coochiequeens · 7 months
I've taken many jabs at the ACLU for defending perverted freaks now here's the HRC following their lead.
By Reduxx Team February 16, 2024
A registered child sex offender was welcomed at the Human Rights Campaign’s North Carolina Dinner gala last week, just months after a controversy involving him being awarded a top LGBT advocacy prize. Chad Severance-Turner, a former youth minister, is currently the Chief Executive Officer at the Carolina LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce.
On February 10, the Human Rights Campaign in North Carolina held its annual dinner gala, with a number of top LGBT activists in attendance. Among the speakers at the Bank of America-sponsored “Without Exception” event was HRC Press Secretary Brandon Wolf and Democrat State Senator Lisa Grafstein.
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But among those featured in attendance was Chad Severance-Turner, a registered child sex offender who has managed to rise to prominence as an LGBT advocate in North Carolina.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Turner was first accused by three boys of sexual abuse in 1998.
According to a GoUpstate report on the case from 2000, all of the victims who had come forward had met Turner through his position as the music director at the New Harvest Church of God in Gaffney, South Carolina. The cases were tried separately due to the nature of the charges, and Turner was ultimately only convicted on one offense. 
Of the incidents Turner was convicted on, a 14-year-old boy had testified that Turner had invited him to spend the night at his house in the nearby community of Bessemer City, North Carolina. The victim stated that during the visit, Turner had questioned him on how he’d feel about a man performing oral sex on him. 
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Turner, wearing a silver vest, at the February 10 HRC Dinner.
“I thought he was joking,” the boy told the court. He explained that Turner frequently questioned him about sexual acts between men and women, which upset him because of the man’s position in the church. The victim continued that, following a revival meeting, he and Turner stayed overnight at the home of one of the other alleged victims. 
The teen says he awoke to find Turner fondling his genitals, but didn’t immediately report it due to shame.
The second minor, who said he was 15 when the incident occurred, stated he was invited to Turner’s home where the older man showed him a pornographic video of a man and a woman having sex. He then said that later that night, after he and Turner went to sleep in the same bed, he woke up to find Turner fondling him.
The third alleged victim, who was also 15 at the time, said Turner had made the same advances to him over a three-week period when he stayed in the boy’s home. The minor said Turner had fondled him several times. 
“He told me if I ever told the pastor, he’d make me look like a fool and a liar,” the boy said.
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Turner’s registration with the North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Agency.
During the trial, Turner’s defense attorney, Thomas Shealy, accused the boys of perpetrating a “witch hunt,” and asserted that it was suspicious that there was a few month delay between them being sexually abused and them going to their parents. 
Turner was ultimately convicted on the charges related to the first victim, and sentenced to 10 years in prison for committing lewd acts on a minor under the age of 16. He served 2 years behind bars before being released on parole and being ordered to the sex offender registry.
Since being released from prison, Turner has become an active and notable member of the Charlotte LGBTQ advocacy community. 
In 2012, Turner was elected the president of the LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, immediately heading efforts to push for an expanded “nondiscrimination” ordinance which many complained would have prevented businesses from maintaining spaces such as washrooms as single-sex. 
He was named “Person of the Year” by LGBT news outlet QNotes in March of 2015, but would resign from his Chamber of Commerce post in 2016 after his history as a child sex offender came to light. He would once again join the LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce as its inaugural CEO in 2021, a position he has held since. Under his leadership, the Chamber has secured partnerships with prominent organizations like Fifth Third Bank, NASCAR, Duke Energy, Wells Fargo, Sonoco, and Novant Health. He was also recently appointed by Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles to serve on the city’s Business Advisory Committee.
Turner has previously been awarded an honor by the Human Rights Campaign at their annual gala, though at the time, HRC officials refused to state whether they were aware of his child sex offender status prior to giving him the award.
Most recently, Turner was honored with the Harvey Milk Award by Charlotte Pride in a controversial move that was quickly reversed after Reduxx reported on his pedophile past.
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betterdonutgalaxy · 1 year
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Other stuff
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topmychart · 1 year
Novant MyChart Login: Your Gateway to Convenient Health Management
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Novant MyChart Login Guide 2023
With the help of Novant MyChart Login, patients can manage their healthcare effectively and simply online. Patients can securely access their medical records, make appointment requests, ask for prescription refills, and connect with their healthcare providers via Novant MyChart.
This convenient tool gives users the power to take charge of their health by giving them quick access to essential data and services.
The complete healthcare experience is improved with Novant MyChart, which guarantees smooth communication and cooperation between patients and medical personnel. Checking test results or keeping track of appointments is made easier with Novant MyChart, saving time and effort. With Novant MyChart, experience the personalised care of the future in healthcare administration.
