#not tagging our protags rival because his name is SPOILERS
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owo demon
#doodlie!#worldless#dark paladin#worldless dark paladin#phoenix#the phoenix#worldless phoenix#demon#the demon#worldless demon#worldless coal#say it with me now#not tagging our protags rival because his name is SPOILERS#from the lynx herself#november 22nd#aaaaand in the other corner we have the acrobatic interloper#chased by a pissed-off woman and an enormous f-you dragon across all the realms#allied by the dark paladin#who i literally forgot existed until he showed up in the ultimate trial#followed up by the phoenix#who i got to way later than i should have because wow is there nothing special about you#and here he is the guy youve all been waiting for ITS THE DEMON#HANDS DOWN BEST BOSS FIGHT IN THE GAME IN TERMS OF FLOW#also happy belated first birthday worldless XD
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11, 16, and 20
oh god, I’ll do my best!!!
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
3! And they are all names for the same one ship bc this community loves to make new names out of nowhere for everything omg
I’ve mentioned this one in particular before vaguely in character ask games but I don’t wanna always bring it up, the tag and filtering system does all it has to for me and ygo is one of the few communities that actually does tag accordingly usually, Twitter is the raging exception but Twitter rewards witty captions versus tags and I love obstacle courses
I’ve gotten vagued about and subtweeted enough for sharing the ships I do like, I’d hate to be someone who bashes something of value to someone else and make them feel insecure about their favorite things by subtweeting them because I do know many who do love the pair
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I had to think on this one bc the only things I could honest to god think of were a handful of ships and I really don’t wanna go that route dbshhsjs
I will literally read anything that isn’t like… too much into dead dove territory
Some Fanon inside jokes can be annoying once they’re super overdone, ygo jokes I come across aren’t too bad outside of the TCG (ygo players reading jokes and draw good card memes are so bad, stop making them 733627472738 times) but like… even in our small franchise corner, some of them are overplayed
Like Yusei drank milk once and now his figure has to have a glass of milk, we did that
NSFW for literally ten seconds but
(also stop making the stereotypical rival characters into domineering or nasty tops, it’s weird)
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
oh my god ok, here it is, the one question I can go full hater on
Ok so I LOVE protags usually, I'm rarely a protag hater, but I hate when shows go out of their way to make protags solve EVERYTHING even when it’s really not appropriately theirs, like shows that need to find reasons to keep protagonists in the episode or in the frame, or to remind us that it’s the protag’s world and the cast is just all living in it
Like it’s definitely my fault being so involved with Shonen shows that I don’t get to see the latter happen a lot since Shonen is like the BIGGEST offender of this trope but I still wanna complain!!!!!!
God I lowkey wanna talk abt Arc V for this but we’re just gonna… *brushes show off of desk into a lock drawer*
That’s a can I cannot open
So let's talk Zexal II, aka the part where I get to talk about the worst duel in the entire franchise because I can’t even rewatch these episodes for my analysis without wanting to slap my computer shut, it makes me that angry
Some Spoilers since I know you're still watching
Like this comes from a place of someone who fights off Yuma hate in the TCG community regularly
But in my whole ass I feel like Heartland and Kaito’s duel is an actual disaster
It's also honestly a little bit of character assassination as a treat for no reason but we'll touch that in detail in the paper
And letting Yuma and Astral take this duel over is just an egregious slap in the face lmfao
Especially how the show chooses to handle Kaito passing out and everything following when he finally returns to consciousness that just makes him essentially a step up from background character
Yet people deadass have the nerve to say Kaito has the most favoritism, bitch where lol
Extremely unsatisfying to watch someone who's been an established threat for the ENTIRE show not be able to dismantle the last standing figure in their life who’s been a source of great pain to them and someone who has never dueled up until this point at that! And not only does he NOT get to take the dub, it's literally his second last duel in the entire show and while the last duel is INCREDIBLE, making this a moment of glory for the protags is weird!
