#not tagging this as anything because my anxiety can't take assholes being mean to me
acewizardinspace · 2 years
I keep thinking about that line where Ahsoka says the jedi are "playing politics" and I just can't get over how illogical it is.
Firstly I don't think it makes sense in the scene it was used, I don't think the jedi were really doing politics right then, but whatever. Ignoring that, politics is what the jedi are supposed to be doing, right? The whole point of their existence is peacekeepers, intergalactic therapists. Ideally they should be doing politics and stopping conflict before it turns into war. It might not be as exciting but surely we can all agree it is the better option? If the sith were not preventing politics from happening, the war wouldn't have happened, or at least not the way it does. Remember how Padme said she wanted to be allowed to let diplomacy resume?
I get hating politics, I surely hate it in real life. Far too much debating on if people should be allowed rights and basic necessities. It is bullshit, I agree. But I think people are projecting the idea that all politicians are inherently evil onto the jedi. The jedi are not politicians, they are frequently negotiators! And not all politicians are evil and cruel, some truly do want to make the world a better place.
There is an assumption that politicians are inherently corrupt, and the jedi are politicians, thus they must be corrupt. Despite literally every part of that statement being wrong.
I guess when I hear people complain that the jedi are doing politics my only thought is "uhh yeah I sure hope they are"
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angelinthefire · 8 months
i can't decide between cute shit and timestamp
Re: this tag game
Thank you for asking!
"Cute shit"
So this is a pretty generic post-15x19, Cas-is-back-from-the-Empty fic. The setup is a lot like "Status quo ante bellum", in that Dean is still working towards fully expressing his feelings towards Cas, and Cas isn't sure where he stands. But Dean is being pretty clearly clingy, so Cas doesn't have the intense anxiety that he does in "Status quo". They go on the clown-mask-vampire hunt, Dean gets impaled, but Cas is there to heal him. But because Dean was so badly injured, it takes a lot out of Cas, and he passes out. Sam and Dean take Cas back to the motel and get him a room, and Dean stays with him overnight. The excerpt picks up the next morning. It's mostly just dialogue.
Cas wakes up first. Frozen, kind of terrified. 
Dean is snuggled into him by now. 
Dean wakes up. Jerks away in shock but recovers quickly.
Cas looks at him nervously.
Dean smiles bashfully, "Hope I didn’t wake you up?"
C: "No you didn’t"
D: "Good. How’re you doing? Anything screwed up?"
C: "No, I’m better."
D: Sighs, relieved. "I was scared."
C: Raises his eyebrows. "You were scared for me?"
D: "‘Course."
C: "Dean, you could’ve died." 
D: "Yeah that scared me too."
C: "Yeah. Me too."
D: "But… if I died… you’d come see me, right? Sneak into my memory box, wake me up? And we could just… hang out on the holodeck?"
C: "It’s a poor substitute for life."
D: "But you’d do it?"
C: (softly) "Yeah."
D: "Good. Y’know, I think… I mean… I wanna spend forever with you."
Cas stares, entirely disarmed. 
Dean’s eyes fall to his lips. 
He leans in. Cas is very still, and closes his eyes. Dean kisses him very softly.
Cas’ eyes are still closed when he pulls away.
Cas opens his eyes. Looks unsettled.
So Dean kisses him again. This time something clicks with Cas and he starts to kiss him back.
2. Timestamp
This is the scene from "Forget your perfect offering" in chapter 4 where Claire goes off to talk to Dean in the kitchen. I wrote the dialogue when I wrote the chapter, so that I would have a clear idea of what was happening with Dean, even though I never intended to post it with the fic. I'm actually pretty sure that I posted it on tumblr at some point, but I can't find it now.
The setup is that Dean is trying to give Cas what he wants so that he'll stay. And Jody, Kaia and Claire come over for a family dinner. And Dean basically tells Claire not to screw it up with her attitude. But he apologizes later, and that's when this scene takes place. Under the cut.
Dean feels bad for telling Claire not to be a weirdo, and asks her to help him with dessert so they can talk in the kitchen.
Dean: Sorry for being, y’know…
Claire: An asshole?
D: Yeah. I guess this whole thing’s got me on-edge.
C: What whole thing?
D: Y’know. Being with Cas. It’s a mindfuck. I mean, you get it, right?
C: Get what?
D: You know…
Claire stares at him.
D: Suddenly being different from how you thought you were.
Claire keeps staring at him.
D: Oh, come on. Your dad was all into Jesus. He didn’t raise you to think being gay was normal. Don’t you ever get hung up on what he’d think if he saw you today?
C: (getting agitated) No, I don’t, because he’s dead. And I had an angel in me, so I know that none of that shit matters.
D: Yeah, but when you started being into girls, you’re saying you didn’t ever worry what other people would think?
C: What the hell, I’m not your therapist, Dean!
D: Yeah. Right. Sorry.
C: (softening, just a little) I get that you need someone to talk to about this crap. But did you think that maybe that someone should be your boyfriend?
D: Talk to Cas? The dude spent eternity as, like, a giant lightbulb or something. I don’t think he knows what it’s like for everyone he knows to suddenly see him as some… some kinda… ugh.
Dean cuts into the rice krispie squares. Claire regards him cooly. The way Dean said "some kinda" gets under her skin.
Claire leans over the counter, and says to Dean in a low, icy voice.
C: Faggot.
Dean freezes and stares at Claire like she just slapped him.
D: What?
C: That’s what you were gonna say, right? That's what you are now.
Dean looks at Claire like he’s about to cry.