Read more....
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natequarter · 1 year
my solution for french numbers is to steal the spanish words. huitante sounds terrible. ochante? i mean it's not perfect but anything is better than "huitante"
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jobkash · 19 days
Registered Nurse, RN Critical Care Transport
OverviewMust have a minimum of two years of recent critical care experience. Schedule: 7pm-7amUnit: Critical Care Transport Team, interfacility ground transport responsible for critical care patients. Ratio 1:1 Location: Forsyth Medical Center The Registered Nurse serves as a leader of the healthcare team at Novant Health by establishing an authentic personalized relationship with the patient and…
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ot3 · 5 months
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gotta be honest novant i dont think thats gonna do it for me
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okami-zero · 1 year
Okami Watches G-Witch
(Spoilers below cut, Episode 23)
SO. Thank you, G-Witch for subverting some of my expectations based on older Gundam shows and tropes. I was fully expecting fratricide of some sort (accidental/intentional near the end there), because in other series (not just Gundam), the thing that snaps a normally good character out of their red-eyed, self-destructive vengeance spree is either they come to a realization just before they destruct, or they kill someone they are fighting who refuses to fight back, due to some connection. And I was sitting here, absolutely flabbergasted and thinking "Fuck fuck fuck Guel what the fuck-" and THEN.
Not so divine intervention. x3
I will give Felsi and Petra so many kudos for being so damn spunky and stubborn and pretty much two of the only people who can deal with the apparent Jeturk bullshit without issue. I actually thought Felsi was gonna jump in-between them (another trope of the third party intervention, that still ties into the previous one), but no. She went one better than that, and stopped the bullshit from happening (now go get some damn therapy, both of you!).
That's actually an aspect about G-Witch that has been pretty neat, is how we have this absolutely huge supporting cast, and yet, a lot of them are getting moments here at the climax of the whole shebang. I love that.
Okay, and Suletta's argument with her sister was interesting, and I may have to watch again because it was in the midst of a damn dogfight. But the Bits thinking that Eri wouldn't kill anyone (where here she is clearly edging toward the realization that she will probably have to kill her sister to stop her) and their eerily chirpy, happy response that their MOM will do it for them. While using Aerial, and the Bits. Which is, y'know... very "Gendo turning on Unit-1's Dummy Plug to override Shinji not willing to kill another pilot in that berserk EVA, and then Unit-01 nearly doing so" here. Paraphrasing Shinj, she will kill anyone who gets in her way, and will use Aerial (Eri's hands, essentially) to do it.
Those Bene-Gesserit hags! (Note: I am aware they are not of the weird religion thing from Dune, but when I saw them and their absolutely creepy overly-Botoxed, always smiling faces and garb, that was the first word that jumps to mind.)
They and Elan-Prime went behind their own fucking Group to seal a deal to wipe out AN ENTIRE. LAGRANGE. SECTOR. To seal their own fucking skins. And we see this series Novantic Cannon/Space Fortress Barge/Space Battleship Libra. It's like the over-'roided big brother of Gundam X's lunar microwave cannon. But bigger. Like, holy SHIT.
And Eri put herself, the Bits and the Gundvolva still remaining in its path to keep Quiet Zero and everyone in/around it from being obliterated. Now, she might have only been thinking of her family, but - the classic sacrificing protagonist smile thrown Suletta's way... guess we'll see how things boil down, but not looking good for Eri. Let's hope the L1 death ray "power transmission laser" has a flaw like Libra's.
And Elan-4. Damn, this guy is just... hopefully doesn't die. T_T Because I have actually started to like him, he's saved everyone's bacon. Maybe it's because he's free of the constraint of the Bene-Gesserit taskmasters, so... Wait... could "Benerit" be a portmanteau of "Bene-Gesserit"...?? O.o It would make fucking sense! To me, anyway, I might be the only one who has that weird mental connection... >.>
AND! On the subject of Elan-4 and his peerless markmanship. I didn't think a headshot on Propsera would kill her, that brain bucket is FAR too thick. BUT! that revealed something else interesting - Prospera's Permet link wasn't in her helmet, it's in her HEAD. This makes sense, since she would need to be able to communicate with Eri outside of the cockpit, but I was like, "Holy shit!" Maybe the helmet also helps insulate her from the data storm?
When Eri was about to casually wipe out Suletta's friends, there was (stated a few moments later) "data interference". Eri actually was speaking to someone else for a moment, asking them why they stopped her, complaining that all their wishes could come true.
