He pulls you closer, his lips kissing yours over and over, letting out a soft grunt. Your legs trembling as his tongue pokes at your bottom lip, asking entrance to your mouth.
You moan in the kiss, grabbing at his shirt as on of his leg takes place between your thighs, the hand that was on your cheek now on your hip, pressing you to sit down on him. While you do, your hips stutter, heat spreading to your lower core. His hand starts to make you ride his thigh as you gently accept and follow his hand. As your hips start moving on their own, you let out sinful moans of his name in the kiss, only making him more turned on.
Suddenly a call of his name from afar brings you both back to reality. You pull away, a string of saliva connecting your lips together, making you blush as he wipes your lips with his thumb then licking it. As he takes his leg away, he holds your hips and neat up your skirt, brushing away any dirt or wrinkle. While he does so, you hold onto him, your arms wrapped around his neck as you stand on your tippy toes. Even if he's now done with your skirt, he hugs you, arms wrapped your waist as he whispers in your ear. "I'll see you at home later, yeah? I'll be over as soon as practice is over angel." He kisses your forehead as you both let go, waving as you part ways.
For some reason, you were happy that he was coming for dinner this time.
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lilyevanstan1325 · 9 months
❤️ Built For This World ❤️
Chapter 3
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I look around trying not to lose my mind.
Behind me I can hear the quiet patter of a horse, its low whinnies are the only thing keeping me company.
They won't kill me.
Oh shit.
Ok ok, I have to stay calm, I can't lose my mind right now.
Breathe Summer, breathe.
Despite the darkness, interrupted by only a few rays of moonlight passing through the old wooden planks of the ceiling, if I concentrated I could try to understand how the hell to escape from this place.
Would it be such a bad idea after all?
I almost miss the woods full of biters.
I sigh shaking my head.
I'm just panicking and this isn't going to help.
I'm safe now.
I'll be fine here and Daryl won't let anything happen to me.
Another big sigh leaves my lips.
I'll be honest, when he puts a gun to my head I felt betrayed.
It was an unexpected gesture but after the initial shock I think I can understand his motivations.
He doesn't know who I am and the people he cares about live here.
From what I understand and from what little I was able to see there are women here and perhaps even children.
It is more than normal to want to protect them from the new intruder, even if the new intruder is a girl on the edge of death.
A pang runs through my shoulders.
Damn Shane.
That's the name of the man with the crazy look who tied me up as if I were a serial killer.
Without even realizing it, I relive in my mind the meeting with these people on the top of the hill.
As soon as the three men reached us, the one with the shaved head was the first to start yelling at Daryl.
"Are you crazy?What the hell is going through your head?And who the hell is this kid?” he shouted, looking down at me and waving the gun in my direction.
I found myself staring into two black pools full of hate and…madness?
For the first time since I set foot out of that damned woods full of biters, I was truly scared.
I felt a drop of cold sweat run down my spine and with eyes wide open and full of panic I did the only thing I thought was safe at that moment.
I turned my head in the direction of the archer, looking for help, finding his blue eyes already fixed on me.
I know it was an irrational thought.
Asking for help from the man who points a gun at your head is certainly not a smart move but at that moment my every action was the result of my instinct.
I remember moving a little more towards him, sliding my knees on the hard ground scratching my knees, bringing me closer to the archer's legs.
The tip of my left shoulder grazed his knee.
Without hesitation Daryl moved from my side and positioned himself in front of me, interposing himself between me and that dickhead who, waiting for an answer, was looking at me as if he was ready to rip my heart out of my chest.
With bare hands.
Everything about him screamed danger.
There is definitely something wrong with him.
At that moment, however, I couldn't do anything other than look at Daryl.
From my perspective I could only see his boots but better than the eyes of that raging madman.
Now he was my only chance of salvation.
Daryl for his part seemed calm.
Even too much.
Looking up I saw him take a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his jeans and very calmly, as if at that moment we didn't have the end of the world on our heels ready to bite us in the ass, he took a cigarette, lit it and took a long, deep drag.
Spirals of white smoke dispersed freely into the sky.
For a moment he turned his head, glancing over his shoulder, right at my figure kneeling on the ground.
“I found her in the woods.I couldn't leave her"
A clear sentence.
Short and concise.
But also a big lie.
He could have left me to die, he didn't have to take me with him and jeopardize the safety of their safe place.
Another spiral of smoke rose above his head.
From my position I could hear the crackle of tobacco consumed by the flame.
Daryl's attention was totally focused on the man in uniform.
Another useful detail for me.
He's the leader here, I thought.
I remember observing his figure, half hidden by the man in front of me, for endless minutes.
I could hear the gears turning at lightning speed in his head as he pondered what to do with me.
After another deep exchange of glances between Daryl and the cop, the latter moved to the side, kneeling in front of me and bringing his eyes up to mine, studying me for a few more seconds, as if I were a fucking animal in the zoo.
I had some difficulty keeping myself from snorting and rolling my eyes.
All that was left was for him to throw peanuts at me.
The cop ran his hand over his face, rubbing his tired and exhausted features and then finally I heard his voice for the first time.
“I'm Rick Grimes.Who are you?"
“I'm Summer Davis” I stammered uncertainly, using my mother's last name as information.
I had already abandoned my father's surname a long time ago, no longer using it helped me overcome his betrayal.
I saw him nod just once as if he was satisfied with my answer.
"You are alone?Do you have people looking for you?”
Now to anyone this might seem like a simple question.
But not for me.
Not for me.
Was I alone?Yes.
Was someone looking for me? Probably.
Would I have told him?Hell no.
Looking at the men in front of me I knew immediately that I didn't care what they did with me in the end.
The only thing that mattered was that I would never allow their path to intertwine with that of him and his men.
After all, they seemed really good people.
Except for crazy eyes, he's definitely a disturbed son of a bitch.
So I did the thing that came most naturally to me.
After all, I had been lying to him for months now.
I also became quite good at it.
I cleared my thirsty throat and I straightened my back.
The first rule for lying is to show confidence when speaking and look your interlocutor straight in the eyes.
“Yes, I'm alone, I don't have a group or a family.I was just trying to get to Atlanta”
Rick's blue eyes suddenly clouded with sadness.
I remember looking at him with curiosity.
Why that reaction?
“Atlanta is overrun.Nothing exists in that city anymore” Rick replied softly, responding to my questioning look.
“Oh…” was all I could mutter.
The memory flies from my mind.
Atlanta is overrun.
I cannot believe it.
I left Washington and arrived here with the illusion of being able to find something but instead?
In the end I almost lost my life to find myself tied to a pole in a stable.
I move my aching shoulders again and a hiss slips between my parted lips.
Why did Shane have to tighten the rope so much?
Where the hell did he think I would go?
After Rick's little interrogation I was left alone, but kept in sight by all four men, while they conversed among themselves.
About what?
Well I found out soon after.
Rick and Shane left without even looking back, the two were too busy arguing heatedly with each other.
And I'm sure that the topic of their heated discussion was me.
Antagonizing someone like Shane is never a good thing.
Glenn and Daryl instead escorted me into this stable, leaving me here and telling me to wait.
After a few moments Shane arrived with his damn rope.
The stable door creaks open, taking me by surprise and tearing me away from my mental ruminations.
In front of it was a man watching me.
I try to understand who it is but then the timid sound of his voice takes away any doubts.
“Hi Gleen” I smile.
“I'm still here” I add with an ironic laugh.
Where the hell could I have gone anyway?
Slowly he approaches me.
His footsteps echo lightly around us.
I watch him carefully while in the dim light he sits on an old chair in front of me.
In his hand he holds a glass of water which he places near his feet.
“I'm sorry about that” he murmurs ashamedly in a low voice as if it were his fault, while with a wave of his hand he points to the rope that keeps my hands tied behind my back.
