#nothing against enjoyers of x reader fanfic. but i am going to start killing
unholy-boi · 1 year
following a tumblr tag so you get art of ur little guy on your dash and then you exclusively get ooc x readers. Im gonna blow this whole building up
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nico-twix · 3 years
the prisoner of my enemy is my prisoner
Hey guys, sorry if this ain't your thing, but in honour of star wars day, I decided to post a little blurb of a fanfic I've been writing!
Kylo Ren x Reader
Words: 1.5K
Tags: second-person "You", no (y/n), force choking, mind invasion, blasters, mechanic reader, a poor attempt at humour, slow burn
When the First Order raid a Resistance Base, the last thing they expect is to imprison their prisoners, but as will become common, Commander Ren makes an exception for you.
May the Fourth be with You!
“Wake up, prisoner.” Cool blaster metal digs into your arm as you are gracefully awoken.
You would be lying if you said this was the first time you have been captured, but this has been by far the worst treatment.
You’re not quite sitting or standing, and as far as you can feel—because you certainly can’t move your head to look down— you are bolted to this “seat” of kings. What you can see: grey wall, white trooper, and emo creep in the corner.
They excuse the trooper and stand in front of you. Their black helmet softly reflects a red light that is outside your vision.
“You were a prisoner of the Resistance.” Their, his, voice is modulated, but you can still pick up his annoyance. Short. Clipped.
“I’m well aware of that, bud.”
His mask diffuses what you could only guess to be a growl into static. Scary man did not like that answer. “You are now a prisoner of the First Order.”
Ah fuck. If it were possible, you would have stiffened in your binds. You have heard of the First Order—everyone has. But you knew them as the largest arms purchaser in the galaxy and had no clue who, what, or why they are how they are.
He steps even closer to you; his helmet is obscuring all of the grey walls in your vision. “The resistance wanted you enough to keep you alive. Why?”
Barely alive. Their prisoner for 100 days and all I got as food were some dry-ass crackers. “Look, bud, if I knew I would tell you.” You attempt to shrug your shoulders, but all it does is bring a dull ache.
“No, not bud.” This close, the helmet voice sounds scarier, deeper, more alive. The hairs on your arm start to tingle like they are static.
“Not bud, read you loud and clear, pal.” As soon as the word leaves your mouth, he’s got his hand around your neck.
“If I didn’t need you alive to invade your mind, I would have killed you by now.” He places a finger on your forehead as he tightens his hold further and your eyes roll back into your head. Your brain feels like it’s getting pushed out of your nose and chopped open like a Koja nut simultaneously. Your lungs burn and you are powerless to stop him. If only I had a choking kink to make this somewhat enjoyable.
Images of your life flash past, leaving you little time to process what’s going on. Finally, you see your time with the Resistance. All 100 days, although each was the same. Your guard telling you to build it. You don’t know how. You don’t even know what it’s for. The visions stop. He seems to find what he is looking for at that moment as he lets you go. You’re inhaling air faster than a vacuum cleaner as blood rushes throughout your body, black dots dancing in your vision, pounding headache wrecking your brain.
He calls the stormtrooper back in. “You can move her to a lower security cell,” he turns to look at you, “she really does know nothing. Resistance Scum.” Even against the modulation, you can hear his leering sneer. What an ass.
The trooper releases your head bindings and you can only see your interro(r)gator’s backside. What an ass.
The new cell is much better in that you have full motor control, but the good things stop there. They sure went over budget on decorating. The whole thing is painted in the same soul-sucking grey colour as before and there wasn’t even a window. I thought I booked a room with a view. All that was in there with you was a mat for sleeping and an air vent on the floor that was pumping in only what you could assume was unfiltered space vacuum it was so cold. Maker, I know I complained about the Resistance prison, but this is bad.
If you had to stay in this cell for another day, you were going to commit homicide. This leaves two options: either one, escape, or two, hope that the next trooper that walks in here has a nicely written will. One seems easier. How hard could escaping be?
Apparently very hard. You have been going at this for hours. But try as you may, your arms will never magically extend far enough through the cell bars to grab the keys off of the guard. Which leaves the vent. Vents are nice, but not the safest thing in the world. For all you know, this could lead you out into space or through fan blades or to the trash receptacle. But fuck it, Maker damn you if ever saw your “pal” again.
The vent luckily had no screws, and with just a light tug, the door flipped open unveiling a straight shot down. How far down? Who knows, not you! So, with one last look at the guard, you slid to your freedom.
You couldn’t have been sliding for more than twenty feet when you collided with more metal venting. You landed as lightly as an elephant and your ankles burned with shooting pain. You got to down to your hands and knees to falter through the next set of passageways, eclipsed in darkness and dust. Every so often, you would come across another vent opening and you would peak to observe where you were. You have passed by three trooper quarters and figured you were in their wing of the ship. Meaning that their armoury should be nearby. The plan from here on out should be simple.
Step 1: Get to the armoury
It took what seemed to be two hours to finally find the armoury and it certainly didn’t help that you got lost. Twice. You wondered how long you still have before your “pal” realizes you’ve escaped. Based on prior experience, prisoners generally get checked on every six hours, so you should still be safe. You pop open the vent door below you and fall on your ass into the armoury.
Step 2: Steal some of that zesty trooper armour.
The armoury in the dark was creepy. Every couple of steps, you would feel a solid limb of their armour smack against your legs or shoulders. Your hair even got caught in one of their belts. None of them seemed to be in your size. What am I, in the Men’s section? You duck behind a container of spare helmets as you hear the familiar schwoop of blast doors.
“Poor bastard didn’t deserve that though.” Various clicks and hisses went through the air as two troopers stripped off their armour.
“None of us do. He’s lucky he only broke his leg, gets a free trip to the med bay.” The light streaming in from the open door allowed you to see them discard their armour pieces under a “repairs” sign.
“He better not take the last blue lollipop; I’ve been eyeing it.” They both chuckled at that, grabbed new armour, and left.
You let out the breath you were holding in. You weren’t spotted, everything will be okay. You try to remember the layout from earlier and make your way over to where the broken armour was dumped. One of the troopers looked your size, so you borrow it and hope they won’t miss it terribly.
Step 3: Find their weapons stash. Walk around like a headless chicken looking for their weapons stash.
Every good escape needs good weapons. And this will be a damn good escape. It would be if you could find the weapons. I feel like I’ve seen that door before. You probably have. You’re just following the gaggle of troopers in front of you, hoping this won’t look suspicious. It definitely did. If the clocks on the walls were anything to go by, it has been around 4 hours since you escaped, meaning that you have been lost on this ship for at least an hour and a half. 1000 rooms on the Starkiller base, 1000 rooms on Starkiller. Enter one, I am so done, 999 rooms on the Starkiller base. Your slightly too large armour makes awful clicks and you pray to Maker that your hell would end soon. And then, almost as if Maker heard your pleas, you found the room you were looking for.
Step 4: Escape!
