#notice how everyone in is a therapist is brown or a woman?
bad-re-takes · 7 months
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never seen someone be wrong about this many characters at once
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senjuci · 6 months
A Chance Encounter - Iwaizumi Hajime
If there was anything you knew for certain, it was that you hated Mondays. You had back-to-back lectures all morning, and all you wanted to do was curl up and rot in your bed for the next 3 to 5 business days. 
But instead, you had to head down to an appointment at the Athletic Therapy Centre on campus. Your gaze lifted from your phone to see a small group of your teammates huddled by the entrance.
“Y/n!” A voice called out, your gaze shifting over to where Kori stood. You smiled, walking over to the woman and stopping at her side. “Is everyone just waiting here for their appointments?” You questioned, receiving a nod in response as your eyes drifted over to the doors leading to where all the athletic trainers were. 
A woman stepped out holding a clipboard and gently tapped her pen against it before looking over the crowd. “Y/n L/n, Kaito Suzuki and Kori Brown?” The woman stated the three athletes shuffled over to follow her inside. 
“We have to do this every year, I stopped growing when I was like 17, I don’t need them to measure my height again.” Kaito scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, leading to a snort falling from your lips. 
“That’s because you’re worried about finding out you’ve shrunk Mr. 5’4.” You replied, receiving a glare in response from Kaito, and a laugh from Kori. A soft grin was still present on your face as you looked around and took in all the new faces that had joined this year. Lots of sports science and kinesiology students would do internships for the school year in the department, so it was no surprise to see a lack of familiarity heading into the room. 
It didn’t take long for your eyes to land on him. There was quite frankly, no way he was real. He looked like he had been sculpted by the gods. His tanned skin, short spikey brown hair and olive green eyes. But what drew you in most was his smile. The way his eyes crinkled slightly as he laughed, you were sure your heart skipped two, no three beats at that sound. 
“I’m in love Kori.” You state simply, Kori rolling her eyes in response. “You don’t even know his name Y/n.” She responded as you shrugged your shoulders. “That’s okay, whatever it is I’m sure it will sound good with mine.” You say, Kori shaking her head as she hears one of the doctors call her name and leave you standing in the middle of the room by yourself. 
It didn’t take long before you locked eyes with the man, a slight look of confusion in them as he noticed you staring. But after a small glance over you, and seeing the blush that rose to your cheeks, he gave you a small smile before returning to his conversation. 
“Y/n? You’ll be with me today.” Dr. Brennan, one of the Athletic Therapists whom you had worked with the year prior had said. Nodding in return, you walked over to where she stood, taking a seat on the bed. “How have you been? You have been keeping up with your practices over the summer?” She questioned, not fully paying attention to you as she flipped through the file with your name on it. 
“Yep, been doing my stretches too don’t worry.” You respond and receive a smile from the woman. “Good. Now, you said you were also having some wrist pain as of late, so I have left a bit of room after the assessment to check that out,” She explained as she looked up at you, "But as you have probably assumed I have a new student interning with me this semester, and he’s going to be helping with your assessment if you’re comfortable with that.” Dr. Brennan explained as you nodded your head in response. 
“Perfect. Hajime? Can you come help me?” She called out, a yes maam being yelled in return from somewhere behind her as the Doctor stood up. “Y/n, this is Hajime Iwaizumi, my intern. Hajime, this is Y/n L/n, they’re on the fencing team.” The doctor explained, your gaze lifting to be met with the man from earlier. You could see the slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“Nice to meet you Y/n. I look forward to working with you this season.” Hajime stated as you gave him a smile in response, your heart beating so loud you could hardly hear his words. “Likewise.” You state, your gaze drifting back over to the doctor. 
Normally, you hardly ever have issues talking to people. You were quite a social person, and easily got along and made conversation with anyone you met. But Hajime Iwaizumi? He was like your fucking Kryptonite and you had only known of his existence for what, three, four minutes? 
Hajime, why don’t you take them to the stadiometers?” The doctor suggested as Hajime nodded, gesturing for you to get off of the bed and follow him. Silently, you trailed behind the man admiring his physique from behind as the two of you arrived at the tool. “Stand underneath it with your back straight please,” Hajime asked as you stepped forward and straightened your back, watching as Hajime gently lowered the small weight down so it would rest on top of your head and he could read the results. 
Your gaze stayed trained on him, watching as he bit his lower lip slightly while reading the results and jotting them down. His gaze had yet to lift from the paper when he spoke up once more. “You know, with the way you keep staring at me it gets a bit hard to focus.” He told you, glancing back up to meet your eyes. 
You smiled widely in response, waiting until he lifted the weight up so you could step off of the Stadiometer. “I only stare when there’s something worth looking at.” You tell him in response, watching as his cheeks become dusted with a rosy hue. He is silent for a moment, turning back around before gesturing for you to follow. “Let’s head back to record your results.” He told you, a small giggle falling from your lips as you followed him. 
The appointment had gone much too quickly, and you had been prescribed some cream for your wrist as well as some stretches to do to increase your wrist flexibility. Dr. Brennan had already moved on to another one of your teammates, leaving Hajime to write up the exercises on a sheet of paper for you on the other side of the room. 
You watched him quietly, kicking your feet back and forth while you sat on the bed waiting. Hajime set down the pen, straightening up before walking back over to you, keeping his gaze trained on the desk just in front of you. 
Walking up to you, he cleared his throat and held out the paper, his head turned to the side as he spoke. “Here are the stretches I would recommend for you to do. 3 repetitions of them each day. If you have any questions about them, you can either email Dr. Brennan…” he suggested to you, a hesitancy in his tone as he trailed off “Or you can text me.” He stated. 
You gently took the paper from him, seeing that he had added his name and phone number underneath the prewritten email signed on all of Dr. Brennan’s papers. If it was possible for your cheeks could’ve gotten any more red, they did. “Thanks, I’ll make sure to.” You reply as you stand up picking up your bag that you had placed on the ground earlier. “Bye Hajime.” You mused, the man giving you a relieved smile as he waved goodbye. 
You quickly made your way to the entrance, seeing Kori already there waiting for you, but you didn’t say anything. Instead, your eyes were glued to your phone as you typed in Hajime’s number into your contacts and quickly sent him a text. 
‘I’ve already forgotten how to do a few of the stretches, would you mind showing them to me again?’
After clicking send, you see Kori looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “What’s got you in a good mood?” She questioned as you sighed in response. “I just met my future husband. That’s all.” You tell her as she rolls her eyes. “Yeah, whatever you say Y/n.” Kori tells you, as you feel a buzz in your back pocket from your phone. 
Grabbing it, your face lights up as you read the incoming text from none other than Hajime.
 ‘How does 8pm tonight sound? I can refresh your memory over dinner.’
Maybe Mondays weren’t so terrible.
This is my first fic I know she is rough on the edges but I've had this scenario rotting in my head for like months at this point
Likes and Reblogs are so so appreciated!!
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spectres-n-soap · 5 months
One Step Forward, Three Steps Back - Ghost x You x Soap
Content Warnings - pregnancy, afab!fem!reader, panic attack
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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You look at yourself in the mirror, you feel different. You feel like you’re getting better and you have expressed this to Dr Miller, told him how you think you’re starting to get better.
He had smiled at you, congratulated you but also warned you that healing is not linear. Much like an old scar, sometimes it’ll ache and you might find yourself hurting all day. You, being a soldier with a few scars that did happen to ache some days, took this like cough medicine. You knew that healing wasn’t linear. How many times have you broken something or needed stitches? You knew that healing was never as easy as it sounded. But today, you felt good. You’ve been feeling good all week despite the anxiety at the back of your mind, like a predator readying itself to strike at the unsuspecting prey. But you suspect it and therefore aren’t prey. You aren’t prey.
Simon peaks his head into the bathroom, checking on you like a mother hen. Last week, after returning home from dinner, you hadn’t just taken a step forward. You felt like it was a giant leap.
”You can sleep in the bed.” You murmured, finding it hard to meet his eyes when you said it.
”You’re not taking the couch.” Simon said gruffly and you cannot help the way your eyes rolled.
”No you wanker, I mean with me.” You huffed, annoyance washed away any sense of apprehension about offering this to him. You had been feeling bad about him sleeping on the floor next to you just so you could hold his hand on nights when you find it hard to sleep. Which seemed to be every night when you weren’t holding his hand.
Simon clutched the steering wheel of the vehicle, his knuckles nearly go white. You don’t notice it or pretend not to. He can’t tell, not when he has to focus on not crashing the car from the shock of you saying that. Finally he manages to speak again, “Okay, if that’s what you want.” He was not shocked to see you had put a pillow wall between him and you. He expected and found it surprisingly easy to settle into bed.
You smile at him, a thing that you feel like you’ve been doing more often. Yesterday you had smiled so wide your cheeks had hurt when Simon had brought home your favorite takeout while you had taken a short nap on the couch. “You sure about this?” He asks again and you roll your eyes with a smile.
”You sound like a dad.” You tease as you walk past him and grab your slip on shoes. “Yes, I’m sure. It’ll be good for me, even my therapist says so.” You comment as you slip the shoes on with a little more trouble than normal. You frown just a little, your feet have become more swollen. God damn it.
”I’m just making sure.” Simon says as he grabs your purse and hands it to you. “You’ll call me if you need me, right?” He asks and you can see the worry in his brown eyes. Genuine worry for you and you pat his bicep reassuringly.
”I will Simon.”
The group is nice. Although most of the women are a little less far along as you, they welcome you in with open arms. People discuss names for their babies, the genders and how excited or nervous they are. One woman, a pretty woman named Linda who is closest to you in terms of months, immediately brings you into her small group of women. They chatter and blessedly, don’t try to pry into your life. They don’t ask about your husband or the gender of the baby, the only thing they ask about is the name.
Your cheeks turn warm when you admit you hadn’t looked into any baby names yet. Linda gasps, jokingly, and offers you her baby name book, saying “I’ve already got my baby girl’s name picked out. I’ve had my eye on it since I was a little girl. I read it somewhere. Ophelia, how pretty of a name is that?” You smile and agree that it's a beautiful name. For once, you wonder if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl.
Everyone settles down when the teacher(?) starts. She goes over some things that every parent needs to know once the baby is here. How to make a bottle of milk, how to change a diaper, how to help get the baby on a sleeping schedule so you don’t go insane from lack of sleep and resources for postpartum depression. The class, overall, is wonderful. Most of the stuff you knew about but you have a feeling half of the reason for these classes is to know you aren’t alone and to make future new moms.
You’re walking up to Linda with the intention to give her your number so the two of you can text about the struggles of being this far along in a pregnancy. How achey your feet are or how your favorite foods seem to have been ruined. You stop dead in your tracks when you see her husband, it must be her husband since you saw the ring on her finger, come up to her.
All the warmth in the room seems to be sucked out when you see him. Messy brown hair, a bright and mischievous smile with a matching set of bright blue eyes that remind you of those springs in Florida that somehow keep getting advertised to you despite living in the UK.
He looks exactly like Johnny. So much like him that for a moment you think it is him until reality comes crashing down, you watch him smile down at her and kiss her tenderly. Your stomach lurches and your eyes burn, breathing becomes a struggle as you turn on your heel and rush towards the bathroom. You shut the door and lock it behind you, ignoring anyone who tries to talk to you and throw up into the toilet. You retch up your breakfast and that little fruity drink you had grabbed on the way here. Hot tears run down your face as you heave up everything in your stomach and then some.
You fall back, the taste of bile in your mouth only adds to whatever is happening as you sob. You grab at your hair as you cry and wonder what is going on. Why is this happening? Why now? You were doing so good! What did you do wrong? You should have never left the house, should have listened to Simon and stayed home.
You fumble in your bag and shakily unlock your phone, immediately finding his contact in your phone and calling him. “Simon.” You sob into the line and he immediately knows.
”I’ll be right there luv, stay on the line with me yeah?”
”Okay.” You warble out as you struggle to breath past the sobs that shake your entire body.
”You got to breathe luv, can you do that for me? In, hold for three, out.” Simon talks you through it on speaker as he immediately begins to drive to you.
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lottiembae · 7 months
𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔; jackie taylor x fem!reader
Summary: mid-twenties, a podcast and an off voice. or y/n discovering she had sex with a famous podcast's presenter.
Warnings: fluff, mention of sex, future surgeon!reader, mention of disorder alimentary. I don't know how I do it but it's long, sorry😐.
Note: English is not my first language.
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"Hello, everyone! Welcome back to glitter things. I'm Jackie Taylor, Shauna is behind like always and today we have a special guest! Welcome back to glitter things Misty."
Y/N spit out the water she was drinking, wetting the counter in front of her. She coughed, grabbing a piece of paper and cleaning the mess, her breath going normal. She kept hearing the new recommended podcast, not believing the voice she is hearing.
She had sex with her. Even if Y/N couldn't see her face, she recognises the voice. That scratching, low and cheerful voice that whispered dirty and luring words at her last night. When they finished, Y/N walked away from Jackie's place and that's all.
Tired and surprised, Y/N sat down on her rough brown couch, listening closely to the program. Amazed by the charm and spontaneity of the woman, she got in a trance and listened to the full episode.
She isn't proud that after that and decides to take a short shower and change clothes, while she cooks her dinner, Y/N put an old episode. This time some Natalie Scatorccio was the special guest, the soft banter with Shauna, who still Y/N couldn't listen to the voice, and the stories about how they were in the same soccer team. It surprises Y/N, not taking Jackie Taylor to play some sport. She finished her dinner and after thinking about it, she couldn't help typing her name, only to be met by an unknown answer.
There aren't any photos of her. Neither Natalie Scatorccio or Misty Quigley. It's weird. It's clearly at this point of how well the podcast is going, there aren't any traces of Jackie Taylor or Shauna. Three seasons and a ghost face to the public.
For a part she is surprised, but the other part she felt proud. I mean, how many people who listen to this podcast could put a face to Jackie Taylor? A few ones, Y/N is one of them.
A few days later and Y/N went to the same club she collided with Jackie. She couldn't help it, the mystery attracted her.
She walked inside of the crowded club, going to the bar to ask for a drink. While she waited for it after she ordered, her senses were on alert. She didn't like going out, plus nobody knew about her sexuality, so sometimes Y/N came to this lesbian club in New York, but afraid someone could recognise her. It's an internal feeling she has been battling for a long time, the only person knowing about her sexuality is her therapist.
Y/N thanked the bartender when they came with her drink and gave a sip, her eyes scanning the dance floor. And she spotted her, just like that. She isn't dancing, but she is close to the dance floor. Her head leaning to the unknown woman, whispering something with a smirk on her ear. Y/N could only see her face, the constant smile resting on her lipgloss mouth.
After thinking, Y/N decides to go to the dance floor, emptying her mind and letting herself loosen. She closed her eyes, focusing on the music, her body starting to move to the beat in a slow and sensual way. Sometimes she could feel the people surrounding her, but going away when notices she is ignoring them. Song after song, Y/N's body started to feel tired, the work hours affected her a little, until a perfume she knew too well hit her nostrils. Y/N still kept her eyes closed dancing, feeling her breath on her shoulder while she sneaked an arm around her waist, closing the gap between their bodies and dancing to the same beat.
This time she opened her eyes and moved her head to the left, seeing Jackie's bangs messed and her hazel doe eyes looking back at her, smirking.
"Am I finally the lucky woman to have you tonight?" She rasped on her ear, referring to the people who hit on her and failed.
Y/N shrugs, smirking back and turning around, wrapping her arms on her neck. "Maybe." She played, loosening her arms and her smirk widened when Jackie wrapped her other arm on her waist.
Jackie licked her mouth, deciding to lean her head on hers and kissing her lips. Y/N reciprocated, opening her mouth and giving access to Jackie's tongue, a hand going to her cheek meanwhile the hands on her waist going to her ass, squeezing it hard, Jackie smirked when Y/N let out a hiss.
"Let's go." Jackie whispered in her mouth after breaking the kiss, grabbing her hand and walking to a table.
"Wow, you gave for sure that I'm going with you!" She loudly says on her ear, the music is too loud for them to talk in a normal tone.
"I'm confident." Jackie said in a flirty voice, shrugging.
Their irregular breathing matches when Jackie puts on next to her, a hand removing her hair while letting out a laugh. "That's amazing."
Y/N nods next to her, not knowing what to do.
Jackie frowned and looked at her, leaning her head on her hand while putting her elbow on the pillow. "You okay? I know that I'm good," Y/N snorted to this comment, rolling her eyes. Jackie hit her shoulder playful. "You can stay. It's late and I don't want you to go home at this hour." She offers, pulling on the covers on their naked bodies.
"Thanks." Y/N said, blushing a little because she wanted to ask something, she cleared her throat and talked when Jackie looked at her. "I'm sorry, but can you let me get some clothes? It's freezing." She whispered.
"Yeah, of course." Jackie stood up and rummaged into her closet, grabbing an old dark blue sweatshirt and gave it to Y/N. "There you are." She put on a big shirt and lay down.
Y/N thanked her and before she put on it, she could read WHS with a bee on it.
The next morning, Y/N woke up before Jackie and decided to go before the blonde woke up. So, stood up slowly and carefully to not make a sound while she put on her clothes. She closed the door carefully and tipped toe for the dark hall, going to the front door of the apartment and freezing out when someone cleared their throat.
"Coffee?" The unknown person asked when Y/N turned around, a smug smile painted on her lips.
Y/N looks around uncertainty, but nod. She didn't want to be rude. She approached the kitchen and waited for her coffee.
"I'm Shauna." The brunette introduced herself, putting the cup under the machine.
Y/N opened her eyes quickly, so this is Shauna. She cleared her throat when notices she fell silent for a few seconds. "Y/N."
Shauna nods with her head and gives the white cup at her. She sipped her own coffee while her eyes looked at the stranger with curiosity, leaning on the counter. Y/N felt nervous for the intensity look on her. She sipped the coffee and cursed lowly to get burned.
"You can sit down if you want." Shauna said, pointing to the bar stool next to her.
"No, thank you. I need to go to work soon." Y/N declined, explaining the reason. Shauna nods, grabbing her tablet and going to a round table, sitting there.
Y/N sipped her coffee quickly, even if later she would have severely burned spots on her palate. Something on Shauna made her feel nervous, like if she gives a false step, Shauna will know she recognises them. Something is true, but in her defence, she found out randomly. And if Y/N decides to come back to that club it is only Jackie's fault for being charming and other qualities she can't think of now.
"Thank you, Shauna. Bye." Y/N said after putting the cup in the sink.
Shauna removes her gaze from her tablet and gives a lipped smile at her. "You're welcome. Be careful." She wishes kindly.
Y/N nods and left the apartment.
A few days passed. Y/N is in a cafeteria near the hospital where she is having practice. She is on a break, without changing her medical clothes because soon she needed to come back.
She sipped from her drink, depositing it on the table and typing on her laptop. But she raised her eyes up momentarily when saw a few tables away from a brunette she met a few days ago, it made her feel nervous. Y/N checked the hour, she is still ten minutes before her shift started and Shauna seems like she is staying for more than five minutes, that means Y/N needs to pass for her table to exit from there and Shauna would see her.
Y/N saved her project and closed the laptop, saved her belongings and went to pay for the piece of cake and coffee. Maybe if she wasn't so distracted, she could see the knife on the next empty table to fall, but it was too late when someone pushed her and her right hand met the metal, stab in her skin. She let out a loud pain noise, alerting some people around her. Her eyes saw the knife with her blood dripping, it is still stabbed in. Y/N needed to remove it slowly, careful to not damage the wound or brush her tendon.
"Are you okay? Oh my god, there you are!" Some waitresses came and tended her to a rag to cover the wound when she took the knife out.
"Thank you." She said in a weak tone, putting the rag on her hand with a firm knot. "How much for the coffee and that cake?" She asks, signaling with her left hand the cake she asked to have before.
"Oh no! We invite. Please, let me help you." A boy from the same age said, going out from behind. Y/N thanked them again, she could feel how pallid she is turning.
They walked to the exit, Y/N holding with her left hand the other injured one, feeling a warm liquid forming on the rag. "Y/N?" She stopped when Shauna called her. The brunette stood up and walked towards her with a smile until she saw the rag covering with blood, her smile faltering. "What happened?" She questioned with worry.
"I was not paying attention and I stabbed with a knife." She said in a weak voice. "I'm going to the hospital." She informs, trying to give her a smile but failing.
Shauna nods, watching the boy who attended her before. "I'm going with her, Simon. I'll pay tomorrow for my command." She said, grabbing her things and walking towards Y/N, guiding her outside.
The brunette guides her carefully to the big hospital, her body doing the shield on the crowded streets, scowling whenever someone pushes them without apologizing. "You know this place." Y/N said after a while, making Shauna frown confused. "The cafeteria." Y/N specific.
"Yeah, I usually go there because it is nearer where I work." Shauna murmurs, turning right to a street and seeing the big building. "Are you a doctor?" She asked a few minutes later, side eyeing the blue clothes.
"I hope so. I'm in my last year of college." Y/N said, both of them are going in now, they went to the reception and she gives a brief wave with her uninjured hand. "Good Evening Molly. I need a doctor." Then, she proceeded to show her right hand with the rag covered in blood, gaining a gasp from Molly.
"What the hell happened? Let's go, I'm taking you with Stella. She is free now." Molly indicated a door to go, Y/N looked at Shauna and whispered to follow her too. They travelled for some halls until Molly knocked at the door, opening it later when someone gave her permission. "Stella, your intern got injured. Please, fix her."
Molly gave Y/N an affectionate squeeze on her shoulder and smiled softly at Shauna, she left the room.
Stella frowned and walked towards Y/N, telling her to go to the stretcher. Shauna noticed how Y/N's steps were weak, so she helped her and grabbed her left hand to show her some support, the girl thanked her.
Stella grabbed a desk chair and put it in front of them, mainly Y/N. "Put the hand there." She ordered soft. The injured woman did what Stella said and the doctor started to loosen the knot, taking off carefully the rag and throwing it into a bin. Her blue eyes examined the wound, whispering something like it doesn't look bad, needing a few stitches. It relieved somehow Y/N heard that.
"Well, done." Stella said, giving a smile to Y/N. "The next time you injure one of my best interns, be careful." She said, chuckling.
"I'll try my best." Y/N said, blushing a little by the compliment.
"You will be two weeks out. Don't worry, I'll do the paperwork." She kindly said, standing out and throwing away the gloves. "It happens many times, and it is superficial. My advice is, breathe these weeks and come back with the same energy you came the first day." Stella said, patting her shoulder. "I'm going to grab the antibiotics you need and you are free until four days when someone needs to check on your stitches." The three got out of the consulting room, Stella went to do what she said while Shauna and Y/N sat down on the chairs outside the consulting room.
Shauna watched how Y/N moves her leg, a distraught look on her eyes looking at the bandage hand. "It's nothing." She patted her knee, trying to distract her.
"I know..." She whispered, raising her gaze towards her and opening her mouth a few times, she finally said. "I was afraid. I would never forgive myself if for a distraction I throw my dream into nothing." Her voice trembled. Shauna wrapped her left arm around her shoulder and pushed her to herself, Y/N's head on her chest.
"Do you want to hear something stupid and random?" Shauna asks out of the blue, Y/N nod gladly to distract her mind from the previous event. "You are my favourite." Shauna laughs lowly when the girl raises her head confused. "Jackie slept with a lot of women. My opinion is that they are all stupid and foolish. Then, you seem the only one with a brain to understand a hookup night." Y/N closed her eyes and slowly painted a grin, understanding what she meant and letting out a laugh, Shauna laughing too. "But it is funny to see Jackie trying to gently kick them out." She said with a shrug.
They laughed for a few minutes, Y/N let her head on her shoulder this time, sighing. "Can I admit something now?" She asks shyly. She hears how Shauna hummed an affirmative word. Y/N swallow and take a breath. "The next day after I had sex with Jackie, I discovered who she is..." She said lowly, a little embarrassed. "I'm a huge fan of criminal podcasts, and when it finishes there were recommendations and it was put alone when the time finished. So it was how I found out." Y/N explained.
"How the hell would our podcast appear on your recommendations?" Shauna asks aloud, a little incredulous. It made Y/N chuckles a little, thinking the same because the podcast she is into is the opposite of what Jackie Taylor could be. "Wait, Jackie mentioned the other day that you two met, so I'm guessing the second was the other day...?" She says, in a curious voice.
"Yes... Before you judge me, Jackie's voice is powerful. I know it is a lame excuse," she could see the ghost of a smile on Shauna's lips. "I guess I liked the other part I couldn't see that night..." She admitted, embarrassed.
After a moment of silence, Shauna spoke. "Usually, Jackie gave a contract with the person she had fun with and made it sign the next day. I asked her if she gave you the contract, because normally it is Jackie saying goodbye to them, not me. Maybe I'm around to witness the lies she said to them." She stopped, looking at Y/N with a kind look. "She said to me that we didn't need to worry about you." She finishes, shrugging.
Y/N feel confused. "What does that mean?" She lowly asks.
"I don't know." Shauna says sincerely.
At that moment, Stella came and gave her the antibiotics. "Three times during the day." She reminds her before she engulfed Y/N in a hug. "And you, did me a favour and take care of her, yeah?" She said at Shauna with a smile.
Y/N opened her mouth to answer that actually, she and Shauna weren't friends. However Shauna cut her and kindly promised that she kept an eye on her.
"You don't have to do that, you know?" Y/N says, walking to the exit with Shauna beside her.
"Believe me, I'm going to keep my word." The brunette stated, pressing the lift's button. "Starting now." She gazes at her, giggling about the girl's behaviour. It's weird that Shauna expresses some type of interaction with a person that only saw a few minutes the past day.
Shauna offered to drive her to her apartment, after Y/N declined like five times, the next try she said yes. They stayed quiet, hearing the cranberries on the radio, it surprises her a little because if she is honest, Y/N knew two songs about that group. But the little time they passed together, she could appreciate that Shauna is not like the rest.
"We are here." Shauna hummed, parking the car. They got out and Y/N followed her, not daring to say anything because clearly, Shauna doesn't take her to her place. And like if Shauna read her mind, she talks. "Sorry, but we need to record the next episode today so I can fix it tomorrow to have it ready on Thursday."
Y/N opened her eyes. "It's okay... But, do you want me there? I don't want to disturb." She said worried, going inside to a different building where Jackie and Shauna live.
"I'm surprised to offer it." Shauna started, indicating the way with her busy hands. "You seem nice." Was the explanation she gave.
They came out of the lift to the one on the last floor. They passed a few doors and the third one is where Shauna stopped, unblocking the door with her keys. She entered and turned on the lights in the big room, waving at Y/N to pass and close the door behind her.
"It has a lot of glitter..." Y/N muttered, her eyes widening. Shauna agreed with a low laugh. She could appreciate a lot of shelving, full of things, of memories and gifts. The wall had a light lilac tone, some lights scattered on the walls. In the middle there is a rectangular table, three chairs and microphones. A little far away there are two white couches and to the right a cabin with transparent windows, assuming that is the place where Shauna worked. She saw two doors closed, so she slowly walked to a glass cabinet where there were photos, it was old photos. She saw that a blonde with dimples on her cheeks was wearing the same shirt that Jackie gave her the other night. Then, Y/N realised that in fact, they are in their teens years. When her eyes met a teen Jackie with a yellow ribbon on her bun, with a navy blue kit while holding a trophy in the air with a big grin on her face, her heart gave an overturn. Jackie now and before, had almost the same face. Maybe the blonde is a few years older than Y/N, but that photo could have ten years, which means it is ten years older and Jackie barely changed.
