#not used to tagging nicole this is. funky
taiigaatea · 9 months
my english grades are dropping and my toenail fell off 2 days ago and i think its a sign i need to tumblrpost again sohere are some sillyfunny sketches
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we get it youve posted this one literally everywhere. i saw all the nice comments in rdl and i appreciated them a lot!!! im just too nervous to say anything there ,, i would also like to add that two queens in a king sized bed by girl in red is actually The nicolada song ever and i love it
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sure ok more christmas ada. i have a few more of them from instagram but i dont really want to chrisdtmas post anymore im done with that ,,, anyways my white gel pen is actively working against me i can never get it to flow consistently i HATE it!!!
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this isnt fandom related but igot put into this art show thing for school which is. cool?? im proud of it even though i went through so much suffering to get it done
my art teacher keeps misspelling my name as "thai" and its so funny i dont want to correct her
(hi bruce and leaf)
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Nothin’ But a Sinner (part one)
[A Six US based multichap? It’ll probably only be two parts but... we’ll see. TW for alcohol use]
[Part 1: Hypocrite]
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“Alright, Mom,” Anne hums softly. “Come on, open up.”
Jane looks at her through half-lidded eyes. “What?”
“I have the soup now, remember? And I think you’re far too weak to feed yourself.”
“‘M’kay,” Jane mumbles, allowing the soup to be spooned into her mouth.
Through her exhausted, sickly delirium, Jane is blissfully ignorant to the flash of pain that crosses Anne’s eyes, specifically at the mention of death.
Death, frankly, is her least favorite topic. Ever.
Between the pale scar across her and her cousin’s necks, as well as the reminder of Jane’s premature death every night during the show, it’s always around her.
She knows Jane just means it as a joke. Just a joke. A sleepy, somewhat-delirious joke.
Still, Anne knows, it stings a bit.
She swallows this sadness in time with Jane’s swallowing of the soup.
“Can you eat some more?” Anne asks softly. “There’s still half the bowl left.”
Jane gives her a half-quirked smile that barely traces pale cheeks to sunken eyes, and nods just once.
Anne lifts the spoon again and offers it again and again until the bowl is empty and Jane looks like she may fall asleep at any moment.
“Do you want me to stay?” She asks softly.
Jane makes a very non-committal noise, and Anne can’t help the soft giggle that follows. She looks down and softly asks again, “do you want me to?”
This time she gets no response, so she looks up, and Jane is very much asleep.
Anne presses a soft kiss to her mom’s cheek and flicks off the bedside lamp on her way out, collecting the empty soup bowl and bringing it with her back to the kitchen. Jane’s Canada apartment is about the same size as the one in Boston, cozy but not cramped, and it feels just as much home as it did in Massachusetts.
She already know that Jane won’t be doing the show tonight. Even if she is awake, her fever has her delirious (Anne has to chuckle to herself at the thought of her mom, looking and acting like she was high out of her mind, trying to do her solo, let alone the whole show.)
The call time of the show creeps closer, and Anne slips into the room to check on Jane before she leaves. Of course, Jane is still passed out. 
Anne knows that Jane won’t know what to do when she wakes up, so she moves on silent feet to set up the medication she’d need to take, even leaving a little note with instructions.
And, as she logically would, she had to sign it as, ‘Anne, your favorite daughter.’
After, she heads to the theater. Alone.
She had called in Jane’s sickness-induced-absence hours ago, so by the time she arrives, Mallory is already prepping herself in one of the open chairs.
Anne sits down next to Katherine with a tiny, slightly forced grin.
“How is she?” Is the first question out of Katherine’s mouth.
“She’ll be okay,” Anne promises. “Just a little touch of flu or something.”
“And I bet you’re taking great care of her, of course,” Katherine teases.
“I’m doing my best.”
“Are you alright?” Katherine asks, turning her chair to face Anne more fully.
“Yeah,” Anne says, albeit half-heartedly.
“You’re lying to me,” Katherine says. “It’s okay if you’re not.”
“She just…,” Anne sighs, closing her eyes and shaking her head slightly. “She said something about dying, and it just… I don’t know… stuck with me, I guess.”
Katherine puts a hand on Anne’s wrist, squeezing lightly. “She’s going to be fine,” she says, slow and sure. “You’ll go home after this and it’ll be just fine.”
Anne keeps Katherine’s words on a loop in her head. She’s going to be fine.
Logically, Anne knows this. It’s just a touch of the flu, or maybe just a bug. It’s not the sweat, or the plague, or whatever killed her in the first life.
With these thoughts in her head, she puts on the best face she can and goes to perform.
All throughout the show, Katherine, Mallory, and Anna send her reassuring glances. She returns them all with smiles she can’t help - at least, for the most part, she’s supposed to be happy on stage. 
Once the show ends, once they’re done dancing and have made a theatergoer’s night by taking their phone and recording themselves dancing, Anne is so genuinely happy the tiny, black, nagging cloud in the back of her mind seems nearly nonexistent.
“We’re going to get drinks,” Anna tells her once all of the fans have left and the cold Edmonton air is biting at her skin. “Wanna come?”
Anne nods. “Sounds great.”
In that moment, honestly, she forgets about her sickly mother at home. She goes with them, Mallory and Nicole included, and they drink, and dance, and drink, and dance. 
By the time she leaves, she’s a little tipsy, admittedly. Aragon, their designated driver, drops her off at her apartment, and she passes out as soon as she hits the bed.
She wakes up the next morning to a pretty decent headache that nearly keeps her from fishing her phone out of the jacket she had thrown on the floor.
But she pulls it out, and what’s waiting for her sobers her and shatters her heart.
“Where are you?” One of Jane’s texts from the previous night reads. “Come back, please,” another pleads, and Anne can practically hear Jane’s soft words through the screen.
There are a few more messages too, a voicemail or two, but an overwhelming sense of guilt settles in Anne’s chest like her own sickness.
Nope, that’s hangover.
As she digs through her medicine cabinet for something to take, she knows she has to fix this. 
Especially having seen Jane’s most recent message.