The weapons room was more like a weapons sanctuary. All along the walls, beautiful blasters polished to perfection, and yet they had some of the worst specs you’ve ever seen. This is outrageous! They expect me to escape with a blaster pistol? It’s not even modded.
What used to look divine, now just looks pathetic. You huff, having taken offence at their poor supply, and “borrow” a couple of weapons from the shelves, a repeater here, a stun baton there, and a trusty set of standard-issue repair tools. With precision unmatched by even the finest droids, you get to work, soldering and welding, stripping and joining, and hoping and praying that what you have only tested out in dreams would work.
And you might have been able to test it, had the blast doors stayed shut.
Step 4b: do not get caught. It’s a little late for that
“Trooper, report.”
Please let me know what you think and if there are any mistakes! This blurb is available on AO3 if you want to subscribe for more updates!
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codenamewitcher · 4 years
Betrayal || The Mandalorian x reader
A/N: So I was doing a deep dive on Wookiepedia and I came across Darth Traya's page and found this quote: "Know that there was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn." and it gave me an idea for this fic so here we are. Also I don't know if this will be a oneshot or a series, I left it where if I decide to make it multiple parts I can do that, but if I don't it's able to stand alone. But if I do make it into a series and you want to be tagged, let me know!
This is my first Star Wars based fanfic, so I hope that y'all like it, and thank you for taking the time to read this!
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x force sensitive!reader ; Din Djarin x ex-Empire!reader ; Din Djarin x F!Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, cursing, a little angsty
Song: Start - Ellie Goulding, serpentwithfeet
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Betrayal is like playing with fire, you're just asking for the betrayed to turn around and bite you right back. My Jedi Master was playing with it when he handed me over to the Empire in order to gain a higher ranking within the hierarchy. Shortly after I was tortured by Darth Sidious who promised the safety of my family if I pledged my loyalty to the Galactic Empire, and I did. I didn't hold onto much hope for the Jedi's to come save me once I first got captured because I knew that the moment one started going to the dark side, they would never fully be light again. And it angered me that they gave up on me because going to the dark side was never much of a choice I had, because every time I showed any form of resistance in going dark, Sidious had no problem dragging my sister in and causing her some type of pain until I did what he said.
For 6 years, I served the Empire as a flight commander, doing things that I didn't want to do, nor I am proud of. Starting on my seventh year, a year before the Battle of Endor, Sidious failed to uphold his end of the deal and killed my family. He blamed it on the Rebellion, but I didn't believe him because I knew his handy work along with the Rebellion's, and all the signs pointed to him. So, with nothing or no one no longer holding me back, I began to feed the Rebellion any information I held on the Empire. I continued to stay with the Empire during that time, taking enjoyment in watching as every information leak chipped away at the Empire, but also waiting for the prefect moment to enact my revenge which ended up being during that fateful battle. I didn't go after Sidious; I knew what battles were and weren't mine. During that last year I also rekindled the relationship I once held with my old Jedi Master and in the time of that battle, I killed him. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt when I did, but his betrayal hurt more.
Afterwards I finally left the Empire and spent the last five years hunting down ex-Imperial officers and saving innocents from their grasp, doing what was never done for me. Which that path lead me here on Nevarro standing face-to-face, blaster-to-blaster with a Mandalorian, the only thing preventing me from shooting him was the shiny, new beskar armor that gave me an idea on exactly who he was and what he did. I knew using the force was always an option but that came with consequences, like remnants of the Empire finding out that I was still alive; I worked hard on keeping my identity a secret. I've only ever used it when I found myself in life-threatening situations where everything else failed, the same goes for the light saber that sat at my waist, hidden by the cloak I wore.
"So, you're the bounty hunter who handed the child over." I state, breaking the tense silence between us. "Do you have any idea on what you've done?"
The Mandalorian's body tensed up further than it already was, and his body shifted in the slightest, he was trying to contain whatever anger he held under his armor.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" His modulated voice snapped.
"Fixing your mistake. What are you doing here?" I ignored the other question, not wanting to give him my name.
"Fixing my mistake." He grunted, I was a little shocked with him admitting that, most of the people I know and have come across, refuse to take responsibly for their mistakes.
Before I could get another word in, a stormtooper walked into the hall we were in. The Mandalorian turned and shoot him down while I took that as my chance to shoot the electronic panel to the door adjacent to me. I could feel the child in there through the force, which I also used to keep tabs on the Mandalorian behind me, not trusting him one bit. As the door slid open, I had enough time to avoid a blaster shot, which hit the Mandorlian's armor, and quickly shoot down the offending stormtrooper. I turned the corner to find Imperial Doctor Pershing standing next to a operating table that had the child strapped down on. I raised my blaster, aiming it at Perching's head while the Mandalorian stepped up next to me aiming his on the machine hooked onto the ceiling about to perform a task on the child. I could feel that there was an unspoken understanding between the two of us to protect the child, but I still didn't trust him because I knew the moment we got out of this, we were going to get into a fight on who takes the child.
"No, no, no, please." Pershing begged as he held up a hand in the air, surrendering. The Mandalorian shot down the machine while I stepped forward to Perching. "No, no, please, don't hurt him, he's just a child."
An icy like feeling spread throughout my veins as I looked at the Doctor and anger begun boiling its way up through my body as I grabbed Pershing by the collar and threw him up against the wall, my blaster lodging itself underneath his chin. 
"Shut up." I hissed but before I could say anything else, the Mandalorian spoke up.
"What did you do to it?" Pershing started his rumblings again but the Mandalorian cut him off. "What did you do to it?"
"I-I'm protecting him, I'm protecting him. If it wasn't for me, he would've already been dead, please." With that, I let go of him and he crumpled to the floor, before I could step away, he looked up and seen my face under the hood, by the widening of his eyes and how he tried to back himself further away from me but couldn't due to the wall, I knew he recognized who I was. "I'm so sorry about what I helped him do to your family, I'm trying to m-"
Without hesitation I grabbed his head and brought it down on my knee, knocking him out and breaking his nose. It took every bit of self-restraint I held to keep from killing the doctor, the broken nose and concussion would be considered a mercy if I'd let myself go on a full rampage. I turned around to find the Mandalorian looking at me, the child cradled in his left arm, his blaster was still in his hand but was pointed at the floor. I knew he was suspicious of me by his grip on the blaster, ready to be raised, aimed, and fired whenever.
It didn't take but a second for me to notice the stormtrooper quietly coming up behind the Mandalorian ready to shoot him, but I was quick in my actions of slightly pushing him out of the way and shooting the trooper down.
"We need to go."
"You're not coming with me." The Mandalorian walked ahead of me out to the hallway, the child still tucked in his arm. I let out a snort and followed him.
"You think I'm leaving you alone with the child?" I asked, after we shot down two more troopers, he turned to look at me. I felt another stormtrooper headed in my direction, so I turned around and raised my blaster. Just as the door slid open, not giving the trooper a chance, I fired my weapon, knocking him back and killing him.
I turned back to the Mandalorian but didn't get the chance to figure out what he was going to say back because three other doors leading into the room we were in opened and stormtroopers started walking in.