...who else is in the Data Storm?
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noneun · 2 years
Ha un nome l'orso che ha aggredito il fratello del sindaco di Rabbi, in Trentino, domenica 5 marzo scorso. Si tratta di un esemplare già classificato nei data base della Provincia autonoma di Trento, ha spiegato il presidente Maurizio Fugatti, denominato MJ5, un maschio di 18 anni nato nel 2005 da Maja e Joze, orsi sloveni che hanno dato avvio al progetto Life Ursus sulle Alpi negli anni Novanta. L'orso è presente da tanti anni in Trentino e ha viaggiato molto, ha detto Fugatti: "Dal 2006 al 2022 ha frequentato tutto il Trentino occidentale e si muove molto è stato anche in Provincia di Bolzano. la zona più frequentata è quella del Brenta meridionale".
La Provincia di Trento procederà alla cattura e poi all'abbattimento dell'animale, che viene ritenuto "problematico", anche se "va detto che si tratta di un orso che non ha mai dato queste problematiche prima d'ora. Ma ora rispetto al percorso dal Pacobace, che disciplina le azioni messe in campo dalle autorità della Pat. Qui si tratta di una fattispecie prevista, con un orso che ha avuto contatto fisico e non un falso attacco. In questo caso si prevede la cattura per mettere il radiocollare oppure la cattura per abbattimento.
Abbiamo informato il ministro Pichetto Fratin. Ci aspettiamo una espressione di Ispra conforme alla gravità del fatto accaduto, dopodiché noi procederemo comunque", ha detto Fugatti. Prima ci sarà "un'azione di cattura del soggetto e contestualmente la comunicazione ad Ispra dove diciamo che sarà nostra intenzione procedere all'abbattimento".
"L'identificazione dell'orso coinvolto nell'incidente con l'uomo e il suo cane in Val di Rabbi, l'orso Mj5, è coincisa immediatamente con una dichiarazione di condanna a morte del plantigrado. Come Protezione animali ci opporremo con ogni mezzo a questa decisione ingiusta che sa tanto di campagna elettorale", commenta in una nota l'Ente nazionale di protezione animali (Enpa).
"Ricordiamo che l'orso Mj5 ha vissuto per 18 anni in Trentino senza mai mostrare comportamenti negativi verso l'uomo: non ha mai fatto del male alle persone, ed anche i danni a suo carico sono limitati. Ma in seguito ad un unico incidente, la cui dinamica fa ascrivere l'evento ai casi di orsi che reagiscono in modalità difensiva, parte la condanna a morte, benché il Pacobace preveda anche il radiocollaraggio, senza arrivare alla soppressione", aggiunge l'associazione, definendo "la decisione è errata e immotivata" e parlando di un esemplare "vittima di manovre elettorali".
Come ampiamente prevedibile, un orso verrà ucciso a causa di una serie di errori umani.
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
Diamond Williams, 18 (USA 2016)
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Diamond Williams was only 18 when she was killed by an abortion facility called Carolina Center For Women (which later rebranded itself as A Woman’s Choice).
Diamond had diabetes mellitus. This made her high-risk for anything surgical, let alone an unnecessary procedure. She should have been in a hospital setting for any necessary procedure and it was unsafe to approve her for an elective procedure. But Diamond’s safety and health didn’t matter to the abortion facility. Diamond and her Mom (Shakira Williams) were not given warnings of the risks that abortion posed to Diamond.
Even though Diamond was one of the first clients to arrive that morning at the abortion facility, it took all day for her mother to see her or receive any updates on her condition. After several hours, nothing was done to help the worried mother who was concerned for the condition of her daughter. When the staff started to turn off the lights and close down the office at the end of the day, Shakira had to bang on the glass in the reception area to get someone’s attention. She needed to know what was happening with her daughter. It had been all day and nobody was telling her anything.
Finally, Diamond was escorted out a side door and discharged to her mother. The nightmare was only beginning.
Diamond suffered a painful and restless first night home. Despite two calls to the abortion facility, Shakira was not given any help for Diamond’s condition. She was told that Diamond’s pain was normal and that if there was no fever or “excessive” bleeding then there was nothing wrong. When Shakira realized that something was in fact very wrong with her daughter, she tried to schedule a follow-up appointment with the abortion facility. However, all they gave her was a promise to call her back later (which they never did).
Diamond was clearly not going to get any medical care from these people, so Shakira decided to take her to her primary care doctor’s office the next morning. She didn’t realize Diamond wouldn’t even make it that far.
Diamond went to bed that night. Not even 5 minutes later, her mother heard screaming.
