#notice of intent to lien
ariela-wagner-me · 8 months
A Comparative Guide to Filing Lien in Florida and Other States
Liens are crucial legal tools that offer protection to creditors by securing their interests in a debtor's property. Whether you're a contractor, supplier, or service provider, understanding the procedures for filing a lien is essential for safeguarding your payment rights.
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howlingday · 3 months
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So what would Team RWBY and the rest of Team JNPR do if this happened to Jaune?
Ruby: WHAT?! That's terrible!
Weiss: And I thought my father was horrible. (Sighs) Alright, how much did you spend?
Blake: That's awful. It's wrong for them to exploit you like that.
Yang: Oh, yeah? What restaurant? I'll help you out.
Oscar: People don't actually do that, do they?
Ozpin: In this day and age, I am not as surprised as the intent as I am by the action.
Pyrrha: Do you need help with getting your lien back, Jaune? I can loan you some if you'd like.
Ren: And you didn't notice anything off about these offers?
Emerald: Mm. Pretty sneaky. But, to be fair, you did fall for it.
Penny: It appears that they have your likeness saved into their database. Would you like for me to purge it?
Qrow: First time?
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infoglitch · 1 year
Oh... Oh GOD. Im suffering! Atleast you guys don't have to wait for the entirety of the next page of the rwby rewrite in silence. (I'm giving you all the tidbit to enjoy while I suffer writing this because I don't feel like making a three-parter. I've done it before and I hated doing it. Felt like a cop out. Anyway y'all better be eating.)
Our focus changes to jaune who is in some kind of locker room as he managed to find a locker as he put some stuff in specifically a box of pumpkin Pete cereal.
He sighed after getting all of the unnecessarys in the locker. He closed it as he began to hear people entering the locker room.
"Thank the brothers I got here early." He spoke softly as he then noticed the locker next to him opened as he peeked around and saw a familiar woman with bright vermilion hair strung up in a pony tail. She wore a golden armored corset aswell as a black body suit underneath with a gold plate armor chest piece covering her upper body. Along with that she wore golden kneepads and shin guards. She also wore long black gloves over her hands with the symbol of a maple leaf on the back hand of both gloves. She also had a golden arm guard on her right arm. The most defining addition to her outfit was red sash the hanged out from the side of her body suit.
Jaunes eyes stared at the marvel of a woman infront of him before he muttered a simple "hello". The woman immediately turned on her heel to face him.
"Oh hi there! Who might you be?" The woman said as jaune shook his head before speaking his. "Jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune spoke as he waved at her.
The woman seemed to detense as she stuck out her hand. "Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure." Pyrrha spoke as jaune looked at her hand before shaking it. As jaune looked at her he felt a memory pop into his head. "Hey um. Weird question but you wouldn't happen to have been on a box of pumpkin Pete cereal have you" jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him Abit surprised.
"Yes actually. Though it was only for a month. The companies support is one of the reasons I'm here. Who knew sponsorships could get you into a huntsmen academy." Pyrrha answered as she pulled away from the handshake as she rubbed the back of her neck. Jaune had a shimmer in his eyes as he began to babble on about cereal trivia as pyrrha just listened oddly amazed by all the pieces of trivia of cereal history.
Suddenly a small chuckle was heard as the two looked to see Weiss walking in. "I'll be honest madam pyrrha I never took you for a cereal enthusiast." She said smiling Abit as jaune had small blush on his face as pyrrha just rolled her eyes at the mention of "madam pyrrha".
"Weiss schnee. What a surprise. Aren't you supposed to be counting your mountains of lien." Pyrrha spoke coldly as she crossed her arms. Weiss seemed a bit taken aback but kept walking until she was right infront of the vermilion gladiator. Weiss stuck out her hand as she smiled a bit. "I would love to be friends with you." Weiss spoke with confidence as pyrrha just stared at her observing her bodies disposition. "U-um Id like to be friends-" jaune spoke up which caught Pyrrha off guard. She had forgotten he was behind her listening to everything. She turned back to Weiss who was no longer staring at pyrrha instead just glaring at the blonde knight. Jaune just piped down as he opened his locker and made it look like he was looking for something.
Weiss turned her attention back to pyrrha as she Changed to a friendly disposition. "So about my request-"
"No." Pyrrha interrupted the schnee heiress as she had a aura of dangerous intent. "O-oh. Ok then. I apologize for bothering you madam pyrrha" Weiss spoke as she spoke as she curtsied before heading back to locker.
"Did I ruin the chance?"  jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him her posture softening as she shook her head. "No. I just don't like making friends who give off... How do I put it?" Pyrrha spoke as she tapped her chin. "Off energy?" Jaune said as pyrrha snapped her fingers. "Yeah that! Now then how about we head to the exam course" Pyrrha spoke as she grabbed jaune by his hoodie as she walked off with the blonde knight as we see a defeated Weiss rummaging through her locker before feeling a pat on her back as yang stood by her. "You'll get on her good side soon ice queen." Yang had a large stupid smirk as she talked which Weiss just grumbled at. Stupid blondes.
I promise I'm working it's just really annoying switching perspectives between like 8 CHARACTERS!
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Repair (Final Rose)
“Normally, if it was anyone other than Weiss wrist deep in Penny, I’d have to shoot them.”
Diana kept her focus on Penny’s insides, but her lips curled up into a grin. “You’ve been spending too much time around Yang, Ruby.”
The silver-eyed woman paused momentarily. “May I?” she asked Penny.
“Of course.” Penny glanced at a nearby chair. “Pull up a chair.”
Ruby dragged the chair over to the bed/workbench where Diana was working on Penny. A bevy of drones floated in the air, ready to assist at a moment’s notice, and a pair of tool-spheres drifted nearby.
“What are you doing today?” Ruby asked.
Diana lifted one hand that had transformed into a... thing that Ruby didn’t quite recognise. “A few crucial upgrades on Penny’s core, actually. We’ve been planning this upgrade for a while since it’ll give her an increase of about 75% maximum power output and an increase of about 40% standard running output.”
“Oh.” Ruby stood up and peered into Penny’s open chest. “How are you going to even get to her core.”
Penny’s core was her power source, her soul, and the container for basically everything that made her who she was. It was heavily protected to the extent that if Penny were ever to be struck by multiple nuclear strikes, her core should survive undamaged although the same couldn’t necessarily be said for the rest of her. The final line of defence was a shell of Stable-State-Massless Neutronium (SSMN) that Fraise had created in the exact shape required. Due to its properties, separate pieces of SSMN would merge into a solid whole went placed closely enough together.
Diana waved around the bizarre appendage that had replaced her hand. “Ragnarok bullshit. I mean... Fraise could get through the SSMN, but this upgrade requires extensive robotics knowledge. And as good as Fraise is at robotics, I’m a little bit better.”
That was probably an understatement. Fraise was indeed outstanding at robotics, but Diana was arguably the greatest roboticist who had ever lived.
“It’s going to be fine, right?” Ruby asked.
“It’ll be fine.” The eerie shell around Penny’s core parted, and Ruby had to shield her eyes as a vibrant, swirling sphere of light appeared. “A2, glasses for Ruby, if you please,” Diana said.
A drone handed Ruby a pair of glasses. The huntress slipped them on, and they immediately filtered away the light. Beneath the glowing sphere of radiant, Ruby could just make out a device, no bigger than her fist.
“Is that...?”
“That is my soul, Ruby,” Penny murmured.
Diana gently lifted Penny’s core up in her normal hand while the modified appendage moved the pieces of the core shield apart and gave them to several drones. “We’re going to have to find something else to do with that SSMN.”
“Oh?” Ruby asked.
Penny’s lips twitched. “Ruby, that quantity of SSMN is worth in tens of billions of lien. A paper-thin layer of SSMN is sufficient to withstand nuclear attack. That shielding is roughly half an inch thick. In practical terms, it is impossible to destroy without physics-defying weaponry.”