“I’m so sorry, lovebug.”
tag list: @spookabeth @kats-seymour @qualquercoisa945 @jane-fucking-seymour @a-slightly-cracked-egg @justqueentingz @annabanana2401 @wolfies-chew-toy @broad-way-13 @tvandmusicals @lailaliquorice @aimieallenatkinson @sweet-child-why03 @gaylinda-of-the-upper-uplands @funky-lesbians @thinkaboutitmaybe @haniawritesthings @messanaa @rigatoni-ravioli @prick-up-ur-ears @theartoflazy @justqueentwo @brother-orion @paleshadowofadragon @lafemmestars @beautifulashes17 @jarneiarichardnxel @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff @philopeanut @mixer1323 @boleynssixthfinger @aimieallen @elphiesdance @boleynthebunny @krystalhuntress @lupin-loves-chocolate @bellacardoza16 @bluify @katherines-choker @why-only-have-one-fandom @missmarvelmixer @le-mlp-nerd @0-hufflepuffle-0 @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces @lesbabe6 @wicked-books-101 @insertmusicaltheatrepunhere @toomanyfamdom @zoalis @rainbowmoose01 @broadwayqueer
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egyptroyal · 4 years
things a new (old/mutual/whatever) rp partner should know about me !
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
I have a lot of muses all spread out on different blogs so, if I can’t choose one of your muses, I’m going to send in a meme for each of your muses. Out of my three primary roleplay blogs, there are four side roleplay blogs. Four of the muses being time lords and every regeneration - incarnation - is a muse of their own. Over at @themadvigilantist​ have 339 V muses, 89 Vin muses, 3 villains; sideblog @tardis500​ has 6 tardis oc muses, here, which is also a sideblog, I have 8 ocs, 12 canonical characters, 52 televised/comic/audio parody portrayals of the doctor. At @pennybraddock​, i have only 1 oc muse. At @drbabygirl​, i have 1 oc, and 4 canon characters. At @thebadtimewolf​, I have a singular time lord main muse with 15 human alternate versions of herself and one angel entity with @nosewitch​ being one singular side blog. Altogether, i have 533 muses, possibly more if I miscounted (or if the doctor ends up getting more that I missed then well shit, i’ll add them later as muses too. So, if you are someone that don’t want a spam of asks your way or thought I would just pick one muse out of your many, you are dead wrong on that and I might not be the blog for you. I’ll slap in a new muse left and right and then think I’m done only to add 20 more out of excitement just to forget about them later on. When I say I am excited to rp with you, I’m excited to throw a small village at every single muse you got unless you pick one first.
I am a very graphic and dark writer with the occasional smut (depending on the blog/muse), that does not censor or tone down their muse but, there are some limits. Just about all of my rp blogs deal with some very heavy subject material, which I tend to write out in great detail. This means you might come across descriptions of scenarios, that are very dark, graphic, disturbing or just drawn out as something that my muse realistically, no one would give/expect that kind of reaction towards in general. However, I have a limit and no, it’s not because it makes me unconfortable writing it, I just get...stuck. Okay, for example with my villain/neutral muses, I can’t write rape. I’ll write with someone that can write that particular subject but, I can’t write it myself because I don’t know how. Murder? You betcha and with detail. Torture? You got it and with trauma. Destroy an entire solar system while making the character feel wracked with guilt over the deaths of billions? Yeah, I can do that with detail on how it affected everyone else on a visual. Rape? Nope, nothing, same goes if you random anons want to just worse stuff, I can’t write it. Don’t know how, won’t know how. Now, that being said, I will never condone any of those behaviors that I describe but, if I can’t write it? Then pick something else. I can tag appropriately but, if my partner don’t tell me to cut to the next day or do fade-to-black in their following response, I’m going to describe that. Why I say depending on the muse is this: some of my muses are into fearplay/edgeplay but, the level where they were probably the reason some of their ‘interests’ are called risk-accepted consensual kinks which, for muses that are vile or evil, y’all gonna have to um, explain it that what you’re doing to them is not a dubcon situation but, a no-dont-get-off-on-this situation-this-is-my-scare-tactic. if you don’t, it’s gonna get real uncensored morticia/gomez real quick and you don’t want it. Other muses on the other hand will actually be scared so, choose (out of the collective 533+ muses) wisely. I’ll give you a list of who is in to what real quick, just ask/im me and i’ll find a generator that show just how much/little they’ll be into a thing.
I use either memes, open starters, greeters as an ice breaker but, also aiming to pre-established starters. So, I tend to make general starter for those that recently follow me in a way that anyone could respond to. I’m not shy to plotting but, for the most part, I’m just testing the waters. We can also im each other, send each other asks or whathaveyou. A jumping board that I might respond to one of your open starters or make a thread out of an answered post that you or I had sent to the other.
I don’t know how to godmod but, if you do it ...don’t be surprised that the muse is gonna fight back?? I only say this because I can’t write physical fight scenes with anyone because I’m so shit at those that I can now say that I have been accused of godmodding (2) twice in the span of a decade on this site by two ppl who (hopefully) live somewhere with free healthcare. Everytime I respond to how my character would counter an attack, there’s always that one person with their muse - that they are clearly in a fight scene - that only I get accused of godmodding out of nowhere. Despite when I look back at my responses on how I word things and I don’t see it (I still don’t. Is there an editor I can ask to look over and what I should reword here??) and the accuser fails to tell me to reword what sentence/paragraph to fix it where it’s not that. If I don’t get a response to what/where the specific bit in my response that made you think/came across as godmodding, then clearly you was godmodding too.                        OTHERWISE, WITH THE REST OF THE PPL I RPED A FIGHT SCENE WITH IN THE SPAN OF THE DECADE, THEY WERE JUST LIKE ‘OH THIS IS FUNKY AND FUN! *CUE TO US VIBIN OVER ANGST IN TAGS WHILE ALSO POKING FUN AT OUR MUSES AND SHIT*’ AND LIKE WE COOL SO MAYBE IT’S NOT MY WRITING STYLE, IT’S JUST YOU MISREADING THE TEXT PRESENTED TO YOU AND NOT ASKING ‘hey what you mean by [action/thing]? could you like rewrite that? i don’t get it, it didn’t sit right could you rewrite it?’ I’LL DO IT, I’LL FIX IT. HELP ME SEE WHAT YOU SEE?? INSTEAD OF JUMPING TO THAT ACCUSATION WITH NO EXPLANATION WHEN A THREAD DON’T GO YOUR WAY?? IT’S NO ANNOYANCE/BOTHER FOR ME TO FIX MY MISTAKES BUT IF YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT THE MISTAKE IS (while consciously choosing to just point out that in some part of our thread to say only ‘stop godmodding/that was a little godmod-y’ when a muse of mine don’t react/act indifferent to yours and their actions) THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GET BETTER, DO BETTER, AND BE BETTER IN MY WRITING WITH YOU IF YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE REPERCUSSIONS/REACTION OF MY MUSES CHOICE OF RESPONSE?? ok that’s out of my system                                  anyway don’t-don’t-don’t godmod but also, if you think im godmodding when i can’t tell where it is on either side ahahahah, u better fucking tell me which paragraph/sentence i fucked up instead of just throwing that word around when you can’t handle when muses don’t automatically shiver at the sight of yours. if anything, they already been there done that over it.
