#novo bolje
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giflxndia · 11 months ago
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negobeauriva · 1 year ago
A deep analysis of Konstrakta's "Novo, Bolje"
I know that there are maybe many articles about this song already, considering it came out a week ago or so, but I am so in love with both the song and Konstrakta herself that I needed to put my two cents on this song and why I think it's such an awesome entry. I'm also going to make a comparison to In Corpore Sano and relate both of the songs. I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Btw, I've gotten the necessary translations from here and here.
Let's start out with the title: Novo, Bolje means New, Better. It's already an indicator that sets the pace for what is coming.
Musically, the song is quite simple - It has only three chords that keep repeating in an uniform pattern, with a distinctive synthesizer that repeats itelf throughout the song as well. It's fast paced and eclectic, very modern, to fit the theme of the lyrics. It's worth noting that the backup singers are taking a very important function here. I'll explain it later on.
Now, let's get to the lyrics. Through the entirety of the song, Konstrakta is speaking to an imaginary doctor, to which she's telling of her latest affliction: She craves novelty. She only wants new things, new improvements, nothing seems to be enough for her, and she considers this as something wrong, something to be cured. This is about addiction to novelty and consummerism - modernity has made us addicted to updates, the newest phone, the newest device, the newest social media, every new thing is exciting and we eventually run for it.
The chorus is proof of it: New, better, faster, bigger, higher, prettier, stronger. The things she has aren't somehow enough, and she claims that all of this is coming. She wants something better than good. Good isn't cutting it anymore. It needs to be better.
Konstrakta proceeds to elaborate on her point saying that if she was smarter, she could turn a kilo of bread into two, and that ever since she was born, she has been knowing about better than good, which is another jab at modernity: New generations are addicted to new things since they are little. Let's think back, how many of us in our childhoods wished for better, bigger toys or electronic devices? It's an actual reality. And with the rise of phones, tablets and similar devices in infancies, this is more present than ever.
This also speaks about self-pressure about being better than good, the line "the performance could've been better" is a reference to our modern perfectionism, and the wish to reach even higher heights everytime, with innovations that sometimes aren't necessary. Why would the Pacific ocean need to be more pacific, anyway? The grandiosity and the exaggeration are marketing elements to draw you in, to try and show you that you can, indeed, be better than good. It's exploitation disguised as motivation and self help.
Then she says that she feels set up everywhere, because she is seeing anomalies, which is another point. Consummerism is a social issue, but if you point it out in a consummerist society, you're most likely to get laughed at or gaslighted in the sense that you're not being brainwashed by the consummerism. Which leads us to the next line, Konstrakta asks the doctor what's wrong with her, why is she seeing anomalies everywhere? Why is she addicted to novelty and perfection? She's trying to break the cycle of self-awareness, and at the same time, she wants her head to shut up about the pressure of novelty and perfectionism. She might believe nobody else is going through this, which is, ironically, an anomaly on itself.
When she sings the word "better" over and over again, it eventually gets distorted by the end of the phrase, which shows us that she's losing herself. In trying so hard to reach better, to improve, she's losing and destroying pieces of herself to try and build something new. The backup singers are repeating the other adjectives: better, faster, bigger, higher, prettier, stronger. Another proof that her head presses her further than she can actually reach.
In a more calm section of the song, she says that everything is fluid, and if she stops, she'll fall through, stating that she needs to constantly go full speed, up, towards higher heights. This is very telling. At the beginning of the section, the music gets calmer, almost quiet, but as Konstrakta starts repeating the words "going up, constantly going up", the synthetizers and the fast pace are back again, supporting her claim and her "illness" - the need for speed, novelty, perfection. Nothing is enough. Nothing will ever be enough. Konstrakta is trapped on a cycle of perfectionism and addiction to novelty. In trying to break the cycle, she's perpetuating it at the same time. It's a vicious cycle from where she can't escape.
