#not technically zukaang but you could make it a zukaang thing if you wanted
azulas-daddy-kink · 9 months
Z*kka is a very good example I like to use when I talk about how trend, timing and tropes effect fandoms that you don't see happen in older fandoms
The ATLA renaissance happened during the same time the Voltron trainwreck happened. At the same time, certain tropes like opposites attract, blue/red gays etc are insanely popular. Almost every big thing falls into this easy category of who fits who in their incorrect quotes or popular tropes and ship dynamic.
And Z*kka fits the bill. Silly/Serious? Check. Conventionally attractive guys? Check. Blue/Red? Check. On paper, they sound like any other popular ships that technically speaking would make at least a decent ship.
Except they don't. Because they're from a 3 seasons show where they canonically don't have that much meaningful interaction, barely any acknowledgement of each other, and they just don't have chemistry. They DON'T. Just because they LOOK like they fit on the surface level doesn't mean they actually do. Sometimes opposites don't attract. Sometimes the characters who fall easily into a ship dynamic aren't actually compatible.
The ship is solid proof that modern fandoms these days prioritize surface level things over what canon actually gives them. I UNDERSTAND why some people like z*kka, but it DOES NOT deserve the level of popularity it receives! And the fact it became one of the most popular ships in ATLA because the voltron fans project kl*nce into the ship is IMO disheartening. They already choose what they wish to see instead of appreciating what these characters got and who they actually connect with in canon.
I know I sound pretentious, but I really can't stand these kinds of fans because of how much they REFUSE to engage in canon. Tropes are nice. Having preferences is not a crime. But actively forcing your own vision into canon just because they fit your tastes in the most shallow way possible is just sad. Why bother engage in any new media then? Why not actually pick up something that actively fits your taste?
You said it all, Anon!
I seriously had no idea where Zukka even came from until recently.
It wasn't a thing when the show was airing and then suddenly it just exploded out of nowhere. I was so baffled. I was like "why this?" Of all the slash ships people could have latched onto. Jetko is right there. Hell, even Zukaang and Sokka/Aang make way more sense.
You're so right, people just base everything off """vibes""" or aesthetics, or just jump on the bandwagon when a ship/headcanon gets popular without giving it any real thought. And because Zukka is just a copy+paste version of Klance, they just wind up wildly ooc and it's like they're two entirely different characters. I have to ask myself if these people even like Zuko or Sokka independently...
And for the record, I don't think you sound shallow at all. The enforcement of popular headcanons as canon is a problem in all fandoms, but it's especially bad in this one.
If it sounds like I'm pointing the finger solely at Zukka shippers, I'm not. Zutara shippers are just as bad, if not worse. As are those who shove the idea of lesbian Azula down everyone's throats.
It's just fucking exhausting.
Ship whatever you want. Headcanon whatever you want. Just stop torturing all of us with it.
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i wrote this forever ago for another fic, but if katara and aang HAD to break up this is the level of kindness and 4ever friendship that their relationship demands. def cried at points while writing this soooo heads up. A change of air pressure seemed to settle in the room. “Aang, I know you know this isn’t working.” You would think that a sudden decrease of pressure in the atmosphere would lift you up. But it was rather too stark a reminder of the way clouds can suddenly tower over one another like clambering ants over a crumb. Then the winds would push through, followed by rain, and things would be lost that you never expected to lose, probably left somewhere new—the terracotta roof tiles scattered in the yard or a cart forced into the ditch. Once the event passed, even the most optimistic souls had to admit that the transformation smacked of catastrophe. Though both Aang and Katara could feel it all, there wasn’t much they could do with that emptying feeling now except ride it out.
“What do you mean ‘this’?” Aang asked, sitting up from the fur-lined bed. He had always felt uncomfortable sleeping on the skins. It wasn’t a year round practice. In summer, with much of the snow melted, flax woven beds filled with soft meadow grasses could be made, and sometimes even sleeping out with Appa was a possibility. Yet when they visited in the harsh winters, they huddled together on the yak-deer fur. But now Aang broke their huddle, confused? or shocked? or disbelieving? And, secretly, shamefully, hopeful? Everything in him pulled or pushed back: his eyebrows arched, his arms lifted his chest off the bed, even his perpetually forward moving arrow was caught in wrinkles on his forehead.
