#nothing but love for my favorite problematic himbos
himbo-of-destiny · 1 year
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bi4bihankking · 11 months
Okay the main reason that you should read Infinity Inc. Do you like cute college students who are fun together? Do you like found family? Do you like your favorite characters being friends forever and nothing bad happening to them at all? 
Well TOO BAD! If you read Infinity Inc. your favorite character has a 92% chance of either dying or going evil! You will love these stupid children and you will be so upset that DC refuses to have an actual full Infinity Inc. Reunion and instead decides that every few years former members should attempt to murder each other. 
For characters you have: Boy with daddy issues, other boy with daddy issues, gay angry boy with daddy issues, (unfortunately not canon gay yet) boy with EVIL daddy issues, and 7’6” himbo. It’s just... daddy issues all the way down. Also sexist 1940s man who is incredibly annoying. Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, or Jade, who you should all know, and frankly I think if your only exposure to Jen is Kyle Green Lantern you should be OBLIGATED to read Infinity Inc. I have seen some awful stuff flung around about her by Kyle fans. “Jade is only important to comics to tie Kyle to Alan and since she can’t do that properly she might as well stay dead” and that’s just what I’m willing to quote. 
Read Jennie-Lynn RIGHT NOW to properly appreciate her or learn to keep her name out of your mouth. I say while shipping her other ex with her dad and her brother. 
Lyta Trevor who has been through so much and deserves so much more than being hated because of Sandman, you do not know Lyta and you have not read her struggles, how dare you, I am assigning you the homework of Read Infinity Inc. or shut up. 
Okay that is the big sexisms it’s time to get to the big homophobias, or both. Hey remember how the mini series that Beth and Yolanda were killed off in either heavily implied that they were dating or ramped up the sexual tension so much that it seems that they are. I think you should read Infinity Inc. and join me in demanding that Geoff Johns brings back that relationship. Yeah it would be cute. 
Read Infinity Inc. now to fall in love with the cutest college age idiots you’ve ever read, ship a ship that is definitely considered problematic now (it’s Hank and Todd I don’t mean problematic problematic I mean, my god people are weird about non-canon gay ships involving canon gay characters, they just have a ridiculous amount of UST and you have to understand Hank was absolutely in love with both twins you have to you have to), be destroyed by the only death in the main series as you learn to care about them all, and also read further in the main characters lives and see the horrible shit they all but especially Hank gets subjected to... 
I forgot someone... 
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Infinity Inc. is the origin of this meme!
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asukaskerian · 2 years
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach!
1: sexuality headcanon : sapiosexual before all else. extremely demi. bisexual but doesn't know it because he never stopped to wonder and doesn't (think he) know any gay or bi people. outside of, like, the cabaret people and ladies of the night, but that was in paris. does it COUNT if it's in paris. (tarvek, waving his arms in his face: D:<)
2: otp : i like gil/tarvek without agatha a little more than gil/agatha without tarvek (it's the childhood friends to enemies to co-conspirators to co-emperors to co-husbands to lovers pipeline.) otherwise it's the ot3 forever.
3: brotp: bangladesh is so HORRIBLE as a person but their relationship is like. a himbo and his pet rabid wolverine, who loves him and ONLY him (and his dad ok maybe.)
4: notp: gil/bang for the same reason.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : .. drawing a blank atm. hmmm.
6: favorite line from this character: that page. that page where he grabs wooster by the arms and he's all. "AGATHA IS ALIVE!!! :D :D :D" and slides seamlessly into terrifying despot to the point that wooster calls him master by pure reflex. "THERE IS NOTHING I COULDN'T DO, HAD I CAUSE! And now.. now i have one." shiversssss.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: nerd nerd nerd.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : nothing? he's pretty cool and mostly only plays a himbo on tv.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? : listen he might be a despot but he's an ADORABLE despot. it wasn't his fault he had to grind all of europa under his booted heel. ;;
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I'm genuinely curious but why do you care if people headcanon that Arthur is himbo? I'm not trying to start a fight, sincerely. I'm coming from the perspective that we should let people have their headcanons, y'know?
Yeah, I get that! I guess, to answer this question, I have to talk about my philosophy (if you can call it that) when it comes to media consumption and my critical takes on fandom culture writ large. So if you have time, buckle up!