C: And you can wear your plaid, and carry a gun and talk like Batman, but that won't change the fact that that's all you are to some people. They'll see you and Cas together and that'll be it, they'll never see you as anything but dirty and wrong and weak. And I dunno, maybe your dad would've been one of them. But you gotta decide whether or not you're going to let them control your life. You gotta decide whether all that bullshit is worth it.
Claire takes the knife from Dean and goes back to cutting the rice krispie squares.
D: (after a long beat) Yeah. Yeah, Cas is worth it.
C: (significant look) I don't mean Cas. I mean being yourself.
D: (some kind of subtexutal reminder that Dean still thinks he's not really in love with Cas) Heh. Yeah. Thanks Claire.
C: Whatever. Don't start thinking I'm your gay Yoda.
D: It’ll be hard. You give good advice. For a dyke.
C: (good natured) Pansy.
D: Queer.
C: Cocksucker.
D: Nah, that’s not till later tonight.
C: Ew!
D: What, you don’t wanna hear about my plans for Cas’ cock?
C: No! Shut up, Dean!
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Eli "hawk" moskowitz x reader
Request: ok! if you get too busy or don’t like the idea you don’t have to do it...but would it be possible for you to do a Miguel or Hawk imagine where the reader and him (either boy is either) get into a fight and they accidentally hit the reader cause of ✨karate✨and then they have to apologize and stuff and maybe it’s like...fluffy idk...if you don’t want to do it that’s fine! No pressure! <3
Warnings: language. Angst. And fluff at the end because I'm all soft for eli🥺
Tag: @klt123456
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You stormed into your boyfriends bedroom slamming the door, face flushed with anger while you pace the room. Eli watched you with a cold hard stare, arms crossed as he huffs out a un-amused chuckle.
"shouldn't I be the one pissed? Considering you're the one who was hanging around that jerk!?" hawk growls, causing you to scoff and shake your head. "you was flirting with that - that asshole! All night!" he yells, walking closer to you.
You only roll your eyes and glare at him. Thankful his mother wasn't home to hear his loud yelling, "I wasn't flirting with him! I was hardly even talking to the guy!" you retort, voice raised as you stare at him, watching his anger grow. "and what words I did say to was about me and you Eli!" you tell the truth, for you told the random guy about eli and your relationship.
But the man who your boyfriend claimed you to be flirting with was insistent with his flirting toward you, one of the reasons you waved Eli over in the first place. But he was a stubborn hard headed hot head after he joined that karate class he always tells you about.
"then why the hell did he have his hands all over you? Why did you let him do that!?" eli yells stalking closer to you, his eye's alight with anger, rage rolling off him in burning waves. You actually felt a little intimidated by him and let your anger soften a little, trying to calm down.
"I didn't. That's what you're not understanding!" you spoke through gritted teeth. The man just slung a arm over your shoulder and started getting a little too friendly for your liking. Why you waved your boyfriend over.
"what you're not understanding is that you shouldn't have even talked to the asshole in the first place!" he exclaimed, clearly getting even angrier. You sigh deeply and shake your head.
"I'm going home until you calm down..." you say calmy, heading for the door until he graps your wrist and spins you around, hard blue eye's glaring down at you.
"you're not leaving until this is settled!" you huff out a frustrated breath, fed up with his attitude.
"there's nothing to settle Eli, not until you stop being a childish asshole" you said, venom dripping from your voice as you angrily pry his fingers from your wrist, in a attempt to leave. But when you done so he done some sort of move making you flip and land on his floor hard on your back, the wind knocked from your lungs. You stare up at your boyfriend with a frightened, betrayed look. This was not your Eli... Eli would never do something like this to you, at least you thought.
When you met his gaze, his blue eye's was wide with a horrified expression. He was quick to crouch down beside you, reaching for you. But you backed away, standing up and running out fthe door. You heard Eli yelling for you, pleading for you to talk... But you left his house. Tears swelling in your eye's.
You wasn't hurt, you pissed he'd do that, you was pissed at cobra Kai for corrupting your sweet shy Eli into an ignorant asshole who thought karate was the key to fixing everything. Like tonight at that stupid party he dragged you to, if your shy sweet Eli saw a man flirting with you, he'd take you home and calmy tell you what he was feeling, taking care of the situation calmy, he'd see you push the jerk away and cling to his side as you reassure him he was the only man for you.... But the new Eli... Hawk, he saw everything different, he saw the man wrap a arm around you and assumed you was madly in love with the stranger, he saw the chance to use his flashy new fighting skills and took it. Showing off his new self. You hated it.
A solid week went by with you ignoring Eli, not answering his calls or texts, distancing yourself from him at school or anywhere you saw him actually. You even had to ignore poor Miguel because he tried getting you to talk to Eli. But you didn't want to, not after what he done.
That's how you ended up walking home alone from school, bag slung over your shoulder as you kept your eyes glued to the sidewalk. But the sound of approaching footsteps caught your attention, you look behind you to see aisha. She walks beside you steadily. You sigh and already know what she's hear for....
"look, I have no idea what happened between you and hawk... But maybe you should try talking to him? He's really upset, he's even missing karate class" you look over at her as you stopped walking. That was a bit of shock, Eli skipping lessons like that.
"he's not been showing up for his lessons?" you ask, a curious brow lifted at her.
She nods, "he hasn't showed up for a week now, even sensei Lawrence is concerned about him, maybe you should call hawk, try working things out?" aisha told you. But you wasn't gonna forgive Eli that easily, just because he was skipping karate doesn't mean you'd forgotten what he done to you.
"maybe sensei Lawrence should give him a call, because I'm not letting Eli forget his mistake that easily" you grumbled, aisha sighs and follows you to your house.