“I don’t know,” Katara responded, shaking her head in denial of her own intuition, “But doesn’t it seem like…” Her words caught. Aang’s pupils seemed to dilate begging for her to finish. “Don’t make me say it, please.” The tears let go of their grip and started falling in little crooked streams down her cheeks. Aang looked around at the tiny wooden nightstand, the blue bricked walls, the lilting fire, and nothing offered answers or clarity or even a sense that this was real.
“I don’t want to say it,” Aang responded. His lips parted slightly as if to make the attempt. Katara gave him a sad smile. It didn’t take a fortune teller to foresee Aang’s struggle, his disquiet as he approached a chapter’s end. And how much worse for this chapter to be about them: the relationship that had brought him back to this world again and again. He once called it a tether
But she looked at him, at all the peace he promised, at all the wisdom he held, the invisible strings he held in his hands connecting him, not just to her, but really to anyone in need. She could see into the invisible world and notice how his arms resisted the pull of a thousand kites caught in the winds. And Katara knew he would find such joy if he chose a few and followed them to their ends. She imagined his features brightened by happiness as he held someone else’s hand. Trying to resist those calls to keep this up was paining him. 
Here she was at home, the familiar softness beneath her, the same motifs stitched into her clothes as those her mother and father wore. Could they have ever hoped for the vitality that ran through the Southern Water Tribe these days? All the friends and love sparkling in this land that had seemed to be on its last legs until the day they met. She lay her hand on her husband’s. No, simply Aang’s. The baby blue tattoo that he still itched at when he got hot. “I’ll still be here,” she said. “But we just don’t need this, Aang. What are we afraid of? We’ve dealt with the worst of the world. And we’ve had our fun, too. We’ve both already…” She eyed him coyly, letting the implication settle into the pause. “And none of them threatened what we have, did they?” 
She kissed his pensive face lightly—an apology. “I have children and a whole tribe to help raise them and so much more life to live. And you have more adventures you’re meant for, too. Can’t you feel it? You, coming back here so often: it’s tiring for you, I know it. If I thought it were just me exhausted by it—but I know it isn’t.” Her explanation surged encouragingly, only breaking back into sentimental tears at its end. Katara hugged Aang. And Aang hugged her back. She could feel his embarrassed relief. “And you know,” she said into his shoulder, “If it all gets too hard, if you feel overwhelmed, you’ll come back here. You’re not alone.” Aang’s tears were soaking into her shoulder. “And if I ever need you, well, Sokka’s got Hawky.” Laughter broke up their sobs as they pulled apart and wiped at their faces.
“I know,” Aang, cheeks red and cherubic with sincerity, said finally, “I’d be there no matter what. I love you, Katara.” And so their story ended with the same force of affection by which it had always moved.
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raventao · 2 years
So I had a very nice ZukAang dream last night about Zuko and Aang (aged up) having a daughter together and it was just super cute. I woke up at 2:30am, half asleep still needing a shower, which, gave me ample time to dwell more on said dream. Why can't I go back to sleep and finish it? I want more. The best I could do is write down what I remembered after the shower in my notes app though.
ANYWAY! If you're interested, the dream went roughly like so;
If you fudge the timeline around a little bit:
Aang gets frozen with Gyatso after a tactical retreat from the attack on the southern air temple. Sozin was looking for him specifically since he's already been announced as the Avatar to most of the world, so the air nomads haven't been outright slaughtered, but their numbers are not what they once were since Sozin still kills a lot of them looking for Aang after he gets frozen, assuming they're hiding him - he's probably about 20 and already been taught Water bending, was in the process of learning Earth bending but it wasn't going well.
He still meets Katara and Sokka (also aged up, so 22 and 23) when he wakes up, they still help him and they both continue their water bending studying as they travel. Gyatso helps them by being team dad.