"Don't move!"
My back came in contact with the Mandalorian's as eight stormtroopers in total filed into the room.
"Hands up! Drop the blaster!" The Mandalorian and I hold our hands up, blasters dangling from our fingers.
"Wait. What I'm holding is very valuable." I feel the Mandalorian start to kneel behind me. "Here."
I continued standing, internally weighting my options. I could easily take all of them out with the force, but if I did that, the remains of the Empire would know I'm still alive and would hunt me down. I also knew that if I allowed myself and the child to be captured, the Empire would torture us to death, and I was not going back to the Empire. But then again there's the fact that Pershing seen my face and that Jedi were the enemies of Mandalorians.
But he's protecting the child, surely, he knows.
"Drop your blaster and get down." A trooper in front of me yells, taking a step closer to me.
I take a deep breath and slowly start to lower myself down, I hear the child whimper, and I just as I was about to make my decision to use the force, I heard the slight sound of one of the Mandalorian's vambrace weapons lock into place. I froze, dropping my blaster to the floor, knowing that whatever the Mandalorian was about to do, I did not want to move and become a target.
"Stand up." Then whatever weapon he charged up was released, a whistling sound followed thin projectiles that blew up when they found their mark. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding after the troopers were down and there was no longer a sign of immediate danger coming from the Mandalorian's vambrace. I felt him move behind me and him pick up his blaster, I followed suit, and followed him out onto the street. 
It was quiet between the two of us as we walked down the street, the townspeople and visitors watching our every move made my skin crawl, their stares making me feel restless and like a caged animal. I eventually felt a few people following us and could barely hear the quiet beeping of a tracking fob.
"We're being followed." I whispered as we entered the town square.
"I know." The Mandalorian muttered back, we slowly came to a stop in the middle of the square as armed bounty hunters surrounded us, blasters trained directly on the two of us. A man walked out and blocked the town exit, and by the looks of it, he was a dealer for the bounty hunters.
"Welcome back, Mando!" His right hand moved to his hip, grabbing the handle of his blaster, but not yet taking it out of its holster. "Now put the package down." 
Anxiety crawled its way up my throat and in my mind, there was no way I could take this many people down using the force, it would leave me too exhausted. Despite spending years under Sidious' rule, being trapped like this never sat right with me, it brought back way too memories that needed to stay buried deep within my subconscious.
I took deep breaths in and out trying to keep the anxiety at bay, knowing that I could lose control if I didn't calm the hell down.
"Step aside, we're going to my ship." The Mandalorian spoke beside me, I was a little surprised at the mention of ‘we’.
The bounty hunter smiled. "You put the bounty down and perhaps I'll let you pass."
"The kid's coming with me."
"If you truly care about the kid, then you'll put it on the speeder, and we'll discuss terms."
The Mandalorian turned his head to look at the speeder next to me, the labor droid beeping under the Mandalorian's stare.
"How do I know I can trust you?" I tensed; he wasn't going to give the kid up, right?
"Don't do it." I lowly hissed. The familiar feeling of betrayal started to set in and I froze yet again. What the hell was wrong with me, I haven't even known the Mandalorian for 30 minutes and I allowed myself to trust that he would protect the kid?
"Because I'm your only hope." The bounty hunter states, not at all seeming fazed by this predicament. 
The Mandalorian walked past me but stopped at the edge of the speeders trailer, looking down at the child.
That son of a bitch. 
Anger started to regain its grasp on me and started to drown out the anxiety with the pounding of my heart being heard in my ears and my blood beginning to boil. It became clearer to me today that no matter how hard I try, the anger I held while I was the commander I once was still lived within me despite hating that part of myself, never wanting to be like that, and trying everything to destroy that part of me. But somethings from the past carry themselves with you to the present and this just so happens to be one of those things.
I also knew this anger wasn't just towards the Mandalorian, but towards myself, everyone who had their blasters pointed at me and the child, and at the makers of this galaxy for letting it be like this. I'm so sick and tired of being fucked with and having my hand forced into things I did not want to do. But I knew before I did anything drastic, I needed to wait for the Mandalorian to put the child down so I curled my free hand into a fist, nails biting into my palms skin, but the sting was a welcomed feeling.
The Mandalorian turn his head to look back at me, taking note of my anger, and then he did the unexpected by grabbing his blaster and shooting a hunter. He was quick in hooking his elbow around my arm and throwing all three of us in the speeder. My back hit the bottom of the spender, knocking the wind and anger out of me and causing black spots to cloud my vision. Blaster bolts bounced off the speeder while the Mandalorian point his gun at the droid, yelling at it to drive. I gasped for air, panic settling once again because I couldn't breathe, and my arms were not doing what they were told. It felt like hours, but I knew it was only seconds when I finally regained my breathing.
The speeder begun moving as the Mandalorian started shooting at the hunters. Once I regained function over my body, I fumbled for my blaster, and aided the Mandalorian in shooting down bounty hunters.
Oh, how I'm going to kill that fucking tin can once we make it out of this.
We'd made it a great distance towards the exit before someone shot the droid, causing the speeder to stop abruptly and send me and the Mandalorian flying into some of the barrels on the speeder.
I gritted my teeth in pain as the Mandalorian slowly grabbed the sniper rifle and aimed it up at one of the roofs. He fired the weapon, the target being reduced to ashes, killing him, and then aimed at another. I let him do his thing as I slowly moved my body away from the edge of the barrel digging into my back. I finally reached for and grabbed my spare blaster once I got away from the offending barrel and begun taking out hunters that had yet to scatter in fear of the rifle. 
"That's one impressive weapon." The bounty dealer yelled out.
The Mandalorian and I stopped, and he turned his head in the direction of the bounty dealer's voice. 
"Here's what I'll do. We're going to walk to my ship with the kid and you're gonna let it happen."
I clenched my fist again; the anger crept its way back in. I knew, even though I didn't know the bounty dealer, I knew the he wasn't going to back down, and let us walk away like the Mandalorian suggested. The next thing he said proved my suspicions right. 
"No. How about this." I nudged the Mandaloria's foot with my own, gaining his attention, pointing around us at the hunters I just noticed creeping up on us. He nodded his head in return and turned back to his rifle. "We take the kid, and if you and that that girl try to stop us, we kill both of you and we strip your body for parts."
The Mandalorian kicked the barrel out besides me, causing it fly into a hunter who he then electrocuted with his rifle. He got back down to reload his weapon and I shot up shooting down some more hunters. Behind me I heard the Mandalorian get back up and shot out with the flamethrower in his vambrace. It didn't take long for it to run out of gas and the two of us were back down again, taking cover.
He looked down at the kid, I could tell defeat was settling in. As I watched the two, I couldn't help from being reminded of my family, and I knew right then that this child could not, whatsoever, go back to the Empire's grasp even if it meant I went back.
"Do you know about the powers the child holds?" I decided to ask him, knowing that this would either end up in me using the force or us being dead and the kid taken if I didn't do something. He looks up at me and nods his head in the slightest. "I have the same powers; I'll be able to hold them back long enough for you to get to your ship with the kid and leave."
