#now I gotta specific ‘hey this is a dream’ despite saying dream like 20 times in the paragraphs.
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squeiky · 1 year ago
Love it (sarcasm) when nightmares make an entire set up and lore and characters just to fucking spook me.
Y’all having dreams about being chased and unable to move- while I have dreams of being chased AND being able to move. It is not fun!!! I am a mouses fucking labyrinth!!
I was in this game based off of little nightmares (apparently) and I knew there was this kid (similar to the two boys in over the hill) where one was short and the other tall- and they were sooo determined to get away and be “free” from this prison that all the other children where. So they had this whole battle in trying to steal away the keys, dodging blue berries (like in that little nightmares kitchen scene) and doing platforming (because this is videogame esc)
And then out of nowhere!!! I end up becoming this golden child girlie (based off of I think Emily or Cassidy from fnaf? But she’s got the personality of a little scared yet polite girl and looks similar to that princess in the fnaf sb arcade ish game) then there’s this ice queen, (she reminds me of the fake mother from Coraline the movie) and she’s talking and playing with absent minded or flat out scared to disobey children group (that hadn’t left in rebellion) and she’s all like
“Your going to die, your going to be stuck here, and you (points to the golden girl) are going to GIVE ME THE KEY.”
And that wasn’t a command. It was a future prediction. And I KNEW she was right which scared me because it was fate shit. I knew for a fact, hearing her say that- that she would gain the “key”. (Again, just like in Coraline this key apparently would give her freedom from this nightmarish domain and she could do.. idk whatever she was going to do.)
Then, st some point golden girl starts walking off and gets further and further into the dark untill she found a giant dark door with a keyhole. She opens it, goes inside and carefully tries to lock the door again.
Then idk checks her game specs (this is first person now! This is still a videogame dream.)
Then I look out and see vibrant blue blueberries illuminating in what feels like an almost pitch black cave (this is a maze) and then suddenly there’s knocking on the door-then banging.
And I start to run towards the blueberries- and it gives me a infographic on the side of first person view telling me to “eat/collect” the blueberries.
Apparently I need to collect all the big blue blueberries a (they are the size of the kid itself) turns out, the banging was coming from this ice monster that was all spindly and has like needles for feet and legs and had bits of vibrant glowing blue so you could see where it was in the dark.
It was so fast and I barely could survive. I ended up dashing around randomly trying to loose the creature but it wouldn’t loose. I didn’t even know where I was going untill I found myself outside of a this dark grey castle, only to see the rest of the grey sky. I couldn’t stop there though. I collect blueberries (it doesn’t take long to collect. You have to stay still for a single second and wait until the little circle thing completes.. but it’s very quick but slow enough to scare you due to the creatures speed.)
And like the only thing that saved me from the creature was “turning off the game” via my little tablet I had. Like I randomly she had to swipe out of the game tab- in my tablet in order to respawn and stop everything.
I woke up after opening it up again and getting to scared to play again (because the monster didn’t respawn it just relocated underneath part of the castle and I was easy to spot and out in the open so I knew it would chase me again.
I swear to god there is just so much stuff- like Freddy fazbear was here at one point), soley because I thought of Freddy fazbear and him being all nice and stuff only to go bezerk because of afton and I was just watching him violently trying to kill me through the prison like bars- as well as a scene of him breaking down a door and jump scaring me. But also he’s all like “I don’t in own what I did that sorry 🥺” at the end of it all.
Then earlier on in the dream apparently i was ins chill again- and it’s hard to explain because I can barely remember it- but apperently at some point in the dream I was “shadow the hedgehog” and my friend was this red and black cat similar to the one I screenshot end once off of deviant art.
Though we constantly swapped between being sonic characters and being their human equivalent counterparts. My counterpart was.. not very pretty lol. Apparently “human counterpart” meant like teenage kid who wears a grey sweater to hide the fact that I am indeed, a fuzzy guy all over my very human body. So much little hairs. It was weird. I showed my friend by revealing the truth underneath my sweater (in which the also had worn something, but it was a nice black furry coat that was a little big for them.
I think after that something about the principal came up on the speakers about the vice principal and the principal not being able to attend or not come into school frequently anymore
And I was like “ah long covid/covid” and then suddenly the very sick principal enters the room and starts looking for “shadow the hedgehog” (this is the point where we turn into our sonic character counterparts. Almost everybody around us turns into one too. I think there was a polar bear there) and she starts like lining people up and out of the lunch table seats (lunch room in the size of a classroom. I thought it was a classroom cause there was a teacher but my mind is classifying it as “lunch room” right now.)
And is like “which one of you is shadow the hedgehog?” And I’m just staring at my friend (who is now the black and red cat) and I’m sweating balls. I don’t know what this woman wants with me- and I’m wearing this white mask on so she can’t truly identify me that well.
She looks to my red and black friend and just.. decides she’s me??? And then he just.. goes along with it????????? And once they return I’m all like “thank youuuuuuu soooo much!!!”
I guess I was scared of the principal doing something weird to me (like my principal- from what I can remember was a very strange who tries to be strict but everybody fucks with her. she’s more like an angry woman who wants to be authoritarian. Idk I think she was going to take me somewhere or something- possible to the office? Though at the time I didn’t know so the idea she needed me scared me enough.)
Anyways that dream ended quick in order to make way for my second dream, which I already wrote above.
I don’t remember much of my school dream other than flat white blocks to make up fences and white walls, and apparently that’s how the school looked like. It was like some modern day art or a labyrinth of white blocks and white walls. The only color came in forms of gray.
[this is the end. Here’s a disclaimer: this is a dream. I’m not writing out a story idea or your characters. If anything sound familiar to you- then it’s your brain making connections. Nothing to do with any intent on my part. Remember the words: “THIS IS A DREAM”. I’m just writing down what I recall from it. ]
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writemydaydreams · 4 years ago
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Work In Progress Wednesday 
So! I’m releasing the first chapter of a new fic tomorrow so how about a preview? The first 4 and a half of 6 (or possibly 7) chapters are written so I’ll do a chapter a week. I’ll put the preview below the cut.
Rating: M
Chapters: 6 or 7
Title: In This Lifetime or the Next
Pairing: InuKag
Summary: The dreams have started. Inuyasha knows what it means, knows what comes next. His soulmate is alive and she’s ready to be found; but this time, he is not ready to find her. Because he is cursed. Because every time he finds her, she dies. Because she’s never lived more than a year after the first dream.
It shouldn’t be possible to get a demon this drunk.
“What do you mean you’re not going to look for her?” Koga asked, leaning over the bar and eyeing the woman serving drinks, again. His speech wasn’t slurred but he had no volume control and he was swaying dangerously on the flimsy barstool.
“Will you keep your eyes in your fucking skull for five minutes?” Inuyasha asked, snapping his fingers in Koga’s face to draw his attention. “Aren’t you seeing someone?”
Koga scowled and turned back to his friend, swatting at the offending hand. “She kicked me to the curb. Said I wasn’t spending enough time with her or some shit. Whatever, you didn’t answer my question.”
The bartender came over to check on them and gave Koga the stink-eye when he tried to wiggle his eyebrows at her. When she walked away, Inuyasha said, “No wonder you dragged me out tonight. And seriously, the bartender isn’t interested. She can probably spot an asshole a mile away and you’re a giant flashing sign that just screams ‘asshole.’”
Koga scowled. “Fuck off and answer my question. You’ve done this, what, like five times now?”
He sighed, trying not to think about the specifics and failing. “Seven and I can’t fucking do it again. I’d rather be alone than-”
“Oh, cry me a fuckin’ river,” Koga growled and downed the rest of his drink in a single gulp. He slammed his glass back on the bar, drawing a few angry looks from other bar goers and the bartender. “What if this time is different?” He swayed dangerously on his stool and Inuyasha tensed, waiting to see if he’d have to play catch.
“You’re really fucking drunk,” Inuyasha pointed out. “Which is amazing for a full demon. And what if it isn’t? Why the fuck would it be any different this time around?” He put a hand up for the bartender to settle their tab. The wolf had had enough.
“You think...fuck. I should call her,” Koga mused, his mind jumping topics at a speed only achievable when shit-faced.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, knowing where this was going and asking anyway. “Call who?”
“My woman.” Koga started to tilt and Inuyasha shot a hand out to steady him. He should have just let the asshole fall. Luckily, the bartender was already there, taking Inuyasha’s credit card.
“Fucking hell, wolf shit. You’re not drunk calling your god damn ex.” One hand on his drunk friend’s shoulder, Inuyasha fished two 20s out of his wallet to throw to the bartender. She earned it dealing with Koga the last few hours. She took it with a grateful smile, handing his card back.
“Good luck with him,” she said, pointing at Koga without taking her eyes off Inuyasha. “Be safe and enjoy the rest of your night.” She shot one more look at him before sauntering off to wait on other customers. He was used to the looks his silver hair and gold eyes earned him. Even among demons he was exotic, an attractive novelty with fluffy fucking ears.
