#not yesterday I was thinking ‘wow it’s been a minute since I’ve been insane about a piece of media’ DING DONG
megamindsupremacy · 2 months
As a huge Npmd fan I just want to ask you for filling my dash with posts and canary’s about it 💕
Im having a blast
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Welcome to Sapphire Falls - chapter 6 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌
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Basketballer!Chris Evans x Abigail Syverson (plus size!ofc) & Farmer!Syverson x Livia Darmandi (Asian ofc)
Summary: Abigail and Livia have a girl's day.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
The Advent Calendar (a.k.a. the masterlist)
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I’m a few minutes early, so I wait for Livia in front of the cafe. Last night was quite something. While it was good to see everyone again, I’m still a bit confused because I had to face Chris. We both acted like nothing happened, but we both knew that wasn’t the case. 
I’ve changed a lot over the years, and while I wouldn’t address it eleven years ago, I’m seriously considering doing it in the next few days.
And then Livia. The thing with Livia is, is that while we look nothing alike, our personalities appear to resemble one another. Saying and thinking the same, it creeped people out sometimes, which we found funny. Our looks on the other hand, could not be more different. She is tiny and small, while I’m tall and big. I always felt a little self-conscious next to her, but she has never, ever, said anything vicious about it. 
‘I thought I was early,’ Livia says as she approaches me. She looks stunning as always wearing a black and white checkered coat, with a blush pink dress covered in flowers.
‘Well, you know farm life. It starts insanely early, and for my mood it’s better I leave as soon as possible,’ I smile. 
‘Then let’s get coffee. I know a chai latte always cheers you up. But you do need to tell me more about Honey Bee Farm, and what you are still doing there,’ Livia says. 
Reconnecting with just Livia, is easier opposed to when the guys are lurking too. I’ve been telling her all about the farm, while she talks about New York City. I do feel a stab of jealousy when I hear her talking about her apartment, looking out over the busy city. However, we’ve moved on from the basic things. We’re now talking and laughing about the juicy things. 
‘No, but lemme get this straight: you’ve been dating a guy named Ian?’ I ask Livia, as we’re both holding a cup of coffee. She told me in rapid speed about her ex-boyfriend.
Livia scrunches her nose. ‘Don’t even start. It’s hard enough his name is Ian, no need to put salt into the wounds.’
I bark out a laugh. ‘This is terrible.’
‘Well, who did you date? Let’s laugh about your ex-boyfriends.’
‘Oh, wow. You are wasting no time I see?’ I laugh. We start walking through the streets of Sapphire Falls, turning away from the busy main street, towards the fields and Sapphire Lake. ‘I dated here and there, but nothing worked out I guess.’
‘I need more details than that, Abigail.’
I sigh, knowing Livia, she would pry until she got answers, so I decide to take the easy road and tell her. ‘I dated this guy named Oliver, do you remember him? He is a year or two older than us, and went to our school as well,’ I start.
‘Oh, I know him. He had quite the questionable haircut back in the day, right?’
‘Mhm. Well, we met up with each other a couple of times, but always at his place. When I suggested going to a restaurant or cafe, he totally shut that down. Right there I made my own assumptions, and left. A man that doesn’t want to be seen with me in public is not a man I deserve.’
‘Amen to that. What an asshole! I swear, if we run into him, I’m gonna beat his ass,’ Livia says, the steam nearly coming out of her ears. 
‘I would love to see that,’ I laugh. Oliver is twice Livia’s size, so that should be interesting. I’m still betting my money on Livia though. 
‘And then there were a few other guys, but no one was ‘the one’ you know?’ I continue. ‘So here I am, still single and ready to mingle at thirty years old.’
‘You know who’s also single and ready to mingle?’ she asks. ‘Our NBA Chris.’
Of course Livia would say something like that. She’s a goddamn writer after all. But since our reunion was only yesterday, I still have a lot to process. I’m not ready to talk about that yet. ‘It’s nice to see him again,’ I say. ‘I hope he heals from his injury soon.’
She offers me a cocked eyebrow, totally knowing I’m dodging what she’s truly trying to say. ‘Hey Livia, why don’t you go stand over there so I can take a few pictures of you?’ Changing the subject it is. 
After I took a few pictures of Livia, and she took some of me, we continued our walk, reaching the forest next to Sapphire Lake. It was nice to have someone in town capable of taking pictures. I had tried teaching Sy, but gave up on that many years ago, accepting his mediocre skills and relying on great filters and cropping to make it appear decent. 
‘I’m sorry I missed the funeral,’ Livia suddenly says. ‘I really didn’t mean to.’
I simply nod. ‘I know.’ 
‘I should’ve kept in touch will you.’
‘It’s alright Livia, you had your reasons to leave, we understood. We followed your career, mom was your biggest fan. She always had Sy run to the store when you published a new book. He secretly got two copies every time, thinking me and mom didn’t know,’ I chuckle. 
Livia looks at me in shock. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah, it was quite endearing. He wanted his own copy, because he didn’t want to wait for mom to finish it.’ 
‘Did he ever read the books?’
‘I don’t know.’
Livia runs her fingers through her hair. ‘I missed you all,’ she then admits. 
I wrap my arm around her shoulders and we stay like that for a couple of seconds. Just looking over the lake. 
I missed you all too. 
Once I’m back at the farm, I am quick to find Sy as he’s organizing the logs. I lean against the doorpost and say: ‘It’s nice to have the gang all back.’
‘You… Missed them?’
It is absolutely impossible to sometimes have a decent conversation with him. ‘She missed you, Sy.’
He doesn’t say a thing. Instead he stops organizing and looks to the side. ‘What about you?’ he asks. ‘Something on your mind?’
I don’t want to work on the farm anymore. I want to live my own life, not follow in mom’s footsteps. ‘No.’
‘You must’ve missed Chris,’ he then says. ‘It’s disgusting to see those pining looks.’
‘Likewise, asshole,’ I bite back. ‘It’s absolutely unbelievable to see the effect of Livia Darmandi on your life.’
He smirks. ‘Well, you better make up your mind about Chris.’ Instead of talking to him about it, I turn around and walk away. I could do it, I could just say to him I don’t want this life anymore, that I’m scared of getting hurt by Chris, but instead I take the high road. I don't want to hurt him even more.
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orangesunsets12 · 2 years
Letters for the Lonely and Broken (part 4)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 2.5 // Part 3 // Part 4 below
AO3 Link
Dear Steve, 
Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve written. School has been…hard, to say the least, but I’m managing. People started avoiding me when they found out why I was in crutches, that I was one of the victims, but all of the Party ran to my aid. We’re closer than ever now, and I think they’re one of the few reasons I’m doing okay. The boys and Erica play DnD all of the time now, Will is the new DM of Hellfire, which is insane to me, but he loves it. El and I usually just watch, but even just all being together, as a group…it helps. A lot. Now, I feel less alone. I feel like I can finally move on. 
I’m also going to a new counselor, one that the government has hired, someone who knows all about the Upside Down. It’s nice to be able to talk to someone, someone who has professional training for that sort of thing, but it’s still not the same. I think that a part of me wishes that I would talk to you instead of the counselor…but at least I can write to you. Honestly, I think that these letters have helped me more than this professional stuff, but I couldn’t know for sure. Either way I’m doing a lot better now. 
I know that this probably seems sudden. You’re probably thinking “What? But Max was just saying how she was really struggling?” and it’s true, I was struggling. I still am. But, now the pain and the trauma seems smaller now, I guess? I feel like I can finally breathe again. I don’t know if it's the counseling that helped with that, or hanging out with the Party, or knowing that I can talk to you whenever, but it’s nice. Now I feel like I have a future. 
In your last letter you were talking a lot about peace, and I understood all of what you were saying. How you felt like you couldn’t slow down, couldn’t stop fighting, like you were always waiting for a fight, and I felt a bit of that too. For the longest time I thought that Vecna would come back, that I would start getting nose bleeds again, that El would have to risk her life again. But, as more time has passed, as I spend more time with the Party, with my mom, talking to you and my therapist…I think that that feeling is gone. For the most part, at least. Flickering lights still scare me, as I think they all do, but that’s expected, right?
Anyways, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I feel at peace. I think everyone here does too. So, if you want to come home, if you are able to come home, maybe you can find your peace, too. I know that we’ll help you. Everyone will. We all miss you, and we want to help you. I want to help you.  If anyone deserves a bit of peace, a break, and having a normal life, it’s you. Please don’t forget that. 
We all love you, Steve, and I know that you may never read this, but please come home. Have that peace that you want. If I can achieve peace after what I’ve been through, I know that you can, too. 
Dear Max,
Wow. I can safely say it’s been forever since I’ve written to you. Life has been crazy lately. Between traveling, fighting, helping people…I’ve barely gotten a moment to myself. But, now I have a few minutes, so I thought that I would write to you again. 
How have you been? Is the school up and running again? Are you awake? 
Oh, who am I kidding. I know that you’re awake. You’ve never been able to stay down for long, Mayfield. 
Anyways, things have been good here. Well, as good as they can be. The fighting is still going on strong, but we’re making progress. It looks like we may still be fighting for a few more months, but I really don’t know. Some days it feels like the end is in sight, when others make me feel like I’ll be here for years. 
I’m helping people, though. A lot of people. 
I can’t really talk about who I’m fighting, or where, so here’s the “safe” version for you. 
Yesterday, we managed to push our enemies out of a village, a village who had been taken over for months. I can’t stop smiling at the thought of those people finally being free, being able to be out on the streets without fear, to be able to be safe again. 
A bunch of kids gave me hugs. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but their smiles meant everything to me. 
I was one of the people that helped give out food and clothes. Everyone was just so grateful, so happy, and it made me happy too. It was why I wanted to come out here, to help people, to save them. I’m glad to be able to say that I’m finally doing that. 
I have to admit, though, they all reminded me of you and the other members of the Party. How I would help you guys, how you guys would be able to stand strong yourselves, saving the world at such a young age. I could never be more proud of you guys. 
I think that this is what I want to do with my life. Maybe not the military part, but the being able to help people part.  Before our adventures, I had no clue what my future held. I still don’t. But, now…maybe I want to be a teacher or something. I just want to help people, especially kids. Is that weird? 
Anyways, I think I’m finally finding myself out here. Even though it’s hard, harder than I thought, I think I know who I am now. I'm someone who likes saving people, helping them when no one else can.
Maybe that was why I ran. Maybe I didn’t know who I was to you guys, to myself, to everyone who trusted me. Maybe I didn’t see myself as someone who could help others.  Maybe I didn’t realize that, even though we lost people, we still saved some, too. 
Don’t get me wrong, I still feel horrible for what happened to Chrissy, Eddie, Patrick, Fred, you, but I guess that I can finally see who I managed to save, too. Dustin. Nancy. Robin. You. All of the kids. Hawkins itself. Maybe even the world. 
Wow. That’s a thought. I think that we all actually saved the world. You did most of the heavy lifting, though. You’re the hero in this story. I’m just someone who helped out. 
Shoot. I have to go. I’ll try to write back soon. 
Thanks for listening, Max. I hope that you’re doing okay. 
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moonctzeny · 4 years
Softer than velvet
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pairing: magazine co-editor! mark lee x fem!y/n
genre: smut
warnings: office sex
word count:  2,926
summary: “Mark is a co-editor in the fashion magazine you work for, monopolizing everyones attention with his looks, including yours. Prompted by his vast knowledge about lingerie and his tendency to want to rip them apart, you invite him in your office, and you definitely put him to work”
a/n: inspired by the legendary scene from ‘Community’ and a discussion I had with my bf and best friend about lingerie.
He looked dashing again, as always. 
While Monday morning finds most employees in their tousled bed hair, dark eye circles and crooked buttons from hasting to be on time, Mark Lee looks like he jumped out of the fashion magazine you worked for. He was an editor, like yourself, yet the way he confidently strolled through the hallways, capturing everyone’s attention, had executives and employees alike toying with the idea of having him in their bed.
Mark’s shoulders looked even broader in the white shirt he had chosen for the day, neatly ironed and held together with a bright coral tie. A suede brown vest, that would look plain weird on anyone else that would dare pull it off, showed off his tiny waist perfectly, short enough for the workers on the welcome desk to whisper in admiration about his ‘cute perky butt’.
As one of Mark’s many secret fans, you wanted to join in on their giggling, but as his coworker you had to keep yourself from indulging in those dirty thoughts that kept creeping in your head. It was hard to deny this sweet distraction, that perks you up in excitement and turns up the heat of your body.  Like now, that he makes his way towards you in the main lobby, and you wonder how nice his pink locks would look between your thighs.
“Good morning, y/n”, he says when he’s finally standing in front of you, and you almost spill your mug filled with instant coffee in the sound of his raspy morning voice.
“Lee”, you address him almost coldy, but your smirk as you take a sip of the hot liquid gives you away. You can’t stop yourself from checking him out, his new high-end belt begging to be tugged on and used in other ways that it was originally made for. He bites his cheek when he notices your eyes laying on his crotch a second too long but he decides not to mention it.
“Are you going on a cigarette break soon?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes before making sure to lower your voice. “Didn’t you hear yesterday’s briefing? New boss is trying to cut them and apparently so must we. No smoking allowed here anymore.”
“Then you chose the wrong outfit”
He seems satisfied with the little yelp you let out, internally scolding yourself for getting so worked up over his compliment but hell, there’s nothing more you want than to fuck that smile off his face. If that’s what he wanted that’s what he’d get, but you refuse to look all fucked out here in the open just from the mere words of Mark Lee. Not when so many of your assistants were watching.
“We got assigned the lingerie issue together”, you change the subject and start walking towards your offices at the end of the floor. “ I need you to show me your picks later”
“It was hard finding anything worth including, except for Savage X Fenty nothing new is in the game. The La Perla designs are so outdated, and don’t get me started on Fleur du Mal.”
“Wow, you seem to know a lot about lingerie, huh?”, you exclaim, genuinely impressed, and you let him bask in his pride for a little. He runs his fingers through his hair and you catch a whiff of his shampoo, its scent coupled with his cologne highly addictive.
“I love fashion, and it’s kind of my job so I have to keep up. I’m not really a big fan of them, though.”
You raise an eyebrow at his confession, and halt as you arrive outside his office that is a little nearer than yours. Your body is leaning up against the wall, in a way that accentuates the curves of your body and Mark doesn’t try to be discreet in his staring. He might as well raise his hands, go through the layers and layers of palpable sexual tension between you and run them all over your body like you so desperately want.
“Don’t get me wrong, they’re pretty”, he starts, and you’re not sure if he’s addressing you, your lips or your decolletage.”But if we were getting down to business and I saw you in lingerie, all I’d think about is how to rip it off of you”
It takes every ounce of self control in your body and the thought of how much you need your salary not to pounce at him, and start removing his clothes right then and there. The masks of professionalism have vanished and so has your patience with him, so you fix his tie, tying it up a little tighter than it needs to be and you love the gasp that leaves his chapped lips. 
“Since you are so knowledgeable Mark, I’m not sure if the lingerie I’m wearing is off-season. How about you come to my office later to hand me your picks and give me your honest opinion?”
He chokes on thin air, the angry veins on his neck twitching from the lack of circulation to his head as he huffs out a chuckle. 
“I’ll be there before the meeting starts”, he promises before slipping inside his office, his hands brushing yours as he slides past you. You bet he thinks he’s smooth, but his reflection on the glass door of his neighboring office betrays him, catching him in the act of staring at your ass as you walk away. You wink at his reflection and he winces when he realizes, but you’ll forgive him. This sweet distraction in the name of Mark Lee was all you needed this boring Monday morning, and you can’t wait to see if your coworker is as skillful as he talks himself up to be.
The wait wasn’t long, but it sure was painful, your mind wandering at the conversation you had with Mark this morning and eyes checking the time every five minutes. You’d almost miss his figure in your absentmindedness, standing outside your office, nervously shifting his body weight from one leg to the other. 
The glass separating your office with the main hall was tinted, with a few stripes of clear glass on the very top, giving you a limited view of the people hurrying past. Through those lines you also saw Mark, hesitating to knock and giving himself what looks like a pep talk. You think it’s adorable and decide to take him out of his misery, getting up yourself to open the door.
His mouth drops open when you do, looking like a deer in the headlights with his big doe eyes and binder that is placed -strategically- over his crotch. You smile politely and motion him to come in, your meetup not seeming strange to any passerby, as you have worked together many times in the past. The moment he turns the knob behind him to close the door, Mark drops the designs from his hands, pictures of lingerie flying in the air and landing across the carpeted floor. You barely manage to turn the lock before he pushes you backwards with a hand on your jaw, until you feel the wood of your desk digging against your ass.
You close your eyes and immediately are braced with the feeling of his tongue entering your mouth, the strong aftertaste of cinnamon candy tingling your tastebuds. Bringing him closer by his tie, you let him lift you up the table, legs wrapping around his waist and you verify that he was, indeed, already hard behind that binder. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that”, he murmurs in the kiss and tugs on the roots of your hair suddenly, forcing your head to tilt back and thus expose your neck.
His breath is hot over your collarbones and the feeling of his hardness is driving you insane, so you let your blazer fall from your shoulders before taking off his vest. Mark helps you out by loosening his tie and starts to unbutton his shirt, but you stop him when his chest is almost half-exposed.
“Don’t take it off, you look sexy like that”
He blushes from your compliment, momentarily letting go of his surprisingly dom persona.
“I thought I was supposed to examine your outfit though?”, he asks cheekily and you remove your blouse, revealing the teddy that’s been hugging your body.
It’s black, with a mesh body and velvet lining over the cups and crotch area. The adjustable straps help your boobs look full and round, the velvet strips that are going down, parallel to your body lines, make you look as curvy as ever. 
Mark looks a little lost, like a kid in a candy store and he clears his throat before speaking up again. 
“I need to feel the fabric”, he states, almost too seriously for the situation you were both in currently and he runs his fingers from your belly button upwards to your abs. His fingers toy with the lace adorning the cups and he finally squeezes your boobs. He chuckles at the naughtiness of what you’re doing right now, breaking character, and you’re reminded of how young Mark really is. You free your right boob from its constraint and the sight of your nipple, hard and erect for him, immediately sobers him up. 
His mouth has stayed open in his trance, and you take advantage of it by placing your fingers over his lips, then slowly pushing them in. With his tongue wetting your fingertips, and his big eyes glued on you, waiting for your next move, he really resembles a puppy, and you gloat in the sudden gain of control over him.
When you feel that he’s had enough, or rather, that you’ve had enough, you push your digits out of the comfortable rim of his mouth, coating your nipple with a light layer of his spit.
“So?”, you mewl seductively, “what do you think?”
“It needs to be softer, I think”
You stop massaging yourself, tilting your head in confusion by his critique.
“Softer? What is softer than velvet?”
Mark smirks back at you, hand leaving your breast and travelling south. 
“I can think of something” 
He finds the buttons over the crotch of the teddy, the pieces of fabric they’re holding together damp with your arousal. You shiver when you feel his fingers easily gliding through your folds, teasing your entrance and pinching your clit.
A whine leaves your lips as he removes his fingers momentarily, falling on his knees in front of you. Suddenly remembering where you are, you stretch your body a little in your paranoia, checking if anyone is standing outside your office, witnessing your dirty meetup. But Mark is quick to bring you back up to heaven, with a flick of his tongue over your clit.
“Mmmm, so soft”
He looks so fucking delicious looking up at you, tie discarded on the floor now and lips coated with your wetness and his spit. You can feel the scruffiness of his 5 o’clock shadow slightly scratching the inside of your thighs that are so sensitive and shake in pleasure. Reaching your hands back for any form of stability you knock down some of the stationery, but how can you care when Mark draws circles with his fingers on your entrance?
He pushes in his index, then his middle finger as well, setting a pace that is as slow as it is sinfully pleasurable. Your small office is filled with the sounds of his kissing and slurping, but you can’t ask him to be quiet when you struggle to lower your moans as well. The feeling of the soft pads of his fingers massaging your walls and his tongue sucking on your pussy makes you light-headed, your nails digging in the wooden surface and desperately chasing your high. Your orgasm hits you like a wave, and you bite your fist so as not to make a sound, but Mark’s not done yet. 
He places one hand sturdily on your hips, the other cupping your left boob, successfully helping you keep your balance. He keeps lapping up your arousal, sucking on the swollen bud and you swear you see stars. You’re thrashing around in your overstimulation, too close to screaming from pleasure and you grab Mark’s hair to push him away. 
His eyes are blown out from arousal, mouth gasping for air and chin wet with your juices. The desire to have him is animalistic, and you force him up by his collar, replacing his place on the floor.
“My turn”
Unbuckling his belt in swift moves, you manage to free his member from his boxers, bright red and leaking for you. Placing his tip on your tongue, you can taste the saltiness of his precum, and Mark sighs at the warmth of your mouth. You rest your hands on his thighs, looking up to see his pretty face contorted in pleasure when you swirl your tongue around his length. 
“Oh my god, just like that”
Determined to return the favour, you gulp around him, his cock hitting the back of your throat. You ignore the burning feeling on your knees and throat and keep him there, until tears are threatening to spill from the corner of your eyes. After bobbing your head over his cock, listening to his swears over and over again you can tell he is close, and you start jerking him, slowly picking up your pace.
He lets out a guttural groan when you start palming his tip and he slaps your hand away, taking his dick in his own grasp. “Show me something worth cumming for. I want to see your body”
You fumble with the cups of your lingerie, trying to free your boobs but it’s hard, with the straps getting in the way and the fabric being too sturdy to stretch so far. Mark gets impatient with you taking so long, so he crouches forward, bunching up the mesh in his fists and ripping it in half.
Shocked yet turned on by his action you let the garment drop from your body, leaving you in only your skirt that is bunched up over your hips. Passing the mounds on your breasts you let your hands move lower, and you start to play with your pussy for Mark to see. You’re still so sensitive from your orgasm earlier and you let him know, moaning his name as you expose yourself fully for him.
As he moves his wrist frantically over his shaft, his eyes are glued on your lower lips. They are a raging red at this point, and he’s losing his mind over the look of pure lust painted on your face. He wishes he could paint it with something else but he knows you’re in the workplace, yet nothing can keep him from entertaining the thought.
“Where do you want it?”, he huffs out just a second before he’s reaching his own high and you open your mouth, giving him a silent invitation. He moves his hips closer to you, tapping his tip over your eager tongue and he watches intently at the ropes of cum that are slowly filling up your mouth.
You raise your thumb on your lips, collecting the drops that are spilling from the corner of your mouth and you swallow before Mark can even hand you the metal bin next to your desk. He seems to be in complete ecstasy, chuckling for no reason as he puts his softening member back into his underwear and helps you back into your clothes (or whatever is left from them).
“I’m sorry for ripping your lingerie”, he mumbles finally and you want to coo at how cute he sounds, “I’ll buy you a new one, I promise”
You laugh lightly, helping him at picking up the pictures of the lingerie pieces that are scattered on your floor. “It better be one of your picks”, you tease him, waving the burgundy set you were holding and he licks his lips, picturing you in it.
“Sure. How about I give it to you over some dinner this weekend?”
His offer excites you, so you nod in agreement, and you shuffle awkwardly in the heavy atmosphere of the room. As you pick up the last picture, placing it neatly inside Mark’s binder, you feel his hand wrapping around your waist, bringing you close against him. Instinctively, you kiss him, allowing yourself to get lost in the movement of his lips, that mostly taste like you and you nibble at them lightly. Mark was in the middle of squeezing the softness of your ass, humming in appreciation, when a beep comes simultaneously from both of your phones. It’s the meeting he was talking about this morning and you groan for having to let him go.
He hands you a piece of gum when you both enter the hall and you take it, praying that no one will smell his cologne all over your skin, or notice that you’re going commando under your clothes. One of your co-workers and Mark’s buddy, that you address with a nod every time you cross paths in the office kitchen catches up to you, and throws an arm over his shoulders.
“Mark, my man, you’re glowing today! Wanna grab a bite after the meeting?”
The boy turns his head in your direction, giving you a once over and winking your way, before answering with a smile that is so evident in his voice.
