#not to the same extent bc I could never be as insane as I was over dragon age for like 3 years but. you understand
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callmrmorrow · 23 hours ago
said it in the comments i’ll say it again i think it’s borderline impossible for donald to die 39 times and still have his brain 100% intact (not that you were in any way disputing this, just thought i should reiterate for the post). in one of his death recordings he straight up turned into a red splat 😭 cecil a lying motherfucker but he clearly did it to protect donald’s already fragile sense of self — he has a habit of shouldering these burdens on his own and i respect and pity him for it in equal portions
regardless of whether or not his brain is real or manufactured, i don’t think cecil changed a thing about him. didn’t manipulate his brain to make him more compliant (we saw him crash out on cecil) or like him any more or less, or make him any more competent. half of donald’s appeal to cecil is that he needs no contingency; the guy is literally the most trustworthy, heroic person you could ask for.
(the other idea is that donald is a little different each time, just enough for cecil to know that he’s never gonna be the same. just enough to know that he’s playing with forces so far beyond him, trying to save a man from death. no wonder he hired sinclair on the spot LMFAO)
of course cecil loves donald, however you wanna take it. he’s got utility, and beyond that, he’s one of the few people in the world (that we’ve seen so far) that understands cecil. he’s a day one homie.
which brings up the question of donald’s first death. bc cecil must’ve been downright distraught. 20yrs as GDA director and ~40 deaths, you’re clocking with 2 per year (though it’s hardly a scheduled event). tech development from the early 2000s must’ve been insane, and it’s feasible that cecil poured a fuck ton of money into bringing donald back; potentially spent a couple iterations convincing him to back off the field bc it’s a LOT OF MONEY and a LOT OF DESPAIR, but donald won’t do it bc he’s the goat. and he’s a hero. so cecil resigns himself to donald’s lethal cycle of compassion and bravery and tanks donald’s fits of furious confusion bc to some extent, he knows how wrong it is.
donald probably isn’t asking to be brought back every time, either. he’s like the one thing that cecil is very selfish about, after giving everything he’s got to the world at large. very endearing in a concerning way.
rewatching invincible s2 right now and noticed some fascinating stuff about my goat, donald ferguson. especially in s2ep4, where he’s sort of figuring out that he’s kind of… not entirely human.
more specifically, how insanely detailed the tech he’s made of must be. in s1, this guy gets blown to bits. to our knowledge, this has happened at least 38 other times, all of which were followed by donald realizing he’s a robot, raging on cecil, and then learning that he willingly had his memory wiped… and then dying while saving others again. donald is a real and true hero, but there’s also something about harm reaction.
this metaphor is more commonly used to explain like… demand avoidance in adhd, where you can put your hand over a hot stove and even if you really WANT to push your palm down on it, your body won’t do it. it has a sense of internal self-preservation.
when donald is taking the switchblade to his arm to confirm that he still bleeds like a man, he hesitates. he doesn’t WANT to hurt himself; his robot body — and i’m pretty sure his brain is somewhat robotic, either that or cecil has clones of his brain courtesy of the mauler twins or something… — has a sense of self-preservation.
(or cecil programmed in safeguards to try and keep donald from spiraling over this again and again, but i don’t think he’s that way with donald. the guy isn’t a contingency, this guy is his friend — if not the closest thing he has to family.)
that self-preservation is a ridiculous thing to put in technology, along with an entire fake circulatory system. this isn’t even sinclair’s tech, which implies a genius — or a team of them — who can fucking make robots that are unaware that they are even robots, maintaining the traits of their human body and mind. (there is like no way the maulers didn’t have a hand in this dude, maybe the GDA has a mauler clone that they retrieved from a battle and reconditioned to help them out?)
but beyond that… he’s denied that self-preservation in almost 40 different instances, and continues to do so. donald is an INSANE character. he willingly has his memory wiped with the full knowledge that he will always be the guy on the front line, running in to save others.
give this man a MEDAL he’s like the real captain america here. incredible.
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geezmarty · 1 year ago
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guess who started playing bg3
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merlucide · 2 months ago
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notes: written with the limited knowledge I have on curly hair 🙏 so hope it’s alright !! [Requested!]
characters: Chigiri, Sae, Bachira, Ness
warnings: cursing probs, ain’t proofread
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adding him for the sole purpose of HAIR DAY DATES 🗣️
You and him, the small counter, and bottles and bottles of hair product and styling tools 😍
Bae you don’t ever have to worry about the back of your hair bc hyo-baby GOTS YOU !!!
No knots allowed!! Not on his watch!!
I can also imagine you, hyo, and his sister just chilling around one day watching a movie and like sitting in one infront of another doing hair LMAO
The Chigiri siblings GOTCHU YOU
You looked so cutsey it’s insane
Also he’s like, always adjusting your hair
He doesn’t even say anything, just like fixes it lmao
Def is down for matching hairstyles (maybe not around his friends tho hehe)
Expects princess treatment for helping you lmao
(trying to learn how to write 4 him😭🙏)
Very quiet about his thoughts (that are positive anyway)
Thinks your hair is absolutely stunning, especially since it’s on you
will say “you look nice” but that’s about it
lowkey hates HOW LONG your routine takes
he just asked if you wanted to go to the beach to walk around
And he asked that like, 45 minutes ago
He does like watching you do your hair routine— or more like being there in the same room
He understands the importance of self care, just not to this extent LMAO
like he combs his hair and has a simple face routine, but anything that extends 10 minutes seems over the top to him lol
Will def help you with anything tho, fast learner hehe
when it rains he always gives you his jacket to put over your head to protect them curls 🗣️🙏 very gentlemanly I’ll say
he loves help you form curls!!
