#nothing wrong with being attracted to john marston
gravestoneghost · 1 year
I see John Marston as a younger brother so I genuinely forget that people can be attracted to him
Girlbossed to close to the sun with playing as Arthur/older brother character
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softrozene · 4 years
Reacting to their crush/future significant other who has scars
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I hope I have Katakuri’s character down! It is my first time writing for him officially, so I am excited! As for this whole request? You got me excited the second you mentioned John Marston’s scar. I got too pumped up for this that I ended up doing these as scenarios with bonus headcanons! I really hope you like this Lovely and apologies for it taking so long to get to!
Charlotte Katakuri, Trafalgar Law x Reader (Gender Neutral/Non-Binary)
Warnings: Slight angst, Fluff, hints of past violence/trauma from battles, scars
Words: 1758
Charlotte Katakuri-
*Uh this bro is so tall so um pretend you are the same height, he’s hunching down, or you are on a ladder or something lol
Katakuri glances around the room feeling a slight annoyance. His betrothed is late. Though thinking of them does make him feel emotionally calmer it does not excuse that they are late. Especially since he wanted to speak with them about something important.
Just then, the door to his room flies open and his betrothed comes in panting from an obvious rush. You look a bit flustered from being late, but you quickly compose yourself. It is something Katakuri admires since you are similar to him. Calm and levelheaded most of the time but upon getting this arranged marriage- Both of you have become accustomed to different fluttery feelings when with each other.
Katakuri has no idea how to feel about it (and is not aware that he is crushing) but he concludes it to be a good thing since he enjoys your company.
“Sorry I am late Katakuri. Perospero and I were having tea and he wanted me to start calling him Brother Peros from now on then on the way here I ran into Compote who wanted to have a serious talk about my family’s new alliance with Big Mom. I assured her that I am with you guys all the way and that they will follow her. Anyway, enough excuses, what did you wish to talk about?” You ask trying to stop your fingers from fidgeting.
Since you walked in all he has done is stare you down and usually, it would not bother you, but you honestly felt bad for being late. You wanted to be the perfect partner for him since all he has done is shown you kindness since the announcement of your engagement.
“I wanted to finally speak-“ He pauses as he hesitates.
This is something he does a bit often with you- Use his Observation Haki to foresee into the future is something he often does but he does more so with you when you have talked so he does not misstep. He quickly continues after you are about to ask him what is wrong.
“I apologize for that. I just was about to get straight to the point, but I feel like I need to emphasize something before I do. We are getting married soon. The date is coming up fast and I wanted to show you something but just now I saw you crying. Before I do, I need to let you know that I see you as my equal and I am proud to have you as my betrothed. I have never seen my siblings actually want to get to know an in-law as much as they do you so thank you for wanting to genuinely be apart of our family,” Katakuri states.
His words make your heart beat fast, but you nod for him to continue. “I wanted to show you my mouth. I do not like others seeing it, but we will soon be married, and you will have the right to see all of me as I do you,” He continues.
He pauses once more to make sure that he did change the future even if it was just a little bit. The amount of trust he places in you does make you want to cry but instead, you feel like you want to meet him on the trust to. You decide you will finally show him your other scars.
After he deems you okay, he takes off his mouth covering and stares at you waiting for any response. He knows that you would never make fun of him but that amount of insecurity he has to tell him otherwise. So, he is surprised when he feels your warm hand cup his scarred face.
You give him a gentle smile and say, “We do not nearly match but I do think we are the perfect match for each other.”
His heart melts at this and he is quick to cup your own scarred cheek. His thumb rubs against them and then your eyes downcast. You back up from his touch and he grows irritated momentarily from no longer touching you when you turn around and begin to take off your shirt. His eyes scan what he sees immediately. More scars litter your back.
You let him view it a moment longer before fixing your shirt.
“I think we are good now. We both have seen more of each other,” You say a bit worried he may not find you attractive anymore.
He returns to touching your cheek and with the mouth covering no longer on him, he gives you a genuine smile that washes away your doubts. “Yes, we have. I can’t wait until you officially become my spouse.”
Bonus Headcanons:
His initial reaction is neutral
He does not exactly care until he has an emotional connection then he will wonder
I think Katakuri would love his significant other with or without scars- He would want to know the story behind them, but he won’t straight up ask either
He loves to trace them when he gets sleepy and it becomes one of his favorite things to do when it is just you two alone
He will only tell you once, but he also likes when you trace his facial scars or pepper his mouth with kisses
Since he is very serious (even more so) with family members and you become his spouse he will definitely be putting lotion on your scars- He believes in taking care of them since they tell a story about you
Trafalgar Law-
“Hey Cap, (Name) fell asleep on Bepo again,” Penguin states coming into Law’s office/infirmary.
Law stares and waits for more words because there is just no way his crew is bothering him over this. Sachi who peeks in continues thankfully. “And their shirt lifted up- I think you should come see this,” Shachi murmurs.
The serious nature of the two surprises Law and he almost thinks they are sick. He says nothing, as he gets up and wordlessly, follows them- Sleep very much wanting to cloud his mind after being up all night. They lead Law to Bepo who has not moved a muscle since you fell asleep on him. Nothing so far out of the normal until Law’s observant eyes look for the part of the shirt that is lifted up and indeed-
His eyes widen and he sighs.
“Let them sleep longer. Then send them to my room,” Law orders.
He is careful as he quickly fixes their shirt and leaves. His thoughts are immediate. Something bad happened to you in the past, that much is clear, and it honestly explains a lot. How you are so slow with opening up and he honestly can’t blame you. That is why he likes you and the little moments when you do open up to him.
They mean something to him and those scars on your back are from stories you are not ready to tell. He will tell you of this mishap, but he will not push you- He would not even dream of it because he cares about you so much it hurts. He knows what this feeling is, and he wants to chase it but you both are holding back with your pasts latching onto you. That is why he has not really said anything about his feelings despite him wanting to.
They are nothing like the ones on your face either. The ones are on your face are just two/three long scars across your face- Almost like an animal attack, the ones on your back must be from previous battles or something equally terrifying if they have you closed off.
With a sigh, Law goes to his room and waits until you are up.
When Law opens his eyes, he realizes that he has taken a brief nap but immediately sees you come in and close the door behind you. Your expression tells him that someone said something. He groans and quickly says something to reverse the damage.
“Penguin and Shachi saw them and told me. You do not need to explain yourself in any way. I am not surprised, to be frank, because you are incredibly strong and have proven to be a valuable asset to my crew,” He states.
He watches your expression for a moment until you turn around and without any hesitation pull off your shirt. Law is surprised and a bit guilty for feeling his heart flutter at the bold action. Quickly pulling his mind from the gutter he takes small steps to you.
“I do not want to explain yet, but you are the person I trust most Law. I want you to at least look at what I have been hiding since I know you are the least to pity me for them,” You state.
The air feels like it turns intimate the second Law puts a finger on your back, but it remains full of trust as he casually traces each large and long battle scar. When he finishes you put your shirt back on and turn to look at him.
“I will tell you everything soon. I- Thank you for being a trustworthy and… an attractive captain,” You say with a wink.
Ah, it appears it was not just law feeling the connection. His cheeks feel warm and he smirks. He is happy to know that the attraction is mutual.
Bonus headcanons:
Law’s initial reaction is concern- Only because you are a member of his crew, when feelings get involved his concern worsens but, of course, he will not voice it unless this doctor decides to play therapist too
He will not voice it until you two are actually dating and involved with each other
Then he will be happy to know everything about you and may hint towards it, but he would never push for it
If the face scars make you feel bad about yourself he will definitely be like “oh hell no you are perfect” and obliterate anyone who says otherwise
As for the back scars, if it is a lot and from battles, you do not wish to remember he will hint towards getting a tattoo
And let’s face it
Law would definitely have matching tattoos with his significant other
Much like Katakur- Law would love to trace your scars and does so when he is sleepy
He also melts when you trace his tattoos
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emily-strange · 4 years
Second Chances
No John in this chapter really but we’re getting down to business with the story! :D
Tagging: @porkchop-ao3 @redeadepression @lucacangettathisasss @janewilson-rdo @gangofgunslingers and @fangirl-ramblings who asked but if you’d like me to stop let me know :) Apologies if you’ve asked to be tagged and I haven’t - please just send me another message! :)
For the premise of this story, Jack is a little bit younger. I just can’t hurt that boy’s feelings!
Summary: You’re Sadie Adler’s 18 year old daughter who was visiting when the O’Driscoll’s attack. How will you cope with gang life and your increasing feelings for someone who, on the surface, isn’t up for grabs?
Pairing: John Marston x female reader
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Chapter 6
John smiles at you from his place at the fire and you can’t help but give him a small one back. He hangs his head low and groans tiredly while rubbing the back of his neck. When he looks back up you dart your eyes away and take a long gulp of whiskey.
“Whatcha doin’ up?” he asks when you wipe drops of drink from your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Cundnt sleep.” You say with a slight slur causing John to chuckle quietly.
John gets up and takes the seat diagonally next to you. He puts a finger under your chin and tilts your face to look at him, “You drunk miss?” he smiles.
Before you allow yourself to revel in his close proximity, the rational side of your brain kicks in and has you attempting to stand way too quickly causing you to sway. John jumps up and catches you around the waist before you fall. The warmth of his body, the fire and the whiskey you’ve consumed make it impossible for you to think straight.
John takes the bottle from you, which is almost empty, putting it on the ground. He then gathers you up into his arms bridal style with a quiet, “There we go” and begins to carry you over to your tent. While he’s walking with you, you take a moment to really look over his features. The scars do nothing to change your mind about how attractive he is, after all you didn’t know him without them.
You find yourself wanting to reach out and run your fingers over the one on his lip but manage to keep your hands safely around his neck where they’ll stay out of trouble. Ask he walks, you notice he shakes a little. Like he’s struggling to hold up your weight. However, before you can really dwell on it, he’s placing you down gently on your bedroll.