“Let’s get out of here.” Inuyasha stood and dragged Koga out of the bar.
When they were safely outside, he pulled out his phone to call for a ride. Carrying an inebriated demon halfway across the city was not high on his list of things he wanted to do on a Friday night. He debated who his best option would be. Miroku was spending the night with his girlfriend, probably being gross, so that was a no-go. Jinenji would be up but the guy was way too nice to put him through drunk-Koga hell and his wife would give Inuyasha an earful for dragging him out. Ginta or Hakaku would be ignoring calls, knowing how Koga got after a break-up. Shiori would do it but he didn’t want a woman for Koga to focus his attention on. Fuck.
He was gonna have to call the fox.
He popped in his custom-made earpiece (because it’s impossible to find earbuds that fit when you have dog ears) and scrolled through his contacts until he found who he was looking for. Shippo answered and it was clear he had been informed of things that Inuyasha had not. “Yo. Lemme guess: Koga’s break-up hammered and you need a ride?”
“How am I the last to hear about him getting dumped?” He growled and scowled at Koga. It was definitely a conspiracy.
“Someone had to deal with it and you seemed like the best option.” He could practically hear the fucker smirking. Yep, they’d set him up.
“Just get your ass down here.” He gave Shippo the address, keeping one eye and ear focused on Koga. At least Shippo was close by.
Turning his full attention back to Koga, he noticed the phone in his hand a little too late.
"Listen, I’m not even mad about that anymore. How about I come over there now and we can make up. I learned this new trick with my tongue and-" Koga didn't get to finish his sentence because Inuyasha snatched his phone away.
"First, gross. Second, what'd I fucking tell you? No drunk calls to your fucking ex." He glared at Koga, contemplating murder and the best place to dump a body, until a quiet voice distracted him. The ex was still on the phone.
"Hey, anyone still there?"
“Hey,” Inuyasha said, holding the phone so they could hear each other more clearly. It was awkward at best with his ears on top of his head but his half-dog-demon hearing made up for it. “Sorry about the asshat, I wasn’t paying enough attention.”
“Oh, it’s alright. I was kinda expecting it anyway,” she said and sighed. “I shouldn’t have answered my phone in the first place so it’s partially my fault.”
Inuyasha growled, fighting the urge to punch Koga in the throat. The woman’s voice was soft and sweet, gently caressing his sensitive ears. The thought of Koga getting anywhere near someone who sounded so...so pure made Inuyasha’s blood boil. “Keh, not your fault he’s an asshole.” Said asshole was making grabbing motions for his phone but Inuyasha swept a leg out casually, Koga’s ass meeting the ground hard enough that Inuyasha heard his teeth clack together. “Don’t worry, I’m not giving him his phone back until he’s sobered up a bit.”
“How much has he had to drink? It takes a lot to get a demon that drunk,” she commented.
“Too much, clearly. I can’t promise he won’t try to call you again when I’m done babysitting his ass. Want me to delete your number from his phone?”
“Hmm, it’s tempting but no.” She sniffled and he wondered briefly if she’d been crying. Just because she was the one doing the dumping didn’t mean she couldn’t be upset about it. “Is he...well, really upset? It wasn’t a...a nice breakup. I kind of...um...well, I accidentally shocked him with my reiki when he wouldn’t leave and I uh, I feel kinda bad.”
Inuyasha couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that escaped his throat. “You what? I mean, I’m sure he deserved it.” Koga grumbled from the ground beside him but Inuyasha ignored him.
“Don’t laugh,” she said but he could hear the amusement in her voice and the poorly stifled giggle. “I never trained beyond keeping it in so sometimes it just...escapes.”
He shook his head and chuckled but reigned in his mirth quickly. “You, uh...are you alright?” he asked, genuinely concerned for the woman even though he’d never met her.
“Oh, yeah.” She sighed and sniffled again. “I mean, I’m as good as I can be after something like that. Thank you though, for asking. Um...what was your name?”
“Oh, uh Inuyasha.” Should he have been on the phone this long with his friend’s ex? Absolutely not. Did he care at the moment? Also absolutely not. His brain was scrambling for a way to keep her talking so he could hear more of her melodic voice. His instincts were shouting at him to comfort and protect the woman on the other end of the phone. He needed to put a stop to that and soon.
“Well uh Inuyasha, my name’s Kagome. Thank you and, um...it was nice to meet you, kind of. Oh, I mean, it was nice to meet you but we only kind of met. Not ‘it was kind of nice to meet you’...um, shit. I’m rambling, sorry.” She giggled and he could feel his ears twitching at the sound. It was fucking adorable.
The awkwardness of it all made him chuckle. “I get it. You too, Kagome.” He liked how it felt saying her name. “And if asshat bothers you again, just let me know and I’ll deal with him for you.”
She giggled again and it just wasn’t fair what it was doing to him. “Will do. I...um, I gotta go. Bye, Inuyasha.” 
“Bye, Kagome.” He was sure he was grinning like an idiot by the time he hit the end call button. Hopefully, Koga was too drunk to notice.
“Gimme my phone back, shit-breath.” Koga had managed to get himself back to his feet at some point and was making a more focused grab for his phone. His scowl was a good indicator that he’d heard a good bit of the conversion. Inuyasha didn’t miss the way his eyes narrowed when Inuyasha finally let the smile fall.
“Here, fuckface.” He tossed the phone in the air, Koga catching it with ease despite his drunkenness; he was already starting to sober up.
The blare of a car horn made them both jump. “You two assholes call for a ride?” Shippo yelled out the window. “Hope you know, I charge by the minute.”
Inuyasha pushed Koga into the car, trying and failing to not think of Kagome, thoughts of his soulmate forgotten for the time being.
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splitpush · 5 years ago
[ENG] 銀の匙 | Silver Spoon 131 (final chapter)
I’ve loved Gin no Saji for many years. I wanted to provide a roughly-translated manuscript for any other English-speaking fans that are still waiting for the finale to this beautiful manga by Arakawa-sensei. I supplemented my translation using the Chinese scanlation provided here by lumosmoon and typeset by 王少. Page numbers correspond to numbers on the side of the pages in the raw scans.
If anyone is interested in typesetting this translation to the manga, please link this post and credit me under the name “hachiko”, thanks! Enjoy & please excuse any errors.
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[page 1~3]
Hachiken: The big blue sky. The gold-coloured lands. A blurry horizon. A smart phone with no signal...
Subtitle: A coming-of-age story built from tears, sweat, and dirt has finally come full-circle in a 32-page finale!!! In this endless field washed in gold... For a boy who was once unable to visualize what would come in the future, who disliked having a dream... His future is beginning to sprout at last.
Hachiken: Where... am I...?
[page 4]
Narrator: The answer is... Russia. [big arrow] Specifically, here. [small arrow points to Ezono]
Subtitle: Even though Hachiken has finally grown up a little... he still gets lost!! A bad sense of direction that transcends international borders.
Hachiken: “If you follow ‘this path’ we’ll see each other...” is what he told me. But are you kidding? This is RUSSIA!!! (text on the road: “THIS PATH”) Brings me back to the memory of that day in the summer of first year, when I had to walk along the path between Mikage Ranch and Komaba Ranch… Even if it’s one road and I won’t get lost, it probably won’t be without incident… Aren’t there bears here in Russia? Tigers? (Also it’s Russia!)
[page 5]
Subtitle: The last chapter of this coming-of-age story opens in the far east of Russia! Accompanied by the low rumbling of thundering machinery, what approaches Hachiken…!?
A familiar person’s back: So you really came, Hachiken!
[page 6]
Hachiken: Komabaaaaaa !!!
Komaba: Hey. You got lost, didn’t you?
Hachiken: Even if I don’t get lost I’d still encounter some kind of trouble!!!
Recap: After graduating from Ooezo Agricultural High School, Hachiken & co. went their separate ways. Now, four years later, his friends have gathered at Aki’s place while she is studying at Chikudai. But Hachiken, also at Chikudai, is nowhere to be found… 
[page 7]
Komaba: If… you could see the mountains, you would know how to get your bearings...
Hachiken: Ah-- In our 360-degree visible radius there is not a single hill or ocean, and all I see are fields. I’ve never seen anything like it in Hokkaido.
Komaba: Hachiken, why did you come dressed so formally?
Hachiken: You were the one that told me there was an interesting business proposal!! Please take my business card!
Komaba: In recent years, Amur Oblast has started to do agriculture-related business with the banks in Hokkaido.
Hachiken: Japan-Russia relations?
Komaba: Yup. A joint venture between the Japanese banks and Amur Oblast. How do I say this, I don’t know if Russians are full of heart or simply rough-handed, but the motto they have here is basically: “sow as you please, and reap as you please”.