Like spinning his finger around and making them ya’know? :o
desperately wants to touch your curls but if you don’t want him to he will try (TRY) not to
Cue aggressive self-restraint stimming from Bachira
Wants to have you do the same routine on him lol
whiiich you do :3
Hes so excited to be involved and like, touched LMAOO
If you wear bonnets to sleep he wants to wear one too
it totally slides off while he sleeps and never tries to wear it again but still!!!!!!
absolutely entranced with your beauty
Nonono like, for real
Is in love with your curls 😍 he could watch em’ bounce for hours man
Like okay— in Ness’s mind there’s like a ‘filter’ if you would
And when he looks at you you’re like glowing and smiling n show motion with sparkles in your eyes
And you could just be like, chilling in your pjs LMAO
Will watch you do your hair routine with stars in his eyes
His hairs kinda curly too— well wavys a better word, but he doesn’t style it like you do
If you ever wanted to style his HED BE MORE THAN HAPPY!
jus happily sitting there criss-cross while you work your magic
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help sorry if anything ain’t right— my hair is as straight as a pin soo 😭🙏
Made January 3rd 2025
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cedarwoodtears · 3 months ago
i loved reading your general headcanons! could you do jossam focused headcanons please 🙏
HAIII HAI YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS starts growling and going insane these two. ough. ough my heart anon please call the ambulance. i’m having a heart attack. pleabe.
• josh is a sleepyhead and loves cuddling with sam in bed whenever he can!!! she finds it so cute bc they’ll get in bed and then not even 5 minutes later he is absolutely PASSED OUT curled up next to her like a cute little kitty. they always have at least one blanket on them though josh gets cold pretty easily…sam doesn’t like taking midday naps though so she usually just goes on her phone or watches a show quietly until josh gets up…he tends to move around a lot though so. sometimes he’s basically trying to roll over her LMFAOOO
• sam lets josh do her hair every once in awhile!! it’s mostly braids because he finds the process relaxing and he can just admire sam while doing it…so sappy josh hehe…normally it comes loose after an hour or so because well i never said he was good just that he enjoys it…he thinks she’s looks SO adorable with them though. josh tends to call her anna (from frozen) and it annoys her a bit bc it’s not even the right hair color ��� he knows though teehee.
• they do NOT mess around when it comes to overcooked. they are the absolute power couple in games despite the times they bicker or poke fun at each others skill or mess around they work so well together. half the time neither of them even has to say more than a word because they’ve played together so much. when it’s just them they play great but if other people join it falls apart…sam tries to keep everyone calm and not yelling at each other while josh is messing around behind her back and throwing food away to get everyone more riled up hehe
• sam and josh own an off-roader and you best bet those two love going up into the mountain. well sam moreso than josh but he comes along! he usually trails behind her since he feels more comfortable that way, sam likes to lead things a lot more when it comes to nature. josh brings his camera and takes about 500 million photos of the trees and sam and then prints them out later to hang up around his room…sam makes SURE she brings proper snacks and hydration too. that’s always her main rule: be prepared. they venture out more when it’s warmer though just because josh prefers that..
• josh still loves pranking her. obviously not to the extent of the game but little things. like moving the stuff on her desk off ever so slightly or hiding fake spiders in the cupboards and laughing when she gets scared opening them…there’s always a new thing each day. he likes really bad ones too like prank calling her pretending to be a 10 year old and asking “is your fridge running” and she’s like “josh i know that’s you i can hear you in the other room. and this is your phone number” and he starts giggling but still goes on with the joke LMFAOO it’s so painfully unfunny he loves it..he can’t get enough
• they LOVE making sweets for each other. if sam is having a really bad day josh will whip up some lemon cupcakes for her (it’s her favorite) and vice versa sam will bake some banana bread for him (guess what. ITS HIS FAVORITE!!!). they stock up on a shit tom of baking goods for that reason whenever they run out of flour or sugar it is an absolute EMERGENCY!!!!!!! CRITICAL ALERT!!!!!!!! that rarely ever happens though unless either one of them bakes something for the crew and misjudges how much they used…
• josh is just a little addicted to caffeine while sam doesn’t really drink it..she’s much more of a water drinker (just like me fr) and knows too much is bad but joshy boy doesn’t listen smh…he goes to tim hortons every morning and afternoon and orders the same exact medium coffee with 1 creamer & sugar, with 2 pumps of caramel syrup. every. morning. sometimes he’ll grab sam a donut if he’s feeling nice hehe..regardless sam is always telling him how it’s not good and that he should have more water but he’s like “ehhhhhh ill be good”
• sam always loves to have little movie nights in her room and have the proper candle mood lighting and it’s relaxing…so relaxing josh tends to fall asleep bc it’s normally later at night, dim, and the tv is kinda quiet PLUS her bed is so comfy. but he does his best to stay awake. he can’t help that his girlfriend is so warm and soft and so comfy to lie against and just close his eyes…sam will ask him in the morning like “do you remember what ____ said? that was so wild” and he’s like “totally baby…yeah” and cough and look around josh you are fooling NO ONE!!
• they are almost complete opposites when it comes to body heat bro josh is literally like a walking corpse HES SO COLDDDDD everytime he touches sam she literally shivers and flinches it’s like having an ice cube directly on you. sam jokes that he’s a lizard because he’s like perma cold. that’s why sam is more than happy to cuddle with him a ton because even if it’s cold at first he’ll warm up eventually…she just has to suffer a bit with his icey hands TEEHEE i mean hey when it’s a hot day she finds it pretty nice!!
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gqueerb · 1 month ago
I will never forgive Lestat and Armand for the part they played in Claudia and Madeleine's death but the fact that Armand gets more hate for what happen to Claudia than Lestat in the fandom is insane to me and I LIKE Lestats dramatic sassy ass dont get me wrong, Im hyped when he shows up in a scene. But especially with how he kept framing Louis (whos not inocent no but has been manipulated by Lestat since he was a human and abused by him as a vampire) through all this as the problem for wanting to leave and forcing him to loneliness 🙄 and cruel for giving him the silent treatment after he dropped him from the fckn sky and not wanting to fuck lestat after Claudia left which is why he had to turn to Antoinette's bony flat ass like he hadnt already been hitting that since from way back when .. like what?
and dont even get me started on claudias turning scene and how this doesnt change anything, the fact that louis didnt fully process the extent of what Lestat was telling him while being traumatized and desperate to save her life as his form of "penance" and someone to possibly be his family which is so unfair to claudia and one of the ways in which Louis is not inocent either but doesnt in any fckn way make lestat a victim and Louis the bad guy in their dynamic (once again not that Louis is a inocent - he isnt - or anything but cmon)
All I'm saying is if youre gonna hate on Armand with such a passion be sure to do the same with the white vampire (especially since ppl treat the fact that a 500y vampire wasnt ready to sacrifice his coven of 200y for a guy he'd been fuckn for a while and repeatly told to get the fck out of Paris since he met him bc it wasnt safe and was clearly using him as a rebound is crazy - again from claudia and louis perspective he is and will always be a manipulative bitch that I WILL NEVER FORGIVE FOR HIS PART in Claudias death but from his perspective...like I don't like it and there was a better way to handle it, i hate it in fact but I do get it)
Like hate on Armand for this and that fine just then keep the same energy with Lestat ppl its all im saying.
