smallveryyoungpeas · 1 year
Chapters: 8/10
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables)
Additional Tags: Modern AU, Post-College, Artist/Bartender!Grantaire, Activist/Dropout!Enjolras, Angst (super angst), Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life
CW// Recreational Alcohol & Drug Use, Mild Violence
“You know what I drink. My arguments you can strike down before I even make them. And apparently, you can find me in a crowd like you have me tracked.” He shrugs. “You just always know.” - “You’re easy to read,” he lies. “Like an open book, if the book was written by Marx and Engels.” Enjolras smiles a bit, then loses himself in thought. He seems upset when he says, “I don’t know who your book would be written by.” Grantaire averts his gaze. “You don’t know a lot about me, Apollo.”
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khloetheecrazy · 5 years
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Just chillin’
- From yours truly
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byeimmoving · 4 years
Top 3 Sexy Diavolo moments wanna see if you can find them you CLOWNFUCKER
Cate....I'm about to disappoint you really bad😔💔 but with a heavy heart I must admit that I do find that moldy, trash eating, uncivilized, rabid crackhead sexy at times...I'm so sorry... and ashamed.
Ok top 3 rat sexy moments:
1)The entire time booch was diavolo. God blessed bucci not only with extremely sexy looks but also with equally sexy soul U-U
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Still got fleas but now he's lovable.
2) That moment when he crawls into a sewer. Hell yeeeeeaaaah every creature is the sexiest in it's natural habit
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In all honesty the very first time dop drops his turtleneck and there is...that...could be a bonus point in his sexy resume but I'm not gonna acknowledge it cos I had to hear straight boys say how gay they are for him for a whole ass week after that and that was a nightmare I don't wanna go through again
3) he could like...get it in the opening when there's doppio to diavolo transformation
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ierogenvy · 2 years
it is such a long road to tmwwbk :(
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1991diamondaries · 2 years
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notcafashion-blog · 5 years
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Notca Fashion - Mommy and Cute Pie 
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suntechapps · 5 years
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Mother and Daughter Having Same Outfits _ Notca Fashion -2019 - Latest Trends of Fashion - Notca Fashion Store _ 
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dragon--doodles · 7 years
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Two slime foxes 
what are they doing
Who knows?
Notca belongs to @traitorpaul
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ahoy! thank you @chaoticdean and everyone else who tagged me to do the WIP grab game!!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
well, I see this doesn't ask for fic titles (which I have zero of up until the day I post, because woe is me and I am poor at titling) so these are going to be what I call the wips, right? great >:) let's have some fun
beware, they're not working titles. i'm not cool enough for those.
notSam, notDean & notCas (part III in the works)
happy national coming out day dean
gifts BUT wedding rings
no pbj only kiss
trans + stanford minus john
drunk on Floo powder
alexa can secret agents be good
cas pets cat on zoom
v v considerate fuckordie
can we at least be first kiss bitches
love @ first sight NOT
pizzaman 'n cas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no one knows sam at stanford
origin of roommate au
not to flex (please save me) I do have more, but I feel like these are more than enough?
tagging @irrlicht-ghostfront @studio-hatter @3dg310rdsupreme @i-miss-balthazar @dothwrites @ghostsforcas @fantastikitty7 and @nickelkeep!! have fun <3
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llawlietofficial · 6 years
Idk it was pretty shitty for Soichiro to pretend to shoot his son, even if it was L's idea. He's a cop, so I'm assuming he knows the horrible consequences that can happen by being shot point blank even if it's notca real bullet. (Not to mention the potential emotional trauma, jesus)
oh it was definitely pretty shitty for Soichiro to pretend to shoot his son, but it’s less of an “it was L’s idea” situation and more of a “it was the only condition to getting his son out of confinement” situation. 
L gave Soichiro two really shitty choice, pretend to shoot his son or continue to keep his son in solitary confinement indefinitely, and I don’t think him being forced to choose between two bad options makes him a bad parent or a bad person. I’m sure he had a ton of emotional trauma from this too. 