"We won the last match to go to Nationals that year... She gave us the pass scoring that last minute goal." Shauna explains, crossing her arms while leaning on the table behind Y/N. "The dyed blonde is Natalie, at that time she and Jackie couldn't see each other. The tall brunette is Charlotte Matthews, she has never been on the podcast and I doubt she would be, but she hung out here sometimes. Busy with work now, she is a producer musician." Shauna walks next to Y/N, pointing the mentioned ones. "Ex girlfriends." At this Y/N let out a chuckle, seeing a photo where Natalie and Lottie are having some good time playing the guitar.
"She is Misty, you can't recognise her now. From all of us, she is the one who changed the most but remained the same inside. Smart, dark humour and tragic theatre recite." Y/N beamed a little, she only heard a few podcasts of them, but Misty seems really an interesting person. At least the topics she talked about, detailed it really well. "Van Palmer. If you want to survive never call them on their full name." Y/N painted a smile and could appreciate the photo where they all are together in a party, the redhead seems a little pissed compared with the others one where they were always doing a silly face or smirking. Then, she focused better and saw a big scar on their left cheek, it seems fresh. "Van got bit by a wolf in a trip with the high school's last year in Canada. I know, shocking. They hated it before, but now love it." Shauna explains, smiling at the end. "Laura Lee. The perfect, loving and happy girl that loved to tell us about our sins, very catholic if you don't catch up. She now has an erotic shop, very successful if you ask me..." Shauna pointed to a blonde, smiling face in a photo posing and behind her a small plane, next to her were an unknown face and Charlotte.
"This is Taissa. Our political friend. Badass and not scared to say what she thinks. She is a frequent guest here." A fierce gaze, big curly hair and proud smile while she held the same trophy Jackie did. Very attractive and showing a strong aura, Y/N could see through her features how Shauna described her. Y/N needed to hear the episodes where she is featuring. "Here's Mari. She doesn't have filter to say anything passing for her mind. Best karaoke singer, actually studying to become a soccer coach." She pointed to a girl who looks similar to Charlotte, with bangs and her eyes shrinking from laughing. "These are Akhila and Crystal. They help me with edition sometimes." Shauna finished, showing her a picture where the three are in the studio, having a break and giving tired smiles to the camera.
Before Y/N could ask something, two new voices were heard when someone opened the front door. They turned to look at them, seeing how the smile from Jackie's face dropped, transforming in a shocked face. Next to her was a redhead with long hair, the colour of their hair brightening the whole room.
"What are you doing here!? And are you a doctor!?" Jackie asked twice, her eyes scanning what Y/N was wearing. She throw her purse to the near couch and walked towards the pair, the shock turning in a new emotion, worry. "Oh my god your hand!"
Y/N looks briefly to her injured hand, then to Jackie again. "It's okay. I have a few stitches but I'm fine." She reassured her when saw how her eyes opened more when heard the stitches word. "And not, I'm not a doctor. But hopefully becoming one at the end of this year." She clears out, smiling timid.
Jackie looked at Shauna, suspicious. "Since when you two know each other?"
Shauna opened her mouth to explain the whole situation, but Y/N has an idea and interrupted her. "Well, she is my girlfriend." She almost let out a big laugh when Jackie gasped and Shauna looks at her with an alarming look. With her left hand grabbed Shauna's hand, intertwining them. Behind Jackie, Y/N saw the mischief look that Van is throwing at her, catching the lie immediately but remaining quiet.
The hazel eyed woman blinked a few times, still surprised. Then, she gazes intensely at her best friend and knew when the brown eyes moves away from her that this is not real. "Very funny." She said sarcastically, crossing her arms and looking playfully to Y/N. "I know this one for twenty three years, honey."
Y/N rolls her eyes, however inside her, her mind got dizzy and her heartbeat accelerate when Jackie gave her that pet name. "I wanted to see your reaction." She smugly said, shrugging and giving her an innocent look.
"Shit. So she is your girlfriend?" Van spoke for the first time, sitting on one of the couch.
Jackie turned to look at them with a startled face, while her cheeks start to turn red. "She is not my girlf-," she cut herself when saw the smugness on Van's freckles face. "Shut up, Van." Then, she turned to look at the pair, ignoring her warming cheeks. Her eyes noticed that they still holding hands.
Shauna let out Y/N's hand and cleared her throat. "I saw her in Sunny's cafeteria and I offered to accompany her to the hospital, where she is working." She looks at Y/N for confirmation and relief showed on her face when she nodded, confirming her explanation. "Also, I bring her because it was getting late." She said in a small voice, scratching her neck awkwardly.
"And you trust her?" Van asks, a little surprised. She knew Shauna is difficult to let people know about the podcast.
The brunette gave them a pointed glare. "Yes. The contrary she couldn't been her." She harshly said, walking away and going to her room, closing the door behind to let know that she wants to be alone.
Van snort. "So Shauna." She murmurs, sipping from her water. "Anyway, I'm Van." The redhead introduced to Y/N, smiling kindly when the girl sat down next to her, Jackie trailing behind her.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Jackie's hookup." Van burst out laughing while Jackie whined behind them, scolding Y/N.
"I like her." Van commented when their laugh die. "You hear it before?"
"About the podcast?" Y/N asks, the redhead nods. "A few episodes. I heard the Epitome and the Cheeseburger." She admitted.
Van hummed. "Well, there are good ones. You can witness on live today." They winked at her.
"Depends... Topic?" Y/N felt relaxed and play along with the redhead.
"About various topics. I'm a gamer who is friend with a cliché with legs. What do you think it could be?" Van rhetorically ask, leaning their head on their hand on the couch back.
Y/N snorted. "Be careful with your words, Palmer. I'm the boss here." Jackie muttered, sitting in the rectangular table with the laptop on. Her hair now in a mess ponytail, and she still looks beautiful. Her beige jacket wrapping her small figure, and her hazel eyes looking through the sophisticated glasses to the screen.
"Sorry, boss." Van mocked, not bothered by her friend's warnings words.
Y/N fix her eyes on the scar. She tried to avoid the lingering stare on it, not wanting Van feeling uncomfortable. But the problem is that Y/N from a long time, adores the scars and could be mean if the doctor who did it was a botched job or praise who the art work.
"The doctor who stitches you was a rougher and careless..." She whispers, clearly without intentions to say it loudly. Her eyes opened a lot when Van turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. "Shit, sorry. I mean, it could be better stitched. It is not bad, but could be better." She explains, nervously.
Jackie raised her head curiously. Van's scar barely is mentioned and nobody dare to say something about it. Not because they are scared, they saw how bad and painful it made Van in the past, that they wanted to bring back what the redhead lived. "You are a freak about it, do you?" Their voice is calm, a tiny smirk showing on their lips. The blonde sighs relieved.
"Yeah... Can I?" Y/N shyly asks, explaining with her hand what she wants to do. Van nods, leaning their head aside to let more access. Y/N's index finger traced slowly the scar, it's big but frames perfectly their features. Maybe it could be a little thinner, but maybe the circumstances were different and it needed to be quickly.
Van's eyes catches the gaze that Jackie was throwing at them, specially at Y/N. They could see the soft on her eyes and the corner of her lips turning up. When Jackie moves her gaze towards Van, this one put their thumb up, making her to rolls her eyes.
"Alright! We are starting in five minutes. Y/N, please come with me." Shauna approachs again, warning her friends.
Y/N separated and nodded at Shauna, before she stood up, looked back to Van. "It's beautiful." She murmurs, standing up and walking to where Shauna is, closing the door carefully.
"You need date her or I'm doing it." Van whispered at Jackie when passed next to her.
"Sit down and talk about video games." She grumbled.
Shauna's eyes travelled to her right sometime, scanning Y/N's face when she noticed at the start of the episode that her face started to change. With a sight, she pushed away the black headphones and put them hanging on her neck, her full vision entirely on Y/N.
"Do you need anything?" She whispers, seeing now the pain written on her face. She knew that the woman tried to deny it with a smile, but it was impossible. "I'm going to take your pills and a glass of water." She informed her, squeezing her arm. "Keep talking, I need to go grab something that I forget in the living room." Shauna let them know, sometimes she did it in the past. They keep talking while Jackie puts her thumbs up.
Van keeps explaining the good game Baldur's Gate 3 is to someone in front of her that the only game she played was the sims. Jackie advertised her eyes from the redhead and looked at Shauna when she came out and started to rummage on a white bag. She can't see it properly, only it is a rectangular box. The brunette gave her a quick small smile and returned inside of the cabin, closing the door softly behind her.
"The other day I played with Shauna to guess Taylor Swift's songs... It counts?" Jackie says, smiling while Van scoffs, muttering under their breath. Y/N looks at the interactive entertainment, seeing how Jackie put up her leg and reposed her arm there, laughing at something Van said.
"There you are." Shauna approached with a glass of water and the pills Stella gave Y/N earlier. The brunette sat down where she was before, next to Y/N and when she saw the other took it, more relaxed she paid attention to her friends, smiling at some old anecdote that Van is telling about Jackie.
The time passed and Y/N was feeling better, but sleepy. She removed the headphones Shauna gave her before and leaned her back to the seat, hiding a yawn between her hands. Slowly her head met Shauna's shoulder, finding comfort there. The brown eyed woman looked at the weight on her shoulder, seeing a very sleepy Y/N with her mouth half opened. She knew that if she moved, Y/N wouldn't wake up too easily thanks to the pills. So moving her right arm slower, and with the passing time her arm started to feel numb, the new episode finished.
Jackie went to the cabin when no one came out from there. She opened the door and witnessed how Shauna was struggling to remove Y/N's head from her shoulder without waking her up. The blonde leaned on the frame door, crossing her arms and clearing her throat with a smug smile.
"Need some help?" She rasped out, chuckling when Shauna gave her a pleading look. Jackie walks in and gently removes Y/N's head to the chair, removing some strand of hair from her face and admiring her features while doing it. Then, her eyes find the injured hand and worry is installed in her mind. "Why did you come out before?" She whispers.
"She was in pain. I grabbed some pills the doctor gave her." Shauna explains, standing up and clearing out her desk. "What are we doing? We take her to our home or take her to hers?" She asks, stopping with a notebook on hand and the other with her bag, looking at Jackie.
"Well, for me I have no problem with her staying with us... Do you?" Jackie placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders to hold her and not falling from the chair. Her hazel eyes found Shauna's brown ones, unintentionally giving her a pleading and hopeful gaze.
"You are the only one who is going to sleep with her in the same bed." Shauna states, shrugging and saving her things.
Van approached there too and saw how the blonde started to call the name of the woman sitting there in vain, because Y/N is passed out. "I can help you with her." The redhead says, walking towards them and lifting Y/N up, wrapping an arm around her waist while the other one passes Y/N's arm around their neck, holding her hand with them.
"I'm going to grab my things and I will help you!" Jackie says, walking out quickly. Van walked carefully with Y/N by her side, Shauna helping her and stepping out when Jackie comes back. "Van brought me with them." She informed Shauna when they left the studio and the brunette is closing the door with her keys.
"Jacks, I know it. You have a car like an accessory." Shauna says in an obvious tone, smirking when Jackie hits her arm playfully.
When Y/N opened her eyes it was dark. A low volume of music playing in the distance and someone speaking in a low voice. She blinked a few times, disoriented. She looked around and noticed she was in a car, in the back part.
A throb of pain on her right hand made her let out a hiss of pain, sitting better and bringing her hand to her chest. A head turned to look at her, turning on the light and illuminating the whole car, making Y/N shrink her eyes.
"Shit, sorry!" Jackie murmured, lowering the light. "Are you feeling better?" Her doe hazel eyes pooled with worry, she heard the pained expression Y/N let out.
Y/N nods. "Where are we going? And... How did I get here?" She is confused, looking at the inside of the car.
"Van help us to bring you to Shauna's car." Jackie explains. "And we are going to our apartment. I hope it is okay." She gifted Y/N with one of her famous smiles.
Y/N holds her breath. "You don't have to. I can call a Uber." She said, not wanting to be a burden to them.
"Don't say nonsense." Shauna spoke this time, her eyes moving to the review mirror and gazing at her. "Also, your friend needs to keep an eye on the best student." She winked at her.
Jackie frowns, gazing at her friend confused and alternating her gaze with Y/N, who blushed. "What did I miss?"
"Nothing." Shauna hummed, turning a corner. "We are here."
"You have a nice apartment." Jackie complimented after her eyes scanned the living room and sat down in a stool in the open kitchen.
"Thank you. My parents searched for this and paid the rent, so..." Y/N says with a sarcastic smile.
Jackie snort, seeing the girl with fresh clothes now take the juice from the fridge. "You are rich. I know the sentiment. My parents are too and constantly paid for my things. Then, I went to college and I worked and I don't feel more free in my life." She explains, letting out a tiny laugh and shrugs her shoulders.
"I can't imagine their reaction when you told them about how you are dedicating now." Y/N says in a teasing tone, sitting next to her.
"No happiness at first... But later they accept it and they are my biggest fans." She admitted, her two buns made her look more innocent when her hazel eyed lit gazing at Y/N. "But I'm sure your parents are over the moon with your job's choice. C'mon, surgeon?" It was her turn to tease Y/N.
Last night, while they were laying on Jackie's bed they talked a little about their lives. And Y/N mentioned the blonde to what she wanted to be.
"They are happy." Y/N nods, laughing a little. "But it's for passion and admiration from an early age. I always liked the idea of healing people... And like you can hear yesterday I'm a huge weirdo for scars..." She slowly says, playing with the half empty orange bottle. "I know I'm privileged to have parents to pay for everything. But I think they do it for the amount of absence in my childhood that they reward me with money..." She said with her gaze lost, shaking her head when notices she shared too much. "Sorry, I should let it to my psychologist."
Jackie bit her lip, that story sounds to her. No because their parents did it, she had luck to have them there always. She put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "I can share my shit in my teens." She tried to light the mood.
"Sure. I would love to hear Jackie in a difficult situation." Y/N snorted. She didn't know her too much, but Jackie emits that she was miss perfect.
"I know what you are thinking." Jackie started, removing her hand from her shoulder and starting to play with her rings. She made a thinking face, looking at the ceiling. "I remember the pressure about being perfect, after all it was what they waited for me. I remember how my mind blamed me for not doing what they wanted. Slowly I stopped to eat like I usually did. A small amount of food, counting the calories... I think soccer saves me from something bigger." She opened, her eyes brightening for the tears. She does not cry, but it's painful for her to remember those years.
Y/N felt shocked. In a million years she imagined something like that. She scolded herself to judge her. "Jackie..." She didn't know what to say so she wrapped her in an embrace.
"I'm fine now. My family and friends help me a lot. My psychologist too, so I'm glad you go there to let out your shit." The blonde patted the arm wrapped on her neck, the marshmallow soup Y/N used, hit her nostrils.
They stayed in silence. Y/N processing what the blonde told her and Jackie too distracted about the few freckles scattered on Y/N's arm.
"You don't seem surprised about me being a famous podcast presenter." Jackie hummed, smiling when Y/N let out a laugh.
Y/N removed her arms around Jackie. "And you seem disappointed about it." She sang.
"Well... Maybe." Jackie played along.
They stared at each other while the silence enveloped them in their bubble, until a song interrupted their moment. Jackie cursed in her mind and apologized to answer Shauna's call.
"Sorry, I need to go. I will text you later and hang up soon, okay?" Jackie came from the living room, grabbing her big caramel bag and walked towards Y/N, embracing her.
"Don't worry. Since I have some free time I will go to visit my parents and maybe listen to the rest of the episodes..." Y/N says, chuckling softly.
"I'm flattered, but you won't regret it I promise." Jackie kissed her cheek and walked away when Y/N said goodbye, who stayed looking at the back of the black coat she wears.
Days passed, Jackie and Y/N's bond got stronger. Texting every day and every hour. Every text that Y/N received from the blonde, let a big grin on her face.
Shauna helped Y/N too. Always calling her once a day to check on her. She even invited Y/N to go back to the studio, but she denied not wanting to overstep.
At this point, Y/N heard the full two seasons and half of the third, that it was still in the air. She can't deny that Taissa Turner is one of her favourite guests, loving how Taissa made her explanation with good arguments and not disrespecting different opinions.
Charming Voice: hey you! Some of us wanted to disturb Shauna's peace. You in?
Y/N laughed to herself when read the message before unblocking her phone. She is busy changing the bandage to answer immediately so, opted to call her.
"What do you say?" Jackie answered the call at the third tone, her voice echoing in the silence bathroom.
"I love the idea! I need to change my clothes because I just showered and put on my pyjamas. Give me the direction and drive there." Y/N explained, rolling her eyes when the bandage didn't stay like she wanted.
"Are you driving there? Are you crazy!? Forget about it, I make Shauna or Natalie drive to your apartment." Jackie says firm, some noise was heard in the background. "Shut up, Nat." She grumbled, making Y/N laugh.
"You know what? I'm not going to discuss with you this time. You know where I live. See you now!" Y/N says, hanging up the call when Jackie agrees.
Y/N opted to wear something casual, not in the mood to fix her. 20 minutes later, Jackie texted her that they were waiting for her.
"You look stunning!" Jackie yells at her from her seat, the window down. Y/N walked to Shauna's car, blushing a little by her words.
"You said that to everyone." Y/N stated, going in and waving at Shauna and the unknown person in the back seat.
"I'm Natalie." The blonde introduced, waving with her hand in the air and giving her a polite smile, a dimple showing up on her right cheek.
Y/N wanted to jump in the seat, too excited to finally meet in person to a frequent guest in the Glitter Things podcast. So, she just holds her enthusiasm and introduces herself politely.
"I guess Jackie can't convince you to drive her here." Y/N jokes when Shauna drives to another part.
Natalie let out a deep chuckle. "Yeah, however I almost made her drive me here." She said, giving a teasing smirk to the blonde when she turned at them.
"Well, is Shauna who did it, I think." Y/N says back, making Natalie laugh and the other gives an apologetic smile in return to Shauna when the brunette looks at her in the reviews mirror.
"Van's right, you are funny." Nat murmured, her black eyeliner giving intensity to her deep blue eyes.
Y/N raised her eyebrows, surprised to hear it. Van talked about her with Nat? And maybe with other friends that usually approach the podcasts? She feels like she can faint at any moment. The reason? Jackie Taylor. Why? To be cool. No matter what the reason is, for Y/N meet some cool women that approached in Glitter Things is Jackie's fault.
"Am I?" She questioned in a low voice.
Natalie bit her lip and nod, right now both dimples showed up on her cheeks when she fully grin at her.
"Can I have Y/N's attention to myself? Thank you." Jackie loudly said in a fake innocent voice and looked at Natalie with the same expression. The dyed blonde rolled her eyes, but made a signal with both of her hands to Y/N to indicate that she is hers now. "We are going to karaoke. Prepare yourself to sing with all of us some Taylor's songs and with Shauna Green Day's. Natalie doesn't sing, only smoke." Natalie showed her middle finger when Jackie teased her.
"I like Green Day!" Y/N cheerfully said, grinning big when heard that someone else likes them. Shauna gives her a shy smile.
"I think your shoot turned in another direction." Natalie muttered, looking by the window and holding her laugh.
Jackie gave her a death glare.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, not knowing what that means. Instead she remembers when Shauna told her about the two to not get along in the past.
They arrived at the karaoke bar, Jackie giving Y/N a hug when she got out of the car and immediately starting to tell how the new recording of the episode went when Y/N asked her how it went.
Jackie intertwined her arm with hers, walking inside while Shauna and Natalie walked behind them, chatting and correcting some of Jackie's parts of the story.
"Finally! One more song about Harry Styles and I cut my veins." Van exclaimed when they approached, smiling when their eyes met Y/N. "You came! How are you?" They kindly ask for her hand.
"Hi! I'm fine, thank you for asking. Someone sang American Pie? It is not a karaoke night when nobody sings that song." Y/N says.
"Oh my god! Yes! There are three people who sang that. You think like me! Can I bring you a drink?" The last part the redhead said in a fake flirty voice, but enough to make Y/N laugh.
When Van disappeared with Natalie to bring their drinks, Jackie introduced at her a tall brunette with a kind smile and soft brown eyes. She wears a pink top and a black skirt, accentuating her long legs. Unlike in the photo, her bangs disappeared and her long hair was cut, letting it go about her shoulders.
"Call me Lottie, please." She said in a kind voice, leaning down and embracing her briefly. Y/N couldn't deny how beautiful she is. And how good she smells. "Tai can't come and Laura Lee is getting late." She informed Jackie.
The rest of the night Y/N laughed a lot. Van's jokes with Natalie sarcasm's comment brought tears to her eyes from laughter. Misty Quigley joined the little group, she and Y/N engulfing in an interesting conversation. Then, the part where they all go upstairs to sing, Jackie brought with her a tired Shauna with hers to sing a Taylor Swift song. The next one was Van and Y/N, choosing for a 80's song.
"I'm glad you got along with all of them." Jackie sat down next to her after finishing the song with Misty and Natalie, for the dismay of the last one.
Y/N grin, drinking from her cup. "Thank you, Jackie. I needed this and you helped me a lot these days. Your friends are amazing." She sincerely said, maybe the alcohol had something to do with it.
Jackie gave her a sincere smile, putting her hand on hers. "I'm happy to help you. And about that they are amazing... We are keeping those words away from them." She joked, gazing at her with a fascinating look.
"Can I ask you something?" Y/N leaned on her ear for her to listen. When Jackie nodded, she leaned again. "I don't judge you but... Don't you want people to put a face to your amazing skills with the microphone? I mean, you are so talented and you are easy with words. It's a shame they can't see how pretty you are." At this confession, Jackie's cheeks almost explode for the intensity of how warm they felt.
She cleared her throat, trying to answer honestly about it. So this time she leaned to her and spoke on her ear. "At first I wanted people to know me! But contrary to me, Shauna wasn't. And for the first time in my life, I made the right decision to stay anonymous until someone finds us." Her hazel eyes meet Y/N's, the eyes that from a few nights were in her mind. "It's fun to read comments and theories about us." She finished, sipping from her drink.
"Jackie, let's go!" Van came and grabbed her hand, the rest of the group going on stage.
"We are going to sing our song. It's a tradition. Do you want to come or witness our talent?" Jackie says.
"I prefer the second choice." Y/N reply, feeling a little too dizzy to go there and sing. That and not wanting to overstep on their song.
Jackie nodded and before she stood up, she leaned and kissed her cheek. Then, Van dragged her after asking Y/N to record it.
Y/N finishes to record the song with her cheeks burning. The group made her the target to sing at the top of their lungs at her, bringing attention from the rest of the people there. The worst were the redhead and Natalie, putting up a scene.
The next day, Jackie offered to take Y/N to the hospital and removed the stitches. It surprises Shauna that finally her friend could use the car that their parents brought her after finishing college.
"Guys you don't believe it but Jackie is going to use her car!" Jackie rolled her eyes when hear Shauna say it when she stayed outside for Y/N's request and entered the buzz's chat.
The rest of the reply were they all making fun of her. She typed a quick answer and sent them all a picture of her middle finger.
"Why do you look so pissed?" Y/N approaches, holding a laugh.
"They are making fun of me." Instantly a pout makes passes on her features. Then, Jackie noticed that Y/N isn't wearing a bandage anymore and changing her expression for a happy one. "Let me see!" She extended her hand to grab Y/N right one, seeing a fresh little scar between her thumb and index fingers.
A new person approached behind Y/N. "New like a rose! Ivan told me you are here. How are you?" Y/N turned and let out a bright smile, hugging the woman.
"Stella! You are right, I don't know how many things I've been missing. I'm going to miss them when I come back." She gave her a brief pout.
"I told you!" Stella laughed, her gaze now in Jackie. "Hey, I don't know you came with your girlfriend." Y/N opened her eyes, blushing like crazy.
Jackie copied her gesture, but let out a nervous laugh. "We are not girlfriends..." She corrected her kindly.
"Oh sorry! You two looked like a couple, my fault!" The blonde apologises.
After that, Jackie notices how uncomfortable Y/N is. She decided to sit down Y/N where she was before and she took the seat next to her. "What's wrong?" She questioned gently, her hand stroking the palm of Y/N's hand, careful to not touch the scar.
"People don't know about me..." She struggles a little to say it loudly. She felt comfortable talking about it with Clare, her psychologist.
Jackie brushed her thumb to her chin and gave her the kindest gaze that no one gave her in her life. "There is not a rule to say to everyone that you are gay." She whispers. "You know, my parents found out when I went to college and saw my diary. I ranted a lot about Trinity Damon, the captain cheerleader. I always knew it and also denied it and I don't know why. It's okay if you are comfortable with people not knowing it, the problem comes when you hide who you are."
Y/N hides her head on her neck, finding comfort in her words. Jackie wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leaning her head on hers.
"Sometimes I feel like Leighton Murray." Y/N commented, making Jackie let out a big laugh.
"Yes, you are! Rich, gay and pretty." Y/N hit her arm playfully, raising her head from her neck.
When they come back to Jackie's car, Y/N discreetly takes a photo of her driving and sends it to Shauna. When Jackie opened the group chat she pouted at Y/N, whining.
"She didn't leave me live for it, Y/N!" Jackie protests, groaning. They went to her studio, the blonde wanted Y/N there to record the episode of that week.
"She or they?" Y/N hummed, laughing when Jackie sent her a warning glare. "You are cute." She pinched her cheek, only for the blonde to remove her hand away.
"You need to stay away from Van and Natalie. They are a bad influence on you." Jackie sighed, going out from the lift.
Y/N entered behind Jackie to the studio and almost passed out when saw a big curly hair chuckle to something Van said. Y/N slapped repeatedly on Jackie's arm, making this one to let out a trial of giggles.
"Big fan, uhm?" Jackie teases her. She planned it, for today's episode Shauna and herself thought to bring a special one where the majority of them showed up there, less Lottie, who for much she and Shauna begged, she remains to her word, but with the promise she can witness the moment from a distance. Y/N hides behind Jackie when she walks towards the group gathering on the couches.
Shauna steps towards Y/N, with enough confidence she grabbed the hand and scanned the scar, a small smile on her mouth. "Stella did a good job." She commented.
Y/N only smiled and hugged her, after all Shauna helped her that day and maybe thanks to her, she maintained contact with Jackie and met them all, including Shauna.
"Do you approach too?" She asked curiously at Shauna.
"Crystal and Akhila are here. So yes, I'm going to approach." She shyly said. Y/N clapped content, squeezing her round cheeks with her hands. "Stop it, you are spending too much time with Jackie." It made Y/N snort, remembering the previous Jackie's words.