(and again I like Lestats cunty sassy ass)
bc if we're really honest and unbiased yh Lestat saved Louis but you know who he didnt save CLAUDIA he didnt even attempt to physically get her away from stage, fight for her nothing!!!
and he knew that Claudia dying would kill a part of Louis he would never get back
Idc what Anne Rice herself comes to me as a ghost and says "he would have if he could but he really couldn't save her" or anyone invoveld in the show for that matter bc what was actually SHOWN to us throughout the ENTIRE series is that his focus has always been on Louis (it was never about you/it was never you/I made you for louis) and at the end of s1 he was fully prepared to replace Claudia with Antoinette.
We all know that if he by any chance needed to make another attempt to save Louis bc the first one wasn't enough he would have! even if he had to fight a whole ass coven we all know he wouldve at least tried for Louis and he DID NOT lift a fckn finger for Claudia!!
Just bc Armand sucks doenst change the fact that Lestat also sucks is my point I guess.
(which is why I'm baffled at why Louis thought Lestat was worthy of any damn apology or thank you - like yh you saved me but you didnt even try to save our daughter and you were part of the reason I needed saving in the first place sooooo wtf do I owe you anyhting - the acting in that scene much like the acting in the entire series was amazing tho ngl!!)
Keep the same energy or just be honest about the fact that you're bias when it comes to Lestat which if you are thats fine, I can even respect that as long as you're honest and don't try to pass your biasis as a valid argument.
Bottom line Claudia DESERVED BETTER and I'm kind of side eyeing the hatred towards Armand the same way i did the opinions that were going around about his casting just bc he wasn't a white ginger (like what?! 😒) like the way some (not all) of yall talk about it is rlly weird and suspicious ngl
Claudia (+Madeleine) and Daniel are my favorite characters
Everyone else needs therapy, either that or be bathed in holy water or smth
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leporellian · 3 months ago
thinking about mudclaw again as he lives forever in my heart. i think so many people are wrong about him. him and onestar are in reality two sides of the same paranoid coin and both of their actions are explained most by fear than anything else, which makes sense bc windclan was (still is?) the lowest-ranking of all the clans and constantly shit on in different ways by the other three especially in the tpb era. but of course instead of realizing that there's a sense of constant sunk cost fallacy and NEEDING to get to the top. tallstar is clearly mudclaw's father figure (at least like . the way i interpret things. what with shrewclaw's death and their interactions esp in winds of change) and mudclaw to some extent idolizes tallstar because he equates him- and leadership, and power, and etc- with the idea of windclan and the very ideal of their clan society. he certainly sees tallstar as fallible and doesn't agree with his decisions (and later becomes like almost annoyingly aware of tallstar's mortality) but i think it's in an 'only i can say that about him' way.
so of course when tallstar changes his mind and demotes mudclaw at the last possible second before mudclaw achieves (what is in his mind as) The One Path To True Success mudclaw feels a visceral sense of betrayal, not only because that was his father figure but also because it kind of flies in the face of everything mudclaw had led to believe was Worthwhile- all of it meant nothing, as does much of the system of the clans themselves do. but instead of willing to consider that (even if his subconscious sees it like A Little) mudclaw spirals into justification until he's ultimately turning on everything he once held dear to justify this One Perfect Concept in his mind of How Things Ideally Should Go. and then his own gods turn on him to kill him! as he dies in the same pointless battles that killed both his father and grandmother! fucking insane!
and the REAL tragedy is that even IF mudclaw became leader he'd fall apart into a paranoid wreck, just as much if not more than onestar did, because ultimately he and onestar have the same rampant paranoia and fear of reliance that dooms both of them. for all intents and purposes until near the end onestar wasn't too bad of a leader by clan standards; windclan certainly became much more self-sufficient and hardy under his leadership (thunderclan be damned lmfao) and for having been elected amidst civil war there wasn't That Much dissent going on besides like crowfeather or whoever thinking onestar was being a jackass. mudclaw not only should have never been deputy, there's no universe where he could've achieved his own definitions of success ad prosperity because he was born not only in a clan that will never fully escape its position as the bottom of the pecking order but in the shadow of a leader who possessed traits that mudclaw could never have and who didn't even want the same vision of windclan mudclaw did.
so like ! damn all that was for nothing ! and he was killed to make a fuck ass BRIDGE! And hes trapped inside a horribly written wildly christian children's book series FOREVER!!!!!! Insane!!!! Insane!!!! I am going to think about this freak forever!!!! in short
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fatuismooches · 1 year ago
Helloo Smooches!!
I had an idea about mixing in two ideas - childhood friend + fragile!reader with Pantalone (let's not let Dottore steal all the spotlight)
Basically, bc of living in poverty reader is very weak and Pantalone concludes you'll be dead any day soon. But despite everything Reader keeps pushing through and he's intrigued. Not only you somehow keep living, you're so nice and try to help others around you any way you can, including Pantalone. I think after becoming friends he advices you to care more about yourself, seeing your frail condition
At one point your condition becomes worse and you need medicine which is already expensive, but for you? You can only get it if you work 24/7, but you physically can't. However, miraculously, you get that medicine. After some time you learn that it was Pantalone who worked all day and night for you and reader can't thank him enough. You may learn he didn't eat for a few days and worked in ungodly conditions just to save you. Reader feels very guilty about all of this, but Pantalone reassures them that it's better than you dying. And it's so strange, even for Panta himself. Like, there are tons of kids who are in the same condition as you or even worse, then why he's so keen to save you?