I shrug, feigning indifference, trying to hide the grimace of pain caused by my aching shoulders.
“Shane is an idiot.I tried to tell him it wasn't necessary but…you saw him…he can be a real hothead” he admits defeated, taking the baseball cap off his head and fiddling with it.
I smile at his sweetness.
Glenn is a really good guy.
“Don't mind” I try to reassure him.
His gaze wanders for a few seconds and then stops on me.
“I brought you some water and these” he says, taking what appear to be crackers from his pocket.
Food and water.
I think I could cry with gratitude.
I try to settle myself more comfortably even though the hard wooden floor beneath me is leaving indelible marks in my battered flesh.
I straighten my back grunting and cross my legs waiting to receive my dinner.
Glenn gets up from his chair with a little huff and after lighting a small oil lamp hanging right above my head he sits on the floor right in front of me, also with his legs crossed.
I blink several times trying to get my weak eyes used to the dim yellowish light.
The smell of the oil burning in the lamp fills my nostrils.
Glenn grabs the glass and brings it to my lips.
I drink enthusiastically without ever taking my eyes off the boy in front of me.
He seems really happy to be helping another human being.
After drinking half a glass I move my lips away, better to go slowly and avoid throwing up on the poor Glenn.
“Thank you” I whisper while the boy fiddles with the plastic of the cracker packet and after a few moments he brings one to my mouth.
I gladly accept and starting to chew slowly in ecstasy.
It's just a stupid cracker but...damn, it tastes like heaven.
"Are you crying?" he asks me hesitantly.
At first I don't understand what it means but then I realize that some big tears are slipping from my chin, wetting the once light fabric of my worn jeans.
“Sorry” I reply, accompanying my words and tears with a big hysterical laugh.
My reaction seems to scare the young man even more as he looks at me with his big dark eyes.
I shake my head and continue to smile, I smile so much that my cheeks hurt.
"Sorry.I assure you I haven't gone crazy but I haven't eaten in days.Can I have more?” I ask impatiently, looking at his hand which is still holding half a cracker.
Glenn seems to recover and giving me a wonderful smile he hands me the food.
Wrapped in a pleasant silence I eat my meal.
A meal that didn't last long but gave my hungry stomach some respite.
“You should be out there eating a hot meal with everyone else” Glenn murmurs dejectedly, looking at me sorrowfully.
“Nah” I reply with a smile after drinking the last drop of water.
“I'm not one of you”
My words seem to hit him and I see a flash of anger cross his naturally kind eyes.
“You are a human being.You are someone who seems to have been through a lot.You don't deserve this” his words are accompanied by his hands waving and pointing to the place around us.
I look around again, focusing my gaze on the open door of the stable.
From it I can glimpse the sky.
There isn't even a cloud and a blanket of shining stars covers it entirely.
I will never get used to the beauty of the starry sky.
Living my entire life in a city, the only opportunity I had to observe the stars was in the summer, when my parents and I went to spend the holidays at the seaside at my grandparents' house.
I remember that every night I spent whole hours lying on a blanket looking at the stars, drinking in their splendor.
I look back at Glenn and, gathering all the courage I have, I ask him the question that scares me the most.
The boy lifts his gaze from his hands to rest it on my face.
Gripped by anxiety I shift my gaze towards my boots unable to look at him.
Afraid of the response I might read on his face.
He certainly understood that there is something that disturbs me but he doesn't push me.
He waits patiently letting me take my time.
“Do you think…do you think they will kill me?”
"What?" he responds agitatedly choking on his own saliva.
“No, oh my God!No!Don't even think that”
“And why shouldn't I think that?” I quickly reply angrily.
“They tied me here, alone, in the dark”
I shudder.
The anger seems to evaporate instantly leaving only a lot of fear in me.
"I...I don't want to hurt you.Please, please Glenn convince them to let me go.I'll disappear.You will never see me again.I swear I won't tell anybody about you or this place.I just want to have a chance.I want to live”
I feel my chest tighten and my breathing becomes short.
I'm hyperventilating.
I feel the panic crawling in my stomach as it slowly rises, wrapping itself in my heart and clouding my mind.
I feel the walls closing around me, suffocating me.
Hot tears flow from my eyes.
“Please Glenn” I repeat letting my head fall forward.
Big sobs shake my chest.
I feel out of control.
So far I had managed to stay calm but interacting with this sweet good soul in front of me shattered my facade.
“Hey, hey Summer.Look at me!"
I feel his hands on my shoulders.
His strong and firm grip forces me to look up.
There is a strong determination in his eyes.
“No one will hurt you.Nobody.Rick would never allow it.I won't allow it” he smiles sweetly at me.
I feel my entire body shaking under his grip.
“You know, no one wants a bolt in his ass” he chuckles immediately afterwards.
The veiled allusion to the archer makes me blush for no reason.
The thought of Daryl being out there fighting to keep me alive makes my heart beat with an emotion other than fear.
Why would he do that?
Why expose himself so much for me?
I am nobody to these people.
And yet…and yet Daryl saved me in the woods first.
Glenn is here, kneeling in front of me, promising to help me.
Suddenly a loud commotion catches our attention causing our heads to snap towards the large stable door.
Outside I can clearly distinguish footsteps and frantic voices.
My body trembles without restraint now.
Even though the warm air of this summer night envelops us I feel a cold that grips my bones in a cruel grip.
Glenn's grip on my shoulders tightens, he looks worried too.
"It's madness.Madness!” a woman's voice shouts.
The footsteps are getting closer and closer.
"Wait!" another voice shouts.
This time I recognize who it belongs to.
After a few moments some dark figures stand out against the entrance.
Here we are.
They came here for me.
Without thinking twice I curl into a ball pressing my body against Glenn's, burying my head in his chest.
His skin smells like laundry soap.
I can hear his heart beating furiously.
At first, perhaps due to the surprise at my gesture, his hands detach from my shoulders as if he had been burned but after a few moments, without any further hesitation, his arms tighten around my shoulders, engulfing me in his embrace, trying to give me the protection I seek.
I feel the muscles in my shoulders pulling and burning from the unnatural position I'm in but I don't care.
“What the hell is going on?”
It's the same woman speaking before but I'm afraid.
I can't move.
I don't have the strength to look, I don't want to see.
The agitated voices stop, in the air only the sound of my sobs suffocated by the cotton of Glenn's t-shirt.
Daryl's voice makes me jump like someone just slapped me across the face.
His tone seems worried.
I don't have the courage to look at him.
I couldn't bear to see his eyes.
I couldn't bear to read his placid resignation for what is about to happen.
After endless moments of silence, some light footsteps approach me and a delicate hand like the wings of a butterfly rests on my head, making me tremble.
“It's okay honey.It's over”
That woman again.
I feel her hand move down my back, towards my tied hands.
I feel her fumbling with the rope, I feel a cold blade graze the tortured flesh of my wrists.
Another shiver shakes me violently.
“Don't worry” Glenn whispers without loosening the grip of his arms wrapped around my figure.
I trust him so I try to stay as still as possible.
“Shut up Shane!She's just a kid.You should be ashamed” the woman hisses in disgust.
Now the voice also has a name.
After a few moments my arms are free.
With aching muscles I move my arms forward and with my hands I cling even harder to Glenn, squeezing his shirt between my fingers and crying even harder.
I don't care that strangers are watching me, that they are judging me.
I do not care.
I'm tired and scared.
Carol's hands continue to caress my back as she softly whispers reassuring words in my ear.
Slowly, Glenn on my left and Carol on my right, support me, helping me to my feet.
I tighten my grip on the boy's t-shirt, burying my head further into his chest as he slides an arm around my waist.