Idk, I stand firmly that this part is unwatchable, just a very badly done way to backseat Kaito to shift the focus onto the original duo, and that in theory is cool, but there are so many better ways to do it
But shonen isn't shonen without some dramatic hero comeback
Shonen is such a love/hate relationship
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Learn stuff about the story of April and friends!
LAST UPDATE: 13.07.2021
Random Facts Story Meme By ~PhoenixTorque If you're looking for a serious meme, you're in the wrong place! This is meant for original fiction, although it might work for fanfiction as well. It can be done with as many or as few spoilers as you wish, so feel free to skip over a question if you don't want to spoil things for potential readers. So pick a story and get started!
So, what's your story called? Like hell I know! XD It’s gone through multiple changes, but right now I’ve got “Poject: Proclo.” Despite me growing used to it, I’m not very proud of it...
Did you have any early/working titles? Yes! (It’s very embarrassing, though...)
Cloronve Niathea (2016-2017) - I jumbled up a bunch of words just so I could claim a tag
The Cloronia (2018?-2019) - I thought the 2016 one was stupid
Project: Clonerion (2019-2020) - I thought the early 2019 one was stupid.
Project: Proclo (2020-2021?) - I thought the 2020 one fell into this “definitely could have a definition in English which makes no sense in this context” trap
Project: WHAT THE HELL?!
Why did you choose the final title? It’s titled “Steel House in the Prairie”!
Keeping this answer because I thought it was funny: “I didn’t! I don’t even have one that’s confirmed, yet!”
Was it easy or hard to choose a title? It’s pretty damn hard, I’ll tell you that
Who's the protagonist? Some cyborg kid named April
Why are they the protagonist, and not someone else? Well, here’s multiple things that tick off...
Audience knows just as much about the situation she finds herself in as she does
She undergoes major development, especially in relation to the other characters and in regards to the story’s main themes
She goes through situations that miraculously make her do protagonist things
Are they a hero or everyperson? April’s an ambitiousless everyperson that just so happens to know how to fight.
What's their job? April’s only 15! And she hates being seen in the public, anyway! XD
Do they have a sidekick? Best Friend? April does make good friends with Pillia and Matro who technically do become her first best friends/sidekicks in her whole protag/hero journey
Do they have a love interest? Rivals fighting for their affection? A harem that hangs on their every word? Nope!
Is there a secondary protagonist? Who? I wouldn’t say, necessarily.
The main antagonist? Sad man Skatra XD Doc and co. seems like one at first, but it turns out that they’re also on the same side as April, too.
What do they have against the protagonist? Well, Mr Skatra’s got a goal, right? And April’s pretty much getting in the way of that goal. (Duhh!) Also, he and April are thematic opposites (Like hell I’m revealing this out to the public, tho XD) And also, April’s past has done some major damage to Skatra’s past (yeah, I know. Fiction just so happens to have coincidences like these, but c’mon. Fiction is an art.)
Are they a loner, or do they have a second-in-command? Mr Skatra works very closely with his daughter, Eyn!
Villain with good or bad publicity? Skatra’s got no publicity lol! (All seriousness, people are pretty indifferent to him. But that’s because he hasn’t achieved his goal, yet...)
Sure, but who REALLY runs the plot? Let’s face it. Skatra’s practically the reason for everything major in this story.
Who's the most important character not on this list? Why are they important? Doc/Sarlife hasn’t really been in a direct answer to any of these questions yet. They’re important because not only do they make a huge part of Skatra’s first conflicting side to begin with, but they also have their fair share of importance in the themes of the story, too.
Who's the least important character that you pay attention to? Probably Matro. He’s one of April’s friends, yeah, but the most important thing he does in the main storyline so far is just transport our characters XD
What's the most prominent canon ship? Well, I’ve nobody that’s really canon, yet. Unless Eyn’s slight crush on Pillia at the start counts. It’s not really that important. But I feel like I’ll hint it throughout the story. (Good luck on getting her, Eyn! Must hurt when you learn you’re on opposite sides, huh.)
