#not that it's a surprise to literally anyone
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There was also one thing that went in the other direction in GoT. Despite a lot of foreshadowing, a large chunk of the audience set expectations for Daenerys Targaryen that they shouldn’t have. I may have posted about this before. In any case, I have a friend who moonlights as a film critic, but his day job is social worker. He called what would happen to Daenerys at the end of season 2. At the time, no one wanted to believe him. Even I was skeptical, though I had to admit the argument was a compelling one.
His argument? Look at it from the point of view of a social worker who has seen – in real life – some of the worst situations humans get into. I’m paraphrasing from memory, not quoting.
We have a subject, one Daenerys Targaryen. She’s from a family with a very long history of congenital mental illness (comparisons can be made to European royal/noble lineages). Onset of the family mental illness is usually very quick, “sudden” according to those who’ve witnessed it. Her father, “The Mad King”, was a victim of this mental illness. Orphaned at a young age after her father was killed during a rebellion, “Danny” was raised by her sole surviving older brother, who abused her physically, emotionally, and sexually. Constantly on the run and having to watch out for assassination attempts, she learned not to trust anyone. She was married at a young age to a “Khal” (Horse-Lord) against her will in order to secure an alliance and troops to regain the throne for her brother. She learned to love this Khal, and the relationship was not damaged when her brother was killed right in front of her by the Khal due to bad behavior brought on in part by the family’s congenital mental instability. Her life became more stable during her marriage, until her husband the Khal was killed. When the rest of the Dothraki Khals made it clear to her that her life as she knew it was over and that she would be expected to stay with the other widows of Khals who had passed away, over her protests, she resolved the issue by mass murder of said Khals by way of arson. Fire – fascination with it and using it to cause harm – have been a recurring motif in the family’s mental instability.
And that’s just where we were at the end of season two. As time went on, it became clearer and clearer that Daenerys was heading in the same direction, though some of the signs weren’t clear until after the fact. Every time she was confronted with an obstacle, she was likely to burn the obstacle to the ground. She would listen to advisors but increasingly adopted a “my way or the highways” mentality. Everyone kept cheering her on because she was powerful – both personally and politically – and the people she was going after were “bad people”. The magicians who just wanted to exploit her. The slavers. Criminals. Despite good advice about not crucifying all the nobles on the way to Mereen, she did so anyways. This sowed the seeds for the rebellion that would take place later. By the time the episode “The Bells” rolls around, she’s lost most of her closest advisers and friends – some she drove away, some have been killed (in a few cases by her), and some have been left behind. She’s lost one of her dragons, her “child”. She’s literally burning people who won’t swear fealty to her.
The fact that when her closest friend is killed right in front of her by Cersei it “flips the switch” and causes her family’s congenital mental issues to surface, where she uses fire to burn most of King’s landing shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone. In fact, it wasn’t a shock to me by that point. I may have been throwing peanuts at the screen going “don’t do it, fight it” but the fact was that I already knew what she was going to do when the bells started to toll. A lot of people didn’t put the pieces together. They didn’t see the signs, they didn’t have a social worker to warn them in season 2, they loved the character. Apparently this blindness happens in real life – people don’t see the danger until afterwards.
my 10 holy grail pieces of writing advice for beginners
from an indie author who's published 4 books and written 20+, as well as 400k in fanfiction (who is also a professional beta reader who encounters the same issues in my clients' books over and over)
show don't tell is every bit as important as they say it is, no matter how sick you are of hearing about it. "the floor shifted beneath her feet" hits harder than "she felt sick with shock."
no head hopping. if you want to change pov mid scene, put a scene break. you can change it multiple times in the same scene! just put a break so your readers know you've changed pov.
if you have to infodump, do it through dialogue instead of exposition. your reader will feel like they're learning alongside the character, and it will flow naturally into your story.
never open your book with an exposition dump. instead, your opening scene should drop into the heart of the action with little to no context. raise questions to the reader and sprinkle in the answers bit by bit. let your reader discover the context slowly instead of holding their hand from the start. trust your reader; donn't overexplain the details. this is how you create a perfect hook.
every chapter should end on a cliffhanger. doesn't have to be major, can be as simple as ending a chapter mid conversation and picking it up immediately on the next one. tease your reader and make them need to turn the page.
every scene should subvert the character's expectations, as big as a plot twist or as small as a conversation having a surprising outcome. scenes that meet the character's expectations, such as a boring supply run, should be summarized.
arrive late and leave early to every scene. if you're character's at a party, open with them mid conversation instead of describing how they got dressed, left their house, arrived at the party, (because those things don't subvert their expectations). and when you're done with the reason for the scene is there, i.e. an important conversation, end it. once you've shown what you needed to show, get out, instead of describing your character commuting home (because it doesn't subvert expectations!)
epithets are the devil. "the blond man smiled--" you've lost me. use their name. use it often. don't be afraid of it. the reader won't get tired of it. it will serve you far better than epithets, especially if you have two people of the same pronouns interacting.
your character should always be working towards a goal, internal or external (i.e learning to love themself/killing the villain.) try to establish that goal as soon as possible in the reader's mind. the goal can change, the goal can evolve. as long as the reader knows the character isn't floating aimlessly through the world around them with no agency and no desire. that gets boring fast.
plan scenes that you know you'll have fun writing, instead of scenes that might seem cool in your head but you know you'll loathe every second of. besides the fact that your top priority in writing should be writing for only yourself and having fun, if you're just dragging through a scene you really hate, the scene will suffer for it, and readers can tell. the scenes i get the most praise on are always the scenes i had the most fun writing. an ideal outline shouldn't have parts that make you groan to look at. you'll thank yourself later.
happy writing :)
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Usually I try to better clean up and color these... But I REALLY wanted to share 'em as soon as possible cuz I really like how they look already, sue me :')))
Some story time under the cut for those of you who want context >:000
((EDIT - Small TWs for some negative talk and mentions of grief. Also spoilers for the ending on Chapter 4 :00)
As mentioned in a previous post, Gabby and Doey's relationship is... Very strained after the events of the fourth chapter.
Doey joined the group (Gabby, Kissy and Ava) eventually while they were venturing as subtly as possible to avoid running into Huggy. It was a surprise, obviously - they all thought he was six feet underground since the aftermath of him crashing down. They were all relieved to know he was still alive, but something was different. He wasn't as jovial as his usual self was... He was just... Off. Quiet. Monotone.
(Which is understandable since the guy is literally GRIEVING the loss of the kids of the Safe Haven y'know- and he feels immense guilt for what happened)
At some point, they get separated - Kissy and Ava stick together, while Doey and Gabby venture on their own way, both groups hoping to join each other again eventually. Doey and Gabby still have that quiet dynamic going on, because the human guy doesn't want to make things any worse than they already are. So he tries to be the cheerful one. For both his and Doey's sakes. He tries as hard as he can. But it falls flat. And Gabby, despite himself, grows more and more irritated by Doey's unusual calmness. Something's obviously going on and he won't say anything about it.
Something happens that puts them in a dangerous situation, and everything spills out. Gabby wants to talk, he wants answers. Doey is trying to ignore it, but he's being pushed. And suddenly his anger blooms back out. And he lashes out on Gabby. Shouts all the words he hadn't gotten out. How he was never any good for the kids. How he could've done so much more. How if it wasn't for him, "they'd still be breathing and standing right now". How Gabby can't understand. And Gabby... Takes it. He stands there, listening to every single thing he says. Silently.
He's not afraid. And Doey notices. It's unnerving. It catches him completely off guard. It's like something is starting to break inside of him. Something he's not sure he wants to let shatter much more...
And then Gabby hugs him. And the thing in Doey's core is completely obliterated. And the crocodile tears are finally, finally let loose. And his shoulders finally relax to wrap themselves around the short man.
They talk after some VERY good comforting words from Gabby. They find Kissy and Ava after some searching, and they're back on track.
And from then on, their relationship changes back slowly to the small friendship they had formed in the past, plus more. They both understand and trust each other, and Doey feels relief from having someone he can confide in and let himself relax with. And just... Be a kid. Even if just for a bit. All three kids need that so badly, and Gabby tries his best to give that to them. To Doey. Because he, out of anyone, deserves a break the most.
#... oof. i uh. might come in and change some of all that because this is all one-shot and lots of it probably don't make any sense#I TRIED#I promise I can write sometimes. today just isn't the day I think whoops#ANYWAY- AU LOREEEE#Because I need Doey to be happy again damnit :((((#Immediate serotonin#+ gave a hug to the guy because GOODNESS GRACIOUS DOES HE NEED A THOUSAND#my art#doodle#writing#poppy playtime#poppy playtime chapter 4#poppy playtime spoilers#doey#doey the doughman#self insert#ppt#Big Bro & Kids Shenanigans AU#PS. also keep in mind I'm French so uh... if some stuff don't make sense that might also explain why lmao
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9 lies about Arcane Season 2 you probably believe.
1. Jinx got magically fixed. <-No, she didn’t. What happened was that during season 1 her narrative conflict was between being Powder or Jinx. Every time she had a psychotic episode it was around this issue and the ending dinner party was about this same thing. In the end her conflict was resolved. She is Jinx. She sits in the Jinx chair to drive this point home. So she starts season 2 with a lot more clarity than she had in season 1 because her inner turmoil has been resolved. Her psychotic episodes aren’t gone, they just don’t bubble to the surface as much anymore because she has a NEW arc to focus on.
2. Caitlyn gassed all of Zaun <-No, she didn’t. Piltover was planning on a full scale invasion of Zaun, and Caitlyn convinced them that this was a terrible idea that would kill innocent people in the crossfire. Her idea was a tactical attack against the chem barons themselves and anyone loyal to Silco to get rid of Shimmer. She deliberately uses the pipes to change where the Grey is flowing and pump it into specific targeted areas and she and her team travel INSIDE the pipes to get there and do surprise attacks. Key point is that the Grey is not just flowing anywhere, she’s controlling where it’s going and doing everything in her power to NOT let it affect the average citizens of Zaun. The equivalent of a tear gas attack. Ethically and morally wrong, yes, but not “gassing all of Zaun.”
3. The writers forgot about the classism divide. <-No they didn’t. The classism issues extend all the way to the end of the show. In fact, after Jinx’s attack on the council it gets WORSE as Piltover cracks down on Zaun. We see Zaun oppressed horribly in season 2. This is not framed a a good thing. We see Jayce beg Zaun to help them even after everything they did to Zaun. This is framed as arrogance and is stated in the show that it is unfair. We see that after the war Zaun gets a seat on the counsel, but little progress is made towards fixing the classism divide. This is framed as a bandaid solution and you are not supposed to be happy about it. The show ending without resolving the conflict does not mean they forgot the conflict. It’s actually a statement. Because the theme of the show is the cycle of violence. You are meant to see the end of the show and understand that because they didn’t do more to fix the problem, this cycle of violence will continue.
4. Vander and Silco knowing who the kids are undermines their characters and is a retcon. <-No it does not and no it isn’t. Vander knew who the kids were. If he didn’t he wouldn’t be able to silently tell them where their dead parents were. And if the kids didn’t know Vander, they wouldn’t approach a giant hulking brute beating someone up in the aftermath of a battle. Likewise, Silco knows who the kids are because he literally has his goons following them on their botched job and uses the knowledge of who the kids are with to get back at Vander. When Silco approaches Powder he asks her “where is your sister?” which wouldn’t make sense if he didn’t know who they were. This is all established within the first few minutes of the series. Showing in Season 2 that Vander and Silco knew the kids isn’t a retcon, it’s just adding more context to information we already knew.
5. The Grey gives people cancer! <-No… but also kinda yes? See the problem with this is that we actually don’t know how the grey works. Vander, Silco, Sevika and others of Zaun all worked in the mines. They experienced the Grey on a constant basis and they never developed any negative symptoms. Additionally we are shown that while immediate effects are negative, those effects clear up after a while. But we also know that the Kiramman family built the vent system to pump out the toxic gases because it was affecting Zaun citizens in bad ways, and we know that Viktor is suffering from some form of ailment as a result of the toxic air. The grey is more akin to being tear gas. Immediately bad, clears up after a while, but detrimental to your health if longterm exposed. And being crippled like Viktor exasperates things. So technically yes, the grey does make you terminally sick… BUT that is not a universal experience, does not happen to people only exposed to the grey for short periods of time, and is made worse if you’re sick.
6. Shimmer is Zaun’s only form of medicine! <-This is absolutely NOT true. Zaun is huge. It’s at least the size of Piltover if not bigger. They have doctors. They have medicine. The reason Huck says doctors are “a little hard to come by” is because Vi and Caitlyn were literally in the slums where access to those things aren’t easy to get to. And just because a potion’s expert exists doesn’t mean that Shimmer is a good alternative to normal medicine. Quite the opposite, actually as we see that shimmer is a highly addictive drug. And while it can heal people, that comes at a cost. It was a risky move on Caitlyn’s part to give this shimmer infused concoction to Vi, but it was their only choice at the time. You should not use this incident as a rule that shimmer is good for Zaun in any way.