Carol instead wraps her arm around my shoulders and the three of us walk towards the door.
Towards the public who witnessed and is witnessing my pathetic mental breakdown.
The few steps that separate me from the exit seem to expand, becoming miles in my head.
I feel like I'm walking my own personal green mile.
My walk of shame.
I feel tired, empty...as if panic has drained every crumb of who I am.
A few steps from the door Carol slows down until we are forced to stop.
“You should be ashamed.Everyone” she repeats.
“Especially you” she adds after a few seconds.
I risk a glance in the direction of her gaze.
And my eyes meet the archer's contrite ones.
I feel an uncontrollable blush color my cheeks, totally embarrassed I look down again.
Glenn tightens his grip on my body.
“Come on dear” Carol whispers in my ear again.
Now there is no longer any trace of anger in her voice but only an infinite sweetness.
We start walking again and as we finally get out into the open air I feel my heart getting lighter.
The grip that oppressed me until a few minutes ago seems to lighten with each step that takes me further and further away from that place.
"Where do we go?" I croak, sniffing at her and finally lifting my head from my refuge.
I straighten my back, popping several vertebrae.
I can finally give a face to that sweet voice.
Carol has short silvered hair and eyes as blue as the sea, full of sweetness and pain.
She reminds me a bit of my mother.
She smiles at me in a reassuring way, pointing with her hand to a point in front of us.
“Let's go somewhere safe and quiet, okay?Nothing will happen to you, I promise”
With my gaze I follow the direction of her hand and a few meters from us I see an RV.
I look at Glenn and he nods his head reassuringly, inviting me to continue.
Once we reach our destination, Glenn opens the door of the RV and Carol helps me up the steps.
“Now I'll help you get cleaned up.Glenn can you go get a real meal for our new guest?” Carol murmurs softly.
Glenn nods vigorously but before he can leave I quickly go down the steps I just climbed and standing on tiptoe I throw my arms around his neck.
Just like a little while ago in the stable, at first Glenn remains still and surprised by my gesture but then his arms tighten around my waist.
“Thanks Glenn.Thank you so much” I whisper with my cheek pressed against his.
“You have nothing to thank me for Summer”
I quickly break the hug and when we are eye to eye I meet his sweet smile.
Then he turns and digging his hands into the pockets of his jeans he walks away.
I watch him for another couple of seconds until my attention is drawn to a figure in the distance watching me intently.
Motionless in the dark of the night.
“Let's go” Carol whispers, drawing my attention and inviting me to enter the RV again.
Once back, Carol accompanies me to where there is a bed, then indicating it with a wave of her hand and another reassuring smile.
I sit down without saying a word as the woman walks away.
The bed under me is so soft that my brain does nothing but scream at me to lie down, to rest my tired and exhausted limbs but I can't.
I have to stay alert as long as possible.
I have to understand what's happening.
I have to understand what will happen to me.
I don't feel ready to let my guard down yet even if something tells me I can trust these people.
Or at least I can trust Carol.
And Glenn.
And then there would also be Daryl.
I think back to his eyes, in that stable.
I can't decipher his look.
The regret in his eyes, the way he whispered my name when he saw me trembling in Glenn's arms.
What does it mean?
My thoughts are interrupted by Carol's return, in her hands she has a basin full of water.
She sits next to me keeping a certain distance, I'm sure she does it to show me that she doesn't want to invade my space.
With slow and measured gestures she grabs a small towel and dips it in the water after which she begins to clean my face, my neck, my arms, being careful not to rub too much on the irritated skin of my wrists.
“I would like to apologize on behalf of everyone” she mutters after a while.
I look at her confused and remain silent.
She continues to clean me gently.
“You know, we've been through a lot lately, we've lost so many loved ones.We are all very stressed and suspicious”
Her voice cracks.
I am sure that among those people there is also someone very important to her.
And in fact her wet eyes immediately dispel all my doubts.
Carol clears her throat, I can tell from the tone of her voice that she is struggling to hold back tears.
“A few days ago, we encountered a horde of walkers”
Is that what these people call those fucking monsters human flesh eating?
“We hid but something went wrong…my daughter Sophia got scared, she ran away and we lost her.We've been looking for her ever since.This is why Daryl was in the woods when he found you”
The last words full of gratitude for the archer come out in a whisper.
“I'm sorry Carol.Really.I'm sure you'll find her again”
I try to smile reassuringly, placing my hand on hers.
I know my words mean nothing but how can I deny a little comfort to a broken hearted mother?
She smiles back at me, getting out of bed.
“I'll go get you some water” she whispers.
I'm sure she needs a minute alone to regain some composure, talking about her missing little girl must not have been easy for her.
I think about Daryl again and why he was in the woods.
Imagining him looking for that poor little girl confirms what I already thought.
Behind that tough mask there is a big and pure heart, the same heart that I saw in his eyes when he offered me that sip of water.
Before Carol can return there is a knock on the door of the RV.
Will definitely be Glenn with my meal.
I smile at the thought of seeing his friendly face again.
Carol opens the door, mutters something.
I see her nod her head at me.
After a few moments, a man I have never seen before enters.
He has a cloud of white hair and a kind look, he wears a pair of elegantly gray trousers and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
I immediately notice a stethoscope around his neck.
He approaches cautiously, smiling at me reassuringly.
A noise behind him distracts me and I just need to look up to understand what it is or rather who it is.
Behind the kind man is Daryl, his gaze wanders everywhere except on me, next to him Carol smiles at me.
“Nice to meet you, I am Hersel, the owner of this farm”
Hersel speaks confidently catching my attention as he extends his hand towards me.
“You must be Summer”
I nod accepting his handshake, his skin is soft and warm.
Daryl clears his throat.
“I thought about calling Hersel 'cause he's a doc.I thought ya needed one” he mutters under his breath, scratching the back of his neck.
Carol looks at him curiously, raising an eyebrow.
My gaze returns to Daryl's eyes.
My heart does a somersault.
He seems almost embarrassed.
My confused look softens.
His gesture is so kind.
“Technically I'm a vet but I guess we should be satisfied with this nowadays” the man in front of me chuckles.
“I'd like to make sure you're okay, I know they found you unconscious” he smiles at me and when he does so his eyes smile too.
“Thanks but I'm fine now” I try to reassure him but the tremor in my hands and especially in my voice don't seem to convince him.
Behind him, Daryl shifts his weight from one foot to the other, biting the side of his thumb.
Our eyes meet again but this time I can't look away.
His eyes are like deep blue pools that draw me in like a magnet.
Thank goodness he's the first to look away, allowing me to turn my attention back to the sweet doctor in front of me.
Hersel smiles again.
“I would feel more comfortable if I could visit you, I would just like to check your blood pressure and your pulse.Then I promise I'll leave” he chuckles.
“Ok” I whisper in response, sketching a shy smile.
I don't feel like telling him no.
After all, he is welcoming me into his house and it costs me nothing to indulge him.
With another big smile he invites me to lift my shirt.
I'm about to do so but suddenly I remember the archer's presence and I stop embarrassed.
I don't even have time to look up before I see him turn his back on me.
Nice of him to turn around so as not to embarrass me.
After making sure that everything was ok, Hersel recommended me to eat and rest and that he would check me again in the morning.
“Thanks Hersel, thanks for everything”
“You're welcome, Summer” he replies, walking away and leaving me, Carol and Daryl in an awkward silence.
What happens?
Why is it suddenly hot here?
Why does Daryl look at the floor of the RV with such interest while Carol giggles?
I reflexively look down and focus on my hands clasped in my lap.
The silence continues, charging me with a strange anxiety.
I should speak, say something.
I lick my dry, chapped lips but when I open my mouth nothing comes out.
Just a strangled sound.
A sob shakes me and then another one.