When Konstrakta asks again what's wrong with her, this time she doesn't even get to explain what affects her. Here is where the backup singers reveal their real role: They are the voice of society. While Konstrakta tries to figure herself out, the singers appear to reinforce her need for novelty, the need for something new coming, the thought that nothing is never and will never be enough. And in this final section of the song, they shut Konstrakta up: "For God's sake, there's nothing wrong with you". They're gaslighting Konstrakta into thinking it's all in her head, and that she needs to keep striving for more.
During the final section of the song, the singers chant, almost like madness, that it's coming. Novelty and progress are coming, and nobody, not even Konstrakta herself, can stop it. While all of this is happening, she screams, calls out for the doctor to help her, but she receives no help - she's being consumed by the spiral. She's being dragged by the tsunami of society, the fast paace of consummerism devouring her as she screams in agony. And then, she says the most beautiful phrase I've seen in a song in a while:
"The wish doesn't know about what is unreachable."
We can strive and wish for perfection all we want, but wanting something and being realistic about it are two completely different things. We can try to reach the moon, but we are too far to actually do it. And in our search for perfection, not only can we lose ourselves, but we can go to dangerous heights: Security breaches, the end of individual liberties, violence, stepping over people's heads to get whatever we want, however we want. The wish doesn't know what's unreacheable. Therefore, there are no limits to modernity. This is a hurricane, and it's going to destroy us all.
There is no escaping this. Which is why she closes by saying "it's coming" - Modernity is coming. We can't do anything to stop it.
Now, let me compare this masterpiece to her former Eurovision entry, In Corpore Sano.
It's curious to notice that both songs have the same length. In Corpore Sano, in case you need a reminder, speaks about how an artist must keep themselves healthy, appreciating our health and the moments in which we have it, to be thankful for being healthy and our body properly functioning. It's a jab at the Serbian medical system for it's negiglence with artists and the lack of medical insurance for them, also stating how health is a privilege, citing Meghan Markle's hair as an example to kick off the song and start speaking about hydration and health problems and how to identify them.
A healthy mind in a healthy body, a sick mind, a scared mind... Where do we go from this?
This song is more ominous, and the beautiful staging was also very ominous, setting the atmosphere for Konstrakta to become an advocate for Serbian artists and their health system. Art and social criticism, hand in hand.
Both In Corpore Sano and Novo, Bolje speak about health, one being physical, the other being mental. In the case of In Corpore Sano, the background singers don't take as big of a role as they do in Novo, Bolje, and when they do, they reinforce Konstrakta's message, instead of being dismissive about it or trying to shut it down. Both the songs are written in minor keys and are limited to a couple chords, keeping it simple.
In Corpore Sano is slower paced, as if trying to get people to understand the point. We also get a hint of grief - Konstrakta lost her bandmate and friend Miroslav Ničić to leukemia in 2019, which inspired this song to come to fruition. Novo, Bolje, is faster paced, showing us the chaos and the need to rush that the song tried to criticize, and it's repetitive, highly repetitive, to catch people in. The catchy tune is meant to make you forget the point of the song, showcasing how tone deaf society can be sometimes.
At the same time, In Corpore Sano has a hint of divinity. God grants us health, but I don't have medical insurance. Latin has always been a language related to holiness, to purity. Novo, Bolje, has no divinity to it, it's quite banal, vulgar if we try to compare it to Latin - in the Middle Ages, any language that wasn't Latin was called vulgar, meaning "of the people". This song is nowhere near God. Our society has killed God, and has gone beyond divinity. Holy Modernity, mother of our Society, has taken over.
In Corpore Sano is meant to be a ritual song in all of its aspects - we see Konstrakta moving and clapping her hands, cleaning them ritually with her backup singers as assistants, overseeing the process as if to take care of her. They are dressed in black, Konstrakta in white, showing herself as a pure, healthy being, trying to teach others about health and how to keep it. We haven't seen anything about Novo, Bolje's staging, but the concept Konstrakta has shown with her in blue skin and an eccentric white attire, with the caption "The Kilimanjaro could be higher" (a brilliant reference), is meant to scandalize, to be weird, to make you think about the absurdity of things. Again, there is no holiness, no ritualism, nothing. It's banal. It's empty. And that banality, along with the message, is what makes this whole concept beautiful on itself. It's what makes it so brilliant and so well crafted.
