#not so clever joey
I want to make ice cream out of the slipknot members cum and I will call slipcum or cumknot
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Under the same Moon
Pippa Fitz Amobi X fem reader
Summary: Sleep. Fascinating topic, really. Did you know that being near someone you love can actually help you fall asleep faster? It’s all about oxytocin—the cuddle hormone. When you’re close to someone you care about, your body releases it, calming your nerves and easing you into slumber.”
Warnings: infinite fluff, Pippa Fitz Amobi being a cuddle bug, insomnia comfort. Some light angst at the beginning, and panic attack Pip and Stanley Forbes mention. Pip being the ultimate girlfriend and dancing you in her arms, humming Pippa Fitz Amobi just for your amusement and request. A few curse words. Could be used as a sleep aid? but more for some comfort and of course all the hugs to Pip. SPOILER BOOK TWO MENTIONS
words: 3.3k+
Author Note: Could possibly have turned out better but alas I have some other Pip ficts lined up in the near future.
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It was always there. The sound of the bullet hitting the ground was so vivid and loud in Pip's mind, etched into the way her brain was formed. Lodged in her memory, didn't matter how much time had passed it was still there, forever looming over her like some curse she couldn't lift.
It was here now as she typed on her computer, blue-grey eyes looking downcast as she eyed the illuminated screen in the dark hollowed room of your flat, the small space illuminated only by the small yellow desk lamp that waddled every time she typed a single letter. Pip flinched upon every touch of the keyboard, the sound of the gunfire hiding in every click and every creak of the flat. Pip inwardly cursed herself, 'You're better than this be better than this'.
She admonished herself for every weak thought and every day she would smile and laugh because it felt like in some odd morbid way she was forgetting Stanley, moving on with her life when he didn't have the chance to. It made her knuckles white and blanched when she would think about him, it wasn't as often anymore, and Pip didn’t know what was worse, having him has a ghost or forgetting him and making him into one. Before she would wake up with strangled cries in her throat and would thrash around till you would turn on the bedside lamp and take her into your arms, press butterfly kisses to her warm flushed skin, and cacoon her like some baby Joey in need of its mother's pouch. At first, pip had found it to be embarrassing. She was a young woman now, capable of so many things, she had solved two cases that even Little Kilton police hadn’t been able to. And yet every night without fail you held her close with your soft eyes and even softer hair that would tickle her sides and make her lips lift up into an eager calm grin like some sort of drug from the chemist.
Pip couldn't help but smile when she thought back to you, her grey eyes crinkled inward and she found her chest was lighter, like she could finally breathe after such a long time of her head being underwater. Her eyes moved to the clock, it was witching hour it seemed, 3 am in the small flat on the outskirts of London. When anxiety would take hold of every bone in her body pip knew that it was best to retreat back to you, it was better than having a night full of night terrors and memories of Stanley plaguing her mind.
Turning off her laptop she padded her way softly into the room, eyes taking in the way you breathed, Pip was clever enough to notice that your chest didn’t move as slow, and your eyes were open and staring at the wall like you were in deep thought. “What is a pretty girl like you doing up at this ungodly hour?” She moved to sit in the bed beside you, the soft mattress dipping underneath as she slowly pulled you to her chest, seeking that comforting warmth scent that only you could provide.
You buried your cheeks into her neck, hearing Pip giggle when your warm cheeks met her cool neck. “I’ve been thinking is all. I want to sleep but my brain won’t shut off, it’s like a bloody mouth that doesn’t know when to stop yapping. I’ve been up since you left”.
Pip sucked in a breath, she had left you at a quarter to nine hoping that you had been asleep, but now she felt even more angry with herself. “You mean you haven’t slept at all? All night?”. Her voice was filled to the brim with concern, etched into her furrowed brows and the way the soft pads of her fingers brushed against your hairline, trailing over your skin with gentle ease.
You furrowed your nose, a smile lifting your lips. Whether by utter exhaustion or simply because of being in the presence of a concerned cuddle bug Pippa Fitz Amobi you didn’t know, “It’s cute when you act all concerned pippa…but I’ve been dealing with this for a long while. I just need some melatonin. I just haven’t the time to have a drop-off at the chemist. I suppose I should soon” You smiled softly at her, but Pip knew by the bags under your eyes and the fatigued glint in your colored hues that you were positively hanging on by a thread. She was too, emotionally more so.
“I can’t sleep either. It’s Stanley” she spoke. Her grey flecks eying your soft eyes seemed to fill with hurt at the man’s name. “I’m so-“Pip sighed into your neck, feeling that rush of emotions and the way her tears brimmed out of her eyes, fast and without even acknowledging her and asking if she felt like crying and the weight that came with crying. The weighted chest and unbearable stuffy nose.
“I’m so angry”. The words rushed out, muttered into your warm skin. You instinctively moved to wrap your arms around your girl, your fingers working effortlessly in her hair, massaging her neck and kissing the inner workings of her warm forehead. You knew Pip and her utter distaste for crying, for “sniveling like a school child” she would say. You knew how clever and logical she was, how she worked well with certain aspects of life. Emotions were not one of them.
“I’m so angry at myself for feeling normal. For the first time in years, I feel like myself again. I feel happy..” at this pip clung to you, “and I feel selfish because half of me yearns for that, yearns for a life with you where I don’t feel guilty, where I can leave Stanley behind in peace knowing that I did all I could”.
But did she?
Had she really truly tried enough?
Pip was brought out of her inner thoughts by warm solid hands on her cheeks, bringing her eye level with you. You looked conflicted as you eyed her; like a million thoughts were floating around your head.
Your fingers cupped her chin gently, “that was not your fault….that was not your fault”. Your words were hard and filled to the brim with utter conviction that Pip knew you were right. Some deep part in her mind hidden away recognized you were right. Whether she wanted to admit it was difficult to say.
“You did all you could pip. God that house was on fire and you still tried all you could”. You chuckled, emotion in your eyes as you peered down at your girlfriend’s eyes. They were such a dark color of blue in this light, a deep solar system blue that you would love to peer at through bed sheets and often times upside down as you would kiss her lips before departing.
But now they were filled with anguish, and it hurt you to know that. You wished you could take it all away. The hurt, the anger, the feeling of loss. Of looking over your shoulder. But you knew you couldn’t, so you settled for being her comforter.
“I don’t want you to blame yourself anymore my love”. You wiped a tear from her pale cheeks. “Say it…it wasn’t my fault”.
It took a second, more than a second. Pip struggled to say the words, her lips shook and her eyes pooled with unshed tears, and through it all, you held her closer and leaned your forehead against hers, eye to eye, heart to heart, pulse to pulse.
“You can do it pip” you urged, your voice gentle, soft as if soothing a child.
Pip drew in a long breathe, her breathing ragged as she closed her eyes and tears fell down her pale cheeks, but soon they were open and eying you with such adoration you couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
“It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault…I didn’t…I didn’t kill Stanley”.
You wanted to cry too at her admission. Wanted to bring her close and cry into her neck and tell her that she was so strong, a solid person with a strong courageous heart. You wanted to cocoon her close and never let go. Never let the world bark and scratch at her like they had, had been ever since the case. You wanted to keep her all to yourself, some selfish part of you wanted to keep her close.
You settled for an encouraging smile, the tips of your fingers ghosting over her lips, “yeah…that was good love. You did so well”.
Pip immediately dove into your arms, landing on your lap and cuddling into like a koala would its mother, you chuckled, pulling her flush against you.
“I love you”.
The admission made your heart flutter and leap. You loved this girl too, sometimes so bad that it hurt, and you knew you would do anything for her. Anything. Pip could ask you to jump, simple, and you would ask with your adoring eyes ‘How high?’. It was almost panic-inducing how much your love-filled heart was stitched together by pip.
“I love you pippa fitz Amobi. More than you could ever know”.
Pip smiles that wide bashful smile, her grey eyes glinting as she moves from her spot on your chest, her demeanor shifting as her sneaky nimble fingers fly up your arm till they make contact with your chin, pulling gently but firmly that you felt like a deer in headlights as pip loomed over you, her eyes a deep and hollow blue, taking in everything from your sleep shirt to your messy tousled bed head, strands of wavy hair falling at your shoulders.
Pip could feel her heart soar in her chest as she eyed you, under her, under her fingertips. Something in her preened at knowing you were hers, it screamed the word ''MINE' over and over again as her eyes scanned you, leaving her dizzy and full of aching want. A want that made her want to pull you close and never let you go. Wanted her to hear your heartbeat against her ear during long nights and know that even if she was far away in her head you were across the room with your sweet smile and kind eyes. You were always there. And she needed that.
“God I don’t think I’ve told you how beautiful you are” Pip’s voice was soft yet hoarse from her crying, but her eyes were delicate as she smiled that same pip smile. The smile that made your stomach twirl and your heart face at just the sight.
At the same moment, Pip jumped from bed, so fast and sudden you didn’t even register her soft fingers as they pulled you up from your comfy bed, “I have a brilliant idea, come with me”. Her voice was tinged with excitement and a teasing smile that made your head fill with cotton.
Before you knew it pip was pulling you into your dark kitchen nothing but the shine of the moon looming over you two, a smile on her face as she briskly filled the kettle with water quite impatiently and placed it on the hob, all while eying you with bright teasing blue eyes.
