#not wanting to make the time but pretending like they couldn’t possibly squeeze a few minutes of it into their day baffles me
mintmentos · 1 year
Winds me up how many people I work with, when I say I read on the train, respond with ‘i wish I had time to read’ like babe you do??? Most of these people have a commute on the train of at least half an hour you could read then you’re just choosing not to
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celestialglow24 · 6 months
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••• Even Still •••
Frank Castle x AFAB reader
Frank is upset with you when you put yourself in harms way
once again i was in my frank feels and got a little carried away with this one. enjoy xx
He cut you off before you could even finish saying his name. You bit your tongue hard as you watched him insert another stitch on your forearm.
The pounding in your head was relentless and you did your best to ignore the buzz emitting from the lights in the bathroom.
It felt as though it was right in your ears.
Your chest rose and fell slowly — each breath feeling like a knife was being jammed into your side. More than likely you had a few broken ribs.
It hurt to talk and smile but at least your split lip had finally stopped bleeding. The soreness around your eyes reminded you of the probable bruises that would be there to greet you tomorrow morning.
You hadn’t planned on getting hurt. You hadn’t really planned on any of the events of tonight.
But when the opportunity came up for you to go after the men who killed your brother, there was no way you could turn it down.
You didn’t think about the possible consequences.
You didn’t care.
All you could see was the vision of your brother’s mutilated body. All you could hear were the screams from your mother when the police had come to deliver the news.
So you sought your own justice— with help from a certain red vigilante that your boyfriend wasn’t particularly fond of.
The tension in the bathroom was palpable. You wanted so badly to say something sassy, but Frank was the one with a needle and thread in his hand.
While you knew he would never purposely inflict pain, you wouldn’t put it past him to fix you with a little more pressure and force than was probably necessary.
So instead you waited until he finished covering your stitched wound with a bandage and gauze.
You didn’t move from your seat as he started cleaning up the supplies and you refused to look at him. You kept your gaze off to the side, looking toward the bathroom window at the few cars that drove down the quiet midnight street.
“I don’t understand why you’re so angry? I thought you would understand more than anyone why I did what I did.”
It was a low blow and you regretted it as soon as the words left your mouth. It wasn’t fair to throw that in his face but it also wasn’t fair that you got the cold shoulder when you weren’t all that different.
You couldn’t comprehend why it was okay for him to consistently put himself in dangerous situations but god forbid you do it one time.
He didn’t respond. He just continued to clean. For some reason that irritated you more than if he would’ve bit back with something even lower.
“Frank.” you prodded, this time finally turning to look at him. Again he ignored you, shoving the first aid kit back under the bathroom sink.
“Is this really what we’re gonna do? You’re gonna pretend like i’m not he-”
He grabbed your chin and jutted it up toward him. It didn’t hurt you, just startled you more than anything.
“Why didn’t you ask me?”
His voice was low, and while he tried to keep up his usual tough, stoic demeanor, you detected a hint of hurt in his voice.
You weren’t sure what to make of it.
“Hm?” he squeezed your chin gently when you hadn’t responded.
You avoided his gaze now, uncomfortable with his searching eyes. He could always see right through you. No matter how much you tried to close him out, it never worked.
“Because I knew you would’ve said no.”
As the words left your mouth you could hear how dejected you sounded. You were tired and really didn’t want to get in a screaming match with Frank tonight. You were just happy to be home and alive.
“You’re damn right I would’ve.”, he quipped. “It was a stupid thing to do.”
You scoffed, finally pushing his hand off your chin and crossing your arms.
“I did what was necessary.”
“No, you got fucking lucky. I mean what the hell were you thinkin? You really thought you could take on a group of those guys by yourself and win? You were just a doe heading straight into a lion's den.” he said incredulously.
“That’s why I didn’t go by myself, Frank.” you rolled your eyes. “I’m stubborn, not naive.”
“Oh right. ‘Scuse me. You and Red. The dynamic fucking duo.”
He was definitely hurt. There was no denying that. From the outside you could understand how it looked. Turning to someone he couldn’t stand for help instead of coming to him.
You realize now he wasn’t asking why you didn’t ask for his permission.
He was wanting to know why you didn’t ask him to be the one to go with you. Why did you go to Matt Murdock of all people?
But if you had gone to Frank you know he would’ve stopped you. Those men would still be alive right now and on their way to hurt someone else. To destroy some other family. You couldn’t let that happen.
Matt tried to stop you too but you had a bit more leeway with getting him to go along with you than Frank.
You knew even if he objected to it, Matt would reluctantly follow alongside you.
Frank would’ve tied you to a chair and locked you in a room.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you by going to him for help but you said it yourself. There’s no way I could’ve done that on my own. I needed someone who could join me and handle a fight. Not someone who was just going to tell me what I could and couldn’t do like I was some incompetent child.”
Frank shook his head. “Yeah and i’ll deal with that motherfucker later. He’s an idiot for letting you put yourself in danger like that.”
“He wouldn’t have let anything happen to me.” you shot back.
All he could do was run his hands down his face before turning to look at you. “Do you hear yourself? He ain’t some magic shield that would’ve kept you from getting shot or stabbed. What if there had been more men? What if he had gotten hurt and you were left to try and fight off those scum bags by yourself?”
“I think i handled myself pretty well when he was occupied.”
You knew you were being difficult. You also knew Frank was right. It was a bad idea all around, but at the time it didn’t matter. You just wanted to hurt them.
Sure there was a part of you that felt invincible having someone like Matt with you, but as you got more clarity you realized how lucky you had been to get away with the injuries you had. It really could’ve gone a different way.
Still, you hated the way Frank was making you feel right now. Like a child being scolded by a parent. You know it’s cause he loves you and you scared him, but it doesn’t make it any easier right now.
You figured he’d be a little upset but you also thought he would be proud of you.
The look he was giving you right now showed you anything but that.
“So do you feel better?” he asked, following you as you limped out of the bathroom. “Huh? You get what you wanted out of it?”
“Frank.” you sighed.
“No I wanna know.”
He grabbed your arm and spun you around. He loosened his hold when he saw you grimace from the contact, god you ached like a bitch, but he still held his intense stare.
“Was it worth it?”
You knew he was trying to rile you up. Get some sort of angry response from you. He was pissed now and was ready to let you have it but you weren’t giving in that easily.
“I don’t feel anything right now.”
Which was the truth. Besides the obvious physical pain, you didn’t feel anything about tonight. There was a rush of adrenaline as you fought, as you punched and kicked and dumped the last body into the river.
But now? As the high wore off and reality was sinking in? You just felt empty.
“You think about anyone else before you did what you did? You think about me or your friends?” he nodded toward the dog bowl for Rocco, the pitbull that you shared. “You think about him, how he’d search all around the apartment and wonder why you never came home?”
You turned your back to him and headed toward the bedroom. You just wanted to get out of these uncomfortable clothes and you wanted this conversation to stop.
“Enough, Frank.”
He didn’t listen, he just kept going. God is this how he felt when you nagged him for coming home close to death after a mission gone wrong?
“What about your mom, huh?”
That made you pause.
“You ever stop to think how she’d feel having two dead children?”
Your stomach dropped and the blood in your veins suddenly felt ice cold.
“How dare you.” you asked angrily, spinning around to face him. It took all the strength you had not to slap him.
“You don’t understand sweetheart. I’ve been where you are. I did what you did and it doesn’t stop the pain. It’s there like a gaping wound that won’t fucking close except now you’ve got something else on your conscience.”
“You think I don’t know what’s going through your head right now? The rush is gone and you’re left feeling like ‘what now’? He ain’t gonna call you up. He ain’t gonna walk through that door.”
You move to sit on the bed now, not even bothering to fight the tears as they rolled down your face.
“It doesn’t end there. No, because now you just took 3 men’s lives. Men with families. Men with people who are gonna want to know what happened to them. Men who work for people that don’t take well to being threatened and they’re gonna want to find whoever did this.”
“They ain’t gonna care that you were getting revenge for your brother. It’ll take them all but 2 seconds to put a bullet in your head and drive away like it never fucking happened.”
You hated that Frank was right but you didn’t understand the self righteous talk. Why does he do what he does if this is how he feels about it?
“How is this any different than what you do huh?” you spat angrily. “You think I don’t sit here worried about you when you disappear at night? Come in looking like you’re knocking on death’s door?”
“You’re not me!” he shouted. “I’ve already made the mistakes I made and I deal with it. I never wanted you anywhere near that world because it’s not for people like you. I already accepted my fate a long time ago.”
Frank knew he was being hard on you but he just couldn’t help it. He was so angry that you put yourself in that situation and he was angry that as much as he tried to protect you, there was nothing he could do for you now.
You were still processing everything but because of the kind of person you are, he knows tomorrow you’re gonna wake up feeling the guilt wash over you like an unrelenting wave.
It wasn’t that Frank was only trying to keep you safe physically—that was part of it— but he wanted to protect you from the emotional trauma that comes with taking a life. He’d buried that part of himself a long time ago.
But you? You were too sweet for this life. He was worried that it would break you. He knows better than anyone that it’s not a piece of you that comes back. You’re changed forever.
Your lip trembled and suddenly the sob you had been holding in came rushing out. The tears stung like hell as they fell down your face and this would no doubt make your headache a million times worse, but there was nothing you could do.
“Shit, baby.” Frank cursed, rushing over to you. He pulled you up into his arms, kissing your head and rubbing your neck. “Just let it out, I got you.”
Your whole body shook as the grief consumed you.
“I’m so sorry Frank.” you cried. “I’m sorry. I just wanted them to feel what he felt. What I feel. It’s not fair. It’s not-” you couldn’t even finish the words. You sounded like a blubbering mess.
“I know sweetheart. I know.” he whispered, rubbing his hand up and down your back and lightly rocking you back and forth.
He wished he could take this away from you. It hurt to see you hurt.
“I’m sorry for the harsh things I said. I’m not the best with words.” Frank said, resting his forehead against yours.
You breathed together, slow and steady. You could feel yourself start to calm down, the edge of the panic attack starting to subside. You slumped against Frank’s chest as the energy had been zapped from you.
“I’m sorry too.” you replied, “I wasn’t exactly making it easy on you.”
“No, but that’s my girl.”
He brushed your hair behind your ear and tilted your chin up to look at him. For a moment neither one of you said anything and you couldn’t decipher the look on his face.
“You drive me so fucking crazy sometimes.” he said quietly, “Even still, I don’t think I could survive losing you too.”
It felt like a kick in the stomach to hear that. You really had been selfish. You didn’t think about anyone else in your life that would’ve been affected if something had gone wrong.
It made the tears come again and Frank pulled you into him. He tried to soothe you, telling you it was going to be okay. You were safe, nothing was going to harm you.
After a while he helped you get out of your clothes, changing you into one of his big t shirts. You really wanted to shower but at this point the exhaustion was overwhelming. You could barely stand up straight.
So the two of you laid in bed. You laid on his chest, the top of your head resting in the crook of his neck.
You played with the chain around his neck, twisting and twirling it around your fingers while he absentmindedly ran his hand up and down your back.
“Frank?” you asked quietly.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Those men, do you really think someone will come after me now? Or my mom? What if they try to hurt her-”
“Nobody’s gonna do a damn thing, sweetheart.”
You rest your chin on his chest, looking up at him with tired eyes, you honestly weren’t sure if they were even open all the way.
“But what if-”
“Don’t do that.” he shushed you. “I promise nobody is gonna touch you or your family. I’ll take care of it.”
You decided to drop it for now. It’s not that you didn’t trust Frank. You know without a doubt he would die before letting anyone hurt you or the people close to you.
But you still couldn’t shake this gnawing feeling that something bad was going to happen. You hated the thought of him having to fight a battle on your behalf. Especially one that wouldn’t have even happened if you had kept your emotions in check.
Still, you decided to believe Frank in the moment. Everything would be okay.
Besides, you never felt safer than you did in his arms.
As the breeze from the outside moved through the curtains and over your back, you finally agreed to let sleep overtake you.
You drifted off to sleep to the sound of his heart beating. You felt a light kiss planted on top of your head along with a string of mumbled words,
“No one’s gonna lay a finger on my girl.”
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iamnotoriginalphil · 11 months
Practice Makes Perfect (Larissa Weems x Reader)
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Synopsis: Larissa stumbles into something you didn't want her to.
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: none
You stared into the mirror, fingers clenching at your side. A deep breath in, slowly released through parted lips. Your gaze skittered away, searching out anything else in the room. Your bed, made in a hurry. The carpet under your bare feet, toes digging in. The armchair pushed to the side, worn leather old and comfortable. Your eyes alighted on each one but nothing could hold your attention.
Just the thought of doing what you planned on doing had your heart thumping in your chest hard enough to leave a bruise bleeding through your skin.
You turned your attention back to the mirror, dragging another long breath into your lungs. You could see, even when you were on your own, the nervous energy rolling off you.
“Okay,” you whispered, “okay.”
You pressed your hands together in front of your body, squeezing them until you could feel your pulse thumping in your fingertips. Another breath, another moment hovering.
“Larissa, I need to tell you something.”
You shook your head.
“No, far too ominous. Principal Weems, there’s something we need to discuss.”
Another shake of your head.
“Too formal. Ugh.”
You thrust your hands into your hair, fingers clenching until you felt the pull. You growled, wondering if it was time to give up. There was no point. It wasn’t as if you were ever actually say the words to her. It was all for your own benefit.
“Larissa, can we talk?”
You nodded.
You took another deep breath in.
“And if she says yes then I can keep going. Which would be…”
You met your own eyes in the mirror. Yeah, you definitely couldn’t ever say any of this in front of her. Larissa Weems deserved more than your fumbling confession. Especially if you couldn’t even say the words to yourself.
The truth was, you’d been smitten with the intimidating principal from the moment you’d set foot in the school. Her firm handshake and wide smile had enchanted you on your first day as a new member of staff. Her voice had been soft like butter and inviting like the summer night. You’d been enamoured ever since.
But, like so often in your life, you hadn’t said anything to her. Hadn’t made a move. Hadn’t tried to shoot your shot. You knew she deserved better than you.
Lately, though, you’d found her eyes turned in your direction more often than usual. The way her gaze lingered on you. The way her lips curled upwards whenever you said anything to her. It was giving you undue hope. It was stealing your breath and filling your head with all kinds of romantic fantasies. And rather less romantic fantasies.
So now you were pretending as if you were going to confess your feelings to her. Which you knew you wouldn’t. Not really.
“I know I’ve only been here for a few months but in that time I’ve come to realise something. Something important. Something I think you should know.”
You sighed. This was not going the way you intended. You were so bad at things like this.
“Larissa, I think you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Whenever I’m in your presence it’s all I can think about. You’re all I can think about. When I wake up you’re my first thought and when I go to bed you’re my last. I want you in every possible way. You have stolen my heart and my soul and they are yours. I am yours.”
You blinked at yourself in the mirror. Your head slowly fell forward, hands coming up to cover your eyes, palms pressing in until colours burst behind your eyelids.
“God, why do I have to be so dramatic? That’ll never work.”
“Really? I thought it was going rather well.”
Your head jerked up, stumbling back a step. Your door, previously unknown to you, had been cracked open, just enough for a passing person to hear you talking to yourself. Now, a tall figure stood in the doorway, backlit by the light from the hall. Horror filled your veins, eyes widening and breath stilling. Your heart missed a beat before going double time.
“Principal Weems,” you breathed.
She took a step into the room proper, hand splayed on the door, pushing it closed. She might have been on the other side of the room, but without the possibility of someone else walking in on the two of you, it felt as if she was so much closer. Her lips were pulled up at the corners as she looked at you, all the way across the room.
“I think you can call me Larissa after that confession,” she said, voice teasing.
“You weren’t meant to hear that,” you were quick to say.
“But it was so nicely said.”
You looked away from her, cheeks heating under her penetrating gaze. You couldn’t bear to look at her, not knowing she’d heard your words, the ones never meant for her. That just so happened to be about her.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed.” Her voice was delicate, as if worried you were about to break. You shook your head, not able to even begin to explain all the ways you had to be embarrassed.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “that wasn’t… it wasn’t for your ears.”
“Why not?”
You hadn’t noticed her approach until her finger was gently lifting your chin, forcing you to look at her. The expression on her face was one of guarded hope, and yet also so concerned. Her skin against yours was making your head spin.
“I didn’t…” was as far as you got to explaining your thought process.
“Were you rehearsing for a prank?” she asked, the shutters coming down on her face.
“What?” The idea made no sense to you, “no.”
“You wouldn’t be the first,” she said, “you can tell me. I won’t be upset.”
“Who would do that?” you asked, “that’s just cruel.”
“Yes, well, people can be unkind,” she replied, finally letting your chin go.
“It wasn’t anything to do with a prank,” you said, voice firm on that count. You didn’t like the way her body had stiffened, not quite looking at you, lips pressing together, “it wasn’t a prank.”
“Then what was it?” she demanded.
“It was…” Even when trying to assuage her fears, the words were getting stuck in your throat, “not important.”
Her gaze ran over your face, and perhaps she saw your hesitation written in your expression. She took a half step back, hands clasped in front of her body, putting distance between the two of you. Somehow, it didn’t stop your heart from feeling as if it was in your throat. Your fingers itched to reach out to touch her. You missed her warmth on your skin.
“It’s hard to pretend as if I didn’t hear your words,” she said.
“I’d prefer if you did,” you said, voice quiet, bowing your head.
“Darling, how can I when you were saying everything I’ve ever wanted to hear from your lips?”
Your head snapped up. The way she was looking at you stole your breath, so open and hopeful, but also as if steeling herself for you to laugh in her face. Words died on your tongue, stolen by her own confession. She straightened her spine, staring down at you, waiting for you to say or do something.
“You- what?” It was the best you could do.
“Surely you’ve begun to notice how enchanting I find you,” she said, softening just a touch.
You shook your head, slowly turning it into a nod. Of course you’d noticed the shift in the air. It’s what had prompted the whole stupid idea of confessing your own feelings. Her lips curled up into another smile again, self satisfied and a little bit cocky. She took that half step back towards you, finger under your chin guiding you face back up towards her.
“Now how about you tell me how you feel to me,” she suggested.
“But you’ve already heard it,” you said, anxiety beginning to bubble in your stomach again.
“I’d like to hear it again if you’re willing to say it,” she replied.
Her thumb brushed over your bottom lip and you whimpered, leaning towards her. Her eyes seemed to melt, turning molten before your very eyes as her gaze dipped down to your lips. They parted, practically begging her for a kiss.
“Please,” she whispered.
As it turned out, you weren’t able to say no to her.
“Larissa, I… from the moment I met you there was no one else. You were everything. Every dream I’d ever had, every fantasy, every… everything I had ever wanted. You’re still everything I want. When you smile at me, it’s like the sun coming out from behind the clouds after a thunderstorm. When you look at me, you steal my breath away. And when you touch me.” Your breath caught in your throat, “I’m electrified.”
“Oh, my darling,” was said with such reverence, such wonder. It made you glow under her gaze, taking her in, wanting to memorise every inch of her in that moment. She was resplendent, and the way she was looking at you made you think you could be too.
“Sorry, I’m being really over dramatic again, aren’t I?” You laughed but she didn’t.
“I rather enjoy the dramatics,” she replied.
“You do?” Your voice held too much hope, you knew that, but you couldn’t help it. If you weren’t careful you’d get used to her looking at you as if you were the most wonderful being in the universe.
“I like everything about you,” she said.
Her hand drifted up, cupping your cheek as she drew closer.
“Larissa,” you exhaled.
“Yes, my darling?” she murmured, breath ghosting over your face.
“Are you going to kiss me now?” you asked.
“I was considering it.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Please do.”
Maybe she couldn’t say no to you either. Her lips brushed against yours as if testing the waters first. You gasped, hands finding her waist, pulling her body against yours. You couldn’t help it, she was irresistible. Her own hands were grasping your face, tilting it up as she kissed you again, deeper, more intense, stealing all of your breath.
She pushed you back until your spine collided with the cold surface of the mirror you’d been practicing in. Pinned between the warmth of her body and the chill of the mirror, you felt as if you were melting, turning into a malleable puddle, barely a person anymore as her tongue found yours. She sighed into your mouth, fingers sliding into your hair.
Your hands slid up her spine, clutching at her dress when her teeth sunk into your lower lip. Your moan was muffled and her answering groan was a delight to your ears.
When she drew back you were panting for breath. Her lipstick was smudged and her eyes smouldering, a flush high on her cheekbones. Her thumb ran along your lower lip again, laughing when you nipped at it.
“I’d like to take you out for dinner,” she said, voice husky and breathless.
“I’d like that too,” you said and something relaxed in her face, as if she’d been holding her breath, “I’d really really like that.”
“How’s tomorrow night?” she asked.
“Perfect,” you said, too quickly to be cool.
She chuckled, pressing another lingering kiss to your lips. And once again you were melting against her, uncaring that your confession hadn’t gone the way you planned it. It had still been perfect.