I hope you've made it so far and that you have liked this analysis. In short, Konstrakta is a genius, a musical and lyrical genius, and I can't wait to see her again setting foot on Eurovision's stage. I hope this helps you look at her song with new eyes.
She's definetely gotten newer and better.
I'm adding a new section of this analysis, to further it, now that Novo, Bolje's staging has been revealed.
First off, I want to thank every single one of you who gave support to the original version of the analysis, from the fans, to people from Serbia, to Konstrakta herself! I'm super honored to have been shared and promoted by her. It feels amazing.
Now, onto what's important: The staging.
Many people have put criticism on the fact that "this is just the same as last time", but they fail to perceive this is the exact message Konstrakta wants to get across. Modernity promises new, better, bigger, stronger, faster, prettier... But in the end most of the things that it produces are the same that they were before. Many new phones end up being the exact same as old models, but with a very small improvement, sometimes hard to see. This is the reason why Novo, Bolje is so similar to it's eldest sister, In Corpore Sano. A sequel that doesn't feel as much as a sequel, and in there resides its charm.
I've also been pointed out to the fact that this is supposed to be a satire against returning artists and their efforts to make something "new, better", and I really like that approach. It's a very interesting artistic satire.
Konstrakta is once again dressed in white, and her singers in black - A contrast between divinity and evil. But this also reinforces the fact that she is the "odd one out", she's questioning modernity, she's the one going against the norm. She's different from everyone around her. The fact that we can't ever see the "doctor" she's referring to, also helps reinforce this message. This will come back later, so keep it in mind.
This time around, she is not washing her hands, but instead making bread. Bread has many symbolisms, but in religion, bread symbolizes the gift to God to humankind - a stark contrast to a godless modernity, as stated prior in this analysis. Bread is the most basic of meals, and one of the easiest to put together, it's universal, every culture has its own version of bread. Just like modernity, universal, basic, stripped out of all value when you truly look into it. Bread is one of humanity's turning points. Modernity is, too, one of humanity's turning points. The creation of the Internet, the introduction of cellphones and computers, the invention of social media, didn't they all change humanity as we know it, just like bread did? Also, just like bread, these novelties are "food" - a basic need, something we can't live without now that we have discovered it.
Interestingly enough, the words "Not new, not better" flash around the first minutes of the song. This "episode" is so similar to the past one, it seems to contradict its title, but then again, therein lies its charm.
In the background, we always see eyes on the sides of the stage. "Big brother is watching you" - rings a bell? Modernity has its eyes everywhere. You are constantly being watched, you have to keep on track, not question anything and just lift your head and pretend everything is normal.
Konstrakta is constantly kneading the dough, never do we see her putting it into the oven - this can also make a reference to the "it's coming" line of her song. The bread is coming, it's supposed to come out soon, just as novelty is coming. Evo sa'ce, how the song would say. Inbetween, Konstrakta lets the dough rest, covered. Anyone who's made bread or seen a bread recipe, know that this is so the dough rises up. Just like a further section of the song, rising up, constantly up. If we tie this to the political meaning I've seen people add to the song, this could also double up as the gestation of an uprising against politicians, or even the fake promises they make.
During the first part, her backup singers are huddled in a corner, and from there they scream at her "it's not enough". This is a perfect parallel to what I put in the first half of the analysis, about self-pressure, perfectionism and how they play a big part on modernity's declining mental health crisis.