His body froze at my confession. "That's why you came, you're like the kid."
"Then why haven't you used it yet?" There was a hint of anger in his voice, but I didn't blame him, I had him believing I was just an ordinary human being.
"Because with what I'll have to do, it'll exhaust and weaken me, and I would just hold you back. So, I must know that you can make it out with the child, and that you don't move until I go down because I can possibly take you down too."
The Mandalorian nods his head in understanding.
"Okay." I close my eyes and took a deep breath in, remembering the fear I felt with Sidious' torture, the pain of being betrayed by my Jedi Master, the Jedi turning their back on me because I was considered too far gone in the dark side even though it was never my choice, and then the anger of having my hand forced, Sidious killing my family, and how the Empire continued in wanting to hurt innocent people and the child. I held that breath in as I got up, letting those emotions settle, and when I'm finally to my feet, I exhale, letting all of those emotions out into a pulse of force. It knocked everyone on the ground back, some hunters flying into walls, object being knocked into some more, and others just falling on their backs, getting the wind knocked out of them. The only area that wasn't hit was the area of the speeder and the hunters on the roof.
After the release of energy, I couldn't keep from my knees going out beneath me, but before I hit the hard metal of the speeder, the Mandalorian caught me and gently laid me down. Why wasn't he going?
"Go." I whispered out, I was so mentally and physically drained that it took a lot of effort into saying that single word. He nodded and picked up the kid, cradling him in his arms once again, blaster in his other hand.
Before he got the chance to stand up and jump out of the cart, a flare shot across the sky and hit a roof with a hunter on it. My eyes started to burn with unshed tears at the sound of more blasters being fired, I couldn't see anything that was going to on out there, but it didn't sound good. I wanted to cry in frustration, my own hope of the child getting out drained out of my body. 
"Get out of here! We'll hold them off." A modulated voice spoke that was not the Mandalorian's voice in front of me. 
There was more of them?
"You're going to have to relocate the covert." The Mandalorian spoke to someone off to the side.
"This is the Way." The other voice spoke, the Mandalorian repeated the phase back. 
Out of the corner of my eye I watched as the Mandalorian moved over to me and placed the kid in my arms.
"Hold onto him." It took everything in me to wrap my arms around the creature, but I held onto him as the Mandalorian picked me up in his arms and got out of the speeder. Over his shoulder I seen the hunters that had ran off when the Mandalorian got out his rifle were back and more Mandalorians out on the field firing back at them.
The Mandalorian ran with me and the child in his arms up to his ship, which we surprisingly made it to without running into anyone. He walked up the ramp of his ship and right as soon as he sat me and the child down on the floor and against a wall, our momentary luck ran out.
"Hold it, Mando." The bounty dealer said as he claimed down from some compartment within the Mandalorian's ship, the dealer had his blaster trained on the Mandalorian's back. He slowly stood up and turned to face the man. "I didn't want it to come to this, but then you broke the Code."
The Mandalorian's head glanced to his side and then he shot out a whipcord at a control panel, causing the compartment to fill up with steam. I held the child close to me as the bounty dealer blindly shot into the steam in which the Mandalorian disappeared in. Then, out of nowhere, he shot his blaster and hit the dealer in the chest, knocking him down.
The Mandalorian wasted no time in kicking his body down the ramp and the pulling the ramp back up. He walked back through the ship and as he pasted by to go up to what I assumed was the cockpit, he told me to stay put - like I could go anywhere anyways.
Shortly after, the ship started to take off.
The child cooed, I looked down at him to find a green hand reaching up towards my face. I reached one of my own hands up and grabbed his, smiling down at him, as his three little fingers wrapped around my thumb, melting my heart in the process.
"You know, I once knew someone that was like you. I wish I knew where he came from so, I could take you back to your family, but sadly I don't." The child cooed once again.
I heard the clank of the Mandalorian's boots before I seen him, he walked over to me and the child, squatting down and reaching his hand out to the child, a small metal ball in his hand. He dropped it in the child's outreached hand.
"We're in hyperspace now." He finally spoke as he sat down on the floor, watching the child play with the ball while continuing to hold onto my thumb. A smile found its way to my lips as a thought crossed my mind.
"I thought you said I wasn't coming with you." I joked, the Mandalorian shook his head. 
"That's was before you admitted to having the same power as the kid."
"So, you kidnapped me." I hummed and he snorted at that remark.
"You seemed pretty reluctant on going wherever the child went." I leaned my head back, closing my eyes as I let out a soft chuckle at his remark.
"You know both me and the child will but hunted down now, right?" 
"I know."
I wanted to make another comment but the adrenaline from the fight was gone, and exhaustion was pulling me into its deep, dark depths that I couldn't formulate any sentences in my hand and mouth did not want to open. The last thing I heard was the child's coos before sleep pulled me under.
— ‡ —
If you want to check out my other works, my masterlist is in my bio, tumblr’s tagging system messes up when I link stuff.
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Rose the Hat x Fem! Reader
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This request was made by @mewbleu I hope you enjoy. I'm sorry it took so long to write. Bare with me everyone as I have another imagine coming out this week and part 2 of the fanfic coming soon.
Warnings: Child death, violence, implied alcoholism, blood, implied sexual content, violence against children
From the time you were small, you always knew you were different. Your parents both had the shining like you. They always insisted it was good thing, a gift in all actuality and that you were special. Most people couldn't do things like project out of body or see things so far in advance it benefited others, but you could.
Though you didn't know if being special was a good thing in your case. You had a natural healer energy and people often grew attached to you but with its pros came its cons.
Dark entities or 'ghost people' as you liked to call them, sometimes found their way to you. The pretty woman in the hat being the most recurring one in particular.
She was different than all the other ghost you seen. For one thing, the beginning interactions you had with her were friendly but also she wasn't dead. She was alive.
When you first talked about it with your mom she was confused. She too could see spirit but they never were alive.
Your mother thought she had to be dead based off the way you described her. While your own parents raised you in a very bohemian upbringing and they considered themselves to be hippies, they didn't dress like Rose.
They didn't know anyone who still owned silk top from the sixties and had such antiquities adorn in their hair. At first she brushed it off that maybe you were mistaken and that maybe it was possible you did make friends with some young hippie that may be possibly dead but it didn't bother her. She was oddly happy for you.
In the beginning, Rose was sort of your friend in a way. It brought you a sense of warmth that you never felt before. You didn't have any friends your age that could do any of the same things that you could and while Rose was far from your age, she'd still show you little tricks with her mind and reaffirm your thoughts and that was good enough for you.
"I feel lonely," You told her one night as her apparition stood in your room, staring at you silently from the empty side of your bed. "My mommy and daddy are like us but I didn't know there were people like you out there who could see ghostie people too."
Rose smiled at you and sat down at the foot of your bed. "There are alot of people like us out there. It's just a matter of finding the most special ones and you my darling, are very special."