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wekiamo · 1 year
r and amber’s first time with a lot of nervous laughs, blushing and sweet kisses? amber taking a bit of control bc she wants her gf to feel as safe as possible <3
like let’s pretend that ghostface doesn’t exist here and they’re just two teenagers in love
english isn’t my 1st language but i hope this makes sense 🫶🏻🫶🏻ty
first time with amber 🧡
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amber freeman x reader au smut
a/n: heyy! tysm for the request and dw english is not my first language too 😭 i hope you like itt
warnings: smut, fingering, p licking, praising.
“are you sure you want to do this?” amber asked you with such a sweet and calming tone you didn’t even think twice.
yes, you were nervous; you never imagined doing something like that. not with your crush you had for years - but still, you loved her and you couldn’t wait any longer to show her your love this way.
“y-yes, i am” you stuttered nervously, causing amber to giggle softly.
“no need to be nervous, ok? i’m here for you. tell me whenever you feel like you want me to stop”
you nodded and she started taking off your clothes. she started by taking off your pink shirt, not taking her eyes off of you. and god did she make you weak with her intense staring.
you giggled, looking back at her.
she approached you, connecting her lips to yours. it started as a passionate kiss, then switched to a hungry one.
you moaned into the kiss when she put your bra down and grabbed your breasts, squeezing it. she pulled away from your mouth to suck your breasts.
“oh god” you said due the unexpected move.
she kept sucking them, as she quickly glanced at you and removed your sweatpants. as she took your sweatpants off, she started rubbing your clothed sex with two fingers.
she looked up at you to see you blushing, staring the way her fingers went up and down through your panties. when you looked back and noticed her looking at you, you blushed even harder.
well, how couldn’t you? she always loved to stare at you, to admire you. you’re just so pretty and she’s proud to say you’re hers. hers and only hers. she took of your panties and started rubbing your sex again.
“amber, please” you pleaded as she giggled at you. she obeyed and put one finger inside you, thrusting slowly.
she was on top of you, looking both at you and your pussy.
“oh my god” you’ve touched yourself before, but it was never like this. you were moaning uncontrollably and she loved it.
“you’re gonna be okay. you’re doing well hun”
the way she did it was just better, and you couldn’t even explain why.
she quickened up her pace a lot, then thrusted another finger inside you.
you couldn’t help but moan her name repeatedly, and it was music to her ears. when you did so, she adjusted herself so she could start licking your cunt while thrusting her fingers inside of you.
“oh, oh, please don’t stop. please, amber” you rolled your eyes at the sight.
“yeah, you like that, honey?” she asked with a smirk, pulling away but still thrusting her fingers. then, she started sucking.
“hell yeah” you replied, but it came out as a nervous laugh, then started moaning again - and it turned amber on even more.
it kept going like this for a bit until you couldn’t hold it anymore.
you came hard on her fingers. she looked at them with lust, then licked your cum off her fingers.
“i love you” you told her then leaned in to kiss her.
“you did great baby. i love you too, [name]” she said as she laid back beside you and grabbed your hand, rubbing it softly. you loved when she did this and she knew it.
“thank god you’re mine” she said and you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment because you knew you were blushing.
“[name] don’t go shy on me now” she said laughing and then got up.
she took your hands off your face, making visual contact with you for a few seconds and grabbed your hands once again, kissing you passionately.
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thewulf · 1 year
Cowboy || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - I was managing a gala and the theme was diamond and denim- so old rich people pretending to be cowboys with gaudy bling. And they hired a line dance teacher, and when I tell you this man had such Jake Seresin vibes!!!
A/N: Stop I had such a good time writing this one!! Sorry it took almost a month to get out but I hope you enjoy!!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.5k +
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“You’ve gotta stop stressing Y/N. It looks beautiful in here. It’s going to go well.” Your longtime friend and new coworker Michelle grabbed your arm as you frantically looked around the venue for God knows what now.
You let out a breath, “I know. It just has to go well. My promotion is kind of riding on the success of tonight. We need to bag this client going forward.” You let your anxiety out in front of her. You needed to impress the bosses tonight. You knew if you did they’d finally make you a manager. A position you’d been vying for.
“Relax, you’ll be just fine. You know what you’re doing. They picked you to run the show for good reason.” She squeezed your arm before dropping it, “Call me if you need anything. Try and enjoy the party.”
You laughed, “Impossible. But thank you Michelle. Couldn’t do this without you.” You walked off outside helping the florists set up the garden tables where dinner would be served.
“Excuse me.” A thicker than normal southern accent brought your attention away from the table you were placing the final touches on.
When you turned you weren’t expecting that to be there right in front of you. Handsome was an understatement. The man before you was drop dead fucking gorgeous. Not a single thing wrong with him. Who knew you had such an affinity towards literal cowboys.
“Yeah?” You asked trying your hardest to play it as cool as possible.
“Could you tell me where the,” He paused looking down at his phone, “main hall is? I’m here to teach the line dancing.”
You smiled wanting to tease him just a bit. Something told you he could handle it, “You don’t say?”
He pulled his cowboy hat off bowing a bit towards you, “Miss. My name’s Jake. Jake Seresin.”
Oh, this was just too good. Handsome as hell and a gentleman to boot? Your heart was beginning to beat faster and faster. You needed to answer him soon or things could get awkward, “Y/N. Nice to meet you Jake.” You left your last name out on purpose, “I’m the event coordinator. You stopped the right person.” Giving him a warm smile, you beckoned him to follow you with a wave from your hands.
“Isn’t it my lucky day.” He shot you a wink testing the water a little bit. He too found you painstakingly beautiful. And that smile sent his heart into a frenzy, just like yours. You were too caught up in your own head to notice any tells from him though.
“Mine too.” You opened the door for him to follow you through. Thankful for the small distraction not leaving your brain floundering. You weren’t usually one to flirt back but something was telling you to.
“You been doing this for a while?” Jake asked you interrupting you from your frenzied thoughts.
You nodded letting him catch up to your quick pace, “A few years now. I really like it. How about you?”
He laughed, “I do this in my spare time, when I’m off between deployments. I’m usually a pilot for the Navy.”
You grinned. Handsome as hell. Gentleman and he had an incredible job? He didn’t seem quite real. Taught line dancing for fun? It’s like you manifested him right then and there, “Aren’t pilots supposed to be in the Air Force?” You just had to tease him. You had a brother in the military and knew how sensitive they were to the mixing of the milarites.
A brief flash of shock crossed his face before he spotted you trying to hide the laughter behind your hand. A jokester you seemed to be. Somebody who liked to press the boundaries. Jake was used to being the one doing that. Not having that done to him. Not that he didn’t mind, it was almost too fun, “You got all the jokes there don’t you darlin’?” He smirked deciding to press your own boundaries right on back. He knew how his words affected women. How one look could get them second guessing their own actions. Jake was a pro, he knew exactly what he was doing.
Thank goodness you were wearing foundation, or the blush would’ve given you away all too easily. You were enjoying the simple flirty back and forth between the near stranger who pulled you towards him with such ease, “You haven’t even seen the half of it Jake.” Flashing him a sly smirk you opened the door towards the event halls ballroom where the activity was set up for the group. Surprisingly this event always seemed to be the hit of the corporate party year in and year out. You had a sneaking suspicion jake would be an incredible teacher and make the activity all that much better. He was so charismatic.
“Thank you.” He tipped his hat once more as you held the door open for him, “I like the sound of that.” He took in the room before him, “So, this is it?”
You nodded a small smile gracing your lips, not being able to hide it if you tried, “All yours cowboy.”
He laughed flashing you that gorgeous smile at the same time, “Careful now, I might fall in love with you if you keep talking to me like that sweetheart.” He took a small step towards you closing the small distance between the two of you. The tension in the air was so thick you thought you could swim through it. Your damn brain left you at quite literally a loss for words.
“Not that I’m not enjoying my time.” You knew you were rambling, were you even making any sense, “But I need to check on a few things. Are you all good for the 5 o’clock start?” You asked not daring to take a step away feeling the heat radiating off his body. He was so damn close you were sure he could hear your rapid-fire heartbeat.
“That’s a shame.” He removed his hat fully this time to get a good look at your face up close. He’d never seen someone quite like you. Beautiful. Clearly intelligent and driven. A mouth of a literal angel. Somebody he knew could challenge him but pull it back when needed. He just knew you were good. You were special. The universe put you in his path for his reason. He had to be sure to stop you before the end of the night. Ask you out or give you his number. Whatever you wanted, “Will I have the pleasure of teaching you Miss Y/N?” He asked once his eyes had fully scanned your face.
Shaking your head quickly you missed the quick flash of sadness in his eyes, “Oh, no. Not even you can perform miracles Jake. But I’ll make sure to stop in after you get started.”
He laughed shaking his head right back at you, “Maybe one day you’ll let me try.” He wanted to plant the seed in your head. Let you simmer on that thought for the remainder of the day before he got to talk to you again, “But until then. I look forward to seeing you again, Y/N.” He flashed you another gorgeous grin before turning away. Taking that tension right away with him as he walked to the front of the room to get ready for the group.
You let out the breath you were holding once you walked out the doors of the hall. You let you mind wander back to him and let yourself go on autopilot as you continued to get ready. Only Michelle breaking you from your mind got you out of that disassociated state.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded quickly, “Absolutely. More than alright.”
“Hmm?” She looked you over curiously as you finished perfecting the napkin at the dining tables.
“The line dancing instructor is a total flirt.” You didn’t tell much more before her normally bored expression turned into something much more devious. She’d always tried to get involved in your love life. This might be the opening she’d been waiting to pounce on.
“Is he cute?” She questioned, clearly very interested.
You nodded bashfully, “Terribly handsome.” You admitted not being that afraid to hide it. She’d surely go and check for herself at some point. No purpose in lying, she had eyes that could see herself.
“I’ll be back.” She smirked making a beeline towards the inside.
“No! Michelle.” You laughed pulling her arm to stop her, “Go in while the class is in session or something.”
She shook you off with ease, “I’m a worker. It’ll be easy. Give me five minutes.” She grinned. You let her go knowing once she had it set in her mind she’d be doing it no matter what.
She was gone for longer. No doubt getting caught in conversation with the friendly man. When she got back she had a sneaky little grin on her face, “Oh, he’s down bad for you Y/N.” She giggled.
You shook your head not really believing her because how could he? You were you and he was that. It just seemed incompatible, “Shush, he is not.”
“Then explain to me why he just played 20 questions with me about you?” She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an explanation. You had none. Because why would he? You’d be lying if you said it didn’t bring a smile to your face.
Her smirk only grew wider in your silence, “Please just go see him later. I’ve got a good feeling about it. Please?”
You nodded quickly, “I was already planning on it.”
“Good.” She squealed with glee going back to the kitchen to finish the prep she left behind to talk to you.
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You leaned against the door watching the group of people learn how to line dance from Jake. He was a natural. Flirty with the older women. Confident with young kids. Kind to the embarrassed teens. Bro’s with the boys. He could do it all. Who knew this was how you day was going to go?
Walking around the back you caught Jakes eye. Giving him a quick wave, you stopped to watch. Smiling as the joy from the group reverberated off the walls, no doubt thanks to Jake.
Not five seconds later you heard him speak, “Alright, try it for yourselves. I’ll be around helping.” And then he was making his way right towards you.
“You made it.” He spoke the second he stopped in front of you.
A quick nod brought your eyes right to his, “I did. I made a promise, didn’t I?”
You’d do anything to see him smile like he did right there, “You sure did. I’m glad you kept it.”
“Wouldn’t miss a chance at this.” You grinned referring to the class and to him. A double entendre per say.
He held out a hand, “Take another one then. Chance that is.” He winked sending a shiver right down your spine. You hoped he miss the goosebumps that rolled right down your arm. Should you? It’d only be a moment. It’s not like the client would mind.
Deciding to go for it you gently placed your hand in his, “Alright cowboy. But you have to lead. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, and I don’t think there’s a bone in me that has an ounce of rhythm.” You let your insecurities flow out after seeing him dance so effortlessly before you moments ago.
He nodded pulling you, softly, right behind him, “Sure thing darlin’. Nothing to be nervous over. They’re all in their own little world anyway. It’s just you and me.” He tried reassuring you once he found a spot off to the side, careful of your reluctance to go towards the front.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” You admitted, sure the makeup you’d applied twelve hours earlier was long gone by all the sweating you’d done throughout the day setting the event up. The blush he made you feel was surely evident at this point.
He laughed grabbing at both your hands setting you up for whatever dance he was planning on leading you in, “I won’t let you fail. Trust me on that.” All you could do was nod up at him as you listened to him. It felt deeper, like it meant something more.
Smiling the entire time, you listened to both him and the music as you fumbled your way through the partnered line dance. You apologized and giggled every time you stepped on his foot or bumped into his side. He took it in stride smiling back at you. Bumping you back. Lifting you up so you wouldn’t trample your feet.
You were having pure, unadulterated fun with the nearly complete stranger who made you feel oddly comfortable. You clicked with him the moment you laid eyes on him and now the rest felt like destiny. For being as reluctant as you were you were surprised how disappointed you were when the music ended, and Jake dropped your hand. You shouldn’t have wanted him to hold it like he just was but here you were, pathetic.
“You’re a natural.” He smiled admiring you from the small distance he’d placed between the two of you.
You snorted out a laugh, “And you cowboy, are a liar.”
He shook his head taking the cowboy hat off now, “Embellisher of the truth. My momma would be awfully disappointed if she heard you call me a liar.” The smirk that crossed his face should’ve been illegal, it had your knees shaking for dear life.
You laughed it off though, nodding in agreement, “Sure, we’ll go with that. Embellisher of the truth.” A genuine smile came to your face as you conversed easily with him. It felt so natural. Incredibly different than anything you were used to.
He looked around a tad disappointed himself, “I hate to cut this short gorgeous, but I am being paid and people need some help.” Placing the cowboy hat on you he took a step back with a lopsided grin on his face, “Keep that. Maybe a little too big for you but it’s yours.”
“How do I look?” You stuck your leg out holding onto the hat with the other, posing a bit for him.
He shook his head knowing he needed to see you again, “More stunning than words can describe. You were meant for a cowboy hat.” He reached out giving your hand a squeeze, “Tell me when I can take you out on a real date Y/N?”
“You want to? Take me on a date?” You weren’t sure if you’d heard him right. All signs pointed towards they did but you needed to confirm. What a whirlwind of a day you were having.
“I’d be honored.” He grinned waiting for your response.
“How’s Friday night sound?” You asked sounding far too eager. But that same smile from earlier didn’t let you get too embarrassed.
“Friday sounds amazing. I’ll pick you up?” He asked sounding a tad more timid than he had moments prior.
“It’s a date cowboy.”
He smirked giving your hand one last squeeze before walking away, “it’s a date darlin’.”
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mayhemmanaged @hardballoonlove
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ana-chronista · 2 months
If you're still doing the requests: 11 Bojere
(Because pining and confessions just are 👌)
Thanks for the prompt, anon - I agree!
Bojan’s head is still spinning so much with adrenaline that coming off stage is a complete blur of colour and noise, of people congratulating them and clapping his back, of the cheers of the crowd somewhere behind them. When Jere’s hand finds his amidst the chaos it feels like an anchor to reality, and he finds himself clinging on tightly. This is fine, just like his hand on Jere’s neck in that photo was fine, and constantly bumping and jostling each other throughout interviews was fine, and even the quick hug he’d hurried to give Jere on the sidelines during Vse Kar Vem was fine, because there are precious few opportunities to actually see Jere in real life and shouldn’t he make the most of it? Anything goes, no matter how much the others will tease him for it later. He barely registers that Jere is leading him away between the trailers and tents until he realises that it’s suddenly a lot quieter and it’s just them. The huge grin he’d been sporting has softened into a wide smile, and the blinding euphoria of the performance is settling into a quieter type of joy. There’s sadness too, tinging the edges as his world narrows back down to Jere – with the set done, there’s so little between them and their flight home. When Jere brings them to a standstill in a secluded corner, the noise of the crowd now a distant roar, he’s straight-faced enough that Bojan’s heart leaps into his throat. “Why you come hug me on stage, Bojan?” Bojan blinks, unable to speak for a moment. Jere’s hardly one to lecture anyone on professionalism on stage, but he doesn’t think that’s what this is about. “I... we’ve hugged on stage before.” And the rest. Jure had even made a point of sneaking a photo of Jere riding Bojan in the piggy train at his Tavastia gig into the PowerPoint slides for one of their meetings last year. Žare had put him under strict instructions to never do it again, which Jure had taken as a challenge to include any photo of them except that one. The one of Jere pretending to lick Bojan on stage had promptly gotten all of the passwords changed with strict instructions not to give them to Jure.
But Jere is shaking his head, stepping up closer into his space, and Bojan knows that he knows this time was different. A casual arm around each other, laughing and singing into each other’s faces, bouncing off of each other like two rubber balls ping ponging through a tube: that was performance, no matter how much they both enjoyed it. He couldn’t even describe what had happened this time beyond knowing that Jere was there on the sidelines, watching him sing, and he needed to hold him, however briefly, just to feel him there, real and solid. Because, after tonight, it’s back to texts and video calls and trying desperately to find a few days that might line up in their schedules for a gig or two. It’s back to checking his phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night and trying to ignore the strange emptiness gnawing away inside. It’s back to an hour’s time difference and two thousand kilometres’ distance adding a sting to every smile and keeping his mind whirring in the early hours when he can’t sleep. Jere is searching his face with a sad seriousness that he’s seen on screen before. It always makes him want to reach through the phone and draw him in, hold him tight until he relaxes and laughs again, feel the rise and fall of his chest against his own. It makes his heart burn and his throat ache with the need to keep him close in a way that just isn’t possible day to day. The silence stretches on and on. Bojan just about realises he’ll have to be the one to break it – with something, anything – when Jere gets there first with something like a sigh. “Bojan... always I try to find right time, but never enough time, yes?” He squeezes Bojan’s hand tightly, just for a second. “So if not now, then maybe never.” And then, before Bojan can register him moving forward, Jere’s other palm lands on his jaw, pulling him in until their lips meet. The kiss barely lasts a second before he’s pulling back, looking at Bojan wide-eyed but almost challenging. It’s all Bojan can do to gape at him, stunned. “Now is when you say something, Bojan.” Jere says with a determined cheerfulness. “You are great kisser, Jere or we do this again or you are like brother or never come to Slovenia – ” Through his own amazement, Bojan realises that Jere will rattle on and on like a runaway train, tying himself in knots unless he’s cut off. With his own brain struggling to remember how words work, the only option is to reel him back in for another go, deeper and firmer and long enough that his lungs are burning when they break apart. Neither of them pull back far enough, but even at this too-close hazy angle, he can see Jere’s eyes are wide, pupils blown, and there’s a smile spreading across his mouth that Bojan has to taste. “The second one,” he says between smaller, faster kisses. “The second one sounds good. I’ve got a whole year’s worth of this to catch up on.” It's not everything that he wants to say. It’s not all of the feelings bubbling up inside him in half-formed words and fragmented sentences, but it’ll do until he can piece those together enough for a conversation. They’ll have to move on eventually, back to the hotel and then, for Bojan, all too soon, back to the airport. Right now, though, there’s nothing but the warmth of Jere’s mouth, the taste of cigarettes on his lips, and the beat of finally, finally, finally through his own head.