“Nah, thanks. I already ate”
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Prompt: Y/N decides to show Mr. Moxley some new tricks in order to certify him that he is still her number one
Word Count: Long
Pairings: Jon Moxley x Reader
Warnings: +18, oral sex (male receiving), angst, jealousy, cursing, praise kink
Tag: @jibbles26 , @bellalutionn
Notes: I’m a sucker for the power that blowjobs hold upon guys. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Hi doll, what you’re up to?” He smirks as he nibs my neck
“Just working. Why? Do you need something?” I ask as I remove my reading glasses
“I do, actually”
“What do you need babe?” I look up to his blue eyes that were filled with mischief
“You” He grinned
“Jon, I thought you needed something urgent” I chuckle
“I do!” He pulls me off my desk chair “I missed you so much” He cradled his face on the crook of my neck
“Jon, we’ve had sex six times yesterday and two times this morning, how can you physically still miss me?” I laugh “That’s like, 8 rounds in less than 24 hours babe! And you only got home yesterday”
“I can’t help it that you’re so fucking hot and looks so sexy all the time” He licks a trail from my neck to my lips
I look down to my current outfit that consisted in a comfortable pair of grey leggings, an oversized Korn t-shirt, Wilson’s crew socks, glasses, messy hair and no makeup
“I don’t think I look very sexy right now” I cackled
“Yes you do! You always do!” He pulls me closer to his crotch by my ass “C’mon Y/N, let’s do some fun nasty business, kitten” He slaps my ass quite vigorously
“Tempting, but I’ll have to decline it! Sorry big guy” I patted his chest
“Why?” He whined and stomped his feet like a little kid
“Because some of us got some serious work to do” I smiled fondly as I sit back in my desk chair
“But I wanna be with you! I need you and I want you now!” He pouted
“Jon, I promise you that once I finish this I’ll be all yours ok love?”
“No” He whines “Not later, right now!” He stomps his feet again
Yes, Jon Moxley can be quite the bad boy, but what a lot of people don’t know is that he’s also a fucking whining little baby! He gets an attitude over the dumbest reasons and sometimes this little scenario happens, where he thinks he can whine and pouts his way until he get what he wants. Sometimes it’s cute and charming to see such a big bearded man like him cause such a scene, but another times like right now it’s annoyingly frustrating, uncalled for and the last thing I need to get me even more stressed out.
“Jonathan, don’t start it! You’re not 4 years old! You’re a grown ass man in your 30’s, so behave as such” I turn to my computer and start to type my notes. After 10 minutes I can still feel his presence behind me, making me grow more nervous
“Jon, you’re not helping, my love” I said calmly
“I’m waiting. You said I would have you once you’re done so I’m waiting!” He bitterly said
“Won’t you rather wait in the couch instead? Meanwhile you can pick a movie for us to watch it later” I try to negotiate
“Meh, I’m perfect where I am right now, thanks for the concern” He huffed
*Oh great, what a fucking joy!* I thought
“This might take a while” I defeatedly said
“Don’t worry, I got time” Was his short answer
Fifteen minutes (and a stubborn Jon Moxley sitting on the floor) later I get a call from Peter, my coworker.
“Hey Peter what’s up?” I say holding my phone to my ear with my shoulder “What? Wait Peter, hold on I can’t hear you properly and I can’t stop typing”
“Well, put it on speaker then” Jon mumbled behind me and in my workaholic haze I did it as he told me, forgetting about one little small detail: Peter’s innocent (but also kind of annoying) flirting.
“Pete, can you repeat that again please?” I rapidly say while I type
“I asked when do you think you can send me the paperwork?” He chuckled
“Oh! Can you give me like....30 minutes?”
“I can give you whatever you want” He charmingly said
“Peter, shut up”
“What?” He cackled “It’s true you know, ask and you shall receive, my dear”
“I didn’t knew you were a Jesus fan” I mocked
“I’m your fan” I can hear the smile on his voice
“Whatever weirdo” I brush it off as I continue to type on the dashboard “Is that all you needed?”
“No, there’s one more thing that I forgot to ask you”
“Ok, shoot” I said
“When are you finally going to accept any of my nightcaps invitations?” Pure amusement filling up his voice
“Oh God send me to hell, fuck off Peter!” I jokingly said and hung up
I totally forgot the fact that Jon had heard that until his voice broke the silence
“So how long have you been seeing each other?” He rudely spats
“What? Seeing who?” I ask confused
He stood up from the floor, yanked me off the chair and trapped my body between his and the table.
“Your sweet boy Pete” he coldly smiles
I roll my eyes “Jon, are you really gonna take a guy like Peter seriously? He quotes Jesus to flirt! That’s nothing but pathetic and also slight disrespectful towards Jesus” I joke
“You think this is funny? What if you caught me flirting with a girl from work, how would that make you feel?”
“It depends if you’re gonna quote Jesus or not” I tease
“Y/N I’m fucking serious! Is this a joke to you? Our relationship is a joke to you? Am I a fucking joke to you?”
“My answer is no to all the above. Now if you ask me if I think that you’re overreacting then yes, I do”
“Overreacting? Really? What about all of the nightcaps invitations? Are you gonna tell me I’m overreacting about that too?” His voice starts to rise
“I don’t like your tone Jonathan” I angrily said
“And I don’t like you having an affair with your coworker!” He yelled
“Oh, so I’m having an affair now? Wow, I better accept those invitations then, if I’m going to hold the cheating girlfriend of the year award” I spat
“Are you having an affair with him?”
“How can you even ask that? You know me better than that Jonathan!” Now I’m yelling too, peachy just peachy!
“Well you didn’t answered my question though. Are you?”
“Of course not! What makes you think that?”
“You don’t wanna have sex with me, so where are you getting some? ‘Cause we both know you have quite the appetite for sex, I mean fuck, is hard even for me to keep up with you! You’re like a fucking machine!” He says
My eyes widened in disbelief “So just because I declined to have sex with you 30 minutes ago, because I have to work, I am suddenly a cheater? Or is it because I like to have sex more than the average women do that makes me a cheater? Wow Jonathan, I’ve never heard you say that when one of your male friends cheated. That says a lot”
“Says a lot about what?”
“Your sexist side. Or I don’t know, maybe it’s something else, maybe you are the one who’s cheating on me! So you’re mirroring your infidelity on me”
“Me? A sexist? Now that’s a joke” He laughs “We both know the things you’ve already done to me in the bedroom and trust me pumpkin, if I was a sexist I would never had let you go down that road, if you know what I mean” He measured me up and down “And even if I wanted to cheat on you, which is not the case, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t physically be able to since you knock my ass down every single time we fuck”
“I don’t hear you complain! In fact if I remember correctly you were the one who got in here wanting to have sex in the first place” I huff annoyed
“And I still do kitten” He gets closer
“Don’t touch me, jerk”
“You know how much it turns me on when you get all mad like that, right?” He tried to grab my breasts but I slapped his hands away
“Stop, Jonathan”
“What?” He leans closer, pressing his hardening bulge against my lower belly “Am I not good enough for you anymore? Do you prefer your boy Pete instead?”
“Bullshit” I spat
“Then show me, kitten” He whispers “Show me I’m still good enough for you” He makes me grab a handful of his erection “Show me that you still want me, that I still turn you on”
I pulled him down towards me by his neck, kissing him roughly, biting his lower lip quite harshly
“Hmm” He growls “My kitten is feisty, I like that” He smirks “I love when you’re a bitch to me” He laughs devilishly “Whatcha gonna do, huh?”
I forcefully open the button of his jeans, pulling the fly down and yanking the pants along with his boxer briefs down.
Jon put his hands up, in a surrender position. I lick my palm and close my fist around his cock, pumping it up and down.
“Yes baby” He moaned “Take it! Take what’s yours”
I kneel down and without thinking twice, I swallow his length until it reaches the back of my throat
“Fuuuuck! Y/N, baby...so good, you suck my dick so fucking good kitten! I love it, I fucking love it!” He moans and I push him further down my throat, swallowing around him
“Oh my fuck” He bucks his hips forward in surprise “How can you be so good at this?” He whispers, holding my hair back, so he can watch me sucking him off
“You look so fucking gorgeous sucking my cock baby. Fuck, look at that! Look at how well you take everything in”
I look up at him, hearing him continuing to praise me
“I love when you look at me...so beautiful with your mouth full of cock, so greedy for more aren’t you, baby?”
I nod, lifting his member up so I can lick the bottom half of his shaft, making him moan loudly
“You’re so insanely good at giving head! A fucking pro” He panted “The best head I’ve ever gotten”
I lock my lips around the head, sucking it hard to make him feel the pressure I know he loves, while my hands pump his length with a tight grip
“Oh yes, baby” Jon screamed in pleasure “Oh my fucking- Stop, stop” He moans with his eyes hazy in ecstasy, mouth in an ‘O’ shape as he bites his knuckles to prevent any screaming.
“We both know you don’t want me to stop” I smile, licking from the bottom of the head to his slit
“You’re gonna pay for this” His voice shakily says
“I wouldn’t threaten me if I were you baby” I smirked “I have other tricks that I’ve never showed you before” I whisper, feeling his length throbbing on my hand
“Other tricks?” He faintly whispered
I let go of his member and lay down on the floor beckoning to him.
“Come here Jon, let me show it to you baby”
Please let me know your thoughts on this? Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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Crazy Rich Avengers
Chapter 1:
Summary: You and Peter have been dating for a little over 6 months and have not yet met the Avengers. You were getting curious as to when you would meet them, until you get an invitation from Tony Stark himself, inviting you and Peter to Wanda and Vision’s wedding in Hawaii over Spring Break. You thought that it would be nice to go and finally meet everyone, but what will you think after you’ve been tested by the team?
*Based on the movie Crazy Rich Asians, each chapter will be a different scene from the movie. There will be 15 chapters. Also includes a GIF from the movie scene at the beginning of each chapter.
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A/N: I’ve had this series planned for a little while now, and I just got this chapter done and edited and I feel really good about it. I didn’t know if anyone would want to read this until I posted about it yesterday and got some really good feedback, so thank you all who liked it and asked to be on the taglist so much! This chapter is the first scene of the movie, just some things are switched up to fit Peter and the Avengers. Just note that this one is kind of short and nothing much really happens in this chapter since it is just the beginning, but hopefully the next one is a bit juicer. 
Warnings: swearing and fluff 
Word count: 2166
Chapter 1
“Okay class, make sure to email me those presentations by Monday. I don’t want to keep reminding you guys over Spring Break because I’ve still got a life outside being a professor.” The whole class laughs at your professor’s bluntness. It kind of reminds you of your friend from high school, who would always spoke her truth, even when no one asked for it. You packed your things and waited for a clear space to exit your row. Who knew so many kids would be in a business class? Not you apparently. You were a culinary student at the Institute of Culinary Education or ICE for short. Your dream was to become a baker and own your bakery, hence the business class. This was your last class of the day, and you couldn’t wait to see your boyfriend. You two had been dating for a little over six months and it was the best six months you could ever ask for.
You exited out of the classroom, finally, and made your way towards the elevator. On the way down, you looked through your messages and saw that you had five new texts from Peter.
Peter: Hey babe! I’m out of my photography class now. (1:15)
Peter: Waiting by the couches (1:15)
Peter: I miss you (1:17)
Peter: I’m hungry. Let’s go to that pizza place for lunch. I really want some of their cannoli’s (1:20)
Peter: Y/NNN!!! WHERE ARE YOU??? (1:23)
The elevator stopped at the lobby and you walked over to Peter, who sprang out of his seat and practically ran over to you. He hugged with the force of what you assumed felt like ten tons just based on how tight he held you. You laughed at his clinginess and pushed him off of you.
“Dude my class ran like ten minutes late. What’s the matter with you?” you laugh.
He held your hand in his own and smiles at you. “Just missed you is all. Did you see my text about the cannoli’s?”
“Yeah I saw it.”
“And?” he asks hopefully.
“Aaaaaand what?” you played dumb just to see his cute pouty face.
“Can we get cannoli’s?”
“Yes, we can get a cannoli.”
“Ah! You’re the best! Cannoli’s!” he yells at an insane volume for someone who’s just walking down the street. This earns you both a weird look from the people on the sidewalk. You were about to kiss his cheek until he just took off down the street with your hand still in his. You guessed you never knew he liked cannoli’s so much. Maybe you should try out a recipe and make him some one day.
You get into the pizza restaurant and sit down across from each other and waited for the waiter to take your order. You order your drinks; Peter gets Diet Pepsi and you get a Sprite. Both of you talk about how your classes went and held each other’s hand while you talked.
“So, I’ve got to do this project for my class,” Peter began, “And my camera is at the Compound, so tomorrow I’ll be a little late getting home.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Oh! Speaking of which,” you slam your palms on the table, which makes Peter jump a little. “When am I going to meet them? I mean we’ve been dating for going on seven months now, and I still haven’t met them. And I know they know about me because I got a message from Nat telling me happy birthday two weeks ago.” You raise an eyebrow at him waiting for his answer.
“Speaking of said topic, that reminds me. We got invited to Wanda and Vision’s wedding. And it is next Friday in Hawaii, which is perfect because a) we don’t have classes because it’s Spring Break, and b) I know Hawaii is one of your bucket list places.”
Your jawed dropped for several reasons. One, it’s Wanda and Vision’s fucking wedding! You never met them, but from the way Peter talked about them, you could tell they were meant to be. You always thought that they were like what you and Peter had times one hundred.
“Are you serious? They’re having their wedding in Hawaii?”
“Yeah. They thought that since Mr. Stark – “
“What can I get you two today?” the waiter asked breathless. You didn’t even realize how busy they were.
You looked up at him, “I’ll have a slice of the cheese pizza please?”
“And I’ll have two slices of the meat lovers. And can I get three of your best cannoli’s please?” Peter smiled at the waiter as he wrote down your order.
“Alright that’ll be right out.” He walked away almost jogging to get your order in. Goodness they were slammed.
“As I was saying,” Peter continued. “Mr. Stark has one of those beach houses in Maui and so, they thought that it would be the perfect place for them to tie the knot.”
“Wow, so, we’re invited? Like we’re going to Maui and attending the wedding? And meeting everyone?” you asked now slightly worried.
“Yeah,” he drags out confused. “That’s what kind of what ‘You’re Invited’ means.”
“I know, it’s just…this will be the first time I’m meeting them and I always imagined it would be at a like Sunday dinner type of thing. Not a fucking Avengers wedding!”
“It’s okay, I know they’re gonna love you no matter what.”
You take a sip of your drink, “This is also works out for another reason because MJ has been asking us to come see her ever since she moved to Kahului.”
“All the more reason to go.”
You both get your food and Peter immediately starts on the cannoli’s that he’s been longing to eat and practically moans at the taste of them. You get the check and pay and tipped extra for your waiter, because they need to be paid way more than minimum wage. The two of you walk out and head home so you can spend the rest of the night together.
“So, when do we leave for Maui?” you ask, swinging your intertwined hands between the two of you.
“Umm, I believe on Saturday.”
Today was Thursday so that means that you only had tonight and tomorrow to pack for a whole entire week. “Shit! I have almost no clothes washed, are you kidding me?” you yell. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“I just found out this morning!” he yelled back.
“Okay, well it’s a good thing tomorrow I don’t have classes because now I have to do laundry all damn day.” You reach your shared apartment and go to change clothes and you go straight to the laundry room, faster than Peter could imagine. All of your good, cute clothes had to be air dried and so that’s what you did first. After half hour of folding, and drying, and hanging up clothes non-stop, Peter came in wrapped his arms around you.
“Baby, you’ve been here for forever, come sit down with me,” he pleaded.
“I will once I have all the clothes done, but until then,” you pat his cheek. “I can’t.”
He sighs an ‘okay’ and plants a kiss on your cheek and walks away. About twenty minutes later you had gotten all the laundry done and went to join Peter on the couch. He was watching reruns of Brooklyn 99 which was one of your favorite shows. He put his arms out and made grabby hands and you leaned into his touch. You laid your head on his chest with the rest of your body sprawled out on the couch. He put his arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. You looked up and kissed his lips and sat up just a bit straighter. One of his hands went to the back of your neck and the other rubbed your thigh, and you relaxed even more into him. Your right hand carded through his hair and the other sat splayed on his peck, slightly gripping his shirt. You two stayed like this for what felt like hours, just basking in each other’s comfort. You pulled back to breathe and gave him one last kiss before going back to your original position, laying on him.
“What do you wanna watch?” He yawned.
“Well since your yawning and –“ you yawned this time. “And so am I, let’s just take a nap.”
He hummed in agreement and led you to your shared bedroom and he changed into just a pair of sweatpants. You laid down and he did shortly after. You turned, facing him as your chests were touching. You stared at him for quite a long time before you even realized that you were. His face scrunched up that was so cute you wanted to take a picture.
“Nothing. You just look cute,” you said back.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Nope. I do,” he challenged.
“That’s impossible because I love you to Jupiter and back,” you kissed his nose, ultimately shutting it down because you were tired. School had kicked your ass this week and you hadn’t really had anytime to just lay with Peter. You scooted down a bit so, you could lay your head on his chest, your legs intertwined, as he held you against him so tight that nothing could slip in between you two.
The next morning you had woken up extra early to make some French toast for you and Peter. You got out the bread and butter and the rest of the ingredients and started cooking. Since you were the one who was in the culinary department, the silent agreement between you and Peter was that you would cook, and he would clean your mess. You tried to not make too much of a mess, because you weren’t that mean. After a couple more minutes you got breakfast done and at that exact moment you put the toast on the plate, Peter comes waddling out with his hair a mess. It was almost like it was scripted like a scene in a movie.
“I smelled French Toast,” he smiled.
“Mhm, I thought that I would be nice and cook breakfast for you this time.” You pecked his cheek and gave him the syrup.
“Eat up and get ready for a long day of packing suitcases, babe,” you winked at him.
“Oh boy.” You didn’t hear his sarcasm often, but when you did it always made you chuckle.
He went over to the couch and you followed setting up the coffee table and turning on Spongebob to watch as you ate. You turned towards him and smiled and received a kiss on the nose. Today was going to be a good day, you thought.
It was now four thirty in the evening and you and Peter were packing up all your belongings into your suitcases. “Okay so you need your swim trunks, flip flops, sunglasses, and what else?” You ask.
“Is that just for swimming?” You nodded. “Then yeah I think that’s it.” You went over to his drawer grabbing his trunks out along with your swimsuit. You had all your clothes spread out into separate piles consisting of swimwear, pajamas, nice shirts, casual shirts, and wedding attire. Peter grabbed all of his clothes and stuffed them into his suitcase and you did the same. After that you went to the bathroom to grab all extra stuff that consisted of teeth and hair products, and everything in that category. Peter went into the kitchen to the medicine and started to pack anything that might be needed for allergy’s and whatnot. You figured you would pack your purse of carry on items before you left tomorrow morning.
After two hours of packing and double checking, and once the bed was cleared, you flopped down face first and groaned. “I’m so exhausted,” you huffed.
“Aww, is my baby tired?” He asked this as he pressed feather-light kisses to your neck that always made you shudder.
“Yes,” you say as you awaited a kiss on the lips. He happily kisses you, slow and lovingly, and you feel like you could stay there for eternity. He pulls away for minute to catch his breath. “We should probably figure out what we want to do for dinner.”
“How ‘bout leftovers? There’s still some enchiladas or lemon pepper chicken in the fridge.”
“Ooooh, let’s do chicken.”
You get up from the bed to heat the chicken up in the oven. “Imma make some garlic cheesy rice too!” You shout from the kitchen.
“Sounds good, baby.”
You two make your dinner and eat in a comfortable silence, watching TV. You both decided to watch one more episode of Parks and Rec before calling it a night, and Peter figured it would be smart to go to bed early since you would both have a long day of checking flights and meeting the Avengers tomorrow; and that was tiring by itself.
Tag-List: @randomstufflol29​ @spideyspeaches​ @binnotjin​
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
Once Upon a Dream - Dick Grayson Imagine (You'll love me at once, The way you did once upon a dream)
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pairing: Dick Grayson x Titan! (Preg!Wifey!Reader)
request¹: When Trigon is controlling Dick, he sees Y / n as his wife instead of Dawn. So he tells Y / n what he saw.
request²: Can you write something about Dick and y/n being pregnant and he is protective over her and the baby? Thanks
notes: I joined these two lovely requests together because I thought they fit pretty well I’m so sorry the delay, I’m back at college and doing both is pretty hard but i did my very best. hope you enjoy it xxxx<3 y/e/c: your eye color
y/n/n: your nickname
“Good dreams, big boy.” I said as I put my son to sleep after telling him all the stories he asked me to. John wasn’t a hard-to-deal kid, he reminded me a lot of myself when I was younger, not the bad things, of course, only the good ones, although I wished he could inherit more of Y/n. Looking back at my past doesn’t make me that proud of who I was, but if I admire someone, it surely is my wife. 
Heading to our bedroom, I entered, immediately locking my eyes for more than a second with a pair of large, Y/E/C eyes set in a pretty face. Y/N was laying down in our bed, reading her book. It didn’t matter how many times I looked at her, she would always look as beautiful as ever. 
“Hey, Boy Wonder.” She greeted me with her specific -and so beloved by me- soft tone of voice.
“Hello, y/n/n” I took my shoes off, sitting in the bed, close to her. Her smell entered my nostrils as I placed a warm kiss on her neck. “How’s our baby and my wife doing?” I caressed her belly, trying to check on our kid as much as I could. Having John four years ago made me way more responsible and careful than I would imagine that I could be someday. Since it, my family had been all I cared for, the hero life didn’t need me as much as they did, or as much as I needed them too. 
“We’re doing fine, he didn’t kick me like yesterday so yes..we’re good for today” she told me with a smile on her face. “But my feet, god, they’re killing me” 
“Well, I think I can help you on this” I told her with a half smile 
“Yeah? Show me how then.” she said and i moved to the end of the bed, sitting with her feet in my laps while i started to massage it.
She left her book on her side, positioning comfortably through the pillows
“I already told you this but..you’re the best husband in the whole world” she said
“I know that, thank you” i said, mocking her 
“You’re so sassy, Grayson” we laughed together. I kept doing the massage for ten minutes when, in a matter of a second, we were interrupted by my phone ringing, showing Jason Todd on it’s screen. He was calling for a video call.
I didn’t talk to Jason for ages, what would he want now? 
I looked at Y/n and she nodded at me, pointing that I should answer and I did. She got back to read her book while I answered his call, but I knew my wife pretty well to know she was still listening.
“Hey, Jay. Long time no see” I said when his face showed up on the screen. He was different, surely not the same Jason I knew 5 years ago.
“Hey, man, not as good as you, I think.” He answered, showing his legs. He was sitting in a wheelchair, I got perplexed. What the hell did happen to him?
“Jason”  I had my hands covering my mouth after passing them through my hair. “What happened?”
“I was stupid. Totally my fault. Riddler and some guys were hitting jewelry stores late at night.” he spoke and I paid attention to every single word “Batman and I staked one out, caught them coming in. Should’ve gone down real simple, but I got too cocky. Big Surprise.” He had his head down, recognizing his mistakes.
“Went straight for him, Though I could take him down on my own. You know the Riddler never uses a gun?” 
I nodded at him, it was true, he never did.
“Well, now he does. Bullet hit on my t5 vertebra. I still have it here.”
“Jesus.. I’m so sorry for that.”
“Gotham’s gotten worse, man” He looked at me “Way fucking worse. Commissioner Gordon’s dead.”
“What?” I was completely astonished by what I heard. How the fuck did Bruce let it happen? 
“Three days ago. It was the joker, and it was bad. When Bruce finally found where he was. It was too late already.” he said “He’s going to kill the joker”
I felt Y/n’s intrigued eyes on me at this point. She knew Bruce almost too much like I did.
“He would never do that. Bruce has a line he’ll never cross” 
“Things have changed, Dick. Alfred Died, I got shot, Commissioner Gordon Died.” Too much information to my own good, I wish I could still be in peace with Yn in bed like I was some minutes ago.
“Why are you telling me all of that now?” I sighed.
“Because you’re the real Robin, man. Not me. He was never the same after you left. Alfred said it. Superman said it. You were the only one he ever listened to. Maybe the only one he cared about after his parents died.” I didn’t answer him this time, it was too much.
“You need to come back to Gotham and convince him not to do it.”
What? Come back to Gotham? 
“I can’t. I swore I’d never go back.I haven’t spoke to Bruce in years”
“The whole thing with Tony Zucco. You know what he’s going through. If he does it, there’s no coming back.” I looked back at him “He’s the only hero that Gotham has left.” he sighed “You’re the only one that could save him” 
He said and hung up, leaving me with innumerable thoughts, innumerable questions.
 I threw my phone at the sofa in front of the bed, getting up and running my hands through my hair. 
I felt a pair of arms hugging me from behind
“Dick.” I heard her voice “I’m here.”
“If bruce wants to do something, he’s gonna do it. We both know that.” I said turning around to look at her.  “He dresses up like a bat to fight crime. That works for him.” I spoke trying to show her my point of view, it was insane what Jason just told me.
“But this idea that I’m the only one that could save him? It’s bullshit.” I complemented, walking side to side in the room while she was looking calmly at me.
“Then, who?” she just asked
“Jim Gordon is dead. Alfred is dead. Barbara’s missing. He fell out with Superman years ago. He’s alone.” She told me, eye to eye.
“He’s always alone, Y/n.”
“Not when you’re around, Dick. How’re you going to feel if you don’t at least try?”
“Bruce Wayne is not my responsibility.” I raised my tone of voice, being hard at what I said. Damn. I knew I had fucked up the minute I said it, so I walked to her.
“I’m sorry.” I hugged her from behind just like she did some minutes ago. “After our baby, if he still hasn’t got shit together, I’ll go. I can’t leave the three of you alone here.” 