In one part, Konstrakta uncovers the dough and just stares at it, along with her backup singers. They all stay there, perfectly still, like Mary watching Jesus in many religious imagery. They stay so still one wonders if something's really happening. As this section ends, a gate opens behind her as she adresses the "doctor", showing a white glow. This is the only time we get that the "doctor" is not really there, it's more like a self-reflection device. And this, once again, symbolizes the divinity amongst the profanity. Holy Modernity, mother of society. Once this happens, Konstrakta goes back to kneeading the bread. It's in the part where she talks about the need to go constantly up, putting up self-pressure and the anxiety of not being perceived as a perfect, functioning piece of society. It's a brilliant parallel.
As that section goes on, we can see one of her backup singers wave their white cloth around. The others stay perfectly still. This is also a symbolism of being the odd one out, how the one that's anxious and constantly on the grind is also frowned upon in some sense.
After the section where the singers tell Konstrakta to calm down, they start circling her while she keeps up her work. It becomes erratic and chaotic, just exactly as I had pictured in my head. Ultimately, Konstrakta is left alone on stage. Covering the dough once more, she claims "it's coming". The bread is coming. Modernity is coming. "Food" is coming.
I'm once again fascinated, throughly fascinated and thrilled by this woman's thought process. As I write this, I got the news she made it into the final! I'm so happy for her. March 3rd, I turn 26 years old. And it'd be the greatest early gift to see her win.
This was, indeed, new, better, and brilliant.
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 year ago
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memesmunsigra · 11 months ago
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 year ago
YES EXACTLY SAME. YES. EXACTLY. KO JE TA ŽENA MY FUCKING BELOVED. augh. i know filarri probably won't win (at least novo, bolje and duga je noć are absolute fucking bangers) but. just. it's such a song isn't it. ough
pspspspspspspspsps what's your pze24 top 3. (asking because i am currently normal about three of the songs.) [:
in no particular order:
Novo, bolje (konstrakta the icon)
Duga je noc (i swear I can type accents, Filip Balos)
Ko je ta zena (Filarri, once again I can't type these accents)
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pisemdaklepostojis · 1 year ago
Da mi je neko dao papir i olovku na početku 2023. i rekao da napišem tačno kako želim da mi izgleda godina, šta sve da mi se desi odnosno ne desi, kako stvari da se poslože i kako da bude, ja bolje od ovoga kako je bilo - ne bih znala. Sve što je trebalo da bude, svaka sitnica koja je bila prvi korak u leptirovom efektu, svaka ogromna životna promjena (a bilo ih je više), svako novo lice koje je doslo u moj život i svako koje je otišlo iz njega, svaka suza i cigara (od one sa vrha planine do one kraj obale mora), sve to naučilo me jednu stvar. Naučila sam da zapravo nije važno imaš li jednog ili više prijatelja, imaš li para, goriva u svom malom Ferrariju, snage u svom iscrpljenom tijelu, jesi li se posvađao s nekim, hoces li proci ispit, da li će ti produžiti ugovor na poslu itd itd. Jedino važno u svakom trenutku jeste da budeš ZAHVALAN za svaki taj trenutak, za svaku tu brigu. Zahvalan Bogu na prvom mjestu, pa dalje sebi i ostalima na koga se u kojem trenutku oslanjaš. Biti svjestan sebe i okoline, neprocjenjiva je moć nad svojim životom. To je tajna uspjeha. Kada znaš da ako već imaš tu privilegiju da se probudiš ujutro, popiješ kafu, središ, sjedneš u auto, voziš i ideš za svojim obavezama, ako ti je sve to dato na raspolaganje, onda si pola posla već završio. Biti zahvalan na svakom trenutku i biti svjestan da je svaka milisekunda isplanirana - već :)
Tako da narode, ellhamdulilah.
