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the-firebird69 · 6 months ago
‘It Brought Armed People to My House’: Tim Walz on Being Targeted By Donald Trump - POLITICO
This guy Trump he should have stayed out of here and stayed home instead he made a huge mess and he's ruined a lot of work then a lot of idiots have done and we don't care about that but boy that guy has bad news but he lives here free of charge more or less it's not his apartment and it's not supposed to be here and the idea is yet he is and we want him out you're tired of him being here and we're going to make sure he's gone in a moment.
He had no right to invoke a crowd to attack him he is a criminal that's criminal behavior and you should go to jail it should not be winning for president and yeah the vice president is Mack Danny
and yeah the vice president is Mack Daddy and trump could see wht mac did about himself and apply it to mac daddy but is not sophisticated nor that smart. no he is not.
Thor Freya we are and use it as we did vs trump and need to mac might be the hea dof the empire and psueodooempire alike
andwe see it if i recover and such or worse and tons say it so i look and dont hv it. wont. so hv to try for it and to regain. and i do follow it there are others adn they try. enslaved but we nee the power.
mac daddy
we have a use for that but if it is legitimate currently the modus does notindicate your not working for the empire at all. it shows you are. and with gusto. regarldess of the current activities no becasue of them. not one of them is not in line wiht the empire nd their goals. we checked.
i said the last iine
we do see it what then should i do tell on me no but this is my angle need it and have to. we reduce the earth to rubble if not no i cannot and wont. bu we need the power for us and ours. not for these low life ingraes
mac daddy
and he means us too heard it all day yesterday fro him and we are the same as these
mike tew
we ue this i am not being supported andby anyone.
mac daddy teh boy has no backing here that live herer yur all nuts
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similacra · 2 years ago
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#notindicative #pictureoftheday #iphone11 #20230220 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/FPZC5k7
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alicraft-9 · 5 years ago
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My contribution to y’all’s lil challenge #dollypatronchallenge #notinder https://www.instagram.com/p/B7y2ICABxSA/?igshid=1gaolhub09l8z
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harry-ishigaki · 3 years ago
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Another item that spoils me but I love. All natural fire starter by MickWick saves my time to making fire for the supper after the hard work of the day. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🥘🥘🍖🍖🍳🍳 #mickwick #firestarter #outdoormeal #outdoorcooking #bushcraft #fire #camping #savingtime #easy #notinder #notwig https://www.instagram.com/p/CUXJ4uRF-bi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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donnabroadway · 5 years ago
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Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, MySpace #notinder #circa2007 #dollypartonchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B7vh0xLJSfy/?igshid=vk6od7njxs77
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creativealia · 5 years ago
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Follow @creativealia Don’t shoot me but I have not visited my LinkedIn account in how long and I will never own a Tinder account. 😑sᴏʀʀʏ ɴᴏᴛ sᴏʀʀʏ😑 #socialchallenge #notinder #notaboutthatlife #admintakeover https://www.instagram.com/p/B7s5VfEFARG/?igshid=hs78qh1jtebs
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lossano · 5 years ago
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I clearly failed at the LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder challenge. #NoTinder #MySpace4Ever (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7psjZPlHgL/?igshid=1ko9cnrucscfa
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oncloser-blog · 6 years ago
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Free to try CLOSER app! https://oncloser.com/download #tinder #tindermemes #closer #bumble #tinderdate #tindernightmares #antitinder #notinder #datingapp #makefriends https://www.instagram.com/p/BxLw3eDFcOS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k3djah9gfpwo
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Und da ich heute schon dabei bin: die Tinder-App habe ich auch deinstalliert. Ein mulmiges Gefühl war das schon. Sofort meldete mein Gehirn: Oh Gott, wen Du jetzt alles verpassen könntest. Doch um ehrlich zu sein: Außer einen Haufen gestohlener, vertinderter Zeit hat diese App nichts anderes Positives in meinem Leben gebracht. Leute, die erst ständig schreiben und dann wie vom Erdboden verschluckt sind. Psychopathen, die am besten sofort Kinder haben wollen oder sich nie auf etwas einlassen wollen, die die Eier legende Wollmilchsau suchen, den Prinzen, den Traumtyp, den Django, den Sportler ... und dabei selbst ihrem eigenen Idealbild nicht wirklich nahe kommen. 