“Okay.” She said “Oh my god, Dick, he just kicked, he knows we’re talking about’im”
I smiled and moved my hands to her belly in an attempt to feel our son’s kick’s. It was crazy how much my family meant to me, remembering that I always loved Y/n and now, having a life built with her and calling her “wife” is the most peaceful feeling i’ve ever felt.
Our moment was interrupted by a little figure entering our bedroom. It was John with his sleepy face and his teddybear, “Growley” -which one Gar gave to him on his birthday- and we turned our attention to him.
“Hey buddy, couldn’t sleep?” I asked 
“Growley wants to go with you.” he told me 
“Go where, sweetie?” Y/n asked our older son.
“To Gotham City” He said and I laughed. Did he hear it all?
“Wow. Eavesdropping.” Y/n told me.
“But Growley is your favourite.” 
“He’ll protect you.” John said and left, heading to his room, sleeping again.
“Look honey.” Y/n turned to me, putting a hand on my face and I leaned at her touch, closing my eyes, she always had the power to put my shit together when I couldn’t.
“I know that your relationship with Bruce is more than complicated, and that the last time you saw each other you said some things..But he saved you, Dick.”
“What if you’re the only one who can save him back?” I scoff.
“Baby, that’s absurd.” I told her 
“But what if?” She asked me.
The next morning I was ready to take a plane to GC. I called Donna to keep here with Y/n until I got back. The bell rang and she was here. Me and Y/n went to receive our old friend.
“Hey Donn” Y/n greeted her.
“I missed you, sister.” The black haired girl answered my wife.
“Hey crazy chick. It’s good to see you. Thank you for coming.” I told her when she came to hug me.
“No problem, don’t worry, I’ll be taking a real good care of these three”
“I don’t doubt it”
We talked to each other and I was ready to leave.
“I’ll be back in a matter of a second, baby, I promise. I’ll have my phone close every time, call me if you need and i’ll be right back.”
“Dick, I’m the one who should be pretty worried by now, and believe me, I am, so please, take care in every moment of this, right?”
"Come on, it’s me. I’m good at this sort of stuff, remember?" I told her with a cocky smile.
We kissed deeply. I gave John a kiss on his head.
“Take care of your mother and your auntie, alright? That’s your mission.”
“Alright, Dad.” he smiled sweetly at me.
“Donn, call me if she feels anything different from normal, any sight of danger and I'll drop everything on Gotham and I'll be back, deal?” Donna nodded at me.
“You’re everything I have. I love you” I said in my wife’s ear, leaving a kiss on her forehead, and leaving.
Gotham was crazy, not the city I knew, the city I left back, this is the closest to hell i’ve ever got to.
I wanted to go back to my family, my pregnant wife, my 4 year old son, my house. But I couldn’t forget that once, Gotham was my home too.
The joker is almost dead. Bruce threw him up from a building and now the police escorted him to a hospital.
I followed to the place that, for a long time, sheltered me. Wayne manor, I needed to talk to Bruce. And I Tried, I told him the joker isn't dead yet and he had a chance to sneak out from darkness. But he didn’t appear so I left.
Although my conscience led me to think I should go back to the better life I chose when I burned my suit, that I should just forget about being Batman’s savior and go back to Y/n, everything kept me stuck on the city. Things happened faster than I could control.
Bruce killed the joker at the hospital. He ran before I could get him, he injured policemen. He didn’t stop at it, he Killed prisoners, nurses, guards. It wasn’t justice, it was a massacre. He couldn’t be saved. He needed to be stopped. I made his name public. 
I drove an operation to get him and he killed all my team.
He wanted me to give in to the darkness. To become him. 
Well, fuck you, Bruce, you win.
I killed Batman.
“Dick.” Hands on my face and a voice calling my name, it was all I could understand now.
“Dick, It was all planned by trigon” Rachel was at the batcave, where i killed batman. What was she saying? “Dick, you would never kill batman.”
 “Shut the fuck up” I told her, I had to kill him.
“You’re the boy from the circus, Dick. We’re supposed to save each other.” She said and we were in my parent’s circus. The flying Graysons, my good memories showed up and I woke up.
“I missed you.”
“Rach” I chuckle.
“Welcome back.” She told me and left to find trigon. 
Y/n. Her face filled my mind. Wasn’t it all real? Everything we lived, our home, our son, she was my wife for I don’t know how long and it was all trigon controlling my mind, but still, it felt so real. So good.
I had to find her.
“What’s going on?” Gar appeared with his face pretty much hurted.
“Hey, Gar, I swear I’ll tell you everything later but, where’s Y/n?”
“She’s black eyed, Dick. Outside, Don’t think you should..”
“I will get her back.”
When I came outside, all the titans were looking at Trigon and Raven, and I knew her enough to know that she’d deal pretty well with him. I looked at Y/n and she wasn’t awake, so I pulled her by her arm.
I turned her to look at me and she did. 
“Y/n, it’s me, Dick. Wake up.”
“That’s me. The real me.” She had Trigon on her mind still and I needed her back.
“It’s not, I know you, Y/n. I saw you, in my vision, I had you with me so please, come back.”
Our eyes were locked, she seemed to hear what I had said and with no reluctance, she was back, her eyes weren't blacked anymore and she woke up.
“Dick.” she seemed confused. We all were.
“You’re back.” 
I hugged her and she hugged me back, words were never spoken between me and Y/n, although I bet everyone knew about our feelings about each other, I never faced it, until now. I broke the embrace to look at her-
“I had you, Y/n, in my mind, during all the time you were with me and when I faced reality, it was sad that it was only a dream. It made me realize that’s enough of hiding, I need you to keep with me, because I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t and because.. I love you.”
She looked at me as if she couldn’t believe it.
“I’m being completely honest in every word I said.”
“I’m here,  Dick. Kiss me.” She said, surprising me, and I did. 
“I’ve waited for this for so long.” She said when we parted our kiss.
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heart-wit-strength · 3 years
Lean on Me -Amphibia Oneshot
'Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow, but if we're wise we know that there's always tomorrow.'
*Following the ending of 'Marcy At The Gates'*
Because I just wanted to write Anne and Marcy being cute without, y'know, dying for once. My first Amphibia fic so no, it's not that good, but well, I tried. Here ya' go @milkshakekitty ❤️
Anne smiled warmly as she clutched onto Marcy’s hand as they swiped through the pictures, she had to catch her up with all the adventures they had in Amphibia without wasting any time. “Here’s me and Sprig by the lake. There was a snake that tried to eat us.” Anne commented. “Oh, oh, and here’s us running from a centipede that-”
“Let me guess, tried to eat you?”
Anne gasped, mouth agape in astonishment. “How did you know?”
Marcy giggled to herself. “Duh. This is Amphibia. What do you expect?” they swipe through some more pictures. “Wow, Anne. You and Sprig really seem really close, huh.” Anne blushed, twirling a strand of her hair in her finger.
“You could say. He’s…kinda the reason I've really been able to keep going, especially ever since separating with you guys, life’s been hard.” Anne admitted. “Feels like yesterday when I was absolutely freaked out was when I found myself stranded in the woods of Wartwood all alone. I’m gonna be honest with you, Mar-Mar, eating bugs ain't my favorite thing ever, or fighting tax toads…and stuff but I’ve come to think I’ve somewhat grown on this place and it’s because of Sprig and the Plantars.”
Marcy joyful smirk couldn’t help but fade slightly at the sound of all the things Anne had been through. “Yeah, I…can't disagree with that.” She muttered, looking away and pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear. “The Plantars really are sweet. And the little frog dude? He seems quite protective of you, no wonder you mean a lot to him.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m sorry for all the…suspicion Sprig had on you earlier. I told him it was kinda uncalled-for, but a lot of stuff has happened and…”
“Oh please. I don’t mind at all. Believe me, I’ve seen a lot worse phases of skepticism in several rural civilizations I visited. Your friend seems a lot more open.”
Anne frowned, could she really blame Sprig though? Her other friend had almost killed him, and initially Hop Pop too. It just felt a bit uneasy having to tell Marcy that he had thought she was gonna be the same, what would she think? She didn't want Marcy to also hate her best friend like the other one did. Anne vaguely swiped through another picture on her phone, and what came up was her other friend. Anne’s didn't acknowledge herself holding her breath and frown at the sight of the blond girl on her phone screen.
“No way! Is that when you and Sasha reunited?” Marcy exclaimed with excitement, pushing her face between Anne and the phone screen, the picture of Anne and Sasha smiling and posing at the camera. “Heh, the armor suits her. Is that a Toad army uniform? She looks so different.” Anne rolled her eyes.
“She does.” Anne shoved the phone back into her pocket and stood up, looking into the distance, clutching the tip of her sleeve. “Literally. She’s changed.” Marcy, with a look of uncertainty, approached her.
“You said you had you had a fight, didn't you? But see, Anne…you know Sasha, we’ve known each other since we were kids, that’s the way she’s always been. Sure, she’s got a bit of temper, but I’m sure she’s still our friend. No matter what.”
‘She’s our friend. No matter what she does.’ The words echoed in her mind. ‘Nothing can change that.’That’s the one thing that had kept Anne bounded all these years. She was so busy making sure Sasha got away with all the trouble she was too blind to figured it out whatever she was doing with them was anything but friendship. All for they just couldn’t risk her somehow not wanting to be their friend anymore, for that would be the end of it all.
Wouldn’t it?
“She tried to kill my family, Marbles.” Anne’s tone cracked. Marcy’s eyes wide opened, stunned.
“She what? No way,”
Anne sniffed. “She tried to hurt Sprig, and Hop Pop. She’s far from justified. It’s too late, it’s time she takes responsibility of her actions. She’s way past treating us like we need her to make our decisions for us. Acting like…she can do whatever she wants because we just can't risk losing her because she convinced us that we’re NOTHING without her.” She panted, her face going red in exhaustion. Marcy stared silently at her friend with wide eyes. Anne breathed out and smiled warmly, looking into her eyes. “Well, we’re not. You and I are here, without her, doing just fine. The Plantars helped me make my way here to find you, we don’t need her to lead us. Dang, look how far you’ve come, Mar-Mar, you’re the literal hero of Newtopia and all, you bet Sasha would’ve never guessed that to come from the School’s science nerd, am I right?”
“Aw, quit it, Anna-Banana.” Marcy punched her playfully with a blush. Anne rubbed her arm and elbowed her with a smile. “How about we go for a walk? Bet that’d help. I know the perfect spot, c’mon, Anne!” Anne had barely processed anything Marcy had said yet before she was grasped by the arm and yanked along by her. After a moment of blindly letting herself be hauled along, when Marcy finally stopped Anne was marveled at the scene before her. What they stood upon was a hill, from where all of Newtopia could be seen. “Whoa.” Was all Anne could say, “That…sure is something, dude.”
“I know, RIGHT?! This is the most fun spot of the city next to the library, check this out!” Without a warning, Marcy hopped off her feet and let herself roll down the shimmering cool grass. “Anne, look I’m a Springroll!” Anne couldn’t help but chuckle at this until she noticed that Marcy was going to rolled herself right into a giant rock.
“Rock! Marcy, rock!” She shouted.
“I know! I rock at this!”
“NO! Marcy, look out!” Anne didn't acknowledge herself diving down and grabbing the girl before she’d crash herself. Anne panted heavily, holding her close. Marcy grinned.
“Heh, I get carried away sometimes. Thanks, Anna-Banana.” Anne sighed deeply and got to her feet, dusting herself.
“Sometimes. Pfft, sure. You can do me a great favor by being careful for five minutes for frog’s sake.” She retorted. Marcy blinked, wondering if she wasn’t being a help. Nah, there was no way for that to be, she knew how to cheer up her friend. Just as Anne began walking away, Marcy grabbed her hand and pulled her down. “Marbles, what are you…? AAAA-” she screamed as the two rolled further down the hill. “MARCY!”
“Isn't this cool?!” Marcy laughed as she gripped on her tight. When they stopped, Anne held her spinning head.
“Dude, what the frog?!” She complained, rubbing her head as Marcy continued to grin. “That was insane.”
“Insane and fun!”
“Pfft, yeah.” Anne couldn’t help but chuckle, slightly punching her shoulder. “Don’t do that again.” She looked up at the sky full of stars, sighing to herself. Funny how it was only her and Marcy now, without Sasha telling them what to do, just like back in…kindergarten? Well, that was quite long ago.
And surprisingly for all, she was actually feeling…good? It was true she always felt a lot liberated around her. As Anne had described to Sprig earlier, Marcy was indeed harmless. It was almost astonishing how she was totally living the moment and barely seemed concerned about everything that had been going on. How long they had been away from their parents, and haven’t seen each other in months until now, how Sasha tried to kill her family…
She couldn’t keep herself from remembering the tearful look in the girl’s eyes during their last encounter. ‘Hey, Anne?’ The last words from Sasha echoed in her mind again. ‘Maybe you’re better off without me.’ And in a blink of an eye, feeling her hold on Sasha’s hand loosening and having to see her former friend nearly fell to her doom.
Anne shook her head. No, that wasn’t her fault. There was no way it being her fault that Sasha rejected the help, rejected her, something she had always been afraid of. But somethings were inevitable, and in the end they were alright, she was okay and Sasha had…other people to stand by her, to follow her lead rather gladly.
Her thoughts were interrupted when Marcy spoke up, who was relaxing down on the grass.
“I often like coming out here to read. It actually feels pretty great out here, heh. Andrias prefer to join me sometimes, we had SO much fun together. Gosh, I LOVE this place!” She lied on her back, whirling her arms and legs, and enjoying the feel of the soft grass beneath them. She suddenly gasped and sat back up, eyes shining and a dreamy look on her face. “Y’know what I just came up with? What if…we made a hideout here? Brilliant idea. If we use the correct type of wood according to the air moisture, but wait we also need to bug-proof this place, we could try-” She stopped when we noticed Anne zoned out. “You okay there?”
“Huh? Yeah, and yeah we should totally do that.” Anne said, sitting down beside her, one arm wrapped around herself.
“Are ya’ cold?” Marcy asked with concern.
“Huh, no, it’s not that. I’m just-”
“Aw shucks! I should’ve known it! You always get a cold out in the night. Here, have this before you go all sneezy.” Marcy proceeded to take off her cape.
“No, Mar-Mar, really, I’m-” Anne was interrupted by her own sneeze. “…fine.”
“You’re not, Sneezy.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Heh. You know? It could be a sign someone is thinking about you.” Marcy smirked, tapping her chin.
“Yes, I know that, Marcy.” Anne replied, flushed and rubbing her itchy nose. “But I think I’m just cold.”
Marcy shrugged. “Eh, anyway. Here, you can have this. Don’t worry, it’s not on fire…yet.” she joked as she wrapped the cape around her shoulder. “Remember when we used to go to the café after classes, you always ordered hot chocolate while me and Sasha went for soda. Even then, you get sneezy. You always have it colder than us.” Anne blushed as she curled up.
“Thanks, Marcy.”
“About Sash, Anne, all of that sounds real rough, hard to believe actually, I never thought she’d…go that far.” She sounded much disappointed by the finish.
Anne sneezed again. “I’m not even surprised at this point. She’s always been a jerk, we were just too blind to notice.”
Marcy leaned back, fiddling the tip of her toes. “I…kinda always thought she was like the protector of the group, and that she’d always look out for us.”
“She likes to show me that I’m the weakling,” Anne’s voice cracked. “So that she’d feel better about herself. That’s why she tried to kill Sprig, he has been the first to make me realize that I was friends with a jerk. I guess that’s it, all she cares to have is control.”
Marcy’s eyes moved back and forth for a moment before she gently placed a hand on Anne’s shoulder who just sat there, hugging her knees. She felt a bit guilty about the fact that despite always being there, she had never been the one to realize what Anne had been going through, that Sasha was basically pushing her around. Maybe if she even did, there wasn’t much she could do to change it.
“Hey, you ain't a weakling to me. Pfft- Yeah sure, Sasha always liked to show off her strength, I rolled with it because it seemed like the only thing she was ever into. But hey, you know how much you look out for me.” She lifted Anne’s chin. “Even back in that cave today? You looked out for me. My point is, you’re so much more than you think, Anne. We might need her on our way back home, we aren’t gonna leave her behind. But whether or not she is there, you know you matter so much to everyone. You’ve got me, you’ve got the Plantars, and Sprig; it’s gonna be okay.”
Anne wiped her watery eyes with a smile, Marcy blinked as Anne embraced her into a hug, she smiled and hugged back. There was a moment of silence between them while they hugged until suddenly, Marcy sneezed.
“Huh, wonder who’s thinking about me?” She remarked, wiping her nose.
“Perhaps the librarian back home, for all the books you didn't return.” Anne commented sarcastically. Marcy narrowed her eyes and elbowed her. Anne shook it off with a chuckle and wrapped the other end of the cape around Marcy’s shoulder. “There. Now you won't get all sneezy either.” Marcy rolled her eyes with a smile. Anne leaned her head against hers, staring up at the stary sky, spotting a shooting star passing by.
“I don’t ever want to lose you again, Mar-Mar.”
“Me neither.”
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nettles-bo-bettles · 3 years
Two Plus Two Equals Five
Third Person POV: It had been three years since Marinette had moved to Gotham City to study design at Gotham Academy. As usual she went to one of her favorite coffee shops in Gotham so she could get some energy after pulling all nighters for the past month and just living off of coffee. After walking 6 blocks from her apartment she got to the coffee shop, Loca Mocha (Ty Sabs). She went inside and ordered her usual, a six shot latte with cream, whipped cream on top and salted caramel sauce drizzled across the top (idk if that would actually taste good but I don’t drink coffee so don’t mind me). She went to find a seat and was unsuccessful until she found a free table in the far back of the coffee shop, however, someone else was looking at the same table at the same time as her and they ended up bumping into each other while not paying attention and heading towards the same table.
“Sorry sorry, I’m insanely clumsy.”
“No it’s alright, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” “That makes two of us, I should’ve paid more attention. I’m Marinette by the way.”
“I should’ve paid more attention too. I’m Tim, it’s nice to meet you Marinette.”
“So I guess we both just had our eyes on the table huh?” “Yeah.”
“Should we just sit together then? There’s no other empty tables or seats.”
“That’d probably be easiest.”
“I have an order for a Marinette, six shot latte, with cream, whipped cream on top and salted caramel sauce drizzled on the top,” one of the baristas yelled. “I should go get that, I’ll be right back.”
‘She seems like an interesting person, I kind of want to get to know her’ Tim thought. Marinette came back to the table and sat down, Tim already had his coffee since he had ordered before Marinette came into the shop. Marinette was about to pull out her laptop to start working when Tim stopped her. She looked at him confused,
“I- I wanted to get to know you better before the both of us have to leave,” he said nervously.
“Oh, I supposed I understand that,” she said and put her laptop away.
“So, what are your hobbies?” Tim asked her.
“Well, I love designing. It's my passion and dream to be a designer and I’ve been doing it my whole life so I guess I could count that as a hobby. I also bake a lot, my parents are bakers so I’ve been taught by the pros,” she said, the last part with a joking tone.
“Those are a lot more interesting than my hobbies, all I do with my life is work and then work some more, get some coffee and sleep once a month,” Tim said jokingly.
“I’m sure you have more hobbies than that but okay.”
They continued to learn more about each other and got more and more interested in the other every second. Customers came and went and eventually it was 1pm. The tables were full again and another customer walked in, this time, however, Marinette and Tim watched them order. Marinette just happened to recognize the customer as Lê Chiến Kim. Kim ordered his drink and went to look for a table when someone caught his eye, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
“Long time no see Mari-bitch.” Kim said to her, clearly trying to offend her though it didn’t work.
“Nice to see you too, Kim.” Marinette replied calmly.
“Still sending death threats to Lila?” Kim asked snottily.
“Still a sheep following around a liar with no evidence?” Marinette said smoothly.
“You still don’t believe Lila huh? You know she’s friends with the Waynes right? Plus she’s dating the youngest Wayne son and she could get 15 lawsuits put on you with a few words. All she’d have to do is tell her boyfriend that you sent her death threats and bullied her in highschool.” Kim said stupidly in front of the second youngest Wayne son.
“Hi, Kim right?” Tim said stepping in.
“Yeah? And what’s it to ya?” Kim replied in a rude tone.
“I’m Tim Drake, and I sure as hell think I’d know if my younger brother was dating a lying bitch. Damian is smart enough to avoid people like that and this ‘Lila’ person seems like a golddigger, my brother also isn’t the type to cheat on his boyfriend.” Tim said, glaring at Kim.
“What do you mean? You just said your last name is Drake, that’s not Wayne you dumbass.” Kim said, thinking he knows everything.
“The thing is Bruce Wayne, my adoptive father, has adopted all of his kids except for Damian and we all kept our last names. Damian is the only biological child of Bruce that we know of and he most definitely is not dating anyone named Lila, he’s dating Jonathan Kent. I would, however, like to know the last name of this Lila.” Tim said.
“Oh Lila’s name is Lila Rossi, I’m sure you’d love to meet her, you see she knows tons of celebrities and she even taught MDC how to design, though, MDC did steal some of Lila’s designs.” Kim said, completely oblivious to the fact that he just landed Liar Grossi- oops, I meant Lila Rossi about seventeen lawsuits.
“Thank you for the name, now if you don’t mind I’d prefer if you just leave.” Tim said.
Kim left and forgot about the coffee he ordered.
“So...what was that about?” Tim asked.
“Well, it’s kind of a long story…” Marinette responded.
“I’m willing to listen to any story coming from you no matter how long it is,” Tim said without thinking. (The amount of cheesiness in that sentence is the reason why it pained my soul to write that)
Marinette laughed, “Whatever you say.”
And so we start from the beginning of Sophomore year at Francois Dupont Highschool. (Idgaf if it’s a middle school)
“Well when I was in my freshman year of high school I had a pretty good year, I was class president, I was friends with everyone, had a crush on a guy I thought was nice, and thought that nobody would ever believe someone they just met over myself. Then, Sophomore year came around and there was an exchange student, Lila Rossi. She claimed to be best friends with one of Paris’s heroes, Ladybug, and my best friend was obsessed with Ladybug so she automatically became friends with Lila. I, however, knew that Lila wasn’t friends with Ladybug because I myself was friends with her and knew that she would never become friends with someone that easily. I confronted Lila about her Lies about Ladybug and a few other famous people but she ended up threatening me. She told me that she would take all my friends and make everyone hate me, she almost succeeded completely but I still have my friends Chloe, Nino, Kagami and Luka. She told everyone that I had bullied her and that I had sent her death threats, though, she had no proof and everyone believed her because she said she knew celebrities which meant she would always tell the truth to them, they didn’t need proof. They ended up bullying me to teach me a lesson in their words, one time I almost died, they beat me up and stabbed me in the stomach multiple times resulting in me going into a coma for months. Lila also told my biological parents these lies and sadly they believed all of them, when I tried to explain it to them they just ignored me and became distant with me, they ended up disowning me and my honorary uncle adopted me with his wife, I applied for a few colleges after I graduated and even though I was accepted to harvard something just called me to go to gotham academy instead so I did, I don’t regret it to this day, I’ve learned a lot more about design and myself than I would have learned at harvard or any other school. Plus, I found Loca Mocha and like- this place has amazing coffee, I could never say no to it.”
“Wow, you weren’t lying, that is a really long story. But it was an interesting one and one that made me want to murder whoever this Lila person is.”
They talked for a while more just talking about ways to murder Lila for just being a bitch. The one they decided on was to torture her and make her wish she were dead and then give her a very slow and painful death and then chop up her limbs, throw them into a volcano, collect her ashes from said volcano and place them in a separate galaxy. Eventually it was 7pm and they didn’t even realize the amount of time that had passed until one of the baristas asked them to leave as the coffee shop was closing.
“Um Ma’am? Sir? We’re closing up soon, I hate that I have to interrupt but it would probably be easiest if you guys left before we start closing up.” The barista said.
“Oh, sorry I guess we didn’t realize what time it is, we’ll get going now.” Marinette and Tim said at the same time.
The two collected their belongings and walked out of the coffee shop hand-in-hand. Eventually they got to a crossing point between Wayne Manor and Marinette’s apartment so they had to part ways, not before exchanging phone numbers of course. Tim told her to text him immediately once she got home so he knew that she got home safe.
Marinette got home about five minutes later and texted Tim once she unlocked her apartment door. She made herself some ramen for dinner and binge-watched Haikyuu. She was in the middle of watching Tadashi yell at Tsukishima about being more excited about winning when Tim texted her saying that he was home and asking if she wanted to meet at Loca Mocha again the next day. She, of course, said yes and told him she’d see him the next day. A few hours later, while Marinette was working on one of her projects at two in the morning, Tim texted her asking if she was awake. She texted him back once she saw it and asked him why he was awake.
Coffee Addict: I could say the same to you -_-
Workaholic: Well I have a reason to be awake, I’m working on design projects. What’s your excuse?
Coffee Addict: Insomnia. Work. Patrol. Coffee.
