#not to sound like a boomer but my fucking god we need to go back to the old school system minus the abuse asap
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
I love reaction videos of movies I like. I always ever since I was small wanted my family and friends to share shows and movies I loved and even kind of forced them to turn their head and watch or wake them up not to miss the best part so seeing these people discover those emulate that same childhood feeling in me
However I must share my concern about how so many of them lack general knowledge. I don't mean it a snobbish or disdainful way nor want to rub how I had access to information or whatever ! What I mean is I am legetimately worried so many people had no access to information in 2023 especially for stuff that are very simple and seemed like common knowledge to me I knew in first grade
A reactor to Eris from Sinbad and the Seven Seas wondering why she is evil if gods are supposed to be good and why she interfers so much
A group of reactors to The Hunchback of Notre Dame keeping searching for the Eiffel Tower the whole movie
The same ones not recognizing the seaguls from Finding Nemo as seaguls but supposing they have to be pigeons
A reactor watching Lady and the Tramp and no matter how everybody looks Edwardian assuming it must be the 1950's since it's a 50's movie
A reactor not recognizing the Wall of China and keeping wondering what Asian country it is and realizing it's China only when the soldier says the meme sentence
A reactor keeping mixing up China and Japan for Kung Fu Panda when it comes to names, food and objects
A reactor not knowing almost any piece of music in Fantasia
Again I don't say it a way to look down on them. Just I grew up in a nerd family so we have encyclopedias and we watch documentaries so I suppose not all do, but damn does it worry me and even sadden me a little not all do
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
Every time I hear someone much older than me talking about how their shame about their bodies and weight have robbed them of all kinds of fun experiences and simple joys and delights in life, it breaks my fucking heart. Older women, in particular, have been shamed into and forced into (and perpetuated themselves) so many stupid narratives about what one "can't do" if you look a certain way. Sometimes they don't even notice it...they'll just casually be saying something like, "I would have loved to play volleyball back in school but this big ass wasn't going to look right in those shorts tee hee" and I'm like that's??? actually??? tragic???????? Especially when it's something they COULD still pursue or try but they've got a fixed mindset about it.
My 84 year old aunt really spent all of her 30s-60s believing that she COULDN'T just put on a swimsuit and enjoy the water in the summer. I have so many memories of this mindset affecting her all summer. Just casually existing by a pool in a swimsuit was something that women who looked like her Could Not Do. This is someone who broke so many gender barriers in her field, who was a pioneer and a bad ass, but who held herself back from something she truly enjoyed for DECADES because she's fat. A couple of years ago she told me how stupid she feels having thought like that now that her age has changed her mobility and safety in going to a pool and it's no longer literally possible for her to do so.
She bought the bullshit and deprived herself of happiness when it was possible, so she lost her chance at hundreds of moments of simple enjoyment she now looks back on sadly.
Really sadly.
I think this is a topic where we can literally see a huge generational change among society right now. The bitchy boomer who says something like, "oh she should NOT be wearing that" when a happy, chunky Gen Zer bops by in a crop top sounds like the death rattles of an ancient relic to most of us in younger generations. After we get over the overt hate that surges when we hear things like that, most of us can see right through that prickly exterior into the deeply damaged, sad, and vulnerable person inside who is the one that's the real problem in the equation.
And yet, while it can be easy to think, "Thank god I'm not like THAT" none of us are truly immune to the messages that are blasted in our faces all the time that still shame fatness and make us feel like we owe society a certain kind of "beauty."
Just keep an eye out for any limiting beliefs you have that are depriving you from joy and delight you want and need. As anyone like my aunt could tell you, you won't someday look back and think, "I sure am glad I didn't do what made me happy all those years!"
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a-killer-obsession · 2 months
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Whoops, you got hit by a bus, and now you're in the world of One Piece. But not everything is quite as you remember it...
General Tags: afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, isekai, monsterfucker reader, vampire!kid, werewolf!killer, wyrm!heat, minotaur!wire, everyone has a human form, smut heavy, unhealthy relationships, dubious consent, serious violence, spoilers for Wano arc, starts pre-timeskip. There will be a lot of more intense kinks, please check AO3 for all current tags.
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Chapter 1 - All in One Piece
A bad day gets infinitely worse.
WC: 2.5k
Masterlist | AO3
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A/N: This fic will include a multitude of more intense kinks and fantasy themes such as watersports, heavy BDSM, forced painful eggpreg, bloodplay, knotting, non-human dicks, somnophillia, and of course considerable amounts of monster fucking. If you're not good with those, then this isn't the fic for you sorry! More tags will be added to A03 as the fic goes, so please see what's currently listed there before you start, but those are the tags I know for sure will be included that may deter some people. This one is for my freaks! (affectionate). It won't be as long as Wavelengths but this is definitely a longer series than Pitching Tents~
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Cold dirty water leaked through the hole in your worn boot as you accidentally stepped in a puddle much deeper than you'd originally anticipated. You cursed to yourself and shook your foot uselessly, your socks were fucking drenched. An awful end to an awful day. Work had been fucking draining, and if one more customer asked if you could ‘check in the back’ you were going to start killing people. Ma'am, what fucking ‘back'? It's a damn boutique, we don't even have our own private toilet! The cherry on top was the classic Karen with that classic boomer lead poisoning stare who absolutely refused to leave when you were supposed to be finished ten minutes ago. You were about ready to hit her with the wooden sandwich chalkboard as you pulled it inside if she took one more fucking second. God, all this pent up anger was getting close to boiling over, you needed to get laid, bad. Ye olde silicone dick just wasn’t going to hit the spot tonight, even if you did have a fun new one shaped like an imagining of a dragon’s cock.
You opened your phone as you walked, music blasting in your ears, blocking out the sounds of the bustling rush hour city around you while you sighed to yourself and opened a dating app in utter despair. Swipe, swipe, swipe, oh a message, ew ugly dick pic no thanks, swipe, swipe. You were at least thankful that the rain had let up for your short walk home, but if one of these men didn't reply with enthusiasm to your need for a lay you were going to scream so loud they'd hear it at the city outskirts.
Swipe, swipe, sw-
Hang on.
What the fuck just happened.
Everything was so.
Where did the lights of the city go? Was it a blackout, caused by the weather? The rain hadn’t been that bad today had it? A moment ago you'd seen the bright neon colours of illuminated billboards and shop displays reflecting in the scattered shallow puddles, the red of the no crossing pedestrian light, the bright headlights of an oncoming bu-
You got hit by a bus didn't you? God fucking dammit. Well that's fucking annoying. A real fucking inconvenience to be honest.
But hey, no time to think about that, because all of a sudden it's so bright your eyes have to squint to see, and with all the force of a body that was… just hit by a bus… you were soaring horizontally through the air. It was dark again but this time… just your body? Something encompassed you, shiny and metallic, a dark reflective surface covering what you could see of your skin. Something hit your back hard, or maybe you hit it? There was a crack of wood splintering from somewhere behind you and you slumped down, sitting against… a deck? Your head throbbed with ache but you seemed to be in one piece, blinking at your surroundings to try and figure out what had happened, where you had landed. Against some sort of food truck maybe? Directly under a bright streetlight? Surely that would explain it. Voices were calling out around you, the vibrations of heavy, frantic footsteps over wood able to be felt where your hands touched the ground, but you couldn't hear anything except the buzzing in your ears, like white noise turned up far too loud, your eyes having trouble focusing through the bright light.
Something warm closed around your neck and you were dragged to stand, then further, your feet hovering above the ground as you choked, pressed against something solid behind you. You blinked again. No, that can't be right? Must be a dream, hopefully a sexy one, you must have been knocked unconscious. Scarlet red hair sticking up like a wildfire, squared googles worn like a headband, thick eyeliner, lips painted in the same shade as his hair. Oh please, please, please let this be a sexy dream. No scars though, curious. Pre timeskip then? His mouth was moving but you still couldn't hear, ah, not quite a completely detailed dream you guessed. Lucid though? Your ability to scan your eyes down at will told you perhaps yes. Ah, there it is, two flesh arms, yup we're going pre timeskip. Just as well, you'd never been keen on the idea of the metal arm touching you; a strong, calloused, fleshy hand would feel far nicer on your body.
You vaguely registered the brief feeling of weightlessness as you were pulled away from the strong thing behind you and slammed back again. The mast perhaps? Ow, that one kinda hurt. I think? Surely not, it's a dream. His mouth was moving again, but this time words were starting to form, the fog of the white noise slowly fading to a more bearable hum.
“-re you doing on my fucking ship?” He barked, flicks of spittle splashing against your face.
You blinked again, hmm, could you talk in this dream? No time like the present to try I guess?
“Tryna get laid?” You coughed, your voice strained from the hand around your throat. Something unrecognisable flashed in his eyes. Anger? Confusion? He leaned back a little to pull something from his bandolier, his grip on your neck loosening for a moment before being replaced by something sharp and cold, metallic perhaps? It was hard to tell from the thin edge.
“Wanna try that one again little mouse?” He gave you a toothy grin, his canines sharp and dangerous, and something about the dark look in his amber eyes sent a shiver down your spine. Fear or lust, you weren't sure, both perhaps? “I'll put it in plain words: What. Are. You. Doing. On. My. Fucking. Ship?”
Hmmm, prisoner turned lover type scenario huh? You'd read more than your fair share of fanfiction, your best bet to getting this sexy dream to go somewhere was act confident, right? What was he gonna do, kill you? It's just a dream anyway. Probably a weird coma dream, given the bus. Oh, maybe you'd be one of those crack medical cases of people who live a whole life in their coma dream. Shout out to your brain for picking this world to live it out in, you wondered if the machines on the outside would beep with a heighted heart rate every time one of these pirates fucked you in the dream. You wiggled your toes to check you were in control, all systems go captain, initiate stage one of ‘badass bitch gets laid’. You swung your legs up and wrapped them around his waist, and his brows, or lack thereof, shot up in surprise.
“Did I stutter, captain?” You purred, “You are the big bad captain of the Kid Pirates, correct? I thought a guy like you would be overjoyed to be presented with a hot, willing lay, or do you prefer to pay for those services?”
Someone coughed out a wheezed laugh, it sounded strained and suppressed. Ah, Killer must be nearby. Well, at least if Kid hated your jokes maybe you could turn your attention to the masked man, he was your favourite afterall.
“So what, you just crashed onto my ship outta butt fuck nowhere, naked as the day you were born, for a quick fuck?” Kid scowled, “How did you get here? Devil fruit?”
“Uh, I think I got hit by a bus actually,” you pondered, able to speak a little easier now that his hand wasn't so tight on your throat, though the metal was still pressed to it, some sort of knife you assumed. “Hang on, did you just say I'm naked?”
“Are you stupid?” Kid squinted. He let you go all of a sudden and you fell to the deck with an unceremonious thump. Ow, that one definitely hurt. “Kil, throw her overboard, if she ain't gonna talk we'll prove for ourselves she has a fruit, fish her out before she drowns too much though, she's interesting. I wanna know how she got here”
You turned to the quiet footsteps of the approaching first mate, in his button up polka dot shirt. Cute. You gave him a sweet smile but he ignored it, scooping you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and absolutely yeeting the shit out of you straight into the drink.
Icy water closed in around you as your body dropped down several metres under the surface at the impact. You felt no exhaustion though, no pull of the deep. Well, at least now you knew there was no devil fruit for you in this dream, too bad, it'd be sick to turn into a big fuck off bear or something. Sighing internally, you swam your way back to the surface, doing your best Little Mermaid impression and flicking your hair back as you broke through to air. Several scowling faces looked down at you from the deck, and you bobbed awkwardly in the gentle waves, staring back up at them. Fuck it was cold, could someone put a blanket over your comatosed ass irl please? Jeez.
“Uh, can someone help me up?” You shouted up to the ship, “I'm not a good climber”. Honestly, you weren't a bad climber, you were just sure this was gonna turn into one of those running but getting nowhere situations if you tried.
Kid let out a tsk and suddenly heavy chains were wrapping around you, enclosing around your neck and nearly hanging you as they pulled you back to deck, dropping you back to the wood with a wheeze.
“That wasn't-” you let out a choked cough, “that wasn't very nice of you. This dream sucks, actually”
“Dream?” Killer asked. Oh god his voice was even better in person. But it sounded more to the pitch of the Japanese voice actor, hang on did that mean you were speaking Japanese? Dreams are weird man.
“Yeah I mean..” you looked up at him, crossing your legs, not bothering to cover your nude body. What did it matter, this was just like one of those giving a presentation in school kinda dreams, but nudity had never bothered you. “I got hit by a bus, so this is just some weird coma dream. Sucks though, usually they're sexy by now. What a disappointment”
“Yeah? You have sex dreams about us often?” Kid smirked.
“You, not so much,” Kid's smirk very quickly turned to a frown and he looked like he was gonna hang you again, “aye, easy big guy, they exist, I just prefer dreaming about Killer or Heat is all”
Someone nearby choked on air, and there was the audible sound of a palm slapping a back and the faint whisper of “get it to-fucking-gether Heat, fuck”
“Anyway, this dream sucks,” you hummed, stretching out your legs, bored, “so either make with the orgy or turn into a face eating demon or some shit so I spook awake, I'm bored.”
Kid rushed towards you, knife still in hand, and you wondered for a split second if he was actually going to do one of the two, before the piercing pain of a knife through your rib cage cut right through that line of thinking. It was searing, white hot like you were being branded from the inside out, you'd broken your arm once but this might have hurt more. Your world stopped for a moment before you let out a blood curdling scream that forced those closest pirates to you to cover their ears, and you gagged and as you looked down at the knife sticking out of you.