A pair of arms wrapped around Y/N's waist, lifting her and making her let out a little scream. "It's me, Van." The redhead chuckles, putting her down and giving a side hug to her. "Taissa come here please!" Jackie asked Van if they could introduce Taissa to her, because if the blonde did it would be suspicious. Y/N swallowed nervously. Taissa walked towards them with a warm smile, removing her hair aside. "She is Y/N, a future addition to this wonderful lesbian group." Van introduced, gaining some laughter from their friends.
Y/N looked at Jackie, but this one gave her an imperceptible nod to her way, smiling. "The only one who made Jackie drive, nice to meet you." She sent a sheepishly smile to Jackie, who rolled her eyes but kept smiling. The full room burst out laughing.
Taissa laughed, greeting her with a hug. "I heard from you, nice to finally meet you. Wonderful words I promise." She reassured, intertwining her arm with Van's. "This one gossip about everything, just a warning." Van gasped offended, dramatically putting a hand on their chest. Taissa just rolled her eyes.
When Y/N greeted the rest of the group, introducing Akhila and Crystal too, they all gathered at the big table, letting out Lottie who remained on the couch. Jackie grabbed Y/N's hand and walked with her towards another room, a kitchen. Of course they have a kitchen too, she thought.
"Before I start, I wanted to ask you something..." She nervously said, playing with her fingers. She cleared her throat when Y/N nodded. "Can you go on a date with me?" She really feels nervous, Y/N could see not only through her actions, from her constant biting on her lip and her breath.
"I love to." Y/N decides to not tease her this time. "First time asking it?" She asks softly, playing with Jackie's ring, it seems that it relaxed her a little.
"I never had a girlfriend..." She admitted. "When I accepted who I am, I only slept with women. There are two times where I felt a little more, but I ran away." She explains, calmly. "The last one told me that she hoped the day I fell in love, they don't run away." Y/N could see that for much Jackie tried to hide how scared she felt, her doe eyes betrayed her.
She closed the distance and placed her lips on hers in a brief touch but enough to let her know that she is on the same page as her. "I never have a girlfriend either..." She confesses.
"I don't mind discovering this side if you are by my side." Jackie brushed her nose with hers, placing now her hand on her hips.
Y/N chuckles. "That's cheesy."
"Shut up." Jackie whispered, rolling her eyes.
A bang on the door alerted them. "Jackie stop sucking her face and come out!" Natalie yells on the other side.
"I'm going to kill her." Jackie muttered, Y/N only laughed. They come out, Jackie going to sit in her usual seat while Y/N sat down next to Lottie.
Y/N watches them all with a big smile on her face. Widening when she saw Jackie so relaxed and doing what she likes, laughing and carefree. Because Jackie is the reflection of her friends, and without them, this podcast never existed.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
bloodwar — JOEL MILLER
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A/N: Y’all voted and so shall you receive! Im nervous writing for such a loved character but here goes nothing! If you’re not familiar with my work…I always provide the angst. You’ve been warned.
GIF BELONGS TO: @pedrohub
WARNINGS: I’m always writing my characters with black or POC in mind yet you’re somewhat welcome to imagine whomever as the character/reader is not fully described, fem! Reader, language, lightly paraphrased sexual themes, trauma/lost, & hints of a toxic!relationship the deeper I went into writing this thing. I do believe Joel can find some healthy love romantically but there’s things within himself that needs to be worked through. I am no therapist, I’m simply a girl who likes to make people feel some things with writing so I’ll stfu! Again this is my first time ever writing for this man so I was trying to get into the mind of his character as I wrote so don’t slander me too much if you feel this isn’t right. Lastly this focuses more on uncertainties? That’s it!
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The bruises and Lambrusco weren’t enough for her to forget or to catch her off guard. She noticed him way off, through the fence and across what once would have been pretty pale blue water, turned murky and brown. Getting around that lake would take some time and that time was granted as she left the watch tower with her bow and arrow. The only reason she came down from the watch spot was to retrieve the mischievous lamb that loved to escape the barn.
“Got you, you little shit.” She scolded as the animal kept up the banter; while she scooped it up from underneath the belly.
Her senses then allowed her to hear footsteps before he spoke, “Do you?”
Tension filled her shoulders as she took a sharp inhale before she spun on her heels, revealing the lamb and her new weapon of choice.
“Joel Miller,” the name pushed through her lips, “can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you.”
The man scoffed, “that’s no way to treat the man of your dreams.”
A roll of her eyes was immediate, “you and I both know you weren’t serious.”
This much was true and if it were any other time and circumstance, the words probably would have stung as they left her mouth.
“Yeah, you’re right about that.” Joel muttered as he began to stare, which always irritated the woman.
“Can I help you with something or are you just gonna stand there being a creep with your beady owl-like eyes?”
Joel laughed to himself, almost liking that his presence was getting underneath her skin but also at the fact that she wanted to get right to the point.
“What? I can’t enjoy the view and the luxurious secluded home you’ve got for yourself here?” Joel attempted to tease but the woman didn’t appear to be in a joking mood.
Which the man didn’t bother to take offense to—even if he wanted to, he received the emotionless expression that remained on her oval face and assumed his own features showcased the same, although the little twinkle in inky eyes felt like he attempted to make the mood lighter.
It was her turn to trail her eyes over him and she could tell how much life passed him by. It had been years since she last saw Joel. Their history was shifty and rough from the beginning, since everyone was trying to get adjusted to the downfall of society—being thrown towards a new virus and death filled life it was safe to say, they got into some shit together to survive. They both were not as alone at the start since Joel had his brother Tommy, where they ventured from Austin to the east coast and on their way, they met a woman with no filter and her kind but no nonsense having father in Memphis. It was war from the very moment the Millers stepped onto the Lemelle’s riverboat but a truce between the families brought an unlikely path in their relationship. Eventually she, her father, Joel, and Tommy made it to Boston.
After the death of Kendy’s father, the realization that the QZ was not all it cracked up to be, she made the decision to leave first back in the year of 2010; in search of a place with no restrictions. Yet sharing that news with Joel that summer the sun burned down in almost a red hue and instead of just simply disappearing into the night without a word…was something she wished she would have done instead.
“Tommy or Maria sent you?” Her chin lifted in curiosity.
Joel exhaled, “I’m sure you know the answer to that already. I get the sense Maria and I are not gonna be the best of friends.”
“Whaaat? Don’t tell me you never wanted a sister?”
Joel just blinked at her, “fuck off, Kendy.”
“Hey you came to me,” her face held mock innocence, “what you see is what you damn get. Also mind you, I’m the one with the weapon.”
“Yet I’d probably get to that thing before you can even aim to shoot. Lamb chops sounds pretty darn good to me.” Joel warned but Kendy looked more offended than horrified.
The lamb seemed to tilt its head at Joel’s statement as well, floppy ears almost appearing alert.
Which was weird to witness…
“you sure about that grandpa?” Kendy cooed as she pulled her knee up to balance the weapon before adding, “what’s the matter, they’re not feeding you well out in Jackson?”
Joel scoffed and folded his arms as he peered out into the distance of Driggs, pretending to think about it. Of course the food was good, real good considering back in Boston the lbs for food were mostly scraps and back out into the destructive world with Ellie was way worse. Sure he stuffed his belly until it became bloated and uncomfortable but he didn’t want to get used to it, regardless of settling—staying—stationing? in Jackson.
There was no use in complaining about the way things are.
Joel was always about action.
“Why here?” Joel steered the conversation elsewhere, “You’re a great distance away from Wyoming.”
Kendy hummed, “forty-four minutes by car. Longer by foot, which is just fine by me.” Before carrying on, “Did you really expect me to be there too, waitin’ around?”
“I don’t fucking know,” Joel exasperated, “it’s a sense of community, belonging or whatever they’re trying to go for. Something that would have been good for you and—
Kendy almost stopped breathing, the gears turning in her head, thinking Joel was first hinting at some sort of relationship that wasn’t platonic with his brother, taking into consideration that the pair got along well, however the way he rubbed at his mouth in frustration told her his words were aiming at another topic.
“Ah, now I see why you felt obligated to be here. Trust me, I don’t need this.” Kendy hissed, turning back around to head to the barn.
Joel hesitated because part of him didn’t want to do this either…yet it’s been a long time coming. Thirteen years to be exact. He’s in a whole other state and he didn’t travel all this way, by himself (persuading Ellie to stay back with Tommy for at least a couple of days, was hard work and he expected the freckled face girl to find a way to keep close. However Joel didn’t miss how Ellie was starting to spend some time with a certain girl named, Dina.) to not get the answers he deserved.
“Trust?” Joel stomped after her, “I dunno how you want me to do that darlin’ when you’re the one who ran from me, knowing you were carrying a child. My child.”
She whipped back around, making Joel almost bump into her but she shoved him back with a fist pressed to his chest. Her eyes were heated as she met his stare, “it didn’t matter! I wasn’t your problem anymore, ‘good riddance,’ remember? You really think a child would have fixed what we were? We couldn’t get along if we weren’t on top of each other.”
“You still should have had the decency to tell me something. It’s not right how you did it. How I have to find this shit out from my baby brother but even still…he didn’t tell much. So you better start talking.” Joel glared, pointing a finger in Kendy’s face.
Kendy slapped his finger away, “I don’t know who you think you are, Joel Miller but you don’t get to show up here and make demands. This time, I won’t hesitate to put one right in your chest if you keep pushin’ me.”
“Will you put the damn lamb and arrow down, Robin Hood, so we can have a decent conversation?” Joel snorted, finding this image almost humorous, if his blood wasn’t simmering, “I can’t take you seriously.”
Kenny scoffed, “well you better! Seeing you again and talking to me crazy is making me want to go back to old Kendy.”
Joel deeply inhaled and pinched at the bridge of his straight but hooked nose. He was aware what that means, the whole shoot and ask questions later was what life was like at the start of the outbreak and it only increased once they crossed paths.
He still had a bald spot, that no form of nioxin would cure! thanks to the woman throwing an axe at the top of his head (it happened sometime in January of 2004, Joel remembered Tommy slipping on the ice on the boat floor, surprised the younger man didn’t catch that in their stealth—although it seemed he didn’t get much sleep before their arrival to the water. Which caused quite the commotion before the real physical events transpired) , temporarily trapping him against the door the minute he got close to where she was located on the boat. Joel recalled the burning sensation of his hair being ripped from his scalp as he yanked himself from the wall, axe still having a hold on his thick hair, as he struggled to pull the axe from the wooden door.
“And here I thought Jackson was all for redemption, guess Maria isn’t as convincing as she seems.” Joel mumbled.
Kendy gave him a blank stare for a moment before she replied, “not too much on Maria now. Yes she’s opinionated and we don’t always see eye to eye either but shes a great asset to that community and she makes your brother happy. So accept that or talk that shit out when you get back because I won’t continue to listen to anymore jabs you want to toss out while you’re here.”
Joel raised his brows, “you’re gonna let me stay?”
“It’s getting dark out and I’m guessing you left your car across the lake so…you can stay in the barn or the tower. Your choice.” Kendy decided while she entered the said barn.
Joel shook his head, “I’m not sleeping with the damn farm animals.”
“We’ve all slept in much worse places, don’t get uppity on me now, Miller.”
Joel crossed his arms, “You get a one star for hospitality, Ken’.”
“Which is exactly why I put my two weeks in after three days of working at this hotel during my college years so thanks, sugar.” Kendy clapped back, making Joel shake his head in disapproval but not surprised.
Joel watched as Kendy showed almost this nurturing demeanor with the lamb and sheep, silently wondering what she was like with their own child…that was still bizarre to process and Joel was unsure if he even processed this although he was standing face to face with the woman he created another being with! It had been days since he found out this piece of information and now he was trying to do something about it. When they were intimate with each other, Joel foolishly never thought of the possibility of Kendy becoming a mother. He never brought it up because he obviously had no intentions on being that ever again, or spoke much of their past lives once their bodies fell into each other’s hands. It was a after thought when she sat down on him, so warm and sturdy. He was cold, this he knew but falling in love was never in the cards for him, especially with the world crumbling with the little pieces it had left.
What he had left.
He’s seen Kendy and how she was tender to her father once he got sick, he knew Kendy still had soft parts inside of her despite the jagged scar that trailed from the corner of her left eye and down the apple of her cheek, the delicate was still there—just don’t tell her that.
Part of her found something to care for to keep going, even if it were deemed as little things or “nothing” at all in her eyes. Did that also include a child?
Which is why Joel battled with himself on seeking answers. He didn’t speak to Tommy for days after the curly haired man blurted out the secret Kendy withheld from the older Miller. Joel was the one who brought Kendy up, at the saloon one late night, after everything failed at the hospital with Ellie. It was hypocritical of him—sure—but this secret was way before Ellie had been a thought of being the cure.
Joel still wasn’t entirely sure what he was expecting to get out of Kendy. The idea of becoming a father again, scared him shitless but he wouldn’t show it. Kendy didn’t create this child all by herself and they had to be grown now, however fatherhood was never a easy task and life after the outbreak was just as stressful; throw a fourteen year old into the mix and it was constant worry from there. He initially wanted to warn Tommy about this and actually deemed him a, “dummy,” for bringing a kid into this fucked up time, until tommy let the news slip from his lips when it really wasn’t his place.
Drops of rain were cool against the Idahoan spring before they started to pelt. Joel shielded the top of his head, standing at the entrance of the shelter as Kendy made her way through the barn, locking and boarding it up just in case she got any other visitors tonight.
“Come on,” Kendy waved the man to follow her to the back entrance of the craftsmanship home, just as the wind began to pick up.
Yanking the blinds down over the glass door, she made sure to lock it and set her bow down by the rest of the archery kit. Joel took the invitation as he scanned the home, straight ahead held an ajar door, he then walked through the small entry way on his left, noticing a set of stairs to the right and headed into the next area which held the kitchen and living room with two other window-framed doors that lead outside, suddenly peaking around for any other source of life.
“Joel,” Kendy clipped, “take off your damp shoes, you’re tracking mud. Do you want some wine or coffee first before we tackle this, since you’re so adamant to talk?”
Joel peeled off his jacket and bag, before using the couch arm to kick off his shoes with his feet. He then held them up silently asking where he should put them and Kendy pointed at the front entrance door.
He then replied, “Coffee.”
“Black, no sugar and no cream.” Kendy whispered to herself as she went to the kitchen, fighting with her intrusive thoughts to tell him to make it his damn self.
Joel silently watched her for a moment before he headed over to the wood stove which seemed to be going already. His eyes still searched the walls for any pictures or sculptures just like Tommy and Maria had in their own home but the walls were empty besides it’s horrible aqua color.
His attention was brought back to Kendy, walking by him, reaching for the handle on the stove, opening it to reveal the fire behind. She squatted down, mitten reaching for the tray to place the mug right on top, before shoving it back over the center of the fire. She counted sixty seconds before pulling back out, closing the stove and moving back to the side table to place the black coffee down.
“Give it a few minutes,” Kendy told the man who dipped his head as he moved back to the spot he claimed on the sofa.
Kendy soon made her way around, taking a seat on the opposite couch, bottle of Lambrusco and wrapped herself in some fur blanket that probably belonged to one of her many sheep.
Sorry animal lovers, desperate times call for desperate measures and you’re supposed to help the sheep shed their fur from time to time!
Taking a swing from the bottle, Kendy deeply inhaled after swallowing before her eyes set back on Joel, “okay. Ask away but don’t ask to respond. Listen, or else we won’t get far tonight.”
Joel rubbed at his pants legs, hearing Kendy and decided to not pick that response apart.
“…when did you know?”
“Not long after you and Tess.”
Which happened once after they both had too much to drink and Kendy wasn’t in the mood.
Believe me, Joel’s knows how shitty that was, he was the one who lived it.
“There was no Tess and I.” Joel uttered, not getting the chance to further explain that relationship but they were friends who spent time together as smugglers.
There was chemistry there regardless.
“So just like us, got it.” Kendy snapped her fingers, breezing over that as she ordered, “Next question.”
Joel scratched at his salt and pepper beard, “was the…baby also the reason why you wanted to leave? Did you think I’d ever find out?”
“A small part of it yes. We already know what the main reason was: Boston’s QZ was becoming dangerous and suffocating just staying there, I needed to get out whether you knew i was carrying or not.” Kendy answered, taking another sip from the bottle.
Joel could understand that but he figured it wasn’t any easier being out there on your own especially with a life growing inside of you, her elderly father was deceased and Tommy was debating on another trip out (with the damn fireflies and Joel wasn’t sure which pissed him off more!) ; although they shared hushed conversations about their exit…part of Joel still didn’t understand why she put herself through that on her own.
“Well how did that work out for you?”
Kendy let out a humorless laugh at the sarcasm that radiated off Joel, pulling one leg up onto the couch, “just dandy. I’m living the dream with my sheep and this eye-blinding house.”
He breathed out a laugh through his nose, mind fuzzy, heart not feeling as steady as it should as he fidgeted with his hands. Before he got the next question out, he turned to grip the mug by the handle and brought it to his lips. The steam mists his nostrils as he took a sip of the coffee, the heat not bothering him in the slightest while the dark liquid slid straight to his stomach, igniting the impulse to see some action.
“Was Idaho the place you envisioned to raise the kid?”
Kendy closed her eyes briefly as she said, “No. I didn’t see myself as a mother because I didn’t have much of one in my life. It wasn’t really a goal of mine. I stayed in Pennsylvania for awhile, three months maybe? made a friend that was once in the medical field and thankfully she helped me through it all.”
“She helped you deliver and then what?” He pried.
Joel rested his elbows on his knees, eyes set on the woman not so far from him this time. He felt the shift in the room rising as he continued to ask whatever popped into his head. He noticed the woman rack her nails against the black bottle, plump bottom lip with a beauty mark on it moving to the right as she bit down on it out of habit.
This was something she commonly did, Joel remembered that.
“Joel…it’s been thirteen years.” Kendy averred, “I couldn’t do it.”
Joel tried to keep his breathing steady, “meaning what? You got rid of it? Let this friend take care of them…what Kendy?”
He was never a man with patience.
And Kendy had time to cope with this.
So instead she got to her feet, holding the neck of the bottle to place on the coffee table before she set her eyes back on Joel. He leg began to bounce as it seemed Kendy was almost playing a game with his mind right now. A frown of his brows appeared in between them while she began to unbutton her jeans, pulling them down some and yanking up her shirt to reveal a scar underneath her navel.
“It was a ectopic pregnancy. I needed surgery, I was bleeding out and Kristi did what she had to do. I almost died and I kinda wished I did, along with that baby. And finally away from all this shit.” Kendy vented.
Joel felt a smidge of bile rising in this throat but taking another swing of coffee pushed it back down. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel, or if there was a right way to feel.
“So…this was for nothing then.”
Kendy blinked, “what?”
“Coming out here, seeing you, and almost having wishful thinking when you killed the baby that you originally didn’t want and I wasn’t sure I even wanted.” Joel told, placing the mug back on the table.
Kendy couldn’t help the cackle that escaped her lips. She had to press her fingertips to her lips as she pointed her pointer finger up and down at the man.
“Nothing’s really changed with you and this is the exact reason why I should have put an arrow right through your chest where your heart is supposed to be,” Kendy seethed, “you’re a very broken person with no ounce of mercy. I saw it in your eyes the day I met you and I should have believed that then.”
“If that was true then you’d already be dead, back in Memphis, on that boat. So don’t stand there and try and tell me who you think I am.” Joel lowly stated.
Kendy huffed, pulling her jeans back up her wide hips and buttoning them before raising her hands, “why not when you’ve already shown me exactly that? You’ve never given a damn about me and certainly wouldn’t give a damn if the baby lived! Nobody compares to—
“Shut up! You don’t get to speak her name!” Joel was also on his feet now, absolutely aware what wanted to leave her lips.
The room was quiet for a mere second, besides the crackle of fire in the wood stove and the dash of rain outside.
Kendy tilted her head to the side, framed piece of hair sliding to cling to her eyelash, “Sarah.”
And that set Joel off, a forearm going to Kendy’s throat and his hand slapping against her mouth. He harshly breathed into Kendy’s face as he glared down at her. The rings of bags underneath her eyes showed just how tired he felt. He’s never spoken to Kendy about Sarah but it didn’t take her long to figure it out with his nightmares when they slept in the same space, going city to city.
Tommy only implied that he and Joel lost someone prior to their role of survival and Joel’s said her name a few times in his sleep.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” Joel gritted, “you think I haven’t changed when it’s you who hasn’t. You’re a know it all without actually knowing anything. You run any chance you get, always thinking about what’s best solely for you and nobody else. What a lonely life, don’t you think?”
A fist went to the side of his neck first, catching the man off guard, followed by a knee going up into his abdomen, leaving Joel fighting to catch his breath. He let go of Kendy who circled around and crouched to get into Joel’s face.
“Why would I stay? Imagine me having a normal pregnancy in my forties and having a child with a screwed up man that can’t love? Or doesn’t even like me enough? I’d say I dodged a bullet here and I thank god.” She rested a hand on his shoulder, using her other to bring the cross around her neck to kiss with a wicked smile.
Once Joel got his breath back, with the quickness, he swooped his arm underneath Kendy’s, locking her in his hold as he yanked her side to his chest by the shoulder. Kendy winced as she tried to spin her body out of his hold and when he wouldn’t let go, she tried to ram her shoulder into him but with his grip, he merely stumbled.
“Get off me!” Kendy yelled, ready to jam her foot right into Joel’s.
He kept hold of her shoulder, knowing it wasn’t at its strongest, even after all these years, hearing it click from scar tissue as he freed one hand to grip the side of her head, bringing her ear to his lips.
“If I didn’t like you…I wouldn’t have followed you that night to make sure you made it to Connecticut’s state line back then, if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have accidentally called Tess your name once while looking at her but not really seeing her, if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t picture you when I touch myself, if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have numbed myself out of missing you since you left, I wouldn’t have asked Tommy about you, and I damn sure wouldn’t have thought about you and I with Ellie, the kid, and Sar—on the ride here. like I said, you don’t know.” He then shoved Kendy away from him.
Kendy felt a lump in her throat at Joel saying this. Sure these were his words and it sounded nice, although she didn’t know who this Ellie person was but that didn’t mean he never hurt her and with his back to her now, she tugged on his belt loops, getting him to face her again. She wasted no time, moving her hands to grip the collar of his long-sleeve shirt to bring his lips right to her’s.
Joel hesitated feeling Kendy’s lips against his after all this time. It wasn’t unfamiliar so he was only shook for a second before the desperation settled in. His hands rested on her cheek, then down to her backside, then back up to her cheek, the pad of his thumb touching where her jagged scar ended and the other on the back of her coarse hair.
He tasted the Lambrusco, she tasted his precariousness, his left ear rung as the tip of her tongue traces his bottom lip, and he lets out a groan as a form of a unsaid apology. Until Kendy nipped his bottom lip—hard to the point she drew blood and Joel had to pull back to test his theory.
“Did you just—
Kendy deeply inhaled and exhaled with her lips raw and puffed from the pressure, “I want you gone by the fucking morning, Joel.”
He wiped the blood with his thumb as he watched the woman move around him, snatching up the wine before she made her exit.
Snorting he shook his head at her retreating form and moved to take a seat back on the couch with a exhale. This is what it used to feel like with Kendy leaving his sight after whatever interaction they had but this time felt a little different. There was no way in hell he could say this was a new beginning. He stared up at the ceiling in thought, quite conscious how this all played out and that this was a trial and error—when wasn’t it with the two? However this battle was not something he wanted to entirely give up on just yet.
Not anymore.
He had the time to get it right and part of him wanted to with Kendy.
And if they couldn’t…it’ll be a fair one this time.
No it didn’t make any sense and no this probably wasn’t the healthiest of relationships but Joel was never perfect, the flaws: scars, the bruises that were black, blue and sore, and the blood were okay with him as long as he was doing it with Kendy, he never wanted perfect.
Perhaps fighting, getting it all out into the open field was the answer and you can ask anybody: when has Joel Miller ever been afraid of getting his hands dirty?
And so he sat in the quiet with Kendy upstairs in her bedroom lost in her own thoughts, her back against the door when a crooked grin appeared on his own lips.
Here’s to additionally another round with Kendy Lemelle!
But…Who’s counting?
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Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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@gyubby99 I a new Era for aponi.
Aponi as an overlord AU
This is an Alastor x OC fic
Warnings: aponi being violent in a way ig. Alastor being semi-toxic
"I still don't know how I feel about this.... ever since loo loo world she's been... different.... she snapped," Angel muttered to alastor from their seats on the balcony, close to the stage.
"While I think she appreciates your concern, I think she's much happier now, my friend!" Alastor exclaimed as he sat back in his seat, waiting for his girlfriends performance to start.
"She needs to go to heaven Al. How's she s'posed ta do that while acting like she's been acting? She's basically Harley Quinn!" Angel argued.
"I don't know who that is!" Alastor responded with a cheeky smile.
"This isn't who she is... she needs a therapist. Not a boyfriend who wants her to stay in hell," Angel scolded.
"Sh. The music is starting," alastor muttered as the lights went out.
Aponi walked on stage, wearing almost nothing as clothes, her makeup was all black.
You don't wanna see me bratty Pet the kitty, call me catty Make your man call me daddy He talk too much, he's too chatty (not cool) CEO, I'm savvy Respect a bitch, I'm a maverick Flexible, so elastic But don't do you dare bend a bitch backwards
As she started singing, the worry on Angel's face grew.
The entertainment on Alastors grew as well.
Fuck a princess, I'm a king Bow down and kiss on my ring
As she sang, she lent her hand out for a demon to kiss. they followed suit.
Being a bitch is my kink What the fuck else did you think? Fuck a princess, I'm a king Bow down and kiss on my ring It's gonna hurt, it'll sting Spittin' your blood in the sink
She walked to the very fron of the stage and made eye contact with Alastor.
I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back Daisies on your nightstand, never forget it I blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
As the music continued, Aponi began laughing like a mad woman, leaning her head back as if she didn't understand where she was.
"This spells trouble Alastor..... this isn't funny or entertaining," Angel whispered to the radio demon.
"Sh!" Alasto scolded before turning back to Aponi.
I'm no Cinderella, but I like the shoes Big glass platforms, bitch, I'm choosy Long brown hair, blue as a bruise Only trust a fella for some light amusement
She sang with a smile as she ran a hand up her body and leaned on the wall,, earning some whistles and woofs from her audience.
I'm no prey, but I am pursued Pray for me, Nana, on the church's pews No dickstraction can confuse me Whiskey in my hip flask, nothing fruity
As she sang, the lights flickered, and for a split second the shqdow of Aponi's wings could be noticed, and her eyes flashed red.
Fuck a princess, I'm a king Bow down and kiss on my ring Being a bitch is my kink What the fuck else did you think? Fuck a princess, I'm a king Bow down and kiss on my ring It's gonna hurt, it'll sting Spittin' your blood in the sink
She sang, and as she did, her teeth grew sharper. Angel looked around at everyone who didn't even know her.
Something had to be stopped.
I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back Daisies on your nightstand, never forget it I blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
As she sang she walked back to the back of the stage.
A demon attempted to touch her but all she had to do was snap her fingers and he went up in flames, fleeing the club.
I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back Daisies on your nightstand, never forget it I blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
She started laughing again.... Angel gulped nervously before leaving the balcony to go backstage.
