sadpurpleblood · 10 months
how does it feel to be a heathen
You notclown around nottown
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:(oh well. !ts the lesser of two ev!ls ! guess): :(! really dont want to compla!n much. most people are actually qu!te f!ne w!th !t): :(though to be honest most of my fr!ends arent really. that str!ct when !t comes to hemospectral expectat!ons): :(cant really !nteract w!th any bel!evers !n person without r!sk!ng my l!fe but ! honestly dont care too much about those):
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:(Poffyr does k!nd of bully me for !t... but ! try to not let that get to me):
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clownratz · 3 years
hey guys! my friend has a gofundme as they are trying to go privately to go on estrogen before they go to uni(next year) itd mean the world if you could share the link or donate even a small amount, they really do deserve this. thankyou for reading!
note: when you donate you can put "other" and then donate none of the amount youre giving to gofundme i believe - so if youre donating and want all your money to go to cherry then you can do that.
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realclownfacts · 3 years
Beautiful person award! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. <33
This is sooo sweet I like dont even post on this silly blog and you thought of me. clowns look out for other clowns. now to see if I know 8 other people.
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stevepeeters · 7 years
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Last day of the week time for the biggest smile #allmostweekend #portrait #ringlight #retrato #artistico #landvast #exposition #notclowning #gochckitout #blackandwhite (bij Lounge-Art Landvast)
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clowncreate · 6 years
are any of your clowns for adopt/sale? i'm in love with these designs
It’s up to the mod that drew them! if you send an ask abt the ones you like we’ll get you in contact with the right mod! :OD be sure to get back with us!
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clownratz · 2 years
this is 100% not sponsored but if you use code MILESW9HP on graze.com you can get your first grazebox free! your welcome :0) also you can immediately cancel your subscription so you arent locked into anything!
(this is just part of their rewards thing n it gives me a free graze box too lol)
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clownratz · 5 years
i smoocha you
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discord broke... tumblr messages time
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clownratz · 5 years
hey fellows clowns, been kinda depressed the past few days and been dealing with the usual migraines so i wasmt posting on my other account and decided to come on here to say, its ok to be down in the dumps sometimes and its ok to cry and just... go through that shit. im tryna just let myself feel it instead of pushing it away and i just wanted to encourage you guys to let yourself feel stuff too.
clowns get sad too, support ur fellow clowns
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clownratz · 5 years
I can't access your byf posts
very sorry! i'll try to sort that out asap but im still relatively new to tagging stuff on tumblr so if anyone has any info to help me out thatd be greatly appreciated
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clownratz · 5 years
psa: pls follow my twitter cause i can actually reply to messages better on there plus i think its a bit more... not personal but... it just shows me in my natural habitat a bit more?? anyways its @/crunchyghosts
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