“Yep.” Diana rubbed her chin thoughtfully with the strange appendage, its inhuman digits and eldritch morphology lending the gesture an equal parts menacing and comical appearance. “We’ll find a use for it.” She nodded. “Now for the tricky part.”
Ruby watched intently as Diana’s other hand transformed. With both her hands replaced by bizarre, alien appendages, the dark-haired woman began to work on Penny’s core, the drones and tool-spheres handing her parts. Ruby couldn’t understand what she was looking at, but it was clear that the core itself was an intricate construct, one with one foot in the physical realm and the other in higher and lower dimensions that Diana’s bizarre adaptations gave her access to. It was fascinating to watch, though, and when Diana finished, the drones floated over with the pieces of a new core shell.
“This thing is even better than the old one,” Diana said. “SSMN combined with some other exotic goodies for added protection. All I have to do now is to piece it together.”
A few minutes later, the process was complete, and Diana put Penny’s core back into position. The Synthetic twitched before stilling.
“Run diagnostics, Penny, and let me know if there’s anything wrong. If it’s all green, run the ramping cycle we discussed. If that’s all green too, then you’re good to go although I’d keep the monitoring program focused on it for at least a fortnight, just to be sure.”
Penny nodded, running through the diagnostics and ramping cycle. “It’s all green.” She paused. “Very funny.”
“What?” Ruby asked.
Penny lifted one hand, and a holographic display appeared over her palm. It showed lines of code from the upgrade that had come with the core improvements.
Ruby squinted and then began to laugh as she read out a comment that had been added. “Note: If Ruby shows more signs of Yang-related pun-contamination, execution may be necessary.”
“I even added a Ruby-elimination subroutine,” Diana said.
Penny showed the next part of the code, which was actually all just a big comment. It depicted Ruby being overwhelmed by a pack of angry hamsters.
“Feel free to cut those comments out,” Diana said.
“No,” Penny replied. “I think I’ll keep them.”
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jamesvince9898 · 11 days
Navigating Tax Challenges with Best Tax Pro: Your Ultimate Solution for IRS Issues in Minnesota
Dealing with tax issues can be one of the most stressful experiences, especially when the IRS comes knocking. From receiving an IRS certified letter to facing the fear of wage garnishment or a notice of intent to levy, these situations can feel overwhelming. At Best Tax Pro, we understand the complexities and nuances of tax laws and offer comprehensive solutions to help you resolve your tax problems effectively. Whether you are dealing with IRS back taxes or need expert tax solutions, our professional tax consultants and experienced tax attorneys are here to guide you through every step.
Understanding the Notice of Intent to Levy
One of the most daunting notices that taxpayers can receive from the IRS is the notice of intent to levy. This letter serves as a final warning before the IRS begins to seize your assets, such as bank accounts, wages, or other personal property, to satisfy an outstanding tax debt. Understanding this notice is crucial for anyone facing back taxes or other tax-related issues.
Our team at Best Tax Pro specializes in handling such critical situations. With our professional tax consultants, you can get the right advice and action plan to resolve your tax issues quickly and effectively. We work diligently to prevent the levy from taking place, negotiating with the IRS on your behalf to reach a favorable resolution.
Decoding the IRS Certified Letter
An IRS certified letter is another form of communication that can cause anxiety among taxpayers. These letters typically inform you of significant actions that the IRS plans to take, such as initiating an audit or demanding payment for back taxes. They are formal notifications that should never be ignored, as they often signal urgent matters that require immediate attention.
At Best Tax Pro, we help clients decipher these certified letters, providing clarity on the contents and necessary steps to respond appropriately. Our professional tax consultants and tax attorneys have extensive experience in communicating with the IRS, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you are taking the right actions to mitigate any potential consequences.
Facing IRS Wage Garnishment
When the IRS enforces a wage garnishment, a portion of your paycheck is withheld to pay off your tax debt. This can severely impact your financial stability, making it difficult to cover basic living expenses. At Best Tax Pro, we understand the gravity of such situations and offer robust solutions to help clients avoid or stop wage garnishments.
Our expert tax solutions focus on negotiating with the IRS to arrange alternative payment plans or settlements that are less financially burdensome. We provide strategic guidance to manage and reduce your tax debt, ensuring you retain control over your finances.
Addressing IRS Back Taxes
IRS back taxes occur when you owe unpaid taxes from previous years. These debts can accumulate quickly due to penalties and interest, making them harder to manage over time. Ignoring back taxes can lead to severe consequences, including liens, levies, and wage garnishments. Best Tax Pro is committed to helping you resolve your back taxes efficiently and effectively.
Our professional tax consultants work closely with clients to analyze their financial situation, identify the best resolution strategies, and negotiate with the IRS. Whether you need an installment agreement, an offer in compromise, or penalty abatement, we provide personalized solutions tailored to your specific circumstances.
The Role of a Professional Tax Consultant
A professional tax consultant plays a vital role in navigating the complex landscape of tax laws and regulations. At Best Tax Pro, our consultants are highly experienced in handling various tax issues, from filing accurate tax returns to representing clients in IRS disputes. We stay updated on the latest changes in tax laws, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible advice and representation.
By choosing Best Tax Pro, you are partnering with a team that understands the nuances of tax codes, the IRS's inner workings, and the most effective ways to resolve your tax problems. Our professional tax consultants are dedicated to minimizing your tax liability, protecting your assets, and providing peace of mind throughout the entire process.
Expert Tax Solutions for Complex Issues
At Best Tax Pro, we pride ourselves on delivering expert tax solutions that are customized to meet the unique needs of each client. Our team of tax attorneys, tax lawyers, and consultants work collaboratively to develop comprehensive strategies that address both immediate tax issues and long-term financial health.
Whether you are dealing with a complex tax matter or need proactive planning for future tax seasons, our experts are here to help. We leverage our extensive experience and deep understanding of tax laws to provide innovative solutions that save you money and reduce stress.
When it comes to handling serious tax issues like a notice of intent to levy, IRS certified letters, wage garnishments, or back taxes, you need a partner who is experienced, reliable, and committed to your success. Best Tax Pro is here to offer you the professional guidance and expert solutions you need to navigate these challenges confidently. With our team by your side, you can rest assured that you are taking the right steps toward financial freedom and peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you resolve your tax issues efficiently and effectively.
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clarkelawpa · 15 days
Florida Quit Claim Deed
 Definition of Quit Claim Deed
A quitclaim deed is the simplest way to transfer an interest in real property in Florida. This type of deed is often used between parties s that have an existing relationship, such as family members, divorcing spouses, or business partners.
A key feature of a quitclaim deed is that it does not guarantee a property’s title is free of liens. The grantor simply transfers whatever interest they have in the property to the grantee and no title search is performed. Therefore, the  grantee receives whatever interest the grantor has at the time of the transfer, which could be nothing at all.
For this reason, quitclaim deeds are not typically used in arm’s length real estate purchases. Instead, a title search is performed and the seller then  executes a warranty deed, in which he guarantees clear title to the buyer.
 Requirements for a Quitclaim Deed
To be valid in Florida, a quitclaim deed must meet certain requirements:
Wording of the Deed: The deed must identify the property being conveyed, the grantor (the person transferring the property), and the grantee (the person receiving the property). It should include a clear legal description of the property, not just a street address.
The grantor must sign the deed in the presence of two disinterested witnesses.
The deed must also be notarized with the notary’s stamp and signature. The notary can also act as a witness.
Consideration (the amount paid for the property, even if nominal) must be stated on the deed, though the grantee does not need to sign the document.
Delivery of the Deed: The deed must be delivered to the grantee to be effective. Physical delivery, along with the intent to transfer ownership, is key to completing the transfer.
Recording of the Deed: Recording the deed with the clerk of court in the county where the property is located is highly recommended, though not required. Recording gives public notice of the change in ownership.