The rest is history. You two become inseparable, helping each other get through life (no one of you mentions it, but Pantalone works harder and more than you, due to your illness).
When he becomes the Regrator, you're still together. But now he can properly take care of both of you, since you were damaged pretty badly by your childhood. But if Pantalone's immune system got very strong and he only really has bad eyesight, then you... It's not a pretty scene, but he can keep you in stable state thanks to all the expensive doctors, medicine and anything you need for your comfort. I also feel both of you get flashbacks and nightmares about past, so both of you are here to comfort each other
However, if you did die before seeing Regrator in all his glory... He's devastated. He makes sure your grave stays in top-notch condition. Pantalone is grateful for the time you were with him, when Reader became a little ray on sunshine in his dark life, but won't deny he wants you back. However, even endless wealth can't bring reader back. But at least now Pantalone knows for sure he won't lose anything close to him due to lack of mora ever again
-🥀, who went insane
Pantalone just not caring about you in the beginning is unfortunately true at first 😭 He is well aware that it is a dog-eat-dog world out there, especially in the environment where you two are. Everyone is out for themselves, no one will look out for each other lest they get stabbed in the back eventually. The young boy has seen more death and suffering than a child of his age should, and he thinks that soon, you will become one of them... but you don't. And despite your ailing condition you still find it in you to help others and the younger kids... he thinks you are simultaneously the strangest, kindest, and dumbest person he's ever met. How could you be so kind in a world like this? You've surely seen the same things he has... you should be putting yourself first, you're squandering what life and health you have left on random people!
He just doesn't understand... he doesn't seek to figure you out first, but you are the only kid his age around these parts, and you do always try to hang around him... so he relents. He becomes your friend. And he... comes to like you. To care for you. The boy has never felt that to someone else before. It makes him act different around you. To go to certain extents he would never dream of doing for anyone but himself. To get little trinkets for you, that really aren't worth anything at all, but he likes how they make you smile. To share bits of his meager rations with you, to which you always giggle and ask if you could feed him. It's strange, even stranger when he goes beyond that. Did your medicine deal a significant blow to his savings? Yes. Did he care? No. Seeing you smiling seemed to satisfy some hole in his chest that has been empty since birth. Pantalone can't help but want you to stay by his side. And you do too.
Ugh yes he would treat you higher than royalty like you deserve after how much you suffered with him for all of those years. I imagine he would be so overprotective and concerned for you, if you had even the most minor health scare he would be more worried than YOU. Regardless you bet he will fulfill every single wish you had since childhood, nothing is off the table, Pantalone WILL make it happy. Yup I imagine Pantalone sometimes has nightmares about losing everything he built his way up to and going back to the poor boy alone on the streets... and you have your own trauma from your condition so just :( lots of nighttime cuddles and soft back rubs
🥀 ANON YOU JUST HAD TO END IT WITH ANGST... To say he would be crushed is an understatement. Part of his motivation and reason to ascend to the top was to be able to give you the life you deserve - a comforting, peaceful, and rich one. But you were gone... he was so, so close to saving you. He still loves you so much. And although he has the Mora to never lose anything close to him again... will there really be anything like that for him ever again after he lost you?
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superpowered-dirt · 1 year ago
i never post on here but i have so much in my head about twd: the ones who live i honestly feel like i might explode.
i know all anyone really wants to talk about from episode 2 is That Part of their reunion (which is fair, don't ask me how many times I rewatched it), but now, the part that keeps playing over and over again in my head is this tiny bit:
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and i just need to say, danai and andy are so insanely talented bc this clip?? this clip—short as it is, with not a world of dialogue—says SO much about where our two characters are at.
first, rick. i watch this clip and i think holy shit, yeah, that is a broken man. andy does a masterful job at displaying through his eyes and the way he carries himself the extent of the psychological damage and anguish within rick, not to mention the guilt he carries. you can see the gears turning in his head as he reminds himself how he basically gave up on her. how he gave up on himself. how he told himself that he was done, he was never seeing her again, and let himself fold into the CRM. i think it's safe to say he hates himself for his choice to move on. he's utterly crushed by it. like look at him, he can't even meet her eyes!!
and michonne? she sees it. once the euphoria of I Found You has begun to wear off and she lets herself really take him in, she immediately clocks that this is not the same rick that "died" on the bridge. not the rick that led alexandria. not the rick that got them out of terminus. and definitely not the rick that stood up to the saviors. in fact, the last time she saw this version of him, it was right after the first time they ever lost to negan, and that horrifies her, because if that rick is back, then something truly terrible has happened. the look on her face in the clip says a million things, but most loudly, she's wondering, understandably and devastatingly, "my love, what have they done to you?"
the final clue for her that her rick is gone, at least for now, is their next interaction. since forever, both of their instincts anytime they've been told that something bad is coming their way have been to either hoof it for the safety of their family or stand back to back and dispatch the threat. it's the panic in his voice, the sheer desperation as he pleads with her to stand down instead and hide herself after she suggests they go that tells her she has no idea what he's been through or what she's in for now that she's in the shit with him. and even now, if the trailer for E03 has been any indication, she still fails to grasp the danger they're both in. i know what people online have been saying, but she's not being careless, this is michonne we're talking about, she just doesn't understand how careful she really has to be. and then throw jadis and her bitch ass bowl cut into the mix and suddenly a whole new threat looms over alexandria and the commonwealth that ultimately all comes back on rick too? the guilt he now has to face for not only dragging his wife into his mess, but through jadis, also his daughter and all his friends?? and if he finds out now that he has a son too, then there's even more guilt??????
i could go on for hours but i won't. all i'll say is that we're definitely in for such an emotional ride tomorrow. and really there's no one else i trust more than andy and danai to deliver that for us.
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arookinthelighthouse · 3 months ago
I'm about to make an insane and probably obscure comparison here, so bare with me. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR VEILGUARD!