“There we go now.” He whispers and straightens back up.
John stands looking at you for a few seconds like he’s waiting for something. Maybe he’s waiting for you to say something? What should you say? After a few more seconds John clears his throat and just nods his head muttering, “Night y/n.”
As he’s leaving the small tent you find your lips moving before your brain can register that it’s happening. He stops and turns to you while you say in a small (and drunkenly) voice, “By tha way John, Abigail has yer brok’n shirt now.”
You think you see John open his mouth but you turn over on your bedroll before he can say anything to you. You know you’re about to cry and you’d rather he not see, or hear, it. John takes the hint and leaves quietly, closing your tent the best he can from the other side.
As you lie on your bed roll, listening to the sounds of snoring from around the camp, you let a few tears fall from your eyes. After a few minutes you rub them away roughly and tell yourself to stop being so silly….maybe if you say it enough it’ll stick.
You wake up with a throbbing head and a dry mouth.
It takes a moment but your memory slowly returns and you remember what you said to John before he left your tent last night. You just have to hope it came out better than you remember. In your mind you shouted it at him before crying loudly but you’re pretty sure that wouldn’t of been the case….you’d probably have had your mother bursting in on you for comfort. So you’re pretty sure you just whispered it. Thankfully. Maybe he didn’t hear you?
You rub your eyes and crawl out of your tent. Getting up isn’t fun as your vision blurs but once you manage to settle your eyes you can see that it’s still very early. Hardly anyone is up and those who are aren’t taking any notice of you as you skulk over to the coffee pot that’s already brewing. After pouring a large cup you also collect a glass of water before taking a seat at the camp table.
It was a few minutes of sipping one and then the other before Hosea joins you at the table with his own coffee and a newspaper.
“Good morning y/n.” he greets happily and smirks when you give a half-hearted “Morning” back.
“Fun night or just a rough morning?” Hosea asks motioning to your tangled mess of hair and you can’t help but laugh a little.
“The latter” you whisper before chugging down the rest of your water. Hosea chuckles quietly and puts his newspaper down on the table, leaning forward.
“So was wonderin’ if you fancied runnin’ a little job with me and Arthur today?” he asks and you almost choke on your coffee. He pats your back gently as you regain your composure.
“Me?” you ask after you take a deep breath, “A job? What kind of job?”
Hosea adjusts his posture, clearly a bit uncomfortable with the conversation.
“Me and Arthur are workin’ over these fella’s, brothers, at a ranch close by here. They were braggin’ about how they’d just made some big sale sellin’ cows that weren’t producing any milk to some down on their luck farmers. Real lowlifes, n’d that’s comin’ from us.” Hosea explains with a chuckle and you laugh along. You like Hosea. You’ve not had many interactions with him but he always seems to have a level head and you appreciate that. He also has a very gentle voice, something you’re very thankful for at the moment, “So me and Arthur wanna… relieve them of said sale money.”
“Okay. So why’d you need me?” you ask, honestly at a loss as to how you can help.
“Well….these men apparently have quite a thing for the ladies. Young ladies like yourself.” Hosea continues and you scoff, cutting him off.
“So I’m bait? You want to use me as bait?” you snap and move to stand up, “No thanks Hosea.”
Before you can stand Hosea gently takes your arm and motions for you to sit down. Which you do begrudgingly.
“Now we wanted to take one of the other women but Dutch think’s it’d go smoother with you. According to him….” Hosea pauses and shakes his head “you have that innocence that can’t be faked.”
Glancing over to Dutch’s tent you see him standing with a cigar listening to his awful classical music.
“So….really this is Dutch telling….not you asking?” you whisper to Hosea without moving your gaze from Dutch.
“Basically” Hosea nods, “Nothin’s gonna happen….we just need you to be a little distraction. We aren’t wantin’ to make a lot of noise.”
You nod and give Hosea a small smile, “Okay….as long as it’ll be safe. Well, as safe as can be. We should go soon though, before my mom wakes up. She won’t be happy.”
Not long after your chat with Hosea, you’re riding up front in a cart with him while Arthur rides his horse up front. You’re meeting at the ranch under the cover of buying some horses and distracting one or both of the brothers while Hosea and Arthur search for the money.
“You’re awful quiet Miss Adler” Hosea says without breaking his concentration from the winding roads, “Please try not ta worry. We’d never let anything happen.”
You fiddle with the dress you’re wearing and pull up the top part a bit. The dress is too tight and not tight enough in all the wrong places.
Truth is though, you aren’t really worried at all. You’ve dealt with your fair share of leering men and you know how to handle a gun. Just like the one you’ve strapped to your thigh.
What you can’t stop thinking about is yesterday and how awful you felt after Abigail gave you that shirt. But why feel so bad when John’s just your friend? Is he even that? You look to Arthur and remember your failed attempt at discussing John with him and an idea comes to mind.
“Oh I know….don’t worry I’m okay.” You smile at the older man and he seems grateful for your reassurance, “There is something you can do for me though. If I can be so bold as to ask.”
Hosea laughs heartily and Arthur turns to face the cart before shaking his head and continuing on.
“Okay Miss, what can I do for you?” he asks and you decide to just level with him.
“Look I know I’m being nosey okay, I know,” you laugh, “but I kind of sensed some tension between John and Arthur.”
Hosea laughs again, “Oh you sensed that did ya?”
“I asked Arthur the other week about Jack and he just…..well he got shitty…..so sue me I’m curious.” You shrug while looking at Arthur’s back.
“Hmm okay. And this has nothin’ to do with you getting friendly with John?” Hosea asks and you snap you head to the side to look at him. Hosea holds his hand up to stop you from speaking, “And when I say friendly, I’m not implying anything. I just mean friendly.”
You relax back into your seat and shrug again, trying to act nonchalant but knowing your little display just now probably ruined that. “He just seems so…..lonely.” you say quietly, almost as if to yourself.
After a couple of moments silence Hosea nods and sighs.
“He is that…..okay, I’ll tell you the tall tale. But on the way back, we’re here.” He replies gesturing to the ranch just up ahead.
After entering the ranch, Arthur helps you down from the wagon and Hosea goes into full on salesman mode. The brothers greet you and instantly you feel their eyes on you. They aren’t too bad on the eyes themselves but the way the oldest brother, Wyatt, looks at you is an instant turn off.
“Now I hope you don’t mind but I brought my niece Elizabeth with me.” Hosea says turning to hold his hand out to you. You step forward as Arthur stands at the wagon with his arms crossed. Ever the enforcer.
“I’ve always loved horses.” You say, faking shyness.
The younger brother, William, steps forward. He’s at least ten years older than you with sandy blonde hair. You genuinely blush when he bends his arm and offers it to you, “Well isn’t that nice” he drawls, “I think we can show the lady some pretty horses.”
You smile and take his arm, “Thank you sir, that’d be lovely.”
Hosea, Arthur and Wyatt all follow you into the barn which houses many, many lovely looking horses. You genuinely smile as you see them all lined up in their stalls.
“Now which one would you like to see little lady?” Wyatt breathes into your ear from behind, breaking the trance you’re in. You glance at Arthur who gestures to the one at the far end of the barn.
“That one looks wonderful” you say dropping William’s arm and practically skipping over to the beauty in the furthest stall. William chuckles and you know he’s watching you before following after.
When you reach the stall, you hear Arthur ask Wyatt to go through prices with him outside.
You reach up and run your hand through the horse’s mane and it almost bows a little to give you more access. You’re relieved to see that the horses look well taken care of.
You jump a little when you feel a hand on your waist as William sidles up next to you, “This one here’s a….”
“Blue Roan” you interrupt and he whistles loudly, “Well aren’t you a clever thing!”
You internally cringe at his words but push the feeling aside, it does sound like he’s trying to be kind. Men always seem to talk to you the same way….well apart from….
You shake away your thoughts of John and keep running your hand through the horse’s mane and down his nose. You’re not sure how much time has passed before you say quietly, “My pa loved horses.”
Suddenly Hosea begins to cough and you rush over to him as he crouches down and winks at you.
You smile and say quite loudly, “Uncle are you alright? Is it your chest?” You turn to William and say in your best innocent voice, “He gets a terrible cough when his throats dry. Would it be okay if he went to get some water?”
William sighs and nods, “Yer we’ll take ‘em next door to the house.”
You look at Hosea who’s still ‘coughing’ and he gestures to William with his head.
You spin round and put your hands on William’s chest gently, feigning disappointment, “Oh please stay and show me the others. He’ll just grab a glass and run on back here…..I really hoped you could tell me about the horses.”
William’s chest practically inflates with ego and he leans in close to you, “Well I think that’s a much better idea…” he then turns his attention to Hosea and barks at him where he can get a drink before turning back to you, “….now why don’t we see if we can’t get better acquainted. With the horses of course.”
You swallow down your apprehension and smile, watching as Hosea leaves via a different exit than the one Arthur is currently at with Wyatt.
“I’ll be quick” Hosea says, mostly to you, before disappearing and leaving you alone with William. You move a bit further back from him, suddenly feeling very much like prey. William follows you slowly as you turn to go to the other side of the barn.
“Why don’t we let you inta one of those stalls to get a better look?” William suggests and goes to open the Blue Roan’s door. William doesn’t seem like an overly handsy type but you don’t want to risk it being that close.
“Oh I don’t know. I just can’t decide which one I like the most!” You say keeping your voice light as you move down the row of stalls, gently running your hand against the doors. William keeps a distance, almost like he’s sussing you out. You try not to meet his eye as you turn to survey the large barn.
“Hmm, now that one’s got a lovely coat….but that one’s just so little. It’s adorable!” you sing, pretending to debate with yourself. You see William coming closer but still maintaining a respectable distance. You quickly glance through a gap in the barn and see Arthur is deep discussion with Wyatt. But he isn’t far. He’s right there in case….