Florida Quit Claim Deed Statutes:
Section 689.025, Florida Statutes prescribes the specific language that should appear in a quitclaim deed.
Section 689.01, Florida Statutes requires that deeds conveying real property be signed by the grantor in the presence of two witnesses.
 When Does the Deed Become Effective?
A quitclaim deed becomes effective upon delivery to the grantee, meaning the grantor has physically or constructively delivered the deed with the intention of transferring ownership. However, while the deed is effective once delivered, recording the deed with the county clerk is critical for protecting the grantee’s interest.
Without recording the deed, the grantee may face difficulties in obtaining a mortgage or selling the property. Recording ensures that third parties, such as creditors or potential buyers, are aware of the ownership transfer.
 How to Record a Quitclaim Deed
To record a quitclaim deed, the original signed and notarized document must be taken to the clerk of court in the county where the property is located. The clerk will charge a small fee for recording the deed, which varies by county.  The deed then gets recorded in the chain of title for the property, letting the public know that a change in ownership has occurred.
If there is a mortgage on the property, a documentary stamp tax will usually be assessed on the transfer. Florida’s documentary tax on mortgages is currently  $0.35 per $100 of the mortgage amount. This tax must be paid when recording the deed.
 Quitclaim Deed After Divorce
In divorce proceedings, quitclaim deeds are often used to transfer one spouse’s interest in the marital home to the other spouse. Its important to note that a quit claim deed trasnfer does not affect any mortgage obligations tied to the property.
If both spouses are jointly liable on the mortgage, both remain liable even after the transfer. To fully release a spouse from the mortgage, refinancing or other arrangements with the lender must be made.
Be mindful that many mortgages contain a "due on sale" clause, which may allow the lender to call the loan due upon transfer of ownership. However, in practice, lenders rarely enforce this clause unless the mortgage is in default.
 Quitclaim Deed in Estate Planning
Quitclaim deeds can be a useful tool in estate planning. For example, a property owner can transfer their real estate to a living trust using a quitclaim deed. This allows the property to be held in trust for the benefit of beneficiaries and avoids probate upon the grantor’s death.
Additionally, quitclaim deeds can be used to transfer property into a Florida LLC as part of an asset protection strategy. The owner may then devise their LLC interest to heirs through an operating agreement, keeping the property within the family while potentially shielding it from creditors.
 Contact Florida attorney John Clarke at (954)556-8952 for a free estate planning consultation.
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perfect-tax-relief · 1 month
Perfect Tax Relief: Customer-Centric Tax Resolution Services
A deep understanding of the tax code paired with an experienced team of tax professionals enables it to offer robust solutions that protect clients from overreaching government collectors.
Leaving No Stone Unturned
While formulating strategies, Perfect Tax Relief looks at every aspect of the client’s financial position. Additional information is acquired from the IRS and other financial resources. A dedicated team analyzes the information to identify workable solutions.
An account manager is assigned to oversee the entire process for each case while specialists at each stage ensure clients receive the best possible outcomes. They weigh various factors, including clauses by the IRS, and leverage numerous tools to strategize a response for each scenario. Sometimes, that can mean crystallizing the clients hardship to the IRS, at others strategically stretching the tax resolution over time, forcing the IRS to drop some of the debts after considering time-related factors.
We Are Dedicated To Using Technology To Stay Ahead Of The Curve And Deliver Best-In-Class Solutions For Our Clients
Services do not end with the resolution of the tax debt. Perfect Tax Relief goes the extra mile to build long-term relationships with clients, helping them stay compliant with the IRS in the years that follow. This level of care comes from a nimble approach that allows it to treat every client as if it were its only client.
The key to Perfect Tax Relief’s success rate is this multi-pronged approach. It first attempts to release outstanding garnishments and levies by filing the proper financials. Next, it places a hold on collections, followed by strategizing for a long-term solution, such as debt settlement, penalty forgiveness, or reduced interest charges. Finally, it completes the financials and initiates the negotiation to settle the final debts with the IRS, and devises affordable payment arrangements.
A Strategic Approach Infused with Technology 
Perfect Tax Relief leverages AI and advanced automation tools to ensure that every case is handled to perfection. A strong emphasis is placed on preparing for the changes that are expected in the industry with the advent of AI.
“We are dedicated to using technology to stay ahead of the curve and deliver best-in-class solutions for our clients,” says Harari.
Integrating state-of-the-art AI tools into its service offerings helps streamline solutions and enhance client experiences. It also increases efficiency and accuracy across all stages of the tax resolution process. AI-powered algorithms enable optimized processes and personalized solutions, enabling faster analysis of customer data and reducing the time required to resolve tax issues. The advanced systems will minimize the risk of human error, ensuring clients receive accurate and reliable advice and support. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI guarantee advanced support and seamless communication between clients and experts.
Expert Tax Controversy Negotiations
Perfect Tax Relief has been able to resolve numerous complicated cases and deliver outcomes perceived to be impossible. In one instance, a client had incurred a debt of over $55,000 to the IRS due to her failed business; a debt that was expected to rapidly grow. To make matters worse, the client had not filed her taxes for eight years.
The IRS had filed some of her returns and discounted certain expenses she might have needed to declare, assuming her business was flourishing.
The IRS eventually filed a $70,700 lien against her business and sent Intent to Levy notices along with instructions to file the missing returns. The Perfect Tax Relief team began its approach by filing all returns, including the ones filed by the authority. It then applied and got her approved on a currently non-collectible (CNC) status on the entire debt, which had grown to $83,000 by then. 
Following the CNC approval, Perfect Tax Relief submitted an offer in compromise (OIC) for a $100 settlement, which was rejected due to doubts over the business assets. Undeterred, the team filed her tax for the following year, reorganized its approach, and resubmitted a new OIC. Its relentless approach got her approved on the original offer of $100 on a debt that had mushroomed to over $85,000. The client’s immediate savings, after accounting for Perfect Tax Relief’s resolution fees, amount to $76,500. 
Countless cases like these demonstrate the company’s proficiency in deftly solving disputes with the IRS. In another instance, Perfect Tax Relief’s meticulous approach paid dividends to a client who was being pursued by the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board.
The client had a debt of $24,410 in bank levy and wage garnishment due to five years of underreported income starting in 2008. The team soon figured that the total debt stood at $34,100. After thoroughly analyzing the situation, it modified FTB wage garnishment to an affordable payment, released the bank levy, filed four years back taxes, and made the IRS an offer of $50 on the entire debt, which was accepted.
Seasoned Professionals to Fuel Customer Satisfaction 
The numerous success stories reflect the expertise at the heart of Perfect Tax Relief. Its team of seasoned tax professionals, with an average of 15 years of industry experience, is highly skilled at observing the minute details in every case. They collaborate to find innovative solutions to complex cases.
Perfect Tax Relief takes the time to select the right candidates for employment and diligently trains them to work within its processes. A flexible and welcoming environment fosters long-term results. Harari believes that treating associates the way you want to be treated is key. This approach has driven the company’s success over the years.
“We strive to be the most professional, customer-centric, result-oriented tax resolution company by continuing to hire ethical, highly trained professionals to offer unsurpassed results to our clients,” says Harari.
 In the coming years, Perfect Tax Relief aims to work with high-earning individuals who will soon be subject to more scrutiny. While the IRS continues to step up its efforts to improve collection and compliance, the firm continues to deliver results. Client satisfaction is the top priority. For those not completely satisfied, the team conducts a thorough analysis and rectifies the situation. 
In the high-stakes world of tax compliance and controversy, Perfect Tax Relief displays the much-needed client-centricity with a commitment to innovation, solidifying its position as a go-to partner for tax resolution services.