Shakira rushed into her daughter’s bedroom to find the terrified teenager face down, unable to talk and visibly foaming at the mouth. Diamond couldn’t stand and was suffering from what seemed to be a seizure. Her mother called 911 immediately.
A fire unit arrived and found a hysterical and terrified family, especially Shakira (experiencing post-traumatic flashbacks of losing Diamond’s twin brother, who died when the two were three months old). Apparently they perceived the fear and trauma as aggression, because they summoned a police unit. The police forced Diamond’s siblings and the family dog into a bedroom and shut them in.
Shakira was later interviewed and said she wondered why the paramedics weren’t working harder to help her daughter. She stated that the paramedics tried but were unable to get Diamond to stand on her own. After about 30 minutes, they rolled her onto a body bag and dragged her out of the patio door. It was only then that she was placed on a stretcher and transported to Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center in Charlotte.
Shakira wasn’t allowed to ride with her daughter in the ambulance, but was grateful that a police officer on the scene wanted to help and drove her to the hospital. There, she was placed alone in a room to await word from the doctors. A hospital chaplain arrived and prayed with Shakira until a doctor finally came to tell her that her daughter had a pulse and would be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit.
When she was allowed into the ICU, Shakira saw Diamond “bleeding from everywhere.” Her blood pressure never stabilized and Diamond was pronounced dead on January 27, 2016 – four days after her “safe and legal” abortion.
Instead of letting the county coroner to conduct the autopsy, the hospital performed the autopsy on the scene. The funeral home had a hard time finding Diamond’s body since the coroner never received it. The hospital also refused to give Shakira copies of her daughter’s medical records or even the autopsy results. Shakira hired a lawyer, but it took over a year for her to get the hospital’s autopsy report – and it was only page 59-62 of a larger document. The highly redacted version of the autopsy report showed that Diamond had retained fetal body parts and suffered from an embolism, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy, ischemic colitis and acute hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia. It did not, however, specify her exact cause or manner of death.
To make everything even worse, the abortion facility that killed Diamond Williams refused to provide the records and documents of Diamond’s abortion. They wouldn’t even disclose the name of the abortionist who was responsible. Diamond’s mother is still waiting for requested documents, including records from the Carolina Center for Women. Because she didn’t have that documentation, it was difficult for Shakira to even file a complaint with the North Carolina Medical Board over her daughter’s botched abortion and failure to follow up. And without the right documents, it was even harder to sue Diamond’s killers.
Complicating the pursuit of records, the facility changed its name three months after killing Diamond. The lawyer hired to represent the Williams family notified them at one point saying he could no longer represent them. It was later discovered that he had been representing the abortion facility on another matter, but never told Diamond’s family of the conflict of interest. For all intents and purposes, a preventable death was effectively being covered up.
Diamond Williams should still be alive. She was only 18.
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(The few pages of Diamond’s (at least)62-page autopsy report that were actually released)
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Omg. This worker told me she had stomach cancer, a same-day gall bladder-ectomy AND appendectomy (but came back the next day), cant lift anything or work full time, a second unspecified proceedure a week later (came back next day again) and brought in a note from NOVANT HEALTH.
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awsomebloggersblog · 14 days
Job Opening For PRN Float Pool Advanced Practice Provider - Coastal Market Intuitive Health Services Job title: PRN Float Pool Advanced Practice Provider - Coastal Market Job description: Job Summary:The Novant Health Provider Float Pool is looking for a compassionate, caring, experienced Advanced Practice Provider to provide primary health care in the Coastal Brunswick market. Our float pool providers are valued for creating access to care when clinics are impacted by planned and unexpected provider shortages. As a member of the team, you are not responsible for a patient panel, work with a variety of experienced care teams, and enjoy a flexible schedule that works for you, giving you the time you need for family and personal interests. At least one year working as an APP required.Novant Health benefits: NH Medical Group employed System wide EHR-Epic Malpractice Work-Life balance Novant Health Medical Group: One of the largest medical groups in the nation. Offers resiliency training for providers and team members to prevent burnout. Established the ODYSSEY program to enhance the new physician and APP experience by empowering our providers to connect, explore and evolve within a culture of continuous learning and teamwork to build a high performing provider network. Instituted an APP Council that partners with leaders to improve APP clinical performance and consistency, create a community of practice that enhances experience, engagement and growth, fully integrate APPs into the care team, and set standards for APP practice. Is