I can't seem able to keep my damn emotions to myself tonight.
“I'm sorry” I murmur between sobs, burying my face in my hands so as to avoid the pitying looks that Carol and Daryl are surely giving me.
I hear some footsteps, then someone sit next to me.
The mattress sinks under the weight of the latter.
“Ya safe now”
His voice immediately stops my tears.
I honestly didn't believe that he would actually come close to console me.
God, he'll think I'm pathetic.
Crying in Glenn or Carol's presence had definitely been easier and less embarrassing.
We both remain silent.
I can't even think of what I could say to him.
After a few minutes Daryl gets up and walks away.
His gesture makes me snap up.
Is he leaving?
But after a few moments I see him return with a steaming plate in his hands.
His is almost an order.
Without hesitation I obey by grabbing the plate he is handing me and he sits down next to me again, this time a little closer.
I grab what looks like a piece of meat between my fingers, hold it to my nose to smell it before taking a bite.
As soon as the meat comes into contact with my taste buds, an embarrassing moan escapes my control.
It's absolutely delicious.
I don't know if it's because I was literally starving but this meat is the best thing I've ever eaten.
Forgetting about the man next to me, and about my good manners, I begin to eat with more ardor, bringing larger and larger pieces of meat to my mouth.
Daryl doesn't say a word the entire time but I can clearly feel his eyes probing my face continuously.
“Mmmh” I murmur at the end of my hearty meal after licking my fingers.
I feel calmer now, more relaxed.
This meal gave me time to reflect and calm down.
So with a big smile on my face I turn to Daryl.
For a moment I remain silent.
I was smiling and he was serious, his lips were a hard, serious line.
"Thank you.It was truly delightful” I thank him trying to convey all my gratitude into my words.
In response I get a grunt and a shrug.
I look back at my now empty plate and find myself once again surrounded by silence.
The smile on my lips is now the shadow of a memory.
Daryl jumps up making me jump.
What happen?
I watch him as he nervously runs along the entire length of the RV a couple of times.
What have I done?
He seems to be upset because of me.
Did I say something I shouldn't?
I get up from the bed taking a couple of steps in his direction but suddenly the archer stops his walk and turns towards me.
I think he didn't expect to find me so close because he takes a sudden step back, hitting his hip on the corner of the small table to his right.
Another grunt, accompanied by a puff of air coming out of his nostrils.
“’M sorry” he suddenly grunts, making the words die in my throat.
I frown in confusion at his apology.
Why is he apologizing?
His eyes look in any direction except mine.
“Daryl?” I call him and his eyes focus on his boots.
I wait patiently for him to decide to look at me but when this doesn't happen I take another step in his direction and when I notice that he doesn't step back I take another step.
Now only a few inches separate us.
From here I can smell his skin.
Daryl smells like the woods, he smells like the woods where we met.
It is a strong, pungent but pleasant smell.
He smells like wood, musk and smoke.
An intoxicating smell that enters my head.
Very carefully I lift my arm and then place my hand on his bicep, squeezing it delicately.
As soon as my hand comes into contact with his warm skin a discharge seems to pass through my skin, my muscles, my bones.
Straight into my soul.
It's like I've been hit with a teaser.
Pure electricity.
His eyes dart first onto his arm where my hand is and then into my eyes.
And the emotion I read in it destabilizes me.
This big, thick, muscular man with a menacing look is totally panicking just because I'm touching him.
His eyes are wide open.
I don't want to make him uncomfortable so I remove my hand from his body and take a step back.
“Why are you apologizing?” I ask in a small voice still shocked by the sensation I just felt.
Sensation that I can't explain and to which I don't even want to give a name.
His eyes are still fixed on me, a few locks shadowing them.
I have to use all my willpower not to bring my fingers to his face and move those locks away.
I dig my nails into my palms, the pain caused helps me concentrate.
When I think he won't answer me anymore I take another step back and turn my back on him and go back to sitting on the bed.
I rest my back against the wall of the RV, stretching my legs out in front of me, trying to relax my sore muscles.
The silence around me makes me understand that he left me alone.
I close my eyes trying to understand what happened.
“I shouldn't have let Rick and Shane treat ya like that”
I jump, putting a hand to my chest to try to contain the pounding of my heart.
“Damn” I mutter through gritted teeth, my eyes wide with panic.
Daryl lifts one corner of his lips in what looks like the ghost of a smile although in the dim light of the RV it could also look like a grimace.
“'M sorry.I didn't mean to scare ya" Daryl apologizes, biting his lower lip slightly.
I shake my head as if telling him not to worry.
I cross my arms over my chest, softening my gaze at the image of a man so strong, with a dominant aura, so absolutely incapable of managing his own feelings.
“That's ok.It's not your fault.You…you have already done so much for me Daryl that a whole lifetime wouldn't be enough to thank you” I stammer.
His gaze wanders nervously from one point of the RV to another.
Daryl isn't even comfortable with compliments.
I leave the bed again followed by the protest of my aching muscles and cautiously I approach him again but this time I remain at a safe distance.
I don't want to invade his personal space but I need to make him understand how grateful I am to him.
“If it wasn't for you I'd be walker food right now”
Daryl snorts in response.
“Yeah…sure” he grumbles without saying anything else.
I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.
This man can be truly unnerving.
His vocabulary is limited to snorts and grunts, what the hell!
In exasperation I watch him as he crosses his arms over his chest, his firm, toned muscles contracting elegantly, his tanned skin glistening under the moonlight streaming in through the windows.
In the silence peppered by our breaths I surrender to the thought that perhaps I will never be able to understand this man.
I'm too tired and anything he does or says only adds to my frustration so I do the only thing I think is wise at the moment.
I head towards the RV exit.
“Night Daryl” I murmur passing by him avoiding any visual or physical contact.
As soon as I find myself outside, I breathe deeply, raising my face towards the sky.
Above my head millions of beautiful stars shine set in a dark velvet blanket while the smell of grass tickles my nose.
Within a few moments I regain a bit of serenity...serenity which is interrupted after a few seconds by the door of the RV being slammed forcefully.
Daryl makes no sign of leaving, remaining behind me.
I slowly turn around determined to face him.
His eyes seem full of anger.
It's my fault?
Is all that anger for me?
Maybe my presence is causing trouble to him with his group.
With Shane.
“What's wrong with you?” I snort without being able to contain myself.
His mood swings make me dizzy.
First he seems worried about me.
He brings me food, calls a doctor and then…then he treats me like I'm a disease.
Like I'm one of those fucking biters.
I feel like I've reached the limit of my kindness for today.
Now that's enough.
I had a gun pointed in my face.
A crossbow.
I let myself be dragged.
Tied up.
I let myself be treated like a criminal even though I didn't do anything.
The banks are breaking and the words are starting to flow like a raging river giving vent to all my frustration.
“Why do I get the impression that you're regretting having brought me to safety from that damned woods?Well know that if it bothers you it's not my problem, I wasn't the one who asked you!You could have just let me die and come back here to mind your own business on this nice farm safe from the walkers with your stupid water and your stupid food” I spit the words out angrily.
I feel the blood boiling in my veins.
Something in my words seems to set off an alarm in the archer's head.
He storms down the steps of the RV, getting dangerously close, his every step sounding like an imminent threat.
His massive body towers over me as his cruel gaze pins my feet to the ground.
He remains to observe me with a menacing expression for a few moments, his dilated nostrils quivering with anger.
If a look could kill right now I'd be six feet under.
“Is this what ya think?” he hisses.
His posture is rigid, his arms at his sides with fists clenched.
White knuckles seem to want to pop out of his skin.
Yes that's what I think.
I have the impression that once the adrenaline of the moment has passed he is realizing that perhaps it would have been better to let me die.