Hachiken: Oh… 
[page 8]
Komaba: Due to the effects of global warming, the eternally frozen fields are now arable. And so a Russian dude casually told me to “do as you please” with this huge piece of land.
Russian dude: So you want to use the land? Sure, provided that you can speak the language, have the work ethic, and drink the vodka with me!
Hachiken: Hoho….
Komaba: So I started using the methods we used commonly in Japan to grow soy on the land. In our first year, the crop yield suddenly increased by 50%.
Hachiken: Just how “do as you please” were these Russians before this!!!
Komaba: We are leading the way carefully. With all the knowledge that we’ve accumulated,  we can of course lead carefully.
[page 9] 
(Russian) Kid: ICHIRO -- !! Kid: Done work yet? Komaba: Yup. Kid: Then let’s play some baseball! Kid: Teach me how to toss a forkball! Komaba: Tossing a fork requires muscle! Muscle!
Hachiken: I don’t know what they are talking about, but I can tell it’s about muscles… 
[page 10]
Komaba (Russian): Your hands are still too small, so let’s try it first with your thumb and forefinger. Don’t push yourself, or you’ll hurt your wrist.
Hachiken: Komaba can speak Russian!
Komaba: It’s thanks to Alexandra-san. If you wanna work here, being able to speak Russian is a huge help.
Hachiken: It would’ve been nice to learn some Russian. I was shocked that nobody spoke English here.
Komaba: And the language of sports is universal!
Exclamations in Russian: Yeah!! Alright!!
[page 11]
Hachiken: How popular is baseball in Russia?
Komaba: It’s not at all. If I was born here, I coulda gone to Koushien. Just tell the kids a couple stories about forkballs and the Carps, and they’re immediately hooked. I said I would teach them how to play and the parents cleared the land into a baseball field.
Hachiken: It’s a Field of Dreams. Like an oversized Ezono.
Komaba: Speaking of Ezono, Sakuragi-sensei went to a lot of trouble to help me secure my place here in Russia.
Hachiken: Same here, it’s all thanks to Sakuragi-sensei that I was able to find network connections for pig-raising.
Hachiken: Komaba, do you have your own ranch here yet?
Komaba: That’s the plan right now. But there’s still a lot here yet to be developed. Setting up a grain loading operation near Vladivostok, establishing shipping routes with Hokkaido, I think these projects are all pretty cool.
[page 12]
Komaba: We can provide Hokkaido with cheaper animal feed,  and Hokkaido can provide us with resources and agricultural equipment.  A land filled with so much potential, only 1500km away from my hometown.  Something this interesting, who wouldn’t wanna try their hand at developing it?
Hachiken: You’re not scared of failure?
Komaba: Nothing will move forward if you don’t even try.
[page 13]
Komaba: Our ancestors were the same when they pioneered Hokkaido. Thinking about it that way gives me courage.  (Foul ball!) That being said, the people here won’t sell their land to a foreigner. If I want to have my own ranch here, first I’ll have to take a Russian bride.
Hachiken: Really! Komaba is marrying a Russian girl!
Komaba: What about you? (Kids: Strike out!)
Hachiken: Wat
Komaba: Aren’t you thinking about marrying Aki?
Hachiken: Eh...!! We’re still students...!! And I gotta think about Aki’s feelings too, what kind of nonsense are you spouting!! Even though things have been going well!!
Komaba: Shuddup… 
[page 14]
Hachiken: ….“Hachiken Aki” and “Mikage Yuugo”, Which do you think sounds better?
Komaba: “Mikage Yuugo” definitely has a better rhythm to it.
Hachiken: Yeah, I thought so too.
Komaba: Hey, you guys are happy together, that’s all that matters.
Hachiken: Regardless, my pasture-raised pig business hasn’t even taken off yet, so marriage is out of the question right now.
Komaba: As expected, you wanna do everything too properly.
Hachiken: I need to get my accreditation from the university for food hygiene management, then I’ll be able to build my own private processing plant, Hmm, how many years is that going to take… … 
[page 15]
Komaba: Just work on getting your pig-raising business up and running successfully for now.
Hachiken: Eh?
(Russian) Kid: Ichiro’s friend, come play with us too! Kid: Isn’t it boring to just watch?
Hachiken: Huh? What’s this, what this? What, me?
Komaba: Go hit a few. They think everyone from Japan is good at baseball.
Hachiken: As if. But I should be able to hit some balls if I’m playing with kids…  I can’t make a proper stance wearing these shoes anyway, I’ll just take it ea~sy...
[page 16]
Hachiken: YOU! Hey, what are you playing at!!! As if I’ll be able to hit any of your pitches!!! 
Komaba: This is my revenge for the past!
(kids cheering: Ichiro!! Ichiro!!)
Hachiken: You’re totally motioning for a fly-ball, please just let me lose!!
[page 17]
Hachiken: … I wanna go back to Japan… Man at the net: Ball.
Komaba: You’re not going anywhere!
Hachiken: Why did we come all the way to Russia just to play baseball?  Man at the net: Ball.
Komaba: I know right. To think that a certain somebody had no~idea what they wanted to do in the future when they were a first-year in high school. Why do you raise pigs?
Hachiken: How should I know!! Why are you asking this!! Also, wasn’t it you that called me over to Russia because you needed me!!
Komaba: Ah, right, right.
(Russian) Kid: It’s a homerun!! Kid: So cool!!
[page 18]
Komaba: Hachiken. Come raise your pigs in Russia.
Hachiken: Hah?
Komaba: Nice-- that’s a strike! I’ve been following Ookawa-san’s social media. Your pigs, the annual yield has been increasing quite steadily.
[page 19]
Komaba: To be able to produce that yield in a cold climate pasture, it’s a testament to how hard you’ve worked. Here in Russia, Despite the demand for meat, there are very few guys out here raising livestock. If you wanna get in on it, now’s the time.
Hachiken: … …You trying to pull a scam here?
Komaba: Does it really sound like that? To tell you the truth, if you want to raise livestock, this place is literally El Dorado.
Hachiken: If it’s that good, get the local people here to do it!
[page 20]
Hachiken: Hyah!! Man at the net: Strike!
Komaba: Didn’t I say just now, that I wanted to create a connection between Russia and Hokkaido. You’ll stay over there in Otaru, and I’ll be here in Vladivostok.
Hachiken: So you’re not a scammer! You’re the mafia!
Komaba: Refuse and I’ll break you.
Hachiken: You have no right to be teaching baseball to these poor Russian kids!!!
Komaba: I am Ichiro of the Far East.
Hachiken: Ichiro wouldn’t do something like this!!
Komaba: I’m kidding about breaking you, but I’m serious about the rest.
Hachiken: Do you have proof that this is even profitable!?
[page 21]
Komaba: Nope.
Hachiken: Oi!!!
Komaba: Although I don’t, I think it’ll be interesting to team-up with Hachiken. Let’s do it together.
Hachiken: Eh!?
[page 22]
Hachiken: Why did the ball just now drop like that!?
Komaba: Yes, that’s three strikes!! My victory!!
Hachiken: Ah~~~ I’m conflicted~~~~~
Komaba: Well, I guess that’s true. You’ve got your own life to live.
Hachiken: I’m really~ So conflicted~~~ … You know, I, made a promise long ago to never be the guy that would deny someone of their dream.
[page 23]
Komaba: Ah ha ha! That’s you, all right.
Hachiken: Also, raising pigs on such a wide area of land could be interesting… !!
Komaba: Then it’s decided.
Hachiken: Don’t just say that!
Komaba: Japan’s large-scale industry and greenhouse vegetable industry players are already making moves here.
Hachiken: Ah-- and there’s already talk going around about “growing vegetables with pig manure”, so we’ll have a finger in that pie too…. …No, wait, wait!
(Russian) Kid: What are they chatting about? Kid: Hurry up and tell us too--
Hachiken: Eh? What? Ah! You want me to get out of the batter box? Sorry, sorry!
[page 24]
Komaba: ?
Kid (Russian): Okay!
Hachiken: Whew-- gesturing successful! Oi, Komaba!!
[page 25]
Hachiken: Let’s go again, we’ll decide it with the next ball!!
Komaba: … Hah?
Hachiken: If I hit it, everything before doesn’t count! Komaba, if you win this one, As GINSAJI’s representative, I’ll consider this opportunity more closely!!
Komaba: Are you supposing that, I’ll go easy on you?
[page 26]
Komaba: … …Of course. How will ya know if ya don’t try.
Hachiken: All right Komaba, gimme your best shot!!
Komaba: Since you’re getting serious now, I’ll have to get serious too!!
[page 27]
Hachiken: Are you kidding me! Can’t you go easy on me just a little!!
Komaba: Shut up!! Next up, forkball!! You’ve been warned!!
Hachiken: Please just throw in a straight line!! Kyaaaaaa--
[page 28]
Student: Sensei-- Actually, I was thinking about starting my own business.
