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eph3201 · 6 years ago
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He knows what you need before you ask #emptywords #noneed #prayinthespirit #begenuine #notforshow #notforattention #honest #pure #prayer #praywithoutceasing https://www.instagram.com/p/B1X0VV4l9v6/?igshid=1c47ig12rin6
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rawrtransformations · 7 years ago
.r.etrain to protect yourself and your loves. . I am a pacifist, but throughout my life I have been put in situations where those around me are less serene and composed and I have the literal scars to prove it. This chaotic nature, where an individual does not have control affects my life and that of my closest. . I chose many years ago not to be a violent person, to take conscious control of my actions but also to know when i need to take a stand and now how to take that stand. Training in martial arts, as well as self-defense has boosted the confidence I have in myself and the abilith to avoid or get out of unwanted situations. . I consider myself a "prepper"; someone who understands the meta world more intricately and the weak points in people and society so that I only get caught with my pants down when I so choose. *wink wink nudge nudge* . Have a stellar week peoples of instagram!! . #shadowboxing #prepper #martialarts #gardenparty #kickboxing #nonclassicalwingchun #brucelee #jesseglover #jeetkunedo #martialarts #ballcapyogi #circlingtiger #transformah #readyforanything #readyablewilling #selfdefensetraining #personaltraining #dontfuckwithme #yogi #ahimsa #nonviolence #conscious #consciousliving #yogi #kickpunch #notforshow .
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theworldaccordingtodee · 8 years ago
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If you wonder why my posts are so long and why I'm so honest and why I post literally EVERYTHING, please believe it's not for show (okay, sometimes I make petty posts and subliminal posts 😂😂😂), it's because I'm learning to be honest-with myself. Not that long ago, I was ashamed of me, of who I was. I was so afraid to tell people what I'd been through, to share my story of how I've overcome (and am overcoming), I was so scared of how my rawness, my bluntness, my 'aggression' (aka passion) would make people feel. I thought (and still think) I needed to fit a standard or a mold to be accepted. But as I ascribe to grow closer to Christ and to find my purpose in the world and in the universe, I'm like eff respectability politics-I'ma just say it. I'm not gonna try and be something I'm not. That's how I lost myself so many times before. One thing I've learned is that when I'm my most honest, that's when I reach more people, that's when I have the greatest impact. When I'm not thinking, when I'm venting, when I'm angry or upset-I bless and inspire those around me. So yeah, my post are long and extra deep, but if you're desperate for an answer to something you might be going through, you'll take the time out and read. It ain't my job to pressure y'all into likes and whatnot, I'm already liked by my creator. I wanna live in MY purpose, MY truth-just the way it was written. And any changes that occur in between are crafted and altered by my Devine creator. That's who I'm here to please. I am God and God is me, for I am a creation and being of light. And whatever God made he said "it is good". Therefore, let me be great! 🙏🏾 #SpiritualEnlightenment #SpiritualAwakening #Christ #Christianity #GodinMe #DevineBeing #InProcess #Transition #Religion #PersonalRelationship #NotForShow #SpiritualTransition
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jcwrx · 8 years ago
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#subabros it's the same #wrx #subaru #notforshow #awd #awdgang (at Southeast, Anaheim)
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truthrider · 8 years ago
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“One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. There in front of him was a man suffering from abnormal swelling of his body. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” But they remained silent. So taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way. Then he asked them, “If one of you has a child or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” And they had nothing to say Luke‬ ‭14:1-6. Do you act like a Christian just to check a box or has the spirit changed why you show love to others through your actions? We pray that our ministry is more than words! #loveisaverb #valuesystem #success #realwitness #notforshow #invisible #servant #thefaithfulservantwantstobeknowbyone (at TruthRiders)
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elizaneals · 3 years ago
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Another STELLAR review‼️ BluesBLUESuk knows what their listening to #acrossthepond 🇬🇧 "#BadderToTheBone is an album of nine originals and one special cover from an artist with a voice that demands to be heard. Detroit-born #ElizaNeals is an artist that is surely on the cusp of higher things and this album will cement that... #QueenOfTheNile on the other hand is a slow, #sultryBlues with #LanceLopez adding his guitar and #PeterKeys also guesting on #HammondB3. She has a vocal to match the best as she growls her way through this at times. Keys in the background adds depth and the searing guitar from Lopez is marvellous. There’s a river of notes flowing from his axe on this epic track... #LockdownLove which is co-written with Puwal, who also contributes guitar. Eliza delivers a classic #BluesRock vocal and Puwal’s guitar scorches the earth. #KingKong, the first of her wholly own compositions, is an up-tempo #Bluesrocker with a smoky and gritty vocal as on the others. Eliza can cope with anything that is thrown at her and there’s plenty on this track with lots of #RockNRoll guitar licks thrown in from Lopez..." Thank You BluesBlues great review there's more on their website 🎶 #NewReview #MusicReview #UKMusic #CriticalAcclaim #Keepitcoming #backupthetruck #morethanmeetstheeye #listenandlearn #diamondintherough #triplethreat #rightontarget #notforshow #playnogames #deadserious #undertheradar #dontsleep #alwaysfire 🔥 (at Camden Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgzX1a4OvlD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thisisabledprivilege-blog · 12 years ago
Abled privilege is...being able to run an errand without having people take photos of you--without your consent, and in some cases without your knowledge.
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