The words brought a smile to your face and you blushed, feeling a sense of secureness in knowing that it wasn't just your parents who seen how different you were.
"Thanks. Am I ever going to meet you, pretty lady in the hat? I like you." Normaly you enjoyed Rose's smile but in that moment the grin on her face hinted at darkness that laid below the surface of her beautiful front.
"Maybe when you're a little older and you have more magic in you but for right now, no." You frowned and Rose reached her hand forward to take your petite one in hers, although it did no good because your hand sunk right through her transparent ones.
"Don't be sad though, it's a good thing," She reassured you. "Okay." You laid back in bed and rolled onto your side. "Goodnight, pretty lady in the hat."
"Goodnight, Y/n." She'd stay with you until you fell asleep and when you woke up in the morning, she'd be gone. It was an enjoyable having a friend like her.
As you got older though, the more you started to question just exactly how much of a friend she really was.
You had a baby sitter who was a bright, young college student who liked to indulge your 'over active imagination' as she called it but you didn't mind that she didn't understand. Just that she listened to you was enough to make you happy to be around her while your parents were out.
The one night as you got ready for bed you begged and begged for her to braid your hair. Of course she obliged but it wasn't without curiosity.
"Can we put ribbon in it too?" You asked excitedly, practically bouncing up and down. "Like weave it in there?"
You nodded excitedly and she attempted to add the ribbon in. "Did you see someone on TV with their hair like this and that's why you want it like this?"
You giggled and shook your head. "Not on TV, in my room!" The girl would of been lying if she said she didn't feel a hint of chills running down her spine.
"Your room?" You nodded happily and snuggled your patchwork doll close to your chest. "Mhm. She's really pretty but she doesn't have ribbon in her hair though."
"Oh? What does she have then?"
"Buttons and yarn. I think she might have that metal thingy on a bike too."
Your baby sitter narrowed her eyes. "A bike chain?" You shrugged. "Maybe. I think that's what it's called anyways. What's the matter? You looked scared."
The young girl shook her head and smiled. "I-it's nothing, sweetie. Come on, let's get you all tucked in bed."
You eagerly snuggled into the covers, hiding yourself away from the cold outside. "Sweet dreams, Y/n. Dream safely."
"Goodnight," You hummed softly and rolled onto your side, quickly drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
When your parents got home later she voiced her concern to your mother in quiet. "I know Y/n is different from other kids she..understands more but I just thought I'd tell you because I thought it was a little alarming."
"We've known about this for a while," She mused as she watered some of her plants. "I don't see her. Y/n does but I'll look into it."
Over the next few weeks your mom began asking more about Rose, trying to pry information about her out of you.
"Why does her name matter?" You snapped as your mom tucked you in. "Because if she's your friend you should at least know her name. So what it is?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. She never told me."
"Why is that?"
"I don't know mommy. I don't want to talk about it anymore."
"Okay," She hummed and kissed the top of your head. "Goodnight sweetheart."
"Night mommy." You rolled over onto your side, staring at the wall for a while. By that point Rose would of normally be already sitting at the bottom of your bed, but not tonight.
'Maybe she's busy.' You told yourself as you pulled your stuffed doll close to your chest. "Goodnight pretty lady in the hat," You mumbled into the air and began to drift off to sleep.
Normally when you slept it was uninterrupted and deep but that night was different. You kept tossing and turning. Not because you weren't comfortable but because something was wrong somewhere.
After another ten minutes of rolling around you sat up in bed, still holding your doll close. You looked around your room for a few seconds, trying to find anything that could be the source of discomfort but nothing.
"It's just like pictures in a book," You whispered aloud and closed your eyes. "They're not real." When you opened your eyes you found yourself standing in the middle of the woods. The weather was warm and muggy. Even in your light fabric pajamas, you were hot.
When you breathed in you could smell the overwhelming aroma of embers burning from a campfire. You let out a cough and followed the burning light through the woods.
'Don't do it.' That inner voice inside said but you pushed it away, thinking that maybe if you seen what was going on you could help. But something kept pulling you forward.
We are The True Knot
What is tied may mever be untied
We Endure
Your made your way down the beaten path and what was there horrified you. A group of people stood their. Like a chain of paper dolls or snowflakes chanting.
You seen your mother do chants in her meditation but this was completely different.
The worse part was the body on the green grass. The girl on the ground was maybe your age. 5 to 7 years old.
You heard the name Violet being whispered in your ear and you let out a scared cry.
A cloud of what you hought was campfire smoke was above the group. Next to the body was Rose. Her hands like bloody gloves confessing to her sins and a man with intense eyes. Like a Crow. They all turned to stare at you.
The pretty lady in the hat, no Rose! That was her name, smiled at you contently. "Well! Hi there!" She greeted and you immediately started to cry.
"Aww, what's wrong sweetie? Aren't you happy to see me?" You shook your head, backing up towards a tree. "Y-you can't hurt me when I'm like this!"
"Oh silly girl. I'm not going to hurt you." She pinned you against the tree and you dug your little hands into the bark.
"Then what are you going to do to me?" You sobbed and Rose knelt down to your level. "I'm going to keep you here. Don't you want to go home and join our family?"
Her hand bore down on your wrist hard enough to hurt and you let out a scream. As Rose was about to drag you away a light shined above the two of you and the entire space faded away into darkness.
"Get the hell away from her!" Your mother bellowed and Rose let go of your wrist. "Mama!" You cried and looked up at the light.
Rose growled and narrowed her eyes. "You just messed with the wrong bitch! She's mine!"
"No, she's not!" The environment around you both shook and Rose went flying into the darkness and before you knew it you were back in your room, crying into your mother's arms.
"It's okay," She soothed and kissed the top of your head as she rocked you back and forth. You cried and held onto her shirt.
"They killed her!" Your mom rubbed your back and let out a pained sigh. "I know..I know."
You sobbed into her that whole night, desperately wishing for the first time in your short life you weren't special.
You felt hurt that someone you had grown close to could hurt someone like that. It was a recurring theme and lapse of faith in yourself you had to deal with every day over the years.
You never seen Rose again after that but her presence in your house left an aftermath of chaos and your mother devoted all her time to protecting you from her because she was sure even if it wasn't in the near future you would see her again.
It tore your parents relationship apart and not after, they both decided to go their seperate ways. Even though both of them insisted it had nothing to do with you, you couldn't help but blame yourself.
Everything was so normal and so at peace until she came along. As you grew older you grew to despise her and tried your hardest to block her out of your thoughts but sometimes your memories of her managed to slip back in. The pain she caused you was so great it was hard to forget.
You were twenty now and on your way back from the grocery/ liquor store run when you felt like you were being watched.
It was unusual because after the whole ordeal with Rose, you were paranoid of being watched to begin with but this was a different feeling. Someone was in your mind.
You were about look out of the mirror of your car to see if anyone was behind you when you felt your phone ringing in your pocket.
You pulled it out and answered and as you turned into the road leading to your apartment complex.
"Y/n?" You let out a sigh and grip the steering wheel. "Hi mom."