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob diese Menschen noch in der realen Welt leben ...
Die Möglichkeit überhaupt in Erwägung zu ziehen, in eine Parallelwelt anzudriften, war Anlass genug für mich, mein Konto und die App von meinem Smartphone zu löschen.
Im Moment geht es mir gut damit. Ich bin gespannt, wie sich das reale Leben anfühlt und ob ich finde, was ich suche.  
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remusownsmyuwus · 5 years ago
I jsyv want soemth in fn tomorrow me can laugh at so that tonight me didn't suffer for notind
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hktlifestyle-blog · 6 years ago
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İnsanın aklı kadar edebi, edebî kadar "ederi" vardır. Eşini dostunu edebine göre seç! Edepli insanın yanında ihya olursun... Edepsizse yürü geç, yanında durdukça rezil rüsva olursun! Ben Allahın çok sevdiği bir kuluymuşum ki, ucuz butik otellerin botokslu escort müdaviminden bile sıyrılmışım.😊😊😊 #farmares #hktlifestyle #luckyman #dive #freedom #notinder #account #ultra #comfort #same #fly #to #sky (İzmir Province) https://www.instagram.com/p/BokeX13As6y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p8mc4t4gziyg
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yourcreativechord · 6 years ago
Your Troubles Are Your Progress Barometer & Catalyst For Your Full Potential
By Jenny Leigh Hodgins
I recently read a Buddhist reference to a mythical insect called the kalakula that inspired me to see problems in a completely different way. Legend has it that the kalakula grows larger while resisting strong winds. The wind increases its size until the insect becomes big enough to devour any living thing. Quite the image, right?
(I don’t intend to go heavily into Buddhist theory here, but feel free to ask me anything about my 32+ year SGI-USA Buddhist practice in the comments. Explore
for more info.)
The More Problems You Have--The Closer You Are To Fulfillment
This Buddhist bug story alerted me that I’ve held an unenlightened view of my struggles. I’ve been falsely looking at my problems as;
things that slow me down,
get in my way, or worse,
as deserved punishment for misdeeds or failures.
The latter has sent me into many a tailspin of negative self-talk.
But this Buddhist analogy explains that the more handicaps, persecutions, obstacles or challenges thrown my way, the closer I actually am to developing my true potential.
What Does A Bug Story Have To Do With Your Potential?
Ok, sorry, I didn’t exactly explain what the bug and the wind are all about. The insect represents me (or you), my (your) progress, potential, capability and strength. The wind symbolizes all the crap in life that happens (relationship troubles, grief, financial struggle, illness, etc.).
The more heavily the wind (problems in life) attacks the bug (you or me), the larger it (we) grows, until it’s able to devour any opponent! The wind triggers the bug’s strength and growth.
Obstacles do the same for you and me, IF we are able to use them as a catalyst for tapping our full potential. All the difficulties we face are the mark of our impending potential and the barometer of the progress we’ve made.
This simple analogy shows me the wonderful result of shifting my perspective. Life’s challenges are not insurmountable and are notindicative of my inadequacy or inability. They are also not a burden.
Problems Point To Opportunities For Your Potential
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verdaidealisto · 6 years ago
Unu jaron antaŭ la prezidant-elekto en Tajvano, la opozicio al s-ino Tsai Ing-wen, sendependisto, klopodas rehavi potencon : la mastro de Foxconn, kiu fabrikas Apple-produktojn ĉefe en Ĉinujo, anoncis sian kandidatiĝon por la antaŭelekto sine de la partio Kuomintango, notinde favora al Ĉinujo. Pekino malmoligis sian politikon al Tajpeo, sed s-ro Xi Jinping faris aranĝojn por allogi la Tajvananojn.