Bože zdravlja, hljeba i cigara :)
Sretna nam 2024. bila❤️‍🩹
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lunlumo · 11 months ago
imagine that
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GODstrakta - Novo, bolje (not)
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ultravioletna · 3 months ago
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svi na sve imaju komentar svi nešto bolje znaju svi su pametniji a niko da uživa u sopstvenom društvu i u lakoći življenja novembar je sediš u toplom domu gledaš serije imaš mogućnost da grliš ljude koje voliš a čime se ti baviš? evo ja sam napravila 2 kućice za mace koje hranimo stavila ćebenca i obezbedila ih za ovu zimu dok je mene, neće se smrzavati možda deluje kao da sam za nekog drugog uradila nešto ali time što sam njih makar na kratko spasila spasila sam i sebe i svoju dušu učini nešto zbog čega će ti duša biti laka kao pero priznaj ta osećanja pitaj da se grlite po ovoj hladnoći pitaj novo društvo da idete zajedno na žurku popij kafu sa sobom i knjigom položi taj ispit ili nemoj kako ti god srce želi samo radi ono što te čini srećnim/ srećnom baš baš je kratak ovaj život za preterano premišljanje i smišljanje
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jazbina · 11 months ago
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In Corpore Sano x Novo, bolje
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belog-grada-crna-princeza · 5 months ago
lights are on, but nobody's home. [13.09.2024.]
Osećaj plutanja kroz stvarnost. Zastanem da se slika iskristališe i čini mi se da je ovaj život niz buđenja i prelazaka iz jednog polusna u drugi. Novo jutro, ista pitanja, drugačiji odgovori. Ne želim da priznam koliko je stabilnosti bilo u nestabilnom i koliko je nestabilnosti ostalo ...vidiš svaki dan je novo rađanje i umiranje. Tražim u njihovim očima neko objašnjenje, ali nema ga. Nema ni u mom svetu više ni jednog oštrog predmeta u vidu drugih ljudi, svi su sada jedino u meni; ja sam oštar predmet. Ne igraj se sa mnom. Povredićemo se. Je l sam ti rekla.. da sam bila napušteno štene u prošlom životu? Prvo sam jurila za svakim ko bi prošao kraj mene, ukazao mi gram topline ili neku lepu reč, željna doma, prihvatanja. Neke moje osobe. Onda bih završila prebijena, krvava, nepoželjna. Pa sam ujedala ruke koje me hrane, iz straha, nepoverenja. Sklanjala se od ljudi, bežala, povijenog repa. Ustuknula bih kad bi pokušali da me pomaze, misleći da sledi udarac. Sada više ne ustuknem, ne sklanjam se s puta kad čujem da dolazi automobil. Ali sam slobodna jer shvatam sudbinu nas lutalica. Da smo recimo slatki mali bišoni ili impozantni haskiji, neko bi nas želeo, ali mi smo samo čupavi, neuredni mešanci. Nismo ono što deca požele za svoj šesti rođendan, o čemu sanjaju velike srećne porodice. Mi zavisimo od dobrote sentimentalnih, usamljenih ljudi koji znaju kako je to biti na marginama, s kojim nam se putevi sretnu na kratko, ali nas ne povedu kući. Zato se tome više ni ne nadamo. Kaže neka objava na društvenim mrežama: ko vas vidi onako kako želite da vas vide svi? Pomislim niko.. ko je sada tu. Nije problem u njihovom viđenju, već u raskoraku, u zavesi koju sam prebacila preko ogledala i velu koji pokriva to između nas. Ali pusti to. Bar se više ne plašiš skoro ničega što se tiče tebe jer ti je sada.. svejedno. Nisi vezana za ovaj život, al' u njemu ostaješ dokle god je neko vezan za tebe, dokle god ima ko da ti ne oprosti bilo kakvo dizanje ruke na / od sebe. Nisam se odmakla ni korak od onoga ko sam bila, a opet sam kilometrima daleko. I voleću to mesto, sve dok u njega ne može da dođe niko čija bih senka postala i na kraju nestala kada svane. Ja sam se zaljubila u mrak i sebično ga čuvala, sjedinila se s njim. Znaš šta? Ni ne trebaju mi odgovori. I onako je svaki laž koju prodam sebi... Do istine ne mogu ni dopreti. Istina je da sve ovo želim da ti ispričam, jer pričala sam ti skoro 5 godina i razumela si i da ništa nisam govorila. Razumela si me bolje od mene same. Ti. Ti si me videla onako kako želim da me svi vide. I od kad nisi tu, nisam sigurna ni da sam ja.
