gracie4 · 6 days
Lando norris × reader
TW: suicide
Y/n pov
that's all I feel on this Monday morning 08:27 am to be exact. Is today the day I finnaly give up? I ask myself. This I ask myself many times a day like when I need to wake up.
"Good morning Monaco" I say loud but not too loud so that people could actually hear."I welcome you to my death. Some would say it's tragic, while others would say that it's a deserved suicide. I say that it's an amazing story that would be told for many years to come." I wonder if this would actually be historic and if someone is recording me,or if someone's security camera caught me. Maybe tommorow I'll be famous for this suicide.
" Anyway I don't want to bore you with my sad sob story's, so I'll get on with it. " As I spread my arms ready to jump into the water, my whatch starts beeping. I look at it. It's the alarm I set to get ready for today's qualifying interviews. Why must I always get ready so early?. I think to myself.
I walk back to the road where I was having my morning run. I start running again. After a few minutes my lungs start to burn. The burning clears my head. I focus on the sound of my running shoes hitting the road.
Arriving at the paddock is usually calm, but not this weekend. We are in Monaco so the paddock is flooded with f1 journalist, like myself, photographers and so on. I walk towards the sky news employes preparing for any sort of conversation.
I walk up to Natalie as we have a good bond. Not only in interviews but in our personal life's to. "Hey nat" I say opening my arms for a hug. She accept's my hug and replies "Hey Y/n ready for all the interviews and such today?"."Always" I  say pulling out of the hug. "Do you have any idea where. I can get some coffee?" I ask desperately. "I think at one of the team's hospitality's. Maybe,try Mclaren." Natalie answers "Thanks Nat." I reply quickly making my way to Mclaren's hospitality center.
As I enter I'm greeted with the smell of some coffee and a few people's deodorant and perfumes. I walk towards the coffee machine and push the button which says espresso. "Hey Y/n the new sky journalist right? " someone speaks behind me. I turn around to see Lando norris. "Uh yeah and you must be Lando." I say smiling "Yeah, you interviewed me at the previous race I think. Correct me if I'm wrong." he says to me with an 'I hope I'm right face'. "Yeah that was me" I reply.
"I saw you this morning on my run." He says. This sends a shock of panic thru my my body. What if he saw me? What if he heard my little speech?
"Oh were you on a run aswell this morning?" I try to play the panic off. "Yeah, I saw you at the corner of the back side of the casino" he says immediately letting me relax as that's a good few minutes after my little moment "Sorry i didn't realize you were running behind me, I was sort of in the zone" he shakes his head "no no, it's okay I had my airpods in anyway so" I stand there awkwardly not really knowing what to say, thankfully the coffee machine stops and I grab my coffee cup. "Well I'm sorry I have to go, interviews and media but maybe we can talk later" I suggest.
"Yeah that would be fun, well see you around y/n"He walks off. holy shit! I think to myself did I just make a suggestion for another awkward conversation?
Writers note
Hey guys this is my first story on any platform, any tips or criticism is allowed and I hope you liked the first short but hopefully good chapter. I'm gonna try to be like very consistent but I can't make any promises. Anyways hope you have an awesome sauce day or night Xx
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