Solas isn't the first character that Bioware have created that has plans upon plans, is no stranger to betraying those closest to him for his own ends and gains. At this point you'd prly assume I'm talking about a Mass Effect character. BZZT you're wrong, I haven't played Mass Effect. No, I'm talking about a character from one of their earlier games.
I'm talking about Sun Li from Jade Empire.
You can't tell me there's not a comparison to be made there. They both guide you - albeit in different ways due to different circumstances the main characters and antagonists are in - and they both shape your character over time into a tool that they need to get to the outcome they've been planning and working towards. In the case of Sun Li, 20 years. In the case of Solas, from the moment you first meet him in the Fade prison thing.
Sun Li raises you and trains you, teaching you fighting techniques that lure in your opponents to see weaknesses that aren't really there, trapping your opponent. All the while, that same technique he teaches you to lure in your opponents and defeat them is the same technique he exploits bc it's a weakness only he knows how to exploit bc he's the one who deliberately shaped you that way, planning ahead for his abduction and your eventual confrontation with his brother, the emperor, when you try to hunt him down and save him. It's a plan carefully crafted and slowly worked towards over the span of your 20 years alive at that point.
Solas, on the other hand, guides you and gently shapes you into a tool that he can use from the Fade to bring down the Veil for him under the guise of defeating two blighted members of the Evanuris. He hides Varric's death from you, concealing your memories so that the shaping is effortless. He plans to do all of this in the short couple of seconds it takes for him to realise that you don't know Varric is gone, so used to scheming and betrayal to get the outcome he desires that the idea comes to him almost fully formed and he doesn't hesitate to play along and obscure your memory from you. All of this to slowly gain your trust, even if you don't fully trust him you still trust him enough to take his guidance onboard.
While the betrayal of Solas itself isn't one that surprises the player, the reveal of the extent of what he's done to you does surprise the player if you don't have suspicions or inclings towards smth being wrong with Varric. Meanwhile, the betrayal of Sun Li is one that does catch you completely by surprise, particularly when he exploits that weakness he's trained into you to kill you without hesitation or thought.
Both men are determined they will attain their goal, and both men are convinced that they have outsmarted you and won when they enact the final act of their betrayal against you. But most of all, they are both men of pride and that pride becomes their downfall. Solas in a more literal sense because he is the embodiment of wisdom and pride, and Sun Li in the sense that he is so proud that he was right and his plan worked that he never considers for a moment you will find a way back to the land of the living to defeat him and restore order to the world. After all, this plan is one that was 20 years in the making. He accounted for every possibility. He would never accept that you could return and prove him wrong.
All in all, I think Sun Li and Solas are very similar characters in those regards. Yes, they are very different but those similarities shine through. And that? That's so exciting to discover as a player
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glassheartstonesoul · 1 year ago
opinion dump on saltburn and the public response to it bcs my opinions r the most valid and superior
this is mainly geared towards the response on tiktok, saying u were undisturbed by the bathtub scene or grave scene doesn’t make u superior or cooler it actually doesn’t mean shit yall r giving “im so mysterious and misunderstood” energy it’s actually embarrassing tbh this has the same energy as thinking ur mental illness is a personality trait and inherently makes u cooler and more interesting than the average person REALITY CHECK it doesn’t
the period sex scene being placed in the same category of “disturbing-ness” on social media as the grave and bathtub scene just goes to show how much society hates women and their bodies the period stigma is crazy it’s for sure a personal preference no hate if u think eating someone out when they’re on their period is weird or maybe unhygienic but to compare it to borderline necrophilia and whatever vile pathetic shit the bathtub scene was is just pure misogyny I said what I mf said
I love emerald fennel and i’m so dissapointed in her I thought this movie would’ve been better I feel like she had everything going for her the plot was incredible the aesthetics were so cool the cast was astounding and yet…
ok elaboration on my last point basically the film lacked any intelligence or nuance plot wise and storytelling wise don’t get me wrong the film is full of insane references and deep sociopolitical metaphors however the ending was shit the idea that this was oliver’s plan all along has the same energy as when ur in 2nd grade and u end ur creative writing piece with “and it was all a dream” and so many fucking things don’t fit in with the ending like they never explain to what extent was this his plan like did he intend to kill them ? pick them off one by one ? wait years till he could get to elspeth ? and why are his issues with his family never explained why is he the way he is what made him so obsessive what made him a pathological liar ????? there r just too many loose ends and unfortunately not in a “open ending audience interpretation” way but in a bad writing kinda way :/
THE FASHION !!! why was it so mid I was superrrrr excited to see a film set in 06/07 but the fashion was majorly lacking elspeth is mother her costumes ate of course but the rest of the cast and extras were so mid there were a few exceptions here and there but there’s so much to explore in terms of fashion in this time period yet the costumes weren’t great venetia’s outfits hurt my soul she could’ve been such a cool character think indie sleaze vibes (ik this wasn’t a thing back then but something similar rather than the glittery bullshit she’d have on) farleigh also could’ve served cunt but was painfully lukewarm
the movie left SO MUCH to be desired it actually hurts if only they could’ve leaned into the campy vibes upped the ante on the fashion and had much better writing </3
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bisexualshauna · 2 years ago
Okay well I’ve already forced u to look at most of my pets so I’m kinda just gonna copy u…what r ur favorite buck and/or eddie quotes?? I can NEVER think of any when I’m making graphics and u remember the show so much better than I do LOLL
some off the top of my head:
"two cut lines" - like. okay. i still maintain that the rest of the firefam doesn't actually know how close buck & eddie are and definitely do not fully realize the extent of buck's role in the diazes' life, but one thing that the rest of them Do know is that buck would rather die than leave eddie behind and i love tht these three simple words encapsulate the strength of that undying devotion
"and that started with you. whatever happens to him next, you gave him that second chance. maybe that's the point." i will never ever ever ever ever ever be over this scene and how buck found the exact words to bring eddie back from the brink and show him that what he does matters, that there's still hope, that there are things worth living for and that he made a difference in someone's life. and i think that this right here is more than romance more than love this is just. soulmatism right here. i mean....to be seen to be found isn't that what we're all searching for?