Sakuragi: Eh! What type of work?
Student: I love to cook and eat tomato-based recipes, so I want to use the tomatoes that we’ve been growing at home to start a restaurant! … But, people around me say that starting a business right out of high school is pretty impossible, I should probably wait until I mature a bit more… 
Sakuragi: Oh! This tomato is delicious!
Student: Right? The harvest from this year came out just as I imagined it!
Sakuragi: Hm. Starting a business after high school. You may face some difficulties indeed. I understand why the people around you are worried.
[page 29~30]
Sakuragi: And it’s difficult for me to advise you on this as well…  -- Is what I would have said a few years back! Among the students that I’ve taught over the years, there once was a guy who was a runaway from the regular high school examination track; he had come to Ezono with zero goals. The minute he set foot on campus, he suffered one hardship after another. He joined the equestrian club after he was invited by a female classmate. Didn’t even have the guts to drop out. He’d never made pizza once, but endeavored to do it in stride. He christened a pig and cared for it with so much love, that when he cooked and ate its meat he bawled his eyes out. During his part-time job, he wasted a ton of milk and bawled his eyes out again. Snuck out of his dorm in the middle of the night and got slapped with toilet duty. Found a dog in the middle of the school and started to take care of it. Couldn’t refuse anybody’s request and overworked himself so hard, He ended up getting sick on the day of the school festival and couldn’t participate. Borrowed money from his friends and bumbled his way onto a ship bound for Russia.
Other teachers: He didn’t board the ship. He didn’t board it.
[page 31]
Sakuragi: He is the record-holder for the lowest score ever recorded at the Interhigh Equestrian tournament. He suddenly decided in December of his 3rd year that he would attempt the university entrance exam. Started dating the girl that he liked but never got her father’s approval.
Students: Wow, just hearing about this guy makes me anxious… Didn’t even get the father’s approval… 
(T/N: sorry, I don’t remember their names edits plz) Teacher: Oh, and don’t forget the boarding house explosion incident. Teacher: Right, right!
Students: What a scary guy.
Student: … and this person graduated without any issues?
Sakuragi: He did indeed. Apart from all of the above, he also started his own business while he was a student.
[page 32]
Sakuragi: And he’s the reason why all of you get to have such a leisurely pizza party like this, every year. If you’re interested in hearing more,
Let me tell you the story of the many different seeds that this man has sown.
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playeroneplayertwo · 6 years ago
The Ten: 5.19
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It seems a good icebreaker, or as good an icebreaker as any, to lay bare my top 10 of all time. Clear the air, so to speak. Get to know each other. It’s fair to say that this may be a make or break moment for us. Hopefully, I won’t lose you. Let’s see.
This is a list I imagine I’ll update periodically (which is why it’s dated), as my wife Kathleen (Player Two) and I play a lot of games, and a lot of new games. I’m a notoriously curious and searching type, and I love trying new games, sometimes to my wife’s chagrin. More often than not, my spare change goes to new games for the house. New games that make a splash tend to spike pretty high and then slowly fade. It’s not a great trait to have, especially in someone who tries to speak or write critically about quality (ie write reviews). But being that I’m aware of this, I hope that tempers it at least somewhat.
Anyway, where’s the list, you say? Here we go:
1. Brass: Birmingham (2018)
Oh boy, it’s a new one. Cult of the new? To be fair, Kathleen and I have played this game fairly regularly for the last eight months. By our third play or so, I knew it had locked itself into my top spot. I’d done a fair bit of research on the OG Brass (now Brass: Lancashire) prior to purchasing Brass: Birmingham, and by the time I eventually took the dive and purchased Birmingham, I was as excited to try it as I was unsure we’d actually enjoy it. At the time, it was the heaviest game we’d played, and it also relies heavily on route building–it’s in fact one of the most important parts of the game. I mention this because tactical spacial elements are not Kathleen’s forte. In fact, it’s one of her least favorite mechanics.
This is a good time to tell you that Kathleen and I think (and play games) very differently. Kathleen is a strategic player, relying on long term planning and execution to maximize scoring/performance. I, on the other hand, do not make long term plans. I find it not only remarkably difficult, but also unenjoyable. I’m a short term/tactical player. On my turn, I’m more likely to look over the board, get a lay of the land, and make the best, most advantageous play available to me at that moment.
Brass: Birmingham remarkably manages to cater to both of our play styles, which is one reason it ranks so high. Birmingham presents a myriad options for players to pursue. You’ve got a whole pile of different factory tiles you can build, a whole mess of locations or regions to move into, and about as many different strategies to pursue on your way to the end game. I don’t think I’ve ever played the same game of Brass: Birmingham twice, nor have I ever pursued the same options. The card play means, for me, that I will go where the cards lead, and I find using these cards as a guide to build my engine incredibly satisfying.
2. Covert (2016)
Dice placement. For some reason, this mechanic sounds incredibly unappealing to me, and I think it’s because it’s literally a portmanteau mechanic consisting of the worker placement mechanic using dice, two individual mechanisms that I seem to enjoy less and less. Dice I tend to avoid for their randomness (yes, I know that’s the point), and Worker Placement, in it’s most stereotypical application, I find frustrating. Why can’t I just put my worker wherever I want and just run my engine? Being stymied in a worker placement game just annoys the hell out of me.
So why do I love Covert?
It’s a pretty straightforward points race built around mission cards that have specific requirements. And using the dice as workers seems a fairly typical euro mechanism, but what I like about Covert is how puzzly it is. When you place your dice workers, they’ll be placed on round tracks with spaces numbered 1-6, and you won’t be able to place a die unless it’s adjacent to another die. In this case, you can do anything you want, but only if you plan correctly and work well with the other players. It becomes an order of operations puzzle, which may frustrate some, but I love it.
Also, I can’t get enough of that spy theme. And the production is fantastic.
3. Eldritch Horror (2013)
Ah, Cthulhu. For being the spawn of such a troubled person (HP Lovecraft), I find Cthulhu’s mythos and surrounding universe positively enthralling. 
But dice! Ugh yes, this is a huge, sprawling, long, and [sorta] bloated game that is built all around a very simple dice rolling resolution system. I have no way of justifying why this doesn’t bug me, but it just doesn’t.
Maybe I’m just a sap for the theme (Indiana Jones + Cthulhu = Win). Or maybe it’s nostalgia, considering this is the game on my top ten that I’ve played the most and had the longest. But, if I try to dig into the real reasoning here, it’s probably because this game manages to give you a big, rich, story-based experience that feels like an event when it’s over. Yes, it’s the biggest, longest play session on this list. But I love every minute of it. Even those maddening bad dice rolls.
4. Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
A long time ago, Kathleen and I came to this hobby via Magic: The Gathering, the deep, long standing king of the collectible card game. Magic is a great game, but it brings out the worst in me as a gamer. Playing Magic makes me both a bad winner and bad loser. Frankly, that’s a terrible combination. Why would you want to play with me at all?
This obvious problem led us to cooperative board games. If I’m gonna lose, why don’t I just lose with you. That’s a refreshing change of pace!
And speaking of losing, hey let’s talk about Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. The word used most frequently when talking about this game–by me and pretty much anybody who’s ever played it–is PUNISHING. And yes, it’s punishing. Kathleen and I have played a few punishing euros at this point (feed those people), but this is something else. Get a few bad card flips from the encounter deck and you’re suddenly up to your eyeballs in LOTR baddies. Orcs and goblins? Oh hai. But your dwarves or hobbits or whatever are never really out of it. Smart deck building (and luck) definitely has carried us out of the tall grass on more than one occasion. And there’s something to be said for a game as well balanced as Lord of the Rings. More than once, a game has concluded on a turn where we either win or lose based on that single turn’s outcome.
The theme doesn’t really do much for me, but I took the dive on this game because it looked like a well-designed and well-supported cooperative card game (of which there really aren’t too many). It’s stood tall over the years, and I hope it continues for a while. When I first played Arkham Horror: The Card Game, I figured it would knock this down a peg or two. But the designers’ ingenuity in the LOTR quests and encounter deck designs has been (for me, at least) a much more rewarding experience.
And I appreciate a cooperative game where you actually lose more often than you win. It seems a rarity in the co-ops we have.
5. Great Western Trail (2016)
I’d heard and read so much about this game prior to purchasing it that I almost didn’t even want to get it (which is exactly how I feel about Concordia and Trajan, subsequently). I dig the cowboy theme, but beyond that, I’d pretty much phased out all the actual details on this game’s gameplay.
But yeah, it really is good. Ya’ll were right. I love games that are heavy but are built around simple gameplay, and Great Western Trail epitomizes that. One your turn you move your cowboy on the (effectively) huge rondel board and then take an action on the space where you stop. That’s it. 
