#not tagging everyone find them yourselves lazy bums
presidentbungus · 3 years
merc singing headcanons because fuck you(/j i love you all) this is my house
- Spy is like a professionally trained opera singer, either for career reasons or just because he felt like it bc I feel like he just picks up those kinds of skills on a regular basis. he's a tenor ! radiates RAW tenor energy to me ! is a little out of practice bc to be honest he's a little ashamed of it but whenever he ends up imprisoned by whatever big bad criminal organization he's angered this time (which happens VERY often) he likes to sing to pass the time. nobody on the team knows about his singing ability except for engy, who caught him doing it at some point because he's ALSO a nosy bastard! engy tries to convince him to sing for the team all the time but he refuses to because he's sooooooooo embarassed </3. they def harmonize when they're alone together though
- speaking of Engy never got professional training or anything but I definitely think he was in a few musicals during his high school career! he only did it for a little bit before he found his true calling in theater tech but the damage was already done and he LVOE LOVE LOVES singing all the time always whenever he gets the chance to. I think he's a really smooth rich baritone, with a little bit of a nasally sound but kind of in a good way. he's kind of obvious--sometimes he pulls out his guitar and plays and sings for the team whenever they're gathered somewhere together ! he also hums and sings CONSTANTLY whenever he's like working or cooking or whatever he just likes music a lot !!!!
- Scout totally like jams out to Popular Songs(tm) and sings along to them but he doesn't really sing that much besides that, obviously barring like humming his Theme Song since he totally has one. he's a Tenor 2. I think he tries to do falsetto a lot and is not good at it </3. him and engy like to sing together for sure though! sometimes engy puts on a record or plays somethin on guitar and they both sing along to it
- obviously unsure about Pyro... they could go any way. I think they hum along to whatever anybody else near them is singing and they REALLY like dolly parton but they're more of a dancing person! just dancing! it feels like wrong somehow but I think it'd be funny if they were randomly like high high high soprano so I'll mention it anyway
- Heavy is like deep deep deep deep bass. like, earthshaking deep. he liked to sing for his sisters and now he likes to sing for the team ! he knows a lot of Russian folk songs and stuff and he's really really good at singing them--I think a lot of times people ask him to sing for them (if they can swallow their pride lmao, varies by member) because it really is like super calming. every night before bed he sings to all of his guns. he likes to sing with engy when it's just the two of them (or when they feel like it otherwise)! usually they both improvise and harmonize really well and it's really really nice <3
- Soldier's singing voice sounds like metal tearing </3 but everyday at 6 am he sings America The Beautiful to wake everyone up and he usually makes up new lyrics all the time. he doesn't really sing outside of national anthems and stuff because as he sees it it's a waste. engy occasionally manages to convince him to come out of his shell and sings some country songs and stuff he knows and... it still sounds awful but they're working on it. they're getting there
- Medic's a kind of airy, sweet baritone bordering on tenor, and he has a pretty good singing voice in german but as soon as he switches to english it's like... not good. the presentation is in the vowels. his singing voice is one of the things he's actually like truly embarrassed by and his singing is usually reserved exclusively for his doves (and heavy and engy since he’s married to them obviously<3).
- Sniper’s a bass I think, though much higher than Heavy. he doesn’t have much practice and is a little tonedeaf to be honest but when it’s just him in his van he likes to him nursery rhymes his parents taught him and sometimes sings along to songs that come on on the radio while he’s driving. he’s also VERY embarrassed by his singing voice but it’s not hard to draw it out if you’re a little persistent since he really does like singing. he looooves quietly joining in if someone else is singing something else he knows—he just likes how it feels, yknow?
- Demo knows sea shanties and Scottish folk songs and stuff like that and he loves just randomly breaking out into song whenever the mood is right. his voice is a bit scratchy and heavy but he still pulls it off pretty well since he’s just having such a darn good old time ! most of the team has learned most of the songs he usually sings and they usually join in with him and sometimes it just ends with the whole team singing this 1 song and it usually sounds terrible and it’s kind of amazing. they’re having so much fun can’t you see !!!! Demo brings people TOGETHER BITCH !!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
107. And for the end of this trilogy, we’re going...OUT WITH A YANG!
...No, I did not plan that...but GOD, do I wish I did!
Anyway, we’ve spent the past two nights seeing Qrow get the blessings of both Tai and Ruby, but will Yang be so merciful with hers?
Well, I’m not going to tell you, so read ahead and find out, you lazy bum! 
Come on! This is a LONG one, so let’s get to it!