La, la, la La, la, la La, la, la La, la I'm terrifying La, la, la La, la, la La, la, la La, la I'm terrifying
As she finished singing the lights went out and everyone gave a round of applause.
Backstage appni walked into her dressing room and began taking off her makeup.
"Aponi you need ta stop this," Angel spoke from her couch.
"Stop what, angie?" Aponi asked with a smirk.
"This isn't you. What you have a full demon for now? This is gettin outta hand, toots!" Angel explained.
"This is me now. I'm done with people taking advantage of me and lying to me," Aponi replied.
"And Alastor don't do that? Cmon now," Angel stated.
"He loves me," Aponi muttered.
"Yeah. But he don't know how ta show it without pain. He wants ya to stay here Aponi. You can't. You belong I heaven," Angel attempted.
"I belong with people who want me. Alastor wants me," Aponi replied.
"He's toxic! Aponi, please. At least try to be good," Angel pleaded.
"I'll try. But this power i have now? It feels good. Demons are scared of me now, Angie," Aponi replied.
"I know.... I just don't wanna be one of em," Angel stated before walking out of the room, leaving aponi to her thoughts.
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princesspastel8 · 6 months
Chapter 10
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Third POV
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Due to the indecent with Jeff, Tiffany has decided to add hours to Eboni's therapy sessions in hopes that the teen would open up as to what happened that night. Every day after school, Eboni is forced to endure four hours of more therapy.
To add salt to the wound, Tiffany has been watching the girl like a hawk. The woman decides to stay home while her husband Daniel is away on business. The foster mother wants to make sure Eboni is truly okay before she has to leave again for work. Tiffany has been picking Eboni up from school every day for the past week and a half, dropping her off at her therapy sessions as well- making sure the teen didn't miss any.
Eboni is currently staring at the clock on the wall of the room, watching the minutes pass slowly. "Thirty minutes left..." she thought to herself.
"Eboni. You have sat there for four hours and haven't said a word. You need to talk to me." Loraine, the therapist, pressed.
The teen ignores her as usual, frowning under her mask even though Loraine can't see her face. The silence causes the therapist to lose a bit of her patience.
"Your parents are paying a lot of money for you to be here. It would be a shame for that money to go waste Eboni." Loraine said sternly.
That caused the teen to send a rather chilling glare at the therapist. "They aren't my parents. They're just people who took pity on me for their own personal gain. My real parents are six feet under." Eboni snapped.
Loraine raised a brow, writing down on her clipboard, which irks the teen even more. "Talk about your parents. What are the latest memories of them?"
"Fuck off."
"Eboni Brown, you're making this harder on everyone around that's only trying to help you. Please be more considerate." The therapist tries to reason, her patience thinning.
"Loraine, was it? Look, I don't need a person with a piece of paper of their accomplishments to tell me how fucked in the head I am. Since this is a place of honesty why don't you start? You took this profession not to help people, but to stack loads of money in shorts amount of time. It's funny, taking a job that requires bucket loads of patience for their clients, yet you lack even an ounce of that."
The vein bulging from the therapist temple is hilarious to Eboni, but she holds in her laugh. Glancing at the clock, she notices her session is finally over. Eboni stands, placing her hood over her head and hands in her pockets. The teen walks to the door, giving another glance towards Loraine.
"Since you didn't deny anything I said, how about instead of asking me pointless shit you just sit there and think of the money you'll get from our extra hours together." Eboni said before leaving the woman's office and building.
The teen jumps into the back seat of Tiffany's car, hoping she wouldn't ask how the session went - unfortunately, luck is never on her side. "How did it go?" She asked while driving the way home.
Eboni answered the question by placing her airpods into her ears, turning her music to maximum volume. Tiffany sighs, knowing nothing has come of increasing Eboni's time with Loraine- if anything, it made her worse. The teen has become more closed off. Any chances of Eboni opening up to Tiffany went down the drain once she announced the more added sessions.
The teen knows she hads issues. She knows the way her brain operates isn't normal. Yet being forced to open up about her past isn't what she had in mind on 'helping' figure everything else. She wished Tiffany didn't jump to conclusions that night. The woman thought she was going to cut herself. For what? Eboni's skin looks hideous enough. Why make it worse with scars like the ones her face?
Eboni wouldn't have told Tiffany the truth anyway. She didn't want to risk not being about to see Jeff again. Strange, right? Longing to see a serial killer who showed the slightest interest in her. He was right. Everything he said was true, and Eboni no longer has the will to deny it. So she bites the bullet with these sessions, finding a bit on enjoyment in pissing Loraine off. The teen can only hope on seeing Jeff sooner rather than later.
Tiffany parks in the driveway of their home, Eboni jumping out the car and rushes inside. "Eboni, wait, I forgot to tell -!"
Eboni didn't stop, nor could she hear Tiffany. The only thing Eboni wants is a nice shower, some snacks, and a quiet night of rest. However, the teen is greeted by a blonde munching on her favorite chips while laying in her bed, and a quiet girl sitting on her couch.
"Sup." The blonde nods, Eboni having forgotten both of their names. "Had no candy, so I had to eat these." She shrugs.
"I-I'm so s-sorry about her Eboni. I-I tried to tell her how rude she was, but s-she wouldn't listen. Here! I'll give y-you some money to p-pay back for the chips." The other said quietly but shyly.
Eboni was stunned, but that feeling quickly went and was replaced by anger. "Why the fuck-"
"Tiffany let us in. She was almost in tears when we told her we're your friends." Blonde said with a grin.
"We aren't fucking friends. And you have five seconds to get off my bed!" Eboni shouts, clenching her fist.
The goth one yanks the Blonde off her bed and snatches the chips from her hands. She must've felt the rage rolling off of Eboni. "H-Here... we were j-just worried about you. You've been avoiding us at school a-and wouldn't answer our calls or texts so -"
"Why are you two forcing yourselves into my damn life? I didn't ask to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. I only gave you my number so you bitches could leave me alone! I fucking forgot your names! That's how unimportant you shits are to me!" Eboni snaps at them, her nails digging into the palms of her hands.
The two girls glance at each other before looking at Eboni, both sharing a look of compassion in their eyes. They seem to understand how the teen must feel.
"Well, I'm Taylor. She's Iris." The blonde one said then points at the other.
"We....understand how you feel." Iris said gently.
"How the f-"
"We met more of them." Taylor said, the look in her eyes becoming serious. "Remember I said there's more of 'em."
Eboni raised a brow, feeling herself calm down. She moves to sit at her desk, opening her laptop, and begins typing away. "Yeah, I remember. Did a bit of research...."
"What kind? On who?" Iris asks, moving to stand over her to get a better view of Eboni's laptop.
"All of them. I created a file for each of them. Honestly, there are so many serial killers in one town. Who willingly moves into a shit hole like this....stupid bitch." She grumbles, referring to her previous foster mother- Melissa. "You two encountered one and survived? How?"
"Same way you did. Faught those fuckers." Taylor shrugs. "The one I had the misfortune of meetin' calls himself masky. He has a partner, though."
"He calls himself hoodie. They attacked us at my home during a sleepover over a few months ago..." Iris said softly.
"Mhm... yeah there's a few reports on them always killing in pairs of... three? Sometimes two? The third one would be -"
"Ticci Toby...Iris sister encountered him a year ago before masky and hoodie attacked us that night." Taylor explains, about to lay down in Eboni's bed again until the teen gives her a warning glare.
"This....shit is crazy...and they haven't tried coming after you? Like at all?"
Iris didn't answer. She looks at Taylor, hoping she'd come up with a response. "Nah. I shot masky so I doubt those fuckers wanna to get full of lead." She chuckles proudly.
Eboni knew they were lying. If those killers are anything like Jeff, she doubts they'll just forget about the victims that got away. The teen doesn't care, though. They have their secrets, and Eboni has her own. The teen focuses her attention back on her laptop, clicking on the file labeled 'Jeff'.
She sighs as she reads through his file for what feels like the hundredth time. Eboni couldn't get him out of her mind. The way his hands felt gripping her wrist and throat, the way his breath felt against her ear when he whispered to her, that crazed smile, and those red eyes.
The way his body felt pressed against hers. She's thankful to be wearing her mask since she's biting down on her lip at the thoughts of this serial killer. Eboni longs to see him again. She hates being the one waiting. She hates being the one desperate for him, but she knows she can't hide it from him. She wouldn't anymore. Jeff sees right through her.
It makes her feel vulnerable in the most terrifying yet delicious way. She has this odd feeling that he wouldn't try to end her life again. A game. He wants to play a game with her. With a heavy sigh, she closes her laptop, climbing into bed. Eboni hopes that she's trapped in the smiling killer's mind as he is in hers. The teen has no idea just how much her life will change from their unfortunate encounter.
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lavendersugarplum · 3 years
☂︎ZEROᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ᵘᵐᵇʳᵉˡˡᵃ
(The Umbrella Academy x Sibling! Adolescent! Reader)
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ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ᴍᴇ ɪɴ
"I would advise you to put your wallet in a more secure place, sir. You wouldn't want it to fall out again." Zero handed him back his brown, leather wallet which he took. "No. I wouldn't. Thanks for the advice." Leonard said. Leonard observed Zero’s uniform. He smiled a little at the young girl, looking that she was a fan of Umbrella Academy. It almost reminded him of when was younger.
"No problem."
"So, you from around?" Leonard and Zero started to stroll down the sidewalk. "Well I guess you could say that, but no. I'm just visiting my sister." Zero answered.
"Well, you should probably be heading back. It's not safe for kids like you to be out this late. There can be some dangerous people out here in the streets."
"I guess you're right. It is getting late. Well.... See you around, Leonard. It was nice talking to you." Zero said, waving at him as she started walking away.
"Yeah....see you around." Leonard said looking at her one last time, before going his separate way.
ZERO CAME ACROSS GRIDDY'S. She saw it was surrounded by police cars. Agnes probably called the police, Zero thought. Zero hoped she was okay. Must have been really scary for her to experience something like that. Zero knew she was.
"I should be heading back now. Leonard was right. It is getting pretty late."
Zero started to head back home, As she walked back she felt herself bump into someone. She turned around to see a middle-aged man wearing a tuxedo. Zero began to panic, quickly apologizing. "I'm so sorry, sir. I should really watch where I'm going."
"Oh, no problem, kid. It's alright." The man reassured.
"Hazel! Come on!" Shouted a woman who was also wearing a tuxedo just like the other man's. "I'm coming!" The guy who Zero assumed was named Hazel ran after the woman. Zero  paused and looked after them for a few seconds, then shook her head and kept walking back home.
"They were both wearing tuxedos. Kind of like the one Five was wearing when he came back. What is up with grown-ups and tuxedos. Hmm. Guess I'll never know."
ZERO WAS ALMOST HOME. She was happy that she got to interact with so many people in one night, especially Leonard. He seemed really nice. Although his atmosphere felt like otherwise. Almost as if there was something vengeful and unapproachable about him, but Zero just shook that feeling off not worrying about it too much.
As Zero continued walking, she looked to see a family of five. They were laughing and having fun. And most important of all, they were together. The young one of the family gave a small wave to Zero, which to she waved back. She gave a small smile to the bunch, a little bit jealous of how much fun they were having together.
This just reminded her of how alone she truly was, ever since her siblings went their own separate ways. she was so distracted that she didn't notice a truck driving by her.
"Hey, kid!" Zero jumped and turned  around to see the man she net at Griddy's. She squinted her eyes slightly at the bright light.
“What are you doing out here all by yourself?"
"Oh. I was just exploring, but I'm heading back home now." Zero said.
The man raised an eyebrow before saying:
"Need a ride?"
ZERO PEERED OUT the window that had droplets running down it, at the rain falling through the city.
"So, where's your brother?" The man asked.
"Ummm, he's back at my sister's house." Zero lied. "I have come to realize that I haven't officially thanked you for paying for our food back there. So thank you."
"No problem." The drove by the open apartments, trying to park his truck.
"Well, we're here." Zero started to unbuckle her seatbelt, reaching for the door handle. A red umbrella in front of her caught her attention. "Wouldn't want you to get wet." Zero grabbed it and her trailed back up. "Are you sure?" The man nodded his head."You can repay me by getting to where you're going safely, alright kid."
"Right. Thanks so much, sir. For Everything."
"Syd. Name's Syd."
"Syd? That's fun to say. I like it. I'll make sure to remember that. Thanks, Syd. I wish you well for the rest of your night." With that, Zero walked into the apartments.
"That kid is something else." Syd said before driving off.
ZERO'S EYES OPENED TO THE morning light. She yawned as she got up. This was the best sleep that she had ever gotten in years.
"Zero. Five." Vanya called out to only see Zero.
"Zero where did Five go?"
"He left when you went to sleep." Zero explained.
"Oh, shit." Vanya muttered.
Vanya and Zero were in the academy looking for Five.
"Five?" Vanya called out.
They both went through the hallways.
"Are you upstairs?" Vanya called out again, as they went upstairs.
They looked to see Five looking out the window.
"Oh. Thank God." Vanya said, a wave of relief washing over her.
"I was worried sick about you. Thankfully, Zero told me where you might be."
"Sorry I left without saying goodbye." Five apologized.
A huge sense of emotion washed over Zero. Someone else was here.
"Klaus." Zero thought.
"No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry. I was dismissive and...I-- I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying. And I still can't, to be honest.
"Maybe you we're right to be dismissive. Maybe it wasn't real after all. It felt real. Well... like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind." Five said.
"then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to. Look oh, I used to see someone. A therapist. I can give you her information." Vanya offered.
Vanya still thought he was crazy. But Zero didn't blame her though. This was a lot to process for Zero when she first found out the world was going to end.
"Thanks, but... I think I'm just going to get some rest. It's been a long time since I've had a good sleep." Five said.
"Okay." Vanya sighed and left.
Zero's eyes trailed to the wardrobe behind her. She went over and opened it up causing, Klaus to fall out.
"Zero? How did you know I was here?" Klaus asked.
"Everyone has a certain emotion in themselves that stands out from the rest. I recognized your emotion. That's how I sensed you were here."
Klaus made an 'Oh' sound, getting out of the wardrobe.
"That was so... touching, all that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!" Klaus said.
"Would you shut up? She'll hear you." Five scolded.
"I'm moist."
"I told you to put on something professional." Five said.
"What's? This is my nicest outfit." Klaus said in a hurt voice.
Five sighs.
"We'll raid the old man's closet."
"Whatever. As long as I get paid."
"When the job is done." Five said walking out with Klaus.
"Hey. Five wait. Whatever it is you're going to do I want to help." Zero said following after him
"No. You need to stay here. I'll tell you what I have so far when I come back." Five said.
Zero sighed.
"Yeah, yeah, I understand." Zero said.
With that, Five and Klaus went off to do their business.
"I'll just be here... waiting." Zero said when they were gone.
Zero went back to her prison which Reginald called her room, not really wanting to socialize with anyone right now. Zero went in to see the book Ben gave her, wide open on the floor. That was strange because she could have sworn she left it on the bed before she left. She went to pick it up. When she did, she felt a chill going down her spine. She started feeling a really familiar emotion.
"Ben." She turned around and looked behind her, but no one was there
"Great. I'm going crazy." Zero muttered as she kneeled back down to pick up the book.
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princessphilly · 4 years
All Bets Are Off: Chapter 1
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Word Count: 2068
CW: not yet, except for some bad language
Note: I don’t always write long chapters. Some may be closer to 2000, some closer to 5000, it depends on the chapter and what is going on. 
taglist: @nazdaddy @texanstarslove @shortstacks-blog @missymore @hockeywocs @puckbitchesgetmoney @defiant-mouse @myhockeyworld87 @chicagostylehockey​ @barriesweet
Join the tag list here!
Chapter 1
“Look at my girl, moving up in the world!”
Nina could hear her mother’s voice in her head as she moved around in her office in the Lemieux Training Complex. Today was her first day working not just as a physical therapist for UPMC but as a physical therapist for the Pittsburgh Penguins and Nina felt like she was going to burst from nervousness. ‘Not bad for a girl from Clairton,’ Nina thought as she went through her schedule.
Nina had pledged never to come back to Western PA when she graduated from Clairton High. Now, almost eight years later, she was back and working with the hometown hockey team. After doing undergrad at Penn State, aka grades 13-16 with everyone from the area usually going there, Nina went down south to the University of Florida for her Doctor’s in Physical Therapy after getting her B.S. in Kinesiology. The warm weather was so much better than the fucking snow of Western PA but UPMC was offering the most money out of all of Nina’s job offers. After thinking about her student loans, UPMC was a no fucking brainer.
Taking a centering breath, Nina pasted her best professional smile on her face and got ready to go meet her first client. Before she could do that, her door opened and three men stepped in.
“Here is our newest physical therapist. Unlike Mike and Trent, Nina is a DPT,” Rick Dvorak, the head physical therapist explained to the two men with him.
Nina smiled and reached out her hand. “Good morning, my name is Nina Jackson, nice to meet you.”
Of course, she knew who the two other men were. One was Super Mario, Mario Lemieux, Pittsburgh legend and co-owner of the Pens. Next to him was Sidney Crosby, superstar who had just won his third Stanley Cup. Mario had a friendly professional smile but Sidney was looking at her like she… Nina didn’t quite know how to place that look. She kept her professional smile on her face while inwardly grimacing. Of course, the star of the team would feel some way about a black physical therapist.
“Sid looks a little starstruck,” Mario joked.
Sidney laughed self-consciously, his cheeks reddening adorably. Nina kept a straight face, thinking, ‘I hope I never have to treat him.’
Sidney smiled and his whiskey-brown eyes brightened. “Just a natural reaction to a pretty girl.”
Nina rolled her eyes inwardly, her professional smile getting strained. Sidney wanted to give himself a bag skate as he could tell that she was turned off. He felt awkward as hell and he wanted to curse but this wasn’t the time. He laughed, wishing that he wasn’t anywhere but here. Nina replied, “I’m used to turning heads but I didn’t quite expect to do that here,” with a laugh.
Sidney had met his fair share of gorgeous women, probably more than his fair share. Yet, his breath was taken away when he first saw her. Clear brown skin, dimples when she smiled, and dark brown hair pulled into a bun, nothing unique. But when Nina smiled, all Sidney wanted to do was drown in her smile and see what he could do to keep her smiling like that forever. Then, he got a look at the rest of her body and Sidney wanted to not only keep her smiling forever, he also wanted to find out what would get her to scream his name.
Then he faltered and realized that he really had goofed. Nina’s hand was still outstretched and he forgot to shake it. Sidney gave Nina an apologetic look and took her hand.
Nina didn’t know what happened when Sidney took her hand but she felt something electric, hot, and intense as hell. It was scary and she carefully pulled her hand back as soon as she could. Whatever it was, Nina was sure it was just another omen that today was going to be the worst day on earth.
Sidney gave Nina his best smile when she let go. He never felt such a connection when he had met a woman before but fuck, he had to change her mind about him.
Nina spent the next five minutes mentally willing the team owner, the captain, and her boss out of her office while making small talk. Luckily, the men left pretty quickly after wishing her luck on her first day working with the team. Sidney Crosby was the last to leave and Nina busied herself with arranging her papers. She could feel his eyes on her and Nina had no desire to interact with him. Then he finally left and she sighed deeply. Nina took several deep breaths before refocusing herself on her day ahead.
“Nina Latreice Jackson, now you know I ain’t raise no fool!”
Nina let out a low groan as she thought about another thing her mother loved to say. As much as it seemed like Crosby didn’t like her, Nina decided that she would be completely professional in every way. It wasn’t that hard; athletes were pretty much the same no matter where they were. Just like the Florida Gators players she worked on while in school, the Pens players fell under several categories. There were the jokers, the serious ones, the ones who lived to flirt, and players who fell under all of the categories.
For her first weeks, Nina worked at creating a professional boundary with the players she was working with. For the majority of the time, they were decently behaved. It was mid-season so there were all kinds of lingering issues, some more serious than others. Nina figured out pretty quickly that some of the players were going to follow directions while others were going to slack off until their issue made it impossible for them to ignore it.
However, today was her first day working with Sidney Crosby after her first day. Like she expected, it was a little awkward and his teammates didn’t help. The leader of the chirping was Geno Malkin. The guys kept walking by, sending suggestive looks and comments. Sidney’s cheeks were a dull red midway through the session. After a while, Nina got annoyed. 
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Geno and Jake came by for the third time, making kissing noises. Nina snapped, “Unless you need treatment, I don’t understand why you are in here.”
“Ouch,” Geno replied as Jake laughed. “She mean.”
Sidney rolled his eyes as he gave his teammates a warning look. As Nina wrapped his ankle, Sidney tried to take several deep breaths. He had rolled it a bit during practice. It wasn’t major but with the other trainers unavailable, Nina had decided to look at it.
“Why are you so stiff?”
Sidney looked up at Nina. She was checking out his ankle with pursed lips but when her eyes met his, Sidney sucked in a breath. Nina was really… words failed.
“I’m waiting,” Nina prodded with a sarcastic chuckle. This was making her feel really uncomfortable. All of the others players were relatively easygoing but the captain, he was so stoic around her. It made her feel like he didn’t really want her and Nina had observed enough over the last weeks that whatever Sidney wanted, he got. If he said one thing, she would lose the extra money from working with the team and Nina couldn’t afford that.
Sidney gulped before deciding just to admit the truth. “It’s a bit hard to be around such a beautiful woman like you.”
Nina laughed before giving Sidney a sardonic smile. Sidney felt his heart break into two. He didn’t even get a chance to ask her out before fucking it up. “It’s true,” he whispered.
Nina swallowed before focusing back on his ankle. “You should be good, Mr. Crosby. I don’t diagnose injuries; I just help treat them but you should be good to go for the next practice and everything.”
“Call me Sidney.”
Her eyes met his again and Sidney was looking at Nina with the most earnest expression she had ever seen.
“Ok, Sidney,” Nina forced out with a fake smile.
Sidney groaned before getting off the table and sliding his feet into his crocs. Nina took a deep breath and rolled her eyes after he left.
Gretchen, one of the athletic trainers, came in and snickered. “I’m surprised he made it without self-combusting.”
“Yinz don’t know? He likes you, Nina,” Gretchen explained.
Nina shrugged. “Yeah, right.”
“He’s always staring-“
Nina interrupted Gretchen as she said, “I’d rather go and get lunch. Panera Bread sound good?”
 Nina counted herself lucky that she was able to avoid Sidney after that day. Her luck ran out in the worst way. Nina was rushing out to make it to a dentist appointment when she ran into a hard chest. Tripping over her feet, Nina fell on her butt. 
“Are you okay?”
Nina looked up and it was Sidney Crosby, of course, holding out a hand. She cautiously grabbed it and let him pull her up off the floor. Like the first time they met, Nina felt the electricity when their hands touched. This time, Sidney held her hand even after she was off the floor. 
“Seriously, are you okay,” Sidney pressed. 
Nina felt her cheek feel hot as she replied, “Seriously, I’m fine. It was an accident.”
“I mean, I don’t want to give you more reasons to hate me.”
For the first time, Nina noticed that Sidney looked vulnerable. Pulling her hand out of his grasp, she murmured, “I don’t hate you. I think you’re the one who may hate me.”
Sidney blinked in surprise. “I don’t hate you! But I would love to take you out for dinner sometime.”
Something made Nina feel instantly happy at his words that he didn’t hate her and wanted to take her out but it couldn’t work. “Nice to know that you don’t hate me but dinner isn’t going to happen. I gotta go, I’m going to be late!”
Sidney watched Nina race out of the building to her car. He was losing and he wasn’t used to losing. Gritting his teeth, Sidney vowed to himself that he would get Nina to warm up to him, sooner or later.
“Hey girl, how was your appointment?”
Nina smiled as she FaceTime with her best friend Lauren. “Not bad, no new cavities or anything. I talked with Dr. Smith about maybe getting adult braces and she said I don’t really need them.”
“Sounds good for someone who was freaking out,” Lauren teased. “So, what’s going on at work? Meet any hot players? Anyone you’d hook me up with?”
“Girl, no. I keep it strictly professional with them. I don’t even want them thinking anything is going to happen,” Nina replied. She half considered sharing her interactions with Sidney Crosby with Lauren but her BFF had a bad case of loose lips when drinking. So, Nina kept that to herself. 
“Is Sid hotter in person than he is on TV? You know I love my Steelers but I gotta know.”
Nina snorted before saying, “Meh. He’s alright.”
“He’s alright,’ Lauren said in disbelief. “Oh, there’s a story here.”
“There’s nothing because I deal with him at work now and then.” Nina rolled her eyes as Terrible Tess, her cat jumped in her lap. Steely, her dog, was at her feet. “Anyway, did you get the tickets for the game yet?”
Lauren was a lawyer and one of the perks was tickets to Steelers games, usually either in a box or on the 50-yard line. As diehard fans, Lauren and Nina tried to take advantage of that perk as much as possible. Lauren stated, “Oh yes, we got tickets. And there’s this guy…”
Nina listened to Lauren talk about her newest guy she was interested in as she petted Terrible Tess. As much as she didn’t want to, she couldn’t help but think of the look on Sidney’s face when she basically told him thanks but no thanks. He actually looked hurt; not an egotistical hurt that most men got when they were told that they aren't as great as they thought they were. But it was like an honest hurt. It didn’t matter though; past heartbreak taught Nina that getting involved with anyone even affiliated with work was the worst idea ever.
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vintage-marina · 3 years
A woman out of time (james norrington x f!reader) chapter 2
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TW: suicidal thoughts, idk what the word is but the reader is seeing things that isn’t there
You washed your face and looked into the mirror, the circles under your eyes were enormous and it looked like you hadn't slept in days, what indeed was. Every time you closed your eyes you saw the battle of Wakanda or you saw the faces of people that you had murdered. Murdered, you had murdered them. You screwed your eyes shut and clung to the sink for dear life, a sob escaped your lips. I don't deserve this, you thought to yourself, your victims should be alive not you, them. Not you, Vision, Vision deserved it. Or Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Peter, T'Challa everyone besides you. T'Challa, yes he deserves my place, but he isn't here to take it isn't he? You softly hummed a song to yourself, a method to soothe you. After a few minutes of humming, you opened your eyes. Red, your eyes were red, you touched your cheeks and you realised you were crying. You stared into the mirror, you saw yourself but you couldn't reconise her. You stared to face and noticed the scars on it, they were small and were from the bomb that exploded right in front of you and you noticed the burn on your neck. You didn't found them ugly, but you didn't love them either. They were a part of you now and you couldn't do anything about it, just like your arm. You felt neutral about them. You picked up your toothbrush and brushed your teeth, the feeling of guilt slowly washing away. You knew that that feeling would never go away, but just like your therapist said you must learn to live with it, if you wanted to live your life in a somewhat peacful state.
Ever since half of the population died you didn't knew what to do, you felt like you didn't belong in the group that they called themselves the Avengers but you also didn't fit in as a civilian, so in the chaos that Thanos left you packed your bags and moved away, after you were fully healed ofcourse. You left everyone a handwritten letter and then you moved into a little old house on the shore.  
