#nothing is more gratifying to me in those books than when percy gets to smack down some gods
Why do you hate PJO Dionysus?
So....it’s not so much that I hate him.  I’m mostly apathetic toward him, I care much more about almost any other given character in those books, but when I take the time to think about him, I get real annoyed real fast, and here’s why.
If you are an adult with the care of children under your purview, I frankly don’t care why you’re there, it’s your job to not treat them terribly.  And by and large Mr. D is just kind of disinterested in the kids, which, fine, you know what, he’s a god, that’s understandable.  And I generally ascribe to the belief that he probably gives more of a fuck about them than he’d ever admit.  But still, dude, you don’t have to be nasty to them just to prove how annoyed you are at your dad for putting you in time out.
Basically, I don’t hate him, I just want someone who’s an actual mature adult to show up and yell at him.
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