#not tagging as cc neg bc it isnt neg of them at all i love them both !!!!!
doodlebloo · 3 years
As a c!Tubbo expert, thoughts on him and techno going on a ‘bonding’ trip? Bc ngl I’m kinda worried about what it would do to his character
Okay these are my thoughts, they may be a bit negative but I want to clarify beforehand that just because I don't personally agree with writing decisions on the SMP does not mean that I think the ccs shouldn't have done it or that other people can't enjoy the plot ! So, if you're someone who's super excited for the possible c!fireworksduo journey and don't want to read anything negative abt it, I would stop reading here <3
I wanna start off by saying that these are Minecraft streamers, not professional writers or roleplayers, and while they do get payed to stream they don't specifically get payed to flawlessly write an epic and complex character arc or anything. The SMP is supposed to be just for fun, and so if the ccs dont want to do a bunch of heavy/dark/serious rp they shouldn't have to! Me being a bit critical of writing decisions doesnt mean I'm upset with the ccs or that I'm gonna stop watching or anything! It's all in good fun and if you DO enjoy bits of writing that I dislike that's completely valid <3
With that out of the way: How am I feeling about it well anon I am Terrified for it.
I'm worried that because Technoblade loves his meta jokes and Tubbo has made dozens of them just today, it will be literally no substance at all. I'm worried that after we all raved about how lovely it was for cTubbo to announce that he has constant night terrors from the festival, all we'll get as a payoff is Tubbo and Techno boating across the smp going "Wow I guess we ARENT so different after all... I feel like we're kind of friends now wow that's so crazy everyone like and subscribe for lore!"
Honestly anon I've got a lot of thoughts I won't share about the ccs being weird with like, Actively Participating in dsmp lore and then turning right around and acting like fans are Cringe for discussing lore or wanting to see it (like obvi not talking abt ppl that spam chats begging for lore and shit) but I digress. I think your concerns are completely valid and that goes twofold for this duo specifically, because most of Tubbo's lore is very reactive and based on other people and if the majority of things that Techno gives him to react to are meta jokes then it's likely neither of them will be in character.
It isn't really the end of the world, like it would be super unsatisfying and negative character development for sure but it wouldnt be the worst thing ever for cTubbo to find common ground with cTechno esp bc he already sort of reached out and reconnected with cPhil. And maybe (hopefully) we're wrong! Maybe it'll be really well done and satisfying and we'll feel super silly. But as far as I've seen Tubbo and Techno both do better with genuine character work lore where they're like being at least semi-serious when someone like Ranboo Wilbur Tommy etc is around them and is so fully in character that they kind of can't afford to be completely ooc yk?
What I'm MORE worried about is my prediction for the plot. Keep in mind this is mostly speculation on my part, it could so easily go in a completely different direction and I recognize that but this is my best guess w the info we have now.
What I'm worried about is that c!Techno may go "help" c!Tubbo rescue Michael_B (which is kind of unnecessary bc afaik cTubbo just has to. Go get Michael and then boat him home) and THEN cTechno will call in a favor to revive cRanboo. And I'm sure that sounds great for cTechno and cRanboo enjoyers! But for cTubbo enjoyers, not so much.
The fact of the matter is that cTechno won't be doing these things FOR cTubbo. In fact, it has nothing to do with him. Admittedly cTechno's interaction w cTubbo in Snowchester wasn't the most serious of lore so this may just have been a minor detail I'm latching onto, but cTechno always referred to Michael as RANBOO'S son, not Ranboo AND TUBBO'S son. Again, maybe that's minor, but it doesn't bode well for the future because it's further proof that cTechno isnt doing anything for cTubbo.
If I'm right abt what happens, it won't be cTechno saving cTubbo's child and cTubbo's husband, it'll be cTechno saving his friend cRanboo's child and then reviving his friend cRanboo. And ofc that's fine, he and cRanboo are friends of course he'd wanna help out.
But I worry that this will be what forces cTubbo to forgive him. I worry we're going to end up in a situation where cTechnoblade rescues Michael and cRanboo and cTubbo is supposed to forgive him for all the trauma he's caused solely because of that, with cTechno not having to apologize or like recognize that even though he believes destroying L'Manberg was important, he can still feel sympathy for the people whose homes and lives got destroyed. I'm worried cTubbo will forgive him because that's what everyone expects him to do. That all of that character development about his constant night terrors and flashbacks of the festival will get flushed down the drain because "Oh well Techno saved Ranboo so now we can be friends again" without the slightest bit of nuance there.