“What are we doing?” You giggled as Pip moved closer to you, a new glint in her eye as she pulled you close, her hands firm in the way they held you, “Dancing” she stated, and you couldn’t help but laugh as Pip began to rock you back and forth, steady in her movements.
“There isn’t any music pip!” You giggled into her neck but you didn’t mind, not one bit. Not when Pip was laughing and her eyes had a shine to them as she pulled a certain move and twirled you around your small cramped kitchen flat. Pippa Fitz Amobi was dancing around your shared flat with wild abandon, brown chestnut curls wild as she pulled you close to her chest and rocked her body with yours, giggling and laughing along the way at your absolutely horrid dance moves. Although she could never have them, not when you looked so flushed and so beautiful.
She couldn’t help but watch you as your lips flew into a smile that filled her aching heart with joy. The type that she searched for when she was too far gone, lost in the memories that haunted her, you had always been her light in the tunnel of life. Pulling her out of the dark depths of her mind and making her feel like she was the only one in the world. She was more than the girl who solved cases, more than everything little Kilton and the world had coined her as.
Pip also just didn’t understand how you could look so devastating and heart wrenchingly attractive with your pajama shirt that rode up a few inches and your hair an unruly mess, but you were. A sight for sore eyes as she brought you fast into a twirl into her chest holding you close and laughing into your neck when you teased her about her moves.
It was only till the giggles had halted and you relaxed your body into her tight embrace that you began to watch the way Pip’s eyes eyed you. Gone was the playful joyful pip, her embrace was soft yet held a certain air to it as she began to eye your lips. A quick snap to your pink crimson cheeks most likely brought on by the wild dance in the kitchen and Pip was leaning down to connect your lips. Her fingers moved to take your chin in her palm, her kiss soft and gentle but slowly building up speed as she pushed you up onto the counter, careful not to get you close to the kettle. You responded in time, your own fingers pulling her in closer by her hair and you smiled vigorously when Pip gasped into your lips and her tongue began to tease your lips with that wild curiosity that made your stomach twist and the white-hot heat slide into your veins.
Kissing Pip was like a dream, the way your chest would ignite and fill your heart with that spark, that fluttering in your chest that you knew was love. You began peppering kisses against her jaw and nipping at her ear the way you knew she liked when the sudden scream of the kettle caused Pip to sigh against you and pull away.
Her cheeks were ruddy and her lips pink as she licked her lips, sighing into you with broken breaths.
“Like that dance did you?”.
You smiled and jumped of the counter, Pip being her usual gentlewoman self and offering you help, her fingers almost possessive as she lifted you of the counter and onto your feet.
“You just sit right there pretty girl"” she stated before going back to the kettle and pouring copious amount of milk into the mugs.
You wanted to listen to Pip and sit on the stool like the good girl you were, but you were also curious about what Pip was doing, she had never acted so in the moment filled with sporadic ideas till now.
“What are you doing? I was so distracted by your sudden dance performance I didn’t ask what you were doing” you spoke into her as you wrapped your arms around her figure, leaning your head over her shoulder slightly as she pulled some Cadbury chocolate mix into each before stirring.
“I’m making us some hot chocolate, isn’t that what your mum use to make when you were little? You mentioned when you couldn’t sleep your mum would make you some hot chocolate and you’d talk and talk till you fell asleep. I thought we could keep that tradition”
The warmth that filled your chest was light and you only smiled that shy smile, you had mentioned that to Pip maybe once in primary school, in the canteen filled with the anxious rambling pupils of Kilton grammar and you had been sure she hadn’t heard you, but she apparently had.
“I mentioned that to you in year 10 pip, I honestly thought you hadn’t heard or you didn’t quite remember” you spoke and Pip shook her head, mouth twisted in a bewildered expression, “of course, I remembered! You were the cutest thing sitting in front of me with your wild fast lips. Who else would I have paid attention to?” Pip asked, her lips warm as she pressed a firm kiss to your forehead and handed you your cup, “it’s hot so be careful”.
“Do we have any peppermint sticks? ”
“I still don’t get your obsession with those peppermint sticks” Pip spoke, shaking her head before producing one and stirring it in your cup, but she had to admit the sight of you with a candy stick between your wet pink lips was definitely something she had never seen before.
Once Pip had her cup and tasted some, her expression filled with utter kiddish glee she took you by your waist as you both stumbled back into bed, you chastising Pip to be careful over your sheet covers as you had just done a full washing the day before did pip laugh and smile, “I’m always observant and careful my love, I did solve two cases remember?”.
“Of course of course my mistake inspector Amobi” you chuckled into your cup.
Your flat was calm and quiet as you and pip some, laughs and giggles falling out of your mouths, “Cara did not say that. She would never!”
Pip eyed you with wild eyes, “have you even met Cara? That is exactly something she would say! She has an ungovernable tongue that girl”.
“Speaking of ungovernable tongues” you spoke, putting your mug down on the nightstand and moving into Pip’s lap, eyes taking in the way her eyes flew down to your mouth.
“That little make-out session you gave me in the kitchen was very well received” you spoke, smiling against her lips when she pulled you in for one more long kiss, stealing the air from your lungs and making your stomach flip with every brush of her fingers against your skin.
“Are you still sleepy?” She asked between kisses, and you chuckled. “I would totally fuck you on this bed right now if I could but my eyes are closing and I feel like I’m eating your lips” you mumbled.
Pip laughed, breaking the kiss before moving to lean her head against yours.
“I should probably get my tired girl to bed shouldn’t I? You have an early morning and it’s already 3:30. Sleep. Fascinating topic, really. Did you know that being near someone you love can actually help you fall asleep faster? It’s all about oxytocin—the cuddle hormone. When you’re close to someone you care about, your body releases it, calming your nerves and easing you into slumber.” pip spoke as she pulled you to her chest, all clever tongue as you both positioned yourself under the covers.
You smiled at her knowledge, moving to nestle your cheeks into her chest. Her fingers were soft as they drew calming circles of messages on your hair, the world calm and dark as you listened to her heartbeat, it was strong and seemed to lull your wild thoughts in your mind.
“Would you mind if I asked you a favor?” Your words were slurred, evidence of your tired state. Pippa chuckled and smiled even through her sleepy state, her fingers still managing to caress your cheeks and your hairline. Soft touches that eased your eyes closed. It reminded you of your mother and her soft eyes.
“What would this favor be?” Pip spoke, her anxiety had calmed down significantly and having you in her arms was like a dream, a way to lull her to sleep and calm her night terrors.
“Could you hum me to sleep?”. You were too tired to care how childish you sounded, but pip had a calming humming voice, soft and delicate that filled your head with warmth.
“For you anything”.
The soft hum of pip’s voice was all you needed. It only took a few moments before your eyes were closed fully and your chest rose and fell with even breathes. Pip followed behind, her fingers moving to lay over you and being you closer to her. Your calm and even breathes mixed with your warmth was the perfect calming remedy lulling her to sleep.
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ge-nde-rr-env-y · 5 months
i played owen carvour in a production of spies in sydney, and tcb i have a confession i added a line. in the man behind the curtain reveal, owen says "if it hadn't been for my spot on aim and interest in foreign policy, i might have been an actor." i had about a month between application and audition and i was sitting on the first paragraph for so long and i got a bit bored. so i added "and you know, being blackmailed by the english" to that list. it added this manic, pained spark to the moment. fuel for the fire.
i dont know what joey thinks about owens history, but i gave him a timeline. born 1926 (nov 14th. scorpio bitch.), his fine family home destroyed in the Blitz, he enlists for some income (and maybe to escape home) at 17 in 1943, too young, but he's slick and clever enough to pass as an adult. 1945, right before the end of the war, he sees something he shouldnt have. the higher ups in a below the table deal that could ruin a lot of rich and powerful peoples lives if it reaches the wrong hands. owen carvours hands were the wrong hands. but he's a remarkable soldier, he's quick, he's a master tactician, and he's Good At Lying. hes useful. so instead of taking him out. someone says "hey kid. howd you like to be a secret agent. -also if you say no you'll die-" no choice. he'll continue to live at the behest of a governments will.
he doesnt Like being a spy, but its not the worst thing in the world. he likes the more decadent aspects, certainly, and deception not only comes naturally, but brings a sort of thrill.
he doesn't like being a spy until he meets curt mega. this part of his history is a bit blurry, but i imagine them meeting sometime near 1952 (because of the song Video Killed The Radio Star), surely on the job somewhere. curt makes spying fun. and curt is the first real thing owen has had reliably since 1943. he doesnt change, hes delightfully predictable, and despite him appearing somewhat less intelligent than owen, he has this knack for seeing straight through to owens heart. curt is daring, where owen might be intially more cautious. curt has the guts to get the two of them *into* situations, where owen has the tactician skill to get them *out*.
i think owen got comfortable. tragically, the two of them were so in sync, so reliant on each other, that he didnt see the fall coming at all.
it wasnt the fall that hurt. it was watching curt walk away. he'd always thought that if this were to happen, theyd go down together.
CHIMERA found him in the rubble, a boy who'd always been controlled, who'd never really got a chance to live a life of his own, and saw a man who was easy both to manipulate, and to empower.
they weren't aggressive about their agenda because they knew what would happen. the founder/ceo (a man i have decided is named Thomas) simply let owen recover in their facilities and let him free when he was able to leave, with an explanation of their plan, and an offer of further help should he require it.
owen broke within a month. a string of killings across europe simply attributed to an individual named The Deadliest Man Alive. CHIMERA drags owen back by the scruff of his neck.