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giflxndia · 11 months ago
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ti-i-ja-mozda-nekada · 7 months ago
Ponikana Teinom novom pjesmom "naivčina" odlučih da napišem ovaj post u kojem se nadam da će se malo djevojaka/žena pronaći, jer sve ostalo bi bilo totalni promašaj za ženski rod, čovječanstvo.. Zaslužujemo više od onoga što smo imale ili imamo sada.
Za početak da li možete da zamislite jednu savršenu vezu, gdje se u potpunosti slažete, razumijete sa pola riječi, živite bajku svog života, a on je sve ono što ste oduvijek željeli, tražili čitavog života? Zamislili ste je. Želite takvo nešto. Vrijeme je da vam ispričam svoju priču. Priču čiji kraj još uvijek nećete saznati. Ali, saznat ćete neke druge stvari, puno vrijednije od toga gdje vam kraj više neće ni biti bitan.
Kao i sve ljubavne priče, početak je iznenadan, nenadan, ma neobjašnjiv, jer jednostavno ne postoje riječi koje bi opisale zašto se sve tako moralo desiti i kako.
U jednom trenutku života vi ste osoba koja je psihički potonula zbog životnih situacija za koje mislite da nikad bolje neće biti i da jednostavno nade za bolje sutra nema. Pokušavate iznova da se mirite s tim, da nazor tjerate neki život, mijenjate sebe fizički, ponovo ste osoba koja odjednom želi da se dotjeruje, hoda, izlazi, znate taj važni vizuelni dio sreće, a unutra krš i lom. Povjerenja nema, ljubavi još manje. Sve je od danas do sutra, totalno nebitno, nezainteresovano, svaki dan je isti, ništa novo se ne dešava, vi se više čak i ne trudite da bude nešto drugačije. Izgubili ste vi i vjeru u ljubav, osjećaj da vam je stalo do nekoga, da nekoga volite, jer su vas toliko puta razočarali da ste na taj dio svog života postali imuni.
I odjednom, neki đavo vama mira ne da, mi to danas mnogi zovemo sudbinom, jer šta bi drugo moglo biti već.
Pojavljuje se on. Kao što rekoh već iznenada, nenadano. Doduše, ne primjećujem ga odmah, jer kao što rekoh taj osjećaj nezainteresovanosti je tada dominatan da vam je svejedno ko vas gleda, piše, jer sve riječi rečene tada ne dopiru do vas. I onda se odjednom desi da vam dođe ta faza neke nervoze kada sami sebe ne podnosite a ne nečiju pažnju u tom trenutku. I kao što obično biva to se slomi na tim "nedužnim". Bio je uporan od prvog dana, istina, primjetila sam da je uporan, da piše i baš to je bio povod da tu nervozu izbacim na njega. Jer zašto on meni uopšte piše? Šta će on meni ponuditi? Sve već viđeno odavno.
Od toga dana počinje naša priča. Dan po dan, noć po noć, svakodnevno. I znate, desi se to, da niste ni svjesni, koliko vam je ta osoba ušla pod kožu nesvjesno. Zaljubili ste se vi već odavno. Gotova je to stvar. To povjerenje koje ste stekli u njega, u svaku njegovu riječ, ma niste vi to nikad osjetili u životu, jednostavno to je to, onaj pravi kojeg ste čekali cijelog svog života. Ni ne pomišljate da provjerite neku njegovu riječ, jer istina je to znate, drugačije je nemoguće. I živite tako dan za danom.
Iako ste rekli da veza na daljinu nije nešto što bi vi sebi dopustili - ovaj put ste se upustili u to, jer jednostavno jače je to od vas. Prošlo je već dosta vremena, razgovora, pa i godina, vi ne sumnjate sve je savršeno, čak imate neke svoje planove o budućnosti, životu...