TlDr I'm worried abt where the plot is going, I'm worried about cTubbo's incredible character development being undone, and I'm worried about Techno and Tubbo making a very weak attempt at roleplay that's frustrating to watch and a disservice to both of their characters.
And I'm also worked because it feels like cTubbo is going to get sidelined again!!! Why is it that cTechno is going to be the one to save cTubbo's family? Like again we've barely seen anything from cTubbo regarding the recent lore so hopefully I'm wrong but I'm so confused about where his character is going... Because he's characterized himself as this paranoid family man who builds walls to protect his loved ones and that's like his THING. So why is it narratively a good idea for cTechno to get to help him rescue Michael and maybe revive cRanboo? Excuse me for being biased here, but I just want cTubbo to be able to be the hero and the star of the show for once. If cTubbo doesnt get to be front and center for the plot about bringing HIS FAMILY home then when the hell will he EVER be front and center???
I could be so wrong though!!! We have barely seen ANYTHING from them during this arc, and when they did talk there were Tech issues and they were off script and a billion other things. I'm well aware that I'm likely jumping to the worst possible conclusion about all of this, and I'm very much hoping I'm dead wrong and that everything goes super well!
If it doesn't, though, that's totally alright. This is NOT /NEG of either cc, neither of them should be obligated to have a heavy conversation about Minecraft Trauma or to provide an in depth character changing revelation if they don't want to. Its supposed to be fun, and if they have fun joking around, so be it! But this is just what I think about it :)
I'm not trying to start any discourse about this, if I miss any tags please let me know and if you disagree you're perfectly valid. I'm well aware that I could be wrong about all of this and I'm not saying anyone has to agree with me! Ok sorry this was so long anon lol <3
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dyketubbo · 3 years
wait there are. theres people who think c!beeduo is a fully unhealthy relationship..,.??,.?? this is why i need to stop going through blogs outside of my little bubble bc i be vibing making and noddin at posts about how beeduo genuinely love and care for each other and while they need to learn how to communicate better otherwise they really are the most stable relationship on server and once they finally get to a point of talking to each other about their problems theyre still going to be stable and loving. and then i go out my lovely sphere of people that also realize that beeduo isnt unhealthy or going to fall apart and see stuff like "ranboo gives Everything Ever to tubbo and this hurts him to an unhealthy point" or "beeduo is going to crumble once they share their secrets with each other" or, and this is the WORST shit ever and if you say this i fucking hate you "ranboo and/or tubbo is going to hurt each other and/or michael to a point of one of them losing a life" especially when enderwalking is listed as a reason for beeduo actually being unhealthy and i just.
theyre. theyre teenagers.,.,..,............. what the fuck is with this fandom and making beeduo out to be like. a bad relationship or one thats going to lead to one or both of them getting hurt in a way they cant come back from. especially if they include michael as a point towards it being unhealthy. this fandom is genuinely so terrifying sometimes because you mfs look at the one family thats really happy with ccs that care about the dynamic so much that it even leaks into other servers and read way too much into it. yes angst is fun but oh my god so many people read way too far into it
and like. i wouldnt mind the angst between the two as much if it werent for the fact that so many people *paint it as something that could have basis in canon and it just doesnt*. and its weird that people want beeduo to fall apart or to have a big falling out or to hurt each other or to hurt michael etc etc. yes there are flaws to the relationship. yes they need to talk to each other about things. no they arent unhealthy. no they arent going to have a big falling out. no they arent actually harmful or dangerous to each other or michael.
also id love for people to perhaps maybe at least tag it. thatd be nice. ty. i dont want to randomly fuckin come across people reading way too into some teenagers having fun it has the same weird vibe as people reading too far into tommy telling tubbo the latter has thicker skin. yes it can be read into negatively, yes they are all capable of hurting each other, no their relationships arent unhealthy or in danger of crumbling or whatever. at least learn to tag stuff so people who just want to think abt teenagers caring about each other dont have to see it
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