This thought hurts me.
And I don't understand why...
After all, who am I?
And in the end he could be right because even if I personally am not a danger, the people who are looking for me are.
My life is certainly not worth more than those of these people.
I would just like a moment's respite.
Nothing more.
“That's what I see” I murmur dejectedly.
My eyes fill with tears and I don't even try to hide them this time.
My heartbeat is deafening in my ears.
Daryl looks at me with even more disgust, clenching his fists even tighter as if he's holding himself back from hitting me.
Would he really be able to do that?
This Daryl scares me.
The archer takes a further step towards me invading my personal space.
“If ya looking for consolation sunshine ya have chosen the wrong man.Go cry to Glenn, it doesn't work with me” he taunts me viciously and then walks away without even sparing me a glance.
I turn to watch him as he walks away, stomping his boots angrily on the grass.
I'm totally shocked.
What the hell just happened?
He's the one who was acting strange to me.
He started.
I was kind, I tried to reason with him, I respected his space.
What did he give me in return?
Only silences.
What the hell was I supposed to do?
I put my hands on my hips, huffing loudly.
My eyes are still on him as he walks away and enters a tent not far from the RV.
“Don't worry, you'll get used to him.He may seem grumpy but deep down he's a good guy”
I jump with fear.
Tonight everyone is having fun testing the resistance of my heart.
Another scare like this and I don't know if I'll see the dawn rise tomorrow.
I spin around looking for the person who spoke but strangely I don't see anyone.
“Hey!I'm here”
The man chuckles and following the sound of his voice I look up.
On the roof of the RV there is a man, sitting in an old chair with a rifle in his lap.
He wears a bucket hat and has an unkempt beard.
How long has he been up there?
How much did he hear?
I look at him for a couple of seconds in total embarrassment.
Nothing happened between me and Daryl but the fact that this man may have misunderstood our attitude makes me blush to the tips of my hair.
Thank goodness it's dark and I don't think he can notice it from up there.
“Anyway, I'm Dale.If you're looking for Carol, she went that way” and with his finger he points to a small bonfire a few meters from me where Carol and other women are chatting.
“Thank you” I murmur under my breath, glancing one last time at Daryl's tent and then walking briskly towards Carol.
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crushculture03 · 6 months
Valley Girl and Sammy
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"Bobby Singer? How did i not pick up on this sooner, you said your last name was singer, but I must've not heard you fully" he said.
"Sam, why do you know my father?" she asks, the realization not yet hitting her. "Because Val, my father and your father were best friends" he says, "Wait what's your last name again?'
And just like the wall that blocked all her memories from childhood and her teenage years, came crumbling down, "Wait your father was John, yes?" she clarifies, Sam nods 'yes'. "Oh my god it's really you, you're my Sammy '' she says, her heart beating faster as a few memories from that fateful summer flash in her mind.
"And you're my Valley girl" he whispers, smiling at the funny nicknames they made for eachother. "How did I not realize it sooner?" she says, "Well to be fair I look different, and if you're like me you blocked all those teenage years because of the trauma we've been through" sam says, "Yeah that's-that's exactly it" she agrees, "Oh my God Sam its you its really you" she smiles and hugs the tall boy, "Happy to be at your service again Valley girl" he whispers.
"Hate to break off the love fest but I need to talk to you Sammy" A deep voice says, the two pull apart and look to find the source of the voice.
"Dean? What are you doing here?" Sam asks, confused on why his older brother was standing in front of him. "Well that's not a very nice welcome now is it Sam? '' he jokes as he walks up to his baby brother and hugs him. "Oh and if it isn't little Val Singer, what are you doing here with him" Dean teases. "You remember me?" she asks, shocked "Of course I do, how could I forget the girl my brother wouldn't shut up about for years" he says, causing Sam to blush.
"Well it's because Sam and I didn't even remember each other till a few seconds ago, guess we blocked out so much that it got lost" she says. "Well that's a shock because that summer was crazy for you two, but back to what I came here for" Dean says and looks at his brother.
Both Sam and Valerie hope they can find out what exactly Dean means by saying "that summer was crazy for you guys".
"Sam dads on a hunting trip and hasn't been back in a few days'', Sam's face drops at the news. "I need your help finding him" the older Winchester asks, "And I guess since your Father knows my father better than anyone, that you can come too pretty girl" dean says and winks a Val, causing her to shift uncomfortably and stand behind Sam.
"Dean I left that life for a reason I'm not going back" Sam says, "Come on Sam he's our father", Sam scoffs "More like he was our drill sergeant , he told me to never come back when I told him I got into Stanford". "Ah come on you know he didn't mean that" Dean says, "Dean, No I have a life here ok? I don't need yours and dads troubles dragging me back in" he snaps and sighs.
"Sam" she whispers, he turns to her and his face instantly softens. "Maybe you should go, I mean don't get me wrong I hate your father as much as you do, at least from what I can remember, but I know if you don't go you'll regret it" she tries to reason with him. "I-I don't know Val" he whispers, she grabs his hand to reassure him, "I'll go with you if you want?" she suggested. "I can't ask you to do that" he says, "Sam look I want to remember everything that happened between us, I just got you back i'm not losing you again, plus I've been meaning to see my father so it's a win-win, we can go to my dads and he can help us" she says, looking at Sam before glancing at Dean. "Fine, but once we find him we come back ok?" he insists, "Ok" she smiles.
"Wonderful now if you guys could stop flirting and start packing that'd be great" Dean interjects. "Shut it Dean" she snaps, causing Sam to chuckle softly , "There's the Singer charm, now hurry up we got a case to solve princess" he teases, she flips him off before her and Sam walk into the complex and go to their respective apartments to pack everything they would need.
After a few minutes the two re-emerge, "Wow took you guys long enough" Dean groans, "Oh shush or the car gets it Dean-o" she teases, from what she can remember Dean absolutely loved this car. "Nobody touches my baby!" he snaps, his face completely serious as he gets into the driver's seat and slams the door shut. "Ignore him, he has a weird thing for the car, '' Sam says as he places his bags and Val's bags in the trunk. "It's fun to mess with him" she chuckles, "Keep doing it, it's fun to watch, plus he knows if he does anything to you Bobby will kill him" Sam says, she chuckles "You're right on that one.
"This is definitely a weird time to say this but even out of that costume you still look like an angel" Sam remarks, causing Val to blush, while she and Sam were packing they had both changed into more comfortable clothes, compared to their cheesy halloween costumes. "Thanks Sam, you look nice too" she smiles, before walking to get into the back seat of the Impala.
Sam quickly closes the trunk and makes his way to the front seat, "Buckle up Buttercups because it's going to be a long ride, and here's what I have so far on dads disappearance, it's not much so I thought we'd take a pit stop and visit our old pal, and Princess's father, in South Dakota'' Dean says, a classic smirk painting his face. "Call me that one more time and I'll put Nair in your hair gel" she says, causing Dean's grin to drop and Sam to laugh slightly. "Shut up" he mumbles before starting the car and peeling out of the parking lot. And just like that the trio was on their way to Sioux Falls South Dakota.
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swampstew · 1 year
Wanna know who binged What's The Magic Word last night and then read tonight's chapters with a smile on my face? THIS GAL!!!!😁😁😁
The whole thing with the Raven calling out Kid for being a lover boy had me in stitches, and the little Kim Possible easter egg was a cute touch. XD I was listening to videos of ravens mimicking human words earlier today, and it never fails to amaze me just how clever they are.