Coffee Addict: Ignore the patrol part.
Workaholic: You’re a coffee addicted insomniac obsessed with getting their work done and you’re a hero?
Coffee Addict: ...you just met me yesterday you shouldn’t be able to know me that well.
Workaholic: I’m good at reading people.
Coffee Addict: Damn
Workaholic: You should be asleep, go to sleep
Coffee Addict: I have patrol tonight though. Workaholic: Ask someone to cover for you because someone you met at a coffee shop who also happens to be a sleep deprived insomniac is telling you to sleep.
Coffee Addict: Fine but only if you agree to go to sleep too.
Workaholic: Okay :)
Coffee Addict: I got my sister to cover for patrol for me.
Workaholic: Now sleep then
Coffee Addict: Fineeeeeeeee
After a few minutes of back and forth telling each other to sleep they both said goodnight and went to bed.
~Time skip brought to you by who gives a shit~
Marinette woke up at 8am as usual and got ready to meet Tim. She wore her hair down and wavy, put on some light makeup, some black doc marten combat boots, light wash ripped jean shorts and a black crop top. Once she was ready she left to go to Loca Mocha. Time woke up at 7:30 am, a little later than usual. He got up and styled his hair, put on some jeans, a plain t-shirt tucked into his jeans, and white converse hightops. He went downstairs to get some breakfast from Alfred when everyone looked at him weirdly.
“Are you guys okay... “ Tim asked.
“Tim- what are you wearing? Why are you dressed up casually instead of your usual work suit? WHAT IS GOING ON?!?! WHY DON’T YOU HAVE COFFEE? WHY DO YOU LOOK AWAKE AND SANE?!?!” Jason asked, starting to think that he was drugged.
“Oh well yesterday I met this girl at Loca Mocha and I spent the entire day getting to know her and last night at two in the morning I asked if she was awake and she made me go to sleep after I asked Cass to cover for me on patrol. I’m meeting with her again today.” Tim explained in a hurry to get to the coffee shop.
“You landed a girl who can get you to sleep- how the hell did that happen?” Jason asked.
“I’m still not completely sure myself. But I’m glad I met her.” Tim replied with a smile.
Everyone else in the room just stared at Tim expectantly.
“When do we get to meet her???”
“Oh yes I can and I will.” Tim said and walked out of the manor.
When Tim got to the coffee shop he waited for Marinette, at 8:15 she texted him and told him she was on her way, Tim realized he might have gotten there a little earlier than he had to. He waited for a while knowing she would probably get there around 8:30. By the time it was 8:40 he started to get worried but stayed put just in case, once it was 9:00 he couldn’t help it, he got up and started walking towards her apartment, once he got there he looked for her and asked people if they saw anyone who looked like her until he turned his head to an alleyway and was horrified at what he saw…
Hehehehehehe I’ve always wanted to do that. I swear I never knew how fun it could be. Anyways that’s it for the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.
Page count: I’m too lazy to check.
Day Posted: 04/23/21
Word Count: 2380
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all my tomorrow’s • min yoongi
Tumblr media
plot – yoongi gets it in his head that you wouldn’t stand by him through just about anything, so you help him remember.
words – 2.6K
“Hey, can we talk?” Yoongi asks when you two walked out of your ensuite bathroom, having just taken a shower together. You were going to make some tea and then cuddle in bed, watching a movie or a series.
“Yeah, sure, what’s up?” You grinned at him, towel drying your hair over your shoulder.
“So, my surgery is coming up in a few days.” He started, clearly nervous, sitting on the edge of your shared bed in a shirt and flannel pants.
You frowned a little, not sure where exactly he’s heading with this conversation, but you nod anyway. “I know. Three days, to be exact.”
He hums, then looks at you, gripping the sheets. “What I’m trying to say is, these next few months, they’re not gonna be easy, so, I’d understand if you want to take a break.”
You looked at him, watching as he lowered his head, wondering how he could have possibly come up with this ridiculous idea. Maybe he was joking. When he didn’t say anything else, and you realised that he was being dead serious, you scoffed.
“You’re a real fucking idiot, you know that?” You said, completely serious. He looked up at that, eyes widening in surprise but there was relief on his face too.
“I’m just giving you the option.” He defended.
You clicked your tongue at him, offended. “Well, I never asked for it.”
He sighed gently, voice low when he spoke. “This isn’t what you signed up for.”
You turned away from him, trying to suppress the urge to scream at him. Maybe you could get one of the other members to beat some sense into him. Definitely not Jeongguk, the maknae would take it a bit too literal.
You sighed, taking a deep breath before turning to face your idiot. “Yoongi, why do you think I’m with you?”
“Because you love me.” He answered without hesitation and you felt relieved that he knew at least that much.
“Great, so you know.” You deadpanned, the smile on your face edging on sharp. “Now, can you please explain to me why I would want a break from our relationship when you would need my support most?” You glared at him slightly.
“Because I will be in pain, and difficult and I will need to do P.T and I will probably be short tempered.” Yoongi blurted and you felt anger starting to stir inside of you.
“Did it ever occur to you that I might want to be there despite that? That I want to take care of you while you heal?” You asked, voice a little heated.
His silence was more than enough of an answer.
“Jesus Christ.” You felt a little defeated, anger washing away and tears stinging your eyes. “Five years, Yoongi. Five fucking years we’ve been together. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“I’m sorry, I just thought you might want to sit this one out.” He shrugged, looking a little guilty.
“Heaven and hell, good and bad – that’s what we promised each other. Do you remember?” You looked him in the eyes, hoping the memory flashed to the surface for him as it did for you.
Two years ago:
“I want to marry you.” Yoongi said while you two were walking hand in hand on a secluded beach somewhere in Turkey. You couldn’t remember the name.
You tilted your head at him, a warm smile on your face, skin golden under the light of the setting sun. “Are you asking me or telling me?”
“I’m telling you.” He said firmly. “Let’s get married. Tonight.”
You wanted to laugh, but one look at his serious face had you stopping in your tracks. “Are you insane?”
“Insanely in love with you, yeah, but that’s besides the point.” Yoongi waved you off. “So, what do you say?”
“What about your fans and your members?” You asked, throat feeling dry and your heart beat speeding up because the longer you thought about it, the more you wanted it. Yoongi being your husband.
The thought was a little dizzying.
Yoongi stepped in front of you, taking hold of your hands. “We don’t have to make it public. It’s just a piece of paper anyways, and it’s not like your surname would change like in other countries if we did sign papers, so what’s the point? Marriage is more than a piece of paper. Years ago, people didn’t sign any papers and they were still married, so why can’t we do it? As for the guys, they know. They’ve known since I looked at rings in Hawaii a year ago.”
“A year ago?” You echoed, grip on his hands tightening. “You’ve really thought about this.”
“I have.” Yoongi nodded in agreement. “I asked the others earlier and they’ll be witnesses for us. We can do it right here.” He gestured to the beach you were walking on.
Tears welled up in your eyes as the looks on the guys' faces suddenly made sense when Yoongi asked you to go for a walk on the beach earlier. “Well, I mean, I do have that white dress Hoseok bought for me as an early birthday present yesterday.”
Yoongi smiled at you, eyes twinkling as he gave you a pointed look. You gasped, tears finally rolling past the brims of your eye banks. “Oh my God, that was actually from you?”
When he nodded, you let out a half-laugh, half-sob. “I know it’s not exactly what you’d consider a traditional wedding dress, but I thought it would do nicely.”
“It’s perfect.” You assured him.
His eyes lit up, “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, I’ll marry you.” You nodded, another tear rolling down your cheek.
He pulled something out of his pocket, a ring. An engagement ring. You gasped again, "Where did you even get that?"
"My mom bought it for me a few months ago." Yoongi admitted with a shy smile. "I would have done it myself, but then I would have trended on Twitter five minutes later." He said, taking your hand and slipping the ring on your finger.
The next few hours went by in a blur as you showered, did your hair and then pulled on your dress, forgoing shoes because it was a beach wedding, after all. You felt so giddy at the thought that you let out a squeak of happiness. Finally, there was a knock on the sliding door that lead outside to the beach. You opened it and grinned at the person at the other side.
“Hey Hoseok.” You stepped aside and let your oldest friend in. He was wearing a white button up and white dress pants that were rolled up to his ankles, also barefoot.
“Wow, you look really beautiful, Y/N.” He gave you his sunny smile and you felt a little less nervous.
“Thank you.” You told him, sincerely. “For everything.” Because he was the one who introduced you to Yoongi. Sure, it was to the whole band at the time, wanting them to know his best friend in the whole world. You and Hoseok grew up together in Gwangju, next door neighbours and best friends from the first play date your mother’s arranged. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have never met Yoongi.”
“Ah, it was nothing.” He waved you off with that cheery grin of his. “You two did all of the hard work, nearly killed each other too.”
You rolled your eyes fondly, “We weren’t that bad.”
“Yes, you were.” Hoseok said with a serious look on his face. “Yoongi-hyung thought you weren’t interested and you thought he hated you because he almost always left the room the second you came in, when he was just really shy around you.”
“We figured it out eventually, didn’t we?” You pouted.
“Only because we locked you in a room together and wouldn’t let you guys out until you talked to each other.” Hoseok pointed out.
“Eh, semantics.” You two giggled and when you called down, you looked at him seriously. “Hoseok-ah, can I ask you a favour?”
“Anything.” He said and meant it. Yoongi often joked and said that you and Hoseok were like Jimin and Taehyung �� soulmates. He also said that you’d probably murder and cover up a murder for each other.
Personally, you like to think that neither you or Hoseok are that violent.
“So, we’ve known each other since we were six months old, we went to school together and did everything we could together and if there is any truth in soulmates like Jimin and Taehyung believe, then I’d like to think that you are mine. So, Jung Hoseok, partner of my soul and best friend of my life, will you walk me to the beach and give me away?” You looked at him.
“Yes, I’d be honoured.” He nodded, eyes shining with tears like yours did. And so he did, he walked you down the makeshift isle to the beach where Yoongi was standing with the rest of the band.
You’d have like your parents to be here but it’s okay, they are here in spirit, having given Yoongi their blessing long ago.
Yoongi and the rest of the guys were dressed exactly the same as Hoseok, white button up and dress pants, rolled up to their ankles.
“I’d say take care of her, hyung, but that’s all you’ve ever done.” Hoseok said with a bright, teary smile as he gave your hand to Yoongi.
Namjoon would be ‘officiating’, so he stood with his back facing the ocean, while the rest of them stood on the other side of you and Yoongi, looking at the ocean and you and Yoongi looked at each other, holding hands.
“I’m not exactly sure how this works, but I’ll try.” Namjoon said, causing all of you to chuckles. “We are all here to celebrate the union of Yoongi-hyung and Y/N. They didn’t have the easiest road but they got here, with hard work and being dedicated to each other. Yoongi-hyung said they wanted to do their own vows.”
Yoongi nodded, smiling at you. “Ladies, first.”
“I didn’t have time to write something, so I’ll just speak from the heart. Yoongi, my love, my heart. There is so many things I could say to you, comparisons I could make and metaphors I could use but in the end, they could never fully explain everything I feel for you and they all add up to the same thing: I love you. And I will love you for as long as there is breath in my lungs and even after. Heaven or hell, I’ll pick whatever road you take. Good times and bad times, I’ll be by your side. For all my tomorrow's.”
Yoongi was smiling that gummy smile at you, the one you fell for the first time you saw it. “Y/N, that was beautiful and I loved it. I hope you like mine. I’ve been thinking about vows for a while now, knowing that I’d want to say something to you. And in the end I realised that there is nothing I could say here, today, that I haven’t already said and will say again to you, so instead I’ll tell you a secret you’ve always wanted to know – how I fell in love with you. The first time I saw you, I knew there was something about you. It wasn’t until a few months later, when you came over for dinner and laughed with Hoseok about something Jeonggukie did, one of those belly deep laughs, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you, that it finally hit me. I was falling in love with you. And everyday since then, I’ve been falling. And like you said, heaven or hell, good or bad, I’ll always love you and I’ll always be by your side.”
You both turned to Namjoon, who smiled at you, dimples showing. “I guess asking if you’ll always be there for each other is kind of moot now, huh?” You laughed a little, feeling so full love that you might actually combust.
Namjoon looked at you, “So, Y/N, do you take Yoongi-hyung as your husband?”
“I do.” You grinned.
“Yoongi-hyung, do you take Y/N as your wife?”
“I do.”
“In that case, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Present Day:
You looked at him, eyes searching desperately to see if he could still remember your vows from your wedding.
“I’ll always remember.” He looked at you softly, and so full of love, like he always does.
You walked to him, until you were right in front of him. His eyes followed you. Your voice was quiet and full of hurt when you asked him, “Then why would you tell me something like that?”
Yoongi took your hands and pulled you closer until you climbed onto his lap, straddling him with your knees. He rested his forehead against yours. “Because I’m an idiot who is hopelessly in love with you and I’m still terrified that one day this life is going to be too much for you and you’ll leave.”
“At least we can both agree on that – you’re an idiot.” You told him in a whisper. “But you’re my idiot.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, but if you ever say something like that to me again, I will withhold sex for a month.” You threatened seriously.
“Just a month?” He teased. Both of you’ve gone longer without physically touching each other when he’s been on tour.
“There’s only so long I can resist you.” You admitted, cheeks heating up a bit. “Especially when you are in my immediate vicinity.”
“Like that time you jumped me when I stepped through our door after a world tour?” He gave you a smug look.
You sighed, “Oh, not this again. I didn’t jump you.”
“Okay, fine, you didn’t jump, you leaped into my arms.” He snickered.
You pouted, “To give you a welcome home hug.”
“And remind me again, what did we do right after that hug?” He raised a brow.
“As far as I remember, you were a very willing participant.” You grumbled.
“Never said I wasn’t.” Your husband said. You glared at him.
Yoongi chuckles, the sound making you melt as he leaned closer and kissed you. You kissed him back, not hesitating. You loved being kissed by him. His tongue asked for entrance and you granted it, moaning into his mouth when he thoroughly explored your mouth with his tongue. When you pulled apart for air, Yoongi went for your neck, kissing, biting and licking wherever his lips touched, setting your skin on fire, blood roaring through your veins.
His hands moved up your bare thighs, fingers nudging the seam of your pyjama shorts.
Something occurred to you in your desire filled mind, want slowly drowning out any coherent thought.
“How’s your-” You cut yourself off as he gave a particularly hard suck on your pulse point and you knew there would be marks.
“How’s your shoulder?” You finally asked – gasping in pleasure when his teeth scraped the sensitive skin, eyes fluttering shut – the knowledge of Yoongi being in pain would be enough to douse the fire inside you.
The next moment you were on your back, eyes opening to see Yoongi looking down at you with wicked grin, a hand on each side of your head. “It’s fine. I haven’t had any pain today, you know that.”
“Just checking.” You said with a pointed look as you wrapped your arms around his waist, slipping your arms beneath his shirt. The look was to remind him of that time when he didn’t tell any of his members that he was in pain during a practice and passed out from pain.
“Yes, mom.” He rolled his eyes.
You pinched his waist with a light huff, “Fuck you.”
“Oh, trust me,” Yoongi smirked, eyes full of intent. “You will.”
the end.
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Only Live Forever in the Lights You Make
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Hey, remember that time Killian met Meg in some tunnels in the Underworld and introduced himself as “Captain Killian Jones” before he called himself “Captain Hook”? Because I do and, surprise, I’ve got some feelings about it! As always, I am still on my season five ‘ish, so here is about 4.2K of name-based feelings, some out of place flirting and some, surprise, Captain Cobra Swan that I didn’t plan on until I typed it. I hope you guys got all the carbs you wanted yesterday. 
All credit always and forever to @shireness-says​ for constantly telling me to keep shoving words at the internet. Even before she reads said words. (I only listened to Arctic Monkeys and My Chemical Romance while writing this. Take from that what you will.)
The words are heavy on his tongue. 
Still, as if they don’t belong there, or never really did and the feeling makes him ache. Although most of him aches at this point. Killian is sure his gashes have scrapes and those scrapes have bruises and gaping wounds that are likely far more metaphorical than he’s willing to admit. Staring out at the expanse of Main Street doesn’t particularly help. Hazy air hangs low over cracked asphalt, thin branches and dead leaves that only swirl slightly against the barely-there breeze coming from the Gods know where. 
There’s no water here. No hint of salt-tinged air. 
Occasionally there are some strikes of lightning, leaving the sky bright enough that Killian swears he can see for miles. He wishes he couldn’t. None of it looks right, feels even more wrong, and he supposes that’s to be expected in a place like this, but it also seems like another metaphor of sorts and maybe the torture hasn’t ceased yet. 
Maybe it won’t. 
He deserves that, he’s sure. 
Darkness doesn’t scare him much anymore, at least the more literal variety — or so he will swear, but this is somehow even worse. Every flash of light that cracks across the sky dredges up memories of the kind of storms that threatened to capsize any of the ships he once called home, and he imagines it’s something about extremes. 
Complete darkness can blind a man, but so can light. Stunning him, until he has to blink away the dots that hang in front of his eyes and the dots never entirely disappear. 
He shouldn’t have told that lass his name. 
Foolish, that’s what it was. 
“I can hear you thinking from upstairs,” Emma murmurs, slumped against the side of the railing that should lead up to her room in her parent’s loft. Something similar exists in this place, of course. He can’t imagine the blankets on that bed are as soft as the ones he only barely remembers falling into, what now feels like several lifetimes ago and—
“Might be getting worse now, actually,” she adds, “surprised there isn’t steam coming out of your ears too. Y’know, just for good measure.”
Letting out a breath, he’s all too aware of how slumped his shoulders are when he turns. Emma lifts her eyebrows. 
“The streets are already steaming,” Killian says, “anything else seems like overkill, doesn’t it?” “Stupid word.” “Aye, that it is. In poor taste.”
“What are you thinking about?” He tilts his head. Strands of hair fall towards his eyes, but Killian doesn’t make any effort to brush them away. “Did he fall asleep?” “Yeah,” Emma nods, eyes flitting back towards her room and the space she’d marched Henry into nearly fifteen minutes earlier. “About time, too. I think he was half a second away from falling asleep standing, could barely keep his eyes open anymore.” “Stubbornness is an inherited trait.” She clicks her tongue. “You think?” “Rather pointed.” “Nah, definitely round,” Emma objects, “in a circle-type way that could bring us back to my question and what you’re thinking about and—” “—Henry shouldn’t be here.” “No.” Jerking his head up the way he does only guarantees that several muscles in the back of his neck almost audibly object to the movement, Emma giving him a tight-lipped smile that isn’t exactly his, but is at least getting there, and that’s something almost vaguely positive. 
Her hair is longer than Killian remembers it being. 
He tried to remember that. 
Wandering — stumbling, more like — around those caves, blood dripping down the side of his face, caking the same strands of hair that now threaten to actually poke him in the eye, and all he could think about was the exact shade of gold Emma’s hair turned in the moonlight. Preferably when she was also sitting in the harbor, feet hanging above the waves as they passed his flask between them. Or on the deck of his ship. 
He didn’t allow himself that particular fantasy very often, though. Getting both felt distinctly like the kind of selfishness he’s now hoping to avoid. 
“Stubborn,” Emma shrugs. 
“Something about circles, love.” “And going in them, yeah. But I’m also legitimately worried about that pinch between your eyebrows, so seems like as good a time as any to fess.” “Fess?” “Confess,” she amends, “more slang.” Killian’s smile isn’t really that. Is more a grimace and twist of his lips, and yet the weight he’s only marginally worried has taken the place of his heart lightens ever so slightly. Nothing beats yet. He’s still dead. “I like that one, actually.” “When we get home I’ll make you a list.” “Of slang?” “Whatever you want.” Neither one of them move. 
He’d like to move. Would love to, really. To cross this space and pull Emma flush against him until she grumbles about the inevitably uncomfortable nature of her perched on either one of his thighs and how his chin digs into her shoulder when he tries to breathe her in, but something about the overall tension in her jaw and the weight of those yet-to-be acknowledged words keeps Killian rooted to the spot. 
Every one of those words came out quicker than the last, as if they were an admission Emma wasn’t entirely ready to make and he’s fairly certain the pinch between his eyebrows won’t ever disappear completely. He hopes she doesn’t cut her hair. 
He hopes to get his fingers in that hair eventually. 
“I mean—” Emma stammers, color rushing in her cheek. “Within—y’know, within...no, fuck that. Whatever you want. Lists of...I don’t know, movies and books and you’re a giant dweeb right? So you’ve got to like books.” “I do, in fact.” “Yeah, yeah, I figured. I just—do they have holidays in the Enchanted Forest? No Thanksgiving or Christmas, right?” Killian shakes his head. Gets the hair away from his eyes. And makes it easier to see the exact moment Emma starts wringing her fingers together. The railing is very likely digging into her shoulder now. “Yeah, that’s what I figured,” she continues, “but uh...shit, what about birthdays? That’s a thing, right?” “Do you think I get two now?” 
One side of his mouth tugs up. Despite any efforts otherwise and his own, rather intimate, knowledge of that edge Emma is quite obviously teetering on. 
Killian’s been balancing there for the better part of the last few days. Ever since she appeared in front of him again, magic wrapping around him and making goosebumps prickle on his skin, a low heat that felt as if he’d been put on simmer without any threat of boiling because he’s not all that capable of boiling anymore, just festering and stewing and—
“I told that lass my name,” Killian says, voice hardly loud enough to qualify as any sort of sound. One of Emma’s knuckles crack. “The one in the caves, another one of Hades’ prisoners. I can’t—Gods, I can’t remember her name.” “Megara,” Emma whispers. “Yeah, I know.” He quirks an eyebrow, a sudden retreat back to flirting that’s not entirely honest. It’s very likely he’s something of a cad. And it’s easier that way. To slink back into the role, and the person he was and that person deserves everything he’s gotten and may still get. 
Of course, he can’t keep it up for very long. 
Not with Emma staring at him like that — far too appraising and understanding, and the whole thing fails rather quickly. 
Completely. Immediately. A few other words that end in ‘ly,’ just to drive the point home. “Wow, you totally suck at that.” Laughter rumbles in the back of Killian’s throat before he can even begin to rationalize the sound, rubbing his fingers into the raw skin just above his brace. “Fraid you’ll have to be more specific, darling.” “Low blow.” “Endearments, or…” “It’s not going to work,” Emma objects, rolling her eyes when Killian’s mouth shifts in the very specific kind of smirk he knows has always worked. “You don’t just get to start playing pirate and think I’ll swoon enough to get distracted.”
“Suggests I’m still able to distract you.” “Like that would change.”
Heat ripples up his spine. Surprisingly, so. The flicker of normalcy catches Killian off guard, facade slipping for half a moment, and that’s far more time than Emma needs. His hair is greasy when he runs his fingers through it. “Are you something of a soothsayer then, Your Highness? Good at reading minds now?” “More circles, babe. Open books, and all that.” He hums. Can’t do much else, actually. Emotion claws at the center of him, threatens to take root in that stagnant heart of his, and maybe that will help, but it also feels like it could drown him if it had a mind to. The give and take of all this may very well drive him insane quicker than anything Hades could hope for. “How do you know that?” “Which part?” “About the girl,” Killian says, “did you find her?” Emma scrunches her nose. “Regina and I did. In the forest. There was blood and—” She shivers. Tries to hide it, but open book works both ways and he’s always been able to tell when she’s thinking too. Or being inherently stubborn. “I was...well, I wasn’t cool about it.” “Sounds suspiciously like a compliment.” “Ass.” Staying upright is becoming increasingly difficult. “I believe that’s been well-documented, m’dear. I’m sorry about that.” “My inability to insult you better?” “That you thought it was my blood.” 
“Presumptuous,” Emma grumbles, although that sort of misses the insult mark as well and he’s genuinely not sure who moves first. Creaking joints give way to a groaning floor, a tangle of limbs and hands that almost immediately search for skin. If only to remind the other that they’re here and real and at least partially alive. 
If Killian feels his pulse pick up, he’s sure he imagines it. 
That’s not possible. 
“And,’ he adds, Emma’s back against the nearest wall now. He has no idea how his head found her thigh. He’s not going to complain. She doesn’t when she inevitably notices how goddamn greasy his hair is. Fair is only fair, after all. 
“And?” Eyes fluttering shut, Killian briefly worries for the state of his muscles. Which appear to be unspooling the longer Emma’s fingers move, tracing over his temple and the furrows of his forehead and it takes all the self control he’s only marginally in possession of not to wrap his arms around her, bury his face in her stomach and sob. 
“And,” he repeats, “that you were ever uncool about any of this.” Her body shakes when she laughs — soft and disbelieving, which is another marker in the stubborn column, really. Killian doesn’t mention that. He closes his eyes. Breathes. Counts his inhales and takes his time on his exhales, only a little disappointed that the honeysuckle scent has disappeared from Emma’s hair. 