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champi8n · 2 years
change part 2 | ethan landry
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warnings: violence, death, mentions of stabbing, swearing
a week has gone past from your incident with ethan and a week has gone past since the last time you spoke to him
you had no idea what you were meant to do with your life now, you were shocked at ethan’s capacity of hurting but you also are not hoping to lose him forever
a part of you clings onto the possibility he will come to his senses and you two would make up, fixing everything
but you knew that was simply too good to ever come true and for now you didn’t want to speak to ethan for a while
you have been trying your best to cheer yourself up and forcing yourself to have meals since your appetite has been completely gone
you were trying your absolutely best to stay away from ethan, muting his texts, not answering his calls and the times he had shown up outside your dorm room you just ignored him completely, breaking your own heart as you could see how he wasn’t okay with your treatment
it was the right thing to do, wasn’t it? he deserved it and you need some space, right?
if that was the case then why did you feel like you were on the verge of losing your mind in the rainy night you found yourself in?
it was monday evening and you were rolling around in your bed thinking about him, as usual, you pick up your phone to check the time and sigh as you realise it’s past midnight
you felt like you should text him, try and get some closure, try and help him, yet you also kept telling yourself that you need to be strong and hold on
you stare at your window as you hear the raindrops fall against the glass but unfortunately, the sound wasn’t strong enough to drown the battle between your brain and your heart
you stretch in your bed when suddenly the room lights up and your ears catch the familiar sound of your phone buzzing, confused as to who could be calling, you quickly stretch your arm towards your bedside table
you picked it up and when you saw the name of the caller you answered it, almost as a reflex
“hello?” you said, trying to sound as sleepy as possible to pretend you were resting
you waited patiently for a reply from the other side of the line yet you could only hear faint breathing
“i’m sorry”
ethan’s voice sounded as he was crying and in fact, you were sure he was crying
you could feel your heart race as you finally got a chance to hear his voice again but also in pain because of his suffering
you were unsure of what you should say, you were frozen in your bed and you immediately felt like crying
you began doubting everything you did the last week, why did you avoid him? why didn’t you try to support him? why didn’t you try talking him out? why were you leaving him even more alone?
you couldn’t stop yourself from crying anymore, you had to breathe and most importantly you needed to see him
“come over, please” you pleaded, your voice breaking as you sat up in your bed
“i’m outside” he replied and without giving you a chance to question him, he hung up
you quickly stood up and turned on your living room lights and tried to make yourself look as presentable as possible in the bathroom mirror
your roommate was out of the city for a few weeks which allowed you to be as noisy as possible as you quickly sprinted towards the door, not wanting to make the boy wait long
as you opened the door he greeted you with his doe brown eyes giving you a sad look, making you want to hug him as tight as you could
“hey…” he said, wiping some of the wetness off his face from his previous tears
you immediately sent all of your self control to hell as you jumped into his arms, giving him a hug and squeezing him with all of your strength, hoping it would transmit your feelings to him, wishing it would show him how much you want to protect him and wanting him to know you will always be there for him
you felt his arms around you and the warm embrace just felt like home to you, like everything you had ever known
“i’ll always be there for you” you mumbled, feeling how he buried his face and your neck
he pulled away to look into your eyes and you decided to move aside so he could come into your house
“i’m sorry for everything” he said, walking in as you closed the door behind you “i shouldn’t be doing what i’m doing and i don’t even know what the fuck is going on with myself and im sorry for dragging you into all of this” ethan brushed a hand through his hair and it was clear to you he was stressed
“i just… i need him to love me again, okay? im doing this for my dad because maybe this might be the thing that makes him love me like he used to, you know? the thing that fixes everything”
you looked at him as he layed against your kitchen counter and looked straight at your roof, you noticed he seemed to be holding back tears
“i don’t know what i’m doing, y/n” you could hear his voice slightly cracking as his breathing got heavier
you didn’t have any idea of what you should say so you just stood there, deciding that listening was the best you could do
“i need you to know, i would never hurt you” he said, his eyes piercing into yours as he sounded sincere
but he didn’t even have to tell you, you knew he wouldn’t and you knew you should feel at least a little bit of fear in front of ethan yet all you felt was hurt and love
“i know” you walked over to him, hugging him again “it’s going to be okay” you whispered to him, hoping he would believe you
he fell asleep with you that night as you held him in between your arms and for the first time in years he was finally able to sleep without having nightmares
the next morning everything felt like it was back to normal, except for the fact you didn’t know how to act or react about the fact ethan was ghostface but you simply decided that as long as you don’t think about it everything will be fine
he walked you to your first class, met you again at the end of your school day and texted you all week nonstop
two weeks later, ethan insisted you need to go out to dinner with him, you weren’t sure if he was doing it as an apology or as a date
you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself and call it a date but it was feeling an awful lot like it
you kept saying no to his proposal, not wanting him to spend too much of his money on you but after lots of pleading and begging from him you agreed
you were ready by 7:30 after making sure your sparkly black dress was perfectly ironed, your hair was done and your makeup was flawless
ethan was gonna get to your apartment by 8:00 so you quickly rushed to put on some jewelry and your heels
at 7:59 you heard the doorbell ring and you immediately took deep breaths, trying your best to seem as relaxed as possible
“hey” you said as you opened the door, a smile painted on your face as you layed your eyes on ethan
his eyes seemed to scan you head to toe and you felt nervous as you saw him look surprised
“you look amazing” he said, finally making eye contact with you
his eyes seemed to have that sparkle you so much adored and you couldn’t help but blush as you also looked at him, he was dressed in black formal trousers and a white shirt, a few buttons left open, revealing some of his chest
“you too…” you said, accidentally making it sound like a sigh which made ethan laugh at you
“should we go?” he said, stretching his hand out for you to grab, catching you by surprise
you quickly took it, butterflies on your stomach as you realised you were holding his hand
you two remained holding hands as you got to the cab where unfortunately he let go of your hand to open the door for you
you were surprised at how ethan was treating you, it was romantic and you almost lost your shit when he said the words you denied yourself to believe coming from him
“thanks for agreeing to come on a date with me” he said in a very calm manner as he looked out the window of the taxi
you were lucky he wasn’t looking at you, that way he didn’t notice the way your jaw dropped and a dumb smile rushed to your face
“it’s a date?” you asked, fidgeting with your hands in fear of his response
he turned to look at you with a surprised expression on his face
“of course it’s a date, what else did you think?” he asked, smiling at you
you quickly got flustered, you couldn’t stop smiling and your brain seemed to stop producing thoughts
“i don’t know!” you replied between nervous laughs “i was too scared to ask”
ethan rolled his eyes and you needed to change the subject
“where are you taking me anyway?” you asked, looking away from him, attempting to play it cool
“you’ll see in around… two minutes, we’re close” you frowned, immediately thinking about what restaurants you recognise around this area in the city
the car stopped suddenly and you were even more confused as you were in front of the empire state building, completely clueless
ethan opened the door for you and you stepped outside the taxi, saying a quick thanks to the driver before closing the door
you both began walking, him leading and you following
“wait… are we going in?” you asked as you realised you were walking towards the inside of the building
“surprise!” he said, an inch of nervousness in his voice as he was scared of wether you would like it or not
you gasped as you realised, laughing and giggling in joy as you couldn’t believe it
“you’re insane, do you know how expensive this is?!” you said, hitting his arm softly as he lead you towards the elevators
“don’t think about money right now, okay? it’s fine, one of owners or something like that owes my dad something so i asked him to do this for me” relief filled your body as you believed him
he held your hand again the whole elevator ride up, watching how you looked around the details of the floor and on the roof, feeling happy of how you seemed satisfied
you thought the surprises were over as you reached the terrace level yet for some reason ethan wanted you to follow him again into another elevator
“it’s tiny and it looks like something straight out of dracula, are you sure it’s safe?” you were feeling slightly scared as the two of you could barely fit in it
“it’s safe, i promise, i would never put you in danger” he smiled at you and you swore you could feel your knees going weak
you stepped into the elevator and watched the security guard close the door manually, ethan could sense you were still anxious about it so he put his arm around you, hoping to make you feel safer
as soon as it started moving you couldn’t help but hug ethan, hiding your face in his chest and closing your eyes
all you were thinking was that if you died at least you would die with ethan but that wasn’t enough to take away your fears away
what did help was how you could feel ethan caress your back gently, mumbling how nothing was going to happen
soon you got to the last floor, the indoor space of the building with beautiful views of the city
but what caught your eye was a table beside the windows, you could see covered plates and what you could recognise as champagne on it
“come on” he said, stepping out and walking towards the table
you were completely speechless, you truly were not expecting anything like this when ethan had asked you to go out with him but you weren’t complaining
as you moved towards him you could feel your tears pooling up in your eyes and soon one slipped out
you quickly brushed it away but ethan noticed it no matter how much you tried to hide it
“what’s wrong?” he asked, sounding genuinely worried which only made you cry even more
“it’s just… this is so beautiful” you said in a whimper, you were completely moved by ethan’s detail and you couldn’t help the rush of emotions you were having
“it seems like a dream, it’s so amazing i never thought you would do something like this for me… it’s surreal” ethan’s worried expression was quickly replaced by a warm smile which gave you comfort
“i would do all this for you and more, y/n” he said, pulling out a chair offering you to sit down, and you did
he went to his spot and he quickly revealed both plates, it was your favorite pasta, detail which he remembered
he poured champagne on your glass and a little bit on his
“y/n i don’t know if it’s too early to say this, i mean, this is my first date and i am not sure how this works” ethan said, laughing slightly with nerves
you took a sip of champagne, your eyes glued to him as you drank
“you need to know that i really… i don’t want to be your friend anymore” he said suddenly “i want to be more than just you’re friend, i have wanted you for so long and i’m sorry i didn’t do anything earlier, i was a coward”
“i am deeply in love with you and i mean it” his dark brown eyes were stuck to yours, not a single inch of self doubt in his words
silence filled the room for a few moments, you felt like nothing was real, you simply couldn’t believe all of your wishes were coming true and you knew he wasn’t lying to you, you knew because of the way he looked at you
words couldn’t really describe what you were truly feeling and you were struggling to find the right ones to say
so you decided to just go with your gut, sending your self control away
“come closer, i need to whisper this” you said, the boy immediately complying with your request and leaning in towards you, turning his head slightly
you did the same as him, except when you got close to his face you grabbed his chin and clashed his lips against yours
you felt him kiss you back almost within less than second and both of you were now engulfed in a soft kiss
it was sweet and gentle, filled with feelings and excitement, innocent but passionate, saying a million things but at the same time not a single word was spoken
you pulled away slowly, wanting to giggle as you noticed how red ethan’s cheeks were
“wow…” he whispered, making you smile like a teenager in love
“please be more than just my friend, ethan” you said, resisting the urge to look away from him due to your shyness
“i have been dreaming of kissing you since i was 15” he said, shocking you slightly until you remembered how long you have liked ethan
“i have been dreaming of kissing you since i was 13, i win” you laughed, looking at how his jaw dropped as he processed your words
“you’re kidding” ethan said “there is no way anybody was dreaming of kissing me when i was 13, were you blind? i was horrible!”
“no you weren’t!” you defended him and technically yourself “well you were pretty appealing to 13 year old me” you rolled your eyes
“y/n, i literally had the ugliest braces in the world and i wore turtle necks every single day, you actually have horrible taste” he joked, laughing as he noticed you cross your arms
“well i used to think it was cute… and if you so think i have bad taste in men maybe i shouldn’t be with you here right now” you replied, looking away from him pettily
his eyes quickly widened as he began shaking his head
“no please, i’m grateful to your bad taste, please stay with me if you leave i will get lovesick and die!” ethan said, pleading with you
“i mean it! oh my god… i’m getting sick right now i can feel it on my blood, y/n i can’t breathe i need mouth to mouth right now!” he screamed, grasping his neck with his hands in a dramatic way
“are you trying to bait me into kissing you?” you asked, wondering where he got such audacity
“maybe” he shrugged his shoulders with a cheeky smile on his face
“well it’s not gonna work champ, no double kissing on a first date” you said as you stood up, looking down on him
“damn it, at least i tried” he said, hitting the table softly to show his disappointment
“i’m going to the toilet quickly, make sure not to miss me too much and die while i’m gone” you said, walking away
ethan laughed as he heard your footsteps become a faint sound in his ear, he looked out to the city as he reminisced about you and him, every thing you did lead you straight to him and that’s something ethan thought was beautiful
his thoughts were interrupted as he felt the repeated buzzing of his phone which hid in his pocket, he sighed as he took it out and he tended up as he read who they were from and what they contained
deciding he was going to let nothing ruin this evening between you and him, he turned his phone off and placed it back in his pocket, as he expected you to come back
a few minutes later he could hear your footsteps again but this time something was different, he could recognise it, you were not walking alone
his first thought was that maybe you were making conversation with a guard until he remembered he told everyone to leave
ethan saw his biggest fear come true as you finally came back accompanied by someone he knew very well
you had the arm of somebody with a ghostface mask on around your neck, their knife grazing your skin as you were being forced to not move
ethan immediately stood up from the table, pushing it away violently as he started walking towards you in a rapid pace
he looked down and that’s when the realisation hit him, your leg was bleeding, your leg had been stabbed and that’s why you were walking limp
“i wouldn’t do that if i were you” the person in the ghostface mask spoke quickly before ethan managed to get close to you, the knife pressing softly against your neck, making tears fall down your face in terror
“quinn, i will fucking kill you i swear, you have to let her go right now or else i will-”
“you will what? huh? she’ll be dead before you have the chance to do anything” quinn replied, taking off her mask and almost laughing at ethan
“why are you doing this?!” ethan shouted, his eyes painted with a dark undertone
“because it’s what i have to do, ethan!” quinn screamed “you fucked up and you knew this was going to happen anyway”
“dad wants her dead because we can’t trust her, and if dad says so i will do it” she said, not an inch of respect for you in her voice or care
you were terrified but you also felt betrayed, you had known quinn for ages and to know she is willing to just get rid of you as if you’re trash was killing you slowly
“she isn’t going to say anything!” ethan said, almost begging “she doesn’t have to die, quinn, please”
“i’m not fucking asking you what you think, thanks to you this plan could be ruined because of her and we would not be able to avenge richie, do you want that? you want everything to be ruined, you’re going to put her above your own family?” quinn spoke, her arm applying pressure on your neck, making it hard to breathe
“she’s also my family!” ethan said desperately, looking for a solution
you heard quinn chuckle behind you and suddenly you felt your body colliding harshly against the floor
she pushed you down and as you looked up you could see her pointing the knife at you “don’t you even try to run, the elevator is not working and with that leg it’s useless” she said
ethan ran towards you as he held you in his arms, quickly checking for any more injuries
he felt himself crumble completely when you looked at him, you couldn’t stop crying from the fear and he knew you were basically begging him with his eyes to help you
“it’s going to be okay, i promise, i will get you home safe and no one is going to hurt you under my watch, okay?” ethan said as he looked in your eyes, he could see quinn moving over to the windows to stare out the city
you couldn’t stop sobbing as you felt his hands caress your hair “you need to trust me, okay? nothing bad will happen, i promise you” he was trying to see if he could at least calm your crying but all you could do was nod
“what a romantic sight, i’m starting to feel a little bit bad now” you heard quinn’s voice yet you were too scared to look at her
ethan stood up, he could feel the blood on his veins boil with rage and you could tell he was not thinking completely straight
“leave now, quinn” he said in a serious manner as he walked towards her
“sure, okay, let me just get this over with quickly” she said, walking over towards you yet she was blocked from getting to you by ethan
“fuck off and leave” he said, his jaw tensing visibly
you could only limit yourself to watch as the scene was happening right in front of you, you had no idea wether you should try and run or if quinn was right and you actually had no escape
“i’m not scared to kill you too, ethan, get the fuck out of my way” as soon as you heard her words you felt a sense of clarity
your sobbing stopped for a second as you realised she could hurt ethan at any moment and that’s when you knew
you were really helpless at this point and you finally realised you had to accept you were not making it out of this alive
but it shouldn’t be the same for ethan, he could still make it out, he could live
you crawled closer to ethan and grabbed his leg to try and get his attention, you were shaking and scared to breathe but this is the one thing you knew you had to do
he quickly turned around and kneeled down, worried about you
“let her…” you struggled to calm your breathing as you choked on your tears “let her kill me” you said, trying your best to give him a comforting smile as your tears streamed down your cheeks
his expression fell completely as he cupped your face “i said nothing was going to happen and nothing will!” he said, trying to make you listen, his eyes tearing up
“please…” you said, trying to sound as confident as possible but it was useless as you were a broken mess
ethan stood up again and faced quinn, except this time she went straight for her neck, choking her
quinn’s reflex was to try and take his hands away as she accidentally dropped the knife
ethan dragged her away from you as he watched her struggle to breathe to then throw her into one of the windows
she fell into the ground as she tried to regulate her breathing again
“if… if she doesn’t die today, dad…” quinn tried to speak, her words sounding like gasps from the lack of oxygen “dad will kill you…”
“you can kill me, torture me, and ruin my life but i’m not letting you or him kill her” ethan said, looking down on quinn, with hatred in his eyes
but suddenly a noise was heard in the room, a sound that was familiar to him and to quinn, but certainly not for you
the sound of a blade piercing through flesh, the sound of a stab
ethan turned around completely frozen in his spot as his eyes couldn’t comprehend what was happening
you had your hands strongly gripping the knife quinn had dropped as it you felt the overbearing pain of it cutting through your skin
quinn smiled as she finally regained her normal breathing and she saw you finished what she was meant to do, you stabbed yourself in the stomach, the whole blade was not visible due to the fact it was piercing through you, only the handle could be seen
you felt yourself go weak and your hands slowly slipped away from the knife
you heard how ethan ran towards you and placed himself in eye sight
you felt the heartrending pain of the knife being pulled out of your body and his hands trying to stop the bleeding
you heard his multiple pleads and his sobs and with all the strength in you, you gifted him one of your smiles
“it’s okay…” you whispered, you could literally feel the life leave your body as your soul was s slowly were vanishing away
“stay with me, please!” he screamed in a sob and you carefully moved your arm to get your hand on top of his, trying to comfort him as you slowly died
“you better…” you paused, as the pain was too much and you realised your view was getting blurry “you have to stay alive” you whispered
it all was becoming a blur but his face was still crystal clear in your brain even when you couldn’t see him well
and suddenly it was all gone, you were gone as you became completely unconscious, leaving ethan with his heart in pieces and completely ruined
he screamed as loud as he could for you to come back, to not leave him, he could not acknowledge how you were lying dead in his arms surrounded by a pool of your own blood
he felt your corpse grow cold and that was the moment he realised it was all over as fast as it began
the moment he got left on, the moment he was damned to be stuck in for the rest of his life as he watched his only salvation lifeless in front of his eyes
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 9 months
•·.· anywhere i want, just not home ·.·•
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Pairing: Gwen Stacy x fem!Reader
Type: Angst (no comfort)
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: ‘Gwen’s universe dissolves’ AU (may not make much sense but anyway), reader is dead (dissolved along with her universe), use of Y/N (sparingly), some cussing, mentions of blood, descriptions of grief(?)
A/N: hehe I think I’m starting to enjoy killing off the reader in angsty stuff 😌 hey i may not be very good at writing angst but it’s fun to write :D
I think this is set before the events of ATSV or sometime during except there’s no Miles? Idek anymore 🤷‍♀️ whatever feels right to u ig!
So I just realised I didn’t mention her dad at all 😭 just uh pretend that she’s grieving for him too
Look at how my tears ricochet
And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home
(my tears ricochet by Taylor Swift)
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“It’ll only be for a few weeks, at the maximum.”
You were pacing in your bedroom, occasionally pausing to make sure that the girl sitting on your bed in her spider-suit still had enough ice to soothe the sting of her injuries.
“Gwen, I…” You shook your head, throwing your hands up in the air as words failed you - a result of the maelstrom of conflicting emotions whirling around in your head at the speed of light. “I don’t know what to say. Why? Why do you need to do this? You’re putting yourself in even more danger than usual!”
Gwen set the ice pack down on your bedside table, reaching her hand out silently toward you. You sighed and took it, squeezing her fingers gently as you sat across from her and felt the mattress dip slightly under you as you got comfortable.
“Trust me, sweetheart, I don’t like this any more than you do. But Miguel said that this mission’s important and he needs all the help he can get. This anomaly is one of the most dangerous ones so we’ve ever seen so far, we can’t let it run rampant. You understand what I’m saying, right?”
You bit your lip in thought, feeling small tears prick at the corners of your eyes as she leaned over to gently tug your lip away from your teeth to stop you worrying at the skin. Your mind seemed to be spinning in lopsided circles like a broken ballet dancer; like the music box Gwen used to have before she accidentally shattered it one day while sneaking back into her room as Spider-Woman.
“I’m going to be honest with you. I’m terrified. I don’t want you to…” You vaguely gestured with your hands in front of you, catching yourself before you could say the word ‘die’ as if it could somehow jinx it and make it come true. Gwen gave you a small, reassuring smile and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
“I know. I know, sweets. I won’t. I’ll be fine.”
“You can’t promise that,” You mumbled under your breath, folding into her and burying your face in the junction between her neck and shoulder.
Gwen exhaled softly, rubbing your back in the most soothing way she could so that her own uncertainty couldn’t slip through the cracks of her calm façade.
“Hey, don’t think like that. Tell you what, take this. It’ll remind you of me while I’m gone, and then when I come back we’ll order in whatever junk food we want and we’ll cuddle and watch movies, okay?” She reached down into her backpack that lay sideways on the floor and took out two bracelets. Your eyes flitted toward the bracelets and you took in a surprised inhale.
“You kept them?”
“Of course I did. They’re beautiful, like everything you make for me.”
She gave you a grin as she slipped one of the bracelets over your wrist. You examined it - smooth, round crystal beads with your name spelled out in mismatched word beads of different colours.
You remembered the day you had made them, sitting on the ground in the park with your legs crossed and Gwen’s head resting comfortably in your lap as she watched you string together the beads. Giggling and talking and just enjoying each other’s company.
Now that could possibly be the last time that happened. Because despite Gwen’s well-meaning promises and reassurances, you knew. You knew she was struggling to keep herself together, and all you wanted to do was pull her close and never let her go - hell, you would gladly go beat up whoever this Miguel O’Hara was if it meant your girl could stay with you, stay out of harm’s way.
But that wasn’t possible. And she wouldn’t want it either. She didn’t ask to get bitten by a radioactive spider and become a superhero; she just had to make the most of the cards she was dealt.
You blinked, bringing yourself out of your thoughts. “Yeah, sorry. What were you saying?”
Gwen tilted her head to the side, resting her eyes on your wrist before reaching out to slip the bracelet off. You watched her curiously as she slipped the bracelet that had her own name onto your wrist, taking the bracelet with your name and nestling it right next to her multidimensional watch.
“There. Now whenever you miss me, just look at that.” She leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead, clinking your bracelets together with a smile. “Goodbye, my love. I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye, sweetheart.” You watched her zip up her backpack and put on her mask, leaping onto your windowsill and pushing the window open. Right before she tensed herself to leap out, she paused, turning to look at you. Her mask was on, but you could read her expression behind the fabric easily. She gave you a smile, the corners of the mask’s eyes scrunching slightly.