"what did he even do? It can't be that bad!?" she said a little loudly as you got ahead of her. You stopped walking again, nearly home as you grip your backpack strap hard.
"he freaking body slammed me aisha! It's pretty bad" you state with frustration. Aisha's eyes widen as she catches up with you.
"why the hell did he do that?" she asks, starting to side with you on this one. You opened your mouth to answer her but no noise came out, you stared at your porch steps at where the familier man sat, his head resting in his hands as he bounced his knee, his anxiety getting the best of him.
You groan and March over to him, trying to ignore him as you head for the steps, but he stood up fastly and looks at you with big pleading eye's, his expression one of pain and regret. You felt your heart ache for him, for you remember this look on him all to well, the nights you spent holding him in your arms as kids words from school about the scar on his lip got to him...
You push those thoughts away and try to pass him, but he stops you gently, his shaky hand softly grasping your hand. You yank your hand from his grasp causing his heart to break right there, his eye's showing the defeated pained look that action caused.
"get out of my way hawk... Go home or whatever" you grumbled quietly while staring at him with a look over anger.
He sighs, a little frown on his face. He knew he messed up big time when you called him hawk, something you never called him, ever. "I'm sorry y/n, I'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to do that... It was a reflex -
"don't go making excuses for practically body slamming me hawk, now move and get lost" you try and make him leave by putting up a angery facade. But it obviously wasn't working.
"please y/n! I'm sorry, what I did was stupid, how I was acting that night was stupid and nothing will ever make up for what I did, I know that but..." he sighs, looking down as his lip trembles. Pain embracing your heart at the sight, you hated seeing Eli cry...
"I can't leave without you y/n, I know that sounds cliché... But it's true, I didn't realize how enjoyable life was when you were in it... But when you left? When you're gone... It's miserable, a living hell because I can't stand not hearing you're voice or seeing you're face - I miss you y/n, so fucking much it's killing me not being near you... Please just give me a another chance " he spoke with tears slowly falling from his blue eye's. This was Eli, not hawk the big badass karate champ, but sweet, sympathetic, vulnerable Eli moskowitz. "please" he muttered.
You stare at him, eye's roaming his face. You look into his blue eye's, the eye's you've gazed in for nearly 3 years. You look over his adorable nose you've made a habit of kissing whenever he'd get stressed or frustrated over anything the action always melting his heart. Then lastly you look over the scar on his lip, the scar he hated with a passion. You've placed many kisses on that scar, telling him it wasn't seen as a flaw in your eye's, but a beauty mark, something that made him characteristic. All of that took place in the years before he went to Cobra Kai. The years you both was madly in love...
"eli... I'll never forget what happened that night, you acted like a total asshole, you overreacted over something stupid because you let anger and jealousy get the best of you, and you hurt me. Not only emotionally, but physically and that's something I'll never forget" you said with a through growing frustration. Eli's eye's already showing the way his heart was shattering at what he thought was you breaking up with him.
"but... That doesn't mean I'm just going to leave you, sure I may be angry but I'll never stop loving you Eli....but if you ever pull a stunt like that one more time... I won't be as forgiving." you say while giving him a serious look.
Hope fulls his eye's while he gives you a ghost of a smile. "it will never happen again, I swear y/n I'll never let no one hurt you, not even myself" he muttered. You sigh and walk closer to him. Delicately cupping his cheeks as you look up into his eyes, you then lean in and kiss his nose. His eyes fluttering closed as he let's a breath escape his lips.
"I love you Eli, I'll always love you and only you" you murmur as a smile tugs at your lips. His eye's open again as he smiles down at you.
"I'll always love you too babe, I'm sorry for being such an asshole...." he looks down as his smile turns to a frown. You make him look up at you by tilting his head up.
"let's put it behind us Eli, there's no point on dwelling in the past when there's a future ahead of us" you say, knowing guilt was eating away at him for what he done. And sure, you was still bothered by what he done... You knew he had alcohol in his system and wasn't thinking straight. And like he said, you knew it was a reflex.... Why hold one mistake on the man?
"okay..." he muttered with a smile, you smiled back and kissed the scar on his lip. He melts in your touch, while you both just stood there.
And as months went by, Eli stayed True to his word. He didn't let anyone hurt you, not even himself. He showed others hawk when you wasn't around, but when you was by his side. He was the shy sweet Eli you had fallen in love with.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Clueless" *Part 2*
I feel bad because I actually have more of this written but if it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, what's the fun in that?
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(y'all I can't help but add Tai gifs I'm sorry it's so appropriate 🤣)
Tag List:
Part 1
Part 3
Rafael walked out onto the massive deck of the house. It housed a giant cabana lined with benches and pillows, complete with a tiki bar. Surprisingly it had not been overtaken by the party...yet.
You followed him into the cabana, where he promptly went behind the bar and fixed himself a scotch.
“What are you drinking?” He asked you.
You didn’t really drink a lot, but you didn’t want to look like a pansy. You racked your brain trying to remember any kind of drink you remembered seeing in movies.
“I’ll have a jack and coke,” You smiled nervously. He nodded and obliged, handing you the drink. You looked at it for a moment; it looked like a normal soda, how bad could that be? You took a big swig.
You were wrong-- it is VERY bad.
You almost choked as the burn of the whiskey fell down your throat, you looked around for napkins or something, praying to God this wasn’t how you were going to die-- trying and failing at impressing the most gorgeous man you’d seen in your life.