You heard the telephone ringing, you walked toward the livingroom and picked up the phone. Maybe it was Steve, Natasha or Tony you didn't knew. You wiped your tears away, stupid ofcourse because the caller couldn't see them. ''Hello, with Y/N'' you said into the phone, it was Natasha. ''Hey Nat! How are you? No, I'm not crying why did you think that?'' ''You know that you don't have to lie to me right? But if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to'' ''Yeah, I've been crying but I'm fine now. '' The last part was half a lie, you were fine but a few minutes earlier you weren't. ''Im glad to hear that you are doing alright, sometimes it is just so hard you know?'' You hummed in agreement, not knowing if she talked about her past or about the guilt she felt with the whole Thanos hassle. '' But, Y/N/N, I, no we have something important to talk about. Scott, you remember Scott right?'' ''Yeah, I remember him, he was snapped right?'' ''We thought that too but a few hours ago, he showed up on our doorstep of the compound.'' ''So he wasn't snapped away, you mean'' now it was her turn to hum in agreement. ''Y/N, what I want to tell you is that we can bring them back and we want you to be there,'' you smiled a little and you whispered: ''Ofcourse, I will be there'' ''We will pick you up in an hour, see you then'' ''See you Nat'' Natasha hanged up and you pressed the telephone to your chest and let yourself fall on your little couch and let out a laugh. A few minutes ago you felt on a point of breaking down and now hope streamend into your veins.
An hour flew by and you saw in the distance three figures walking, one blond headed, one red headed and one had dark brown hair. You openend your door and welcomed them inside, ''Hi guys'' you said to them and gestured that they can sit down, you went back to your little kitchen and brought back some drinks and cookies. You sat on a chair and turned your eyes to Scott, ''so you just showed up after 5 years of radio silence?'' ''Yep'' ''how?'' ''I got stuck in what they call the Quantum Realm'' ''What the hell is that?'' you mumbeled, ''Alright so, that realm is a microscopic universe on its own and if you want to be there you have to be really tiny. Time works different there and basically I got stuck there'' ''What do you mean time works different there?'' you asked to him. ''Well, I was missing for 5 years right'' you hummed in agreement, ''but for me it was 5 hours. So I thought what if we can navigate that universe and can enter it at a certain point in time but then exit the realm at another point of time.'' Your eyes widend and your brain couldn't proces it really, ''I don't understand what you mean and that doesn 't make ant sense Scott'' he sighed and then said: ''Timetravel'' ''Like back into the future type of thing?'' you said to him, ''Wait how do you know about back into the future Y/N?'' said Natasha surprised, you turned to Natasha ''I saw it on the television ofcourse!'' Steve furrowed his brows and said: ''How have I never heard of that movie?'' you shrugged your shoulders and focused your attention back to Scott. ''So how do you guys want to timetravel, I still don't understand how you guys want to do this but I'm in.''
At the compound
After you guys could convince Bruce to help, things had happend quickly. First of all he was green, that was pretty weird for you and for the rest of your team. He explained to your group that he emerged himself and the Hulk together, you were pretty grossed out about this and was scared to asked how he did that. Secondly, you couldn't convince Tony to help out wich was disappointing but not surprising, after all you two held contact and you knew that he had a family. You understood that he was scared to loose his life or his family so you didn't try to persuade him into helping your group instead you were chatting with Pepper. Thirdly, without Tony's help was Bruce all alone on how to make this time travel thing. You hoped that he knew how to make this thing, but you weren't so sure about it. Scott was the test person and when he was gone you thought it finally worked but instead he was a teenager, then he was a baby, then he was a grandpa and then he was finally back to normal. There was panic and not just a little! Natasha was relieved when she saw that Scott went back to normal and Bruce spread his arms out and said proud: ''Timetravel!"
''But it didn't work really work'' you noticed, ''yes but also no'' Steve shaked his head and then Bruce said: ''What? I see this as an absolutle win''
Night time
A radio was playing a soft melody. The woman who you stared at didn't move a muscle, she looked like a dear in headlights. Time moved slow, to slow for her and sweat was forming on her forehead. You didn't even knew her name or why you were here, you only knew you had one job. The room reeked of blood and it was coated on the floor, you raised your arm and pulled the trigger before she could even scream. You could hear her body fall, finally you woke up and you could hear your heart racing. You clenched your jaw and stepped out of your bed, your feet touching the soft floor, you hummed softly trying to calm yourself. But you couldn't hear yourself, all you heard was the soft tune of the radio. Shuffling in the dark is never easy, your fingers touched a wall and your eyes went wide. Blood, why was there blood on the wall. You squeezed your eyes and then you saw the pattern on the wall. It was dark green with little leaves and flowers on it, your hand flew towards your mouth when you realised you were not in your bedroom anymore. You turned your head and then everything went back to normal. You didn't saw the blood splatters and the wallpaper anymore but you were in your bedroom?
The next day
A lot happend during the day, Tony showed up out of nowhere. Thor was back, who looked like shit. Rhodey suggested to go back in time when Thanos was a baby and to strangle him, which you found very amusing and Clint showed up with tattoos and a sad background that he killed people just because his family passed away. Everyone grieves differently I guess, some people like me you thought are gonna live in solitude and other people are gonna kill people for the fun of it. So now you were lying on the floor next to Bruce, Natasha and Tony trying to figure out where the stones are. Tony, Bruce and you were arguing about which place and time is the most convienent but Natasha broke your quabble. ''Guys, if you pick the right year there are three stones in new York'' ''Shut the fuck up'' ''You're a genius you know that right'' ''Whoah'' were the three things that were said in unison to her.
After five years you finally wore your suit again. The med pack on your bag felt familiar and you almost forgot how thick the leather was, the only bad side was that you now had to wear a mask. On your wrist was a watch and after twenty explanations from Tony you understood how to work with that thing, above your suit you wore another suit were you would timetravel in. You are going to travel with Tony, Scott and Steve to New York 2012 because Tony could help you with your suit when you didn 't knew how to work with it. ''Can someone please explain to me why I would have to wear a mask again?'' Actually you did know why, because the four of you didn't want to risk that 2012 Steve would regconise you. The Avengers and you were walking in unison and you guys formed a circle. Natasha and Steve looked at eachother and she said to him smiling: ''See you in a minute'' a machine whirred above you and you clicked on a button to summone your helmet and then you were shrinking.
It was a really weird experience to say atleast, your tummy was doing cartwheels and you felt your fingers (but not from your vibranium arm) tingling. You saw blue everywhere and it looked like honeycombs. You marveled at this, but then someone's elbow went into your ribs and you flew out of the orbit. Instead of going right with the others you went straight ahead. Shit, shit shit! But everything went so fast you didn't even had more time to think about it. A flash happend and you had your eyes shut. Your vibranium arm was stuck into something but not for long, whatever your arm was in was ripping and flew down with you. You could hear yells and cursing and then you fell on the ground. Well, not ground but on wood? You heard it crack underneath you and you thought you had fallen through the floor. Something is strange here, you didn't hear any cars, you didn't hear airplanes and you certainly didn't smell the fumes. You sniffed again, and you regconised it, it was salty and now your ears heard the soft waves of the ocean. You were on the ocean, you cracked one eye open and right in your face was a small man with dirt on his cheeks and wearing a mullet. ''Witch! A witch is on our ship!'' Fuck.
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summerlovingbaby · 3 years
tfatws Not My Captain P1
“ I don’t know Sam maybe this is the wrong address.” Bucky said knocking on the door once more. “ We should just leave, and think of something else.” Bucky said looking for any reason to leave.
“ She’s probably just not home, lets just wait a few minutes.” Sam responded.
A few seconds later a motorcycle that was speeding down the street, came to a halt in front of the house. A woman stepped off the bike, and took of a helmet, 2 long sweeping braids fall out of the helmet and landed on her back. She balance the bike helmet on the handlebars. 
She took off her sunglasses and tucked them in her shirt. She started walking up the sidewalk , and started fishing around the back pocket of her jeans for keys .She was the spitting image of her father, they had the same eyes, and the same brown hair though hers was way longer than his . Y/N Stark. Shew was a few feet away from the porch, she saw them.
“ What are you doing here?” Y/N asked.
“ It’s kind of a long story. ”Bucky said scratching his head.
Y/N pushed past the pair, and shoved the key in the keyhole. She forced open the door so forcefully that it swung open wide. At the door was waiting a few dogs and a cat. She walked through the cavalcade of 4 legged animals and bent down and pet one of them. She walked in her house and fought the urge to slam the door behind her.
“ Are you going to come in?” She asked without looking at them
They followed her into the house and trailed her through the kitchen. They scurried to the kitchen and sat down at the table , and sat down at the kitchen table. Their bags placed next to them. She disappeared to the living room and threw her backpack on the couch. Bucky and Sam could hear her loud sigh from the kitchen.  When she came back in Bucky and Sam really got to look at her, she looked not great. 
Instead of joining them at the kitchen table, she scurried about  the kitchen doing things. She pulled out baking pans and flour from her pantry, After a few awkward moments she finally spoke.
“Are you here about Wanda?” Y/N asked bluntly, she sounded asperated.
“ Wanda?” Sam questioned. “ What happened with Wanda?”
“ Nothing... never mind.” Y/N said shaking her head slightly.
“ Pepper called me, she’s worried about you.” Sam said.
" Why would she be worried?” Y/N asked, she was now measuring ingredients.
“ She’s been sending you checks every other weeks, says you haven’t been cashing them.” Sam said using the voice he always used when he was talking to veterans. Y/N continued to busy herself about the kitchen, she only shrugged in response. “ Says you haven’t touched her trust fund either.” Sam started digging through his bag. “ She also called me in hysterics, said you were in the hospital. Twice.” This caused Y/N’s eyes to grow wide. She took a shaky breath. Sam placed two files on the kitchen table.
“ Twice?” Bucky questioned. His eyes darted to Y/N and he was suddenly scanning her. He took notice of the brace of the wrist and ankle. He started to reach for the file, but Y/N snatched it before he could grab it.
“ How did she find out?” Y/N asked, she stopped what she was doing, and looked defeated.
“ She’s still you’re emergency contact, are you okay?” Sam said.
Y/N discarded the files on the kitchen counter. She started mixing ingredients, she took a weary breath and she closed her eyes for a bit.
“ Did you read it?” She asked.
“ No.” Sam said looking at her with empathy. “ I’m asking you again... are you okay?”
Bucky looked at Y/N with confused wide eyes it was clear that he was missing something.
“ I’m fine... tell Pepper I’m fine.” Y/N said through baited and harsh breaths.
“ Okay. I’ll tell her.” Sam responded.
“ How is Pepper and Morgan?” Y/N asked.
“ There doing okay, would be better if they had you.” Sam said.
“ I’ll call, I will, I promise.” Y/N said giving Sam a trustful nod.
“ Okay. I’ll tell them that you’re okay.” Sam said nodded back.
“ Thanks. Now why are you really here?” Y/N asked.
“ We need help.” Bucky said, his eyes were darting around the room.
“ With?” Y/N asked her eyes were drier now.
“ It’s complicated.” Sam said looking at the ground.
“ Is it because you gave up the shield?” Y/N asked, still mixing the batter.
“ How did you know about that?” Sam said defensive.
“ I saw it on the news. I don’t live under a rock. Giving it up  was a mistake Sam.” Y/N said, she said placing the cupcakes in the oven.
“ I didn’t realize that at the time.” Sam said, his eyes darted to the floor.
“ Steve gave it to you for a reason, if he wanted the government to have it, he would have gave it to them.” Y/N said.
“ I’m aware of that fact.” Sam said, he sounded less ashamed and more angry.
“ That shield meant a lot of things to a lot of people, including Tony.” Y/N said she just sounded so tired.
“ You’re one to talk, you didn’t even come to Tony’s funeral.” Sam said standing up, and pounding his fist on the table.
“ You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to come into my house and give me crap, especially after you gave up the shield.” Y/N said slamming her hands on the table.
“ You don’t now anything about that.”
“ Oh I know plenty.” Y/N said through her teeth.
“ Clearly not enough.” Sam said, his voice raised.
“ I know enough to know that giving up that shield was a mistake. Steve made mistakes, but you two were not one of them.” She said pointing at the two men.
“ You didn’t even know Steve-” Bucky interjected.
“ I knew Steve. You were gone for 5 years. He was my friend.” Y/n said raising her voice.
“ I’ve known Steve my whole life, you’ve known him for 5 minutes, he made plenty of mistakes.” Bucky said, now everybody was standing.
“ I never said he didn’t make any mistakes, I said that you two weren’t one of them.” Y/N said, her brows were furrowed and she was speaking through her teeth.
“ You don’t  know anything about me.” Bucky said.
“ Oh.. don’t tell me you’ve forgotten. I know plenty.” Y/N said through a snarky smile that made Bucky take a step back.
Y/N awoke to a soft knocking on her door, she checked the clock on the wall, and was surprised to see that it was 3am. She begrudgingly got out of bed and limped through the hallway and to the door. She looked through the peephole to see Sargent Barnes on her doorstep with flowers. She opened the door.
“ Sargent Barnes, what are you doing here? Y/N asked leaning on the doorframe for support.
“ Sorry if it’s a bad time.” He responded, his hair looked moist and he looked upset.
“ It’s 3am Sargent.”
“ I’m sorry... I probably should have waited til’ morning.” Bucky said brushing his fingers through his hair.
“ It’s fine... sleep is for losers anyway.” Y/N said laughing at her on joke. “ Did you need something?”
“ My therapist wants me to make amends.” Bucky said. Y/N nodded confused.
“ And that involves me how?”
“ I never got to apologize to Tony, and I realized that I owe you an apology too.”
“ Why do you owe me an apology?”
“ I’m sorry for killing your grandpa...and trying to kill Tony.”
“ It’s okay.”
“ It isn’t okay.” Bucky’s eyes started to well into tears.
“ I forgive you.” Y/N said. Bucky’s eyes went wide, and a few tears streamed from his face. He tried to stifle a sob, but ended up collapsing onto Y/N in a fit of tear. That was the first time that somebody that he hurt forgave him. Not pardoned him, or excused his actions or blamed the “ Winter Solider”. But actually forgave him.
“ Why did we even come here?” Bucky said, slamming back down to the floor.
“ You came here because you need help and you turned down Walker, and you’re starting to think that was a mistake.” Y/N said her beginning to calm down as well.
“ John Walker?” Sam said throwing a glance at Bucky
“ Yes ,John Walker. Is there another Walker that would be relevant right now?”
“ How do you know Walker?” Bucky asked
“ He came here.”Y/N responded casually.
“ He came here? When?” Sam pressed.
“ A while ago, why?” Y/N asked.
“What did he want?” Bucky pressed.
“ Help. Cause he’s in over his head, just like you are.” Y/N said pointing at Bucky and Sam.
“ Did you tell him anything?” Sam asked rolling his eyes.
“ About the Flag Smashers? No.”
“ How do you know about the Flag Smashers?” Bucky asked
“Have you met me?” Y/N replied with a chuckle.
“ What did you find out?” Sam asked.
“ There a group of vigilantes, want a world without borders, where everyone has access to basic resources and stuff. The leader is a girl named Sin, she was displaced by the blip. They haven’t killed anybody, but the pattern could only escalate.”
“ That’s what were afraid of.” Bucky said.
“ Are you in?” Sam asked.
“ Its what Steve would do.” Bucky said.
“ I’m very well aware of what Steve would do. And I’m in. You can spend the night  tonight, and we’ll come up with a plan tomorrow.”
@austynparksandpizza      @footballaddictsblog   @goddessgaga
@buckybarnes1991    @jungkookdingdong   @tofeartheunknown
@yasminwashere  @sunsetcurvej
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bernkastel11 · 3 years
A Rainy Day
Contain: angsty,dark, fluff maybe, OOC. Implied Kruecent
Fandom: Dinoverse
This fic contain my ship. If you don't like OC x Canon please leave
Ft: MC Carolois and Albert Krueger
Albert Krueger belong to dino999z
MC Carolois is my OC
This is MC's attire and hair btw:
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It's raining outside of the Krueger Corporation's CEO office
Today is Sunday and yet Albert is inside his office. Usually one would be at home on their weekend but well Albert is quite a unique man anyway, he's not like the "mediocre people"
"Huh strange I thought it should be sunny on a Sunday ": Albert thought his hands under his chin, sitting on his armchair. "Man I'm bored". Boredom is an inevitable thing in this life and its victims are everyone including Albert of course
"Maybe chatting with someone could help me ease this boredom. Oh right she might be the perfect one for that": Albert smirking with the thought. Who is he thinking about you might ask? Well you will find out soon enough~. With a snap of his fingers,a young woman appeared sitting on the armchair before Albert.
The woman has short black hair that stop at her shoulder and ebony eyes,she is wearing a long dark wine dress with a turtle neck on top. Her skirt is long and pleated which reach pass her kneecaps. She's also wearing black thigh high sock and brown boots. Her hair is adorned with a red rose accessory
"Wh-what the hell??!!!!!" The woman said shockingly,she didn't want to here at all. Anyone would be shocked if they just got teleported to a different place suddenly. She was enjoying her day off, reading a novel,drinking hibiscus tea at her apartment only to abruptly get sent to the dream therapist's office
"It's been a while since the last time I talked to you,my dear~. You missed me right, MC ?": Albert smiling all too cheerfully to the woman sitting before him.
"Ugh why would I miss a jerk who suddenly teleported me into his office without asking me. That would be considerably rude, Albert!" The woman or MC said sarcastically. "0h I apologised my dear~": Albert being the gentleman he is, apologized. Also Albert noticed something different about MC. If Albert remember correctly, MC's hair is usually long and tied in low ponytail with a ribbon or something. But this time, her hair is short and untied. Albert can help but blush a little "what?". Albert don't know why did he just do that.
"Um dear,why is your hair short now?"Albert asked curiously a little confused. Cause he knows MC like long hair,it would be strange if she cut her hair
"Oh my hair? Well I didn't cut it rather it was an accident that resulted in my hair got cut": MC said with a little bit of annoyance when she emphasized the word "accident".
It's the work of a certain lawyer in G4
"Oh did you get hurt?" Albert asked a little worried. Well she's his friend anyway. "No it wasn't that bad. I'm okay so don't worry": MC said, Albert didn't seem to caught on the hidden meaning behind her words.
To be honest, Albert find this woman rather special. She should've been dead by now. At first, this woman was just another patient of Albert. She met him first time in one of his dream therapy session. She was cold,rude and sarcastic to Albert when they first met. Albert greatly disliked her. He thought she was just another ordinary person. One that he shouldn't have pay attention to.Yet now she's the one he pay attention to mostly. Because when Albert killed her,she didn't died
"Oh my even I can't killed myself,what makes you think you can?"
Even though she was torn apart. She still managed to turn back to normal as if nothing has happened
"So why did you teleported me here? If I remember correctly,a dream therapy session is for when your patient is sleeping. Plus it's still daytime right now" MC said sternly,her face uninterested
"Oh you're quite demanding, aren't you~ Marie Antoinette?" Albert said teasingly knowing how much she hate being called by that name
"My name is Marinetta Carolina Carolois not Marie Antoinette!!!!!!! I'm not that "Let them eat cake" french queen!!!!!"MC said angrily. She hate being called by that name
"Your name is beautiful!!!! It really sound like Marie Antoinette~Maybe sometimes I'll call you that~"
"I find that awfully offending"
"Anyway I invited you here. So we can have a nice little chat~" Albert said smiling, seemingly doesn't care about her angry remark just now
"Why don't you just text me? Email me? Or use other social media like Snapchat, Facebook, Discord,Instagram? Hell why didn't just call me to come over or having a video chat?"
"Having a face-to-face meeting is better, healthier than using social media,my dear. I even teleported you here so you won't have to go out in the pouring rain. Aren't I kind~" Albert said proudly
"Ugh this egoistical bastard. He's talking as if he has never done anything wrong. His arrogance is making me sick!!!! I'm pretty sure a lot have been fooled by his gentleman and elegant facade"
MC loathes Albert. He's annoying, sadistic, arrogant, psychopathic and venomous. Abruptly teleporting her to his office without permission is just plain rude. Honestly she just wants to stab him with her pocket knife right now. His fake persona is easily see through to her when they first met. He looks all smile, polite and all, but internally he was actually underestimating her. Probably he thought he's superior to those beneath him
Huh how strange? Even though she's thinking such terrible things, she still has a calm, innocent and collected look on her face
But a part in the young woman enjoy spending time with this "psychotic therapist"
"Thank to you this new outfit I got won't get soaked because of the heavy rain so I'm grateful" She said with a sigh. With that bring a smile to the therapist's face.
"If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the that rose accessory? It's looks beautiful on you~"
"Oh this?" MC said as she touched the rose resting on her head. "This is a gift from my ex-boyfriend. He simply just wanted to get me back":MC said with a little disdain
"Ah yes his name was Jeff right?" Albert is a little annoyed when MC mentioned that guy
Albert is now deep in his train of thoughts
" Jeffrence Almindle, a renowned surgeon in G3 District. He appeared a lot on the medical magazines and a few interviews on TV. Not to mention his upbringing is very prestigious as well, being born in the family that runs multiple high class restaurants in every districts. He's truly a star in the medical field and a perfect man. But to Albert, he's a horrible man "
Albert met Jeff once, that's to be expected considering Albert is the CEO of one of the biggest corporation in the medical field. Well Albert thought they might have get along but their line of work are pretty contradicting, one's specialty is mentality and the other is physics and Jeff was quite condescending toward Albert being therapist. Saying that he's too awful, unbefitting and unstable to be a therapist so their relationship isn't on good terms
Albert thought Jeff was a foolish man for ruining the relationship with an amazing woman like MC
Knowing that Jeff was an ex-lover of MC and her first lover makes Albert feels a little jealous
Why would he feel jealous?
As far as Albert knows. He really has no reason to be jealous of Jeff. He's far more better than Jeff in every aspects so why ? Is is because Jeff was in a relationship with MC?
Hmm MC is a really mysterious woman to say the least. Albert can't really tell what kind of person is she. But she's very much interesting and remind him of Vincent a lot
" Maybe I has fallen in love with her? "
The thought suprised the therapist. To be honest, Albert is fond of this woman and he wants to know about her more. He may have developed a small crush on her. But love is something that has never cross his mind ever since he became the CEO, after all he has important work to do. But then again Albert is still a human and he needs to enjoy life right? Still does someone like Albert even deserve love? He's adored by many but that's not love but only attraction
With what Albert did and the kind of twisted person he is, is Love really something for him though?
MC is getting little weirded out with how Albert went quiet and appeared to be deep in thought
"Hey MC,do you have any love experience?" Albert suddenly spoke up and it was a little surprising to the young woman
Well MC doesn't really have any love experience. Yes she had been in multiple relationships in the past but there never really love in those relationships of hers. She only had them to fulfil her need and doing it for fun but in the end, it couldn't warm up her cold heart. Her first relationship was pretty messed up considering Jeff,her first lover,tried to eat her on their anniversary
Plus with her work, love is never really on her mind to begin with.
"Sorry Albert, I'm not one to ask about such a thing. Yes, I indeed had been in relationships before but those were pretty much because of my own attraction to my past lovers and my need to be honest": MC said nonchalantly
"Ah I see then. Sorry to bother you with a hard question anyway" Albert smiled apologetically
"Anyway do you want to do anything else or have anything to tell me? If not we can end our chat here and I'll see you next time"
A thought crossed MC's mind
"It has been a while since the last time I went on a date, plus this could help with the mission to eliminate this man. Getting his trust would be beneficial for me to get rid of him so why not ?"
"Hey Albert, you free tomorrow? Do you want to go on a date with me?" MC asked, smiling
"Wait what?" Albert is literally dumbfounded and shocked right now, did MC just asked him to go on a date? Really he never would have thought this could happen and this is really happening for real???
MC is immediately wrapped in a hug by Albert. "Yes yes!!! It's a wonderful idea my dear!!!! I've never been on a date before but I'm sure it's a really fun experience!!!!" Albert said all so enthusiastically
"Please it's just a date don't overreacted like that"
"It's my first and I wanted to make it special!!!!"
MC wrapped a hand around Albert's neck so it looks like she's hugging him
" 𝐼𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝒉𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑦, 𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝒉𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 "
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒃 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒏-𝒕𝒐-𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑲𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏'𝒔 𝑪𝑬𝑶 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆
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zukump3 · 4 years
fixated ✰ s. aizawa
aizawa takes interest after you, but he doesn’t really know how to go about it.
genre: fluff, some smut in the second part! fem!reader
warnings: two parter!! aizawa has a CRUSHHHH, he pins after you heavily, counselor!reader. zawa used to have a thing with ms joke, black!reader
a/n: this idea was super cute so i had to write it. i hope you guys like it!!
requested: yes!!
part 2 (coming soon)
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Aizawa has never been one for dating. Honestly, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had a relationship.
Back in high school, when he sat in the very desks his students sat in, he was often teased at by Mic about getting a partner. The hero tried to set him up on dates, give random people his number and all types of other methods, but Aizawa was just never interested. No one really caught his attention that way... until Fukukado came along.
She was everything he despised. She was loud, she talked too much, and she never took anything serious. But somehow she made her way into his cold heart and he indulged in her.
He enjoyed his time with her. Underneath all that goofiness she was a sweet woman who cared deeply for her job and her students. Aizawa felt emotions he had never felt with her, and was a bit peeved when they split. However, they remained friends. Since then, he hasn’t bothered dating with anyone.
“Have you seen the new counselor?!” Aizawa opened one eye to see Kaminari and Sero gushing as they entered the class. “She’s sooo hot. And she’s foreign!”
“Doesn’t she speak English and Japanese fluently though? She’s smart and attractive, jeez.” Sero huffed, and Aizawa furrowed his brow, zipping down his zipper on his yellow sleeping bag.
“Who are you talking about?”
“Miss L/N!” They both yelled, making Aizawa blink. “She’s our new counselor. She said parents were complaining that the students mental health wasn’t being cared about enough, so U.A hired her. She’s from America too.”
“America.” Aizawa groaned. He already had an image in his own eyes—a stereotypically one, but oh well. You probably had blonde hair and blue eyes. There was probably nothing special about you at all. His students weren’t as used to foreigners, so of course they would find you attractive.
Throughout the entire day he kept hearing his students chatter about you. About how kind you were, how pretty your voice sounded, how you looked so unique. He was getting peeved—why was everyone so hung up on you?
He carried the thought with him until the end of the day, when he headed down the hall to what seemed to be your room, just as you were leaving.
And—wow. He really understood why everyone was talking about you.
You weren’t blonde haired, blue eyed at all. Your hair was in a fluffy afro, like Mina’s but kinkier. You had the most supple brown skin and dark eyes that lit up when they caught his. His eyes widened a bit at just how radiating you seemed, your multi colored lips raising into a smile.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Aizawa! I’m L/N,” you spoke, your hand pushing out to shake his. He shook your hand silently, noting at how warm your palm was against his cold one. “I’ve heard a lot about you from your students!”
“You’ve met them?” he asked, voice deep with shock.
“Ahh, well, they kind of pranked me earlier,” you said sheepishly. “They came banging on my door and said there was a fire, and that I needed to leave as soon as I could. But then they said they were just joking when I was about to jump out my window,” you laughed, shaking your head. “They’re pretty goofy huh?”