“Hey!” Yang calls as hers and Blake’s footsteps make themselves apparent through the house’s wooden planks. 
Clover smiles as he and Ruby exchange a look. Talk about good luck! He’s actually going to get to talk to all three members of Qrow’s family in the same day.
And once he’s asked them all...well, then the fun can really start.
Ruby gives him a nod, and Clover finds himself almost overwhelmed by the fact that he completely understands what she’s communicating to him with that single gesture. 
She gets up, and walks into the living room. 
“Blake!” Clover hears Ruby call from the other room. “That motorcycle ride scuff your boots? Happens to me all the time. Dad and I have some stuff out back that can help with that.”
“Oh, come on, Ruby,” Yang teases. “Blake’s been with me on this beauty dozens of times, and she’s never complained about it before.”
“Well...,” Blake says, “Look Yang, just because I don’t tell you--”
“Traitor!” Yang calls out, scandalized, though clearly only jokingly. 
“Oh, shush, Yang!” Ruby protests. “Everyone likes clean boots!”
“Someone’s been spending a bit too much time with Weiss,” Yang grumbles.
“You’ve gotta admit, Yang,” Blake says, “clean boots are nice.”
From the other room, Clover can hear Yang make a gagging sound. “Well, you guys do you. Right now, my mouth could use water more than my shoes.” 
Footsteps approach the kitchen, getting louder and louder by the second until Clover sees Yang enter.
“Oh, hey, Clover!” Yang says, clearly surprised to see him, but also casual as she makes her way to the cupboard to grab a glass. He needs her to teach him how to do that one of these days. Now that would be some fun uncle-in-law/niece-in-law bonding!
“Hello, Yang!” Clover says, cheerful, but still relaxed. “How was your ride?”
“Pretty good,” she answers as the running water pours in the background. “The great thing about Patch is that there’s almost no one on the roads, but the sucky thing is that when there are, they’re always so slow! Definitely makes it hard to keep up the pace, and motorcycles aren’t nearly as fun if you’re doing less than 60.”
“I’ve never been on a motorcycle before, so I wouldn’t know, but that makes sense. Less wind in your face, less speed. Sounds annoying.”
“You’re not wrong.” Yang takes the seat that both her sister and father sat in previously opposite him. “So, what’s got you in Patch today?”
(More under the cut)
“Well, I wanted to see you all.”
“Qrow here?”
Clover shrugs, all the while smiling. “Sorry, but you’re stuck with just me this time.”
Yang goofily smirks. “Bummer.”
A silent moment passes between them. Clover knows that with everyone assembled here, this house is just a ticking time bomb of chaos. At any moment, this solitude of theirs can be interrupted and robbed from him for the remainder of the day. If he’s going to ask Yang for her blessing, he needs to ask now.
And he does.
“So Yang,” Clover says, “while I’m here, there’s something I want to ask you.”
Once more, Yang smirks. 
“You want to ask for my blessing to marry my uncle, right?”
Clover appreciates that his jaw doesn’t outright fall to the floor at the inquiry, and rather happily accepts the mere slackening that it does.
“Uhhh, yes,” he answers. “How did you-”
“You’ve been dating Uncle Qrow for over a year now,”Yang explains, “and in all that time, you’ve never visited here on your own. I know you like us and all, but something tells me that if you’re visiting on your own, it’s for something big. As soon as Ruby entered the room from here -- the room only you are in -- she tried to get Blake away from me -- another weird moment. So you had something big to drop on me. But the way you and Ruby are acting -- it’s not bad, whatever it is. So a proposal just makes the most sense.”
Dumbly, Clover nods. Yang smiles so hard that she has to close her eyes as she beams in her triumph. As far as Clover’s concerned, it’s a triumph well earned.
“Well, you’re right,” Clover admits. “So what do you say? Will you give me your blessing”
Unlike Tai and Ruby, Yang doesn’t answer immediately. 
That worries Clover more than words can say. 
“Mind if I answer that question with one of my own?” she finally answers after a long couple of beats.
“Of course.”
“What would you do if I said no?”
Clover can’t see his own face, but he’s pretty sure his eyes have grown to the size of dinner plates.
As for Yang, her face turns on a dime between a smirk and something so unreadable, a face he’s seen her make across their adventures, but never directed towards him.
It’s bone chilling to say the least.
“If I said no,” Yang elaborates, “and I made it clear that I would never change my answer, no matter what you did, would you still be with Uncle Qrow? You came here for my family’s blessings. What would you do if you didn’t have one of them?”