Zuko still gets booted from the fire nation for the same reason, probably at the same age too, but by the time he finds the GAang, it's just him and a core group of guys + Iroh that have all pretty much come to the same conclusion - the fire nation is in the wrong and want to help. Zuko is also aged up to 23. He's seen some shit, he is not keeping the title fire nation prince, if someone asks, he makes sure they know he's the ex prince. He meets the GAang after they find Toph. (who does not need to sneak away because she’s a grown ass woman of 20 and made her own choices. Her parents still don't know about her bending prowess and coddle her, but ultimately, they can't actually stop her from leaving.)
Gyatso and Iroh are instant BFFs and co dad the GAang once Zuko joins - which is significantly easier since Ex prince Zuko is pretty publicly anti Fire Nation. But he does usually still go by the Blue Spirit to make things easier. Zuko/Iroh and Toph are teaching Aang Earth and Fire bending, and as a result, are getting closer. The comet isn't super immanent, they have time. (5 years or so? They're preparing, (both sides) but the time frame isn't quite as crunch time.) Zuko and Aang end up getting married quietly and having a kid (and nothing I've read/seen in AtLA canon says men can't get pregnant, and it's fantasy so ... ya' know.)
He dissappears from the public eye for about a year and resurfaces with a daughter. Her other father is not made public knowledge just to keep her safe from Zuko's family. (No name yet, leaning towards Rain?) She turns out to be an Air bender so no one actually can hazard a guess as to who her 2nd dad is. Even if being the child of the Avatar does technically mean she had the same chances to be any other type of bender.
She is about 3 when, while Toph and Zuko are away dealing with a covert operation for the resistance, her, Aang, Katara, and Sokka are attacked (where are Iroh and Gyatso? Dunno, maybe a White Lotus meeting???) by Zhao and his fleet. The fight is intense and being older and wiser, Aang doesn't use the Avatar state as often, but they're still kicking ass and taking names until Rain gets taken hostage and Aang gets seriously hurt, when he notices and gets distracted. Zhao uses her to escape and Aang is heartbroken that his baby is taken. Katara and Sokka are just as upset, not having been strong enough to get to her before she was taken aboard the ship. (Rain had wanted to help, saw her daddy, and aunt and uncle fighting, and said "I'll fight too!" And in typical 3yo fashion, did not listen when Sokka and Katara told her no, and slipped into the brawl of Fire Nation soldiers and proceeded to be a little more than a nuacience to them before she's captured.
Cue Zuko hearing about what happened after he gets back maybe a day or two later and sees his husband very injured (they at least took out the ship's worth of men who had stayed back to slow them from getting to Zhao and rescuing Rain themselves. T'was not an easy fight and some got in decent attacks while they were emotionally compromised.) And hears about Rain's abduction. He and Toph give chase while Katara takes care of Aang. He promises he doesn't blame them, he knows how dirty and underhanded Zhao is, that using a child to gain an advantage is absolutely something he would do. The Blue Spirit pays them a visit and when Zhao asks why the blue spirit is after him someone smartly answers; "well, it might have to do with you kidnapping the avatar's kid."
Which is where I woke up, but I'd like to think Rain was just throwing a tantrum amd flinging tornadoes around shouting for her dads when Zhao tells her she can't go home.
When Zuko and Toph get there to rescue her she probably blows Zhao off the side of the ship while they're escaping just to be petty. Toph would absolutely high five her for it too.
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‘author’ self interview
thank you for the tag @itsmoonpeaches!! sorry im a few days late getting to it 😩
Name: thinkingisadangerouspastime / faerialchemist / amy
Fandoms: all of them, lmao? well, according to ffn:
Author has written 61 stories for Teen Titans, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist, [redacted], Ouran High School Host Club, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Avengers, Dragon Prince, Good Omens, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Fruits Basket, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Avatar: Last Airbender, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Winx Club.
right now, i am active(ish) in atla and the mcu as well as monk and medium, although those last two don’t really have fandoms (at least not large ones, lol)
Where do you post: faerialchemist on AO3 is where my better works are, lmao, but i also post on FFN, Wattpad, and Quotev under different handles. and when i remember, i try to promo my works on Tumblr, too!