7. Caitlyn never apologizes or gets punished for her actions. <-This is such a bizarre criticism to me because she DOES apologize, just not with words. She acknowledges with Vi that she knows what she did was wrong. She admits to Jinx that hating her made her hate herself (that’s called a regret btw). And to prove her love for Vi, she lets Vi free Jinx and lets her anger of Jinx go. She puts Sevika on the council in her stead, she fights for Zaun and Piltover against Ambessa in the war, and she loses an eye in the process. I do not know how you watch any of that and think Caitlyn doesn’t feel regret and remorse for what she did or try to make amends for it.
8. Vi should’ve gone after Jinx because she knew she was suicidal. <-This is another misconception about Vi. She doesn’t know jinx is suicidal. She doesn’t even know how Jinx’s psychosis affects her. In their first interaction as adults, Vi doesn’t understand Jinx is talking to her hallucinations. At the dinner party scene Vi accidentally triggers Jinx into a panic attack. When Vi frees Jinx from the cell where Jinx is sad Isha died in an explosion she says Jinx should use her “explosive potential for good.” That’s not something you say to someone who just lost a kid in an explosion. And when Jinx saves her in the finale, she says “guess you shouldn’t have come back, eh?” Vi doesn’t grasp how bad Jinx is mentally. She doesn’t recognize that she’s suicidal. Additionally, finding Jinx has been the one thing NO ONE in this show has been able to do. Vi and Caitlyn spent weeks trying to find her together. And Caitlyn spent at least a couple months after failing to find her too. When Jinx leaves, you’re not finding her again no matter how much you want to. If Jinx wants to be found, Jinx will let YOU know. So Vi, locked in a prison cell, isn’t going to find Jinx even if she wanted to after being freed by Caitlyn. There’s a war coming, there’s no time to hunt for Jinx. That wasn’t going to happen.
9. Vi dying in the explosion changing things between Piltover and Zaun makes no sense in the AU. <-So this is a misconception. Vi dying isn’t the ONLY reason things changed. For starters, in the main timeline when the explosion goes off, Vi and her gang manage to escape the enforcers with loot they stole. Piltover sees that as Zaun attacking Piltover in a terrorist attack. In the AU, however, the kids don’t get away. They don’t end up stealing from Piltover. It’s framed as Zaun kids blown up by an irresponsible Piltover scientist. The blame is shifted from Zaun to Piltover and THAT is the beginning catalyst for improving tensions between the cities. On top of that, Heimerdinger from the main timeline arrives a few years later because of the anomaly. Thanks to his time with Ekko, he uses that time to steer the two cities towards even more cooperation and peace. Heimerdinger says as much when Ekko asks him what he’s been doing for the past 3 years. Finally, the AU exists for the narrative reason that it’s showing Ekko what he needs to be fighting for and showing us what could be IF the two cities work together. It is intentionally much more idealistic.
#arcane#arcane season 2#arcane spoilers#caitlyn kiramman#caitvi#vi arcane#Ambessa#Jayce#Viktor#arcane theories#arcane thoughts#arcane theory#arcane season 1
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That Naga Danny gave me ideas:
Python Naga Danny, almost in his 30's and built sturdy and thick like Jason. Looks like he could eat a man whole and not blink.
Runs an orphanage on the outskirts of Gotham, where most people don't bother going because it's easy to "be disappeared" into the woods that the orphanage's backyard connects to.
Red Hood, the local Draugr, has brought kids to him before, and at least one of his little ones is there because they're in witness protection. Anytime anyone comes by, there's always at least one kid either hanging off of his arms, or riding on his tail.
Now imagine his surprise to find a literal harpy (Cass) on his doorstep, with the City Spirit (Bruce/Batman) looming in the background while his daughter handed a very small child to Danny.
Usually, none of the Bats ever come in, always off to save more people.
This time, Danny's smooth whisper of scales on the floor is accompanied by the quiet clicking of talons on his nice wood floor of the entryway. Danny is still holding the child, but they're small enough (and him big enough) that he can hold them in one arm while holding the other one out for the Harpy to perch on. Bare-bones that she is, she doesn't weigh much and his enhanced strength means she seems even lighter to him specifically.
He already knows the older kids are going to tease him for it, but he'd rather that, and being able to carry such a magnificent Harpy specimen this close, than risking holes in his nice floors.
That, and the way the Big Bat is pouting at his daughter in the window while she preens at Danny's attention.
“Your feathers are beautiful,” Danny said. He rubbed the back of the child he was holding as he smiled at the harpy that was standing above him.
She stared at him with wide eyes, her wing feathers fluffing up before she shook out her wings and smiled.
“Thank you,” she said, her face turning pink.
Danny beamed at her, ignoring the way his cheeks felt faintly hotter than usual. “Thank you for bringing this child to me. I know that you must be busy.”
She shook her head. “No. I’m free.”
Danny chuckled, adjusting his shoulders as the harpy on him moved around and perched on his shoulders, her talons digging into his skin.
She was beautiful all over. Her feathers were glossy, and healthy, her talons were strong and sharp, her wings stretched above them both even as she held them tightly to her body. Her eyes were dark, crystal clear like obsidian and mirrors. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
Danny politely looked away. The child on his arms was staring at him with big eyes with a faint look of bafflement and judgement. Danny continued smiling, now feeling a bit embarrassed that he was so awed by the harpy that was standing on his shoulders.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“I’m going to introduce this child to the other kids,” he said. After a moment, he asked, “Would you like to come with?”
“Why not?” She asked, tilting her head. Her eyes were entirely focused on him.
Danny looked to the side, where he could faintly see the City Spirit staring at him with eyes of an aggrieved father who was watching his beloved daughter being stolen away by the town fool.
“…. No reason.”
The harpy looked up and glared out the window. The City Spirit disappeared shortly.
The harpy looked back at Danny with a beaming smile. “I’m free. I’ll go with you, okay?”
Danny blinked and then smiled. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Together, he slid along the floor with the harpy still perched on his shoulder.
#dpxdc#dcxdp#dp x dc#dc x dp#danny phantom x dc#dp x dc crossover#ask#anon ask#danny fenton#danny x cass#cassandra wayne#cassandra cain#dead silent ship#ty for the ask!#creature au
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Just so y’all know — in case some are interested — I started plotting this out and it’s quickly devolved into a 10 part series minimum and god Dick Grayson I’m sorry. I’m going to put you through so much.
It’ s literally becoming a full rewrite and will hit on many canon moments that I think are fun. People will develop in surprising ways.
If you want hints read below the cut:
Nightwing leaves the teen titans to take on Batman’s role in the justice league and lets Cass take the teens. Nightwing is going to become one of the triad. Diana will take on the role of Batman. Superman is Superman. Nightwing takes on her role. Occasionally, Barry weighs in to help on decision making because he’s close to Dick. The triad is occasionally a quad. Superman and Nightwing will have a closer relationship than they have with Diana.
Also Nightwing will kill if he or anyone he loves is in danger (no more dead robin’s becomes no more dead sidekicks) and it is the most efficient way out. This changes the justice league. (Superman can and will never kill. He knows if he did it would destroy the superhero community.)
Barry and Nightwing get donuts and Barry helps Nightwing with how to handle civilians who “aren’t as smart as Gothamites.” When Dick needs a speedster he calls Barry. Wally will remember this.
Kori and Dick break up because Dick has too much going on and needs to settle into his new role and take care of his family. He is never r***d and Kori doesn’t accuse him of cheating. There is no fallout and Kori pines. Hard.
Dick never lies to his family. Jason lied and he died in Ethiopia. Tim can’t handle them lying to him. Bruce will let Dick lie but hurt all the same. Cass will always catch him in a lie and Dick doesn’t want to hurt his daughter. To Dick, loyalty is the most important trait. If you’re disloyal you’re words are meaningless.
Jason gets to Eat Pray Love his way across the superhero community when he returns to the fold. He tries on so many superhero names: Red Hood, GoldenWings (as a nod to the second robin and Dick), Flamebird on occasion when Dick needs Jason to run Gotham, and Magpie: The Hero who Stole Life. Dick calls in favors with the superhero’s he knows to help Jason find his way. He still establishes The Outsiders. But he’ll also come running when Gotham calls.
Steph becomes a Bird (they’re the BirdClan now, not the Bats) and founds the young justice league with Cassie, Bart, and Kon. She occasionally brings around her “Uncle” Crow (aka Tim) for family friendly adventures! When Bart and Kon die on her orders taking down Superboy Prime and Dick is lost to the time stream, she breaks down, cheats on Cass with Cassie (who then leaves to join the cult) and tries to clone everybody after stealing Tim’s notes. She is a messy bird! And that is why she and Tim get along so well.
Damien runs away from the league when he’s 13. With Bruce no longer Batman, Talia wasn’t going to send him. But Damien wants to meet his father and he’s read all he can on his father’s heir: Nightwing. He views Dick as a blood son even though Dick is adopted. He wants to mentor under Nightwing and meet the family he sees in Tim’s twitch streams. (Tim streams Magic the Gathering and DnD content.)
Bruce is a really good fucking Dad (and Grandpa to Cass!)! He’s done a lot of self reflecting after he put down the cowl and becomes this worlds version of Oracle (I think Hestia is his name — Mother of the Hearth who’ll always keep the fire warm for when his birds come back back to the nest). When Damien arrives, he accepts his son with open arms and cares for him deeply.
Tim never becomes a superhero — sort of. He’s trained by Batman and Nightwing and later Jason. But he’s never let onto the front lines and when he’s pulled for his skills as a detective and healer when shit goes down, he’s protected as a non-combatant. He takes an apprenticeship under Leslie at a young age so he can learn to care for his family and learns magic from Constantine (who occasionally stays at the manor — it started because he’s fascinated by this Bruce with looser morals and then stays as one of the family as a weird Uncle) so he can heal the impossible wounds. Sometimes he thinks about time travel to get Jason back but Bruce always talks him down. He has two superhero names depending if he’s in Gotham: Cardinal as a nod to the red and black of nightwing’s suit. Or Crow when consulting for the JL.
Bernard REFUSES to believe Tim is Crow even after Tim tells him and proves he’s magic. He refuses!
Bernard becomes a hero. The one time his conspiracy theories are right, he tracks down and demands training from Lady Shiva who thinks this kid is wild! I have a whole thing. It’s TimBerKon. Tim enjoys scary dog privileges!
I have a whole plot idea for rewriting the “retrieve family from the timestream” plot! I’m so excited. I don’t want to spoil it. So I won’t say anything else.
Also I have a whole thing with Cass which is so cool! Her hero name when she turns 18 is Parrot and she take over Bloodhaven and I won’t say more. But she gets a kick ass sidekick and AH I love it!
A Batman fanfic idea:
A “Tim gets adopted early” AU but Jason still goes to Ethiopia, still gets betrayed and captured and tortured and dies.
So Batman is losing it. It takes all of Superman’s strength and cunning to keep Batman from killing the joker. And it’s only his youngest son’s voice through the comms who calms him down long enough to be restrained.
But even then, Batman can’t control himself completely. He’s not drinking. He has a child to take care of and he’d die before he turns into the worst kind of father’s Gotham has to offer.
But Dick still hates him and Alfred’s quiet presence isn’t the balm it usually is — instead just reminding him how much he missed Jason’s noise and joy. Of course, little Tim isn’t handling the lose of his brother very well either, the quiet child turning inwards in his grief.
So Batman goes out and with each sunset becomes darker, more violent, more desperate. Sloppy. One night he takes two shots to the back after already tearing his suit. He has no backup. He can’t think of a back up plan.
Once again it’s Tim’s voice, warm and alive, over the comms that gives him the strength to get up and limp into the Batmobile. It’s Tim’s presence that gives him enough strength to come home.
Tim is waiting in the cave for him, refusing to leave as Alfred and Dr. Thompson dig the bullets out of his back and sew his skin closed. Tim holds his hand through it all, never turning those ice blue eyes, even when the tears come.
It’s the last night he’s Batman. He can’t do it anymore, can’t do it to Tim. He can’t make his last son an orphan. Not again.
He tells Alfred first. Then Superman who tells the league. Finally, he calls Dick and tells him the truth, not the lie he told Superman about injuries and rest or the story he spun Alfred about being tired, he tells Dick, “I’m not strong enough.”
Dick understands and Dick hates him for it.
Nightwing moves to Gotham. Dick Grayson-Wayne moves back to the manor.
Tim never becomes Robin. There isn’t a Batman to save anymore.
Bruce Wayne calms down after the death of his son, people say. He rarely leaves the manor these days and only when he’s accompanied by his sons. What a doting father!