So happy you included Three-Eyed Killer too! It's one of my favorite headcanons and the fact that Kid gets way more upset about Killer being perceived as a freak than Killer does is very in-character. Rowena's right about all three of his eyes being beautiful!😭😭 If only someone could have told him that much sooner. Still baffles me how in the One Piece world where people can look like literally anything, someone with three eyes is considered freaky. 🙄
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it fills my lil heart with joy that you've enjoyed the fic especially these recent chapter drops :D i never thought i'd be here posting such intimate fantasies i created for myself and my comfort character and it brings me all the good brain feels when y'all come into my comments and ask box that you've even read past chapter 1! Your praise and enthusiasm makes me excited to drop more in the future ~ not just for OC fics but stories in general♡
Some fic talk below the cut so avert yee eyes if you don't want to be spoilt ~~~
I had to sit down and bury my face into my gengar plush from how hard i was cheesing. my cheeks hurt and its all your fault!
NGL the Raven was actually me self inserting <in my self insert story> shenanigans for the gag ~ I love bullying the big dope! It is CRAZY how Ravens and other birds can talk - that's one of the reasons i both respect and lowkey fear birds. They're SO smart. I wanna befriend one. But im sure it could lure me into a pyramid scheme.
Thank you! I've read the head canon on Tumblr a few times but can't pin the source. I think it's a theory with merit! I try to do slightly different traits/characteristics of canon characters across fics so that each fic has it's own canon of the Kid Pirates. In What's the Magic Word? - Killer is a hybrid three-eye tribe member. In other fics - he's just as precious and special but in other ways.
ALSO THE DISCRIMINATION! INSANE! In this house we loathe Big Mom (she's an AMAZING character and I want to study her in a lab 60 floors under ground) but i HATE HER ASS. straight up abused tf outta her kids for being the variety snack pack kingdom she WANTED.
For Chapter 29 - I'll just leave it at TYSFMISSGDHRNIHH (thank you so fucking much im sobbing so god damn hard right now i have hiccups). As much as I romanticize the fuck out of Eustass Kid, I wanted to make sure his wedding day fit his brand of chaotic♥
I'll make a better quality post of the cover art in a few days after the chapters sink in a little! All my love for this crazy pirate culminated to this moment♥
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linaket · 7 months
Monthly Writing Update (February)
A slow January led to... a crazy quick February. I can't even believe its over, and I definitely dragged in my writing this month. Honestly, even sitting here all I have is a vague sense of what even happened this month.
I was promoted at work right at the beginning of the month, and spent a lot of time stressing over the drama and dynamics around that change this month. It even changed my shift schedule. I was working four days a week, ten hour shifts, and able to set aside an entire day for writing a week. My new position doesn't allow for that schedule, but while this is the first week in about two years that I'm back to working 5 days a week (and... six in a row on the first week) I spent most of my days off this month once again getting the house in order, and just being a general nervous mess about things...
Books Read
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
Jade City and Jade War by Fonda Lee (guess it was a Fonda kinda month?)
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Four books at least meets the minimum of my (kinda unofficial) reading goal, even though I was pretty lucky this was a leap month because I only just finished Jade War today.
While I'm quite enjoying the Green Bone Saga, I've found something about it doesn't connect with me on a personal level, as a reader. Perhaps it is the POV that it is written in, but I am not getting the emotional connection that I often crave with books that truly sit with me. I'm absolutely going to finish it, and recommend it for anyone who wants to write epic fantasy. But I do think every book can teach a writer something new, and what I've been learning from this one is that I want to be more aware of the emotional stakes of my characters, and making that aspect more active in the narrative.
That being said, Untethered Sky? knocked it out of the park. Likely due in part to it being a novella, so everything was far more condensed. But 12/10 either way.
Writing Accomplishments
Honestly I am fighting the failure feeling just trying to type up this paragraph... basically, I tried to work on the extra for Shadow's Prey but ended up dropping it. I will likely still be aiming to release the ebook, but it will probably just be a very quiet release. It's mostly done and edited, but I don't think I'll be able to include an extra like originally intended. I started working on something, and MT kept singing its siren song and distracting me.
Also, I got art of the boys now! I'm excited to share it, and make some fun things for them.
That said, I did at least manage to finish something...
Favorite Excerpt
Valor told himself that it was better, that Ruse’s consistent prattling and teasing was an irritating distraction. But he couldn’t stop looking over at him. Though Ruse squinted against the brightness of the sun, the gaudy sunglasses hung on the collar of his shirt, stretching the already worn fabric. The bruises on his neck from the confrontation in Petra had faded over the last few days, gone from deep purple to a mottled yellow along the pale column of his throat. It was better that Ruse had gotten quiet. Better that he kept his gaze away, that he wouldn’t look at Valor. Every minute, every moment that Ruse didn’t look at him, didn’t focus his depthless attention on Valor, didn’t say anything, didn’t make a sound, was better because it meant that Valor didn’t have to think about what his hair would feel like between his fingers, what his throat would taste like under his lips. He could ignore the fact that he wanted to drown in Ruse, press his mouth against him and never come up for air. Valor tightened his grip on the steering wheel and went over the plan. Take Ruse into the Graves, retrieve the part for Jarl Nero’s scryer, and trade for information on the location of Noble Marek.  Then he’d find his father, and he’d kill his father. 
On Loop
Abe Parker - it is what it is
You're walking on the water that I'm drowning in Thought I heard a whisper, was it just the wind again Or the trail of blood I'm following? And if I'm the one to blame I guess all that I could say It is, it is, it is what it is All the things I couldn't change I lay with someone else's sins Let my soul just fly away All the way up to Heaven's light I pound those gates with no reply
Final Thoughts
I wish I had done more, and I also wish I could stop being hard on myself about this. It's no good. I am not nearly as hard on myself for not doing what I thought I should as I used to, but that's something really hard to shake, even if it doesn't help anything.
That said, it was a bit of a tough and strange month for me. I felt like I was dragging myself through each day, even dragging myself through reading. And while I did manage to at least finish some writing, I simply did not have the energy for anything more.
Hoping that I get used to this new schedule quickly. My work days feel much shorter now, since I'm used to the longer ones, and I've had more energy after. Also the position I took, while it was a promotion, is less stressful than the one I've been working. At least, so far. We'll see how the month shapes up. I am always far more productive, writing and other things wise, when I'm not carrying the work stress around, so. I'm hoping for the best here.
March Goals
Read 4 books again, and I've got a pretty good idea of what they'll be and excited about it, so at least I won't get struck by some kind of decision paralysis with that.
Release Shadow's Prey: Act 1 ebook! Yeah, it's still on goal for next month, despite that I wish I had it completely ready now. Really, its just final touches and me figuring out some of the technical details that need to be done. And like I said before, it'll probably be a very quiet release. I'll probably make a few posts about it after its up, but mostly its just to get it out there. I'm not really promoting the heck out of this one because, well... it's already tested with audiences. Probably the wrong audience, but it has been tested and it was difficult to get interest/attention, which is a fault of mine. I am NOT GREAT at marketing. And while I'm very happy with and proud of it, I know the work I'll have to do to really draw an audience to it. Especially considering the... not good at marketing thing. I have been researching and keeping an eye out for ideas and being practical about what it takes and what to do, but the task itself takes a lot of energy from me and I simply can't do that in time for a release. But I'm tired of simply sitting on all these books and doing nothing with them.
For Mortal Teeth, I need to finish the next arc. It's actually only two more chapters. This is a bit of a low goal, but I want to make sure I set something that I know I can do without feeling awful. Especially since these were supposed to be done last month.
Maybe a stretch goal of releasing character intros/aesthetics for the MT boys?