Throughout the series Soichiro just did the best that he could with the circumstances he was given, and I’m not sure I would have done things any differently were I in his place. 
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loveyou-x3000 · 6 years
For headcanon funsies, what do you think it means that Loki swore his 'undying fidelity' to Thor? I think, in his time as Odin, he may have had fail safes in place for Thor in the event of his death (like the commissioning of Stormbreaker), OR maybe he does have a plan to come back from Hel.
(So I answered this before but apparently it never posted.)
I’m firmly of the belief that “undying fidelity” wasn’t a throw-away line and that those two words are specific. So while he is swearing his loyalty to Thor instead of Thanos, I think it has a double meaning. I’ll break down my thoughts on each below.
Undying is a pretty obvious reference. So far, Loki’s faked out his death twice: his psuedo-suicide when he fell from the rainbow bridge and his sacrifice on Svartalfheim. There’s also all the bullshit he’s managed to survive: Thanos and his children, being abandoned as a baby on Jotunheim, escaping Surtur as Asgard burned around him, and so on. For Thanos, that word choice is meant as a flourish; to Thor, I’m pretty sure he means to say don’t fucking fall for it again, you big idiot. 
Fidelity, to me, is just a weird fucking word choice. Yes, writers have doled out their fair share of bad lines before (mewling quim and prima notca, anyone?) but I don’t think that’s a fair assumption for a fan-favorite’s dying moment. Literally, fidelity can be defined as:faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support and/or the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced. I think the second definition is worth paying attention to - another call out to Thor that’s telling him not to fall for it again. Or, in a broader statement: 
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Other related headcanons:
Loki commissioned Stormbreaker because he anticipated the Bifrost being destroyed (again). He couldn’t have known it would be a replacement for Mjolnir, but it was meant to replace the not-so-mobile Bifrost.
Loki has never faked his death, simply survived to the surprise of himself and everyone else. He may have met Hela of Svartalfhiem.
Loki didn’t believe Odin could properly prepare Asgard for Thanos, which is one of the main reasons that he decided to play the old switch-a-roo with his Dad. He obviously handled Malekith so well, and he wasn’t about to go into all the details of what he suffered on the Sanctuary with him. 
Loki may have actually died in this scene, but is aware that there’s time travel bullshit that’s about to happen. He’s future!Loki; past!Loki got pulled into the mix of Endgame in those couple minutes off screen and learned through Thor that he died on the Statesman - and ultimately realizes he has to go back to die (which leads into his TV show). 
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rhythm-catsandwine · 2 years
I may leave Tumblr and discord since apparently narsassist abuse is notca thing!!! So years of my life are down thr drain . I'm insane and a peice of discutig shit.
I know and understand it now
I should have predicted this
Sorry I'm so worhless
Sorry a peice of shit!
Sorry for my ignorance
I'm sorry doe being stupid
I know I do not deserve to be alive .
I know now gaslighting is normal abuse.
I'm sorry for being a disgusting worthless ignorant peice of shit.