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leeonline · 4 months
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Notice of Intent Exercise Warehouse Lien Auction
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch: season 1 recap
Overall impressions of Season 1 after my first chronological rewatch:
This first season was consistently strong. I see why I fell in love with the show right away, and why I was already invested enough with the characters to stick with them for seven whole years, through all the ups and downs. The premise is great, the characters are all well delineated, with fantastic actors bringing them to life. I would actually argue that Voyager came out of the gate stronger than the other two 90s Trek series. It had it's format and identity fully figured out from the get-go, whereas TNG and DS9 both took a season or two to figure themselves out and get in a groove. Some of the characters individually still needed some time to percolate and settle into more steady characterization, but on the whole, the relationships and dynamics were already forming, and becoming a joy to watch.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that far fewer characters got killed off in this first season than I thought. Losing crew members they couldn't replace, yet still being able to run the ship, has always been one of my pet peeves in Voyager, so I'm going to keep a running tally as I go through the series to find out how many there actually were.
There were also more romantic subplots than remember in the first season. I'm going to be keeping a running tally of those too.
One of the things that surprised me on this rewatch was the friendship they started building between B'Elanna and Harry, which was sweet and lovely, and made so much sense, but then was abandoned entirely later on, which is a shame. Garrett Wang said on The Delta Flyers podcast how he thought back then that they were setting up Harry and B'Elanna to be a couple, and while I thought that was wild at first, I do see it now, and think it would have made sense. I wouldn't necessarily have preferred that, but I definitely would have liked their friendship at least to have been developed further, and maybe a romance would have worked if they had done. It's certainly an interesting path not taken to contemplate!
A weird thing I noticed was how much glaringly racist and misogynist dialog made it's way on screen this first season, like, way more than there was in TNG or DS9. I have no idea why anyone thought it was a good idea, and it definitely hindered Tom and Neelix's character development, as well as Kes's, indirectly.
The whole concept of Neelix and Kes as a couple is pretty questionable from the perspective of a few decades later. I had no idea back then how much of an age gap there was between the actors playing them; when you're 7 years old, everyone over 16 is an adult to you, but looking back now, and finding out that Jennifer Lien was only 18 when they started, whereas Ethan Phillips was in his mid-40s, I'm very bothered by the power imbalance that age gap creates. (I'm referring to the characters specifically, I've never heard anything negative about Ethan Phillips as an actor.) That already large gulf in age and experience is further exasperated by Neelix being a worldly space nomad, while Kes comes from a sheltered existence in a society with no knowledge of the outside world, who only live for nine years, yet, somehow, Kes is still presented as an adult based on her physical and cognitive development, despite being canonically under two years old chronologically. Having someone who was almost literally born yesterday in a romantic relationship with someone who also is, for all intents and purposes, her teacher, is a really fraught situation, all the more so for Kes having run away from home and being almost entirely dependent on Neelix, with no one from her family or culture there to support her. That aspect, at least, is somewhat mitigated when they join the Voyager crew, since Kes now has a ship full of people to learn from and depend on, but Neelix's position as her knight in shining armor figure who rescued her still gives him a lot of influence over her. Couple that with Neelix constantly either infantilizing her or unleashing jealous tirades on her, and it's a really uncomfortable thing to watch. It severely undercuts Neelix's likability, which he would otherwise have in the bag as one of the show's main comic relief characters. Kes, too, comes out being slightly one dimemsional when half of her screentime is devoted to having to be the perfect girlfriend who tolerates and soothes all of Neelix's moods, even though her developing skills as a medic is the more interesting storyline. Her friendship with the Doctor is also more interesting, since he at least recognizes and encourages her talents, but even here, most of her storylines with him revolve around being his cheerleader in his quest for more autonomy. It's deeply frustrating to see such old fashioned gender dynamics at play in a show that was supposed to be a progressive vision for the future. Despite having three female characters in the main cast, I don't think the three of them ever had a scene together outside the conference room, and I don't think Kes and B'Elanna ever spoke to each other at all this season beyond one brief exchange in sickbay in the season's last episode.
The writers were obviously struggling to figure out Tom Paris after having to switch him out for the Nicholas Locarno character they'd originally intended him to be, so we end up getting two versions of Tom Paris this first season. The original Locarno version is an asshole who says truly shitty things, presumably in an attempt to make him a bad boy who would shake up Starfleet's usual niceness, and eventually have a redeeming character arc. But with the tweaks made to the character's backstory in order to distinguish him from Locarno for copyright purposes, we actually get a much more sympathetic, kinder character who's desperately looking for redemption from the start, and has the Starfleet niceness baked into him as part of his upbringing. Listening to Robbie McNeill on the Delta Flyers podcast, he says outright that he didn't like playing the asshole version because he thought viewers wouldn't sympathize or care about a character who was a jerk every single week, and he was right. Unfortunately, it took the writers a while to see the light and lean into the latter version of Tom at last, and I think to this day, it's tainted Tom's reputation as a character. The casual fans who saw any of these early episodes and didn't tune in religiously every week to see his character develop probably continued to think of him as the gross dudebro we get in some of these early eps. Which is a shame, since he actually becomes one of my favorite Voyager characters by the end.
Some things that I was suprised to find started all the way back in the first season was Seska's betrayal and defection to the enemy arc; and that Tom being made a medic started all the way back in the second episode. I thought it must have been later on, after they lost more crew, because there's no way there wouldn't be another crew member with more medical training than him, but no. They really put a guy who has an essential, full time job, that he's good at, and gave him another one he's barely qualified for on top of it, just because. Ok then, I guess. That's just so random. Maybe they had plans to put him and Kes together already, but that seems unlikely, given how Kes's whole character was invented to be Neelix's girlfriend. (I read somewhere that Kes isn't even mentioned in the Voyager show bible except within Neelix's entry. Siiiigh.)
There was also a lot less of the Kazon and Vidians this season than I thought, which was nice, since I don't like either of them as antagonists, but that just means that all the episodes with them I disliked are still ahead, ugh. (In all honesty, I pretty much dislike all of the recurring villains on Voyager, but I'll go into that when each of those arcs come up.)
Overall, I've been having a lot of fun, and rediscovering a lot of stuff I'd forgotten. I'm excited for season two!
Season 1 stats:
number of crew killed off: 6
Caretaker: at least 5 confirmed (first officer, chief engineer, chief medical officer, nurse, pilot) with more implied
Faces: 1 (Lieutenant Pete Durst)
number of romantic subplots:
Paris: 1 with kiss (Ex Post Facto)
Janeway: 1 without kiss (Prime Factors)
Kim: 1 without kiss (Prime Factors)
Chakotay: 1 without kiss (State of Flux) [at least I don't think there was a kiss, maybe there was?? I didn't decide to keep track till after this ep, so wasn't paying enough attention]
The Doctor: 1 with kiss (Heroes and Demons)
Number of episodes I liked/disliked/mixed reaction:
Liked: 10
Disliked: 3
Mixed: 2
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sadanseo · 5 months
How to Get Out of Tax Debt: Your Way to Financial Freedom
If you have financial problems and can't pay your taxes, you may be eligible for tax debt relief. You have two options for getting out of tax debt: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or looking into private organisations' programmes.
What is the Significance of Tax Debt Relief?
You have numerous options to alleviate your tax burden, including repayment programmes with the Internal Revenue Service and private companies. One way that tax debt relief programmes might help you save money is by waiving late payment penalties.
There will be steep penalties and interest charges if you pay your taxes late. The Internal Revenue Service will levy additional fees to establish a payment plan. To learn more about these costs, including late payment penalties, visit the IRS website.
Resolving Tax Debt: Other Options:
There are methods to spread your payments and make them more manageable, even if you don't qualify for any of the IRS's relief or forgiveness programmes. Potential Next Steps:
• Loan for Individuals:
A personal loan could be a smart alternative to a credit card if you have a lot of debt and prefer a lower interest rate. You can pay your taxes in one convenient instalment using the funds from your loan.
• Roth IRA:
Withdrawals from 401(k)s are typically reserved for dire situations due to the possibility of additional taxes and penalties.