“Can I tell you something?” “Anything.” “Half the reason I think we should make a slang list,” Emma says, “is so you can say more of it. Might be one of my favorite things.” “A slang puppet, huh? Here to entertain you.” “Why are you freaking out about telling Megara who—by the way, was not nearly as snarky as her Disney counterpart would have me believe.” “I’m sure being chased around by the three-headed beast of the Underworld will do that to a person.”
Emma’s thumb taps his jaw. Three times. Exactly. “Ah now I feel like an ass.” “Impossible,” Killian mumbles. Turning his head isn’t easy, but he doesn’t have to worry about the rest of his body when he’s splayed out across the floor like this and the muscles in Emma’s stomach noticeably contract when he noses at the hem of her shirt. 
She squirms. Above him and below him, and there it is again. More metaphors. More dichotomy, or some other philosophical bullshit he’s not willing to think about now. When Emma’s breath noticeably hitches. As soon as Killian’s teeth graze her skin. 
“Distracting—” Gasping, Emma’s nails drag across his scalp. Which isn’t as unpleasant as it probably should be. “Ah shit, I can’t think of—” “Scoundrel? Miscreant? Blackguard?” “What century is that last one from?” “Not nice at all, love,” Killian chides, but Emma just widens her eyes and perhaps they’re both dancing. Without any music. “Probably around the time the first King George ascended the throne.” “There was more than one King George?” “Several, if memory serves. You know those royals. Can’t concern themselves with naming creativity, have to honor the past and whatnot.” “Whatnot,” Emma echoes with a smile. “You want to tell me now? About Megara and how she knew your name.” “I told her, we’ve been over this already.” “Yeah, but—” The rest of the sentence disappears on Emma’s shrug, her lower lip twisted between her teeth. Nerves radiate off her, falling in waves Killian can almost see and nearly remind him of the real thing. 
Time doesn’t mean much here. Days pass on loop, and exhaustion is a guarantee more than an occasional state of being. And yet, somehow — as the last few flickers of warmth continue to lap at the base of Killian’s spine, and Emma’s fingers return to their pattern through his hair, something almost like moonlight casts a welcome shadow across the floor. Stretching over Emma’s outstretched legs and bent ankles, it curls up her arm, lingering at her elbow before it drifts towards her hunched shoulders and the edge of Killian’s wrist and then—
It’s gone. 
Disappearing as quickly as it arrived, Killian wonders if he imagined it. He didn’t. He knows, he didn’t. Just as easily as he knows it didn’t happen simply because of him. 
He licks his lips once. 
“I found her,” he starts, “or she found me, I suppose. Not easy to keep your direction underground.” Glancing up, Killian finds Emma’s eyes on him. Wide, they don’t quite demand an explanation, but they want one and he supposes wanting is half the battle. At least metaphorically. “No stars underground, you see.” “Real confident in your navigational abilities huh, Captain?” “Only if you’ll keep saying that.”
She can’t be comfortable when she bends. Twists towards him, and kisses the top of his absolutely disgusting hair. 
There’s a shower upstairs. In the right version of it. He’s not sure what’s here. He can’t bring himself to go up there. 
An absolute coward. 
“Anyway,” Killian continues, “there was a three-headed monster, this lass, and I—we weren’t both going to get out.” “You let her go, though. Told her to go.” He nods. Talking is something of a challenge once more. “As if you’d ever do anything else,” Emma mumbles, a note of pride in her voice that makes every one of Killian’s internal organs clench. That’s all they can do, really. None of them are working all that great, after all. 
“That’s not true.” Tensing, Emma’s fingers still. “That wasn’t really you.” “Ah, that’s not totally true, either. It was at least partially me, all those deep-rooted desires given free reign. But I wanted...she was so scared, Swan.” He doesn’t bother mentioning the rest. Being more specific seems pointless, especially when Emma’s fingers stay exactly where they are. And she knows, anyway. He was terrified. Of what he’d lost and what he’d done and what he’d still be willing to do, if it meant she got out of here. 
He wants them all safe. 
“I told her to find you,” he rasps. “That—I knew you were here, could...feel it, almost. No matter where I was or—” This may be their least organized conversation. Full of tiptoeing and heavy words, unspoken meaning that neither one of them is entirely ready to give credence to yet. “Gave her my name, my—my real name.”
Hair brushes the top of his head, softer than it has any right to be and several things in Killian’s chest threaten to combust. “I was doing a lot of yelling of your name in that bloody forest.” “Joke, or…” “Fresh out of jokes, I think.” He noses at her jeans, not sure if he’s desperate to touch her or the opposite. Desperate to brand himself there, so she’ll remember. No matter what else happens. “I didn’t even think about it,” he admits, “just—I told her to find you, said I was Captain Killian Jones, like that was something I could say, and that you needed to know I was here.” Emma’s silent for a moment. 
Another. Two moments. That become three and four and then Killian’s counting his inhales again and doing his best not to stare too intently at her. She kisses his hair again. Luke she can’t help herself. 
“Had to use the title, didn’t you?” Killian exhales. “Haven’t in quite some time.” “Did you think I wouldn’t have known it was you?” Emma teases, so the joke-thing was something of a lie. A nice one as far as misplaced lies go. Making another noise, he finally burrows closer to her until it’s closer to snuggling and clinging and another round of goosebumps explode on his skin when her hand flattens against his back. “Or,” she says, “was it something else?” “Several somethings, maybe.” “Wanna ballpark for me?” “Not sure I understand that one, actually.” “I don’t need all the somethings, but a few would be good right now. We can get to the rest of them later.”
Those words don’t necessarily fall on top of him. They’re as heavy as the rest, all that meaning and the possibility for a future that seems as distant and impossible as the past or the overall softness of the bedding upstairs. So, while gravity does its best to pull the words down on top of Killian, there’s an ease to them that makes it feel as if they’re simply resting across his back, a reminder that helps keep him pressed to this plane and this place and Emma’s left thigh. 
Which is one of his favorite places to be, quite frankly. 
Usually without the jeans in the way, but dead beggars can’t be choosers. 
“I don’t know why I did that. The name, I—” “Liar, liar.” “Would you like to talk about pants, Swan? Because I have my fair share of thoughts regarding the ones you were wearing in Storybrooke.” “I didn’t pick that outfit.” “Rather good happenstance, then.” “Is deflection a required pirate characteristic?” she asks. “Distract your enemy with half-hearted compliments and—” “—Oh no, those are full-hearted, I guarantee.” “If nothing else, I did look stupid good in those pants.” “Hair left something to be desired, but the pants fit like a glove.” Her smile almost reaches her eyes. Obvious when light filters through the gauzy curtains, once more. “Flirt.” “Only with you.” Emma’s eyes widen. Not in surprise. Closer to frustration. A hint of impatience. The stubborn sort of determination that requires an answer. “And, I—I wanted it.” “Wanted what?” “To be that. Again, I suppose. After everything. All that I’d done, and how much I’d hurt you, I—”
“—You didn’t…” “Swan, let’s be honest that’s the worst lie either one of us has told.” “Ever?” “If not longer.” Huffing out a laugh, she slides further down the wall, a move that can’t feel good on her spine, but does ensure that she’s closer to Killian and he’s still enough of a pirate to want exactly that. “But I—a very long time ago, Captain Killian Jones believed in something. Wanted something, and thought he could get it. Even if some of it was distinctly lawless.” “Probably a requirement for your line of work.” “Ah, well that king deserved all the insults you could come up with. Stealing from him, destroying everything he’d built. That felt like justice, somehow.” “Should I mention the circular nature of time again or is that redundant?” “Unnecessary,” Killian agrees, his mouth inching further up Emma’s ribcage. The noise she lets out is closer to a giggle than he’s capable of dealing with. In a place that’s always tinged vaguely red. “I suppose part of me wanted to return to that. To the ideals, maybe not the laws or the uniforms, but certainly not the…” He swallows. “Villain. Evil. Wrong.” “I never thought you were wrong,” Emma says, soft enough that it’s difficult to hear. Over the ringing in Killian’s ears. And whatever rushes off her. Magic, of course. Responding to emotion and its innate desire to meet him halfway. 
Gods, but he loves her more than he ever believed he could. 
“I know that,” Killian promises, “even when I didn’t want to. Especially then.” “Make it sound less like an insult next time.” Tightening his arms isn’t easy when there’s this blasted wall in the way. Killian tries all the same. Emma doesn’t tell him to stop. “You were Captain Hook,” she adds, “when we found you. Buried under all those bodies in the Enchanted Forest.” “Eventually that’s really all that was left.” “I can make some more snide comments on pants, if you want. What’s the flammability of leather?” “I have no idea, honestly.” She smiles. He doesn’t check. Knows, can feel it in the very center of soul. “Ah, well, they can probably catch fire. Regina’s going to teach me how to do those ball things, anyway.” “Absolutely menacing, Your Highness.” “Don’t you forget it.”
The room is getting brighter. 
Or Killian’s finally fallen off that edge. Either one seems entirely reasonable and maybe even a little enjoyable and he’s not sure when, exactly, he decides to start talking again. Only that the words arrive without much thought and even more feeling and Emma’s eyes don’t leave him.  
“It was a mask. A reason for everything else, an excuse that I’d rationalized so I could fall asleep. Captain Hook was a product of his own misfortune, all those unfair hands he’d been dealt. The loss, the anger, the fury that grew every single time metal found skin. Being that, being him, allowed me to drift further and further into that darkness.” “But?” “But,” Killian repeats. “You found me under a pile of bodies in the Enchanted Forest.” “Oh, that’s kind of nice.” “It kind of was. After you got rid of the blade at my neck.” She flicks his chest. The knot of their limbs is another kind of miracle. “And then everything else that happened. Beanstalks, and Cora, and magic beans and—” “—You came back,” Emma cuts in. “Seems you’ve returned the favor several times over, love.” “That’s how it’s supposed to work, I think.” Maybe he’ll marry her.
The thought strikes him as suddenly as the lightning that flashes outside, a spark that’s eerily similar to the flames Emma was just talking about and there are far too many metaphors bouncing around his skull. He might just have a headache. 
And yet the thought doesn’t disappear. Not immediately. No, it settles. Threatens to grow at the forefront of his brain, where the institution of marriage has never been given much consideration. Until now. With his left shoulder close to popping out of his socket, and Emma’s fingers in his hair and her back contorted while half a dozen bruises on his legs refuse to heal. 
“I love you,” Killian says, unable to do anything else. Except propose, apparently. He should be alive for that. 
And sitting up. 
He can’t bring himself to sit up. 
Only pull himself closer to Emma, until it’s obvious how much he wants and possibly needs and something about a circle. Coming back. Over and over. 
“I know. Which is—” “—Good?” “Better,” Emma says. “I love you, too. Just you, you know that right?” Nodding leads to jeans scratching at his cheeks, but these pants fit fairly well too and both of them flinch at the noticeable creak coming down the stairs. Tufts of Henry’s hair stick up in every direction. 
“You ok?” Emma asks her son, only to get a teenage-type shrug and genetically inherited head tilt. 
Killian narrows his eyes. “What’s the matter, my boy?” The head tilt reaches an angle unaccomplished by anyone over the age of twenty-five. Killian isn’t even sure he could attempt such an angle. But it doesn’t seem to bother Henry and neither he nor Emma point out the use of those particular words in that particular order. “Couldn’t sleep,” he mutters, already stumbling forward. Falling is likely far too generous a descriptor for whatever Henry does next, another mess of limbs that adds to Killian and Emma’s knot, and there are a few more grunts than there should be. 
From all of them. 
Until they find something resembling comfort, Killian’s head still on Emma’s thigh and her legs stretched out so Henry can take advantage of her right one and— “Probably should have found a pillow,” Killian mutters, hoping it sounds like the apology he wants it to be. It’s not enough. Nothing ever could be, really. And he’s not all that surprised by Emma’s head shake, the way it makes her hair sway and brighten under the bit of light they’ve probably created just now and she winces when Henry’s chin digs into her knee. He starts snoring five seconds later. “I’m fine,” Emma says, and it’s impossible to argue with her. Even in this impossible place. “You’re comfortable like this.”
His heart thumps. 
With wishful thinking or more misplaced hope, but it’s there all the same and he kisses exactly where his lips land. 
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 7 - Embry Call x Reader
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Graduation Party
I roll over in bed, waking up once again to an empty pillow to the side of me. 
I was getting used to Embry falling asleep with me, though I don’t think I would ever get used to him not being there when I woke up, the lonely feeling it left behind was quite intense. 
 I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I walk over to my desk to find the usual good morning note from Embry. 
I take the note and put it in a little box, with the others I’ve saved from him. 
I look over at the time, seeing it to be only a little before 8:00. I decided that I should probably join my dad downstairs for some cereal and chatting before he heads off to work on this fine Friday morning. 
“Hey dad.” I walk down the stairs and greet him in the kitchen. 
“Hey kid. Leah was here last night?” He asks, taking a bite of his frosted flakes. 
“Yeah, we watched some movies and talked, caught up a bit.” I grab a bowl to pour my own. 
I sit down at the table across from him, taking a bite of my cereal. 
“So what’s going on tonight, any big plans for the weekend?” He asks me. 
“Yeah, I’m actually going to Bella’s graduation party tonight.” I smile at him. 
“That sounds like fun, Billy mentioned that to me. The guys are going, too, right?” He asks me with a slight face of concern.
“Yes, dad. They’ll be there. What’re you worried about?” I laugh. 
“I worry about everything, I’m a dad.” He chuckles. 
“Alright there, dad. There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob, Quil, and Embry are going. I’m the tag along. Nothing usually gets past them.” I laugh. 
“No, not usually. They all really shot up since we left.” His eyes widen, soft laughter escaping his lips. 
“I know, it’s crazy. I can’t believe it.” 
“How tall is Jacob now? Him and Embry are really up there.” 
“Jake is 6’7 and Embry is 6’4.” I take another bite. 
“Wow. When’re you gonna grow?” He laughs. 
“Hey, relax there. Not all of us hit insane growth spurts.” I defend. 
“I know. Just messing with you.” 
“Yeah, I get it. Bully your daughter. Ha ha.” I smirk.
“Oh stop. You know I love you more than anything.” He gets up to put his bowl in the sink, nudging my shoulder on his way over. 
“I know, I love you, too.” 
“So how’s the Embry thing going on?” He asks. 
“Pretty good.” I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks. 
“I’m really glad it was Embry, honestly. He’s a good kid.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“He is.” My cheeks still held that red tint. 
“Well, I should get going now. I’ll see you later, if not-- enjoy the party and keep in touch.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving. 
I finish my cereal and clean it up. 
Heading up the stairs I feel a little tired still from the night before. I lay back in bed to relax, maybe play on my phone for a bit. 
I unlock my phone and see some messages from the guys. 
“We’re gonna pick you up at 7. Be ready.” - Jake
“Good morning, bean. I love you and I can’t wait to see you today. Can I come over before the party?” - Embry
“(Y/N) important question. Do you think that snails are animals? Are slugs just homeless snails? I saw one on my porch last night and it’s keeping me up. Lmk what you think.” - Quil 
I shake my head, wondering why I even have a phone in the first place. I decide to text them all back. 
“You got it, chief.” 
“Good morning, Em. I love you, too. Come over whenever you can :)” 
“According to google, snails are basically octopuses. I don’t know about the slugs, though, bud. Do some research and keep me posted.” 
I laugh as I put my phone on my nightstand, walking over to my mirror. 
I look myself up and down, in my pajama shorts and a band t-shirt from a concert Embry and I went to three years ago in Port Angeles. I remember it like it was just yesterday. 
Embry and I walked around the venue after the show, passing by the merch table to take a peak. 
“Oh wow, that shirt’s pretty cool, look.” I point to him. 
“It is, why don’t you get it?” He asks. 
“I don’t know, I really shouldn’t buy it. My dad would get annoyed at me for buying another band tee.” I shrug my shoulders in disappointment, as I usually get a shirt at every show we went to. 
“Ah, that’s fair. Sorry, bean.” He pats me on the back. 
“It’s alright, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” I let him know and he walks me over to the bathroom before entering the men’s room himself. 
I walk out a few moments later to see a smiling Embry, holding onto his backpack straps. 
“You ready to catch the train back?” I ask.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He smiles.
We make our way back to the train station and sit down, beginning our hour and a half journey. 
“Hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” I look up into his sweet brown eyes, filled with excitement. 
“So I got that shirt. I really liked it and I kinda wanted to add it to my collection. I just don’t want you to be upset with me.” He looks at me, pursing his lips. 
“No I’m not mad, Em. Why would I be mad at you? You’ll look great in it. You always get a shirt, we have our concert shirt collection going on.” I smile up at him, kinda kicking myself for not buying one to keep the tradition-- though not wanting to be lectured by my dad for it being a “waste of money.” 
“Great, I didn’t think you’d be mad. Especially because I got you one, too.” He smiles, reaching into his bag. 
“Embry! Why would you do that? Don’t spend your money on me.” I scold, trying to hide the blushing and insane smiling from appearing on my face. 
“Oh, shut up. You wanted the shirt, I wanted to get you the shirt. We both got what we wanted.” He smiles. 
“But, Emb-” 
“No, shh. Just say thank you and wear it.” He smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 
“Thank you, Em.” I look up into his eyes, not even attempting to hide my severe blushing. 
“Anything for you, bean.” He smiles. 
I hold the shirt in my hands, clutching it excitedly. A yawn escapes my lips but I try to fight it back.
“You can lay on my shoulder, take a nap. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He smiles. 
I nod, placing my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.
I observe how long it is for me, as he bought it in his size because “it’s just cuter that way” as he would say. 
Sitting down on my bed, I unlock my phone to see the responses from Embry and Quil, Jake only gave my message a thumbs up. 
“I’m on my way, should be there in a few minutes :)” - Embry 
“I’m on it.” - Quil 
I smirk before I make my bed and try to tidy up my room, just what I teased Embry about yesterday. 
A few minutes into me cleaning, I hear my phone going off. It was Embry texting me that he was here and to let him in. 
I jog down the stairs and open the door to see an excited Embry. 
“Good morning.” He picks me up in his arms and spins me around. 
“Hey there, Embry.” I giggle into his neck.
He places me back on the floor and I lead him upstairs. 
We get into my room and I notice his staring. 
“Is something wrong?” I ask him, eyes widening in nervousness. 
“No, no. God no. I just-- you look cute like that. I just, I like your outfit.” He stumbles upon his words. 
“Thank you, Em.” I blush. 
“I’m glad I got you it in my size. Maybe you should just switch over to my clothes completely. I think that would work.” He flirts, smiling like the goof that he is. 
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll steal some more of your hoodies soon.” I smirk.
“I can’t even complain.” He leans down kissing me softly. 
The kiss once again, as all the rest, felt like electricity shot through my entire body. I felt my knees going weak.
Emby’s hand on my hips felt like absolute heaven, making out with him was a rush, it felt like heaven on earth. 
He pulls away, placing his forehead on my own.
“Hi.” He breathes. 
“Hey.” I smile. 
“Wanna watch some Rick & Morty?” He asks.
“Sure.” I laugh. 
We always talked about Rick & Morty while I was gone, trying to watch it together. 
We situated ourselves in my bed, my head on his chest and my legs sprawled amongst his. 
The next few hours consisted of laughter as both he and I took turns falling in and out of sleep. 
At 5:30 I decided it was time I got up to begin getting ready to go. I put some mascara on, a little lip tint, style my hair and head over to my closet. 
“Whatcha doing, bean?” Embry asks, a yawn escaping his soft lips. 
“I’m trying to figure out what to wear to this party. Are you guys dressing up?” I turn around, and eye him up.
“T-shirt and jeans, all of us. Except maybe you. I’m sure the others will be dressed up but don’t feel pressured.” He smirks. 
“I see. I should have known.” I smirk. 
I search through my closet, feeling Embry’s hands find my waist behind me, pressing a kiss to the back of my head.
“You’ll look great in anything you wear.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” Thankfully he couldn’t see my blushing from behind my head. 
“Ya know, I’d say wear that. But I’d have a hard time controlling myself… And keeping you to myself.” He chuckles.
“Embry!” I laugh.
“I’m just saying, you look really cute.” He says, walking back over to my bed. 
It took me a while, but I decided on a black dressy-ish sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black chelsea boots. 
I turn around to begin changing and I notice Embry covering his eyes, 
I giggle to myself as I change, thankful of his eye shielding-- I wasn’t ready for that just yet. 
“Thank you, Em.” I say as I finish pulling the jeans up my leg. 
“Of course.” He says, blush appearing across his cheeks. 
“You can open your eyes now.” I say when I finish, walking over to sit on his lap. 
“Hey, welcome.” He kisses my cheek.
“Look at you, the king of respecting women.” I laugh. 
“You know it, baby. Forever and always.” He laughs. 
It was true, though. Embry has always been one of the most respectful people I had ever met, especially with women-- including myself. 
“How long until Jake and Quil get here?” I ask, leaning my head into his chest. 
“Any minute now, time moves fast when I’m with you.” He presses a kiss onto my shoulder. 
“That it does, you’re my favorite way to spend my time.” I giggle. 
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He smiles into my neck, leaving a soft kiss at the nape. 
“How do you do that?” I ask. 
“Do what?” 
“Always have that effect on me? Everything you do… it just feels intense.” I admit. 
“I think that’s just because we’ve waited so long for this. You’re also my imprint, now.” He laughs softly. 
His phone begins vibrating, causing him to pull away and answer. 
“It’s Jake, they’re here.” He says hanging up the phone.
I nod and we get up, going downstairs. 
“Have fun! Be safe.” My dad smiles from the couch. 
“Thank you!” We call out in unison. 
“I’ll text you, dad. I love you.” I smile before we walk out the door and get into Jacob’s rabbit. 
“Let’s have some fun tonight.” I smile. 
“Too many leeches, but there might be pretty girls. So this could be good.” Quil chuckles from the front seat. 
“Ooh, Jacob. Pretty girls.” I say in a sing-song manner. 
“(Y/N), you know it doesn’t matter to me.” He laughs. 
“I know, but just try to have a good time. It’s my first party with you guys in like forever!” I grab the back of Quil and Jacob’s seats, bringing myself forward. 
“You’re right.” Quil agrees.
“Oh Quil, what’s the news?” I ask, referring to our conversation from this morning. 
“Oh. They’re cousins, not brothers.” He turns around to me, nodding.
“Oh damn, no way.” I smirk.
“Who?” Embry asks. 
“Snails and slugs. Ya know, the octopus things.” He shrugs. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Embry asks. 
“We’re here, please stop… whatever this is.” Jacob smirks getting out of the car. 
“I can explain later.” I grab onto Embry’s hand, following Jacob into the giant house that belonged to the Cullens. 
“Holy shit.” I mutter, walking through the enormous front door. 
“Right?” Quil agrees.
We walk up the stairs, finding the main area of the party. 
Embry stayed behind me, his hand on my lower back, guiding me up the stairs. 
“I’m not made out of glass, you know. I’ve done stairs before.” I turn around giggling. 
“Can’t risk an accident with you, bean. Especially in a house of leeches.” He reminds me. 
“Embry, stop it. I’m not that accident prone.” I defend. 
“Says the girl with five bruises just on her left leg.” He chuckles.
“Hey, don’t do this.” I laugh. 
Jacob soon finds Bella, greeting her.
“Hey, why are you here?” She asks. 
I felt strange, were we not invited?
“You invited me, remember?” Jacob responds. 
“I thought our argument and me calling you a dick was me uninviting you.” “Bella, I’m sorry. Look, I brought you a gift. I made you it.” He holds up the wolf charm bracelet that he spent hours carving. 
“You made this? It’s beautiful.” Her demeanor softened. 
“Of course.” He smiles, pulling her into a small hug. 
“Hey Bella. Congratulations.” I smile at her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/N). Thank you. I’m glad you came. Hopefully you can keep them under control.” She jokes. 
“Eh, maybe. Usually only Embry will listen to me, though. Fair warning.” I laugh. 
We sit around, listening to music for a little bit. Eating some snacks before we found our way to Bella again. As I was chatting with her and Jacob, Bella’s eyes frantically peered over to a very tiny woman on the stairs. 
“Alice. What did you see?” She asks, walking over.
“The decision has been made.” She answers, wide eyed. 
“What decision?” Jacob asks. 
We are all led into Carlisle’s office, me basically velcroed to Embry’s side, especially in such close proximity to the Cullens. 
“So they’re coming here?” Bella asks. 
“Yeah, in four days.” Alice responds. 
“We don’t have much time.” Carlisle says in a worried tone. 
“Who’s coming?” Jacob asks. 
“Newborn army. They’re coming for Bella.” Jasper says. 
We then got the whole rundown of what that actually entails, how scary of a situation this truly was.
“Wait, they’re after Bella?” Jacob asks. 
I look over at Embry, worried eyes. 
“Well, then the pack will fight.” Jacob agrees. 
Embry and Quil nod, my eyes wide with fear. 
“You think Sam would be willing to come to an understanding?” 