The beauty of the game comes from the remarkable breadth of options you can pursue. Using cowboys to buy cows, hiring engineers to move your train and build stations, hiring carpenters to build buildings and busy up the board, and completing objectives are some of the main tasks you’ll be focusing on, and what really clicks for me with Great Western Trail is that it’s a tactical player’s dream. The board is constantly changing, and as it changes, so must your plans. The objective cards steer you somewhat, but you’ve really gotta cut your own path across the wilderness here.
Oh, and I love deckbuilding as a sort of side dish mechanic. It isn’t always enough to sustain a whole game, but it’s great as a single piece of a pie.
6. Gloomhaven (2017)
All right, so this big beast has moved all over my ranking in the year+ since my first game. I won’t lie, it sat at #1 for a while. Then it slid a little, then a little more. I mean, it’s still at #6, so it’s not exactly plummeting. It’s the Board Game Geek #1 game of all time (as of this writing), and it’s hard to say if it’s deserving of this (and if not, what deserves the spot instead). Again, this is so subjective, and games like this or Scythe tend to be lightning rods for people who want to take a shot at the new hotness.
But yes, it’s good. It’s very good. I’m not as enamored by the sprawling nature of it as I was, nor the campaign, but being a person who loves variety, it’s scope is certainly a nice bonus. But after you haven’t played it in a while, it becomes a HUGE box that takes up a whole shelf and is a bear to set back up. And even though the box is 20lbs and takes up a whole shelf and the game takes 20+ minutes just to set up, the card play in Gloomhaven is just stellar. I love that this is essentially a tactical minis game with a euro engine. Tactical minis games rank incredibly low on my chart o’ interest, but this game takes that standard tactical minis expectation and smashes the shit out of it. 
Despite its niggling flaws, it’s an excellent game.
7. The Exit Series (2017-?)
This is the last co-op game on my list, and I just looked back and saw that there are four on here. I was just talking to Kathleen about how much I’d rather play competitive games instead of co-ops, and apparently I said that in a moment completely lacking self-awareness. Also, this is a cheaty kind of entry considering we’ve played at least eight Exit games.
Remember when I said that I liked Eldritch Horror because it was an event game that provided a big, rich experience? Well, the Exit games give you a meaty, brainier experience in a slightly shorter time period. There’s not much story–despite the designers really trying to cram one in there–but I’ll always love Exit because it’s become our Date Night game. Kathleen and I will get some nice booze, take out food, and sit down with a new Exit after we put our son to bed. The experience can be frustrating–remember we think very differently, but each experience has always been something to remember (except the Secret Lab; what happened in that one?). Special props to Exit: Dead Man on the Orient Express, in particular.
The puzzles are really satisfying when you crack them, especially after working on them for a while. We take longer than average to do these because we resist those hint cards as much as possible, so our games can stretch. But Exit should be an event, and when savored like one, it doesn’t let you down.
Also, if you have concerns about the value of an Exit game, if you look at it as an event (like going to the movies or *cough cough* playing T.I.M.E. Stories), it’s actually a very good value. Recycle it!
And finally, yes, Exit trumps Unlock any day of the week.
8. Glory to Rome (2005)
That Glory to Rome is out of print is a cryin’ shame. Our copy isn’t even a real copy, I printed a crappy DIY version at Staples and then cut and sleeved them with old Magic commons. Our copy looks bad, is cut unevenly, and has eery MTG watermarks shining through the thin weight paper, and I couldn’t care less. This game is awesome. It’s got about a million different combos that are all seemingly game-breaking, but the fact that everything is so powerful is really what makes this game so exciting.
Multi-use cards are one of my favorite mechanic, and this game is completely built around them. And like any well-designed game that is build all around cards, the design of this never leaves you feeling hamstrung by bad card draw. If you’re doing badly at Glory to Rome, it’s your fault. Sorry. You haven’t found the combo that will win the game for you. I can say this because I’m terrible at Glory to Rome, and I know it. That’s not saying I’ve not won before. I have, but more likely than not it was because I accidentally stumbled onto something good. 
Like Brass: Birmingham, no two games of Glory to Rome are the same. There are so many cards in the box, and the subtle sense of humor that permeates some of the cards just tickles me (please see: latrine).
It’s fast and exciting, and giving you options on other players’ turns is also one of my favorite mechanics.  I’ll happily play and lose Glory to Rome anytime.
9. Nippon (2015)
Full disclosure, this is the newest edition to this list, and Kathleen and I have only played this a few times, but there’s something about this game that really fascinates me. 
At first blush, it feels like Brass, but it’s not. Like Brass, this is an economic engine, but it doesn’t allow the multi-turn build up to The Big Turn like Brass. Then I thought it was a little like Great Western Trail, but it’s not really like that either. Great Western Trail presents a ton of options, but by the end of the game, you really need to work on all of them, at least a little bit, or else your score will suffer. Nippon, however, doesn’t make you do a little bit of everything. There are a number of elements in Nippon (like trains), that can be all but ignored except for certain circumstances. It’s a game built around area control via slow burn engine building. A number of other elements to the game are very specific tools you can use to hone that engine, but could just as easily prove useless under the wrong conditions.
This may be misdirected musings by someone who hasn’t played the game enough, but it feels right to me. The last time we played, I came to the realization that the game felt so fraught because I was trying to do too much. The game presents you with a large amount of avenues to pursue because you don’t actually have to pursue them all; you can’t, there’s not enough time in the game (or money!). You need to choose your actions and build the best engine as quickly as possible.
Nippon is a cutthroat fight that feels both wickedly fast and frustratingly slow at the same time. Special bonuses for completely subverting the worker placement mechanic with its own implementation that runs the whole game. It’s a puzzle that I have relished greatly.
10. Star Wars: The Card Game (2012)
Two Fantasy Flight LCGs on the list? Sweet Christmas!
But yes, this is a great game. I’m not sure it ever got much love, and it saddens me that it’s now dead, but it’s such an interesting design. That it does a fine job of simplifying deck construction is just a bonus.
I appreciate that Star Wars feels like a game of high stakes gambling. The first few turns are slow and quiet as you work through your deck and build your forces, but once conflict erupts, everything tends to break wide open. Each decision you make has massive repercussions, as single large mistakes will lose you the game. Add in some actual bluffing and a ticking clock, and this is the simplified and streamlined (if safer and less wild) version of Doomtown: Reloaded, another card game that I absolutely love. 
But where I think Doomtown ultimately fails, Star Wars succeeds. The game doesn’t get bogged down in complexity, and instead feels relatively streamlined considering its medium weight. Every time I play this game, I’m impressed by how smart Eric Lang’s design is. I feel like he played a ton of Magic: The Gathering, and then he removed all the things that bothered him (and bothered me, too).
I think this game is overlooked and underplayed, and dare I say forgotten, but for my money, it’s absolutely worth revisiting. And played over and over again.
Please remember, this list will change. Check back occasionally to see how. If you have any questions or opinions of your own, let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
Eric (Player One)
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darkly-dreaming-imagines · 7 years ago
Saving Grace (Jax Teller x Reader - Oneshot...maybe)
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Saving Grace
((Ohai, so some Jax Teller X Clay’s daughter Reader stuff… I actually wrote a rough version of this almost 5 years ago while my son was actually in the NICU that I found in a notebook shortly before I wrote that HC. I guess I wrote it process some emotions I was having with my own son’s health issues and it helped in a strange little way. I expanded it a lot and it turned into not a completely horrible little one shot. Who knows I may go back and tinker with it some more one day. I have my two TWD fics going right now but who knows I am totally crazy enough to try and screw around with this whole story idea I was playing with again one day. I love finding all my old note books. There are some serious gems in there!))
Story below the cut
The hospital room was cold and had that sterile smell that had always turned your stomach. As soon as your daughter was born the nurses and doctors had rushed her away in a frenzy of commotion. Your heart sank as you realized what it meant, ‘the Teller Curse…’ you thought long before the doctor came in to tell you what was going with the little girl that you named Grace.
Gemma had been there since you returned to the room after your c-section, waiting to see her newest “grandbaby”, little did she know how true that was. “How long does it take to clean her up?” Gemma said as she shifted yet again the chair the was next to the bed.
“I don’t know,” You said softly worrying what you feared was actually true. There was a knock on the door before the doctor entered. Gemma sat straight up in her chair and reached over and took your hand knowing it was never good when the doctor came in before the baby.
“Miss Morrow,” The middle age man start as he cleared his throat. “Your daughter was born with a congenital heart defect, it’s not an uncommon occurrence but the specific type she of heart defect she had tends to be genetic, is there any history of this type of thing happening in your family... or perhaps the father’s?” Your heart raced within your chest, your worse fear had happened. Gemma squeezed your hand and look at you with a heavy questioning gaze.
“I don’t know… I can’t remember..” You stammer and look towards Gemma who lets out a heavy sigh.
“Your daughter is not doing well Miss Morrow, we could really use any information you could possibly give us about the medical history on both side of the family.” You look towards Gemma helplessly.