“Oh shit, oh fuck,” you finally stuttered as your scream settled, your throat sore and strained, pained tears rolling down your cheeks, “that hurts. Oh god, oh god, not a dream, not a fucking dream”
“No fucking shit, dumb cow,” Kid reached for the knife and you smacked his hand away, holding the hilt protectively.
“Don't fucking touch it, asshat” you bit, “oh fuck what if you got something important, just my fucking luck I get fucking isekai'd to the resident ship of the Grandline's biggest fucking asshole and now I'm gonna die again. Twice in one day, that's gotta be a record for sure.” Kid growled and tried to pull the knife with his powers, but once again your hands turned metallic and held the hilt steady. Realisation hit you like a… bus… hmmm, too soon?
“Oh, fuck yeah, HAKI!” you yelled triumphantly, “I always knew I was a strong willed bitch, ha, take that Captain Stupid Pants!”
You lifted a hand to flip him off. Ah, well, you'd never claimed to be smart. Moving your hand halved the strength against his pull, and the dagger shook and yanked itself out from your chest.
“Now who's stupid?” He smirked, dangling the dagger as he squatted in front of you, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Okay, admittedly, maybe me,” you would probably laugh if it didn't hurt so damn much. “Hey, what if I make you a deal, I'll uhh… I'll let you freeuse me if you let me live”
“Back at it again with the sex! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Kid yelled.
“A lot, probably,” you sighed, blood pouring freely from between your fingers. You squinted at Kid before reaching forward and yanking his sash off, “gimme that.” Much to his dismay, you pressed the fabric to your wound to slow the bleeding, though the effects of blood loss were quickly becoming apparent. “Cute that you wear each other's colours,” you mumbled drowsily, holding the royal blue sash to your wound, which was quickly turning a dark red as your blood soaked into it. “Whoops, looks like it's your colour now though, Kiddo. Hey, before I die, can someone tell me how Heat's fire breathing works?”
“Really? Minutes to live and that's what you wanna know?” Kid frowned.
“Call me curious,” you gave him a drunk looking smile, “they never explained it in the manga”
“Who the fuck is they?” Kid tilted his head curiously, “and what the fuck is manga?”
“It's like a comic book, boss,” Heat spoke up. Ha, you always had him pegged as a fucking weeb.
Life was quickly draining from you, red spilling out over the wooden deck, your eyelids drooping more with every minute. If this was real, a thought occurred to you. Maybe there was a real reason behind this. Maybe you really were dead, and this was some sort of test to be a guardian angel or some shit. Alternate universe type deal, perhaps all fiction was just flickers of a view into another universe. Deep. Ah, no time to really ponder that thought though. You let go of the sash to grab Kid's arm with a weak, blood drenched hand.
“Don't- don't fight Shanks,” you mumbled, “and don't make an alliance with Apoo or Hawkins. And don't-” your head spun as you tried to push out the most important stuff, “don't let Killer eat the SMILE fruit”
The last thing you saw was a look of confusion on Kid's pale face, before everything spun and once again you were tossed into darkness. But hey, at least you weren't wearing wet socks anymore.
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[Next Chapter]
Taglist: @chershire23 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth
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marichive · 2 years
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A compilation of things a muse of mine has said. Ranges from 100% seriousness to absolute chaos (but mostly chaos). Change pronouns / etc. when sending as needed.
tw for drinking/alcohol mentions, suggestive content, violence mentions, lots of swearing / insults, other non-PG shenanigans.
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❝ Get the heart eyes away from me. ❞
❝ I can't help it, I'm just too hot. ❞
❝ Was I supposed to NOT be mean? ❞
❝ I am what the boomers like to call a "delinquent". ❞
❝ Just think before you say anything, "would I say this to [name] for fun", and if the answer is yes, do not say that shit to her. ❞
❝ Aw, did that hurt your little feelings? ❞
❝ Oh dear god, what torture are you going to put me through now? ❞
❝ Words cannot express how much I hate the words that I just read with my own two eyes. ❞
❝ Call me [nickname] again and I'll break your face. ❞
❝ If you turn that into a sex joke I swear to god — ❞
❝ Cursed. Horrible. Disappointing. ❞
❝ Adorable that you think you're worth the effort. ❞
❝ The only kink here is gonna be the one in your fucking spine. ❞
❝ One, I'm not your babe. Two, I will fucking strangle you. ❞
❝ Do you have a death wish or something? ❞
❝ Feel like doing something ridiculous? ❞
❝ I feel like this is what happens before someone walks into an intervention. ❞
❝ My entire support system is having a crisis right now. ❞
❝ I'm just not ready to deal with it right now. ❞
❝ I'm not gonna try to fix things and get myself in another fight as a consequence. ❞
❝ I fucked up and kinda shut down before I could. ❞
❝ I don't know how to make this right. ❞
❝ Maybe he's better off without me. ❞
❝ You went right back to blaming me for everything the first chance you got. ❞
❝ I imagine it's hard for you to feel sorry for anyone at all. ❞
❝ I can't catch a fucking break. ❞
❝ I actually liked the idea that we could maybe be friends and move past everything, but you're always going to think the worst of me. ❞
❝ I guess I did ruin everything, didn't I? ❞
❝ I needed to win to prove to myself that I could do it. ❞
❝ No no, this one is actually a good idea! ❞
❝ See, this is why you're perfect for each other. ❞
❝ Maybe he'll be more receptive to it if you're there. Or at least less hostile about it. ❞
❝ I think you're probably the only person who could get through to him on this. ❞
❝ I've had to do a lot of things I didn't want to do to try to get by. I get what that's like. ❞
❝ You're not a snack, you're a whole damn meal. Don't be humble. ❞
❝ Soooo I might have done something. ❞
❝ He's too much of a petty bitch for that. ❞
❝ I'm going to terrorize him. ❞
❝ Guess I better get the bullying out of my system before then. ❞
❝ Wow, that's like, third base. ❞
❝ Hold my [object] while I kick ass for you. ❞
❝ You're the cutest duck, though. ❞
❝ That's the option with the least violence. ❞
❝ You're probably the only person I trust that much. ❞
❝ Okay that was cute, you can have a kiss for that one. ❞
❝ Um, that's me. I'm the Precious here. ❞
❝ I'm a scam of a person. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I'm sure all her murder energy is focused on [name]. ❞
❝ Want me to make mean faces at them? ❞
❝ There is something and I need you for impulse control. Or you can enable me, that's cool too. ❞
❝ Yeah but like, we're little shits by choice. He's a little shit out of hatred or spite or whatever the fuck fuels him to act like this. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure my brain stopped working several times. ❞
❝ It's scandalous! I mean we're just SO wholesome and innocent. ❞
❝ People might start to think we're in love or something. ❞
❝ Getting kicked out of [location] sounds fun. ❞
❝ They are looking at me with their EYES. ❞
❝ . . . I've never seen that. ❞
❝ The trauma is half the fun. I'm just melodramatic. ❞
❝ Don't tell me how to breathe, mouth breather. ❞
❝ Why were you listening you fucking creature !? ❞
❝ Dude go to fucking therapy, I'm not even kidding. ❞
❝ I need to bleach my brain. ❞
❝ It was for safety purposes you nasty bastard! ❞
❝ Dishonor on you, gambling satan! ❞
❝ I don't know how you're still alive. ❞
❝ You call me the antichrist and accuse me of being pregnant at least three times per month. He gives me hugs and pizza. ❞
❝ No you're right, I set my expectations too high. ❞
❝ Why did you bet on THIS of all things oh my fucking god??? ❞
❝ Everyone's always like "[name] you have daddy issues" but I have no dad to have issues with so??? ❞
❝ I will beat you to death with your own limbs. ❞
❝ You Gary Busey lookin' bitch. ❞
❝ We have to watch you guys make bedroom eyes at each other all the time, we just want it to stop. ❞
❝ You use my horny behavior against me, it's only fair I get to use yours against you. ❞
❝ I have no sense of self preservation. It's why I get into so many fights. ❞
❝ Glad to know you approve of horrendously spiteful revenge tactics. ❞
❝ I may talk shit but I do worry about you. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm completely vile. I'm well aware. ❞
❝ At least I don't look like I got hit by a school bus because the driver thought you were a threat to the children on board. ❞
❝ Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things you choose to be. ❞
❝ Well maybe you should, I don't know, talk to him about his trauma before you give him sex advice? Seems a bit out of order. ❞
❝ [name], don't touch my baby boy! ❞
❝ Did he drop kick my son !? ❞
❝ You told me you dropped [name/object] down the stairs, I do not trust you. ❞
❝ Say sike right now !! ❞
❝ Is this actually happening?? Am I having an aneurysm???? ❞
❝ I feel like this was a big accomplishment, we came out of this with no attempted murder. So it's a win. ❞
❝ Maybe we DO have the power of god and anime on our side. ❞
❝ I don't know if I trust you two drinking around each other. ❞
❝ I said behave oh my fucking god. ❞
❝ Do it for Voltron! ❞
❝ You like [food/brand/name], you clearly have no taste. ❞
❝ No breaking of the sacred pinky oath! ❞
❝ That was so stupid, but thanks for the attempted save. ❞
❝ I'm gonna hit you in the dick with a car while listening to the Power Rangers theme song, and I'm gonna have so much fun doing it, dickhead. ❞
❝ The rules are reasonable. The problem is that I am unreasonable and I know I will break them. ❞
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chicken-delight · 11 months
 god it so fucked up that I can’t just record a audio post of me talking and post it here but my thoughts are too intense to have to think about it and then type it out so I’m just saying it into my voice text thingy on my phone.
 people who complain about Bob Dylan‘s concerts being lame don’t get Bob Dylan. I was talking about this to one of my buddies a couple weeks ago and I was saying like something something something Bob Dylan live something something something and he was like yeah but have you seen Bob Dylan live before and I was like yeah twice and it was great. I loved it and he said oh really? and I was like yeah… I know people are haters, but Bob Dylan has never promised his fans the show that they expect to see. He’s always doing the opposite of what people expect him to do. He’s never gonna play the hits. Shows for him are like the ultimate artistic expression for. It doesn’t matter if you like it. you are the one who paid to see him right. And I understand like some artists, do feel the need to give the crowd what they want because they did pay for it and that is just on a basis by basis sort of deal. I personally don’t care what their outlook on it is. They are the artist and you are the spectator. there’s a certain power dynamic in that and the artist always wins. Great art has never been made by doing what the spectator wants to see, here, experience, etc..
 yeah, maybe his voice is gone. But he’s in his fucking 80s. Like what the fuck. You’re asking too much of him. Also Rough and Rowdy Ways is one of the greatest Bob Dylan albums. The sound is great. The band he has is great. The songwriting is superb, and the voice that he has now fits perfectly with the music. He is making right now. And I think it is so fun to watch him bang on the piano and for his band to just be tight and know what they’re doing. and I love how he would come out from behind the piano after every song and pose and then go back and play another song. i saw a man comfortable with what he is doing. and thats what matters.
And now that I’m just on a roll, I feel as though people who dislike Bob Dylan have a superiority complex about it even though they think that Bob Dylan fans have a superiority complex about liking Bob Dylan. every person, at least of my generation that I’ve talk to who is into him has a very personal complicated relationship with his music. It’s not just easy listening. And yeah, Boomers just like Bob Dylan because he’s Bob Dylan sometimes and dont think about it. But I feel like anyone l who goes after a Popular artistp like this just is doing it to make themselves feel cool and different. And they said that it doesn’t make them feel: different but it does. And I understand that and I think everybody has one artist that they are like I don’t get it. I’m just on another level. Like Taylor Swift. also I don’t give a fuck. There are so many layers to this artist as there is to any artist, but especially Bob Dylan where you can’t listen to one album or one song etc. and decide you don’t like it forever and write it off. he has a different sound and he evolves just like every other artist. Leave some room for potential here like it doesn’t have to sit right with you in the moment but it’s, very juvenile to be like I don’t like his voice I don’t like the harmonica, but also like you don’t have to like him even if you do listen to all the fucking albums like it doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t matter stop thinking about it. and I know everyone was talking about whoever it was who was comparing Bruce to Bob Dylan. And I don’t even care if Bruce would think that that’s a lame opinion to think he’s better than Bob. It’s never fair to compare artists to artists,  the only arena where you can do that is, if you’re joking or if it’s a lighthearted conversation. I think the world we live in right now with social media, and Paris social relationships has sort of stripped away the sacredness of the art someone makes, and then decides to put out into the world. it’s so deeply entangled with their being even if it’s a silly song or even if it’s not autobiographical. Art comes from the deepest part of your soul. You wouldn’t want to compare souls. Anyways. This took up my entire 30 minute lunch break. I have to pee.
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lucysarah-c · 2 years
Erwin was short, not that muscled, couldn't grow a bear for his life depending on him and was those nerd awkward kids that you think "this kid will never get pussy"
Thank god puberty hit him harder than the colossal titan to wall Maria. But he was a late boomer though, around his 17-18. Therefor, he had stretch marks on the bottom of his back because this kid like grew like crazy when his time finally came around.
Mike? he was the complete opposite, this kid was 12 and looked like 20 lmao. He was already tall like a mountain, thick like the walls, hairy like bear. He was the girlies dream as a cadet, pussy he wanted, pussy he got. He was the Reiner of his promotion, every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him.
Mike was what my mother would call "American's boyfriend", all the girls of the continent were his girlfriend at some point. He slowed down later on.
Erwin and Mike shared bunk beds and I think that at the beginning they didn't really get along. You know? Like Mike didn't pay any attention to the strategy/theory classes but was a genius on the 3DMG (Let's not forget that Mike was humanity's strongest soldier before Levi showed up). On the other hand, I feel Erwin as a kid/pre-teen kind of thing was those kinds who want to get along with the professors who do everything legal and correct until they had this magic moment where they realize they can get away with stuff. Plus, Isayama said that Erwin was in the top ten of his promotion but he wasn't that good at 3DMG. So Erwin want classes on 3DMG to get better and Mike needs to write an activity report that doesn't seem like written by a dog. When they began to work together, the friendship started.