“This isn’t a permanent goodbye, not by a long shot. I love you. I’ll see you again, I promise. And when I do I’m going to give you the biggest bear hug you’ve ever had in your life.”
She never did.
Never got the chance to fulfill that promise.
She had gotten the news right after finally capturing the anomaly they had been chasing for more than three weeks. She was lying utterly exhausted on a park bench, Pav leaning on her with his eyes closed as they both waited for Hobie to punch in the coordinates for the Spider-Society HQ.
She remembered hearing the little ping that usually accompanied a message from HQ, the way he had momentarily frozen in shock, his border going black and white. She remembered sitting up, ignoring Pav’s grumbles and asking what had happened, because Hobie’s ever-changing border pausing in a monochrome filter was never a good sign.
She remembered him visibly struggling to grasp at words that would soften the blow, finally realizing that he couldn’t, in any way, sugarcoat it.
“I don’t know ‘ow to say this, but uh… another ultra-powerful anomaly fell into the city an’ managed to glitch itself so badly in the process tha’ it caused a dimensional tear in the multiverse an’… your universe dissolved, Gwendy. ‘M so sorry... listen, if you need anyth-”
She didn’t hear anything more after that, didn’t hear or feel Pav’s sharp inhale and Hobie gently squeezing her shoulder; instead she focused her gaze on the bracelet on her wrist, trying to push back against the dark spots threatening to bleed into the corners of her vision like pesky, taunting watercolours.
Bullshit. That had to be false, right? There was no way…
Gwen would’ve given anything for Hobie to have gotten it wrong.
But, in some strange way, she could sense that he was right. Something missing, like a family photo which had been accidentally ripped in half. A rose with half its petals missing.
Red roses, red blood. Blood that was on no one’s hands, really, but felt like it had dried on hers. Her fault, even though the causes were so much bigger than her.
She had been cleaning out her stuff, trying her best to organize her somehow even messier side of Hobie’s canal boat when a small bracelet, nestled under pins and papers and god knows what else, had fallen onto the ground with a soft clink.
It was a miracle it didn’t break, honestly, which would have been cruel but oddly fitting.
She knelt to pick it up, freezing the moment her gaze passed over it. She picked it up gingerly, smoothing her fingers over the beads, her lips forming the word spelled out in beads on the bracelet.
At that one word, a dam burst and brought forth months of stubborn denial, steady grief, and then slow acceptance. Gwen braced her back against the wall, silent sobs wracking her body and making her shoulders heave with the force of them.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I… I should’ve been there, I might have been able to do something, or at the very least… I could’ve been there with you.”
She let her forehead drop to rest on her knees, drawing into herself. “I miss you. So, so much… nothing’s the same. Hobie’s looking out for me, but… there’s only so much he can help with. Nothing seems all that happy anymore… everyday I get up and ask myself ‘why doesn’t the sun shine as bright anymore?’ ‘Why aren’t the flowers as beautiful as they used to be?’ ‘Where did all the colour go?’ And then I remember that you’re not here with me.”
Gwen held the bracelet up to the light, letting its colours - so carefully picked out by a loving hand all those months ago - shine as tears blurred her vision and fell like crystals slipping from a shaky chandelier that should’ve broken a while ago, for its own sake.
“I want to go home,” She confessed to the bracelet quietly; the empathetic ear of someone she wished - no, hoped - was listening from the other side of the fragile border between life and death. “I miss the café we used to go to, right after I had band practise. I miss our little dates in the park. I miss seeing you in the front row of all our band’s shows. You were so supportive, weren’t you? Always showing up early, cheering your lungs out, then staying late so you could be the first to hug me. Without fail.”
God, how she missed your hugs. They were ones that she could melt into; surrender herself completely without having to offer anything in return. Ones she could fold herself into while your arms wrapped around her shoulders and squeezed gently, soothing enough for her to relax and sink into the comfort of your presence. You felt like a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and a warm blanket to her - somewhere where she could let down any walls she had built around herself, tune out the world and just listen to your voice.
To her, you felt like home.
And oh, how she wanted to go home.
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@l0starl @therealloopylupin2099 @hobiebrownismygod
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bluebayousblog · 1 year
RUMOR HAS IT (pt. 7)
(Drew Starkey one-shot)
This is not a full on story but if you want more l'll be happy to add on upon request
Plot: in which drew and isobel address a false rumor in the most abstract of ways
Setting: dinner with the cooper’s and starkey’s
Disclaimer: Isobel is an OC, 18+
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The holidays’ with the Cooper and Starkey family were filled with a multitude of dinners, business events, and surprises that did not seem to dim as the years have passed by. Since Isobel and Drew left for college they made it a tradition to host a dinner in honor of their return from fall semester of school. Each year they alternated hosts, and since Drew’s family hosted last year they were having dinner at Isobel’s.
She loved coming home for the holiday’s and spending time with her parents. Being so far away gave her a lot of opportunity to miss them, and most of the time when her mother, Lora, came up stairs to question her until she worked her way up to asking about a possible boyfriend she didn’t mind, but this year was different and the reason was because of the boy who was downstairs hopefully keeping his cool around their fathers.
“Isobel, I just refuse to believe no man has tried to get your attention at University.” Her mom exasperated, her hands waving in the air with so much sass. She was so animated, something Isobel always found endearing about her. She also has inherited this dramatic characteristic, but it came out most when she was around her, when she was the most comfortable to truly be herself.
She hated how it was inevitable that she was going to have to lie to her mother over the course of the break. Sure, she didn’t have to share all of her personal business with her, but it didn’t make her feel any less guilt for pretending like she wasn’t involved with her father’s business partner’s son. The relationship they had with the Starkey family added a layer of complexity to the entire situation, and only added to her anxiety about the truth coming out.
“I’m not gonna settle for what that school has to offer, Mom.“ Isobel responded. Apart from her dwindling interest in dating since her last relationship, she’d always lived by this sentiment ever since being exposed to what her college had to offer. There were cute guys of course, but none she would enter into a serious relationship with.
Drew did not fall into that category of men that attended her university for a multitude of reasons. She’d known him going on ten years now, he was the son of a very successful man that happened to be in business with her father, and above all else he was a friend—something she was realizing meant much more to her then it did a few weeks ago.
It was an effort to meet her mother’s gaze, but when she did it her eyes were filled with what seemed to be pride. When tears slithered onto her water line she knew her mother was about to start gushing and getting all sentimental as she did every time they were apart, “I just don’t know how I got so lucky to have such a resilient woman as my daughter.”
Isobel’s heart squeezed, her mother always had the ability to appreciate the things about her that truly mattered. She still complimented her beauty more than anyone she knew, but from a young age before she matured physically, she always felt special with what she had to offer internally because of her.
“Mom, I’m the lucky one.” She wrapped her arms around her in a gentle hug, Isobel knew her mom would be the most understanding when it came to finding out about Drew, even if their relationship never progressed past what it was currently, but she also knew it would hurt her to know Isobel felt she couldn’t confide in her. She’d always known Isobel had trouble expressing her feelings, and because of that she never pressured her into it—but still when Lora found out she’d waited weeks to tell anyone she was being cheated on, she held her in her arms so long it made it up for all the time Isobel had spent hurting in silence, “I promise you will be the first to know when there’s another guy.”
Drew had always been in her life, and though he seemed to now view her as more than a friend, that’s all it was at the moment. Lust and pure infatuation. Neither one of them had expressed wanting more, and to Isobel a few hookups was not worth spilling the beans to her family or friends—especially with his past. She’d already been the girl who was blindly cheated on, and she did not want to be viewed as just another one of Drew’s conquests. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take the pity this time because she knows what she is getting herself into and how it could potentially end—and to Isobel that was far worse.
“You only tell me when you’re ready.” Her mother stated, sighing before standing to walk into her closet to fetch the dresses she purchased for her to wear to different occasions over break. Isobel knew she was spoiled, but her mother took pride in refreshing her closet when she was away, and if she objected she would only be ignored, “Okay, my darling girl black satin or white satin with pearls.”
The emphasis on the last option told her which dress her mother was leaning towards, “Mom, I’m twenty-two I can dress myself.”
“I know you can, but let me have my fun during the holidays, this was my favorite thing to do when you were a little girl.” She gave Isobel the the widest smile, one that she passed down to her, raising the white dress up higher in the air now completely revealing her preference of the two choices.
Isobel playfully rolled her eyes with a sigh before taking the hangers from her hands and slipping in the bathroom to get ready.
Drew’s parents and brother were on the way when he went into one of the guest rooms of what had practically been his second home for the last decade. He packed a suit so he could just get ready and save the hassle of driving to his house and back.
Clad in a casual dinner attire, black slacks and a green button up with no tie, he stepped out of the room he’d spent so many nights in. As soon as the door latched shut his father’s voice could be heard from the formal den where they always had cocktails before dinner, “…everything is set up for him, let’s just hope he doesn’t go back on his word in the next five months.”
He knew his father was talking about him and the job offer that had been waiting for Drew ever since he walked across that stage at his high school graduation. He’d been allowed a grace period before he accepted his fate, in which he tried to find different passions in college but nothing ever stuck—everything led back to Cooper & Starkey Inc. Charles Starkey didn’t like Drew’s hesitation in joining the family business, he’d always made that known, especially in the last four years, and when he wasn’t verbalizing it you could see the disapproval set deep in his eyes. He still had a great relationship with his father, but he hated how the topic of Drew’s future could so easily damper their bond.
“Well isn’t it the man of the hour, Drew.” Richard Cooper’s deep voice barreled through the room, a smile spread across his lips that reminded him of the girl that had been clawing at his mind for the past few weeks.
Drew greeted him with a handshake, to which the massive man yanked his arm and pulled him into a hug. They patted each other on the back as men tended to do, and Drew once again found himself wondering how Richard found himself in finance when he looked like a competing body builder. He’d always reminded him of Mr. Bubbles from Lilo & Stitch, it was his first impression of him that first day he came over to meet with his father to start their company. He always appreciated that Richard never pressured him into making a decision about the job offer, though he wasn’t his father, they were so close that his opinion did mean something. And those days when Charles was coming down on him about procrastinating, Richard simply telling Drew to take his time meant more than he knew.
“How are you, Cooper?” Drew smiled as they pulled away and sighed in amusement when he began dramatically inspecting him for anything out of place as he always did. Richard always thought that Mr. Cooper was too formal for how much time their families spent with each other, so they settled on Drew just calling him Cooper years ago. His eye twitched at the idea of him somehow picking up that he’d been messing around with his daughter just from the simple once over.
“I trust you got Isobel home without any issues.” His father interjected completely killing the moment—just as he was serious about the company he had the same attitude toward’s Richard’s daughter, especially if Drew had anything to do with her. He swiftly stood up from the sofa and walking over towards them with his younger brother Chandler following behind. Charles also looked extremely well for his age, not as built as Cooper but still youthful nonetheless.
Chandler’s eyes brightened at the mentioning of Isobel and it took all of Drew’s restraint not to visibly show his annoyance at how pathetic his little brother’s crush on her was. It started two years ago when he turned sixteen, they were all home for the summer in the back by the family pool when Isobel showed up in a little black bikini that would push him over the edge if he ever saw her in it now. But it was his little brother who’d taken a long, thorough look at Isobel and hadn’t been the same since. Everytime she was around Chandler’s face turned entirely red while his mouth was hindered useless in her presence.
Everyone found his little crush endearing and harmless, she was obviously older so nothing would ever come out of it—and it definitely was not reciprocated on her end. The entire family teased Chandler about it, but now that he was maturing and graduating high school this year Drew hoped his infatuation for her would die down a bit. He found it pathetic to be in a situation where he was jealous of his little brother crushing on the girl he was hooking up with, though the fact that he saw Isobel in a romantic aspect before he ever did was at the very forefront of his mind.
Drew had gotten to her first in a physical way, but actually noticing her for all she was and the little things that really mattered—he’d came up short—and that made him feel like the biggest fool.
“Relax, Charles, she’s upstairs in her room with Lora getting ready.” Cooper cracked a smile at how unnecessarily serious Drew’s father could get. His father just shrugged his shoulder’s as if he were saying ‘can you blame me for asking?’
The boy ignored his old man, taking a sip of his whiskey to simmer the annoyance rumbling in his chest, he knew he could be unreliable, but if there was a thing they could trust him with it was Isobel. “How’s it going, kid?” Drew asked Chandler, who always seemed to be on their dad’s good side.
“Everything’s good, it’ll be even better soon.” He gave Drew a lopsided grin, his eyes stuck on the entrance to the den, obviously anticipating someone’s arrival.
Cooper and his father had broken off into their own conversation near the bar, so Drew decided to mess with Chandler a little before everyone came down, “You know you’re eighteen now, don’t you think it’s about time you stop obsessing over the girl?”
“I actually think the opposite, that just means I’m now man enough to handle a woman that fine.” Chandler finally settled his sole attention on Drew, most likely just interested in the subject of the conversation, “You do know she is a woman right, Drew?”
He knew Chandler wasn’t referring to Isobel’s age, but his obvious blindness towards her. All the time they’d all spent together, and Drew had never shown any attraction towards her. It had never been a thought between the families, no encouragement for the two to date—if anything his father subliminally insisted on the exact opposite.
He was always content with their lack of interest in their relationship, especially with going to a prestigious high school where teenagers were being coerced into modern day arranged relationships like it was a sport. Now thinking back it would’ve felt nice if their family felt he was suited to to take care of Isobel, because the way his head was turning now it would be his absolute honor. Though, he couldn’t blame them for never seeing the stability in a potential relationship between Drew and Isobel. Not once had he shown them an instance where he could be man enough to be a good boyfriend to a woman, let alone to their precious gem. They didn’t deem him worthy of possessing such treasure, as he wasn’t sure he was either.
He’d shown he could protect Isobel but not love her the way she deserved to be loved.
“That girl is so gorgeous, Richard, you and Lora created an angel.” His mother’s velvety voice flowed into the room before he could respond to his brother whose attention was now back on the entrance where Lora and his mom, Catherine stood, “Drew, baby, come give your mommy a hug my little bear.”
Drew immediately walked over despite his head hanging low, ears burning in embarrassment at the nickname she insisted using at all times. He loved her regardless of the various endearments because where his father put fear of him being a disappointment she always made up for, “I missed you Mom.”
The way that his mom loved him made him feel like he was capable of spreading that same feeling to someone else, because if he could love his mom that much he could definitely love another woman just as effortlessly. When they finally pulled apart she grabbed his face in admiration before quickly falling back into conversation with Lora about whatever they’d been doing upstairs with Isobel.
“Get all your compliments out about Isobel before she comes down, you know she hates being the center of attention.” Lora softly smiled, they were both extremely reserved at times, and for a split second Drew saw an uncanny glimpse of Isobel in her. Of course they’d always reminded him of each other but now seeing the similarities left more of meaningful impression.
“I find that extremely ironic seeing as she’s always the last person to be ready.” Cooper’s humor pulled a laugh out of everyone in the room as it always did.
He could put a smile on everyone’s face even when it wasn’t his intent, it made him all the more likable to more than just their family, and Drew wondered if a man like Cooper would approve of him being with his daughter.
“Let’s have another drink before the princess gets her hand’s on the champagne.” Even her parents knew about her tendency to be a lightweight. Isobel had accidentally over served herself, and by over served that just meant having two glasses of champagne one night at a business event their father’s hosted after she turned twenty one. Drew tried to keep her intoxicated state under wraps, but when she got up to go to the restroom and knocked over the welcome sign it was no use. No one took it too seriously if anything it made the night that much more enjoyable, that’s what he enjoyed about his family when they were surrounded by the Cooper’s, everything felt so much lighter.
It was similar to how he felt these past three weeks with Isobel, and it was nothing like he felt before.
“What are you all laughing about?” Isobel suddenly graced the room with effortless strides.
She was wearing a silky black dress that adorned her body in a way that made Drew’s stomach twist in a knot and heart squeeze in his chest. He knew from the sight of the bronze gleam on her naked shoulders that she smelled divine and his nose itched to smell her intoxicating scent. Her hair was pulled from her face, falling behind her back with the tips most likely grazing the top of her backside. He’d noticed that about her the other night at his party, how her hair swayed just above her ass in a tempting gesture as she walked away from him to leave the house and take the girls to the bar.
“Nothing to worry your head about my girl.” Cooper answered as he stared at her with evident pride in his eyes saving her the embarrassment of bringing up her little drunken indiscretion.
It always baffled Drew how Isobel could walk into a room like she didn’t have the ability to steal everyone’s very last breathe from their lungs. Always so coy and oblivious to how much of a force she truly was.
Cooper referred to Drew as the man of the hour, but the only way to appropriately describe Isobel in this moment was as the woman of the entire century.
“I hate to admit it but she’s always had better taste than me.” He heard Lora mumbling to his mother and he smiled knowing they’d been up there trying to dress her up. “Stop that Lora, the white dress will be perfect for the cocktail tomorrow night.” his mom comforted her friend.
He forced himself to look away from Isobel before he did something she would deem obvious to their situation, looking over to see Chandler’s face red with heat as expected, his blue eyes wide with awe, “Think you’ll be able to actually form a sentence for her this time Chan?”
Isobel rushed to to hug everyone, she genuinely missed every person in his room while she was away and the time it took to get through all of them said as much. Chandler cheeks bloomed as he shyly wrapped his arms around her, giving her a simple wave and a quiet ‘hi’ when she pulled away, and she couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she turned towards Charles to greet her second favorite man.
She saved Drew for last and as she approached him bearing a suit on his lean body it dawned on her it probably would’ve of been easier to just get him out of the way first because she knew no matter how short she was in his embrace it would leave lasting effects on her body long after. She moved towards him before she could overthink and draw more attention. She all but tripped into his arms, Drew catching her body so swiftly no one seemed to notice her little stumble.
“Careful there, Is.” Drew whispered while his hands held her waist, but for her that may as well have been a sound bath as the words caused the deepest vibration to rumbled out out of his chest right against hers.
She turned her head and placed her ear on his chest as he squeezed her in a comfortable grip, when she heard the steady pattern of his heart beat she wondered if he could feel her’s erratically beating in her chest. She didn’t relax in his arms, she couldn’t or she would melt. The material of her dress was thin, and right now every part of his body and stitch of his suit felt like it was pressing against the entirety of the front of her. She felt both of their hearts pumping when she heard the intake of breathe from above her head, knowing he was smelling her and as weird as it may seem it only made heat rush down her spine. Her fingers gripped the back of his suit tightly, and just as she began to melt and Drew started to release a shaky exhale, he stepped away.
She quickly sobered, Drew standing behind her as she turned towards everyone. They had a three second hug filled with what felt like an eternity of emotions, and needed to pretend like it was nothing.
“Would you like anything to drink tonight before we go into the dining room, Honey?” Isobel’s mother asked while walking over to the counter to refresh her drink.
Alcohol would definitely ease her nerves and slow the blood that was rushing to her heart from that hug, but under these circumstances she knew it wasn’t in her best interest. She quickly glanced at Drew who was staring blankly into his glass before she turned back to her mother, “No, I’m not drinking tonight.”
Everyone proceeded to burst into laughter from all around the room and Isobel’s cheeks flushed, now more than aware of what they were talking about before she came into the den, “You guys are annoying.” She groaned before walking out of the room to the dining area, her hair swaying just as he expected.
Drew stood there amused as everyone fell in step behind her, Cooper and Lora apologizing to her with giggles spilling out after each word.
“Drew and I will join everyone shortly, don’t wait up.” His father stated, catching Drew off guard as he twisted to face him with furrowed brows. He really wasn’t in the mood for a ‘talk’ with his father that would ultimately end in both of their moods being ruined.
When he saw the pointed look on his face he relented and walked over to the sofa.
“I’m really proud of you, son.” His father’s words came off as genuine as he topped off Drew’s whiskey. Drew wanted to fully appreciate this moment, but the alcohol signified something was looming.
“Thanks, Dad.” He smiled, the two tilting their glasses as he sat adjacent to him on the feathered filled cushions.
His father sat silently, but his eyes said a thousand things as they studied him. He didn’t want to fidget under his gaze, he just wanted to sit comfortably with his dad without judgement coming from him. Drew hated how he had become used to their conversations turning sour to the point where he was bracing himself for it.
Cooper’s hearty laughter bellowed into the room from the dining area and as if on cue his father spoke, “I really am pleased that you accepted the job offer, all I ever wanted was for you to be apart of the company with us.”
In all honesty Drew had done everything he could to avoid working in the family industry. Looking back he wasn’t so sure why he’d been so adverse to the idea. It could’ve been the silver spoon he had in his mouth since he was a young boy or he could attribute it all to just plain boyish immaturity. But now with graduation a semester away it seemed like the only thing that made sense in this impending period of change. It was the same calming feeling he got the first time he kissed Isobel, as soon as he did it the feeling of facing the effects of their actions the next day didn’t scare him.
And now that two weeks had passed each intimate moment between them made him a little bit more accepting of the future.
“Yeah, it felt nice to take that next step, I’m looking forward to it.” He truthfully spoke, though he could relate his sentiments to more than just the job. As messy as getting involved with Isobel was he would never go back, it was a risk he was willing to take. He went with a curious feeling in his gut, and the more that feeling developed the more it felt like a sure thing.