“Her mother died when she was very young, she was a junkie… Her father is out of town on business but is on his way back. We are working on trying to track down the father…” Gemma smiled as she stood up and took a few step towards the doctor. “Maybe my granddaughter would be improving more if her doctor was there attending to her care… it’s gonna be a little bit before we can get all the information that you need.” The doctor took the hint and left leaving you and Gemma alone with a mammoth sized elephant in the room.
Once the doctor left the older woman turned around, arms crossed in front of her chest. “(y/n)…” She starts as she walks quickly over to you and sits down on the hospital bed next to you. “this is the Teller curse… how does my husband’s granddaughter who is not a Teller end up being born with the same genetic heart defect as my grandson and both my sons.” Her voice was a shaking, she was scared for the baby, heartbroken for you, and so angry that you and Jax were once again sneaking around behind everyone’s backs.
She leaned forward and clutched your other hand so she was holding both of your hands. “I know you and Jax had feelings years ago, I don’t understand why and I probably will never. You two were raised like siblings…” She took a deep breath trying to focus herself once more what was important now, your daughter. “If Jax is this baby’s father please just tell me, tell the doctors… we worry about the rest of the world later but they need to know.”
Tears started to roll down her cheeks, “Yes..” you say softly. “Jax is her father… he ended it before I found out I was pregnant.” Your bottom lip quivered as you started to sob. “I didn’t tell…” You wailed and Gemma wrapped her arms tight around you.
“Oh baby…” She said softly, kissing the side of your head. She let you cry for sometime before finally asking you “What’s my granddaughter’s name?” trying to get you to think of something besides all the worse case scenarios running through your mind.
“Grace… Gracie…” It was your mother’s name, you could see the look on Gemma’s face grow sad for a moment.
“It’s a good name…” She says muster a little smile before she eases you back against the pillows on the bed. “I am going to go see if they will let me go take a peak at our little angel, you rest. “ You give a little nod and lay back closing your eyes exhausted from your ordeal.
Gemma stays till she knows you are asleep and then steps out into the hall to make a phone call, to her son. The phone rings a few time and then he answers. “Hey Ma,”
“Hey sweetheart,” She started, she wasn’t going to tell him about the baby over the phone, but she needed him to get to the hospital to talk with you. “(y/n) had the baby, the piece of shit who got her pregnant never showed up and she’s all sorts of shook up… she could use a visit and I gotta leave soon.”
“Yeah, let me just finish up here and I’ll come round to St. Thomas’s soon.” Gemma gave a satisfied smile before she said her goodbye to her soon and went to go check in on her newest grandchild. They wouldn’t let her in as Grace still wasn’t stable enough for any visitors even when she insisted she was the child’s grandmother.
She sat outside your room letting you rest while she waited for Jax. True to his word, less than 20 minutes after he got off the phone with his mother did he appear in the hallway walking towards his mother. “Hey mom…” He greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek.
Gemma patted her son on the shoulder and smiled softly. “Congratulations Jackson, it’s a girl..” she said softly as she watched a puzzled expression cross his face, no surprise. She chuckled. “Go talk your daughter’s mother…” Gemma walked off towards the NICU to wait to see baby Grace.
Jax ran his hands through his hair as he quickly walked into your room. He saw you laying asleep in bed and he let out a heavy sigh. He slowly walked towards the bed and sat down next to you, He pushed a few stray strands of your hair off your cheek causing you to stir. At first when you saw Jax sitting there you thought you were still dreaming. “Jax..” You say softly.
“Hey darlin’,” he voice was soft but you could tell he was upset. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” He asked in a hushed tone.
“I’m sorry…” You apologize and Jax just shakes his head and wraps his arms around you .
“Don’t be baby… don’t” He leaned forward and kissed you softly. It was the first time in almost a year that you felt his lips on yours. You take a deep breath as you both break the kiss. Jax’s eyes went to the floor. “How did my mom figure out she was mine?” He asked weakly wondering where the baby was.
You take a deep breath and reach out touching his shoulder. “She has the heart defect… she’s not doing well…” Your voice cracks as you speak. You watched Jax looks up at you and as soon as you saw his face. The expression of pain and heartbreak that you had seen once and only once before, when Abel was born.
“No..” He groaned softly. The tears started to roll down your cheeks as you tried to lean forward to comfort him but you winced in pain. Jax turned towards you more and placed a hand on your thigh. “Don’t push yourself…” He said softly.
“The doctors needed medical histories, your mom was here…” Jax gave a little and you let out a long breath and closed your eyes. “I am so scared Jax… I can’t lose her.”
“We are not losing our daughter…” He leans forward and places a hand on your cheek. “She’s a Teller, we are tough, stubborn and hard to kill…” He was doing his best to cheer you up despite being terrified himself. He took his hand and placed it over yours. “So does my daughter have a name?”
You nod. “Grace.” Jax smiled remembering it was your mother’s name. “Dad is gonna hate it.”
“It’s a good name, and fuck your dad…” You chuckle at his words. “I’m gonna take care of her, I promise… no matter what.” He squeezed your hand and you just nodded knowing what he said was true. You reached up and touched his face.
“I haven’t seen her yet…” You say softly, “They rushed her off so quickly.” Jax let out a heavy sigh and he leaned forward and kissed your forehead.
“I’m going to go see about seeing our girl…” He stood up and walked out to the nurses station. He didn’t explain who he was, only that you hadn’t seen your baby yet. The nurse called down to the NICU and they said the parents could come see her but she wasn’t stable enough for any other visitors. He returned with a wheelchair and a smile on his face.
“We can go see her?” You ask suddenly feeling like you had all the energy in the world. Jax smiled and nodded his head as he pushed the wheelchair over next to bed.
“Yup..” He pulled the blankets off you and looked around for your slippers. “Slippers?” He asked and you point to the black duffle bag sitting on the couch in the room. Jax quickly went over and dug through your bag till he found your slippers and he grabbed an old, well warn, black hoodie out of your bag as well. He recognized it as one his and he just laughed. “You still have this…”
“It was the hoodie you gave me when I went to collage.” You say as he helps you put it on over your hospital gown before he tosses the slippers to the floor and takes your hand helping you steady yourself as you slip on the fuzzy black slippers. You wince as you turn trying to get into the wheelchair. “She was breach, they had to do a c-section..” You note and Jax nods.
“It was probably better for her in the long run darlin’” You sit down and Jax begins pushing you down the same halls he had pushed Wendy down just two years earlier when he went to take her to see Abel for the first time. The memories flooded back as he rounded the corner and saw your daughter was in the same room Abel had been in when he spent his time in the NICU.
She was so much bigger than Abel was but so much else was the same. The little plastic box that kept her warm, the little hat they had put on head. As you peer through the window at your sweet little baby your heart sinks. There is a pain that spreads through out your chest like your cant breath. “My poor Gracie..” You ball as you put your hand to the window. Jax looks down at your with heart break in his eyes.
He never wanted to go through this pain again and you were the last person in the world that he wanted to put through that same pain. When Thomas had been born just a few weeks earlier, healthy, it brought so much joy to Jax’s heart. Now your Grace, the daughter he never knew he wanted was fighting for her life because of him. Some blame for Abel’s health issues as baby could easily placed on Wendy’s shoulders, but Grace’s… he knew they were all on him. It’s punishment. He thought as his hand gripped your shoulder as he looked helplessly down at the little girl who looked so much like her brothers there was no mistaking she was a Teller. For all this shit, the lies, the murder. He looked down at your for a moment. “You know she is gonna be fine darlin’, this was Abel’s room..” He said trying to muster a smile for you. “It has to me some kind of sign or some shit right?” He kissed the top of your head as he pushed you into the room.
The young nurse smiled softly up at you both. “Are you mom and dad?” She asked sweetly.
“Yeah,” Jax said softly, his words make you smile.
“Well, you two have one feisty little lady on your hands.” She said trying very hard to make the best of what is a had moment. All you want to do is hold her, kiss her little nose and promise her the world but you knew you couldn’t. “It took the doctors and the respiratory techs quite a bit of time to get her to a point that she was comfortable and not working too hard to breathe which is why she is on the vent right now. Without it we couldn’t keep her heart rate with in a safe range while the doctors run the tests.” Her tone was soft, yet serious as she spoke and you just gave a little nod not really taking in all the information as you were fixated on your newborn’s tiny little hand with long dainty fingers. “Other than that, she is actually doing quite well now that we have her settled. It’s still a long road ahead..”
“I know,” Jax said softly. “I was born with the same condition, so was my younger brother and my oldest son.” Jax leaned and kissed the back of your head. “Teller’s are tough though…”
“Does she have a name?” The nurse asked softly.
“Gracie Rose…” You start softly.
“Grace Rose Teller..” Jax said with a small smile to the nurse who wrote it down on some paper work.