I’ll make a manip, gifset, draw our muses for our muses. I do that. I do that a lot. Ask me, I’ll do it. I’ll submit/send the drawing privately but, manips and gifsets: I put that on display. I will. Ask me.
Tagged by: @blindeddevil
Tagging: @city-full-of-ocs @idontdosecondchances @takumishinobi @paigeatyourservice @girl-in-the-tardis @followthedrums13 @gingersrockstheuniverse @destinybitten @lonelybxstards @theiracademydaysareover @theserpentsjester & anyone else that wants to/sees this
my entire mood @ #4 but, it was made at 3 AM and i don’t have the voice but, the vibe of yvette nicole brown because i got into community again
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estoysugoi · 6 years
y,all gon LEARn
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
name: Lucas
nickname: bitch (by friends)
gender: he/they
zodiac: aries (aries/taurus cusp but w/e) 
height: 5′5″
time: 9:23 p.m.
favourite musicians:  @everydaylouie​ (great musician/artist), Florence Welch (Florence & The Machine), Janelle Monae (The Q.U.E.E.N. to my Dirty Computer), Shura, Lianne La Havas, DAISY (Daisy Hamel-Buffa), P!nk, Earl, Shakira, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Amine, Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle/A Man Who Could Slap My Ass And I’d Thank Him), Princess Nokia (Destiny Nicole Frasqueri/AKA the only individual i’d let throw soup at me), Ariana Grande, Utada Hikaru (im a KH kid at heart always), Missy Elliot (The Master Who Taught Me To Work It If It’s Worth It), Paramore (but like a few songs), Gwen Stefani, Estelle (AKA Square Mom), Raja Kumari, Snakehips, Mystery Skuls, Emily King
song stuck in my head: POP/STARS by K/DA (never touched LoL during my holy 22 years but that MV is fire)
last movie i saw: Venom 
last thing i googled: pontea tumblr (some artist that was displayed on the tumblr sign-in page, so far i like the style, i have no clue who these K-Pop stars are tho)
other blogs: i’ve got two: this one and an art blog
do i get asks?: answer me this: have YOU sent me asks? 
why i chose this username:  it’s two languages paired together that basically say “i am amazing” (Estoy-Spanish-”I am” + Sugoi-Japanese-”Amazing”) 
following:  2,081
amount of sleep: six to eight hours (recently been going to bed around 3 bc im watching Charmed and i have no impulse control)
lucky number: 3, 21 (basically my tarot birth-card numbers)
what i’m wearing: dark navy t-shirt and shorts 
dream job: concept designer (either character design or help with “ideas” idk), maybe have a fun podcast/livestream where some friends and i talk and play D&D
dream trip: anywhere with clean air, healthy plants, clear waters and minimum to low temp (anywhere BUT Cuba and any deserts)
favourite foods: poke, dark chocolate
instruments: i USED to play the flute, didnt last long and never really put effort into practicing much
favourite songs: Sky Full of Song/Delilah/Ship To Wreck/Hunger by Florence --- Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru --- What’s It Gonna Be? by Shura --- Smooth by Satana --- Somone by DAISY --- Sunflower (Movie Version) by Shannon Purser (VERY Emotional Highschoolerl song) --- Lazy Man by Earl --- Please Don’t Leave Me by P!nk --- Reach Out by Mad Satta --- Distance by Emily King
hair color: “raven” black (looks like dark copper in sunlight)
favorite fruit: pomegranates, cherries, watermelon, strawberries
favorite season: Fall/Winter (whichever is colder that year)
favorite animal: snakes, cats, dogs, crows, ravens, wolves, panthers/tiger/lions/generally big cats, capybara (how could u not tho???) butterflies, squirrels 
favorite fictional character: i cant fit/remember that many so lets just say ive got a lot of favs
favorite tv shows: Hilda, Charmed (the OG late ‘90s/early 2000), Voltron: Legendary Defender (Latest one), Castlevania (latest one), and probably a bunch of others that slip my mind
cat or dog: yeah
favorite colour: blue, black, purple, gold (minimal amount AND if it works with the current color), teal/sea green but n e v e r green
do you have a crush on tumblr: some 18+ artists i follow that do the lord’s work 
play(ed) any sports?: soccer (WORST two years of my life) and tennis unfortunately 
languages you speak: english 
random fact(s): i can sometimes hear if a tv is on or not even when the volume is muted (applies to a few other type of electronics), i’ve had the same deck of tarot cards since middle school, ive always wanted (still do) to get into witch related crafts when i was younger but Gender Norms ruined it, ive been able to get a guy to bust a nut over the phone in less than seven minutes 
describe yourself in aesthetic: Tired Art Major By Day, Urban Bihexual Witch By Night
tagged by: @empyreanine (lmao “urban city kid w/ naruto headband” absolutely fantastic my funky hokage)
tagging: literally anyone i dont care go off with this template
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fortheland · 6 years
tagged by  @woah-easycompany, thanks for tagging me!
name  nicole
star sign  taurus
put you itunes/spotify on shuffle. wht are the first 4 songs to come up?       