Charles pulled him into a hug and in this moment Drew felt fulfilled, for once he felt like he’d made the right choice. Although, his father words from earlier rang in his ears.
Let’s just hope he doesn’t go back on his word in the next five months.
Then suddenly Isobel’s giggle flowing in the air as it traveled down the hall pulled him out of his thoughts before he spiraled in a fit of self doubt. He needed to exceed his father’s expectations but on his own terms because at the end of the day it was what Drew wanted that mattered.
“I hope nothing is happening that will jeopardize your transition to C&S, Drew.” Charles expressed after pulling away, a layer of animosity stitched within his tone.
Drew knew better than to react, he needed to tread lightly because he knew how his father moved when he was trying to get information out of him. He didn’t know exactly what he was getting at, but he didn’t want to give anything away before he could find out, “Dad I’m committed to the company you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Good because otherwise I’d advise you to end whatever could affect that.” He spoke hypothetically, but the the look in his eyes held exactly what Isobel was trying to avoid. She would have a freak out if she knew this conversation was going on. Or was he just being paranoid? “I’m positive it won’t come to that.” Drew reassured him then knocked back the rest of his drink, making the lie all the more bitter on his tongue.
Charles got up with a laugh and glanced at Drew, shaking his head in amusement at whatever was going on in that wandering mind of his, “You’re really quick with your hands you know, but that’s what I should expect after all those years of baseball right?”
His father again chuckled to himself at his own words. Drew had felt a a number of things during that short hug with Isobel, and he was sure she did too—like a mutual feeling between the two that they kept to themselves. Though it only took Isobel’s tiny stumble and him catching her to raise his father’s suspicions.
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
Hello! I don’t know if this makes sense or not, but I was wondering if you could do Valentino’s child meeting Lucifer? She doesn’t really like him or isn’t comfortable around him though. Sorry if it doesn’t make sense!
(btw, I really love your work! It really brings back a lot of past experiences in a good way and that it is mixed with my fav fandom is even better! Keep the work up! 🩷)
Hi there,
Apologies for the delay. On a personal note, there was a death in my immediate family and I’ve been….really thrown off, to put it lightly. Tonight was the first night since it all began that I was able to sort of sit and write. Hug your loved ones a little extra tonight and remember to treat all those who come across your path with kindness and grace. You never know what battle they might be fighting, and a smile costs nothing to give.
As far as the story, think Reader from OTO. As always, feedback is appreciated!
<3 Mandy
Valentino had no desire to introduce his daughter to her Great Uncle Lucifer. 
Sure, he was there when she was born. Hell, if he was being honest, his magic was probably the only reason his wife made it through the labor itself. But with the chaos of heaven and hell, two busy schedules and a plethora of arguments between Valentino and Lucifer, she hadn’t seen her Great Uncle since before she could remember. 
Nor, was she aware she had a cousin, Charlie. Someone who Valentino also couldn’t stand. Someone who, in her vain attempt at fame or whatever, had the audacity to stand in his studio and speak to him about his daughter. To dare try to convince him to get her and his wife and himself even to her piece of shit, happy go lucky hotel. 
Come to think of it, Valentino wasn’t entirely sure his wife knew about Lucifer’s daughter, Charlie. In fact, if he remembered correctly, Lucifer told his niece that he didn’t have kids. Valentino didn’t know the reason for the lie, and in all honesty, he couldn’t have cared less. All he cared about was keeping his daughter safe, and as far away from that self absorbed angelic blowhard as he possibly could. 
“No, mi amore. We are not going to go to the palace for dinner. Nor are we bringing reader,” Valentino told his wife firmly. “If you want to go, be my guest. But the only thing that man does is piss me off every single time he opens his mouth. I know you love him, and that he’s the only remaining string to any biological family you have left, but he’s a pompous, arrogant…”
“Val, you’re getting your blood pressure up for no reason,” his wife replied mildly. “It isn’t up for discussion. Uncle Lucifer invited us.” 
“I couldn’t care less. She doesn’t have a relationship with him. I don’t want to go. So we’re not going,” Valentino said firmly. “I’m not going to change my mind.” 
And yet, here he was, dressed up and in the limo as he pulled up to the palace gates. 
“Hey, I love you,” his wife whispered with a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks for coming with me.”
Valentino didn’t answer. Instead, he took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze as he watched his daughter press her face to the glass window. 
“Daddy, Mommy, look!” She said excitedly, “its a castle! Like in the story books!”
Valentino listened and watched as his wife joined his daughter. He bit back a smile as he watched the two people he loved the most in the world point and giggle together at the sights. He was still irritated, of course, or at least, he had to pretend to be. But as he watched his wife and his daughter giggle together, a sense of calm washed over him. He supposed he could make it a few hours. 
His daughter cradled with one arm and his wife holding the other hand, he walked towards the front door of the oversized red and black mansion. The castle, he knew from Vox’s data, was more for show. His real house, his real home, was a much larger estate tucked quietly in the back, hidden from the common view. 
Their footsteps had no sooner hit the front steps than the two front doors flung open. 
“Reader! Valentino! And my sweet niece, welcome!” He exclaimed loudly. “Come on in, come on in, everyone is here!”
Valentino felt his daughter hide her face in his neck and he shot his wife a look. She ignored him and quickly followed behind. Valentino found himself a quieter part of the room and stood as he surveyed the room with distaste. Royalty from across the seven rings of hell mingled, laughing and drinking as they socialized. It was all Valentino could do to keep his focus on his daughter, rather than his disgust at the scene in front of him. 
“Well, well who do we have here?” Lucifer’s voice broke across the party. 
Valentino turned as Lucifer seemed to streak across the room. “Ah, Valentino, let me see my sweet little niece! She is the cutest, I bet she is!”
Lucifer outstretched his arms and Valentino felt his daughter's grip tighten and her face burry harder into his neck as she shook her head no.
“She’s afraid of strangers, Lucifer,” Valentino told his father in law firmly.
“Aw, but I’m not a stranger, I’m her Uncle! Come here little one, come give Uncle Lucy a hug!” Lucifer pushed. 
Valentino could feel the frustration rise in his throat. He swallowed back the annoyance, and any smidge of loyalty he might have felt to Lucifer vanished. 
“She said no. Do you understand the meaning of the word? If not, I think we have a book in the diaper bag you can review.” Valentino said coldly.
Anger and embarrassment crossed Lucifer’s face. He opened his mouth to protest, but his Reader grabbed his arm. She flashed a look Valentino couldn’t quite read. 
“Dad! Come here, Auntie Ethea is here and she’s just dying to see you!”
Quick as a flash, Lucifer darted across the room. Reader slid up to his side and leaned on his shoulder. 
“I made an excuse to leave. You ready?”
Was Valentino ever. As soon as they were safely back in the car, he looked to his wife.
“How did you end up so different? So….”
“My father was military. My mother wasn’t there. This lifestyle wasn’t anywhere close to what I was raised in.” Her voice lowered and she leaned into kiss his cheek. “Good job standing up for our daughter. I love you, Val.”
Valentino gave her a soft kiss in return. “Always.”
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livfastdieyoung69 · 3 months
Can I have Edge x Fem reader where she's been friends with him and Christian since they were kids leading to them sharing a kiss in the rain after being locked out of the rental house they're staying in by Christian and Lita?
( Adam ‘Edge’ Copeland x gn!Reader)
“This isn’t funny guys, it’s cold out here!” Adam yelled from beside you, pounding onto the motel room door as you shivered and tried to shove yourself further into your coat. Christian and Lita had decided it would be funny to lock the two of you outside after honking the horn and sprinting from the car as fast as they could, startling the two of you awake in the backseat to stumble out into the pouring rain, just on the verge of snow thanks to being in the ever freezing Alaska. It wasn’t often visited by WWE, but every once in a while it was sprung upon everyone.
“I can hear you giggling in there! I’m gonna get pneumonia again and I’m gonna tell everyone it’s all your guys’ fault!” Once, last year, you’d gotten a little too tipsy after a big win and went to celebrate with your boys- of course they were there, the three of you were never far from each other- and had been coaxed into a few snow angels. Of course, you had no coat, or gloves, not even a hat, and caught a pretty bad case of pneumonia. Whenever you wanted something really bad you just pretended you were still mad at them for it. Usually it worked, but this time your trick seemed unsuccessful.
With a groan, you turned from the door and pouted your way to the bench not far from your room. Thankfully it was under a bit of roof so the rain couldn’t reach it. Tucking your knees close to your chest in hopes of a little bit more warmth, you watched Adam come join you on the bench.
“Think they’ll let us in soon?” You asked, tilting your head onto his shoulder and looking out on the rain. He shrugged underneath you.
“Who knows. I think this might be Christians payback for last week so we might be out here for a little.” The two of you had superglued Christians cup to his hand when he was too busy kissing all up on Lita to notice. Giggling at the memory, your pout recluses as you shuffle further into Adam’s side, his arm coming up to sit over your shoulder.
“Seems like the start of a prank war to me.” You spoke with fond memories quickly returning. ‘Prank Wars’ as your little trio liked to call them, were definitely not new, you just had an added enemy this time. Your hand left its nice, warm pocket for the warmth of Adam’s instead, fingers joining together and dangling over your shoulder with a comforting squeeze.
“Let the prank wars…” He moved in closer to you, whispering some dumb accent into your ear. “Commence!!” God, what a weirdo. And didn’t you just love him for it? Here you sat, pretending like he was just oh-so-weird, when he had you giggling and more bashful than you knew possible! It seemed to be a normal thing, he’d always make you sheepish and giddy with laughter, and at some point, when it was just the two of you, he’d started ending your giggles with a sweet kiss. Only when it was the two of you though, no one else knew. You weren’t really sure why, maybe it was just nice for the two of you to finally have something to yourselves. You didn’t have to share him with the rest of the world, even if they watched him wrestle at least once a week.
Your hand squeezed his again as you picked your head up from his shoulder with a huge grin, the one he was happy to have put there. Your other hand, which had been happily tucked between your legs and enjoying the warmth moved to cup his jaw, softly touching the little bit of stubble that’d grown since last night. Finally, with love sick grins, soft lips met soft lips. Neither of you want to put back, enjoying the warmth both emotionally and literally, it was fucking freezing, but when you finally do both of your ear-to-ear smiles return before another quick peck.
“How are we gonna get ‘em back?” You mutter, barely centimeters from him. You could see his tiny little freckles, he could see all the indents of your skin. Before he’s able to answer, the door swings open, and Christian and Lita pop their heads out. Lita, with a grin the size of Texas, but Christian looks like a scorned mother.
“Now, what in the hell is this?” He sounded like a scorned mother too.
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Just a cute lil thing, today was my first day off of not even kidding the MONTH and I’ve been kicked back off the Netflix account so no supernatural for me 😔 ive cleaned, ive read a book and a half, ive now wrote im going stir crazy i dont even know what to do with free time anymore
Anyways hope you enjoyed i dont like love this but its not bad ig
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nicoline1998enilocin · 11 months
Mutual pleasure
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Female!Reader
Word count | 1.5K
Summary | One thing you and your boyfriend, Tony, enjoy doing together is experimenting in the bedroom. Ever since you heard about some exciting moves, you've been dying to tell Tony and try them out together.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Established relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend), smut (voyeurism, handjob, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, oral (F receiving), implied aftercare).
A/n | I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for giving me the idea to write this a while ago, ever since we discussed this with our young!Tony and his Sunshine I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I hope you like what I did with this! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | GIF credit to the owner
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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During girl’s night, you got the idea you’re about to bring up to your boyfriend, Tony. In all fairness, you two haven’t exactly shied away from some experimenting in the bedroom, but for some reason, this feels different.
“Can I ask you something, My Love?” you say as you pull away from his lips. You were caught up in a rather steamy make-out session, so now was a good time to ask.
“Of course, Sunshine,” he says with a small smile; his eyes are half open as he looks at you with a love-drunk expression. A small flush crept onto his cheeks, giving him a more boyishly cute look than usual.
“Remember when I was at girl’s night with Nat and Wanda?” You start, and he nods in response. “One of the topics we discussed was something I’d like to try out right now if you’re up for it, of course.”
You can feel your cheeks heating up, and the smirk on Tony’s face only makes your stomach leap in the best way possible.
“Are you going to tell me what it is, or am I going to have this mind of yours?” Tony says as he pokes you against the forehead, making you giggle.
“Oh no, I’ll tell you! I don’t remember how we got on the topic, but Nat brought up the topic of mutual masturbation. Since then, I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I was hoping you’d want to try it out,” you tell him, burying your face in his neck as soon as the words left your lips.
He pretended to think about it for a few minutes and dragged it out just to tease you a little, seeing you squirming in his lap at the thought alone.
“Sunshine?” He whispers, his fingers slowly finding their way into your hair and brushing them through. It always calms you down when he does this, relaxing you fully.
“I’d love to try it out, although I already know I will love it. I’ll be doing it with you, after all,” he says, and a big smile forms on your lips before you kiss him as a thank you.
“Are you sure that you want to do it?” You ask, just to be sure, and he nods furiously.
“Been hard for you this entire time, so I won’t mind some relief,” he says, and you wiggle just to tease him a little more, earning yourself a moan that came from deep within his chest.
His hands slide under your shirt, swiftly pulling it off to reveal your bare form. Your nipples immediately peak at the slight cold you’re feeling, and your back arches when Tony sucks one of them into his mouth.
He sucks and nibbles on that one while his hand cups your other breast and squeezes your other nipple softly, making your head fall back and your back arch into his touch.
When both of them have received the same treatment, and you’re dripping wet, he leads his trail of kisses up to your clavicle and neck before capturing your lips in a deep kiss.
“Want you bare like this all the time,” he says during his trail of small kisses, and you take this opportunity to take his shirt off as well, revealing his toned body, abs, and chest.
You rake your fingers over his pecs and nipples, wiggling as he groans at the feeling of his sensitive nipples being touched like that.
“Let’s get you naked, too, My Love. I want to see how good you can make yourself feel,” you say as you move off his lap, and before you can even think about what’s happening, his underwear is off, too.
His cock is fully hard, and it lands with a soft splat against his stomach, a few drops of pre-cum already leaking out. You bite your lip at seeing him, and your pussy is excited.
“It’s my job to bite that lip of yours, Sunshine,” he says as he pulls it from between your teeth with this thumb, dragging it softly across before closing the gap and biting down softly.
You can’t help but moan, and your hand wraps around his cock before you slowly work him up and down. You’re already far gone into the pleasure, and you let out a low whine as he removes your hand, instead guiding it to your pussy.
“As much as I’d love to have you wrapped around me, Sunshine, that will have to happen another time. Right now, I want to see how you make yourself cum on these delicious fingers of yours,” he says as he sits back.
His legs are spread wide, and he’s fully on display for you, letting you enjoy the sight in front of you.
“Now you, Sunshine, let me see that dripping pussy of yours,” he says, and with a small giggle, you change positions until you’re leaning back on your elbow, legs spread wide to give Tony the perfect view.
“Play with that cute little button of yours; show me how good you can make yourself feel,” he tells you, his hand wrapped around the base of his cock.
You do as he says, and when you rub slow, small circles over your clit that have you moaning uncontrollably. You’ve always enjoyed touching yourself, but to have your boyfriend do the same while he’s watching is like you’re in heaven.
“T-Tony,” you moan softly, and you look back up, but instead of looking into his eyes, you can see his stare is trained onto your dripping cunt.
“You like what you’re seeing? You like it when I play with my pussy in front of you?” You tease him, and his eyes snap up to yours before answering.
“‘Course I do, Sunshine, though I’d rather have my fingers in that sweet cunt of yours,” he says, and he sets a slow, easy pace in order not to cum right away.
He groans when you slip two fingers into your entrance, immediately finding your sweet spot. Tony is the only one who knows your body better than you.
“Look at that, Sunshine, you look delicious when you’re stuffed with your fingers. But I can’t wait to stuff you full with this cock soon,” he says as he pants, picking up his pace a little as he feels his orgasm creep closer.
“Want you in me, Tony, want you to make me cum so hard I can’t walk for the rest of the day,” you say, and at the words alone, you feel yourself clench around your fingers.
“Fuck, ’m cumming!” you pant as you feel your orgasm creeping closer, your head thrown back as your moaning becomes uncontrollable.
“Yeah, cum for me, Sunshine. ’m close too,” he pants out, and while you’re riding your high, he suddenly pulls you closer by your calf, his pace not faltering for a second.
“Fucking hell, wanna cum in that sweet cunt, Sunshine. Got so much cum for you, fuckfuckfuck!” he groans loudly, and when his pace finally falters, you’re sent headfirst into another orgasm as you work your clit.
“T-Tony, fuck!” You moan loudly as you feel ropes of his cum coating your fingers and pussy, and you’ve never felt so good when masturbating before.
“You look delicious with my cum on your pussy, Sunshine, want to eat you so bad,” he says after every last drop of cum is milked from him, and you let yourself fall back on the bed, too exhausted from your double orgasm to even keep yourself up at this point.
“Oh god!” You exclaim when you feel Tony’s wet, warm tongue lick a stripe through your folds; your pussy is too sensitive.
The groan Tony lets out as he licks his cum off your folds and belly sends shivers down your spine, and when he licks up every last drop, he crawls over your body to capture your lips in a deep kiss.
The taste of his cum on his tongue has your mind reeling, and your hands find their way into his hair to pull him impossibly closer. When he pulls away, your eyes are still closed, the pleasure taking you over completely.
“I love you so much, Sunshine. I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend,” he tells you, and when you open your eyes, you see that Tony has a flush on his cheeks, and his lips are red and puffy, making him look perfect.
“Love you too, My Love, and I’m the lucky one here,” you say with a sheepish smile.
The two of you keep lying with intertwined legs and fingers, your head now resting on Tony’s chest after he pulled you into your favorite spot.
A nice shower followed the cuddle session, and to top the night off, Tony even treated you to a nice back massage that had you sleeping in no time from pure relaxation. This evening could not have been better than it is right now. 
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shadowbends · 2 years
It’s me again, folks. Do you enjoy good fanfic? We’re reaching the end of the line, but I’m here to hook you up! Whether you’re new to the fandom and diving into the ROTTMNT fic scene for the first time, or a veteran looking for content you might have missed, my hope for this project is to point you to something you’ll enjoy!
This rec list is the last of three and focuses on longfic in the fandom, with a word count reaching anywhere over 15,000 words. You’ll find a variety of fic here, from novellas to full-blown novels—some complete, but many still ongoing! Though it may be heresy on the streets of New York, this is the list you want when you’re craving something really thick to sink your teeth into: a sit-down experience exploding with flavor. Don’t have time for that, actually? Then consider checking out my previous rec lists as well!
If you enjoy any of these fics, make sure to reblog and spread the love! Don’t forget to check out the other works by these authors; many of them have written multiple wonderful stories not featured here that are just as good. Additionally, consider leaving the authors a comment! I’m not always the best at that myself, but fic writers work hard and deserve all the love in the world.
With all of that said, it’s time for the recs. Let’s dig in!
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Quick note: On previous lists, I separated the recs by the general time period they took place in. I’m not going to that here, largely because—uh. Well. Nearly all of them are post-movie! This fandom’s sure been active in the last couple of months, huh? Given that, I’ll be sorting them by a broader method, but yes. If you’ve not seen the movie, this is your warning that spoilers abound in the recs below. 
The Aftermath by Starrcrossrose
57,262 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 11/03/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Leo-centric)
Genre: Angst, Family Drama, Hurt/Comfort
It would’ve been easier to say what he was feeling, but he honestly didn’t know how. He wasn’t sure why, either. He knew his brothers would understand and comfort him and be there if he wanted them to be. Hell, Donnie’s surprise sleepover and everyone showing up for it in the living room had been proof of that.
Yet he still couldn’t do it. He’d tried to talk to Donnie and the pain on his brother’s face had been enough to make him never want to speak about things ever again. He didn’t want them to hurt the way he did; he wanted them to be okay and normal and happy.
You know they aren’t happy. Why do you keep pretending to be fine when the others aren’t either?
Leo squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into his knees as he pulled himself into an even tighter ball. He wanted to go into his shell as much as possible, but at the same time, a searing energy was making his legs feel like he could run or swim for miles. He could just go and go and go until he collapsed.
Maybe… maybe that'll help.
Set a few months after the movie, Leo struggles with the long recovery time needed for his injuries to heal, both physical and mental. Unable to talk about it, he turns to unhealthy coping methods instead. The rest of the family is doing no better from the fallout of the invasion, however, with each of their own stresses mounting the longer things go unaddressed. That is until Chapter 8, when things come to a head...
There are a lot of post-movie recovery fics out there, each one unique. The Aftermath’s hallmark has to be in its slowburn foreshadowing, and excellent character writing. Throughout many chapters, we get a glimpse into the heads of just about every beloved character the series has to offer, including April and Casey Jr. Little clues to what’s going to go wrong are set up early on, but just like the characters, I was blind to how serious of a turn things were about to take until the problem finally reared its head. This fic does a good job of showing how important it is to talk to one another, even if it’s hard.