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lidyatumbler · 8 years ago
Vitubeid Download Dangdut Koplo Terbaru
Referensi: http://detikscf.blogspot.com/2017/02/vitubeid-download-dangdut-koplo-terbaru.html Vitubeid Download Dangdut Koplo Terbaru Dum tiuj jardeko, la klasika orkestro plejparte evoluigita en Universitatoj kiel extracurriculares aktiveco por studentoj kiuj inkludas koruson. En la 1990 la grupo de profesiaj simfonia orkestro komencas preni formon, notinde la Twilite Orkestro gvidita fare Adie MS, estis fondita en junio 1991, komence ensemblo kun 20 muzikistoj. La ensemblo disvolvis ekde tiam en plena simfonia orkestro kun 70 muzikistoj, 63-membra Twilite Refrenkoruso kaj repertuaro kiu etendigas de Beethoven al The Beatles. La orkestro ludis rolon en antauenigado indonezia muziko, speciale en la konservado de naciaj kantoj de indoneziaj komponistoj kaj tradiciaj kantoj. Helpita de la viktoria Filharmonia Orkestro kun la Twilite Refrenkoruso, Addie MS re-registrita la indonezia nacia himno, Indonesia Raya, per WR Supratman en gia origina orkestra arango de Jos Cleber, tiel kiel aliaj indoneziaj populara nacia kantoj en la albumo Simfoni Negeriku. Hodiau, grandaj urboj kiel Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta kaj Surabaya neniuj nekonatoj al orkestra muziko, kun sia propra simfonio grupoj. Jakarta, ekzemple, havas sian Nusantara Simfonia Orkestro, la Twilite Orkestro kaj la jakarta Chamber Orchestra. Indonezia pop muziko hodiau, konata simple kiel "pop Indonesia" estas forte influita de tendencoj kaj registradoj de Ameriko, Britio, Japanio, kaj Koreio. Kvankam influoj varianta de usona popo, brita popo, kaj ankau aziaj J-pop, K-popmuziko estas evidenta, la indonezia popo fenomenoj ne tute derivajo; gi esprimas la sentojn kaj stiloj de nuntempa indonezia vivon. Koes Bersaudara poste formitaj kiel Koes Plus estas konsiderita kiel unu el la pioniroj de la indonezia popo kaj rokenrolo 'n roll muziko en la 1960aj jaroj kaj 1970aj jaroj. La usona kaj brita muziko influoj estis evidenta en la muziko de Koes Bersaudara, la Beatles estis konata esti la cefa influo de ci tiu bando. Pluraj indoneziaj popo kaj balado kantistoj estis postvivita tra jardekoj kaj farigis indonezia muziko legendoj, kiel Iwan Fals kaj Chrisye. Vitubeid Download Dangdut Koplo Terbaru
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tindermissions · 10 years ago
No 7. Non-Tinder
This was a very random one and I don't even know if it should be called a date or more something like dinner with friends. He was a guy from work who recently moved to London and we had met a few times in various offices. After I had cancelled lunch plans with him multiple times, he finally asked me to go for dinner/drinks with him one evening so I couldn't bail so easily. Again it was a Tuesday night. Very sensible.  The weird thing is that I am not sure if this was an actual date or just a dinner with a friend.  So we met up after work and took a taxi to the restaurant, or more like to the street where the restaurant was supposed to be. It took us a good 10 minutes just walking back and forth the streets before we actually found the restaurant in which he had booked a table. It was a very nice steak restaurant, I did not know what to expect but I was positively surprised. We had full three-course meal, and shared all of the food and flushed it all down with red wine. Not bad for a non-date. I guess all the wine I have during my dates makes them all seem pretty ok, my non- tinder non-date was also easy to talk to and we had a lot to talk about. It probable helped that he wasn't a complete stranger like the usual Tinder matches. Nothing very exciting happened, he made sure I got on the right bus home. The bus ride was probably the most exciting thing of that evening, The first bus I got on got stuck in traffic so I had to get off and walked a bit to find another bus, then I ended up getting off at the completely wrong stop and it maybe took 30 minutes longer to get home than usual. I also wanted to offer to pay for half of the bill but he managed to pay for all of it while I was in the bathroom. That made me feel kinda bad. I should have offered at least! So far there hasn't been any talk about a second date (??) but we have just chatted a bit. I am not too bothered though, I already have enough trouble with a colleague as it is.
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