Any other ships? Aside from Eyn’s small crush, there’s no other main characters that are canonically together.
Any noncanon crack!pairings you would read/consider writing? OH BOY. Alright, here’s a list of my bets:
April + Eyn - Everyone loves that good rivals/protag+antag pair. How can you get any better than that? They even start off thinking they’re gonna be great friends at the start (which is actually kinda sad...)
Matro + Farqua - They bicker quite a bit at the start, but they slowly regain their friendship as the story goes on. Classify them as rivals, if you want. And also, Farqua’s the one that works for Skatra, so there’s some good guy/bad guy stuff going on. BONUS: They’re red and blue with some major height difference, as well!!!
Doc + Wyra - These two consider each other pretty close and as close as they are, you’ll find Wyra teasing Doc a bit, too. That’s usually a joy to watch. They’re also your typical brawn + brains duo. Also, there’s the serious business + ball of energy there. I think this one’s sweet.
April + Pillia - Pillia’s probably April’s strongest relationship out of everyone in the story. She practically becomes April’s sidekick. Pillia’s good at turning trash into treasure, which means she can turn April into something great, too.
Matro + Doc - I’ve made sure that it looks as if they’ve been friends for ages. Matro even gets really upset after learning that Doc’s gone totally nuts. When Doc does end up joining forces with team April, Matro’s obviously got mixed feelings on the situation (considering what Doc’s done), but still wants to maintain their friendship as much as possible.
Doc + Skatra - Here are two of April’s main antagonists, so that’s a start. Also, despite being on opposing sides of the situation, Doc doesn’t necessarily see Skatra as an enemy, they see him as someone who needs help. Although trying to stop Skatra, Doc’s trying to find the best possible way out of the situation for this guy. This probably the more angstier ones, of the bunch.
Pillia + Ida - I’ve stated early in the script that these two are close friends. I haven’t had a phase yet where I’ve developed them as much as the others, but they’re the ones that are left, so I’m expecting some, soon. I’m probably gonna base some of their interaction off of Lister and Kryten from Red Dwarf, especially >>This Scene<<
Sorry, Eyn, Skatra, Ida, and Wyra, you’re all lonely as hell XD (don’t worry, I’m aroace XD)
Who is your favorite character to write? Tough one between Matro and Farqua.
Who is your least favorite character to write? Not that I’ve got a least favourite to write, but as of now, I’ve worked with Ida the least out of the main cast. (Sorry! I’ll get to you soon, I promise!!!)
Which character is the most cooperative? Ida, probably. She’s actually the most bored.
Which character is the least friendly? Doc, no matter how much they try to be.
Which character would you most want to meet in a bar? Matro seems the most fun to get drunk with! With his guitar, especially.
Which character would you least want to meet in a dark alleyway? Eyn. Especially in her Axel Duiti outfit!
How many characters are there total? I’m not counting. But, there are three main focus characters, and six other secondary characters!
How many are allied with the heroes? Out of the main characters, it starts off with three, then six, then seven.
How many are allied with the villains? Out of the main, it starts off seeming to be six, in actuality is three, then just two.
How many hate both of them? Oh... Uh... IDK I’ll write that later XD (Well, the situation’s trying to be as private as possible)
How many refuse to pick a side? Ida seems to have the most side struggles out of everyone. Farqua’s unwillingly pulled apart in all directions, too.
How large is the core cast (in 80-90% of the scenes)? Dunno excactly how to calculate much XD Let’s hope it’s a decent number.
Be honest—how many characters are actually important? Let’s hope all nine of them do something!
When does the story take place? Likely far future (probably not in this universe, though!)
Where does it take place? Lightyears away from Earth, in the Piarosar system
Would you want to live there? If it weren’t for the war, then yeah. Seems pretty cool.
Does your story end in the same place it starts? This part of the story, yes. I plan for it to be part of a bigger story.
What/whose POV is the story told from? It’s in script form! Well, mostly from April’s point of view.
If not omniscient, whose thoughts would have the most spoilers? Skatra and Doc’s!