Most popular multi-chapter fic: in terms of true multichapter fics (i.e. not a oneshot collection), No Ordinary Exchange wins for hits, kudos, everything. i think that can be attributed to the fact that a) it’s long, b) it’s complete, c) it’s rayllum (most popular tdp ship), and d) it’s a college!au (a popular trope in fandom overall). although tbh, i only have like one or two other true multichaps posted, one of which is incomplete and the other of which is half-focused on an extreme rarepair, so there’s not much competition 😂
Favorite story you’ve written so far: i am going to cheat and say my favorite fics i’ve written so far are the three in my why’d you have to go and make things so complicated? series. here’s the series “summary”:
A series of (mostly) Flash Thompson-centric fics set in a canon-divergent AU beginning after Spider-Man: Homecoming. Niche headcanons*, one-sided rivals to friends (to lovers), and Flash Thompson appreciation abound! 
*Headcanons I have pioneered so far: Flash Thompson has dyslexia, Flash Thompson likes art history, Flash Thompson likes origami. Stay tuned for more. ;)
basically, it’s 50k worth of fics (so far) that serve as a testament to how much i love mcu flash thompson 🥺💛 he deserves the world!!
Fic you were nervous to post: i was pretty nervous to post one of my more recent fics, actually! the fic is called Is This Love?, and i was nervous for a few different reasons:
- it’s half sambucky, which was fine bc sambucky is popular lmao, but it’s also half sarahmay, which is a sapphic rarepair i came up with between sarah wilson and may parker. the mcu fandom has a heavy preference for mlm pairings, so i was nervous by virtue of the fic being partially wlw-centric, but it all ended up being fine! i have converted so many people to sarahmay 😤
- the fic also features my demiromantic!sam headcanon. i myself am aspec but (maybe) not demiromantic, so i wanted my portrayal to be respectful, and as such i was nervous despite everything i’d looked into prior to writing and posting the fic, lol
- it’s a multichap. multichaps make me nervous solely because they are multiple chapters. adds stressTM 😂
How do you choose your titles: song lyrics, randomly coming up with them, a specific line/word used in the fic, and brainstorming with friends are probably the main ways!
Do you outline: sure do 😤 it varies from fic to fic, so some outlines are a detailed list of events in the appropriate order, while others are a more general idea of “here’s stuff i want to include,” lol. generally speaking, though, i always try to go in with some sort of plan!
Complete: all of my recent fics are complete! (although that’s bc i primarily write oneshots 😂) on ao3, i think i only have one fic that’s truly incomplete. (oneshot collections are a weird in-between, because they essentially are always complete unless i feel like adding to them.) on ffn, though, i have four incomplete fics, three of which are from middle school. i don’t think they will ever be finished 😩
Do you accept prompts: technically, yes! but my policy is that i am under no obligation to write any of them. i write fanfic for fun and as a stress reliever, so if im not inspired by a prompt, i am not going to stress myself out trying to write for it, lol
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write about: i actually just finished writing this story today (by hand, it’s not typed yet lmao), but im gonna let it count for this question anyways! it is probably the most self-indulgent fic i’ve ever written: a monk and medium crossover. that’s right, two fandoms absolutely no one in the world cares about but me. i wrote this fic solely bc it was something i wanted to read 😂 it is - if i counted correctly - 78 1/2 pages long, which is probably in the range of 30-35k words? once i type it up (in like,, december lmao) i’ll have more specifics, although the “patching” that occurs when i type handwritten drafts could push the word count closer to 40k. but who knows? time will tell!
anyways, im just so excited about this fic bc it has so many things i like lmaooo (examples: allison whump, joe x allison content, sharona being her wonderful self, and what i hope is an interesting murder mystery!)
Stories you’re most excited to read: literally anything and everything my friends are working on! off the top of my head: @shifuaang’s tysuki fic, @praetorqueenreyna’s dark!zukaang fic, @itsmoonpeaches’s fruits basket fic, and @ambivalentmarvel’s spider kids fic 🙌
i think a lot of my atla mutuals have been tagged to do this already, so tagging some marvel friends! (this is starkravinghazelnoots, btw 💛)
tagging: @ambivalentmarvel, @friendlyneighborhoodsecretary, @lunannex, @kalliopecosmos, @omg-just-peachy, and anyone else who wants to do this! just say i tagged you 💕
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