nationally recognized for advanced care and one of the largest community based, non-profit healthcare systems. Is well known for being physician-led and physician-driven. For example, our physicians are in every area of leadership across the organization. That means every strategic discussion has physicians at the table, and every market partners a physician leader with an administrator. The result is a focus on the details that are important to physicians. What does it mean to be a part of Novant Health? Novant Health is an integrated network of physician clinics, outpatient centers and hospitals that delivers a seamless and convenient healthcare experience to our communities. The Novant Health network consists of more than 1,900 physicians and over 36,000 team members that provide care at more than 800 locations, including 16 medical centers and hundreds of outpatient facilities and physician clinics. Headquartered in Winston–Salem, North Carolina, Novant Health is committed to making healthcare remarkable for patients and communities providing nearly six million patient visits annually. Novant Health is one of ranking No. 38 in North Carolina, according to Forbes and market research company, Statista. Novant Health has been consistently recognized as a Best-In-State Employer since Forbes launched the list in 2019. * Novant Health has been ranked No. 17 in the nation and third among U.S. health systems in the 2023 Diversity MBA MagazineRankings for “Best Places to Work for Women & Diverse Managers.” In 2022, Novant Health provided more than $1.5 billion in total community benefit (including financial assistance and unpaid cost of Medicare and Medicaid). In 2022, Novant Health community engagement contributed more than $1.9 million in charitable contributions to community partners in Charlotte, Winston-Salem and Wilmington that offer community-based health and human services. At Novant Health, one of our core values is diversity and inclusion. By engaging the strengths and talents of each team member, we ensure a strong organization capable of providing remarkable healthcare to our patients, families and communities. Therefore, we invite applicants from all group dynamics to apply to our exciting career opportunities.Join us, and let’s transform healthcare together.
#MakeHealthcareRemarkable #JoinTeamAubergine Qualifications:Education: Master's Degree required. Either a graduate of an NCCPA accredited physician assistant program, or NP or post Master’s NP program required.Experience: At least one year of experience working as an APP required.Licensure/Certification/Registration: Current PA or NP license in appropriate state required. NCCPA or registry with state nursing board, BLS, DEA registry required.Additional Skills Required: Ability to successfully complete generic and depart-specific skills validation and competency testing; Thorough knowledge of diagnosis, and pharmacology; Thorough skill in physical assessment and management of chronic illness; Communication skills, both verbal and written; general computer knowledge is preferred; ability to work independently, yet in collaboration when necessary. Ability to use problem-solving, decision making, creative and communication skills. Dedicated to patient rehabilitation and self-care. Responsibilities:It is the responsibility of every Novant Health team member to deliver the most remarkable patient experience in every dimension, every time. Our team members are part of an environment that fosters team work, team member engagement and community involvement. The successful team member has a commitment to leveraging diversity and inclusion in support of quality care. All Novant Health team members are responsible for fostering a safe patient environment driven by the principles of "First Do No Harm". Apply for the job PRN Float Pool Advanced Practice Provider - Coastal Market At Intuitive Health Services, our goal is to make healthcare better for everyone. We help hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare places find the right doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. For over 15 years, we have been doing this important job. We work with places like state hospitals and correctional facilities to make sure they have the best people to take care of patients. We don’t just connect people with jobs; we also support them throughout their journey. We help with things like improving resumes, preparing for interviews, and finding the job that fits best. We work in over 50 different locations and have over 900 professionals who trust us to help them. If you are looking for a job in healthcare, we are here to guide you. If you are a healthcare facility needing to hire someone, we can find the best person for you. Our team is always ready to help, and we believe that by working together, we can make healthcare stronger and better for everyone. If you need to contact us, you can find us at: Address: 520 West Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230 Email: [email protected] Phone:+1 (805) 703-3729 We’re here to help you with all your healthcare staffing needs! https://intuitivehealthservices.com/register
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caitlinphleb · 18 days
Discover Lucrative Phlebotomist Jobs in Charlotte, NC: Your Path to a Rewarding Healthcare Career Starts Here!
Title: ⁢Discover Lucrative Phlebotomist Jobs in Charlotte, ⁤NC: Your Path⁤ to a Rewarding ‌Healthcare Career Starts Here!
Meta Title: Lucrative Phlebotomist‌ Jobs​ in Charlotte, NC
Meta Description: If you are looking for a ‌rewarding career in healthcare, consider becoming​ a phlebotomist in Charlotte, NC. Learn about ​the job prospects, benefits, and how to kickstart your career in this ‍field.