What genre is your story? Sci-fi, action, & adventure (despite being set inside a building. Well, it’s a massive one, though...)
Where in a library would you file it? Sci-fi. Duhh.
What format are you writing it in? Script! (For a comic)
What format do you wish you could write it in? Still script! For an animated series!
Would you be for or against a movie? It’s better suited for a series. But hell yeah, that’d be cool.
Indie flick or multi-million blockbuster? An indie project. Don’t want it too big, you know...
Write a nice, long description about the story: (Done that) “April is a cyborg kid who finds a large, mysterious building when she gets lost in a prairie. She learns that the main entrance of the place is totally out of the question, so she tries finding her way in from above. Too bad that she can't get out from where she came from, and now she's forced to find another way out.
April then later discovers that inside the building is a community of robots and different races of creatures. Some even decide to help her on her little journey outside the building in the safest way possible. Unfortunately, it also turns out that some couple randos' got some sort of weird deal with April and they clearly don't like her.
Even worse, It also turns out that the building has problems of its own. Robots are disappearing from their homeplaces and so are some of the rest of the people. If this keeps up, soon nobody will be there to keep to the building and its people. And when April finds out what exactly's been going on, there lies the chance that maybe she could do a large part in preventing a major catastrophe that'll take place if nothing's done. And get this. It's not just the building that gets it. Good thing April's not that big a scumbag to not do anything about it.”
That sounds interesting, but can you cut it to under 200 words for the back cover? A sci-fi about a cyborg kid who gets stuck inside a mysterious, giant building after getting lost far outside the city. Upon her arrival in the building, it turns out that her goal isn't just to escape and make her way back home, but to also somehow prevent a huge catastrophe that awaits if she doesn't do anything. Good thing she isn't that big a scumbag.
Quick! Write a 200-character-or-less (with spaces) teaser (think ff.net)! Now give us a catchy tagline for promotional material! A cyborg kid gets stuck inside a mysterious, giant building in the middle of nowhere. Turns out that her goal isn't just to escape, but to also prevent some huge catastrophe from happening.
Is there magic? Maybe? (Really depends what characters I introduce and where they’re fro) Time travel? In a way, this happens. Psychic powers? Nop. Talking animals? No. If I count the aliens, that’s kinda insensitive lol! Pajamas? Not exactly? Different dimensions/realms? Not necessarily. More like they explore our reality. Aliens? Yes! High school? Our protag’s in year 9? Poison? Sorta Dragons? No... Cake? Not many of the main cast can actually eat XD Large guns? O.O?!!!!! Children? Yeah, that’s like almost half the main cast Ninjas? Nope XD Large cities? Not really Advanced science? Yep! Teenagers? Yep! War? In the background, but I might explore this some more in future... Faeries? Nope... Corrupt government? I guess???????? Romance? Nope! XD Witches or Wizards? Nop Spaceships? Maybeeeee Fanservice? In a sense where it means “thing that isn’t necessary for the story, but just to make fans happy”, probably when the alternate versions of the characters pay a visit Ridiculously long names? Hm....... IDK An old, wise mentor? Not in that sense... Swords? Uhh... No??? Internet? Yeah, Housewives? No I guess lol Conspiracies? ??? Overprotective parents? WEll, sorta I guess Revolutions? I don’t recall that idea coming :P Scented soap? I WISH Stuff blowing up? YEHA Monkeys? Idk? Not here?? A happy ending? YeaH?!?!??? Sorta. How much of the story have you finished? More planning than actual writing tbh
How much of the storyline have you decided on? A lot of the skeleton, now just the actual in betweens
About how long is it? Pretty long. IIt;s actually a part of a bigger thing.
How long is it in-story from beginning to end (flashbacks don't count)? LONG>
Do you ever think it will be finished? YES> DON’T DOUBT ME Anything else you'd like to add? I’m good!
#Chocco's OCs#Project: Proclo#Chocco's info dumps#Chocco does memes#Chocco's writing#Cloronve Niathea
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