punkyoctos · 3 years
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CONFESSION (minor edits were made, original is below):
I couldn't watch the kiss scene I literally hid in my sweather everytime that scene came and it took me 4 TIMES to watch it without looking away and giggling. Yes, I’m a child. Yes, I’m an adult. We EXISTS.
Submit your confessions here! Please carefully read through all rules before confessing!
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punkyoctos · 3 years
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i am in love with ada. that’s it. that’s the confession.
Submit your confessions here! Please carefully read through all rules before confessing!
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punkyoctos · 4 years
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So, the only reason I’m even in the Octopunk fandom is thanks to YouTube recommended giving me Detroit: Evolution on a silver platter. This was around the time I was getting back into DBH after about a year of not playing. I threw myself back in the fandom and (embarrassingly) spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos related to it. That’s most likely why it was in my recommended, but here’s the issues in this situation:
1) I didn’t know ANY ships in the fandom yet, let alone Reed900.
2) I didn’t know who Gavin was because I didn’t pay attention.
3) I didn’t know who Nines was because I never got the RK900 ending.
So… I went into DE… not understanding that it was gay.
I wish I was kidding, but I didn’t realize they had feelings up until Nines fights with ZenGavin, and even then, I just thought it was one-sided sad gay angst. It got to The Scene™, I had the weirdest come-to-jesus moment and realized how big dumb I was being.
Anyway, I rewatched it two times before I finally understood it all.
I am a mess.
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punkyoctos · 4 years
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Heyo, tis I, Kim! Welcome to punkyoctos, your one stop shop for all your confession needs. Confessions are currently OPEN, so confess your little hearts out. All confessions made will be posted ANONYMOUSLY to protect the identities of the confessors.
Under the cut will be a breakdown of all the rules you can find in the submission box. The rules may be subject to update, and an announcement will be made if there are changes. Rules must be followed at all times while confessing.
RULE ONE - “Please do NOT use the confessions to dox or call out a member of the community. That is not the point of this blog, and you will be blocked.”
Case in point, the point of this blog is to have a little fun, and immerse ourselves just a little bit more in the community that has come to surround Octopunk Media. Whether it’s Livescream, Paradisa, or most generally DA/DE, we’re all in this together, and this blog is here to celebrate it! Therefore, call outs of other members of the community - no matter the intent - will be deleted on site. Doxxing of community members will always result in a block, because doxxing is illegal no matter the area of the world you live in, and is gross all around.
RULE TWO - “Bigotry of any sort will result in an immediate block.”
This rule is rather self-explanatory. The community is very diverse, with a very prominent LGBT+ fanbase. Any kind of erasure will not nor ever be tolerated. Anyone that believes otherwise most certainly should step away from the community and evaluate their way of thinking before stepping a single toe in the door.
RULE THREE - “Submit only one confession per 24 hours.”
As of right now, I am the only person manning this blog. To ensure I do not become encumbered with more confessions I can handle - and that any future mods I bring do not become overwhelmed - only one confession per day from the same person is allowed. Anything more from the same person will be deleted. A repeat offender will be messaged with a reminder of the rule, and if it’s continuously ignored, they will be blocked.
RULE FOUR - “Please be patient after submitting a confession. You may inquire about the status of a confession, but only once per week. Constant inquiries will result in refused submissions and a potential block.”
Again, I am only one person. This is also to ensure that I and any future mods are not overwhelmed with inquiries as to the status of a confession. Rest assured that once a confession is made, it will be drafted up as an anonymous post and thrown in the queue. 
RULE FIVE - “Keep confessions PG-13. X-rated confessions will be deleted, in the name of keeping this blog open and accessible to everyone.”
Because there are members of the community that are minors, it is best that confessions veer into a safer area. Anything along the lines of nsfw/adult topics will be deleted, with a reminder message sent to the confessor. Repeat offenses will result in a block.
RULE SIX - “NO REAL LIFE SHIPPING CONFESSIONS. Under no circumstances will real life shipping confessions be tolerated on this blog. You WILL be blocked.”
Case in point, real life shipping/fanfic has a long track record of being a gross violation of privacy. To have strangers online outright stating that one has or is a certain way very much drives people away from friends, family, and romantic partners. It is not nor ever will be acceptable. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, you are not a god, you cannot play with people’s lives like they’re fictional characters. Stop it, get some help.
RULE SEVEN - “Please make all submissions in English, so that everyone can understand.”
Very self-explanatory. Despite a world-wide community, Michelle is American, and only speaks/understands English fluently. Any replies made in any other language are generally run by translators since Google Translate alone is on the other side of reliable. I, myself, am American and only speak/understand English fluently. This rule is only so that confessions are accessible to everyone.
Feel free to ask any questions. Repeat questions will likely be thrown in a FAQ, so there’s something to refer back to when inquiring about anything. Happy confessing!
-Mod Kim
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