A cough snaps you out of your thoughts.
“I think you’re pretty adorable Miss Elizabeth” William says rubbing the back of his head, almost bashfully. For a moment you feel bad for what you’re doing. Leading him on.
You smile and tuck your hair behind your ear, “Oh William how sweet of you.”
When William stops in front of you, you gasp loudly (way too loudly), “THAT ONE!” and run to the other side of the barn again. Stopping in front of a pretty little Morgan. You know how erratic you must seem but you have no idea what to do if he actually manages to get his hands on you. He may be more of a gentleman than you’re thinking of him but you don’t want to risk it.
“This little thing?” William laughs and it almost makes you annoyed, “I suppose he’d be a good size for you….no good for what ya Uncle needs though. Where is your….” But before he finishes his thought, you rush forward and grab his clammy hand, pulling him towards the stall.
“Oh please William? He’s just so sweet….um, reminds me of you a bit.” You say throwing in a compliment for good measure, causing him to laugh.
“A horse? Is that a good thing?” he chuckles and you actually blush at how silly you’d been by saying that.
“Umm yeah that was a bit of a silly thing to say” you laugh, “But it is a compliment. I do think he’s lovely…I’d really like to get a closer look.”
William approaches the stall and opens it, leading the horse out, “Well in that case, compliment accepted.”
You run your hands down the horses back and circle him.
“He’s a Liver Chestnut?” you ask William, who’s following after you in the circle you’re making.
“He is. Needs a bit of a hair cut but boys in good condition.” He replies and you shake your head, “Oh no I like his wild hair.”
William chuckles.
“How much?” you ask and William shrugs.
“I’d have to ask Wyatt, he’s the money man….I could probably do you a deal….” He says, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze. While you’d been distracted by the Morgan, William had managed to come close in front of you.
“Umm, what kind of deal?” you ask expecting the worst.
“A chance to see you again maybe?” he asks and you’re taken aback by the nervous tone in his voice.
“Oh umm” you stumble over your words but thankfully before you can answer, Hosea comes barging back into the barn. Startling you both.
“Sorry sorry sorry. I found myself gettin’ a little lightheaded back there but good as new now!” Hosea sings loudly. Arthur must have heard this because seconds later, him and Wyatt come back in laughing and jesting about something.
“Uncle!” you say and take your hand from William’s gentle hold, “William was showing me this little beauty.”
Hosea looks at you for a moment and watches as you stroke the horse’s nose, laughing as it nuzzles your hand.
“Ohh he is a beauty my dear. How much?” Hosea asks, surprising you.
“$50” Wyatt says but straight away William jumps in by saying “$35”, making everyone’s attention snap to him. He leans down a bit and whispers in your ear, “If I get to see you again?”
You look at the Morgan and his beautiful big eyes. His crazy mane and stunning coat. You hear Arthur clear his throat and you know he’s about to say something but you quickly jump in.
“$35 it is.” You say in a gentle voice, smiling at William who’s grin beams wildly.
Everyone’s quiet for a few seconds before Hosea claps his hands loudly, “Okay! Should we make a deal then!?”
On the way back to camp, Arthur rides on ahead while leading your little Morgan. You once again ride up front in the wagon with Hosea who is smiling proudly.
“Well done my girl! A job very well done!” he enthuses and it’s infectious. You smile, also quite proud of yourself. “I’m sorry I took so long.” He mentions quickly.
“Oh it’s okay, he wasn’t that bad. I thought he’d try a bit harder to get handsy but he actually didn’t really try at all.” You say, thinking over the events at the ranch. William was actually very nice. He had no assurance that he’d see you again, other than your “uncles” promise of coming to buy some horses, but he’d given you the horse on your word.
That thought makes you feel like blushing and crying all at the same time.
“SO I believe I owe you a story!” Hosea says and for a moment you’re confused. He must sense it because he quickly adds, “About John…”
“Oh! Yes. Yeah. Of course, I’m sorry.” You laugh, “I was just thinking on what to call the horse.” You lie, shaking your head, “Please….tell me about John.”
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old-mornings-dusk · 5 years
It means nothing
Rating: Explicit // +18 Relationship: John Marston/Arthur Morgan (Morston)  Tags: Smut, Blow Jobs, Mutual Masturbation, Scar Kink
Summary: After the whole Blackwater thing, Johnny boy got some scars on his face. And he was healing fast. A sign of virility. Of toughness. Someone who is dangerous. Who can survive a deadly animal attack. A big sign stamped on his face with stitches and dry blood. And when he caughts Arthur in the act, things go wrong... or not?
EDIT: Yo I’m not dead! I made a “second chapter” but it was so short I preferred to include it in the first one. Hope this don’t ruin the experience! Thanks!!
Also on AO3 // Chapter 1 under the cut!
Notes: Hello there, this one is a revised not-so-old fic and I'm now posting it here, hope you like it!! One of my first works actually, and since english isn't my first language, please let me know if there's grammar mistakes or something of that kind!
Chapter 1
"Stupid Marston", he tought while wiping himself. Arthur was having some fun in his tent. It was becoming a habit to masturbate at least three times per week, he felt like a damn teenager. 
It wasn't his fault, he wrongly thought to himself. He couldn't suppress this stupid thing for scars. And John wasn't helping, being all sassy and using unbuttoned shirts, standing on provocative poses and glaring at him with those deep wide eyes. 
Oh, but he knew it. John knew about what Arthur was doing and how he felt about the younger outlaw, and he was kinda proud. This attraction didn't start with the scars, though. Arthur always felt “something” for men, nearly the same thing he felt for women, and when John started to become an adult, his feelings were increasing alongside with John's. But after the whole Blackwater thing, Johnny boy got some scars on his face. And he was healing fast. A sign of virility. Of toughness. Someone who is dangerous. Who can survive a deadly animal attack. A big sign stamped on his face with stitches and dry blood. Arthur was half hard again, but decided it was better to sleep. 
The older didn't know but John had the same attraction for him. And the boy was testing him. He liked to stay awake until late of the night, just to hear the heavy breathing and little moans which escaped through Arthur's tent, almost inaudible. He had fun trying to look more attractive just to see Arthur's reaction.
It was almost midnight when Arthur came back to the camp in Horseshoe Overlook. His eyes darted to an apparently drunk John with his shirt all open, a suspender falling off his shoulder. He immediately gulped to the sight. God, he was so beautiful, laughing, bottle on hand and chest exposed. Arthur stared way too long. He jumped off the horse and quickly went to the trees, out of sight. 
This situation got him half hard, and he needed to do something about it. Couldn’t wander around camp with a package at sight. Arthur found a suitable tree to support him and leaned on it, already unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his trousers. And with the previous image of John stuck on his mind, he started jerking off. It didn't take too long until he heard a familiar voice very close to him. 
"Having some fun, huh?"
He immediately tucked himself back on his trousers and turned around to see who was there. He already knew, though.
"I'm surprised you didn't hear me approaching you. I could easily kill you right now if I wanted to," the boy said with a low voice, a smirk on his face and arms crossed. Arthur felt a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. He bowed his head a bit to cover his face with his hat. He said an awkward "excuse me" and started to walk away, but was surprised by a hand grabbing his arm. 
"Arthur, you don't need to go away. You can finish yourself right here. Or maybe I could... help you. If you want," John said with a slightly drunk voice, the last words low and deep right on Arthur's ear, making him gasp.
"John... You don't want this. You're drunk," Arthur answered looking away, but was suddenly pinned to the tree by John, who held Arthur's wrist right beside his head and his jaw with his right hand, and his smirk turned into a frown. Forceful. Damn. 
"I ain't drunk, Morgan. Stop playing dumb. I so know what you do on your tent at night. It's beyond obvious with the sounds you make." John was at a dangerous distance. Mouths so close they could feel the heat. He knew Arthur could simply push him away (or even punch him right on the face and open his wounds), but he liked to take risks. And this was a worthy one. Arthur, tough, was now painfully hard and John's words were filling him up with arousal. He sighed and closed his eyes. Arthur really wanted this, it just didn’t feel right.
"We can't do that, John. I don't want to... Change us. Please, go away," Arthur said, reluctantly. 
But now, did he ever do something right? In this life, everything he did was wrong. Just not for himself.
John clicked his tongue and answered:
"It won't change a thing. I know how you feel about me, Arthur. I bet you want this as much as I do, and it's just sex. But if you really don't want it, tell me so. But you won't have this chance again." 
The older looked back at John's eyes. 
"Then promise me it's just sex. Nothing else." 
"I promise." 
Arthur opened his mouth a little and moved forward to kiss the boy. Their tongues curled and licked at each other and their lips crushed and sucked every bit of flesh. A desperate, needy kiss. They both knew this promise was false, but they didn't bother at the moment. Arthur just wanted to finally savor John's taste. 
Their hands were exploring and curious before their converged into each other's trousers. With no delay their cocks were both out and touching each other, whimpers leaving their mouths as their hands worked together. John was still half hard and Arthur was so sensitive he shuddered at any new touch.
John got rid of Arthur's neckerchief and hat and grabbed his hair, tugging hard. Arthur moaned and let his head tilt to the side, giving his exposed neck to John's mouth to play. He licked, sucked and bit, feeling Arthur's reaction to these as a throbbing cock and a deep sigh. Arthur felt he wouldn't last too long with all the sensations and suggested a new thing.
"Let me... Let me suck you."
“I said…” - Arthur pushed John a little bit away and knelt down, holding John’s erection with one hand and putting the other on the younger’s thigh for balance. Arthur looked up with determined eyes and mouth watering.
“...let me suck you. Please.”
John got surprised with the request. He had already heard of some working girls who would do that by a little extra money, but he never really experienced it. And now Arthur was willing to give it to him, by his own suggestion. John felt a little weirded out, but he didn’t want to refuse it.
“I-I think… You don’t need to, Arthur.”
