hrsssite-blog · 5 years
Mass Notification Systems Much More Than an Alarm
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A Mass Notification System (MNS) is also known as an Emergency Communication System (ECS), and is a lot more than just an alarm system.  The MNS was originally popular and widely used in military occupancies, although this type of emergency communication system quickly became popular and necessary to prevent mass casualties in many commercial, public and government facilities including offices, hospitals and school campuses.   The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) a publication by the United States Department of Defense, outlines the criteria for a Mass Notification System.  According to Section 4-021-01, which is the Design and O & M Standard of UFC, an MNS must have the capability to provide real-time information to all occupants and personnel of a building and the immediate vicinity of emergency situations.  There must be a means to timely notify occupants of immediate threats and relay what people should do in response.  The UFC requires any MNS to meet this capability with pre-recorded messages and the ability to give live audible emergency messages for notification and evacuation procedures.    UFC also recommends a combination FAS and MNS, especially in new construction where fire alarm control panels meet both functions.   Emergency Communication Systems requirements are also outlined in NFPA72, 2010, Chapter 24 which is titled: Emergency Communication System.  Both the UFC 4-021-01 and NFPA72 Chapter 24 cover the installation standards, and functional criteria for an ECS or MNS.  These publications were the launching pad for ECS in non-military facilities such as offices, hospital and schools.  
Code Requirements for Mass Notification Systems
NFPA72, Chapter 24 (2010 Ed) outlines the details of an MNS as a system designed to protect lives by alerting people to the existence of any emergency situation, and communicating to them the necessary information to facilitate the appropriate action.     NFPA72 also gives a similar description as the UFC to define an MNS as a system that is used to provide vital information with proper instructions to occupants in any building area, even outdoors, with clear and easy to understand voice communications and possibly combined with visual alerts such as signals, graphics, text, strobes or other methods of communication.     NFPA72 goes further to describe ECS requirements and suggesting that integrating with a fire alarm system is beneficial.  NFPA72, Chapter 24 also includes the minimum requirements for system designers, installers and facility mangers.     The latest edition of NFPA72 also includes requirements for design and installation of ECS and MNS systems for commercial facilities considering an ECS.  Chapter 24 of NFPA72 is divided into four sections: Performance based design alternative Command and Control Two-way communication One-way communication NFPA72 also requires that when testing system performance, a detailed risk assessment should be completed for both non-fire and fire emergencies.  There are three specific areas addressed in the criteria for ECS design and installation: ECS systems in buildings, Wide-area notification and Distributed notification.     In addition to NFPA72 and the UFC standards, facilities considering an MNS must also comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), OSHA 1910.165, Employee Alarm Systems, and FEMA’s Outdoor Public Alerting System.    
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Components of an MNS
  The three basic components of an MNS system as defined by the DOD’s UFC include:   A “Giant Voice” system   An autonomous control unit A notification appliance network   The UFC states that the autonomous control unit should monitor and control the network system, and should also have consoles for local operation.  Personnel in the building should be able to initiate the notification of either a live voice message or a pre-recorded message.  They should also be able to send audible evacuation procedures or other instructions, send visual strobe notification, and/or text messages.  Deactivation of fire alarm signals is necessary when delivering audible notifications to ensure occupants can clearly hear and understand the messages.     
HRSS Provides Complete Solutions with Fire Alarm Systems and Mass Notification Systems
Combining your MNS with your fire alarm system brings many benefits to your building safety plan.  When your MNS is combined with your fire alarm system, it will be tested regularly and maintained with your fire alarm system, significantly reducing any chances that your MNS would be in need of repair or in a fault mode.   Fire alarm manufacturers today utilize the latest technology, with smart control panels and systems, and even Voice over IP (VoIP) to deliver voice messages anywhere in the world over the internet.   Another advantage of combining an MNS with a fire alarm system is that you could have the pre-recorded messages from your MNS enhanced with flashing strobe lights to really get the attention of your occupants.  Studies show that flashing strobes combined with audible instructions have a much greater impact on occupants that either notification delivered alone.  For the most effective Mass Notification System, combine audible and visual notifications together.    High Rise Security System is a leading fire alarm systems provider with vast experience in Mass Notification Systems required in commercial, public and governmental properties.  Our systems can be found in offices, hospitals and campuses in and around the Chicago area.  Contact us today to learn more about a combined MNS and fire alarm system to protect your property and the lives of your occupants.   Read the full article
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hrsssite-blog · 5 years
High Tech Fire Alarm Systems Offer Advanced Features
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Fire alarm systems today are sophisticated and smart, offering advanced features to prevent disasters and prepare for emergencies with early detection and warning.  Fire detection and notification systems utilize advanced technologies to detect fire, noxious gases and smoke. Intelligent initiating devices and sensors measure the amount of gas in the atmosphere, with sensitive measuring chambers to detect even minute amounts of gas or smoke.  
Addressable Fire Alarm Systems Provide Networked Coverage
Integrating fully addressable fire alarm control panels gives specific, detailed data on the source of a fire pinpointing the location down to the particular room on a floor of high rise buildings.  Fully integrated and networked systems can be controlled by a central control unit for automatic functions such as opening all doors during an evacuation or even monitoring elevators with video. Notifier® fire alarm panels provide Digital Voice Command for clearly communicated evacuation procedures.  The advanced technology available today in high tech fire alarm systems provides early warning to prevent disasters and save lives.  
High Rise Security Systems Offers High Tech Fire Alarm Systems
HRSS is a leading fire and safety systems consultant, designer and provider of code compliant systems designed to protect your property and most importantly, save lives.  Fire safety systems must be a top priority for building owners, with code compliance only one part of a well-designed safety plan. We go above and beyond mandated requirements to provide a custom designed fire alarm system based on your unique building structure or structures to protect people and property.  We offer decades of experience with all fire code regulations in the city of Chicago, the State of Illinois, and all National Fire Protection Association, NFPA, codes and standards.    
Fire Alarm System Design Services
HRSS is a fire and safety consulting firm, offering comprehensive services aimed to provide total protection from fire, natural disasters and threats.  We develop a detailed, custom design of your building or buildings with CAD software, identifying locations for sensors, exits, audible and visual alerts, all equipment and components.  We provide ongoing maintenance, testing and inspections to keep your system in optimum condition and ready to respond to emergencies.   High Rise Security Systems offers high tech fire alarm systems which provide sophisticated monitoring and reliable protection, proven to save lives and property.  We offer comprehensive fire alarm system designs utilizing UL listed equipment, total code compliance and ongoing services including monitoring 24/7/365. Contact us today to learn more about our fire and safety systems proven to save lives.   Read the full article
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