• Credit cards:
To make your tax payment more manageable, you can use a credit card and pay for it over time. Consider that using a credit card might result in hefty processing fees and interest charges. Make a plan to pay off your debts as much as possible before you do this.
• Home equity lines of credit (HELOC) or loans secured by real estate (HELO):
You risk losing your house if you don't repay a home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC), even though the interest rates are lower than those of other loans.
The Internal Revenue Service Debt Relief Programme: Who Is Eligible?
Individuals facing financial difficulties and unable to pay their tax obligations may be eligible for a tax debt relief programme. Incorrectly reporting income or failing to claim all deductions were the most often cited tax concerns with the new start programme.
Asset seizures, federal tax liens, and IRS debt can result from those above. The IRS may audit your tax return if you have made a serious error.
If you're eligible, you can lower your tax bill by using tax preparation services. The Internal Revenue Service has limited authority to garnish wages. You must promptly contact one of their tax experts upon receipt of a notice of intent to levy.
The staff can assist you in understanding IRS notices, which may contain qualification requirements that vary by IRS office.
We talk about tax debt relief up there. You shouldn't worry and stress out because you owe the IRS money. Everyone hates being in debt to the IRS. If you or a loved one are struggling to make ends meet, many tax forgiveness and assistance programmes can help.
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andrewthomson8779 · 1 year
Selling a Car in California: Your Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Sale
How to sell a car in California can be an overwhelming process if you're not familiar with the requirements and procedures. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, you can navigate the sale smoothly and ensure a successful transaction. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of selling a car in California, helping you achieve a successful sale.
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Step 1: Gather All Necessary Documents
Before listing your car for sale, gather all the necessary documents. These may include the vehicle title, registration, maintenance records, and a bill of sale. Ensure that the title is clear and in your name, and if there are any liens on the vehicle, address them before proceeding with the sale.
Step 2: Determine the Market Value of Your Car
Research the market value of your car to set a competitive and realistic selling price. Consider factors such as the make, model, year, mileage, condition, and any additional features. Online car valuation tools or consulting with car dealerships can help you determine a fair price.
Step 3: Prepare Your Car for Sale
Give your car a thorough cleaning, both inside and out, to make it more appealing to potential buyers. Address any minor repairs or maintenance issues that can enhance the overall presentation of the vehicle. Consider getting a pre-sale inspection to identify any significant mechanical issues and address them accordingly.
Step 4: Advertise Your Car
Create compelling advertisements to attract potential buyers. Take high-quality photos that showcase your car from various angles, both inside and outside. Write a detailed and accurate description that highlights the key features, recent maintenance or upgrades, and any unique selling points. Advertise your car on online platforms, local classifieds, and social media to reach a broader audience.
Step 5: Screen Potential Buyers
Once you start receiving inquiries from potential buyers, screen them to ensure they are serious and qualified. Ask questions about their intent to purchase, their budget, and whether they have financing in place if needed. Arrange a convenient time for them to view and test drive the car.
Step 6: Complete the Sale
When you find a serious buyer who is interested in purchasing your car, it's time to finalize the sale. Accompany the buyer to a public place to complete the transaction. Verify the buyer's identification, sign the necessary paperwork, and provide them with a bill of sale. Remove the license plates from the vehicle and keep a copy of the signed title and bill of sale for your records.
Step 7: Notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Within five days of the sale, notify the California DMV by completing the Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability form. This ensures that you are no longer held responsible for the vehicle and any associated liabilities, such as parking tickets or accidents.
Step 8: Cancel Your Insurance and Registration
Contact your insurance provider to cancel the coverage for the sold vehicle. Return the license plates to the DMV or transfer them to another vehicle you own. This step ensures that you are not responsible for any future liabilities or expenses related to the sold car.
Selling a car in California can be a straightforward process when you follow these step-by-step guidelines. By gathering the necessary documents, determining the market value, preparing your car for sale, advertising effectively, screening potential buyers, completing the sale correctly, notifying the DMV, and canceling your insurance and registration, you can achieve a successful and hassle-free car sale.
Remember to comply with all relevant laws and regulations throughout the selling process. With careful preparation and attention to detail, you can sell your car in California with confidence and achieve a successful sale.
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ariela-wagner-me · 1 year
What Are the Basic Notice to Owner and Mechanic’s Lien Rules?
Find out the fundamental rules for securing lien rights in construction projects, emphasizing the importance of timely Notice to Owner and Mechanic's Lien filings in this blog. Additionally, we also understand the key exceptions that can protect contractors' rights even when deadlines are missed.
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infoglitch · 1 year
RWBY: Fate
(I tried, I swear I did it's just so damn annoying!
I didn't feel like having you guys wait another fucking year just for me to drop a page.
I am so sorry everyone I have failed this time.)
Our focus changes to jaune who is in some kind of locker room as he managed to find a locker as he put some stuff in specifically a box of pumpkin Pete cereal.
He sighed after getting all of the unnecessarys in the locker. He closed it as he began to hear people entering the locker room.
"Thank the brothers I got here early." He spoke softly as he then noticed the locker next to him opened as he peeked around and saw a familiar woman with bright vermilion hair strung up in a pony tail. She wore a golden armored corset aswell as a black body suit underneath with a gold plate armor chest piece covering her upper body. Along with that she wore golden kneepads and shin guards. She also wore long black gloves over her hands with the symbol of a maple leaf on the back hand of both gloves. She also had a golden arm guard on her right arm. The most defining addition to her outfit was red sash the hanged out from the side of her body suit.
Jaunes eyes stared at the marvel of a woman infront of him before he muttered a simple "hello". The woman immediately turned on her heel to face him.
"Oh hi there! Who might you be?" The woman said as jaune shook his head before speaking his. "Jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune spoke as he waved at her.
The woman seemed to detense as she stuck out her hand. "Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure." Pyrrha spoke as jaune looked at her hand before shaking it. As jaune looked at her he felt a memory pop into his head. "Hey um. Weird question but you wouldn't happen to have been on a box of pumpkin Pete cereal have you" jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him Abit surprised.
"Yes actually. Though it was only for a month. The companies support is one of the reasons I'm here. Who knew sponsorships could get you into a huntsmen academy." Pyrrha answered as she pulled away from the handshake as she rubbed the back of her neck. Jaune had a shimmer in his eyes as he began to babble on about cereal trivia as pyrrha just listened oddly amazed by all the pieces of trivia of cereal history.
Suddenly a small chuckle was heard as the two looked to see Weiss walking in. "I'll be honest madam pyrrha I never took you for a cereal enthusiast." She said smiling Abit as jaune had small blush on his face as pyrrha just rolled her eyes at the mention of "madam pyrrha".
"Weiss schnee. What a surprise. Aren't you supposed to be counting your mountains of lien." Pyrrha spoke coldly as she crossed her arms. Weiss seemed a bit taken aback but kept walking until she was right infront of the vermilion gladiator. Weiss stuck out her hand as she smiled a bit. "I would love to be friends with you." Weiss spoke with confidence as pyrrha just stared at her observing her bodies disposition. "U-um Id like to be friends-" jaune spoke up which caught Pyrrha off guard. She had forgotten he was behind her listening to everything. She turned back to Weiss who was no longer staring at pyrrha instead just glaring at the blonde knight. Jaune just piped down as he opened his locker and made it look like he was looking for something.
Weiss turned her attention back to pyrrha as she Changed to a friendly disposition. "So about my request-"
"No." Pyrrha interrupted the schnee heiress as she had a aura of dangerous intent. "O-oh. Ok then. I apologize for bothering you madam pyrrha" Weiss spoke as she spoke as she curtsied before heading back to locker.