“But I want to. Please. I promise it will feel good” and then he open-mouthed kissed the head. A light, subtle kiss, but it was enough to convince John. The new feeling was amazing. Hot and soft. Still strange as he felt Arthur’s stubble brushing against his length. John prevented a small groan from escaping his mouth. Arthur circled his tongue and sucked gently, then performed a slow and prolonged lick.
“Ah. You really are a naughty boy, mm?” John teased, placing a lock of Arthur’s hair behind his ear, caressing his face in the end. Arthur closed his eyes to enjoy the touch. Then he stopped his tongue and glanced up as if asking for permission, receiving a hand on his head, just slightly moving him down, as response.
“...Okay. Show me how it’s done” said John with a giving up tone.
Arthur continued using his tongue from the base to the tip and then closed his mouth, caressing the side of John’s length with his lips and tongue. And then he put all of it in his mouth, moving his head forward until he wasn’t able to take it any further. John let out a breathy moan, his mouth slightly open and brows furrowed, surprised with how good this new thing was.
“God, Arthur…” John gripped Arthur’s hair a little too hard. But it felt good. Dominating and tough. The older man was proud and aroused with how much pleasure he was giving to his partner, and started to move his head up and down, slowly, trying to engulf everything he could. It as a bit uncomfortable, but nothing unbearable. He guided John’s hand to move his head harder.
Arthur was loving doing that. Being able to make John feel really good, trying to hold back his moans. His cock was already painful hard and leaking. He stopped grabbing John’s cock to grab his own and jerk off while John guided his head. It made him feel amazing.
He almost couldn’t breathe with the pace John set, now with both of his hands holding Arthur while he fucked his throat. The older struggled to not gag and ruin it, groaning when he was able to, John feeling the vibration of his voice right on his cock together with the warm and wet sensation. He was close.
“Jesus... fucking... Christ… You’re so tight… and hot… Fuck, Arthur!”, John teased between sharp breaths, bitting his lip. His husky voice doing things to Arthur, he shuddered and closed his eyes, diving into the sensation of John’s cock in his throat. He was surprised by the sudden wet and bitter feeling on his throat and mouth, John’s pulsing cock shoving down his throat and standing still for a second or two before thrusting  a couple times and stopping again. That’s it. He made John cum without a warning.
Arthur had to drink it all to not choke. Couldn’t contain a sour face with all that load in his mouth, but he eagerly licked all the remains on John’s cock when he stopped thrusting. This made the younger man shudder with oversensitivity, whining almost too high. John didn’t want it to stop, though. He used one arm to support himself on the tree, heavy breathing. This was too much, too good, better than anything he had ever done with any woman. And Arthur kept licking it, taking moans out of his mouth.
The husky, breathy sounds of pleasure helped Arthur to reach his own orgasm with a very deep and contained groan. He tugged at John’s shirt in a hope to release that feeling as a substitute for the sound trapped on his throat, his sperm all over his own hand. He felt amazing, as if he had completed a goal.
Both men stood still for half a minute, trying to recover their strength. John offered a hand for Arthur to get up.
They both buttoned up their pants quickly. An odd, mixed feeling of embarrassment and a little regret upon them. Awkward. They both looked at each other for a moment, before turning back and going away as if nothing had happened.
Maybe it really did mean something, in the end. But they did not know how to talk about it.
Arthur sighed as he mounted his horse and let him go anywhere. Just what had he done? He didn’t want to change their relationship, not that way… They agreed it would be just sex. But he knew he would be thinking about it as something more than that. He knew… and he accepted it anyway.
What could he do about it?
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shyeehaw · 6 years
Cheating Boys - HCs - RDR2
Request:  How they cheat by accident, how it was cheating, how they behave after if they try to win their trust back, how their S/O behaves.
There was a bad feeling on your stomach, it wasn’t rationally justified, it just was there.
You are not proud, but by tidying up the tent you shared with Arthur, you came across a letter, tucked away.
Although ‘come across’ may not be the right expression, when you were actively looking for it.
Your shaky fingers unfolded the thin paper, releasing an overly sweet smell that got your stomach turning.
By unfolding the delicate letter, Arthur was greeted by a perfume. Her perfume.
The flowery handwriting hit him like a punch to his stomach. Words, phrases he never thought he would see again greeted him like old friends.
When Arthur saddled up his horse, it didn’t cross his mind to tell you about it.
He did not wanted to worry you in vain, with Mary being a familiar name to you.
Riding towards Valentine, Arthur tried convincing himself that it was not a big deal, she probably just needed help.
Seeing her once again made all the memories he believed to be lost to boil him from inside.
Time had not touched her at all, her face still was the same. Which only made his sadness to grow.
Arthur was staring at a familiar stranger.
The lips he once cherished so had the most awful news. “I’m a widow now, Arthur.”
And by pronouncing that feared word, Mary cried to his chest.
Arthur had no way out, he tried to comfort her with pats on the back, but Mary wanted more.
She was alone and needed to feel whole again, Arthur was whole and that very kiss they shared threatened that.
It was so easy being with her again, and yet so complicated.
When the morning broke, memories of the night before mocked him. Weak, cruel... a bad man.
Leaving his regret behind, Arthur dressed and left without a goodbye.
That was a mistake. Every fiber of his being felt guilty, Y/N didn’t deserve that.
He knew you would have to hear it, and from him. But he couldn’t imagine confessing such a thing.
Thinking about losing you was too unbearable. And your greeting smile had only made that feeling worse.
Arthur began to spend less time with you. His journal was filled with words, but on his mind, he couldn’t find the right ones.
That sneaky behavior warned you that something was wrong.
“Arthur, why are you acting like this? Is something wrong?”
He had guilt all over his face and hurt too. Whatever happened it changed him.
“Y/N... I don’t know how to tell you, I’m so sorry about this-“
“Arthur, son! I need you here.”, yelled Dutch from across the camp.
“Wait! What were you going to say to me?”, you asked.
But he was not ready to lose you, not yet.
In that same afternoon, you decided that it was enough, you were going to find your own answers.
“O’driscoll! Get over here!”, Dutch called from afar.
You two shared worried looks. Whatever it was, Dutch sounded wasted.
“Go on, you have nothing to worry about it. Even less after today.”, you assured him.
“Tonight we are drinking, boy! And you are coming with us!”, Dutch had an unusual smile on his face.
First was Arthur, now John. If Kieran kept saving people like this, maybe they would drop that awful nickname.
When Kieran told you about the invitation, you cheered! They were finally seeing him for who he was.
And what a funny thing life is, you remember even kissing him goodbye that night.
“For good luck!”, you said, “it’s going to be fine.”
He had butterflies on his stomach, but Kieran managed to chat with Charles and even Arthur without being called O’Driscoll.
He already had a couple of drinks, and would usually stop, if it wasn’t for Bill that kept them coming.
The more he drank, the funnier they thought he was getting.
Of course, they weren’t sober either. Arthur had already stumbled on his own feet two times and Lenny was nowhere to be found.
“Would you like some company, big guy?”, said the girl with the cleavage to Charles.
Kieran barely noticed him and Javier talking to them girls, he was too busy coyly laughing at Arthur’s impression of Dutch.
“What about you, sweetie? Would you care to keep a girl some company?”, she came out of nowhere, placing her hand on Kieran’s shoulder.
He gulped, trying to explain he already had someone back home.
“Go on! Hell! We will even pay it for you after what you’ve done today.”, said Marston laughing, “I’m probably treating myself too!”
Arthur stared at John across the table, taking a look at Kieran after.
“I’m, uh... I shouldn’t...”, he tried to say.
“Come on, son! It’s not every day that a working girl chooses you and gets paid by us!”, said Dutch, finding the situation oh so funny.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want.”, Arthur said.
But it was too late, he saw Bill scoffing as if he expected Kieran to back down.
John, it seems, was just waiting for an excuse to go along.
Kieran wasn’t one to do this, but the alcohol and the ever so tiring underestimation got him to agree.
To their cheers, Kieran went upstairs, just now realizing how drunk he was.
The girl tasted like cigarettes, and that made Kieran so uncomfortable for whatever reason.
From that day on, that smell would haunt him. Like the smoke of the things he had done. The way he hurt you.
He remembers feeling shy at first, few people had seen his body like that.
Without a romantic attraction was almost impossible for him to concentrate on the sensations.
Riding back to camp was like the old time version of a walk of shame. And guilt.
Kieran may or may not have cried when he confessed what happened the night before.
What hurt you the most was that you let him in, you trusted him with all you had.
And he was no different than others, breaking your heart like that.
In a way, he was worse. He did that just to prove others wrong, just to protect his ego, you thought at first.
And yet, you could see how deeply regretful he was.
For days on end, he tried to make you see how sorry he was, how he hated himself for making you cry.
You could see that, but it didn’t change what happened.
He talked nonstop how Karen was in the past, and that it was a one time thing.
Too frequent, one may say.
But it’s always a bit tricky to see face to face the ex of the one you love.
She was a daily reminder of the things you did not have. Things that Karen would proudly display with her white blouse.
Not just that, she had a good sense of humor and could outdrink anyone of you.
But you had Sean, and to you, that was enough.
He was a really good boyfriend, always making you laugh and taking care of you.
But somethings are probably just not meant to be.
It only took one night for it all to come to an end. Looking back, it’s like you can pinpoint the exact moment you knew what was about to happen.
“Ya should just yell at me, Y/N. Really.”, he said out of the blue.
His eyes looked tired and red. Like if he had not slept enough. Or did he...cry?
“What did you do now?”, you teased. Having no idea what was about to happen.
“I spent the night with Karen.”, he said in one breath, his face becoming so serious, “It just happened, I went to talk to her, y’know ? To say that I wanted to be with you. She said that she did not care, but she did.”
Your heart stopped at that very moment.
