#not to be dramatic or anything but im devestated
belleski · 2 years
apparently all of ‘For the future’ got leaked, so for the next 16-17 days this is no owl house zone. we’re on a 16-17 day long owl house quarentine
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cressthebest · 26 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 44
chapter 67:
1. jfc remus (how is he that strong)
2. god, can’t our side have one fucking win? all these people captured. including my remus
3. “"She started the war for me, and she'll end it for me, too."” GOD i love lesbians
5. 😦
6. marlene?? i-
7. i’m still in shock
8. okay i have my bearings. this is why the post is two days after the last one lol. anyways, i’m actually pissed that she didn’t get to die a big dramatic or memorable death. she didn’t do anything. it was just a landmine. and she’s dead. and i get it, i really do. war isn’t always big heroic deaths. it’s also this. where one moment, you’re planning to propose to your partner and laughing with your freind, and half a second later, you’re blown to bits. but genuinely, her death fucked me up. i knew it was coming, but not like this. holy shit, not like this
anyways, the first thing i did after i read that bit was text my freind. and first thing they did was call me. i sent in bold “IM CRYING” and i get back “why” “MARLENE” bro immediate call. not well. not well at all
9. i continued and read the rest of her death. and her last words being dorcas will forever fuck me up
10. PANDORA????? PANDORA????
12. anyways all i did was call back the freind and say “PANDORA” and that bitch laughed at me. (love them to death) told them to go suck a lemon (they’d never heard that phrase before) and then they made me hang up to finish reading
my poor roommate has heard me call this freind twice (it’s ten o’clock at night)
13. “Horace would need more than just two hands, many more, to count the amount of people who would have gladly put their guns down for Pandora alone.” yeah, me for one
15. james will be devestated beyond belief
16. remus? huh??? he was shot in the head. but. he had a pov. i’m not sure now
17. …dorcas? i was so sure she had a pov
no wait she has a pocket. just checked
18. regulus???
19. um actually albus can fucking keel over. wont save all those other people in the lineup, then hears his brothers name and is willing to sacrifice the war for him. i get it, but alberforth knew this would happen to him
20. huh, damn. and alberforth still gets shot
21. 🚨🚨🚨pandora is safe. holy shit pandora is safe. i repeat pandora is safe 🚨🚨🚨
22. and fleamont and suddenly that all made sense
23. “”You forgot to count your bullets."” do i hate snape? yeah. but that’s fucking iconic
24. “Riddle lost the moment those doors burst open and two of Euphemia's someday son-in-laws moved into the room with Dorcas Meadowes one step ahead of them.” lmao freaking iconic. more historically important than trump getting shot
25. effie stopping to mourn barty gave me chills
26. NO FLEAMONT!!!! i’m getting fucking whiplash from this
27. effie having such a short pov but still so much emotion and character is shown in her love for fleamont
28. yall remus, regulus, and dorcas are fucking insane.
and i’m so here for it
29. “For all those years Sirius was taken away from him, Regulus breaks Riddle's fingers. Ten years, ten fingers.
For what Riddle took from James, Regulus takes his eyes. This is a difficult task. Regulus has never removed someone's eyes before. It's messy, and it takes the combined efforts of Remus and Dorcas to keep Riddle from flopping right out of his chair.”
mom pick me up i’m scared
30. “There are no good people in war, and now Dorcas thinks there are no good people out of it—certainly not her, because she would gladly go back into it just to have Marlene again.”