Introduction: Are you passionate about working in the healthcare industry and looking for a rewarding ⁢career that allows you to make ‍a difference in people’s​ lives? If so, becoming a phlebotomist in Charlotte, NC may ⁢be the perfect career path for you. Phlebotomists play a crucial role in the healthcare system by drawing⁢ blood⁢ from patients⁤ for various medical purposes. In this article, we will explore ⁣the lucrative ​phlebotomist job opportunities in Charlotte, NC, and provide you with valuable information on how to kickstart ​your career in this fulfilling field.
Job Prospects for Phlebotomists in Charlotte, NC: Charlotte, NC is a bustling city with a growing‍ healthcare industry, making it an ideal location ​for aspiring phlebotomists⁣ to launch ⁣their careers. As the population continues to‍ grow, the demand for healthcare services, ​including phlebotomy, is on the‌ rise. According to the Bureau of Labor⁤ Statistics, ​the employment of phlebotomists is projected to grow 17% from​ 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Phlebotomist jobs in Charlotte can be found in‍ various healthcare⁢ settings, including hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and blood donation centers. Some of the top employers of phlebotomists in the Charlotte area include Carolinas Healthcare​ System, Novant Health, LabCorp, and Quest Diagnostics.
Benefits of Pursuing a Career as a Phlebotomist in Charlotte, NC: There⁢ are numerous benefits to pursuing a⁢ career as a phlebotomist in Charlotte, NC. Some of the key benefits ⁢include:
1.‌ Job Security: As ‌the healthcare industry‍ continues to expand,‍ the demand for​ phlebotomists is expected⁢ to remain strong, providing excellent job security for those in​ this field. 2.⁣ Competitive Salary: Phlebotomists in‍ Charlotte, NC can earn a competitive salary, with opportunities for advancement and ⁣higher pay with experience⁤ and additional certifications. 3. Fulfilling​ Work: Phlebotomists play a vital role⁤ in⁤ the healthcare ‌system by ensuring accurate blood⁣ collection and testing, making a positive impact on patient care. 4. Flexible Schedule:⁤ Many healthcare facilities in Charlotte offer flexible ​work ⁣schedules, allowing phlebotomists to balance work and personal life effectively.
Practical Tips for Landing a Phlebotomist Job in Charlotte, NC: If you are considering ⁣a‌ career as a phlebotomist in Charlotte, NC, here are some practical tips to help ‍you land your dream job:
1. Get Certified: Obtain certification‍ from ​an accredited phlebotomy program to enhance your job prospects and demonstrate your commitment to the field. 2. Gain Experience: Seek internships or entry-level positions in healthcare‍ settings to gain ‌hands-on experience in phlebotomy. 3. Network: Attend job fairs, healthcare conferences, and networking events‍ to connect with professionals in​ the field and learn about job opportunities. 4. Update Your Resume: Tailor your resume to highlight your phlebotomy ⁣skills and experience, making it stand out to potential employers. 5. Prepare for⁤ Interviews: Practice common interview questions related to phlebotomy and healthcare to showcase your ​knowledge and skills during ⁢job interviews.
Conclusion: Becoming a phlebotomist in Charlotte, NC ⁤is a rewarding career choice that offers excellent⁤ job prospects, competitive salaries, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. By following‌ the practical tips provided in this article and pursuing certification in phlebotomy, you can kickstart ⁤your career in this fulfilling field and make a positive impact‍ on patient care in the vibrant city of Charlotte. If you are passionate about healthcare and enjoy working with‌ people, consider exploring phlebotomist ​job ⁤opportunities in Charlotte, NC today!
Remember, the healthcare industry is always in need of dedicated professionals like ​phlebotomists, ⁤so take the first step towards a rewarding career by discovering the lucrative job opportunities available to you in Charlotte, NC.⁣ Your path to⁣ a ⁤fulfilling healthcare career starts here!
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trendtrackershq · 2 months
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𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞: https://www.nextmsc.com/medical-imaging-services-market/request-sample
As we advance in the healthcare sector, the Medical Imaging Services Market is undergoing significant transformation. With the integration of cutting-edge technologies like AI and machine learning, we're witnessing unprecedented improvements in diagnostic accuracy and patient care.
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𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬: Innovations like 3D imaging and molecular imaging providing deeper insights.
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Global Diagnostics
𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭: https://www.nextmsc.com/report/medical-imaging-services-market
The rise of these technologies is not only optimizing clinical outcomes but also reshaping how we approach healthcare. As we continue to innovate and adapt, the potential for growth in this sector is immense.
For those invested in the healthcare industry, now is the time to stay informed and engaged with these exciting developments.
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from Swedish forenames, including the letter sequence "An".