Nightwing gets a sidekick called Black Bat. Batgirl returns with blonde hair. The underground speak of an all seeing eye coined Oracle.
Bruce Wayne never adopts another child after Tim Drake-Wayne.
Eventually, because of time and family therapy, Dick forgives Bruce. Nightwing never forgives Batman.
And three years after the retirement of Batman, Red Hood returns to the city that failed him.
#dc batman#dc red hood#dc nightwing#batman au#batman fanfic#batfamily#batfam#dc robin#dc red robin#death in the family#under the red hood#justice league#cassandra cain#dc batgirl#damien wayne#league of assassins#my fanfiction#I hope I can write all of this
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Has anyone on tumblr ever got upset at you for inbreeding birds?
if they have, they either haven't told me, or if someone tried and I blocked them and immediately forgot they existed, which is basically the same thing as not telling me. I have no desire to tolerate nonsense from strangers on the internet.
Because to be honest, morality just flat out isn't the same for inbreeding in animals as it is in humans. Inbreeding itself in animals isn't necessarily harmful- it becomes harmful if the animals being paired have deleterious genes that cause health issues, or if it goes on for too long. EVENTUALLY inbreeding with zero fresh blood may lead to genetic deterioration/stagnation (which is a MUCH bigger danger for wild animals than captive ones, as they will lack the diversity needed to overcome environmental changes), but how much inbreeding that takes ie how many generations, varies between animal species. For example in mice, it takes upwards of 100 generations to even start to see that kind of genetic deterioration (and we know this, because scientific research is done with mice and breeding facilities HAVE lines that extend back that far for some strains). My longest, linebred mouse line was 10 generations before an outcross, and the outcross was not because anything bad was happening, but rather because they'd been bred for use in the siamese line and it was time. Inbreeding in mice (line breeding in mice) is actually the STANDARD for cleaning a line of any bad mutations/health concerns, and it's considered a big risk to outcross once you've established a healthy line. A necessary one eventually, but a risk none the less.
For peafowl, it would probably take less than 100, but once or twice? not even remotely a problem, and is the only way to first-step produce a homozygous animal for a new mutation. If this were a cross of birds that had been line bred 20 times already, maybe it would be a problem but Earl literally is F1 from a father that shares no genes with ANY bird in the USA, and a hen completely unrelated to any of my own birds, and I am using hens unrelated to him or his parents, and unrelated to each other, in order to give the group the widest possible genome to start with.
Anyone of the opinion that this is a cause for upset doesn't know enough about genetics for me to take their opinion seriously, to for me to tolerate them showing me their whole ass in public.
Some people avoid it, some people don't. People that know more about genetics tend to be more okay with it, as they understand that it's not the inbreeding itself that usually causes problems, but pairing bad genes into homozygous form, and that actually pairing related animals can help get rid of those genes through repeated selection against them and hard culling animals that are known to have it. It doesn't surprise me that larger animals like horses have more stigma against inbreeding. Only being able to produce 1 offspring per female per year is a LOT heftier price to pay if it goes wrong than a smaller animal like rabbits or mice that produces far more per year and is more acceptable to hard cull (since mice and rabbits can both be used for feeders, and rabbits for human food).
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It's not like his mates didn't know about you; Soap always bragged about the sweet little bird he had at home. They just had no idea that he was being...literal.
After the latest successful mission, Johnny invited them for a dinner at his place. They arrive around seven, with bottles and flowers as gifts for the missus, but she's nowhere to be found when Johnny beckons them inside. "She'll be here any minute. Bird gets antsy if she doesn't have a flight before dinner." He opens the window wide and peeks out, as if looking for you. Ghost huffs. "She a bloody Batman or something?"
Johnny simply chuckles and crosses his arms on his chest, leaning against the radiator.
Not even five minutes later, a tiny European robin lands on the inside windowsill. They recognize the bird; it was Johnny's favourite to draw. At least that's what they assumed when they watched him flip through his art book during missions. Pages and pages of birds, but this specific one appeared the most often; raven, cardinal, canary, robin, crow, swan, robin, robin, blue tit, swallow, robin, woodpecker, robin, hummingbird, pigeon, robin, robin, robin...
"Aye, there's my little feathery luvie," Johnny coos, finger gently stroking down the orange patch on the bird's chest.
Gaz and Price exchange a slightly concerned look while Ghost gives him a deadpan stare.
"I told you, one of these days, you'll stand too close to an explosion and it's gonna fuck with your head."
Johnny glances at him briefly, opening his palm and letting the robin hop into it. "Dinnae know what yer talking about."
"Son," Price began, a tired look on his face. "You...you don't think of the bird as your partner, do you?"
"What else would she be?" he questions, looking genuinely surprised, as if there's nothing unusual about claiming the little chirping thing in his hand is his girlfriend.
Gaz lets out a snort of disbelief, unsure if he should laugh or be seriously concerned for his friend.
Before anyone can say anything else, the robin flaps its wings and its form contorts into a human shape. Suddenly, there you stand. Dolled up and dressed in a cute little flowery dress, a bright smile on your face. The men sit there completely flabbergasted while Johnny, wearing the most shit-eating grin ever, leans in and kisses the top of your head before introducing you: "Guys, this is my darling bird."
After fumbling out awkward apologies and introducing themselves, the men dine with you two, asking how you met and where you're from. They're surprised to learn Johnny came across you while he took a trip to his motherland during leave.
When he wasn't with his family, he'd spend the days in the forest, sketching whatever caught his eye. At one point, it was you. A cute little thing, perched up on a branch, singing sweet melodies to which he started responding with whistling. That supposedly caught your attention and you started posing while he sketched you. This would happen daily for nearly a week before you flew down and sat on his shoulder, looking at all the drawings of you, seemingly pleased.
One day, he brought you a pebble. It was just a goof, a funny little thing he remembered his superstitious granny saying whenever he'd walk with her in the nature as a little lad and point out all the different birds in the trees. "If ye give a pebble to a female robin, she'll bring ye a pretty lass to cherish."
He was eager to see what you'd do with it and nearly fell on his ass when you shifted to a human in front of him in all your naked glory, holding the pebble in your palm, eyes sparkling and soft chirps flowing from your mouth. He had a very difficult time explaining to his Ma and siblings who this bare lady clinging to his arm was when he brought you home.
You still chirp when you talk, but your speech is pretty clear. Soap looks like a lovestruck puppy, heart-eyed, hanging onto your words and you're no better; pressed against his side at all times, batting your lashes and holding his hand under the table, your ring finger adorned by a golden band with the fateful (proposal) pebble in the middle.
#shroompette#johnny soap mactavish#john mactavish#john soap mactavish#cw mention of nudity#johnny mactavish#soap mactavish#soap call of duty#soap cod#cod soap#cod john mactavish#cod x reader#johnny mactavish x reader#soap x reader#soap mw2#soap mwii#cod soap x reader#cod soap x female reader#soap x female reader#john mactavish x female reader#soap mactavish x female reader#soap x bird shifter!reader#john mactavish x bird shifter!reader#cod fluff#soap fluff#cod soap fluff#john mactavish fluff
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Bruce Wayne - Batcomputer File: Harley Quinn’s Unofficial Therapy Practice
Subject: Harley Quinn’s Role as Therapist for Gotham Rogues Compiled by: Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises / Batfamily Date: Confidential Classification: HIGHLY Confidential / Internal Use Only
Subject Overview:
Harley Quinn, known to Gotham as an unpredictable and chaotic figure, maintains a surprisingly professional side that not many know about. Despite her origins as the Joker's accomplice, Harley is a licensed psychologist with a legitimate PhD. After her breakup with the Joker and her own recovery, Harley has quietly established herself as an underground therapist for Gotham's criminals.
Her therapy practice is not advertised. Villains of Gotham, from the most prominent to the obscure, seek her out when they’re facing emotional distress, existential crises, or just need to vent. It’s not public knowledge, and if anyone asked, it would be denied by her—especially those who think she’s just the “clown princess of crime.” But she’s still very much a therapist at heart.
Therapy Sessions:
Key Facts:
Confidentiality: Harley Quinn operates as a professional when it comes to therapy. What you say in her sessions stays there. This is something she learned from her own troubled past and does not take lightly.
Professionalism: As a therapist, Harley is absolutely straightforward and highly perceptive. She uses her skills to dissect the emotional and psychological states of her clients, which is a surprise given her eccentric, chaotic demeanor in other areas of her life.
Approach: She uses a variety of methods, but often relies on traditional psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioral techniques, though there’s also a tendency to use “alternative methods,” such as a heavy reliance on physical activity (hitting things with her bat).
Notable Confidential Sessions with Gotham Rogues:
Poison Ivy – Frequent visitor. Harley and Ivy have an interesting dynamic, but Ivy confides in Harley about the stresses of being constantly hunted, both by the law and by the world at large. Harley often gives her advice about dealing with overwhelming emotions, although she makes it clear she’ll never tell Ivy to stop being herself. They get into lengthy discussions about self-worth and the fine line between vengeance and self-preservation.
Two-Face (Harvey Dent) – Has visited her a few times, but only in private. He’s unsure of himself—Harley helps him work through the internal conflict of his dual personality and the trauma he carries. Harley pushes him toward self-acceptance, not giving in to his darker side, though Harvey still wrestles with the other half of him.
The Riddler (Edward Nygma) – Seen her on multiple occasions, particularly when his obsession with being seen as the smartest becomes overwhelming. Harley has helped him work through his insecurities and how his need for validation affects his relationships, though he’s too proud to acknowledge it.
Clayface (Matt Hagen) – One of the more emotionally turbulent of her clients. Harley talks with him about identity crisis and acceptance, which is a delicate matter when someone can become literally anyone.
Case File: Red Hood / Jason Todd Therapy Session
Client: Jason Todd (Red Hood) Session Date: Confidential Details:
After a directive from Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd reluctantly agreed to attend therapy with Harley Quinn.
Initial Resistance: Jason was highly reluctant to discuss his traumatic experiences, especially those involving his time with the Joker. The sessions began with anger issues, stemming from feelings of abandonment, self-worth issues, and the resulting rage that fuels his criminal activities as Red Hood.
Key Session Point:
The Trauma of Thalia al Ghul: During one of these sessions, Jason finally opened up about his experience with Thalia al Ghul. He revealed that, mentally, he was still trapped at sixteen years old when Thalia blackmailed him into a sexual encounter under false pretenses. This event, which has haunted him for years, led to a deep sense of betrayal and self-loathing.
Harley’s Response: Upon hearing this, Harley’s demeanor completely shifted. She was furious. Jason was immediately struck by her protectiveness, and there was no mistaking that Harley’s fury was genuine. She had a primal reaction when she heard of the abuse Jason suffered and, without hesitation, stormed out of the room.
Later, Harley threw a brick through Thalia’s window. She didn’t even ask questions. Harley then sent a team to burn down the mansion (strategically and carefully, of course—she wasn't reckless). Thalia, of course, was unbothered, probably even annoyed by the act, as her manor had been attacked before. She later mentioned this incident in a casual conversation with Damian Wayne, where she remarked that "some people don’t know how to mind their own business."
Jason’s Thoughts on Harley’s Actions:
Jason, although initially startled by Harley’s actions, later admitted that the therapy helped him more than he’d like to admit. While the violent response wasn’t something he’d have done, the validation from Harley—a person who could understand him—was meaningful.
Jason never fully acknowledged the kindness Harley showed him, but the truth is, he trusted her more than anyone else at that moment. This brief connection between them was far more therapeutic than he realized.
Bruce Wayne’s Conclusion:
Harley Quinn may be considered an unreliable ally by Gotham’s law enforcement, but as a therapist, she serves an undiscovered yet invaluable role in the criminal underworld.
Bruce himself remains uncomfortable with the fact that Harley is, in many ways, the only person the rogues trust for emotional support. He often wonders what the long-term psychological effects might be on those who seek her help, and yet, he recognizes that her role is essential, even if unofficial.
Key Takeaways:
Harley’s Therapy Practice is a covert operation that Gotham’s rogues are heavily invested in. The results of these sessions are more effective than Bruce would like to admit.
Harley’s violent protectiveness over her patients, especially when it comes to the abuse of children and vulnerable individuals, has proven her more righteous than she’s often given credit for.
Jason Todd’s Trauma over his experiences with Thalia is something that haunts him on a deeper level, and Harley’s intervention—though drastic—was a significant step toward healing, even if it wasn’t conventional.
Thalia al Ghul will likely be a recurring threat to the Batfamily and Gotham’s emotional well-being, but Harley Quinn will not stand idly by if any of her patients are harmed in this manner.