AND ON THAT NOTE. BUCK. THERE'S NOBODY IN THIS WORLD THAT I TRUST WITH MY SON MORE THAN YOU. makes me fucking INSANE because what do you mean eddie forgave him instantly?? in any other show with any other pairing this would be a season long arc with the two of them tentatively reconciling at the very end of it all. anybody else would be (understandably, i might add) nervous to leave christopher with buck after what happened, but eddie forgave buck immediately. eddie, who adores chris with all of his heart and soul, who loves that boy more than anything else in this world, saw not that buck wasn't able to hold onto chris, but that he loved him enough to try. he didn't hold it against him for chris getting swept away, he only focused on the buck that spent all day bloody and bruised, searching for his heart. but more than anything, i think he saw all of that love and heartbreak and guilt and the self doubt that matches his own reflected in buck and decided to give his best, truest friend the chance that was never given to him 🥺😭
"comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in the wall" i can't explain why i love this bit of casual reassurance so much but i just. i think it's so simple and so sweet and a testament to how they make each other feel so loved so easily :(
i don't remember the exact quote right now but do you remember that scene where eddie and hen are gossiping about hen's mom and eddie says that his abuela would love the tea bc she loves telenovelas and buck beams at him w the fondest grin ever and teases eddie about loving telenovelas too? i know they're soulmates and in love and all of that shit but they're also Best Friends and i love all these little reminders of how well they know each other and how much they genuinely like each other. also this being in the same episode as buck's look of complete confusion when his long term gf tells him she loves him was a Choice™️
"just gonna be you and me" from the LS crossover episode for no reason other than it was cute & i love buck's subsequent jealousy
"guess all that company must've wore you out" bc of the obvious Implications that maddie tried to rope eddie into her plan of sending buck visitors to cheer him up and eddie straight up said no because he knew that wasn't going to help. yet another one of the million examples of these two knowing exactly what the other person needs & also Being exactly what the other person needs
"three minutes and seventeen seconds" because what do you MEAN he knows the exact amount of time buck was dead for. what do you mean he counted the seconds that he lived in this world without his best friend, praying and begging that he could outrun the clock and he wouldn't reach the time that would make it permanent. what do you mean he memorized the amount of time and then he threw out that line so casually because he couldn't stand the way they were talking about buck's death as something fascinating instead of as the worst three minutes and seventeen seconds of eddie's life...
the one-two punch that is "you don't need to pretend with me" and "you don't have to be anything for anybody" because both of them have spent so much of their lives not feeling good enough and not truly living for themselves...and yet around each other they've never had to do that and are free to be nothing but themselves and still be loved not despite it, but for it.
and finally last but not least....the very thesis of their relationship: "you can have my back any day" / "yeah. or, you know, you could… you could have mine" because it's stayed true ever since the first day they met and will remain true for the rest of their lives. also i'll never stop thinking about how 911 straight up said "isn't that what we all want in a partner? knowing that they have your back?" in the season five finale and have shown time and again that buck and eddie have tried to accomplish this in their previous relationships but have only ever been able to have a full and true partnership with each other...yeah that shit will Haunt me forever
this is probably incomprehensible but my mind is running at a million miles an hour right now so i am not going to go back and edit it
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nosenipped · 4 months ago
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respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
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roleplayer name: lucien!
pronouns: deez / nuts. ( he / they. )
muse name(s): jackson overland frost. :3 his name is so fucking english i literally can't type this without giggling. he's got a korean name too, but im not revealing it because of plot.
preferred communication: discord or DMs. i'm still getting used to the mechanics on tumblr rn so. 😭😭 but there r some features in tumblr's DMs that kinda tick me off, so discord's the home place for communications for me. i run a shit ton of accounts on different platforms too, so if i don't reply it's bc im out of energy or im busy with work. 💔
experience: started in pokémon. got traumatized. went to animerp. also got traumatized. the cycle repeats for about 6 years.
preferred roleplay type: dependent on the day! i've always preferred writing something fluffy as opposed to angsty, ( but the lines are very thin for this muse ) only because jack's already a VERY angsty character and as a whole and i feel if i kept writing angst i'd run out of material quickly.
pet peeves / dealbreakers: forced shipping &&. self—inserts that seem too inserted, eg. forcing themselves onto my muses. ( i realize it's essentially the same thing but trust there's a difference. ) i've only ever shipped muses after messages of development and if i see potential. it's also a matter of personal comfort.
i've had past experiences where people took it too far with their muses and got personally affected by their relationship which is INSANELY unhealthy.
another one is just ship jealousy? i've personally NEVER experienced it as the receiver before, i hope i never do anyway, but we're all friends and grown—ups here im sure we could just write without any hidden agendas. i've had people close to me suffer from this before and it's incredibly sad &&. pathetic, y'all don't do that pls.
best time to write: evening or like. really early in the morning LMAOOO. i'm a night owl most of the times so if im not getting to anything in the morning or afternoon, it's mostly all churned out at night. ( but ofc that doesn't mean i'm not active during the morning or afternoon. )
are you like your muse?: to a large extent, definitely. i wouldn't go as far as to call us twins tho? even if some people do, there's just some things that we see differently.
for starters, unlike this loser, i can swim. /silly i got medals to back my claim.
i'm definitely not as dense to love as this dude is, and i'm able to differentiate platonic and romantic ties. this SUCKS so bad knowing he's also a womanizer in the last books .. i need his ass GONE.
in terms of similarities, i truly see him as something of a vessel to articulate my grief and anger as well as nostalgia through my boyo. :3 and since i've practically rewritten his ass to incorporate book and movie and mythology lore ( it gave me a MIGRAINE during my work i swear ;; the amt of effort i place into him needs to go widespread to my course. ) parts of me are also within to fill the plot holes. <3
i offer my jack frost to write with you all with my heart and soul on the line, so it really means a whole lot to me whenever people love him.