Adander Adandra Adanilsak Adank Adanna Adant Adante Adantor Adran Adrank Adriande Adriander Aleiani Alexan Alexanda Alexanne Alian Alianda Aliank Aliann Alianna Aliannes Aliante Aliantel Alianten Alinatildan Aliviant Alliannelin Alman Altorianter Alvan Alvani Alvian Alviank Alvigriani Andav Ander Andra Anicia Aniltor Annathar Annatheo Annatils Annattor Annes Anteodorid Anteon Anter Anterid Anterikton Antorneo Aranda Aridan Asmillaran Axelianton Aximildant...
Beliante Belmann Caran Cariantor Carlianna Cellician Chalfran Chanda Chande Chandra Chandria Chanicornes Chank Chann Channatton Channeah Chante Chanter Chantor Chantora Colian Coliandamer Coliande Colianteon Collexanto Coranna Coriann Danda Dander Dandra Danicia Danie Danna Dannathande Dannestia Danten Danter Danton Dantona Dantor Eddan Edithan Edithani Edithanna Edithanteon Elian Eliandra Eliani Elianilly Eliank Elianna Eliante Eliciandra Elinathant Elivannes Ellariande Elleian Elleianda Elleiant Ellexan Ellexante Ellian Elliandard Elliantona Ellilman Elman Elmandri Elmanna Elvalexan Elvan Elvani Elvian Elviandra Elviank Elvianna Elvildan Emildan Emildani Emildank Emillielian Emiran Emman Emmanneo Emmanton Erante Felian Feliant Felician Fellian Fiandra Fianna Fianteo Fildantor Filiann Filianteo Fillexan Fredithank Fretavian Gabeliandri Griamelian Grian Griande Halexann Hallexan Halvanna Handa Handar Handav Hande Hander Handra Handrian Handrie Hanilma Hannath Hannatte Hante Hanton Hantor Harian Harvianilly Heddanna Heddant Hildan Hildandara Hildande Hildank Hildanna Hildanteo Hilianda Hilman Hilmandra Hilovan Idani Idanna Idanter Ingriank Ingriant Ingridante Iranna Irian Iriant Iridan Isaltelian Jacolician Jalvidan Joelian Joelindrian Johan Johanda Johandard Johank Johanneli Johanteo Joleian Jolexani Jollicianna Joscarlian Juliandri Juliandria Juliank Juliante Julianton Julician Julicianna Leian Leiank Leianna Leiantor Lexan Lexande Lexanie Lexanilda Lexank Lexann Lexannea Lexant Lexanteo Lianda Lianderia Liandrisak Lianician Lianiel Liank Liann Lianna Lianne Liannes Liannestin Liante Liantelly Lianter Lianterik Liantorne Licelian Lician Liciandran Liciani Liciant Lisalfranna Lividante Livigreddan Lovan Lovandrid Lovanie Lovanilhea Lovannatheo Lovanten Lucarandra Lucarank Lucarantelm Ludviant Ludviciank Ludvilianie Ludvilmank Ludviranna Luniciandra Manda Mander Manie Manilia Manne Manteo Manter Manteria Manton Mantornes Marianton Matheddanna Matian Maxelian Maxelvildan Meddanna Medvidant Melian Meliande Melician Mellexan Mellexante Melvanda Melvanter Mildan Mildande Mildanton Mildantor Miliandrias Miliank Milman Milmani Milmant Milmeddan Miranna Miranton Miridank Mohan Moharan Nathalian Nathandrisa Nician Niciank Nicianna Nilderan Nilian Noelian Noeliank Noeliviank Noelman Noranter Noriandrida Novallarant Novan Novandarlie Novanicton Novanie Novante Novarandrid Noverianna Novian Noviandanna Oleianten Olexan Olexander Olexante Olexanton Olian Oliann Olianne Oliciandria Olivanille Olleian Ollexande Ollexanne Ranna Ranteon Ranton Rantonja Saridanna Similovian Simohanicia Siran Sirank Siranna Sofian Sofiank Sofiante Sofildander Sofildanton Stiande Stiann Stiannathan Stridanten Svalmanna Svanda Svank Svanna Svannea Svantera Thandanda Thande Thander Thandrias Thani Thank Thannatin Thanneah Thant Thante Thanteo Thanton Thantorid Thelvank Tianicton Tiank Tianna Tiantellia Tianter Tiantera Tiantorne Tilian Tiliellexan Tiloviran Tinustrian Tuvalian Tuvalvan Tuvan Tuvandam Tuvandamuel Tuvank Tuvann Tuvanna Tuvannes Tyran Tyranilma Tyrant Valfreddant Valvidanda Vander Viandria Viank Vianna Viannatil Vidander Vidank Vigridanna Vindriank Viranna Viranter Viriandria Virianna Virianto Wildaman Wildan Wildande Wildander Wildanilly Wildanna Wildant Wildante Wildanteon Wildanto Wiliantor Wilicianto Willeiann Willian Williandank Willician Wilmande Wilmank
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oliviaphleb · 3 months
Discover Top Phlebotomist Jobs in Greensboro NC: Your Ultimate Guide to Landing a Phlebotomy Career in the Triad
In today’s rapidly growing healthcare industry, phlebotomy has emerged as a rewarding and in-demand career path for ‌those⁣ looking to make⁢ a ⁣difference in patient care. If you’re located in Greensboro, NC, or the surrounding Triad area, you’re in luck – there are plenty of‌ phlebotomist jobs waiting for skilled ‌professionals like you. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore how you can discover the top phlebotomist jobs in Greensboro NC, and provide ‌you with valuable⁢ information ⁣on how ‍to land a ‍successful career in ⁣phlebotomy.