1)  will you love me tomorrow  /  beautiful original broadway cast recording 2)  that’s what you call a dream  /  bonnie & clyde original broadway cast recording 3)  the neva flows  /  anastasia original broadway cast recording 4)  a lovely night  /  r&h cinderella original broadway cast recording
grab the book nearest you and turn to page 23. whats line 17? 
“the C.O. was fairly tall, slim in build, with a full head of black hair.”  (  band of brothers, stephen e. ambrose  ) 
i just finished it not that long ago and it was the only book i had on my bedside table lmao
ever had a song or poem written about you?  nope!
who is your celebrity crush?  i mean, most of the time my celebrity crushes are more “i want to be u” rather than “i want to date u” but atm i am very, very gay for katrina lenk and laura osnes
do you believe in ghosts?  shane madej vc: hey there demons, it’s me..... ya boi (yes)
how about aliens?  also yes
do you drive?  sure do. i actually drive a lot between work and traveling to campus almost an hour away to attend summer courses twice a week
if so have you ever crashed?  not myself, no! i have been in a car accident before, but it was long before i ever learned to drive.
what was the last book you read?  i’m currently reading shifty’s war by marcus brotherton which is an authorized autobiography of the late shifty powers, staff sergeant in easy company during world war two. i really loved his character in band of brothers, so i wanted to learn more about the real shifty!
do you like the smell of gasoline?  i used to oddly like it when i was younger, but it’s more so-so for me now. don’t love it, don’t hate it.
what was the last movie you saw?  in a theater, i saw the theater release of bandstand! at home, i think the last movie i watched was some off-hand indie horror movie on amazon prime. i don’t even remember the name.
whats the worst injury you’ve ever had?  i played volleyball and softball year round, volleyball for eight years and softball basically since i could walk and pick up a bat, and i always count myself lucky that i was never seriously injured. i saw a lot of people go through them, but the worst injury i ever had was i tore a ligament in my thumb during a school-season volleyball game against a big rival team. i kept playing through it, but it swelled something fierce when i got home and my mom took me to the ER. nursed it for a few weeks and went right back out, funky hand brace and all.
do you have any obsessions right now?  band of brothers and the pacific are big ones right now and what i’m hyper focused on, but some musicals that currently have my attention are: bandstand, r&h cinderella, the band’s visit, newsies (always and forever tbh), and an american in paris.
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?  depends on the situation, i guess. i usually always remember when someone has done me wrong, but often times, if they make a genuine apology and work to right their wrong, i won’t hold it against them. but again, depends on the situation!
in a relationship?  nope!
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nauseateddrive · 3 years
I went bald at nineteen. Completely hairless - an egg, a cue ball. Well, that’s what my fellow uni students called me on campus. In fact, I recall freshmen trying to skip pebbles off my head because they said it glistened like a body of water. My head, a lake? A beautiful image, I guess, yet far from funny. It was cruel and had no basis in fact, I can assure you. 
The girl I was seeing, India-Nora Alicia Nicole Elleese, known by everyone on campus as INANE (pronounced with an accent over the E), changed everything for me. She was a knockout, (so out of my league, with her ornate acrylic nails and poofy wall of hair) and she boosted my status among my peers quite considerably. We’d been dating a few months and things were going okay. True, we didn’t really share much in common - she liked everything to do with phones, I liked chasing obscure D-list celebrities for their autographs. But despite our differences we loved each other and that was enough. However, there was one significant problem, a major complication in our burgeoning relationship: sex. 
One chilly November evening I set up a date with her in an all-night shopping centre to talk through our issues. I waited in a local free trade coffee shop that was nestled between a Jehovah’s Witness cupcake stand and a highly politicised denim outlet. I got there early to give myself time to think things through. 
My first problem came when I tried to kiss INANÈ. We were at the funfair, our lips sticky from candy floss, and when I made my move she must have been nervous because she ducked and my bulbous head tripped over itself and my forehead careened into her left eye. There was nowhere to hide and so many people around - I wanted to climb the roller coaster and leap to my demise, landing with a splat on the haunted house below. 
I regrouped after a few days, but then following close behind was the next mishap which was even more embarrassing - but thankfully it played out in a deserted park, far from prying eyes. It was a balmy summer’s eve and we were having a romantic wrestle on a wrought iron bench. I was becoming somewhat fired up and overheated, sweating profusely into her cleavage and down her thighs. In a sudden fit of rage, she unravelled what must have been half a roll of toilet paper from her bra, and threw it at me so I could mop the sweat from my brow. Bits of damp, torn tissue ended up stuck to my head like I’d nicked myself shaving. After the blunder, she gave me the cold shoulder and focused exclusively on her phone for the rest of the night. No matter how much I apologised she continued to freeze me out. 
The most recent incident was only last week, when we were getting passionate in my car in the parking lot of the local drive-thru. Somehow, I had managed to manoeuvre my head below the equator (if you know what I mean.) She was wearing a dress that billowed in the wind blowing through the passenger window, and the angle I found myself in must have looked quite shocking because I heard a child passing by exclaim, “Mummy, that girl’s having a baby!” 
Moments later I got the tap on my shoulder ordering me to finish up, drink my milkshake and take her back to the student halls. INANÈ ignored me all the way home and just scrolled through her phone, looking strangely amused. 
She arrived at the coffee shop just as I had finished my second cappuccino and I was somewhat frazzled from the caffeine. She looked ripe and ready to be plucked from the tree. She wore maroon lipstick smeared sexily over the edges of her mouth and a crop top exposing her bellybutton ring. 
“You look like a rare flower,” I gushed. 
“I can’t keep doing this,” she said. “How many times do I have to tell you it’s over?” 
“I don’t understand, what have I done? I can make things better, I promise.” 
“You don’t use social media at all, do you? I mean, you really are utterly clueless.” 
“Tell me what I can do. Is it because I’m bald?” 
“Yes, but... Wait, where are you going?” 
“The loo, I’ll be right back.” 
After a few minutes I returned and I was transformed. My rebirth clearly made an instant impression on the love of my life. 