I should point out that I both don't care and care very much about people's hc's when it comes to my favorite characters. I don't care, in that I'm not going to get upset or get my panties in a wad if you headcanon something that is easily proven to be inaccurate wrt the canon. Like, if you want to headcanon Arthur is bad at reading, go for it. Lol, I'm not going to be upset or go out of my way to stop you.
However, I care enough to point out when this is inaccurate, especially when it enters into my sphere of fandom interactions. Now, this is where I get into trouble? A lot of people feel when I point out something is wrong or inaccurate, that I'm invalidating them or censoring them? Lol, like it's okay to be wrong/inaccurate. It's not the end of the world! If you choose to adjust your headcanons so that it's more canon compliant/accurate, then good for you. If you choose not to, also good for you! I promise, Lia isn't going to come after you :)
That said, in general, people need to be more open-minded if they're 'corrected.' Like I said, it's not the end of the world. Take the note and move on with your life.
Now, let's get to the larger, heftier part of this question. This need fandom has to transform their favorite man into a himbo (when he isn't) is a projection issue to me? Like, the unspoken assumption here is that it's safe and unproblematic to like himbos. Force this character into the himbo mold, and you can stan unproblematically! A couple of issues here:
As a Marxist, I should point out that there is no such thing as ethical consumption. It's fool's gold, and you're better off abandoning this all-or-nothing way of thinking and accept that life has its compromises WHILE still trying to work on yourself and your habits
Flanderization often leads to more problematic representation, as it erases the nuance that went into the writing of Arthur. He is a very complex dude. A lot of his sense of humor is subtle and off-the-cuff. Many people mistake it for genuine stupidity, and that's just... unfair? Like my boy did not just whip out witty repartee that belittles the presumptuous upper class of America for you to dismiss it as stupidity.
Now, as for himboism itself...
Okay, I love himbos. Kronk from Emperor's New Groove is a great and lovable example of a himbo? Big beefy dude with a big beefy heart but of very little brain UNLESS it involves his favorite pastime: home-making and cooking. Himbos aren't necessarily dumb, btw, they're just not considered conventionally intelligent (the way Yzma is). The charm of the himbo is that their kindness overpowers our traditional valuations of intelligence, and it reminds us that emotional intelligence (which, stereotypically is not recognized in cis men) is worth appreciating.
The problem here is that Arthur Morgan is both emotionally and intellectually intelligent. To overemphasize the former at the expense of the latter makes you miss a lot of his more complicated and unsavory personality traits?
For instance, one of the MAIN character traits (recognizable anywhere) of a himbo is that a himbo would never say a nasty word to ALL women. Now, don't get me wrong, Arthur is indeed a feminist who respects women, but a himbo would not be caught dead saying this line (credit to @papaue00 for reminding me it exists):
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It's worth listening to how Roger Clark deliver those lines. Arthur speaks with malice here :)
Now, the point isn't, "Arthur is sexist! Cancel him!" Because that is NOT true. He's not sexist. Rather, he has moments where he gives in to petty malice? And he goes out of his way to demean her by bringing up sex work (i.e. she isn't a lady so she doesn't deserve his respect) to get back at the embarrassment and irritation he feels given the situation.
If you insist on him being a himbo and read him as only himbo, you miss out on his flaws. His flaws are key to understanding why he is the way he is; why he is perfectly capable of making his own choices and making the wrong ones. An unintended bias people have of Arthur as himbo (and therefore wholesome and unproblematic) is that they end up blaming other characters for his decisions. A famous example is Mary's missions. The fandom writ large tends to blame her for stringing Arthur alone, solely because he uses the phrase, 'play me like a fiddle' in his journal. Rather than reading that phrase as self-deprecatory (he's poking fun at himself while also expressing a vulnerable side of him that still loves her), they take that to mean she's manipulating poor helpless Arthur who is totally unaware of what she's doing to him.
Another example, someone wrongly attributed Arthur's pedantic interests to Dutch in one of my reblogs. Dutch and Hosea may have taught the boys how to read, but Dutch has no interest in botany. A quick conversation overhead between him and Lenny shows that his intellectual pursuits are actually just grandstanding and peacocking. He doesn't know and understand wtf he's talking about. Not once does Dutch even talk about botany. Arthur, though? Loves drawing plants. Can identify them. And he has a book of it by his bedside. Like, reading him as 'an idiot' sincerely (and not with a hint of irony, as Arthur does) misattributes his strengths and weaknesses to others, and that's just... unfair to the writers who WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY TO WRITE THOSE LINES OF EMULATED 19TH-CENTURY SCIENTIFIC PROSE!!! Like, people worked hard to characterize him environmentally. Don't let their efforts be in vain!