“Oh god, honey are you ok?” Rafael grabbed a water bottle and handed it to you. You grabbed it from him and chugged it quickly. Finally after a minute, you could breathe again and fully embrace the humiliation of what had just transpired. You didn’t want to look at him, you must have looked like an idiot choking on a cocktail like a prude. Ariel had taken you to enough parties in college, why hadn’t you practiced this before?
“Yeah I’m fine…” You muttered, staring into the deck floor.
“...Maybe light on the jack?” You could hear the smile in his voice. You looked up to see him holding another coke, with the Jack Daniels bottle in his hand. He ever so lightly splashed some whiskey into the glass and handed it to you. You sipped it this time, barely tasting the alcohol.
“...Thanks,” You smiled nervously, feeling your cheeks burn hotter by the second. Either you were the lightest lightweight on earth, or he made you nervous. You were pretty sure it was both.
“Not much of a drinker, are you?” He kept smiling at you as you shook your head NO.
“...Curiouser and curiouser,” He chuckled as he came back around the bar with his drink and nodded towards the pillowed benches. You followed and sat beside him on one, curling up your knees beside you like a mermaid tail.
“...What is?” You gave him a questionable look, waiting for an insult.
“You and Ariel’s relationship,” He gestured towards the house. “You don’t drink, you don’t party, you’re clearly WAY more intelligent,”
“...I know, she’s so awesome and I’m just--” You started to degrade yourself with a sad smile while pushing strands of hair behind your ear nervously.
“No no no,” He stopped you mid sentence, taking your hand. “Actually I was implying the opposite,”
Now you looked at him in even more confusion.
“I was going to say you’re way too good for her,” He finished with that amazing smile still on his lips.
You felt yourself go light headed; you seriously could not be this sensitive to alcohol, could you? You’d drank before, wine and champagne and what not. Even some jello shots at a few parties, where you couldn’t taste the alcohol at all. THAT was a bad night. But it couldn’t be the alcohol making you feel this way-- it had to be him.
“OH, um--” You snapped your hand back instinctively, any form of social intimacy freaked you out. But you instantly regretted it, missing the feeling of his warm skin on yours. So you fought your neurotic brain and moved it back forward slightly, where your fingers were still touching.
“No, um-- Ariel’s right,” You continued. “She saved me,”
“I highly doubt Ariel’s saved anyone in her life,”
“Hey! That’s my best friend you’re talking about!”
“....Sorry,” He apologized. “I just don’t see what you see, apparently,”
“She has a huge heart, really,” He gave you a skeptical look. “Really!” You insisted.
“Look-- When I got accepted to Harvard, I didn’t know that my scholarship only accounted for the tuition, NOTHING else. So I didn’t-- I hadn’t saved anything for loding,” You sipped your coke as you continued. “So, I begged the housing department for ANY kind of room they could give me, I even offered to sleep in the janitor’s closet!”
A laugh from Rafael caused you to stop talking and look down at the floor, instantly embarrassed again at your sad sack of a life. Instantly Rafael went for your hand again but paused, noting your uneasiness from before.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you,” He apologized. No one had ever cared enough to keep apologizing for YOUR lack of self esteem issues, flinching anytime anyone even coughed on you in an aggressive manner.
“No no, it’s fine, I just--” You now placed your hand over his, a feat in your social anxiety ridden brain. “It’s me, it’s not you,” You tried not to stare at your hands touching, but inside you were so proud of yourself and so happy to have his hand touching yours again, it was actually comforting.
“Anyway, um so--” You bit your lip nervously. “So I was just about to-- I don’t even know what, find a homeless shelter or a bridge, I guess,”
Rafael smiled in amusement and chuckled slightly, checking to make sure you weren’t thrown off by it again. You smiled and laughed at the thought of you dragging everything you owned to a bridge on campus to set up camp.
“But Ariel saw me, and took pity on me I guess?” You shrugged. You really weren’t sure of the thought process that went through Ariel’s head that night, you were just so grateful she had been there.
“She asked me if I had a place to stay and I said no, so she told me that she had a suite all to herself and that she really didn’t do well by herself and that she had just been heading to the housing department to ask for a roommate,” You smiled at the memory.
You weren’t entirely sure how true it was at the time, but knowing her as well as you do now, you knew she did NOT do well by herself. She was confident and full of self esteem to everyone else in the public, but when it was just the two of you she seemed almost...sad, most of the time. Like being happy was just the dress she put on to wear in the world.
“....I hadn’t thought about it like that,” Rafael said softly, now slightly regretting how snarky he was towards her most of the time.
“And now I know why,” You gestured towards the house. “That thing about her mom not wanting to ‘deal’ with her, I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my parents,”
“Yeah, my mami and abuela are the two most important people in my life,” He nodded in agreement. “And Ariel...well, as far as I know, she’s never had a ‘dad’ stick, and her mom is just…” He paused. “Not really interested in her daughter,” He added with a sad shrug.
“...Your dad didn’t stick either? You asked cautiously, hoping you weren't prying.
“My dad…” He chuckled sarcastically. “My dad was...let’s just say life actually got better when he left,” He looked down. You saw pain and shame in his eyes, and you instantly empathized.
Not so much with the dad thing, but that constant nagging of shame and hurt. Which was totally unnecessary because you actually had the most loving family in the world, which only made you feel more guilt and shame, because you couldn’t appreciate it the way you were “supposed” to. It was just the way you were wired, and they understood that. But it didn’t help sway your guilt.
“He shacked up with Ariel’s mom for a few months and then took off with a LOT of her money,” He clenched his fists of the thought of the trail of destruction his father seemed to always leave behind.
“Luckily, Ariel’s mother didn’t associate myself with that asshole, although I’m pretty sure it’s because she wanted to replace him with me,” He shuddered at the memory of the several times Ariel’s mom had tried to “seduce” him when he was younger.