“What the hell are you doing?” she whispered conspiratorially. 
“Your little hat there.” 
I fingered the toupee covering my bald pate, and gazing into the reflection of a silver napkin dispenser I straightened the rug. 
“I know dating a bald man can be difficult,” I said, “It’s hard for me to accept myself, so I’m aware it must be debilitating for a girl who ranks so high on the babe-o meter. But now the problem is solved.” 
“Please, just look at this, you can’t be left in the dark any longer,” she said, sliding her phone across the table. I picked it up and cradled it in both hands. 
Endless reels played on her Instagram account and they were tagged, “The Bald and the Beautiful.” They documented countless sexual calamities that befell us - from our first kiss to me going down on her in the drive-thru. There were other images too, of kids chasing me down the road chanting “Slaphead!” and “Grandpa!” as I veered into oncoming traffic. One clip showed me in my room, picking flakes of skin from my scalp with tweezers while singing Whitney Houston in my bathrobe. 
“I don’t believe this,” I said, “and to think I believed you actually loved me. All those things we did, you’re just...just a slut.” 
“Hey!” she said, slapping me across the cheek, “I do what I please with my body, okay? If I want to fool around to create content, that’s my business. Look, I never meant for things to go so far, but you kept creating hilarious material and things just snowballed. I know I’ve hurt your feelings but breaking up with me is the best thing for you, I promise. At least it’ll help dampen the hype, because I have to be honest, we’re being filmed right now and that piece of fluff on your head really isn’t helping matters.” 
I looked around the shopping centre. I noticed youths arched over balconies, crouching behind potted plants and poking out of stairwells, all angling their phones in my direction. 
Then the truth hit home - INANÈ was never mine, my life was a joke and there was nowhere to hide. 
I dashed her phone to the floor. She shrieked and dropped to her knees to retrieve the broken fragments. I left her to it. I walked towards the frozen yoghurt stall at the heart of the shopping plaza, keenly aware I was being followed. Feeling the pressure to perform I tripped on my shoelace and just about salvaged my dignity by turning the fall into a funky little dance. 
Then it occurred to me; I was famous - trending in New York and Tokyo, getting thousands of hits across multiple platforms, having spawned dozens of fan-sites and subscription groups. I sensed countless opportunities on the horizon and a new fate mapped out for me. 
As the cameras focused in, I imagined modelling agencies recruiting me to feature on billboards selling Lycra spandex running shoes. I envisioned myself acting in soap operas and singing on chart topping pop records - alongside the minor celebrities I had followed so closely throughout my life. 
As phones captured me grooving and jiving, I gave a final cinematic flourish - hurling my toupee up into the air like a graduation hat. I broke into a broad smile as I proudly and gloriously exposed my bald head to the whole wide world.
Tim Frank has been published in over ninety journals but will never tell you which.
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hotelsweet · 7 years
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HI and thank you so so so much if you got involved in this!!!! I’m so excited to be celebrating 1.5k w you guys and can’t wait to dish out some of these lil prizes <3
u guys I’ve had so much fun doing this and I’ve legit sat here for HOURS going through everyone’s blogs and tags and I’m just so,,,, in love,,, this fandom is amazing and u guys are so gorgeous and amazing! I’ve been whining at @peraltiagoisland​ all day about how much I want to include everyone and shower u all in compliments and just!!! I’m so blown away tbh  A QUICK REMINDER OF THE PRIZES WINNERS:  - a big personalised playlist from me to u (u kno how I love my tunes) - a follow from me if I’m not followin u (duh) - a mention here!! - a b99 fic from me if u want it!!! any prompt ya like - hugs and love obvs
RUNNERS UP: - a lil personal playlist from me to u - also a follow if I’m not already - also hugs and love - and a lil mention here <3
if you’ve won/are a runner up please message me so we can talk and I’ll get started on your stuff! i’m so excited to talk to a bunch of you and give u music and writing agh <3
OKAY WITHOUT FURTHER ADO (I have added notes in italics bc I am just so excited and amazed by u guys)
BEST SMALLER BLOG (a very important category bc I actually do not understand how these people don’t have thousands of ppl following them??)
WINNER: @the-pontiac-bandit​ OKAY let me tell you about carrie and her blog. I spent a solid 60 mins reading her amazing writing and admiring her theme and then I checked her reblog and she had the #under500 tag and I yelled. not kidding. like an actual noise left my mouth because HOW THIS GIRL DOES NOT HAVE A CULT FOLLOWING I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. FOLLOW HER RUNNERS UP: @theartofdreaming1​ aka Vicky who is the sweetest person and SUCH a talented artist!!! @khwabonkeparindey​ anna’s blog is so adorable and maybe it’s bc I’m type A but the layout of her navigation actually turned me on a little bit oh my LORD it’s beautiful and so well-organised @two-drink-amy​ I was only gonna have two runners up for this category but nicole and everything about her blog is so sweet!!