going feral over this actually. i’m unwell. i’m so freaking feral over this omg
31. reading authors notes and finding out that monty was author’s prim is actually making me go fucking insane
32. 😀 hi i’m unwell
(anyways side note, uhhh chapter was fucking insane but also like if y’all are reading this fic or this post, just know that there is no anger or resentment towards the author. he wrote this for himself and shared it with us. it’s a masterpiece and we RESPECT people. so yeah, this is the story he wanted to tell, so he wrote it for himself. just ya know, so yall remember)
[also don’t sell fics 😊 i will hunt you down]
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rolandkaros · 13 days
only putting a read more cause this is mostly incoherent nonsense pls do not be alarmed
i've been sitting on this train of thought a lot and previously i didn't want to share it bc it felt too dramatic but we are feeling dramatic in this joint 2nite. and also i started thinking about elena too much and got upset again. usually i am very much in the camp of do not comment on other ppls lives/bodies etc. but i’d been going through old pictures of elena from earlier this year and its lowkey devestating like. you can literally see in real time the decline of her health. and i noticed some of it even as early as miami but like i said its not usually something i like to comment on cause its not my business! not my business!! but at some point it just becomes very evident especially from roland garros onward. and the fact that when she was asked a few times about health issues she said there was nothing to look into, there wasn't anything underlying that they were investigating...idk! it fucks with me. and the whole situation with vukov too, like if that had happened earlier in the year i would have really rejoiced but the timing of it and then not playing uso...everything abt all of it just freaks me out and im not saying conspiracy here for the record, i am not drawing connections between vukov and anything (bc i know some ppl ARE and respectfully should STOP)…im just saying its another contributing factor to feeling shit about her whole season. i just try so so so hard to avoid being speculative because it's really like not my business and not my job and we have to trust that everything is being taken care of one way or another. but idk man. it's just so unbelievably unsettling to see in hindsight.
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majimanowhere · 2 years
It's me again! Thank you for answering to my recent ask!
I would like to request for headcanons for Nishiki, Kiryu and maybe even Ichiban if you write for him (all from yakuza) with a s/o who gifts them a plushie based off what their tattoos represent? Like..for Nishiki a koi, for Kiryu a dragon and for Ichiban a dragonfish (It sounds so cheesy omg)
If the request doesn't vibe with you you can skip it! Again, have a good day or night!
so uh.,,.it’s been several months since this request 😋 sorry for the long wait! i have no excuse i’m just lazy :P
irezumi inspired plushie hcs
okay so these are specifically for y0 nishiki, i feel like kiwami nishiki would just throw the stuffed animal away im sorry 💔
he is going to be so fucking annoying about it
and dramatic
you hand him the koi plushie and his entire face lights up like a little kid
he’s so happy and excited about this damn plushie and it’s so adorable
breaking news grown ass man in the mafia cries over stuffed animal
obv tells kiryu all about it
kiryu tries (keyword) to be a supportive kyodai but in all honesty he doesn’t really care and and if nishiki brings up the mention of that fucking plushie one more time he’s gonna
you hand him the dragon plush and he just kinda
stares at it
he looks very confused
i mean tbh idk what reaction you’d expect but it’s kinda embarrassing none the less
“um., thank you.”
but do not mistake his eccentricity for dislike
he’s a little confused but the spirit is there
he enjoys it very much actually! like way more than you’d think
while communication may not be his strong suit, you can tell his fondness of the stuffed animal by its prominent spot in his apartment/room (depending on when you’re imaging this taking place)
he regularly cleans the shelf the plushie is on making it a dust free display (i don’t think he’d sleep with it sorry </3)
if you tease him about it you might be able to get him to actually admit how much he likes the plushie
“i like it. it’s nice. i like to look at it.”
listen okay it may not be a lot, but it’s better than the initial reaction
he’s literally a child
🤩 emoji irl is the best way to describe his reaction
asks you everything about it like how you got it, where you found it, how much was it, how did you get it customized, etc.
he feels so special it’s actually precious
okay now HE would sleep with it
he’d get shit for it from the others too but he got no shame
if anything ever happened to that plush he would be absolutely DEVESTATED
like the entire party would have to be on board to take care of his depressed, soulless body
please buy him another one
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outlawnurse · 6 years
Untitled - Part III
A RDR/RDR2 Fanfic Written by @ninja-nurse
Warning: Language, Violence, Blood, Spoilers
Part I | Part II | Part III
It had been almost two weeks since the woman had woken up.  Her wounds were healing, and she was getting stronger.  She'd started helping around camp as much as she could.  Arthur and Hosea were scouting a job in Blackwater, while Dutch had taken Micah, Davey and Mac with him to scout a job that Micah had brought to his attention.