"Why haven't you called me? It's been three days since I've spoken to you."
"I know, mom. I-"
"Have you been drinking?"
You looked down at the bag of liquor sitting in your passenger seat. "No," You answered carefully. "Of course not."
"Bullshit. You forget you lived with me as a teenager and I know your drinking voice."
You drove up into your parking spot and stopped the car. "I know, mom. I know."
"Then why are you lying to me?"
"C-can we please just get off the subject?!" You whispered harshly and grabbed your bag of liquor off the seat.
"Sure, sorry. I just worry about you, you know?" You could hear the tiredness and hurt in her voice.
"I know mama. I'm sorry," You whispered softly and walked up the stairs to the second floor. "It's okay sweetie. How was your day?"
You put the key in the lock to your apartment door. "It was alright. I went grocery shopping today."
"How was that?"
"Good." You opened the door. "I got some really cool looking-" You seen a woman sitting on your sofa and let out a scream.
"Well, hi there!" You dropped your bag of groceries on the floor, picking your head up to look in your living room.
"Y/n?! Is everything okay?" You debated on saying something but Rose made a silent tutting gesture with her hand.
"I-i'll have to call you back," You mumbled into the phone. "And if I don't, know that I love you."
"What?" Your mother screamed. "Y/n, don't hang you up on me! Y/n! Y/n-" You hung up and shoved your phone in your pocket.
"I-i remember you. You're the-" Rose smiled viciously and stood up from her spot on the sofa. "The pretty lady in the hat? Such a fitting name for me, isn't it?"
You nodded nervously, eliciting a giggle from Rose. She was by far the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen but mixed in with that beauty was her insanity. Just by looking in her eyes could tell this woman was an utter psychopath.
"No need to be scared of me, sweetie." She kicked the bags of groceries aside and moved closer to you, pinning you against the wall. "I told you you'd see me one day."
"What if I made up my mind?" She grinned and caressed your cheek. "Why on earth would you want to do that, huh? Still such a bright and clever girl, so so pretty too."
You lowered your head, refusing to look at Rose. "What do you want?" She picked your head up with her fingers and held it high. "I want to take you on a trip. Don't you want to meet my friends? I remember you did when you were little." She placed a kiss against your cheek.
You pushed her away and Rose looked on at you slightly taken aback. "No, I don't. What I want is for you to get the hell out of my apartment."
Rose shoved you against the wall and caressed your cheek. "My, such a temper. You know, I don't care for being talked back to."
You shook your head and squeezed your eyes shut, feeling so small and trapped. "Please let me go."
"Aww, no sweetie. No, I won't. You already got away from me once and it won't happen again." She kissed your neck, nipping at your cartilage afterwards. Her bright, murderous eyes you remembered all too well shone when she pulled away and you felt the hair on your arms stand straight up. "Still such a special little thing, aren't you?"
You gasped and tried to run from her but Rose was quick, wrapping her arms tightly around your waist. "Only a little pinch."
"No! No! Please!" You begged, hearing her uncap the needle. "I'll see you later, sweetheart."
"No! No-" The needle of the syringe pricked the sensitive skin on your neck and as Rose pushed down on the plunger flunge you felt yourself going limper. After a few seconds your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you dropped to the floor.
"That's it," She cooed and scooped you up in her arms. "Hope you're ready for our little road trip." She carried you out to her trailer and you were never seen by anyone who knew you again.
Part 2
A few hours later you kicked and screamed as Rose carried you out of the RV. "No! No! No!" You begged and flopped against her. "Please..please! I won't tell! I swear."
"Honey, it's not personal and I know you wouldn't but it's just not a practical option." She dropped you on the ground roughly and the other's began to tie you up.
As you stared up at the sky in distress, you pictured Violet's little face in your head and felt your anxiety rise.
Tears started streaming down your cheek and Rose stood infront of you. A part of her that still felt attached to you hurt to see you in pain but she needed to eat. The whole family did.
She raised the knife above her head, balancing it inbetween the tips of her fingers before resting it at her side. "Are you going to hurt me? Like you did to Violet?" Your inside burns and you felt like you wanted to throw up.
"Yes." You let out a pained scream as she rubbed the blade against your cheek. "Pain purifies steam, fear too. So now you understand."
"No!" You sobbed as you watched Rose raise the knife above her head. "No, Rose..please.." You continued to beg until she plunged the knife deep into your calf.
You shrieked and a large cloud of steam came floating out of your mouth. You felt weaker as the steam came out but the worse was sense of humiliation you felt. Like you had been violated or stolen from.
"Oh damn!" Rose rasped in an almost sexual tone. "Even at your age, you taste so good. Like flowers and liquor."
She clamped her hands around your throat and you winced, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt your steam poured out of your mouth more. You choked on your own sobs and dug your hands into the dirt.
Rose's eyes softened a little bit, her glowing blue orbs staring into yours. "So much fear for most of your life, huh?"
You didn't respond to her and Rose roughly tugged on your hair. "Answer me!"
"Yes!" You barely managed to scream out the word and let out a pitiful whimper. "W-why?"
"Why what?" She spat, keeping her firm grip on you.
"Why me? You could of had Violet, any other girl that was born around the time I was. Why me?" You didn't meet her eye. "I-i didn't want this! I didn't ask for any of this. I just-"
"Just what?" Rose asked softly.
"I just want to be normal! I don't want to special anymore. I just want to be loved. I just want it all to stop!" You hitched a sob and Rose released the grip on your neck.
She stood up and paced back and forth, trying to get her head back in the game.
"Rosie, you okay?" Crow stood up to her level. "Yeah, I'm okay..I just..you know what, it can wait til later."
"You're sure?" He asked.
"Yeah." She ran her thumb over your cheek as if to give you some comfort and raised the knife above her head. You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting to feel pain radiating through your body but nothing happened.
Why couldn't she hurt you? Rose, who considered herself to be quite numb to the feelings of others but highly intuned with her own needs didn't know. Even after everything you seen and how long it had been since she seen you there was something about you, some steamy element that made her feel attached to you like a magnet.
"I-i can't do it.." Rose stabbed the knife into the dirt beside you and put her hands over her face.
"Why not?" Crow asked, trying his hardest to keep his infrequent temper at bay. The rest of The Knot looked visibly displeased and hungry which set your anxiety even higher than it was.
"I-I feel something for her." Rose's eyes brimmed with insanity and you tried to squirm away her despite the pain radiating through your left leg and the restrains on your wrist.
"What? Rose we don't feel things for a Steamhead. If you keep it alive it's dangerous. It will-"
"I know!" She tightened her grip on your wrist. "She's special though and like I did many years ago, I want her." She let out a maniacal laugh that made Crow's shoulders stiffen. "I fucking want her." She stared deep into your eyes.
"I just want to go home!" You sobbed, fat tears running down your cheeks. "Shh.." Rose wiped your tears away with the back of her thumbs, staining your skin crimson with your own blood. "It's okay."
"No, it's not! Please just let me go home," You begged. "You know I can't do that. Can you all start untying her, please?"