Do you see why I care a little bit if people mischaracterize him? It's like, I care in the sense of: okay have a good life. But I also care enough to point out an inaccuracy if I see one. I know it's more polite to not say anything, but it's also condescending of me to treat you like you're a child and just give a bemused smile from behind my screen. I think it's more helpful??? when I point out things you might have missed in game or are deliberately erasing when you choose to ignore the game.
I don't really care about being polite. I care about having good, healthy discussions and endless obsessions over my faves. So yeah there's your answer.
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sugarbabywenkexing · 3 years
Everyone seems to have selected all the fandoms i could think of for the fandom ask thing but i wanted to ask one in return, so I'm going to say... Pick one you haven't done yet and haven't been asked! Dealer's choice, surprise me!
I see Dragon Age on your blog, so that's what I'm going for!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
I think it's Morrigan
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Alistair! I love a good himbo
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Sera, my favourite chaotic bow and arrow lesbian with a terrible haircut
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
WHERE was Sandal in Inquisition, I demand to know!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I am an unapologetic Anders fan. He did nothing wrong!
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I love Carver but I really want to poke and annoy him
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Meredith 😌
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the-anonymous-club · 2 years
🎵 - what kind of music would your character listen to? do you have any playlists for them? AND 🤍 - what does perfect happiness look like to your character?: Squallspirit
VERY into indie pop! Listens to a lot of Harry Styles for sure. Really helps get some pep in their step! Also is likely into Musicals- they are, of course, a theatre kid at heart
(EDIT: here’s a playlist for squall if you’re interested!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/11FBU9L1TQQBELoZ3ki09e?si=Mem3yFU4Qjihn2m6UYcKCw) cover art by @signetviolet)
Perfect happiness for Squall is essentially Mega Clan au where everyone is together in one place, happy, and no one is dead. But that’s not realistic, so they have to settle for other earthly pleasures. Such as the sweet scent of flowers in the flower trail on a sunny New Leaf day. Singing a song on the spring breeze as light speckles down from the trees. Hearing the snorting laughter of their friends and family. Story time with the kits. And cuddling close to a black, velvety pelt under a sea of stars…
🍂 - does your character have a friend group? if so, who’s all in it? how does your character feel about each of them? AND 🏅- what is your character’s reputation within their clan? what about the other clans? is your character popular?: Scorchstone
Yes he does! Or at least, he used to. It’s definitely dwindled over the years, so now he mainly hangs with Koiflower (his fiancé and childhood best friend), and Flarebrush (Scorch also really likes hanging out with Antlerblaze, who he joked for years was his “new dad” until it basically became reality).
Koi, obviously, is the love of his life. Back in the day the two were each other’s wing-men! They flirted with everyone all the time, though it was never anything serious. After the war, though, they both changed massively. They still stuck together, however, and with everything that happened last arc, Scorch came to realize how much he loved Koi in a NOT homie way. That he didn’t know what he would do without them.
Scorch and Flare started off on the wrong foot. With Scorch being an absolute bastard baby and demanding to fight Flare because he wanted a proper rival (and Talon wasn’t always the most willing participant). Scorch wanted to get in with the older crowd anyway, so why not through proving his worth through battle? Lets just say Flare beat the snot out of him- and respect was earned. The two eventually bonded and created a friendly rivalry, then a friendship that still holds up today! What’s better than this? Just two guys being dudes.
As for Scorch’s reputation… whooooo boy. It’s. Not stellar, I’ll tell you that much. He’s definitely a problematic fav, and has been since forever. Given his rough and tumble nature and how he trained to be a killer soldier and commit war crimes has a tendency to pick fights, he never had nearly as many friends as he thought he did. He was popular with the younger cats for a time, but after losing his apprentice to the medicine den and finding out one of his only friends and trusted clanmates was the conspiring to murder a bunch of cats (thanks Frostheart) it had him reevaluate a lot of things. He’s steadily rebuilding himself and settling down. He comes across now more like a goofy himbo with a little too much “bro” energy to be healthy, but he’s trying to be better. Emphasis on trying.
