Welcome to Nothing Good Happens: Comics
"A collection of comics that seldom end blissfully."
A woefully pessimistic comic blog, posting comics that never end well for anyone. If you're a fan of morbid consequences, karmic protagonist shortcomings, or rooting for the 'final girl' to make it; make yourself at home.
The content you'll find here is created by yours truly. Some are from my own imagination. Others are the product of prompts I've scraped from the corners of the internet (with all credit given). Want to see your own twisted tales come to fruition? Click the "Have a Comic Prompt?" button and submit your cruel ideas.
The stories span a variety of genres. Dark fantasy, liminal space, sci-fi, apocalypses; there's truly something for everyone. Tread with caution when reading; not all themes are for everyone. The beginning of each post will contain caution and trigger warnings, before proceeding into the story. No story will be exploitative or morally and ethically deplorable. Stories' caution warnings are coloured coded based on severity of the cautions;
No CW: No extreme or mild themes of mature content. Happy endings are still not present in these stories...
Light CW: Light themes of eeriness or suspense. Nothing graphic or overly descriptive.
Soft CW: Mature themes, such as mentions of death, mild violence, suspenseful or dangerous scenarios.
Hard CW: Mentions and descriptions of gore, bodily harm, psychological horror. These posts will also be spoilered with Tumblr's mature content option.
Caution warnings will also be provided in the tags of each story.
If you prefer reading words off a screen, please follow NGH Stories. The original Nothing Good Happens writing blog that started it all.
With that all being said and done...
Grab a warm drink, turns the lights off and enjoy reading.
...You remembered to lock the front door, right?
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