"what the hell do you think you're doing."
"what? who are they going to arrest? owen carvours fucking dead."
its very important to me that owen wasnt brainwashed by CHIMERA. every choice has to come from him because the catharsis of him fully believing in the ideology he carries out with his chest for the first time is just delicious.
he doesnt. hate curt. i dont think. he loves curt, and he hates the institution of Espionage that forced them into this. but ultimately, that institution is so driven into curt that owen cant get what he really wants, which is to break curt out of that and have him all to himself. coldest goodbye reprise is a moment of sorrowful acceptance for both of them. owen understands that curt is always going to be a spy, no matter what, and giving up on the fantasy he had.
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auspicioustidings · 2 months
Ae Fond Kiss - Part 7
My Heart's in the Highlands
Summary: You speak with your kid and establish a new normal. A conversation is had with Johnny. Words: 2.6k TWs: mention of miscarriage
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The drive home was silent. Your mind was a mess but you tried to slow down your racing thoughts and put your parent head on. It was so hard right now to be a parent when you felt like an out of control child. You tried to run through a script in your mind, a way to explain what was going on to Joey without bringing your own bitterness into it. 
The kid in question seemed no more willing to have the conversation than you were. He was staring out the window. He seemed exhausted. You could understand that, the emotional gauntlet he had been going through with his parents not even there to help… God you felt awful. 
“...let’s get the mega-ultra sundae” you decided, indicating to turn off towards the ice-cream parlour.
“That’s for like 20 people. Luna from school said her brothers tried to eat it all and they threw up.”
“How many brothers does she have again?”
“Four. One of them does football at uni, two are on the high school team and the last one just won a boxing competition.”
“Well I guess we’re about to embarrass Luna’s brothers.”
You glanced over to him and he looked to you, both with tentative smiles. This was still your kid, you were still his mother, and you were going to eat enough ice-cream that you’d both spend the evening curled up on the sofa feeling sick and watching bad movies. You didn’t know how you ever got so lucky. You could strangle both of his dads, but you could never not appreciate the hand they had in this brilliant boy. 
While you immediately knew the mega-ultra sundae was a mistake when the server struggled to put it on the table due to the weight, you both grinned anyway. The first few spoonfuls you just took the time to think about what to say. 
“Did you really think he was dead?” Joe asked, carefully digging for marshmallows.
“We both did, me and your dad. I think… I think uncle John might have known he wasn’t and I’m very angry with him over it” you answered, aiming for complete honesty. 
“Was the stuff you said about him true?”
You thought on that while you took a mouthful of what you had thought was mostly ice cream but was almost 100% whipped cream. You had told Joe all about Johnny even if you lied about just what he was to him. You had told him how brave he was, how loving. How when he got really excited you and Simon could barely understand half the words that came out of his mouth. You’d told him about his temper, how he would explode and then after need to nap it off before profusely apologising. And God was he clever even if he seemed like a big dumb idiot sometimes. He could make an explosive out of anything and on New Years he usually did. 
“Yeah. We never lied about the kind of man he was, just… it felt scary to tell you he was your father. We should have told you. We shouldn’t have hidden it because we were scared about what you might think.”
“What would I think?”
You could still hear Johnny yelling in your head. You were afraid Joe would think what he did, that you loving Simon even when you thought he was dead was a betrayal. Although now you knew that you had been betrayed it felt like such a stupid fear.
“I didn’t want you to think of your dad differently because he wasn’t your birth father. And I… for some people me falling in love with Johnny’s best friend after he died was wrong. I just didn’t want you to think that.”
Joey thought on that for a while as he kept working on the sundae which didn’t seem like it had decreased in volume at all. You hated putting all of this on a 9 year old. He should be telling you all about the football game and explaining again how he could build a computer in Minecraft, not considering how he felt about finding out a war hero whose death was faked by the military was his father. God you hoped Kyle hadn’t known.
“I think it’s ok” he said eventually as he chewed through a chunk of meringue. 
“Yeah. It’s pretty cool that I have another dad. Does he always sound like that? Did he really take on a whole town of bad guys and win with dad?”
You shoved another spoonful in your mouth even though you were feeling a little nauseous because if you didn’t try and distract yourself with something you’d cry. He was supposed to yell at you, he was supposed to be mad and turn off his hearing aids so he couldn’t listen to your apologies. But that wasn’t the kid you and Simon had raised. Yeah he could get angry, but he was so good at cooling off and moving on and fixing the issue. 
So you told him all about Johnny but this time in present tense, you both gave the mega-ultra sundae your best shot and then you ran to the bathroom as soon as you got home to throw up which your kid did not let you live down as you watched a bunch of superhero movies. 
You didn’t think anyone but you three could pull it off, but somehow life went on. Simon and Johnny arranged a meeting with you and it was decided who would do what. School runs were completely off your plate, they’d share that between them and it seemed like a good way to have J be able to get to know his biological father in small, casual chunks. 
You did offer to let them stay in the guest room, but Simon could read you well enough to know that right now you really did not want to be around them and you were offering for the sake of keeping the peace, so he said no. He was staying in an airbnb nearby and Johnny to your surprise outright bought himself a flat the second week. Not really your business, but part of you felt your heart break that he had just accepted so quickly that you’d be separate for the rest of your lives. 
You never asked about what was going on with the two of them. Maybe it was cowardly, but you didn’t want to know. If they were together, then it would feel like you were always just the second choice and now they would be happy without you. If they weren’t, then it would feel like they were only holding back out of their love and respect for you which was no doubt making them miserable. Did you want them to be miserable? You didn’t know, the answer changed depending on the time of day.
You’d had a dream this morning of the two of them together, had woken up wet and needy and had let your hand wander between your legs to finish yourself off to the fantasy of it. Afterwards you promptly threw up and spent the rest of the day in bed feeling awful until J got back from football practice. Johnny had taken him and they were laughing together. He had taken one look at you and invited himself in, saying he’d order take away and get Joe to bed after dinner so you should just relax. You felt too ill and exhausted to really argue.
Joe was in bed and you were tidying away the leftovers when Johnny came back downstairs into the kitchen. It was the first time the two of you had been alone together. 
“Sorry, you used tae love cashews” he said.
“I still do. The place is usually really good as well, just really couldn’t stomach them today” you replied, frowning at the container as you put it away because it really had been sort of gross but Joey had tried some and said he’d eat the leftovers. 
“I can go grab something from the shops if ye want? Ye didnae eat an awful lot.”
You closed the fridge and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“..I’m naw Senga’ing!” he protested, knowing that raised eyebrow well.
“You’re Senga’ing a little.”
“Naw I’m not!”
“I dunno Johnny, if it worries like a Senga and fusses like a Senga…”
He threw a tea towel at you and you laughed. Senga was your old neighbour's very moody hen who treated the two of you like unruly chicks whenever you were out the back garden. It was sort of comforting to know the old Johnny from nearly a decade ago was still here, but bittersweet that he wasn’t yours anymore. 
“I…” you started, but trailed off because you didn’t know what you wanted to say.
You had spent weeks with the anger at finding out what had happened being difficult to predict. Sometimes you felt it so intensely, sometimes it faded away. It was all so long ago now. You were a different person. You all were. 
“I shouldnae have… well let’s be honest there’s a hunner things I shouldnae have done, but just going for recently I shouldnae ever have tried tae say it was wrong of ye to marry Simon. Especially naw when I knew myself that he…” he trailed off.
“That he’s easy to fall in love with” you finished for him, hearing almost a tone of commiseration in your voice. 
“Is easy the word?”
“Fair enough. I hated him at the start. Considered breaking things off with you more than once just so I didn’t have to be around him anymore.”
“I broke two of my fingers trying tae break his nose the first month on the task force.”
You gave a dramatic gasp and pointed accusingly at him. 
“And you never told me?! How did I not know this?”
“Cause it’s a pure riddy. Tried tae punch him with his mask on and he didnae feel a fucking thing. Didnae even try get me intae trouble for it either, just ordered me tae go to medical like a pure dick.”
You could imagine how mad that would have made Johnny and you could absolutely imagine how smug Simon would have been about the whole thing. One regret you had was the times you avoided going out with Johnny’s friends because you sort of wished now you had seen them together more. At the time you were young and so sure that Simon Riley was just a misogynistic tosser that you avoided him and you knew now you had probably missed out on so much. Maybe you’d have noticed how they felt about one another had you given him a chance. 
“I wanted to strangle him so much at the start. No clue how it turned into what it did. He didn’t even propose with a ring, just asked if I wanted to get married in the kitchen on a whim.”
Johnny looked horrified on your behalf.
“Absolute roaster! How in the fuck did both of us fall for such a wanker?”
The two of you took a beat to decide how you felt about this all being out in the open and then laughed together until you cried. God it was nice to just laugh about it. You’d never get over what the two of them did a decade ago, not really, but you didn’t want it to turn you bitter. You didn’t want to forget all the good things. And you wanted them both in Joseph’s life, you wanted him to get all of the love and support you knew these men were capable of. 
You wiped away a tear and sighed, leaning on the counter and looking at Johnny with a sort of sad smile. 
“I wish you had just told me how you felt about him. It’s not that you fell in love with him that hurt, it was that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me.”
Fuck, you guessed you knew how Joe felt now. Too scared to tell him the truth because you had imagined the worst of his reaction. 