Erwin is jealous of Mike, basically any girl he has a crush on only gets close to him to ask if Mike is available. Mike is ALWAYS asking him if he can leave the room and Erwin wants to sleep to be productive.
Let's jump when they stopped the training and carried on to the scouts, they share a bedroom. Erwin isn't a clean freak like Levi but Mike passes the limits, the new black plague grows in his bed. Erwin is always complaining he's the only one doing "all the chores, what will you do the day I decide to leave"
"You sound like my mother, Erwin"
Nile was the third one in the team and their betray to change to the MPs felt personal for the two. The three of them used to share rooms.
Ok, you remember I told you Erwin grew up all the sudden? ok, it took him awhile to get used to the attention before becoming the handsome charming smooth talker he's as a commander.
Mike would hear a girl talking to Erwin, see his clueless friend used to not being the girls attention and having to write him in a tissue from across the bar "she's flirting"
When it was Erwin's time to finally want the room for himself, Mike is a gossip little bitch. He wants to know all in return, how was it? how they did it? what they did it? which positions? This man was shameless, he would ask it in the middle of the corridor making higher-ups turn around with a smirk on their face and Erwin is a dying mess.
Each single bad idea originally was Mike and Nile the, as I told you, Erwin began to realize he could smooth out his way out of everything and oh boy. He planned the biggest scape plans and they never got caught.
It took Mike months to convince Erwin that Marie, the girl that Erwin has had a crush on for years, is finally showing interest and he's not making it up in his mind.
Definitely a toxic roommates relationship, Mike is just too laid back for Erwin in some aspects and Erwin is too obsessive for Mike. They 100% flighted way less once each got their own room lmao.
Once to make up, Mike searched for Erwin and said "It's a shame when we fight but a miracle when we fuck," being all goofy doing the regular "gay jokes between guys". Erwin looked at him completely done and said "Mike, the commander is in the bathroom he probably heard you,". The entire higher-ups of the scouts back the laughed about it from months in the meetings.
Erwin used to do kind of like "internships" to get his hands on legal and court themes more with Zachary. So when Zachary and Mike hangs out they make fun of how "cute and nerdly" Erwin used to be and how he shouldn't get cooky because they can always tell the rest. Erwin just role his eyes but he's secretly ashamed lol his modern au probably erased his teen pictures after his glow up.
Erwin isn't really good at holding alcohol but he's really good at pretending he does. Mike is all the opposite, he's better at holding it but once he's drunk he looks drunk and he acts drunk.
Mike and Nile once dared Erwin to use his "monitor" pass to go to the female barracks of the scouts, joking that he had to stay there for half an hour without getting caught by a girl. ... didn't come back in the entire night, the next morning Mike found him sneakily taking a shower and made fun of the hickey he had for weeks. Saying stuff like "I didn't know there were vampires in the female barracks "
Mike is one year and half older than Erwin, he joined with almost 14 years old the training grounds because his family had a farm and it was a rough year the one of his 12 and his family needed his help around. Good mommy boy.
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aclosetfan · 1 year
5 for the prompt list! Maybe Brick and Princess are doing villain shenanigans and Boomer is randomly like, “Omg my brother is legally actually capable of getting married! Please don’t split up!” It’s up to you if Brick and Princess actually like each other or if Boomer’s just being sentimental
this ask was a challenge. I don’t think I’ve ever written these three together without one of the girls before. Literally, just three people who’d stare at each other until someone breathed too loudly, and they’d all start yelling. so i added butch
This isn't romantic. Sorry, anon. To me, Princess is gay forever and always no exceptions lololol but this story aint about her. Boomer’s a show stealer. It just is what it is.
Prompt  5: this marriage was supposed to be a scam but, but listen,
“Princess!” Brick yelled from the other room, evidently at the end of his rope, “Get it through your thick fucking skull! You broke up with her! She isn’t coming back!”
“I’m not paying you to hear your opinions! I’m paying you to break! Them! Up!” Princess screeched back.
“They’re getting married in a month! Nothing you’ve done has worked! Throw in the towel!”
“Do I have to remind you? You’re under contract, and—and don’t walk away from me!” Princess stomped after Brick, “We have work to do! There’s no way in hell I’ll allow this wedding to happen!”
“No!” Brick bellowed, “I’m done! I quit! This relationship is over!”
A door somewhere in the depths of Princess’s Mega-McMansion slammed shut, echoing down the large, empty marbled halls. Princess and Brick’s argument was now muted, moving deeper into the labyrinth Princess called home. Boomer’s head shot up from the massage table at the sound of the door slamming shut. Their argument planted a seed of panic in his gut, and he scrambled to get off the table. He kicked the masseuse away and ripped the layers of fine linens and silks he had draped over himself earlier that morning. However, as tangled up as he was in the imprisoning grandeur, he fell to the floor in one massive heap.
“Butch,” He hissed at his brother across the room, “Butch, did you hear that?”
“Hard to miss.” Butch sniffed, eyes glued to his phone. He sat in an obnoxiously big recliner, which, at this point, was practically molded to his body.
Boomer scoffed, waving off the masseuse’s attempt to help him up, “Stop acting so casual! This is bad!”
“Uh-huh.” Butch flatly agreed.  
Boomer freed himself from the expensive fabrics and jumped up, fixing the Gucci sunglasses that sat askew on his head. He shuffled over to Butch, careful not to let his freshly pedicured toes touch the ground.
“This can’t be happening!” He whined, pulling his mulberry silk robe tight around him as if he had pearls that he could be clutching.
“Welp,” Butch popped the ‘p,’ placing his ratty ass sneakers onto the gold-leafed and marbled coffee table Princess had imported from Italy, “it is, so, yep.”
“No,” Boomer shook his head, disturbing his beautifully deep-conditioned golden curls, “No, no, I’ve grown accustomed to a certain standard of living. I can’t be poor again. I can’t drink tap water. My palette is far too delicate for harsh minerals. I know that now, an-and I can’t just go back!” He brought a hand to his chest, “Oh god, I think I’m having a panic attack. This can’t be happening! Where’s Jeeves? Or Carmichael? I need a vitamin water, now, or—or—” He threw himself across the fainting couch, ringing his tiny service bell, ”—we have to do something, Butch!”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Yeah,” Boomer sat up, accepting a vitamin water from Carmichael and a protein-infused snack, “We have to—” he talked through a mouthful, “—do something, you’re right.”
“I did not say that.”
He continued to stuff his face as Carmichael fluffed and placed a luxurious cashmere pillow behind his back and dabbed at the crumbs at the corners of his mouth.
“This is making me stress eat, and Stacy—” Boomer shuddered as he thought about his poor beloved personal trainer “—will not be happy. What are we going to do!”
“Couples counseling? Maybe a honeymoon?” He mused, gesturing for Carmicheal to fan him, “Tahiti's wonderful this time of year.”
Butch didn’t respond.
“If they get divorced, what are we going to tell HIM? They’ve already made plans for Christmas—” For a moment, this seemed to be a sweet sentiment, until Boomer tacked on, “—on Princess’s dime! I don’t want to lose a vacation!”
Butch groaned and put his phone down, “Princess and Brick aren’t actually married. You get that, right? This is all just an elaborate plan to make Blossom jealous and stop her from marrying that Robin chick. As much as we’d like it to, this—” Butch gestured around the room, “—wasn’t ever going to last.”
Boomer followed Butch’s hand gestures with a frown. He loved this room with its big bay windows and indoor water features. He had scoped it out for his and Butch’s personal use the moment they had stepped foot in the McMansion. Princess had only requested Brick’s services, but Boomer had shown up anyway and dragged Butch along. It had been maybe the best decision of his life. Even if he was technically freeloading, he now considered this room his home.
“I just don’t think I can say goodbye to all the memories we’ve made here.” He sighed.
Butch’s eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, “We’ve been here, like, two weeks. Frankly, I’m surprised Brick’s made it this long.”
“Long enough to form a bond!” He argued.
“With Princess?”
“No, with all the cool stuff!”
“What are you talking about!” Butch sneered, “We can just steal all this shit. We usually do steal all this shit! And it’s not like Princess would care. Like, seriously, Boomer, I doubt Princess would even notice if Carmichael went missing—” He grimaced, “—uh, no offense, Carmichael.”
“None taken, sir.” Carmichael bowed.
“But I don’t want to steal it,” Boomer fell back onto the fainting couch, a breath away from throwing his own Princess-sized tantrum, “I don’t want to do the work. I don’t wanna! I want it to all be right here at my fingertips forever and always!”
“Yeah, I know, you’re fucking lazy.” Butch sniffed, “I get it.”
“Like, why can’t Brick just do this one thing for us? Why can’t he stay fake married?” Boomer asked, voice thick with tears, “Don’t I deserve nice things? And fancy food? And expensive jewelry?”  
“Well, one day, if you’re lucky, you can be fake married to.”
Boomer sucked in a breath and shot back up, “Oh my god. They’re not actually married.”
“Yeah,” Butch deadpanned, “welcome to the fucking plot.”
“No, Butch, they’re not actually married."
“I just said that.”  
“Do you know what this means?” Boomer asked, diving towards the minibar.
Butch watched him carefully, “uh, they’re not actually married?”
“Exactly!” He cackled, shaking a bottle of Bacardi. “But not for long! Don’t you think it’s about time we threw our happy couple a little wedding shower?”
Butch regarded him and the bottle of booze as he connected the dots, “Wait, dude, are you saying—”
“—that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Boomer’s smile grew into something menacing, and it wasn’t long before Butch’s face mirrored his own.
“Give me twenty minutes,” Butch jumped up, “I’ll go get a minister license online.”
“Perfect! I’ll round up a few witnesses.”
“I can’t believe you’ve done this! I can’t believe you got me drunk and married to Princess, on purpose, for money!” Brick looked up from the toilet bowl he was puking his guts out into, “It’s plain evil!”
“You’re fine!”
“We’re going to get a divorce, you know that, right! The marriage means nothing! Your little scheme was all for nothing! Why can’t you ever think things—”
“—girlie,” Boomer sniffed, interrupting him, “did you sign a prenup?”
Brick froze, thinking it over.
“Exactly.” Boomer smirked, taking a long sip of his boba.
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w-i-m-p · 11 months
I can’t believe it’s been a year. It HAS BEEN a year, too. Those anthropomorphized needs of yours that I could not meet all came so easily afterwards… not that you were holding us back, but it’s as if you knew we could only focus on one thing at a time. You were always so considerate and accommodating like that, how could we have expected any less. Like you KNEW that once we had these things, we would not have the capacity to take care of you… or even the ability to just say “fuck it, whatever it takes” to keep you with us. Mama tells me that you visit sometimes. I hope you like the place. Isn’t it similar to the one we grew up in?! Where I taught you sit, stay, stand, settle, belly rub, wait, “ow”, kitchen, clean, snack, the sound of a crinkling snack bag… where we learned just how much you loved roast pork that one Sunday. So, hopefully, you don’t have to adjust too much. And hopefully you still have those fond memories and have forgotten all the bad ones (where we were completely in the wrong).
A year of reflection (and probably a fair amount of rationalization, to be fair) has helped us realize that it was the right decision and the right time for you. For us. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t miss you, think about you, talk about you, and imagine how you’d be if you were here with us and I hope you can feel that. Mama showed me that you were probably facing some sort of dementia at the end. I’m sure it wasn’t a comfortable experience and that it was VERY disorienting/confusing for you. “Why can’t I go forward anymore” “why is this tube giving me food” “where is the water”… it’s no wonder you weren’t acting like yourself, like the goodest boy we knew you were. I hope you don’t resent us for trying to keep you here with us longer. That day (and everyday afterward) was so painful and I just hope it was not painful for you.
I was just thinking, praise God that we blew the conch that day. I’m so happy you were able to enjoy some of that roast pork. It’s like I saw you again… that spark and that spunk that you were known for. My little food vacuum. It was probably the only moment I was able to smile that day and for a while afterward. I still can’t think about that day too much because I will be a mess… but that’s okay. That’s just a testament of how much you mean to me and how devastating your loss was.
It all feels like a blur. Like it’s been so long ago and, at the same time, just yesterday. I still feel the pain in my chest from the Boomer-sized hole you left. I don’t know that anything will ever be big enough to sate it. You are such a good boy. Today we will have some roast pork to honor your memory. Please don’t be sad. Today we will remember all of the great times we had. We will remember all the good you did and the immense impact you had on all of us. Today and everyday we love you, our sweet boy.