BEST URL WINNER: @jake-purealta​ not only does tash seem incredibly lovely BUT this url is so perfect and well-fitting!!! I feel like, given her obsession w Tswift, it fits beautifully well with jake’s obsession too??? everything about it clicks I love it RUNNERS UP: @roscoesantangelo​ because I mean!!!!! you’ve scored the perfect url of jorma taccone’s character in parks and rec!!!? like damn good on u my guy  @amysantiagone​ okay I wont lie this one is for personal reasons- although I happen to absolutely love Nate’s blog- bc for some reason the url reminds me of when u get super drunk and describe urself as “gone” (a v popular phrase here in the UK) and as a result I just picture drunk Amy whenever I see ur URL
BEST EDITS WINNER: @juliadorable​ RIGHT OKAY SO JULIA (julia) is one of these people I’ve always wanted to chat to bc she seems amazing but what I absolutely love about her edits & gifs is that she picks/ creates posts for some of the most underappreciated moments in the show!!! I love em and this blog is a blessing thank u sm RUNNERS UP: @jakeperallta​ aka @deepshadows​ !!! look at these edits immediately oh my god they are actually incredible and so creative!!! i’m not worthy!! fam I love ur edits so much thank u for providing me w this goodness <3 follow alexa immediately on both blogs seriously @brown-aces​ I won’t lie I’m not sure if these count as edits but I legit couldn’t not include you because of THE INCORRECT QUOTES TAG. this is legit one of my fave things and ur posts never fail to make me chuckle
BEST GIFS WINNER: @fourdrinkamy​ okay so not only is Emma gorgeous, talented, super clever and just all-around marvellous BUT her gifs are like... so good they’re satisfying? like I spent a good half hour just scrolling and admiring ‘em RUNNERS UP: @amesantiagos​ okay this girl has such an eye for colour and aesthetic I’m not kidding everything just looks so Good!! like I adore her stuff to the point where I followed her on insta too (hi Amy I’m darcey_wm if ur wondering where I am) bc it just looks so damn good @sergeant-santiago​ I’m just.... like.... shooketh..... I’ll get back to this later
BEST FICS (oh my god what a category I legit could NOT pick someone lol this was painful bc u guys write the best shit)  WINNER: @elsaclack​ this feels a little obvious/predictable of me bc I’ve rambled about em’s stuff before but Dear Fucking God can this woman write. her fics and the way they had me laughing/crying/glued to my phone are the reason I  RUNNERS UP: @peraltiagoisland​ MICHELLE aka the love of my life KNOWS HOW TO KILL ME NO MATTER THE TIME NOR PLACE dear god I recommend so hard,,,, jump in and give the drama club au a spin trust me u won’t regret it  @jakelovesamy​ oh my god okay so let me tell u. let me TELL U i did not realise that this gorgeous girl was on AO3 but then I clicked over from her blog and it all came flooding back once I recognised her handle!!! I recommend u go and read ‘and all my world is losing light’ bc it’s gorgeous @oceanvirus​ again I didn’t mean to have three runners up but I had to bc I’m just..... a piece of shit lol BUT ANYWAY please please go and read Bella’s stuff I love it so much
BEST ICON WINNER: @brown-aces​ GIRL THIS ICON FITS THE THEME SO WELL AND ALSO IT’S THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE ROSA LOOKIN FIERCE so obvs I’m obsessed  RUNNERS UP: @jakelovesamy​ bc it’s adorable and I adore it @three-drink-amy​ bc it’s my beautiful, smiling boy,,,, grinning at this wonderful blog
BEST DESKTOP THEME WINNER: @smolsamberg​ okay kara’s blog is gorgeous anyway (go follow!!!) but this theme is fuckin funky as shit??? navigating it genuinely felt like operating the sexiest lil website on earth and for that I am grateful RUNNERS UP: @bastillebananas​ this theme is FUCKING ADORABLE not kidding I love it omg I had so much fun w it (also hi fellow fan of bastille!! I’m seein ‘em this summer at a festival exciting) @amesantiagos​ this theme is so cute oh my lord (almost as cute as the wonderful Amy who runs this blog!!! seriously it’s just so wonderful and satisfying and Good Choice my guy I love it (and u)
BEST MOBILE THEME WINNER: @swansongcas​ MATE omg your blog is so satisfying and blue and just like.. sexy to look at so well done my guy!!! also helps that I adore ur blog in general but omg is it aesthetically pleasing RUNNERS UP: @oceanvirus​ bella your mobile theme is almost as sexy as u ;) x (I’m sorry if that was creepy I promise it was well-intended) @two-drink-amy​ okay this is partially bc of the adorable icon but mostly bc of the theme and I just... it’s so bright and sweet and honestly just reminds me of my joyous response to every b99 episode ever WHEW OKAY SO BEFORE WE DO THE BEST OVERALL BLOG,,,, I WANNA JUST THROW A FEW SURPRISE SUPERLATIVES / FUN CATEGORIES 
this is also gonna include some honourable mentions bc I am supported by some brilliant people and also bc not everyone I wanted to put in on here I could??? which is crazy so:
A big round of applause to the X-drink Amy crew who I see all the time and firmly believe should all be led by the adorable @full-santiago​ ?? like a little clan of Amy-themed URLs: @two-drink-amy​ / @three-drink-amy​ / @fourdrink-amy​ / @fourdrinkamy​ / @fivedrinksantiago​ / @six-drink-amy​ (I’m sure there’s more of you out there but these came to mind and I want u all to form a band or something)
A big fat shout out to emily aka @jakefreakingperalta​ who!!! made these valentines cards that I used this year for my friends but never knew the source of!!! another example of the funny and amazing ppl I follow here
an honourable mention for the amazing @tiadorable​ whose comments on my first works on AO3 (and my more recent stuff, too!) made me smile and motivated me so much <3 now for some superlatives!! follow these people rn!!! and if ur here please feel free to come ask me to write or make anything for u ever I love u 
most likely to lure me onto the sin train and never look back: my girl erica aka @startofamoment.... can u believe.... the creativity and the happiness/giggles this lady brings me 
most likely to literally ruin my fucking life thru writing: obviously em?? aka @elsaclack. I appreciate this is a fairly harsh title but dear god the things u could make me feel?????? also a brilliant woman i love u
most likely to always have complete faith in me, chat to me constantly, make me smile, & constantly be a complete angel w a heart of gold and amazing writing: @peraltiagoisland. need I say any more????
OKAY so the big 1:
BEST OVERALL BLOG RUNNERS UP: everyone who reblogged my first post. not a cop out. not kidding. u guys are amazing WINNER: @sergeant-santiago​  okay okay okay let me tell u about this blog. everything from content to quality stuck out to me when I was looking through everything for the blog awards and I was just completely blown away and in awe??? this girl is perfection and if you’re not following her blog then I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY get ur late ass over there bc u are missing the fuck out. I can’t stress this enough!!!!  alright!!! I think we’re about there!! thank you so much (again) for 1.5k. u guys are wonderful
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givememusicandqueer · 7 years
Tagged by @jii-chan, i love this dude!