Aftershocks by Katiemonz, McBethins, octolingkiera, theashemarie, and this_kills_the_man
153,543 words, 12/15 chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Family Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
“Good game,” Leo said to Donnie, smiling at Mikey in the same sly way as before.
“Thank you, Leonardo, but as I’ve said Uno is—”
“But you still lost,” Leo continued. He swept the cards up and began to straighten them for another shuffle.
“Second place is hardly—”
“Honorary title,” Leo cut in again. “Mikey won, so we owe him.”
“Owe him what? I have—”
“Keep your money, Don. In this game we’re dealing in secrets.”
“Yeah, specifically what’s up in that brilliant, big head of yours after all that Krang shit. C’mon. You owe him one secret.”
Picking up from the end of the invasion but spanning the weeks after, the day’s been won, but no one came out of the Krang’s attack completely unscathed. There’s a lot of trauma to unpack here—unfortunately, talking about it is the last thing just about anyone in the family wants to do. 
Another recovery fic, Aftershocks is unique for being a story told from five perspectives (the boys and April), as written by five different authors. As the brothers avoid each other, each arc’s events end up having quite the different take depending on whose POV you’re currently following, even in moments where the same scene is being retold. Truly an ensemble fic that focuses on everyone’s trauma, I’ve especially enjoyed that April was included. As the longest fic on this list, Aftershocks is heavy on introspection and exposition, but the characterization always manages to shine through in the details. I especially love the scene I quoted above; “Trauma Uno” is totally a concept I could see the boys coming up with. 
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx
47,202 words, 6/? chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Ensemble
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Crossover
"I need to find my brothers," Raph mumbles.  "That's if they're even here."
"And then head back to the spirit world."
"It's not the spirit world!"
"Right," Toph grins. "This so-called 'other dimension' without benders."
"There are no benders in my world."
Toph reaches and places a hand on scaled skin.  Huge muscles twitch under her palm and the spirit stops.  "No benders?"
She nods.  "Like the spirit world."
Raph throws his arms up with a scream and Toph cackles.
For a crossover, this fic requires quite a bit of investment in the second fandom to follow; you’ll want to have seen all of ATLA Season 1, and potentially even Season 2 if you want to keep track of what’s going on, especially for moments when episodes are retold, but with the turtles added in. Additionally, the POV is solely with the ATLA characters. Is this fic worth recommending despite that? Abso-freaking-lutely. This might be one of the most creative crossovers I’ve seen in any fandom, and I’m absolutely hooked.
The plot is deceptively straightforward—the four turtles mysteriously appear in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, separated and with no idea where the brothers are. Their arrival changes everything, with the people of the world seeing them as powerful spirits and guardians. I won’t spoil who ends up with who beyond what’s shown in the excerpt, but it paves the way for fascinating political intrigue and character development on all sides, our fave turtles included. Donatello’s position is perhaps the most fascinating for what may come of it, but everyone’s new groupings have been an utter delight. The banter feels charming and wholly in-character, and I can’t wait to read more. This is definitely a fic to keep your eye on, if you’ve not found it already.
Brother Dearest by Wardenov
69,666 words, 22/? chapters (last updated 11/03/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Donnie-centric)
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror
“You came here looking for answers, weakling, because you messed with powers far beyond your understanding.” “I’m not-” She doesn’t let him continue. “Our brother may be dead, but the glory of our kind is that we are never truly defeated, not as long as our mark remains.” And as if to make her point, she raises a tentacle and delicately touches the glass - tendrils spawning from the point of contact, rapidly expanding across the surface like a frenzied contagion before freezing in place and crumbling under the extreme cold. “We cull the weak and assimilate those worthy, we bestow the blessing of Krang upon those who deserve it. You-” she spits, remaining tentacles scrambling to climb the glass where Donnie stood, “-you have stolen our gift.”
He says nothing.
“But,” she continues, sadistic smile returning, “your transgressions have ensured our survival. Our continued conquest. Whether you like it or not.”
Set a few months after the Krang’s invasion, things have seemingly gone back to normal for the Hamato family. Everyone’s doing their best to get by, and back to familiar routines and hobbies. Donnie, though? His newest project throws all of that into new chaos, showing that no matter how well-meaning, there are some things man (and turtle) was never meant to tamper with. 
I’m absolutely feral for this fic, and desperate to impress upon anyone seeing this why they should read it. It might be one of the very best fics the fandom has to offer. Seriously. You want plot and worldbuilding on par with the Season 3 we never got? Exploration of the Hidden City, and the Council of Heads that run it? High stakes, suspense, action, and family drama? Look no further, fam. Brother Dearest has it all, and every character (even Mayhem!) has a big role to play. April’s sleuthing, Mikey further develops his new mystic powers, Leo has some heavy choices to make as leader, and Raph isn’t as home free after the Krang invasion as he thought. Make no mistake, though, the star of this show is Donnie in his unwitting supervillain arc. Will his family be able to save him from himself? Only time and new chapters can tell, but this fic dug its claws into my heart and won’t let go, it’s so good. 
Drift and Chemical Reaction by Bronte
26,949 words, 7/7 chapters (split between two fics)
Character Focus: Donatello & Leonardo, Ensemble
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family Bonding
"Piña colada?"
"What the—?" Donnie cuts him off before he can finish, cramming a green and yellow striped straw between his teeth. Leo wears some of it, the yellow, smoothie-like drink dribbling down his plastron. "Wait, where did you—what is this?"
Donnie smirks. "Pineapple, coconut, rum. A taste of the tropics."
Leo blinks and glances down apprehensively at the ‘Better Late than Ugly’ mug in his hand. "...does this have alcohol in it?"
"Does this have—pfft, I would never. Do you know who I am? Donatello, upstanding citizen of Manhattan proper?" Donnie barks a laugh, tossing his head back before leveling him with a look. "Of course there is. As the Bard himself said, self-love, my brother, is not so vile a sin as self-neglect."
As two sides of the same story, these fics are being recommended together! Set after the movie, Drift is told from Leonardo’s POV, both during and after leaving the prison dimension, where Chemical Reaction tells the story from Donatello’s POV. 
The real charm of this fic, though? It has to be the banter. Reading this, I could totally hear the character’s voices in my head, which was only made better once the piña coladas came in. You think the twins are disasters; just wait until they’re drunk. These fics would be worth reccing on their own for that scene alone, but there’s actually a little bit of plot involved as well as Leo struggles to regain his ninpo, while Donnie... Well, something weird is going on with Donnie. Needless to say, both of these are a great read!
Every Night the Longest Day by ashtreelane
33,731 words, 13/? chapters (last updated 10/27/2022)
Character Focus: Leonardo & Family
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Medical Drama
“What’s wrong, Leo?” Raph asks from where he is curled around him, the snapper’s chin nestled on the top of his head.
“Can’t sleep,” Leo mutters. He smells worry, sudden and sharp, and when he opens his eyes Raph has whipped around to look at Donnie, eyes blown wide, looking for an answer. Donnie is looking at him too, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“We- okay. Raph, don't freak out. This is to be expected, remember?” Donnie is saying, his voice just barely on the wrong side of too calm. He’s freaking out too. Why? What’s happening? Oh, he’s being addressed now, he should probably pay attention.
“Leo, you were cursed six days ago to be unable to fall asleep. Your memory is suffering because of it, but we’re all right here, okay?”
Leo kind of knows what they’re talking about. He remembers it, he remembers that it happened, but the… events are… foggy. What- what had they been talking about?
“What are we talking about?”
When Leo is cursed to be unable to sleep, he and the family must wait for a new moon to break the spell through a ritual. Unfortunately, that new moon is nearly two weeks off. As Leo is forced to stay awake for days on end, his mental and physical condition quickly begins to deteriorate. Through it all, Leo’s family stays by his side to help him through it, beautifully balancing hurt with comfort through the beginning. As the story goes on and Leo’s condition worsens, though... Well. Things aren’t looking good, let’s say.  
I have such a soft spot for this fic, though. It’s grown quite popular lately, so many of you reading this list may have already heard it, but there was a point when I was following early on where the author was debating shifting the POV around or sticking with Leo as an unreliable narrator. I was really proud of them for sticking to their guns and going with the latter, and I think it’s paid off in spades. The way the author experiments with formatting styles and missing scenes really makes the fic stand apart from the standard whump setup, and turns it into something akin to low-key psychological horror. If you’re into that sort of thing it’s a lot of fun; even if you’re not, the moments of family bonding peppered throughout the fic are so wholesome, and definitely worth your time.
Fallout by GauntletKnight
50,677 words, 20/? chapters (last updated 11/05/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama
“We are here. We are alive. Raph and Mikey are downstairs. Dad and April and Casey are on the way. You’re alright, Leo. You’re safe. We are all safe. No one is here to hurt you…or us.” There is no special inflection to his voice, but his words are firm, unmoving. Leo shakes for a moment, squeezing Donnie’s hand…and then he blinks, his eyes clear and he tries to take a breath.
Violent coughs wrack his body as he tries to dislodge the blood that had built up from his sobs. Bright red spatters down his front and across Donnie’s hands as he holds onto Leo’s arm. Each breath is like nails on a chalkboard.
Draxum steps in instantly, checking the monitor for vitals. “I’ve gotta get to that punctured lung…or else getting this blood transfusion in him isn’t going to do anything.” He turns to Donnie, holding out plastic gloves, “Can you-”
Leo shakes his head, finally getting a rattling breath into his chest. “N-no…Don’s…not great with this kind of thing. S’ok…he’s so good at everything else he had to leave some for the rest of us.” He smiles up at Donnie like Donnie hung the damn moon and stars, his eyes still shining with painful tears. It’s…a weirdly genuine moment between the two of them…
Donnie doesn’t like it.
Set between the final fight and grabbing a slice in the movie, this fic follows the immediate aftermath of pulling Leo out of the prison dimension with a bit more urgency and attention to everyone’s injuries. 
As I’ve said before, every movie recovery fic I’ve found has their hallmark, and I’d say Fallout’s is its heart and emotion. By focusing on the aftermath of the battle where everyone’s stresses are still running high, there’s a lot going on here, and it makes for some tense, but evocative moments. The story is lightly focused on Leo’s mental state especially, but everyone is going through it and as the POV shifts every chapter, each character gets some focus as they work through their injuries and messy feelings. Fallout is very satisfying read, and one I often come back to over and over.
hamartia by Punable
40,364 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 10/30/2022)
Character Focus: Donatello & Family
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
It felt nothing like how he imagined dying would feel.
Donatello was a man of science, so it would have been foolish of him to have not, over the years, devised theories around what results certain situations would generate, what or who they might take out of commission, and what he would need to do personally in order to gain the best possible outcome. He would sometimes note down how he believed these situations might affect him or his brothers, both physically or mentally - he wasn’t an expert on emotions, far from it, but he could at least logically assume that getting, say, struck by lightning (one of his planned-for possibilities) would leave its own traumatic scar on any man or turtle that happened to experience it, so he’d dragged in April for those certain emotional areas and promptly abandoned her as a research partner when she’d told him he was being obsessive. He was not obsessive, just thorough.
He couldn’t help but feel as though some of that research time may have been wasted, though, as he lay on his side, his newest project slash rework shattered into almost unsalvageable pieces on the floor across from him. (And really, that felt almost like the harshest blow - how was anyone except him supposed to salvage that hunk of junk? Was that all that he was leaving behind?)
He felt it had been time wasted, maybe, because dying didn’t feel at all like the soft, slowing breaths of passing peacefully into sleep, or the fast tight gasping of someone going out from a bullet wound. If anything, it felt like he was breathing too deeply, every breath filling his whole body and stretching out every wound and puncture and fracture, oxygen making his head light (or maybe that was the blood loss). He didn’t feel at peace, and he certainly didn’t feel as scared as he thought he should’ve been, as he had read he should have been.
Mostly, it just felt like an inconvenience.
Donnie almost dies, and that’s just the start of this angsty tale. What follows is an interesting exploration of what Donatello thinks of himself and his role in the team, and his family’s growing concerns when he won’t give himself time to recover. Donnie’s brush with death has lasting consequences, and a large part of the fic is dedicated both to how much they affect him and how long he can hide it from his family (and the audience). Once the truth comes out, though? Oof. 
The newfound disability is handled well, imo, and you really feel for everyone involved. There’s a lot about mental health that the author just does really well in general, actually. The focus on family and everyone’s concerns for their brother is where this fic really shines, though, and there’s a lot of emotion that hits just right. Basically, the hurt is done so well, I’m looking forward to when we get to more comfort.
i go there with you by bobtheacorn
21,649 words, 15/? chapters (last updated 11/04/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humor
"But seriously," Donnie says seriously, brandishing his tablet screen above Mikey's head and pointing at it, "I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you be Very Honest when I ask you to scale your pain using this -" He cuts his eyes toward Raph, who grins. "Emoji Scale. Which dramatization would you say you find the most relatable at the moment?"
"Okay, so defo… this guy," Leo says. He thinks he manages to lift his finger but that's all the juice he's got. "On the… left."
"That would be the thumbs-up emoji, Leo," Raph says cautiously.
"Awww," Mikey gushes, "Is that one because you love us?"
"Hang on," Leo says around another small huff of maybe-laughter, "You… can't prove anything. But also…" He moves his finger again. "Also this guy on the… on the far r-right. Like, for-real for real."
"Oh, the sad-angry-crying emoji, fantastic," Donnie says with a bit more pep, tossing the tablet and turning to Splinter, who's closest to the monitor, "Papa, would you do Leo a huge favor and smash that morphine button, please? Like, right now, immediately."
Set immediately after the invasion. This fic is a series of interconnected one-shots originally written for Whumptober, but by Chapter 9 breaks into its own thing. The whump remains a focus, but it’s tempered by a good dose of comfort and humor as well, which the author is a master of. 
If you want a recovery fic after the events of the movie that matches the feeling of the show, i go there with you is the fic to start with. The characterization and banter are spot on, as is the emotional whiplash. All of the characters gets some love and introspection in this one too, which is always fun.
Now That’s What I Call A Vacation! by WayWardWatson
56,238 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Splinter & Family
Genre: Family Bonding, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort
Splinter turned his attention back to Big Mama, the flirtatious mood from earlier dissipating. “I am calling in your favor.”
It was like he had slapped her with his rat tail with how she reared back in visible disgust. Her fangs clicked in irritation and she scuttled further down, closer to where Splinter was standing. “Remind me, when have I ever owed you a measly-weasly favor?”
“When you misused demon armor for profit that nearly resulted in the end of human and yokai kind alike?” Splinter evenly said. “Oh, and the time I rubbed your feet, all eight of them, when you were on bedrest.”
“I thought that was an act of love.”
“Kindness.” He corrected because his heart hurt too much when she said love. “I was being kind. Though, if you want,” Again, his voice dipped into a purr, splaying out his arms wide in open invitation. “You could be kind enough to give me and my family a free round trip to Japan? I know you can do it.”
More scuttling as a low hiss escaped her maw. “That is a big, dimbly favor to ask.”
“I thought we were calling those acts of lo- kindness?”
“Why,” She drew the word out as she finally reached the bottom and pressed her broach. Suddenly, a swirl of light engulfed Big Mama and, with a whoosh of mystic energy that smelt like nutmeg, he watched as her stature began to diminish. Just as quickly, the light fractured and then separated into small motes of bioluminescent dust, casting a dim, golden glow around them. Now in human form, Big Mama stepped in close enough to touch. “Do you want to go to Japan?”
Without thinking, Splinter’s eyes trailed down then up and he swallowed. His heart was beginning to pick up, but certainly not from fear. He took a moment to gather himself. “My children need a vacation.”
Splinter takes one look at the S2 finale and the movie and decides that’s it, this family needs a break. Deals are made, mystic disguise brooches are acquired, itineraries are made, and with that, the family (including April!) are off on an exciting vacation to Japan! As with all scenarios involving the Hamato Clan, however, nothing goes so simply.
You’re getting so much bang for your buck picking up this fic. A family trip to Japan is charming in and of itself—and the author has done so much research on the country that some passages feels like taking a tour of your own—but this fic actually has a lot going on for it. How they even get to Japan involves some fun mystic worldbuilding, and the cloaking brooches open the door to interesting commentary on body dysphoria. And of course, things take quite a turn when the fam runs into a figure from Splinter’s past who has questions he struggles to answer. A refreshing story with creative ideas, Now That’s What I Call A Vacation! also has an excellent grasp on all of the characters, in and out of vacation mode. It’s a darling read.
odd man out by cosmocrow
22,676 words, 4/? chapters (last updated 10/29/2022)
Character Focus: Future Leonardo & Leonardo, Future Leonardo & Casey, The Hamato Family
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama
“Master Splinter,” he greets, almost impressed by the fact that his voice isn’t wavering like he feared it would. “I’m sorry for barging in– like. Barging into your timeline? I– I can explain.” He really can’t, but that isn’t the point.
Splinter only raises a hand. “Don’t worry, Casey has brought us up to speed.” He turns to deposit the tray onto a cart, before folding his hands into the sleeve of his robe. Leonardo can feel those yellow eyes look him up and down as he straightens up again. Splinter takes a step closer, craning his short neck to be able to look Leonardo in the face. Melancholy dances on his features, but the rat smiles nonetheless.
“Look at you, you’ve gotten so tall, Leonardo.” The soft usage of his name almost makes Leonardo stumble. He hasn’t heard it from his father’s mouth in a long, long time. A familiar burn starts to prickle within his eyes, so he starts blinking in order to quell the itch, pressing his lips together, so his mouth won’t wobble. He isn’t sure why he’s trying – he knows that Splinter knows.
His father always knew everything.
Splinter steps even closer, lifting a hand from within the confines of his sleeves. Like a magnet, Leonardo bends down, so his dad can cup the side of his face. Gently, the old rat rubs his thumb into his cheek, just below his mask, over his red markings. Splinter’s sad little smile falls, and he tugs down the blue mask over Leonardo’s face.
“But,” he says softly, “you look so tired, my son.”
Several months after the movie’s conclusion, a familiar face from Casey’s averted bad future appears, just as everyone else is startling to settle back in. Predictably, this throws everything into confusion.
Tl;dr, Future Leonardo is sent back into the past and has to adjust back to a world sans apocalypse, and the family takes him in with open arms. Things between him and younger Leo are a lot more tenuous, but there’s a resolution early on that feels very true to their personalities—one less sure of himself, and the other who’s learned his lessons the hard way—that resonated strongly with me and made me fall in love with the story. Add to that some genuinely heartwarming moments with the family bonding, and you’re in for a good, if bittersweet time. 
Recoil by unorthodoxx
63,236 words, 10/10 chapters
Character Focus: Ensemble
Genre: Action, Team Bonding, Angst, Crossover
“Hey guys,” he yells.  “You might want to see this.”
It doesn’t take long for the three of them to spill into his lab.  Leo comes in first and drapes himself across the back of Donnie’s chair.  “What’s up?  You find the secret ingredient to Luenzo’s Pizza yet?”
“No,” Donnie scowls.  “They’re locked down tighter than Fort Knox, but it’ll fall soon.  They always do.  No fellas,” He enlarges the email, “We’ve been invited to a meet-up of sorts.”  
Raph’s hand settles heavily on his shoulder as the larger turtle leans in to read.  “Dear Genius Built…….Talk about…….agree to meet…..love…”
“IRONMAN!!?!?”  Mikey shouts.  “THE Ironman wants to meet us!”
“Wow,” Raph whistles.  “The Avengers.  That’s some top-level hero stuff.”
ROTTMNT crosses over with the MCU! Set in a world where both universes exist in the same setting, this fic takes place after the Krang Invasion, but fairly into the MCU’s history, long before the superheroes have their falling out. So long as you have any familiarity with the first Avengers movie, you’ll be able to follow the story fine, as it’s straightforward: the appearance of the Krang was as abrupt as their defeat, and Tony Stark can’t let sleeping dogs lie. After uncovering the turtles’ involvement, an in-person meeting is arranged to handle the fate of the Krang Key.
Most of this fic is just a fun excuse to let the ROTTMNT characters bounce off the MCU characters, and it’s fun to see who gets along and who doesn’t. That’s the thing I love in particular about this story—the author is true enough to their characterization that not everyone is friends by the end, in a way that makes whole sense. The Avengers are disasters themselves, after all. The plot of handling the key is done exceptionally well too, and there’s a lot of high octane action at the end that’s quite thrilling. If you’re looking for a good time, you’ll fine it in Recoil, and if you enjoyed it, there’s more where that came from! The author has planned out several other stories set later on in the same series, the first of which (where the turtles meet Spiderman) is already out. So keep an eye on that!
this kind of weather by ihaveathingforpink
21,526 words, 2/4 chapters (last updated 09/18/2022)
Character Focus: Leonardo & Michelangelo, Raphael & Donatello, Ensemble
Genre: Action, Hurt/Comfort, Crossover
“Well, if it is business you seek, Krang has a proposition for you. There are two turtles Krang wishes for you to…remove from the board as their tenacity has proven to be as obstructive as it is predictable. For our plans to proceed, it’s too dangerous for either to remain alive.”
Takeshi takes another sip before asking, “Turtles? As in the ninja turtles that reside beneath the city, whom everyone pretends doesn’t exist? The people of New York won’t be pleased if I do anything to harm their heroes.”