“We fought, we kissed, Y/N.”, he confessed, “So yell at me, slap me if yer happy with that. But I... can’t keep doing this.”
“This what?”, you asked, fighting the urge to cry.
“I’ll always feel bad for doing this to ya, Y/N. But I can’t deny, it was not meaninglessness. If it was, I would be asking for yer forgiveness.
“I... see”, you managed to say.
You turned your back at what could have been. If you stayed longer, if you fought harder.
But you didn’t had anything left on you. Being betrayed like this, not only on a physical level but on an emotional one...It was too much.
You would be a shadow on their relationship.
Until Karen started seeing all the things she did not possess.
She would be living with his ex.
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redeadepression · 6 years
John Marston x F!Reader | What If | Nsft
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Characters: John Marston/Reader | John Marston/Abigail Marston
Warnings: Explicit, Cheating
Word Count: 3771
Disclaimer: John is a bad husband and Reader is a very bad friend. 
I hope you like this Anon. I probably went in a different direction than you were expecting but I was just so caught up in the fantasy. I actually had this request already half written and I never intended for it to really go in this direction with the cheating. It was just going to be a heartfelt conversation but uh… I woke up from a dream involving Modern AU John in a similar situation and I needed to write it down before it left me. 
You had lived a hard life before you joined the Van der Linde Gang. Mumma dying before you could walk and a Papi that tried to sell you for a bag of corn. You hadn’t ever had it good. At the age of 20 you still had little to no idea what ‘good’ was.
After you ran from home you never stayed in one place for too long. Always moving. Always afraid. Never sure where your next meal was coming from. Nothing ever constant.
So when Uncle had approached you at the saloon you worked in and offered you a better life you had been skeptical. A meal every day for a few household chores and the occasional heist. He warned you, you would probably have to do some stealing. Work some cons. You had laughed at that. You already lived that way for nothing in return.
It had been a few months now and to your surprise you found yourself happy. Excited even to wake up in the mornings and see what the day had to offer.
The only thing better than the hot meals was the friendship. The comradery that came from living and working so close with a group of people day in and day out.
You found you loved that the most. It was your new constant.
You had made fast friends with the other women. Swapping stories of how you lived before the gang and realizing just how similar they had had it growing up.
The person you hadn’t expected to bond with was Abigail. She was a married Mother. Her only jobs being cooking, washing and sewing. You thought you had nothing in common. But after a drunken night of swapping secrets you had realized just how similar you both were.
You had confided in her about your darkest days and some of the more questionable things you had done to earn yourself a meal. She had laughed herself silly and you had been mad, feeling judged until she had wrapped her arms around you and hugged you to her. Still chuckling as she explained that she didn’t exactly get with child by going to church.
You had felt bad for judging her as prim and proper without getting to know her and the two of you became incredibly close after that.
The only issue you had with spending so much time with her was her insufferable husband.
John Marston was never far away while the two of you talked. He sat close enough to listen in and offered unsolicited advice to your problems that made you want to grind your teeth down to the gums.
He was insulting, in a back handed way. Complimenting you and making your heart swell before metaphorically slapping the smile off your face.
Your dress was pretty, for someone your size. Your hair looked nice today, if you liked that colour.
He was a miserable bastard, always nearby, always listening. You hated it. At least you thought you did.
Until one day he helped you up after a fall and the electricity you felt coursing through you at his touch was enough to send you reeling back a few paces, falling again flat on your ass with a loud thunk as he gaped at you in surprise.
He had laughed way too hard, leaving you to help yourself up as he moved on his merry way. You came crashing back to reality as you watched his back retreating and growled in frustration. There was no way you could actually find him attractive.
But as the weeks wore on you had found yourself thinking about him more and more. The way his hair shone in the afternoon sunlight as he sat cross legged by the cliffside and whittled a piece of wood with scared hands.
The way the curve of his ass fit snuggly against his jeans as he bent to pick up heavy bags of flour. Sweat glistening on his forehead as he wiped it with the back of his hand.
The thought of his sweaty brow pressed against yours as he fucked you hard against the nearest flat surface had you flustered. Your cheeks heating as you worked on your sewing.
If only he wasn’t such an asshole.
Or married.
You realized suddenly, as Abigail picked your conversation back up from where you left off. You turned to her in surprise, having forgotten she was present and she eyed you suspiciously as she followed your eyeline from before.
Her lips pursed briefly as she caught sight of John. She composed herself quickly, continuing on your conversation as if there was never a pause. You were thankful for that. A lesser woman would have probed you about it.
A few more days passed after your near miss with Abigail before you had finally had enough of John’s attitude. You had been minding your business, chopping vegetables for the dinner stew when he had sauntered over with his empty coffee mug and made a snide remark about your technique.
You felt your hand grip the knife tightly before you slammed it down on the chopping board, making him jump.
“What the fuck!” You paused for emphasis. “Is your Goddamn problem with me?” You asked, voice raised as you gestured to yourself angrily. John stammered, in surprise. Looking glad you had left the knife on the bench with the way you were waving your arms wildly.
“I…” he began, seemingly speechless. “I don’t… have a problem with you?” He said quietly, phrasing it as if it was a question.
“Well then why the fuck are you so fucking rude?” You shouted, curses slipping from your tongue way too easily for someone that was supposed to be a lady.
John’s mouth moved wordlessly as he glanced around him to see who was watching. Thankfully no one had raised their heads at the commotion. He grimaced as he tried to explain. Cutting himself off and starting again before lunging for you suddenly.
You stared at him in shock. His hand was on your arm and he was leading you past the boundaries of camp. You let him pull you along, feet moving autonomously as you decided you were determined to get to the bottom of his dreadful behavior.
He stopped a few meters out of camp, turning to face you and scanning behind you momentarily. He met your eyes briefly before looking away again.
Crossing his arms he let out a huge sigh, frowning at the ground as you cleared your throat to try and jolt him in to action.
“I...” He started, lowering his tone and leaning in slightly. “I like you.” He whispered, still not making eye contact.
You raised your brows in surprise, forcibly stopping yourself from taking a physical step back as he moved closer. You hadn’t been expecting that.
“Well you got a shitty way of showin’ it.” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“I like you.” John repeated, voice quiet and rushed. “But it’s wrong. It’s so fucking wrong.” He said urgently. “If Abigail ever found out...”
“It’s okay...” you assured, cutting him off by placing a hand on his shoulder. You could sense the anxiety in him running ramped. You needed him to know what he was saying was just between the two of you.
He looked scared. Vulnerable. You had never seen him that way before. It was endearing.
“I... I keep tellin’ her it’s nothin’.” He explained. “I keep tellin’ her and she keeps askin’, she don’t believe me. The only way to make her stop is... is to...” he trailed off, finally meeting your shocked expression with his sad eyes. “I’m sorry.” He said sincerely, voice hushed as he looked back at the ground. “I don’t mean to be so terrible.”
You considered him for a moment, lips forming a thin line as you looked him up and down. The wind whistled between you, rustling his hair as the silence between you both continued. He moved to brush dark strands out of his eyes, hand pausing in midair as you grabbed it with yours.
“I like you too…” You admitted, feeling sheepish. You had always found him attractive as much as you hated to admit it. From the second you saw him you knew there was something there. But he was already taken before you came along and when you made friends with Abigail, you knew for certain nothing could ever happen between the two of you. He had been an asshole since you began your friendship anyway. You had no idea he had been faking it.
John’s eyes widened slightly at the admission, cheeks flushing as he pulled his hand away from yours and brushed his hair behind his ear. He kept his eyes averted, staring at the ground in between you as he thought.
“I love Abigail.” He said suddenly, as if he felt he needed to clarify.
You nodded, not really sure where he was going with this. “But I…” he paused, unsure how to say what was on his mind. “I guess I never planned on bein’ married… Not… Not now… anyway.” He stuttered awkwardly, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “It was the right thing to do you know?” He continued when you didn’t reply. “Marry her ‘cause she was with child. I just… I didn’t… I mean I don’t…” He trailed off, crossing his arms as he looked off in to the distance. “I don’t want to hurt her. I ain’t no cheater.” He said softly, looking back to you sadly.
You nodded in agreement. Neither were you, you didn’t think. You couldn’t stand the thought of hurting Abigail. She had been so kind to you. But the arousal you had felt when he had taken your hand earlier. It was enough to cloud anyone’s judgement.
“Anyway…” John said as a means of moving the conversation along. “Don’t matter what I feel for you or what you feel for me.” He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “We should get back.” He pointed towards camp, making to move and stopping beside you to wait for you to follow him.
You turned as well, walking beside him until you reached the very edge of camp. You started to trail behind, lost in thought before stopping completely beside one of the broken wagons that had been tossed aside for fixing. John stopped ahead when he realized you weren’t following and came back to you, raising his brows in question as you sank down on to one of the empty vegetable crates.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, hovering nervously as he scanned the camp for Abigail’s figure. He wasn’t about to leave you alone looking sad but he wasn’t sure he could take the ridicule if Abigail caught the two of you together.
“It’s just a shame is all.” You said gloomily, petting the seat beside you and watching as he hesitated for a moment before he took it. Careful to leave a respectable amount of space between the two of you.
“What’s a shame?” He asked, thinking maybe he already knew the answer. He jumped slightly as your hand slid on to his thigh. You gave it a quick squeeze, making him shiver.
“All the fun we’ll never get to have.” You smiled to yourself, eyes flicking towards him to catch a glimpse of him licking his lips.
“It’s for the best.” He answered, voice sounding forced, as if he didn’t believe it himself.
“Is it?” You asked, looking to him with half lidded eyes as your brain screamed at you to tone it down. You couldn’t help it, the way his hand slowly slid on top of your own. The way he glanced around nervously before letting it tighten. It ignited a fire in your belly. A hunger awakening like you’d never felt before.
He didn’t answer, knowing anything he said in reply would be a lie. He wanted nothing more than to explore the feelings he couldn’t control.