🦋 - what makes your character beautiful? AND 🥩 - what’s your character’s diet like? what are their favorite and least favorite foods?: Tenderheart
Well- my gal ain’t a 10/10 on TideClan beauty standards for nothing! But besides physicality, Tender’s name is very well chosen, as the most beautiful thing about her is her soft, loving heart, however fragile it may be. She has a quiet determination to love, despite the consequences involved. Though that daringness has subsided significantly since her previous love affairs. They left her deeply broken and scarred, and her mental health has taken a nose-dive since. Especially with Double’s leave. She is currently in the healing process, and that big, beautiful heart of hers still continues to beat.
Being a TideClan cat, fish is the main thing on the menu with Tender’s favorite being catfish! It started because she liked the pun, but eventually she just came to really enjoy it. Plus, it’s much too big to eat by herself, and food always tastes better when sharing it! Her least favorite is muskrat. Even the name is bad. Just. Ew.
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anatomical-puppet · 3 years
ooh river for the ask game :D
I don’t know them / don’t know them but they intrigue me / i hate them / i dislike them / would low key wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / fav character / would die for them / problematic fav / character I love to hate / character I hate to love / too pure for this world / literally on sight
Favorite thing about them: She's just,,, she's so? Aaaaa??? She cares about her friends so so much and she's so determined and she's also so so smart!! AA!!!
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing she's an angel and if you say otherwise you are so wrong and I will block you <3 /hyp
Sexuality: Lesbian
brOTP: Flint!! Tiny Lesbian Himbo Bisexual solidarity <3
OTP: Brook,,,,, Flower Guarden my beloved aaa
nOTP: Anyone but Brook lmao
Other ship(s): Nah. Just Flower Guarden please and thank u
Fave line: please let her talk please please she deserves it
Rando headcanon: She never really learned how to swim, so The Gang ends up teaching her eventually (Doppel finds it very funny that she can't swim, given her name)
Unpopular opinion: There are none,,, everyone loves her it's a fact
Song I associate with them: Top three are "Talk To Me" by Cavetown, "American Healthcare (Glitzy)" by Penelope Scott, and "Do It For her" from Steven Universe !!
Fav picture of them: I do not draw her enough,,, but I still find this one very good fjdksfjd. Kick the big man kick him in his shins :)
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bisluthq · 3 years
you have been giving bad vibes lately tbh, like ily and you’re the only blog i’ve got notifications in snd check everyday, and i live that you call out antisemitism and homophobia (i’ve messaged you private stuff too and you’ve been totally lovely too, like ily!!!) but some of the stuff you do it questionable, and idk if it’s just because it’s online, but you always talk about how hot women are when discussing them, even when it’s not relevant, and call them bitches and stuff, and i saw some people call you out for misogyny and you never really took it as valid criticism, but you kinda talk about women like a shitty 17 year old boy tbh, it’s just weird, and the going after a hardly 18year old too instead of just ignoring those messages, it’s all just a bit iffy to me, nothing major and you’re definitely not TTB (it’s disgusting to even suggest that, that woman is so fucking disgusting!) but just some things that you should maybe not brush off as people just being pressed, as you say you’re a human being who will fuck up, but it’s nice to acknowledge that and understand why people say it, rather than just thinking people are haters and what not
Hey, this feels like it’s in good faith but I would very much like a chance to respond to some of your points (again in good faith). Like I hear you but I am not sure I agree with you and here’s why:
1) the criticism that I thirst over women or behave like a “teenage boy” is entangled in respectability politics, slut shaming, homophobia and patriarchal standards. Nobody pearl clutches over anons going off about Dino Dick (except people who’re like “wow these anons are wild” and like fair enough). Harmless thirsting over public figures is absolutely normal and not something to feel ashamed for. It’s okay to discuss sex and how horny shit makes you. It isn’t a bad thing at all.
2) “bitches” is used by me as slang. I have called people “motherfuckers” etc as well, it is 100% used in a general slang way and not in a way intended to be derogatory.