“I was a shite husband. Naw even just what happened with Si, but all of it. Should never have taken that job without talking tae ye first. All well and good saying it was for your protection, but I should have trusted that ye wouldnae have told anyone, that ye’d have done your part if ye’d agreed tae it. Should never have taken that choice off of you.”
“Why the change of heart now?”
“Guess I’ve done some growing up. Over the last 9 years it’s naw been the soldiers that have been saving the world most of the time, it’s been the civilians. I used tae think I was some big hero just because I wore the uniform, but I was just being an arrogant prick. I hate that I treated ye like ye were less capable of making decisions because ye didnae have a set of fucking epaulettes. Never really deserved ye.”
“I’m sorry that you took it all on yourself. It must have been awful being alone all this time in enemy territory. Look, I’m pissed that you took the job, Price has been laying low because he knows I’m going to boot him in the balls next time I see him, but I know you did it to help people. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry I never told you about… about that night with Simon.”
“I’m so so fucking sorry ye went through that bonnie, I cannae imagine” he said, and you knew he was sincere with the moisture gathering in his eyes. 
It was an old wound for you now, but this was new for him you realised. He hadn’t know until a few weeks ago that Joey may have had an older sibling. Remembering how painful it had been back then before time had healed you, you felt the sudden urge to hug him knowing there was a good chance this was still so raw for him. So you did.
He held you tight and buried his face in your hair like he used to. He smelled almost the same, although there was something a little less wild about him now. How long had it been since he had just been held? 9 years on mission, 9 years of the world on his shoulders. Fuck you almost wished Simon had known, then at least he would have had him to come back to without the complication of the lie between them. 
You stayed like that for a while, just clinging to one another in the kitchen. God you had missed him so damn much. You were just so angry that he had been alive all this time. So much time wasted. So many choices that could have changed things. If he had told you back then how he felt about Simon, what would you have done? If you had told him about the miscarriage, would it have changed things? But it was too late for any of that now. 
So when you broke apart and you took a breath to ask if he’d like to stay over, he beat you to it and said he’d best get going. Probably for the best.
“Why did you buy the place anyway? I thought you hated it down here, heart in the highlands and all that.”
“My heart’s in the highlands, but the highlands was never really about the place, it was about the person there in it with me. But the flat’s also close tae the uni Joe said he wants tae go to. I ken that he’s only little now so he might change his mind, but I wanted it tae be there for him just incase and it’s naw like I cannae buy another place for him if he goes somewhere else.”
You shoved him out of the door before you could go against your own best interests and kiss him.
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(no spoilers)
Starkid nation, you aren't ready.
So let's start with the obvious. Look, I spent thirteen years growing up with Starkid. That initial Michigan gang are deeply special to me and I will always miss Dylan, Brian R., and Corey in any show they aren't in. And this one's no different. But just as Janaya came in and took over Belle from Britney so flawlessly, Curt, Brian, and AJ were all WONDERFUL in their new roles. The gentle-but-high-energy, truly decent, romantic himbo charm Curt brought to our Springsteen boy Jim (you all are going to LOVE Jim, I promise) perfectly offset the defiant, sneering anger of Young Scrooge in "That Scrooge." Brian's reactions (particularly to the "rather take my own life" line) were so funny and some of my favorite parts of the show. And AJ... this is now my favorite thing AJ has ever done. And that's saying something. The smaller casting shake-up moments (Joey as Fezziwig, other little line re-distributions) were so fun as well!
The new act 1 is PERFECTION. I was actually surprised by how absolutely hysterical it was? Like, I won't tell you what was up with that clip on Instagram of Brian, Lauren, and Joey doing a freak-out dance, but I can tell you that their whole Act 1 deal threatened to steal the show every. Single. Time. I already mentioned Curt as Jim, but you will also love Della, who is so funny and real and truly carries us through the start of the show (Janaya is a STAR and she Curt have brilliant chemistry). Ali did a terrific job of balancing the sadness and hope that are both at the center of the devastating little Match Girl. And Jamie's Grandma... well, honestly I have no idea how to talk about Jamie's song without giving stuff away.
But the real star of the show in Act 1, as he should be, was our man Clark. I can't emphasize enough how much he nailed the writing of this whole new act. I mentioned that the new stuff is hilarious, but it's also deeply heartfelt, and also sad exactly when it needs to be. Like, the transition after Jamie's song? I can't really talk about it yet, but what that moment does with emotion is unreal. And, as expected, every song is a banger! My one complaint about this show, and it IS a big one, is that there is no cast recording of the Act 1 songs. I want to listen to them all the time.
But the good news is, I CAN listen to Christmas Carol as much as I want! The classic that started it all is back, with so many people reprising the hell out of their truly iconic roles (God I love the VHS Cratchits), and better than ever. I traditionally hate change, and I love the version of VHSCC Live! we already have so much, but I think I somehow loved this version even more? The staging is alive and clever and there are some additions and changes, particularly in "Final Ghost"/"Christmas Day," that frankly blew my mind and somehow managed to elevate the material even further. I can't wait for the digital ticket to come out so that I can talk about them. To put it simply, James Tolbert mastered his Starkid directorial debut like you won't believe. I'm so proud of him and grateful for the larger role he's taken in Starkid since they moved base to LA.
Also, the Ghost of Christmas Past is extra unhinged this year? Jaime pulled out all of the impish stops and it was the BEST.
Basically, everyone more than delivered. I haven't talked about Meredith yet but she rocked it in the band and continued to validate the hell out of my opinion that "3 Spirits" is the dark horse best song in the show.
And a special shout-out to June Saito for continuing to be a costuming GENIUS. I always love her work and this production is no exception. I honestly wanted to give the return of the Bob Cratchit costume its own round of applause.
You know, the world is a mess and everything is pretty much terrible. It's been a hard year in an impossible decade. But every once in a while you come across some art that takes all of that, acknowledges the truth of it, and somehow pulls back the curtains to harness the joy and hope that's still there under the rubble. To me, Starkid in particular has always been about finding and holding onto the hope and the beauty and humanity that allows us to endure an existence that can so often feel bleak. And VHSCC is maybe the most perfect encapsulation of that idea.
So thank you Clark, James, Meredith, Brian, and everyone who worked so hard on this little bit of magic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Let's make a little light.
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sculkapologist · 1 year
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Was suddenly possessed with the desire for a lil set of profiles for everyone in the Corrupted World minecraft AU!! you can probably tell by their names that these guys started life in the Bendy fandom, but then we got really carried away with MINECRAFT LORE...
the Basic Premise of Corrupted World AU is that when a bit of code gets corrupted, or degrades over time, the world replaces that code with something similar -- a corrupted bit of grassland will be overwritten by the code of nearby grassland. This works fine for most things, but there's nothing else like a Player in the world of Minecraft.................... these little bits of encroaching mob data have been mostly benign, until Joey's curiosity stretches the world to its limits, and the world's corruption becomes more aggressive.
Some basic notes on everyone under the cut!
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Jack is an old player whose code changed so slowly that he honestly can't remember a time when he wasn't a little sheepy. A peaceful, friendly guy who loves to explore and makes contacts wherever he goes -- moving from village to village, build to build, to bring items he's found in his travels to trade and sell, sounding his own broken goat horn to announce his wares. Thanks to Jack, the world's far-flung players might be able to start to connect again...
(design by Mochi and Shazz, character by Mochi)
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Sammy is a grumpy and strangely cautious player who keeps to himself ever since he escaped from an Ancient City..... changed. He was once an adventurous builder with an exacting sense of aesthetics, but now he's just trying to survive quietly with his sheep. Afflicted with painfully sensitive hearing and infected with sculk, he hides in an underground, wool-insulated home out in the hills and lives the most pacifist life he can manage, avoiding any death that could spread the sculk in his body.
(design and character by Shazz (me!))
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Henry was always driven to look out for others, and when he died defending a village from attack, the grateful villagers helped to revive him the only way they knew how. He kind of wishes they'd just let him respawn... not realising some glitching armour had scrambled his health too badly to come back normally. In any case, Henry's gotten attached to the village... becoming more protective of the people there... almost unwilling to leave.
(design by Maf and Shazz, character by Maf)
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A bit of a loner with a strange sense of humour, Norman often lingered near the ocean and didn't notice the little changes like not needing air when his water-breathing potions should've run out... until the corruption of his code made it sort of impossible for him to return to land. That's alright; he's perfectly happy to hassle the others when they wander into his territory.
(design by Shazz and Boo, character by Thren)
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Wickedly clever with a knack for experimentation, Susie was left stranded in the Nether a long time ago and was determined to thrive even in that hellish domain -- and thrive she did. Now she's gotten a bit of reputation even on the Overworld, both for a mastery of potions and magic, and a cruel willingness to take what she wants.
(design by Boo and Thren, character by Thren)
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Ever since Joey defeated the Ender Dragon and heard that conversation between two mysterious voices, he hasn't been able to let go of the idea that there is something more beyond this world of blocks and code -- but this charismatic dreamer has been prying at the world's secrets well before that. He convinced Susie to join him as the first to explore the Nether, talked Sammy into delving into an Ancient City with him, and tried to get Henry to join him in his quest for the End, gifting him code-modified armour that was better than anything his old friend could get. For some reason, though, they all lost contact, and Joey found himself alone in the End, where more code experiments in a land where only one mob is really prevalent had... an effect on him....