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bigboobyhalo · 2 years
obviously disregard this if you want etc etc you dont need me to tell you. but as someone who fell out of dsmp a while ago but still loves c!sam as a character. can you briefly sum up what happened or at least why it was so terrible?
okay okay let me see if I can try. I couldn’t do it last time cuz I was so pissed off about it and knew that my bias would drag it wayyy down but. well I’m still gonna be really really biased against it cuz it sucked but maybe it will be more coherent ? I’ll probably miss some stuff too cuz I have actually been trying my hardest to NOT remember this stream
basically c!sam and c!philza were friends way back in the day, which is already really confusing and weird and unnecessary and ultimately kind of stupid, and sam showed phil that he made a way to create multiple bodies (yep the alternate bodies lore is the focus here) n that it could maybe be used to cheat death and phil was like “nope. fuck that. death is awesome and I’m not you’re friend anymore” and flew away and then they were never friends again. which like. what was the point ?
then there was a way-too-long recap of the egg lore finale which contained lots of stuff that was completely unnecessary for understanding the events of this stream (honestly this isn’t even crit on the content of the lore itself, it’s just like … we didn’t need it!)
and THEN this is where it gets REALLY BAD. boomer is at his house and then he gets visions of the egg and some frog statues and a castle and he’s so so so scared or something that he runs away and he runs for literal years and years and years and then he reaches the castle from his visions and he goes thru a cave under the tunnel and finds a secret laboratory where sam’s body is floating in a tube and he breaks it and sam is like “ahhh boomer ?? what happened???” and sam slowly starts remembering everything and it turns out that he’s been in that tube for years ever since ponk killed him in the egg finale which means this is a fucking timeskip to YEARS in the future and apparently there’s been a fucking eggpocalypse that we literally don’t get to see or learn anything about and maybe everyone is dead but we don’t fucking know !! absolutely fucking ABYSMAL way to reveal that an eggpocalypse happened it pisses me off sooo much. we had just reached the climax of the crimson storyline. something that has been gradually built up for nearly TWO YEARS NOW. the egg LITERALLY JUST HATCHED. and now we’re skipping SEVERAL YEARS INTO THE FUTURE ?? thru POVs of characters who are now COMPLETELY DETACHED FROM THE EGGPOCALYPSE ITSELF ??? and THAT’S HOW THEY WANNA REVEAL THAT AN EGGPOCALYPSE HAPPENED ????? LIKE ?? HELLOOO ??? THIS SUCKS. IT WASTES ALL OF THAT WONDERFUL CLIMACTIC BUILDUP THAT THE EGG HAD GOING ON. THE EGG FINALE HAD BEEN SO FUCKING GOOD AND THEN THIS SHITSHOW COMES ALONG AND FUCKS IT ALL UP !!!!
and as if it couldn’t get any worse, CC!boomer apparently said that this is actually an alternate timeline and up to interpretation or whatever. which initially sounds like it makes it a lot better because oh well it’s just an alternate timeline it’s not necessarily canon to other storylines but then you realize that these motherfuckers just introduced ALTERNATE GOD DAMN TIMELINES into the ALREADY RIDICULOUSLY COMPLICATED STORY that is the DSMP. like what the actual fuck is WRONG with you ?? also, since the eggpocalypse happening is apparently an “alternate timeline” thing, then it probably won’t happen in the actual canon timeline or whatever the fuck. it’s just completely garbage
some other shit happened after boomer broke sam out of the tube or whatever. they went to a swamp and boomer jumped in a hole or something but I honestly could not even be bothered to care at that point. the best outcome here is that this convoluted, nonsensical garbage gets retconned and no one ever speaks of it again. UGH.
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lionews · 1 year
I was a newbie a well before gons and I didn’t like pons anyway. I did research into them once because of course I saw how much they were worth and wanted in on it but after seeing their upkeep I didn’t get a hybrid until well after tigon hype. Glad I did too because at one point I had like 7 or 8 gons + a first gen pon, but by that point I had the GB saved as well as knew how many items I needed for each and every heat and thank god all of them had an angelic blessing. I don’t fuck with hybrids at all anymore unless I end up with one that doesn’t sell (like the one I have right now actually lol) but at least I always keep buffies and gb on hand for special situations like this. These new users want instant gratification and do no research, and then end up in chat going “oh I don’t have a buffy for my gon’s next heat tomorrow :(((“ or “I don’t have a scrot for my dwarf” and “what should I do :((“. It’s like they don’t know how to research and make educated decisions and more importantly BE PATIENT and PREPARE. And then have the GALL to complain about it. And now, WE ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE A WHOLE ASS WIKI THATS MOSTLY PRETTY FLESHED OUT. Back then we had to sift threads, chat (except I was too anxious so I figured everything out on my own), and google things that usually led to posts on tumblr to look things up or at least rely on the item catalogue for descriptions. These people don’t even bother with any of that and ask the same questions over and over that are now right at their fingertips and it’s so gd annoying. I would say “oh I sound like a boomer ooooh” but also? No, because as I said, I was a newbie once and knew the game pretty damn well within weeks. Because I READ and THOUGHT and WATCHED. They used to teach this shit in school, or are the newbies too young for school, too?
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Their Alright... For A Boomer
Summary: Being a girl with a larger chest always got you attention, maybe having your nipples pierced to try and fell more confident handt been the best idea, but how can you regret it when your latest client; the sexy Mr Cavill  was ogling them but could this end up being more then just that one time you were eyed by a hot celebrity?
Warnings: Suggestive, No Smut, Fluffy? Cute and funny, Swearing
A/N: this was a request from @fanficlover91​ i hope you like this hun, i tried to keep it hot but sweet and respectful? Which was a struggle but i hope i got the vibe you wanted. And as always i hope you all enjoy.
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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You blushed as you looked down the lense at your model. He smirked sweeping his eyes over you non to subtly. You could feel the blues penetrating you with a hot stare. The was the distinctive fast clicks on you camera snapping a burst of shots managing to capture his smirking face and eyes sweeping over your form appreciatively.
You stood tall and smiled pulling away double checking the shoots. You bit your lip. Fucking hell this was both the best and worst job you had. Henry Cavill was the most enticing male you'd ever had the pleasure to photograph. He didn't even have a good side, every side was good! There wasn't an unflattering angle on the man!
"And that's a wrap? I think we have everything we need Mr Cavill" you said professionally making to move away from him and begin to swap sd cards and label them before packing away. Henry gawfed and rose quickly panicked almost.
"I- err no! Wait I was... Well hoping that I could have some more done?" he said chaseing you across the small studio you could hear his agent Leah scoff from the side lines. You frowned and looked to her nervously. The woman had been watching and tutting, scoffing and clicking her tongue through the whole session. It actually made you nervous, wasn't she pleased with the shoot? You were worried, being freelance this was your first time doing a celebrity shoot for a magazine but the usual photographer was in hospital having a stroke a few days prior and you were the only free photographer in the agency that was close enough to take the job. Sure you wasn't well known but still it was a little disheartening to have someone seemingly unimpressed with your work.
But it was when you eyed her you saw she wasn't giving you the evil eye. Her frown was directed at henry, a scolding look you'd give a misbehaving child. You frowned a little puzzled, but shook it off in favour of looking to Henry. Your actual client.
"More? I... I? Thought the piece only needed a few to choose from? They were very ah... How do I put it? Thorough? With the brief" you explained hoping Leah would step in and clarify just what was going on. Because you didn't have a clue.
"I yes but- I'd love to top up my portfolio? You know? I err yeah have a few changes going on and... I mean a few greys and such... Just want to update it a tad... I'll pay obviously- I'd pay anything for more time please?" he pleaded watching you closely eyes wide and bright full of hope.
"I... Err" you shifted swapping your camera from one hand to the other and craned your head around the man trying to spy his agent. But you had no hope of peeking around this gargantuan man. Just like with the camera he demanded your full attention.
"And for Instagram and stuff! There's only so much I can do in a selfie... I'd even recommend you- advertise your work!" he quickly added sounding desperate now. It would help you out if you did have a few shots of him for in your own catalogue. It shouldn't matter but having a celeb under your belt was actually a good thing. It meant you'd acted professionally and been good to work with.
"I suppose so, I do have a few extra sd's here... Tell you what I'll do another shoot for you as long as I can pick a few to put in my portfolio? Then we both update our files?" you nodded to him speaking slowly. He grinned and relaxed nodding quickly pleased with himself for wrangling more shots. You'd never know he was just glad to has more time with you.
"Oh yes absolutly! That's fine here should we get started now or?" he asked biting his lip trying not to stare at you for too long. But it was hard you were fucking stunning!
"Oh yeah sure iv got time, let me just sort these out and set up, need to switch, you've tired my poor camera" you said with a grin trying to ignore the man as he beamed at you looking excited nodding enthusiastically. You backed up and spun around trying not to blush as you felt henry gazing openly at you.
"Right well if the magazine ones are done I will be off then" Leah called packing up her bag with a small chuckle to herself. You froze and spun quickly seeing her seemingly abandoning you with Henry.
"Wha- oh you don't have to you can stay-" you tried to reason unsure why, I mean who wouldn't want to be alone with this huge glorious man? Maybe you just didn't trust yourself with him? He had been 'making love' to the camera all afternoon. Smouldering bedroom eyes that was making it hard to focus. You had been getting hot under the collar all day as you kidded yourself he was eyeing you, not the camera or would be readers.
It didn't help that you had caught him oogling your breasts earlier. But you wasn't mad, it was your own fault. It was the Hight of summer and you had on a string vest with a thin bra, that you could clearly see your nipple bars through. You didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, you didn't blame Henry for looking. You cant exactly ignore your tits.. The were pretty large for your frame. You were curvy but they were as one ex put it 'exceptional'. And besides he had looked not touched and he hadn't been a creep about it. In fact he had done a double take and then blushed when he realised he had been caught looking. But as you said you get that with big boobs, you'd had it your entire life, it was actually one of the reasons you'd got them pierced. It helped with your confidence and you convince yourself that they were looking at the bars. Not you per say.  
"Okay aunt Leah I will see you in a few days." henry interrupted you quickly smiling practically ushering the woman out the door. He moved fast ever picking the womans phone and juice bottle to help her leave quicker.
"Yes, behave Henry I'll see you soon" she said with a giggle before calling a thank you and goodbye over her shoulder at you. You swallowed nervously and gave a quick bye as the door clicked behind her and you were left alone with Henry. The man groaned stretching as he spun around a huge grin on his face, making your knees tremble a little. Fuck.
Henry came over and watched you closely as you scribbled the name and date along with the publication name on the sd case label. You tried not to notice as he hovered biting his lip then took off the blazer and threw it on the table beside you drawing your attention as he did grunting a little. The v neck letting the smallest amount of soft looking chest fuzz that had been teasing you all day. He grinned slyly as he caught you eyeing him and crossed his arms over his chest flexing for your benefit. You gasped and quickly looked back to the camera in your hands inserting a new scarf into the new fully charges camera.
"Soo how do you like this kind of work?" henry said casually trying not to seem like a creeper but god damnit he couldn't stop eyeing you. If he had known how sexy you'd be he would have demanded to be doing a bloody swim wear shoot!
"You mean people?" you stuttered trying not to look him in the eye. Not that it helped because the rest of him was just as fucking sexy! You quivered all over desperately trying to remember how to breath, yet didn't want to draw in too deep a breath and make your tits bounce for him and look like a slut. There was a very fine line for a big busted girl, to much wobble will make you look like your trying to get attention.
"I mean celebrities, magazines we were told you mainly do private shoots for events and model portfolios" he offered leaning forward as he leant back on the desk next to you hooking one ankle behind the other. The way he stood placed his crotch in your line of sight as you looked down and worked on setting up the camera. You flushed. Oh god he looked er... Bigger then you'd thought earlier, not that you were looking but... Well you couldn't help notice the package! The man was a fucking serial man spreader! And that thing was huge! With the muscles he was packing he could probably bench press you with his crotch!
"Oh well its different... And you sir popped my celebrity cherry" you froze on the spot as you said that, it had meant to be an ice breaker, a joke but instead had sounded fucking creepy!. You snapped up to him making to apologize as your face flamed mortified but he had thrown his head back laughing. The deep rumble sent chilled down your spine.
"Well I'm honoured to have popped your cherry~" he teased placing a hand over his heart with a cheeky grin making you blush and nod then turned to him with the new camera all set up.
"Soo where do we start?" you said moving on quickly looking up at him trying to forget the whole cherry comment.
"Where ever you want me, i will let you take the reigns command me as you will" he chuckled standing tall once more and looked about the room casually to the various small set ups, different furniture, seats sofas and mini tables dotting the space.
"I... Okay then you said Instagram? How about we start with some facials-FACE SHOTS! Face. Shots. Not facials fuck. Shit" you quickly tried repairing the damage whist cursing yourself wanting nothing more then to be swallowed up by the floor.
"No, no love facials sounded perfect~" he said winking before gliding past you making you stutter and almost choke on your breath. Oh good lord this was a bad idea. You followed as he sat down on a sturdy sofa and looked head on at you and bit his lip once again watching you with a sultry look.
And that was the beginning. You followed him about taking various snaps whislt having small talk. He seemed to be very flirtatious as he spoke, dropping lines and compliments as he made eyes at you. You flushed each time clamming up at his suggestive comments. And rightly or wrongly you flirted back trying to seem cool and suave. But inside you were fangirling unable to belive you were here with this incredibly gorgeous man teasing one another. On a few occasions he even growled as you scampered about him, crouching and taking shots from blow getting some delicious angles that dampened your knickers. Then in between all this he managed to get little tied bits. You'd told him you were on agency freelance and were trying to get into the social media platform as it seemed easier in this day and age rather then to be in fashion photography. You wanted to be commercial not private but no one would really take a chance anymore.
Then you suggested a few shots on the sofa laying back trying to think of something different for your portfolio, maybe a body length shot. He was quick to agree and dived onto the sofa saying he had an idea you swallowed nodding not fully trusting the look in his eyes. But that was forgotten as he relaxed stretching out over the sofa legs crossed and resting on the arm of his hands behind his head and a devilish smirk looking down the lenght of his body. You knelt at his feet trying to get a flattering image of him looking down but cursed as the camera wasn't playing ball. The lense was focusing, this was why you used the other one first, the camera had a few issues and was temperamental.
"What's wrong?" he asked frowning a little at you as you growled pulling the camera away fro your face and began trying to manually focus the lense.
"Oh its.. It wont focus.. It does this sometime, really need to throw it out but.. She was my first I'm sentimental" you said feeling silly as you battled with the camera.