3) I don’t think it’s fair to say I’m “going after” Olivia. I said she’s very talented, very ambitious, has some boppy songs, and is insanely good at marketing herself (and performing! Her SNL slammed and that’s SUCH A HARD STAGE TO PERFORM ON). Saying her songs are thematically similar as a marketing choice and she’s copy pasting Taylor’s ideas isn’t going after her. Also, there is a huge power imbalance here and it’s... in Olivia’s favor. Olivia has the backing of UMG and Disney. My saying “she’s contrived in her public persona and good for her hope she makes it since that’s clearly what she wants” isn’t an ad hominem attack on a random teenage girl.
4) I don’t think people are “just haters” but you need to understand that I’ve had a LOT of antisemitic remarks in my ask in the last bit and obviously that’s affected my mood and general vibe. It lowkey sucks. And I do think people willfully and sometimes like obstinately misread what I am saying and take my words out of context or obfuscate what I was saying which, yes, is frustrating.
So like yeah I’m not perfect and yeah I do hear people if they come with valid criticism of me and if people point out stuff I said that’s problematic I take it on board. “Bitches” is offensive to some but is also a linguistic choice. I will think about that one because it doesn’t bother me but I don’t need to be offending people y’know.
The respectability politics stuff is a bit bullshit though. Like I say you can’t just cry misogyny at people thinking people are hot and tbh on that same note at some of the times I’ve been called a misogynist. I have expressly called Harry Styles a himbo, I have roasted him for having Camille teach him to read, and butchering her favorite wanky book for his pussy song. I’ve also like.... not expected Harry to give good critical analysis of a wanky post apocalyptic nightmare novel. Which is a very similar criticism to what I’ve leveled at Madison. Yeah, they’re talented musicians. Yeah, they’re hot. No, don’t expect them to give you a good take on some literary topic that’s kinda unfair to them. Just let them be hot and talented.
I’ve also said that Harry’s hyperconfessionalism on Fine Line annoyed me and I’ve said I can’t stand Ed’s music because it’s like the exact same topic on all of them.
Because those criticisms have nothing to do with the identity of the people.
One can criticize women for things they’ve said and done and also just.... things you find annoying.... and that doesn’t mean you hate women.
And it does feel unfair that that gets leveled at me a bunch because I really don’t think it’s true at all. I think this is a deeply and inherently feminist space. And yes we thirst in it, which is fine, and yes we don’t act like women are somehow immune to criticism. That doesn’t make us sexist. It’d be worse to be acting like somehow being a woman makes people immune from discourse or needing to be held to a different - presumably lower - standard. Like that’s be fucked up.
Hope this makes sense and let me know if you have any further thoughts or comments. I’ll think about the “bitches” thing.
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sinnhelmingr · 3 years
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an list of favorite shipping tropes bc it’s all downhill from here. long post plz don’t just read more it’ll stretch your dash ;A;
their aesthetics seem completely at odds for any sort of romantic dynamic, but the two have backstory that puts one at the mercy of another, where the other shows (often uncharacteristic) mercy in turn.
they met on a battlefield.
false identities. namely one half of the ship keeping the other’s old identity/self a secret between the two of them.
‘i worship(ed) you.’
one half of the ship calling the other ‘my sin’ based on either what they did to the other in the past or what their sparing the other meant to the world at large.
any cyclical motif in their interactions.
being enemies but not antagonists for a time, even if only one half is aware.
intimacy through battle.
‘you are the only one that could ever make me happy.’ implying one of them can be whole in every way but not fulfilled without the other.
breaking up but drifting back together after time to find themselves independent of each other.
babies ever after, or any sort of inclusion of ship babies in a narrative
not love ‘fixing’ a villainous or morally problematic character based on their love interest trying to actively change them, but because that villain’s love for someone else motivates them to re-examine themselves and their actions.
alternatively, a character that has been dancing with grey morality, especially against equally grey protagonists, diving into outright villainy because a villainous romantic interest treats them with more respect or awe than their heroic peers.
actually requited pining that is presented as unrequited due to mixed signals or larger plot machinations
the gentle inevitability of childhood best friends to lovers, presented in such a way that it’s only natural for the characters involved
whether as part of the above or independent of it, running away together. be it from one’s problems or towards freedom or just to see where life takes them, two (or more) people taking off together.
mentorshipping, so long as both participants are adults and there’s no further dynamic imbalance. just two people falling in love while learning about a subject, especially if the student can offer some perspective that makes the mentor really stop and think.
the inscrutable unknowable ‘weird’ one and the anxious ‘hi i’m new in town’ cracking up one, where the weird one takes the struggling one under their wing and helps them out when they need it.
polyamory where an existing arrangement falls for the same person and invites them into the fold w love and affection.