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pooleproof · 3 years
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When I posted this week's episode, I spoke about not getting down if you gained weight during the quarantine period, even if -- as I admitted I had -- you lost then regained weight. I also spoke about how the mindset we have about weight and how we live our lives overall can be different if we choose. Today, having practiced what I preached, I weigh 7 pounds less than I did on Monday. I have an approach that works for me, and it may work for you too. I begin by focusing on what I eat, and when. No exercise. No restrictions. And sufficient water intake. Notca gallon, because that isn't what my body needs. Finally, sufficient sleep. Exercise begins after two weeks. That's it. Link in bio. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSCnmFOpCqv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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okay so like what if like The Reader knows that Lucifer is playing Castiel and Lucifer threatens her if she tries to tell her brothers the truth & this would take place during "The Vessel" in season 11 episode 14 & it's really making the reader anxious by not telling her brothers & Lucifer keeps on tainting her? When Sam finally realizes it's Lucifer & he gets really protective of The Reader? lots of angst & fluff? 💕❤️
Warnings: a couple swears, mention of torture
A/N: I AM SOSOSOSOSPSPSO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK FOREVER!!! I don’t really have one set good excuse but I’m sorry and I’ll try to never do that again
“- Just in case things go sideways, somebody needs to be left standing to take care of the Darkness. We can’t risk us both! And at the moment, I’m the least valuable player, you both know that I can’t kill Amara. So the least I can do is get the thing that we need so that you can,” Y/N heard Dean say as she opened the bunker door. Three heads turned to her as she descended the stairs.
“Y/N,” Sam stuttered in surprise. “You- uh, you’re back… early.”
“Yeah,” she said slowly, eyeing him confusedly. “Turns out the vamps were just turned, so it wasn’t as intense as I had expected. What’s going on here?”
“Nothing-” Dean said quickly.“We’re going to send Dean back in time to get a Hand of God.” Y/N turned to Cas when he interrupted Dean. The boys got him a glaring look. “What?”
“He’s doing what now?” Y/N questioned, placing her hands on her hips. “Is this why you sent me on that vamp case alone?”
“What?” Sam sputtered. “No. We just- well, Dean and- I thought…”Y/N raised an eyebrow. He raised his hands in surrender.
“Okay, fine,” he sighed. “You caught us.”
“I can’t believe it!” She threw her hands up in exasperation. “You thought you’d just meander back in time without telling me? What happened to being honest with each other?”
“Look,” Dean frowned, “I didn’t want you to worry. If you were to find out… I just didnt want you to volunteer to go.”“
And you think I want you to go?” She asked softly, though still mad. “Dean, I may not want you to go, but I can still be mature about letting you.“
“So, you’re saying…” Dean started slowly.
“I’m saying that you better go kick it in the ass,” she smirked at him. There would be time for fear and worry and doubt later; right now, there were bigger problems at hand.
“So,” Y/N startled the celestial being. "Your great plan to get this ‘Hand of God’ isn’t entirely fool proof. You don’t seem to care much for Dean’s safety.”
“It’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make, so I’m okay to follow the lead,” he said, barely turning to face her. Y/N frowned.
Cas always looks at me when we talk, she thought in dismay, and he never just lets Dean do anything that reckless.
“You’re totally on board with this?” She asked in dismay. “Even with Dean at risk?”
Cas- or, notCas, as she decided to call him- sighed, turning around slowly.
“I can tell you know something,” he drawled. “You were always the most observant of the Winchester’s. Always looking at everything under a microscope.”
“You know what they say,” Y/N said breathlessly. “The devil is in the details.”
“Indeed he is.” He smiled coldly, lifting up one hand to her chin. “Be careful, Y/N. Cas may have been wary about you fragile humans, but dancing with the devil will hurt you.”
Y/N lifted her chin at him. He snarled and dropped his hand.
“I’m not the one who needs to look out,” she said.
“We’ll see about that,” he snarled at her retreating figure.
I’ve dealt with the devil before, she reassured herself. I can do it again.
I think.
Sam was walking towards the library when he heard them.
“Do you honestly believe that?” he heard- Cas?- say. Well, it was coming from Cas’ direction…
But that wasn’t his voice.
“Maybe not,” Y/N said, “but I know that you won’t get away with it.”
Sam could practically see her body rigid, forcing herself to stand up straight. She only ever stood like that when she was in danger. Serious danger. But she was just talking to Cas.
“That has got to be the most cliche thing I’ve ever heard.”
Okay, that was not Cas.
“Doesn’t matter.” Even from here, Sam had to give it to Y/N. She was facing some unknown monster on her own- one strong enough to take down Cas, a friggin’ angel. There weren’t many monsters who could do that.