“Oh God,” You inadvertently made a grossed out face. The offended look on his face instantly made you panic. "Not like, you're gross. Just...she's gross. Hitting on a kid like that,"
"Oh I was ummm.." he chuckled nervously, looking towards the ocean. "I wasn't a kid per say," he coughed awkwardly.
"....How old were you?"
"I think I had just started at my first practice," he avoided the question. "She has a thing for lawyers. Probably becauses around them so often, always divorcing husbands,"
"So like, 28. And her mom was on husb--" You tried doing the math yourself.
"...I'm 15 years older than Ariel," He answered your mental question.
"Oh well, I mean that's cool," You smiled awkwardly. You failed to mention that you had graduated a year early in high school, so you were two years YOUNGER than Ariel.
"Uh huh," he raised an eyebrow with a chuckle.
"I get along with older people anyway," you said, than backpedaled immediately."I MEAN, not that you're old, just--"
"OldER," He kept his amused look at your faltering.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could blame this on the alcohol but I'm just…" you sighed. "Not made to interact with Humans,"
"Aw hey now come on," he punched your shoulder like a kid. "You're doing great, it's really cute," he smiled then realized what HE had just said, and backpedaled.
"I mean, endearing," he found a more suitable word, trying to hide the fact that he was probably a little buzzed and more attracted to you than he probably should be. However he noted the somewhat disappointed look you had when he corrected himself.
"You're probably the first person to think so,"
"Except Ariel, right?"
"She tolerates it, she definitely doesn't think it's 'cute'. She's tried to 'fix' me since we met,"
"Seriously?" "Who does she think she is--?" He started to get up like he was going to give her a "talking to".
"No no no, it's fine Rafael really," You stood up quickly and pulled on his arm gently, making him turn around quickly. You wondered if he had just felt that….reaction between you.
You were far too intellectual to believe in trivial things that people spoke about like a "spark", but in that moment you had to think to yourself maybe they had a point.
"Right, sorry," he nodded and quickly sat down. "I may be a little more buzzed than I thought,"
"No that was really sweet, honestly," you smiled softly. "I probably didn't explain it well," "She just wants the best for me,"
"You're perfect the way you are, Y/N," "I mean, you seem like a good kid,"
"Kid?" You were suddenly offended, though you weren't sure why. You'd always been thought of as a child, being younger than your peers most of your life. Always in higher classes in high school, younger than your college classmates. It had never bothered you before, not once.
But when Rafael called you a "kid", it felt like a gut punch, which made you feel even worse. You just met this guy, what was wrong with you?
"Person," he corrected himself. "I meant person," but the damage was done.
"....I should go check on Ariel, make sure she didn't get herself in a 'situation'," you turned to walk back into the house.
"Hey no wait Y/N, I thought we were--" He started to go after you but you put your hand up.
"No, really. I probably shouldn't have left her alone in the first place," You didn't even grab your drink you just waved your hands dismissively and disappeared back into the party before he could say anything else.
“....I guess I’ll sleep in my car,” He muttered to himself as he headed back around the house.
The next morning Rafael had to leave early to get back to the city, but he had texted Ariel.
"Tell Y/N I'm sorry, and tell her if she has any questions about law to text me anytime, day or night,"
"What did that dick do to you?" She stomped into her bedroom, where you were sleeping.
"What? Your bro-- Rafael? Nothing! He didn't do anything!" Your head snapped up instantly awake.
"Well what's he apologizing for?" She held out her phone; you didn’t have your contacts in so you couldn’t read it.
"...For calling me a kid," You shrugged sadly.
"Oh. Well you ARE a kid, sweets" Ariel instantly dropped her anger into her happy self, patting you on the head like a dog.
"No I'm not…." You muttered. "Did he say anything else?"
Ariel didn't like the idea of that pompous prick getting his claws in you, she didn't like it one bit.
"Nope," she lied.
"Oh," you replied sadly.
"Oh please don't tell me you care what what that bonehead thinks" she scoffed. "He thinks he's some 'big deal' because he has a fancy title,"
"No he doesn't," You instantly defended him, though you weren’t sure why. Weren’t you mad at him? No, actually you were kicking yourself for taking it so hard and just leaving him on the beach. You could have stayed there talking to him all night.
"Oh no, he got to you didn't you?" She acted concerned. "ugh I knew it, I should have warned you,"
"Warned me?" You looked at her confused.
"Yeah, it's what he does," she continued to lie. "He likes to seduce my friends for sport," She continued to spin a web of deceit.
"I...I don't believe you," You mumbled. You had never dared to even slightly disagree with Ariel, terrified anything would set her off and she’d “disown” you.
"Excuse me?” Her head whipped around.
"I don't believe you," you repeated. Her eyes widened with shock at your defiance. She almost lost it on you, before realizing honey worked better than vinegar.
"Honey, think about it," She came around and sit next to you on the bed. "He reeled you in and then called you 'kid'. Probably because you started making heart eyes at him, right?"
"I don't, it wasn't--" You tried recalling every single detail of the interaction.
"See? He just likes the sport of getting women to fawn over him and then move on,"
"But then why did he apologize?" You pointed out, still not sure of her accusations.
"Probably because you're my best friend and he knew I'd kick his ass for hurting your feelings,"
"But--" You were sure it had been YOU who walked away from HIM. But...he didn’t come after you. Maybe he was satisfied with making you upset?
"He didn't ask me to give you his number," she flat out lied. "He obviously didn't want any more contact with you sweetie,"
She had a point. She smiled in victory when she saw the determination and hope in your eyes dissolve into sadness.