‘our girlfriend, pal.’ kinds of polyamory except everyone is cool with the arrangement, even if there’s only one shared partner in question
slinky speed-based monster type with the huge hulking melee built monster type.
human dates monster/god/generally powerful being. human is the one to be scared of.
exes who get along and support one another in their current romantic pursuits
the himbo/herbo falls for the dour and serious one. exasperated slow burn ensues.
ghostshipping, whether in the case of a partner having passed and their other half staying loyal to their memory in spite of their absence from the active narrative, a partner having passed and literally returned as a ghost, literally falling in love with someone who died before you met them but is still hanging around, or staying loyal to the memory of who a loved one was before some major event that ‘killed’ who they had been.
team dad/team mom. especially if the two roles are fulfilled by characters of the same gender, good for my dyke soul.
team mom/team joker.
sun/moon dichotomy.
shipping that plays with darkness motifs, be it in powers, aesthetics, or even shipping deities over different ‘dark’ domains.
reincarnation/25 lives but especially if it involves an immortal.
villain and the greater villain pulling their strings. especially if the greater evil is playing like they’re a loyal servant of the current primary antagonist, be it simply as a pawn or in more overt displays of submission.
someone who is too afraid or traumatized to be touched and the only one whose hands don’t fill them with revulsion.
religious implications in either pet names, inner thoughts, or intentionally invoked in how one partner treats the other as divine.
the loser character endures all indignities or degradation from those around them because at the end of the day they know they’ve won, because they are so loved and cherished by the only person that matters to them.
the two cold and reserved characters are deeply and affectionately in love where others can’t see.
the dark lady and the radiant prince/princess who still pursues them, steadfastly prevailing over any trial or suffering to prove their devotion.
the warrior woman and her appreciative noble lady.
the ‘i have nothing to give you’ breakdown where the other half of the ship assures them.
the feral one and the repressed one.
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years
whats your favorite coin? like money coins. idk why, but why not
OOHH!! One question I didn’t know I wanted to answer!! Imma rate them bc bc (tw swearing and caps)
6. Fucking pennies, I hate them. You can’t trust a penny. They will stab you in the back as soon as they get their chance. But they are fun to find on the ground and flip them over so the head is facing up so they’re lucky 
5. NICKELS, fucking B I T C H E S, all of em. Act all high and mighty when they’re not even an even amount. Bigger than they need to be and all clunky. (what’s with the silver, huh Nick? YOU FUCKING IMPOSTER. Five-cent whore {okay I don't like that. makes my heart icky}is what you are)
4. Quarters. So big and weird. kinda sus ngl. Nothing against them personally, but they’re the type of coin to not understand when things are problematic and joke abt triggers.
3. Golden dollars. Kinda shifty-eyed. Make em think that they’re all that, but really they’re just waiting to steal something from you. FuckBoys if they were more respectable.
2. Silver dollars. Abnormally huge, I love them, So dorky and weird. They’re good in all the ways nickels are the scum of the earth. himbo energy
1. Dimes. Smol and sweet, but also sarcastic and don’t give a fuck. (y’know Five, from the umbrella academy? Like that.) Very loyal, actually needs a hug. I lomv.
(I’m so sorry for infodumping my feelings about coins)
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sandalaris · 3 years
fandom ask: harry potter, shameless, & brooklyn 99 if you've watched them lol
Harry Potter
my favorite female character: Ginny Weasley! I’m not sure when exactly she became my favorite, had to have been later because she’s pretty background most for most of the books, but I just love and adore her. (Although in the movies, my favorite would be Luna.)
my favorite male character: Severus Snape, all the way. Snarky, brooding, morally-gray is my jam. He was my favorite in the books and he’s my favorite in the movies. 
my favorite book/season/etc: That’s a tie between book four and five. Movie-wise my favorite is probably Prisoner of Azkaban. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): Not a show, although it could’ve made a good one. 
my favorite cast member: Emma Watson seems to be doing good things in the world, so lets go with her :)
my favorite ship: Draco/Ginny! My first non-canon ship, and my first ever OTP. Enemies to lovers, Romeo and Juliet, forbidden love... what’s not to love?
a character I’d die defending: Ginny, probably. She got a lot of hate when the books were still new because she dated three guys at three different times in her life. 