“I’m glad to see Sam had finally solved the puzzle,” Lucifer called out. "Why don’t you come out and join us?”
An unseen force pushed Sam out from his hiding place, sending him crashing into Y/N. They toppled over, bound tightly to the floor as the devil continued to perform his spell.
“You know,” he drawled, “I’m not really sure why I’m even keeping you two alive. I just need Dean back- but I’ll probably just kill him after.” Sam and Y/N fought against their binds to no avail. Lucifer just tutted them and continued on.
“Well,” he started again after a minute, an eerie smile creeping onto his face. “We’ve got some time. We could…” he was over Y/N’s figure in an instant, angel blade pressed into her cheek. “…play.”
Y/N tensed her jaw as she felt Sam strain beside her.
“Don’t you dare!” he bellowed. “Don’t you dare touch her. I swear, I will rip your head off if you lay a damn finger on her, you son of a bitch!”
“Tsk, tsk.” Lucifer sliced her skin, from her cheekbone to her chin. She huffed a breath of pain. “You know, Sammy, words do hurt; even the devil. I think we should make them hurt your precious little Y/N, don’t you?”
“Don’t touch her!” Sam growled. Lucifer grinned maliciously. He carved three lines into Y/N’s shoulder.
“Like I said, Sammy,” he smiled. “Every word you speak hurts someone. In this case…” he nicked Y/N’s jugular; not enough to seriously injure her, but enough to start a semi-steady stream of red blood to pool in her collarbone. She let out a long, steady breath. Lucifer pouted.
“Hey, Big Bad Wolf; stop huffing and puffing.” His eyes flashed, and his ‘playful’ self was back again. “Let’s see if we can make you scream.”
And scream she did.
“Y/N.” A voice called out to Y/N, waking her from… whatever the hell she was experiencing. It was dark. And everything sounded muffled. That was all she knew.
“Y/N, come on.”
Oh. And that was definitely Sam’s voice.
“What the hell happened to her, Sam?”
There’s Dean.
“I told you,” Sam’s thick voice rang through, loud and clear. “Lucifer… he got carried away. Not too far, but far enough that…”
Come on, Y/N thought to herself. Stop this self-pity sesh and wake up, dammit!
"That what?” Dean asked harshly.
“That I’m scared,” Sam answered softly. Dean’s breath caught.
Finally, Y/N managed a groan.
“Y/N.” Her brothers immediately were on either side of her, hands hovering over her body as though they were afraid that touch would push her away.
“Ow,” she grumbled. “Ow.”
“Don’t move,” Sam sighed in relief. Y/N sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking over at her brothers.“I literally just told you not to move,” Sam laughed airily.
“The devil just carved me like a Thanksgiving turkey,” she grumbled. “I’m allowed to whatever the fu-”
“Hey, watch it,” Dean warned. “Being Lucifer’s chew toy doesn’t excuse your language.”
“Go suck an egg,” Y/N muttered. Sam chuckled, and Dean couldn’t help but smile.
Y/N tried standing, but pain seared through her body as she moved.
“Ah,” she winced. “Not fun,” she chortled as she tried to walk.
“What are you doing?” Sam was immediately standing beside her, arms out and ready to catch her.
“Walking, dumbass,” she snarked at him. “People do that.”
“Not when they’re covered in fresh wounds,” he responded incredulously.
“Whatever,” she waved him off. Y/N took one step forward before nearly crumpling over in Sam’s- thankfully- outstretched arms.
“Woah, there,” Dean rushed forward. “Maybe you should just take it easy. I’m serious,” he added when Y/N opened her mouth to object.
She sighed in defeat, letting Sam carry her (not that she was complaining) to the bed. He had just gotten her settled when she noticed the TV.
“Wait,” she mumbled, catching the attention of the boys, “Sam, this is your room.”