"I'm sorry, honey, I should have warned you," she feigned sympathy, pulling you into a tight hug. "Now let's get that skeezer out of your mind," she grabbed your hand and pulled you away.
A few days later
Rafael was bewildered that you hadn't contacted him. Did he imagine the connection you two seemed to have? Was he more intoxicated than he thought? No, that wasnt possible. Had he really hurt you that much by calling you a kid? And if so, why? Did you feel something that would hate for you to see her as a kid?
He decided to text Ariel.
"Hey...did you tell Y/N what I said?"
"Yes. She said to fuck off. You must have really pissed her off BRO."
That didn't seem right. That didn't even sound like something you'd say. It sounded like something his evil stepsister would say.
"Did she say that or did you say that?"
"Stay away from my friends, and get your own you perv,"
He knew it. She probably didn't even give you his number. “Oh god,” he thought. What if she hadn't said anything at ALL?
He needed a plan.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 5
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4
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5. LA, still.
The first thing Sofia asked after greeting everyone was where was his baby Dodger.
“Oh, he's running around in the backyard. Wanna meet him?” Chris asked her, still arm around her shoulders.
“Are you kidding? yes.” She said with an enthusiasm that makes Chris smile bigger, he likes it when they love Dodger.
Specially likes how she loves his dog.
Chris showed her the backyard, sliding a gigantic glass door open and the rescued big puppy come running.
“Dodger!” Sofía kneeled on the grass and the dog went straight running to her and started licking her face as she pets him and kissed him all over. “Oh my God!, he's so pretty!” Sofía screamed back at Chris making him let out a laugh as he sat down in the grass beside her.
“He is.” He agreed as she kept scratching his ears, Dodger had made his way into her lap and was sitting there, like a lap dog.
“I love you, Dodger.” She said hugging the dog and buried her face on his fur, with a smile she let him go do his thing and Chris was looking at her with a wide smile, heart fluttering and he had that weird ringing on his ears when his anxiety picked a little.
“Oh man, I can't believe I just meet him.” She said with a pout but a smile tugging her lips. “I miss my dog.” Sofía mumble feeling her throat constrict but the sudden emotion, she took a deep breath and push it all down.
Chris noted that, making him sigh at how Sofia never let any sudden emotion take hold of her, in all this time he had never seen her shed a tear for anything. It was a little frustrating, he had seen her mad, pissy, quiet, and really happy but he had never seen her sad and crying.
It's not like he wants her to be sad, no. He just wants to be there for her and for Sofia to know she had someone, besides Amanda, to lean on.
Chris justs wanted to her to open up.
“I'm hungry, let's eat something and watch that game of yours.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“So, you're Chris's friend?” Brad, one of LA Chris's friends asked sneaking up on the kitchen where Sofia was in pizza duty while they watched the game (which she couldn't care less).
“Yeah, I am. You're Chris's friend?” She asked not falling for the bullshit he was about to spill, she didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know where this guy was going with asking that question.
Brad let out a laugh and walk up the few steps that separated them, Sofia didn't even acknowledge him as she put the pizza the oven to warm for a little bit.
“You need something?” She asked crossing her arms and laid her hip on the counter.
“Um, maybe but I just want to check if you and Chris are fucking so I can ask you out.”
Sofía’s brow went up as he spoke and let out a laugh of surprise.
“That's forward,”
“I don't like playing games,” Brad's and licking his lips and Sofia considered, he was kind of hot… he had that frat boy douchebag thing going on. He was tall, not as tall as Chris. Brunette and hazel eyes… She would totally one night stand a guy like him.
“So, what?”
“Are you guys fucking?”
“I'm going to say no otherwise, you shouldn't bother man.” She smiled up at him, taking the pizza out of the oven.
“You don't want to go out with me?” Brad asked he was kind of surprised. Apparently, girls didn't say no to him.
“So you're fucking Chris then?” Brad asked, thinking that this would be the only good reason.
Sofia stared at him because she was in no mood to explain why she didn't want to go out with him.
“I don't understand how that had something to do with you asking me out?” She asked looking back at the counter and grabbed the pizza to walk back.
“I'm trying to know if you're off-limits.”
“Off-limits.” She laughed and shake her head. “I already said no, consider that off-limits.”
She walked off with the pizza in hand and put it on the coffee table in front of the TV.
“Man, I like your friend she brought us pizza.” One of the other guys said and Sofia let out a laugh. Chris laughed and grabbed Sofia and put his arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, she's awesome.”
Chris ended up wrapping his arms around Sofia from behind and watching the game just like that. She kept whispering about how much Tom Brady was an asshole and how she would definitely fuck Julien enderman because he had a nice ass.
“I kind of see the appealing… a little.” She confesses in the midtime drinking a few beers.
“Now you like it? it's because of the hot guys?”
“Of course, why wouldn't you started there in the first place?” She told him with a wide smile and Chris shale his head with a smile.
“You had no idea how happy I am that this beer is going to be here,” Chris said with a smile enjoying the last of the six-pack Sofia had bought her.
The game had ended almost half an hour back and slowly but steady everyone leaves, leaving those two enjoying each other's company in the backyard, feeling the lukewarm air and the amazing view Chris had from his backyard.
“I'm happy that you're happy, should I talk with Ron and tell him that Captain America wants to sponsor them in exchange for a lifetime supply of beer?” She asked, kind of joking kind of not.
Chris looked at her, considering the offer.
“Will he accept?”
“His eleven-year-old is a fan of the Avengers. He's in the loop, so yeah. I would like to think so.”