"We all are with our firsts... How about you come closer instead, I really want to see this shot, never done one at this angle.. Out of all my shoots your the first to suggest this~" you froze and looked to him but he just smiled impishly at you. Slowly you rounded the sofa and leant over him positioning the camera at his stomach as he looked right into the lense giving you a definite bedroom eyes, half lidded and burning. Both dreamy and amazingly sexy. It was as if he could see you beyond the lense, as if it wasn't even there!
"You can come closer love, I wont bite, not if you don't want me to~" his voice was low and teasing, luring you in like a siren. You trembled and moved along him but he tutted and moved a hand to your hip and pressed, coaxing you onto the sofa and sat you on him making you straddle him. You gasped squeazing your camera tighter as he moved you easily, warm palms holding you both delicatly and firmly. You could see in his eyes he was weary unsure if he had gone to far but you squeezed him between your thighs and relaxed making him grin up at you getting the message you didn't mind at all. You aimed the lense at him once more and got the shots you wanted.
"Perfect! Mr Cavill" you said actually a little sad that this session was over. It had been nice playing this little cat and mouse game with him. But all good things come to an end.
"Ah now i have a policy love, when a womans on top they can call me henry, among other things~" he said smoothly laughing as you chuckled nervously fiddling with the camera in your hands and shifted over him a little.
"I will try to remember that for next time boomer~" you teased managing to overcome your nerves as you pulled away the camera with a giggle winking at him as he stuttered. For a second you thought you'd gone too far but a quirk to his lips made you relax once more.
"That hurt, that was hurtful" he teased pouting not releasing you from his lap, instead holding you tighter, fingers digging into your sides making you gasp and bit your lip as he pulled you to his crotch and ground into you teasingly.
"I'm so sorry~" you uttered breathless trying to keep yourself together. But this man was something else, like a drug- the devil all fanged smiles and smooth words. God you were fucked, you knew this man could do anything to you and youd thank him for it~
"I doubt that" he cooed and slid his hand higher growing more and more confident. The last few hours of casual flirting had built up his appitite. There was no misconceptions, you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"Oh yeah?" you said coyly tipping your head to him playing along willing for this to happen, whether it be a one of fuck or something longer. You didnt have any complaints~ this was your body and youd enjoy it with who ever you wanted to!
"Yeah prove it!" he hissed and moved quickly sitting up and swinging around planting his feet on the floor. You yelped as he moved surprizingly fast and managed to keep you in his lap now face to face with you eyes roaming your face settling on your lips.
"And how should i do that" you teased tilting your head skimming your lips with his as you spoke. He groaned and held you tighter making you whine breathlessly willing this to happen. You wanted him and you wont deny yourself the chance.
"Make and old mans day" he said plainly and leant back resting on the back of the sofa, you watched him closely and brought your hands to his shoulders prodding at the neck of the t shirt and drew your fingers down slowly feeling him shiver at the light skimming fingertips.
"Oh really Boomer? And how would i make and old mans day?" you teased once more making him grunt but he quickly caught himself as your fingers smoothed over the teasing curls that peeked over his top. You scratched over them lightly with your nails making him draw a needy breath and chuckled at him. He was sexy and cute~
"By accepting a job offer?" he said before smileing smugly as you paused and frowned. Had you missed something? Was he after a freebee?
"Job offer? Really another shoot?" you snorted suddenly not feeling sexy, more like he was trying to butter you up for some fuck for parts shoots or something. He sighed and began speaking before you could get yourself all twisted. But then again you could have taken his offer wrong.
"Manage my social media. I have many companies and brands reach out to me for endorsements. They want me caught wearing their brands. But I'm to busy most of the time I cant make it to the locations they want. It actually doesn't seem worth it most of the time, with cost of flights and time lost travelling to and from studios itd be easier if I had my own personal photographer that travelled with me its be easy, slip on the clothes and what not take a few snaps and then you touch them up and post them on my social media." he explained watching as it sunk in that he wasnt trying to pull a fast one. Well he was but not trying to fuck you over... Just fuck you... And keep you because you were fantastic and he wants nothing more then to have you around hime as much as possible. In the single dat he had spent working with you, you had enchanted him, not only were you sexy but you were good at your job and easy to work with but also funny and cute and he needed to get to know you.
"Of course its a very big venture and we'd have to have a few dinner and lunch dates to work out all the nitty gritty" he added after a few beats of silence trying to make it clear he was interested... Very interested~ it worked as you fluched and a playfull look donned your face your fingers began stoking his chest hair once more. He relaxed shuddering under the nails as they teased his curls.
"Is this a big ploy to get a date Boomer?" you purred his new nick name making him groan when you squeezed him between your thick thighs once more grinding on him and the considerable bulge below you that twitched.
"No... Maybe is it working?" he said quickly hissing at you shifted in his lap once more, his hands snapping to your hips trying to still you before he came undone in his boxers. You were a very dangerous woman and something told him you knew.
"Well it sounds like an offer I'd be very, very interested in taking further~" you clarified giggling when he swallowed dryly and eyed you surprized that his plan had seemed  to work.
"Good to hear~ so got anything planned after this?" he asked feeling a wave of confidence at the prospect of snagging a date with you. He hadn't meant to sound so eager but... He was eager and that was that.
"Yes" you said with a straight face and got up off of him spinning around heading to the table with your camera bags. You gave him a glance and giggled seeing him still sitting there gobsmacked legs wide open and his crotch that was now definitely bigger then it had been earlier.
"O-oh" he stuttered seemingly unsure how to proceed. You giggled as he fumbled over his words. Then decided to grant him some mercy and began speaking whilst popping out the sd card from the camera labeling it like the previous one.
"You see I had a very cheeky client today who asked for a shoot last mineut. But I wasn't to bothered he was very very sexy even if he was a boomer, but get this out of nowhere gave me a job offer? And we're having dinner- he promised pizza~" you giggled glancing at Henry as he slumped in the seat realising halfway through that you were talking about him. He smoothed his hands over his face and jumped up coming over to you shaking his head.
"You know I'm not actually a boomer?" he quipped folding his arms. You rolled your eyes at him as you packed your stuff away making sure to recheck everything.
"Have you seen your selfies? Your a boomer, boomer" you teased making him scoff but laugh at the name that has now stuck.
"Wait you've seen my selfies? What do you think?" he asked wanting feedback on the silly shots he took. You paused halfway through zipping up your bag and turned facing him fully giving him a thoughtful look then shrugged
"Their alright... For a boomer" you giggled when he preened for a second then his face dropped into a pout when you finished the comment.
"I repeat...That was hurtful" he said covering his heart with a kicked puppy look making you laugh and hoist your bags over your shoulder and make for the door with him hot on your heels.
"Its fine boomer a second date will make up for it I'm sure~" you sniggered at him playfully looking back at him as he followed you out of the door.
"A date for each time you call me boomer? Deal" he quipped walking along side you offering you his arm like a true gentleman unlike the teasing horny little shit he had been all day. Not that you minded either. Gentleman on the streets, freak in the sheets and all that jazz.
"God we may aswell marry now then boomer" he laughed nodding in agreement the banter from the day still in play as you both left the building.
"Seems so, I mean were at ten that's what the kids consider boyfriend girlfreind territory" he anounced with a sigh playing on the 'boomer' joke making you giggle and roll your eyes as he mentioned the tally. Then you frowned and quickly counted your 'boomers' and opened your mouth you correct him, arguing that ten was incorrect.
"I think its nine boomer- ah see what you did their sneaky boomer!" you cried pushing him playfully at his little trick. He roared with laughter and quickly tangled his fingers with yours dragging you back alongside him guiding you down the street towards a place he knew served pizza, he didn't remember but apparantly he promised pizza...
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The Sommelier (Hannigram x Female!Reader) pt. 7
Y/n meets her savior and officially joins the investigation. 
@deadman-inc-bikeshop @viviace and @dovahdokren here you go. If you want to be on the tag list, send me a DM. 
Trigger warnings: dissociation, implied sex abuse/trafficking, discussions of death, drugs
It was only when the man left your line of sight that your senses started to return. And even then, you felt like you were on a separate plane of existence from everything happening around you. You were floating, completely numb to your surroundings, letting the world push you wherever it needed you to be.
You weren't entirely sure how you made it from the dumpsters to the FBI headquarters, but there you were.
You listened in on the conversation happening in the other room. From what you could tell, the man who saved you was arguing with his boss.
"Because if there's so much as a Tylenol in her system, you're going to pass it off to the DEA." The man said, his voice soft but firm. This wasn't the first time they had this argument and it showed.
"Will, it is not my fault that the DEA gets preferential treatment." The boss sounded exhausted. "We have a better chance of catching this man with their resources. And we can't turn a blind eye to how substances affect human behavior. I thought you of all people would accept this."
"What if there's nothing in her system?" The man posited. "Then all we have to work with is our own resources. Would that be so bad?"
"Look," the boss said, clearly trying to diffuse the situation. "We can't determine anything until forensics gets lab results back tomorrow. For now, see what you can find out from the waitress. She was able to keep her talking, maybe we can find out about what."
The man resignedly left the room and made his way to you. You glanced around the hallway, hoping he wouldn't notice that you've been eavesdropping.
He sat on the opposite end of the bench. You pulled the security blanket from the ambulance tighter around your shoulders.
"I know this is such a stupid, insensitive thing to ask," the man broke the silence. "But are you okay?"
"If it makes you feel any better," you sighed and dropped your shoulders. "I wasn't really okay to begin with."
"Yeah." The man agreed. "It doesn't matter how much you break something, it's still broken. Broken is a... Boolean value."
"It's just that.." You clutched the receipt between your fingers. "Just as I thought things were starting to improve, the universe sends me a cultist strapped to a bomb. I'm never going to recover from this."
"I don't think anyone expects you to." He said. "My name's Will, by the way."
"[F/N]." You said, just for formality's sake. He already knew your name. "I don't think I ever properly thanked you for saving my life."
"Don't worry about it." Will smiled weakly. "If you think you can, though, it would be innumerably helpful if you told us what happened."
You knew you weren't in a position to be asking for favors, but you were desperate. "Could I maybe stay with you for a while?"
Will hovered his hand over yours as if asking for permission. You took it, perhaps a little too eagerly.
"I'll stay with you as long as you want."
Will's presence made it easier to tell the man, whom you learned was the head of the Behavioral Science Unit of the FBI, everything that progressed that night.
"And then she started chanting that one bible verse about the martyrs inheriting the kingdom of heaven." You finished. "That was when Will shot her in the leg."
The director, whose name you learned was Jack Crawford, took a moment to ponder the information. You felt like a child that had been sent to the principal's office.
"Do you have any reason to believe that the woman was under the influence of any drugs? Alcohol?" Jack asked, resting his hands on the desk.
"Not with any certainty, no. I didn't see her ingest anything." You shook your head. "If she was under any influence at all, it was probably against her will."
"What makes you say that?" Jack cocked his head. "In your own time, of course."
"She was..." you glanced at Will, just to remind yourself that he was there. "Scared. Nothing she said had any conviction behind it. It was like she was a hostage being forced to read a fake suicide letter."
"What about these 'cult names' you mentioned?" Jack said. "What significance do you think they have?"
"She kept referring to Chase as 'vanguard'." You began.
"That's what Keith Raniere called himself." Jack interrupted. "Keith Raniere was the head of a sex trafficking cult."
"And the only reason I know that is because I listen to a lot of podcasts." You felt the need to explain. "I'm not sure how Mulvaney decided it would be a fitting title. Maybe he identified with Raniere."
"Did the woman call herself something, too?" Jack leaned in.
"Funny you should mention that," You forced a laugh. "Because she referred to herself as an 'unwoman'."
"That is interesting." Jack brought his hand to his temple, perhaps trying to convince you that he knew what ‘unwoman’ meant.
"He probably thinks Handmaid's Tale is some kind of instruction manual." You said, emphasizing the title of the work. 
“Handmaid’s Tale!” Jack exclaimed, suddenly understanding. "So, are you thinking maybe he's running a breeding cult?"
“Like a borrasca.” You turned to Will, hoping that maybe he would understand what that meant.
As if on cue, a woman in a lab coat burst into the room. 
“Dr. Katz,” Jack announced, taken aback by her urgency. “Welcome.” 
“Jack, you’re going to want to see this.” Dr. Katz said simply. 
Jack stood up from his seat. “Excuse me, Ms. [L/N], Will. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” 
Again, you were alone with Will. 
“I’m...” Will broke the silence, pausing to find the right words. “Jack isn’t as scary as he looks. He just has a habit of asking too much of people. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but you’re perfectly within your rights to tell him to back off.” 
You shook your head. “That wouldn’t feel right.”
“Tell me about it.” Will muttered and leaned back in his chair. “It does seem pretty out of character for him to want to drop the whole case on the DEA, but he does have a point about their resources. You can’t argue with money.” 
“No.” You agreed. “You can’t.” 
Will sighed. “I’m sorry. The last thing you probably want to hear about is FBI in-fighting after almost being killed twice in a two-week period.”
“It doesn’t really inspire confidence, no.” You said. 
“Let’s talk about something else.” He offered. “Do you like... fishing?” 
You laughed at his strange attempt at making conversation, but answered honestly. “I used to go fishing with my grandpa when I was a kid.” 
Realizing he’d tapped into a happy memory, Will decided to follow it. “Where did he take you?” 
“My grandparents had this lake house up in Michigan.” You reminisced. “On this dinky little manmade lake where all the rich boomers took their spoiled grandkids for the summer.” 
“Did you ever catch anything?” He shared a little smile.
You realized that he was doing the same thing to you that you did to the unwoman. He was trying to keep you talking to avoid, or at least prolong, some catastrophic event. But he was doing it for your sake. You appreciated that. 
“We pulled up a ton of bluegills, some walleyes, occasionally a bass.” You listed. “One time he and his brother-in-law settled a dispute by seeing who could catch a catfish first. They were outside all day.” 