But Abigail…
You pulled your hand from his grip as you stood, his own hand trailing after you as if to try and pull you back in. You turned to stand in front of him. Far too close to be perceived as platonic if anyone were to be watching. The sides of your knees rubbed against his thighs and he looked up at you with a mixture of guilt and awe as he tried to adjust his erection discreetly.
You smirked, eyes flicking quickly around the camp to make sure no one was watching before leaning down, pressing your hands in to his shoulders and whispering in his ear.
“Maybe just once…”
His hands were under your ass before you had time to register what happened. Your legs wrapped around him instinctively as he lifted you. He pressed you hard against the wood of the wagon, shielding you both from prying eyes as he rested his sweaty forehead against yours. His eyes were screwed shut and he panted heavily. Your lips parted, your breath huffing over his chapped lips.
He pressed his lower body towards you readily. Erection pressing in to your centre and making you gasp.
He was as hard as steel and as hot as fire.
Your hands slowly snaked up his back and in to his hair. Grabbing fistfuls, you pulled on it lightly. His hips bucked in response, face wincing for a split second before evening out once more. You couldn’t tell if he liked it or not.
Pulling again experimentally you heard him whimper softly. Felt his cock pulse against you and realised you had gotten your answer.
You smiled to yourself waiting for him to make his move. Both of you breathing heavily against one another, lips an inch apart for what seemed like years.
Your impatience got the best of you, pushing you to move forwards with intent to kiss him. He turned his head quickly, your lips coming to rest against his scarred cheek.
He averted his eyes, not able to look at you as you pulled back in question.
“I ain’t no cheater.” He muttered, repeating his words from earlier and making you frown.
“Then what are you doing here?” You asked softly, one of the hands in his hair coming down to cup his cheek. You pressed against it, forcing him to face you.
He turned towards you, lust filled eyes locking on to yours as he swallowed thickly.
“I...” he began, not quite sure how to continue. You looked him over once more, taking in every inch of his flushed skin. Feeling his hard member burning in to your mound. You watched him shrug. Swallowing again and pressing his forehead against yours once more.
He sighed heavily, smiling sadly as he closed his eyes. He wanted to enjoy the anticipation for a second longer before it had to end.
You smiled weakly. Understanding better than anyone the predicament he was in. Abigail was your best friend. You didn’t want to hurt her either.
You wrapped your arms around his back, pulling him close in an effort to comfort him. But unable to stop your breath hitching as he pressed in to you a little more.
He huffed excitedly, cock throbbing at the sound. You supressed a moan, biting in to your bottom lip as you rolled your hips experimentally against him. He felt so good.
He whined softly in response, hands shaking under your ass as he fought with what was right and what he desperately wanted in that moment.
You smiled to yourself, exhaling softly as you whispered against his lips.
“You wanna fuck me?”
You ground yourself against his hardness with what little leverage you had. Your pussy spasming at the feeling.
John gasped, suppressing a moan of his own as his hips joined yours, rocking against you eagerly.
“Yeah?” You replied when he didn’t answer, voice sultry. Taking his movement as a yes.  You pulled his head to the side, whispering directly in his ear this time. “You wanna fuck my pussy until it’s raw?” You asked, crying out softly at the way his hips jolted at the question. He ground against you at a steady pace, breath stuttering at the sensation.
You let your tongue dart out to lick at the shell of his ear. Making him squirm as his thrusts quickened.
You continued your onslaught, voice so soft no one around you would be able to hear.
“You want to hear me moan for you?” You asked, breath hitching on purpose as you moaned softly, a long exaggerated sound that made his entire body tremble.
“John....” you breathed, rolling your hips to match his thrusts. “Oh.... Johnnn.” You groaned against him, feeling the hands under your ass tighten as his rhythm faltered momentarily.
“Ah…” You whispered. “Ah… John…” You gasped, purposefully hitching your inhale in an exaggerated manner. You knew you were driving him wild.
John painted heavily, breathing uneven as groans caught in his throat in an effort to be quiet. He was so hard. So wet. He’d never felt so turned on.
“Fuck…” He murmured as you continued to breath heavily in his ear. Mumbling his name and telling him how good he felt.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” You asked quietly, your hands moving to his waist and holding on tight for better leverage. He choked on a moan, a broken inhale following as he pushed his head passed you and pressed his forehead in to the wood of the wagon. Lips on your shoulder as he rocked his hips against you at a jagged pace.
He was so close. This was so wrong. So naughty. You felt so good against him. His mind wandered to what it would feel like to be inside you. To fuck you proper, not stopping until neither of you could breath.
“You’re fucking me so good John.” You whisper, seemingly following his train of thought as his abs began to clench. “Your cock feels so good inside me.” You gasp, hands tightening on his sides as your press against his every thrust. “Fuck me harder.” You order, making him shake.
“Good God…” He grunted breathily.
“Cum inside me.” You whimper excitedly, nipping at his ear as he cried out louder than he should. His voice a strangled whine as he rutted against you, groaning in ecstasy. You pulled his ass tight against you with your calves, making it hard for him to move as he shook and whined through an intense orgasm.
He whispered your name with a shaking voice. Small keening sounds still leaving him long after the sensation had passed. He continued to rock gently against you. Not wanting it to end.
Not wanting to part.
You chuckled at his enthusiasm, forcefully pushing him away once you started to feel his seed seep through his pants and on to your own.
If he stained your dress there would be no hiding what had transpired when you both emerged from behind the wagon looking thoroughly fucked.
He let you go readily. Allowing you to use his shoulders to hold steady as your unwrapped your legs and dropped them to the ground.
You stood awkwardly for a moment. Still only inches apart and both breathing heavily.
You didn’t finish, but that hardly mattered. He had made an entire bank load of lewd sounds for you to lock away in your vault and use at your leisure alone in your own tent.
You supposed he probably felt the same way about you despite his orgasm.
John looked sheepish, whether embarrassed by the outcome of your transgressions or unsure what to do now you couldn’t tell.
His hand moved slowly to touch your arm as he kept his eyes on your boots. He ran his fingers across it lightly before dropping it back to his side.
“That was... I...” He stammered, trying to find the right words.
“You don’t need to say it.” You said softly, taking a step closer and pressing a hand to his cheek once more. “I understand.” You assured him.
It was clear to the both of you that this could never happen again. It could never go further than what it already had. You both knew deep down that although John claimed to not be a cheater, he had certainly cheated on Abigail this afternoon. He had spilled his seed to the touch of another women.
You wondered absently if it would make a difference to her if she ever found out. The fact that you didn’t actually fuck him. He never even kissed you.
You wondered if it made a difference to John’s conscience. Or if he would still be riddled with guilt for his adultery.
The look on his face gave you his answer as he slowly slunk away from you. Glancing around as he darted from cover to cover, trying to make it to his tent without being seen.
You giggled at the sight, sitting back down on the crate from earlier and lighting a cigarette. You took a long drag from it, exhaling slowly as you lost your self in your thoughts.
You warmed your hands by the fire, chuckling to your self at the story Hosea was recounting about a hunt gone wrong. You’d all heard it a million times but the novelty never seemed to wear off as the tale became a little more exaggerated with each retelling. Seemingly forgotten details adding to the fun and filling out the boring parts with simple one-liners that had everyone in stitches.
Abigail’s hearty laugh could be heard from across the fire as Hosea gestured wildly to add to the atmosphere. You looked for her, smiling faintly as she caught your eye before turning back to Hosea. She knew you loved this story.
John was beside her, his arm slung around her shoulders as he laughed along to the anecdote. You stared at him for a moment. Raising your brows in surprise as he turned to look directly at you. You wondered if he had felt your eyes on him as his face fell momentarily. His hand tightened on Abigail’s shoulder and she leaned in to him looking up to place a soft kiss on his stubbled cheek. His eyes snapped away from you locking on to hers before capturing her lips and kissing her softly.
Abigail turned back to the fire and he looked to you apologetically. You shrugged with one shoulder, a small smile letting him know it was okay.
The two of you were never meant to be. But you would always have the memory of what if.
Fic Requests are closed until I get some more of them done but Headcanon requests are literally always open!
If you enjoyed this story please consider letting me know! Comments make my week and keep me motivated. ♥
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A Boy Named John | John Marston x Abigail Roberts x F!Reader |
I wanted to do something new! This is like a series, I guess? Idk. Basically I wanted to do like snippets of a relationship between John/Abigail/Reader and so I did that. These will all contain a female reader as usual, and I'll try to make them all separate pieces, meaning you shouldn't have to read one part to understand another. But I make no promises tbh. I've taken inspo from the 90s Abi that @anniesburg created and I also put in some of my own modern!John headcanons, and you can read my list of those (and I'll probably do another list soon enough) here.
Pairing: John Marston/Abigail Roberts/Reader ((I like to use Roberts when Abi isn't married to John))
Rating: T? No sex or anything, just a little bit of fluff. This chapter is just showing how they meet, but there are some brief mentions of sex.
Words: 2,844
It was breezy out, so Abigail promptly declared at breakfast you two would be going to the park after lunch. She took your hand and led the way, as usual. You smiled and followed happily, but mainly because you were watching that rear end of hers bounce with every step.
Now you were sat with Abi under a tree, your arm slung over her shoulders while she's curled up into your side. You press a sweet kiss to her temple, nose bumping against the side of her beloved aviators. She never left the house without those sunglasses, the blue mirrored effect her favorite part, as they mixed well with her black hair. You, quite honestly, always loved how they accentuated her resting bitch face. She'd scared off quite a few homophobes that way.
"I love you." You murmur softly in her ear, slipping the palm of your hand over her sharp jaw. You turn her head upwards and descend down upon her cherry-chapsticked lips.
She smiles. "I love you too." She murmurs against your lips, her accent as strong as ever.