The others nodded and quickly did as she asked. "Then what are we going to do with her?" You heard the Crow ask.
"I have a different plan for this one because she's special. Fitting how everything comes around, right sweetheart?" She gestured to the little scar on her hand.
You gritted your teeth in pain and spit in her face. "Fuck you." You raised your good leg up in the air and connected your heeled boot to her pretty face.
"Oh, you little bitch!" Rose screamed and raised her hand at you, swiftly smacking you across the face before falling back. It was loud enough for the sound to radiate for a good distance and you winced it the stinging sensation on your face.
Rose was distracted by the pain and others seemed to paying you no attention at all. You seen your chance to make your get away and made a run for it as soon as you got the chancs.
The dirt beneath you kicked up into the air as your shoes collided roughly into the ground. Your blood sputtered out on impact and the further the distance you walked, the limp increase.
Your chest felt tight and everything burned but your fight or flight instincts were on high and you were ready to take on everything or anyone.
As you began to slow your running pace you could vaguely hear the sound of bare feet crunching against the leaves behind you.
"Y/n!" You struggled to straggle forward as the light limp in your leg grew worse. "Where are you, honeydoll?"
You found the nearest tree close by and grabbed onto it, flinging yourself behind it. "I know you're around here somewhere."
The crunching of the leaves stopped momentarily and you could feel eyes burning in your direction. "You know if you're going to run from me then mine as well you try and cover your tracks. I see your blood."
"Shit." You darted out from behind the tree and tripped over a cut down stump from a tree that previously grew there.
You pulled your already injured leg up to your chest and slid backwards against the dirt each step Rose took closer to you.
"Don't! Just get away!"
You squirmed back forward and Rose got frustrated, roughly taking your wrist in her hands. She knelt down to your level and your eyes interlocked with her stormy grey ones.
"If I was going to hurt you, I would of done it by now." You nodded nervously. Rose ran a finger across your cheek. "Poor darling, you're so cold and bloodied." She grabbed you enough your arms and lifted you up. "Come on."
"W-where are you taking me?" She grunted as she placed your arm around her shoulders. "To my trailer. I have a first aid kit in there. I should be able to fix you up there."
"Okay." You nodded lazily, starting to feel the blood loss getting to you. You fought for your eyes to stay open and keep moving.
"Just a little longer, Y/n." Rose winced and helped you up the stairs to her trailer. Once you got inside she set down on her. "There we go, lay back."
You willing complied and rested your head against one of the many pillows Rose collected over the years.
"This is going to sting, okay?" She warned. You nodded and gripped onto her blankets as she put the hydrogen peroxide over your cut.
You hissed in pain and bit down on your lip. "Fuck." Rose laughed throatily. "I told you it was going to sting. Maybe if you didn't run from me none of this would of happened."
"Well maybe if you weren't trying to kill me I wouldn't of ran!" You spat defensively. Rose glared and began to wrap up your leg.
"..I told you I was going to let you be." Your eyes went wide. "After you stabbed me! Rose, I just want to go home."
"I can't do that sweetheart." As she finished wrapping up your leg she helped you sit up on the bed. "Then what are you going to do with me?"
"Option A: You go outside and I let whichever member of my family that is standing closest by drop you off somewhere and let you wander around bloddied in the woods because I will strip you of your bandages and I can't promise it will be painless death or, you stay here with me."
You looked away with uncertainty in your eyes. "You don't have to be turned yet if you don't want to but you will want it eventually, I reassure you." She grinned.
"I could never be like you." Rose rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you rubes know nothing on what it's like to be us. To live like the kings and queens of humanity and the pleasures in the aftermath of taking steam and the chaos that ensued afterwards."
"Killing people makes you horny?" She laughed. "More amorous then anything, my sweet." She got her knees and leaned forward to kiss your lips. "I can give you a comparison on the steam part, if you'd like."
You shoved her away. "No, I don't want you to touch me like that. Ever." For a reason Rose couldn't fathom, she had to push away some pain caused by your words.
"It's not going to be a terrible existence, Y/n." She took your hand in hers. "You kill people, Rose! I seen you kill someone."
"Violet? Oh yes, we actually just finished her steam a few days ago. It made me think of you."
"And you tried to kill me! I can't trust you as far as I can throw you!"
"You learned to like being around me as a little girl. I can't why you can't learn to again." You glared at Rose. "Because I thought you were my friend."
"I still am, aren't I?" Rose was met with silence. "Y/n, for fucks sake would you just say something?"
"I-" You broke down in tears and Rose felt a pang of guilt blooming inside her. She pulled you close to her and ran her fingers through your hair.
"You took everything from me!" You sobbed into her. "I know. Either way we were going to have you though so you should of just gave in. Some of it is my fault though." Your tears soaked her chest.
"I feel so broken..and so confused! I just want to be loved but I don't know how to even love me anymore!"
"I know and we'll fix that. Come on, don't cry." You sniffled and tried to wipe some of your tears away but they just kept flowing.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You kept saying over and over again. "Shhh..it's okay. Nothing to be sorry about."
"You scared me when you killed Violet. You scared me!" Rose wiped your face off with her sleeve. "I know but it's all out of survival and I won't hurt you like that ever again, I promise."
You nodded and wiped some of the tears away, just trying to calm yourself down a little bit. "So what do you say?"
"I'll stay." Rose grinned and placed a kiss against your cheek. "Good." She pulled you down on her bed and wrapped her arms around your waist. "You're freezing. I know ways of warming you up, you know."
You let out a laugh which brought Rose some relief. "Maybe when in a few days when I'm back to normal."
"Whatever you're comfortable with." She ran her fingers through your hair. "Get some rest, please?"
"You won't leave me?" You asked softly. "I won't. I promise." You let out a peaceful sigh and nuzzled closely to Rose's chest.
She drew small circles on your back with her fingers and sent you waves of relaxation. "Sleep." You eyes fluttered shut and soon you succumbed to a peaceful slumber.
Rose stayed up for a while, searching through your mind and taking in all the information about you she missed from the years you spent apart.
"So much anger and fear." She whispered softly. "Bouncing back and from place to place and surpressing who you really are. Oh yes, you're going to be a clingy little thing for a while but I don't mind."
You shifted in your sleep and Rose tightened her grip around you. "Relax, you're home now."
"Home," You mumbled softly in your sleep and Rose smiled softly. Sne placed her hat down behind her on the bed as if it was a prized crown and spooned you. "Yes, home. Just exactly where you're supposed to be."
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thegoddamnfangirl · 7 years
Pairings: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Requested by anon-  could you write a fanfic of a teen!reader with these sorcery powers that don’t have full control over? She gets help from Wanda but she isn’t the best teacher. The reader meets Loki and totally wants him to help her but he is like “Um, no.” but they both form this friendship and it’s all cute and fluffy.
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Training. Such fun.
 Those were your exact thoughts as you hurtled across the training room and crashed against the wall, landing on the floor with a loud ‘thump!’.