“We’re going to have to train, this is a very dangerous fight. Lives could be lost. Jasper has the experience and knowledge we will need.” Carlisle explains. 
“We get to kick some ass.” The large one, Emmett, grins. 
“When do we start training?” Jacob asks. 
“Tomorrow.” Carlisle answers. 
“Okay, I’ll tell Sam tonight.” 
“Jacob, please.” Bella begs. 
“This is what you wanted, remember? We’re working together.” He really rubbed her face in it. 
“Newborns won’t even know they exist, they’ll be a great help to us. Plus we need the numbers, Bella.” Jasper reasons. 
I looked up at Embry with a worried face, feeling my heart begin to beat faster. I needed him to be okay, I needed all my friends to be okay. 
“Don’t worry, bean. Nothing is gonna happen, okay?” He whispers in my ear, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. 
Quil looks at me, nodding in confirmation. 
“This is what we were made to do. At least we get to kill some vampires.” Jacob grins. 
Going back to the party wasn’t the same after that. I felt like I was in a constant state of nausea, like my heart was about to fly out of my chest. 
When it was time to leave, we went out and drove back to my house in complete silence. I bid Jacob and Quil a goodnight and Embry walked me to my door. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. 
“Well I was, earlier in the night.” I admit. 
“I know, bean. But please don’t worry. Everything will be okay, this is our job. It’s in our blood, this is what we do.” He smiles, trying to comfort me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. 
“I know, I’m just scared.” I admit. 
“Don’t be, bean. I would never let anything happen to you.” His eyes stare deep into mine, seriousness completely taking over his face.
“No, I’m scared for you.” 
“Oh, don’t be. I never got hurt before, and now I have just another thing to fight for.” He softly smiles. 
“I want to come to practice.” I tell him. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” His voice trails off. 
“Embry, please. I need to know.” I plead.
“Okay, but you have to stay where it’s safe. Stay by me.” 
I nod and he pulls me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” I whisper. 
“I’d do anything for you.” He smiles. 
His arms find my waist before he gives me a sweet kiss goodnight. 
I manage to find the strength to go inside my house and separate from the warmth that Embry was.
Sleeping was something that seemed to be out of the question as I stared at my ceiling in complete silence for hours, mind racing with anxious thoughts. I don’t even know when I even fell asleep. 
Word Count: 3087
132 notes · View notes
lightskinrry · 4 years
maybe one wedding for the bad boys
the one where the wedding ceremony does go according to the plan...almost
A/N: hello lovelies!! part two of no wedding for the bad boys is here!! hope you like it!! and don’t hesitate to lemme know your thoughts about this mess!
Word count : 6K
TW: angst again lmaodehjsd
Taglist: @stfxlou @shreeyanshi @harrystylesholland @iloveshawnieboi @smoljules @soy-una-conejo @seasidecrowbar @evalynanne @nibabyy @la-cey​ @ashtonsfxvorite​ @merlinaes​ @gucciboots​
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“Fuck… Fuck. Fuck.” You watched Harry pacing around in his room, walking in circles, his hand clutched to his hair, his suit pants loosely hanging on his hips and his unbuttoned shirt draped on his shoulders.
You could see he was muttering something. “I fucking can’t believe this. Fucking kidding me. On this fucking day. Fucking shit.”
“Look… If you’re going to be an asshole about it like yesterday. I will find a solution alone.”
You were sitting on the big chair in the corner, your legs spread apart and your yellow suit on. You didn’t want another fight but you had no choice but to tell Harry about the marriage license. Today was the big day and in 3 hours the ceremony would start. And if he was going to sign another marriage licence, he could face imprisonment since bigamy is illegal. So yeah, kinda had to tell him otherwise he was good to spent his honeymoon in a cell.
He groaned a little bit, you could almost see the gears of his brain working through his head. “Let’s...um… think, okay?” His breathing was unsteady so you got up and made him sit at your place.
“I already contacted a lawyer. We can annul the marriage, we just have to prove the marriage is..um… voidable. Yeah, that’s what she told me.” Harry sat back in the chair, relaxing a little bit. “So we have to prove that at least one of us couldn’t agree to the marriage because they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol.” He nodded silently. “Basically, we just have to go see the lawyer and that’s done. There’s no court appearance or anything.”
His eyes got softer as he listened to you. He sighed. “Thanks.”
You raised your eyebrows. “You’re welcome?”
“Look, Y/N… I’m really sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to be such a jerk about all this. It’s just… I’ve been planning this wedding for months now. I’m so fucking stressed. I don’t know what to do and then I found out I just fucked up everything. I’m sorry. I know it’s not your fault. I’m more mad at myself than anything and I just didn’t want to take accountability for my actions. It’s just such a fucking weird time and now everything is on the edge of falling apart.”
You gently stroked his shoulders. “Thank you for apologizing. I know you didn’t mean it… Look, it’s not entirely your fault. There was a lot of alcohol and we wouldn’t have been in Vegas if it wasn’t for me.” You took a small breath. “But, hey! We can fix this. All we have to do is annul the marriage and make sure you don’t sign anything in terms of legally binding documents or you can actually be prosecuted. And spending your honeymoon in jail isn’t what you want.”
He giggled softly, finally taking a breath and releasing a bit of tension. “Yeah, definitely not. I reserved a private beach in St Barth, there is no way I’m spending this time in jail instead of on the beach.”
“Oh wow. You went all in.” You smiled smugly at him. “Okay we have about 2 hours before the ceremony starts. I made sure the groomsmen get their shit together and do the list of check-ins with the planner so it’s a full open window before we have to get you back here fully dressed and looking fresh for your wedding.”
“If we can do that in two hours without being on crack, we truly are some lucky motherfuckers.”
“Oh we are, Harry. We’re lucky motherfuckers.”
He got up from the chair and you placed your hands over his shoulders. “Here’s the plan. We put on jogging clothes cause you don’t want anyone to recognize you or be suspicious. We go downtown to meet with the lawyer, we pressure her to state the annulment today. It will be sent to a judge for approbation and then the annulment should be fulfilled in about a month. And that’s where you come into play more than ever. You have to make sure the officiant don’t bring the marriage licence, say you want to sign it after your honeymoon, find an excuse, whatever you want to make sure you don’t sign this fucking paper, okay? And then we come back here, get you dressed and you go get married, you lucky motherfucker.”
He nodded agreeingly. “Okay.” He reached out his hand for you to shake. “And no-one will never know about all this.”
You shook his hand. “Taking this shit with me in the grave.”
You started changing rapidly into the sports clothes and leave as soon as possible. You made your way downstairs quietly but Tania’s sister, maid of honor and witness in the wedding, stopped the two of you.
“Where are you two going?”
You and Harry looked at each other for a second, trying to think of something that wouldn’t rise suspicions.
“Well, we’re going for a jog. As you can see.” You pointed out the clothes you were wearing.
“The ceremony is in two hours, no-one is going for a jog.” Her tone was stern and almost mean.
Harry came a little forward to her. “Look, Jill, I just need a breather. It’s a stressful time so… You know? Taking my best-woman on a jog before the big thing!”
She sighed loudly, annoyed. “Fine… But make sure to be back before the ceremony begins. A wedding without a groom... It would kill Tania.”
You both gave her a thumbs up and a dumb smile before running out the door.
The clock was ticking on you. And you had to get that annulment.
You closed up Harry’s last few buttons, making sure to leave some open. You took a few steps back to look at him. You smiled proudly. “You look great.”
He gave you a smug look. “I know.”
You laughed off his little narcissistic comment. “You know what? You look like a victorian vampire wannabe.”
“And I’m rocking the look.” He shrugged before tugging on one of his loose curl to make it fall on his face. He stepped closer to you. “Thank you.” You smiled at him tenderly. “Thank you so much for being a good friend, Y/N. I know I’ve been a terrible one lately.”
You chuckled as you pinched his cheeks in a playful way. “We’re cool, Harry. Now, let’s move before Jill kills us.”
You accompanied him to the backyard where the ceremony was about to start. He stood next to the officiant, waiting for his bride to walk the aisle. And as you watched him, glowing in the sunlight, looking beautiful and smitten, you felt a pinch in your heart and bitterness in your throat. Not that you wish it was you walking down the aisle, just that he would turn around and give you a last look that says “I don’t want to get married to her, I want to wait with you until we’re both ready.” Well, in some way, you guessed you kinda wished it was you walking down the aisle. Just.. not right now.
“Are you okay?” Gemma was standing next to you, a tender smile on her face.
“Yeah, I’m good… I’m.. you know… emotional. That’s all.”
The music started blaring in the air, the golden hour slowly approaching and bathing everything in a pool of honey. You could hear the birds chirping and the soft breeze caressing your neck, people shushing each other waiting for the bride to be announced. The air was soft and you could feel the tenderness of the atmosphere. A gentle springtime warmth and the smell of lavender. Harry’s shadow was dancing on the floor as he was waiting, chewing on his bottom lip; a little nervous thing well known to him.
You watched Tania walk down the aisle, you couldn’t bare to look at him and see the love in his eyes. A love that wasn’t yours and wasn’t for you.
She joined him in front of the officiant, ready to exchange their words of love and become one forever. You tugged on the jacket of your suit to readjust it. You listened carefully to the vows they shared and watch them place the ring on each others fingers. And you smiled widely all the way through. You made sure the officiant didn’t bring the marriage licence after Harry tipped him a little extra not to. You closed your eyes for a second and  when you opened them, Harry was kissing his bride, now his wife.
The first half of the ceremony went pretty fast, the newly weds went to get their pictures done and the rest of y’all entertained the guests and showed them around the manor where the party would be. Obviously some parts were closed to the public, the upstairs apartment where the weds would spend the night were closed and the maze in the far back of the garden was too. It was huge and we were scared people would lose their kids in there.
When Harry and Tania came back, looking stunning, kissed by the sunlight and insanely in love, they walked in the huge reception hall where everyone was waiting to cheer on them. And make them feel like real superstars.The tables for the dinner were outside, next to a beautiful lake, it was still warm and the sun was about to set. Everyone sat down at their designated place. The time for toasts and speeches was coming. First Tania’s dad did his little speech about not liking Harry at first but realising that he’s never seen his daughter so happy. Next was Tania’s sister, Jill who made a sly comment about him trying to sneak out of it this morning. Gemma was next and she gave a prompt little joke about her baby brother before congratulating the beautiful spouses. It was now your turn. You took a deep breath and stood up, you looked around, checking the faces only for your gaze to rest upon Harry.
“Ahem. Well, as most of you already know me, I’m Y/N. I’m the best-woman, it’s always been a fact; I’m just glad that I have the official title now. I didn’t really know what to do or where to go with this speech so I guess I’m just gonna check on y’all. Is everyone having a good time?” Everyone gave you a cheerful yes. “Great, cause the next five minutes are going to be absolute hell. I’m mostly just going to make fun of Harry and then I’ll swap some emotional shit by the end so you guys don’t hate me.”
You paused, leaving the time for the guests to spare you a giggle. “First of all, I would like to say, you made the worst choice of your entire life tonight, Harry.” His eyes got suddenly bigger. “You gave me a mic, and a chance to ridicule you in front of all your family and friends.” You watched him take a breath, relaxing in his chair and giving you a tender smile. “That’s really the dumbest shit you could’ve done. But anyway, I have to address a few words to today’s main man. I can honestly say that he’s one of the most handsome, most funny men you’ll ever meet and I’m proud to call him my friend. So if you bump into him today…” You turned your face to look around. “Where’s Cam?” Cam stood up and waved, cheering you. “Ah! Here he is! Today is his birthday so please buy him a drink.” You waved back at him with a big smile. “Happy birthday Cam!” Everyone said happy birthday and Harry’s smile got wider.
“Well, I was thinking what crazy story I could tell about Harry today. Cause we had so many crazy ass stories together, ones that end up in basements, others on top of roofs and some ending in crappy ass motel rooms in Vegas.” He chew the interior of his cheek, holding a giggle. “And then I thought ‘What is the story that sums up perfectly Harry?’ Could it be that time he bit off a piece of his tongue after jumping out a window while high off his ass on shrooms or that time we got locked up in a hotel room in Atlanta and somehow managed to burn the carpet? Yeah… We fucking burned that carpet.” You let a breathy laugh escape your lips, reminiscing that night.
“So, I had to think long and hard about this… Long and hard also being something Harry… Well no, I promised I wasn’t going to say anything sexual during this speech.” You turned to look at the next table. “Hi Anne! This is Harry’s mom, guys!” She laughed and gave you a big smile.
“Well, then I remembered that story… It was after Harry’s SNL double duty.. And we were throwing this after party to celebrate and by the end of the night, we were both hammered, there was no-one left in that penthouse in NYC, except for us and then fucking Rocketman started playing outta nowhere and we sang that shit with our hearts, as the sun rose behind us. And despite all the glamour, Harry ended up throwing up in the bathroom. But just that moment of drunken glory singing Rocketman at the top of our lungs with the sun rising. And nothing else mattered. In that moment, Harry was the fucking Rocketman.”
You took a moment to breath.
“And you are. You’re a fucking legend, Harry. I’ve known you since we were five, from the first time you sang in front of your mom to you touring arenas around the world. I kinda been a witness of your greatness, I guess… Truth is, the moments I’ll remember the most and the ones that makes you such a good friend, and probably an amazing husband, are the ones when the lights are off, when you’re just a dorky, lanky stupid white guy. When you bring me soup when I’m sick, when you tell me everything will be alright when I’m about to give up, when you scream Bohemian Rhapsody in the phone, when we dance at 2AM in the kitchen or when we sing Rocketman as the sun rise.” You took a little breath, watching as Harry gave you the biggest grin, probably a little teary-eyed.
“Well, I’d still like to remind y’all that he threw up that night, and many other nights actually.” You laughed.
“But hey, I’d like to finish by addressing a few words to the beautiful bride... You still have time to run away. But if I were you, I wouldn’t do so. He reserved a private beach in St. Barts… Run after the honeymoon, girl, get yours.” You winked at her.
“All jokes aside, I hope this day has been as beautiful and fairy-tale like as you dreamed it would be because you look like a princess and I’m glad you found your prince. I hope you guys live happily ever after.”
You started raising your glass as the end of your speech approached. “I’ll end this little speech by saying on behalf of the beautiful bridesmaids and groomsmen, thank you to Harry and Tania for including us on this very special day. And if I could ask you all to join me in a toast.” You were now holding your glass up. “To the happy couple, Harry and Tania, may you live a beautiful wedded life!”
Everyone joined you in the toast and you sat back down, giving Harry a small grin that he gave you right back, letting you know that you did a great speech.
The party started going well, people were chatting and laughing and the beautiful lights lit up the garden. The food came a little late but it was all so good, there was nothing to really complain about.
After the main course, people got up to dance and request songs to the band… You were talking with one of the waiters when Tania interrupted you.
“Hey, have you seen Harry? I can’t find him anywhere and the cake is going to arrive any minute now and we’re supposed to cut it together.” Her sharp tone made you uncomfortable.
“Hm… I haven’t seen him but I’m gonna check around and I’ll make sure he’ll be here for the cutting of the cake!”
“Fine. You better find him fast.” You watched her leave and greet some old couple drinking champagne.
You thought for a second ‘where the fuck could Harry be?’. You started by checking on his family, not being too pressuring so they wouldn’t worry. None of them saw him in the last half hour. You asked Jeff and then check with the waiters and still no sight of him.
You decided to go check inside; the bathroom, the upstairs apartments… And you found him in the closed office on last floor of the manor. You walked in quietly and closed the door behind you.
“Everyone is looking for you, man. What the fuck are you doing?”
He was leaned on the open window, watching the night sky.
“Yeah, what the fuck am I doing, Y/N?” He was playing with the only ring on his fingers : his wedding ring.
You stepped closer, placing yourself right next to him, your arm touching his.
“That’s what I’m asking you.”
He scoffed softly. “Yeah… I just… What if all of this is a fucking mistake?”
“Whew.. You’re having cold feet now? You’re always late to the party…” You watched him as he giggled, his hair gently flowing with the midnight breeze.
“Look, it’s not a mistake if you love her. And I know you do.”
“You know Jill followed us this morning? She literally threatened me that she knows what’s going on and…”
“Wait what?”
“Yeah. That crazy bitch followed us.” He threw his arm in the air.
“Hey… Be nice, she’s not crazy. She’s just a bitch. Why in hell did she follow us?”
“Because she was having suspicions I was cheating so she followed us and saw us going to the law cabinet.”
“Fuck. So she knows about the marriage?”
“No, I don’t think so… But like… About this marriage, the one of today, I don’t want it… You were right. I don’t want to get married to miss Boring Pants.”
“Oh no… Oh hell no… Why is that happening right now? You have to be downstairs in 10 so you can cut your fucking wedding cake and you’re hitting me with the ‘I don’t want to be married’ shit? Harry I swear to god…” You sighed loudly and he gave you the puppy dog eyes.
“Don’t blame me! I’m just a little boy.” He always had the timing for a good joke.
“Oh… I’m blaming you. I’m blaming your dumbass.” You both laughed and suddenly it wasn’t the sky you were watching, it was each other. The stars were reflecting in his eyes and his floppy curls made him look so pretty.
“I know… It’s not like there is no-one else to blame anyway!” He chuckled and you gazed fondly at him, tracing his features with your eyes… From his jawline to his eyebrows, finally looking at his lips.
“You know your speech was great… It reminded me of all the crazy things we did together. You’re my partner in crime.” He stared into your eyes for a minute, his teeth playing nervously with his bottom lip.
“Yeah… We always been partners in crime.”
And in the floating moment of silence between you two, the space between your face got smaller and smaller; so small you could feel his breath on your face.
“I really want to be with you.” He whispered on your lips before his hand grabbed your face so he could kiss you. It was intense and soft and somehow you felt like your feet lift up from the ground. You were holding his hands on your face and slowly opened your lips but before your tongues could meet, a voice from the hallway resonated: “Harry, Y/N, what are you guys doing? They’re waiting for the cake!!”
Jeff’s footsteps were getting closer to the door and so, ended prematurely your kiss. You inhaled deeply and before Jeff walked in the room, you locked eyes with Harry and his swollen lips and a blissful smile on his face.
“They’re waiting on you, Harry! Get your ass down, right now!”
You watched him leave the room silently, still a little shook from what just happened.
Jeff stroked your arm in a soft way. “Are you good?”
“Yeah… I’m.. Great. Everything’s great. So great. What a great wedding.”
You walked off still rambling about how great everything was. Jeff watched you leave, a confused and amused look on his face. He followed behind you closely as you walked back downstairs.
You walked straight to your seat, making sure to grab a glass of champagne from one of the waiter’s platter and chugged it down in one stroke before sitting down. Harry and Tania were standing in front of all their guests and they announced the cake. Two waiters came out with a cart and on it; a huge white cake with pink roses all over it. It was more pretty than it probably tasted good. They held the knife together and cut the first piece. They both took a spoonful of the cake and gave each other a taste. Everyone was clapping as they wiped the cream off of their face.
The waiters started serving the cake to all the guests. You were pretty much blacking out, the lights around you were flying and everytime someone talked to you, you would just nod or laugh. Every now and then you would catch Harry’s gaze on you and you’d feel your cheeks burning. It was a weird feeling, being at the wedding of your bestfriend and resenting every minute of it. How did you got to this mess?
You made the movie in your head. You met Harry in kindergarten, after he stole your favorite crayon and you almost beat his shit up. The school called both your moms because the teacher saw you two fighting and from there you wouldn’t let each other live. You spent most of elementary school together, doing stupid science experiment in the back of his Holmes Chapel room. You two would always buy and wear the worst graphic tees at the same time. Then, in middle school people started bullying you and Harry would always stand up to them and defend you. You would play video games in your basement and watch each other’s acne break out and he even came to the dentist with you for your first braces. In 9th grade, when you were reaching your dreadful 14th birthdays, it seemed all that mattered was you never had a first kiss, neither you or him. So you decided to take the matter in your own hands and during one of your recurring sleepovers at his place, you suggested to give each other a first kiss. You climbed onto his bed and hid under the covers, a flashlight and some potato chips between us; he leaned onto your face and kinda sucked your lips in the weirdest way and you thought it was great.
And tonight it was great, and maybe it’s the nostalgia or maybe it’s the fact that looking back to everything you did together showed you that no-one will ever know you better and love you better. One of the common mistakes you’ve made in love was considering romantic love as a superior kind of love when your friendships always sustained you more than any romance. And now it was becoming clear, friendship was a strong love, your friendship with Harry was a very strong love; filled with intimacy and commitment and now passion. It was the kind of love you couldn’t let go.
You avoided Harry for most of the night despite him trying to check up on you a few times; you would pretend someone’s calling you or that you have to go to the bathroom; really anything that would put off the conversation with him. How were you supposed to discuss what happened now that you knew how you feel about him? It was a predictable heart-suicide.
The rest of night went achingly slow. It was already 4:30 in the morning. You were going around helping the waiters clearing the place and cleaning. Harry and Tania were saying goodbye to the last guests to leave while Gemma and Jill were showing their rooms to the guests that were staying the night.
You made a last round to the kitchen to pay the caterer and tip a little extra the waiters. When you came back to the garden, Tania and Jill were going back inside and Harry was nowhere to be seen.
You walked around, watching the night sky and the stars reflecting on the lake. You sinked into the garden as the darkness of the night was washing over and the lights of the party were fading… Your eyes got caught by a soft and dim light in the far background of the garden. There; a weeping willow with light strings on its branches and underneath it, Harry was sitting alone, playing with the twigs under him. You walked up to him and quietly sat next to him. You didn’t look at him but the night was warm and the tree branches dancing to the breeze made the atmosphere softer.
“So…” You paused as you brought your knees back to your chest. “That was a beautiful wedding.”
“Yeah.” He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “I’m trying to picture what my life will look like.”
“Hm… I see a nice house on the hills and a few babies.” You still didn’t take a look at him, you were just watching the sky reflection in the pond of water in front of you.
“Sounds good… I can see it.” A giggle left his mouth. “What about you? What do you see for the future?”
“Oh shit. That’s some existential dread right there cause I don’t know. I can’t tell you where I’ll be in two weeks. Can’t even tell you what I’ll eating for breakfast tomorrow morning.”
He scoffed. “That sounds good too.”
“I guess so… I love not knowing, I guess. I love a good adventure.”
“So do I…” He turned his face to look at you. “Do you think I’m out of adventures now?”
You finally locked eyes with him; his face was softly lit by the lights in the trees and he looked a little tired. “Nah.. I don’t think so. I think you have plenty new adventures coming your way.”
He sighed and turned his eyes away from you. “They won’t be with you though.”
It took you by surprise. No they won’t. You felt a sore feeling in your throat. You took some time to answer. “No… They won’t be.”
A moment of silence filled up the air. You could hear the breeze and the water.
Harry finally spoke up. “Should we talk about it?”
A breathy and nervous laugh stifled through your teeth. “About what?”
“What happened in the office earlier?” He raised his eyebrows at you in a smug way. “When you kissed me?”
“First of all, you kissed me!”
His voice went up two octaves higher as he playfully answered. “Did I?”
“Yeah you did!”
“It was nice…” He said this so nonchalantly, as if it was nothing, as if it didn’t mess up with your mind.
“It was nice? It was mostly the dumbest shit you’ve done tonight. And you got fucking married tonight so...”
He chuckled… “I know…” He took a deep breath before gazing far ahead. “What are we supposed to do about all this?”
You sighed softly, trying to come up with an answer. You thought that being a good friend you should tell him that it was a mistake and that he’s happily married and will live a beautiful life and so will you… But it wasn’t the truth.
“Look… I don’t know. I don’t know what the fuck happened in those last weeks. I  fucking wish I could tell you that everything is on track, that you married the love of your life and that everything will be okay but it feels like a lie. When I say it at loud, I hear myself and I hate it.”
He pinched his lips as he listened to you...“Yeah… I mean, we’ve known each other for 20 years. 20 years, that’s a fucking lifetime. And I can tell that everytime something in my life goes wrong, you’re right there and when something goes right, you’re always there too. I try to think of what I want my life to look like, what’s next and now I’m faced with what’s next and it’s not what I want... It’s not you.”
“That’s some bullshit, isn’t it? How nobody else will ever know you better than I do? And nobody knows me like you do? And how close we are and suddenly our closeness is tearing us apart. That’s some tragic poetry shit right there, I hate it. I always thought you and I would be like 70; making wheelchair races and talking shit about the neighbors wig. And now, I think that’s what I want, you know but I also want to…”
He interrupted you. “I would win the races, though.”
He insisted, a smug smile on his face. He was trying to break the tension.
“I would win the race.”
You laughed at his face. “No, you wouldn’t! I would beat your ass every time.”
He let a soft chuckle leave his mouth. “Yeah you would….”
He sighed before picking up the conversation again.
“Anyway…” He took a deep breath. “I want that too. But I also want to kiss you and dance with you and fuck you and do all the next crazy shit with you. I want to live those adventures with you.”