(design and character by Boo)
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Pete isn't a player at all, he's a villager... but one day he found himself outside of his village, suddenly realised how big the world is, and couldn't resist the urge to explore. He's close with Jack, and has joined up with him on some expeditions to aid his own work as a cartographer. Without the ability to respawn, though, it's significantly more dangerous for him, and the two of them MAY have poked into some evoker magic looking for an alternative...
(design and character by Thren and Mochi)
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Linda is deeply interested in the world's history, curious what sort of people or ancient players must've once populated the ruins, and she's also an experienced crafter with a penchant for metalworking. While the world of Minecraft has no real concept of monogamous relationships, she's settled with Henry as her one-and-only... which works out now that he's partially made of metal. Linda hadn't experienced any code corruption until data replacement became more aggressive, and it's still subtle for now. But it's handy to be able to touch things that are burning hot without taking damage!
(design by Shazz, character by Thren and Maf)
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Fixing Sammy should be easy enough, Joey thought. Some of his data was corrupted by sculk -- if they can find that lost data in the code somewhere, it just needs to be reintegrated with Sammy. Attach it to an eye of ender, replace one of Sammy's eyes with the eye of ender -- simple! A complete Sammy! ...the lost data itself had other ideas. This strange construct that collected around the eye Joey provided is a mix of Sammy's lost data, garbled junk data, and -- he claims -- the remnants of an Ancient Player from the days when end cities were populated, before everything went so wrong and Minecraft's world became so lonely. His speech is glitchy and garbled, struggling to describe a Game and Code and a True Player that he believes must reset a world that has been "running too long." In lieu of a username, this apocalyptic anomaly goes by "the Prophet".
(design and character by Shazz)
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bestygogirl · 8 months
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
Yuzu Hiragi
The entire show would not work if the cast wasn't obsessed with her, and they're all right to stan her, literally gets Sora and Serena to defect from Academia with her sheer charisma, beat Masumi at their gay little rivalry, Yugo spends a few days with her and is ready to die for her, Yuya is simply just the loudest about adoring her And why not? She is so clever and determined, doing the most work out of anyone to figure out the myth plot. Actively trains to keep up with the rest of cast. Even when the universe is conspiring against her and trying to keep her down, she fucking headbutts Roger and tells him off or manifests to help save the world in the ultimate girlboss team-up that was the Arc V finale. Truly any dimension without her is worth upending.
The mysterious magical bracelet that isekai's her to different worlds, the Can-Do attitude, the cool poses (fusion summoning), the ADORABLE character design, AND she was 1/4 of a world-saving hero in the past?? If it weren't for the meddling writers, she would have been the main character
yuzu is everything. literally the plot of arc v hinges on the fact everyone who meets her become just as obsessed with her. and they are totally right to do so
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sepublic · 30 days
“What if we got The Mandalorian, but with Samus from Metroid?” Fellas…
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Samus and Joey!!! It’s a four-volume manga series, never released outside of Japan nor officially translated; But fans did it anyway and so there’s an English version, for free, in all of its entirety on Metroid database! You don’t even have to download it either!
It’s unironically really good, has some great action sequences, and Samus is really clever in how she fights different opponents. Samus and Joey can also be surprisingly gnarly too. The main character is Joey Apronika, a young kid who acts as our lens to look at Samus through; He’s got the typical shonen protagonist, never give up and chase your dreams vibes, but he’s pretty neat and makes it work.
You could compare the format to F-Zero GP Legend, where an original, younger protagonist is created as an audience surrogate, while the mysterious face of the franchise is their mentor. But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of Samus to enjoy, and you can tell the mangaka made it with so much love for the franchise and understands what makes Samus work as a character; This story is no Other M, I can reassure you! It’s officially non-canon but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable, and it’s one of those canon-compliant stories so you can still incorporate it into your own HC.
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queenofcats17 · 28 days
The Ink Demonth 30
Today's theme is Cage
"Henry Stein... Or... should I say the paltry copy of him?"
Henry didn't turn around. He didn't know what the purpose of Wilson's visit was, but whatever it might be he wasn't interested in indulging the pageantry.
"What, nothing to say?" Wilson's voice drew closer.
"Not to you," Henry replied coolly.
"Ah, so you can speak." Condescension dripped from Wilson's voice. "And here I thought Drew had made you mute. It would certainly suit his sensibilities to rob his tool of vengeance of the ability to speak against him."
Henry let out a long sigh. If he didn't nip this in the bud, the monologuing would probably just continue. And he really wasn't in the mood to deal with more of that right now. So, he turned around on his stool to face Wilson.
"Let's just cut to the chase here," he said. "What do you want?"
"Must I want something?" Wilson asked, feigning innocence.
Henry stared incredulously at him. "If you don't want anything, you can leave. I'm not in the mood for this."
"In the mood for what?" Wilson asked.
"This." Henry gestured at Wilson. "The gloating, the pageantry, lording my captivity over me. I get it, you think you're very clever and you want me to be in awe of your intellectual prowess and the power you have over me." He made a derisively grand, sweeping gesture around the room before letting his arms drop back to his sides. "But this isn't my first rodeo and I'm not interested in sitting around while you grandstand. I couldn't tell Joey I was tired of his shit, but I can sure as Hell tell you."
Wilson's brow furrowed, clearly annoyed by Henry's refusal to indulge him. "You're awfully bold for a rat in a cage," he said. He sounded like a petulant child, something that almost made Henry laugh.
"I don't know if I'd call it boldness." Henry shrugged. "More like being too old to deal with this nonsense."
"I could kill you, you know," Wilson said, moving closer to the glass of Henry's cell. "I could reduce you to nothing more than a puddle of ink. I could erase you from this world."
"Then do it." Henry maintained eye contact.
Wilson blinked, looking momentarily thrown for a loop. "What?"
"I said, do it," Henry repeated. "Nothing else has been able to put me out of my misery, you might as well give it a try. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky."
For a moment, anger overtook the surprise on Wilson's face, although he quickly schooled his expression into one of stoic calm. "How truly pathetic you are," he said. "Do you wish for death that much?"
"Is it really pathetic to want to rest when you've spent decades being killed and mutilated in the most horrible ways by things that used to be your friends?" Henry asked with a tight smile. "You said it yourself. I'm not Henry Stein. I was made by Joey solely for him to vent his frustrations onto. I think I'm allowed to want an out."
"So you admit it?" A triumphant, smug smile tugged at Wilson's lips.
"I'm admitting nothing." Henry slid off his stool to approach the glass, his own smile vanishing. "No matter what you think, I'm not the pathetic one here." He leaned close to the glass, his gaze boring into Wilson. "You are."
Wilson's angry snarl returned. "What?"
"Does it make you feel powerful torturing the creatures here?" Henry asked, continuing to hold eye contact with Wilson. "Does it make you feel strong and important? And do you really think that any of this makes you better than Joey?"
"I am better than Drew!" Wilson snapped, slamming a fist into the glass. "His mind was small! He had no idea what this machine could do! I will use it to its full potential! I will prove my greatness!"
"You will fall." Henry pronounced this like a prophecy, his eyes almost seeming to glow as he stared Wilson down. "No one here could get to Joey when he was controlling the Loop." He paused, leaning closer to the glass again. "But we can absolutely get to you."
He watched as the color seemed to drain out of Wilson's face.
"You're not a god, Wilson," Henrey continued, his voice gaining an unearthly quality as he spoke. "You're just a man. And men can be killed."
Wilson left without another word, allowing Henry to return to his sketching. Eventually, Wilson's crimes were going to catch up to him. He was turning the whole studio against him. And sooner or later... someone would come for him.
Henry just needed to wait to see who it would be.
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ash5monster01 · 2 years
Hi love your andrew fic! Thank you so much for writing it <3. if you dont mind, i would like to request another. im not sure if you watched friends but theres an episode when Rachel and joey go on a “date” and they show off their date moves which is when Joey starts having a crush on Rachel lol. i was wondering if u can write something like that for Andrew. Where they’re close friends & costars & both single with an age gap? The key thing about the episode was when their date was over they showed each other what they do to get their date to kiss them and oof the tension it brings
Seal The Deal
pairing: Andrew Garfield x Femreader
warnings: mentions of sex, teasing, fluff, slow burn
summary: as friends you go on a date, wanting to remember what it was like to be taken out. In the midst of showing each other what kind of moves you would do on a real date they end up working on each other. (I love Friends and I thought this was a really clever and cute idea for Andrew even though I never shipped Joey and Rachel, but this was a fun one to write)
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You hadn’t been on a date in a very long time. No one had asked you to join them in a dimly lit restaurant in ages. You had missed being wined, dined, and pursued by another. You hadn’t been on a nice date in so long you had started to wonder if you were losing your game. So when you voiced this to your older costar he offered to wine and dine you, and allow you to feel like you’ve still been in the game despite how long it had actually been. So here you were, sat across from him, in a four star restaurant, and one of the greatest meals you’ve ever had in front of you.
“So did I do a good job?” you perked your head up to look in your costars dough eyes which were glimmering with the light from the candle in the center of the table.
“Good job on what?” you asked and he chuckled as you took a quick bite of your food.
“The date, I want to make sure this will hold you over until you finally find another guy to date” you gave him a deadpan look which filled his lungs with laughter. The belly laugh filled the restaurant and yet you couldn’t help but smile that your one look gave him that reaction.
“It’s fine Andrew, and I wouldn’t have died from withdrawal but I’m still glad to be here” you told him as his laughter quieted down.