(@harbours-lighthouse bc i promised to tag you if i do this style again. <3)
#funny#funny content#meme#funny jokes#humor#dc comics#what the fuck#batfam#batfamily#harley quinn#harleen quinzel#harley quinzel#gotham city sirens#red hood#jason todd#batman#bruce wayne#batdad#therapy#police#files#batcomputer
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So like, hi again
Anyways, I'm having even more trouble (surprise surprise) but this time it's money related
I'm broke asf, my mom and nanna both refuse to take me to get my learners so I can get my license soon and get a job. I literally have like maybe 35 cents to my name. Anyways, not only that, but my mom owes me over 50 bucks, was meant to be paying me for babysitting my sisters (anytime I ask about it, she just says that I don't do enough to deserve to be payed)
Anyways, I was thinking of opening my commissions again (I say as if I ever closed them) but only for art. I can't do full bodys (on my own anyways, I would need a reference of some kind) I can only really do headshots and I'm not good with side profiles.
I'm better with traditional art rather than digital art, however I am willing to attempt digital again.
I don't even think anyone would really be interested, but I figured I'd make a post anyways just to see.
If even one person is so much as slightly interested just lmk and I'll make a post with a little bit of my art and stuff along with prices.
To the people I'm tagging, I'm not expecting anything from y'all except maybe to reblog this, but even then, I'm not forcing :3
@luciluck2046 @blooming-skeleton @beecha @meadows-the-puppet @purpleeggyboi @caretaleandotherstuff @evry1h8s-me
#young artist#commisions open#taking commisions#i need money#help#art#physical art#drawing#traditional drawing#traditional illustration#traditional art#traditional sketch#traditional commissions
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Literally though- what was the point of Trevor being in the fifth season so much if Tommy is never allowed to date anyone ever again? (this is off your tags on the Tommy and Charles post)
Because I my first run of the show was devastated when they killed Charles off but I thought they did a good job with Tommy's arc following his death.
And her kids are so young and I liked the you meet someone when you aren't expecting it thing that she and Trevor had and that it was tough and they struggled but then it seemed like their families fit well together-
(also... remember Grace? Remember her and Tommy's amazing friendship?? The four of them going to dinner and getting kicked out before they could order?)
And I was really surprised that the breakup with Trevor... stuck? Like up until the eleventh hour I was still waiting for the turnaround and that wedding to be hers-
And I feel like they did the the-person-you-can't-move-on-from-is-gone with Owen where everyone went to call their loved ones and he just sat and looked at Gwyn's number in his phone- like... there might not be someone for him because Gwyneth Morgan was it.
And if the same was true for Tommy and Charles- then- why did they have her propose? Couldn't they just have had the whole Melody wants to be near her mom and Trevor moves thing right away??
Literally like ... this is so silly, but looking back now given that the show was cancelled and the last season was short and every character was fighting for scraps of screen time so that they could all get a good final story arc, I find all the Tommy and Trevor stuff such wasted time if they weren't gonna end up together anyway. Like I liked him a lot, and I liked them together, but! what was the point! Why did they make me like him just to disappear him? Why did I have to suffer through that god awful Melody episode where she sucked so hard and Tommy sucked even harder in response to her and all that, if Trevor was just gonna go away and never come back?? Why did their love story eat up so much screen time that could have been given to other characters if it wasn't going anywhere?
And the point is the journey, I know this lol. I know that stories are not pointless if they don't end happily. I know that love is not less real just because it doesn't last forever. I know that the storytelling and the examination of human things like love and loss is the point. I know that there was important character growth for Tommy mixed up in it all. I know that only caring about characters if they're never going to leave a show is stupid. I know all this. But it doesn't stop me from feeling like their story was a waste of incredibly precious time even if I know and readily acknowledge that that's a bad way to consume media 😂
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What would it take to get the harsher skeles to let their guard down in a fight? Mentioning their brother, trauma stuff or anything that would even get a trigger out of them?
Underfell Sans - Red is a rock, it's hard to go through him, even by mentioning his brother, because, duh, Edge can perfectly defend himself. His main weakness is how long he can last in a fight. He's usually throws his stronger attacks first because he wants to scare the aggressor off, but, uh, that usually doesn't work in a long fight. Noticing he's getting tired is going to trigger him a bit, especially if the fight turns even more violent after that. Red is not a fighter, he's a survivor. He does his best to keep the illusion alive but can't do it forever.
Underfell Papyrus - Mentioning his brother triggers him, but... Uh... Not in a way people think. It makes him even angrier and good luck dealing with a really pissed-off Edge now. However, people knowing extremely uncommon knowledge about him can destabilize him. Mentioning how he's the only one who survived his cadet group, or how he's actually just scared of Asgore can break his concentration.
Horrortale Sans - Mentioning what Undyne did to him always makes Oak really angry, but when he's angry, he does a lot more mistakes in a fight. Oak hates to fight, he's not a fighter at all, but keep pushing and find out. He's unpredictable as even he doesn't know what the hell he's doing, which can either turn good for you or be your doom. I don't recommend threatening his brother though as it's pretty much sends him into berserk mode.
Horrortale Papyrus - Well, there's not a lot of things he can do in a fight to begin with, so when he has to fight, it's all an illusion to make people run away. Mentioning his brother will break his focus, but also mentioning how he looks, what happened in the Underground or just seeing blood, really. Willow is not suited to be a fighter anymore. He will always try to talk his way out of a dangerous situation before attacking anyway.
Horrorswap Sans - It's impossible to break him which makes him extremely dangerous. Alphys humiliated him so much that he just doesn't care anymore. If he starts to fight, either you run fast or you're dead.
Horrorswap Papyrus - Why would you even fight the poor baby? He can't do anything as forcing him into a fight is literally paralyzing him in complete fear. A wide gesture, mentioning his brother or what you want to do to him is enough for him to have a panic attack. You're a horrible person.
Horrorfell Sans - Definitely targeting his brother. Copper isn't doing as good as before with fights and he knows that even if his brother is tough, he's extremely limited in what he can do in a fight, so Copper will do everything for his aggressor to completely forget his brother and focus on him, even if it means running into the bullets volontarily.
Horrorfell Papyrus - Talking about his brother can destabilize him too. Chief is usually really stressed in fights, because he can't fight the way he used to do. He gets aggressive really fast, which makes him overuse his magic. He hates when people are trying to find his weaknesses. Making fun of the fact he's in a wheelchair though sends him straight into berserk mode. It's not because he's in a wheelchair that he can't kick your ass, far from that.
Horrorswapfell Sans - It's really difficult to break Bear's spirit when he's in a fight. He had been conditioned to fight his entire life, and even if he can't see anymore, he's scary good with his magic. He might get destabilized if you make fun of his blindness, but he grabs a hold on himself really fast and it doubles his anger. You have one chance, after that it's over.
Horrorswapfell Papyrus - The only subject that could destabilize him is if you know about his addictions and talk about them during the fight, which would really surprise him as he doesn't talk to anyone about this, not even his brother. Other than that, it's impossible to break his focus. Tiger is a scary soldier to fight.
Swapfell Sans - Nox is resistant to intimidation, but talking to him as Toriel's little dog might trouble him for a few seconds. But only a few seconds though. And, uh, that's a dumb thing to do as he will get angry, and angry Nox is not someone you want to fight.
Swapfell Papyrus - You can't touch him with his traumas if he thinks his traumas are a joke. Ah! Only his therapist can get under his bones, he's not taking anything else seriously. So unlike he's fighting his therapist, which is very unlikely, you can't break his defenses. He's going to annoy you though. He's so going to annoy you until you're the one who breaks and cry like a baby out of frustration.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Lol, you can still try to find something to trigger him, the chances are he's going to trigger you way before you can even say something to him. If you're not already dead, that is to say. You don't want to fight with Wine. Trust me, you really don't. He's playing with you and he is in control the entire time. He might give you the impression you are in control, but it's just to break you even more roughly the second you lower your guard. He's dangerous.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - I mean, you can be mean to him, that's very effective as Coffee is extremely sensitive. But, uh, you really don't want to be mean with Coffee. Because where there's an upset Coffee, there's a really fuckin pissed-off Wine nearby. Don't be dumb. You know it's a bad idea.
Mafiatale Sans - Pretty much insulting his mom. And he doesn't even have a mom. You just have to insult him to trigger him. The worst insult possible is if you bring how bad his magic tricks are in the talk. He will completely stop fighting to argue with you for hours lol.
Mafiatale Papyrus - I'm sorry, but if his mission is to kill you, he will completely ignore anything you say and focus on killing you. Creeper is not interested in socializing with the people he has to kill. What's even the point, you're going to die.
Mafiafell Sans - Hurting one of his dogs during the fight. Fang hates hearing his puppies whimper in pain and it might give you an opening to attack. But attack fast though because, depending on the severity of the injury, he's going to avenge his dog. And he's going to do it with his stronger attacks.
Mafiafell Papyrus - Flirt with him. It's the only way to confuse him enough time to run away. You have no chance against him, just take this opportunity and run for your life.
Error - Lightly touch his hand. And that's it, you're safe to run away. You can't really kill him anyway so it's best to retreat while he's bugging and screaming in agony like a drama-queen.
Killer Sans - Just scream "I know what you did" and wait as he's bugging out, wondering what he actually did. By the time he realizes that, wait, he didn't do anything! You're gone, that's too late. Well, that might piss him off though and he might one shot you the next time he sees you, but you can at least live for three more minutes, so it's still that!
Dustale Sans - Just talk to him, really. Either he's going to have zoomies, get defensive or randomly attack you for nothing. No one knows how this skeleton works. Your best chance is to randomly scream at him and then run away.
#underfell#horrortale#horrorswap#horrorfell#horrorswapfell#swapfell#fellswap gold#mafiatale#mafiafell#sans#papyrus#error sans#killer sans#dustale sans#undertale ask blog#undertale asks#undertale imagines#undertale headcanons
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I'm so sorry I forgot about this, I got super distracted when I had meant to sit down and write these out...
anyways- I am only putting ones I have read all the way through sajkdjasjk AND I tried not to repeat people too often haha.
"And the Universe Said" by ArsonistFriday
Character focus: Chromatic crew (Color, Delta, Cross, Epic, Killer)
Summary: This was a stupid idea, and yet he was going through with it anyway.
Killer sat in his room, his back pressed to the door, as he tightened the bow around the box he’d been holding onto. Once it was secured into place, he set it down beside him, not wanting any of his black tears to spill and stain the wrapping.
It was Gyftmas. Killer never celebrated it himself, or if he did, it was years ago- maybe when he was-
He shook his head and stood up, pacing around his room.
"A Spark of Hope" by Stellocchia
Character focus: Epic sanses (Epic, Color, Delta)
Color had been silent ever since they found him again.
It wasn't surprising, really, not after he’d been captured by Nightmare during one of his rendezvous with Killer. They didn’t know exactly what happened, all they knew was that they hadn’t been able to locate him for weeks and, once they finally did, they found him tied up in a dark room, completely unresponsive. Killer had been lying on the floor not too far from him, but they never would have spotted him had Delta not literally tripped on his body, because his soul wasn’t with him, so he was just as much of a husk of his usual self as Color was. Nightmare, meanwhile, was nowhere to be seen.
With heavy souls, they’d left Killer behind. They would come back for him, they promised as much out loud, even if they doubted either of the two monsters there was present enough to understand their words.
Even after they’d gotten Color home in a hurry, however, things didn’t improve. He was still catatonic, he didn’t respond to any sort of stimuli, and they were quickly exhausting their options.
"Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear." by Eggo_w
Character focus: Color spectrum duo (Dream is important here 2 :3333)
At last, Color escapes the hell of a void he once lived in. He just hopes that Killer could do the same.
It was a shock when he did.
Epic Sanses hanging out by Qin-Qin16
Bite the Hand that Feeds You (It’s Alright, I Bite Too) by Chocologopille
Character focus: Color spectrum duo (Cross, Delta and Epic show up later)
He didn’t know why Killer brought out this side of him either. For anyone else, Color would shove their arm out of his maw, wipe his mouth clean, and get on his merry way. But Killer had the uncanny gift of knowing a side to Color he himself didn’t previously know existed and called it out. A playful, slumbering dragon that rested happily within the warmth of his mana that blazed to life under the familiar challenge, a welcome call to play.
Game on.
Take You Home (Stay Here) by SirSquidsalot
Character Focus: Dude and Bruh (Cross and Epic)
Cross has the ability to dream-hop. Epic never explained to him why he disliked sleeping so much, but honestly, his lack of sleep is affecting his health, along with a few other things, and Cross is worried.
So, when he finds Epic asleep with a furrowed brow, he tries to dream-hop into Epic’s head. It feels wrong to breach his friend’s privacy, but maybe, if Cross is there, Epic will start to like sleep.
Then he saw why Epic hated sleeping.