Grinning and pulling away slightly from your girlfriend, you look up just in time to see a tall, skinny man on a skateboard swerve to avoid hitting a child that was running from his parents. He runs right off of the paved sidewalk, the grass catching the wheels of his board and sending him flying right into a tree.
Abigail's up off the ground immediately, a gasp tearing out of her throat as she runs to the man. He's groaning and holding his head as he sits up, his dark eyes widening as he catches his reflection in Abi's sunglasses. He's dazed and confused, and you already know from the way Abi is checking his head for any bumps, bruises or cuts that she's claimed him as hers.
You pick up his skateboard and make sure the child is collected by his parents before you join Abigail. She's sitting beside him and chatting casually, as if he didn't just faceplant a tree. You see he's got a good scrape across his cheek and his lip's a little busted, but more prominently you notice the cut on his forehead above his right eyebrow. It's not bleeding a whole lot, but it's enough to make you want to fix him.
"This is John." Abigail tells you. You know she's noticed his left arm is covered in tattoos, which has made him a thousand times for attractive for her. Honestly, your girlfriend was the biggest flirt you'd ever met.
You never minded when Abi got her flirt on with men. Most of the time she was just searching for a good one-night-stand for the two of you, as you both were still very much into men and sometimes Abigail's dominant side just needed another person to order around. The last time you two were in a threesome was easily two months ago and you were ready for another.
You extend your hand and introduce yourself, kneeling in front of him and offering up the skateboard. He smiles some at you.
"Thank you." His voice is scratchy and low. You already understand Abigail's attraction to him.
"I think we should get a bandaid on that cut, John." Abigail says, placing her delicate hand on his forearm.
"Ah, that's okay, it ain't that bad..." He touches a fingertip on the cut, examining the blood that comes away with it. "It'll stop bleedin' eventually."
Abigail lifts her sunglasses into her hair and you snicker to yourself. He's gone and done it now!
"I said we're gonna get a bandaid on that cut, John. Come on." She takes his hand and stands up, pulling him up as well. John blinks stupidly but follows her lead as you walk on his other side.
"Yes ma'am." At least he was polite!
"So." You start off as Abi leads the way to the nearest drugstore. "Is swerving and running into trees a regular occurrence for you?"
"Naw, not really. I usually run into trees just fine without dodgin' little kids."
You laugh until you realize he's not kidding.
"So, John," Abigail clears her throat. "Tell us about you. What do you do when you're not getting a face full of bark?"
"Well, I work the regular week at an auto shop with my buddy Javier. It's a neat little gig. Pays me good and I get weekends off." He grins.
"So you're a mechanic?" You ask. Abigail's car has been draining power steering fluid like crazy and you hope he'll be willing to look at it.
"Yep. Been doin' that full time since I got outta high school, but I always been into cars and stuff like that. Not to toot my own horn or nothin', but I'm damn good at what I do." His smile is proud. It's also very cute.
"I bet you are." Abi grins. She pushes John down onto a bench that's outside of the store. "You stay right here. I'm gonna head inside and get some bandaids."
John nods and you sit with him as Abi shops. He looks at you carefully once she's gone. "So..." He gestures his finger from you to the store, indicating Abigail.
"Yes." You nod. "Four years now."
He nods slowly. "Okay."
"That's not a problem, is it?" You narrow your eyes.
"No- No, I'm cool with that!" He puts his hands up, panic in his voice. "Lesbians are cool!"
You smirk a little. Making straight men squirm a little was always fun. "Yeah, lesbians are pretty cool."
Abigail comes outside then. She swats your shoulder. "Stop making the poor guy sweat. He ain't no homophobe."
You pout. "I was just teasing, Abi."
"I don't care." She sits on John's other side, her fingertips brushing his jaw as she turns his head. He closes his dark eyes while she applies the disinfectant and then the butterfly bandage.
"All done." She smiles at him, rubbing some sanitizer between her delicate hands.
"You really didn't have to, but thanks." John grins. "I ain't really a nurse so I can't return the favor like that, but I am a decent cook. 'M havin' some friends over for a little backyard barbeque. You... You can come too, if you want." He murmurs.
"We'll be there." Abigail assures him with a sweet smile. She pulls her phone from her purse and unlocks it, handing it to him. "Text me the details, okay?"
"Should we bring something?" You ask while John inputs his phone number into Abi's phone.
"If you want to!" He smiles at you now, giving Abigail her phone back and holding his hand out for yours. In the back of your mind you note just how much of a natural he is in providing you both with attention. "I've got all the meat covered, and most of the fixin's been claimed, so maybe some more beer and dessert. Doesn't matter what dessert, but there is a golden rule about beer at my house: If you bring Pabst Blue Ribbon, you're out."
You and Abigail laugh, John having his own smile on as he inputs his phone number into your phone. He hands it back to you and checks his watch. "I better get home. I'll see you ladies tomorrow."
He stands up and tosses his board down, waving cutely at you and Abi before he takes off down the sidewalk. You glance at her while she's still watching John, no doubt looking at how twinky he is.
"I can't believe we're going to fuck a boy named John."
"Abigail, it's a backyard barbeque." You groan as your girlfriend once again went to go change her outfit. "And honestly, it doesn't matter what you wear! If it goes right it'll be on the floor."
"But I want John to undress me with his eyes first!" She pulls off her tank top. "There's nothing wrong with being sexy, my love."
You stand and come up behind her, slipping your arms around her waist and effectively stunting the progression of her outfit change. You kiss her sweet spot behind her left ear, the one that always makes her shiver and moan. "Are you saying I'm not sexy, Abigail?"
"That's n-not what I said and you know it." She murmurs, leaning back against you. "I just want him to like what he sees."
"I'm sure he will. And even if he doesn't, I sure do love what I see." You press a soft smooch to her cheek, rubbing her hips. "Come on, baby. Get dressed and let's go. I'm hungry!"
"Fine, fine!" She waves her hands around. You let go of her and sit back down on the end of the bed. You had put on a band t-shirt and some shorts an hour ago, and when Abigail was ready you'd put your black Chucks on.
"Why don't you wear that cute blue off-the-shoulder top? The one with the lace." You suggest, heart fluttering when her eyes light up.
"That's perfect! Ugh, I love you so much." She leans down for a quick kiss before rushing to the closet for said top and a strapless bra. She put on some sandals and then her beloved sunglasses, now /finally/ ready to go.
You take her hand once you're outside and walking for John's house. It turned out that he only lived a couple blocks away from you and Abi, which was nice because instead of driving there you two could walk and enjoy the nice day. Abi smiles up at you, carrying the case of Coors Light she'd picked up this morning while you held the ice pops. A cherry one was already calling your name, but you resisted the temptation, lest you feel Abi's wrath over it.
"This is so cute!" Abi coos as you approach the little two-story house John called his home. It was navy blue with white trim, and there was an older Ford pickup in the driveway.
The fence to the backyard is open, so you lead the way back. There's an inflatable pool with a dirty blond lounging in it, and you couldn't say for sure, but you were certain he was actually asleep in it.
"You're here!" John's scratchy voice sounds happy, thankfully. You turn to see him approaching, his dark hair tied up out of his face. Expectantly, the bandaid from yesterday is gone.
"I told you we'd come!" Abigail holds the beer out to him. He takes it with a gasp and a big grin.
"This is my favorite beer!" The fact that he's so excited over such a small thing warms your heart. He's a simple man so far.
"Really? Ain't that somethin'." Abigail grins. "Introduce us to your friends, John!"
"Right, right!" He opens the blue cooler on the ground and pops the cardboard end open, dumping the cans of beer inside, along with the ice pops, and closing the lid. You snicker fondly at how expertly done that was.
John points the man in the pool. "That's my brother, Arthur. He don't sleep much, so leave him alone until dinner."
"Got it." You nod and then John brings you to the large, round table where the others are playing cards at.
"Javier, Bill, Mary-Beth, Sadie, Charles, Tilly, Sean." He says as he points to each member. "Guys, and gals, this is Abigail," He rests a large hand on her shoulder, and then the other on yours as he introduces you to his friends. "I met 'm yesterday at the park and I thought they were pretty cool, so... Be nice to 'em."
"It's nice to meet you." Javier smiles gently. "Would you like to join us? We're about to play poker."
"Texas Hold 'em?" You ask, grinning. You'd always been good at that particular brand of the game.
"That's the only one we play!" Sean matches your smile, patting the empty seat beside him. "Come on, sit down! You deal first. No dirty dealin' now!"
"Oh lord." Abigail rolls her eyes when you eagerly sit down. "I'm stayin' far away from this trainwreck."
John snickers. "Not a gambler?"
"No, because my darlin' here does enough of it for the both of us." You note her sarcasm, but the love of the game wins over it. You're sure you'll be paying for it later on, but Abigail's punishments are always fun.
"You wanna come grill with me?"
"Sure." She smiles and goes to the grill with him. She isn't a good chef by any means so she lets him do the work while she watches.
When the poker game disbands, you go grab a beer from the cooler. Abigail is currently asking John about every tattoo that's adorning his left arm and he's happily telling her about each one. You smile and stand on John's other side.
"Smells good, John." You comment. He smiles proudly and flips a few burgers.
"Told you I can cook! I'm a lot of things, but a liar ain't one."
"John was telling me about his tattoos." Abi grins.
"Did you tell him about yours?" You hum. Abigail only has a couple, but they look good on her. There's one on her right shoulder. It's a 'basic bitch' tattoo but you're proud of it. It's a lemniscate with your anniversary winded in it. You can't help but give it a kiss whenever you make love to her.
"I kinda figured that one out for myself." John snickers, pointing to the lemniscate. "Do you have any?" He asks you.
You shake your head. "No. I've always been too nervous to get one."
"Ain't no shame in that." He says. "They hurt!"
You smile a little. He's a sweet man, you think. Your eyes meet Abigail's and you know she's feeling good about this one.