 “I am so sorry!” squealed Wanda as she hurried across the room. “I didn’t mean to-“
“Wanda,” you groaned. “It’s fine.”
“Oh. No, it is not,” she said. “I’m a terrible teacher. I’m so, so sorry. You must be hurt very badly.”
As she helped you up, you heard someone scoff from the doorway.
“Mortals,” a snooty voice said.
You shakily got to your feet to see Loki Laufeyson, standing by the doorway with a prim expression.
Before you could say anything, he screwed up his nose and left.
Wanda stared after him, her mouth set in a line.
You limped out of the infirmary, after having Bruce plaster your wrist, which was sprained, as well as give you several ointments for the bruises all over your body. You knew Wanda really didn’t mean to, but honestly, how could she teach you to control your powers when she lost control so often (and knocked you about so much)? You needed a proper teacher.
With a groan, you set yourself down on a couch in the common area, wondering how long it would be before you were up and about again.
 The voice that reached your ears instantly brought a smile to your face.
“Hi, Thor!” you said as he sat down beside you.
“Oof! Lady (y/n), what happened to you? Surely Director Fury is not sending you on missions already, you are much too young!”
 You grimaced.
“Wanda was trying to teach me magic. She sort of lost control and I went bang! Across the room.”
Thor frowned.
“Then why don’t you ask my brother Loki for help? He is well versed in many prominent fields of sorcery, and widely regarded as the most powerful magician in all of Asgard.”
“Thor, your brother hates me. Not just me, well, everyone. He hates everyone, I guess,” you shrugged.
“He does not like Midgardians much, true,” shrugged Thor. “But he much admires the Vanir, and was not your father from Vanaheim? He should be happy to help you, I think.”
 You thought for a minute.
“You really think Loki would help me?” you asked, hope rising in your heart.
“Ay, m’lady. He may hate Midgardians but the Vanir have his respect.”
Loki sounded quite racist, if you were to be honest. But hey, if he could help you!
“Loki? Um, are you here?”
 You stood awkwardly in front of the closed door of his room, after having knocked twice.
The door opened a little bit to reveal Loki’s sulky looking face.
“What do you want, girl?” he asked.
“Um… well, uh, Thor said that maybe you could like, help me with magic, maybe? I mean, you’re supposed to be a really good sorcerer,” you said.
Loki stared at you for a few seconds.
“No,” he said, and closed the door.
“Well,” you said, not moving. “That was rude.”
 As it happened, Thor was coming up the passageway.
“Did you talk to my brother, Lady (y/n)?” he asked.
“Your brother slammed the door in my face,” you told him.
Thor frowned.
“How very rude of him,” he said. “I’ll talk to him.”
Before you could protest, Thor banged loudly on the door.
“Looooookiiiiiiiiiiiii~” he yelled.
“Oh, what is it already?” Loki flung open the door.
“Teach Lady (y/n) magic.”
“I’ll tell everyone who got the horse pregnant.”
“Fine, I’ll teach her!”
“Erm, Loki,” you broke in, “you really don’t have to, I’ll, I’ll just, um, I’m good with Wanda.”
“Don’t be silly,” Thor said. “Loki will help you. Won’t you, Lo?” He glared at his cross looking little brother.
 Training with Loki was like training with Wanda, only there were emotional blows instead of physical ones.
“Are you daft, girl? It seems impossible to me that you are part Vanir!”
 You scowled as you attempted to pull off the healing spell he was trying to teach you. The problem was, it had an incantation along with it, and you didn’t speak Old Norse.
 “Why do they call you Silvertongue?” you asked him.
“I am known in Asgard for having a way with words,” replied Loki.
“They should call you ‘Poisontongue’ instead,” you said.
“Don’t try to be smart, girl,” he snarled.
You didn’t respond to that, focusing instead on your magic.
You giggled at the brief look of alarm that passed over Loki’s face when he heard Thor’s voice. It wasn’t as if he was afraid of Thor- it just seemed as if being around Thor was emotionally taxing for him.
“Lady (y/n), is my brother treating you right?” Thor asked, coming up to both of you.
 You glanced at Loki, and then at your personal protector.
“He’s treating me just great, thank you, Thor,” you said with a sweet smile.
Thor smiled, then thumped Loki on the back. 
“Good for you, Lo,” he boomed, and went about his own way.
Loki scrutinized you for a minute, then said:
“You’re starting to understand that healing spell there- keep practicing.”
You practically crept into the kitchen, hoping you wouldn’t run into Peter Parker. The thing about him was...well, you guys really didn’t get off on the right foot. You guys were in high school together at one point, which can never help matters.
  Of course, Peter had to be in the kitchen.
“Witchcraft,” he nodded at you.
“Spider-butt,” you nodded back.
“Spider-butt? Seriously?” he laughed.
 “Oh, f*ck you, Parker,” you said.
“F*ck yourself, (l/n)-”
“Is there a problem?” Loki said, striding into the kitchen and standing beside you. 
“Nothing that concerns you, eh, sir,” said Peter, clearly intimidated by the god. He’d never faced off with Loki before.
 “Mortal,” growled Loki, “did I hear you insulting my student?”
“W-student? Whoa, Witchcraft, you’re his student now? Cool!” said Peter, forgetting, for a moment, that you didn’t like each other.
  Loki frowned. 
“If I’m not mistaken, ‘cool’ is a positive adjective in Midgard, yes?”
You nodded.
   “I’ll, uh, I’ll be off,” said Peter, grabbing a box of juice and heading out.
“Did you just try to stick up for me?” you asked, turning to Loki.
“Stick up for you? No. I just, I suppose I wanted to pay you back for not tattling to Thor. We would’ve gotten into a fight, and since I really can’t kill him right now, things would get messy and unnecessary and-”
 “-sure,” you grinned. “I appreciate the thought.”
As you went out of the kitchen, leaving Loki behind, you mentally beat yourself up for saying that. “I appreciate the thought”? It sounded so weird! Agh!
  Loki followed you out the door. 
“You’re a good teacher, you know,” you told him as you both headed to the living area. 
 Loki raised his eyebrows. 
“Well, that’s bad news, seeing as how I’ve gone out of my way to try to be as terrible a teacher I could, without Thor knowing, of course.”
You laughed. 
“I don’t suppose, maybe, you’d be free to show me a few things that you can do? Thor tells me you are one of the best sorcerers Asgard has,” you said.
 “One of the best? Love, I comprise the entirety of the best,” Loki said.
“Love?” you asked, eyebrow raised.
“Would you prefer ‘wench’, or simply ‘girl’, perhaps?”
 “I’m good with ‘love,’ thank you,” you laughed.
“‘Love’ it is, then.”
“You know,” you said. “I’ve got a feeling that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
“Mm, sorry, I don’t go in for that sort of thing,” Loki replied.
“Sure,” you grinned.
You weren’t friends, oh, no. At least, you hung out and you showed Loki movies and books and enjoyable things, braided his hair, he braided yours, you taught him how to do nails, but oh, no, you weren’t friends.
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