“Whatever,” he shrugged. “Not like it’s the first time we’ve slept together.”
“Could you do me a favour and never say that again?” Y/N grimaced.
“That’s some nasty shit right there, and I do not want any part of that shit.”
“Language,” Dean warned her.
“Sorry, Cap,” she taunted him. Sam laughed.
“I understood that reference,” the oldest Winchester smirked. With that, he left the room.
“Well?” Y/N asked after a minute. Sam looked at her in his puppy-dog confusion. “You gonna sleep with me or nah?”
Sam scrunched up his nose in disgust.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he admitted, settling in beside her. “That does sound terrible.”
“I’m right about a lot of things, Sammy boy,” she smirked. He elbowed her, noticing the way she clenched her jaw when he did.
“Crap,” he apologized. “I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to-”
“Whatever,” Y/N muttered. “You wanna make it up to me?” He nodded cautiously, like he was afraid to hear the rest. “Get your moose ass over here. Your room is like Canada and you, my dear Samsquatch, are a heat radiator of your own.”
Sam couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“Okay,” he chuckled. “Whatever you say… peanut.”
“Really?” Y/N asked in disbelief. “For all my years on earth, you’ve only come up with peanut?”
“Shut up.” Sam rolled his eyes and pulled her closer. They stayed there in silence for a long time. Sam’s jaw tensed whenever he heard a whimper of pain or a sharp breath come from Y/N when either one of them shifted.
“It’s not your fault, you know,” she whispered. Sam didn’t say anything.
“You couldn’t have changed anything. We were… We were on our own, defenceless, and unevenly matched. We’re lucky to be here, breathing. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me.”
“You?” Sam asked incredulously. “Why you?”
“If I wasn’t such a damn great hunter, then I’d still be on that vamp case.”
They both laughed, pretending not to noticed Y/N’s pain.
“I guess you’re right- about that,” he said quickly, knowing she’d say something snarky. He just needed to have this one moment.
“I’m still gonna feel bad, but I guess you’re right. There was nothing… nothing I could do. I think that was the worst part of it.” Sam’s voice was welling up, but the words were just falling off of his tongue now. Y/N simply listened.
“I couldn’t do anything,” he croaked, trying to keep his voice strong. “I was helpless to watch my sister be tortured by the devil himself, and I just- I just feel like I could have- should have- done something else, to keep you safe.Cause that’s my job. To keep you safe. And tonight… I failed. I failed you, and I don't…”
He couldn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t have to.
Y/N pushed herself farther into the crook of Sam’s arm, letting him press her close to him. To let him know she was there, she was alive, she was real.
Because Sam needed her alive. Not to keep him safe on hunts, or to buy him his healthy food instead of Dean’s greasy crap. Sam needed her to prove that he could be better than people thought he’d be. He needed her to show himself that she was alive and healthy and that it was just a(nother) dream.
Sam needed Y/N. More than she could ever possibly know.
@zeusmyster @mogaruke @@thecoffeestudyblr @assbutt-still-in-hell @spn67-sister @bluewhisperstale @littlewinchester67 @sammysbeanie
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suntechapps · 5 years
Mother Daughter Matching Maxi Dresses | Mother And Daughter Yellow Summer Dress |Notca Fashion -Inc | The New Era of Fashion — 2019
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super-sootica · 7 years
I for one would love to meet AU Cas for a bit
Sam: Cas you have to help us
AU Castiel: I literally do not
Dean: Listen NotCas
AU Castiel: Yes, I’m not Cas because I am Castiel. Are you finally beginning to understand that or shall I draw you a picture?
Dean: Don’t you fucking sass me
AU Castiel: *Boops Dean*
Sam: You can't just do that! Look our Cas would help us. There has to be a little of him in you. You know the potential, to care about humanity
AU Castiel: Probably *boops Sam* What self important
AU Uriel: Mud monkeys
AU Castiel: I wish you wouldn't insult monkeys so much
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