“Asking an easy question, aren’t you?” Clover jokes, trying his best to mask just how caught off guard he feels. He knows that she’s not the kind of person to bring this possibility up out of the blue, so it’s not even a complete hypothetical. 
Wasn’t the opposite supposed to be true when he’s the one asking the life-changing question?
“What can I say? Can’t just let anyone marry my uncle. Now, answer.” 
Clover nods, and bits his lower lip. He ponders over Yang’s question for a moment, trying to make sure that his final answer is true to what he believes it would really be. He’s gotta admit, his possible future niece asked one hell of a doozy.
“I would continue on with my plans to marry Qrow,” Clover finally says. “It would hurt not having your support, but Qrow is the man I love, and he loves me. We’ve been through so much to get as far as we are now, and I don’t ever intend to leave his side, no matter what it means if I don’t. As for you and Qrow, well I suppose that would be a relationship you’d both have to figure out the future of for yourselves, but I promise you that Qrow’s future includes me.”
Yang -- her face still unreadable -- takes in his answer, nodding as she does so.
Then, she smiles. 
“Good answer,” she says. “You have my blessing.”
Clover feels as though a boulder was just lifted off of his stomach. 
“Yang,” he says, unable to help but take a deep breath. “That was one hell of a test.”
Yang shrugs. “As I said, I can’t jut let anyone marry my uncle. I want someone who’ll put him first, and realize that if they’re getting married, they’re going to become part of that ‘first’ aspect of the gig, and they can’t be afraid to treat themself that way. You get that. It’s what I like about you.”
Clover smiles. “Well, I can safely say there are quite a lot of things I like about you.”
“Well go on, Uncle Clover. Part of being an uncle is spoiling your nieces, you know?”
And after letting loose a hearty laugh, Clover names a few of his future niece’s best qualities.
Niece. Future niece. 
Shortly after their conversation, the rest of his future family join himself and Yang at the kitchen table. Clover informs Weiss and Blake of his plans, and they start talking about the finer details of his proposal.
Clover hasn’t been part of a family in a long time, and now, he’s well on his way to joining a family he couldn’t love more if he tried.
Tagging @homokinetic @skybird13 @whipped4qrow @mooksie01 @luck-of-the-caw @xwildangel @solitude-of-stars @magneto-is-neato @o0nashipear0o @unfairgamey @doctorrwby @clover-and-co @megan-atthedisco @wash-my-brain @bisexualdisasterqrow @baelonthebrave @doubledexterity @rwby-things-i-guess @atlas-heartthrob @the-answer-was-bi-klance @compoterie @thuskindlyiboop @oceansquid @transdemion @deltastream21 @mimiori @xya-hunter @delta-altair @genderfluidturtle @roman-torchtwink @subatomictealeaves @drbtinglecannon @saphiralunaris @pretentiouskneecaps
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Three Soldiers and a Baby | Epilogue
summary: Three handsome bachelors find their day to day operations disrupted when an unexpected new roommate (who comes complete with a diaper and a pacifier) shows up at their doorstep. How will they deal with this new and baffling responsibility without losing their minds or killing each other in the process?
pairings: Bucky x Reader featuring Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
warnings: all the fluff!
a/n: Here we have it! The epilogue to the series so it’s the official final post! I hope you’ve all enjoyed the journey of this series and like the way I wrapped things up. I love this series and it will always have a special place in my heart, but it is time for it to come to an end. Trust me, if I could, I would continue writing this forever, but its just not possible right now. I do have something up my sleeves, though, so read till the end to find out!
*warning to mobile users, the “keep reading” tab may not work so apologies in advance*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Epilogue |
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| previously |
“I can retire.” Bucky said as if it was the easiest choice in the world. “The world has enough superheroes now. What’s one less?”
“Bucky, I can’t ask you to do that.” You tried reasoning with him. Even looking over to Steve and Sam, but they both just smiled.
“You’re not asking me, babe. I’m saying it.” Bucky cradled your face in his hands, pulling your lips to his and finally kissing you with all the passion he could find. You felt your knees give way and Bucky wrapped his arm behind your back to keep you from falling. He pulled you up, breaking away for air and resting his forehead against yours. Your heaving breaths mingled together and you finally felt that bliss you had once known come back into your heart. “The most important thing in my life is making sure that little girl is safe and taken care of. And you. I need you both in my life more than anything. Please. Please stay.”
You smiled as more irritating, yet happy, tears scrolled down your cheeks. Relishing in the feel of Bucky’s soft lips kissing the trails away. “Of course, we’ll stay.”