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captainaikus · 2 years
that's a relief! the fact that you remember your anons makes me feel very warm and fuzzy 😭 happy that you think of me when you listen to chase atlantic 🫶 speaking of kaiser... that man was a literal menace during the previous bllk chapters omg i fucking hate him (holy shit i think i fell for him deeper 😞 my taste in personified red flags is extremely questionable) nonetheless, i'm looking forward to your next works!
really glad you've been faring well and your ao3 move is doing good. i get your point and i agree w/ it. tumblr's system is shit. some authors get like 700+ likes from posting a twt p0rn link?? i have nothing against them, if that's what some people prefer then so be it. but seeing the small authors who pump out actual high-quality content and not getting enough appreciation for it is saddening. in the first place i downloaded tumblr solely for the purpose of reading fanfics and poetry-related stuff. now all i see are twt p0rn links flooding my feed and that never ever fails to tick me off (come on man i just want to read some fics with good plots 😞). the main reason i haven't deleted this app yet is because of some authors i follow (including you), who actually work their asses off for their readers. that's something i highly appreciate. i'll admit—ao3 is better when it comes to giving smaller authors justice. at least you won't have pussyass anons coming after you in the most passive-aggressive way possible for no reason :D
i wish you the best of luck! ❤️
– 🌷
Apologies for responding to this late; I really like uncomfortable by chase atlantic and heaven and back is giving me some ideas... gonna start working on that when i'm done with this wip - Honey. I love like Aiku, he is literally the biggest red flag you can find in bllk (smh Idek why I fell for him - literally saw him and said yes.) I love him sm After reading his panels and guessing everything right about him, we're soulamtes my soulmate is actually Sae though... but we don't walk about that I'm waiting for the next chapter to drop so that i can see the loml 😭 Rant ahead so feel free to skip - Exactly the point. Like here's the thing about the author community on tumblr. I've usually stuck to my own blog cause of it - when you get buddy with some authors; it comes with its own set of problems cause when they get dragged into some kind of a discourse, everyone they've spoken to get dragged into it as well, even readers come up with some really crazy theories regarding content, similarities etc etc. It's one of the reasons that i'm not a very author to author interactive blog with just dropping in here and there. Not to mention that authors tend to stick to their own online circle and getting into one isn't as easy as it looks? They will judge you by the amount you have reblogged which shouldn't be the case tbh. And i don't reblog other author's works since i stopped reading things 2 years ago here and ever since I started writing ff i only checked the tags for seeing if my work turned up or not. Rather than preferring an author and author relationship, i prefer having one with my readers since they are the ones to hype my works up and send me good feedback. I feel really bad for small time authors on this platform cause authors who have dominated one fandom, entirely; are getting into smaller fandoms - and with their huge followings, they tend to take most of the space and fame compared to small time authors who have some really good quality content. Like was taking one or even two fandom/s not enough? But then its always the same story of "what's wrong with being a multi-fandom blog?" or "We're creating free/ quality content so what's the problem?" The discourse and the toxicity here is actually never ending, it's something that I've been noticing for four years now... and it was high time that i moved to ao3 cause here both authors and readers are toxic, cause authors are trying to keep readers down sometimes and readers... some of the them report your work even if it takes hours to create it. Not to mention that it even escalates to getting death threats which is another level of extremism cause of the lack of sensitivity that there's an actual breathing live person on the other side of the screen. Coming to the links that people attach to their posts and decide to post them, half the time I just think about the 15k notes from giving a visual from twitter that's not even their own content to begin with. Like yes, there are people who like erotica on the internet but in fandoms, its more of the literary work compared to a visual unless its drawn. and it makes me think how easy it was to make that and here you have some of us just... slogging it out or working hard on every line since it's more handmade compared to this. and what's weird is that authors seem to not pick up that queue and continue doing it. My opinion might seem harsh but it is what it is.
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lightlycareless · 1 year
Chapter 37 - first page.
As promised!!! Here are more spoilers, a.k.a the first page of the next chapter. Super excited for what's to come, also... a bit frustrated cause it's hard to write Naoya not being an a-hole, yet not too ooc... welp, that's a challenge I'll have to take on when the time is right!!!
Anyways, enjoy!!!
“I thought we had an agreement.”
It was almost comical the way you were quickly intercepted, just seconds short of you serving yourself a glass of water in the kitchen. One you intended to help you… well, process Naoya’s demonstration of vulnerability and all that happened in between.
A process, of course, that wasn’t meant to happen just yet given the way you were forced to give an explanation just before you could come to terms with the other.
Taking one last gulp, your trembling hands put down the glass of water into the nearest counter—they way you were able to do so without dropping it surprises you, as well how your behavior seems to go underneath Matsuo’s radar—looking back onto the man and his deep, accusing eyes, exuding anything but disappointment, if not frustration.
“We did”
“Then why did you abandon master Naoya?”
“Well, I—”
“And this better be a good excuse” he interjects “To have run out like a maddening woman, unbelievable”
How easy it was for his demeanor to fall back into its usual state. Now that you’ve agreed to his requests, Matsuo obtained the impression he could drag you around however he liked, interpreting your willingness as something to abuse, instead of something delicate that you might revoke if provoked.
Of course, that’s not something anyone considers from Naoya’s side of the family, less towards you.
Or perhaps he genuinely worried for Naoya—his condition was critical, after all, unheard of the always thriving Naoya, presenting an even graver situation when he continuously refused to take his medication without your intervention.
No. That couldn’t be. Matsuo mustn’t care for his master to that level, correctly presuming his antagonism begins from his desire to belittle you.
But how do you expect to explain the reasoning behind your actions.
A lie should be enough, but it must be convincing enough to stop him from demeaning you any further. Something like “suddenly remembering leaving something on the stove”
… but he’d be able to call your bluff, since there’s nothing on it right now, and his abrupt appearance didn’t give you enough time to gather something either.
Shall you tell the truth, then? That the reason you ran away was because of your fear of emotional confrontation? 
You’d only get laughed at.
That you were afraid of seeing Naoya cry? 
You’d get laughed at and called crazy. 
Perhaps you should’ve anticipated a witness to your abrupt exit, or that he’d remain around to see you actually comply with his request—”just in case”. Your judgment, however, was to be clouded the very moment you saw Naoya act… like that for the first time in your life.
His tears still remain imprinted in the back of your eyes—his “weakness”, his sentiments, completely overruling the unbudging image of a cruel, cold man who could only care for himself.
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
Drabble 48~
"Ha! You're telling me!" Kyle laughed. He dabbed at his forehead, and winced slightly when they came back spotted with blood. "God, I musta come close to kickin' the bucket 'bout a hundred times by now!" He mused, taking a drag of his cigarette. "Still, invulnerability has its perks and all- gah, what the shit, Red?!"
Pavel lifted his foot off of Kyle's boot, noting the red smear that spread over it. "Invulnerability? The hole in your foot seems to disagree with you, pretty boy!" The speedster sat next to him, looking out over the devastated landscape in front of them. "Did you hear the news?"
"What, from the Pacific? I heard MacArthur and the others captured Luzon. From what Colonel Lake guessed, they'll be at Manila before the end of next January." Kyle answered. "And the hole? Last I checked, most of the Nazis we fought so far come at you with a rifle or a knife. They don't shoot lasers out their fuckin' eyes and punch you through a wall!"
Pavel nodded. He caressed his shoulder, pain flashing in his eyes as his hand ghosting over the scars left behind. "Yes. The superpowered Nazis. When the hell did that happen?"
"You still hurting from that lightning fucker, Red?"
"I'll live. Still, why am I always the one they go after first?" Pavel groaned, annoyed by the fact. "Is it because I'm a socialist? Because I'm Jewish? Both?"
Kyle blinked. "Maybe. They are Nazis, after all. Or maybe it's cause they know they can actually hurt you. They go after Brianna too, and it ain't just because she's from Jamaica. I mean, me and Ross and Holly? We can take tank shots to the face and not get a scratch. You two? Not so much."