Rules: tag some people to learn this random stuff about their lives (if you want)
Relationship status: single pringle Favorite color(s): BLUE Lipstick or Chapstick: I don’t do either but I'd definitely use chapstick before lipstick. I actually can't remember the last time I used lipstick... Last song listened to: Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry Last movie seen: Chicago! Just watched it last night actually for the first time (I know) Top 3 fictional characters: Nicole Haught, Phyllis Vance, and Jim Halpert rn cause I swear my favs change up every now and then, I got too many Top 3 ships: Wayhaught, Supercorp, and Olicity cause I'm trash but I love it
I'm tagging @keeley-e @hrmit @impossibleispotential @kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate @schabalaba-ding-dong and anyone else who wants to do it really! No pressure to do the tag if you don’t wanna.
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confidentialdata · 3 years
Best Restaurants in California 2021
California cuisine—the influence has not yet been set, a contemporary menu, in the U.s. and then forced us to rethink our vegetables, which are never dare to tell you that you've always loved the cauliflower, and the modern food truck movement, and the streets of Los Angeles, has already co-opted member of the national fast-food brands. And due to the fact that the different generations of immigrants to California to enjoy the best of the best in the country, as Thai food, and a mix of New Yorkers-perhaps with the pastrami.
So, if you are looking for the patches to smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and to do things in California, and we suggest that it is. Whether you're looking for a three-Michelin-star cuisine and a snack (see our in-San Francisco-the Michelin Restaurant guide, or just the afternoon of wet naps, it is the state's best restaurant a taste of the Gold to the government.
1. The French Laundry
    Where: Yountville
Bourdain said that it was a unique spot, the Napa Valley was the best restaurant in the world, an organic garden, and a restaurant, laundry facilities, likely to be more effective, the more the loved one to the park, and it seems easy to get to Stanford's Business School, have even more reason to pre-order. The history of the stone structure, which, in fact, served the French restaurant at the beginning of the 20th century, the most creative and inspiring environment to Chef Thomas Keller is a well thought-out form of the three-Michelin-star tasting menus to complete the perfect bite-responsive explicitly, cuisine of the alaskan king crab with a fresh garden cauliflower, charcoal grilled Japanese wagyu, and fungi, with the flail leave you without water, until the other the next dish to arrive, and the feeling of repetition.
2. Trois Mec
   Where: Los Angeles
This is a funky place to eat but also has been shown in Los Angeles, high-end restaurants, it can be a lot of fun, thank you to the home of a former strip mall pizzeria-the incandescent light bulb of the characters are still intact, a partnership, and the Power trio of chef Ludo Levebvre, and a pair of restaurant owners in John's Neck, and Vinnie Dotolo. In the Trois Mec Restaurant meals begin with a series of appetizers such as creme brulee with a mustard and crispy tapioca with cheese and passion fruit, before you start with a proper five-course meal of the day. In the ever-changing tasting menu may include a creative dishes such as grilled lobster, the branch of the pineapple, or the lamb of god on Wednesday, with the basil pesto sauce and smoked eel. There are only 24 seats, and you'll need to buy tickets in advance. Don't want to throw away a $ 110 non-refundable booking? Pop next door to the everyday life of Petit Trois, for the expert, the surroundings, including pretty dirty, the foie gras-filled, two-story, called the Big Mec.
3. The-Mister
   Where: San Francisco
The chef and owner of the John Jay produced a culinary accomplishment, and when he brought the food lover's back to San Francisco and popular tourist Chinatown, with an elegant transformation of a tired, well-known restaurant, in a beautiful Historic hotspot available through the darkened entrance of ecology and natural resources of the strip. The cast of a bottle of Kikkoman, rather than solving everything from the ground up, starting from the soy sauce, water, to clean the hoisin. Your favorite dishes are as wagyu fried rice, with a heart jerky, tuna, and the roast duck is in all of the dietary supplement, tickets, seats are very narrow, which is a pass-through locations, the bar is 15. Thankfully, in the past or in the hall, and Mr. On the above, the recently-have been working as a luxurious cocktail bar of the dim sum.
4. The state Audit of the Regulation on the
   Where: San Francisco
Forward-looking dim sum restaurant in San Francisco, which now provides that any person has to take it in turns on, and the hackers are stealing all of the available orders, and it was a happy accident. In anticipation of what was to become the first restaurant to be built, the husband-and-wife chefs, Queen of scots, Friend, and Nicole Krasinski decided to open up a temporary restaurant in a nearby store. Because there is no space for a full kitchen, preparing meals in advance, the dim-sum-style in a stroller to walk around in the comfort of the dining room. Soon after, it was called Bon-Bon appétit's Best New Restaurant of the Year, and the rest is history. Innovation is undeniable, but it was delicious and innovative cuisine, the Friend, and Krasinski, often seemingly incompatible elements, like the miso caesar asparagus, with a pair of pliers, product, and sourdough pancakes, sauerkraut, pecorino and ricotta-who made it a hit.
5. Chez Panisse
    Where: Berkeley
This modest Berkeley restaurant (open with Alice Waters, 1971) to introduce the world to the state of California cuisine, highlighting the season's ingredients into easy meals, and this gave to his beginnings, of his neighbors, a fine girl. The 47-year-old, the destination is still there, it is returned to an apartment in the manufacture, but also, always good food: in spite of the hosting Portlandia-style joke, a prix-fixe Chez Panisse menu is still to be read for a list of local farmers, which is the linguine with clams on the island he lives on, pancetta, and sugar peas, or the Wolf's Ranch fried quail with sage, steamed green pepper and porcini mushrooms. Economically, as a rule, it should be on Monday, showing that a more simple, rustic, menu, and for a small price-tag, and is once again used as a restaurant, cafe, dine out, the surrounding com-as-you-are-in-the average price paid for a-la-carte options are available.
Our more Travel Information
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stampington · 8 years
Glimpse Inside: New February Issues + Exclusive Coupon + Giveaway!
Receive $5 off on new February issues, $14.99 and up. Copy and paste coupon code BLOG0217 when prompted at checkout. (Discount code can only be used once per customer.)
Willow and Sage
This spring, reveal your most radiant self by infusing natural, homemade recipes into your bath and body routine. Willow and Sage Magazine features 144 pages of creative ideas for perking up your senses. This issue shines a spotlight on many beneficial ingredients for you to try, so you can satiate your skin and everything in-between.