I kad god mislite da u životu ne može da bude loše, život se potrudi da vas demantuje.
Sada ste već zaljubljeni, volite tu osobu, ne možete bez nje da zamislite ništa i onda.... Paaaffff..
Povjerenje se lomi kao da je od stakla, ona bajka sa početka počinje da dobiva jednu drugu dimenziju, drugu stranu priče...
Nekada nas život navede na put da bi počeli da tragamo, a svako ko traga za nečim on to na kraju i nađe..
Počelo je pravim snovima - svaku noć u san vam dolazi nešto zbog čega se budite uznemireni, osjećate neobjašnjivu tjeskobu i tada počinjete da preispitujete riječi, vraćate vrijeme unazad, film unazad... I počinjete da tražite...
Da li možete da pomislite da istina koja je bila na početku uopšte nije onakva kakva jeste.. Da zamislite da svaka rečenica izgovorena je zapravo suprotno od svega onoga što je rečeno..
Tada otkrivate drugu stranu osobe koju volite. Shvatate da vi u njegovom životu i niste imali ulogu istu čitavo vrijeme kao što on ima u vašem životu. Znate, bude tu svega... Laži, tajni, drugih osoba, čak i ljubavi. I onda se fatate za glavu u jednoj noći jer sve vam izgleda kao jedna ogromna laž za koju ne možete da vjerujete da se to dešava vama. Ne možete da vjerujete svojim očima.
Ne vjerujem ni dalje ako ćete iskreno. Da vam se desilo takvo nešto da ni u jednom trenutku niste imali potrebu da sumnjate u riječi te osobe jer toliko povjerenje je bilo dato njemu....
Pokušavate da saznate istinu, naravno kako obično biva, ne dolazite do nje lako, jer sve se krije, ne priznaje...
Radite to onda po svojim metodama i saznate sve. Da ste čitavo vrijeme bila osoba koja je skrivena od očiju javnosti, a uvjeravani u skroz druge riječi, da ste bili u jednom trenutku čak i jedna od mnogih, da je uvijek bila želja za nečim još pored vas... Osjećate se prljavo, izdano i odvratno. Jer nikada niste željeli da budete jedna od mnogih, a dali ste od sebe sve. Iskreno i od srca od starta.
Pokušavate da razgovarate o tim stvarima, jer ipak godine su iza vas, ali razgovora nema. Zašto? Ne znate. Nedostatak volje, nedostatak ljubavi ili straha od suočavanja sa istinom? Mislite li da je to fer prema nekome ko vam je dao srce na dlanu?
Shvatate situaciju. Nije to više ona bajka, sada je to stvarnost. Stvarnost da ste dali svoje povjerenje, a ostali da sjedite u istoj sobi sa sumnjom, nepovjerenjem, nepoštovanjem a možda i bez svega ostalog. Nema više onog osjećaja da vjerujete sve na prvu, vi sad čak i ne želite da vjerujete, vama je sad i očigledna istina laž.
Da li čovjek koji je dao svoje povjerenje nekome bez da razmisli da li ga zaslužuje, treba da dobije ovako nešto?
Jedan čovjek vas nauči lekciju. Života. Sve naizgled dobro ne mora da znači da je lijepo. Jer sve što se trudimo da bude lijepo, ispod sebe ima neku svoju priču. Stvar je samo da li ste vi dio te priče ili ne? Nekada mnogi nisu dio, jer su bili most do spasa, novog života, a neki jesu postali ali nisu više bili oni ljudi koji su nekada bili.
Sada za vas dragi moji ostaje pitanje života, da u svoja četiri zida razmislite kome dajete svoje povjerenje, šta ako ga izgubite u jednom trenutku, šta ako se bajka završi jednog dana ili odlučite da živite sa izgubljenim povjerenjem, da li ćete i dalje biti osoba koja je bila s početka ili ćete postati neko drugi, da li ćete se boriti za ono što osjećate ili ćete ipak otići još jednom sa izgubljenim povjerenjem u ljude i slomljenog srca?