"Hmm... who knows? Still, it's strange how long it's been since we got here. Feels like it was just yesterday that we were charging up that beach at Anzio. Now we're in the Fatherland, the lion's den. We're on their turf, and we're just in time to meet Hitler's answer to us. Supervillains." The word felt strange on his tongue, a new and frightening concept to grapple with.
"Supervillains. Never thought anything like that could exist outside a comic book!" Kyle laughed flatly, his face betraying the trepidation he felt inside. "Y'know, it feels like... my head's inside out. I mean, when the war ends, what happens to us? Do we just disappear, go home and try and act normal again? I'm nothing like I used to be, Red. My parents barely recognised me the last time they saw me, and I don't mean physically!"
Pavel looked at Kyle, concern on his face. "I don't know. If you'd told me five years ago that I'd be outrunning the sound barrier one day, I'd have called you crazy! But... you're right. The world's different now. I've watched a woman scream so loud, it shatters concrete. It feels... surreal, sometimes. Like I've fallen into Wonderland."
"You're telling me." Kyle dropped the cigarette on the ground, crushing it under his heel. "Oh well... we should be heading back."
"Yeah. Let's go." Pavel murmured. He couldn't decide which fate would be worse: 1) To never come home at all, to fall in one battle or another in France or Germany, and be carried home in a casket, or 2) To go home finally, to visit his parents in their dingy little home in Leningrad, maybe just in time for all of them to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, only for it to ring hollow from everything he'd endured, numbed to the joy and light of his faith by the multitude of horrors forced upon him. The bodies, the devastation, the sheer evil on display... was there some secret third option? One where he emerged from the din unscathed, able to throw himself back into his studies, into his faith once more?
He hoped that was a possibility. He really hoped it was.
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hydrus · 5 months
Version 571
I had a simple week working on some quality of life and background stuff. There are special install instructions this week!
full changelog
new build
tl;dr: If you use the Windows or Linux .zip or .tar.zst 'Extract' releases, you have to do a clean install! (https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/getting_started_installing.html#clean_installs). If you are a Windows installer/macOS App/source user, you do not need to do a clean install; just update as normal.
The future build test went well, so I am folding the updates into the main build. The above releases are updated from Python 3.10 to 3.11, and Qt (UI) and OpenCV (image processing) are moved to newer versions. There aren't any super important changes, but a bunch of little things should work better or be a bit faster.
Unfortunately, the new libraries cause a dll conflict with v570 and earlier (basically the executable sees the py310 dlls beside the py311 ones and gets confused), so we need to clear the install directory of the old files. Just do the clean install and you should be fine!
You don't have to do it for the other modes because: the Windows installer basically does a clean install every time; the macOS App is always enclosed in its own thing doesn't have to worry about old files; and running from source doesn't care about dlls in the same way, although you might like to rebuild your venv today, just to catch up your own library versions.
If you do have trouble booting v571, then please revert to your v570 backup and let me know what happened! There were no problems in the test that people tried a couple weeks ago, so I'm not expecting anything much, but I'll jump on any reports. Also, if you have been struggling with some annoying menu or drag and drop bug, let me know if the new version of Qt fixed you.
the rest
The archive/delete filter gets a couple of workflow changes: first, if you finish a filter and there is more than one possible local file service to delete from, those 'commit' buttons are now disabled for 1.2 seconds. This is to catch you from spamming 'enter' through this dialog when it is suddenly different (I've done this myself more than once). Second, if you hate the idea of these buttons being disabled, and you always want to delete from all local file services anyway, please hit the new 'when finishing filtering, always delete from all possible domains' checkbox under options->files and trash, which lets you always have a simple 'commit' dialog that only shows 'delete from all local file services'.
The client now tries to load truncated images by default. The damaged images it now allows might be missing one pixel in the bottom right, or have a few lines of grey at the bottom, or might appear fine but just have some crazy metadata, but they won't, fingers crossed, fail with a 'malformed image' error any more. We had some stability problems with this mode some years ago, so I turned it off and only allowed it on in a debug menu on a per-session basis, but the situation seems to have cleared up, so it is now back on. If you need to turn it off, hit options->media.
Any time you have a normal single column list in the program, e.g. the list of URLs in 'manage urls', you can hit Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert and now it'll copy better strings (e.g. without '(1)' decorator cruft), and it'll copy every row you have selected.
I wrote a new emergency help document, 'help my db disappeared.txt', for the install_dir/db folder. If you ever boot up and get the 'this looks like the first time you have run the program' popup, there's now a guide to figure out what the hell happened.
next week
I didn't find the time to get to the 'share' menu rewrite, so I'll try again.
0 notes
anthropictales · 11 months
Insert bad dragon pun [Here] (Because Tamriel is F**ed)
Ralof was grateful for the breeze blowing off the mountain.
Because Helgen wasn't just on fire, it was being actively razed down to the bedrock.
the town sprawled out a little awkwardly through the valley that continued past the road, and the imperial base was a sprawling, rectangular town of its own, atop a promontory, organized in the mode of a third-era military camp, which it had been.
Ralof only knew what had been where because he was passingly familiar with the place from various attack plans.
It barely looked like a village. Everything was on fire, rubble piling in the streets, and the screaming was clearly audible all the way out here.
Ralof wouldn't often find it in himself to feel pity for the empire, but as the immense winged beast circled above the town, firing jets of flame so hot it burned the eye merely to look at, landing on occasion to give personal attention to one of the tiny humans who had managed to draw its ire personally, he felt dread saunter in uninvited and make itself at home, pulling out the fine Cyrodillic porcelain and getting into the good mead.
he wasn't going to be sleeping at night.
He felt vindicated in his assessment of the strange argonian girl as a complete novice in the art of living through horrible things, because she was retching, having vacated her stomach over the fate of the imperial cart driver half an hour ago.
"Alduin's back." she said, getting control of her gorge. she pointed at the dragon.
"He's going around, dragging his buddies back from the dead to set fire to everything. and y'all are locked in a civil war. and the empire's focused on a goddamn attempted deicide." she leaned back.
"I can't decide whether to stick around, or try and head back to cyrodil and see if I can find whats left of, say, the knights of the nine."
"Now there's a name from the past." Ulfric said quietly.
"Long past?" she asked.
"Very much so I'm afraid." Ulfric said.
"Eugh. ok, first things first, I need to go west." she said.
"What's west?" the horse thief asked.
"A Daedra holy site. gonna go have a chat with Sheggy." Ralof's jaw dropped. Was this woman mad? then again, one would have to be half in his court already to refer to Sheogorath as 'Sheggy'.
"You expect to get a straight answer?" Ulfric asked, evincing merely mild surprise.
Ralof wasn't sure he could take more crazy things happening today.
She shrugged. "Well, I know a thing or two about uh... this incarnation of 'im." she said, eyes narrowed. "Might be able to drag something useful outta him. then... well. depends on what he says I guess. either I get my answers, or its time to poke at the Nine." she said. "Maybe Talos wouldn't mind getting directly involved, use a few cheat codes fer us."
Ralof shook his head. "The gods can't fight all our battles for us." he said quietly.
she gestured at the dragon. "If the Nine weren't interventionist, then that must just be a giant bird that's improbably on fire. But hey, maybe I'll achieve CHIM and do it myself. anything's possible."
Ralof frowned. more babbling? but Ulfric, already clearly fascinated by this enigma of an argonian (especially given that while Ralof now remembered her having been one the entire time, he also still remembered not being able to remember her face or anything about her, and he was still reeling from that), Ulfric was now studying her almost... nervously.
Ralof decided he would ask Stormcloak what the deal was. tomorrow. after getting some rest. and maybe a tankard or three of good ale.
One way or another, he hoped today was done throwing surprise upsets at him.
He was beginning to worry Merunes Dagon might decide for a round two.
0 notes