"Did I ruin the chance?"  jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him her posture softening as she shook her head. "No. I just don't like making friends who give off... How do I put it?" Pyrrha spoke as she tapped her chin. "Off energy?" Jaune said as pyrrha snapped her fingers. "Yeah that! Now then how about we head to the exam course" Pyrrha spoke as she grabbed jaune by his hoodie as she walked off with the blonde knight as we see a defeated Weiss rummaging through her locker before feeling a pat on her back as yang stood by her. "You'll get on her good side soon ice queen." Yang had a large stupid smirk as she talked which Weiss just grumbled at. Stupid blondes.
With Ruby she was wandering through the Locker room in awe of it sheer size. before seeing two familiar figures. "REN! NORA!" Ruby shouted with glee as she ran towards the two as Nora turned and grinned before running right towards ruby as both had their arms spread ready to bear hug each other.
The two collided as they hugged each squealing in joy as ren just watched unamused as eventually we see everyone enter the locker room and prepare before finally hearing bell signaling the end of the grace period. Eventually everyone found themselves on a cliff as there were launch platforms as we see Ruby and jaune standing next to each other as jaune was shivering in his armor meanwhile ruby was inspecting the red case that she was carrying.
"S-so... You scared r-ruby?" Jaune ask as he looked at the rose reaper. Ruby looked at him a bit confused. "Nope. Are you?" Ruby answered with her own question. Jaune vigorously shook his head as Ruby noded.
"Attention future huntsmen." Ozpins Voice rang out as everyone turn to see him standing to the side as he held a microphone. "You will be given a flare gun with two types of ammunition. One with red and one with green, the green flare signals that you give up. Red means you have completed your objective and are returning here. You will be given these to ensure that there are no casualties when we can't observe you. Any questions?" Ozpin asked as jaune raised his hand.
"Um What is our objective?" Jaune asked nervously as ozpin stared at him, his eyes narrowed as he saw a symbol of the crescent moon on the boys shield.
"You're an arc correct. Your families full of legends you should know this. Now tell me how is crocea mors doing." Ozpin asked as jaune was about to say something before ozpin pressed a button as jaune was sent flying from his launch platform.
"Oops. Begin. And make sure you use your semblances." ozpin spoke as everyone rocketed off as Glynda and hazel stood behind ozpin. "Ozpin that was oddly cruel" hazel spoke calmly as the megaphone in ozpins hand disintegrated. "Apologies. Just a bridge that I didn't burn." Ozpin answered as he walked of before stopping.
"Glynda be a dear and keep tabs on the students. Hazel get the rescue unit ready if we get any green flares." Ozpin added as he walked away before vanishing into thin air.
Our focus changes to ren as he pulled out two Chinese dow only transformed into it looked like pistols with the blade turned into a bayonet before it fired off the bayonets leaving a trail of string attaching to both blades as they hit a tree as ren swung himself across the tree as he landed on a large tree branch as he hear screams of what sounded like a helpless girl. He looked up and so Jaune heading towards the ground as ren sigh as the bayonets returned. He aimed his pistol at jaune before firing a bayonet as it pierced through Jaunes hood as it nailed him to the tree.
"Well hello" Ren spoke calmly as he sat down as jaune looked at him with a nervous expression on his face. "Um hi. I'm jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you um... Wait what's your name?" Jaune asked as ren just sighed as he cleared his throat. "Lie ren. My friend Nora calls me Ren though." Ren answered as he looked to the sky as we see a pink lightning bolt shoot by the two before crashing into the ground as we see the one and only Nora Valkyrie Face planted into the dirt as a crater surrounded her before she shot up as she had a huge grin as she turned to Ren. "Nailed it!" She spoke as if she was a toddler who got a toy she wanted.
"Wow. Your five minutes early. I figured you show up here as soon as me and jaune here were on the ground." Ren jested. Well jaune assumed he did. His monotone voice didn't really help discern whether he was joking or being actually serious.
Nora raised a eyebrow as she looked at the blonde knight before she narrowed her eyes. "Cereal man." She spoke plainly as she suddenly grinned as jaune gulped nervously.
Our focus finally changed to ruby soaring through the air as she had a calm disposition as she grabbed the red box and removed it from her belt as we the emblem of a flaming rose. Suddenly the box transformed into a giant scythe that had the end of a sniper rifle barrel. Suddenly she fired a blast of wind from the barrel as she suddenly gained momentum as we see petals envelope her before a cascade of rose petals was in her place as it flew right towards an area full of strange werewolf creature, the main body had black fur as bones covered each of them. Suddenly we see Ruby emerged from the rose petals as she reared the scythe as we see black lightning envelope the blade as she brought it down piercing into the earth sending a shockwave as the creatures disintegrated.
In the aftermath we see Ruby leaning on her scythe which had the name "crescent rose" engraved on it.  Ruby removed the scythe as it transformed into its red box again as she attached it to metal emblem on her belt.
"Now. To find the objective. And hopefully Ren and Nora." Ruby spoke happily as she began walking through the dense forest. 
Our perspective changes once more as we see yang wearing a pair of sun glasses as she soared through the air as she... Wait was she NAPPING?! Yang soon yawned as she looked to see a tree in her way as she just smirked she tapped her bracelets as they transformed into two gauntlets that a bullet strap wrapped around as they had shotgun rounds. She brought her first back before getting close to the tree as she SLUGGED IT breaking the tree in half as we hear the sound of a shot gun FIRING. The top half of the giant tree was sent flying as yang fired a blast from her other gauntlet sending her soaring through the sky as flames enveloped her. Eventually we see her land on the ground as we hear a BOOM. As everything around got scorched.  She stood up and dusted herself off.
"Now to get to work." Yang spoke as began running through the forest.
Next we see Weiss soar through the air as she prepared a repair a with a revolver chamber in the guard as she spun it before stopping on the cyan chamber as Weiss eyes glowed as we see circles with a giant snow flakes in the center appear before turning into ice as a icy slide form as Weiss landed and began ice skating on the slide as we see the same glyphs under her feet. As she skated across the icy slide she saw the same black werewolves ruby encountered as she readied her rapier and spun the revolver until it landed on the red chamber. "Myrtenaster, flare form." Weiss spoke calmly as she leaped into the air spinning upside down as she sliced through the air sending a blast of flames towards the monsters scorching them as she landed graceful. "That's 10 beowolves added to my Talley. Let's see if I can beat winters count." Weiss spoke to herself as Blake watched from the shadows as she rolled her eyes as she began walking towards Weiss.
"Rivalry between schnee's? Interesting" Blake humored to herself as she suddenly found the blade of weisses sword myrtenaster pointed towards her. "You have alot of gaul to act all chummy with me after insulting me." Weiss spoke coldly as Blake rolled her eyes as she moved myrtenaster to the side. "Look schnee. I'll be honest I don't care for you or your family. But if you want to finish your objective you'll need teammates." Blake said bluntly as Weiss just looked at her before sighing as she sheathed myrtenaster and out stretched her hand. "A truce. Being antagonistic to another isn't going to get either of us anywhere." Weiss spoke as Blake just smirked as she grabbed weisses hand and shook it.
Lastly we see Pyrrha already on the ground as she walked through the forest as she had her spear and shield on her back. Before hearing a hiss as two massive snakes covered in bones surrounded her one was black, one was white. Pyrrha out stretched her unarmored arm as her shield snapped onto it as her spear went into the hand of her other arm. She stood ready to fight. Her shield infront of her as her spear was at the ready.
The white serpent darted towards her as she bashed it away with her shield as the black serpent fired a blast of venom towards her as she dodged it before chucking her spear through creatures mouth and piercing it brain as it fell dead as pyrrha's free hand glowed black as her spear returned to her as she stood infront of the white serpent as circled around her. Pyrrha placed her shield on her back as her spear transformed into a rifle as the snake went straight towards her as we hear the sound of a gun firing as we see both serpents dead at the vermilion gladiators feet.
....FUCK ME!
I am so fucking sorry everyone.