Sean walked over to the woman, as she sat alone, after finishing her chores, "Caitie?" She looked up at him. "I got you a present." She looked at the box, "That's... for me?" "Open it."  He smiled, holding it for her. She grinned, standing up.  She carefully took the lid off, dropping it to the ground beside her.  She folded back the paper inside.  She gasped, "Sean!  They're beautiful!" "Karen went with me to pick them out."  He smiled, proudly, "You really like them?" She pulled out the matching double action revolvers.  They were silver with white grips with a cougar etched into it.  She played with them, "The weight and balence is perfect.  She aimed the weapon." "I'm glad you like them!" She pulled the new gunbelt out of the box, strapping it on over her skirt, putting the guns in the holsters.  Something caught her eye, "You got me a knife too?" "Keep looking." "Bullets?"  She took out two boxes of ammunition for the revolvers, "Sean, this is all too much!  I can't..." "It's fine.  I know you lost yours... that day.  I was able to sell some stuff at the traders a while back, so I had a little extra money.  I couldn't thing of anything better to spend it on than this." "Thank you!"  She hugged him. "Now you just need to heal up, so we can go run some jobs together again." She smiled, not looking up, as she loaded the two guns, "This means a lot, Sean.  Thank you." He watched her, as she aimed the gun at nothing, "I'm glad you're with us, Cait." "I missed you." "I missed you too."  He smiled, "I haven't seen my family since I left Ireland.  You're like a sister to me.  I don't even know what I would do if I lost you." "I'm not going anywhere."  She holstered her new gun. He smiled at her. "So... You and Karen, huh?" "Yeah, no, I mean...  We're friends?" She nodded, "Uh huh, but you want more." "She's beautiful." "She is."  She nodded, "Have you actually told her how you feel?" He didn't say anything. "Sean, if we've learned nothing else living this life, it's that it's too short.  If you want something, you should just take it." "Do you think I should?" "I don't care what you do, but if she makes you happy..."  She shrugged. "How have you never married?" "I'm a wanted outlaw."  She shrugged, "I think most men are probably intimidated by me once they find out who I am." "Was there ever anyone?" "There was one man...  Thomas Ryan."  She smiled, "He was from Dublin.  He was a good man.  He was willing to have me." "What happened?" "He was killed."  She said, "Some two bit outlaw wannabe decided he wanted to rob the bank in Blackwater a couple years ago."  She rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "Thomas was there trying to get a loan to by some land for us to...  Anyway, he didn't make it." "What happened to the man who killed him?" She looked at him. He nodded, "Did you get the money he took too?" "Two thousand dollars."  She nodded. "Good for you."  He nodded. She nodded, "I still miss him.  He didn't deserve that.  He was a good man.  He always did right by me.  Even my father liked him, and you know him... He didn't like anyone." "Ain't that the truth." She nodded.
*That Night*
"Miss McCutcheon." She looked up at the man, a small shaw wrapped around her shoulders, as it had gotten chilly since the sun had set. "I thought you could use something to warm you up."  He handed her a cup of coffee. "Thank you, Mr. Morgan."  She smiled politely. "Sure."  He nodded, "I'm somewhat known in these parts for my coffee making skills." "Is that what you're known for, Mr. Morgan?"  She grinned, looking up at him again. He looked at her, smirking shyly. She took a sip from the metal cup, "It's very good."   He took off his hat, running his hand through his short blonde hair, "May I sit?" She nodded, sipping at the hot beverage. "How are you holding up?" He returned his hat to his head. "I'm... holding." "I didn't know your father very well, but from what Dutch has told us about him, he was a good man, despite his career choices.  He didn't deserve to go out like that." "Thank you for saying so."  She looked into the cup.
They were both quiet for a few minutes.
"I want to thank you for getting me to the doctor that day.  I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you." "Oh, it was nothing, darlin'."  He nodded, "I'm just glad you're ok." "It wasn't nothing."  She looked at him, taking in his masculine features, as the shadows from the fire danced across his face, "I owe you." "You don't owe me a thing."   She searched his eyes, unsure as to what she was looking for. He felt his cheeks grow warm, as he blushed, breaking his gaze.  He cleared his throat, "Do you remember anything from what happened?" She sighed, "I ... No?" He looked at her again. She took a quick breath, "Did you ever have that feeling like you are forgetting something really important, and it's right there, but you just... can't... remember?" He nodded. "That's how I've felt since I woke up." He sighed, "I'm sorry."