“I’m just making sure, you were really worried about your game” he teased and you rolled your eyes as you continued to eat your meal.
“Nothing could deter my game, I’m the best there is” Andrew rose his eyebrows at this statement, intrigued by your sudden cockiness over this subject.
“Oh really, what makes you say that?” he folded his arms over, more interested in your answer than the food on his plate.
“I have date moves, they haven’t failed me yet” you acted coy not wanting to let on to too much.
“Date moves?” he asked as he leaned forward, curious now.
“Don’t look at me like you don’t have your own moves” you told him and he shrugged, falling back into his chair.
“I have tactics” you laughed as he responded, knowing he had moves of his own.
“Alright, you show me yours I’ll show you mine” Andrew rose his eyebrows but sighed and leaned back forward nonetheless despite the dirty undertone to your sentence.
“Well sometimes if a girl is talking to me I’ll reach forward and grab some hair and play with it” then suddenly Andrews long fingers reached across the table and grabbed one of your soft curls, wrapping it around his finger and moving it with such gentleness you could barely feel it, but your body felt it everywhere else.
“Doesn’t that distract her?” you asked after you struggled to find the words.
“If it does it means I have some sort of effect on her and it makes my other moves go so much smoother” Andrew spoke as he released your hair and moved back into his space of the table.
“Clever” you offered and he smiled before clapping his hands.
“All right, show me one of yours” he said before setting his hands down on the table. As he waited you smirked a little bit before setting your own hand on his. “You call this a mov-”
His sentence was cut short by your slim fingers slipping under his shirt sleeve, brushing along and making it very clear they were under the fabric. It alluded to wanting to get him out of his clothes while looking so innocent at the same time. Andrew found himself gulping as he tried to calm his heart rate the further your fingers moved up his sleeve.
“That’s my maybe you’ll get lucky move” you continued to smirk at him, noticing how he reacted the same all the guys did to that move.
“I’ll admit, I’ve never seen that one before” Andrew said as he pulled his arm away, your fingers still in his sleeve and doing things to him he hadn’t expected.
“Alright, give me another” you grinned, your focus now completely off of your food and on this fun little game you were playing.
“Okay, just start some conversation with me” he told you and you cleared your throat as you thought of a topic to discuss.
“I’m not sure if you ever knew this about me but I’m a memory hoarder. I like the keep mementos that remind me of fun moments in my life and I’m so bad about it I have the most random stuff stockpiled just because it reminds me of those moments. Do you keep anything?” but Andrew didn’t answer. In fact he had seemed too zoned in on you to even be listening. His deep stare made you start shifting in your seat and quickly you moved to make more conversation. “Andrew? Are you listening?”
“Sorry” the boy shifted upwards and shook his head as if he was shaking his thoughts away. “I wasn’t ignoring you I just got so distracted by how beautiful you are. I can’t believe I’m the lucky guy sitting with the prettiest girl in the restaurant” your blush was a deep crimson red that flowed all the way to the tips of your ears. Now that was smooth.
“So ignoring your date while she’s talking is a tactic? Good to know” you teased quickly, not wanting him to realize your whole body was now warm because of his comment.
“I was listening Y/N. I think it’s adorable you keep things that remind you of good moments. That might be my new favorite thing about you” he spoke before focusing on his food, taking some bites before it got cold.
“You have a favorite thing about me?” you couldn’t help but ask and he offered a quick smile your way.
“Yes Y/N, you’re one of my favorite people. I’d have to enjoy things about you for it to be that way” you hadn’t known Andrew had thought so highly of you and you were surprised by the feeling it gave you. You had worked on films in the past before but usually if you weren’t in the same project you both sucked at keeping in touch.
“Well that’s good to know” you told him with a soft smile and he returned it just the same. The rest of the night continued filled with good conversation and greats laughs. You actually didn’t remember the last time you had been on a date you had enjoyed the other persons presence so much. But maybe being friends made it all that much easier. So the date was a success and you found yourself sitting contently in the front seat of Andrews car.
“I’ll walk you to the door” he told you as you both exited the vehicle. It had gotten a bit cooler in the night air and he quickly shoved his hands in his pockets as you approached the door to your apartment.
“Thank you for tonight, really” you smiled at him as you turned to bid him goodbye.
“No problem, I actually had a really good time. I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed a date knowing it wasn’t leading to sex” you both laughed as he said this and you shook your head.
“Crazy that men forget how fun dates can be” you told him and he shrugged, knowing he was guilty just like every other guy.
“So, any end of the date moves you want to show me?” he whispered into the night air and you felt yourself shiver lightly.
“You first Garfield” you told him and he grinned as he stood up a bit straighter.
“Well usually when I walk a girl to her door I stand as close as I can-” he took a few steps in, his chest an inch from your face and you were forced to look up at him, his breath falling towards you. “And I tell her what a great time I had and I wish her goodnight, and when I know she’s waiting for me to kiss her, I take a small step back. When she starts to look disappointed before she even realizes I lean down and kiss her good and hard. Then hopefully she’ll invite me in”
“And what’s the success rate on that?” you asked, breathing heavily because he was still in your space.
“Nine times out of ten she invites me in. Now what about you Miss moves” you smiled and started to shake your head.
“It’s embarrassing” you started to step back from him and he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
“No, come on. Remember you show me yours, I’ll show you mine” sighing you knew you couldn’t escape this one.
“Fine, but you can’t laugh” you glared and he nodded quickly, agreeing to your terms. Wanting to get it over with quick you prepared to move into your seal the deal move.
“I can’t believe how incredible tonight was” one by one your hands grabbed his suit jacket tugging him the tiniest bit closer without it being to noticeable. “To bad the night has to end”
Then slowly you slid your hands under the suit jacket, circling around his waist and pressing yourself flush against him. “I’m never very good at goodbyes”
Your hands traced random figures into his back and you finally looked him in the eyes, pressing your chest to his own, any space between you now disappeared. “I hope you don’t mind, it’s a bit cold”
“It’s fine” Andrew wasn’t sure if this was your move or not but it was working and he found his heart rate accelerating as he stared down into your eyes which glowed in the moonlight.
“If only tonight could last forever” you whispered, leaning up, so your mouth was only an inch from his own. The words fell from your lips and landed on his and he quickly closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. He had never expected to feel this towards you.
“And then I pull away and go inside, and that usually earns me the second date” you pulled away and Andrews eyes quickly snapped open, surprised you had such an effect with just your touch.
“Yeah, I can see how that works” a nervous hand reached to rub the back of his neck and you offered a smile but he saw it in your eyes. The disappointment.
“Goodnight Andrew” you turned to unlock your door. Suddenly a hand gripped your wrist and spun you around “What-”
Then just like that Andrew was kissing you on your doorstep. All the air sucked out of your lungs as you feverishly kissed back, surprised that you had wanted him to kiss you like this. When he realized you weren’t fighting him he pushed you against the door, his tongue roaming your mouth. You hummed slightly and you felt him tense as you did so. His fingers laced with your own and he quickly pushed your hands against the door on either side of your head as he continued to roam your mouth. The tension you both had built through the night was so thick that this kiss felt like a breath of relief.
You wanted to pull back but this kiss had reached the point of no return. He either needed to be in your apartment or ruin the best night you’ve had in a long time. But your stomach was on fire, your skin burning against his own, the slight scratch of his beard giving you a sensation you had never expected. The kiss was tender, but heated, and he was confident to the point it felt like you were his best kiss to date. You gripped at his collar, pulling his mouth impossibly closer to your own until you had to break apart for air.
“At least now you know your moves work” he told you, his forehead pressed against your own as he continued to pin you to your own front door.
“Yeah well so do yours, now get inside before we give my neighbors to much of a show”
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gabetheunknown · 1 year
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Ah, there it is! I saw a post like this the other day and I could not, for the life of me find it back, so I'm glad I get to share my thoughts about this after all (not that anything would've stopped me) Prepare for the essay, I never keep things short!
The Rockrose and the Thistle, is in my opinion a love song of sorts, but a different kind of love song that Extraordinary Things is, focused on the first part of it. Both songs are very similar in more ways than just recurring notes. Both songs are written in Dminor. (wheras Extraordinary Things has Minor Melodic elements that raises the 6th note to create the G major chord he plays when he sings the lyrics ‘extraordinary things’ and sings an A on top which sounds really pretty and immediately caught my ear) 
The notes everyone is referring to are in the intro of Extraordinary Things, D C D E F E F G A B♭ A G A  (I put it on a scale because I can and I’m a nerd. I also love the harmonies)
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And it doesn’t just come back in the Rockrose and the Thistle, there’s two other songs written in Dminor in the Horror and the Wild and that is The Horror and the Wild, where the repetition of these tones are beautifully audible in Madeleine’s ‘You are the son of every dressing up box’ and Farewell Wanderlust, where they immediately accentuate that B♭ (which is the 6th note of the Dminor scale) in instrumentals. In Farewell Wanderlust they also play with more chromatic elements as they add a flat second note and a flat seven. The use of chromatic elements (half note distances) isn’t new for Joey and Madeleine and in my opinion it just adds a lot to the musicality of it all, it’s clever, it immediately catches my ear, it’s subtle things like that that make me keep coming back to their music. Rather than a melodic minor scale, Joey could’ve just added that half note distance to add a major G chord to his scale, because the use of major chords in minor scales is just chef’s kiss in my musical opinion, especially in combination with the words he sings. The notes he uses are not uncharacteristic for Joey’s music.