Da li ćete poslije ljubavi koja vas je oživjela i ponovo slomila, moći da sastavite komade svog srca i nastavite da živite život? Šta ćete uraditi sa ljubavlju koju osjećate u sebi? I kakav život ćete živjeti bez osobe koja je bila vaš život? Da li će više ikada neko moći da bude vaš život, iskreno, sa povjerenjem, sa pravom ljubavi... Ili ćete ukoliko se odlučite otići, voljeti ljude onako kako su dosad voljeli vas, sa dozom nepoštovanja, izigranog povjerenja sa rečenicama punih laži......
Kako si me ranio
Tugu mi podvalio
Nisi se nimalo šalio
Na adresi piše mi
"Broj jedan naivčina"
Žena ostavljena, ničija...
Da si pravo muško ti
Nisam se ni nadala (nažalost jesam)
Takvog nisam još ni vidjela
Pusto žensko, prokleto
Ne vidi i ne čuje
I u muške laži vjeruje....
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 year ago
novo, bolje fucks so hard and you cannot tell me otherwise
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memesmunsigra · 11 months ago
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malaaki · 5 months ago
žudim ka nečemu višem
moram ga dostić.
ne želim vječno stajati u plićaku
jer se bojim dubine života,
dok gledam druge kako sretno plove.
doði da me samo pogurneš,
mislim da sama ne mogu.
ovo mjesto je sigurno, al sigurnost prati samo ravnodušne.
ja želim ono novo, nesvakidašnje.
valovi života odnesite me na bolje.
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eurovision-del · 11 months ago
Before Serbia select their Eurovision entry tonight, I've taken another look at the Pesma za Evroviziju finalists
Zorja – Lik u ogledalu
Zejna – Najbolja
Keni nije mrtav – Dijamanti
Konstrakta – Novo, bolje
Marko Mandić – Dno
Hristina – Bedem
Breskvica – Gnezdo orlovo
Džordži – Luna park
Teya Dora – Ramonda
Iva Lorens – Dom
Dušan Kurtić – Zbog tebe živim
M.IRA – Percepcija
Nemanja Radošević – Jutra bez tebe
Milan Bujaković – Moje-tvoje
Lena Kovačević – Zovi me Lena
Bojana & David – No No No
I generally enjoyed the semifinal performances, though unfortunately one of the ones I least enjoyed was actually Filarri’s – it was a shame since he had my favourite song, but the staging was offputting. I loved his outfit, and I do appreciate the overall message of the song, but I feel there could have been far better ways to convey it than using the human figures projected on the screen in that way. I understand it not qualifying, but Ko je ta žena is definitely a song I’ll come back to.
However, I have a new favourite! I already liked Lik u ogledalu, looking at just the songs I put it as one of nine I’d be happy winning, but after seeing it performed this is now my clear personal winner! I thought everything about it was incredible, the staging was great, with the way the harsh spotlight against the darkness isolated her at the start, to the way they incorporated the titular mirrors, to the moment of vulnerability at the end where she faces herself in the shattered mirror – I found it really moving. Zorja also has a fantastic voice, she sounded beautiful throughout and nailed the top notes!
While there are still plenty of other songs I like – Konstrakta’s performance was great and I find it really interesting how Novo, bolje serves as a continuation of In Corpore Sano, making a point of using all the same staging aspects to highlight how things haven't changed, and I still love Najbolja and Dijamanti as songs, even though I could have done with a little more energy actually from both of the performances with how high-key the songs are – I want to see Lik u ogledalu win tonight. Zorja could take that performance as is to Eurovision and would sail through the semis, and hopefully far up the scoreboard in the final! That said, while she’s become my clear standout, I do still feel that Serbia should comfortably qualify with most of the options they’ve got.  
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