I (use Cross to) fix Epic's sleep problems, The Fic
I tried to get alot of different dynamics and not repeat anyone! :3
I've been absolutely obsessed with Color and Delta or the chromatic crew as a whole lately. I can't stop searching for the tiniest informations I can find, as well as art pieces that could include any of them.
If anyone has anything to share about Delta, Color, Killer, Cross or Epic or their interactions all together PLEASE DO.
I'm a sucker for these guys.
#fanfic recs#fanfic#fanfic list#YAYYY#you may be like isn't this list just your mutuals#YES#MY MUTUALS TAKE UP LIKE HALF THE EPIC SANSES TAG LHWDKHDWSHLSLDJ#just listed the ones on the top of my head i have more I'll gave to look to find cause my dumb a didn't bookmark them!!!! rughhhbnm
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Pablo Gavi NSFW aphabet
(minors DNI!!!)
TW: NSFW themes; read it only if you feel comfortable. English is not my first language.





A= Aftercare(what they're after sex)
Gavi is attentive and nurturing when it comes to aftercare, often cuddling and whispering sweet words in your ear. Buut i see him as really energetic man. Like he can’t be at one place for too long. So most of the time he cuddles you for a little, makes sure that you are alright and all cleaned up and then he gets up to do something else. Like he can’t stop his mind off. The only time he will go straight to sleep with you is when you guys have gone through many rounds and he get a little bit too tired.
B= Body part(their favorite body part and also their partner's)
I think this man is obsessed with his face. His smile, his jawline, his nose… Just his head in general. That means his hair too. We all can see that he is taking care of himself. He also really like his thighs. He is proud of them because they show how hard he train especially after his knee injury(also have knee injury and surgery, this man should be proud with his legs)
He is definitely an ass guy. You can't tell me otherwise. He loves to squeeze it, bite it, leak it, slap it… But like, I feel that he likes your whole body. Your breasts, your belly, your hands, hair, etc… BUT STILL AN AVERAGE ASS ENJOYER!!
C= Cum(anything to do with cum basically)
Pablo approaches this topic with a playful attitude, seeing it as a natural and intimate part of their connection. He enjoys the shared laughter and closeness that such moments bring, viewing it as a celebration of your passion. I think he prefers to come outside of you, like on your stomach/face. He loves the sight of you “dirty” from his sperm. And if he comes inside he uses protection. Like, I see him very paranoid about you getting pregnant. He does not want kids rn.
D= Dirty secret(pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret they desire)
Gavi has a playful and somewhat surprising dirty secret- he has a “mommy kink”... He hated being seen and treated as a baby because of his baby face, but something about this in the bed makes him want it. Like, not all the time, but half of it. He wants to be told what to do and do it without thinking so he can please you. But if anyone finds out he might die at the moment, straight on his feet.
E= Experience(how experience are they?)
He for sure have experience. (Like 4-5 girls) But this girls was more like….sex without attachment(??). So he is not so sure how to be with you. Not like he didn’t care about you, oh no. He is just not so sure what to do when he actually loves you. Maybe that's one of the reasons he have mommy kink?
F= Favorite position(again, pretty self explanatory)
Let's face the facts- this man is short. I mean not short-short but short(you got me?). So the moments when he wants to be on top he prefers doggy. It just makes him feel more dominant. He can pull your hair, whisper things in your ear or if you are in front of a mirror he can make you look at his body standing tall behind you(cus you are bend, duuuh)
But when his sub side come along he prefer you to ride him.(of course *me* it's obvious). That’s the moment he literally can’t take his eyes off yours(and your bouncing boobs). Yeah, I think he likes this more.
G= Goffy (are they more serious in the moment? do they joke during it?)
Pablo's playful nature shines through during intimate moments. He often lightens the mood with silly jokes or playful teasing. But sometimes it becomes too much. There are even times when the whole mood was killed because of his mouth being unable to shut up. The only time he is more serious is after a hard loss, no matter if it's an official game or at a training session… but even there they are one or two jokes.
H= Hair(how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc)
Gavi takes pride in his tousled hairstyle, which reflects his youthful energy. He loves running his fingers through your hair, finding it an intimate way to connect during tender moments. Buuut i feel like down there he doesn’t have much hair. Like a little bit of hair so he feels manly. I THINK this man is a little… boyish(??) on the theme of you having hair down there. Like he loves you and wants you to feel comfortable, but if it depends on him he will choose you to shave down there.
I= intimacy(how intimate are they during it?)
Depend. I don’t think that he likes to get it too intimate. I mean he likes to have sex, the way he likes to eat, sleep and train. If it's some more special event he will get REALLY intimate, but at the other time he is more casual. Like he will kiss your jaw and tell you how good you feel, but nothing special.
J= Jack off(masturbation headcanon)
He still do it pretty often. Not that you arre not enough for him. No. He is just the type of person who likes to do it no matter what. He feels it like HIS time. So he doesn't have such a big problem when he is away for a game. Or when you’re still sleeping in the morning and he is awake with morning wood he will just jerk off. You fell too tired? He will take care of himself. Gavi is young and I'm sure a lot horny so don’t worry, he will always have energy for you.
K= Kink(one or more of their kinks)
MOMMY KINK- said it before, would say it again.(and i don’t have shame about it)
I think he will also have something about mutual masturbation. As I said just seconds ago, he loves “his” time so he would also enjoy watching you have Your time. But what is better than just watching you masturbate? Doing the same thing while you are.
Humiliation and praises. Two different poles, I know. But like he is SUCKER for your praises, but there is something that makes him feel more powerful when he humiliates you a little. But dw, he won't forget to praise you too!
But let's not forget he won’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable.
L= Location(favorite place to do it)
He enjoys the comfort of your home, so he prefers his bed. Like that’s the place he feels more safe to express himself. If you two are not doing it in the bed he also likes to do it in a chair so you can ride and dominate him.
M= Motivation(what turns them on?)
You just have to touch him and he is ready. Stroking his hand without any intention, kissing his cheek just to show him love. It’s soo easy. He also loves to see you support him by wearing his T-shirt during a game or just simply being with his clothes at your home.
N= No(something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
When it comes to other men, he would go FERAL. He doesn’t like sharing and he doesn't joke about it. When someone is just simply talking to you, he would do everything in his power to make sure you belong to him. He would degrade you and punish you until you can't think of anything else but him.
He also can’t think about breeding you. Gavi is just not ready to become a father, so he is trying his best to not happen.
O= Oral( preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc..)
Pablo enjoys both giving and receiving oral, approaching it with eagerness and affection. He takes pride in making you feel good, often experimenting with different techniques to enhance your shared experience. So yeah, he would prefer giving, making you arch your back and scream his name is one of his favourite things. He also likes the praises that come with it…
But when you give him a blow job he often tilts his head, soft little wimps coming from his mouth. His hands in your hair, scratching your scalp a little and pulling it. Oh yeah, he also likes receiving.
P= Pace(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
He prefers a balanced pace during intimacy, starting slow to build anticipation before transitioning to a more passionate rhythm. This approach allows both of you to enjoy the moment thoroughly. But when he becomes rough… He is slamming into you like there is no tomorrow. Your nails digging his back. Let's say you are not bored with Gavi.
Q= Quickie(their opinions on quckies, how often etc..)
Gavi finds quickies exhilarating, especially when time is tight. He enjoys the thrill of spontaneity and the rush of passion that comes with a brief, passionate encounter. In the car when you picked him up from practice. Right before a night out (or in the bathroom at the restaurant). He loves the relief he gets from being inside you.
R= Risk(do they take risk? How far are they ready to go?)
Pablo does not like taking too much risk. It happened sometimes to do it in the locker room or some public(restaurant) bathroom but would feel more safe to be himself in his home and bed.
S= Stamina(how many rounds can they go? how long do they last?)
Gavi has impressive stamina, often surprise you with how long he can go. He enjoys taking his time and ensuring that both of you feel satisfied and fulfilled. He feels like a king going on and on until you can't take it anymore.
T= Toys(do they own toys? do they use them?)
He is open to the idea of incorporating toys into your intimate moments, viewing them as a fun way to explore new sensations and enhance their pleasure together. BUT everything has limits and he doesn't like you to use them very often. More like a celebration for something.
U= Unfair(how much they like to tease?)
A lot. Sometimes- too much. He makes you cry and beg for more but if the tables turn and you are dominating he hates you being unfair to him. That’s not fair Pablo(Op got it?) He also likes to tease you when he knows you can’t do or say anything. like resting his hand soo high on your thigh or playing with the edge of your skirt. Such a tease…
V= Volume(how loud they are during it?)
During intimate moments, Gavi is expressive, often sharing soft moans and sweet nothings. His vocalizations help create an intimate atmosphere, making you feel desired and appreciated. He becomes a little too pathetic when you are riding him or sucking him off. A little whips and catched breaths. When he come, he would let out loud and higher pitched moans, so passionate it almost sounded like he is in pain. The longer he was with you, the more confident he got in letting you hear how you made him feel.
X= X-Ray(let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Even though he is not big or enormous, he knows how to use it. He uses the help of his hands to make it a remarkable experience for you.
Y= Yearning(how high is their sex drive?)
Pablo has a strong desire for connection and intimacy, often feeling a deep craving for closeness. He enjoys exploring each other's bodies and emotions, making your encounters fulfilling.
Z= Zzz(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
After an intense session, Pablo loves to cuddle up and drift off to sleep, feeling a sense of contentment and closeness. The peaceful moments that follow intimacy are just as cherished, allowing you to bond further before resting.
#pablo gavi#football player#smut#football#football imagine#for fun#smut alphabet#barcelona x reader#gavi x reader#gavi imagine#gavi x yn#pedri gonzalez#smut imagine
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in my opinion, lumon is trying to see if severance can be advertised as a procedure that anyone in the world can get as a way to escape pain of life and things you dread. “don’t wanna do something? activate the chip and have your innie do it!” gemma having tooth surgery or having to write thank you notes or is in a plane crash; all these things are painful to her, but if only her innie is going through it, then she should be fine, right? because as we know from helena, lumon’s perspective is that outies are people, innie aren’t. they are testing the effectiveness of severance by having her go through these experiments ranging from extreme pain to fears to normal day-to-day life chores. they even ask gemma if she is more scared of drowning or suffocating in a mudslide and i wouldn’t be surprised if we see a scene of her actually drowning in a mudslide as one of the experiments to see how much pain can be escaped. and yes, ofc lumon absolutely ignores all ethics, and how if innies are the only people experiencing pain, then they are “activated” for probably half the life of a human being (because we are surrounded by things we don’t wanna do daily), but it’s fine because lumon controls the outie versions of them aka the version that is grateful to lumon for helping them “escape” pain. lumon coming up with severance is like a cult aiming to gain power over a large number of people and making money by advertising brainwashing, which is just fucked-up levels of ironic. they will literally be stealing people of their life experiences and make insane amounts of money off of it because no way this “amazing” procedure is cheap. and ofc, all of this ignores how we have repeatedly seen that pain does indeed permeate severance!
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I’m so excited to read this let’s goooo, i missed your writing so much my flower, i wish i could quit my job and just read your stuff all day :(((
Even you can see it’s a beautiful, such ethereality emanating around you and pulsing with life, as if the earth around you could feel the happiness on top, too, wanting to join in and feel the same things. Bioluminescent fauna had been plucked by foragers and strung up all around the area, flickering on and off with a heartbeat of life, and creating an effervescent glow that shone down on them
I’m absolutely gagged, floored, and overwhelmingly impressed with your writing, as always. It’s so so good, it’s like a movie playing in front of my eyes, I love it so so much!!!
It was a feeling where all you really knew was him, one where he felt like your other half, like your soul had been split into two and given over to him to carry and hold onto you with the utmost care. He did the same thing with your heart, after all - always holding it close to his own, caressing it with gentle touches and soft kisses, constantly reminding you of the love he held for you, too, as you did the same with his heart in your own calloused hands.
No cause this gave me butterflies, this is so sweet and a love I feel we all aspire to, beautiful and unassuming and unconditional. Argh, I’m in love
Your parents’ deaths had hit you harder than you could’ve ever anticipated - sure, it was always going to be a difficult journey you were forced to embark on, but not one would you have believed it would still be here now, keeping you awake some nights and feeling as though it was slowly going to tear you apart and ruin the life you’d somehow managed to make for yourself, without them.
That’s so sad omg :( I don’t think we ever heal and move on from losing a parent, I think it gets easier in time, but never to the point where it wouldn’t sometimes keep us up in the middle of the night…
They weren’t just your parents - they were your people.
