#nothing agains Good omens and WWDiTS and all of that
Y'all I can't explain how happy I feel. It feels like I'm fish that's only been living in like, pretend salt water and now someone just yeeted me into the ocean. I'm in my natural habitat rn.
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snuggleupagus · 1 year
My 2 cents
Ok -
Overall, I really enjoyed season 2. It was kinda crazy to binge it so hard, and I think I am going to cool off and rewatch the whole series again later in August. I think I may have overall enjoyed season 2 more than season 1 simply because it gave me more of what I wanted, not necessarily because it was better television.
I enjoyed the first two episodes, IMMENSELY, and they got me very hype. 3 and 4 were a bit of a dip, the pacing admittedly wasn't great - and Neil had said he liked the shorter episodes because there is no fat. But I think the minisodes in those two episodes could have certainly been shorter. I felt the minisode in episode 3 taught its lesson clumsily, and the extension of the 1941 scene took away from some of that beautiful sincerity from season 1.
I'm not the first person to point out that the Maggie / Nina thing was... an odd choice. Nina clearly being in an abusive relationship and then going through a breakup was not a great time to be pushing romance on her. I'm still trying to understand how this may tie in to what the story is trying to say about how even Aziraphale and Crowley don't fully understand themselves, or humans, or how to translate big complicated feelings into words.
Additionally, while I did find Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship in episode 6 surprisingly cute, it just made me so mad at the same time. I was seriously in disbelief that their happy ending was so... quick and easy, and then Aziraphale and Crowley got THAT.
Despite my complaints, every modern moment between our two leads was just wonderful. I don't think I have to mention Aziraphale gleefully grabbing Crowley for a dance or the moments with the Bentley... and my god. When Crowley laid into Jim!Gabriel about what he said when they tried to kill Aziraphale with hellfire at the end of season 1, when he FINALLY told someone how much it hurt him... that was so GOOD.
That kiss, though...
I feel so foolish for seeing [EVERY] and assuming it was all going to work out. I mean, I am glad we got it! David and Michael's performances in that scene really truly ripped my heart out. Aziraphale's utter shock and horror at the moment gutted me. I can't imagine how Crowley felt to be let go of like that, after everything he's done across the two seasons to show his love.
Intellectually, I know season 3 will come - who knows when, 2026? if things go well with the strike, but possibly even later - and when it does, we'll get a good Aziraphale apology and a happy ending. But...
Its a hard adjustment. Reading Good Omens fanfic has actually become something I do when I'm feeling really depressed and up for nothing else. It's the only fic I read, I don't read OFMD or WWDITS or even Megamind fic anymore. It's just GO. And after the ending of season 1, angsty fics were fun treats and all the happy endings felt earned.
Now, the happy ending is back to not feeling earned at all yet.
Everything will be ok. I'm not ok yet, but I will be! And they will be, too.
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Okay I'm gonna make this it's own post cause it's important.
Good Omens, WWDITS, and OFMD are all queer rep. But I really do think the main reason why ofmd feels the most 'real' for some people is it scratches a particular itch a lot of people on Tumblr have been trying to get for years.
Good Omens has two characters who appear to be men. Both characters spend thousands of years pining after each other and falling in love, but it's not 'explicitly states' not is there a kiss. There is rep for nonbinary folks, AroAce folks, but it's not 'gay.' The rep is purely 'queer.'
What We Do in the Shadows has a romance between two men. Both, while confirmed to be gay/bi, have not kissed or hugged or been 'romantic' on screen. They've been intimate and have had arcs to show care, jealously, and whatnot but nothing very romantic. At least, not from a classic standpoint. The creators are pushing a 'will they/won't they' arc. This is normal in many TV shows, but for many queers who are used to queerbaiting, the expectation is to be let down. Even if all the signs point to 'they will' it still hits that traumatic 'queerbaiting' tone for many.
Our Flag Means Death has a romance between not only two men, but a side romance between two men that has a kiss scene. The two main leads are romantic towards each other. But not only that, the creator has made it explicitly clear this is a romance. He has pushed again and again that this will happen, it's just a slow burn. There is explicit 'gay' rep on screen and promised future 'gay' rep.
The reason ofmd resonates is because of what other posts have pointed out. Supernatural, Merlin, Sherlock; over and over two men have been shipped together with such fervor, it feels like a betrayal when it's ignored. Or teased and then ignored. We don't want to be traumatized again.
But also, they all represent one type of rep. Romantic, gay rep of two cishet men finding love. Even though in the case of Destiel, Cas is rarely viewed as anything but a cis man (even though that's very not true). The expectation that those previous failures are being redeemed by this one show can make the queer rep in other shows seem less desirable.
Good Omens, WWDITS, and OFMD are three different types of queer rep, but ofmd has a specific trauma reaction being healed tied to it. And it's okay to recognize that, but also, it needs to be recognized that does not take the queerness away from other shows.
None of these shows are queerbaiting. Acknowledge your trauma and enjoy them all for what they are, not what you want them to be.
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
My tumblr dash used to be very much nothing but SPN back in the days when that was my only reason for having tumblr and was all I wanted to see.
Since so many ppl have moved on from SPN including myself, my dash has becoming basically unusable to me as its such a huge mix of multifandom or other random posts, many of which are still great, but I need to curate my space again. I want to only see stuff from the fandoms im currently in, with maybe a sprinkling of spn, otherwise I'm gonna have to unfollow a lot of ppl. Sorry for this. Long term mutuals who I know and used to interact with a lot I'll still keep following though (you know who you are).
If I unfollow you in the coming days, please know its not personal, its simply an attempt to curate my dash towards the things I am interested in. If you're not posting about OFMD, The Sandman, WWDITS or Good Omens primarily, I'm probably gonna unfollow. Still respect and love your awesomeness to be on tumblr posting about the stuff YOU love, even if it aint my thing.
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casgirl · 2 years
I don’t want to start any discourse but how do you feel about the queer pairing in the wwdits show? I enjoy the show and the characters as much as the next 20 something but the way people talk about that pairing in particular rubs me the wrong way. I think it’s a nice sentiment but like, nothing romantic about that relationship is even borderline canonical. Maybe I’m crazy because I just do not see it but I think it’s weird how much people praise scraps. I mean with all the comparisons to ofmd lately it feels like people are pushing the “all rep is good rep” motto again even when the rep is nonexistent. That show isn’t the standard for queer pairings but like, it’s actually there and the same cannot be said for wwdits. Hell, good omens is queerbaiting but even that show was intentionally playing up romantic tropes. Wwdits has good queer rep in other ways but the main ship is nothing like the way people talk about it in my opinion. I feel like I’m the only one not seeing something here. As a queerbaiting expert and well-known sane person, what are your thoughts?
This was the only thought I had seeing the ofmd guys go canon
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