“Did he ever take you downstate to go fishing on Lake Erie?” 
You stared vacantly ahead. “He wanted to.” 
Will lowered his head in respect. “I’m so sorry.” 
“It was, like, fourteen years ago.” You admitted. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“Still,” Will shrugged. “Grief takes a lot out of you. I’m sorry for bringing it up, I had no idea.”
“At this point, most avenues in my life end in death. It’s not your fault.” You smiled at him. “Thanks for trying, though.” 
You settled into another prolonged but comfortable silence. 
“I think Jack is going to arrange to get you into some kind of protective custody, by the way.” He said, shifting his body to face you. “And I don’t think he’s going to give you a choice now that he knows Chase is targeting you, specifically.” 
“Yeah, I was thinking about that.” You answered. “I think they’re probably going to insist I quit my job, too.” 
“You sound disappointed.” Will nodded. “You’ve grown to like that job, huh?” 
“I was good at it.” You admitted. “My boss was gunning for me to take over when he retired. I had big plans for that place. I know waitressing is supposed to be a job that’s ‘just a job’ but--” 
“You had ambition.” Will finished. “You were making an investment for your future.” 
For the first time in a while, you felt heard. “Right.” 
“If you would permit me to say,” Will stood up and walked towards Jack’s desk. “I think you would be an invaluable asset to this investigation.” 
You leaned on the armrest. “I don’t know, Will. I feel like I would just get in the way.” 
“But the sooner we catch this sick fuck, the sooner you can get back to your restaurant.” He said, grabbing a post-it note. He gestured to you with a pen. “And I will do everything in my power to get you back to that restaurant.”
“Why?” You asked. “I’m just a waitress.” 
“Your profile of Chase Mulvaney in your TattleCrime interview was a work of genius.” Will took off his glasses. “And it was incendiary enough to make him come back for you. It wasn’t just a cocaine-fueled bout of murderous hysterics. He remembered you. Now, throughout this investigation, Jack has been ignoring me. But maybe he’ll listen to you.” 
“And if he doesn’t?” You raised an eyebrow. “What then?” 
Will sighed and leaned back on the desk. “Then I do it myself.” 
“Fuck it.” You said, the complete contents of your soul behind those two little words. If he was going to raise the stakes, by god you were going to match him. “I don’t have much else to live for, so might as well die for something.” 
“That’s the spirit.” Will agreed. 
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littlefreya · 4 years
The Kitten & the Bear - Part 1
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Intro: This story is a collab and was written by both @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ and I. It was born out of a fun role play we have going on. We ended up having so much a fun with this particular idea that we thought we should post it as a 3 part story and share it with the rest!
| Read Part 2  | Read Part 3 |
Summary: After a night of drinking in town get Walter’s bratty wife ends up with pure chaos and the overprotective grumpy husband is having none of her shenanigans. 
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x OFC (first person pov) 
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Bratty behaviour, vandalism, dominant overprotectiveness, BDE, husband stalking his wife, sexual innuendo, dirty inappropriate talks, mentions of sex and oral, weed and alcohol usage. Sex in the next parts :D Walter is a Boomer. 
A/N: We didn’t beta it and did transform it from 2nd to 1st person POV, really hoping you guys will enjoy it as we did. Feel free to share your thoughts. 
Title: The Kitten & the Bear
Nothing chilled my heart more than waking up in an empty bed. Walter was already gone, leaving his side of the mattress cold and abandoned. A heavy sigh broke from my lips, I stroked the ghost of the kiss that still tingled on my cheek, knowing he planted it there before heading to work. 
Sadness seeped into my heart as I realised I won't see him today. Our work scheduled conflicted and I have scheduled a "date night" with my girls in the evening. Picking up my phone, I texted him a pouty emoji and then headed to get my day started.
Walter left me on read, which just fuelled the brat in me. When he called during his lunch break, he was taciturn as usual, and most of the call was about his disapproval of us girls going out without at least one male friend or a boyfriend to chaperone.
"Oh my god, Walter, this is not the 50s! Women can leave their house without a husband tagging along!" I grunted and berated him, "stop acting like someone is going to kidnap me!!! I'm an adult woman!" I snapped at him while sitting at the cafe. People sitting around stared quietly as I hung up the phone, and stormed out.
Walter looked at his mobile phone, shocked. He couldn't even remember the last time someone hung up on him, let along his wife.
"Fucking brat," he muttered as he pocketed it. 
After lunch, he went into the precinct. Since it was flu season and they were having a shortage of uniformed officers, he volunteered to patrol tonight. Assuming he might even be able to check up on me wherever I get to town. Just to keep me safe. That's right. Not from jealousy. Not because I'll be all dolled up and tipsy and every man in the vicinity will ogle me.
As the evening loomed, I was in dire need of letting loose. Walter had left me incredibly frustrated, acting like a police officer from hell rather than my husband. Going through my closet, I stumbled upon the most outrageous piece of wardrobe: a black strappy thing with corset details at the front. The same one I've worn for our first date which of course ended up with Walter and I dry humping like two horny teenagers at the back of his truck and him eating me out until I came all over his beard 4 times. 
I slapped a dark red lipstick and put on a pair of red "fuck me" pumps before leaving to meet the gals in a new night club that had just opened. I might or might not have a rolled-up joint in my purse.
Walter was sitting in a patrol vehicle on the opposite side of the street from the new fancy club with translucent walls. We were all sitting beside the window at a small table full of cocktail glasses, but the girls were gesturing toward the dance floor. Walter chose a dark spot on the street to park the car and was wearing a beanie. 
But he didn't need it. He knew I was oblivious to him and also to the men staring at me from 3 different tables. He ground his teeth frustrated when he first noticed that I was wearing that dress. His blood boiled as I was slowly sipping a cocktail with a sexy little pout around the long straw.
"Let's dance!!! I wanna dance!!!" I whined at my friend Keylah, grabbing her wrist and dragging her with me. My posture was slightly unstable after two cocktails and probably not enough food to pad my belly. She followed me to the dance floor while Stephanie remained in her seat, talking to some guy just for the sake of trolling. He'd been hitting on each one of us unsuccessfully. 
After an hour of dancing with Keylah, swaying my ass in ways that didn't leave any imagination to the men lurking, I remembered the little treat I had in my purse and decided we should take a small break to breathe some fresh air. 
I grabbed the girls, and we walked outside.
"Okay, don't you dare mention this to Walter," I warned them as I took the joint out from my purse.
"Daddy Magnum gonna punish you?" Steph teased while I lit the weed. 
"Oh, you have no idea, he gave me shit about seeing you tonight without a male chaperone, like this is Mad Man or something." 
"Woah! Walter is a boomer!!!" Keylah teased, and we all laughed hysterically. 
Unbeknownst to me, Walter was watching us dance from his patrol car, getting more and more frustrated by the hour. He observed as I gathered both girls and came out on the street, walking a couple of meters away from the entrance. A frown fell on his face as he saw me taking a lighter out from my purse.
"She doesn't even smoke, what the hell?" he fumed. 
His eyes widened when he saw the telltale shape of a joint between my fingers. His mouth was agape as I lit it up and started smoking and passing it around. "What the fuck? Where did she get that?" he muttered incredulously.
'It's fucking illegal in Minnesota, what the fuck? A cop's wife at that!' He thought, rage simmering in his gut.  
The police radio suddenly began buzzing, the sergeant calling on the line. 
"Hey Marshall, Toby came in for the night shift after all. Do you want him to keep you company?" 
'And see Walter's wife going to town on a spliff? No fucking way.' 
"No, Sarge, thanks. It's uh... calm tonight." He frowned from afar. "Nothing but law-abiding citizens," he replied, hoping his sarcasm didn't go through while he was watching the wife of a respected detective drunk and smoking weed in the great outdoors.
"All right" the sarge concluded and cut the line, and Walter put back the radio.
The girls and I fell into a fit of wild giggles, thoroughly buzzed and high at the same time. My skirt rode up my thighs, and I didn't even bother fixing it as the combination of drugs and alcohol made me frivolous and careless. 
"Is Walter such a nerd in bed too? Is he one of those guys who won't even make a sound because they are ashamed of it?" Stephanie asked to which I immediately snorted.
"Walter fucks like a beast from hell," I answered and put off the remains of the joint against the heel of my shoe. 
"I had to go to the gyno at least four times in the past because he was too violent, and trust me, the noise he makes, luckily no one called the police yet…" 
"Jennifer, your husband is the police!" Keylah answered, and we burst into another fit of giggles which then gradually died down. 
The same man who bugged us from before followed us outside, giving us some stares and making a suckling voice with his lips. I snorted at him and told him to fuck off before putting my arms around my girls. 
"This place sucks, let's go grab something to eat from the store, if Walter sees me like this I will NEVER hear the end of it".
Walter was watching us walk away, still furious about my illicit behaviour. He promised himself that he'd have a serious conversation with me about this tomorrow. He gave us two blocks of a head start and then ignited the engine of the car and made a U-turn, slowly he rolled towards the store and saw us enter. He made another U-turn in front of the store to park across the street. He just hoped that we'll buy some nachos and a coke and then call it a night, and call a cab to go home.
It was close to 1am. We barged into the store, marching through as if we owned the place. Keylah stopped by the condoms section and threw a bottle of lube in my direction. "Here you go, Jennifer, you gonna need it".
I laughed and threw it back at her, grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of water. 
"Better fuck his brains before he starts asking where you've been tonight," Stephanie added. 
"Can you girls please behave?" The clerk-lady requested politely, giving us a prudent look. I rolled my eyes at her and then stopped short as I saw a large stuffed grizzly bear that reminded me of Walter. I grabbed it and hugged it tightly just as I got the sudden urge to misbehave.
"Girls…" I whispered, making them come closer, "bet you a 20 I can sneak this out without paying!"
Walter's shoulders slumped, and he let out an irritated groan when he saw one of the girls throwing things inside the store. Though, he sighed in relief when I paused this stupid game, and a small smile tugged the edge of his mouth when I hugged a huge stuffed bear that reached down to my thighs and was high above the top of my head as I squeezed it to my torso. 
The way I looked at the bear reminded him of the loving looks I always gave him. But a sense of foreboding assaulted him as we started whispering and pointed at the door.
"Okay, okay… shush!" I whispered way too obvious and held the stuffed animal behind my back.
"Hey Keylah, can you pay for my chips?" I asked and backed away toward the door, nearly stumbling on my heels and holding the laughter in my gut. 
Noticing my attempt, the old woman cleared her throat, giving me a glare, "You are going to have to pay for that or I will call the police…"
"Her husb…"
"Shut up, Stephanie!" Keylah shouted and threw a bottle of lube in her direction, accidently hitting my shoulder, which made me drop the bear on the floor. 
"Key, you fucking bitch!!!" I answered and picked up the bottle, throwing it back at her. 
"Hey stop that!!!!" The clerk demanded and walked back behind the counter, picking up her phone. 
We ignored her, laughing like schoolgirls and throwing the bottle back and forth between us. Boxes of tampons and condoms fell to the floor as we moved through the hygiene section shouting playfully. 
As Keylah threw the bottle at me for the 12th time, I lifted it and threw it so hard it hit the window and broke it, causing the store's alarm to go off immediately.
"Oh… fu……..ck" I uttered.
"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no," Walter panicked as he saw us vandalising the store. He was immediately ready to jump out of the car, but then it would be obvious he'd been keeping an eye on me. He had to wait for the call. 
He wasn't even hoping that the clerk would not involve the police in the matter. She has to. ‘Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck.’ 
When he saw the lady picking up the phone, he buried his face in his palms and rubbed it tiredly.
"Stupid, fucking bitches" he sighed, not believing his wife being so reckless. 
He picked up the buzzing radio and said, "Marshall. I'm here. On it." 
Without delay, he took the beanie off and got out of the car with his badge and gun ready.
Fingers dug into my hair, I stared wide-eyed at the broken window, immediately regretting all my decisions in the last couple of hours. 
'Walter was going to fucking kill me'. 
"I am soooooooo……." I began to say, turning to the clerk slowly while Keylah and Steph held their hands over their mouths. "So sorry." I stretched out while the alarm continued ringing in my ears. 
Then just like out of a nightmare, stepping through shards of broken glass with his big black boots, I saw Walter walking in, his brows knit together, his badge and his gun held out but kept low. He was enormous and menacing, yet the sight of him comforted me.
"Oh thank god, it's you!" I call out relieved.
The glass cracked beneath his steps as he walked in. He looked around and checked the store for cameras. 'Fuck, there were CCTVs'. 
He hoped to snatch me away and take care of the situation without involving... well himself but now that there was evidence it wasn't possible anymore. I was looking at him like a frightened little girl, but he couldn't help me, and frankly, he didn't feel like it either.
He looked at the clerk, showed her his badge and said in a neutral tone "MPD. What seems to be the problem?" 
My breath hitched at his "cop voice" and the way he asked the clerk. 
Stepping back and standing in the middle of the group, the three of us gaped at him with utter dumbfoundedness. Both my heart and gut dropped to the messy floor out of fear, and the way he carried himself, looking so menacing and authoritative made my panties drenched with arousal. 
"Officer, thank god you arrived! These three tried to steal a stuffed animal and started wreaking havoc in the store, throwing stuff around like children and speaking offensively!" The old woman explained and stood in the middle of the mess, looking helpless. 
My eyes rounded with false innocence, and I nibbled my bottom lip, giving Walter a vulnerable look. 
Walter was patiently listening to the clerk. Not a muscle flinched on his face as if he'd known everything. He took his notebook and a report form out and took care of the paperwork. 
The old lady eyed the three of us nervously while Walter was scribbling, and she hesitantly asked, "I'm sorry, Officer, but shouldn't you handcuff them? They might run."