Making want to call my parents rn and it’s 12:30 for them and they’re definitely asleep :(((
Throughout the beginning, people were always around you, sheltering you with careful hands like you were suddenly made of fragile glass; and, you guess you were, because one wrong word, and the floodgates would open and it would be incredibly difficult to force them closed again
Argh, the metaphorsss, the symbolismmmm, I am a whore for a good metaphor ;) HAHAHAHAAHHAAH what’s wrong w me
their memories still echoed within the confines of your mind, sometimes praising and doting on you, sometimes screaming and yelling at you
I am obsessed with you and your writing so much, I can’t deal right now, I can’t praise you enough, I feel like my eyes aren’t worthy enough of reading your work
They helped you grow as if you were their own, sheltering you from the harsh realities of your world, but shaping you into the woman you are today, at the same time. They tried their best to act as though your parents would’ve done in certain circumstances, knowing when these things happened, your glossy eyes would travel through a crowd in search for their warm presence, only to come up empty and cold.
I love Jake and Neytiri so much, they’re mum and dad fr
He was perfect - Neteyam was perfect, and whilst it took you a little while to warm up to him and fully realise it… you were falling in love with him.
I mean TRY not to fall in love with neteyam - impossible challenge, 100%
But, there was a realisation that came to you full force, smacking you in the head and forcing you back down to reality as your features started to fall…
Your parents weren’t there…
Don’t cry Andra, it’s ok. Don’t call your parents at midnight Andra, everything’s ok
With precise movements, Neytiri moved away from her spot that was once behind Neteyam, and moved closer to yourself, standing where your parents would’ve been. She gave a gentle touch to your shoulder, one that felt instantly reassuring, that spoke words describing how proud she was of you, how much you meant to her, that you would always be apart of the family, no matter what. To her, you would always be her daughter, regardless of whether you were mated to Neteyam or not.
Before the end of the ceremony occur, he’d given his mother a subtle look and a nod your way, a sure sign of letting her know that the two of you were bound to be gone for a short time afterwards. Taking one look at you, she’d understood immediately
No cause why is he perfect?? I love him so much
That’s how it was with Neteyam - no matter the situation, no matter the place, he was always going to be one step behind you.
Whenever you felt this way, Neteyam knew to give you your own space, giving you time to yourself so you could sort everything out, everything that was echoing within your mind and trying to tear you down. He didn’t want to bombard you with too much all at once, previous experience having taught him that it wasn’t exactly a great idea - it’d only make you worse
No cause this is literally me, and as someone who suffers from anxiety and has a neteyam coded bf, this means so much!!
“Why do they get to be there for their children’s ceremonies, but mine didn’t? What did mine do wrong?”
:((( I’m sobbing
“Breathe with me, yawne (beloved),” he instructs, soft and affectionate
My breath literally stopped imagining him saying that to me. YOU RE TOO HOT TO TELL ME TO BREATHE AROUND YOU
“…To all 5 of our kids…”
Um, no thank you!!!!
“No, no,” Neteyam insists, shaking his head and laughing along with you. “You see,” he teases, fingers dancing along your waist as he begins to smile mischievously, “because I will never get enough of you, so, we’re bound to have a lot.”
i loved this so much bb, truly! i felt it in my heart, all of it, and i feel seen in your work, as someone who's gone through stuff like this a lotttt, and it's weirdly cathartic to read about it, so i appreciate you so so much xx
— here with you ; neteyam sully
pairing ; neteyam sully x fem!reader
synopsis ; sometimes, things can just get too much for you - especially when you feel like the entire world is against you. but, it isn’t, because neteyam’s there, and he’ll always be there.
word count ; 7.2k
themes ; angst, fluff, established relationship (mates)
warnings ; death of parents, panic/anxiety attacks...
author’s note ; these requests are always taking me so long & im so sorry about that,, i guess i just want them to be perfect, so i then get kinda scared to start them.. but i loved this one, so tysm for requesting!! this was also a bit sadder than i think either of you wanted but this plot came to me the instance i read these sososososo <33 i also want to say that im in no way trying to romanticise these particular situations & if it’s coming across that way, please let me know and help me understand how i can change it <3 requested & requested
main masterlist request a fic!
Standing side by side, yourself and Neteyam stood tall and proud, for once no eyes upon the two of you, but the ceremony playing out before you. You were next to the rest of Neteyam’s family, too, each of them paying close attention to those in front of them.
At the very front of the entire clan stood two Na’vi, face to face with beaming smiles upon their features, eyes never once leaving one another’s as they started to speak their vows to one another, but also to the Great Mother herself. It was their mating ceremony, one that had been planned for a few weeks now, and the entire clan had come together in order to celebrate such a special day alongside them.
Even you can see it’s a beautiful, such ethereality emanating around you and pulsing with life, as if the earth around you could feel the happiness on top, too, wanting to join in and feel the same things. Bioluminescent fauna had been plucked by foragers and strung up all around the area, flickering on and off with a heartbeat of life, and creating an effervescent glow that shone down on them. Platters of food that had been hunted, prepared and cooked beforehand were surrounding them, piled high with all sorts, but particularly the mate’s favourites, seeing as it was their day. And, the people - they were covered head to toe paint that represented the Omatikaya clan, flowers placed delicately into woven hair and beads hanging from their necks to signify their strength in the clan, in the union before them, relishing in the feeling over not only the couple coming together as one, but the entire clan, too.
The love that could be felt all around was encapsulating - it was hard to ignore from the moment it was announced they were to mate in a few weeks time, let alone the day it would be happening. It was obvious from where you were standing beside your own mate that they were meant to be together, that Ewya had chosen yet again another good match, and each and every one of the people were excited to see them grow.
And, you were happy for them, of course you were. You’d give anything to have others understand and experience the love you felt for Neteyam, because it was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of feeling. It was a feeling where all you really knew was him, one where he felt like your other half, like your soul had been split into two and given over to him to carry and hold onto you with the utmost care. He did the same thing with your heart, after all - always holding it close to his own, caressing it with gentle touches and soft kisses, constantly reminding you of the love he held for you, too, as you did the same with his heart in your own calloused hands.
But, despite repeatedly telling yourself that you weren’t going to do this today, that you were going to be happy and deal with your lingering emotions after the ceremony itself, you own reprimands didn’t work. It was their day, you should’ve been watching them, but they were standing too close for you to simply ignore…
It was always custom for both pairs of parents to be up their with their children whilst they were bonding before both Ewya and the clan, standing behind their children and watching with the proudest smiles possible. Loving eyes reflected down up them, some even shedding a few tears, smiles wide and ecstatic, no doubt their minds already how the rest of their lives were going to play out.
You heart broke at the sight of them, both pairs, all four individual parents, watching and smiling and just being there. As soon as your eyes settled on them, it was so difficult to get and move them away. The longer you stared, the more your resolve began to crack, piece by piece, until you were sure you were going to shatter.
Many years ago, when you were younger, just a small Na’vi child growing up in a clan that appreciated every one of its people, attempting to make a place for yourself in its vast expanses… your parents fatally died. It was during another war with the humans, the evilness coming back and spreading like a disease until it felt the tortuous need to take not only one, but both of your parents away from you. You’re not entirely sure what exactly killed them, refusing to ask, knowing it would only make you spiral down until you were too scared you’d never make your way back up, but you’d have a general idea, and that haunted you more often than you’d like to admit.
Because you were only a child - a child that needed their mother to show her what it was to be a woman, teach her the way of how to properly care for a family and their mate, but staying strong and fierce and protective; a child that needed their father to ensure she was always safe in the care of his arms, to teach her how to hunt and fight back whenever someone was mean, or stand her ground against those that wished her harm to her heart.
But, you’d barely gotten that far with them.
Your parents’ deaths had hit you harder than you could’ve ever anticipated - sure, it was always going to be a difficult journey you were forced to embark on, but not one would you have believed it would still be here now, keeping you awake some nights and feeling as though it was slowly going to tear you apart and ruin the life you’d somehow managed to make for yourself, without them.
For all your time with them, you had been so incredibly close, that when they died, it felt like a part of yourself had been ripped away with them, too; as though you now had a whole within your soul that you could never get back, that always stay missing. You were their only child - having never been given the opportunity of having more the way they’d wanted - so they were constantly doting on you, showing you their ways and becoming your bestest friends.
They weren’t just your parents - they were your people.
Throughout the beginning, people were always around you, sheltering you with careful hands like you were suddenly made of fragile glass; and, you guess you were, because one wrong word, and the floodgates would open and it would be incredibly difficult to force them closed again. So many people from your clan offered you their aid, allowing you their shoulders to cry on or to talk to them about whatever was bothering you, offering up their time and their patience and their advice, just so you could be a small semblance of normality for once. Even people you had never spoken to before had come up to you, offering you their condolences and reassuring you that it’ll eventually get better.
But, it hadn’t - not really. Even though you were doing okay, you were happy with a mate and his family, with a future held close to your heart that you were excited to explore… and yet, their memories still echoed within the confines of your mind, sometimes praising and doting on you, sometimes screaming and yelling at you. It felt like a never ending cycle, and you couldn’t tell if you wanted it to disappear, or keep it with you, just to hear their voices one last time, even if they were disappointed in you.
You appreciated everything the clan was doing for you throughout such a tough time, but you never took any of them up on their sweet offers. You knew each and every one of them meant what they’d said to you, that you were more than welcome inside their homes to talk, but you couldn’t bring yourself to walk through the tent flap and ask for help.
None of them would truly know what you’d gone through at such a young age, at least not those that hadn’t been through a similar situation yourself. If they hadn’t had a family member as close as you were to your parents yourself, you found there was no real point in confiding in them when the advice they’d give you would only feel invalid.
Despite your mind tearing in to two polar opposites - one side screaming at you to get help, to talk all your rantings out into the open air so you weren’t as burdened as you were with them, and the other side echoing negative thoughts of they’d never understand, it’s all false, they don’t really care - there were two people who had an understanding of your emotions. Jake and Neytiri - the Olo’eyktan and his mate. Those two had gone through their own traumatic experiences that were similar to your own - both of them losing family they loved irrevocably due to such terrible circumstances, and still managing to come out on top, something you continued to look up to massively to this day.
With that in mind, knowing how you looked up at them like they had all the answers you’d ever needed or wanted, they took you under their wing. They became a second set of parents, so to speak - although they both knew they could never replace your biological ones - but it was something that slowly began to help your journey back to what you hoped was normalcy. They helped you grow as if you were their own, sheltering you from the harsh realities of your world, but shaping you into the woman you are today, at the same time. They tried their best to act as though your parents would’ve done in certain circumstances, knowing when these things happened, your glossy eyes would travel through a crowd in search for their warm presence, only to come up empty and cold.
That emptiness and coldness didn’t last long, however, not when Jake and Neytiri were just a step behind you, ready to envelop you in their own warmth and cage you away until you were happy again.
This was something that was always inevitable, though, being a part of the Sully family. Both Jake and Neytiri, alongside your own parents, had previously been discussing the idea of you and Neteyam (their firstborn) mating when you become of age, believing you to be a match made in heaven and perfect for one another. And, for a while, they were just hushed discussions of possibilities hidden away from any other prying ears, excitement coursing through the four of them at the idea of such a future.
When your parents died, that never stopped their ideas - no, if anything, it only fuelled it on more. Jake and Neytiri knew how excited your parents were at their own child having a mate, let alone one who was always known to be such a gentleman, so sweet and caring, never mind being next in line for Olo’eyktan. They knew despite the horrific change of events you found yourself in, they’d want you to be the happiest you could be, by finding a mate you adored and moving on to create your own family, even if it absolutely broke your heart to begin with.
So, it was almost a perfect slot of the puzzle - having you around all the time, now living with the rest of the Sully family as the two of them cared for you the way you always deserved, gave them the opportunity to slowly push you and Neteyam closer together. And, as time slowly trickled by, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, each one filled with thoughts of your parents smiling faces, you began to fall in love with him, just like they’d always imagined you doing.
Of course, it was a slightly rocky relationship to begin with. You were still in your mourning period - and, you’d argue that you still weren’t entirely out of it now - meaning you’d rather have just melted away into the shadows so you could cry silently to yourself in your despair, not wishing to bother anyone with your true emotions. It can be hard to talk to people sometimes, when they know what you’ve been through, such a private side of your life you wished you could keep in secret, when they treated you like the child you always were… like you were always going to be the same age you were when they died, like you’d died that day, too.
Neteyam was… persistant, however, wanting to see you come out of your shell and be the person you were before, because he’d always thought you were cute, inside and out. He took his time, making sure to take small steps so as not to overwhelm you all at once, but things like seeking you out in a crowd and checking in on you, inviting you to places and bringing you wherever with him, being there to listen to every single one of your rambles, no matter how long they took, and calming you down when it all became too much… it all exuded the strength of his will and determination full of both love and meaningfulness.
He was perfect - Neteyam was perfect, and whilst it took you a little while to warm up to him and fully realise it… you were falling in love with him.