“Okay then,” He laughed and Sofia took a swig of her Stella artroia. “Can you arrange it?”
“Of course.” She said and make him a face. “I feel like I should thank you.”
“I probably just got a raise, maybe a promotion.” She laughed. “Ron is gonna shit his pants.”
“He didn't know?” He asked. “About us, I mean that we're friends.”
“Nope,” Sofía said looking at the empty bottle. “I'm not that kind of person, I'm not your friend because you make movies. I'm not looking for something—” She said looking at him, feeling a little guilty about the whole sponsor thing. “Chris, you don't have to do anything, seriously. I'll still get you free beer. I wasn't setting you up, you know that, don't you?”
“Hon, it never crossed my mind. I know the kind of girl you are, Sof.” Chris said reaching up and grabbed her hand, he entwined his fingers with hers and kiss her knuckles.
“The phrase ‘kind of girl’ always makes me think about sexual things.” She teased as Chris smiled against her hand, his lips lingering there.
“Mmm… now, do I .” He said and Sofia let out a chuckle. Caressing his soft beard with the tip of his fingers.
“I'm probably that kind of girl.” She laughed. “Now that I think about, I'm the kind of girl that girls say… I'm not that kind of girl.”
“And what exactly that girl is?” Chris asked, brow raised.
“That's down to fuck, do casual sex. All that shit, you know.” She explained letting go of his hand and laid down on the grass and her arms behind her head.
“And?” Chris asked, looking down at her body. How her hoodie and shirt underneath, she laughed. “That's not a problem, Sofia. You're entitled to enjoy your sexuality.” He added taking his eyes off her for a second and smiled looking at the hills for a second.
“Well, thanks, Captain.” She said stretching her arms, with a suggestive smile.
“What's that?” Chris said after a very known deep blue shirt popped underneath her hoodie. Sofia laughed as she lifted the hoodie on. “Oh my, take it off. Take it off!” Chris reached out and started to pull out her hoodie with a smile on his lips when he saw the Patriots logo.
“It supposed to be surprised, I kind of forget about it.” She laughed pulling her hoodie off her and Chris gasped putting a hand over his crotch. Making her laugh even harder.
“How could you forget this surprise,” He said looking for his phone on his pockets. “Hold still, baby girl. I need photographic proof that this is happening.”
She laid back on the grass, putting one arm behind her head and blow a kiss to the camera. It was a silly cute photo, the thing that Chris wouldn't know if that he will come to cry looking at this in just some time.
“Imma put this as my lock screen,” He said lying down next to her and show her the picture. “Look how fucking cute you look with my Patriots shirt.”
The action was interrupted by an incoming call that someone he was avoiding at the moment.
“Isn't that you girl-ex?” Sofi asked peaking at the phone. Chris sighed and nodded, sending the call to voice mail.
“Mmm yes.” He said putting the phone away and stayed quiet, Sofia was staring at him.
“Do I have to ask?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“I was at an event, she was there… I was feeling lonely and you know.”
“Oh, you regretted now?”
“Yes, I don't—we're not good for each other.” He said and gave her a wide smile. “But I'm used to her,”
“Like an old habit,” Sofía said.
“You need a new habit.” She shrugged like it was an easily fixable thing. “There's plenty of women, especially for you.”
“It's not easy for me to date anyone, I can't trust someone that easily.” He said, a little upset. “Some of them had ulterior motives.”
“Shit… I couldn't ever sell someone like that, much less someone I care about.” She said with a frown.
“I know,” He nodded. “I know that we are known for almost a year, but I trust you.” He smiled at her and Sofía smiled back and bite her bottom lip.
“That means a lot to me,” Sofía beamed and Chris laughed, she was endearing and Chris's stomach tighten.
Without much thought, in her semi-drunken state, she leans over and presses a firm kiss in Chris's mouth. He was taken back for a moment but he'd grip her waist and pull her close.
There we go!
Thanks everyone! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist. Please let me know if you want to be tagged!
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Discord Exchange
Just gonna post the bios and stuff here so it's all together and organized. Whoever gets me can pick anyone from this list, you to do✌️✨ Got some dbz and some non-dbz choices. Some of them have a few more pictures in their tags, but not all. I don't care if my gift is written or drawn🦑 And, particularly if you're writing, feel free to include your own oc in whatever's going on, if it helps you get things rolling or whatever. I feel like y'all have the harder job😂💙
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He/Him, 5'5", gay ace
Cam's babie c: Well, kinda lol. He grew up in an orphanage and spent a few years homeless, on the street. Nowadays, after carving out a place for himself through a series of turf wars, he's the gang boss of his city's second most prominent gang. He lives in a motel he owns and runs, which is his primary source of income. He's outgoing and friendly, despite the violent side of him and treats his gang members like family. He doesn't much like death, since he's seen so much of it, but views it as a necessary evil, depending on the circumstance. Basically you're all good and taken care of if you're on his good side, but probs in hot shit if you're on his bad side. He doesn't like spending time alone. He would rather sit in silence with someone else than be alone in a room. He's been able to come to terms with things like being alone to go to sleep and such, but if he's ever forced into isolation, it gives him mad anxiety, dude. He refuses to spend more than $20 on anything and much prefers thrift stores and shoplifting😂 He's more okay paying for things at family owned establishments, but he doesn't like to give big companies money lmao. He really loves listening to people play music live, especially if it's jazz music. And just, ,, has to dance😤👏👏👏 He absolutely loves animals and is always setting out water and extra food for the strays. He's named the ones he sees regularly and is working on getting little shelters built for them😭💙🐶🐱✨ He also will bury any dead strays and roadkill that he finds. He feels like they deserve that much.