Your heart fluttered and you felt a warm rush get to your cheeks. And you felt like everything was falling into places. You and him together; it made sense. But then reality hit you in the face; he had a wife waiting for him a few miles away, he had a new life in LA and you had to move on or none of you would be happy. Because the truth was, if it wasn’t for each other being in the way, he would be next to Tania right now, happy and ready for his married life. And you would be in love with someone else, someone you can have.
“Maybe we’re just standing in the way of each other’s happiness. Maybe all this don’t mean a thing…” You paused to look at him. “You’re happy, right?”
He looked confused for a second, he bat his eyelashes twice trying to understand what you mean and then you saw it on his face. He got you. “Yeah.. I mean I thought I was, at least…”
“You see! That’s what I mean. If I wasn’t there, you wouldn’t be second guessing everything.”
He was quiet, his voice was down. It was hard reading him right now but you could tell he knew the answers. “Maybe… Would you?”
“What?” You asked yourself what did he mean with this question?
“Would you second guess if it was for me?”
That was it. He understood it. Being in the way of each others happiness, that was it. You thought for a second, if you were in his situation, what would you do? Would you go back to your spouse or would you leave with him? Would you even think about it?
“I don’t know… I probably shouldn’t.”
He swallowed the gulp in his throat and suddenly the air got colder. “I guess that says it all, then.”
You inhaled deeply, trying to hold back tears that were slowly taking over.. “So, that’s it?”
He smiled with all the tenderness known to him. “I love you, Y/N.”
Your heart broke a little… It was a goodbye more than an I love you. So you told him goodbye too. “I love you too.”
He got up and brushed over his pants to sweep off the twigs off him. You looked at him, still sitting down.“We should just do what’s best for each other.”
He gazed down at you, a sad smile on his face. “For a second I thought we’d run away together but…” He coughed softly. “We both know that’s not what’s best.”
You tried to steady your breathing and keep your composure as you started getting up too. You turned around for a second and gave him a last look before leaving. “I guess I’ll see you around...”
Weirdly enough life without Harry was bearable… London seemed empty and the bars and places you used to hang out to seemed lifeless but it wasn’t all bad. You weren’t worrying about him or about yourself and you were just going along with your routine, your job, seeing your friends, a few dates and whatever else in between. It has been 10 months since the wedding day, almost a year if you round it, you haven’t seen Harry in that time, a few check up texts every 3 months and a congrats for your new job was all you got from him… You had to convince yourself it was enough.
You were laying down on your couch, wrapped up in your jog pants and oversized hoodie; you were switching channels trying to find something remotely interesting to fall asleep to. It was already 11PM and the city lights outside the window were reflecting on the floor of your living room… Your phone rang next to you and you grasped it to check your notifications.
Harry sent a message: I did something stupid
You were confused as fuck at this weirdly threatening text from Harry. It’s been months since he texted you so what did that mean?
You heard a knock that you thought was the TV until it got louder so you got up to check on it. You walked to the door carefully. When you opened it, your heart missed a beat.
“Hey… Told you I did something stupid.”
Harry was standing at your door, a cheeky smile on his face and you were just looking at him, confused.
“What are you doing here?”
He inhaled in a smile. “Doing what’s best, I guess…” You tilted your head to the side, trying to understand what he meant. “Look, you don’t have to let me in but if I’m not going to be with you then I just don’t want to be with anyone else. I’m not asking you to elope with me… Again…” He chuckled and you let a giggle fall from your lips. “I just wanna be friends again.”
You just couldn’t get that stupidly happy grin off your face so when he stepped closer to you, reducing the space between your faces, you just grabbed his face and kissed him. You could feel him smile against your lips and his hands grabbed your waist pulling you even closer. “I guess we’re just doing what’s best, huh?” You giggled into his mouth and he kissed the corner of your lips, smiling against your skin; “That’s exactly what we’re doing.” He pressed a soft kiss to your lips and to your cheek and your jaw. Whatever was happening right now was the best for you and for him, so you’d just work out the details later.
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
It’s Just PR - Harry Styles/Shawn Mendes (Part Eight)
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Unfortunately, Harry and I couldn’t live in our little bubble anymore. If anything Shawn was a wakeup call for reality. The next day we hopped on a plane and went back to Los Angeles. It was weird when Harry dropped me off to be alone in my house. I had so quickly grown used to having someone else nearby. I miss that.
“I swear, you are more hassle than you’re worth.” Joan complains, lecturing me for the tenth time about how I can’t go ‘off the grid’ ever again.
“Whatever, I know you love me.” I grin while she rolls her eyes.
“Anyway, you’re back with perfect timing! You start the CK shoot tomorrow?”
“The what?” I ask.
“The Calvin campaign? We started that months ago! We’ve had this day on our calendar since March.”
“The one with Shawn?” I sit forward coming to a realizating to the one she’s talking about, “You’re fucking with me right?”
“I wish I could say that I was ‘fucking with you’” She says with obvious distate for my wording.
“I can’t do anything about it and you know that. You signed a pretty major contract. Even if you could, the fans are wondering why you are never with your best friend Shawn Mendes. You did the first test shots with him. They know that this collab is coming. Do this one campaign and all will be good for awhile. No more questions about him.”
“This is insane.” I scoff, “I can’t believe this.”
I leave once I get the rest of the details, even though they now make me sick. Shawn and I signed up to do this Calvin Klein campaign months ago. We were still happy. We were still together for that matter.
I decide to call Harry so I can vent and explain what’s going on. See if he has any brilliant ideas for me to get out of this.
“ello, love.” He answers.
“We never should’ve left New York.” I huff, trying not to cry even though it’s like my nightmare is coming to life.
“Why? What’s going on?”
It takes me a few minutes to explain the whole thing to him and why I can’t just back out now.
“Wow, you’re fucked then.”
“Thanks for that.” I laugh, I’m just sitting in my driveway, not going inside. I just stay in my car on the phone.
“Well you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. You can be very professional, Y/n. I have faith in you, this won’t be the worst thing.”
“You seem oddly calm for the boyfriend of someone who has to a photoshoot with her ex boyfriend in her underwear tomorrow.” I tease, finally taking my keys out of the ignition.
“I trust you.”
“Yeah, I- what are you doing here?” As soon as I round the corner to my front door I see a familiar face sitting on my doorstep.
“I had a bad day too, not as bad as yours, but I wanted to see you.” Harry grins and stands up from his spot. We both hang up and I take a few more steps to pull him down into a hug.
“Thank you.” I mutter, not relinquishing my grip.
“I’ve missed you. It’s weird not having you around all the time to annoy me.”
“Shut up.” I finally let go and smack his shoulder. I take a step around him so I can unlock my door and let us both in. Harry shuts the door behind him and pulls me back against his chest. His head peeking around my shoulder.
“But really, I’ve missed you.” He presses a kiss behind my ear.
“We just got back yesterday.” I tease.
“I know, I know. It’s just been weird. For three whole days it was just us, alone.” His kisses start to drift farther down my neck. “I’ve missed touching you.”
I bit my bottom lip smiling at the boy who has completely captivated me.
“Well what’s stopping you?”
That’s the only cue that Harry needs to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.
“Harry!” I shout, no expecting such sudden action and excitement.
He runs up my stairs and throws my bedroom door open. We’re both laughing when he throws me down on my bed. All of our clothes have been ditched on the floor.
“Your such a dork.” I press my lips to his.
“My girlfriend has an underwear shoot tomorrow with her ex boyfriend. I think he could stand to see what we’ve been up to.” Harry sucks down on the spot on the outside of my hip.
“Mmm, you’re a horrible tease.”
Harry wasn’t kidding when he said that people would be able to see what we’ve been up to. Small bruises litter my hips and neck.
“You’re ridiculous.” I shake my head. It’s the morning of the shoot and they’ve only darkened since last night.
“Hmm, I feel like you might be proud of me.”
“Shut up.” I roll my eyes, “Do you want some breakfast?”
“Definitely!” Harry tugs on me and I fall back on the bed on top of him.
“I mean, I’m not mad, but this isn’t what I meant when I said breakfast.”
“It’s what I meant.”
It took even more effort for Harry and I to get out of bed this morning than it did last night. I knew I had to leave early so I would be on time for the shoot. Harry dropped me off at set, claiming that the studio he was recording at wasn’t far and promising to pick me up when I’m done. It’s the perfect day for a shoot, the sun in Malibu is out and shining.
“Y/n, you’re here!” Anne grins, a woman who I have worked with several times to do my hair and makeup. She follows me on tour, and I’m lucky enough that for this shoot they let me have her.
“I’m here!” I smile back. Just because today is going to be miserable for me, doesn’t mean that it has to be for the whole crew.
“Okay, you can just go sit in the chair, I’ll be right over to start!” She points over her shoulder where a few chairs and lighting is set up.
I wander over and discover that one of the seats are occupied.
“Hi, Shawn.” I say with a soft voice as I take a seat in the other chair.
“Uh, hey, Y/n.” He smiles with tight lips, not even bothering to look up. A woman who seems somewhat familiar is working on his hair, trying to get his curls perfect.
“So, are you guys excited?” Anne asks loudly, talking to both Shawn and I.
“Thrilled.” I mumble with sarcasm laced in it.
“What’s going on? You guys are never this quiet! Did you get in a fight this morning or something?” She asks looking between the two of us. Knowing Anne she’s not going to drop it.
“Shawn and I broke up.” I look over to her unwavering.
“What?” She practically shouts.
“If you guys broke up, who did that number on your neck?” Anne asks. She really can’t take a hint.
“Let’s not get into it, yeah? Let’s just try and make it through today.”
No one says a word after that. Anne just starts working on my makeup. It’s all natural themed, thankfully. Once Anne is done she sends me over to get dressed where they’ve set up a booth of clothes.
They pick the first look, one for us on the beach. It’s a classic Calvin set that looks cute. I really hope they let me take this stuff home.
“Okay, down to the beach for you.”
“Thank you.”
I make my way down to where they’ve set up for the first round of pictures. I’m so thankful for the sun today, because without it the wind would’ve been unbearable. Shawn is wearing jeans with the Calvin logo pulled high so it’s visible.
“Y/n!” The director greets.
“Hi.” I smile, not bothering to look at Shawn. I can feel his eyes scanning my body, surely he’s taking in the work that Harry did.
“Don’t you think that the hickies should be covered up?” Shawn asks the director, he has a smug attitude about him. My jaw almost drops, so much for us being mature today. All of that’s been thrown out the window.  “It’s not very classy.”
I roll my eyes at Shawn’s attempted ‘dig’ at me.
“Actually.” The director pauses to think for a few seconds, “I kind of like it, we’re trying to sell sex. Y/n, you’ve got that going for you right now.”
“Thanks, I guess.” I roll my eyes, I cross my arms over my chest. I’ve never been one for modesty necessarily, but his comment makes me feel dirty.  
They position us on the beach and we officially start the shoot. The day is more draining than I ever thought it could be. It wouldn’t be half as bad if it weren’t for Shawn. The poses were awkward and uncomfortable. Having his hands on me felt wrong now. We’ve hardly said two words to each other the rest of the day.
“That’s a wrap!” The director cheers, successfully capturing the last of the day.
“Thank god.” I mutter, snaking my way out of Shawn’s grip. I’m not quick enough though to not notice just how hurt Shawn looks. I find my stuff and text Harry letting him know that I’ve finished.
They pack up a bag of things for me to take home, thank god! A lot of this stuff was cute!
“Hello, love.” Harry makes an appearance.
“Hi!” I smile, my heart warming at the sight of him.
“How was your day?” He asks, watching my get dressed in my clothes so we can leave.
“Let’s talk about it in the car.” I roll my eyes.
“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good.”
Harry takes my bag for me, I say a quick goodbye to Anne and thank the people who had to deal with Shawn and I for the whole day.
“Hey, Y/n.” A voice calls from behind me. I turn to see Shawn, standing there, his phone in his hands.
“I’ll just go the car.” Harry pecks a kiss on my check and leaves to give Shawn and I some space.
“Are we ever going to be friends again?” He asks, focusing on the floor rather than me.
“I don’t know, Shawn. If today was any sign, we both still need more time.”
He nods agreeing, still barely looking up to see me.
“Today was hard.” He states.
“I know, things will get easier. At least I hope.” I smile.
“Yeah, me too.” He smiles, finally looking up, “I mean, we were friends before anything else.”
“Have a good night, Shawn.” I start to back away and walk towards Harry’s car.
“You too, Y/n.”
give me feedback y’all!!!!
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youremyonlyhope · 3 years
Starship Rewatch
10 years ago today (well, yesterday since I’m posting it a day later), 15 year old Hope curled up on her couch to watch a new StarKid show called Starship right as it dropped. This was the first time I got to watch a show when it was posted since I didn’t become a StarKid fan until a months earlier. I was so excited.
And now, I’m rewatching Starship for the first time in full in at least 5 years I think. I listened to the soundtrack twice earlier today, singing along at my desk at work (thank god no one else was here tonight to judge me). I still know so many of the lyrics. And so many little jokes and stuff were flooding back. Starship was my favorite StarKid show for a long time, so I’m so excited to watch this again to see if it’s still my fave.
This post ended up being really long, so you’ve been warned. But it also includes pictures of the crocheted Roach and Bugette plushies that I made as a teen.
OH. THE OLD LOGO. AHHH. I already have so many feels. The future is now! I can’t handle this. The nostalgia! The Galactic League of Extraterrestrial Exploration. My facebook account to this day says I am a Starship Ranger at the G.L.E.E. because I’ve never bothered to change it. Also, shoutout to anyone from the StarKidPotter FB and EFST days if you’re reading this. AHHH IT’S CHRIS AND ERIC. Ok I might have to pause 20 thousand times during this Starship Ranger ad to acknowledge all the StarKid cameos. Tyler! “We come to conquer... in peace!” Tyler I love you. Brian and Richard! I forgot they painted Richard BLUE. Britney and Ariel! Nicholas Joseph Stauss-Matathia! I see that StarKid’s website has shortened his name to just Nicholas Strauss but remember the days when we’d purposefully say his full name? Anyway, I literally just screamed “NICK” when I saw him because he was always one of my faves. The Old Snatch was and still is iconic. Devin and Lily! The Wizard God himself, AJ Holmes. God... remember those AJ Holmes appreciation days where we’d make Chuck Norris-like memes about AJ? So much is rushing back from the depths of my mind oh my god... It’s been so long yet it feels like yesterday... “Someone really *static* F- *static* -ucked up big time” Love it.
2 minutes and 22 seconds in. I’ve written so much. I had to pause before Joey started singing to take a moment. I love this show so much. I love these goofballs so much. And they’re all so young. Most of them are younger than I am now. This is insane.
Ok I have to promise myself not to pause as much now. *Spoiler, I failed*
“I’ll fight off this gamma radiation if it’s the last thing I ever do!... We’re going down! This is the last thing I’ll ever do!” Oh my god. Look at baby Joey. He hasn’t even graduated from college yet. And that Bug puppet! Someone remind me to dig up the pictures of my crocheted plushies of Starship puppets since I made Roach and Bugette and gave them to the StarKids at SPACE and Apocalyptour. (I also did Rumbleroar, but the bugs were my own pattern I made so I was more proud) The camera is focused in on Bug instead of Joey’s face. I love it. So much. Brannnttttttt. My god. Am I gonna freak out over every single entrance? Roach pretending to die, he’s the best friend ever. “The needs of the many bugs outweigh the needs of the few bugs.” “Or the one bug, I know.” Oh man, when that line comes back... “Dirt eater” “Exoskeleton polisher” “I wanna build honeycombs” “The bug that ruins your picnic” “A fly on the wall!” That line came back to me earlier today and I died. Remembering that line was like 50% of the reason I listened to the soundtrack today.
Nick Lang! Julia! LAUREN LOPEZ. THERE SHE IS. Lovebugs, I can’t. *Sentimental music* “You could come over to my nest and I could... tear off your head and let my larva devour your body?” How did I forget that line? The way Lauren has to kick Bugette’s larva sack to walk. But the way that it also works so well with the character. I can’t. The Mosquito Brothers!! I forgot they show up so early. “This is our sister, Sweetheart” “...YO.” I CANNOT HANDLE JIM POVOLO. The “zzzz”s like buzzing as backing vocals instead of the usual “ahs” and “oohs.” The things you don’t appreciate until years later. Darren, you genius. That is such a good detail. For a second I couldn’t remember who the Overqueen is played by. 99% sure it’s Jim (It is). Also. Overqueen like ovary... and it looks like a giant vagina. That had to be pointed out to me later. “FLATTERY WILL GET YOU... everywhere.” Why did I forget that line too? “I’m a starship ranger” “Quiet you, you’re drunk” “No I’m drunk!” I remembered that line probably like... 2 minutes earlier when I noticed Joe huddling in the background and realized that line was coming up. The way Joey lets go of the puppet so both he and the puppet walk away with their arms limp... so cute.
Before even pressing play on part 3, I can hear February saying “Let the record show I am super ahead of schedule.” and I’m dying. I forgot about Brian as the escape pod. Denise Donovan! That Star Trek prop. I’m dumb so I can’t remember if it’s a communicator or what. But I know my Uhura Barbie had a mini one that I lost within a month probably. “OxyGen” “Schience” I can’t. “Mission Log... I think I just heard a spooky noise.” How am I forgetting all of these amazing lines? “Pika-pi!” AHHH I JUST SCREAMED. “My stars, I seemed to have landed in a field of these aMiNals!” I can’t. “Can I tell you guys something?” *port de bras and falls gently to the ground* “Hello!” “TOTORO!” I’m dead. The balloon mechanism on the mosquitos! I forgot about that! “HOLY SHIT IT’S A BUUUUGGGGG” Ok something I noticed but didn’t mention earlier. The bug puppet that Joe uses when he says “I had my heart set on nourishment” is the same one red and pink one that Julia used when talking about wanting to be nourishment. When Julia actually gets eaten, she’s using a different bug puppet, the green and pink one, but the same character voice. So, I can’t tell if they intentionally had her play 2 bugs so Joe could be one of them later, or if it was a mistake. I might also just be overthinking things. “ME THINKS IT WENT THAT-A-WAY” I cannot handle Jim Povolo. That scream Joe does as he slimes her. Woah I originally wrote “There seems to be no signs of intelligent lifeforms anywhere” earlier and then deleted it since I don’t know why I found it remarkable. And then looking at the comments of this part I see someone mentioned a Toy Story reference. So that’s why that line stuck out to me. Aww StarKid. There are so many Disney references in this show.
THERE SHE IS. THERE’S MY GIRL TAZ. The pew pew effects how could I forget that!  “Hey Taz. You’re pretty tough for a chick.” “I was just going to say the same thing about you.” “Woahhhhhhhh” JoMo oh my god. “My spectrometer readings are off the wazooooooo” That line kills me. Why am I JUST NOW noticing, 10 years later, that Tootsie enters this scene with his gun facing the wrong way. Oh my god. “I saw the empirical proof that science killed god. It’s comforting to know he was once alive though. I like to think that when he died, he went to heaven.” Oh Tootsie Noodles. “...What the hell kind of name is that?” “He’s got bear hands??” Why do I forget all of these lines??!? That record scratch and freeze frame to go “BOOOOOO” oh my god I forgot that. “Like the other day, he was in the cafeteria, just cah-rying in front of everybody.” BOOOOOOO. Here we go, Taz’s amazing Up monologue. “And when Up, cuts an onion, the ONION is the one who cry.” HELP. Also 99% sure I used that joke for AJ appreciation at least one year. “Now take a walk off my knife” What a line. So awesome. I remember having a profile pic on FB that was the text of that monologue and the image of Lauren screaming “WALK IT OFF” I’m still convinced that first “WOO” from the audience that we hear when Up enters is Darren. “I do not peepee sitting down” “Huh??” JoMo’s face as if he’s trying his hardest not to laugh and I can’t tell if that’s him breaking character or if Krayonder is actually trying not to laugh. “I peepee like big boy, deadgoddamnit. So stop making fun of me because it hurts my feelings” I’m dying. Also, deadgoddamnit is amazing. “if you don’t go out there and die for something, then I will kill you for nothing.” I remembered the mirror scene, just seconds before it started and already started laughing. “You’re not a failure, overall.” “Allow me to introduce you to the final member of your team. MegaGirl!” I forgot how DRAMATIC that was. I also forgot that’s how MegaGirl comes into the story.
I need to stop pausing every 5 seconds oh my god I’ll never finish this tonight if I don’t.
“All hail AstroBoy” That was the funniest line. “MegaGirl, can you kill humans?” “No. But I’d like to.” I can’t handle it. “A horse ate my cousin! Me and horses got a feud.” #1 MegaGirl doing the “I’m watching you” hand sign. I can’t. “Hey. Miráme. *Slaps* NOW ESCHUCHAME” amazing. “Or that time. You taught me calculus... CALCULUS WAS TOUGH.” I never went past pre-calc. Nope. Ah. Get Back Up. One of my fave songs. “And now we dance.” Dylan’s “OW” as they lean back. “Ok Idiotas. Say something nice. Or I will kill you.” It’s all so iconic.
“So you still think being an egg planter is lame?” “...Yes.”  The larva oh my god. I forgot we see one before the end. That’s Jaime playing the larva I think. Life is definitely one of my all-time favorite StarKid songs to this day. I wish it was longer. I love it so much. And I love that its instrumental is scattered as a motif throughout the show. “It’s a short, small thing we lead. With so much potential, pointless or essential, which one can I be?” Wow. Near Pippin levels of giving me an existential crisis. Also wow Joey improved his singing so much between AVPS and Starship. “My name’s Bug” “*Gasp!* Like a bug??” “Uh... no.” “Good. I’m February, like the month, but a person.” I should start saying that honestly. “I’m Hope, like the concept, but a person.” “You boldly go where every man -hey- woman -bark woof- or data dog has ever gone before! Sorry K9DX” Adorable. Joey’s subtle little double nod he makes the Bug puppet do when he’s shocked she thinks he’s a Starship Ranger. Amazing. Ah he said goddamn not deadgoddamn! February should have known right then he wasn’t human! “Take my claw” that too. "The only thing that needs to rest are your jokes, because they are so tired.” “Woahhhhhh” No but like... why don’t I use that line in everyday life... “Now I am slightly less weak.” “Ok. I’m going to shoot this metal bitch!” I’m dying. How did I forget the Taz/MegaGirl rivalry?? “That thing is a R-O-B-O-T man” “Can’t fool me with numbers, Krayonder.” I’m dead. “The stack of hay was my cousin!” #2 The way Meredith says “barometric pressure” is great. And Tootsie saying “Well you must take real good care of it, because I never would have guessed.” He’s such a sweetheart. “Nobody shoot dammit, nobody shoot.” “KILL KILL KILL” I never really liked Hideous Creatures but it’s so cute to see MegaGirl do the choreo robotically. I love that the Gap hasn’t changed. “Cool it skank, you do not know me.” Another line that I forgot until a split second before it was said. I’m so glad whoever edited this added some pews going in the wrong way for Tootsie’s gun. I know I definitely noticed Tootsie’s gun was backwards during this part, but I don’t know if I noticed it was backwards in that very first scene too. I forgot about MegaGirl tossing out Specs. That “MEGAGIRL!!!” scream from Joe though.
“Never in my 6 long days of life.” Underappreciated joke. Also, I think this is the 4th unique upright bug puppet. We got red/pink, green/blue, green/pink, and now red/blue. Also, Nick Lang is a great puppeteer. “Yes, I helped her escape. But I swear, never in a million years, did I think I’d be caught and yelled at for it!”  Oh I forgot Bugette is the witness. Jaime’s angry face behind Joey is killing me. “He didn’t know the humans were evil.” “Oh, they’re not.” “Shut up!” Humoons and hoomans. “And no more singing or dancing” *gasps of horror* “The Overqueen has overspoken.” “Well, that’s not gonna help your chances with Bugette” Oh Roach. “PERHAPS.” Jim destroys me.
God the 4-person Pincer puppet. Amazing. Dylan’s arms being strong enough to be above his head for 10 minutes straight. Amazing. Also, Nick Lang is so emotive as a claw. It took me a sec but yeah JoMo is the tail. “There were? Where are they?” Joey’s face. “Tell me all about her” The claws under the chin I can’t. Hey StarKid, I see you throwing in an ad mid-video before Kick It Up a Notch. You’re lucky I love and support you guys. “Put ‘em together and what have you got?” bibbity boppity boo. More Disney references! This scene is full of them. Man, remember when we were all blown away by Dylan’s voice in this song the first time? Like we could tell he could sing in AVPM/S, but his songs were just so jokey and only his long “Welcooooooooooome” showed us his talent. But then Kick It Up a Notch happened. And we FINALLY appreciated Dylan’s beautiful voice. “I pushed it to the limit.” and “To coin a phrase, be a man.” more Disney. I might be overthinking this and will have to rewatch Life to confirm, but I think the camera zooming out as Pincer reprises Life is just like the camerawork when Bug sang it originally. If so, then wow even when filming their shows StarKid really thinks it all through. (Update: It totally is referencing the original zooms for Life and that’s amazing. Except it’s zooming out instead of in. I LOVE the attention to detail even in filming the show. I’m gonna guess that’s Liam’s doing.) All I can see when I hear Bug’s chorus of this song is Jaime and her SPACE tour dancing, which they incorporated in Apocalyptour as actual choreography. Because they’re goofballs. The kick line. Love it. God. Even though it’s not my favorite song from Starship (just because I love Life and Beauty more), Kick It Up A Notch is one of the best StarKid has ever done. I really has everything. Dylan’s gorgeous voice. Not one but two reprises of earlier songs to throw Bug’s own words back at him. Jim’s bass line. Awesome puppets. Disney references. It’s so amazing. I love how all the comments are either about Dylan’s voice or Dylan’s ability to hold his arms up for a 10+ minute scene or both.