Aizawa couldn’t help but note at how good your Japanese was. He knew English and Japanese were two different languages—you must’ve been pretty smart and hardworking to learn it.
“Well, I have to go do paperwork at my apartment-hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” you smiled once again. Aizawa only nodded and then you were off, with his eyes burning into your back.
His fists clenched. You were much more attractive than he originally imagined. But he wasn’t going to indulge—he knew that would only end badly.
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The next day, Aizawa heard the same chatter about you. And the next. And the next. He didn’t see you again until about a week later, when he saw you chatting with Midnight and Mic in the lunch line. He cringed—the two were notorious for gossiping and he really hoped they weren’t telling you anything stupid.
“And then I—aye yo, Zawa! Good afternoon! Have you met L/N?!” Mic screamed, and Aizawa’s eyes went to meet yours ago. Your hair was styled differently to the point where he could see your eyes better, and it framed your face so nicely. You waved at him and he smiled sheepishly.
“We were just talking about our high school days~” Midnight’s voice rang out. “American high school is reaaaally different from Japanese high school, according to L/N.”
“The students here are really well behaved, especially in Aizawa’s class,” you smiled at him. “You’re doing a damn good job with them. They’re some of the most charming students I’ve seen! The ones in American high school can be really rude and nasty... I haven’t experienced any of that here. It’s nice.”
Aizawa breathed shakily. Thank god his students weren’t embarrassing him.
“L/N here’s got a degree in psychology and all that mental stuff!” Mic yelled once again as you all moved down the lunch line. “She understands da brain! We really needed someone like her here, with all the breakdowns our students have!”
Aizawa huffed. Teachers, too.
“I’m here for everyone,” you spoke. “Students, teachers, even the Recovery Girl if she’s got a lot on her mind. I’m just here to help everybody as much as I can.”
“Aizawa needs some of that help fo sure!” Mic yelled, smiling so hard all of his long, white teeth showed. “Motherheffa never talks to anyone about his feelings, keeps em balled up! That’s not healthy!”
Aizawa’s ears turned red. “No, I don’t need-“
“I’ll help ya!” you offered, moving so your body was right next to his. He couldn’t help but inhale your scent—it was strong and sweet, something he’d never smelled before. “Don’t worry—whatever we discuss in my room stays in my room. It’s something I pledged to do when I became a therapist.”
Aizawa laughed nervously, shaking his head. “I really don’t-“
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna have a session immediately, no worries,” you shrugged. “But I’m here whenever you need me. I have more work to do later, but I’ll see you guys later!”
And then you were off, with Aizawa’s eyes still on your back.
“You’re staring pretty hard Aizawa,” Midnight raised perfectly done eyebrows. “She’s pretty—I would stare too.”
“Be quiet.” He spluttered, his ears still red as he made his way back to his classroom to eat.
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Another week had passed of Aizawa admiring you from afar. You always came into work with a smile on your face, greeting students with handshakes and hugs—the hugs threw him off a bit, but Kaminari told him it was an “American thing.” He didn’t know how much he would daydream about it until he started to long for hugs from you, thinking of how your arms would wrap around his middle before class.
He wasn’t obsessed with you, no, but rather infatuated. You were intelligent and easy to approach, and your appearance matched your personality. He was attracted to you but due to him not having a relationship in years and also not having the best social skills, he had no idea how to approach you. He didn’t even know much about you. His students knew you more than he did and you were his age! It made no sense.
Time after time during the third week of you being here he tried to talk to you. During lunch, when Midnight and Mic would force you all to sit together, he would want to open his mouth but he couldn’t. He’d come by your room to start conversations after school but the most he’d say was “have a good evening, L/N.” and leave you alone. He even found your social media and took a quick look through your pictures—leaving your page when he saw you in a bikini, his cheeks red.
By the time the fourth week came around, his students and his work buddies were noticing his changes in behavior. He was getting distracted much more than before and whenever someone would mention your name he’d go scarily silent and look deep in thought. It wasn’t until Mina chatted with the rest of the Bakusquad that his students actually began to do something about it.
“Miss L/N!” you heard Jirou’s voice rang out from your doorway, with some other students from Class 1-A coming in behind you. “Good evening~”
“Good evening Jirou! Hey everyone,” you smiled warmly at the students that were entering your classroom, confused as how many of them were coming in. “What’s up...?”
You had formed a pretty close relationship with the class of 1-A during your short time here. You had sessions with most of them and got to know their personalities and feelings pretty well—even Bakugo, who was closed up and rude at first, but eventually shed a few tears in your room.
“Mr. Aizawa said he needed your help with planning lessons today—he said he’s asked everyone else and they’re all busy,” Mina told you, and your brows furrowed in confusion. Aizawa needs help from... you? That was odd. “He needs you to come by as soon as possible!”
“Oh! Well, alright,” you laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck as you stood up and grabbed your phone. “Thanks for telling me—you all get to your dorms and don’t cause too much noise okay?”
You heard rings of “yes, miss l/n’s” as everyone left your room and you locked it behind you. You started to make your way to Aizawa’s classroom, your palms a little sweaty against your notebook. You hadn’t talked to Aizawa in a while and it was weird that he had requested your help, but you didn’t mind getting closer to him. Truthfully, he had been on your mind a lot the past few days—you found him pretty attractive despite his quiet demeanor. Although, you were a new teacher, and didn’t want to be involved with anyone too early in your school year.
Aizawa jumps a bit when he hears sudden loud knocks on your door, and sees your face come into view. “Good evening, Aizawa. You needed my help?”
“Huh?” Aizawa asked, his face twisted in confusion.
“Jirou and Mina came by and said you needed my help with lesson planning—I’m not the best with planning stuff to teach but I don’t mind offering my assistance,” you offered him your normal, gentle smile. “So where do we start?”
Mina and Jirou? Ugh. Of course they would tell you that.
“Um-um-well,” he stuttered, his face already starting to heat up. “I just need a new quirk training game... yeah. That’s why I need help with.” Fuck. He hoped that sounded believable.
“Okay!” you nodded, suddenly taking a seat that was in the corner of the room and sitting right. Next. To. Him. He had to clench his fists to keep his cool, not used to such an attractive woman being so close to him at all. “Where should we start?”
He spent two hours with you discussing new games to play with his students that would also train their quirks, and those were some of the best two hours of his life.
He so enjoyed the time he spent with you. You were so easygoing and natural to talk to—he didn’t feel awkward or nervous talking to you which is what he feared he would feel in the first place. He cracked more smiles with you in the span of two hours than he did the whole week.
“You can’t just make them play dodgeball with their quirks! They’ll get hurt!”
“We have a Recovery Girl for a reason.” Aizawa rolled his eyes, smirking at the glare he got from you.
“Still! You know some of them—Bakugo—are going to take out their anger on other students,” you huffed.
“But it’ll be fun to watch?”
You were quiet for a moment, but inevitably started smirking along with him. “...you’re right. It will be.”
Together, the both of you planned for Class 1-A dodgeball, with you and Aizawa as the referees. You two even planned to go by the outfits together—and now he was out at a sporting store with you, looking for a fucking black and white striped shirt. He couldn’t believe this.
“I’ve never worn one of these before—you think I’ll look cute in it?” you asked him, raising your eyebrows repeatedly and he couldn’t help but chuckle gently at your antics. “I’m serious!”
“I’m sure you will F/N,” he told you, not even noticing his slip up until a few moments later. “I—I meant-“
“So we’re on second base huhhhh? Don’t worry, I’ve accidentally called you Shota a few times to Mic and Midnight. I’m not used to calling people by their last names, we don’t do that in America.”
“You talk about me?” Aizawa couldn’t help but feel a little proud of the fact.
“What?! Of course not, no.” you quickly shook your head, and he grinned at the flustered look on your face. “The only thing I tell them about is how you need more sleep. Your brain doesn’t function correctly on a small amount of sleep.”
“My brain doesn’t function correctly at all.”
“Wrong. You’re pretty smart, Aizawa. Pretty understanding too,” you hummed, you two walking through the aisles so you could get whistles. “Your students are always telling me how much you care about them, even though you don’t show it. They really appreciate you you know?”
He was expressionless, but his heart did warm a little bit at your words. “I know.”
You two bought the items and soon enough you were back at the school. You got out of his car, sending him a wave and a quick goodbye before heading to your own car, and Aizawa let out the longest sigh of his life.
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Summary: You meet someone from Negan’s life. Continuation of thirds
Pairing: AU Negan x reader ((female, named Eddie) and others)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men. also hella long
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Your farewell party was towards its end. Only a few of your friends and family members remained.
You were hanging out by the bonfire sipping on your seltzer.
You glanced over at Negan who was congregating with other adults. He was preoccupied with his phone. He typed a messaged and slide it back into his front pocket before saying goodbye to your dad.
“Hey, Klaus, I’m gonna head out” he said giving him a hand shake and half a hug
“We’ll see you” your dad said
“Bye Frankie, thank you” he gently shook your moms hand with both hands
“Anytime” your mom said gracefully
Negan then approached you across the yard, “Eddie. Good luck out there”
He gave you a very appropriate hug, contradicted by what he whispered in your ear, “Come for your gift later. Back door is unlocked”
You had to have a another piece of him before you left for another semester.
Once the party died down and your folks slipped into bed, you hopped the fence to Negan’s yard.
You came through the back door. Trying to be quiet, knowing the night hours amplified every sound.
After you slid the glass door shut you turned to face the room and noticed a woman standing in his kitchen fixing a drink.
You locked eyes with her. Your heart dropped to your belly.
“I- uh- I’m sorr-“ you began explaining, stepping backwards, your arm blindly searching behind for the door handle.
“Relax Eddie. Negan said you’d be stopping by” her voice surprisingly calming.  
She walked around the corner of the island, two glasses in hand. Your heart pumped harder with every click of her heels. You couldn’t help but notice how her navy blue pant suit hugged her lower half perfectly. Her white blouse teasingly revealing her chest.  
As the distance closed between you you admired her facial features. Sharp jaw, crisp eyebrows, and an average nose on warm ivory skin.
You watch her full long lips move in slow motion “Whisky or wine?”
“Uh- Whiskey” you said softly after the words registered.
“Good, cause I’m Italian” she laughed and handed you your drink.
I can’t be sober right now you advised yourself, and immediately took a swig, keeping a stoic expression as the alcohol burned your throat.
“Whoa! Didn’t even flinch!” she commented.
“Comn lets have a seat” she said as a gentle hand pushed you towards the living room couch.
You sat anxiously. Elbows on your knees, sweaty palms clutching your glass tumbler.
She sat more comfortably, leaned back, her outside leg crossed over her other, and torso rotated to face you.
Before she started any conversation you blurted out, “who are you?”
“You probably should have asked the sooner. Stranger danger, y’know” she joked.
“But who you do you think I am?” She asked curiously. Taking a sip of her wine.
“Uh, I think you’re the main lady, and I’m a home wrecker and I shouldn’t be here” you took another gulp of your drink, trying to dilute your fear.
“Well, I am the other lady-“
Oh god. You immediately brought the drink back to your mouth, but her hand tapped yours, keeping you from drinking too quickly.
“But I know who you are. And you’re not a home wrecker. Negan is my partner and I’m his, and we’re open”
Relief washed over you.
“You know you could’ve have led with that. Not this ‘I am the main lady’ shit” you mocked her, your defenses quickly falling with the new information.
“I know, but you just seemed fun to play with” she giggled.
“I’m Diana”
“So, Diana, Negan has told you about me huh” you were a bit embarassed. Not knowing what negan shared exactly.
Did he tell her you just had sex or did he provide details? Did he tell her how he fucked you in your bathroom with company right outside? Or how he held you down and came on your face?
“Yes. He has”
There was a short streak of silence before you spoke again, “How do you do that?”
She finished her sip, softly smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth to savor her wine, before clarifying your question, “Do what hon?”
“Be with other people?” You sought guidance on your own relationship
“Well for one, we trust and respect each other. And we’re honest. So it’s not cheating.”
“When one of us sleeps with someone else we tell each other, get tested. And teach other new tricks” She smiled mischievously before taking another sip of her wine.
“But it’s not for everyone” she added when she saw your not so eager expression
You nodded, really listening to what she had to say.
“So how’d you meet?” You asked leaning back.
“I’ve known Negan for years actually. But we didn’t start a relationship until a year and some months ago.”
“I’m a physical therapist and I was working with one of his athletes after ACL reconstruction. And he stopped by well into her rehab program - with her parents of course - to clarify what she could and couldn’t do during practice. So I met negan then, that was about 8 years go”
“I’ve worked with a couple other of his athletes since then. He joins an appointment once in a while to check in on restrictions”
“But the first time we dated was after we ran into each other at a bar. He had just lost his wife and I was fresh off a divorce. We were there for eachother, emotionally... physically.”
“Though we didn’t last the first time. We were on and off again for like a year. We couldn’t stay loyal. We eventually found our way back, when we realized we couldn’t stay loyal to other people either.” She laughed.
“And here we are. Together, happy, understood.”
You nodded, getting a bigger picture of the situation.
“Where is Negan by the way?” You looked over the couch thinking he was hiding somewhere
“He went out to get some wine” she swirled her empty glass before setting it on the table
“Told him to re-stock before I got here. But he didn’t listen. Tells me he was a little busy.”
You knew that comment was a shot at you
Before you could respond you both heard the open and looked over the back of the couch to see negan walk in with a brown bag.
“Hey Eddie! You’re here!” He said excitedly un-phased by his girlfriend sitting next to you.
He walked over to you both
“Hey Dee” greeting her with a soft kiss
It looked so natural.
“Got your favorite,” he gestured at the wrapped bottle, lifting it slightly.
Negan walked into his kitchen and began prepping his glass.
“I’ll get you a refill” Diana tapped your thigh as she stood up and walked with both glasses to Negan.
You heard a quiet conversation between them and thought it best to leave.
“Hey, so I’m gonna head out” you stood up, “nice meeting you,” you gestured awkwardly.
“What! Eddie no, you gotta open your gift first” Negan said while pouring wine into the the two glasses.
“Ah, thanks negan, I’m sure it can wait—“
“Eddie.” Diana interjected.
She walked toward to you, until she was mere inches away. She was shorter than Negan but taller than you. Even without the heels you were sure she’d still have 3-4 inches on you.
“Are you sure you wanna leave?” She lightly put her hands on your hips.
You looked toward Negan. He just casually took a sip of his wine. Then It clicked.
She was your gift.
Your silence was enough for her. She slowly leaned in, giving you an opportunity to pull away.
Your soft lips met hers.
God it felt different. You wouldn’t say better than Negan or other men, but something about kissing this beautiful, grown woman was quenching something you didn’t know you were thirsty for.
Your alcohol infused tongues exchanges flavors but it didn’t stop you from continuing.
Diana pulled away. Too soon for your liking.
“Can I take this off?” She toyed with zipper of your hoodie.
You were completely underdressed but you didn’t expect an encounter with a professional woman. You expected a quick, hard farewell fuck.
You swallowed audibly.
“Yes,” your voice cracked slightly.
You weren’t wearing a bra. Your breasts immediately shifted outside your clothing as your zipper opened up. Her hands dragged up along your ribs, her touch trigged goosebumps causing your nipples to perk up.
“I like these,” she said kissing you again as her fingers pinched your pierced buds. Harder than you expected, not painful, but her force caused your mouth fall open breaking the contact with your lips.
She laughed, proud but not surprised that she was making you act like this. She brought her lips back to continue kissing you.
With your eyes closed, tongue busy, your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Her hands stopped their mannerisms on your nipples and gripped your wrists and pushed them away
“Nuh-uh” she rejected your actions.
Her hands till wrapped around your wrists, she walked you backwards to the couch you were just sitting on. Diana went down to her knees. She leaned to kiss your navel, simultaneously undoing your jean button. She kissed up your abdomen, between your breast. As more of her body made contact with you, your hips began grinding up.
She took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it before lightly biting it.
“Ahh” you moaned as she hooked her teeth on your horizontal jewelry and pulled  up - how negan had done the first time.
They definitely exchanged notes. She switched to the other nipple and did the same.
“Take these off” she gripped the hem of your pants.
You lifted your hips of the couch and she helped pull them through your legs. Exposing your wet pussy to her.
“Look at that” she brought her fingers to your womanhood and spread your juices.
You looked down the middle of your chest, Diana between your legs.
Without warning Diana sucked on you clit. Swirling her toungue around it at the same time.
“Oh god!” You whined “fuck!”
She started softly and quickly increased her suction causing you to squirm. Diana swooped her hands under your knees to pin your lower half open to her. Her force spreading your legs was comfortable, enough to limit your movements but not stretching you to your limits as most men would do.
She stopped completely. Pissing you off a little.
“You wanna come?” She asked, already knowing your answer
You nodded.
She returned her mouth to your center. Sticking her tongue out, her eyes locked on yours. She barely flicked your nerve bundle with just the tip.
“Ughhh” escaped you wantonly, your pelvis pushing towards her mouth.
She flicked it little more roughly every subsequent time until she had your whole clit back between her lips. Her tongue working harder than before.
“Mmmhhh!” You groaned intensely. Biting some of the fabric of your hoodie that you were still wearing.
“Oh god- Oh god” you moaned louder and squirmed harder.
Diana’s had to force you down more. “Ugh! Fu- fu- I’m gon—“
“Motheerfuckker!” Both hands pulled downward on the open waistband of your hoodie while your back extended - so much thought it was gonna snap
You rode out your orgasm, instinctively grinding your pussy on Diana’s mouth.
Your eyes closed as your chest continued to rise and fall heavily. Diana gave one of your inner thigh light pecks before releasing your knees from her grasp. She came up to your lips, her hands using the back of the couch as leverage, then you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You’re beautiful Eddie” she whispered to you.
“Does she always come that hard?” She asked Negan, who you had forgotten was in the room.
“Hardest I’ve seen her” Negan said.
“Though, she’s always sensitive afterwards, which you know I like” he smiled
Diana looked at your eyes, and unexpectedly brought her soft fingers back down to your clit.
You automatically crossed your legs and tried to flip over under Diane.
Both Negan and Diana giggled. You followed suit, really having enjoyed your present.
“That’s cute Eddie” Diana commented on your reaction, sucking on your neck before getting up to walk over to Negan.
Negan handed her a second glass of wine and your whiskey glass.
Diana passed the drink on to you. You took a small swig and set it down on the table and reached for your pants on the floor.
Negan and Diane began kissing each other passionately, not minding your taste between them.
The smacking of their tongues and lips echoed softly.
You pulled your jeans up your thighs with your hoodie remaining unzipped.
Diana noticed you prepared to exit and stopped her kiss with Negan, and tilted her head towards you.
Negan turned to you, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You had a blank stare as your hands froze with your hoodie zipped halfway.
“We’re not done with you sweetheart” Diana added
“She means, there’s more to your present” Negan smiled
“Grab your drink” Diana said as she walked over and pulled on the strings of your hoodie, leading you towards the stairs.
You finished your whiskey as you walked up the stairs, before entering the familiar room.
Diana grabbed the empty glass from you hand and set it on Negan’s dresser along with her half full glass.
Diana led you the bed, “sit.”
she began undressing you from your two garments until you laid completely naked under her. She kissed you and rubbed her clothed body against yours.
Your hands were on her hips encouraging her movements. You attempted to untuck her blouse ignoring your failed attempt downstairs. She didn’t restrict you this time. You pulled her shirt from her waist band and unbuckled her thin belt. Diana stopped her actions to unbotton her blouse and tossed it to the side before resuming to kiss you.
“Dirty girls” you heard Negan enter the room. You could swear you felt your pussy release more fluids at the sound of his voice.
You propped yourself on your elbows and witnessed Negan remove his black shirt and kick off his boots. Diana hopped off you to remove her pants, leaving her in a lacey, beige bra and underwear set.
Negan stepped to kiss Diane, and unclipped her bra. He gripped her breast and eventually her ass and pushed her front against his.
“Mmhhh” Negan groaned when Diana broke the kiss and sucked on his neck down his chest, while a free hand rubbed him through his black Levi’s.
It turned you on, and you did something you never thought you would do.
You brought your hand to your womanhood and began touching yourself, feeing how wet your really were.
“Enjoying the view?” Negan commented.  
Embarrassment coursed through your blood, and you removed your hand.
“Don’t stop” Negan said, “keep playing with yourself darling.”
“Let go” Diana added, kissing down Negan’s abdomen
You brought your hand back to pleasure yourself. Circling your clit with alternating pressure.
Negan unbuckled his belt, and let his member free, pulling his pants to mid-glute.
Diana sensually sucked the head of his cock, Negan tossed his head back. She dragged her tongue from the underside of his base back to the tip. Eventually, taking him entirely into her mouth.
“Agh!” Negan reacted to the deep throat, “that’s it baby. Fuck!”
The sounds of gargling and slobber coming from her pleasuring him brought you closer to the edge. You began rubbing her clit faster, building up release.
Negan caught you getting close.
“Don’t come Eddie.” He said in between breathes, “wait for us”
You were so close but figured that what they would give you would bring more pleasure than what you could give yourself. You willed yourself to stop.
Diana popped off Negan’s dick and came to kneel next to your torso, head opposite of yours. Negan removed his pants and dragged you closer to edge of the mattress.
His long middle finger pushed easily into your wet entrance
“Mmhhh” escaped you.
He pumped his digit in and out while Diana rubbed your clit.
Negan removed his finger and brought his member to your center.He dragged it through your folds, teasing you. Your eyes alternating between Negan’s facial expressions and his cock.
“Fuck” you dropped your head back, desperate to feel him inside you.
“You’re right, Negs, not very patient” Diana laughed, lightly smacking your clit a few times, causing you to jolt in spontaneous directions.
“That’s what makes her fun” Negan explained, continuing to tease you with his manhood.
“Cause she’ll eventually-” one more drag of cock against you...
“Give in!” He pushed himself entirely into you.
“Ughhhh!” you moaned
Negan stilled inside you, you walls beating against him. He leaned down to kiss you, his hips making zero movements.
With his mouth still on yours he pulled out halfway and gave you one hard and fast pump, causing you jaw to open and break the kiss
“What did I tell you about punching above your weight class?” He said rhetorically
“And tonight, there’s two of us” He laughed
He stood back up and began pushing in and out of you at a moderate pace. Diana continued to rubbed your nerve bundle.
“Harder, please” you asked
“Patience” Diana reminded you
“Oh, shell learn patient after this” Negan warned.
He picked up the pace and your release was closer than ever. Especially with Diana working your clit perfectly.
“She’s close” Negan announced.
Diana brought her lips to yours. Negan fucked your harder and faster, you could feel his balls push against you, and the slapping sounds confirmed it.
Your moans were captured by Diana’s mouth.
“She’s gonna come” Negan said through his gritted teeth.
“Fuck!” You yelled into Diana’s kiss, you felt yourself come undone.
You tried to pull your lips away but Diana held you head in place to continue kissing you.
Negan slowed down his pace slightly after your orgasm but didn’t stop. Neither did Diana’s hand.
“Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Ne— ple—“ You werent able to escape her kiss.
You tried to remove Diana’s hand from your pussy but she pinned it down. So you tried to pushed away from Negan further up the bed, but he pulled your hips closer to his.
You tightly closed your eyes, a few more seconds went by and you felt a second release. You heard gushing sounds matching Negan’s thrusts and felt your thighs becoming wet.
Negan slowed down and remained inside you, as your lower body twitched and squirmed.
“I knew wed get her to squirt” Negan said before celebrating with a kiss from Diana.
“You okay Eddie?” Negan asked still slowly pumping himself into you.
You nodded, your face covered by your crossed forearms.
He flipped your over, legs hanging off the edge, and he picked up the pace once more.
You tried to use the sheets to get gain some distance between your sensitive pussy and negans thick cock.
“No, you don’t” he pulled you back.
You felt wetness over your puckered hole, followed by a finger. Your glutes contracted involuntary.
“Relax” Diana tried to soothe you, “relax for me”
Negan slowed down. You a deep breathe in between thrusts and we’re able to relax a bit more.
Diana inserted one of her fingers in your anus and wiggled it inside you, Negan picked up speed again.
“Oh, already?” Negan exclaimed.
“I know you’re there honey” Negan knowing your were close, “Let us have it!”
“Oh fuckkkk” another orgasm hitting you Followed by a small release of extra fluids.
Negan leaned over your back and sucked on your shoulder and neck before congratulating you “Good job baby, you just might be able to go the rounds”
“Aghhh” you moaned into the bed as he pushed slowly and deeper a few more times.
Negan pulled entirely out of you, your walls pulsating every so often recovering from your intense orgasms.
“Aghhh” you let out softly as you felt Diana’s finger exit your picked hole.
Negan stepped into his bathroom to dry off a bit.
During this intermission, you brought your legs onto the bed, to lay on your side, facing Diana.  
You reached between your tighs to inspect your wetness. Maybe it was all in your head.
“Was that your first time?” Diana asked
“Um, yeah...”
“I’m sor—“ you were caught of guard when she brought your fingers into her mouth to suck on them.
You were mesmerized by her actions
She finished, chuckled, and smiled at you, “What were you sorry for?”
“Um, the—“ You stuttered pointing at the wet stains on the comforter “-the sheets”
“Don’t be sorry. I expect messes from dirty girls” Negan said returning.
“And you’re a dirty girl” he spanked you ass and firmly rubbed it after.
Diana positioned you face up and straddled you. She leaned to kiss you as Negan gripped Diana’s hips and entered her.
He pushed inside her more delicately than he’d ever done with you. You saw Diana’s eye lids flutter with pleasure at her lovers intrusion.
“Ah, Fuck” she moaned into your neck.
Negan fucked Diana on top you. He alternated speed, building up her climax while holding back his own.
While pumping into her, Diana whispered to you, “Touch me”
Frozen by her request you did nothing.
“Touch me” she repeated, reaching for one of your hands that rested on the outside of her thighs.
She brought your hand to her center. You hesitantly began rubbing her.
“That’s it Eddie” she encouraged you “just like that”
Your fingers occasionally bumped into Negan’s dick that was entering and exiting Diana.
Negan leaned over and whispered to Diana, “I need to come now”
Diana turned her neck over to give him a kiss of approval.
Negan snaked his hand in Diana’s hair and pulled harshly, followed by a playful yelp from Diana.
Negan began jackmhammering into her, making growling sounds that never left his throat.
“Ughh” both moaned, coming at the same time, on top of you.
Negan let go of Diana’s hair, and her body weight rested on you. Negan continued to slowly pumping himself in Diana as he softened.
He eventually exited her and flopped himself on the bed next you and Diana, catching his breath.
As Diana reached between her legs, you felt Negan’s cum drip from Diana’s pussy onto yours.
Diana collected some of Negan’s release on her fingers and brought them to your mouth.
You opened and sucked on them. Not breaking eye contact.
“Do you like the taste of me and my boyfriend?”
You nodded, her fingers still in your mouth.
Diana slid off you, to sandwich you between herself and Negan.
“So when are you back from school?” Diana asked.
“Christmas” you said through a yawn.
“We’ll have to get you another presents then”
Your stomach fluttered at her words as the three of you drifted to sleep, limbs stacked upon each other.