Likes: His gang members, jazz, PURPLE!! and pink!!, sleeveless shirts and jackets, thrifting, ANIMALS😭💙, gaudy ass decorations😂, gaudy ass anything tbh, pasta, his rainbow steletto switchblade😗💙✨
Dislikes: Being alone, "gross yellows", authority figures, rich people, beING ALONE, spending money😪💸, hot days, seeing people struggle, drugs, BEING ALONE
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He/Him, 6'10", pan
Asshole. Asshole man. Will kick your ass np and can be a bit of a bully to those he perceives as being weak. He's not afraid to voice his opinion, not really caring about what other people think of him, and takes an instant disliking to people who are snobby or authority figures. He tends to be quick-tempered and closed off to others, but to those he cares about he's fiercely protective and loyal. He will kill for those few, special people and really only feels truly at ease with those people. He has trouble processing and expressing his emotions a lot of the time, especially more complex ones, which can lead to him just defaulting into a grumpy state. He doesn't really have any true hobbies because he was never able to healthily explore those types of things, so he usually just relaxes in his free time, which is fine with him because he tends to stress😂 Though, he is a bit of an adrenaline junkie and won't say no to going out and doing stupid things just for the sake of doing them😂👏✨ He has an absolutely massive, and also ever-growing, candle collection. He doesn't like to turn down buying new ones when he sees them, so it's resulted in every flat surface in his home being covered with candles. No, he doesn't think it's weird and no, he doesn't think that's too many candles. Aaaand though he hates cleaning, he can't stand for things to be messy or untidy because it gives him massive anxiety, so everything is always put away and clean 😤
Likes: CANDLES!!! (it's not a 'like' it's an obsession), alcohol, everything to be clean, blue and yellow, just... relaxing, horror movies, cold weather, attention, just about any kind of attention, making memories via doing stupid shit😂
Dislikes: People with an holier-than-thou attitude, jewelry, CLUTTER AND MESSES, bright ass lime green, horses (those bitches scary), people who are mean to kids (they get an extra ass kicking (ง'̀-'́)ง )
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She/Her, 5', straight
My spunky gal! My little firecracker! She’s super outgoing, sweet, and friendly. In fact, she likes to be friends with everyone. Tends to go after the loner type people for friends though bc she thinks they need the love lol. And she’s got lots of love and support to give them. She’s the type of person that’s always there for anyone who’s going through a rough patch, trying to help them find a solution to the problem. She’s not very good at recognizing that someone doesn’t want her help though lmao. She thinks that everyone can be good under the right circumstances and surrounded by the right people. She likes to just let loose and have fun. She’s usually very carefree, silly, and up for trying new things. She’s also pretty damn hyper though lmao. She’s constantly a walking bundle of energy and excitement. Because of this, a lot of people just, ,, can't handle to be around her very long. It's definitely... a lot😂💙 And as nice as she is, she’s a feisty little shit and isn’t afraid of anyone. She’s gotten into a couple of fights with people she mmmaaayyybe shouldn't have fought and earned a few scars, but she just thinks they’re cool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No one’s gonna step on her and they most definitely aren’t gonna step on her family. She just. Has no fear😂 She's far too optimistic to think that anything irreversibly bad could actually happen. Everything can be fixed 😂👏✨
Likes: Food, lots of food, making new friends (especially if they're grumps or bad people she can annoy into not being bad😂), picnics, going on runs and outside adventures, spending time with family and friends, when everyone gets along, cute babies
Dislikes: Sitting still, doing nothing all day, bitches that come around just to cause trouble, alcohol, overly pessimistic mindsets
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He/Him, 6'11", pan
STINKY MAN ALERT😂 Him and his twin, Klaunie (Spork's), are assassans. They're suuuper close and wouldn't really... be able to function without the other. Klov certainly couldn't, that's for sure😂 Klaunie pretty much takes care of and watches over him because he has no impulse control and no self-preservation instinct. He's prone to going barreling into situations without knowing much of anything about it. So yeah. The money they get from their job is just an added bonus to him because he very much enjoys his job. A little too much 🤡🤡🤡 Hgbgh. He has a big fascination with taxidermy and may or may not experiment with taxidermy on his victims. Ahem. He has... many people mounted on his walls. It's no big deal, don't worry about it. Oh yeah, and he's also a cannibal kjhkjhgj it's fine👌✨ The whole clown aesthetic comes from his family, who are all a part of a traveling circus. Though, only he and Klaunie are, ,, let's say odd,, , lmao. Which causes some issues. But aside from clowning, taxidermy, and his job, he likes to paint or sculpt in his free time. Though his artworks are, um... pretty abstract lmao. You don't have to understand it, just nod and smile 😂💕✨ Though, if you're genuinely interested, he's always more than happy to explain c: He's also a very good dancer and is always looking to imporove further. Come dance with him👀😂💙✨ He likes stars a lot and always signs things with a star instead of his name⭐️ In his mind, the star symbol is his name and you won't convince him otherwise. He has a big ol' mallet and her name is Tuesday Night Cherrypop Supreme. She's the love of his life and she's a good smash-y girl😂
Likes: Klaunie, Tuesday Night Cherrypop Supreme, finding roadkill, GLITTER! SPARKLES! SEQUINS!, adding a new taxidermy person to his room😂, pudding, sneaking bites of food before it's ready, singing and dancing, smeLLING THINGS, cheesy knock knock jokes!
Dislikes: Being ignored, people being mean to Klaunie, burnt food >:•c , overly plain things, missing a joke, people who refuse to have a good time🤡
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