After a while, Jake and Neytiri had told you the truth; about all those times themselves and your parents had spoken about the two of you mating. They were expecting backlash, mainly from yourself, but instead all your felt was warmth in your heart. Somehow, even in death, your parents were looking out for you - they’d known all the time that Neteyam was the one for you, planning this out for a surprise, and even when they were no longer standing beside you, they were guiding you along the path made specifically for you.
You’d never been looking forward to something as much as your own mating ceremony - Neteyam was the one for you, someone you couldn’t wait to truly start the rest of your life with. And, as any Na’vi do, they have their mating ceremony, standing at the front of the clan as they recite their vows and speak the words of thanks to the Great Mother, before celebrations commence whilst the newly appointed mates leave to bond with Tsaheylu.
The two of you had that when the time came, the atmosphere around you buzzing and the life emanating from absolutely everything showing off such beauty it started to tear up your eye line. The excitement you were feeling was unlike anything else, naturally so, eyes crinkled and smile beaming as all you felt was elevation, looking up at your mate as he smiled down at you like he was the luckiest Na’vi alive.
But, there was a realisation that came to you full force, smacking you in the head and forcing you back down to reality as your features started to fall…
Your parents weren’t there…
They should’ve been - they were your parents. They should’ve been stood right behind you, looking down at your elated form, all beaming smiles and teary eyes, proud as they watched you take the next step in your life, moving on from one chapter to the next in bliss.
And, whilst they were still looking down at you now, even in that moment, it wasn’t the same - it was never going to be the same. They were too far away, too high up for you to reach out and grab them and try and pull them back down, all so you could embrace them wholly again and force them to stay at home that particular day. No matter how much you imagined it in your mind, it was never going to happen - you couldn’t change what had already been done.
Your once blissful mood had tumbled off the edge when such a painful realisation hit you, despite wishing to have kept up with the happiness of your ceremony. Once holding on tightly to Neteyam’s hands, they now became looser, like you weren’t feeling it all as much as you were before, your eyes becoming glossy as they glazed over, and your ears falling flat against your head in despair. You looked so broken in that moment, when it was supposed to be a happy day.
Taking one look at you, for just a split second, Neteyam had grown terrified that you’d gotten cold feet, that you no longer wished to be his mate and wanted to run away as far as possible from him and pretend like none of this ever happened. He wouldn’t know what he’d do if that was the case - he’d wanted you to call his own for as long as he could remember, so this possibility was nerve-wracking and scary for him.
But, when his eyes trailed over your dejected form and over to his parents, eyes pleading with them for help as he wondered what he should do, as he wondered how to understand, the both of them came to the same conclusion. Instantly, they understood what was wrong in your sudden change of mood, of what had caused it. They knew the signs, they could tell just by the way you acted. Jake and Neytiri had spoken of this beforehand, about there being an obvious gap that would be noticeable during the ceremony, and they knew that eventually, you would come upon that realisation, too. So, they’d prepared for it.
With precise movements, Neytiri moved away from her spot that was once behind Neteyam, and moved closer to yourself, standing where your parents would’ve been. She gave a gentle touch to your shoulder, one that felt instantly reassuring, that spoke words describing how proud she was of you, how much you meant to her, that you would always be apart of the family, no matter what. To her, you would always be her daughter, regardless of whether you were mated to Neteyam or not.
You looked over your shoulder at her, receiving a loving, tender smile, her head tilted to the side slightly and her eyes full of sympathy. It filled your heart with warmth to see her standing behind you, ensuring you that your parents were still there in spirit, that she would take the mantle and make things so much easier for you. Such a sight spoke more than words ever could, slowly starting to feel like you could do this, as you turned back to Neteyam, sending him a gentle smile and nodding, letting him know that this what definitely what you wanted.
It would never have been the same without your parents there, of course - that was a given - but this was the next best thing, and you would take it with open arms. With Neytiri behind you, Jake not too far and your loving Neteyam in front of you, you knew that you’d always have a family, a home, a place and a people to call your own.
Unfortunately, despite these little assurances you received every so often, it never meant your heartbreak went away.
It got better with time, just like everything did, and slowly but surely, it become something you could live with. But, there were always going to be certain circumstances where everything became too much, where you remembered all your old feelings and emotions, coming back stronger and harsher; struggling to keep your emotions at bay and hidden away from any prying eyes, willing the fear back into your eyes before you made a scene on a day that wasn’t about you.
So, breathing deeply and sucking it up, you forced your eyes to stay on the happy couple, watching the mating ceremony before you. You listened to their reciting vows, loving looks shared between them, their parents behind them, proud, and the clan around you cheering in celebration, in jubilation.
Without having realised it until now, you were holding your breath, like at any moment you knew you were going to explode. Heartbeat picking up in its speed, you can’t quite bring yourself to let the breath go, to sigh in relief that everyone was starting to disperse around you so the rest of the celebration can begin. Instead, you’re instantly rushing away, making quick work with your movements to get as far away as possible. You don’t bother saying anything to your family as you continue to push past people in a hurry, no apologies or goodbyes slipping from your tongue - all you know is you’re desperate for more air and less people.
Unknown to you, however, during that entire ceremony, Neteyam could feel the emotions that were emanating off of you like you were wearing them on your sleeve. His eyes had constantly trailed down to your smaller frame, watching you for any signs of distress or panic. When he’d found what he could originally feel, he felt his heart break, knowing that you were in pain, and that it was only moments before you’d need to leave.
Before the end of the ceremony occur, he’d given his mother a subtle look and a nod your way, a sure sign of letting her know that the two of you were bound to be gone for a short time afterwards. Taking one look at you, she’d understood immediately. Her response was a firm nod and reassuring smile to her son (he used to be quite nervous at trying to calm you down, wanting to get everything right and make you happy again - but, the more he’d done it, the better he’d gotten at it… still, it didn’t hurt to reassure him), whispering what was happening over to Jake so he didn’t make it so obvious when you’d leave.
You could tell all of this had gone on without you originally knowing, just by the sound of his footsteps close behind you, trailing your every step as he followed further and further away, into the dense forest. His presence was obvious, too, the feel of his surrounding you whole, enveloping you into his warm embrace and closing around you, shielding you, protecting you, ensuring you always felt safe.
That’s how it was with Neteyam - no matter the situation, no matter the place, he was always going to be one step behind you.
You feet continued to carry you away from the hustle and bustle of the clan, the happiness and cheering becoming nothing but white noise to your eyes. Instead, the sounds of soft chirping filled your senses, leaves and branching crunching underfoot, the wind cascading against the fauna with a swoosh, rustling this way and that. It was always so beautiful out here - the way the moons eclipsed within the expanse of the sky, shining down like a beacon of hope upon your broken body, ikrans flying over its shadow like a good omen - but, you struggled to truly appreciate it when you felt like this.
Whenever you felt this way, Neteyam knew to give you your own space, giving you time to yourself so you could sort everything out, everything that was echoing within your mind and trying to tear you down. He didn’t want to bombard you with too much all at once, previous experience having taught him that it wasn’t exactly a great idea - it’d only make you worse. In time, after thinking things over and sorting yourself out, he knew you’d go to him for all the comfort you needed. That’s when he’d be there for you, waiting with arms wide open and ready to whisper sweet nothings in your ear until you were a giggling, blushing mess all over again.
So, when you stop within a part of the forest that’s barely considered a clearing - the surroundings dense with both a mixture of fauna and flowers, their colours eclipsing one another until it seemed just a mangled mess; birds continuously chirping at the tops of the trees like an echoing lullaby that wasn’t doing much help for you in that particular moment - you pick a random tree and sit down in front of it, leaning against it as your back scratches harshly against the bark, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. You hang your head low, curling your knees closer to your chest and encasing your arms around them, like a means of protecting yourself from the harsh realities of your world.
Neteyam stops in his steps, looking down at you with a broken heart, wishing upon everything else that he could just mend your own before he attempted his. If he could take your pain away, he would do it in an instant - your happiness and your smile and your laugh was everything to Neteyam, and he’d give anything to experience them over and over again until the Great Mother decided his time was up.
With a hesitant breath, Neteyam sits down beside you, keeping close, but too close as to make you feel claustrophobic. His eyes stay on your figure, carefully bringing his up out in front of your hanging head like an offering. You noticed his hand within your peripheral vision, and your heart stuttered a beat when you realised what he was insinuating. Gratitude courses through your system at his cautious movements, his silence, allowing you to make these choices on your own, but still continuing to be there for you exactly as you needed him.
Reaching out, you hesitantly take his within your palm, feeling the sudden sensations of his gentle caresses that always work to soothe your skin. Suddenly, you’re melting into his embrace like you were a part of him completely, leaning fully against his figure and placing your head on top of his shoulder. You slotted into place - made for him, carved beautifully just for him by Ewya herself.
It’s silent between the two of you for a short while, Neteyam’s mind conjuring up possible ways he can make you feel whole again, and your own racing with so many terrible thoughts you wish to escape from. He knows it’s better for the both of you if you speak up first, saying what you need to say before he joins in with his comforting words, but he feels completely shattered when the noises of your little sniffles reaches his ears, the faint touch of a cold tear dropping onto his skin.
He’s glad you decided to speak up here - he doesn’t know how he’d have reacted if you only cried. He always told himself he’d tear down the world to ensure your happiness, and not many people (including himself) wanted to see such a thing happen.
“It’s too much sometimes, ‘teyam…” you starts, voice quiet and fragmented, mixing in with your stuttered breaths and heart-wrenching tears. It’s like you’re scared to admit the truth, making it all the more real, despite him already knowing you like he knows the scars on the back of his hand. “The ceremony - it was beautiful, and I was so incredibly happy for them, because it’s a day that only ever happens once and it should be magical, but…” you hesitate, finding the right words to get your point across. “They were there.”
Neteyam doesn’t need to ask for any specifications, he doesn’t need to ask who you mean by that. He’d seen it in your eyes when he was watching you during the ceremony, how they glazed over, but still struggled to move away from the one place that was causing you the most pain. “Their parents were there for the whole thing,” you continue, “they got to watch their babies grow up into a true Na’vi, as they finally found their one, their person… mine didn’t.”
You let out a shuddering breath, one that has t ou struggling for a moment, before attempting to collect yourself as you finally came clean. Nuzzling further into Neteyam’s side for more comfort that he was happy to offer, you let everything out. “I know it’s wrong to think such a thing, but it’s just so… unfair.” You said the word with so much disdain, with venom, it was clear to Neteyam that you meant every word, that you were speaking the truth you’d been so ashamed to admit before. “Why do they get to be there for their children’s ceremonies, but mine didn’t? What did mine do wrong?”
Letting out a sigh of defeat, you’re quick to continue on before Neteyam can start to reassure you like he always does, like he was so close to doing. “What if…” you stop, swallowing deeply and wondering whether you should be admitting this. “What if one day, I’m not there for my children?” Admittance should be a relief, it should feel as though you’ve finally gotten something from your chest so you can move on, but right now, it doesn’t feel that way. No, you just feel ashamed and disappointed at yourself for thinking such negative thoughts - hoping above all Neteyam doesn’t think the same way about you now. “What if something happens to me and I can’t be there when they need me? I don’t want them to go through what I went through - I know how much it breaks the heart, the soul, and-”
You’re rambling - you know you are - but, when you start, it’s always a difficult struggle to stop. And, you’re ramblings only cause you to struggle to breathe, too, your overshared, spiralling thoughts making you feel the worse you’ve ever felt. It shouldn’t feel this way, and yet, it does.
But, with Neteyam there, just a hairs breadth away from you, you know you’ll always be fine - because he always makes you feel better. These feelings will never go away - that much was obvious - but, you could forget about them for a short while, pretend like they didn’t exist. That was the best you could do, for now.
After experiencing several of these episodes together beforehand, Neteyam knows what do - he knows what’s best for you and what isn’t; what will make you feel reassured and what will only make you want to disappear all the more. He’s not proud to say that he knows these things from having accidentally gone through them before, but he was technically still learning everything about you, back then. As time drifted further on, he eventually knew everything about you, like a mate should.
With careful, gentle movements, like the perfect gentleman Neteyam has always been, he moves himself around from where he’d previously been behind you, so that he was now seated in front of you, facing one another. The front of your legs are touching, feeling the heat radiate from his body to your own, and when you look up at him with your big, glossy, doe-like eyes, he can’t help but feel like he’s experiencing your pain, too.
Neteyam slowly untangles your legs from around themselves, instead wrapping them around his waist and tugging you closer to him. Your fronts are now pressed together, bringing your foreheads against one another with a gentle touch. This has always arguably been your favourite position to be in with Neteyam - something about it screams the love you have for one another out into the universe. The way your pressed so close together, practically becoming one; the way you can pull one another closer, safe in each other’s arms from anything daring enough to attempt to threaten you; the way all you can see is him, wholly and beautifully and completely.