NOW LISTEN, I LOVE this ask because it means I can break down every aspect of what I love about Joey’s singing and what different things I love about Jaskier’s singing. Because oh my god the TALENT, to still make people go ‘wait I just found out that Joey Batey sings both in the Amazing Devil and as Jaskier in the Witcher’ to this day astonishes me and I’m never surprised when someone stumbles upon that realization. The breathiness he uses on his voice in both the Rockrose and the Thistle (and more TAD songs) and Extraordinary Things blows my mind. But there’s a difference to the way he uses it in both songs, let me try to explain. He sings with an aspirated voice (Which means to sing with a breathy voice) in The Rockrose and the Thistle, but in Extraordinary Things, it feels like sometimes he is just breathless and it’s so beautiful and small and soft and intimate, considering the words he’s singing. We, as singers at the conservatory, were taught to make our breaths as inaudible as possible, to remove as much breath from our voices as possible, when singing on record. So needless to say it is a DELIGHT to hear Joey just put his whole heart and soul into every breath he takes, he’s considerate of every syllable, the volume of his voice, the clearness or lack thereof, the shakiness of his breaths fucking kill me dead… ALSO what astonishes me the most about the difference between his TAD songs and his Jaskier songs is the change in vibrato. Jaskier uses more vibrato in his voice than Joey does in the Amazing Devil and I go INSANE about that because my teachers have always said that vibrato is a hard thing to control and requires a lot of training and he’s just out there, mending it to his will as if it is no big deal, like :-) King? I’m jealous, hello? 
I’ve nothing else to say about this for now (lies) it’s already become a full on essay, so I hope this satisfies your needs for now lmao
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Joey indeed started the loop out of a desire to torture a version of Henry forever...But...he did actually feel remorse for what he did when he met Allison again. And then began helping Henry through this.
Ill be honest...that's a really clever answer? People were speculating on whether Joey was just a monster trying to torture everyone, or if he Genuinely felt regret for what he had done and wanted to fix the mess he caused.
The idea that it was a mixture of both never occured
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Workin' Boys: A New Theory
So, I’ve changed my mind.
A while back I wrote this theory, and while I do still think there is some truth to the theory that Hidgens began to have his apotheosis once he touched the blue goo, I think there is more to the story.
Note, the below contains one mild spoiler for NPMD.  Mild only in that I will briefly reference one character without any context added.  Feel free to skip this theory if you wish, or come back to it post 13th October to see how much I got wrong!!
Great Scott! It’s a Workin Boys theory!
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The world will be blessed with Workin Boys next week, and I know not everyone will get to watch it, but it’s safe to say there will be things we learn from the show that will either answer some of our never ending questions, or give us more to puzzle over.  The latter being the one I’m expecting if I’m honest, afterall, this is Hatchetfield.  
And to be honest, we’ve not been given much to work on.  The trailer and synopsis are both pretty short, we’ve had a sprinkling of facts and figures over the last couple of years, and a few Hidgens cameos, so this isn’t really a theory of what I think will be the storyline, but rather an attempt to predict some of the themes and potential lore implications that might arise.
Also for reference, a good portion of the info used in this theory has come from these two wonderful compendiums of Hatchetfield knowledge:
@gone-to-oregone's wonderful Everything is Connected doc
@abiimaryy's amazing Hatchetfield Lore Doc
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The Stage is Set
Professor Henry Hidgens and Doctor Emmett Brown have a lot in common.  They’re eccentric, they’re clever, and they both had a vision of something world changing due to an accident they had 30 years ago.
For Henry, this doesn’t result in any fun 50s hijinks, but rather he gets struck by lightning in 1988 and predicts the world ending by musical apotheosis. Super specific, honestly.  But what is important is that date.
Hidgens didn’t predict the events of TGWDLM after 2005, but rather before. If this had happened to him after 2005 we could easily put the lightning strike down to an event unique to the TGWDLM timeline only.  However, his accident happened way before 2005, way before the timelines split.  So just as Ted must be the Homeless Guy in every single Hatchetfield timeline, Hidgens must also be expecting a musical apocalypse in every timeline.
This must also include Working Boys, whatever timeline that ends up being in.  In Workin Boys, Hidgens would be under the impression that at some point soon, a musical apocalypse is about to happen.  So what does that have to do with said musical-within-a-musical?
Here come the LiB
It’s pretty safe to say Pokey is heavily influencing whatever happens in Workin Boys.  First of all, its a musical so it was going to be a safe bet.  But judging by the trailer, we’ve got multiple references to our fave goo gremlin. The blue light shining on Henry, multiple voices calling him in a Singular Voice, and Joey’s jumpscare where he looks like Pokey incarnate.
Who Joey is in that small clip is anyone’s guess.  I’ve seen a few theories floating about, including Chad, Mathias Waylon, and Pokey himself.  Honestly, I’m not sure, but what is important is how he looks.  Whoever this fella is, he’s got a blue hue, a cracked face, and ooze dripping down his chin.  If he’s not Pokey, he’s someone who has been Pokey-fied.
And this link was always going to make sense.  Workin Boys has had its biggest show stopping moment in Pokey’s timeline.  
But what if Workin Boys was created, because and for Pokey.
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In TGWDLM, we get a whole scene of our cast of characters witnessing the meteor coming through the clouds.  Our cast of characters are busy going about their evening, finishing work, wondering what is coming through the clouds.  Notably, Paul is on his way home, from his work, in the business world.  Paul doesn’t strike me as someone who stays late at work, so it’s safe to say that the meteor hit the Earth’s atmosphere around.. 5 O’clock?
This is Pokey’s Workin Boys now
Let’s go back to that incident with the lightning strike.  Henry was hit by lightning and predicted the apocalypse.  I’ve referenced in a few theories (1 & 2) that I think lightning is more than just the LiB’s motif.  It’s the strike of inspiration, of interference, of the Lords in Black in the real world.  The Black Book contains references to lightning, we see a crack of lightning across each Hatchetfield show title, when the meteor crashes at the Starlight lightning is flashing through the sky.
Something to shock em, to bring them a crawling, a big time box office draw
When Henry was hit by lightning, he didn’t just see the potential musical end times. But he was also given Workin Boys - or at least, he was given his inspiration.  Workin Boys was always written for Pokey. It’s Hidgen’s story, yes, but the musical itself is for our blue boy.  It was a pre-destined self-destruction.
The musical Hidgens writes tells us the 5 O’Clock can’t come soon enough because in one timeline, that is when the meteor will strike.  This is why he is trying so hard to fund the show in every timeline, because in one timeline he needs to put it on stage for whatever Pokey has planned.  Whatever Pokey requires half of Hatchetfield to be in attendance for.
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Prof. H and Miss H?
I’ll be honest, and apologies in advance.  I don’t think Miss Holloway is alive in the Workin Boys timeline.
We were told following NMT2’s release (via Jim Povolo’s watch series) that the Black Book we see in Killer Track was created for Workin Boys, which means providing things haven’t changed we should see the book.  If that’s the case, then Miss H doesn’t have it.  It’s possible that Hidgens somehow gets hold of the book, and when the show of his dreams doesn’t look to be going the way he expected - he does what Thrash told everyone he did - he sold his soul to the devil.  Or, well, to the Black and White.
As to when he gets the Black Book - who knows - but all I’ll say is it’s very interesting that Miss H is our 80s queen, and Hidgen’s divine inspiration also occurred in the 80s.
Well, that’s the main theory.  But we’ve got time for one last little theory that’s very loosely based on nothing.
Workin Boys: A New Musical, is based on Hidgens’ friends from college - old college chums in a beat up old house. Specifically - six of them - not including Henry.  I’ve seen a few theories regarding the six workin boys being a stand in for the LiB and Webby.  Is this a stretch? Maybe.  But it also kind of fits.  From odd instances in livestreams and tweets, it’s clear that Henry was not throwing that old pigskin around (specifically in one of Nick’s tweets that there are 7 workin boys, but 6 on the field).  Henry isn’t a part of that group.  Not fully.  So if we do get to meet any of the irl workin boys, I don’t think their dynamic is going to be quite how Hidgen’s pictures it.
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Well, if you made it this far please help yourself to some interval ice cream and a show programme. And remember - there’s no exits from this broadway venue.
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smytherines · 7 months
Overly long staircase scene acting analysis because I'm autistic
Watched the staircase scene again, because this is my life now. But I just cannot get over how incredible Joey Richter is in this scene. Every beat is absolutely heartbreaking. The anger and hurt in his voice as he yells "I'm going to single-handedly dismantle everything you've ever believed in," the way his voice breaks.
During the reprise he does a stunning job of "guy trying to be cold and intimidating but is actually incredibly sad and unbelievably angry." The way Owen says "a world without agencies, a world without spies, a world without secrets" with so much quiet contempt for the thing that ruined his life.
Maybe the best piece of acting in the entire show is when Curt steps up into Owen's gun and says "the feelings we had for each other." And Owen looks pained, he looks wistful for a second. His gun lowers to Curt's heart and his hand repositions like he's really struggling with what he believes he has to do. The thing he's been wanting to do for four years. But he just can't manage to pull the trigger, despite having ample opportunity to do so.