"Gameover man, gameover!” “I feel like cutting open your belly, and filling it with jelly” *Gasps* Oh my god, I put on the captions for a second, and  the caption said *Sad spayed puppy noises* “I am in charge of this mission now.” How did I forget about the mustache until 2 seconds before it happened? “She’s got the mustache now. *Kisses head* I love you” Oh my god Tootsie. I FORGOT ABOUT THE SECOND STACHE. There’s an ad right when we see Bug’s human form and I can’t even care because look at him! Ahhh. And the blue headband! Ahhhhh. Joey you’re so adorableeeee. “Bug? Well that’s a fine name.” His concerned face then the relief. Adorable. “Thank you sir. I am a tough bitch.” “Getting nothing but bug muff?!?” I love the slight delay the audience has before laughing as they realize what was just said. “Bug. You hard, ese. You flame.” I die. “Up there. In Space!” *dramatic pointing* No I totally didn’t just do the dramatic pointing with them... no that’s not in my muscle memory from 10 years ago... why would you think that. I’ll rave about Status Quo after it’s done. “But, what if I miss you?” Awwwwwwwww. And that “Just look up.” screenshot was used for “This.” memes in the fandom for years.
Oh Joey. Status Quo is such a good song too. And he really did improve as a singer to sing it. Earlier this week I remembered that this week is also the 10th anniversary of that time Darren was hopping from city to city every single day to promote the Warblers album. And at one point in that week he did a livestream that I remember rushing home to watch. In that livestream, I am 99% sure he sang Status Quo as a little sneak preview for Starship being released later that week. (Just checked, yep he sang it in a livestream on April 20 2011) God I love this song. Then the version the boys all sang for SPACE Tour was beyond beautiful too. Ahhh I love this musical.
Ok. It’s almost midnight. I started this 3 hours ago. I’m probably not finishing the show until 2am at the rate that I’m pausing and stopping to comment. But OH WELL.
“Dr. Spaceclaw” wow. “Leaving them behind was of little consequence, but a pleasure.” Oh Megagirl. “You did a very good job today too, son.” “*Gasp* Thanks dad.” That Star Wars fake-out though. Speaking of Star Wars, I really need to rewatch Ani now that I’m actively a Star Wars fan unlike last time when I still wasn’t invested in the movies I just watched them. How did I forget about Jaime playing Junior’s new mom?? ...Does Junior get an alien incubating in his chest... is that foreshadowing... I can’t remember. (This was like... half a foreshadow) This scene is funnier now that Breredith is married. The way Junior says “Phew” I’m dead. I remembered how they restrain MegaGirl once again 2 seconds before it happened oh my god. “We deserve bubbles on our skin.” An iconic line. “Well thank the long dead god you made it, Bug!”  The crunching of the handshake, I can’t. Oh someone in the comments pointed out that Bug and February are doing the Tarzan hand thing while Up’s asking Taz to see a movie. Adorable.
Get yourself a man like Tootsie who won’t stand for you talking down about yourself. “Maybe this was all part of God’s plan. He made before he died.” I love the dead god jokes. I remember years ago some kid on facebook was like “The dead god jokes are offensive” and I was like “It’s a sci-fi musical about a bug in a human body but sure worry about god being dead.” but probably in an even more immature answer. I’m just mesmerized by Tootsie and MegaGirl’s verses. God. The first Dylan and Meredith duet. Amazing. And MegaGirl’s confused face is great. “Don’t press that button, or we’ll all be sucked into space.” So... Can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is? Oh shoot... ok wait no I’ll comment on that when we get there. God that is such a cute love song. I wrote barely anything just because I love that song so much. Would love to know where Tootsie’s taking her though.
Oh my god this scene! I forgot about this. How could I forget this. “Well the world always looks a little bit brighter, from on top of a lap.” I had remembered Bug sitting on Up’s lap, but not Specs. This is the part I forgot. Adorable. Ahhhh so cute. The Specs/Krayonder relationship was apparently cut from the filmed version, but was present if you saw it live. These moments are adorable. And I love how this is the second person JoMo’s had to carry in this show since he also carried Denise earlier. “Why if it isn’t Bug, my oldest friend.” and “Don’t say that, my dear.” are adorable. Oh wait. Up sat on Bug’s lap. Not the other way around. Ok. I didn’t remember this scene as well as I thought I did. I’m dying. I didn’t want to write anything during this, but oh my god “That son of a bitch Optimus Prime” I forgot that. I love the audience’s reaction to “The entire right side of my body, it’s a robot” because they all gasp, and then laugh at themselves for gasping. I knew there was something he couldn’t do without crying. I didn’t remember it being “Sir I Wanna Buy These Shoes” Christmas Song. It’s ok Up, I haven’t listened to that song in full in years. I can’t handle it. But Christmas songs in general make me cry too. Oh Up said goddamn instead of deadgoddamn too. Hmm... Aww the mother spider story. “I think the old you was just killing out of hate.” “Oh I was.” I’m dying. Awwww the nose kiss. I definitely remembered that. “Deadgodspeed soldier!” The way Joey misses catching the keys and also Darren’s “Woo!” in the audience again. So great. That 12 minute scene is just adorable and the Up story is so dramatic and hilarious.
Hmm finishing before 2am might be ambitious... “Hahaha. Then I’ll shoot him!” “Taking care of my business down on the planet is that cool with you?” Brian’s delivery of that line has always intrigued me. “How much I care about my MegaGirl unit’s survival is also a percent equivalent to zero” Rude. “You are nothing like my boyfriend, Tootsie Noodles.” “Yes, well - wait WHAAA” This scene is so different now that they’re married. “Ha. Ha. It was cute.” “You’re... a toaster.” *Slaps* Ok 1) I used to use that insult all the time and only half ironically. I was a strange teenager. 2) She just hurt a human... isn’t that against programming, or can she just not kill humans? Evil angry Brolden is something we need more of. I love Brian as a villain. More please. “You stupid goddamn robot” So I guess they say goddamn and deadgoddamnit. I’m overthinking the evolution of language in this universe. Also Brian’s screams while being choked are amazing. I’ve never forgotten those, if anything they’re better now.
AHHHH I REFRESHED AND DELETED ALL OF MY STUFF FOR BEAUTY. Kill me. I’m so mad. Let me try to recreate it but I hate myself. I was saving this draft after every part but OF COURSE I don’t save after my favorite song and then refresh.
Oh poor Meredith. Her white wig doesn’t let her blend in as much when she’s in the hoodies playing a bug. “Oh hey Bugette, we’re just trying to get Bug laid!” That bug had to know about Bugette’s crush though? That’s just cruel. “The ending is killer” ruuuuuuddddddddddeee. I know I had at least one more point, but that’s lost to the ether. Beauty is probably my fave, if not tied with Life. When I was listening to it earlier, I was overcome with emotion because it’s just such a joyful song. These days I cry over happy stuff almost as much as I cry over the sad. And these lines just hit so hard... I love it. I love this song so much and this scene so much. “Bug. She excreted her filth for you. WE DID IT!!!!!!!!” Brant Cox is so good. It really is a shame he’s not in anything else besides AVPSY and the 10th Anniversary with everyone else. “I do accept you for who you really are. A genius.” Well February, you’ll be glad to know that you thought of that, so you’re the genius. Wow. Junior’s 25, Brian was 25, and now I’m 25. This really was perfect timing for the 10th anniversary. Also I do not feel 25. “Suck off!” amazing.
Ok next part. Luckily I was only 1 minute into the next part when I refreshed. Still so mad at myself... “Someone really firetrucked up big time” (Dead)God I love that line. I also used firetruck unironically. Once again, I was a strange teenager and I didn’t like cursing and I still don’t. “This is so weird, I’m so used to the scrambly version.” (It was while writing this line the first time that I refreshed and lost Beauty....) Ok as I watch AJ, it’s hitting me that he almost definitely came to the set during rehearsals and filmed his part since it’s not a green screen like the rest of them. “The hunters have become the hunted, and it’s wabbit season.” “That was a good video, until the end when it got sad.” Thanks Bug. “I think, I just had a think” See February’s smart. “I’m in a weird situation” Love that line. “Bug is a BUG!? I DON’T BELIEVE IT” Oh Junior. Dylan’s insulted face at “I am not... a dumbass.”  So I can’t tell if Brian forgets he’s trapped when he moves his arms into a more relaxed position to lean on the column and then puts them back, or if it’s purposefully staged that way. Brian’s acting while he pretends to be shy and embarrassed about his evil plan is amazing and adorable. Brian has a good evil laugh, why don’t we get him as a villain more often? Also I was gonna make some sort of joke about Nick as Pincer’s left claw vs. Robert as Snarl’s left paw, but I’ll leave it be.
I FORGOT ABOUT THAT WEIGHT TAZ WAS LIFTING JUST FLOATING UP TO THE SKY WHEN SHE LETS GO. I just laughed out loud. “Damn that G.L.E.E. They’re always making twisted abominations of everything!!” I cannot handle it. And the wink. Poor Darren but also not poor Darren at all. I was just now WRACKING my mind for who could possibly be playing Pincer’s tail if JoMo was being devoured by mosquitos. It’s Brant. Literally the entire cast is currently onstage. Ok Krayonder’s been getting his blood drained for 3 minutes, why is he alive? OH I FORGOT KRAYONDER GETS UP AND SHOOTS THE BUGS. Ok and he gets chopped by Pincer’s claws too so HOW does he survive? StarKid answer!!! I forgot how dramatic this musical gets when you got both the bugs and MegaGirl coming after the humans. Aww the Vulcan salute from Specs. “I changed my name. To Tootsie... MegaGirl.” I love the reactions of the people in the audience who immediately realize what that means. I hear at least one “oh my god” that sounds like sobbing. Awwwww Tootsie’s “that’s real” speech and “I’d love you if you was the horse that ate my cousin.” (#3) just... get yourself a man like Tootsie MegaGirl. He is perfection. God the downloading love scene is so cute. I can’t handle it.
The Up saving Taz scene is so dramatic. Then Brian and Jim just calmly walk offstage. It kills me. Also why did Jaime just continue to lie there? “I just needed to learn how to kill with my heart.” Not exactly what Bug meant, but it works. God Taz climbing onto Up’s back is still the most hilarious thing ever. Whoever thought of her climbing that way was a genius. So funny. I always wanted to try it. Holding the gun up to her head like a blowdryer always gave me anxiety. Making the door out of a scrim that can be backlit was genius. Oof and bringing back “The needs of the many bugs outweigh the needs of the few bugs. Or the one bug.” just hurts. Poor Bug. My heart. This is probably the line that sticks with me to this day and I do think about sometimes.
Ok it’s now 2am and I still have 2 more parts.
I sorta love that Joey didn’t have the time to change into his blacks so he’s still in the Starship Ranger suit while playing the Bug puppet. “Save the Overqueen. I love her.” Awww. “Roach, I’m gonna get the job done if it’s the second last thing I do.” Love it. That Kick It Up A Notch Reprise though. Brian, you should play villains more often. Also remember all of us being like “LUPIN CAN SING?!?!?!??!!” “Lucky for me, God is dead. When you see him in hell, tell him Junior sent you.” Deadgod I love that line. This whole deadgod thing was just leading up to that amazing line. Oh no Bugette! Bug saying “maestro” oh my god. “DFSDSJFDSJKFDS... I’m dead.” I forgot that part! Oh my god the way Brian flicks the glasses back down on his face. Ok so I saw Lauren wiggle her way behind the mucus sac, but I didn’t see Nick come onstage. I rewinded, and I guess the zoom in shots on Brian and Joey were timed so we can’t see Nick join Lauren to be the first larva to come out. Oh well. And I love the crowd cheering as Junior dies. “And bingo was his name-o” That callback though. I forgot that the Overqueen eats Bugette’s body while crying. “Or Bugette! Oh...” Also god Roach is adorable.
Last part. 2:21am. Here we go. Krayonder got his blood sucked out by giant mosquitos and was cut up by a giant scorpion, but all he needs is a bandage around his head. Awwww the soft “I Wanna Be” playing the background as Bug begs the team to accept his bug form. Bug being so mad “It’s that bastard Pincer isn’t it?” and then being so happy that Joey does the little nose scrunch thing. So cute. JOEY’S FACE WHEN DENISE KISSES THE BUG PUPPET. Cannot believe I forgot that until 2 seconds before it happened too. “I now pronounce you man vs. machine. Fight!” WOAH. Why in the WORLD did “eep op ork ahah” come back to me. I was able to say it WITH Joey. That was straight from the DEPTHS of my teenage brain oh my god. I forgot about that oh my GOD. THAT’S INSANE. I FORGOT SO MUCH STUFF BUT I REMEMBERED HOW TO SAY “I LOVE YOU” IN BUG.
And the Beauty reprise.
God I love this musical. It’s still my fave StarKid show I think. And I’m horrified to see that it has only 500K views for the last part, so only 500K people have watched it all the way through after 10 years. That’s disgraceful. It’s amazing. Watch Starship.
It is 2:32am. I started at 8:50pm. Got sidetracked when I had to rewatch the Beauty part of Act 2 again to make sure I got my notes back in the post. Took a few bathroom breaks. But this is mostly because I paused every like 10 seconds to make a comment, so it took 5 and a half hours to watch a 3 hour musical. This why I take forever to watch things while liveblogging. I take too long to writing notes.
I’ll probably just post this in the morning. Gotta proofread for mistakes before posting.
Ok it’s the next afternoon. This post is literally 5,000+ words and takes 20 minutes to read according to a online word counter. I’m sorry to whoever read this entire thing. Your reward is the pictures of the Starship plushies I crocheted when I was 15 and 16.
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(Ignore the bad lighting and my horribly chipped paint. That’s the only picture I have of the Bugette one since I gave it to Lauren Lopez a day later. I started making another for myself shortly after but never finished. Maybe I should finally finish the second one... hmm...)
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issabangtanfic · 4 years
[Jungkook] The Windmill House (Chapter 6)
Synopsis: When for once rich doesn’t rhyme with Christian Grey.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
A/N: Feel free to submit a cover! Tell me what you think in my inbox! Enjoy!
I jolt awake after a loud thud, yanking my face off of my pillow. I look around, my vision blurry and dark at first. My door has been slammed open, a familiar ball of energy beaming at me.
“Tadayimaaaaaaa!” She sings. She walks in, but what I her stomping, the sound so loud in my head it feels like she’s wearing boots made of concrete. Groaning, I let my head plop down before she drops her full weight on me.
“Hi, babes!” She squeals, wrapping herself around me, crushing me under her body. Oh god, my head.
“Sidney, please.” I groan, blocking my ears. I hear Juno’s paws scraping the floor and soon enough she’s barging in, barking at me and jumping onto my bed.
“What do you mean 'Sidney, please'? We’re back!” My roommate says, slipping off of me only to start shaking me generically. I’m going to throw up. Juno pokes me with her nose, trying to find a way to lick my face hello.
“My head.” I mutter, flipping onto my back painfully. Juno barks again, and her wet tongue s all over my eyes.
“Juno, stop.” I mutter, grabbing her head and lifting my chin, trying to keep my face out of her reach. Our Labrador is way too excited to see me.
“Juno, lay down.” I hear Sidney order, and the frantic licking a fidgeting stops. At least she’s well-trained. When I open my eyes, Juno is lying next to me, tail wagging happily, tongue hanging out. Such a good girl. I give her a head scratch.
“I thought you’d be happier than that.” Sidney says, pouting at me. My babe is all tanned.
“I’m kind of hungover, and I had a rough week.” I reply, my voice straining. I open my arms for her.
“Gimme a hug.” I invite. She lays down next to me, hugging me and resting her head on my chest.
“I just can’t deal with the screaming.” I murmur. Juno barks and licks a long stripe across my face. Ew.
“Juno!” I scold. She resumes panting, and Sid giggles.
“She can’t help herself.” She says.
“How was France?” I ask her.
“Merveileux!” She exclaims. “Especially the men.”
“Did you practice your French kissing?”  I joke.
“Mais oui oui oui!” She sings. I gasp.
“Did you? You bitch!” I utter. She told me she hadn’t done anything like that! And I believed her! She props herself up on one arm, looking down at me with a face-splitting smile.
“I know, get your arse out of bed I’ve got to tell you all about it.” She encourages. I don’t like that idea.
“10 more minutes.” I beg, hugging my other pillow. Sidney sighs and slips out of my bed.
“You have to tell me why you’re so tired.” She mutters. I close my eyes.
“Alright, I’ll come back in an hour. Should I make some tea?” She says once she’s at my door.
“That would be lovely, thanks.” I reply. I love that girl.
“Juno, come on!” I hear her call, and feel Juno jump out of my bed. Sidney closes the door of my bedroom and lets me sleep some more. 
By 10 am I am still tired but figure out I really have to get out of bed at least. I drag myself out of my comfy covers and go brush my teeth and freshen up. Once I’m fully awake, I take some time to quickly call my mom. I haven’t talked to her on the phone for a while, and I’m supposed to call her every night but haven’t been able to with the insane week I just had. After that, I right an e-mail to Fred, detailing my encounters with Mr. Jeon and asking to pull out of the projects.
I meet Juno in the living room, and she jumps me again, knowing very well this morning’s reunion wasn’t a real one. It’s not a real one until I’ve given my baby girl tons of kisses.
“Hi, Juno!” I squeal, giving her good scratchies behind her ears. I kiss her forehead and she tries to lick my face.
“Hi baby girl. Hi.” I coo, letting her put her paws on my shoulders and hugging her tightly.  She wags her tail happily.
“I missed you too.” I tell her. Oh, my big baby. She’s always so sweet and loving.
“There’s your tea.” Sidney says, coming out of the kitchen with a cup I her hands. Dog cuddles and tea? See, Sidney’s return is definitely making things better. I need her so much.
“Thank you so much.” I gush, taking the cup from her hands. I follow her to the living room and we both sit down on the couch.
“Juno.” I call, patting the spot behind me. She jumps up on the couch and lays next to me.
“So, how was France? You met someone?” I ask, and She starts telling me all about her two-week long adventure in France.
“So, yeah. That’s the tea on France.” She says in conclusion. Wow, I wish I was as daring and spontaneous as her. She really did some crazy stuff back there, and she was by herself. I’m always scared she’ll end up in dangerous situations, but she always comes back from her adventures with a big smile and tons of stories.
“Now I need to hear about your new guy.” She purses her lips as a sign of anticipation. I frown.
“My new guy?”
“The one who sent you all these flowers.” She says, throwing a glance at the two flower bouquets on the kitchen counter. Have I not thrown these away?
“Oh, no.” I roll my eyes.
“Who is he?” She asks.
“A client.” I sigh. “Before you ask, yes he is cute. Hot even. Smokin’ hot.” I add quickly, watching her eyes light up like Christmas.
“He’s most definitely a 10. But he’s a boor.” I inform her. Her shoulders sag and she pouts.
“Is he?”
“The flowers that you see are for the times he had to apologies to me.” I explain, and she frowns at me.
“What did he do?”
“He made advances to me.”
Her eyebrows meet her hairline. She glances at the flowers again.
“And you said no?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Why?” She utters, looking horrified.
“Because he knows he’s hot. He’s arrogant, full of himself, and decided we had to have sex because he could tell I find him hot.” I explain to him.
“Ooooooh.” She says in realization, almost going cross-eyed. “I see.”
“At first I didn’t do anything about it because I had to have that contract if I wanted to keep my job. But after yesterday…” I add, peaking her interest. She goes serious.
“What happened?” She asks me. I tell her everything about my encounters with this man, from him making me cry on our first meeting, to him forcefully driving me home, and to his brother assaulting me sexually. By the time I’m done she’s on her knees, one hand on her heart, her jaw almost touching couch.
“Jesus Christ, Maya. That is so messed up.” She breathes, her facial expression one of pure shock.
“I know.” I say, leaning onto her, circling my arms around her waist and resting my head on her thighs. She starts stroking my hair.
“I needed those contracts but I’m sure Fred will back me up if I decide to drop him.”  I tell her, twisting so I’m looking up at her face.
“Well,” She punches the palm of her own hand. “You tell me if we need to beat up anybody. I still have that cricket bat.” She declares. I chuckle.
“Nah. He’s already old news.” I reassure her, leaning onto her and laying my head on her lap.
“Should we go for drinks tonight? It’s Ben’s birthday, remember?” She proposes. Ben is her younger brother, also a childhood friend. He’s turning 23.
“Yes, I was going to propose Zaap.” I retort.
“Olala, how fancy of you.” She hits me with her French accent again. I chuckle.
“Well, it’s a special occasion.” I shrug.
“Alright.” She says, slipping from under me and rising from the couch, letting my head hit the couch.  This is just as comfy.
"I’m taking him for lunch, you wanna come with?” She invites. I snuggle Juno. She’s such a good pillow.
“I won’t be operational before 3.” I mumble, already falling back asleep.
“Okay, fine. You walk Juno, then.” I hear her call from the stairs. I really don’t feel like it, but I don’t want to lay around all day. Another quick nap and Juno will motivate me to get going.
I jolt awake from a dream of a nightmare after what feels like hours. After taking time to wake up and prepare myself a light sack, I throw on some gym clothes and decide to go on a run. That’ll not only make up for my lack of movement throughout the day, but it’ll be a great opportunity to clear my mind. Next Monday will be a fresh start. New clients, new projects, same old Maya.
I receive a call on my way out, and realize it’s Fred when I see the caller’s ID. A sudden fear grips my heart. I have been confident Fred is going to be on my side, but in a small, unused part of my brain a voice echoes, asking ‘but what if he’s not?’. I muster up the courage and take his call.
“I thought you said no work on weekends.” I joke as a greeting.
“I lie. I’m always checking my mails; I just don’t reply.” he retorts dryly. Is he mad? “Did Mr. Jeon seriously do all that?”
“Yes, he did. I can’t work with him anymore.” I reply, trying to sound as composed as I can.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” He says, almost reproachfully.
“Well, we need this contract.” I murmur.
“No, we don’t. And even if we did, you have the right to stop anytime if you fear for your safety.” He retorts. Oh, I love my boss. He makes our company the ultimate safe place.
“It’s in the contracts we make them sign, flower.” He reminds me. Contract? I didn’t make Mr. Jeon sign anything. I didn’t even charge him for the consultations! Fred is going to kill me.
“I know.” I mutter.
“I know I can be harsh sometimes, but I’ll always protect you guys.” He says more softly.
“I know, Fred.”
“I don’t want to scold you. I just feel bad you had to go through this. I’ll talk to that sleazy Mr. Jeon. Consider yourself free of any obligation.” He promises, lifting this heavy weight off of my shoulders.
“Thank you so much, Freddy.” I beam at my phone.
“Don’t call me that.” He snaps. “Try to rest now, Maya. I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Cheers!” I exclaim, and Sidney, Ben and I raise our glasses and cling them together. Before going to Zaap, Ben came over for dinner, so we’ve been drinking since then. Sidney and Ben are starting to have the Asian glow, so I decide to start taking pictures before they pass the point of no return.
The Zaap is packed tonight, even for a Saturday night. Thank god, we booked our own table.
“Happy birthday Ben!” Sidney yells in her brother’s ear.
“Happy birthday, baby boy!” I add, wrapping my arms around his neck. Sidney and I sandwich him between us, each of us giving him a loud smooch on one kiss.
“Guys, for god’s sake.” He moans, but he’s smiling. “Enough.”
You would think it’s weird for a 23 year-old to spend his birthday with his sister and her best friend, but Ben moved to London for class three weeks ago, so he doesn’t really have any friends in the city. I’ve known him for two decades now, so this basically a family party.
We chat all night long, unable to hit the dancefloor given how packed it is. Then we get to the gifts, and has his big sisters, you best believe we spoiled our boy. He sees his new phone and his two new watches, and it’s his turn to give us loud smooches.
After several Cosmos, I head to the bathroom for a quick emptying. After pushing my way through the compact crowd, I finally reach the loo, guarded by a security guy.
As I walk in, I nearly bump into the person stumbling out of the Men’s bathroom.
“Oops.” I say in surprise, looking up at him. Mr. Jeon lays his cloudy eyes on me.
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