Walter's curly head lifted, and he flashed the lady a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Don't worry, ma'am. They won't run."
"Is he serious?" Steph whispered, and I elbowed her, giving Walter a rather pissed off smile as he pretended not to know us at all and treated me like any other criminal.
Was it that just for show? Probably. We were going to have a serious talk about boundaries once we'd get home.
Walter finished writing his report and made the lady sign it before turning to look at the three of us, clenching his jaw. 
After a long, stern silence, I finally spoke, "Can I still get the teddy bear?"
Walter's nostrils flared as he dug into his pocket, pulled out a 20-dollar bill, slammed it on the counter and said to the clerk "For the bear."
At first, the lady was dumbfounded, then she blurted out outraged "Why are you buying a gift for a criminal?"
Walter didn't even spare her a look. He picked up the bear and looked at me with unflinching, stern eyes that made all three of us take a step backwards.
"Because she's my fucking wife."
The tone of his voice made the three of us startle, and I released a small gasp, seeing the look on his face. Walter made a gesture with his hand singling us to walk out of the store in order, and we did as he commanded. At the same time, my eyes gave him a mischievous smirk, mistaking this behaviour for a show.
Walter left the store last and immediately commanded, "To the car".
When we got there on the opposite side of the street, he opened the car and shoved the teddy bear on the passenger seat, then turned back, crossed his hands on his chest, and looked at all three of us. 
"Here's how it's gonna happen. We go in the precinct, fill out the forms, you stay the night, and most likely will be charged with a misdemeanour. Although the weed might be more problematic." He glared at me pointedly. 
The girls and I collectively gasped. 
"Now get in the back seat, all of you."
With shuddering legs, Keylah and Steph obediently entered the patrol car. I stared at Walter as he stood there towering over me, his massive arms crossed around his broad chest.
Still intoxicated, I looked at him with disbelief, realising two things: he arrived at the scene in less than two minutes after the lady called the police, which is impossible. And two, he couldn't possibly know I had weed on me unless… 
"Were you stalking me?!" I called out, ignoring the police officer and speaking to my husband. My hands went to my hips, my face sulking. 
"Oh my god, Walter! You were! Weren't you?" I frowned and shook my head, grunting with disgust.
"You are in no position to reproach me for anything right now", Walter said, seemingly calm. "But if you wanna know, I was patrolling in the neighbourhood and decided to check up on you. I saw the way you were shaking your ass for strangers" he spat, but he let his eyes roam the tight dress, and the way he subtly licked his lips made me sure he remembered exactly which dress it was.
"Do as you're fucking told and get in the car or you're gonna find yourself in even bigger trouble." 
"Oh my god, Walter!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled at him and stepped back, throwing my hands in the air furiously.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! MY OWN HUSBAND STALKING ME?! What's next Walter? You gonna put an ankle bracelet thingy on me, so I don't get to leave the house without your fucking permission?!"
I got so angry, my hands pushed at his chest, to which he didn't even budge, and only his jaw tightened.
"I am NOT getting into that car, and you are going to let Keylah and Steph go before you are going to be in trouble!"
Keylah and Steph were both watching with utter fascination as they saw the growing tension in Walter's posture.
Once Keylah and Steph were inside the car, they felt like the immediate danger was over. Their drunkenness and high made them reckless again and they started cheering me in the verbal fight with my husband.
Walter was on the verge of bursting, it was evident from his face. He took a menacing step towards me and despite my anger, a pang of arousal shot in my core.
"Get. in the. fucking. car" he growled in a barely audible voice. He gave me one last chance to voluntarily obey him.
I moved closer toward him, my head tilting up to meet his menacing gaze, my breasts ghostly brushing against his hard torso.
"I am not going anywhere with you," I answered unflinchingly. "Keep this attitude up, and the whole town will get to enjoy me swaying this ass long before you do." I teasingly slapped my own ass and then smirked arrogantly as I heard the girls cheering at the backseat
"That's it."
Quick as lightning, Walter's hands uncrossed and shot out. He grabbed my arms, turned me around with dizzying speed and slammed my torso down on the hood of the police car.
"Jennifer Marshall, you are under arrest for destruction of property, public intoxication and obstruction of a law enforcement officer."
I gasped incredulously as I felt the metal handcuffs closing on my wrists while Walter was performing his duty automatically and methodically. I'd never seen him make an arrest, let alone manhandle me like this.
With my cheek pressed against the cold metal, I could see both Keylah and Steph gape at us, eyes and mouth wide with daze. 
Still intoxicated, I hissed as a shiver of fear and sexual arousal shot through my spine, creeping all the way down to my throbbing core. 
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I cried out in protest. "I am your wife!"
My attempt to stand up brought my ass to collide with his crotch, where I felt the unmistakable throb of his blood circulating down to his groin. 
"Are you also getting the feeling that they're gonna fuck?" Steph whispered to Keylah, loud enough for us to hear.
"Shush!" she answered and stared, licking her lips. 
"Let me go, you fucking pig!" I screamed and squirmed on the hood helplessly. 
"Anything you say will be held against you in the court of law" Walter continued in his deep cop voice as if I hadn't even spoken.
"Say his dick, girl!" Keylah shouted, and Steph wooed, but they quickly shut up and resorted to concealed giggling as Walter shot angry eyes at them. He stepped closer to secure his hold on the handcuffs, and I felt the warm coarse material of his jeans at the back of my thighs.
"If you don't want to add resisting arrest and possession of narcotics to your offences, shut the fuck up and stop squirming."
"Fuck” I hissed, which didn't go unnoticed by Walter. My ass naturally shifted against his hardening bulge, and I moaned gently, not loud enough for the girls to hear but definitely heard by Walter, who had his hand around my cuffed wrists.
"You're enjoying this, big guy?" I spit out sardonically, "controlling your wife like you always want to, hmm?"
With the alcohol flushing through my veins, mingled with the sheer exhilaration of anger, I became more daring than ever.
"I think you are just scared because we both know you are never going to tame me."
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
can i request the trend of tiktok “the faster you get to me the more kisses you get!” with tsukishima, akaashi, bokuto and hinata? 🥺👉👈
w/ tsukishima, akaashi, bokuto, hinata & iwaizumi
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requests: OPEN
warnings: talk of pee and poop in iwaizumi’s
a/n: of course you can! thanks for the request! 💓 (also the trend is used more as a prompt than it is as the main focus whoops 🤡)
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i added iwaizumi bc he was requested in another ask so i just merged the two. my character limit is still four max!
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who gave him the right 🥵
the salt lick himself
this dude is annoyingggg
you already knew what his reaction was gonna be,, so why bother?
welll you just wanted to be like all the other tiktok girls 👉🏽👈🏽
you wait until you see tsukki and yama walking out of the club room and towards you
you’re bracing yourself for the embarrassment
“babe! the faster you get to me, the more kisses you get!”
no shit, he stops in his tracks. yama’s just looking at him like ‘what you finna do?’
you know what he does? turns around and starts walking in THE OTHER DIRECTION
you are… baffled
when finally catch up to him, you’re pouting
“dude, what the hell?”
he glances at you, then flicks your forehead dummy hard
you’re triggered, “did you just flick me?”
this snarky mf is now laughing at you
btw yamaguchi is very uncomfortable rn
tsukishima the leans down, bean pole headass, and kisses your forehead
“sorry i don’t do dumb tik tok trends”
“it’s not dumb! you just didn’t want to kiss me”
he looks at you with an unimpressed look, as if saying, ‘we both know that’s not true’
alas you’re still pouting
yama: “haha this is me, see you guys tmmr” *leaves in awkward*
tsukishima knows your not gonna stop acting like a baby until he gives you what you want
he sighs, walks a couple feet away from you, pulls out his phone and starts recording
“say the thing”
“the trend thing. say it”
your eyes light up so much and tsukki smiles a bit
he’s so soft for you uwu
“the faster you get to me, the more kisses you get!”
because he’s a tall boi, it only takes him a few steps to get to you but when he does, he kisses you hard
like damn, okay sir
when he pulls away you’re flustered asf, he chuckles and stops recording
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this poor boy wouldn’t know a tiktok trend if it punched him the face
i hate to say it, but he’s a boomer 😔🤘🏽 just like dadchi
he’s at your house picking you up for a date and your sibling is bombarding him with questions
when you come out, akaashi is like ‘oh thank goodness’
you smile at him, then wack your sibling in their side
“stop bothering him you weirdo!”
“what we’re just having a nice lil chat”
you shake your head and start to walk away but your sibling is holding akaashi back, giving him the typical ‘you hurt her, i kill you’ speech
now you know your boyfriend is great when he’s under pressure but.. this is new territory for him
you remember a trend that you saw a while back and decide to do it now
you know keiji wants your family to like him, so he’ll be conflicted between going to you or staying and listening to your siblings speech
it’s perfect really
so you pull out your phone and start recording
“baby! the faster you get to me, the sooner we can go on our date and the more kisses you’ll get”
my guy just blinks, “it is getting late..”. plus he’s not opposed to the kissing part so he starts to walk towards you
“hey! i’m not done talking to you”
‘that’s true, it would be rude of me to walk away mid conversation… if you could even call it that’ he thinks
you laugh slightly, you can practically see the gears spinning in his head
“keiji come on we don’t have all day”
“don’t you walk away from me”
akaashi sighs loudly. the longer he spends talking to your sibling the less time he has with you. if he walks away, he’s at risk of your sibling hating him. he’s stumped.
suddenly he turns to your sibling, “sorry l/n, we can continue this discussion later. y/n and i have a date that’s very time sensitive. i apologize”
he then walks to you and grabs your hand before walking off
“y’know my crackhead sibling was just mess with you right? you could’ve just walked away”
“i figured, but that’s still rude”
ugh we stan boy who has manners
“so.. um, may i get a kiss now?”
omg he’s so cute i love him 🥺
you grin and pepper his face with a bunch of kisses, making him blush slightly
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tbh you don’t even need to ask, this dude is infatuated w/ you
he’ll run to you any day of the week
but what had happened was.. y’all were on a date and bokuto went to go get ice cream
but that was like 15 mins ago and you’re just sitting on the park bench looking like a fool
and ngl you were a little worried bc bokuto is so easy to distract you’re thinking he fell into a pond or something
so you go to look for him and tbh it doesn’t take long cause cmon,, it’s bokuto
he be loud asf
n e ways, there he is in all his glory playing with a German Shepard who looked like it was trying so hard not to bite him
the owner looked nervous asf but was probably too nervous to say something social anixety be like that
bokuto spots you and waves at you frantically
“hey babe! look at this dog! it’s so cute!”
ugh bless him
you send the owner an apologetic look and turn back to bokuto
“it is cute but i think you’re aggravating it.. i don’t want you to get bitten. let’s go”
“it won’t bite me!” *to dog* “right? you’re too good to bite me, yes you are, yes you are”
*inhales* this stubborn kid, so now you got to think of a new tactic
you suddenly remember that bokuto is affectionate x1 mil
he would never miss a chance to be smothered in love
this was as good a time as any to do this trend and save your bf in the process :))
you whip out your phone, “hey baby? the faster you get to me, the more kisses you get”
when i tell you his head SWIVELED
the dude is an owl confirmed 🙌🏽
literally almost trips trying to get to you, now he’s looking at you like an excited puppy ready for pats
the owner gives you thankful look and leaves
bokuto is still staring at you, waiting for his smooches
so you deliver 😌 you grab his face and kiss all around and place a final kiss on his lips
bokuto looks so happy, like he’s smiling so wide rn
all hail tiktok it rly be saving your stupid boyfriend
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my bby 🥺
he loves you so so so so much
hinata will do anything for you yes anything
and the feeling is mutual, but sometimes you cannot comprehend what goes on in that mind if his
like,, you could not, for the life of you, understand why he ran into MOVING TRAFFIC
let me tell you what happened
so you were shopping with your friends (and just to clarify y’all were a strip where there’s a bunch of stores on each block)
you guys were just casual walking and then your friend pointed out that it sounded like someone was calling your name
you looked around and there was your orange fuzzy bouncing up and down on the other side of the street
too cute i swear
you smiled and waved, “hi baby!”
“wait until i get across this street imma kiss you so hard!”
cue your friends gagging
you giggle and decide to reference a tiktok cause why not?
“the faster you get to me, the more kisses you can get!”
b-but he thought you were serious
so yes he ran into the middle of a busy street
you are traumatized, paralyzed with fear if you will, you thought your boyfriend was going to die right in front of you
when he finally reached you, you scolded him mother hen mode activated
“why the hell would you do that hinata?!”
uh oh, you used his last name.. not good
“but you said–”
“i was joking!”
oh. now he’s embarrassed and sad bc you’re mad at him
at least he thought you were until you grabbed him and hugged him tightly, “don’t ever do any dumb shit like that again, okay? you scared me”
“i won’t,, but since i did risk my life, can i get a kiss?”
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i feel like y’all have a relationship where you guys can be mean(?) to each other w/o getting offended
so you guys are at your house watching Netflix together and he suddenly gets up and leaves your room
“where are you going?”