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* tagging ... @nerdynanny , @toothcollct , @saheira , @fatedarrows , @chieftain-of-berk , @pcterpan , @wishfulmuses ♡ feel free to participate if you'd like!! ( ^ω^ )
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utopians · 2 years ago
I mean s1 was deffo better than s2 but why do you say that it wasn't good? /gen
mannn honestly it would take ages to enumerate all my problems with it but these are the main ones
just a massive, massive tone problem. this show just has no clue what it wants to be and it's bad as hell as a result. the wilderness scenes in this season had some of the darkest stuff of anything in the show (eating jackie + shauna miscarriage + shauna beating lottie) and having all that next to like... misty's quirky reddit boyfriend just absolutely defanged it. the show doesn't want to commit to being either a quirky mystery/comedy or a gritty survival horror and because of that it fails to effectively be anything at all
misty's reddit boyfriend in general just sucked so bad. like what was that
the escalation from 'we're hungry' to 'let's draw cards and murder whoever gets the wrong one' occurred over the span of ONE EPISODE. one SINGLE episode without ANY NEGOTIATION. literally not one single scene of the characters even TALKING about it before it happened. what a joke. what an absolute joke. they had an entire season to build to it how'd they fuck it up this bad
this is a problem I had with the first season as well but the survival threat feels so told and not shown. like we're told all these characters are Soooo Hungry but none of them are ever actually like. fatigued. or ill. or Dying. like how the fuck is coach ben still alive man. it just makes the escalation to killing people that much more abrupt and the whole situation seem so contrived when it doesn't actually feel like they're in danger
just in general the show like. refuses to let any of its characters feel anything at all. shauna straight up killed an innocent man that she was having an affair with last season and the extent of the emotional fallout of that act is her making quirky Oh Whoopsie comments about it. like that would be an insane traumatic thing to go through and you'd think it would be the kind of thing the show would want to explore. but no. not on amc's yellowjackets
on that same topic. shauna beating lottie had weirdly little emotional fallout. like ik they didn't like each other but shauna almost beat lottie to death with her hands and seemed just like. kind of sad and apologetic afterwards. like you'd think that such an act would have some sort of extreme ramifications for her relationship with the group and her own emotional state but nah
in the same vein: this season did adult taissa SO dirty. all the little plot threads that made her story difficult and compelling last season have completely been dropped -- her wife and son were literally written out like 4 episodes in and we don't see any of the emotional complexity of her leaving behind those relationships. additionally the last season ended with her being elected senator (sth that could cause a lot of conflict and drama bc of the increased responsibility on her shoulders + surveillance and scrutiny of her life) and it literally just. never comes up again? like her wife is in a coma and her son is just left fully parentless and she walks away from her job as a US STATE SENATOR and not only are there no consequences she also just literally does not seem to care. I feel like the writers just had no clue what they wanted to do with her and so they just gave her... nothing. no conflict no emotions just nothinggggg
okay they did give her one thing. they gave her an evil alter ego. which is mad corny imo. last season it was weird and ambiguous enough that I enjoyed it but this season it was just so literal and on the nose and I did not enjoy it One Bit
similar to the cards thing lottie deciding that they needed to kill one of them at the end was so damn abrupt and stupid. like literally so pointless and out of nowhere
natalie's death was so silly and contrived that it actually made me laugh
adult van is not butch enough ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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luckiestblock · 2 months ago
OKAY SO LONG YAP INCOMINNG OH MY GOD. wanna start with sorry! I'm kinda new to actually using Tumblr so Idrk where to put this OR if there was a better option but I really liked your post about cdream (and to and extent cwilbur) I really really liked how you point out that everyone made his character bc IT SO TRUE his character would be so BLAND (so fucking bland) without them bc GUESS WHAT? his ass is BLAND personality wise. I was a fan since the big 2020 bc my friend group were hot into DNF, tbh I did like dream at the time bc the Jackbox streams but I was a disappointed at his dsmp character bc I thought it would be...idk so much more? for the longest time I thought I liked him but I guess that was just part of the territory at the time, it was the DREAM smp after all, but instead throughout the years I ended up relating his character more to a malignant shadow for the server members, like he just haunts people, follows, stalks them, and is evil!!! It's an interesting prospect sure but its a disservice to him BECAUSE he needs someone to shape his villainy. I like how you put that he works as a villain because there are heros to fight against, he is fr the perfect foil!!! (tho I think that was accidental greatness) and the very little we saw of his perspective and the little of what we knew abt him really added to that spookiness and darkness of the story bc he felt like a real threat sometimes. During my time in the fandom from then (2020) into this day (possibly more??) I find it interesting how there was so little content to actually work off from his character that most artists and authors ended up painting his character like he was a blank canvas. (or shaping him like he was clay HAHA pun haha so funny) they got away with it bc there was no real and solid character traits to truly combat that things--I also think this is why his character was so beloved by those who liked him at the time ( bc he could be what you wanted) there were many times I believed that the fanfic authors were just better at writing him than the og ccs but what was there to compare to? (sidebr: The illusion really ended in 2022 when he was nothing like the collective imagination, ESPECIALLY IN PERSONALITY ESPECIALLY NOW, but I think that's a thing lots of the long time fans relate to and I guess I kinda deserved that as I was believing a dream hahaha pun haha so funny) Anyways, I really want (wanted?) to make this analysis work of him especially because the way the cc actually acts falls so much into what cdream solidly was (same with cwilbur but minus the "no-character, no shape" argument) It would cover my theories of him being the shadow for the other dsmp characters, the canvas for the fans, what is there in him really and what that meant for cdream overall minus all the rosy lens while being kinda metaaaa idk. I also wanted to do the same insane deepdive for wilbur's character and his overlap bc ITS SO INTRESTING. but now I feel doing this would be in very poor taste and kinda oddball of me (and when is it not in poor taste bc theres always drama??? its never my time fr) and that sucks because I'm still so down bad for this fandom its not fucking funny like I still want to make art for it, theorize, talk and trade ideas with ppl and do all these studies still and I don't know what's really wrong with me for still loving all the characters OH SO MUCH still while HATING majority of the ccs for these 5 years. I wasn't in it for the people after the big 2021 (as I kinda lost interest or didn't support) but the compelling lore and the AMAZING fan content. I don't know how ppl would take it and overlapping drama with the creators doesn't seem so "c! only" of me (but I think its fire so whateva) anyways sorry for the long yap just wanted to put this out there.