Like me when I play hollow Knight steal soul I die will trying to attempt the feat of writing more than or equal to 3,000 words.
I swear I'm gonna make this right. I swear to you all! Or else my account is fuk-ma-az!
But before I go I need to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a break. I think I'm finally experiencing burnout. Or something similar.
I'm going to be back y'all can count your lucky stars on it. But I'm tired.
Now rock on till ya drop tata motherfuckers 🤟
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Utah Code Liens 38-8-3
Utah Code Liens 38-8-3
Utah Code Liens 38-8-3: Enforcement of Lien–Notice Requirements–Sale Procedure and Effect 1. An owner may enforce a lien described in Section 38-8-2 against an occupant if: a. the occupant is in default for a continuous 30-day period;  and b. the owner provides written notice of the owner’s intent to enforce the lien, in accordance with the requirements of this section, to: i. the occupant; ii. each lien holder disclosed by the occupant under Subsection 38-8-2(3)(b); iii. each person that has filed a valid financing statement with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code;  and iv. each person identified as a lien holder in the records of the Motor Vehicle Division. 2. An owner shall provide the written notice described in Subsection (1)(b): a. in person; b. by certified mail, to the person’s last known address;  or c. subject to Subsection (3), by email, to the person’s last know email address. 3. If an owner sends a notice described in Subsection (2) by email and does not receive a response, return receipt, or delivery confirmation from the email address to which the notice was sent within three business days after the day on which the notice was sent, the owner shall deliver the notice in person or by certified mail to the person’s last known address. 4. A written notice described in Subsection (1)(b) shall include: a. an itemized statement of the owner’s claim showing the sum due at the time of the notice and the date when the sum became due; b. a brief description of the personal property subject to the lien that permits the person to identify the property, unless the property is locked, fastened, sealed, tied, or otherwise stored in a manner that prevents immediate identification of the property; c. if permitted by the terms of the rental agreement, a notice that the occupant may not access the occupant’s personal property until the occupant complies with the requirements described in Subsection (9); (c) d. the name, street address, and telephone number of the owner or the individual the occupant may contact to respond to the notification; e. a demand for payment within a specified time not less than 15 days after the day on which the notice is delivered;  and f. a conspicuous statement that, unless the claim is paid within the time stated in the notice, the personal property will be advertised for sale and will be sold at a specified time and place. 5. A notice under this section shall be presumed delivered when it is deposited with the United States Postal Service and properly addressed with postage prepaid. \ 6. After the expiration of the time given in the notice, the owner shall publish an advertisement of the sale of the personal property subject to the lien once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the self-service storage facility is located. a. An advertisement described in Subsection (6) shall include: i. the address of the self-service storage facility and the number, if any, of the space where the personal property is located; ii. the name of the occupant;  and iii. the time, place, and manner of the sale, which shall take place not sooner than 15 days after the day on which the sale is advertised under Subsection (6)(a). (iii) 7. A sale of the personal property shall conform to the terms of the notice provided for in this section. 8. A sale of the personal property shall be held at the self-service storage facility, at the nearest suitable place to where the personal property is held or stored, or online. 9. Before a sale of personal property under this section, the occupant may pay the amount necessary to satisfy the lien and the reasonable expenses incurred under this section and thereby redeem the personal property;  upon receipt of this payment, the owner shall return the personal property, and thereafter the owner shall have no liability to any person with respect to that personal property. 10. A purchaser in good faith of the personal property sold to satisfy a lien as provided for in this chapter takes the property free of any rights of persons against whom the lien was valid and free of any rights of a secured creditor, despite noncompliance by the owner with the requirements of this section. 11. In the event of a sale under this section, the owner may satisfy the lien for the proceeds of the sale, subject to the rights of any prior lien holder;  the lien rights of the prior lien holder are automatically transferred to the proceeds of the sale;  if the sale is made in good faith and is conducted in a reasonable manner, the owner shall not be subject to any surcharge for a deficiency in the amount of a prior secured lien, but shall hold the balance, if any, for delivery to the occupant, lien holder, or other person in interest;  if the occupant, lien holder, or other person in interest does not claim the balance of the proceeds within one year of the date of sale, it shall become the property of the Utah state treasurer as unclaimed property with no further claim against the owner. 12. If the requirements of this chapter are not satisfied, if the sale of the personal property is not in conformity with the notice of sale, or if there is a willful violation of this chapter, nothing in this section affects the rights and liabilities of the owner, occupant, or any other person. Creditors come in two basic types: secured and unsecured. Although the amount of the debt may be the same, the remedies available to the creditor are very different. Secured creditors have a claim against a specific asset, whereas unsecured creditors do not. Creditors can be unsecured or secured. An unsecured, or general, creditor has a general claim against a debtor this claim is not secured by any particular asset of the debtor. An unsecured creditor has the weakest claim, which may go unpaid in a bankruptcy proceeding. However, an unsecured creditor may become a secured creditor after a lawsuit and judgment. A secured creditor, who has an interest (referred to as a lien) on a particular asset, can use the court system to seize the asset and to satisfy the debt. This clearly presents a significant risk for the business owner.
Liens Enable Creditors to Assert Rights Over Property
Unless the debtor is prudent and has taken measures to safeguard his assets, there is a risk that the creditors can seize assets and take your wealth. In order to know if your assets are at risk, it is imperative that you have an understanding of the different types of liens you may encounter as a small business owner: • Consensual • Purchase-Money Security Liens • Non-Purchase-Money Security Liens • Statutory • Mechanic’s Liens Tax Liens • Judgment
Consensual Liens Are Voluntary
As the name implies, consensual liens are those to which you voluntarily consent, as a result of a loan or other advance of credit. The property purchased secures the buyer’s obligation to pay for the property. One common example is the residential mortgage: a home buyer consents to a bank taking a security interest in the home when a mortgage is obtained. Similarly, a security interest also is created when a car dealer arranges for financing for a car buyer.
There are two broad classes of consensual liens: • Purchase-Money Security Interest Liens: Here, the creditor extends credit to the debtor specifically for the purchase of the property that secures the debt. Examples include a first mortgage on a home, a car loan, and situations in which the seller finances the purchase of property, such as furniture, through a credit agreement. • Non-Purchase-Money Security Interest Liens: Here, the debtor puts up property he or she already owns as collateral for a loan. The loan proceeds are then used to pay expenses (or perhaps to buy other property). Examples include a second mortgage (or refinancing of a mortgage) on a home or a loan used to pay operating expenses with previously owned office equipment put up as collateral. Both types of consensual liens are usually non-possessory. This means that the creditor does not take or retain possession of the property; rather, the debtor takes, or retains, possession of the property. However, it’s possible for either type of consensual lien to be possessory. In that case, the creditor takes possession of the collateral. A loan from a pawnbroker, for example, usually would create a possessory, non-purchase-money security interest lien in the collateral. While this seems very straightforward, the type of debt can have a large impact on the creditor’s rights if a debtor defaults. The rules vary from state to state, but characteristics of a debt are critical to understand if assets are to be protected. Issues include: • Who is holding the property that secures the debt: the debtor or the creditor? In a car loan, the debtor has possession of the property. When a loan is obtained from a pawnshop, the creditor has possession of the property securing the loan. • Was the debt incurred to purchase property or not? For example, a first mortgage loan is a purchase money loan since the proceeds were used to purchase a residence. In contrast, a refinancing loan is not a purchase money loan. The homeowner already owned the property. • What is the nature of the property to which the lien is attached? This is often the essential inquiry when it comes to asset protection. The states, as well as the federal government, have a wide variety of laws relating to what assets are protected from creditors and how they are protected. The primary mechanism for protecting selected assets is a concept called exemptions. In essence, the law may declare that certain property simply cannot be seized by a creditor.