“gotta piss”
istg i hate the word “piss” but IK he says that instead of “pee”
n e ways you resume watching the show but your bf’s been gone for like 10 mins
you go to the bathroom and knock on the door, “hey, you good in there? it doesn’t take 10 minutes to pee”
you hear him groan, “fuck off”
and then,, it all clicks, “are you constipated?!”
now you’re laughing your ass of bc what the fuck
“don’t clog my toilet nasty”
“y/n i swear to god if you don’t leave me alone–”
“what? are you gonna fling your doo doo on me?”
you finally stop teasing him and go back to your room
you send him a text, ‘still constipated? 💩’
‘breaking up w/ you is looking mighty tempting rn 🥴’
‘rude 🤧 but hey, the faster you poop, the more kisses you get’
this dude left you on read
and didn’t return until 20 mins later
“damn i know my bathroom stinks now”
“shut up and give me my kisses”
you raise an eyebrow, “i– you took 20 mins”
“okay.. did you want me to get up mid shit and come to you?”
you don’t why but that shit had you cackling, you reach up and pull him close to you
you give him a couple of pecks and a deep kiss
aww he’s smiling 🥺
“i love you my lil doo doo machine”
he pushed you off your bed
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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renaerys · 3 years
22. for reds 🤡
This is 100% not what you asked for (yet...👀), but I give you part 1 of what we're calling the Weird King AU. I'm turning this into a proper multi-chapter High School fic because I love you and I'd jump on any bandwagon for you.
Like most young, conventionally attractive Supervillains, Brick had made a bit of a habit of failing upwards. It was pretty easy in a town full of simpering morons content to project their own narrative assumptions onto him, and who was he to crush their dreams when they made his life a little easier?
For example, dating.
“You can tell me, you know.” His cute date, Tracy, sipped her milkshake across from him.
“Tell you what?”
She softened and reached her hand across the table. “Your tragic backstory. I’ll listen without judgment, I promise.”
Brick tried to think of something tragic, but it all seemed pretty underwhelming as far as Supervillain origin stories went. “You mean like how I was born in a toilet?”
She made an oh shape with her lips. “We all have those days where we feel like we were born in a toilet, Brick.”
He’d dated Tracy for three months before she broke up with him out of the blue in tears: sorry she couldn’t fix his baggage, she just wasn’t strong enough to handle all that tortured darkness, but she wished him nothing but health and happiness. Brick deleted her number from his phone and spent twenty whole minutes staring at the toilet in his bathroom, wondering what the lesson here was.
But everything changed when Mojo got out of prison and moved Brick and his brothers back to Townsville, where he enrolled them in the local high school alongside their former arch nemeses, the Powerpuff Girls.
Suddenly, everything Brick did pre-supposed ill intent. These people remembered him as the pest who had graffitied their local monuments and blown up their cars and endangered their children. They held no love for him, and at best they feared him. This was not Citiesville, where he’d been a tall, cold glass of Voss water in a sea of recycled Dasani.
He found himself thinking about his birthing toilet again as he stepped into the cafeteria alone and the conversation quieted down as his new classmates watched him from the safety of their tables. His next moves here were critical. He was no longer at the top of the food chain, but fear and mystery surrounding his origins and character gave him a certain power over his peers.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of social suicide, I will fear no cringe,” he said to himself.
The jocks were out. Capable though he may be, Brick was not much of a team player unless there was a blood contract involved requiring his participation on pain of satanic torture. The drama kids were also a hard pass, not because he thought drama was lame, but because they had barely noticed him walk in, and Brick did not have the energy to deal with people more self-involved than himself. Some of the unaffiliated tables could be safe, but without a good understanding of the nuanced social dynamics in the high school, he could be heading toward irreversible doom, and that was a risk he was not willing to take.
He saw his salvation just ahead. It was the only option, all else being equal. In an environment where he couldn’t be certain of his baseline status and potential for upward mobility, there was greatness to be had only by association and certainty only in the devil he knew.
Brick helped himself to the empty seat directly across from Blossom Utonium to a chorus of gasps and staring.
Blossom did not startle like her table mates had. She watched him critically behind a head full of bangs as she balanced her soup spoon in her hand. “Really.”
Brick unwrapped the burrito he’d purchased in the lunch line and brandished it before him. “Really.”
He took a bite of the burrito. It was not hot enough. The two girls to Blossom’s left whispered to each other about that bad boy and he’s hot, though.
Blossom daintily spooned soup into her mouth without spilling a single drop as she continued to watch Brick for signs of his imminent dark side transformation.
The guy next to Brick was brave enough to ask him what his next class was. Brick had a mouth full of disappointing burrito, so he passed the guy the printout of his class schedule in lieu of answering.
“Wow, all APs, huh? Hey, we’re in U.S. History together next period, nice. I’m Mike Believe, by the way. Brick Jojo, right?”
Brick didn’t answer him immediately on account of the burrito currently occupying his mouth hole, and Mike took it the wrong way.
“Oh, yeah, we all know who you are. Blossom sort of filled us in.” He winced like he’d inadvertently revealed a terrible secret.
Brick swallowed his food and washed it down with a gulp of water. “Saves me some time.”
Mike looked super relieved. “For sure! Hey, I could lend you my notes if you want to catch up. Gershwin’s giving a quiz on the Progressive Era on Friday, and she’s a hard-ass who definitely won’t care that you just transferred…”
Brick chewed on his lunch as Mike continued to talk at him about classes and other vaguely helpful, albeit uninteresting, information. But Mike seemed normal enough, a little chatty but not in an overeager sort of way. Blossom was no longer clocking his every move and seemed to be absorbed in her friend’s latest swim team cheating scandal, until Brick reached for his water bottle and she suddenly laser-focused on his wandering hand.
Her keen attention to him was honestly flattering, if expected. It was in his nature to be noticed, and in this narrow respect she was no different from anyone else whose head he turned. If she chose to feed her interest with the flames of suspicion, then it was no difference to him.
But if she was anything like him—and on a chemical level she was probably the closest to him that a person could get—he suspected it took tremendous effort to hold her full and sustained attention. The world they inhabited was as vapid and mundane as the humans that surrounded them, and even the most gracious of gods grew bored of worship. Which explained all the smiting and fucking and generational curses upon entire households in everything from Greek mythology to the Old Testament.
Brick was pretty deep into a fantasy of Blossom going full Ixion and the Wheel on the swim team when Mike tapped his shoulder. “You ready to go?”
It took him a moment to realize the bell had rung and he had a class to get to—AP U.S. History with Mike, apparently. Brick gathered his tray and his bag and followed Mike. When he looked back at the table, Blossom was already gone.
That whole first week was painfully boring. No one bullied him, or pranked him, or picked a fight with him, of course. But no one really approached him, either. His brothers were more determined to make an effort. Boomer announced he was trying out for the soccer team because there was no rule saying a Super with extremely well documented ties to active criminals and the forces of Hell couldn’t kick a ball around a field. Butch had gotten himself invited to a midnight screening of Snakes on a Plane in some rich kid’s home movie theater, but only after that same kid had accidentally spilled milk on Butch and burst into tears in front of a cafeteria full of Juniors and Seniors. Brick declined the invitation Butch extended to him. He had that AP U.S. History exam to study for on Friday, anyway.
He shared all of his classes with Blossom. Even in the classes where her assigned seat was behind his and he couldn’t see her, he could feel her lobotomizing stare at the back of his head whenever she glanced up from her notebook. And while Mike’s notes were perfectly adequate and the friendly gesture counted for more than the content (a gesture Brick would not soon forget), there was a far more efficient way to accomplish his goal of murdering the class averages while also taking the edge off his loner doldrums.
“Can I borrow your class notes?”
Blossom rose from her seat and pulled her hair tie out to re-do her extremely long ponytail. She held the elastic between her teeth as she worked. Her teeth were very straight, he noticed. Some pretty nice girl-teeth, generally speaking.
“Which class?”
“All of them.”
He watched her wind the elastic around her hair with quick, adroit fingers. “That’s a lot of notes.”
“You’re the top of every class. No point in asking anyone else.”
She moved toward the hall. He followed her out. “Why would I help you?”
A legitimate question delivered without venom. Unlike her sister Buttercup, who’d “run into” Brick after school on Monday and told him to watch his back, Blossom didn’t have to do anything but maintain a general proximity to make her superiority complex known. Which was the kind of flex he could fuck with.
“Isn’t helping people sort of your mandate?”
They had arrived at her locker, which she opened with enough force to rattle the hinges. “I help the helpless. Are you helpless, Brick?”
Brick smiled at her baiting. Had she ever actually said his name at a normal volume before? It sounded good even in her baseline bitch timbre. “Critically helpless. I’m the new student who transferred in the middle of the semester, and you’re the only person who knows me.”
A couple other students clearly trying to get to the lockers Brick was blocking hovered just out of reach. They whispered to each other, but neither of them actually worked up the courage to ask Brick to move. He ignored them.
Blossom rummaged in her locker for the binder she would need for the next class. “Make friends.”
“Working on it.”
The locker door slammed and she faced him. There was something confrontational in the way she held herself before him that kicked him in the nuts back in time thirteen years to their more uncouth days when all he wanted to do was destroy her so he’d be the only one. Now they were older and wiser and he actually did need her notes to study, so destroying her was not high on his list of priorities.
“You want to be my friend.”
“We have so much in common.”
“So do lions and hyenas.”
“Both are apex predators, so.”
She took a step closer and peered up at him. Brick did not move, although he wondered what was so interesting about his face. She probably just thought he was hot. She was probably as bored as he was. She probably—
“You have lettuce in your teeth.”
Brick pulled back and covered his mouth on instinct. God fucking damnit.
Blossom was already walking away from him by the time he’d picked the food from his teeth. “I’ll expect my notes back in mint condition before first period tomorrow morning.”
Brick pressed a fist against the lockers and quietly fumed. “Dumbass…”
“Um, sorry, but do you mind…?”
The student who’d been waiting for her locker space to clear up had her palms up as if to assuage a feral stray. Brick pushed off the lockers, but his fist left a dent where he’d unleashed some of his impotent self-pity. He looked back at the girl, and she shook her head.
“It’s fine! It, uh, it happens sometimes.” She pointed a couple lockers down to Blossom’s, which was dinged up worse than the others.
Brick stared at Blossom’s locker, and then back at the girl. Her narrow, dark eyes were wide, but not out of fear. She was waiting for something, and like an idiot it took him a moment to catch up. “You’re trying to make me feel better about fucking up your locker.”
She laughed nervously. “I mean, it’s really fine! You just looked so miserable for a second there, and I just thought…”
Great, he was moping so hard he had an audience.
The five minute warning bell rang, and a flood of students rushed past them on their way to fourth period. Brick stepped aside so the girl could get to her locker.
“Hey, you’re the new guy, right?”
The new guy, yeah. How quaint. Except, she was waiting for a response, which wasn’t the absolute worst thing that had happened to him all week.
“Brick,” he said. But of course, she already knew that, and she was just being nice.
“I’m Kim. Kim Chan.”
“Okay.” He didn’t have anything else to say to her, so he decided to get his shit and get to his next class.
“Welcome back to Townsville, Brick.”
Brick shoved his hands in his pockets and stalked off. It didn’t occur to him until later that Kim was the first and only person who had properly welcomed him back home.
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ilovekazuhaa · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're good!
I'm just thinking about something and it's nice. Why do I love Encanto especially when at first I wasn't fussed?
Simple. Right movie at the right time. It still I'd the right movie for me, because I do have issues and problems with my parents, particularly my mum. We are very similar so we clash a lot and when Encanto came out, we were not having a good time. So to have a movie in which there's a flawed family that still love each other, to see a character that's designed to be strong yet feminine at the same time, to have a character realise she doesn't have to do what is expected of her and just says "fuck it", to have twelve main characters and remember each one, what their deal is and what their relationship is to each other, to have the matriarch admit she fucked up...it got to me, man. It really did.
I struggle so much to see my own self worth and when Mirabel sees herself properly for the first time, that's when I ugly cried, that is the feels moment for me.
And this sounds weird, but at the end of the day, the movie is "Good tier Disney". Its not their best, I'd say that would be Beauty and the Beast, but it is my personal favourite. I'm planning on getting a tattoo of it at some point too, but my mum said when we were eating a roast dinner at a pub earlier that Glee meant so much to me when I was younger, so it'd be like younger me getting a Glee tattoo. And what would I be like in ten years time, would i look back and be like "Oh my fucking god"? like I do now about the Glee tattoo thing?
Yes, I can see where she's coming from, but at the same time, Glee is not a good show nor is it timeless. Encanto and Disney in general for the most part, is.
As for the different opinions and stuff, I just agree to undo arguing and then talk about it in the group chat later on. It's very much "Okay boomer".
hi, i am good ty! honestly, i wasn’t intrigued by encanto the first time i saw it either! it took only until the second try for me to like the movie, (bc the first time i saw it in bits and pieces) and the third time i watched it was when i fell in love with it. i agree with what you’re saying, the movie was simply put out at the right time and it’s just so easy to relate to. it’s true that it’s a BIG deal when abuela admitted her wrongdoings. like sure, it was bound to happen, but i was still so shocked by it. i see a lot of these characters in my own family members and that just makes it so much better because you can have fun comparing them with your family or simply finding comfort in them.
No because literally same. I struggle with self worth as well too and i could totally relate to Mirabel in this scene. When she like realized how much she truly meant to her family and how much they need her, it made me cry too. It was one of the reasons i fell in love with the movie in the first place.
And yeah i get what you mean by “good tier” disney. Personally, i think encanto, coco, maybe hercules, or lilo and stitch could be one of their best works. and omg😭 i’d say go for it and get that encanto tattoo. like you only live once and if you don’t want it anymore you could just get it removed. like i remember i felt the same way with The Walking Dead, like i had the biggest crush on one of the characters, and i wanted a tattoo of his face on my arm🤦‍♀️ honestly, if getting tattoos were legal for younger people, i would have a lot by now💀
and yeah i agree. like disney is something that will always be popular and loved, and will always be remembered in some way.
lol i’m the opposite. like if i firmly believe something (mostly not serious like disney or a characters attractiveness) i’ll argue about it for forever and ever but if it’s something more serious (politics mostly) i just back down bc i hate conflict and don’t wanna talk about it. but yeah, i love the “okay boomer” vibes tho. very wholesome.
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