“Very pretty..” She said before turning back around to you and Jax. “She isn’t strong enough for you to hold her yet, but you can hold her hand if you want.” You nod quickly the nurse shows you how properly wash your hands before you slide your hand through the oval hole and instantly Grace’s fingers wrap around your pinkie.
“Mommy’s  here baby.. don’t you worry.” You say softly. “Just rest baby, just rest.”  Your voice shook as your little girls squeezed your finger tightly making both you and Jax smile.
“You got this Gracie…” and she did.
While Grace fought for her life, her father fought to keep both of his families intact but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He tried to make things right with Tara but they never were again. Jax loved your daughter as much and maybe a little more than the boys in some way but you knew that in her own way her life had caused more upheaval and chaos in Jax’s already chaotic life. You knew no matter what things were never going to be the same.
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comicteaparty · 7 years ago
July 19th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on July 19th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Wednesday7 by Viki Kuli~! (https://tapas.io/series/Wednesday7%20) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey super~!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad to see Wednesday7 get the CTP treatment!
I think my favorite moments thus far were Chapter 3 and the beginning of Chapter 4, mostly with the character interactions.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes there are definitely some interesting character actions going on
tho one of my fave moments is when the cat slips the key under the door for penn
that is an A+ cat
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah that moment was good too
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
actual favorite scene wise though i think id have to pick the scene at the bar. i like the visual nature of mercury's visual distortions. and i also really love mercury's reaction to it. i think just the pacing and expressions are entirely too real. like how he kind of snaps at Penn even though its not Penn's fault exactly. yet, you get why hes snapping cause hes freaking out. and just that little detail makes it a really engrossing scene for me.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I agree, the bar scene was really memorable.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats one thing i definitely like about this comic in general though. i feel that the emotions are really realstic and that helps you put you there in each moment
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but back to character interactions, i do enjoy mercury and penn's dynamics. its kind of this interesting mix of tenseness since penn is a stranger who got overly personal really fast. and like...its one of those things where id hate to be mercury cause that situation seems uncomfortable. having a stranger be the only one that can help.
WHOA HI lost track of time okay uhh
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Favorite scene....Okay no I gotta agree with @✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨ -- the scene at the bar was good
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
speaking of the bar scene again i also really love the game they played. i thought that was an interesting setup for getting expositionary info out of the way.
It does really make me wonder who Penn actually is though He definitely knows a lot more than you might think he would(edited)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Kind of speed read the comic but my stand out moment was the deal with Wednesday. Visual interesting, great angles, and the character at his lowest.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That was a really tense moment, making amends with (and ultimately assembling with) a wolf spirit/ghost/whatever
also eey Jonny
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
yo justin
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i really just want to know why penn so rando approached him. like was it really just being a neighbor thing? but it might just be strange to me cause ive never been rando approached by neighbors who want to introduce themselves so idk. XD
but yes, the deal with wednesday was really interesting visually for sure. i loved the tense drama as well cause you can really feel that eternal struggle but ultimate acceptance its probably better than death
For sure x.x It's like, "welp, this'll suck, but it's something?"
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
I don't think the initial meet up at the apartment was odd. He got real werid at the bar but that's because he found out some weird demony stuff about him.
And then there was the handshake before that, which clued Penn in to Merc's....weirdness
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
what ever life he leads could also make him not very social(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah once the handshake penn's behavior made more sense. just that initial approach even felt weird, but like i said just not something ive experienced with neighbors.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
For a sec I thought it was a "sixth sense" type of ordeal or ghost vision.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
maybe he does that with everyone to find demons or something.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. thats what im wondering. if penn is a demon hunter. cause if he went with purpose thatd make way more sense to me.
not that he cant be a nice but weird neighbor
QUESTION 2. Besides Mercury and Wednesday, there are two more characters worth discussing: Penn and Julia. Despite seeming normal, Penn seemed to have the best clue of what was going on with Mercury. Who exactly did Penn know that this same thing happened to? Why do you think this person supposedly didn’t make it? How do you think Penn found out about the house where he took Mercury? Was Penn approaching Mercury a coincidence, or was Penn somehow drawn to Mercury because of the impending possession? There is, of course, Julia as well to talk about. What do you think Julia’s past history is with Mercury, especially given she apologized vaguely for something in the past? Do you think Julia will find out about Wednesday, or will Mercury keep it a secret? What role in general do you think Julia will have to play in the story?
A demon hunter? Not sure about that since he basically helped get a demon stuck in Merc
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooooh, this'll be interesting
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well demon hunter in the sense of wants to find the ppl cursed by demons. he just may not know how to do the demon murdering yet
hes only in finding demons 101 at demon hunter school
Okay hahaha xD Yeah, getting into Penn's past will probably reveal a lot about Wednesday, too....like do they know each other? Penn seems to recognize Wednesday at least
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe he needs a demon to resurrect whoever he lost
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk. i didnt get a sense that penn had ill intentions or wanted to use mercury. but i could be wrong. penn could indeed have a specific goal in mind for helping mercury (besides just trying to not fail again). idk if penn knows wednesday. maybe penn knew another day of the week. like monday.
Actually yeah, rereading a bit, I don't think Penn knows much about Wednesday specifically, just that someone else previously went through this and died because they didn't get demon'd
I bet everyone hates Monday......
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
But that implies he's been searching for someone to by demon'd
I'm just super suspicious of Penn
With good reason x'D He seems good! Just......
What does he knooooooooow
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Who even knows!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
its good to be suspicious though cause how could penn tell mercury was possessed via a handshake. like...i know he knew someone who was possessed before but i doubt that just auto gives you the power to know possession via handshake
Fair xD
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not to mention who does penn know that told him about the house
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
With Julia I figured that her and Merc tried to start a relationship that didn't work out. Maybe something to do with her leaving for town or maybe they were friends first n it was weird
the blushing implies something romantic
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do get the distinct impression that there were romantic feelings involved. tho hard to say if they were together or not. though im leaning towards they were together...maybe like while they were in school. and then julia was rando one day like "welp im out i need more in my life"
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
maybe not that blunt
she got her dream job in town and Merc didn't/couldn't leave
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah, least that was worth it
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
it doesn't seems like things ended too badly but I could be wrong.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i mean its still possible they werent actually dating before either. which couldve actually been a motivation for julia to leave. like she liked mercury but since neither would make a move she felt that hoping and staying for that relationship wasnt worth it.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
My presence is really driven by the mood of my month old daughter. I'll be good for a while, checking the backlog here.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey Math
THat's fine- best keep your baby occupied and happy
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice, someone already mentioned the scene with the cat passing off the keys, I liked that one too. :>
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf i also think all cats are A+ cats
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
And when all cats are A+.......no one will be........
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Cat MVP(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, if memory serves, Mercury was an "I" (introvert, in the character bio) while Penn seems pretty extroverted. That can be awkward. I also liked in that bar scene how if Mercury hadn't been quite so specific, he could have won. ("You have a child" versus specifying the gender.)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
he wanted to one up him and lost
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's true, A+ to cats. Was also very well behaved in the carrier on the trip!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah it was kind of sad how close mercury was to being right
and then just missed
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like it was that handshake which had Penn press the point... agree that maybe he just shakes hands with everyone waiting for that sort of thing. Must get weird at family reunions.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
shakes everyone's hand at the bar until he gets kicked out
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Penn might have known Friday. Looking forward to the inevitable Robinson Crusoe cameo.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
a bit off topic, but as i think about penn's knowledge of the house more, im starting to wonder if the person he knew he brought to that house. and that person refused to make the deal so thus died. and so mercury is going to tell penn that and penn is going to be devastated.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I thought maybe there was some kind of relationship thing with Merc and Julia. But I thought maybe he comforted her when she was having a bad relationship with someone else. But then she fled town to get away.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. Though Wednesday reveals a few tidbits of information, little is known about him. Do you believe Wednesday’s goals really are to just get closer to humanity, or do you think Wednesday has secret goals? Besides what we’ve seen so far, what do you think Wednesday will do with his newfound freedom? Do you believe Wednesday will continue to remain interested in the human world, or do you believe he’ll eventually get bored? Additionally, do you think Wednesday will find a way to bond with Mercury? Speaking of Mercury, why do you think of all the people in the world Wednesday picked Mercury? Was it just happenstance, or is there something special about Mercury? Of a last note, do you believe Wednesday will meet another demon/spirit?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the previous person was the owner of the house, and that's how Penn knew about it?
On the "why Merc" point...apparently Mercury's parents were in on it, naming him like that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suspect that this isn't Wednesday's first merging with a person, but the seventh. Given the title. ^.- I'd be curious to know how the previous melds went.