With his eyes never leaving your features, not even for one second, he looks down at you in adoration, in reassurance, wanting - needing - you to feel every words his speaks, to understand it’s truth. “Breathe with me, yawne (beloved),” he instructs, soft and affectionate. You listen to him, matching his breathing with your own and closing your eyes, feeling him, hearing him. Bringing your hands up to his shoulders, you caresses him against the sides of his neck, needing him whole, your once stuttering breaths gradually calming down a little.
However, it’s obvious that you’re not quite feeling entirely better yet - and, he can’t exactly blame you for feeling since away. Everything you’d previously gone through must be swirling around in your mind, eating away at you like a disease you couldn’t be rid of. It was time-consuming, all-encompassing, but it was you, and he’d have all of you before he had none of you.
Whilst one of his hands moves to rub gently against your arm, the other moves behind his back, slowly bringing his queue forwards as he gives you another offering, this one in regards to Tsaheylu. He gives you a soft, encouraging smile, letting you know that he’s okay with either answer you give him - he just wants you comfortable, above all else.
Sometimes, this is something the two of you do - bonding. Growing up, you learnt that Na’vi had different perspectives on when it came to bonding through Tsaheylu, possibly depending on what they’d heard and what they’d grown up knowing. You’ve heard that others only really see it as a sexual bond between two mates, helping them conceive quicker and expand their family. But, you - you’d always thought different.
Throughout the majority of your life you got to spend with your parents, you often saw them bonding this way, connecting their queues so they were able to share their thoughts, their feelings, let the other know them inside and out. You briefly remember a much younger version of yourself asking to join in, feeling left out, and that’s when they’d told you what the action truly meant - that it was a special connection between mates, one that Ewya granted amongst her children so they were able to come together as one soul, rather than two people. Ever since then, it was something you’d always wanted to experience.
And, ever since you first bonded with Neteyam on the night of your own mating ceremony, the two of you found it to be exactly as you had parents had first described it to you. A connection where you can take their pain away, where you can experience things together, where you can show how much you truly love someone.
But, you’re scared. You’re scared to share everything with Neteyam through Tsaheylu because he’ll know everything then. And, even though you’ve already admitted some of your feelings to him previously - including your worries regarding your own future children - there are still some lingering thoughts that you consider bad, that you don’t want to admit to him, simply because you don’t know how he’ll react.
Then, you remember who you’re talking about - Neteyam. Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, who has never once belittled you for feeling a certain way; who has always been there for you through both the best of times and the worst of times; who was the only one to slowly bring you out of your shell during a time when it felt like everything was running to an end… and consequently falling in love with him in the process.
This was your mate.
So, hesitantly nodding, you move a shaky hand behind you to grab your own queue, bringing it forward and allowing the tendrils to connect, wrapping the cords like a dance at their own ceremony. Their slow movements cause the feeling of everything Neteyam to course through your system, rushing through until it reaches your brainwaves. You can feel everything he’s ever felt in his life, the ones aimed particularly at you coming to the forefront of both your mind’s, basking in their presence. He’d pushed those ones forward on purpose - he’d wanted you to know everything he feels about you.
Looking up at him, your fingers tapping nervously against the skin of his neck with a tap, tap, tap rhythm, you almost expect him to be nursing a confused expression, or maybe even slightly angry. You were ready for him to have come to the understanding of the thoughts you were so scared to admit, waiting for him to start wondering why you’d think such things in the first place. But, he doesn’t - instead, his eyes flutter open to look lovingly down at you, like you’re so unbelievably ethereal, and completely the most beautiful Na’vi from Ewya’s creations. His head turns slightly to the side, smile wide and toothy, canines on show and eyes shining, and such a reaction only causes you heart to flutter all the more.
He doesn’t mind the negative thoughts - to him, they weren’t that negative, anyway. But, he knew they were taking a toll on you, bouncing against the sides of your mind with taunting whispers. Neteyam hoped you’d know that none of that bothered him, not when he wanted all of you.
It always amazes you and makes you feel safe, validated, when Neteyam does things like this. You have no idea how he always knows the best ways to bring you back down from your anxiety cloud (as you’d come up with calling it one time, hoping to ease the tension that was once lingering between you both), constantly feeling grateful for every little thing he does for you - no matter how big or small. Because each and every one of them mean something; they all eventually add up and create a much larger picture.
Already, you’re starting to feel much better in yourself, coming down from the cloud and standing back on the ground again, gravity to its work the way it should. And, whilst you’re not going to be perfect straight away - if ever again - you know you can begin to come to terms with the fact that you’re always going to feel this alway, that it’s going to be a constant, that your feelings aren’t just going to disappear with the click of your fingers. It doesn’t work like that.
Your worries are understandable after the trauma period you’ve been through, especially at such a young age, and all you can do is hope that the Great Mother’s plans for you and your future family are ones full of both longevity and adoration. After all, she’d already given Neteyam to you in a time you needed someone the most (albeit, it did take you a little while to fully realise such a thing) - surely she wouldn’t stop the two of you from showing off your love in the most domestic way possible.
“Muntxate (wife),” he starts, bringing your full attention back on him as his hands start to circle around you waist comfortably, finding their home there like they always do. His eyes are soft and sympathetic when he carries on speaking. “I will never truly understand what you’re feeling - I know that. But, what I do know is that no matter what you are going through on any particular day, I will always be there for you. All you have to do is ask, and I will drop everything and come straight to you.”
A small smile start to curve the ends of your lips in gratefulness, repeating his words on a never ending loop within the confines of your mind. More tears are beginning to sweep against your eyeline - but, this time, they’re happy ones, they’re ones you glad to be expressing. “I know,” you respond, barely above a whisper as all the lives around you seem much louder.
Seeing as the smile on your face becomes a little wider, understanding that his words were slowly beginning to get through to you, Neteyam nuzzles your faces closer together, your noses rubbing against one another lovingly. He takes in your scent the way he loves, inhaling deeply, but never forcing his gaze away from yours, needing you to entertain the seriousness behind him pupils. “You’re not alone in anything, sevin (pretty), I promise you…” he pauses, watching your eyes flutter close as you bask in his warm presence, taking a few seconds to contemplate his next words, before speaking again. “You don’t need to worry about never being there for our children, either,” he starts, your eyes opening up once again when he brings up the elephant in the room, flickering between each of his own his contemplation, “because I promise you - I swear to the Great Mother herself - that I will always protect you: against something as little as a yerik (hexapede), or as big as an ‘angtsik (hammerhead titanothere).” His words cause a small giggle to escape from your lips before you fully realise it’s fallen. Just imagining Neteyam battling a yerik (hexapede) has you amused, feeling better than you had before. He lowers his head to your own, wanting the eye contact to stay, finding importance in it when he spoke. “You will be there for our kids for everything, and you will be an amazing mother…”he insists, fingers gently rubbing smoothly against both sides of your waist, sending chills up your spine, warm from the compliment. The thought of his words alone has you feeling all giddy. “…To all 5 of our kids…”
“5 kids?” you question immediately, exclaiming out your surprise at his admission, widened eyes and joking smile. This particular conversation that it’s changed to causes your tail to swish from left to right, showing off its excitement, despite your juxtaposing words. “I knew you wanted a few, ‘teyam, but even that’s a lot.”
“No, no,” Neteyam insists, shaking his head and laughing along with you. “You see,” he teases, fingers dancing along your waist as he begins to smile mischievously, “because I will never get enough of you, so, we’re bound to have a lot.” He leaves a little shrug at the end of his sentence, acting all nonchalant, like what he’d just admitted didn’t hold a lot of weight to his words.
You can already feel the blush patching along your cheeks, painting your skin a darker colour, forcing your head to hang low subconsciously. However, y oh don’t get to stay like that for too long, because his once-dancing fingers suddenly start tickling against your sides, moving in an annoyingly rapid succession, which causes shrieks of laughter and pleads for him to stop to shoot through the air.
More of Neteyam’s laughter joins in with your own, the loving sounds shared between the two of you emanating through the forest around you, mixing together as one. Such a sound was like music to his ears, glad to have been able to make you happy again. He doesn’t care how many times he admits it, because he’s not ashamed of it - he’d do anything, and give anything, to hear such an ethereal sound for the rest of his life.
And, even though it was always going to be obvious that the two of you would find yourselves in these situations for more times to come - because your worries and your anxieties were never going to just disappear - Neteyam would always make sure that he was right by your side, that he was there to ease you and bring you back to where you truly belonged… with him.
taglist ;
@monahiiii @bakugouswaif @andraga12 @draiochtwrites @teyums @neteyamslovrr @tinkerbelle05 @netesanrr @lanasblood @camilo-uwu @queen190 @adrianarose7 @ttkttt @ayoungforeveruniverse-blog@lucialobelia @littlepisceanpixie @gyuventure @afro-hispwriter @thexplosivegirl @bellstwd @tahni-04 @eclipseatsea @6422btw @badbussylol @ellabellabus07
#she's amazing#not that it's a surprise to literally anyone#ˏˋ andra's fic recommendations ˊˎ#✨ andra's 3k event#˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ andra's mooties#my flower 🌸
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I don't want to keep clogging my blog with vent posts but uh... I guess this is a more general concern/observation
But it's getting real hard to stay motivated in fandom spaces when there's little compensation, and annoying occurrences are more frequent than good ones.
Mainly there's been less engagement/people showing interest in creators and their art (such as sending asks, making comments and reblogging with tags) and MORE parasocial interactions. This goes for both artists and writers.
Over this year I've noticed a vast disinterest within my public in general. Asks about ocs, my art, or just nice simple comments of ''I love your art'' has been getting more and more scarce. My follower number is bigger than 2-3 years ago sure and I get more likes on my posts but they are feeling more like just numbers and statistics than actual people who supposedly like my stuff.
And while people being parasocial with creators has always been a thing, I feel like it's gotten way worse... in general? People sending personal pictures out of the blue in hopes of being validated, unwanted psychological advice or assumptions about the creator without any established connection first ( <- these happened to me in the same week.) ventdump, just insensitive/lacking of common sense comments in general, unreasonable demands (mostly with writers)... I wondered at first if it was just me, but a handful of mutuals/acquaintances who are artists and writers seems to be going through it as well.
It's annoying. It's tough. It's getting exhausting. Creators pour so much of themselves into their work—countless hours, effort, and passion, all to share something meaningful or entertaining with others (and for FREE) The LEAST anyone can do is show respect, even if opinions differ. When a writer posts a fanfic, don't just say ''omg post next chapter!'', when an artist posts a drawing of their favorite character, don't just say ''omg draw (character) next!'' as if they're faceless content machines that are expected to churn out more '''content''' for you without acknowledgment, encouragement, or appreciation.
''I want to support creators but I don't know what to say and I feel intimidated by their talent so I just lurk silently :((('' I swear to you, no creator (at least not the majority) is making up an intimidating persona to discourage you from interacting with them. They WANT your comments. A single ''I love your art/writing/videos'' or even something as silly as ''I want to eat your art'' is enough to keep a creator sighing dreamily for WEEKS. It doesn't have to be deep! It's heartfelt and that's what it matters!! (Just remember to keep it relevant and thoughtful... It takes just a bit of common sense NOT to comment things like ''this looks like (another character)'' or ''this but with (another unrelated ship/character/show)''. No one wants to hear comparisons or unrelated ideas when they’ve poured their soul into something.)
In fact, the ''I like your art but I think you're intimidating'' feels more hurtful than flattering. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong, acting wrong. 💀
If you love that fanfic that changed your brain psyche forever and want to gush about it, go tell the writer. If you loved so much a piece of art that you saved it a million times in your phone and can't stop thinking about it, go tell the artist. Push away the ''they probably won't care about my comment/it won't make a difference'' thoughts. DO IT NOW. You won't know when they might go inactive forever or deactivate. You can't know if that is the last piece they will ever post. Make sure you show appreciation to creators NOW, while they are still here. While they're still not being replaced by AI.
#fandoms#to those users who always reblog my art with tags and comments I SEE YOU. YOU MAKE A WHOLE DIFFERENCE. YOU GIVE ME STRENGTH TO GO ON#to people who send asks about my oc or show genuine interest and appreciation for my art/me even if I take a whole ass year to answer#I still APPRECIATE IT so much and one day (hopefully) ill answer it with a cute lil doodle 😭#one time I made a rlly heartfelt comment of appreciation for one my fav jp artists on twitter which I thought was ''intimidating''#i thought they were gonna think my comment was obnoxious or rude for not being in japanese but I made sure to be respectful#to my surprise the artist responded me with a small drawing as a thankyou... and they did that JUST for me 😭😭 not anyone else#it really opened my eyes#people can FEEL your love and passion for their work even with language barrier#its literally SO easy to be nice. and also SO easy to not be a parasocial dick.#but more often its none of those#if people cared about artists there wouldnt be AI art/writing
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