Inside the Spring 2017 Issue:
Our 10 favorite ways to use coconut oil
Pamper yourself with luxurious bath bombs
Soothe your skin with homemade burn balm
Simple ways to adopt an all-natural lifestyle
Get the lowdown on activated charcoal
Learn how to naturally add color to your soap
The basics of eco-dyeing
Altered Couture
Altered Couture is a 144-page publication dedicated to altered and embellished clothing and accessories. It is filled with gorgeous photographs of handmade and upcycled project ideas accompanied by easy-to-understand techniques for endless inspiration.
Inside the Spring 2017 Issue:
Meet Amy Nicole, sewing blogger and designer of upcycled fashion
Funky festival bibs by Paula Sloan
Sharon Lee Louk’s boho wedding dress
Vintage linen & lace trimmed tops by Sandra Oliveira
Susan Massey transforms silky scarves into upcycled masterpieces
Rianna Humble’s cozy knit dress
Retro patchwork overalls dress by Nora Giglio
Art Doll Quarterly
This full-color, 128-page publication is dedicated to art dolls and sculptural figures made from cloth, polymer clay, Creative Paperclay®, wire armatures, mixed-media, and much more. In each issue, you will find creative challenges, doll-artist profiles, convention listings and reviews, book and video reviews, and a 35-page gallery of art dolls made by our readers.
The spring issue of Art Doll Quarterly is bursting with amazing dolls and informative articles!
What’s Inside:
Adele Sciortino and Deb Wood present Part 2 of The Merry Widows saga
Christine Snively offers her pin cushion doll along with a free pattern
Leslie Molen presents her moth doll series
Meet a very large dragon named Smaug by Margret-Ann Miller
Sculptor and filmmaker Steve Ferrera gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at the multimedia production of a children’s book involving puppets and handcrafted sets in collaboration with puppet fabricator Koji Nagao
The results of our Occupations Challenge
A Doll Artist Profile on the talented Donna May Robinson
Artful Blogging
This 144-page publication is filled with artistic endeavors, moments of self-discovery, tales of friendships, and much more. Get even more tips on Blogging Etiquette, How to Take Great Photos of Your Art, Blogger’s Must-Haves, and How to Get Started on your own blog! Whether you plan to blog or just enjoy the sights, find bountiful inspiration inside every issue of Artful Blogging.
Inside the Spring 2017 Issue:
Discover the cooking style of Stacy Blair at 27thandolive.com.
Peek inside Annie Anderson’s stunning home at zevyjoy.com.
Seek the quirky, bright, full-of-fun style of Micaela Hoo at ohmydrifter.com.
Step into Lyndsey Eden’s culinary world at lyndseyeden.com.
Meet Kathy Pardell and explore her romantic photography at kpardell.com.
Experience the photography talents of Denise Love of 2lilowls.com.
GreenCraft Magazine
GreenCraft Magazine provides 144 pages with innovative ideas for upcycling trash into treasures. You are in store for a very chic issue of the most popular magazine in its genre this spring — GreenCraft Magazine hits stands with new projects in the Somerset style!
Inside the Spring 2017 Issue:
L. Katherine Roberts creates a stunning bath and body kit in a very green way.
Julia Schneider makes edgy bracelets using belt loops from old jeans.
Learn how to turn vintage quilts into adorable chicky sachets filled with aromatic lavender.
Crystal magic is a powerful trend Brooke Bock shares a tutorial in making her beautiful, purple-hued geode and spoon necklaces.
Somerset Home
Somerset Home magazine exemplifies creative living and showcases hundreds of tips, techniques, and charming accents designed to enlighten, organize, and beautify any dwelling place.
Spring is best known as the season to get rid of the old and start fresh with the new, especially in terms of cleaning and decorating the home. In this stunning issue of Somerset Home, you will find full-color pages and simple tutorials to give your home a fresh, artistic update.
Inside the Spring 2017 Issue:
Darlene Koppel uses stencils to add a little elegance to plain white pillowcases.
Elyse Major gives a makeover to old jars.
Create wonderful wall art with antlers and some faux flowers.
This issue showcases various ways to create arty, whimsical wall art — perfect for renters or for those who would like to add that little something to their home without a big mess or massive remodeling.
Where Women Create
Women know that the process of creating is as important as what ultimately gets created. That’s why extraordinary women pay attention to the details of their work spaces … making sure that they surround themselves with visually stimulating inspiration and unique organizational systems.
Where Women Create invites you into the creative spaces of the most extraordinary women of our time. Through stunning photography and inspirational stories, each 160-page issue of this quarterly magazine will nourish souls and motivate creative processes.
Inside the Spring 2017 Issue:
Pattern, color, and texture fill the studio of textile artist Catherine Kirsch
Illustrator Stacie Bloomfield of Gingiber infuses her studio with the same playfulness as her artwork.
Polymer clay artist Mei Pak invites us into her bright pink studio space.
The stylish new scrapbooking studio of Carol Darilek
The serene seaside-themed studio of Lee Repetto, owner of The Spotted Cod boutique
  Enter to Win Our Glimpse Inside Giveaway!
We’re giving away brand-new February issues to THREE lucky winners! Simply follow these steps to enter for your chance to win:
1) Click on your favorite spread above.
2) Pin or “Like” that particular issue.
3) If you pinned to Pinterest, share the link in the comments section below. If you “liked” on Facebook, tag us so we can see.
4) If you don’t have Facebook or Pinterest, please comment below and tell us which issue you find most appealing and why.
Winners will be randomly selected for our magazine giveaway and contacted via email. Contest is open to U.S. residents only, and ends 02/28/17 at 11:59pm PST.
*$5 off coupon code applies to purchases of any of the following (Spring ’17) issues only: Altered Couture, Artful Blogging, GreenCraft Magazine, Somerset Home, Where Women Create, and Willow and Sage. Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer. Discount code can be used only one time per customer and expires 02/28/17.
The post Glimpse Inside: New February Issues + Exclusive Coupon + Giveaway! appeared first on Somerset Place: The Official Blog of Stampington & Company.
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