Mercury = Mercredi = Wednesday I get the gist that Wed just wants a body to live in since he's probably trapped in whatever parallel purple world he comes from normally
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Respheal: Should you really speak about his parents Venus and Mars that way?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Mercury was also the messenger, hence the speeding around town, methinks.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
What about Saturn?
or Uranus?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
He seems to just want to cause mayhem
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
or Wednesday's alternate universe friend Friday?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i can only conclude mercury is from a hippie family and left town cause he didnt want to do anything with their new age stuff.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
horribly forced joke over
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i mean to be fair there could be a club. of planet named ppl who are all possessed by demons. and penn is gonna go introduce him.
i mean to be fair there could be a club. of planet named ppl who are all possessed by demons. and penn is gonna go introduce him.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Wed said something about destroying humanity.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but yeah with a title like wednesday 7 it could be implying that wednesday has done 7 possessions now. although there are also 7 days of the week so maybe wednesday is actually the last to possess someone in this generation
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the club is behind that bar that they went to? I feel like that wasn't coincidence that they were there, and that's when Mercury started having the swimmy visions.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
7 days of possession per haps
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
OH. Which reminds me. The talk Mercury had with the bartender in the background there was funny.
Rebel: Oooh, that's an interesting one. Wednesday's late to the game.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Then again getting drunk does really weird things
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Incidentally, I kind of like that idea that random names we give to things take on their own identity out in the ether somewhere. In part because it fits with my personifying math functions, but still. ^.-
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
could Penn be a previous possession?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe but i dont feel he is. although it would explain why he could tell via handshake
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(The scene I meant by the way was this one, where he's calling the bartender "Joey") https://tapas.io/episode/558419
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooohhhh, good find
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i thought that was a cute background convo.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh! Penn had a daughter, and he's divorced. Maybe his Daughter was the previous possession, and it led to the marriage breaking up.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and my thoughts still stand, don't underestimate the lower of alcohol
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
What's Joey's backstory?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Joey owns a small kangaroo.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ya know didnt penn just say he lost someone to a demon? i keep assuming it means said person died, but maybe said person is just 100% possessed all the time whereas mercury gets to get his body back somehow.
i think you mean joey was raised by kangaroos O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel: That's an interesting thought. Maybe after the person dies the spirit can still possess them, but only for a finite amount of time....?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Penn possessed killed someone.
would be pretty dark
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He's spent time in the state.... penn.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
"Back into your pen(n)!"
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
math no
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could be tho. penn is secretly a murderer
although now im worried for mercury
petty thievery is one thing O_O
murder is a whole other ballpark
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
but if he's possessed then did he really kill them? or did the demon do it?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The cat trusted Penn though. He can't be too bad.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So here's a question.... are there spirits for months too? Because August just refers to Augustus Caesar. Is the spirit of Caesar roaming around out there? Because I don't think he'd fit in too well.
Jonny: Hmmm. Maybe there's rules like with hypnosis, you can't do anything you wouldn't normally? (Is Mercury the type to steal watches?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given that a day of the week can have a demon spirit thing, its not inconceivable a month can. albeit i doubt august is the spirit of augustus ceasar XD unless the demon dresses up like it for fun.
and if hes possessed it depends on who controls the body O_O
i do hope wednesday and mercury can mentally communicate somehow
or leave like post it notes for one another at least
"Drank all the milk. Buy more. -Wednesday"(edited)
Yes please
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Julia... that's a bit like Julius, for Julius Caesar, for JULY, hmmm.
I need this in my life
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"That wasn't milk. -Merc" (Gotta keep him guessing.)
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
would stories have demons since they embody thoughts and emotions for people?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Stories like Virgil's "The Illiad" kind of thing?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
would make sense if stories could
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Wait, he wrote the Aeneid, what am I thinking.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
although if stories can i think demons outdo humans in population
so there must be specific circumstances that allow someone to possess someone else
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though that reminds me of that old poem about the days of the week. And "Wednesday's child is full of woe".
Ref: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Monday%27s+child+is+fair+of+face
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Okay, so time for a fun theory. Penn and Wednesday used to date, but something went wrong with the possession. So now that Wednesday has a new body, we're in for hijinks as Mercury and Julia have a date at the same time as they do.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the real reason they divorced: penn's one true love is wednesday
and by they i mean penn and his other spouse
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
God I hope that doesn't happen
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Penn was born on a Wednesday.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Solomon Grundy born on a Monday
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe wednesday had to pick mercury because of the name and maybe mercury was born on a wednesday. maybe it takes that sort of high affiliation for possession
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It would cut down on the number of possessions per year.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
possession tax?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
They have a tax for that too?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the fact that Merc's place was partially furnished is also indicative of shenanigans.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. In order to save his own life, Mercury fuses himself with Wednesday. However, the full consequences of this act are yet to be known. How do you think Mercury might gain control of his body again, even if only temporarily speaking? Assuming he does (as the comic description implies), do you think Mercury will be completely normal, or will being possessed by Wednesday give him access to Wednesday’s supernatural powers? Do you feel Mercury will have an easy time having a normal life, or will the experience render him unable to fit in with society anymore? How do you think his relationships will affected by the change? Lastly, do you think Mercury will attempt to get rid of Wednesday, and if so, what lengths do you think he will go to?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Already contains Wednesday's favourite couch.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats a good point, math. it is suspicious the apartment was furnished without mercury knowing
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well look at the bight side
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe Merc's mind is in some other plain and we'll see that
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
you're merged with a bloody wolf
you can do wolf things
Like howl
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Merc regains control on the full moon.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
what other badass wolf things exist?
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Julia tries to bring Merc back but Penn gets in the way(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Merc's probably going to have to do a bunch of research. I imagine he'll corner Penn for info, could create a rift there.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Maybe it's a night thing. We've only seem Wed at night
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(I won't propose a Mercury Penn ship because that's too Sailor Moon jewelry-esque.)
Jonny: Oh, that's a good point.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe its a day thing and wednesday can only come out on wednesdays
cause wednesday did keep checking the time it seemed like
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Especially cause there's no thing as Wednesnight
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, we don't know what day of the week it is. Though that would make meetings awkward, if they can only possess on particular days... hmm.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
really hard to say this early on.
i definitely think mercury is gonna try to cure himself though
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
he has to
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause i mean on this first night wednesday has already caused a lot of chaos
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
No kidding
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
At least he has a totally different appearance from Merc. So the people with the camera phones and the theft videos won't be going after him.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Will Wednesday save the girl on purpose in that latest episode, you think? Or will he just mess them both up by blowing past? (Maybe giving the watches away is meant to show he's a ladies man himself?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i think hell save her on purpose. but less cause hes like "oh no that girl allow me to save her"
but more as a "wow this looked fun"
i would be interested in seeing merc's mind on another plain as jonny suggested. i think that would lend to some very cool comic visuals
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That might be interesting. I wonder if he'd see the purplish vision things in living colour, and the real world as purplish blobs.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
now thatd be a cool reversal
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
With Penn living in both places, maybe.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder if well see wednesday and penn have a conversation
that could be interesting
and could reveal stuff about penn that maybe wednesday knows for whatever demon spirit reasons
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I wonder how well they get along, since Wednesday just kind of blew by him.
There's also that mercury tattoo, maybe Merc lives there? O.o
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Interesting find
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
lots of little details I missed. probably cause I read it fast.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i just noticed
that sign says swift st.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i really hope that was an intentional joke XD
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Well you do move swiftly along
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh! I noticed that at the time and thought it was really clever.
Glad you remembered to say something.
I wonder what does show up on traffic cameras, if anything.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given the comic description probably just what it appears.
cause the descrip implies that basically wednesday is gonna be some wanted criminal
which is gonna suck if they collect dna evidence
suck for mercury that is
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ah, right, good point. Fingerprints even.
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
possible story arcs
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. so mercury is definitely gonna be tapering on the edge there
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
OH crud only 4 minutes left
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I wonder how much Mercury's been watching of stuff like technology. He did seem to know to grab the more expensive watches. Surely he knows about surveillance systems?
Hi everyone! Sorry I just make it on, had work until now :/ but the discussion looks awesome so far! thoroughly enjoying it
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hello there!
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
hey man!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's actually about to end ^^;
3 minutes left
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hi author/writer/artist!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Glad you made it in time so I could tell ya you're an awesome person with lots of great skill and talent
and I wish you luck with working on more of the comic!
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suppose one of the questions that Mercury should probably answer is what Wednesday did last time, given the remark "Good to be back".
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"You still have all these unpaid parking tickets from twenty years ago too."
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
glad you could make it, @vikikuli ~! even if it is towards the end
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
You'd think Penn could've paid them.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that would be wednesday's last body's job to pay im sure O_O
does anyone have any quick closing remarks?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It'll be interesting to see how the body sharing goes.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I already said mine so I'm good!
And yeah, I second that
The Undefeatable Jonny Aleksey
Penn is evil
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But only on WEdnesdays.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Viki Kuli, as well, for making Wednesday7 and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Viki Kuli’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Stomp by Brodnork. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on July 26th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://stompwebcomic.com/
0 notes