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Is it too obvious to say Voldemort? And Umbridge. Neither of them are sympathetic in the slightest,
a character I grew to love: Lavender Brown, although I’m not sure I ever really disliked her. More like I didn’t appreciate how badly of a light she was cast into for being feminine and girly at first. That got me thinking about her, and now I love her.
my anti otp: (seriously, when did they stop calling them notps?) Harry/Hermione, although for a long long long time it was Harry/Ginny. But I’ve gotten to where I can handle very background Harry/Ginny in fics while I still nope right out of there whenever Harry/Hermione show up, no matter how background they are. I just can’t read them under any circumstances.
my favorite female character: Vee is probably my most consistent favorite character on the show. 
my favorite male character: Kevin, all the way. That big himbo has my heart.
my favorite book/season/etc: The first one is probably still my favorite. I feel like that’s when the characters shine really well, and the siblings were all still ride or die for each other.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): The one where Fiona yells at Monica that she raised the kids, listing the accomplishments one by one while pointing out what shit parents Monica and Frank were.
my favorite cast member: I liked the guy who played Ian, Cameron Monghan, as Jerome/Jeremiah in Gotham, he seems to be a pretty good actor.
my favorite ship: Ian/Mickey, I started out not liking them all that much, and then as time went on they became my absolute favorite couple on the show. 
a character I’d die defending: Probably Debbie, because I feel like she gets way more shit than she deserves. She’s in no way perfect, but she’s not any more problematic than the rest of her siblings.
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Sammie, there was just nothing likable about her.
a character I grew to love: Carl, I didn’t care about him at all until he started struggling with being in a gang. That scene where he told Fiona he didn’t want to live that life anymore broke my heart.
my anti otp notp, dammit!: I don’t know that I have one. Probably anyone that breaks up Kev and Vee
Brooklyn 99, which I do not watch but am going to attempt to answer anyways :P
my favorite female character: the one with the leather jacket who’s also bisexual. I like that one. I think her name is Rosie.
my favorite male character: Pretty sure his name is Jake. He’s played by the guy who sang I’m On a Boat  and Jizz in my Pants and says that “cool motive, but still murder” line.
my favorite book/season/etc: Three, because that seems like a good season in most shows and so is  probably a safe bet that it was a good one :P
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): I really like the scene where Terry Crews says “I gotta get to the farmer’s market!” So whichever one that’s in.
my favorite cast member: Terry Crews, because I actually know his name and he seems like a nice guy.
my favorite ship: The main one, Jake and his partner. Peralts? Is that her last name? Or maybe that’s the ship name. I don’t know, it’s something like that. They make bets! And he knew he wanted to marry her when she exclaimed that there was a typo in the crossword puzzle in the paper.
a character I’d die defending: The best friend of Jake who’s on the shorter side and was the first to find out Rosie was bi. From what I’ve seen, he’s a fun character.
a character I just can’t sympathize with: I don’t know. How about a scene I don’t get? I saw a clip of the scene of Holtz going “BONE!” and, yeah, I just don’t find it funny. Sorry.
a character I grew to love: I think her name is Gina, she’s like the secretary or something for the unit and always carries a blow-dryer in her purse. The first gifs/quotes I saw of her she seemed annoying, but then I grew to like her and find her funny and endearing.
my anti otp: I don’t know that I have one. 
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mlmdarkfiction · 4 years
*whispers* headcanons things for.... Ash Williams...
1: Sexuality Headcanon
Bi. But like...He doesn’t think too hard about it or care too much about it. Definitely the kind of person where he’d like off hand mention an ex boyfriend and everyone who knows him is like “WHAT?” and he’s just like “Yeah.”
2: OTP 
Uhh I dunno no one really just because of the state of things tm.I think both in the long run and in general its both good for Ash, and whoever he’d be with to simply not be together
OH but I do like the art and fanfics people do of Herbert West and Ash together. 
Pablo from Ash VS even though I still haven’t finished that.