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
The Temple- Chapter 4
Hey y’all, here’s the 4th and final chapter of The Temple. I might come back and do an epilogue, what do y’all think?
Check out my masterlist HERE for more of my stories!
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @nahimjustfeelingit-writes, @quietstorm-73, @ladymac82
CW: smut
Word count: 3185
N’Jadaka was shaken from his thoughts when the vibration from the Dora Milaje’s vibranium staffs went through the boat and into the river. He danced with his family as the water swirled down the drainage system his ancestors built hundreds of years ago, and the falls dried up slowly as the party commenced. Shuri noticed his return to reality and grabbed him for a dance before he could disappear into his head again. The royal family moved in sync with the drums while everyone sang in honor of their new, soon-to-be-crowned prince.
Representatives from each tribe were invited to celebrate N’Jadaka’s crowning, and each boat held about a hundred tribe members. Unfortunately the falls weren’t big enough for all of Wakanda to get to see the event up close and personal, but just like Challenge Day it would be televised to the whole country. When he found out just how many eyes would be on him, N’Jadaka grew nervous. He didn’t know how to be in the public eye as anything other than the monster he once was, but the whole country seemed to believe in him. More importantly, his family believed in him, and now he was finally becoming what he was always supposed to be. He would officially be Prince N’Jadaka, Son of Prince N’Jobu.
N’Jadaka came out of his shell the more he danced with his family, but his nerves grew again as the boats neared the edge and hovered their way down the falls, dropping the tribes off at their respective sections. He knew it was only a matter of minutes, now. 
Once their boat touched down, N’Jadaka and the royal family disembarked and took their places front and center. Nakia and T’Challa stepped forward and addressed the crowd. N’Jadaka tried his best to listen, but his heart was beating so loud he couldn't hear anything else. When Nakia reached out her hand to bring him up with them, he could barely move, prompting Ramonda to give him a little nudge. He quickly snapped out of it and stepped forward, the crowd cheering then quieting again.
There he stood, wearing the same traditional shorts as T’Challa, with the Jaguar habit around his neck, his father’s ring on his finger, gold slugs in his teeth, new gold bracelet, and gold earrings in his ears with his hair braided back. He didn’t know it at the time, but he looked just like his father in that moment. 
Ramonda and Shuri made their way to stand with them as a woman in purple entered with a wooden box. 
“N’Jadaka,” the king turned to face him, tears in his eyes. “It has been a long journey for you, umzala, but welcome home.”
The woman then opened the box and N’Jadaka was presented with his crown. It was similar to Shuri’s with the jaguar mandible, but with black and gold beading and two golden canine teeth. Ramonda lifted the crown from the beautifully crafted Jabari wood box and cried tears of happiness as she placed it on her nephew’s head. 
“It was your father’s,” Ramonda said, cupping his face in her hands.
“Come on, Auntie. You’re gonna make me cry,” N’Jadaka said, tears already running down his face.
“The teeth were my idea,” Shuri added as he pulled them both in for a hug.
The two of them stepped back after making sure his crown was secure on his head before the entire royal family turned to face the crowd, saluting them in unison and shouting, “Wakanda forever!”
He looked up at the crowd as they echoed the salute and he was able to make out tears on the faces of the people he knew. His therapist Ife had come, as had several of the other Ithemba patients from his time there. M’Baku and Okoye looked on with approval, both too proud to shed a single tear. He saw a few of Shuri’s lab assistants who had been there when he woke up and saw him at his worst staring at him with pride. He even saw the little old lady from the market and he was glad he made the choice to wear her bracelet today. Finally, his eyes landed on a group of people in all white towards the top of the falls before landing on the one person he really wanted to see.
Aisha smiled at him and blew him a kiss from afar, and it took everything in him to not reach out and catch it. T’Challa noticed his goofy smile and followed his gaze up the falls.
“Is that Aisha?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Mhm, that’s her,” he said dreamily.
T’Challa shook him out of his stupor.
“Come, cousin, you will see her later. You only have one crowning! Well, I guess you have had two, but you know what I-”
“Honey, stop rambling, lets go,” Nakia pulled T’Challa back on the boat and the rest of the family followed shortly after. They all made it back to the palace to change clothes for the feast in the prince’s honor.
N’Jadaka stared at himself in the mirror when he was finally alone in his room. He looked just like his mom and he hoped she could see him from the ancestral plane. He could almost hear her going, “Look at my baby!” and a happy tear escaped his eye at the thought. He stared at his baba’s crown on his head and wondered what he had looked like in his royal garb. He never got to meet Prince N’Jobu in all his royal glory, and he made a mental note to look for pictures later. 
The prince changed into an all-black suit with gold accents, still donning his crown of course, and left to join the festivities. When he made his entrance you couldn’t tell him a damn thing, he was so full of himself. He walked down those stairs like he owned them, and when he joined the rest of the family at their table he was in such high spirits he couldn’t stop smiling. His joy affected everyone at the table and even somehow reached to the rest of the party.
Wakandans love to party, so they worked their dinner off with some dancing. With A Hennessy bottle in his hand for most of the night, N’Jadaka danced the night away, tiring himself out and eventually excusing himself to get some fresh air. He set down his bottle of Hennessy and headed outside the hall towards the balcony. He stood there looking over all of Wakanda and feeling at peace when he suddenly felt a pulling in his stomach.
He turned around and there she was again, wearing a form fitting off the shoulder white dress and gold accessories that glowed even brighter on her satiny dark brown skin. Her braids had been intricately tied back into a bun with gold ribbon and golden heels on her feet. His voice caught in his throat and almost a whole minute went by before he said anything.
“You look beautiful,” he was finally able to get out after shaking himself out of his shock.
That smile he loved so much crept up her face and her dimples came out of hiding.
“Thank you, my prince. You look good in clothes,” she said cheekily, undressing him with her eyes but trying to be respectful. She couldn’t get the naked image of him out of her head.
“Well thank you,” he laughed.
“And that crown looks good on you. How does it feel?” 
“Light,” he responded after thinking for a moment. He reached out and grabbed her hand before leading her over to a bench off to the side. The two of them caught up on what had been going on in their lives over the past two weeks since they saw each other last.
“Into the wall?!” 
“Yeah girl, that’s just what happens being in Shuri’s lab sometimes. You know, I could show you-” he was interrupted by the king and queen coming out to the patio.
“Oh, this is where you disappeared to. You know you’ve abandoned your own party, right?” Nakia asked as she plopped down on another bench, relieving her aching feet. “And what is your name?”
“Aisha, my queen. My king,” she saluted them both and they waved her off.
“Any friend of my cousin’s is a friend of ours. So tell me Aisha, what-”
“Nope, we’re gonna go now,” N’Jadaka interrupted before the king could embarrass him. “I’ll see you later T, Queenie.” He dapped up T’Challa and kissed Nakia on the cheek before grabbing Aisha’s hand and leading her away from them.
The king and queen waved them goodbye, and as soon as the two lovebirds were out of sight they turned to eachother and snickered like children.
“Is that the one you were telling me about?” Nakia asked. She always loved gossiping with her husband.
“Mhm, he’s crazy about her. What do you think?”
“Did you see how they looked at each other? I’d be very surprised if she's not a princess by this time next year.”
Back inside, the prince and the Daughter of Bast had caught the eye of nearly everyone in the room but neither of them noticed. They danced the rest of the night and only sat down once the crowd started to dwindle.
“Want to get out of here? I think I’ve shown my face enough for one day,” the prince said as he stood and reached out his hand to pull her up from her seat. 
“I was ready an hour ago, let’s go,” she said, leaving the festivities on the arm of the prince.
“Wait, is this allowed?” N’Jadaka asked, breaking away from her lips for a moment. His hands gripped her hips tight while his lips travelled up and down her neck. They found their way to the edge of the bed and Aisha straddled him. 
“Of course it is,” she giggled as his beard tickled her skin. She grinded her hips into his lap, removing his shirt while he unzipped the back of her dress. He tongue kissed her neck and moved up  to her ear.
“Get up, then,” he said before slapping her ass with both hands. She moaned into his ear, then got up.
He kissed her collarbone lightly as he pulled her dress down her body, facing some resistance around her hips and ass. His lips travelled down to her perky nipples, remembering how sensitive they were to his touch last time. Aisha let out a moan and sat back down on his lap, grinding her bare pussy into him again.
His fingers found their way to her clit as he bit her bottom lip lightly. He tugger on it before going in for the kill, tongueing her mouth like his life depended on it. She moaned into the kiss as his fingers explored her pearl.
“Yessss,” she let out.
“Right there?” He teased. “Or right here?” He moved his fingers further down, spreading her lips and entering her slowly.
She loved the feeling of his thick fingers stretching her out so much that he added a third finger and picked up the pace. All Aisha could do was moan and cum until she was unable to hold herself up, grabbing onto his neck for support. 
“Tapping out on me already?” He teased again.
“Not at all, my prince.”
He growled and laid back, picking her up and placing her on his face.
“Good, ride this tongue babygirl.” He slapped her ass and she got comfortable on her throne.
His tongue immediately wrapped around her erect clit and he let out a moan, enjoying the taste of her. His tongue was pure magic the way it moved against her, and her pussy was like a faucet for him. His thick tongue travelled down to her hole and entered her, swirling around and massaging that spot inside her that made her legs shake.
“Mmm, baby, ooh just like that. Just like that.” Her hips moved back and forth over his face as his tongue worked her insides. 
His grip on her hips tightened and he let out a deep growl when he heard her call him baby. 
“Call me that again.”
“Yes, baby, yes, oh my Bast, mmm.”
He sucked on her clit and her body seized while her juices rained down on his face. She slumped down and stared at him as he cleaned his plate before hopping off and right onto his dick.
“Mmm, baby, you feel so good inside me,” she said as her hips twirled like a tornado, rendering him speeechless. His hands came up to play with her nipples as she rode him and she came almost immediately. 
She rode him all night, edging him while easily spinning around and periodically switching from reverse to forward cowgirl. 
He couldn’t do anything but grunt and moan and hold on tight since she was in complete control. When his body began to twitch and his eyes fought to keep from rolling to the back of his head, she sped up, bouncing her ass on his pelvis while her hips moved in a circle. She leaned down so that her lips brushed his ear.
“Cum for me, baby. Cum in this pussy.”
Once again, his body obeyed her command and he released inside of her with a roar. After being teased all night, his body finally felt relief and a wave of fatigue washed over him. 
Aisha tried to pull herself off of him, but the prince wouldnt let her waist go. She laid  her head on his chest and they fell asleep with him still inside her.
Their nap only lasted so long before they were up fucking again. The whole night consisted of sex and pillowtalk, and didn’t make it to sleep until around 5am. They fell asleep in the exact same position they did earlier. 
Aisha was awakened by the sound of a knock at the door and a stirring beneath her, but she was too tired to open her eyes. Her human pillow grunted at the disturbance, but didn’t seem too concerned until they knocked again.
“Hamba!” N’Jadaka yelled towards the door, and Aisha giggled at his early morning grumpiness. 
On the other side of the door, T’Challa heard her laugh and stepped back from the door, smirking on the way back to the dining room to join the rest of his family for breakfast.
N’Jadaka had their breakfast brought to the room and the two of them lazed around all morning eating and growing closer.
“You know, it’s weird.” N’Jadaka started.
“What is?” Aisha asked, sitting up with her legs tucked under her.
“You and me. I, uh, I saw you before we met...in a daydream while I was jerkin it in the jacuzzi.”
She snorted and they both broke out into a laughing fit.
“Nah, I’m serious though, ma.  Everything down to your tattoo,” he said as his hands caressed the ink up and down the side of her body.
“Maybe we knew eachother in a past llife,” her hand came out to caress his face and he leaned into it, planting a kiss on her inner wrist. 
“Maybe we did...who do you think we were?”
Aisha laid down on his chest and stared at the ceiling while he ran his fingers through her braids. They stayed like that for another ten minutes before Aisha broke the silence.
“What if we were just two people who met and fell in love? You could have been a traveller from the merchant tribe and maybe you saw me from afar, swimming in the river and were drawn to me. Or maybe we were childhood friends that grew closer as we got older and eventually fell in love, “ Aisha mused. 
“You said love, twice,” the prince pointed out.
She paused.
“I guess I did, huh?”
They stared into each other’s eyes.
“I know it seems early, but...after you left the Temple I couldn't get you out of my head. I feel...connected to you in so many ways.” she grabbed his hand and brought the palm to her bosom. “I already feel your heart beating in my chest. Baby, I felt your pain. I’ve never connected with anyone like that. And then when I’m around you i get this feeling in my stomach-”
“Like someone’s pulling you-”
“Yeah, that’s- wait, you feel it too?” she looked up at him with her slanted feline eyes and he gazed into them lovingly.
“Ever since the first time I saw you, babygirl.”
Their romantic moment was ruined by a tiny black furball with a shiny gold collar sneak-attacking them and landing on the bed.
“I was wondering where you were!” Aisha lifted her and snuggled her close, the kitten purring and rubbing her head against Aisha’s face. “What’d you name her?”
“Cleo, like Cleopatra,” he said through a smile, enjoying the sight of her doting on his fur baby.
“The perfect name for a little queen like her,” Aisha booped her nose then set her down to play on the bed. 
“Do you have to get back?” he asked her, changing the subject but hoping she’ll say no.
“Nope, I see patrons on my own time, there’s no schedule...but I haven’t really been seeing much of anybody lately,” she admitted.
“Why not?” he sat up, concerned.
“It doesnt feel the same to me...my body reacts to you, but not to anyone else anymore. You broke my pussy.” 
He fought a smirk from appearing on his face. He didn’t want her to leave the Temple because of him, but he did like knowing he was the only one her body responds to. 
“I’ve been thinking about leaving…” Aisha said nervously.
“Look at me,” he said to her, tipping her chin up so that she was looking into  his eyes. “Are you doing this for you?”
“Yes, I can’t provide pleasure if I’m not pleased myself. You’re the only one I want to touch me... Plus I just don't want to leave here,” she smiled up at him.
“Then don’t.”
“I’m not,” she giggled.
“No, I’m serious. I don't mean just like right now. Don’t leave, stay here in the palace with me.”
Her eyes got big and a smile grew on her face. He tilted her head so that her lips were just an inch away from his.
“You know you my princess, right?” he asked before lightly planting a kiss on her lips. She looked at him and nodded her head before going back in for another.
In that moment, N’Jadaka felt whole for the first time ever. He hadn’t experienced love and affection in such a long time, but now he can’t imagine his life without it. Not only the beautiful woman in his bed, but his family and his country as well. 
The smile on his face grew wider and a tear came to his eye. This is what his life was always supposed to be, and at last he found it.
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enthusiasticharry · 4 years
Baby Steps
summary: you’re harry’s sons therapist, and he isn't the only one you end up helping.
word count: hi! it has been a long while since I’ve posted on here so I hope you enjoy this 8.6k piece of pure fluff and smut!
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As a child, Harry had never been given many opportunities to freely express himself. He grew up in a rural area where the sheep overruled the people and the only extra-circular activity available was playing football at the park with his friends that weren’t truly his friends. He was only a mere teenager when he decided that whenever he had kids, he would give them as many opportunities as possible. 
He tried in school, don’t discourage him about that, but it didn’t work out as planned. That’s how he ended up working within the company he did. He started from the bottom, working 9 to 5 within a cubicle everyday until he had worked up to become chief editor. He had his own office, with his name written on a plaque upon the door and his photos sat upon the desk. It made day to day that little bit more enjoyable.
“Finishing early today, Mr. Styles?” Genevieve asked, watching as he closes his door behind him. 
“Yes, I am.” He smiles politely, “It’s been in the calendar for weeks.” 
“I’ve noticed.” He knew she hadn’t. Genevieve was okay at her job, he supposed. She was an apprentice the company had hired straight out of university and of course he didn’t mind that she was still finding her feet, “Enjoy your evening, Mr. Styles.” 
“You too, Genevieve.” He nods his head at the girl and walks towards the exit. 
At the ripe age of twenty-eight, Harry knew that he still had his entire life ahead of him but at the same time he was pretty content. He had his job, his small town house and more importantly his son, Theo. He hadn’t expected his girlfriend of a couple of months to get pregnant but in his mind he knew what had happened and that it was something that the two of them had to take responsibility for, but she didn’t think the same thing. Harry had loved her, and he had hoped that she had loved him and their son as much as he did but it just wasn’t meant to be. He had suspected that she was going to leave, he just hadn’t expected it to be in the middle of the night whilst their son was a month old and still nursing. 
It was the following morning that Harry knew that he was going try his damned hardest to be the best Father possible for his son, try to give him the world and everything good that came along with it. 
“Harry!” Mrs. Walters, the woman who lives next door exclaims as she throws the door open, “Please come in.” 
“Hi Mrs. Walters.” He smiles, following the elderly woman into the living room, “Has he been good today?” 
“We had a little disagreement at nap time but apart from that he’s been perfect!” 
“I’m glad to hear it. He’s never been the biggest fan of naps.” 
Just seeing Theo’s little face light up as he walked into the room was enough reason to keep his heart beating for centuries. Theo was the absolute double of Harry, and he could even see it himself. Even at three years old he had his father’s green eyes and curly brown hair and it was another thing that caused his love for his little man to grown everyday.
“Dada!” He toddled over to his father, only just starting to feel confident upon his feet, and wrapped his arms around Harry’s legs, his chunky cheeks pressed against his shin. 
“Hi bubba.” He picks his son up and rests him upon his hip, “Did you have a nice day with Mrs. West?” 
Theo nods and drops his head down upon Harry’s shoulder with a light sigh of content.
“He’s been amazing, Harry, don’t worry.” The older woman drops her head to Harry’s free shoulder, “I’ll see you two tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow, Mrs. West.” 
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Theo’s little hand rests comfortably within Harry’s as they walk through the door of community centre, his little feet tapping upon the wood in his trainers. 
“Harry! Theo!” You exclaim, walking over to the two of them with a large smile across your face, “I’m so glad you could make it this week!” 
“Yeah. Sorry about last week, I couldn’t get out of work on time and then once I did he wasn’t in the best of moods.” 
“Don’t worry about it! It’s totally fine, we understand that you can’t make every week.” 
Harry nods his head. 
“Anyway.” You have a nice smile and it was probably the first thing that Harry noticed about you when you met, “We’re just about to get started.” 
Harry sits down, crossing his legs as he does so. Theo drops down upon his father’s lap straight afterwards, his face pressed into the material of Harry’s crisp white dress shirt. Harry’s eyes bounce to look over the other children, the ones who acted similarly too Theo when they first joined. They all either sat in their parents laps comfortably or on the floor now, not one with a flicker of anxiousness across their features.
Theo and Harry have attended three of these sessions to help with confidence, and Theo had only just started to leave his shell in the last twenty minutes of the last session they went to and now it felt as though Harry had messed everything up again. He felt as though they were back to square one.
Then he feels a hand upon his shoulder. 
“Its okay.��� You smile, squeezing gently, “He’ll be okay, don’t worry.” 
He will be, Harry knows that. 
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Another week had passed and Harry was yet again sat in a circle in the children’s room of the community centre with Theo sat upon his lap. Harry felt a little more at ease this week, since his little boy sat forward with a small, very small smile on his lips as he looked at… you? You hadn’t been there to greet them like you were last week, and he certainly hadn’t had the chance to say hello yet. It had been a warm-ish day today and Harry concluded that was probably why you were wearing a cute yellow sundress with small white flowers on it, something he had never seen you in before. You still wore your smile, Harry had noticed. 
“Today.” You always overplayed your facial features to interest the children, “We are all going to write a story together.” 
Theo’s little eyes widened in excitement. 
“You like that idea, bub?” Harry whispered. Theo nodded. 
“So I’ll start.” You touch your chest, “Then we’ll pass to Edith’s mummy and then Edith and we’ll continue that way around the circle!” 
Harry and Theo would be third, which wasn’t too bad. He just hoped that Theo would get involved, he loved stories enough to have a mind spiralling with ideas. 
“Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there lived a princess…” You start, smiling to the person next within the circle. 
“…in a big castle with a swimming pool!” 
“She has dog!” 
“…called muffin who she loves to play with in the…” 
“Then.” Harry started, leaning so that he was speaking to Theo as well as the rest of the group, “One day, something magical appeared in front of her…”
Harry beams and whispers, “Well done Theo!”
The story finishes with the princess riding the dinosaur along a rainbow, courtesy of the little girl called Tara who finishes the circle. Normally the children disperse the last twenty minutes or so to play amongst themselves whilst the adults talk about what type of week they’ve had. They were doing just that, but today, Harry’s heart stopped at the sight of his little boy sat with little Tara drawing at the tiny desk when usually he just does that on his own. 
Harry had honestly never thought that he would be going to group behavioural therapy for his three year old son, but, he promised he would do anything for his little boy.
“Hi everyone.” They were now sat around a table, one fit for adults, whilst a few of your colleagues watched the children, “I’m excited to hear how all your weeks have been!”
Tara’s mum starts, explaining that this week the nursery had phoned up to explain that she hadn’t spoken to anyone at lunchtime but there had been the odd time where she’d had a small conversation with a couple of classmates. 
Harry listens to a few others. How Ryan had bit a kid at school the other day, how Delilah refused to say anything for a couple of days that week. Harry had never experienced Theo biting or injuring other kids but he had experienced him shutting down and not speaking to anyone. 
“Harry.” You smile, “How has little Theo been this week?” 
“He’s, uh, been okay I suppose.” He runs his finger across his bottom lip, “Nothing out of the ordinary. Had an odd hour or so yesterday.” 
“Has he made any friends at nursery, yet?” 
“No. I don’t think so. I’m trying to get him in everyday but it’s proving to be difficult.” 
You smile, “He’ll get there Harry. It might take him a bit longer than normal but he will get there.” 
After listening to the other parents, the meeting for that week finishes. Harry waits for Theo to finish his drawing before helping him into his coat. Your words pondered through his mind — he certainly hoped that Theo would get better but it was a walk, not a sprint. 
“Hi Theo.” You beam as you walk towards the two, “Can I see your drawing?” 
After a few moments of contemplation, he passes the drawing to you.
“Wow! It’s beautiful! Can you draw me one whilst I talk to your Daddy?” 
Theo listens to your request and starts on the drawing straight away, picking up colour after colour whilst Harry looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“I just wanted to have a quick word, nothing bad, I promise.” 
Harry nods. 
“Theo is making excellent progress in the program and I’m sure you’ve seen the results for yourself but as you know he is going a little slower than the rest of the kids.” 
“If this is because we missed one then it’s completely my fault—”
“It’s not! Don’t think that, it’s not!” You’re quick to say, “I was thinking the other day of ways to help and I remembered that my friend runs a group at the weekend for children that are struggling to cope with the loss of a parent.” 
“But I thought he was too young to be affected by that?” 
“I thought so too but I did some more research and even though he was very, very young when his mother left, it could still be affecting him.” You swallow and tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, “He will have noticed that he doesn’t have two parents and that could be the stem of all of the problems.” 
Of course this had run through Harry’s mind a few time but he always brushed it off because he was so young when it happened. The fact that woman might be the reason his son was so quiet and not himself all of the time caused his stomach to flip. He hadn’t seen her since that night but she was still affecting him day upon day and he hated it. 
“When is this group?” 
“Oh!” You exclaim, happy that he hadn’t just shut the idea down, “It’s on Saturday at ten whilst twelve but you can come and go as you please.” 
“Will you be there?” Why had he just asked that? He probably sounded like such a weirdo. 
“I will.” You smiled, “Just for you.” 
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Harry certainly hadn’t expected to spend his Saturday morning sat at upon a bench outside the community centre watching Theo play with other kids. He was surprised how easily Theo had left his shell around all of these kids but he supposed they all had something in common, that they were raised by only one parent. 
Another thing he hadn’t expected was to be sat sharing the said bench with you, but he wasn’t complaining. 
“Black coffee.” You smile, holding out the cup for him to take. 
“Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” You take a sip of your own cup of tea, “He seems to be doing well.” 
“I’m really surprised. The last time I saw him gel to someone so quickly was when he met our neighbour, Mrs. West.” 
You smile, “It’s good. You’ll be able to figure out which group works the best for you both.” 
“Will you be here every week?” 
Is he flirting? You certainly weren’t complaining, anyone with eyes could see that Harry is a very handsome man but never in a million years did you think that he would be flirting with you. Maybe he wasn’t even flirting and you were just letting your imagination run a little too wild. 
“I’m sorry.” He’s quick to say, “What I meant is that he’s comfortable around you, and I would hate for him to loose that sort of comfort.”
“I completely understand.” You nod. So he wasn’t flirting with you. There was a part of you that was sort of disappointed and wished that he had been flirting with you, “Well he seems to be enjoying himself here so how about we slowly introduce him to just coming here. I’ll come for the first couple of weeks so that he’s comfortable.” 
“Thank you. I haven’t said that enough but I honestly can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing for my son.” 
“It’s my job, Harry. I do this for a reason.” 
“But you didn’t have to do this. Spend your Saturday morning sat on a bench with me to make sure that Theo is okay. You didn’t have to do this.” 
“But I am. I’m doing it because I care about that little boy and I want him to get better. And you’re certainly not bad company.”
Harry smiles and looks away. It probably makes it more obvious that his cheeks are flushing at her words. You have always made Harry nervous, even from the first meeting when he asked whether you could help his son. Was it wrong? Probably. Did he care? No, as far as he knew this crush was harmless and it wasn’t as though it was reciprocated he supposed. 
“I know I’m not as exciting at Theo but I do try.” 
“I can tell.” You smile, “Was he okay at nursery yesterday?” 
“The same I think. Nursery didn’t say anything when I picked him up and they usually do if something happened. Good or bad.” 
“That’s good. Some will just ignore the problem. I’ve helped a few parents who have struggled with that.” 
“I’m lucky.” He nodded, “We’re lucky.” 
“How are you?” 
“I’m fine. Theo’s getting better, that’s the most important thing.” 
You sigh, “Not Theo. How are you?” 
“I’m getting there. I’m taking each day as it comes, I suppose.” 
“Do you have people that you talk to?” You ask before immediately trying to retract your question, “I understand if you don’t want to tell me. I can be nosey sometimes.” 
“No. It’s fine.” He coughs to clear his voice, his eyes watching as Theo sits in the sand pit with a bucket and spade, “I talk to my mum and sister if there’s anything really wrong.” 
“Nobody else?” You’re daring, and your eyebrow raises in nervousness. 
“I’m single if that’s what you’re asking.” He chuckles. 
Your eyes bug, “Well I—”
“Its okay, YN.” He laughs now, his dimples deepening, “Are you single?” 
“I am.” You smile, “I’m glad you have someone to talk to that isn’t your three year old son. It’s important.” 
“I know. I kept a lot of it to myself at the start and just tried to be the best that I could be for Theo but it hit a point where I needed help, and I knew I did.” 
“It’s commendable that you did that. Too many single parents try to do it on their own and it just doesn’t work. It not only causes them to fizzle out but it causes strain on the kids.” 
“Have you got children?”
“No.” Your lips curl, “I just enjoy working with them — to a degree obviously.” 