Statutory and Judgment Liens Arise by Operation of Law
In addition to consensual liens, there are many different types of liens that creditors can use to get at your assets to satisfy a debt. In certain circumstances, creditors obtain security interests by the operation of state (or federal) laws. These liens include: • Mechanic’s Liens: This type of lien arises when a contractor or mechanic performs work on property and is not paid. Examples include a contractor who installs a furnace in a home, or an auto mechanic who performs repairs to a car. This lien is a security interest in the property. If the owner tries to sell the property, the debtor will have a secured interest in the portion of the proceeds needed to pay the debt. In addition, having a mechanic’s lien can delay or prevent the sale of real property until debt is satisfied and the lien released. • Tax Liens. This type of lien is placed against property by the local, state or federal government, as authorized by statute, for delinquent taxes, including property, income and estate taxes.
Judgment Liens Arise As a Result of a Lawsuit
Of the three types of liens (consensual, statutory and judgment,) the judgment lien is the most dangerous form, but one which the informed business owner may be able to eliminate. A judicial lien is created when a court grants a creditor an interest in the debtor’s property, after a court judgment. Judgment liens can arise in a wide variety of circumstances basically, any incident that can land you in court can end up generating a judgment lien.
For example, if you are driving negligently and injure someone in an accident, the injured person may to sue for damages. To the extent that your insurance doesn’t cover the judgment, a judicial lien may be placed against your property to secure payment of the claim to the injured party. A plaintiff who obtains a monetary judgment is termed a “judgment creditor.” The defendant becomes a “judgment debtor.” The judgment in the lawsuit provides the basis for the lien. If the debt is not paid, the judgment creditor can then seek to enforce (or execute) the judgment. This can be accomplished by garnishing wages, seizing a bank account, or placing a lien against the debtor’s property. The lien is the first step by the judgment creditor in a process that will culminate in a sale of the attached property, to satisfy the judgment debt.
Any lien placed on the defendant’s assets as a result of a court judgment is known as a judgment lien. If a lien were placed on a home, the judgment creditor could then seek to foreclose on the property, in the same way a mortgage holder such as a bank could foreclose if it were not paid. In this section, the term “judgment lien” is used in its strictest sense: a lien attributed to a court judgment, where the court judgment itself is the basis for the lien.
An example would be a plaintiff who is awarded a monetary judgment against a defendant in a lawsuit based on negligence, and who then is granted an order of attachment against the debtor’s property. In contrast, this definition excludes a judgment based on a pre-existing lien (i.e., a prior consensual lien or statutory lien). Thus, for example, this definition would exclude a judgment in a mortgage foreclosure. This distinction is critically important in discerning what types of liens against exempt property can be eliminated.
Notice to Perform
In real estate, a notice to perform is a document that sets up a contract with detailed expectations for either the buyer or the seller. If the expectations are not met, the party that sent the notice can cancel the real estate deal. The notice to perform serves two purposes—it gives the first party the chance to tell the other that there is an issue, and the second a chance to fix it before the deal is canceled. A notice to perform is a real estate clause or contract that requires parties to act by a set date. In many instances, you must give the notice to perform before you can cancel a purchase contract. Either the buyer or the seller can issue a notice to perform. However, the two parties may approach the process with different goals. You aren’t required to send a notice to perform if a buyer or seller misses a deadline. A gentle reminder from your real estate agent might be appropriate, but it depends on your circumstances. A notice to perform is usually only used if one party wants to cancel a deal because their requests aren’t met.
Sellers might demand that buyers perform because they don’t want to drag out an escrow, only to find out the buyers were never going to close. In the case of a contingency release, the seller may be entitled to the buyer’s earnest money deposit if the buyer later cancels the transaction after releasing all contingencies. Real estate deals can be full of contingencies. Some common ones are: • A loan contingency so the seller can cancel the deal if the buyer does not secure a loan in time.\ • An appraisal contingency so the buyer can cancel if the home appraises for less than the price in the contract. • An inspection contingency that allows the buyer to back out of the deal if the inspector finds major issues. • The seller and buyer might need certain disclosures and reports. • The buyer may want the house they own to sell before they complete the purchase of another.
Why Use a Notice to Buyer to Perform?
Buyers may not be aware of all the contractual agreements they’re making when they sign a purchase agreement. However, before a seller can cancel a contract due to the buyer’s failure to do any of these things, the seller must send the buyer a notice demanding that the buyer perform. Some common seller concerns are: • The buyer hasn’t made an earnest money deposit. • The seller might want to increase the earnest money deposit. • The buyer needs to submit a loan preapproval or prequalification letter. • The seller might want to see proof of funds to close escrow. • The seller might want the buyer to sign and return disclosures and reports by a specific date. • The seller wants the buyer to provide evidence that their current home is in escrow.
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Welcome back to Part 2 of our series on bank levies. In Part 1, we discussed a bank levy and how it works. This article will review the steps to avoid a bank levy and what you can do if a levy has already been placed on your account.
Preventing a bank levy is the best course of action. Here are some steps to avoid a bank levy:
Pay Your Taxes A bank levy is often imposed due to unpaid taxes. To avoid this, paying your taxes on time to the IRS or your state is important. You can opt for a payment plan if you cannot pay in full. This will prevent the IRS from taking other actions like wage garnishments or liens.
Respond to Creditor Notices Your creditor might send you notices regarding missed payments, late fees, or other issues with your account. Responding to these notices promptly and addressing the issue at hand is important. Ignoring these notices can lead to further collection actions like legal action or debt collection agencies getting involved.
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Keep a Low Balance Managing finances can be tricky, especially when you have a history of unpaid debts or tax liabilities. In such a scenario, keeping your bank account balance low can be a smart move to avoid further financial troubles. One approach to do this is by setting up automatic payments for your bills and expenses. This ensures that your payments are made on time and reduces the risk of late payments. Consider reducing your expenses and cutting back on unnecessary purchases to help keep your balance low.
Use Exemptions Certain funds in your bank account may be exempt from levy depending on your state. For example, some states exempt Social Security, disability, and unemployment benefits. If you receive these benefits, inform your bank and provide the necessary documentation to claim the exemption.
What to Do If a Bank Levy Has Been Placed on Your Account?
Verify the levy: Make sure the levy is valid. The IRS or creditor must follow specific procedures before placing a levy on your account. They must send you a notice of intent to levy, give you time to respond and obtain a court order. If they do not follow these procedures, you can challenge the levy.
Contact the creditor or IRS: Once you verify the levy, contact the creditor or IRS to resolve the issue. You can negotiate a payment plan, settle the debt, or request a levy release. You may qualify for a hardship release if you are facing financial hardship.
Claim exemptions: If you believe you qualify for an exemption, inform your bank and provide the necessary documentation. The bank will release the exempt funds, and the creditor or IRS can only levy the remaining balance.
Appeal the levy: If you disagree, you can appeal the decision. The IRS or creditor must provide you with the appeal procedures. You can also request a collection due process hearing or file a lawsuit in court.
Final Thoughts
A bank levy can be a stressful and challenging situation. However, by taking the steps mentioned above, you can avoid a bank levy or resolve the issue if a levy has been placed on your account. By taking these steps, you can protect your assets and financial future.
Protect your hard-earned money from bank levies with Advance Tax Relief LLC. Our experienced tax professionals offer customized solutions to help you avoid bank levies and resolve tax issues. Contact us now for a free consultation and regain control of your finances.
Seeking professional help when handling back taxes can help you avoid the discussed errors. At Advance Tax Relief, we offer specialized tax resolution services to help you deal with IRS debt.
Our experts can help rectify erroneous tax bills and guide you in picking a suitable repayment program. Contact us today (713)300-3965 for back tax filing and tax relief services.
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texaseasylien · 5 years
Notice of Intent will usually get the message across enough to resolve your payment dispute. In Texas, the subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, materials supplier, equipment lessor, or anybody that did not contract directly with the property owner or general contractor must send monthly pre-lien notices to protect their right to file a mechanic’s lien.
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