I don’t really have one.
5: First Headcanon That Pops Into My Head
Ash probably tried really hard to pretend that everthing was 100% fine and nothing different after the movies, it’s probably not super successful or anything but he just refuses to actually work on coping and acknowledging. 
6: Favorite Line From This Character
Too many to pick tbh. At least if I’m not picking one from each movie. 
7: One Way In Which I Relate to This Character
I’m a disaster himbo as well.
8: Thing That Gives Me Second Hand Embarrassment About This Character
Cheesy pickup lines, the over confidence, a LOT. Ash is very clingy to me at times. Still love him though. 
9: Cinnamon Roll or Problematic Fave?
Like Leslie before him, he’s a cinnamon roll. 
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zukunftsvision · 4 years
of course the raven cycle
the first character i ever fell in love with: adam look i know he deserves no rights for like all of tdt and bllb, but just the stupider and angrier and messier he got the more i was just like stop but yes <3 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i don’t think there are any ???
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i thought blue/adam was kinda cute but … no... and the way everything ends up is nice
my ultimate favorite character™: adam tbh 
prettiest character: justin malory ( by @mystizismus ) u don’t get prettier than that, also orla???? blue w nici’s fc holy shit… but also adam he’s babey 
my most hated character: the gr*y man sorry i just can’t ????? deal w the fact that there was a non-ironic redemption/happy ending for a hitman?? and the one who killed ronan’s father no less??? this is an elaborate practical joke it must be 
my OTP: all of them bro …. prokovinsky pynch pynchvinsky sarchengsey just.. yes <3 everything growing and shrinking to three + pynchvinsky is truly the most galaxy brained idea just yes two hands two boyfriends ,,, they all need that much love ,,, and pynch rly makes me heart happy too oof i love them a lot… but also ,,, i was Sold on reading this series after 2 years of procrastinating bc of luna’s descriptions of the dead boy dreamed back to life by deeply troubled best friend concept ( and of k ) even though i knew it wasn’t gonna be a major part of the narrative… even if they are messy and confusing and have so much shit to work through to actually be good for each other ... my heart OP i love them
my NOTP: maura/the gr*y man… like why ugh maura wouldn’t put sb that dangerous near her daughter … basically everyone following me here has witnessed me rant abt why this is Bad but like … margaret WHY 
favorite episode/scene: the substance party ( ronan simps hard in this ch but also get out of the car bitch he said amiably … perplexing and i love it ) … ronan leaving k’s texts on read… ouch… “your hands are very cold” / “i’ve been dead for seven years”... but for wholesome things any interaction between ronan and noah with special mentions for noah being thrown out a window and “i have a bad feeling about this” / “it’s called being dead” / “that’s the sort of joke that’s only funny if you’re alive” / “good thing i am then” … RENT FREE OPS 80% of my internal monologue is me remembering that and giggling
saddest death: no spoilers allowed ,, but i think abt noah and proko dying all the time it’s so cursed jffjkdjbg 
favorite season/book: the dream thieves !!! i think that’s when the story starts to really become compelling and the characters start taking over ur mind, although bllb is also very spicy also, i feel like that’s where adam has a lot of development 
least favorite season/book: the raven boys i guess?? it took until noah’s reveal for me to be rly invested in reading the whole series, up until that point i was just pushing through to get to book 2
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: ronan and adam and also gansey and kavinsky just… all are trash but also?? gwen???? what a chaotic piece of trash omg
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: okay noah OF COURSE, all of k’s trash boys even though cinnamon roll def doesn’t describe any of them, but especially swan as written by @treppenwitzz​ ... we stan a himbo with a dorky car and nothing but love for his friends… also matthew deserves the entire world nothing bad would even have to happen to him and he’d still deserve better
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:  i had to think abt this one bc i only ship things that are slightly problematic not soul cleansing wrong, but …. kavinsky/gansey…. it would be ??? probably a huge mess of rampant jealousy from every imaginable direction but i’d love to see it 👀  
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: bluesey… calla/persephone, other combinations of the eurotrash boys all of them have the potential to be very very Cute and all it will take is Permission to be invested, i rly love adam/gansey and ronan/gansey as unrequited and/or mutual simping but im not super invested in them as actual Things,,, i’m sure there are many i haven’t thought of 
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