A chuckle passes. It’s at this point that Harry realises that this is the first conversation you have had with him that passes the point of being somewhat professional. You’re dipping your toes in the idea of the conversation being about getting to know each other rather than being about Theo or any information about the group. 
“I can’t imagine.” 
“You never know what the days going to hold when you walk through the door. They say to never work with children and animals.” You laugh, “Where you do you work?” 
“I work at a publishing company. I’m the chief editor. It’s not the best but it pays the bills.” 
“It sounds very interesting.” 
“It isn’t. The amount of articles about interior design I read on a weekly basis is sort of absurd.” 
“Interior design?” 
“I work for an interior design magazine. I probably should’ve explained that first.” 
You giggle, “I bet your house is immaculately decorated.” 
“To a degree.” He chuckles, “Living with a three year old sort of means you’re house always looks like a bomb has hit it.” 
“I can imagine.” 
“I wouldn’t change it for anything. Yeah it is a mess but it isn’t too bad and he’s leaning that he won’t get treats if he doesn’t clean up after himself.”
“Nice. I’m sure that works a treat.” 
“It does.” He laughs, “Literally.”
“He’s a good kid, Harry. You can tell. He’ll be perfectly fine.”
You keep saying that. 
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Harry received a message the following Wednesday around lunch time that he hadn’t expected. He was just about to tuck into the salad he had pre-made this morning fort lunch when his phone lit up on the desk. A small message box covers up his wallpaper which was a photo of Theo in the bath, bubbles on his head in a cone shape and upon his chin like a beard. 
Hi Harry, Its YN. I promise I’m not weird I just got your number of the system to send this. I’m just letting you know that tonight’s group is cancelled, I’m bunged up with a cold and would hate to pass it onto any of the kiddies :) Hope you are well.
Hi YN. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. See you next week. H. 
Harry couldn’t hide that he was a little disappointed. He was starting to enjoy going to the centre every week. He could say that it was because his son was slowly coming out of his shell, and that was part of it, but ever since your conversation he had that one weekend he enjoyed the few words you spoke to each other. 
If he was more confident in the way you felt about him, he probably would’ve messaged to ask if you needed anything bringing but he thought that it would’ve been a little bit odd. Hopefully in the future it wouldn’t be as odd. 
“You can’t eat your chips yet, buddy, they’re too hot.” Harry explains, picking a couple of the chips from Theo’s plate and blowing on them. The young boy sat and watched his father, waiting for his chips before chewing them happily. 
“Oh! Harry!” 
You’re stood with a drink in your hand, jeans and a floral blouse hanging loosely upon your figure. You looked cute and cuddly, something that Harry had missed seeing over the past week or so. 
“Hi YN.” He smiles, wiping his mouth with his napkin momentarily, “How are you feeling?” 
“Much better, thank you very much.” You smile. 
“Would you like to sit?” He asks, motioning to the spare seat, “You don’t have to if you’re busy or anything.” 
“No. I would love to. Are you okay with that Theo?” 
For the first time since you’ve arrived the little boy looks up at his  eyes immediately light up at the sight of you stood there. 
“Miss YN!” 
“I’m guessing he’s okay with it.” Harry smiles, watching as you pull out the seat and seat and sit down. “You weren’t in a rush, were you?” 
“No.” You smile, sipping on the hot cocoa you had just bought, “I had just finished for the day actually. Did a bit of shopping and then decided to walk over here.” 
“Sounds lovely. Anything exciting?” 
“If fruit and veg is exciting, then exciting.” 
“Hey, take it from me, trying to make fruit and veg exciting for your kids is the most exciting thing about fruit and veg.” 
“Not a fan?” You ask, looking at the young boy who had started to munch on his chicken nuggets. 
“Not really. Can you not tell?” 
You laugh, looking at Theo’s plate which just had chips and chicken nuggets on with a blob of ketchup on the side. 
“He seems to be enjoying those?” 
“Oh god yeah.” Harry laughs, “He can eat for England. Takes after me in that sense.” 
“That’s good. Some parents sometimes come in saying that their children don’t eat and it’s worrying them.” 
“He went through a phase when he turned around two and a half of not eating but he rectified that very quickly himself.”
“That’s good? Have you had work today?” 
It was only then that you had noticed his attire. Jean flares and a shirt that said something about eating honey. On anyone else you it would’ve set warning alarms within your head but he made it look suave and quite attractive. 
“No. I have weekends off so I can spend them with Theo. I sometimes do a bit of work from home but not a lot, do you?” 
“Sometimes. If there’s an emergency I’ll sometimes have to go in.” 
“Is it hard? Do you find working with vulnerable children hard?” 
“Challenging, I’d say. Maybe not hard. Some of the things that have happened to the children to cause them to behave the way they do are hard to listen to. Trying to get them to talk or just explain how they feel is even harder.” 
“You do God’s work, YN.” 
“I wouldn’t say that. I hate the though of children suffering, and I’d like to think I do my best to help with that.” 
“You do. From experience you do.” 
“You’re forever feeding my ego. I kind of like it, keep it coming.” 
“Eh.” He curves his lips and moves his head from side to side, “You’re not that bad to look at either.” 
“Cheeky! But you’re not too bad yourself, Styles.” 
“Daddy!” Theo interrupts, “Toilet, please.”
“Okay bud.” Harry stands up and so do you, “You don’t have to go, I’ll be back in a minute.”
“No it’s okay, I probably should leave.” You smile, “I told Norman that I’d only been ten minutes and that was half an hour ago.”
“My dog! God, I probably should’ve specified that. Norman’s my dog.”
“Ah.” Harry laughs, “That makes more sense. I’ll see you later YN.”
“Bye Harry.” 
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When you got home that night, you see the majority of the time sat staring at your phone whilst Norman stares at you as though you’ve gone crazy.
“I should just text him.” You sound crazy talking to your job but it is oddly comforting, “What’s the worst that could happen?” 
Hi Harry! It was lovely seeing you and Theo today. I hope you had a lovely rest of your day :)
You immediately regretted sending the message. Would he think you were weird? Had you just ruined any chance you had of it going any further? Your stomach twisted and your phone lit up. 
We did thank you, YN. I hope Norman wasn’t too mad that we kept you out longer than expected. H.
You giggled. He remembered. 
He got over it pretty quickly. Gave him a treat and everything was back to normal.
That’s good. It’s a good thing dogs are forgiving creatures.
Rather I bribed him to forgive me. He can be stubborn when he wants to be.
I think you might be describing my son. He certainly didn’t get his stubborn side from me.
Good. I would hate to have to bribe you to speak to me.
Well that depends what you would have bribed me with. But hopefully you’ll never be in the bad books.
You seem to have very high expectations of me, Styles. I might just surprise you.
I’m going to hold you to that. The next time I see you I expect to be surprised.
Are you free any time soon?
Not until next weekend really. I finish work at five-ish everyday.
Is there any chance that you’d maybe want to do something after work? I can hopefully surprise you?
I’d like that very much. Tuesday okay?
Perfect! See you then, Harry.
Sweet dreams, YN.
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Tuesday couldn’t come quick enough in your eyes. You were pleasantly surprised that you’d even managed to bag yourself a date with the man, usually you’d shy away from the male species as much as possible. That didn’t mean that you didn’t spend the entire time messaging Harry the other day with warm cheeks and a fuzzy tummy. The fact that he could’ve thrown everything back into your face being the thing that scared you the most. 
You had messaged Harry last night that you were going to a restaurant, not a fancy one but one that required a smart/casual dress code. You spent probably a little too long getting ready, curling your hair and applying the make up you wore too perfection, dressing in some high-waisted trousers with a long-sleeved tucked in to reserve the warmth that the British summertime had selfishly taken away. 
You had hundred’s of thoughts bouncing around in your brain. It wasn’t everyday that you bagged a date with the man of your dreams and even if it didn’t work out — at least you could say that it had happened. If it didn’t work out it was probably a good thing that Theo had started to make the move from your group to your friend’s to avoid uncomfortable confrontation. 
The reservation at the restaurant was for eight, so you had arranged to meet there for around politely declined. The drive was quick but the wait for Harry seemed to take hours. 
When he did arrive, your breath caught within your throat. He was wearing simple dress pants with a silk floral shirt tucked in, the first couple of buttons undone. It revealed tattoos that you were shocked to see that he had upon his chest and stomach. It intrigued you to know whether he had more tattoos. A part of really wanted to see them. 
“Hi.” He smiles and wraps his arms around you in a welcoming hug. He smelt really good. 
“You look lovely.” 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Styles.” 
“Shall we go in?” You nodded. 
The table reserved for the two of you was small but lovely, located in the corner of the restaurant by the floor to ceiling windows. You had been to this Italian plenty of times in the past and it had become one of your favourites. As you sat down, you had ordered a bottle of wine to share between the two of you. 
“Is that your first surprise?” He asked as the two you tapped your glasses together in cheers, “Drinking on a work night?”
“It’s a special occasion.” You shrug, “You’ll have to figure out yourself whether it’s part of the surprise or not.” 
He raised his eyebrow at you before he broke into a smile. 
“I’m looking forward to it.” 
The waiter comes a few ticks after that, asking what we would like. I order a bowl of pasta whilst Harry orders a pizza of some sort. 
“How was Theo when you left him today?” You started to tuck into the bread and dips that the waiter had brought as an appetiser. 
“Absolutely fine. I’ve never seen someone so exciting to spend time with their grandmother.” 
“Weekend’s with my Grandma were the shit!” You exclaim with a smile, “We used to bake and she’d cook me all of my favourite dinners.” 
“You were spoilt rotten, to say the least?” 
“Of course I was! That’s how little Theo is feeling.” 
“Are you close to your family?” 
“Yeah I am. More so my Mum and Grandma. I don’t really have the best relationship with my Dad.” 
He nods, “My mum and Dad divorced when I was young so I was brought up my Mum. She remarried when I was nineteen.” 
You hummed, “Are you close with your stepfather?”
“I was.” Harry coughed to clear his throat, “He died in 2017.” 
You immediately felt bad. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” 
He stops the sip of his drink quick, “You haven’t, I promised. How are we supposed to get to know each other if you don’t ask questions?” 
“We sort dived right into the deep shit straight away.” You laughed, “Quick fire questions: favourite band?” 
“I honestly couldn’t pick one.” 
“Well.” You sighed, “I tried but that answer was boring. Pick one!”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, his smile growing, “I love Fleetwood Mac, The Zombies, The Kinks—”
“Basically anything from the past?” 
“Pretty much.” He laughed, “I grew up listening to Shania Twain and Joni Mitchell with my mum.” 
“I would’ve loved to have that childhood.” You laughed, “My mum was all for Bon Jovi, Meatloaf and Prince. Always said ‘I could’ve been a rock chick’.” 
He laughs and sips his drink. 
The conversation for the rest of the evening flowed better than you could have expected. You honestly don’t think you’ve ever been on such a lovely date before in your life, if you could even call it that. 
You learnt about his childhood living in Holmes Chapel whilst he learnt about yours. You hadn’t expected to enjoy his company so much and even as the night came to a close you found yourself not wanting to leave. 
“I must admit.” He starts as her walks you towards your car, “I was quite disappointed when you said I couldn’t pick you up.” 
“Why was that?” 
“Because I’m not able to drive you home, walk you to your door and hopefully give you a little something to remember me for the night.” 
“Really? Who said that I would have let you?” 
“You wouldn’t have?” 
“I don’t know.” You tease, “Why don’t you come over and try?” 
The smile on his face as he leaned in is something that will haunt your dreams at night for the better. Your eyes flutter closed and sigh in content as his lips touch yours. It was a little embarrassing, but there had been a few moments late at night where you have wondered what this would feel like. Those were enjoyable dreams but the real this was so much better. 
No tongue was involved but you already knew that this was something you could become addicted to. The feeling of his large palm against your cheek as his kissed any worry you had away from the night. Your whole body tingled and if you weren’t in a public car park, you wouldn’t know whether you’d be able to contain yourself. 
You both pull away breathlessly. 
“I think you would’ve let me.” 
“I certainly fucking would.”
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If Harry had any other option — he would’ve taken it in a heartbeat. 
When Harry had woke up this morning, he had expected it to be like his normal Monday morning. Waking up early and making breakfast whilst Theo sleep in. Then he’d wake Theo up to have breakfast and then Harry would dress him for the day. 
That hadn’t happened this morning. 
When Harry had walked into Theo’s room that morning he found his son, already awake with tears streaming down his face. He tried to comfort his son, and tried to get him to talk but he just didn’t stop crying. 
That’s how he ended up stood in the corner of his son’s room with his phone pressed tightly to his ear. 
“Harry? Hello?” 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, well uh, not really.” He scratches the back of his neck, “There’s something wrong with Theo.” 
“Is he okay?” 
“No. I came into his room this morning and he’s non-stop crying and he won’t talk to me.” 
“I’m on my way.” 
You drove as fast as you could. The sound of Harry’s voice, mixed with his words and the faint sniffles in the background was enough to send your heart spiralling. You used the message that Harry had sent with address to navigate your way towards his house. 
Doors unlocked. 
You raced your way up the stairs, taking two at a time and saw Harry waiting at the top of the stairs. 
“Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” You squeezed his arm in reassurance, “Is he in there?” 
Then you saw him. The small boy with the brown curly hair and the green eyes that matched his Father’s peering up at you, small sobs leaving his lips. 
“Hi bud.” You smile, “Is it okay if I sit down?” 
The small boy nods and you do so, a small sigh escaping your smiling lips. 
“Your Daddy phoned and said you were feeling a little upset this morning and asked if I could come and talk to you. Is that okay?” 
He nods again, sniffling slightly. 
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” 
He shakes his head. 
“Can you tell me why you’re crying?” 
“Dream.” His chest heaves up and down. 
“Did you have a bad dream?” A nod. Okay, you could work with that. 
You hadn’t realised that Harry was stood at the door, leant against the frame with his eyebrows furrowed and his thumb running across his lip. He honestly wouldn’t know what he was going to do if you hadn’t been so lovely and come to check on Theo at such short notice. 
“Was your dream about Daddy?” Another nod. 
It honestly broke Harry’s heart. He had never ever though that something like this was the reason his son had gotten himself into such a state. 
“Have you been having a lot of these dreams?” Nodding. So much nodding, “Are they scaring you?” 
“Daddy hurt.” His voice was so quiet and unsteady.
“Daddy gets hurt?” Your palms start sweating, “Is that why you’re so upset? And you go quiet sometimes? You think Daddy’s going to get hurt?” 
“I’m right here Theo.” Harry walks over and drops down to be face to face with his son, “I’m not hurt, and I’m not going to hurt.” 
“You don’t move.” He cries become louder and louder the more they spoke. 
Harry leans over and pulls his son off the bed, dropping him onto his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around him. You watch as Harry smooths his hand across his son’s back, hoping that it will calm him down and stop the crying. Harry’s catch yours and your heart physically breaks for him. You’d never seen anything like this in your four year career. 
“Listen to this, bud.” Harry wipes his tear stained face briefly, “How about we take today off nursery and work and we’ll spend the day together.” 
Theo nods and you smile, gently standing up and removing yourself from the situation. For the first time you can look at Harry’s house. It was exactly how you had pictured it to be — immaculately designed with a splash of Theo in ever corner. You drop down upon the sofa with a sigh and use your hand to try to rub the fatigue away from your face. You hadn’t had a morning like this in a long time. 
Twenty minutes or so later, Harry joins you on the sofa with a deep sigh. 
“How is he?” 
“He’s asleep right now. I laid with him and he drifted off.” 
“That’s good.” 
He reaches over to grab your hand that was comfortably rested upon your thigh, threading his fingers nicely between your own. 
“I’m sorry for calling so early. I know you were probably busy and this didn’t help.” 
“It’s okay.” You give his hand another squeeze, “I told you that I’d help in any way that I could.” 
“I know.” He nods, his voice starting to break, “It’s just so fucking hard YN.” 
“Hey, don’t cry.” You move so that you can wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a comforting hug, “I know it is but we can sort this out, I promise.” 
“Just knowing that this was because he has been worried about me. What kind of parent does that?” 
“I want you to listen to me now, Harry.” You place your hands upon his cheeks, pulling his head up from your shoulder so that he’s looking directly at you, “You have done nothing wrong. This was completely out of your control.” 
He nods and you wipe the tear that had fallen down his cheek away. 
“I’m going to help you now and we’re going to get Theo better.” 
He leans forward and to your surprise places a deep kiss to your lips. 
“Thank you.” 
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Harry had invited you over as a thank you a couple of days later. You had told him multiple times that he didn’t have to thank you for anything and that you’d do anything for him and Theo but he insisted. Theo was still next door with Mrs. West after being picked up from nursery and she made it complete aware that she didn’t mind watching him for a few extra hours so that he could do this for his friend. 
If Harry was honest, he doesn’t have many friends. Mrs. West has spoken to him about it on many occasions and he supposed that the old woman was just excited that he might actually have a friend that wasn’t herself or his son. 
You had arrived at Harry’s house to see the dining room set out with plates and cutlery and wine glasses with delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He greeted you with a soft kiss upon the lips and a small hug. 
“Has Theo been okay?” You ask, leaning against the counter as you watch Harry fry the vegetables for the stir fry.
“He’s been better. He’s been talking a little more according to to the teachers.” He starts to plate up the noodles, “For the first couple of nights he stayed in bed with me, as you suggested but last night he stayed in his own.” 
“Did it go okay?” The two of you walk with full plates to the dining room.
“There were a few tears but he slept through the night.” 
You honestly couldn’t have been happier for the two of them. You have worked with the two of them for a couple of months and now finding out that things were actually starting to work left you feeling happier than you had ever expected to be. 
“That’s really good. I’m happy for you.” 
Before you knew it the time had escaped from the two of you. Somehow, you had made your way to the sofa and now sat with large glasses of red wine in your hands. 
“Are you sure you don’t need to get Theo?” 
It was nearing seven, and you started to worry. 
“If I go now he’ll probably kill me.” He laughs, “Mrs. West brings out the sweet treats around this time.” 
You giggle and lean forward to capture your lips upon his. His hand reaches up to cup your cheek, the other resting lightly upon her thigh. In one confident movement, you shift your body so that your knees are either side of his hips. A part of you still couldn’t believe that this was happening, not only with anyone but with Harry. 
This had all happened quicker than you had expected but you weren’t complaining. 
“YN.” He pulls away breathlessly, “Hey, are you sure?” 
“God yes.” 
“Okay then.’ 
He skilfully picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carries you towards his bedroom. You land upon the bed with a small thud that causes you both to giggle. He presses his lips to yours one last time in a breath-taking, heart-stopping kiss. 
“Move up.” You shuffle your bum up the bed so that your head is rested upon the lush pillows. Harry’s fingers toy with the zipper of your jeans, his eyes looking for any sign of uncomforted on your face, “This okay?” 
You nod quickly, “It is.” 
He sighs shakily, his fingers slipping into the band of your jeans, pulling them down your legs. You lift your hips up to aid him in the movement. At this point you were glad that a day ago you hd decided to have a pamper session and shave your entire body. 
His lips place small kisses along the inside of your thighs, your body withering under his touch. It had been a long time since someone had touched you in this way, and your senses felt as though they were on override. 
“Harry.” The small moan escapes your lips as he licks a stripe along your clothed centre. 
“God.” He hooks his fingers into the material and pulls them down your legs, “You’re so fucking wet.” 
You hum as his lips wrap around your clit, your chest heaving up and down as he uses his tongue to flick the sensitive nub over and over again. This had all happened so quickly and you felt so overwhelmed that you had no idea if you were going to last very long at all. 
“Fuck.” You moan, “Harry.” 
“That’s it.” He murmurs against your centre, giving your clit a few kitten licks afterwards, “Say my name again.” 
He suckles on your clit so quickly that you’re left breathless, your fingers threading through his curly brown hair. You tug on it causing a groan to escape his lips against you, sending your orgasm rushing in. 
“M’coming.” Your chest heaves, “Fuck, baby.” 
Harry pulls away after coaxing you through your high, his lips and chin glistening with your juices. He licks what he can before lifting up so that you can kiss him. He drops down, his head falling into your neck and for the first time you can feel him against your exposed thigh. 
“Do you want me to help?’ 
“No.” He smiles, pushing your hair away from your face, “Tonight was a thanks to you. Hopefully there will plenty more opportunities for you to repay me in the future.” 
“I’m excited for that.” 
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“Daddy?” The little voice wakes the two of you up from your slumber, “Miss. YN?” 
“Hiya buddy.” Harry’s quick to pick the little boy up and drop him in the middle of the two of you, “Did you have a good sleep?” 
Theo hums and cuddles into his Dad’s chest, “Morning Miss. YN.” 
“Morning Theo.” You smile, “I’ve told you before, you can call me just YN.” 
You and Harry had started to see each other frequently since the last date and very recently, in the past few days or so you’ve both made the jump of having sleepovers. With Theo it made it difficult for Harry to stay over at yours so you stayed over at Harry’s — not that you minded one bit. 
“Okay, YN.” He smiles, leaning forward to place a kiss to Harry’s dimpled cheek. 
“What do you fancy doing today bud? If you ask nicely YN might be able to stay with us today.” 
“Really?” His eyes widen in excitement. 
“Of course.” You smile and ruffle his hair, “But it’s your day, what do you want to do?” 
“Can we go to the cinema?” You both nod, seeing as though that’s a very doable request from the little man. 
“What do you want to go see?” 
“Frozen 2 please, daddy.” 
“Of course.” Harry kisses his cheek and your heart swells at the sight. 
Theo sat the entire time in the cinema contently chewing on his popcorn as his eyes never left the screen. Harry’s hand was firmly grasped within yours and you both repeatedly picked it up to kiss the back of each other’s. It was the simple gestures that drew you to Harry in the first place, from that very first day at the centre. 
“Did you enjoy it?” You both have one of Theo’s hands in yours, swinging him up as you walk along the pavement. 
“Yes Daddy.” He beams. 
“What do you fancy doing now? Fancy a McDonalds?” 
“Can I have an ice cream, please?”
“Of course, baby.” 
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It was rare that you and Harry managed to get a night alone with each other, but this specific Saturday night Anne had offered to take Theo and the two of you weren’t complaining. It had been two or so months since your relationship grew from being professional into something more and you were yet to fully consummate your relationship. 
You did other things, of course, in the dead of night when Theo was fast asleep. You were both just uncomfortable with the idea of having sex and reaching that last level of intimacy whilst he was in the other room. 
The thought physically made you shudder. 
“Are you hungry, baby?” 
“I could eat.” You respond, sitting across from Harry as he scrolls through his phone whilst leaning upon the kitchen island. 
You scoff, “Is that even a question?” 
Once the delivery of your pizza’s arrive, you don’t think you’ve ever seen someone inhale a pizza as quickly as Harry did. He even ended up eating a slice of your own. 
Cleaning up was easy and before you knew anything, you were both changing and getting ready for bed. It was at this point you could go through the plan that you’d created a week or so ago when you learnt that this day would be happening. 
You dressed yourself in delicate white lingerie that would have anyone swooning and dropping to their knees. You tousled your hair, applied some lip balm to your lips and walk out to the bedroom. 
“Fucking hell.” He drops his phone onto the bed beside him, “Where have you been keeping that?” 
“It’s one of the surprises I always ramble on about.” 
“Totally worth it.” He throws his hands up and makes grabby movements towards you which you give in to. 
His arms wrap around you waist and pull you down so you could press your lips to his. There was something different within the air today and you could both feel it. 
“You wanna feel me?” 
His fingers reach up to unclasp your bra, dropping the lace material to the floor as you clamber upon his lap. His lips wrap around your pebbled nipples, the feeling of his swirling tongue earning breathy moans to escape your lips. 
“Just finished my period.” 
“Ah.” You thread your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. 
You drop to your knees, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you use your hand to palm him through his boxers. You place two kisses to each of the ferns, another one at the top of his happy trail before you hook your fingers into the material of his briefs, pulling them down as he lifted his hips to help. 
This wasn’t your first rodeo with Harry’s dick, but that didn’t mean that you became any less nervous every time you saw it. 
“Are you just going to stare?” 
“I’m contemplating?” 
“Contemplating what?” 
“Whether or not you deserve me to suck your dick. Leave me to it, baby.” 
He shuts his mouth the second to place one kitten lip to his base, your eyes watching as his stomach heaves up and down at the feeling. Wrapping your lips around the tip, you start to bob your head up and down, using your spit to ease yourself into it. Harry’s hand reaches out to grip your hair, guiding your head up and down but making sure to not go too far. 
“You’re amazing. Fuck, YN baby.” 
You use the free hand that wasn’t aiding you by jerking the length that you couldn’t take to squeeze his thigh, right by his tiger once before allowing your finger to rub over your sensitive nub through your panties, allowing any sort of friction to be released. 
“Gotta stop baby.” He gently pushes you off of him, your mouth releasing him with a pop, “Need to last for you.” 
Once you’re stood up he pulls your panties down your legs, watching as you step out of them. You both switch positions so that you’re laid on top of the plush comforter whilst Harry fumbles through his bedside table, taking a foil packet out. 
Your eyes never leave him as he gives himself a few tugs before rolling the condom on, giving you a once over before bending down. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He questions once and you nod, muttering confirmation as he moves to hover above you. 
You feel a little discomfort at first, probably due to how long it had been since you last had sex. 
“Move, Harry.” 
His lips are on yours again as he starts to move his hips, finding his rhythm as he thrusts in and out of you. You whine into his mouth whilst he groans into yours, the feeling becoming all too unbearable for the two of you. 
“Feel so good, H. So big, so full.” 
The chuffed face he pulled as he continued to thrust his hips to yours, his lips wrapping around your nipple briefly was enough for you to fall for him again. 
“M’gonna come, baby.” 
“I know, H, me too.” 
He slipped his hand down between you both to use his fingers to rub your sensitive bundle of nerves, sending you over the edge. A long moan of his name leaves your lips, your back arches and your eyes start to water. 
“That’s it. Fuck! Squeezin’ me so tight.” 
He moans as he comes, spilling into the condom whilst his movements halt inside of you. 
He head drops forward upon your shoulder, the two of you masking in the overwhelming thing your had just experienced. 
“There’s no one else I ever want to do that with.” 
“Looks like you’re stuck with me, then.” 
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“YN.” Theo catches your attention as you wash both of your hands after the painting session you had both just had, “Are you my new Mummy?” 
Your movements halt as you look down at the little boy, his features becoming more and more like Harry’s everyday. 
You look up to Harry who’s stood drying his hand a couple of metres away, a goofy smile present on his lips as he nods at you. 
“If you want me to be Theo, but are you sure?” 
“I love you, YN.” 
“I love you too, now go dry your hands.” 
Harry passes him the towel to dry his hands which he does with little no disagreement. 
“Are you going to go turn the TV on whilst Daddy talks to Mummy?” 
The words felt odd leaving his lips, but a good kind of odd. You watch as he leaves the bathroom and bounds towards the living room. 
You wrap your arms around Harry and sigh contently into his chest. 
“I can’t believe he just said that.” 
“I can. There’s no one else I’d want to be his mother.” 
You stand on your tip toes to kiss his lips once. 
“I love you, Harry.” 
“I love you too.” 
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