Dinner is tasty and the way they all interact tells you they're more of a family than just a group of friends. The gathering continues late in the night and eventually you and Abigail are the last ones there.
John sits on the grass, staring up at the stars and the moon. "Did you ladies have fun?"
You sit on his right, Abigail flanking his left. "I had a lot of fun, actually." You say, and Abigail readily agrees.
John grins. "Good. Maybe I'll get to see ya around more?"
"I don't see why not." Abigail says. "In fact, why don't you come on over to our place for dinner? I'm no cook, but my partner-in-crime here is."
"Okay!" It takes everything you have to not just grab him and kiss those pink lips. "I'll eat anything, so don't worry about that."
Abigail smirks a little, the dirty-minded minx. "I ain't worried about a thing, John."
"Walk us home?" You ask sweetly. "We're just a couple blocks over."
"Sure!" He stands and offers a hand to each of you, pulling you off of the grass and to your feet. "Last thing I want is for you two ladies walkin' around by yourself this late anyway. I know this is a good neighborhood, but still."
He takes you home, walking you up the porch. Abigail fishes for the house key and you turn to John. "Text me when you get back home, okay?"
"Yes ma'am." He nods, and he waves shyly once Abigail has the door open and a light on. "I'll see you two at dinner."
"Seven o'clock sharp, and don't be a minute late." Abigail says sternly.
He grins, and you suspect he has a thing for being told what to do. "Yes ma'am."
You and Abigail wish him goodnight, waving before you went inside and locked the doors. You watched him through the peephole and Abi from the window beside the door as he tucks his hands in his pockets and walks back home.
"Great." You say when he's gone. "Now I have to cook dinner."
Abigail doesn't bother hiding her laughter as she goes up to bed. You follow her up the stairs, touching her butt once you reach the top.
"Is there a reason we didn't try to get laid tonight?" You ask. Usually when Abigail sets her sights on a new boy she's quick to pounce.
"I think this one is different, my love." She turns around and embraces you.
"You think?"
"He's kind, and he never tried anything with us. Most of these men know we only entertain them because we want to have sex. John... I don't think he knows that. And in saying that, I feel like he deserves better than a one-night-stand."
"So what are you saying?" You ask, brushing her hair out of her eyes.
"I'm not sure yet. Maybe it's better that we're just friends with him. He really is a genuinely nice man."
You sigh, knowing she's right. She usually is. "We'll find someone else to have some fun with."
"Oh, don't pout at me like that. If you need some dick that badly, get my strap ready while I wash my face. I'll even let you call me John."
You really do have the best girlfriend.
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shyeehaw · 6 years
Getting interrupted during a make out : Part 2
I’m back with a part 2, hope yall enjoy it <3
Request: Mind if I request John, Dutch, Hosea and Arthur for it?
The good thing about Shady Belle is that it has doors.
And John was eager to take great advantage of them.
Waiting on his room as you two had previously agreed, you couldn’t help but to fidget.
Was he tired of meeting you like this? Was it too soon to tell the others?
“Hey darlin, I’m sorry it took so long...”, he said coming closer to greet you, “I was helping Arthur and-“
You hummed in agreement, as your mouth was too busy to answer it.
“I was waiting for this the whole day...”, you said as you pulled John to the bed with you.
“Is that so?”
His body felt hot against yours, intertwining your legs with his got John hungrier, bolder.
  As he kissed your neck you quietly giggled, with his hand covering your mouth, a funny look on his face.
Meeting in the dark like this was fun and exciting, and you could feel tell John agreed.
But to the sound of the door opening, you jumped against the wall, hiding under the sheets.
“John, you seen my bow? I think I left here somewh-“
“Don’t come in!”, John warned, “it ain’t here.”
“Alright, but let me look for it and I-“
“Arthur, just get out of here!”, said John, getting up to close the door on Arthur’s confused face.
To the sound of his steps getting further, John joined you under the sheets, getting rid of his jeans to feel your skin against his.
But this time he had no time to stop Arthur from coming in.
“John, stop this nonsense I’m sure it’s in here and if you just let me... oh.”, Arthur stopped on his tracks, hand still on the door knob, “Y/N?”
Jumping out of bed, only wearing his trousers, John tried to kick Arthur out of the room.
But he wouldn’t budge, laughing his heart out as he watched the angry nearly naked man pushing him out.
“This ain’t funny! Get out of here.”
Being careful not to look on your direction and embarrass the two of you even further, Arthur made his way around John.
With a sarcastic look and his bow in hand, he closed the door, leaving you two in disbelief of what just happened
News about a train and a lurking feeling of mutual attraction brought you there.
As you entered the tent you knew the last thing you two were going to talk about was that train.
Watching you like an animal who is about to attack its prey, Dutch came a little closer.
You wanted this so bad, and by the way he was grabbing his belt, you assumed he wanted too.
It all happened fast, considering that for months now you had been storing this inside you.
With his soft curls around your fingers, you had to take a moment and just rejoice on how good it felt to be there.
Memorizing each detail from Dutch’s intense gaze, you leaned forward to meet his lips.
And another time; and another.
Dutch was insatiable, lifting you up and not taking a moment to breath.
You were pretty sure you heard his deep voice turn into a moan, a sigh calling your name.
At this point he looked nothing like the ever spotless man you were used to seeing.
His hair was all messy, his shirt unbuttoned, it was quite the sight.
And it was quite the unexpected sight to an unsuspecting Arthur.
“Dutch!? I’m sorry...I saw nothing!”, said Arthur.
It was just when he said this that you two noticed his presence on the tent.
“What are you doing here, Arthur?”
“I, uh... you called me here? Remember?”
“I called you! But that was an hour ago! Now me and L/N  are....” he cleared his throat looking at your messy state, “talking business.”
“It’s some business, alright.”, Arthur couldn’t help but to smile at little.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Get out!”
Arthur turned around, you noticed his ears were a bit red.
“And son? Don’t ever barge into my tent again like that!”
Arthur looked at Dutch incredulous, it was he whom called him there. But alright, let him have his business, he guessed.
It was a beautiful chilly day, and Hosea had many plans to it.
Gathering some fruits and a loaf of bread, he searched you around camp.
“My dear, what do you say we go fishing? Just you and me?”, he asked.
“I’m not that good at fishing, if I may say so.”, you confessed, “but I would love for you to teach me.”
With everything already packed on Silver Dollar, Hosea helped you up (like the gentleman he is!)
“Hosea? Is you two going fishing? Can me and Jack come along?”
John asked, scratching his head, embarrassed to be intruding, “Abigail won’t stop telling me to do something with that boy,”
Hosea looked at you before answering, “We... uh, why not? Come along, son.”
It would have been an awkward ride, if it wasn’t for Jack’s complaints about fishing.
Arriving at the spot, you noticed an old boat, the perfect getaway to still have your romantic afternoon.
Meeting your gaze, Hosea quickly followed your lead, “John, you stay here with the boy, me and Y/N will take the boat.”
“Fine by me”, John shrugged, “It will be fun, right Jack?”
The kid just nodded, clearly wishing to be elsewhere.
Stoping the boat right before where the waves break, far away from their eyes, you and Hosea finally had some time alone.
He shared a blanket with you, getting cozy under it.
You two longed for this, and what it started as a sweet kiss turned to a more heated one.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long”, Hosea said softly, running his thumb along your jawline.
Age is just a number, and Hosea is still filled with passion, his charm just got stronger as he grew older.
The tender caress was interrupted by Jack’s screams.
“Uncle Hosea! Come here!!”
With a sigh from the interruption, he turned around, not a moment of peace to the old man.
But looking at the sea, he was scared by what he saw.
Swimming as fast as he could, with you behind, Hosea was able to fetch John off the water , soaked as a fish.
“You are as dumb as you look, John Marston!”, he said, helping him up, “What were you thinking?”
“I was...” he coughed some water, “trying to get near, to tell you that the boat was too close. Me and the boy could see it all, old man!”
At first Hosea’s embarrassment shone through, but come ont! He deserves a break from as well!
“Well then, have the decency to look away, take the kid somewhere else! Play with him for once! But don’t go around drowning yourself!”
John was left there speechless as Hosea grabbed you by the hand, pole in the other.
“I’m sorry!”, Hosea said after getting in the boat, more to Jack than to John. He was way too old to be feeling guilty like a kid who was catch doing something wrong.
One way or another he would do something nice in that day!
You shouldn’t be distracting Arthur when he is in guard duty, you are painfully aware of that.
But as you ate the hot stew in that freezing night, you couldn’t help but to feel bad for leaving him there alone, cold and hungry.
“Arthur? I brought you something!”, you said warning him it was you coming through those woods.
“Darlin, you shouldn’t have.”, he said smiling gladly at the steaming bowl.
“I thought you could use a hot meal... and some company?”, you got so close you could hear his heart racing a bit.
You two had too little time to spend together, so it was easy to convince Arthur to put his gun away for a moment or so.
“I probably shouldn’t...”, he said looking around, “but... to hell with it! Get over here.”
He asked that nicely, just a whisper in the night. Feeling his warmth you melted in his arms.
Arthur grabbed you by the hips, kissing you as this was the only thing he thought in the last few hours.
Leaning you against a tree, he pressed himself against you, one kiss more heated than the other.
Until the two of you heard a noise. Not very far from where you two were wrapped up against each other.
“What the hell is goin on there? Arthur, is you alright?”
With a burning glow from John’s lantern, you looked away, trying to hide your face.
“Oh so that’s what’s going on here!”, John was as shocked as the two of you were.
“Goddamnit Marston! What... what are you doing here?”, Arthur’s face was blushing, and so was yours.
“I was hearin some noises, maybe some feller was trying to kill you...”, John was now laughing, “but you seem fine to me.”
As John walked away filling the air around you with a debauched laugh, Arthur followed him.
“John! Get back here! I mean it! Don’t go telling on Dutch!”
You could bet if that happened when they were teenagers, the reaction would be the same.
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