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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are used as a food preservative, as well as to preserve fats and oils in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. BHA is commonly found in chewing gum, butter, cereals, snack foods and beer. It can also be found in food packaging, cosmetics, rubber products and petroleum products. BHT is commonly found in packaging materials, shortening, cereals, and other foods with fats and oils. Dangers: BHA and BHT have been known to impair blood clotting when consumed in high quantities, and promote tumor growth. Where it’s banned: England, Japan and many other European countries. ****************************************** #saynotodrugsinyourhomes🚫🚭 #saynotodrugs🚫 #chemicalfreewithyleos #chemicalyuck #seriouslythough #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 6 years ago
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"Triclosan, a high production volume ingredient used as a bactericide in personal care products such as toothpaste, deodorant, and antibacterial soap, has been linked to heart disease and heart failure in a new study." https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1009999/a-chemical-banned-in-hand-soap-is-still-in-toothpaste-sold-in-the-us-and-scientists-say-thats-ridiculous/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/08/29/amp/triclosan-in-personal-care-products.aspx #toxins #chemicaloverload #chemicalyuck #chemicalyuckzone #saynotodrugs🚫 #overit #notmykidstho #hideyowifehideyokidshideyohusband #whatisthefdahiding #nomoreignorance #knowbetterdobetter #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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😳So, I normally post about a new oil every Wednesday.... But yesterday that was impossible. My phone locked me out and I was unable to get in until this afternoon. So, here is some goodness for this week! 😍 Tsuga has skin-cleansing properties and is spiritually uplifting. Its fresh aroma is the result of steam-distilling the needles and twigs of the conifer tree. #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #essentialoilsrockmysocks #yltsuga #younglivingtsuga #smellssogood #goodnessforyourface #goodnessforyourskin #feelssogood #sosoft #smellslikechristmas #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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More Effective Cleaning: Using the right cleaning products can produce better end results than traditional chemical- laden cleaning products. For example Thieves EO reduces 99.6% airborne viruses & bacteria just by being diffused! Not only have I addressed the issue of germs in our house, but by doing so I have also eliminated hazardous chemicals. #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #essentialoilsrockmysocks #chemicalfreewithyleos #saynotodrugs🚫 #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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🔥Today is it!🔥 Today is the last day to participate in something that Young Living hasn't done in over 2 years!💃🎉🙌🏻That Premium Starter kit that you have been on the fence about is now 10% off. 👀💥 #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #essentialoilsrockmysocks #ylsale #younglivingsale🎉 #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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Better Indoor Air Quality: Chemical cleaning products, particularly those that come in spray form, can have a detrimental effect on the indoor air quality of your home. One study conducted by The American Thoracic Society found that regularly using spray cleaners increases one's risk of developing adult asthma... #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #betterair #breatheeasier #nomorechemicalyuck #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #essentialoilsrockmysocks #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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Improved Appearance: We have walked away from other brand name facial cleaners and are now using the Satin Mint Facial Scrub. This has left behind cleaner, minty feeling skin! Also, the skin on your hands can become irritated by common ingredients in a wide variety of household cleaning products, including glass cleaner and metal polishes. I don't know about you guys, but my hands used to crack horribly. That doesn't happen anymore since I've started cleaning with Thieves. #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #chemicalfreewithyleos #thievescleaner #ylsatinfacialscrub #mintycleanface #essentialoilsrockmysocks #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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🙈The Jourdan household has been Lavenderless for the last week. Which also means sleep has been hard to come by. Ladies and gents, let me tell you how happy I am that I just received another bottle in the mail! My youngest has been going bonkers at night like nobody's business... But tonight! Oh tonight! Sweet sleep with overtake him! Little does he know... TKO son! 👀😂💃💕🙌🏻 #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #yllavenderoil #younglivinglavendereo #younglivinglavendervitality #essentialoilsrockmysocks #sleepfindhim #loveispatient #ortriestobelol #alittleslumber #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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👀Dave Ramsey, financial guru, says NETWORK MARKETING IS THE SMARTEST 🙋🏻‍♀️ DECISION ONE CAN MAKE FOR SECONDARY INCOME STREAMS!!!🙌🏻 #residualincome #streamlineyomoney #daveramsey #daveramseybabysteps #hesageniustho #workworkwork🎶 #ohwaitidonthaveto #twerkit #finance101 #moremoneyinyopockets #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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👀Look what Young Living just released this month! New lip scrub!!! 💋💞💃🎉🎊🙌🏻------- Savvy Minerals by Young Living® Poppy Seed Lip Scrub is a gentle exfoliant that conditions and moisturizes the lips before finishing your look with the perfect shade of lipstick. Massage it in a circular motion, and the poppy seeds and moisturizing formula will gently exfoliate and cleanse to help remove dry skin.------ Who has tried this goodness?! 😍💕 #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #essentialoilsrockmysocks #younglivingsavvymineral #ylsavvyminerals #ylsavvytribe #ylsavvymineralsmakeup #ylsavvytips #savvymineralmakeup #younglivingsavvymineralsmakeup #poppyseedlipscrub #savvymineralslipscrub #newlipscrub😍 #yummydeliciousness😋 #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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💀"In clinical trials done on animals, high doses of Triethanolamine caused liver, bladder and testicular cancer. Similar animal studies showed Triethanolamine can have negative effects on organs, even in low doses, especially when applied around the lips, mouth and eyes. Triethanolamine has also proven to be an immune system and respiratory toxicant, as well as a skin and full body allergen. It may cause genetic mutations in vitro as well. 