#not the anon doubling down on their prev message😭
dan3avocado · 11 months
he showed that he doesn't think women drivers are good enough to compete against men in f1 "good is subjective". if given the chance, any woman driver could easily outrace his ass
Again, anon, where exactly did he say anything about women drivers not being good enough? Because there is video evidence of him saying the opposite if only you could look past your bias.
Secondly, ‘any’ woman driver could easily outrace an f1 driver with more than a decade of experience? lol ok. You’re clearly not a fan of f1 or motorsports in general.
Also since you are so vocal about all of this, why not come off of anon? why hide if you’re right?
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tumbleweed-palmer · 3 years
not to stir things up but literally prev anon must be new to tumblr like do you not know how tags work on here? we don't use them like that and they could've just blocked you instead of hate mail too 😭🙄
YES! Just block people if they're annoying you, or just ask politely for them to stop the behavior that's bothering you. Like on previous blogs I've had people be like "hey can you just use a different tag for those kinds of posts because it's clogging up the tag?" and I apologize and do it because yeah I get it. If I got that message I would have been apologetic and made an effort to make a new tag for those kinds of posts.
But if you come at me rude as hell and get insulting about it then I will just double down on being an annoying little shit.
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