re: this post
firstly, welcome to tumblr! i think most people are fine with people adding discussion in inbox or when reblogging a post. i'm glad u liked my post :)
I was never a Dream fan, but i really expected more from his character as well. I WANTED more of his character. By himself, c!Dream is a walking plot device meant to Cause Conflict, which is a shame because the little that was set up was so interesting. Puffy at one point had a one-off line about being his mom (or maternal figure) if i remember correctly, which you could do SO MUCH with on that alone (though, I don't remember if that was just a joke or de-canoned. either way, it would be a VERY interesting dynamic)
The implications of him being trapped in the prison on purpose is very interesting, but that never got payed off. We know that he worked with c!Punz and c!Ranboo on some things, and with c!Dream being an Isolated Villain who is a Control Freak, that has SOOO much great potential. "Does he genuinely trust them? Does he want to trust them? Why do they agree to work with him?" are all interesting questions that... also got unanswered. but with these things (and the connections to Dream XD + Techno), you get the really great fan-interpretations of c!Dream that are really interesting and fun! that make him more of his own character with more nuanced motivations!
(this is coming from someone who wanted to put endersmile duo under a microscope. so i might a bit biased. but god. GODDDDD WHAT WAS THEIR RELATIONSHIPP)
"I really want (wanted?) to make this analysis work of him especially because the way the cc actually acts falls so much into what cdream solidly was" if you make this please send that to me 🙏
"I also wanted to do the same insane deepdive for wilbur's character and his overlap bc ITS SO INTRESTING. but now I feel doing this would be in very poor taste and kinda oddball of me" it might be because i also think there's overlap between wilbur and his character (like, besides how a person's creations reflect them in some way), but i think it WOULD be interesting, and only in bad taste if you dont think about the words you're saying. Which goes into your next point:
With what we know was going behind the scenes, i dont think you can (or Should) try to "death of the author" the dsmp. but that doesn't mean you should feel wrong for still enjoying the characters. there are still a lot of people who love the dsmp while not supporting the creators in anyway, shape or form. There's still lovely fanart (and i assume fanfic) being made of it.
honestly, i think about the lore and world very often. it's a really good example of something that can only exist in minecraft. it's a good showcase of everyone's ability to improvise and collaborate (or the opposite, in some cases). it's one of those things that make me think "gosh, if I could change this one thing..." over and over. i am eternally haunted by the potential of Limbo and how it was SO close to being the coolest thing ever.
anyways. i never get nonnys in my askbox (because i dont talk often) so i am very happy for this excuse to yap. i want to chew on the dsmp and i hope people release the lore docs and what they were planning
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carniferous · 1 year ago
not to start a debate and then turn it into jl vs jeg beef god knows some people need to chill
but also uhm
jeg requires james’ character bending to some extent and more bc canon james was white straight rich man who was very much happy about it and took advantages of his privileges, same can’t be said about reg (yeah he also was privileged. insanely) bc he overall has three sentences about him? he could be a lil weirdo who stalked his brother and his friends, a serial killer with impressive kill count, or just a guy who was just there or everything at once. and i think it’s okay to admit, jeg existence is based on liking green and red together or salt chips with honey, you know, personal preference and imagination and the will to chew glass daily bc they’re too damn tragic.
however jl is bend too. i read them mostly with wolfstar and they’re both usually toned down in order to work. it’s jkr fault, she never wrote them falling in love and she straight up forgot to give james positive traits and describe his maturity process, like he was a massive dick and then he changed completely in a year and lily easily overcame her dislike and boom, they had a baby. in the middle of the war, while fighting and wizards didn’t know what abortion was, obviously. so i completely understand why james is often written a bit differently, in more positive light and with reasons to be an asshole and why lily’s dislike for james is erased and her character isn’t as intense as she is in canon.
bending characters shouldn’t be a crime, especially hp characters 🧍🏼‍♀️
yeah slay idk what you mean by bending of characters the james and regulus that exist in my mind are actually perfectly crafted characters whose every action i can trace back to some piece of punctuation in canon that validates my interpretation
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lorillee · 5 months ago
alright well i finished ch 12 so while im waiting for my water to boil ill fill everybody in on the current thoughts feelings opinions
Can we kill sagawa. PLEASEEEEE If this man doesnt die by the end of the game we have done something deeply and unfathomably wrong.
anyways so im fascinated at the reveal of tachibana as the owner of the bat tattoo and honestly Well i cant say i trust it. just because its very much like well frankly a bit of a shock reveal when it happens with no real justification. Like there was legitimately no reason to show this to the viewers at that point in the story so im smelling some sort of a fakeout here is basically what im getting at
like one could argue that they decided to reveal it there because we’ve spent the past bit trying to establish tachibana as a guy we can count on to some extent and then immediately after reminding the viewer “Hey we are dealing with organized crime LOL these people are actually deplorable and dont u forget it” keeps everybody on their toes or whatever but i still feel like they couldve chosen a more shocking or relevant moment. Hence my fakeout theory which i will honestly be a bit disappointed in if true because it just seems a little cheap
anyways so currently im thinking that like as part of his little mafia squad they all got the same tattoo or somethjng and so its actually a different guy with the bat tattoo. wait omg could you imagine if it was oda LOL
Ok if it was oda i would forgive the fakeout. Because i never really liked that dude to begin with
insanely funny how happy people are to volunteer incredibly sensitive information to majima when this has basically no benefit to them and in fact will probably come back to bite them in the ass. Its just his charming babygirl vibes
the ending for the Everybody Wants To Kill Kiryu subplot was a bit anticlimactic for all the drama we went through so jury is still out on how i feel about this because its like obviously important for the whole tojo family infighting but at the moment im not sure if i felt like this entire thing was really worth taking up like 2 slash 3 whole chapters for. but who knows bc we havent seen this story to its end yet
unsure about how i feel about the direction they r possibly taking majima and mikotos relationship in. if they choose to play this as a “what could have been if things were different” doomed potential romance u know i eat that stuff up But the point of issue here is potential. bc my immersion is going to be going to be struggling if they seriously try to argue me into believing that they r totally In Love despite the fact that they barely know each other at this point. so We Shall See
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