When Curt finally shoots his gun out of his hand and aims the gun at his head, the way Joey Richter plays Owen just feels incredibly sad. To me it reads as Owen, not being able to kill Curt, thinking Curt wouldn't be able to kill him either, and realizing too late that he was wrong about that. There's a kind of incredulous disappointment in his voice as he says "so what are you doing?"
I know I get ridiculous with my Owen Carvour headcanon, but this one scene just gives SO much insight into his character and motivations, without outright telling you pretty much anything. That's partially clever writing, but its also just Joey Richter absolutely killing this role, making Owen feel like a real person with real anguish and doubt and anger. Its spectacular.
And it's wild because Curt Mega is also really fucking good in this scene, but kind of in different ways? His delivery doesn't subvert what we know about Agent Mega, it reinforces it. Curt has been grieving for four years. He fell apart after Owen's "death," his alcohol use turning into a full-on disorder, making him incapable of doing the one thing he loves, the thing he feels he does best. And actor Curt Mega does an incredible job at conveying all of that without even saying a word. Curt's stance, the way he braces against the staircase just kind of numb with the realization that Owen is alive, the anger and resentment that he mourned Owen for so long only for him to be out there doing evil schemes. It's all played perfectly.
As an Owen Carvour defender I have issues with what agent Mega does here that are mostly subtextual, so I'm gonna stick to the acting choices within the actual text of the show:
The thing that stands out the most about Joey Richter's performance to me is the little vocal breaks and how raw the line deliveries are, but what stands out to me about Curt Mega's performance is his body language and facial expressions, which are just pitch perfect from start to finish.
Our guy is speedrunning the five stages of grief on that staircase.
First is denial and anger, kinda wrapped up in one package- denying that Owen has the upper hand, there's something about the stance here that feels like he's planting himself with a false confidence, like he doesn't want Owen to know how scared and overwhelmed and sad he is about this. How angry he is that his life fell apart mourning someone who isn't even dead.
Then bargaining- when Curt is pleading with Owen, telling him that he's sure the agencies can pull some strings and get him pardoned if he agrees to give up Chimera. It's hard to describe the expressions & body language in a way that doesn't sound kinda weird, but there's a flash on Curt's face that reads to me like "if you give up Chimera maybe there's a chance for us," which is of course cut off by Owen's anger. There's a desperation, and even a little hint of optimism- it isn't too late to fix this.
Then depression- the expressions here are just heartbreaking, as Owen pontificates Curt is just slowly unraveling, leaning back into the staircase his face just crumbles. Like every word Owen says is physically hurting him. Like he's realizing slowly that there is no going back, that the time they shared & the feelings they had aren't going to be enough. Actor Curt Mega makes so many interesting acting choices here that say so much more than you could say through dialogue alone. The way Curt steps into the gun very much feels like he is accepting that baring his heart to Owen could get him killed, and that it's worth the risk to try (damn, just gave myself more empathy for agent mega here)
And then- acceptance. After Curt has his big moment of vulnerability, appealing to Owen's memories of their time together, and Owen rejects him by telling him to move on, Curt accepts that he has to kill Owen. It reads to me like he isn't doing it to save the world (or at least not exclusively for that) he's doing it to save himself. To remove the spectre of Owen that has been haunting him for the last four years. That as long as Owen is alive he will be haunting Curt.
(As an Owen Carvour defender I have to point out that Owen is *disarmed* at this point, so I personally have a whole big rant I could make but this shit is too long already)
Again it's weird to describe someone's facial expressions and body language, but all of the emotions you can infer from this scene are down to just great acting. Two really good actors doing a well-written scene spectacularly. As good as the rest of the show is- and its very good- this scene is why there's still an active fanbase for a comedy spy parody musical, still making art and writing fanfiction and doing edits and memes about the relationship between Owen Carvour and Agent Curt Mega nearly eight years later.
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writersmilex · 1 year
Slipknot Masterlist:
I have decided to finally make the masterlists. Here, are the collections of my Slipknot X Reader Insert stories. Both Imagines and Headcanons. Neatly organized and labeled, WITH the summaries this time. 
0# Sid Wilson___________________________
Look At Me!:  Sid is unhappy and jealous that Chris and Mick get more attention from (Y/n) than him. He will do anything to get it.
Hype Out!:  Sid meets the energetic drummer of a new-comer band at a festival, (Y/n) has enough energy to keep up with him.
1# Joey Jordison________________________
Raw Flesh:  taking care of Joey's wounded hands for him.
The Fuzz Illness:  Joey hasn't been seen in a while. He says he sick. So (Y/n) visits to check on him. And describes something strange.
Feline VS Canine:  Joey and (Y/n) having a debate over cats and dogs.
Neighbours Treat: (Y/n)'s neighbor Joey shows up at their door one evening with a homemade Lasagna.     
Stubbornness aside:  Joey is sick and denies it. (Y/n) knows better and takes are of him.
So Many Cats!:  In Japan, Joey and (Y/n) visit a cat cafe and it's cuter than they imagined.
Cattitude:  Cat boy Joey. Behaving like your typical crackhead cat.  
Not Fragile:  Joey's leg has broken off. And Mage (Y/n) helps to fix him up.
Fance Tangle:  Joey's braids (Y/n)'s hair as they're distracted.
Headcanon: Teenage sibling
Headcanon: Reassuring Joey
1.2# Jay Weinberg_______________________
2# Paul Gray___________________________
Bad Jobs:  (Y/n) has trouble on their new job and Paul helps them with it.
Raggedy:  (Y/n) has a hobby they're ashamed of. Paul eventually finds out.
Headcanon: Bassplayer | Reader
2.2# Alessandro Venturella________________
3# Chris Fehn__________________________
3.2# Tortilla Man________________________
4# Jim Root____________________________
Lucky Number:  (Y/n) gives Jim many good-luck charms, as they believe in the unlucky number 4. Jim thinks it's something else.
Guitar Lesson Rival: (Y/n) is wants to learn guitar and asks the two guitarists for help. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
There, There:  Jim is having a tough time dealing with the pressure , (Y/n) visits at the right time.
The Fuzz Illness:  Jim doesn't notice the changes until (Y/n) points it out.
Slimy Creature For Show: (Y/n) finds a cool frog and shows it off to everybody. Only Mick and Jim seem to care.  
~~~~ Headcanon: Cute Jim Root
5# Craig Jones_________________________
One-Sided Chatter:  chatterbox (Y/n) having a one-sided conversation with Craig.
Spike Wall:  At a Meet and Greet event, (Y/n) gets a little uncomfortable with fans getting so close. Luckily Craig is there to assist.
6# Shawn Crahan_______________________
Beautiful mind:  Shawn admires (Y/n)'s sense of creativity and artistic views. Once time (Y/n) has an artist-block and he helps them with that.
7# Mick Thompson______________________
Guitar Lesson Rival: (Y/n) is wants to learn guitar and asks the two guitarists for help. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Slimy Creature For Show:  (Y/n) finds a cool frog and shows it off to everybody. Only Mick and Jim seem to care.
Practice Makes Masters:  Mick and (Y/n) play video games together. Mick let's them win a round because they suck at the game.   
Provoke Me?:  (Y/n) and Mick are out on a date. A fan dares to flatter (Y/n) in front of Mick.
Bearable Hug:  Mick Comforts (Y/n) after they wake up from a bad dream.    
Big Cat:  A Day in the life of (Y/n) and their Maine Coon cat; Mick.  
8# Corey Taylor_________________________
Midnight With Corey:  (Y/n) has a nightmare and goes to the kitchen to get a drink and calm down. They meet Corey there too.
~~~~ Clever Route:  (Y/n) feels unsafe when walking home one day and calls Corey up for help.
All Of\ Or Some of Them_________________
Time-Bomb:  slipknot is dealing with an aggressive, short tempered (Y/n).
Party Lower:  Mick, Chris and Jim are called to pick up their close and drunk friend, (Y/n)
Fall Flat!:  (Y/n) is overworked from working in the summer heat and nearly faints when going home. (loosely based with a personal experience of fainting)
The Supporter:  at an interview. (Y/n) recalls their time with the band over the years.
Talented Hobbies:  (Y/n), from another band has a secret hobby, but Slipknot finds out anyway.
Slipknot As Cats
Offensive Humour
Slipknot and Hugs
Slipknot and Teenage Child
You are number 10#
First Kiss
I don’t really write for Slipknot anymore, but these are still around and everyone is free to read them if you’re into this kind of stuff. 
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bestygogirl · 8 months
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
Yuzu Hiragi
The entire show would not work if the cast wasn't obsessed with her, and they're all right to stan her, literally gets Sora and Serena to defect from Academia with her sheer charisma, beat Masumi at their gay little rivalry, Yugo spends a few days with her and is ready to die for her, Yuya is simply just the loudest about adoring her And why not? She is so clever and determined, doing the most work out of anyone to figure out the myth plot. Actively trains to keep up with the rest of cast. Even when the universe is conspiring against her and trying to keep her down, she fucking headbutts Roger and tells him off or manifests to help save the world in the ultimate girlboss team-up that was the Arc V finale. Truly any dimension without her is worth upending. - The mysterious magical bracelet that isekai's her to different worlds, the Can-Do attitude, the cool poses (fusion summoning), the ADORABLE character design, AND she was 1/4 of a world-saving hero in the past?? If it weren't for the meddling writers, she would have been the main character - yuzu is everything. literally the plot of arc v hinges on the fact everyone who meets her become just as obsessed with her. and they are totally right to do so
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