**Why Pursue a Career in Phlebotomy?**
Before we ⁣delve into the steps to landing ‍a phlebotomist job in Greensboro, let’s take a moment ​to‍ understand why pursuing⁣ a‌ career in phlebotomy‍ is ​a⁤ smart choice:
1. **Job Stability:** Healthcare is a ⁢recession-proof industry, and the demand for phlebotomists ‌remains high. 2. **Short Training Period:** Unlike many healthcare professions that require years of schooling, you can become a certified phlebotomist in as little as a few months. 3.⁢ **Rewarding Work:** As a phlebotomist,​ you’ll play a​ crucial role in patient care by collecting blood ‌specimens‌ for‍ diagnostic testing.
**Discovering Top Phlebotomist Jobs in Greensboro NC**
Now that you’re ready to embark on ⁤your phlebotomy⁢ career, it’s time ​to start your job search. Here are ‍some tips to help you ​discover top phlebotomist jobs⁤ in​ Greensboro NC:
1. **Research Local Healthcare Facilities:** Start by researching local hospitals,‌ clinics, and labs ‍in ⁢Greensboro that may be hiring phlebotomists. Some top⁢ healthcare facilities in⁢ the area include Cone Health, ⁤Novant Health, and LabCorp. 2. **Check Online Job Boards:** Websites like Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor⁢ often have listings for phlebotomist ⁣positions in Greensboro. Be sure to create a profile on these sites and‍ set up job alerts⁣ to stay updated on new job postings. 3. **Network with Healthcare ⁤Professionals:** Reach⁣ out⁣ to‍ phlebotomists and other healthcare professionals in Greensboro‌ through​ networking events, LinkedIn,⁢ or professional⁣ organizations like the American Society of‍ Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT). 4.‌ **Utilize Staffing Agencies:** Staffing agencies specializing in healthcare placements can help connect you with potential ⁣employers in Greensboro.
**Landing a Phlebotomy Career in the‌ Triad**
Once you’ve identified some potential⁣ job opportunities, it’s time to prepare for the application and interview process. Here⁣ are some practical tips to help you land a phlebotomy job in the Triad area:
1.⁣ **Obtain Certification:** ⁤While not required ⁢in all states, many employers prefer to hire certified phlebotomists. Consider obtaining ⁢certification through organizations like ‍the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) or the American Society for Clinical Pathology ‍(ASCP). 2. **Update ⁣Your Resume:** Highlight ⁤your phlebotomy training, relevant skills, and any previous healthcare experience on your⁤ resume. Tailor your resume ⁤to each job application to showcase​ your qualifications. 3. **Practice Interviewing:** Prepare for ‌phlebotomy‍ job ⁣interviews by practicing ‍common⁤ interview questions and scenarios. Demonstrate your knowledge of phlebotomy techniques and emphasize ​your ​ability to provide ⁢excellent patient care. 4. **Demonstrate Professionalism:** ‌Dress professionally for ‍interviews, arrive on time, ‌and follow up with thank-you notes to potential employers.
embarking on a phlebotomy career in Greensboro NC ⁣can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. By following the steps ​outlined in this guide, ‌you can discover top phlebotomist⁣ jobs‌ in the ⁢Triad area and ⁤successfully land a phlebotomy position. Remember ‌to stay proactive in your job search, network ⁢with healthcare professionals, and⁢ showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers.‌ Good luck‌ on your journey to⁤ a successful phlebotomy career in ⁤Greensboro NC!
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suliiiman · 3 months
The answer is nah. [big NO]. Fahmuse le novant fu gah
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