She lowered her head, finishing the coffee that was now cold, "How was your trip to Blackwater with Hosea?" "It went well.  We scouted a job that I think would be pretty lucritive for us." "That's good."  She nodded, "Dutch and Micah should be back in the next day or so, I imagine." He nodded. "This job Micah was talking about.  It sounded like a big one." "Ah, I wouldn't listen to much to what that idiot has to say." "You two don't get along."  She commented. "I don't ... trust him." "You've got to have trust in this business if you're going to accomplish anyting." "I've been with Dutch since I was a kid, and this guy comes a long a couple months ago, and he's like Dutch's new golden child... besides Marston that is." She looked at him, "You don't trust him because you think he's going to take your place." "I don't trust him because he's a son of a bitch." "Be that as it may, Mr. Morgan, from everything I've heard about you from my father, I don't think you have to worry about your place with Mr. Van der Linde.  The man talks about you like a son." "I guess."  He scratched his beard. "If Mr. Bell is the fool you say he is, he'll dig his grave soon enough." He nodded, "One can only hope." "Do you want me to shoot him for you?" The man snortled, not expecting that responce, "I really do, but I suppose it's not the best of ideas right now." "You let me know when."  She nodded. "You'd do that for me?" "You saved my life.  The least I can do is take some bloody arsehole out for you." "Noted." "I should get to bed."  She said, handing him the empty coffee cup, "Thank you for the coffee." "You're welcome." Her hand lingered on his, "We'll have to do this again.  I like talking with you." "I'd like that." She kissed him on the cheek, bravely, putting her hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense, "Good night, Mr. Morgan." "Good night, Miss McCutcheon."  He cleared his throat, feeling his face burn.
*The Next Morning*
Caitlin walked up to the group, eating breakfast around the fire.  She held her side, as it hurt her, "Sean." He looked up, "Good mornin'." She sighed, heavily, "I need to borrow your horse." "Good mornin', Sean.  How're ya doin', Caitie?  I'm feelin' much better, so I am.  Tanks for askin'.  How're you doin' today, Sean?  Oh, I'm grand!  I've got me best friend back, and..." "You always were a dramatic one, Sean Macguire."  She shook her head, "Can I borrow your horse or not?" "...and just where do you think you're going?"  Susan walked over to her, overhearing the conversation, "You're still healing.  You're in no shape to be riding all the way back to the McCutcheon Ranch." "I'm feelin' much better.  I need to...  I have to go home." Sean looked at her, "Oh, love, there's nothin' to go home to.  I thought Dutch talked to you about this before he left.  The house... the barn..." "He did."  She interriped him, not wanting to hear it again, "It's just something I have to do.  You know I'm just going to steal the horse anyway, so you might as well just let me take 'im." He rolled his eyes, standing up, "You wouldn't." "...because it would be the first time I stole your horse?" The two stared each other down. Arthur caught wind of the argument, walking over. "Goddamn it!"  He growled, too proud to admit that he was intimidated by the woman, "Fine, but I'm going with you." "Fine."  She flapped her arms, "Let's go!"  She gestured toward the horse. "Right now." "Yes, right..."  She closed her eyes, sighing, "Sean!" "Ok!"  He jumped, following her.
"Mr. Morgan," Susan grabbed his arm, "will you go with them?" "Where are they going?" "Caitlin has a burning desire to go home and won't take no for an answer." Karen snickered, "I think it's more like Sean is too scared of her to say no." Arthur nodded. "I think the girl needs to get some closure... to say goodbye." "Yep."  He followed the two, "Marston!" He turned his head, looking up, as he finished his coffee. "Are you comin'?" "Well, I got nothin' better to do."  He shrugged, following him.