😨🤢 ☠️Additionally, Triethanolamine can be carcinogenic when combined in products with N-nitrosating agents as these may react to form nitrosamines." #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #essentialoilsrockmysocks #nochemicalyuck #saynotodrugs🚫 #saynotodrugsinyourhomes🚫🚭 #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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Even good boys and girls make mistakes! When your four-legged friend misses the piddle-pad or the litter box, it’s no fun for anyone. Don’t dismay! With this DIY pet stain remover, you and your furry pals will be cuddling odor-free in no time. Pet Stain and Odor Remover Recipe Ingredients:  1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon salt 15 drops Lemon essential oil 5 drops Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil 5 drops Purification® essential oil blend 2 cups baking soda (optional, for tough or already-dried stains) Instructions: If your doggo buddy very recently left a puddle on the living room carpet, use these instructions for removing fresh stains: Add the essential oils to the salt and mix well. In a spray bottle, combine the salt mixture, apple cider vinegar, and water. Mix thoroughly until salt has dissolved. Blot the “accident” to remove excess moisture. Shake the bottle, then spray the stained area generously until wet. Let sit for 10–15 minutes. Using an old towel or rag, soak up the mixture by blotting until moisture is removed. Do not apply heat to aid in the drying process, as it can cause unwanted odors and stains to set permanently. When you find an older, smellier, set-in stain, use the instructions above to make the DIY pet odor eliminator and then: Spray the area generously until wet. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain and leave for 24 hours or until dry. The baking soda will absorb the stain during this time. Once dry, scoop up as much baking soda as possible and discard, then vacuum thoroughly to remove any remaining powder. #yleo #younglivingeos #younglivingeo #yldiy #stainremovers #stainremover #peebegone #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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💥So, I've just started hearing about dryer balls within the last month or two. When I got FREE dryer balls last month I started researching why these little "balls" were so wonderful! Saving on the electrical bill! Who would've though!?💃💣 💋Can I get a show of hands for the dryer ball users? And what EOs are you using on them?💕 #yldryerballs #ylfreebies #chemicalfreezone #nomoreyuck #chemicalsbegone #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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👀SLSs are used as pesticides AND as a potential shark deterrent... If it's potent enough to deter a SHARK, do you really want this is you skin care régime??? Think about it... 💥Everybody wants to have radiant skin. We even go to the extreme of searching for products that can help us achieve such skin instantly. It is alarming that many brands manufacture products that are filled with potentially toxic chemicals and animal-based ingredients. Many of these ingredients can become harmful. Whenever you shop for skin care products, be sure to check the ingredients before purchasing. 💄 💣Sulfates are common in most cleansing agents. These types of ingredients are too strong for the skin and cause surface dehydration. Sulfates such as ammonium laureth sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate are harsh surfactants that leave the skin dry and dehydrated. You should look for a sulfate-free facial cleanser simply because they are gentle and non-damaging to the skin.👊🏻 #bemindfulofyourproductsingredients #whatdoyouwashwith #sharkdeterrentwetsuit #slsfreeproducts #slsfreeshampoo #goslsfree #saynotodrugsinyourhomes🚫🚭 #saynotodrugs🚫 #chemicalyuck #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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🍃It’s no surprise that Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) has been sought after since ancient times. The complex aroma of this oil can elevate many aspects of your life. Diffuse Young Living Frankincense oil to refine your sense of purpose or add it to your beauty routine for a luxurious experience. 💕Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a scent that’s a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm. It’s this dynamic aroma that has made the flower a classic for perfumes, soaps, fresheners, and beauty products. As one of our most popular products, Lavender oil is a great beginner oil and a must for every home. Lavender essential oil isn’t just a favorite because of its classic scent—it’s also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse many areas of your life. 🌱Melrose™ is a blend of essential oils with powerful cleansing properties that supports the appearance of skin. 🔥This variety of sandalwood is native to India but is cultivated and steam distilled at our partner farm in Australia’s tropical northern outback. Sacred Sandalwood essential oil provides an uplifting, warm, woodsy, and sweet aroma, while offering a variety of skin benefits. Sandalwood is a recognizable base note in many perfumes and fragrances. Its distinctly warm and woodsy aroma is the perfect complement to pampering spa treatments, relaxation time, yoga, and meditation. It can also help you recapture the qualities of younger-looking skin and enhance your favorite skin and hair products. 🌿Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) has a warm, woodsy aroma that creates a comforting, uplifting experience. Use Cedarwood oil to add its invigorating scent to your life through aromatic and topical uses. ******************************************** #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #younglivingessentailoils #essentialoilsrockmysocks #younglivingsale🎉 #ylsacredsandalwood #yllavender #ylfrankenscense #ylmelrose #ylcedarwood #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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drcm0928-blog · 7 years ago
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🌷Mother's Day is in 11 days! Have you found her the perfect gift yet? If not let's talk! Getting her started on a chemical free lifestyle is the perfect way to go! 🌿Whether you go with the Thieves Cleaner starter kit, the Ningxia Red starter kit, or the Savvy Minerals starter kit you are sure to make her smile. ******************************************** #yleo #younglivingeo #younglivingeos #essentialoilsrockmysocks #younglivingthievesstarterkit #younglivingningxiastarterkit #younglivingsavvymineralsstarterkit #chemicalfreewithyleos #chemicalfreegiftgiving #saynotogerms✋ #saynotodrugsinyourhomes🚫🚭 #chemicalfree2018 #happymothersday #happymommiesday #11daystogo #perfectmothersdaygifts #iamwhoiam💋#💯proof #notstoping #notwateredown #chemicalfreegifts #chemicalfreewithyleos #toxicfreewithme #notmywill #inHistime🙏🏻 #diamondbound💎 #iliketomoveitmoveit🎶 #whenyouriseIrise💕
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