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Over the next few months, you and Bucky had made the move from his apartment with the boys to somewhere out in the country. Just like Pepper and Tony had done for their family. The cabin was small, but spacious enough for the three of you to grow and build upon. Bucky enjoyed being able to go out into the woods and cut lumber for warmth and you enjoyed watching him do it. Meanwhile, Ellie enjoyed taking her first swim in a nearby clean water lake.
The Avengers had announced to the world that the Winter Soldier would be retiring from his role on the team, but nothing more was mentioned. Like Bucky had promised, he was there for you and your daughter every step of the way. Ellie’s teeth were still sprouting and she was getting more talkative with each passing day. When she finally said her first word, he was even there to record it and send it to everyone he knew. It was Bear. At first neither of you knew from where it came from, but when Ellie cuddled into her favorite Bucky Bear, you both smiled proudly. The next logical thing to do, as far as you were concerned, was to adopt a dog and name him Bear, so you did. He was a retriever mix puppy Steve had found for them with a dark long coat that had instantly became Ellie’s new best friend. Second to Morgan, of course, who loved that she wasn’t the only little girl in the family anymore. She finally had someone to play with. 
Ellie’s second word was Daddy. It wasn’t exactly surprising since Bucky had been drilling it into her head for months while he was trying to teach her how to speak. You didn’t mind that “Mommy” was her third word since it gave Bucky so much joy and awe watching her grow and learn. Bucky was there for her when she started walking. Amazed to witness her first tiny steps without falling on her bum and giggling wildly when her father picked her up and swung her in the air. After that life got a little more chaotic just trying to keep up with the boisterous little girl who took much after her father. 
It was Ellie’s first birthday and Bucky was the one who suggested having a large party for her. After all, it was only her first birthday once and that’s a big milestone. You had a feeling Bucky would be saying that for her birthday every year. He doted on her more than ever, not in the materialistic ‘buying her everything’ sense, but in the ‘I need to spend every waking moment making sure my baby girl is happy’ kind of sense. She was, of course.
The guests would be arriving soon so while Steve and Sam helped to set up the decorations, you and Bucky tasked yourselves with making Ellie’s birthday cake. You baked it while Bucky spent most of his time grabbing your ass and frisking you any chance he got. When you were done, Bucky was the one who volunteered to decorate it and once he told you his plan for the cake, it was all you could do from jumping the man’s bones and having your way with him right there in the kitchen. 
When everyone was finally there, the festivities began in full force. 
“Hey Barnes, you forget how to spell or were you just being lazy?” Sam had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend’s shoulder. He had introduced her to everyone a few weeks ago and even Bucky was happy for his crazy friend. 
“Why would you say that?” Bucky inspected his cake decorating skills which he thought helped create a masterpiece.
“Why does it just say, “Happy Birthday L.E.” Even Steve was curious about Bucky’s reasoning behind that one.
“Well, the way I figure, her name is Ellie which sounds like the two letters L and E so I figured it was perfect.” Bucky looked to you smiling in his arms as you rested Ellie on your other hip. Then he reached for his daughter and gave her a kiss on the forehead before saying proudly, “She’s my L.E. My Limited Edition.”
He had told you that earlier and you couldn’t help but swoon at the man’s dorkiness. It was absolutely too cute. 
“Did you just make your first dad joke, Buck?” Steve felt his heart warm at the picture perfect scene the three of you created. “I love it, man.”
Sam chortled, shaking his head from side to side. “I am both disgusted and somewhat amused.”
Ellie giggled for no apparent reason other than being happy that she was between her mother and father who loved her so much. Bucked beamed at her. “At least she thinks I’m funny.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. She probably just messed her diaper.” 
“Nope. She’s perfect.” Bucky Barnes had finally found peace.
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Months later, Ellie was still growing like a sprout and yours and Bucky’s relationship continue did the same. One night, the three of you decided to have a nice relaxing moment outside on your porch swing as the sun set. Wanting nothing more than to enjoy these moments together and be grateful for the family you two had created. Bucky often professed his love to you during these times and it always made your stomach fill with butterflies when he would look at you after saying those words. It was the words he said next that made your heart drop into your stomach.
“Will you marry me?”
Tears of overwhelming joy poured down your cheeks, but Bucky was there to catch them with the pad of his thumb and kiss them away. Ellie was asleep in your arms so you couldn’t jump and scream like you wanted to so you just muttered a sobbing yes against his lips. It was the perfect moment and you didn’t want to ruin it, but instead, make it that much more memorable. Now was the time to tell him.
“Bucky, I’m pregnant. With twins.”
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Stay tuned for my next series...Three Babies and a Soldier! ❤
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part fourteen << epilogue ||
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