“Oh, I want you to do more than simply harm them. First, they need to suffer.”
“Suffering costs extra. I don’t do anything for free.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to.”
“Yet you said two turtles when, last I checked, there’s four.”
“Ah, yes. They are of little concern to me. Krang only need you to get rid of two, and you must follow Krang's instructions precisely. Otherwise, you will fail. First, you will need to get rid of the little orange one; he may not look like much, but he’s one of the strongest mystic warriors of all time. I suggest you handle this one quickly—he can be quite slippery—but the blue one, Krang implores you to take your time.”
This story has one helluva hook. A surviving Krang puts a hit out on Mikey and Leo, and saying more than that would unfortunately spoil the twist of the first chapter. With just two chapters, though, this story is fascinating and deserves a lot more attention than it’s gotten. It has high stakes, great action, and is an emotional roller coaster that doesn’t let up. It’s also a bit of a crossover, though longstanding fans of the TMNT franchise will recognize these faces right away. That’s right, this is a crossover with Usagi Yojimbo! Besides characters of that series, though, there’s also a lot of familiar faces from previous TMNT series that Rise never got enough time to tackle, like Tiger Claw and Renet. 
You can probably guess from the latter’s name that things are about to get timey-wimey up in here, and you’d be correct. There’s an absolutely killer plot at work here, emphasis on the killer, and whether they want to or not the turtles have to take a divide and conquer approach to it while at one of their lowest points. Seriously, check this one out. 
Under Pressure by ParvumAutmaton
21,560 words, 4/4 chapters
Character Focus: The Boys & April
Genre: Suspense, Angst
“You know April, right?” The voice on the other end of the line asked. “You’re one of her gamer friends?”
Donnie blinked. The voice sounded familiar but that didn’t help him at the unholy hour where way too late morphed into way too early.
“And you are?”
“Her mother. Please, did she spend the night at your place?”
“No, she did not,” Donnie answered, forcing himself upright, his exhaustion evaporating with that question. “I believe she was planning on some extracurricular club activity yesterday afternoon. So we weren’t planning on seeing her.”
“I don’t suppose you know which club?”
“No, I do not.”
“Ok,” The waver Donnie heard in her voice implied that it wasn’t. “You will let me know if April gets in touch?”
“Of course Ms. O’Neil.”
The call ended.
Donnie stared at his phone.
One of the few fics on this list not set after the movie, this story takes place after the S2 finale on a dismal day when April goes missing. Investigating her disappearance leads the boys to a van and a lake, and an exploration on the dangers of cave diving. 
As you can guess from that description, this fic has quite the creative setup that’s both atmospheric and suspenseful. Be sure to heed the tags because it does get dark, but it’s still a great read, and the turtles’ determination to find their sister pulls at the heartstrings. 
big sister by Darth_Sunny
18,090 words, 6/? chapters (last updated 10/24/2022)
Character Focus: April & Family
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
April O’Neil wasn’t an only child anymore. She had four younger brothers, whom she loved with all her heart, and who she’d burned the world down for if anything were to happen to them. She’d fight every ancient mystic evil the world would throw at her if it meant keeping them safe. And if she couldn’t be there for them at the moment, she’d be there for them in the aftermath. She was their big sister, their oldest and only sister. : was the self-proclaimed protector, but even he needed someone to protect him and to help protect their younger brothers.
So that’s why, when she watched the portal close up, slicing the Technodrome in half, stopping the Kraang for good, knowing that he was trapped back in that prison dimension, April O’Neil felt her heart break into hundreds, thousands, millions of little pieces.
This one’s a fic following April’s perspective on the end of the invasion, from Leo’s sacrifice, to picking up Casey, and reuniting with the boys. It mostly follows canon, but there is a fairly major change revealed partway through that makes it canon divergent from the movie’s ending. It’s unclear if other changes will follow, but just in case it’s being slotted in the canon divergent category all the same. 
That’s not the focus, though. No, this fic is centered squarely on April and her relationship with the rest of the Hamato Clan. I love that it impresses how much April is a part of the family, and that the boys aren’t just her friends but her brothers, and that their pain is her pain. Watching the aftermath of the invasion unfold from her perspective is a fresh and evocative take. 
Like Father Like Son by eternalglitch
132,982 words, 25/? chapters (last updated 11/02/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Leo-centric)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
“Here, Boss!” Huginn darted back across the room, wings straining, as he carried a very… familiar…
“Uh, wait up, no,” Leo said, eyeing the blue object as Huginn dropped it into Draxum’s waiting hand. “Do you even know where that thing’s been? Have you properly washed it at least?”
Draxum’s roots suddenly shift, dragging Leo upright until he’s forced to stand on his tip-toes to have any sort of purchase. “I happened to have had it offered to me by the mutant that you call Meat Sweats,” Draxum said, admiring the collar (for that’s what it actually was, even if Leo had never called it that when it was just a gift from his brother) in the light. “He was quite helpful once I mentioned what I wanted to use it for.” Draxum started to approach, the collar held aloft.
“So, what,” Leo bit out. “You’re gonna stop me from saying my one-liners? Big whoop.”
“I think you’ll find,” Draxum coolly said. “That this has been modified to do so much more than that.”
This fic needs no introduction. In fact, there’s a high chance some of you heard of LFLS before they even saw Rise; I’ve heard of people who only watched the show just so they could read it! It’s the most popular fic in the fandom for a reason. If that’s scared you off, though, or if you’ve avoided it for other reasons, let me tell you why you should give it a chance. 
The fic takes some of Rise’s best villains and settings, and explores the darker sides of them (do heed the warnings in the tags). Leo goes through the absolute wringer, but the effect his disappearance has on his family plays a central part of the story as well, with all of the brothers getting full blown introspection and character arcs. Donnie’s in particular hurts me. The emotions are high and the plot is juicy, with some of the tightest writing the fandom has to offer, including intelligent plans and dialogue. As far as hurt/comfort goes, this is definitely a slow burn with a lot of angst, but the author has promised a happy ending. Between that and consistent updates (it’s been going strong for two years), what more could you ask for?
Three Days to Live by Werepirechick
93,992 words, 13/13 chapters
Character Focus: April & The Boys
Genre: Cyberpunk, Action, Human AU
The heiress and former target lowers her hands, keeping them placidly by her sides. “K-tech is a vicious, unrelenting company,” she says, glasses gleaming in the room’s light as she lifts her chin in defiance. “The people who run it are the same. They don’t let people get away, and they don’t leave loose ends. You were all on their shit list as much as I am, the second you signed on.”
Leo shifts his stance, tightening his grip on his gun. “So what are you proposing?” he asks coolly.
“Like y’all said. I’m the heiress to the company. In three days I’m going to walk into a courtroom, sign the papers that frees K-tech from the control of my guardian, and walk out the richest, most powerful person in North America.” O’Neil smiles bitterly. “That is, if I can survive the next seventy-two hours. That’s where you come in.”
“You want us to guard you,” Raph states.
Ohhh, this fic is an absolute gem. You can’t say no to a good Human AU in this fandom to start, but to top it off with a cyberpunk twist? Trust me, this is a match made in heaven. The plot kicks off when the boys—hitmen in this universe—are hired to take out April O’Neil, an heiress to one of the world’s largest tech companies. When things take a turn, she makes them a deal: protect her for three days instead, and she’ll make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.
The plot that follows is filled with danger, intrigue, and high octane action. The world is incredibly thought out and immersive, and makes for a great way to work ROTTMNT’s mystic powers into a new genre. The banter, though. If you’ve read any of Werepirechick’s other fics, you’d know that’s their specialty, and it’s no different here in Three Days to Live. While on the run from the powers seeking to destroy her, the boys and April bond and their friendship is perfection. The series also blends in characters from other iterations of the franchise, but it’s not too distracting, and for the most part remains firmly rooted in the Rise style. Do yourself a favor, and give this one a read!
Posted: 11/06/2022
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yellowkitkieran · 2 years
Afterglow (Martin Odegaard)
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Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Based loosely on ‘Afterglow’ by Taylor Swift. Requested by anonymous.
Babe, you need to see this. I'm sorry. 
The second you read the message from your best friend, your heart stutters. A link comes through seconds later. Your hand shakes as you click on it and an article fills your screen. The article brings your world crashing down before you read anything past the headline. It shows your boyfriend Martin laughing with a pretty blonde woman, one hand on her hip and the other holding hers as they walk out of a nondescript building. By all accounts, it looks damning.
A fire lights in your belly, one born of jealousy rage. How dare he? After everything he'd promised you? Who does he think he is? A million questions swirl in your mind, most of them barbed and accusatory. You glance at the clock, silently thankful that Martin should be there any second and you don't have to stew on this for long. 
Everything inside you wants to smash the photos in your flat until Martin's face is nowhere to be found. Three years down the drain for what was probably a fling. It isn't your fault you don't want to fuck as much as he does! That's probably all it was too; just sex, a replacement for what you couldn't always give him. And it stings to know he'd gone and found that somewhere else. 
You hear his keys outside your front door. Mentally drawing up your walls, you remind yourself to stand strong as it swings open. "Søta? I'm- oh hey. I missed you today."
Where Martin's voice is soft, yours is hard as stone. "Oh, did you? Are you sure you aren't mistaking me for that blonde you're fucking on the side?"
All color drains from Martin's face in an instant, which tells you all you need to know. "What do you mean? I'm not- you're my one and only, you know that!"
And now he has the audacity to lie to your face. "Are you fucking kidding me? You're really gonna stand there and pretend like I don't know what's going on? I saw the article Martin!"
"What article?" Martin rakes a nervous hand through his hair, voice raw and confused but you don't care. "Søta I swear-"
"Don't call me that!" You shove at Martin's chest with all your strength, breaking the loose grip he has on your arms. You feel like a cornered stallion, bucking and kicking because your heart is beating so wildly you can't hear anything over its roar in your ears. 
"The evidence is right here," you say, shoving your phone in his face. "Are you gonna tell me this photo is fake? Staged? 'Martin Ødegaard caught out and about with a new girl'? How do you think that makes me feel, that I have to find out about this through my friend? I'm an idiot!"
Martin made a promise that he would never, ever hurt you, and now he's done the worst possible thing you can do to another human. You trusted him with your fragile, taped together heart that you feared had been broken one too many times to be functional. But he had nurtured you, planted seeds of affection and helped you learn what real love looks like. Now he's ripped the rug out from under you and left you damaged. 
Martin stands stoic in the face of your hurricane of emotion. His eyes are red rimmed but other than that, he shows nothing on his face. "It's not true," he whispers, pleading with you to believe him. "You have to know it's not real. You know I would never do something like that."
You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest, "I can't listen to your excuses Martin. Please go."
Martin's face crumbles like your heart. He reaches for you but you step away, unwilling to let his touch bend your perception of events in his favor. One touch and you'll be done- your confidence will dissolve and you'll fall into his arms and let him hurt you again and again.
"I love you."
Your hands fly up to your ears like a child, protecting yourself from his words. You squeeze your eyes shut. You try to block out the way you can still feel him standing a few feet from you. When you finally open them some minutes later, Martin is finally gone. A folded slip of white paper sits on the floor where his feet were, but you don't touch it. 
The best thing you've ever had is gone, and you're afraid you'll never find something so sweet again. 
Søta can we please talk?
I miss you.
Please just let me explain, I swear it isn't what you think it is
You refuse to respond to a single one of Martin's messages. You've been ignoring them for days and they have begun to pile up in your inbox, and still you refuse to touch them. You remain firm in your position that he'd done you wrong, that damning photo splashed across tabloids everywhere. He'd embarrassed you- how hard was it to break up with someone before moving on?
There's one singular image of Martin that comes out of Arsenal's training all week. He isn't looking at the camera but his posture alone is enough to tell you how heavy his heart is. You hate seeing him like that, despite everything. It isn't like your love for him evaporated; you still feel the same for him and seeing him so blue hurts.
Something constricts in your chest and for the first time in six days, and after much internal debate, you allow yourself to search for his name on Instagram. 
And it's then that you see her post explaining the story. It's a short reel and your curiosity gets the better of you- why would Martin choose her over you, the woman he claimed to love until the end of time? 
"Hey guys, I just wanted to hop on and address those images of me and Martin Ødegaard that have been circulating online. First and foremost, nothing happened! I literally fell flat on my face seconds before that as we were coming out the door- he was helping me walk in those stupid tall heels that I shouldn't have been in the first place. 
"I swear that's all it was- we both had photo shoots in the same building that day and he'd stopped to help me because I was struggling. I hadn't even met him before that day, and the only reason I know who he is, is thanks to everyone online!"
You lock your phone and set it on the table, completely stunned. Oh, you'd fucked up big time. Leaving your phone behind you grab your keys and your jacket, heart pounding as you rush out the door. 
You have to see him. You have to set things right. 
You make it to his house in record time. The weather must pick up and feed off your mood because just as you pull up the skies open up, rain pouring down from a suddenly cloudy sky. 
"Fuck it, let's go," you mumble to yourself, hopelessly holding your hands over your head as you run for his door. You knock frantically, praying he's home. You hadn't stopped to check what day it is- was he at recovery? Training? Was it a match day-
The door swings open and you're greeted by an exhausted looking Norwegian. Martin drums up a half smile, shifting his weight to his right foot, "Hey."
Seeing him now, everything comes crashing down. You should've let him speak before just barreling ahead. It wasn't right for you to shut him out the way you had. He deserved a chance to defend himself and you'd been so terrified of being hurt that you'd jumped to conclusions. 
You throw your arms around his neck and pull him out into the rain for a fierce hug, not caring that you're soaked to the bone. You bury your face in his shoulder as he instinctively soothes a hand over your back, unsure what was happening but hating seeing you upset all the same. 
"Shh søta it's alright… what's happened? Do you want to come inside?"
You pull back to look up at him, threading your fingers in the hair on the back of his head. "No- Martin I'm so sorry for everything. I should've let you speak instead of just accusing you of something I knew you wouldn't ever do. And I know you probably can't forgive me but I'm gonna do my best to earn it as best I can."
Martin smiles and brushes your sopping hair off your forehead. The tenderness in the gesture carries the weight of a thousand words and instantly you feel lighter. "I was never upset with you, and there's nothing to forgive. I don't blame you for reacting the way you did. I'm just glad you're here now… but I am gonna take you inside before you get sick and I have to take care of you."
You smile, silently grateful for him and the fact that the rain hides your tears. "I love you Mar, I'm glad you were home. I didn't really have a plan, I just knew I needed to speak with you."
Martin takes your hand and leads you inside before he says anything else. "You know where the spare key is anyway. I wouldn't put it past you to wait here and ambush me when I finally did get home." Martin kneels in front of you, allowing you to hold his shoulder for balance while he takes off your wet shoes and sets them aside. Then he starts on your jeans, unbuttoning them and working them down your legs, though the wet denim provides a challenge, "also, let's just put this all behind us okay? I want to forget it ever happened."
Standing before him half dressed, you smile at the man in front of you. No one has ever knelt before you, and certainly no one has ever looked at you the way Martin is now. His face is open and vulnerable, a beautiful sight to behold as rainwater drips down his cheeks and off his chin to dot the carpet under your feet. You place your hand on his jaw and guide him to his feet, pulling him in for a wet kiss as his hands find your hips.
"Just say you love me," you murmur against him, his warmth warding off the cold from your soaked skin. 
"I love you," he whispers into your mouth. "And I think we need a warm shower."
You pull back to search his expression, trying to determine his mood. "Together?" You ask tentatively, because you're not ready to be apart from him just yet.
Martin offers you a cheeky grin and grabs your bum, "together. Definitely together."
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fernandezology · 2 years
don’t take me for granted-mason mount
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pairing: mason mount x reader
summary: “but every time i leaned over and said i’m sorry you said it was fine. you squeezed my hand and said it’s fine. i love you. don’t worry... it’s fine.”
warnings: angst with a twist at the end
word count: 1,2 k
life is good.cause we fucking did it. it couldn’t have gone better.
you looked beautiful tonight.the entire night, while i was talking to all these smiling,sweet,rich people who one month ago wouldn’t give me the time of day... i would look across the room and see you. and i’d think, god,she is the most beautiful fucking creature on planet earth.and the sexiest. there’s truly no one sexier. even christian said it.
speech he gave after being voted as the best at fifa awards left you…speechless.you had no intention of talking to him so you just looked at him confused.
he recognized your “what is that supposed to mean” look because let’s face it,he knew you like the back of his hand.
not in a bad way. a good way. a respectful way. but it’s true. every time i’d see you... he continued to talk while kissing the back of your neck,with your glass of old fashioned,smiling and chatting it up,i’d think to myself:
“god, am i fucking lucky.”
nobody in their right mind would have energy to start an argument after a long night of pretending to be interested in people you’ve never seen before. thankfully,there were few familiar faces who made this night bearable. however,some of them turned it into the worst night ever. including him. you didn’t want to raise any suspicion so you dryly smiled at him.
what was that?
that smile?
it was a fake smile. i thought you are going to be a little bit more excited for me. don’t think your behavior went unnoticed. it seemed like you were not yourself tonight, especially around my mum. what’s wrong?
point is… i don’t have nothing to say to her. which is the reason i didn’t talk to her.
it’s just... she notices.
how do you know?
i just do.
well she sees how you are with other people... you’re talkative, you’re funny.
what can i say, i’m personable.
right. which makes her insecure.
what? other human beings with personalities?
no. it’s the fact that you’re not yourself and she knows it. can you just tell me what happened?
tust me. it’s not a good idea. let’s talk tomorrow.
but i know you’re upset at me.
it’s not a big deal.
i can’t go to sleep knowing you’re angry.
i’m begging you. nothing productive is going to be said tonight.
how do you know?
because i know you.
you turn and walk down the hall toward to bedroom,already regretting you said anything because he is not gonna let it go now.
as you were taking off your jewelry,you look at him in the mirror,realizing this is gonna be a long night. truthfully,you didn’t have one of those in a while- at least not this sort of long night.
really... you wanna go there? it’s your speech, mason.
why do you have to find something... anything...the most minor fucking detail to harp on, to fucking ensure that there is no possible fucking reason to celebrate.
you didn’t thank me, mason. that’s not a minor fucking detail. that’s a big one.
oh give me a fucking break. when i said you’ll find the most minor fucking detail and turn it ugly... i fucking meant it.
but i’ve thanked you a million times before. you know i’m thankful. you know I’m appreciative. and you know it was a mistake, so why turn it into anything more?
because it is more.
you can’t be serious.
i’m dead serious.
then you’re out of your mind.
and you’re hyperbolic.
i’m not. it’s hysterical to think that forgetting to thank you is symbolic of anything other than me legitimately forgetting to fucking thank you.
you looked at him in the mirror and turned to him:
mason,you thanked a hundred fucking people. you thanked your agents. your teammates. your parents. your fucking third grade teacher and the kid who was playing with you at academy when you were eleven years old and saw whatever-the-fuck.
i didn’t thank the guy who saw me scoring a free-kick identical to one i scored in 2020?
you know what i mean -
you don’t have to be sarcastic and petty about it. i forgot to thank you.i am sorry. i am genuinely sorry.which is why i apologized a hundred times during the awards. i couldn’t even focus on the awards because i felt so guilty.
that’s a shame.
but every time i leaned over and said i’m sorry you said it was fine. you squeezed my hand and said “it’s fine. i love you. don’t worry... it’s fine.”
well mason,i changed my mind.it’s not fine.
how can you just change your mind?
honestly... it’s really fucking easy.
that doesn’t seem a little crazy to you?
not at all.
because while i was sitting through awards it was fine,then every single person from your dad to declan came up and said, “i know you’re probably a little upset he forgot to thank you but i know how much he counts on you.”
they said that?
they told me not to read into it.
what does that mean?
that’s funny you say that... that’s the exact same thought i had. but let’s not digress. because as the night went on, i became less fine with it.
before you could continue why you weren’t fine with it,he asked you to sit next him. even though this was probably your worst fight ever,you missed being close to him and how could you refuse?
because it’s not just about you forgetting to thank me. it’s about how you see me and how you view my contribution, not just to this relationship, but to your work. after listening to you complain about new coaches,new methods,waking up in the middle of night when you were crying about not being good enough and not wanting to leave your childhood club,supporting you when you wanted to quit football completely…
i really hope you don’t actually think that i don’t appreciate everything you did for me. for us. if it wasn’t for you,i wouldn’t be here where i am right now. i would still be mediocre. there is a reason why they say that after every great man is a great woman. you are the most loving and patient person i know. thank you for everything, i don’t know how will i ever make it up to you,but i’ll do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman in world every day until we die. i’m so sorry. thank you. thank you for loving me. for making my life anything but mediocre. we make the best team and i love you,baby.
i love you too,just don’t take me for granted.
great... are we no longer fighting?
you look at him and smile and then it turns into a laugh.
what? don’t tell me you already know what i wanted to ask you. he smiled for first time since you came home and but it felt like forever since you last seen his contagious smile- one of many things that made you fall in love with him.
you shrugged your shoulders, completely oblivious on what is he talking about until you saw him getting on one knee.
will you marry me?
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alexiswritingstuff · 1 year
For him.
Pairing: Gustavo Fring x gn! reader.