*McCutcheon Ranch*
Caitlin stood at the entrance of the ranch, looking at the devestation.  She was overwhelmed with intense anger and sadness.  Her jaw was clinched tight.  Her hands were in tight balls at her sides.  She took a few steps, looking at the body in front of her. "I thought you said you cleaned this place up?"  She looked at Sean. "I guess we missed one.  I'm sorry, Caitie." "You guess you missed one."  She muttered under her breath. She lifted her skirt, kicking the man, yelling, "Fuck you, O'Driscoll!  Let me fucking find you!  I'm going to fuck your day up!" The corners of Arthur's mouth turned up a bit, as he watched her loot the body for a silver pocket watch and seventy four cents. "We already buried your da."  Sean called to her, "Your brothers...  They're..." "I imagine I know where to find 'em, Sean."  She snapped, as the family cemetary was just out back of the once two story farm house. "You don't scare me, Caitie."  He snapped back. She glared at him. He sat back in the saddle. John chuckled, quietly, "She might be scarier than you there, Arthur." "Oh, I don't doubt that."  He grinned.
The woman suddenly whistled, loudly.  She didn't hear anything.  She took a few steps forward.  She whistled again. "What's she doing?"  John whispered, leaning in to Sean. He shook his head.
All of a sudden, a horse's whinny could be heard in the distance. Tears filled her eyes, as she whistled again, "Gus!" The grullo stallion galloped toward them, bucking. "Gus!"  She ran toward the horse, as he reared, bucking again, before taking a few steps toward her.  She wrapped her arms around his neck. The horse nodded his head, swishing his tail. "You still have that old colt?"  Sean asked. "Of course!"  She pat him. "That's a fine looking horse."  Arthur nodded. "Thank you."  She smiled, turning back to the horse, "I caught him, broke him, and trained him myself."  She pet him for a minute, "I'm going to ... do a few things.  Why don't you boys check what's left of the house for any supplies for camp.  Whatever you find is yours." The three head toward the house, as she made her way to the collapsed, burnt out barn.
They weren't seperated for more than five minutes, when two quick gunshots rang out. The men looked at each other, drawing their weapons before running quickly toward the sound.
"... touching my shit, you son of a bitch!"  She looted the man, before kicking him. "Are you ok?"  Arthur asked her, holstering his weapon. "I'm fine."  She sighed, putting the man's belongings in her satchel, "Apparently this guy thought he could rob my house.  Not today!"  She yelled at the dead man, as a pool of blood gathered near her feet. "Well, I'm glad to see your getting back to yourself, Caitie."  Sean chuckled. "He was stealing my..." He put his hands up, "Relax, love.  I'm on your side." She sighed, "Let's get done." "Do you always do that when you kill someone?"  Arthur gesture toward the body. "What?" "Take their shit?" "I mean," she seemed a little taken aback by the question, "it's not like he's going to need it anymore." Arthur nodded with approval. "You're OK with me killing a man, but draw the line at robbing the body afterward?" He laughed, "No, darlin'.  I like how thorough you are." "I bet you will."  Her raised her eyebrows. John smiled, looking at the man. "Let's get back to the house and see if we can find anything."  Arthur walked away, his face burning with embarassment. Sean chuckled, "You haven't even changed a bit." She smiled.
The group gathered everything they could from what was left of the ranch, and waited for Caitlin to meet them. "Go get her."  Arthur said, "We can still get back by dark." Sean walked toward the family's small cemetary.  He stopped when he saw the woman, kneeling on the ground in front of her father's grave, sobbing. "I promise you that I will find him, and I will kill him myself."  She coughed out. Sean hesitated, "Caitie?" She looked up at him, wiping her eyes, quickly. "Erm," he feared her wrath, "we're ready when you are." She nodded, putting her hand out. He helped her to her feet.
The two walked back to where John and Arthur waited atop their horses. "Are you ok?"  John asked. "I want Colm O'Driscoll.' "Revenge is a fools game."  Arthur said, as Sean helped the woman to mount her horse. She looked at the man, "You don't have to help me.  I'm just telling you... that man is going to die, and it's going to be by my hand, so help me God." Arthur looked at her, seeing the pain in her eyes, "You ready?" She nodded. He turned his horse, spurring him forward. The rest of them followed.
To Be Continued............
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