Summary: A run in with a rival business ended with a friend of the readers being sent to hospital, all because of one mistake. A situation that a certain Fring is seemingly trying to pretend didn’t happen. But why?
Content: hurt/comfort.
Warnings: mentions of violence. Descriptions of blood. 
Also be aware that there might be spelling mistakes and such. I go over my fics like a million times but things still managed to slip under the radar.
A/N: I finished watching Better Call Saul and this mf was the only thing on my mind. Again. There is such a low amount of fics with this dude, so I wanted to help change that.
Like I say almost every time I try writing for a different character, please be aware that I might not accurately depict them on the first try. There might be parts where they don’t capture the way Gus would actually react, so keep that in mind.
Here is my attempt! I hope you enjoy.
More Gustavo fics.
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The dark of night consumed almost everything seen through the window of your car, despite the few streetlights that put up a fight.
It was silent. Enough so that you could hear the blood rampant through your veins, and the heartbeat that was anything but steady within the confined space of your chest.
The scene played in front of your eyes once again until they had to be squeezed shut, as if it could simply rid them of the images. Your fingers were grasped onto the steering wheel, the colour of your knuckles slowly fading to a white colour.
It was one mistake. A phrasing of a sentence that could’ve easily been avoided if Gustavo hadn’t got too comfortable. Too used to winning the game of intimidation that he had forgotten the consequences of a wrong move.  
He messed up.
Your friend was close to death. The ambulance that wailed through the night air instead of you had pulled away minutes ago, and with it seemed to take your ability to function.
You could still hear it. See it. Even feel it as some of the blood had splattered, seeped into the fabric of your clothes.
When it had happened, everyone had their guns on at least someone, halting the possibility of making a singular move. 
You couldn’t shield your friend, take their place, or even shift your eyes, unless you wanted numerous bullets to tear through your flesh in a matter of seconds. All you could do was watch. 
And watch you did.
The sound of the door handle clicking had your head snapping towards the passenger side almost immediately. The fingers of one hand hovered, ready, over the gun that had apparently been jabbing into your side this entire time.
Though, as soon as your eyes caught onto that damn suit, you regained your previous position. Quick enough that the person joining you wouldn’t have known that you had even moved in the first place.
He bent in, settling himself into the car seat until he could close the door. It engulfed the air in this new silence that was yet to bring you a form of comfort. 
The man cleared his throat, but even then there were no words that followed. So, too exhausted to pick a fight, you also kept quiet, just staring forward even if there was nothing to really look at.
You could feel the exact moment the extra pair of eyes landed on you, feel the countless things he wanted to say swimming through them regardless of the fact that you weren’t even looking. 
But you just wanted him to out and say it.
You needed it.
“That wasn’t... how that was supposed to go.” Gus began, his body leaning further into the seat beneath him. “Do you know what hospital they are going to?” Your arms slowly crossed over your chest, a sigh seeping through your lips as you turned to the window to your left. “Uh-huh.”
You almost rolled your eyes.
That’s it? That’s all he had to say? He almost got your friend killed and that was all he was going to give you?
“This is going to set us back, but if we get to it tomorrow we should be able to make up for it.”
The first portion of that sentence had your head turning towards him in seconds, but by the time he was finished your eyebrows were practically furrowed as much as they possibly could. “Are you serious?”
Gustavo met your eyes simply. The expression on his face close to making him look innocent, as if he hadn’t just put someone in hospital. “Of course.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
It didn’t matter that you knew it wasn’t directly his fault, the rage that filtered through your body was instant. And something that didn’t go unnoticed by the man beside you. 
So, when your arm had suddenly reached in his direction, he had half expected to feel a stinging sensation within the next second, or at least something similar.
But all he felt was this cool breeze on the other side of his face, and the sound of a click that echoed throughout the car. 
As soon as you were sat back again, your head already turned away from his, he realised.
You had opened his door.
“Go,” was all that could leave your mouth in that moment, and even then Gustavo could hear the attempt at concealing the anger rich in your bones. 
Thus, he cleared his throat, taking one last glance in your direction before he stared right ahead like you had done before. 
His body straightened as he swallowed back his response, one of his hands finally patting lightly at his leg when he stomached that you weren’t going to change your mind.
He had really messed up.
So, with that being that, Gustavo got up. He pulled himself out of the car seat, the sound of shoes grinding against a layer of gravel following right after.
The door shut behind him.
There was no way to tell how much time had gone by. You didn’t look. Too busy just driving for who knows how long.
But at some point, after an annoying internal fight, you ended up making the decision to go back to your home. A journey that made your realise just how tuckered out your body was.
Upon arrival, the lights at the front of the house were already on. Lightly buzzing in their respective places on either side of the door, as if they had been expecting your presence.
The cool night air did nothing for the warmth of your skin once out of the car. Your hand reached into your pocket, fingers shuffling through the compartment for your set of keys, as you moved onto the walkway to the house.
The situation from earlier had your brain jumbled enough that you seemed to have forgotten to do your regular check once closer to the door.
Whenever meetups went sideways you would always make sure that there was no one else at the house. You would look for any tracking, or listening, devices that could’ve been planted. Anything that could signify the presence of someone unwanted.
So, when you got to the door, unlocked it and took a step inside, there wasn’t a word to describe the feeling when this sudden scent of food hit your nostrils.
More so because, again, you knew exactly who it was.
The energy to respond to that said fact had dissipated a long time ago, thus instead, you found yourself moving to the coat hangers, slowly peeling away the jacket that clung to your body.
Once off, it was held in your hands for a moment, your fingers placed careful enough to avoid the crusted splatters of blood. 
And then you let it fall. Watching as it turned into a crumple on the floor.
Gustavo was a neat man. He always had things placed in precise locations, and kept many items nice and clean regardless of the amount of times he actually used them.
So, in spite, and instead of taking the dirty jacket to the laundry room, you just left there. On the floor. You even kicked it into the corner, right beside the door, to see how long it would take him to notice it... 
But you did in fact decided to take off your shoes. 
After all of your... shenanigans, you finally moved forward, your eyes beginning to adjust to the new lighting as you followed the scent that was so close to making your stomach rumble.
“Ah, there you are.” Gustavo had called upon noticing your frame appear from the hallway. It was scary how fast he could spot you sometimes. “I was beginning to think that you weren’t coming home.”
You sort of stood there awkwardly, taking in the pots and pans hot on the stove, and the plethora of vegetables that sat next to the chopping board. 
“Well. I hope you’re hungry.” Gustavo took some of the veg and turned on a tap, beginning to rinse them one by one to make sure they weren’t dirty. “There isn’t a plan for this meal. I just wanted to use up some things from the fridge.”
You started to move further into the room, encompassed by the smell of the meat frying in the pan in a way that made you almost forget why and what you were mad at.
“You are hungry, yes?” Gus questioned right as you rounded the first row of counters and you cleared your throat, trying to respond as dryly as possible, “Sort of.” A smile pressed onto his lips. “Good.”
As the man moved towards the chopping board, you found yourself stopping right on the other side of it. Just watching.
The way Gus approached cooking had always fascinated you since the first time he had shown you such skill. The way he did it, or talked about it, even when he was simply picking out the ingredients to use. It was full of this passion.
He pulled a knife out of its wooden holder, a kind that always shocked you on how large it grew, and steadied a pre peeled garlic clove on the board with his other hand. “For this, I’m going to cut it like I would for Paila Marina.” He hovered the sharpest part of the blade above the clove, “Do you remember how?”
Your eyes lifted from his hands, trailing up until they were met with the ones that were already staring right back. You straightened your spin. A breath sucked through your nose.
“You mince it.”
Gus’s head nodded in an instant. His own gaze fell back to the garlic he had now began to chop, that same smile from earlier making an appearance. “The Chorizo in the pan. I don’t want it to burn while I prep the vegetables.”
“Do you mind?” This time he hadn’t even spared a glance in your direction. He just chopped away, the sound of the knife ringing in your ears every time it hit the board beneath it.
You wanted to be mad. Wanted to yell at him for ignoring what had happened. Wanted to shout at him for not admitting that he was at fault, or at least make him prove that he felt something towards the fact that one of his workers was now injured.
But as shameful as it made you feel... you were pretty hungry. Fixing that with burnt Chorizo probably wouldn’t do the trick. 
Finally, you moved round the last row of counters, a lump slowly forming in your throat as you were now on the exact same side as Gus. You walked passed him, catching a whiff of his scent, mixed with the various others, that tugged the crack in your anger further.
You stood in front of the stove, spatula in hand, as you flipped over the cut up sausages again, and again when the timing was right.
The longer you looked at them, and glanced into the pot beside it that had what looked like a form of stew, the more you wanted to just scoop it into your mouth even though it would’ve severely hurt.
It left you constantly salivating.
Out of nowhere, a certain Fring appeared to your side. There were various vegetables cut evenly, in their respective ways, across the chopping board.
You moved to the side in an instant, hearing the man hum a thank you before he slightly tilted the board, dispersing most of the veg between the pot and the sizzling chorizo.
He was close. You could smell him again, stronger this time. 
Despite the man he was, the things he did day to day regardless of the consequences. It was comforting. He was comforting. You wanted to breathe him in until he was all you could smell.
But you were mad at him.
“Is there something you need?” the man suddenly questioned, his voice switching to one softer as he folded the food together, ensuring that the flavour would be at its full potential.
“Hmm?” you responded after a second, only now just realising that you had been stuck in a trance. “Uh… Nothing, I just… I’m tired— I’m going to sit down.” you explained, swallowing down the new feeling as you began to move away.
Gus turned to look at you, an unreadable expression showing for a split second before that smile pressed at his lips. 
And then he focused back on the food, reaching for a dial alter the heat. “Of course.”
“Dinner will be ready soon.”
The last spoonful of the unnamed meal was brought to Gustavo’s lips. He sighed almost immediately, his body properly relaxing into the chair he sat on, as he savoured the taste. “Now that was much better than I expected.”
You, who sat on the other side of the table merely hummed in response, toying with the metal spoon loosely grasped between your fingers.
Gustavo opened his eyes, the look of content halting across his features as he lowered his head to get you back in his view. “Was it to your liking?” 
This time, even after a direct question, there wasn’t even a sound.
The longer he waited the more the silence had grown. So, he slowly put his spoon on the mat beneath his bowl, nudging it slightly so that it would get into its rightful position.
His hands folded together against the table.
“Hmm?” you finally answered with a few blinks, the cutlery in your own hand almost dropping when your brain had allowed you back into existence, “Oh,” You found Gustavo’s dark eyes that almost held no colour, even in the light, “Yeah-- Yes, it was very nice.”
Your gaze had moved down to your bowl, eager to avoid the attention given in a way that had you finding refuge in the stains that trailed across your tableware, and eyeing the sauce remnants like you were trying to find something.
“Well. I’m glad.” Gus had stated, trying to gage whether you had gotten lost again, and his answer was given when there was only another hum.
He watched you for a moment, waiting for at least some kind of movement, or sound that would fall from your lips to further prevent what he knew was bound to come.
But there was nothing.
You were just sat still, as though you were a statue.
Gustavo reached for his glass, taking in a quick breath before he brought it to his lips. He took a swig of the liquid and then returned it to its coaster, feeling the drink filter a coolness throughout his warm body.
“Is there something you wish to speak about?”
In this instance, your eyes had moved within seconds. They met with the ones they had previously been trying to avoid. Almost like a challenge in response to his phrasing. Again. You swallowed.
“Is there anything you wish to speak about?” you repeated, choosing a specific tone that had Gustavo mildly tilting his head. His eyebrows furrowed just a bit as he attempted to show a confused smile across his lips, “What do you mean?”
“There wasn’t anything that bothered you today?” Your words started as soon as he had finished his sentence, the blood in your system warming like water in a heating pot. “Anything at all?”
Gustavo’s smile faltered, and when he spoke his voice was finally back to the usual one he had when he felt intimidated. “I’m just trying to have a conversation, I do not understand why you are acting like this.”
Your lips curled in a humourless way, a hushed scoff huffing through, as your head shook with disbelief. “You know what? Forget it.” you had began, placing your cutlery down without care, “I’m going to bed.”
“Goodnight, Gustavo.” You pushed your chair back so that your legs could escape from underneath the table, and then you stood. The man before you watched your every move, eyes almost wide as he did so, “Wait, Y/n, I--”
You didn’t even glance back, beginning to make your way through the living area. But just as there was about to be more steps taken, you heard the sound of chair legs harshly scraping across the wooden floor. 
“I said wait!”
And your legs froze despite your want to keep moving. 
You were between the initial row of counter tops and the back of the couch, the material smooth against your fingertips when you had reached your hand out to rest on it.
You could hear the breath that Gustavo took through his nose. Either an attempt to calm himself down, or an act in relief that you complied to his words. Though, none of it really mattered to you. 
“I do understand.” 
His voice was almost quiet. A reluctant sound that mimicked a child when they were in trouble. Your head rose a smidge, but you gave him no reaction.
So, he continued, “I think I know why you’re... upset.” He was walking on already broken glass, and he knew it, although it still didn’t seem to help his phrasing.
Your head tilted slightly, your gaze narrowing even if it wasn’t directed at your target of annoyance. “You think?”
“Y/n, you have to believe that it wasn’t my intention for that to happen.”
Still. After everything, he couldn’t even address the problem? Seriously?
Within the next few seconds, your foot had slid back to allow your body the ability to properly twist to the side. Your eyes trailed as you moved, landing on anything in your field of view before they could settle on that dark pair all over again.
Though the rage was most definitely present, you held none of it on your face. It didn’t even twitch. “Whether it was, or wasn’t, doesn’t exactly matter to me anymore, Gustavo.”
He held his arms out, a look of exasperation taking over his features before his hands smacked back against the side of his thighs, “Then what is this problem that you have?”
Now was when your body officially turned, “What is the--” you started to repeat, but the disbelief hit before you could finish, “You know what?” Your head shook, “You.”
“You are the problem.” 
The attempt at walking away, at trying to remain calm, had ended with this feeling like a volcano was getting ready to erupt. Gustavo didn’t move an inch. “Today.”
“Earlier today, in case you’ve forgotten, my friend almost died.” you laid out, the words that fell from your mouth one after the other feeling like equal jabs to his side. “I saw you. I watched your face when it happened and there was nothing-- You said nothing.”
Gustavo’s mask appeared again. This hopeful, though desperate, smile taking over his lips, “Y/n, come on.” he began, eager to rid the tense mood that hung like grey clouds. “There was guns pointed at us from every direction. We couldn’t have acted, you know this--”
“But that doesn’t mean that you can just ignore it afterwards.” you insisted frustratedly, still not understanding his previous actions even after having hours to try, “Just because... they don’t matter to you, that doesn’t mean that--”
“They are my employee.” Gus reminded, the look on his face showing almost disgust at your statement, but anger was clouding your perceptual abilities. You took a step forward, pointing a finger at your chest, “And they are my friend.”
“A person that was close to death and is now sat in a hospital, do you remember why that is, huh?”
Gustavo’s chin had lowered. His eyes were peering over his glasses, and right into your soul, while the creases in his face deepened with everything that he felt, “Watch your words.”
His voice was deep. Gravelly. Almost exactly like the one he would use when talking to a person he didn’t particularly like. An enemy. You could only shake your head.
“What, like you did yours?”
The two of you were just stood there. This entire day had been a series of unknown miscommunications. And now there was a light. A shared feeling throughout the argument.
Why did it have to be hateful?
It felt like hours had gone by the time there was finally some kind of a movement, breaking the unofficial stand off.
Gustavo took in a breath, his chest expanding as it slowly filled his lungs. “I told you.” His shoulders slightly sunk, though his head remained high. 
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
You bit at your bottom lip, looking back and forth between those eyes of his, before your own shoulders were the next to lower. “Goodnight.” 
You turned to leave, covering about three steps worth of ground until his voice echoed through your ears as if he had said them in the middle of a church. “They are all right.”
There you were again, looking over your shoulder to find the man across the room. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Your friend.” he clarified, even taking a step away from the table, though he didn’t dare to move any closer. As if it would solidify your decision to leave. “They are doing fine.”
Your eyes narrowed like they had done not that long ago. Except this time it wasn’t done as a challenge. It was disbelief. Uncertainty. “And how do you know that?”
Gustavo was able to do or say anything when it came to getting his way, so this could sure as hell just be another trick. 
That was the first and only thing to make him break eye contact. And though it wasn’t visible to your eyes, Gustavo had gulped in a way that almost made a sound. His mouth ran dry, “I checked.”
“Before I came here. I was at the hospital.” he continued after an attempt to clear his throat, the lack of response from you doing nothing for the feeling that surged through him.
But Gustavo never got nervous.
His head suddenly raised in a way that made you want to take a step back, his eyes wide enough that you could clearly see the stuff that swirled within. “They are alive. Conscious...Though, the doctors said that they were going to need a good amount of rest due to the damage.”
It had taken you a moment to find your voice.
The past few hours had been spent by you aimlessly driving around. An attempt to clear that thing called a brain. But during that Gustavo, the man you had been mad at for most of the day, had taken the time to see how your friend was doing.
You hadn’t even gone with them to the hospital when the ambulance arrived.
It was almost as if your eyelids had forgotten how to blink. “You... went to see them.” you rounded up, swallowing thickly. Gustavo gave a simple nod.
There was no number to correctly depict the amount of shame you felt. And apparently it was a noticeable factor as Gus’s tense expression, though only slightly, seemed to ease. “Now do you see that I wasn’t trying to pretend? Ignore what had happened?”
Your shoulders sank again, exhaustion beginning to introduce itself once again, “Then what was all this, Gus?” you questioned, gesturing towards the remnants of the dinner he had prepared just for you. “And in the car? Immediately talking about what comes next-- I mean, I know how this business works, but--”
“It could’ve been you.”
The next words you were about to say hung onto your tongue, your gaze returning to the man before you, “What?” 
Gustavo swallowed. And this time you saw it.
“It...” The muscles throughout his face twitched in a way that rippled over his skin from one side to the other in a matter of seconds. His mouth opened, a sharp breath sucking in while his eyes found refuge in the floor. “If it wasn’t your friend, it would’ve been you that ended up in that hospital.”
“So?” you questioned, your voice almost coming out as a whisper, “It could’ve been you too.” But Gustavo’s head began shaking even before you had finished, “No, you don’t understand.”
The insistence, the way his hand pressed onto the cool surface of the dinner table like it was the only thing keeping him there. It had your eyes purely stuck on him. Watching. Analysing every little detail.
What were you missing?
“Then tell me.” Your eyebrows were begging to pinch together. The anger you had felt earlier was now completely fizzled out, as a wave of something else took its place.
Gustavo looked up, following your voice like you had done with the smell of his cooking earlier, and after about a second of looking into your eyes. He could breathe again.
His hand slid back from the table, his spine slowly uncurling as he made himself stand tall. Stand like Gustavo Fring. The man who had lost too much to fear. Too much to hiding. Too much.
“I lost... my previous partner.” Gus stared into your eyes. It was unknown if it was to see your reaction, or to watch for the moment you had processed his words. Though, within the next second his gaze lowered. Unfocused. “I knew that if I reacted... you could’ve been the next target.”
“Today, I wasn’t pretending.” he continued, not even letting you get a word out. But in all honestly, it felt like you couldn’t even part your lips if you wanted to. “I just needed to stop thinking about it.”
“I became obsessed with that possibility, because... that meant that I... I cared. I care. Again.” All the tension that had consumed his voice had faded the more the words came, until all he could do was take in a breath. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
It had gone silent. 
This time, there wasn’t the sound of cutlery scrapping against ceramics as you ate. Not even the sound of your heartbeat, or the world outside. It was just the two of you.
And finally, the man that stood in front of you, with a mask yearning to crack, was not in fact the notorious Gustavo Fring. It was just Gus.
Your partner.
Your feet had acted before your brain could process the decision, the sound of your shoes being the only thing that filled the still house.
And then you stopped, taking your place in front of the man who hadn’t broken the collective gaze. Not even once.
Your eyes flickered between his as if they were the most delicate things in the world, evening tilting your head to the side when the glare from a light hit his glasses in a way that hid his pupils.
Now you could hear your heartbeat. A sound that pounded, and grew faster when your hand slowly raised from your side.
You knew who this man was. You knew what he had done to others. The plans he had made, regardless of what became of people who just so happened to get in the way. 
And yet still, you completed your movement with ease.
Your fingers touched down on the skin of his cheek, slowly sliding until it could fit against the palm of your hand. The muscles were stiff in such a way that you could tell he had clenched his jaw. He was frozen in place.
“I’m right here, Gustavo.” was all you said, looking deep into the eyes that almost wildly flickered between your own, as if he couldn’t understand what he was seeing. Couldn’t believe.
Though, when you had smiled. When he watched your lips begin to curl inch by inch until it was fully there, the final cog had turned in his head. The feeling of fear had dissipated.
He didn’t want to run.
Gustavo took in a breath. One that almost wavered as it went through his nose. 
And then he shut his eyes, his head leaning just a tad further into your hand to the point that the frame of his glasses started to tilt when it reached the tip of your fingers. Because he knew.
He knew that by the time his eyes were once again open. You would be right there waiting.
Just for him.
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